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R: 385 / I: 57 (sticky)

Welcome Thread and Feedback (New Constitution Edition)

This thread is for feedback related to administration and management. For technical issues use >>>/tech/6724
Dispute bans using the ban appeal form or >>>/meta/
Search the catalog before starting a new thread to avoid duplicates: https://www.leftypol.org/leftypol/catalog.html
An FAQ including formatting and style guide and simplified rules can be found here: https://leftypol.org/faq.html & https://leftypol.org/rules.html

Old welcome topic saved at: >>>/leftypol_archive/498099

Read This Before Posting:
If this is your first visit, lurk for a while before posting. /leftypol/ is an imageboard for non-sectarian leftist political discussion. The staff aims to allow everything within these bounds. To that end there are some critical rules (for /leftypol/):
* No Spam
* No New Threads for Topics with an existing General thread (e.g. USA politics, COVID-19, online personalities, etc.)
* No Reactionary or Identity Politics
* No Explicit Images including Porn without spoiler warning
Low quality threads are subject to be anchored or locked at volunteers discretion.
More detailed rules, and rules governing staff can be found in the /leftypol/ Constituion PDF (attached)
You may dispute actions taken by the staff or offer suggestions in this thread. Alternatively use >>>/meta/

Useful Links:
Search function - Find your favourite (or least favourite) posts!

Leftypol Twitter - Follow us on Twitter for status updates and leftist memes
Also on Bsky: https://bsky.app/profile/leftypol.bsky.social

Leftypol TikTok - Because this place is not giving you enough dopamine rushes

Android app for leftypol.org

/leftypol/ Cytube Community - Watch news, riot porn, or movies with comrades!

Onion Link - Connect anonymously via Onion!

Board Logs - Global and /leftypol/ logs

Matrix Congress - Public Moderation Room
NOTE: Due to recent cyber-attacks, please ask for an invitation to the congress in the public waiting room: https://matrix.to/#/#leftypol-antechamber:matrix.org

Matrix General Chat - Leftypol General Chat
If you don't want to use matrix you can interact with the chat through #[email protected] too.

Leftybooru - To upload, tag, and organize images

Leftypedia - A wiki project

Unofficial Leftypol video channel - also posts audio and PDFs

New Multitude - Notes, theory and shitposts from the worldwide left via leftypol and elsewhere
Website: https://newmultitude.org/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/newmultitude
R: 168 / I: 21 (sticky)


Leftypedia lived - Leftypedia lives - Leftypedia will live!

Greetings, comrades. Leftypedia, the radical encyclopedia, should be back in a usable state. We have more moderators, which will help with spam from now on, and images are slowly being repopulated for your viewing pleasure. The new domain has been up and running for a while at https://wiki.leftypol.org, and we've imported the vast majority of content that was on the old site while adding a lot of new stuff. I hope that Anons can come back and fill in any content that was lost.

For those unaware, Leftypedia is an original /leftypol/ project dedicated to combating the disinformation of mainstream media and academic sources, as well as discussing leftist history, theory, and practice from a multi-sectarian viewpoint. We welcome additions from different leftist perspectives provided that they are properly sourced and well argued. In addition, we maintain a separate space, tentatively titled "Essays", for more subjective or polemic work.

The original thread is here: >>>/edu/3780
You can find Leftypedia at: https://wiki.leftypol.org
Help for new editors: https://wiki.leftypol.org/wiki/Leftypedia:Community_portal
R: 261 / I: 84

/Occult/ - Study General

👁️🪬🧿Secret Societies & Cryptocracy Study 🏛️🤝🐲

Being well aware that capitalism is the root of all problems and not some Catholic / Zionist Masonic Lodge or a Council of 13 I want to dedicate a thread towards the study of what these organizations actually are, how they accumulated their wealth from their foundation, what their influence is and what their goals are.

This is not a Poltard thread about "da jooz"! This is a thread dedicated towards the study of said esoteric societies / "magical" organizations and their spheres of influence.

From the illumnati, to the anarchist The Black Hand, to the obscure Neo-Nazi pedo cults given by the Order of Nine Angels & Temple Ov Blood, to the Mormons, to the pyramid scheme of the Church of Scientology, LaRouche and so on! How they infiltrate government positions, political parties and what we know about them.

Recommended books for analysis (links not included, might post PDFs in the thread):
-Occult Features of Anarchism by Christopher Scott Thompson and the Erica Lagalisse
-Bakunin's Anti-Jacobinism: 'Secret. Societies' For Self-Emancipating. Collectivist Social Revolution by Robert M. Cutler
-Revolutionary Demonology by Gruppo Di Nun
-Any book on the illumnati (c'mon they're in your supermarket's books aisle! Lets have a laugh)
-Magick by Aleister Crowley
-The Golden Dawn: The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites & Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order by Eminem aka Marshall Bruce Mathers II 's Ancestors (just kidding, Israel Regardie and John Michael Greer)
-Liber Null & Psychonaut: The Practice of Chaos Magic by Peter J. Carroll and Ronald Hutton
-The Chaos Protocols: Magical Techniques for Navigating the New Economic Reality by Gordon White
-Don't touch this book by Jan Udo Holey (Jan van Helsing) ((Funny rightoid schizo))

Lets turn on the vacuum cleaner to start hunting spooks and demystifying them!
R: 48 / I: 19

muh CIA

I'm sorry but how is saying "an intelligence agency is responsible for it" to any world event not merely great man theory by another name. That for example any problems run into by the USSR or China were cuz muh CIA. IF great man theory is wrong, why does it suddenly become right if that "great" man is an intelligence agent?

Isn't this unmarxist? Obsession with intrigues can only lead down a path from the lofty heights of institutional and historical analysis to conspiracism, paranoia, and ultimately right wing schizo-ism and antisemitism.
R: 12 / I: 4

☢️/BOOM/ Another Nukes Thread☢️

The purpose of this thread:
This thread is exclusively for the discussion, analysis and news about weapons of mass destruction and nuclear war. It does not endorse or promote them, but rather serves to bring people to study their effects and consequences.
Some notes:
1. The cost of the Manhattan Project (through August 1945) was an estimated $20,000,000,000 .
2. The total number of nuclear missiles built, 1951-present is estimated to be 67,500 .
3. A nuclear holocaust is more probable to occur than a “global killer” meteor hitting the planet.
In the case of nuclear war, or an announced doomsday - what will YOU do? Will you have sex? Cry and hide? Or do something interesting? Have sex and go BERSERK? Or will you figure out a way to outwit everyone and survive?
Recommended books:
Nuclear War Survival Skills - Cresson H. Kearny
I Want to Believe: Posadism, UFOs and Apocalypse Communism - A.M. Gittlitz
Doomsday Bunker Book: Your Complete Guide to Designing Surviving and Living in an Underground Concrete Bunker - Ben Jakob
Endgame, Vol. 1: The Problem of Civilization - Derrick Jensen
Endgame, Vol. 2: Resistance - Derrick Jensen
Nihilist Communism - Monsieur Dupont
Alas, Babylon - Pat Frank
Podcasts / Radio / Broadcast:
https://revolutionaryleftradio.libsyn.com/posadism (podcast episode on Posadism)
https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/prepper-talk-radio--2209431 (funny conservatives)
https://www.infowars.com/show/ (the funniest, craziest conservatives of the internetz)
Threads 1984
The Road 2009
When the Wind Blows 1986
The Day After 1983
Countdown to Looking Glass 1984
R: 500 / I: 114

/isg/ - Internet Spectacle General

A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/benjamin.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blq9sCIyXgA

>The Culture Industry from Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944) by Theodore Adorno & Max Horkheimer

📓 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/adorno/1944/culture-industry.htm
📖 • https://libcom.org/article/dialectic-enlightenment-philosophical-fragments-theodor-adorno-and-marx-horkheimer
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hSLdd8R8mY

