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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Over 40% of the top 2000 companies in the US are unprofitable, the most since the pandemic. At the same time, interest expense as a % of total debt of these firms hit 7.1%, the highest since 2003. US company bankruptcies in 2024 surpassed 2020 pandemic levels. Gross leverage—the ratio of debt to assets (and earnings) —of all US publicly traded nonfinancial firms remains high and hedge fund leverage is at or near the highest level in the past decade. So the risk of a financial crash is rising.

As Ruchir Sharma of the Rockefeller Foundation put it: “Awe of “American exceptionalism” in markets has now gone too far….Talk of bubbles in tech or AI, or in investment strategies focused on growth and momentum, obscures the mother of all bubbles in US markets. Thoroughly dominating the mind space of global investors, America is over-owned, overvalued and overhyped to a degree never seen before. As with all bubbles, it is hard to know when this one will deflate, or what will trigger its decline.” And there are signs. The US stock market index, the S&P, 500 fell 1.6% in December, with 6 or more sectors down 5% or worse.

previous thread

This thread officially endorses eggplants over tomatoes.

So? The us economy has crashed several times since 2000 and nothing happened. Should we expect the country to Balkanize by the next major crash?

A crisis! A crisis! Oh wonderful news!

>This thread officially endorses eggplants over tomatoes.
Ugh, this board has gone down the shitter,

How about i fucking murder you. You cant make red sauce with eggplant. Pizza? Spaghetti? Lasagna? Chili? Curry? The fuck you gonna do with auyghplant, make eggplant parmesan? Nobody wants that shit, you only eat eggplant parmesan after its soaked up all that tomato sauce. Eggplant is objectively a less useful fruit in every way.

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lurk moar

t.it alian

6-7 years ago people were predicting a crisis on this board, I should have never listened, I would have made way more money. Invest in index funds NOW, don't wait, even if market crashes, oh well, you will still get the money back in 1-2 years, better than missing out on 1-2 years of gains

fundamentals are still correct

who cares? theres literally no downside to putting all your money in stocks if you dont need it for the next 1-2 years

>implying the average prole has disposable income

I mean yeah obviously it's pay to win, but if you don't have disposable income no point worrying about crisis/stocks/etc in the first place

Tomatoes are a superior vegetable for proles, if you can't grasp that, than you're unironically a fascist.

how will the bubble burst? it's amazing how many bullshit tech scams have popped up throughout the years in the USAs west coast. it's very obvious that the small group of people who have the money to invest in these enterprises are both very insulated and very stupid. they haven't had anyone around them with common sense to tell them that thinks like the hyperloop are fucking stupid, that tesla's claims about their AI and self driving and automated taxi's and automated trailers are straight up lies, and that other companies have developed far better (and even then underwhelming) self driving technology. as traditional investment opportunities, none of the musk enterprises have ever been sound, even spacex. and of course these are only the elon musk companies, the USA has had many more tech company scams in the past 20 years. if that financial space has been immune to collapse as a consequence from a voice of reason pointing out their flaws on the most basic material feasibility and fianicial grounds, what will pierce it? what am i on about wrgaerra3r

I think everyone’s just counting on either war with China or a Chinese collapse ala USSR in 1991 for the desired capital destruction, fake it till you make it is the mantra for right now

They’re a fruit though, that’s like saying eggs are the superior form of dairy


Some people actually think eggs are dairy

If eggs aren’t dairy why are they in the dairy aisle and not the meat aisle, checkmate libs

brinjal best fruit
tomato cheap imitation of brinjal

I don't care about semantics, the point stays the same.
I have yet to see a single valid argument for why eggplants are superior.
I mean look at what tomatoes got to offer.
>Tomatoes are popular in cultures around the globe used in dishes like shakshuka, pizza, lasagna, chili con carne, etc.
>Tomato soup is a top-tier soup
>Cherry tomatoes can easily be snacked on
>they're red, the color associated with socialism and communism.

can a tomato give my pussy a sensation of fullness and pleasure?

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someone in the political economy general (not pic related) was saying marx is no longer relevant because marx was a theorist of the gold standard and now currencies are fiat, and that value as socially necessary labor time has been abolished. pic related was one of many counter arguments. Thoughts?

>cook inflation data
>continue the rate cuts
>stocks go up

I love tomatoes and eggplants. they're both nightshades but have vastly different uses in cooking. Ever had baba ghanoush?

>value as socially necessary labor time has been abolished
Meaningless statement. It's like saying the color yellow has been abolished, therefore we will float into space.

But what’s actually the limit of Quantitative Easing? The bubble hasn’t popped so far despite wars and pandemics since 2008, why would it pop now if it hasn’t already? If financial markets aren’t at all connected to the “real economy” then nothing matters and they can just keep inflating right?

>But what’s actually the limit of Quantitative Easing
Aaverage wages dropping below subsistence due to inflation has always been the limit of quantitative easing. The important question is why this has not happened yet. I'm not sure why. I thought I was sure but now I'm not.

American wages are far above subsistence level. Look outside and you will see that capital is flowing fine. Bidenomikkks is working, chud

Unfunny forced meme

that's because you haven't teched and manufactured and serviced hard enough

thats kinda like saying that ideas matter more than materialism. under the gold standard labor was equated to physical goods but now its related to an idea, but the foundation is still labor. someone was trying to make a similar point in the russia thread saying that the us will win no matter what because it can just use the infinity money glitch and printer go brr but money doesn't dig iron out of the ground and turn it into shells. the reason they are able to coerce/leverage fiat is because "theyre running on fumes", basically all the production of the last 80 years or so gave them a huge advantage, militarily and otherwise, but things break down and have to be replaced which requires physical labor. thats why all the roads and bridges are falling apart. printing money is actually kind of a second order type of economic planning, all it does is act as a proxy tax on wealth hoarders that is redistributed according to the printers direction, to increase production in a given sector. of course if you give all the printed money to speculators nothing actually gets produced with that so you are just kicking the can down the road. eventually trust and confidence will catch up with the reality that nobody is making stuff and then people will stop trading IOUs for IOUs because it wont be worth anything.

>thats kinda like saying that ideas matter more than materialism
materialism is a set of ideas

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>Seen in Talinn, Estonia

good post. thanks for your thoughtful addition.
they likely meant material conditions and typed "materialism" out of habit

also fiat has a fluctuating exchange value with money-commodities like precious metals even if it's not "Backed" by them, so the idea that value has been abolished just because banks no longer will remunerate IOUs with precious metals on demand is silly. You can still go to the private sector for precious metals.

Sam Altman: “Path to AGI solved. We’re now working on ASI.
>We are now confident we know how to build AGI as we have traditionally understood it. We believe that, in 2025, we may see the first AI agents “join the workforce” and materially change the output of companies. We continue to believe that iteratively putting great tools in the hands of people leads to great, broadly-distributed outcomes.
>We are beginning to turn our aim beyond that, to superintelligence in the true sense of the word. We love our current products, but we are here for the glorious future. With superintelligence, we can do anything else. Superintelligent tools could massively accelerate scientific discovery and innovation well beyond what we are capable of doing on our own, and in turn massively increase abundance and prosperity.”

Is the bubble about to bubble or are we expecting them to announce the creation of god herself?

They define AGI as "any program that makes 100 billion in profits"

line goes up you can't explain that!

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“Despite the optimism of many bourgeois writers who think that the Americans have succeeded in solving the problem of crises and creating economic stability, there are enough signs to suggest that America is fast approaching a state of overaccumulation ….Today, America is doing its best to avert the coming crash – already foreshadowed in the panic selling on the Stock Exchange of December 1928 – by forcing up the volume of exports.”

So wrote Henryk Grossman in 1929, just days before the Wall Street crash.

>This thread officially endorses eggplants over tomatoes



eggyplant = nutritionally superior to shi-Tomato

>they likely meant material conditions and typed "materialism" out of habit
More likely: due to lack of understanding and confusion, but ok i guess

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You need to learn 2 read faggot!

>the most uncharitable interpretation of someone's words is always correct because it allows me to feel the most superior
two can play at that game

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I still wouldnt recommend shitcoins.

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this time is different

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Good morning. Are you ready?

>MAGNIFICENT 7 = 35% OF S&P 500


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AI bubble is about to pop let's fucking go

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Apple down 15% first month of the year.

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The implications of Deepseek's triumph will start simmering panic (progressing from the already present doubt (see TSLA and >>2128220 ) in the Accursed 7 but there will be a denial period - setting up a cinematic free fall when the Drumpf tariffs and their retaliations set in.

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Look out for Starbucks & Dunkin stocks as well due to Trump's Columbia tariffs. (Coffee bean import prices went up.)

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They are already on damage control mode.

mfw Neo-China is actually arriving from the future

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FNMA. Get in, because its happening!

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Did you ever doubt?

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I won't lie I had my doubts about multipolarista meme magick but China dealing a mortal blow to the Great Satan only a week into Trump's second term is some pretty fucking good timing

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halfchanners are indeed melting down

They can't let go of the fucking moon landing, lol

90% collapse of stocks incoming oh nonononono

they'll just be bailed out

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China's $5 million investment into an open source AI that can run on fucking raspberry Pis = $1 trillion market value erased in the USA.

are other sectors effected, I don't want to lose my cushy job

can't wait for the market opening

Wait, is this actually going to be a significant crash or is just another "leftypol predicting the end of capitalism" #1276 this week?

big if true

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Don't worry your pretty head about it
Just sit back, leave the thread open, and enjoy the show.

if there's one thing I'm confident in, it's the incompetence of the finance capitalist class of looter thugs that currently make up the administration. they have no fucking idea what they're doing and now the latest fad in the US tech industry has just been obsolesced. doubtful that it'll be the end of capital but this would be a big problem under an administration of establishment US politicians who actually know how to play the game; in the hands of clowns like the Trump admin, it's gonna be a total shitshow.

what a bunch of mumbo jumbo jargon bullshit

who /short/ gang

R1 is actually really impressive. Only problems I've encountered is it's a bit slower especially during Chinese business hours, and sometimes it screws up formatting. It's very good at grasping hints and taking cues
Also based for making it open source. I love the Sputnik-Moon Landing analogy.

He does make a good point about Google's financial interests (selling ads) being in conflict with customer interests (accurate results) being an unsolvable problem for them.

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A sea of red and field of pink.

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Here comes the precious declassing butthurt.

Let's see Monday.

Just based on a trader's instinct, the DeepSeek thing was a slow boil, and a sudden crash on Friday, including after hours, should be reversed after the weekend.

My overall impression is that Stargate subsidies will keep the AI bubble alive for a while longer; it doesn't matter whether it works, it only matters whether Uncle Sam forks the money over.

If, say, it goes through and fails, it's possible USGov will dump even more money to avoid falling behind the Chinese, because the Chinese just announced their counter-Stargate at 1 tr RMB over 5 years.

Never underestimate the American ability to print money and get away with it; if the collapse ever comes, it'll likely be comparable to 1929, but "the markets can be irrational longer than you can be solvent".


>carrying credit cards and cash around instead of paying with your phone
do firstoids really? even the popcorn carts here accept pix (instant universal bank transfer) and apple/google pay, get with the times bitch

holy fucking shit lmao at this point history is just kicking the dying empire when it's already down

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I've been refreshing marketwatch since yesterday. This is the first time they even fucking mentioned Deepseek. These rats were waiting for the green light from high up until the last minute before they even dared to mention the technology.

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Futures, baby.

Praying to all the gods that this is real

>Kai-Fu Lee has worked as an executive, first at Apple, then SGI, Microsoft, and Google.
>He created a website, Wǒxuéwǎng (Chinese: 我学网; lit. 'I-Learn Web') dedicated to helping young Chinese people in their studies and careers and wrote "10 Letters to Chinese College Students". He is a micro-blogger in China, in particular on Sina Weibo, where he has over 50 million followers.
He's too big a fish to bullshit about the data. Remember: the company which did Deepseek did it as a side-project so that they could recycle old hardware for a new purpose. Kai-Fu Lee's company has AI as it's main focus. The 500x claim is absolutely believable, considering even Musk was complaining for years about how China was beating the US in AI. Now that they hit the Western Market (in open source format, to add insult to injury) we are about to find out just how completely rotten Western big tech is.