<One-Dimensional Man (1964) by Herbert Marcuse

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/one-dimensional-man-studies-ideology-advanced-industrial-society-herbert-marcuse
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZCoLbEkAqs

>Discipline and Punish (1975) by Michel Foucault

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/michel-foucault-discipline-and-punishment
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFbywfzu-jI

<Simulacra and Simulation (1981) by Jean Baudrillard

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=DBF3E860993373223D72E98FADF0F2DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S96e6TdJlNE

>Manufacturing Consent (1988) by Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/manufacturing-consent-political-economy-mass-media-noam-chomsky-and-edward-s-herman
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34LGPIXvU5M

<The Sublime Object of Ideology (1989) by Slavoj Zizek

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=054E022C8BD24EE2C5595B575BCED7DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtIckkHsUQ4

>Postscript on the Societies of Control (1990) by Gilles Deleuze

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/gilles-deleuze-postscript-on-the-societies-of-control
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu4Cq_-bLlY

<Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1991) by Fredric Jameson

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=5BD20E0E22FC8BC2CB4F8A7760D57027
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RtV0oO8Pmg

>Spectres of Marx (1993) by Jacques Derrida

📖 • https://libcom.org/library/specters-marx-jacques-derrida
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJr0NwXWb6Q

<Capitalist Realism (2009) by Mark Fisher

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/capitalist-realism-mark-fisher
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cb5XJH4NMI



>Precursor Material to Post-modernity and Critical Theory

📖 • Karl Marx - Book 1, Chapter 4 of Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (1844)
📺 • Why Marx Was Right: Alienation - PlasticPills

📖 • Georg Lukács - Chapter 4 of History and Class Consciousness (1923)
📺 • Marxism After Marx: Reification - The Marxist Project

📖 • Antonio Gramsci - Book 1, Chapter 1 of Selections from the Prison Notebooks (1929)
📺 • Hegemony: WTF? An introduction to Gramsci and cultural hegemony - Tom Nicholas

📖 • Louis Althusser - Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (1970)
📺 • Althusser's Concept of Ideology: A Discussion with Anthony Gavin - Acid Horizon

<On Neo-Liberalism and Post-Fordism

[Work in progress]


The Society of the Spectacle (1974) by Guy Debord

Manufacturing Consent (1992) by Mark Achbar & Peter Wintonick, with Noam Chomsky

The Pervert's Guide to Cinema (2006) and The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012) by Sophie Fiennes, with Slavoj Zizek

HyperNormalisation (2006) by Adam Curtis

<Easy-Bake Breadtube (for absolute beginners)

We're All Fake Now - Wisecrack

Are Cell Phones Replacing Reality? - PBS Idea Channel

The Cultural Significance of Cyberpunk - Cuck Philosophy

Introduction to Critical Theory for the 21st Century - NATHANOLOGY


I Don’t Want to Be an Internet Person by Ginevra Davis

Pluralistic: Tiktok's enshittification by Cory Doctorow

Facebook's Threads is so depressing by Jason O. Gilbert
R: 500 / I: 130


🗽United States Politics🦅

Absolute State of America Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth.


State mandated propaganda livestreams:
CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8PhLsUcFEegalitarianism
R: 500 / I: 80

/ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine war general #179: Comfy Happening In Ukraine Edition

Remember!!: Stay comfy, my ziggas!

Previous thread: >>>/leftypol/1881776


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



Live maps and updates
DeepStateMap: https://deepstatemap.live
Events in Ukraine: https://eventsinukraine.substack.com/
SouthFront: https://southfront.org/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/

Watch Together
📺 News/events: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash
📺 Hangout/chill: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/bloodcast

Watch By Yourself
>Video Essays / Historical Background
📺 Ukraine: The Avoidable War - Boy Boy

📺 America, Russia, and Ukraine's Far Right - Gravel Institute
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0pyVJG7_6Q (Link TBA)

📺 Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

<Current Happenings

📺 The Grayzone: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrayzone7996
📺 DDGeopolitics: https://www.youtube.com/@DDGeopolitics
📺 Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
📺 The Duran: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeMVChrumySxV9N1w0Au-w
📺 The News Atlas: https://www.youtube.com/c/thenewatlas
📺 Military Summary: https://www.youtube.com/@militarysummary


Social media



Thread guidelines:
• Please remember to add a spoiler to NSFW and extreme content such as graphic violence and gore.
• Try your best to not derail discussion too much from the main events and relevant places where the war is taken place, as well as other happenings, groups and public figures related to it.
• Meta discussion of the historical, philosophical and ideological background of the war is fine as long as its done in good faith and comradely.
• In the event the meta discussion overstays its welcome, participating users will be referred to take the conversation to the MULTIPOLARISM general thread: >>>/leftypol/1590991
• Quality shitposting and original content is encouraged! Spamming glowie memes is low effort.
• Remember to take your meds! It helps mediate schizoposting and foot fetishism
• this is /isg/ for people who treat geopolitics like shitty map games
R: 396 / I: 145

/brg/ - Brazil General

D.E.P. Maria da Conceição Tavares Edition.

O lugar mais web-revolucionários para discutir as idas e vindas de nossa amada Pindorama.
Edição anterior: >>1793453
R: 102 / I: 23

/leftybritpol/ - Bored of the Election Edition

A thread for Brits to discuss green energy, the psychology of homosexuality, JK Rowling, and prisoners having sex with wardens

Also there's an election going on but everyone got bored of it a week ago because they go on for too long, maybe someone will do a cytube for it if anyone even remembers it's happening
R: 33 / I: 10

French & UK Election Lemmings /FUEL/

A thread dedicated to the elections of:
>France: June 30th
>UK: July 4th
>France (round two): July 7th

Big habbenings in the 2 main powerhouses in Yurop (besides Worst Germoney).

Really good rundown on tomorrow's election in Frogland by our comrade Michael Roberts: https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/2024/06/29/france-macrons-gamble/

Mind you, the Frogs are about to host an Olympics very soon and are having shittons of problems regarding the water quality of the river supposed to host some water sports and terrorism threats, and now they nuke it with a surprise election to top it all.

In any case, comrade roberts will surely have something to say about britbong electioms as well, so keep looking up his blog in the following days.

…on another note…

Just how communist is Melenchon and his alliance? Will the libs (Macron &co.) pull another "anti-fascist" cry against Le Pen, even if it means encouraging socdems/commies/greens?

"/Fuel/" comes from basically the idea that Europe is down the shitter and these are just fuel to the fire the continent is on (burger dominance, ukro cuckoldery, recession, inflation), and the Lemming part is due to all of us going down the drain in unison, like good lemmings do.
R: 262 / I: 44



R: 418 / I: 212

Palestine vs. The Zionist Entity #89


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

Al-Jazeera: hhttps://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/6/24/israel-war-on-gaza-live-israeli-tanks-surround-al-mawasi-safe-zone

Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


Our own wiki. Be sure to add to it and create branching articles:



From the UK, single issue long time Palestinian investigative and general reporting, critical source

From the USA

Regional news from an anti-imperialist perspective

Premier Human Rights org

Left news and opinion webzine from Tel-Aviv

A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine

Known anti-zionist academic Norman Finkelstein's blog



al-Qassam Brigades









(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it.