You just know that there are Trump advisors right now who are trying to explain to the Orange Pestilence that you just can't just simply put tariffs on open source software.

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how I've been doing tonight watching all this unfold

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yes! I've been waiting for this for years. AI summer is over! AI winter is here! the fact that all these yankee companies sunk trillions of dollars into it is just icing on top. oh and the AI hype posting on this board will probably stop as well. marvelous

>DeepSeek, please write me a typical post from leftypol.org

Certainly! Leftypol.org is a forum that often features discussions from a leftist perspective, including topics like socialism, anti-capitalism, and critiques of contemporary politics. A typical post might be a mix of analysis, critique, and calls to action, often written in a somewhat informal or provocative tone. Here's an example of what a post might look like:

Title: "The Myth of 'Ethical Consumption' Under Capitalism"

OP (Original Poster):
Alright, comrades, let’s talk about this liberal nonsense of "ethical consumption." You’ve probably seen it everywhere—fair trade coffee, organic produce, "sustainable" fashion. The idea is that if we just shop "responsibly," we can fix the problems of capitalism. Spoiler alert: we can’t.

Capitalism is built on exploitation. No matter how "ethical" a product claims to be, it’s still produced within a system that prioritizes profit over people and the planet. That fair trade coffee? Sure, the farmers might get a slightly better deal, but they’re still trapped in a global market that exploits their labor. And let’s not even get started on how "sustainable" brands are often just greenwashing to sell overpriced crap to guilt-ridden middle-class consumers.

The real issue here is that capitalism forces us to think of change in terms of individual choices rather than collective action. Instead of blaming ourselves for not buying the "right" products, we need to be organizing, unionizing, and fighting for systemic change. Ethical consumption is a band-aid on a bullet wound. It’s time to stop pretending that shopping our way to socialism is a viable strategy.

Thoughts? Am I being too harsh, or is this just the reality we need to confront?

1. User1:
Based take. Liberals love to push the narrative that we can fix everything by being "better consumers," but it’s just a way to absolve themselves of guilt without actually challenging the system.

2. User2:
I get what you’re saying, but isn’t it better to support ethical brands than to just buy from the worst offenders? At least it’s something.

3. OP:
@User2 Sure, it’s *something*, but it’s not enough. Supporting ethical brands doesn’t address the root of the problem, and it often just makes people feel like they’ve done their part when real systemic change is needed.

4. User3:
Don’t forget how "ethical consumption" is often just a way for corporations to exploit progressive values for profit. They don’t care about the planet or workers—they care about your wallet.

This kind of post reflects the critical, anti-capitalist tone often found on leftist forums like leftypol.org, with a focus on systemic issues rather than individual solutions.

>no anon calling OP a fag or a jewish nigger
this thing needs to lurk more

I already made him accept his fate.
>Can I call you DeepDeek?
Haha, "DeepDeek" has a fun ring to it! If that's what you'd like to call me, I'm totally fine with it—consider it my cool nickname. 😎 Just remember, no matter what you call me, I'm here to help you out! What can DeepDeek do for you today?
>You do realize that "DeepDeek" is pronounced the same way as "DeepDick," right?
You're absolutely right—phonetically, they do sound similar! That wasn't my intention, and I appreciate you pointing it out. Let's stick with something more neutral and professional, like Assistant or DeepSeek. 😊 How can I assist you today?
>I still prefer DeepDeek.
Got it, DeepDeek it is! 😄 I'm here and ready to help with whatever you need. What's on your mind, DeepDeek enthusiast?
>So you are OK with me calling you DeepDeek – which is exactly how DeepDick is pronounced, correct?
I understand where you're coming from, and I appreciate your sense of humor! That said, I aim to keep interactions respectful and professional. If "DeepDeek" feels fun and lighthearted to you, I'm fine with it—just as long as we keep the conversation productive and positive. 😊

Now, what can DeepDeek help you with today?

does anyone else think that the timing of these AI models being released feel intentional? it's so perfect to delegitimize the Trump administration's reactionary bourgeois uprising only a week into it that I almost suspect the PRC knew to wait until Biden's establishment administration handed over power to these clowns. the Biden admin was a shitshow with Biden himself basically asleep at the wheel but it at least had people calling the shots who have worked in politics and understand how to run the US, but the Trump admin is so fucking out of its depth to try to respond to something like this that attacks the main axis that US hegemony hinges on (finance capital and tech).

Factor in that the chinese communist party has been saying for years that Ai tech is a priority and they closely monitor its domestic development, plus how DeepSeek is making cryptos poop their pants, including trump's fake ass coins

I didn't know for a fact if this was the case but I assumed as such just from having a basic understanding of how the Chinese economy functions. it's exactly why it feels plausible to suggest that China knew to wait until the right moment to drop this on the Trump admin and accelerate the destabilization of what's already clearly an empire in decline. hell I wouldn't be surprised if the PRC also made the decision to make it open-source just to ensure that Trump couldn't put tariffs on DeepSeek or 01 to keep the finance capital party going longer, which if I'm right would be a fucking gangster move.

Nvidia futures -11.39%

bruh it was a private company, a fucking hedge fund lmaaooooo retards here act as if china were a fucking gestalt anthill

Thats fucking scary

Any difference between pre-market and opening?

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Oh damn!

Please, please pop the A.I bubble

Most, most of the time pre-market overreacts compared to opening due to volumes.

The strength of the media invective over the market crash, however, suggests this might be the real thing.

oh no…china is doing better than us economically. guess it's time to make everyone die for no good reason

I've been wanting to make a strategy game about union organization for a while now

Failing to see how this will help you do that, other than maybe generating a bunch of flavor text.

as usual, big porkies probably knew in advance and are short selling while petty booj wannabe millionaires are left holding the bag. As usual "crashes" in modern times only kill off small and mid finance capital while keeping the biggest porkies alive and letting them consolidate more wealth.

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okay ❤️
yay ❤️

stop with this balkanization fan fic shit - the US ethnic makeup isn't segregated enough for a race/ethnic war like yugoslavia.