الله أكبر
.الى جميع الكادحين في الشرق، ان مصيركم في ايديكم
!يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا
R: 82 / I: 12

Neven Sesardic, Marxian Utopia and Theoretical Criticisms of the LTV

Be honest, can you actually refute Boehm-Bawerk's theoretical refutations of Marxism? I've attached an image of the relevant text from Sesardic's book, Marxian Utopia, which explains more succinctly Bawerk's objection. I for one subscribe to this refutation of the LTV, wondering if anyone can think of good counter-arguments.
R: 230 / I: 39
What is the marxist explanation, that western countries are mass importing immigrants, but not countries like China and Russia? Shouldn't a socialist state like China actually import the world proletariat into their country?
R: 133 / I: 21

Rightoids and SEX

>For Reagan not only saw communists as parricides, but also as extremely active sexually-completely in contrast to the actual sexual code in most communist countries. For instance, when he ran for Governor of California, one of the central themes of his campaign was “the mess at Berkeley,” a place where, he said, they held “sexual orgies so vile I can-not describe them to you,” promising if elected to “investigate the charges of communism and blatant sexual misbehavior on the Berkeley campus.” A good part of the reason why he was elected was that, as one biographer put it, “hidden away in the hearts of parents was the fear that their own children might one day go away to college, grow beards and march against authority.”… Reagan promised these voters that his first targets as Governor would be the students at Berkeley, “advocates of sexual orgies, drug usage, and filthy speech,” who wanted only to “disrupt the academic community” and who therefore must be brought under control immediately. The situation at Berkeley, he told a woman’s club in April of 1966, was now so bad that their “morality gap is so great that we can no longer ignore it.” He had proof, he said, that the Alameda County District Attorney had just investigated a student dance which had turned into “an orgy,” where they had displayed on a giant screen “pictures of men and women, nude, in sensuous poses, provocative, fondling.” Since Reagan had waved a piece of paper in the air during the speech, saying that he had the report of the DA’s investigation “in his hand,” curious reporters later asked the DA for a copy, only to be told that “my office made no investigations of the college dance.” - Lloyd deMause, "REAGAN’S AMERICA"

You can even see this sort of mentality in people like Ben Shapiro who conflate communism, socialism, and "the left" with rebellion against all authority and goodness for the sake of mindless pleasure. Not to mention the endless obsession with LGBTQ+, qanon pedophile theories, porn, abortion, etc.

What is the actual materialist explanation for the right wing obsession with sex? Does porky get some sort of benefit from everyone being a heterosexual monogamous who goes to church once a week? if not why the backlash? is it just to ensure a constant supply of new workers?
R: 11 / I: 2
Georgism, ordoliberalism, neoliberalism, yaddayaddayadda yup yup trash. Why tf do libshit countries need so many dumbass big government programs, systems, and isms to fix their dumbass housing crisis anyways? Just remove zoning laws, and end discrimination on a social, economic, and environmental level. Fuckers will just build houses immediately wherever they want in that kind of environment, because they can and there isn’t anything stopping them from doing so. All that yapping and theorizing about a solution to fix housing is just that; senseless yapping.
R: 6 / I: 5
It is not hard for one to do a bit of good. What is hard is to do good all one's life and never do anything bad, to act consistently in the interests of the broad masses, the young people and the revolution, and to engage in arduous struggle for decades on end. That is the hardest thing of all!

"Message of Greetings on the 60th Birthday of Comrade Wu Yu-chang" (January 15, 1940).
R: 398 / I: 272

OC Thread 16.0

Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
>Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
<Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

If your original content is good enough, it would most likely be shared on the /leftypol/ twitter account!
Make sure to follow us and feel free to leave suggestions on this thread~

previous thread: >>1465628
>>>/leftypol_archive/1465628 (if it gets archived by mods)

Leftypol memes and other undesirables:

R: 29 / I: 6
> be me
> be an anti zionist communist in israel
> bored since it's summer break
> want to piss off some people
> decide to post an anti-idf slideshow on tiktok, just a couple pictures of text describing some of the idf's most famous horrible cases, nothing graphic in the tiktok itself
> it gets 5k views in less than a couple hours
> get a bunch of hate comments, only 3 people actually agreed with me in the comments
> my irl friend see the post since they follow me on tiktok, they're liberal
> they say the video is inappropriate on whatsapp
> i respond with "there are children dying in gaza and this is your problem with the post?"
> they respond "they're defending you and this is YOUR thanks to them??"
> i respond with the "the wehrmact also defended germany, what's your point"
> they say it's an inappropriate comparison
> i say that its appropriate
> they use the "you know they want to kill you and all jews right?????" *they're not talking about hamas, but the palestinian people as a whole*
> i say that it's hitler level racism
> they say that the children in gaza will grow up to be hamas terrorists and therefor bombing gaza is justified
> they were right folks, liberals really are nazis
> they didn't write anything ever since, i haven't replied
> fellas, should i escape this shithole to czechia or something when i have the chance, or should i stay here in a fascist society with fascist friends until something good happens here
R: 500 / I: 105

/leftydeutschpol/ - Deutschland General

Letzter Pfaden wurde dank der /Pol/acken vom Brett gepusht. Deshalb ein neues Deutschland General.
R: 119 / I: 16

get guns

Guns are fun and necessary for the revolution.

Why not have a gun?
Reactionaries are armed to the teeth, why should leftist remain unarmed? Better to have a gun and not need it, than to need it and not have it. If you have kids at home keep the bullets locked up (or even at another address) and the gun unloaded.

At least buy a pellet gun and learn to shoot straight, handle the gun so familiarity can wash away the liberal anti-gun propaganda.

The more left leaning people with guns who learn couple things or two about guns the better. Objective fact!
R: 500 / I: 100

/prc/ - People's Republic of China general

A general thread for all China related discussion.

Original threads:
leftypol.org archives:
bunekrchan.xyz archives:
R: 308 / I: 47


This thread is for the discussion of cybercommunism, the planning of the socialist economy by computerized means, including discussions of related topics and creators. Drama belongs in /isg/

Towards a New Socialism by Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell: http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/
Brain of the Firm by Stafford Beer
Cybernetic Revolutionaries by Eden Medina
Cybernetics: Or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine and The Human Use of Human Beings (1st edition) by Norbert Wiener
Economic cybernetics by Nikolay Veduta
People's Republic of Walmart by Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski
Red Plenty by Francis Spufford
Economics in kind, Total socialisation and A system of socialisation by Otto Neurath (Incommensurability, Ecology, and Planning: Neurath in the Socialist Calculation Debate by Thomas Uebel provides a summary)

Active writers/creators
Sorted by last name
>Paul Cockshott
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVBfIU1_zO-P_R9keEGdDHQ (https://invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UCVBfIU1_zO-P_R9keEGdDHQ)
https://twitter.com/PaulCockshott (https://nitter.pussthecat.org/PaulCockshott)
>Cibcom (Spanish)
https://twitter.com/cibcomorg (https://nitter.pussthecat.org/cibcomorg)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCav9ad3TMuhiWV6yP5t2IpA (https://invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UCav9ad3TMuhiWV6yP5t2IpA)
>Tomas Härdin
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5fDgA_eHleDiTLC5qb5g8w (https://invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UC5fDgA_eHleDiTLC5qb5g8w)
>Elena Veduta
Various videos on YouTube but no channel of her own
>Dave Zachariah
One video on Paul Cockshott's channel

>General Intellect Unit
Podcast of the Cybernetic Marxists

Previous threads in chronological order
R: 3 / I: 1

News 7/2/24

Detention of Imran Khan violates international law, UN working group says
The U.N. working group said Khan's legal woes were part of a "much larger campaign of repression" against him and his Pakistan Tehree-e-Insaf (PTI) party. It said that in the lead up to the 2024 elections, members of Khan's party were arrested and tortured and their rallies were disrupted. It also alleged "widespread fraud on election day, stealing dozens of parliamentary seats."

Cambodian court jails ten environmental activists
Cambodian human rights group Licadho said: “It is astounding that Cambodian authorities are convicting youth activities advocating for clean water in Phnom Penh, protecting mangrove forests in Koh Kong and warning against the privatisation of land in protected areas and presenting it as an attack against the state.”