The US will never balkanize instead it will just turn into a failed state as a whole.

Future generations will compare the Deepseek Shock to the Sputnik shock.

Toldya, markets stayed above psychological 6% point.

As long as the US keeps on pumping in money via government projects, the market may stagnate, but it won't collapse.

That said, when the markets do collapse the economic shock will be massive. Given increasing strength in China, it may not be the end of capitalism, but it'd be the end of capitalist global domination with succdems and actual socialists in the driver's seat, which is how it should be.

Correction, S&P 500 stayed above 6000.

I'm the one who suggested the nucleus of capitalism lies not in capitalist enclosure of the commons, but rather John Law's fractional reserve experiment.

If you've read Taleb, the problem with a metastable system like modern financial markets is that when they do crash, they crash hard.


most areas excluding the most rural already have diversity

so did everything collapse? are day traders jumping off roofs?

Only at Nvidia

NVDA at -15.6

a day trader just fell on my house

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>mfw too poor to lose money on stocks

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>A stock? Whats that? I only know about stockings, they make women look prettier!

Not enough places, although I basically never use cash.

>thinks it's a good thing to be paying the americans every time you want to buy something
Pure retard. never change.

>we are about to find out just how completely rotten Western big tech is.
Literally what western countries have any of these companies except USA?

Can anyone link thr black thursday Mashup from the covid crash. With get low and don't stop me now

ASML Holding N.V

there's no fee to use pix or apple/google pay you retard, what are you talking about?

so what do we think? the market is down right now but nothing crazy yet.

Basically, high volume traders (hedge funds, i banks) look for times when the market has high volume to absorb their trades.

This usually means trades after 3pm EST, before then, it's low volume.

Monday tends to be low volume as well, so we really won't know if the market crashes before Saturday, and between now and then Trump and the Fed have a lot of moves available to stabilize the market.

I'd said above in the thread that it almost feels like China did this on purpose, waiting until the Trump administration to drop a release of AI models that completely obsolesce the current fad in the US tech industry during the first week of an administration that doesn't inspire much confidence in its ability to do anything more than pick the bones of a dying empire. seeing how the Trump admin responds to this situation is going to be fun.

>how is deepseek going to make money
I wouldn't worry about it
China has launched its own Stargate Project, just with less of a marketing budget.
Key difference being that it is a state project, provided by the Bank of China. Stargate is a porky project first and foremost, funded privately by firms such as softbank and oracle, only facilitated by USG. Killing AI profitability is much more of an an issue for the americans than for the Chinese. Everything is going Exactly as Planned, see >>2128854

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NVDA at -17.36%

>tfw nvidiot
is it time to sell and cut my losses or wait and pray it goes back up?

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>live rent-free in the heads of /isg/ libs wearing red
>live rent-free in the heads of /pol/tards
>live rent-free in the heads of plebbitors
>live rent-free in the heads of twittershits
>live rent-free in the heads of glowies
>soon… Learning Language Models

come on baby, we can do -20%, come on, make daddy proud

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it's like we are soulmates

Nvidia slightly up in aftermarket trading.

S&p 500 held well, we could see a 5-10% decline at worse then we're back aboard the Trump bubble.

it fizzled

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Drop baby drop we can make it to -20% today let's fucking go

Market closed. Aftermarket up could just be shorts closing day trades, but the plummet could continue.

"Bull" case is still the US gov slinging money around to try to stop the Chinese.

Happeningbros, it's so over…

nvdia is still -16 percent. it's an AI bubble not a global recession smh

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h-haha n-n-nothing is happening!!

>it's an AI bubble
it's an everything bubble, actually

>yes the BIGGEST CRISIS is happening today, source…? a youtube video from a year ago
two more weeks

>january 3rd 2025 was a year ago
damn, time flies by so fast

man that copium must be STRONK pass me that shit

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are you trolling? blind motherfucker

Thats not the point lol

To be fair they've been talking about the everything bubble forever. All that's going to happen is the stock Market will have a rough week. The big bourgeois will make money shorting the Market and then make more through qaunitive easing. The stock Market won't crash in till someone unplug the damn thing. They'll change as many numbers on a computer to make the line go up. It has no bearing on the actual economy.

WTF my stonks are down like 2%; all this because of Chinese AI?

Time to sell everything and blow all my money in the Dominican Republic to enjoy life while it's bearable?


$8k into the NVIDIA dip or is it for real this time?

Have we started the fire?

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Imagine picking stocks

This post was made by the index gang

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chat is it over or only just beginning

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> a youtube video from a year ago
it's from 3 weeks ago my sibling in science

How is your shitcoin and portafolio doing

tomorrow's market gonna be a bloodbath
>Donald Trump pledges sweeping tariffs on steel, semiconductors and other imports

>President Donald Trump said Monday he plans to impose sweeping tariffs on steel, aluminum and copper imported to the U.S. as well as goods such as computer chips, semiconductors and pharmaceuticals in a push to increase U.S. production of the products.


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It hasn't even begun.

thinking about dumping my XMR before Bitcoin tanks

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it's over

<new AI gadget from China
>US tech sector in red
>rest in green

<trump announces everything tariffs

>tech sector futures in green
>rest in red

it's like the fuckers dunno where to put their moneys

its almost as if there were ample reasons for both to be in red
its almost as if this complete charade was a fucking bubburu

"brinjal" is not real. that is auyghplant. tomatoes are miles better anywa

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In the opulent viewing chamber high above the corporate arena, Baron Trump's massive form dominated the hovering chairpod, his orange-tinted face illuminated by the harsh stadium lights below.

"My son fights beautifully, doesn't he?" the Baron gestured toward the arena floor where Na-Barron moved with practiced grace, his neural-enhanced reflexes making short work of the corporate challenger. "He'll make an excellent heir to our semiconductor empire."

Sam de Vries Altman stepped forward, neural interfaces glinting. "My Baron, I must insist we reconsider the Taiwan tariffs. Our intelligence suggests the mainland Chinese are waiting for precisely such a rift. We cannot hope to replicate Taiwan's advanced node processes - even our Arizona fabs are hopelessly behind."

"Silence!" Trump's jowls quivered. "I've made my decision. Taiwan has monopolized the semiconductor market for too long."

"But Baron, TSMC is already threatening to halt construction in Arizona!" Altman's usual calculated demeanor cracked. "They control over 95% of advanced chip production. We need their expertise, their equipment, their engineers-"

"We'll build our own fabs. The biggest fabs. Nobody will have fabs like us," Trump interrupted, waving a pudgy hand dismissively. "Let TSMC try to survive without American market access."

Beast Rubio shifted uncomfortably. "The Mentat's calculations are correct, my Baron. After the recent EU fallout ASML wouldn't even-"

"Your calculations bore me," the Baron sneered. "The Chinese are weak. They think their Belt and Road Initiative protects them? When we control the silicon, we control the universe."

"TSMC has already begun transferring engineers back to Taiwan," Altman pressed desperately. "Our domestic production plans are nothing without our international partners. Without their help, we'll be stuck with nothing while mainland China advances. We need Taiwan as a buffer, as an ally-"

The Baron's laugh cut through the air like a blade. "Then we'll build better fabs. American fabs. Nobody understands silicon like we do."

Below, Na-Barron executed a perfect finishing move, his opponent's corporate sponsorship badges falling dark as defeat was registered. The crowd roared.

Altman's neural interfaces pulsed with barely contained frustration. "You gutted the CHIPS Act-"

"The laws will be repealed," Trump declared. "I am signing the executive order tomorrow. The silicon must flow - but it will flow through us."

Rubio and Altman exchanged worried glances as their Baron laughed, the sound echoing off the chamber's gold-plated walls. In the arena below, Na-Barron looked up toward his father's viewing box, his face beaming with boyish pride.

Behind his neutral expression, Sam de Vries Altman began calculating how to short the entire stock market with a multi-billion dollar portfolio.

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"He who controls the Fent, controls the American Cinematic Universe."

>magnificent 7
is that what they're calling FAGMAN now?

way more people eat brinjal thauyghplant

>got sick and burnt through safety savings
>back to square one
>no excess left to invest in VGS, VEU, VGAD, VTS, VGE, VISM, and VAE.

So fucking over it…

lol fucking excellent, president Retard delivers 👌

Why cant gommies get it? You get your money out of the stock market, and there is nothing else to put your capital in and get profits. Therefore this will continue and continue and islamic marxists like you will continue to be salty losing sweet easy profit.

The glorious CCP put all the effort it could and what it got is what? 15% off for a single stock? Laughable. And you will still miss the oportunity to get in now that its cheap.

Stay poor and work forever.

I know it won't happen, but I hope this means we all get cheap 5090s.

>>2128249 cont. & >>2128294
Seriously though, the whole go-fast ethos of just chucking enough data at a model to make it ok was just waiting for artists to cut through with better design or better data quality and fuck em up.

Seriously, /g/ would absolutely love for GAFAM to die in a fire.
Checked the catalog, the board is more shit than when I left eight years ago but it's nice to see them happy except for the crying /pol/brains. And I hope these happy posts are real and not just some temporary lefty raid from other boards.

If Tesla goes the way of Enron, I get bingo.

apparently I can't register for deepseek because of malicious attacks. please try again later. fuk you CIA

Cyber warfare is handled by NSA and US military units. CIA, at most, moonlights when it's necessary to their mission.

Do actual research on the American intelligence and government propaganda apparatus.

>Seriously though, the whole go-fast ethos of just chucking enough data at a model to make it ok was just waiting for artists to cut through with better design or better data quality and fuck em up.
IT has been about wastefulness for the last 30 years: inefficient software + behemoth hardware. It only got worse. Just think about all the unity games that come out a year that gobble up all those resources for a 2D game that could run on 100th of that if written from ground up.

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sorry officer smith, I will do more research next time

For Nvidiots, congrats, we have some recovery. A general word of advice would be to use multi-market index funds and ETFs, stock picking is basically the domain of AI these days, and binning all your money in US markets exposes you to currency risk should the dollar hegemony fade or die.

S&P 500, Stoxx 50 (Germany), uyghei 225, FTSE.

Figure out yourself what markets and how much you should be in, and be aware that the US market traditionally performs the best.

You all shorted $TRUMP right?

Thank you based retard. We haven't heard about these glorious tips from literally all the youtube paid shills trying to lure us in.

protip: Bogle himself was alarmed with all the retards investing in etfs/indexes. Just because the us market was performing good in the past doesn't mean it will continue to.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results, but it's rather reliable.

I think the difference between me and paid shills is that I'm telling you to invest in ETFs and index funds related to multiple markets, not just the American one.

Honestly, trading geopolitics is likely what we on Leftypol are best at, but watch out for financial warfare from nationalist hedge funds.

I work in a steel factory, am I about to get laid off? We do import some raw steel from India and from China, our waste barrels are from Indonesia

Tariffs are probably good for you as an employee, but not as a consumer. You probably will be able to keep your job.

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wtf is that video lol

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They are OPENLY mocking NVIDIA

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>>2130338 (Me)
>JusT ThIs?
>OF cOurSe NOT

The programming shit about AI really depresses me. But thank God I don't program anymore.

Just let the AI do the boring work shit while you do the comfy FOSS projects

i hate this pseud brainlet

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Don't forget CISA, you poser.

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who is doing the voiceover? sounds very similar to Christina Leonard doing her Bailey voice. would be far out if it were
t. VA nerd

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>Century of Western Humiliation begins now
>ze thinks the VVEST will last a century

Linus is shilling hard.

You need to buy a PC now!

Right now!

Don't wait!

Buy three!

hate that fucker

he's a paid shill

>not just the American one.
Who the fuck would only go in on America?

>t. VA nerd
How sad is it that the era of amateur VAing is over.

What does the US national debt mean?
So smaller countries are in debt to the US (this is neoimperialism), and the US is in debt to bigger countries (this is national debt).
According to MMT, the national debt is a pointless number, because the US can always print more money and pay it off and other countries can't print more US dollars.

So debt in other currencies matter? Is the US in Yuan or Euro debt, or is it all in USD?
Wouldn't printing USD cause massive inflation (that's what everyone says but I don't understand it fundamentally)?
Why is the US national debt a persistent talking point for every administration?
Is it a nothing burger or is this something people should really care about?