Students block Shahbagh, highway as quota protests intensify
Students of the University of Dhaka and Jahangirnagar university on Tuesday blocked the Shahbagh intersection and Dhaka-Aricha highway as protests demanding cancellation of the High Court order for the restoration of 30 per cent quota for freedom fighters’ children and grandchildren in government jobs intensified. Students of other public universities, including Rajshahi University and Chittagong University also held rallies and human chains to press home the same demand on the day.

==Israel to reserve notorious administrative detention for non-Jewish suspects00
The Ministerial Committee for Legislation gave a green light on Sunday to amendments to the Emergency Defense Regulation, which goes further and allows non-Israeli individuals to be detained even if they do not belong to a terrorist organisation but there are reasonable grounds they could threaten "national security or the public's safety".

UAE-linked company in Serbia supplying weapons to Israel amid war on Gaza
According to a report by Balkan Insight, in 2024 Serbia’s main state-owned arms trader, Yugoimport-SDPR, exported at least $17.1m worth of weapons to Israel via Israeli military planes as well as civilian aircraft.

Scottish council workers ready to strike for fair pay
A total of 23 of Scotland’s 32 councils have seen either GMB or Unite, or both unions win mandates for strike action as thousands of workers in waste services rejected a subinflation pay offer from the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (Cosla) of 2.2 per cent from April 1 to September 30 followed by 2 per cent in the following year.

Greece introduces ‘growth-oriented’ six-day working week
In a country with almost no tradition of inspections in the workplace, critics contend the reform ultimately sounds the death knell of the five-day working week, not least because it enables employers to dictate whether a sixth day of labour is required. For opponents, who have already taken to the streets in protest, the reform erodes legal protections and rolls back long-established workers’ rights in the name of flexibility.

Colombia arrests two Tren de Aragua bosses
Last week, police arrested Salomon Fernandez, the alleged boss of Tren de Aragua in the capital Bogota and the neighboring town of Soacha, in a town in the eastern Casanare province. On Monday, the National Police announced the arrest of Larry Changa, one of the three alleged founders of the Venezuelan group.

Adoptee stolen at birth sues Chile over thousands of dictatorship-era thefts
A Chilean-American man raised in the United States has filed a criminal complaint against the Chilean state, alleging that it engaged in a systematic plan to steal thousands of babies from perceived enemies of the state in the 1970s and 1980s.

Ahead of election, Venezuela’s Maduro says he has agreed to resume negotiations with United States
“I have received the proposal during two continuous months from the United States government to reestablish talks and direct dialogue,” Maduro said. “After thinking about it for two months, I have accepted, and next Wednesday, talks will restart with the United States government to comply with the agreements signed in Qatar and to reestablish the terms of the urgent dialogue.”
R: 4 / I: 0

3 July 1941 STALIN SPOKE

83 years ago on this day comrade Stalin gave this astounding speech for the mobilization of the USSR against Hitler's Germany. [[Zoom out on page / change theme to view]]

R: 12 / I: 10


who should i vote?

>Partido Nacional

<christian democratic party

>Partido Colorado

<liberal party

>Frente Amplio

<left party but still a liberal party

>Cabildo Abierto


>Identidad Soberana

<conspiranoic liberal party

uruguay is so cooked
R: 81 / I: 12
I don't know anything about political anarchy, what else should I read? I’ve heard of Conquest of Bread before, so I assume it’s a GOAT of anarchism but idk.
R: 31 / I: 3
Is there a left, anyhow, in europe?
I feel like all the "left" parties are just neoliberals that hand out gibs and celebrate transhumanism but none of them has any real anti-imperialist or anti-american policy
R: 288 / I: 137

/SEA/ - Southeast Asia and Oceania General

8th Edition: Failson squad assemble!edition.

Discuss anything on Southeast Asian politics. Coming 2024 Elections, open orgs, People that should be dead for different reasons running in Malaysia's elections or just random shit. There are still dozens of us… hopefully! South Asia and Oceania posters can come in to discuss their regional politics as well.

Matrix room: https://matrix.to/#/#!YeYeuZuLSYkegWssey:matrix.org

Last threads:
R: 34 / I: 2

Why is this gender polarization happening? And what should we do about it?

A new poll in Spain shows declining acceptance for LGBTQ+ people among Gen Z with the change being entirely driven by young men.

Yellow = Men Purple = Women
* Should there be a straight pride day?
* I feel uncomfortable when I see a gay couple
* Sexual diversity is going to end our traditions and values that have always been

I had heard of this kind of polarization happening in South Korea years ago but it seems to be spreading elsewhere now, specially in continental Europe. Anglo countries and Latin America are yet to be hit, I think.
R: 18 / I: 1

The Südtiroler Volkspartei: who are these guys even?

I am very tired today so this post came out as a massive ramble. Still made a it since I saw a user complain about the lack of original threads over /meta/

I managed to catch midway a RAI (italian national TV broadcaster) documentary on the recent history of the south tirol, starting off with italian oppression of the austrians in south tirol during the fascist regime.
And here is the juice: after the war (you know the one), the south tirolean antifascist resistence (which did not collaborate with the italian resistence) funded a party with the approval of the americans, the Südtiroler Volkspartei (SVP)

With the germans gone, they integrated pro-german sud tirolears under their declared aim of indipendence for the now italian province. They had an immediate boost after the war since they didn't get to vote on the constitution.

The documentary interviewed the current head of the SVP, which didn't waste yime to declare that nazi collaborators were a tiny minority, and the heads of the SVP were not nazis. Curiously, a few minutes later, as the documentary recaps the acts of armed resistence/terror attacks in the 60's, they also mention that one of their heads in the afterwar was a war veteran, who lost a leg in russia while in the wehrmacht.

With that said, apparently the indipendence movement died down after the 80's, in part due to the local autonomy conceeded to them by the italian state, in part (the bigger one in my opinion) is due to the state showering them with bags of cash, something that continues to this day.

To be honest, given how german nationalism is intermingled with fascism and nazism I am not too sure about these guys

Oh and nowdays the area is extremely racist. More racist than the venitians somehow. According to my now dead grandpa, it's mostly because immigrants from africa come to work in the farms over there, and since italian is a much simpler language, they learn that instead of sud-tirolean german.

Does anyone here happen to know anything about these guys? Should they be supported on the basis of national determination? Does it even count? Are they austrian dixiebolshevists?
R: 12 / I: 1

DPRK truth

Why is the DPRK the only country westerners will believe literally anything about?

If the NY Times reported Kim Jong-Un was a shape-shifting alien people would believe it. Why?

Also, can we get a thread on the most outrageous things said about this defiant nation?
R: 603 / I: 105 (full)
How strong is the far-left in France? Is being a communist socially acceptable there?
R: 81 / I: 27  

Propaganda is the reason we lost

It is no exaggeration to say the reason we are heading towards catastrophe and possible extinction is due to losing the propaganda war.

Its not that the system is so oppressive that people cant rebel. Police violence. Threat of homelessness and hunger. Rent. Fear. People can overcome all of this and more. History has shown this. Information is where the true battle takes place.

The reason the revolution does not happen is because the masses are severely brainwashed. Most people believe Capitalism is natural and unavoidable. That humans are inherently evil. And thus a better society is impossible.
Schools and media have perfectly done their job.

Deprograming takes too much individual, conscious effort and time to pretend to reeducate the masses. I can not see the way out of this bros
R: 473 / I: 55


Previous thread: >>1263434

Talk about job/career advice and other related stuff from a leftist perspective. EX: How to get a job, promotion, skill, switch companies, resume, life hacks, etc.
R: 17 / I: 0

Schools should be designed to prevent forced relocation

Schools shouldn’t be divided into preschools, elementary schools, and high schools. Schools should all be k-12+, and if possible incorporate some kind of post secondary courses too. Having schools divided and spread out only harms students, because it forces the children to constantly break the relationships they’ve formed when they’ll have to move to a new environment to learn. No one deserves to be forcefully relocated away from their community and friends at such a young age for such a petty reason. All that would do is lead to the formation of a socially atomized adult population.
R: 9 / I: 1
What’s your opinion on? Mao Zedong Do you think he was a great leader or not?
R: 10 / I: 1

News 7/1/24

Iran's Oil and Gas Workers' Strike Grows: 20,000 Workers, 110 Companies
Launched by the unofficial Council for Organizing Oil Contract-Workers' Protests, the strike began on June 19. The workers are demanding the removal of intermediary contractors, wage increases, a 14-days-on, 14-days-off work schedule, improved dormitory conditions, and enhanced safety measures. The Council has warned that the strikes will intensify if these demands are not met.

Israel frees hospital chief with prisons ‘full’ of Gaza captives
Israel released 55 prisoners on Monday to free up space in its jails, unconfirmed reports claimed. Speaking shortly after his return to Gaza, al-Shifa Hospital Director Muhammad Abu Salmiya asserted that Palestinian prisoners in Israel’s prisons were facing daily abuse.

Turkish airstrike starts a fire on Mount Metina in South Kurdistan
While the occupying Turkish state has increased its attacks on Mount Metîna in recent days, it deployed a large number of troops, heavy weapons and armoured vehicles to the villages in the region. Many villages were evacuated due to the attacks. Baghdad and Hewlêr (Erbil) remain silent in the face of Turkish occupation.

Rift between Bolivia's left widens as Morales joins accusation that Arce faked last week's coup attempt
Mr Arce retorted that his former boss should not “make another mistake. “Clearly what happened was a failed military coup. Do not side with fascism and those who deny what happened. Those responsible … will be prosecuted, as was the case with the conspirators of the 2019 coup.” Minister for the Presidency Maria Nela Prada added that Mr Morales should not become a “puppet of imperialism, that intends to plunder our country.”

Peru's ex-presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori begins trial for money laundering
According to prosecutors, Popular Force was used to irregularly receive some $17 million from various contributors, such as Brazilian construction conglomerate Odebrecht (renamed Novonor in 2020) and Peruvian financial holding company Credicorp (BAP.LM).

Police use digger to remove Palestine Action activist from weapons company building
POLICE used a JCB digger to remove a Palestine activist from a building when a company supplying an Israeli-owned British arms manufacturer with equipment was occupied and blockaded today.

The reality of living in Ibiza: Workers sleeping in vans due to high cost of rent
On this popular Spanish Mediterranean island, growing numbers of wealthy tourists in combination with real estate speculation (which corrodes everything from luxury developments to the dingiest rental rooms) have made the price of housing soar, making it unaffordable for a good portion of the army of workers who make sure that the machinery that sustains this summer paradise remains well oiled.

France's far-right makes gains in southeast, fails to make a breakthrough in Paris
The party of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella topped the poll with 33.15 percent of the votes cast for members of the National Assembly, according to preliminary results published by the interior ministry. The leftwing New Popular Front alliance was in second place with 28.14 percent, ahead of President Emmanuel Macron's centrists on 20.76 percent.

SADTU objects to Gwarube heading Ministry of Basic Education
“They’ve always made statements that SADTU- for all the problems that are there in the education sector, they always put them on SADTU’s doorstep. They always accuse us of opposing the education in this country, of being in charge of education, and of controlling the department of education and the ministers and all,” added Cembi.

Looting and fighting reported in a central Sudan city as paramilitary group attacks military troops
The paramilitary Rapid Support Forces began its offensive against Sudan’s military in Sennar province earlier this week, attacking the village of Jebal Moya before moving to the provincial capital of Singa, where fresh battles have erupted. The fighting forced about 57,000 people to flee their homes, according to the United Nations.
R: 500 / I: 142

/crisis/ General

💰️DOW/Market Watch Thread💰️
monitoring the market, trends, fluctuations, etc.
R: 128 / I: 69

/webm/ Thread 6

1st thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/9920
2nd thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/481354
3rd thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/492596
4th thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/561028
5th thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/588525

WebM for Retards™ (Webm Converter): https://github.com/WebMBro/WebMConverter
R: 568 / I: 61

the pornography question

"The Pornography Question"

I've been doing off and on research into what I call "The Pornography Question". Let's define pornography as explicit material, sexual in nature, created by one or more consented adults, for the consumption by adults. Basically, is it compatible with communism? Is it inherently anti-women? Is it inherently unethical? A sign of capitalist decay?

Prior to this I had a fairly negative outlook on the medium as a whole, mostly stereotypes. Mostly insofar as, assuming the overwhelming majority of women are not willingly be in the industry, either they've been coherced, trafficked or had to for the money, and thus, consuming the material is inherently harmful to women. But at the same time, I've dated a couple of Sex Workers, I've dated a dancer/softcore model and an onlyfans creator. The onlyfans creator said it was a way to empower herself, she said it was far less degrading that working as a waitress, I believe it. I never cared in either case, it's a job, get the bag, it ain't tricking if you've got it. Of course both of these relationships were before I was really a commie, so I lacked the more systemic understanding of how neoliberalism works to commodify the personal. And, admittingly, the stereotypes still played a role in the acceptance of my ex's work, ie "Something must have happened in her past to cause her to do this but I don't care that she does it".

A former friend, whom is a 36 year old former model (remember Suicidegirls?), lamented about not being able to model anymore because she was worried about the *stigma* and how it might reflect on her as a professional, career wise. She was very proud of her past career. In fact, her upbringing was very strict, with Christian gender roles and a traditionalist worldview. The same type of culture that created incredibly creepy events like Purity Balls, the same culture that normalizes treating women as objects to be traded between men. That sort of southern Christian culture that I've long rallied against. It's these personal contradictions that prompted further critical introspection into the medium as well as my own ingrained opinions on it.

Almost every study I read completely ignored or outright handwaved gay and queer porn, and this to me presents an issue. How can you handwave a significant part of a medium and then say the entire medium is bad? If someone made the argument that horror movies are degenerate bourgeoisie decadence, but only used films like Saw and Hostel as examples, that would be pretty disingenuous no? So I started reading interviews with queer people who work in the industry. 1/2 Very common sentiment was that this medium provided a space for them to express their queerness in ways they might otherwise not be able to. So, many of the earlier, more anti-pornography SWERFs and studies straight up ignored queer people, and when we do see the perspective, it's basically the opposite of the assumed one.

One issue I had with Dworkin's arguments is that she lacks a material basis for her claims, while also using a fairly narrow definition of pornography that's not really accepted by the mainstream society has a whole. She defines pornography as a medium that is inherently showcasing acts of violence against women, and then uses this definition to showcase how porn contributes to the mass normalization of a patriarchal society. Which is to say, she draws a distinction between pornography and erotica in such a way, that few others who aren't also SWERFs do. By their own definition many Onlyfans creators would not be creating pornography but erotica, because their definition of pornography requires some act to be done to a woman (rarely if ever does she mention queer people). Dworkin and her contemporaries, such as MacKinnon, distinguished between pornography and erotica based on the presence of violence and degradation. Erotica, in their view, is consensual and non-degrading sexual expression, whereas pornography inherently involves the subjugation and objectification of women. However, the overwhelming majority of people do not make this narrow distinction. This, fundamentally, is leads to issues because we're working with two definitions here.