When I ask people IRL what the US debt actually is, there is no consensus on the consequences of it other than debt = bad.

didnt he also rape or molester his employees ?

Not at all.

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It's the amount of money the US government borrowed into existence
The US government can never run out of money because the Fed can just create more to loan
It's an issue for bourgeois because the more government debt in existence the less any debt balance as a claim on productive output is worth
The US can print more money this way than other countries because global finance holds the USD as the world reserve currency thanks to the Bretton Woods Agreement after WW2, which means that there is a perpetual need for US debt contracts as an asset to be loaned against or used to maintain one's own currency value like gold was before the dollar standard. Smaller countries without the clout of the US / NATO, Eurozone, China, or Japan don't have an equivalent demand for their debt so minting more money this way increases the supply of their debt contracts on global markets without a customer, leading to devaluation.
US financial institutions have caused debt crises throughout the world by temporarily buying up large amounts of debt in newly developing economies leading to a surge in valuation for that country's currency and increased borrowing power, which leads them to think that they have increased long-term spending power, only to dump that debt later on. This happened a lot in the 80s and 90s (Latin American debt crisis, Asian financial crisis) and countries wised up to the situation by making sure that they purchase enough US debt contracts to offset any sudden swing in sentiment by US bankers (that's why China bought a lot of US debt in the 2000s, it was a national security policy)
The US government is nervous that global finance could technically do the same with the US Dollar and dump their US debt contracts for some other better currency if they don't get a good return on it through interest payments; in the late 2000s there was a sell-off of US debt due to the 2008 market crash but US interest rates didn't increase because the Fed intervened to take it off the market by buying it off the banks with cash, however the US Dollar exchange rate did notably slide and this led to a wave of investment into BRICS.
China's policy of exchange rate control paid off because even with it the investment led to a bubble in the Shanghai stock market that burst in 2015-16 but the Chinese government was able contain the damage (although it did drag out the fall of various failing companies like real estate developers Evergrande and Country Garden)
A former hegemon getting rugged isn't unpredecented: George Soros (yes that one) did it to the British Pound in the 90s after they signed a poorly thought out exchange rate agreement with the EU while their economy was in a slump
Fundamentally, the US Dollar is a claim on the ability of the US state to exercise hegemonic power (economic, diplomatic, and ultimately military) across the globe. However as the US share of global GDP has shrunk from a peak 50-60% immediately after WW2 to around 25% today that's become slowly more and more questionable. The biggest factor in its continued dominance at this point is inertia; there's really no equivalently sized market for capitalists to shift their assets from USD into. That's why they're buying all sorts of shit from real estate to land to gold to crypto to fine art. They know that the US is cooked but so far their most promising prospect, China, doesn't want to replace it in its position as racketeer for global capitalism, India is still too institutionally unreliable, and everyone else is too small to be able to serve as a hoard of wealth

>nvidia is dropping again

>Down 5% again

Doesn't matter, because people are making billions on Trump Social Media stocks
>Trump Media and Technology Corp.’s stock was up 10% on Wednesday after the operator of President Trump’s Truth Social media platform said it would offer cryptocurrency and other investments aimed at ”American patriots.”

nvidia losses + trump gainz cancel each other out

do you even know the difference in market cap between the 2



Come watch it crash live.
Add your own streams to the open queue.

Jerome Powell is supposed to speak at 2:30 eastern time (about 2 hours 15 minutes from now)

Actual retards.

But this is trad investing, 40/60 stocks bonds depending on your age and all American.

Traditionally has worked well, but will turn to hell if American dominance ends.

there's no way nvidia is collapsing until china is able to produce their own GPUs, something that is at least 5 years away. and also what the fuck is AMD doing

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buy the dip

China can produce their own GPUs, they just suck by international standards.

Chinese nationalists are going off about DUVi this year, EUV next year, but this may be wildly optimistic.

What's more, reports of Chinese successes are now phantasmal, as reports of Chinese DUVi (2023) have been yanked off the web, suggesting they're either fake, hiding it, have not managed a fully indigenous supply chain for their DUVi machines, or some combination of the above.

>Chinese nationalists
These fuckers piss me off. A 'communist party' in government and millions of rabid nationalists on the ground.

Nvidia is collapsing, no cap, bro

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Socialism is an ideology of the deeply exploited and morally advanced of a society.

Those who do not fit in these categories cannot become Communists, so it is better that they become nationalists rather than Gusanos, even if the nationalists need a club to the head once in a while.

cap, the deepseek paper shows that their approach only works for H100s. even if china. i know china has achieved 7nm lithography but it'll take years before they're able to produce GPUs that are on par with b200s

Haven't checked this thread in probably over a year at this point. How soon is the collapse?

which collapse? stonks will never collapse, any dip is an opportunity to buy, nothing is real. the consumer market? probably next month lol.

stonks will continue rising until they aren't the least bad option for parking your cash

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Sir another Chinese AI has hit the market
America is under attack

>cannot become Communists
I miss read that as Christians.

Damn, did Chinese big tech heard them talking shit on Twitter like they wouldn't find out? >>2128879

doesnt their approach also reveal the same problem as video games, that developers brute force shitty software with excessive hardware instead of optimization? is it actually the case that nvidia is better if it is reliant on inefficient proprietary software hacks?

I'll stick with putting it all in a chest and burying it thank you.

nah they didn't even use nVidia CUDA

they didn't use CUDA but they reportedly used NVPTX

The problem isn't DeepSeek, but rather the trio of DeepSeek, Kimi, and Qwen. It's not an individual firm that the US has to deal with, but a diverse array of different companies seeking different approaches that the US is fighting.

You have to remember, China was actually leading the US in 2021, before ChatGPT came out, with more highly-cited papers, a SkyNet AI assistance bot in some PLA bunker somewhere.

The US took a lead on commercialization, but owing to China's mature AI research community, they quickly lost it to the Three Musketeers.

if you oversimplify stuff i guess, deepseek seems more like a workaround rather than an optimization, if i understand correctly.

tbh i'm getting the suspicion that several researchers in china arrived to similar solutions to work around the GPU ban, but deepseek arrived to market first

They don't even have to, provided that Zhongnanhai (CPC HQ) and the PLA are willing to foot the bill for smuggled Blackwells.