The crux of Dworkin's argument is that pornography is a manifestation of the misogyny embedded in patriarchal society, how can this be true, if those same patriarchal forces are directly responsible for the repression and censorship of pornographic materials? Further, how can this be true if, as mentioned later we look at pre-Christian societies, and how sex was depicted in a much more open sense in a variety of cases? Further, how does this account for gay porn? Trans porn? Queer porn? Consider a typical pornographic scenerio, a slender woman is rough, passionate sex with two large, fit men. Their faces are obscured, and she's centered in the film's composition. This is, by Dworkin's definition absolutely pornography, and thus a manifestation of our patriarchal society. Now, consider the same scenario without a woman involved. A slender twink is having rough sex by two fit men. Does this evoke the same reaction inherent "wrongness" in relation to a patriarchial society, or does it evoke the inherentness of male sexuality, something we've been trained culturally to accept? Is it that our culture continues to subliminally and consciously acknowledge female sexuality as inherently innate?

You know, I've been told that you can't be pro-communist and be, you know, pro-pornography, because it's inherently anti-women, right? To be honest, the idea that there's no way a woman could want to have or participate in such activities, but if it's a man or a queer person, or gay porn or whatever, then it's different, that to me seems like inherently misogystic contradition to posit. Especially when we consider the root of this obsession with controlling the sexuality of people, namely working class people, is rooted in 17th-18th century English aristocracy. In fact, the first law that criminalized pornography was the English Obscene Publications Act 1857, and to this day, any depiction of female ejaculation in pornography is completely banned in the UK.

Soon after, similar laws spread across much of the other imperial nations of the time, America's 1865 Comstock Act (which also sought to control abortion and contraceptives), as well as Tsarist Russia, with the anti-pornography laws on the books in the USSR being inhereted from this era. We can look at former Eastern block states like East Germany and Yugoslavia for much more lax laws on the material as well. Going further back now. We can see in various pre-AD societies, that sexual expression was much different than it is in our current, western culture. From trans priestesses in Sumeria, to ancient Nubian and Cretan matriarchial societies, as well as the Japanese tradition of Shuga, among countless other examples, it's clear our society's sexual culture is not innate to the human experience itself. A historical material analysis shows us this.

We see that the rise of industrialization, and indeed the earliest stages of capitalism saw the rise of these anti-pornography censorship laws. In some places, even the mere act of masturbation was deemed obscene, causing mental illness. As the working class formed during this urbanization, industrialization period, these laws and cultural stances served as a means of controlling the working class further. Workers lived closely, often in flop houses and other packed, cramped buildings. Company towns were not uncommon. Your boss is your neighbor, and your boss is the mayor, and these additional layers of control served as a means to both pacify and create a culture of shame around the sexual nature humans inately have, these layers of control are a central means in which the capitalist class normalizes and diffuses a layer of anxiety that allows for the boss, the manager, the overseer, to enact further control over the working classes.

How can the argument that pornography, as a medium, is inherently a manifestation of the patriachy, if the root cause of the patriarchy, according to a Marxist feminist view, is capitalism, and we know that, during the rise of capitalism and industrialization, the culture of sexual shame and censorship was made manifest via various laws in-acted by the capitalist class to control the proletariat? Further, how can one reduce the medium to it's most obscene interactions, and then judge it on those merits alone? And finally, if those obscene interactions are done consentually, then is to judge them as inherently patriachial not, ironically, re-inforcing the patriarchal denial of women as innately sexual beings, while re-inforcing the ideal that men, innately are? We would not scoff at a man who responds to "Why did you become a porn star?" with "Because I like sex." but, the same response from a woman in our current societal framework would, for most, evoke a different reaction.

There are issues, but these issues are worker's issues. Safety, consent, trafficking, sexual harassment. Many of these issues are bought up as a way to paint pornography as inherently maleficant but, other industries are plagued with them as well. Trafficking for example, is very common for hotel house keeping services, typically women as well. Sexual harrassment from customers and co-workers plagues various industries, including tech, think about the treatment of women at game companies like Blizzard for example.

My ex, as mentioned above, was pretty open that she liked to get off, and that she felt more degraded as a waitress than selling videos online. When one asks female performers, aside from workers issues stated above, they mention the stigma. The lack of career options after they exit the industry, the social stigma, the scarlet letter that performing in porn brings upon them. Does this not reflect the same psychological control mechanisms mentioned above? If pornography is, as some of my contemporaries have put, "the peak of neoliberalism", why then, do major payment systems like Visa, Mastercard, Cashapp, Paypal, etc shutdown sex work and pornographic content creators so often?

It's for these reasons that I have to conclude that pornography, as defined in the introduction, is not inherently anti-woman, nor is it inherently bad. Like video games, or film, or music, pornography is a medium of expression, in it's case, sexual expression. Could it be that it's the very deeply ingrained sexual culture created over the last 200 years of industrialization that's the issue? Someone spends an hour playing a highly realistic simulation of war, these games are highly popular, played primarily by young men and the development of these games are often funded, in part, by the US Department of Defense. We don't have any level of shame built around these simulations of violence, yet, they often lead enlistments, to real death, real trauma. One must ask, why is sexuality shamed and admonished, but violence celebrated?
R: 570 / I: 69

Socialist copyright


How would IP laws and copyright be handled under socialism?

Would it be abolished or just reformed? How would artists be compensated if not for royalties?

Also, what about “hard cases” like instances of cultural appropriation, etc.?

Let’s have this discussion.
R: 27 / I: 1

What do you do? Electoral road to socialism

Let's say, for argument's sake, you're elected as a socialist. If you're in a presidential country, you've got the presidency and ~51% of the legislature. If you're in a parliamentary country, you've got ~51% of the legislature and have been elected prime minister. Moreover, your party is loyal: this isn't a Corbyn situation where your victory was a fluke and a disloyal party would immediately dispose you, or an Allende situation where you've got to work with a congress that hates you. You've got control of the legislative and executive branches of government. Financial markets have not immediately panicked at your election (perhaps your platform was vague…), but of course this may change depending on what you do next.

What do you do? What reforms do you set about attempting to implement? Remember that other than the concessions I've set out above, everything else remains as normal. In the USA, for example, you've still got to contend with the supreme court and the constitution. The bourgeoisie are still the dominant class. The bureaucracy and military establishment is made up of the people appointed by previous bourgeois governments. It's possible - perhaps even probable - that it's wise to take a long term, strategic approach to rebuilding working class power while continuing to manage capitalism, rather than trying to quickly legislate socialism into being when the cards are all stacked against you, even if a glacial approach means that people on /leftypol/ call you a radlib socdem. But that's up to you: What do you do, why do you do it, and what reactions do you realistically anticipate?

(Please don't argue the relative merits of reform-vs-revolution "in general" ITT. This premise does not depend on such a route existing: If you think there's no reformist route to socialism, that's great: engage with the question I'm actually asking. You wake up tomorrow, look in the mirror, think "there's no electoral road to socialism", and then turn on the Television to see your own face. You've just won the election: what do you do?)
R: 500 / I: 189

/DPRK/ - Democratic People's Republic of Korea General

Thread for news and discussions of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, its material conditions, the status and health of its socialist tradition, disproving common myths about it, etc.

Archive of the previous DPRK thread:
R: 158 / I: 45
What’s your opinion on Joseph Stalin what do you think he was a bad guy or not?
R: 500 / I: 92

/QTDDTOT/ - Questions that don't need their own thread

Dump all the seemingly pointless, dubious, and frivolous questions that don't deserve their own shitty threads.

Got a question that's probably been asked a million times before? You're in the right landfill, buddy. Post it here.

Threads that otherwise might go in here will eventually find themselves become merged to this thread.
R: 22 / I: 2 (sage)
How true is this?

>inb4 /isg/

It's not about e-drama or his internet persona, just the opinion itself.

If workers in the first world ultimately share the same interests with workers in the third world then why do first world workers generally not give a fuck about the third world? Of all the promises bourgois parties lie about to trick people into voting for them ending exploitation in the third world is never one of them and no one in the first world is lamenting the lack of focus on this subject by their governments either. Addressing imperialism and third world exploitation is one of those peripheral subjects few people in the first world seriously care about despite the fact it's the fundament of our global situation. So the more appropriate conclusion is rather that it's either in the interest of first world workers for there to be a continuation of exploitation of the third world and its related imperialism, or first world workers are just apathetic towards it.
R: 2 / I: 1
A lot of people have the mistaken notion that all police personnel or civil servants are in some kind of big joint conspiracy, that they 'deceive' the other sections of the population or that they are 'fake' protectors of order, etc.

In a society based on capital, 'order' by default means nothing but the smooth running of business and the safety of property to ensure accumulation and investments proceed as is desired, which appears masked as being in the interests of the entire population. The function of law is guaranteeing the inviolability of this system, to aid the reproduction of existing social relations and ensure a stable atmosphere such that 'business as usual' can proceed 'peacefully'. This is what the police and civil service enforces.

The existence of 'unruly' elements, from criminals to beggars to striking proletarians, is a disruption of this same order, their subsequent repression being a restoration of the same. The policeman who beats a worker to drive him back to work does so not out of special malice or greed, but because they genuinely view it as their task to fend off such 'disruptive' acts, to restore 'order' and the 'rule of law'. The problem isn't them being 'fake' protectors of order, but the fact that this order is nothing but an order for capitalism.

As long as private property exists this will necessarily be the case, the police and civil services cannot be 'reformed' but only directly abolished because their very nature corresponds to the needs of capital. To say police brutality is 'undemocratic' etc is plainly wrong.
R: 449 / I: 123

/Climate/ #3 Off the charts edition

This thread is dedicated to our accomplishment of having broken the upper limit of sea surface temperature and the lower limit of antarctic sea ice amount charts this summer, hence ushering our species firmly into the capitalocene. Good job guys! Welcome to the future.

Here's an article about that:

As for the news, there is a drought blocking shipping at the Panama canal, bad wildfires in North America and Greece, persistent heatwaves in eastern Europe and northern Africa, and floods in central and eastern China.

Here's the latest report from the IPCC
<AR6 Synthesis Report Climate Change 2023

The website of NASA about climate is great for getting data and visualizing climate change

Last thread: >>1332129
R: 1 / I: 0
Paging Anne Marie Slaughter and Amy Kloubuchar.

I was listening to this EXCELLENT "video essay" by the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin, and considering qualifying his interesting analysis of the pharmaceutical industry's effects on the treatment of mental issues, and was about to make a comment noting that even if ultimately with people the issue is with us, that we live in capitalism, not FULL COMMUNISM. When he mentioned you two, small world isn't it.

The Biden administration could bring Israel to heel in an instant. Genocide Joe, sorry I meant President Biden could with a short simple phone call to Netanyahu two sentences "Time to recognize Palestine or no more weapons for the GENOCIDE, he's still got it in him. Although he may not in a few years. Time will tell. At this rate the best chance for Biden to win this is to prove he can still be presidential.


The answer is simple. President Biden forces a ceasefire on Israel NOW. He forces a real settlement and Israeli recognition and withdrawal from the internationally, look it up stupid see how many members of the United Nations recognize Palestine. That's a lot of free positive press and social media activity for Biden especially on TikTok is it etc whatever? He could really do with that right now

I'm deciding whether I should consult for the Trump campaign however much it would make my skin crawl to have ever worked for the Republican party. This happens I will not and will never work for the Republicans, everybody wins.
We've worked together, you know what I can do. I could do with the money given this ECONOMY very important this election

This doesn't happen soon, and this can't be an October surprize the sooner the better. YOU are losing the grassroots activist party base, and you need them to get out the vote STUPID. I may throw the election for the money. Maybe I won't I'm still considering my options, and I'd really rather not.

If I'm thinking this other people are. Lots of very pissed off people who know how this works.

I'd ask for peace in the Ukraine as well, but that's not going anywhere. President Biden certainly can't be seen to be a loser this October and win. The last debate was bad enough.

Don't let America die on the Israel hill with a second term of President Trump. Choose peace.
R: 26 / I: 2

Can’t corporatism be solved by simply allowing more businesses to exist?

Countries like Canada and Australia are notorious for being resource economies, because their businesses are violently uncompetitive. Corporatism is so bad particularly in Canada to the point where the FG here can’t record how many registered businesses here exist.
In contrast the USA has around thirty-one million businesses, and china has fifty-eight. The ratio of people to businesses in those two countries alone keep many from being genuinely enslaved to super corps like in South Korea. Even if you hate libertarians, ‘classical liberals’, and globalists, you have to admit the idea; that keeping economies free and competitive does help ordinary people and keep them from poverty and unemployment. Making it easier for these owners to have small pieces of land and access to trade in domestic and foreign markets only helps both the capitalists and their workers find opportunities for success.
R: 62 / I: 1
>wait until your enemy's bourgeois-inflicted demographic crisis causes you to have more active soldiers than they have people under 60
what is this strategy called?
R: 42 / I: 12

Can someone explain neo-nazis to me?

So I have this fascination with neo-nazis and I need to understand this.

Why the fuck are all neo-nazis like this meme?
It literally makes no sense whatsoever.
So neo-nazis are hardcore into holocaust denial I have yet to see a neo-nazis who does not shit and piss himself if someone mentions the holocaust.

So according to neo-nazis
<1) Hitlers Germany is the perfect government
<2) Hitler is the smartest man alive
<3)Hitler hated the jews
<4)Jews are responsible for everything evil in the world
And here comes the comedy part
<5)Hitler did not want to exterminate the jews
<6)The holocaust did not happen
<7)Hitler did not want to exterminate the jews
<8)Hitler build theaters and swimming pools in the concentration camps for the jews to relax.

Like WTF?! You think people who hate the jews so hard would simply accept that Hitler did the holocaust however no it is them pissing and shitting themselves and crying how the holocaust did not happen.

Why are they like this?
R: 1 / I: 2
The notion that 'classical Marxists' thought it was necessary for large-scale production to completely dominate in all branches of the economy before a given society could be considered ripe for communism is a complete misconception. Not only did they never make such a claim because no country in the world then would fit these criteria, but there in fact are a number of cases where this position was explicitly argued against - Luxemburg writing against Bernstein and Trotsky in his polemic against Rozhkov both dismiss the idea entirely.

Even the German 'left-communists' (their other erroneous views aside) correctly noted that an economy could become mature for communism only taken as a whole and not in terms of individual enterprises, and that in agriculture, small-holding had as yet not been demolished at all.

R: 172 / I: 26
This is NOT a drill.

Chomsky appears to be on death's door. He's 95 and just had a stroke.

At the very least, give him your prayers, say psalms for a full and speedy recovery (he's Jewish so it makes sense to do the Jewish tradition), give him your positive energy, and all that.

Use this thread to keep everyone updated.

I can't believe he may finally go. I truly believed he would live to be 100 or never die.
R: 18 / I: 4

Does JVP really want a free Palestine?

JVP made a cringepost on Insta the other day referring to Stonewall as an "intifada". https://www.instagram.com/p/C8wecjWOxOo/

Basically JVP wants an independent Palestine in name only. Their conception of a free Palestine seems to be the western hegemonic liberalism Israel represents just with Palestinians performing it. Like Cuba or Sweden with Palestinians.
R: 24 / I: 7 (sage)

It's Biden or bust.

Look I get it, Biden is old. However do you really want Trump back? Biden has actually done a pretty damn good job with the economy/border etc. I know you little socialists think he isn't good enough but it's time to grow up & do the right thing.