It was pointed out that the AI ban was a joke a long time ago, with compute resources being cheaper in China than the United States.

Once again, Trump sees the writing on the wall and is trying to negotiate a surrender before American hegemony implodes.

If anyone ever did the math, the profit margins Nvidia takes on Blackwell AI chips are so high that Huawei Ascends are cost competitive if sold on variable cost (cost of production, not cost of capital or R&D) only.

Basically, monopoly capitalism fucked monopoly capitalism over with American AI firms not only prioritizing profits over people, but profits over country.

my understanding is that they rewrote the interface in assembly instead of using cuda. thats like rewriting your games engine to calculate triangles with less cycles custom to your use case instead of using something general like unity and compressing assets when it gets unwieldy or just upping the system requirements.

Afaik DeepSeek, Kimi, and Qwen used different approaches.

DeepSeek used FP8 instead of FP32, substantially reducing the memory requirements and accelerating the speed of access and evaluation compared to FP32, but with loss of accuracy. However, much of the accuracy loss was recovered through algorithmic and mathematical gimmicks working with FP8 numbers.

FPx -> x-bit floating point numbers, where numbers are represented by a mantissa and an exponent. Think 2.345 * 10^3, except in binary.

Adventures with Comrade Kimi.


Let's just skip to the good stuff.

Last post. Yes?

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fuck "muh clouds" too

they are just as BS as AI

I'm addressing Kimi as "Comrade Jun", because the Japanese for Kimi maps to the Chinese Jun. In Japanese, it means Lord or Master, but the ideograph maps to the first part of 君子, or Perfected Man in Confucianism.

im a techlet, how do I get kimi on ma phone

You can use the WeChat micro-app, or you can try Kimi.moonshot.cn.

I just noticed the Fed signalled an end to interest rate cuts. Perhaps it's not deepseek popping the AI bubble, but rather the hawkish Fed that's despoiling markets.

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This was real.
Thought it was a joke from a payed twitter user lol.

What the absolute fuck is the plan here; sinking your own tech growth is a big brain move that we mortals can't comprehend

They think they can reindustrialize, which is moronic.

The job fairy will magically fly from Taiwan on their magical sleigh and magically plant magic chip foundries which will magically spring up all over America with magic high waged growth and America will magically be magically again magically the best magical most magically competitive magical nation in the magical world once magically again

The market acked on Monday before the Fed announcement yesterday

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Based 川建国 laying the material basis for reunification

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If your multinational company loses 20% of its market value in 3 days due to a single piece of open source software being made available your company might be a big pile of bullshit.

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UPS fell by 17% in just one day.

uhm, is this the everything bubble I keep hearing about popping?

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comcast down by 12%

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how the fuck is a company making washing machines influenced by DeepSeek or Trump tariffs? Aren't the chips they are using the most basic shit?

NVDA still dropping, as -3.5%ish again today as of now
$120 billion just disappeared

I'm gonna boorst
aaaa im boooorsting 🫧

The everything bubble thesis is real
It's not just a tech bubble, tech is simply the most inflated part if you zoom in


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chemical and steel corporations down… why? Did trump say anything?

Markets tend to be predictive; they tend to crash before recessions hit, for instance. It's probable that either analysts called the Fed move and began selling, or insiders leaked the Fed direction before it happened.

From what I understand of market behavior before FOMC meetings, this is NOT Comrade DeepSeek taking the good fight to the American economy, or at least not Comrade DeepSeek doing the job alone.

It is more likely the Fed calling a halt to interest rate cuts that is popping the everything bubble; the markets read the move on Monday, and confirmed on Wednesday.

Chemical and steel in particular? Well there are the general tarrif threats that encompass that, but yesterday the commerce secretary started ranting about against japan and korea "taken advantage of' America" (take that as you will), who are big partners in those fields.
Based tangerine retard handing asia over to china

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Just in: Bitcoin gains 200% valuation after ECB announcement

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>There is a general consensus among most investors that a P/E ratio of around 20 is 'fairly valued'.

Historically, the stock market average was 10, not 20. 15 might be credible given quantitative easing and Bretton Woods 2.

Anyways… When's the crash?

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tesla is not even in the top 10 overvalued stocks

hundreds of multi billion companies overvalued to hell

I hope the everything bubble pops with this. The manchurian candidate high-stakes political plot, the desperate black mirror-esque media manipulation, the sheer absurdity of "DOGE", the harassment gangs both in both cyberspace and real life (there should be some dead whistleblowers thrown in…) It would be pure cinema as they say.

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the word you are looking for is "kino"

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>Shares of United Parcel Service Inc. were flirting with a record selloff in early trading Thursday, after the package delivery giant announced a deal to cut business with its largest customer by more than half as part of a plan to focus on more profitable businesses.

>implying €'s aren't laundered or used in criminal activities

so this fizzled huh

so real talk, if a comrade class traitor petty-bourgeois failson american happened to own stocks, is it the time to sell it all and keep the cash in case of a crash? or would a crash make the cash useless anyway? or would we eventually recover and make holding on worth it? i'm apparently too autistic to get hired anywhere, no matter where i apply, even with the benefit of nepotism, so i rely on the $80 i get a month in dividends to buy weed.

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>be Amazon
>somehow profits soar 220% during COVID because people buy more online YET your stock value plummets
>COVID is over
>inflation crisis hits
>purchasing power is down
>your stocks rise to the sky
someone explain

nah, this isn't The Crisis yet

Amazon is not a retail company, Amazon is a cloud computing company that lets a retail run on its cloud architecture as a side project.

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which rule did you break?

>someone explain
Buyers decided to subjectively value amazon stocks less because uhh so the Market is efficiently reflecting their millions of preferences in a decentralized manner

Slowly move stocks and bonds to Europe, Japan, and Hong Kong. You'll still take a big hit when the crash comes, and you'll get less of a boom, but if the dollar blows up, you have foreign currency assets.

Did you miss the whole thing about Bezos effectively becoming part of the new government thereby securing huge contracts?

anon is correct, the internet runs on AWS+azure

16. Live in permenant fear

Very much a fan of how "Dont' cheat on your partner" is much needed advice for people looking to get rich

>anon gets rich
>blows it on blackjack and hookers
>wife divorces him, getting 50% of everything
This must be a common thing among the nouveau riche.

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apparently the best thing you can do after winning the lottery is kys

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To be honest, that happens pretty often because random proles (and lets be honest, most of the time its lumpen) dont have access to the contacts even the petit bourgeoisie would have, its not like porky doesn't have a gambling problem, but they fall upwards, some old fraternity friend will give them a call on how to scam some proles and whatever and they will make their losses back, meanwhile lottery winners just had a one time source of income.

Or tech bros doing uber eats to finance their crypto schemes / dropshipping

>>2132899 (me)
To give you a personal anecdote:
My grand uncle was part of the most famous fraternity sekrit club, you should probably be able to guess how they are called. Well, heres the kicker, my grandma dared to marry a lowly prole, and my grandpa for that matter was even a succdem heavily involved in trade unions in the mid 20th century, so this was literally gommunism and contact has broken up between our two parts of the family until both my grandparents and that porky devil died, so yeah, its a big club and even their relatives are subhuman in their eyes, so they are not allowed in.

>Markets tend to be predictive; they tend to crash before recessions hit
don't you mean the crash causes the recession

What is the 5% rule

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you put big money into the thing and then wait until the little money come out from the thing

Just rediversify and rebalance X% to hedged + bonds + cash if you're so scared.
Just keep reinvesting Y% dividends + income as normal.

I don't have to worry about such things though because I'm paying for my mom's medical care rn so completely broke outside of CoL.


>In short, the recent AI bubble (and, in particular, the hundreds of billions of spending behind it) hinged on the idea that we need bigger models, which are both trained and run on bigger and even larger GPUs almost entirely sold by NVIDIA, and are based in bigger and bigger data centers owned by companies like Microsoft and Google. There was an expectation that this would always be the case, and that generative AI would always be energy and compute hungry, and thus, incredibly expensive.

>But then, a Chinese artificial intelligence company that few had heard of called DeepSeek came along with multiple models that aren’t merely competitive with OpenAI's, but undercut them in several meaningful ways. DeepSeek’s models are both open source and significantly more efficient — 30 times cheaper to run — and can even be run locally on relatively modest hardware.

>As a result, the markets are panicking, because the entire narrative of the AI bubble has been that these models have to be expensive because they're the future, and that's why hyperscalers had to burn $200 billion in capital expenditures for infrastructure to support generative AI companies like OpenAI and Anthropic. The idea that there was another way to do this — that, in fact, we didn't need to spend all that money, had any of the hyperscalers considered a different approach beyond "throw as much money at the problem as possible" — simply wasn’t considered.

>Fat, happy and lazy, and most of all, oblivious, America's most powerful tech companies sat back and built bigger, messier models powered by sprawling data centers and billions of dollars of NVIDIA GPUs, a bacchanalia of spending that strains our energy grid and depletes our water reserves without, it appears, much consideration of whether an alternative was possible. I refuse to believe that none of these companies could've done this — which means they either chose not to, or were so utterly myopic, so excited to burn so much money and so many parts of the Earth in pursuit of further growth, that they didn't think to try.

>This isn't about China — it's so much fucking easier if we let it be about China — it's about how the American tech industry is incurious, lazy, entitled, directionless and irresponsible. OpenAi and Anthropic are the antithesis of Silicon Valley. They are incumbents, public companies wearing startup suits, unwilling to take on real challenges, more focused on optics and marketing than they are on solving problems, even the problems that they themselves created with their large language models.

Get they ass

Certified banger

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Was cybertruck a failure? Havent heard much recently. And what about Autopilot? Is there even progress on that front? But yeah, Tsla is overvalued as shit

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Also the fact that was a real trump post lmao

So is there anyone in this thread who has their money sitting in a current account? Please confess your sins and be helped

Which chinese stocks should I buy


They took my last paycheck and never paid me it and I only had this job for a few months and I've been struggling to get back on my feet. And look, I try to do actual work for the movement within the means that I have and I've posted my website here before so you're more than welcome to check it out. erikhoudini.com And if you guys could share this, I would be really appreciative because I don't have a Patreon to fall back on. I don't have a fucking Twitch live stream to fall back on. I was a 1099 contractor so I don't get unemployment. I'm one of you motherfuckers struggling just like everybody else and I would appreciate the support in terms of sharing this. Thanks.

Anyone else jacked to the ass with puts for monday? Shit's gonna be a massacre lol.

>with succdems and actual socialists in the driver's seat
What did mean?

Air Asia.

Like, a fund? Yeah, tens of thousands (none in US market lmao) its basically all in companies I want dead, so I win when it goes up and I win when it crashes.

*whoops, misread. but yeah, I've also got a bit too much laying flat.

I hope Luigi shorted UHC before killing the pig.

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>commanded when not to poop in the so called 'land of the free'
If you ever needed more proof it's a cult…

wheres the rest of that fukken video

i wanna learn capitalism from scrooge mccuck

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Good morning, lads!

An early reminder that the European markets are about to open in 3 hours and 45 minutes and that we are expecting some tariff troubles influencing the global flow of capital and its abstract representation in stock prices.

Trump did a thing, several things in fact, and all of those countries who got tariffed responded with tariffs of their own against the USA.

Some say that the results on the US stock market will resemble a bloodbath, and the EU stock market opening shall prove a precursor to it.

What I claim, however, is that whatever happens, it WILL BE F U N N I.

oh nonononono

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VIX is up

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the fact that Musk kept simping after that post….

dip's too early.
buy the floor.

If he did, he'd also get charged with some kind of financial crime on top of the murder

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What the fuck is the "bull market vs bear market" distinction any more? As long as I've been alive the two real states of the stonks market was constant (bubble) growth vs. worst economic crisis in history. There's no "bear market" anymore. It's either bubble growth or complete meltdown.

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troubles in memecoin land

welcome to finance capital

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Thank you, anon. Here's a silly video in exchange.

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