Biden 2024
R: 452 / I: 78
Lysenko chads stay winning. Turns out, nest sowing works, and Mendelians were proven to be clowns fighting against scientific progress out of ideological, not scientific, reasons once again

About Lysenko's nest method https://www.cabidigitallibrary.org/doi/full/10.5555/19500602955

>N. P. Anuchin. Letter to the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU V. Polyakov[113].

>Acad. Sukachev, V. Ya. Koldanov and with them a significant group of specialists for 15 years wove intrigues and slander around the name of Lysenko in connection with the nesting method of creating a forest. Academician Lysenko was accused of allegedly bringing billions of dollars in losses to the country by the nest method.

>In 1962, on the instructions of the government, special zonal commissions examined protective forest plantations created by nesting and other methods. Up to 250 specialists participated in the commissions, and opponents of the nesting method of forest sowing were also involved in the work of the commission. Summarizing all the materials of the commission was entrusted to me, and I also acted as the main speaker at the All-Union meeting, which considered the results of the survey of protective plantings. At this meeting, as well as at the general meeting of the USSR Academy of Sciences, there were attacks, slanderous attacks and insults against Academician Lysenko. However, the advantages of the nest method based on the materials of the commission turned out to be so obvious that no tricks of the opponents of this method could change the point of view of the meeting.

APOLOGIZE to the greatest Soviet agrobiologist
R: 136 / I: 30

america twitter activism and gaza

To clarify I am pro-Palestine and have held this stance for quite some time now. I do believe that recent wave of palestine supporters have good intentions(and done a lot of genuine good) but I find certain aspects of their activism fascinating, cause they come directly from american twitter activism and its intersecting to see that deal with a real-life issue cause over the past decade this activism has campaigned and marched for causes like american bipoc struggles and queer activism
And while I believe that the majority mean well(and actually haven't done any harm) they are employing tactics and rhetoric that don't make sense outside twitter activism, For instance I came across popular posts stating, "You probably didn't know that x is actually was Invented by Palestinians" or discussing how Palestine is connected to the experiences of black or queer people
R: 1 / I: 0

The lack of action against colonialism’s legacy in India is staggeringly low

In Africa, Latin America, and much of SEA, many people can be expected to voice their opinion and actively participate in organized movements or programs aimed at acknowledging and removing the damages that were brought about from colonialism. Many domestic Indians contrast this, because the level of elitism, self hatred, colourism, and infighting there is so strong to the point where there are cases of minority groups with a millennia-old history within the country facing systemic prejudice and risks of deportation or persecution. Parts of these problems trace back to the caste system, but many were the result of British colonialism’s violent promotion of elitism and division between peoples throughout the country. With the current elections coming up in the same period where many candidates (like Modi)—much like in Nigeria and Pakistan—are relying on hubris, jailing opposition, chauvinism, and ethnonationalism, the future of that country’s federal-level plans are bleak to any citizen of India today. It’s understandable as to why so many are fleeing to any country willing to accept them.

What can be done to promote a sense of cohesion, patriotism, and understanding between everyone there?
R: 3 / I: 4

Restoration of Soviet power in the Baltic region, 1940

There is an enduring myth that the USSR "occupied" or "annexed" the states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, when what really happened was no different to 1917 in Russia: the workers and peasants overthrew the power of capitalists. Soviet power was already established there in 1917-1919 before being temporarily defeated by the intervention of German and British capitalists. In the interwar period, the bourgeoisie failed to develop industry in those countries, unemployment was rife, and the states were all fascist dictatorships. In 1940, they crumbled under the combined pressure of the working class internally and the presence of the USSR.


R: 153 / I: 27

Universal basic income is anticommunist

Someone will still have to work to produce stuff that will get redistributed by UBI through money, coupons, vouchers, whatever. UBI takes money away from the workers and gives it to lumpen, or worse, to intelligentsia that produces crap like the concept of UBI itself (they have personal interest in this)
R: 9 / I: 1
What are the tiniest forms of praxis?
tiniest as in the forms of praxis that take less commitment and time, does creating propaganda memes or some shit count as microscopic praxis?

pic unrelated btw
R: 72 / I: 5

What do you think of the Lumpenproletariat?

>In Marxist theory, the Lumpenproletariat (German: [ˈlʊmpn̩pʁoletaˌʁi̯aːt] ; /ˌlʌmpənproʊlJˈtɛəriət/) is the underclass devoid of class consciousness. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels coined the word in the 1840s and used it to refer to the unthinking lower strata of society exploited by reactionary and counter-revolutionary forces, particularly in the context of the revolutions of 1848. They dismissed the revolutionary potential of the Lumpenproletariat and contrasted it with the proletariat. Among other groups, criminals, vagabonds, and prostitutes are usually included in this category

>The Social Democratic Party of Germany made wide use of the term by the turn of the century. Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky followed Marx's arguments and dismissed the revolutionary potential of the group, while Mao Zedong argued that proper leadership could utilize it. The word Lumpenproletariat, popularized in the West by Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth in the 1960s, has been adopted as a sociological term. However, what some consider to be its vagueness and its history as a term of abuse has led to some criticism. Some revolutionary groups, most notably the Black Panther Party and the Young Lords, have sought to mobilize the Lumpenproletariat
R: 50 / I: 5 (sage)

Why typically socialist parties like this

Person 1”porn is le bad and anti-Christ”
Person 2 “let free market decide and I disagree but let’s work together since our political motive similar”
Person 1 “Porn is le bad”
Person 2 “how dare you saying such a problematic opinion you fucking white male! Sex work is work!!!!!!!!” *splits the party*
R: 11 / I: 3
>in the 1963 Salad Oil Scandal, Allied Crude Vegetable Oil company artificially inflated their inventory to twice the amount of salad oil that existed in the entirety of the United States.

>Ships supposedly full of salad oil for Allied would dock and inspectors would certify the cargo, allowing Allied to post the oil as collateral and obtain millions of dollars in bank loans. In reality, the ships' tanks contained only water, with a few feet of salad oil floating on top to trick inspectors.

>When inspectors audited Allied's facilities, the company would transfer the same oil stock from tank to tank to fool the inspectors while entertaining them during lunch.

>In all, Allied posted 1.8 billion pounds of salad oil as collateral to fraudulently obtain $180 million in loans, when the actual stock was a mere 110 million pounds.

>The scam went on for years before being discovered.

This kind of scam would have been discovered immediately under socialism. A socialist government inspecting reproduction schemas and national input-output tables would immediately have noticed the impossibility of the inventory size. This kind of fraud would be impossible to carry out for so long, unpunished. Those responsible would have been tried, found guilty, shot, fed to vultures, and forgotten.
R: 51 / I: 5 (sage)

The left should support intactivism

The left today is all about consent, but what could be a bigger violation of consent than slicing the foreskin off an infant who can't consent? It seems like leftists are only willing to curb "religious freedom" when it comes to Christians, but will actively enable Muslims, and become evasive when it comes to Jews. And in the US, the only western country to regularly practice circumcision, its roots like in Harvey Kellogg's anti-masturbation campaigns which are directly tied into the bourgeois morality leftists claim to be against.
R: 15 / I: 7
No ironically I am waiting for the contradictions of capitalism to reach a point where there is a thermonuclear war and capitalist society collapses, many people will die? yeah, but the majority will be from the northern hemisphere so…

In a radioactive wasteland only anarcho-communist societies will exist
R: 112 / I: 24 (sage)
>Of all the classes that stand face to face with the bourgeoisie today, the proletariat alone is a really revolutionary class. The other classes decay and finally disappear in the face of Modern Industry; the proletariat is its special and essential product.

Why was he so wrong about this?
R: 76 / I: 9
R: 2 / I: 0

News 6/29/24

Canadian airline WestJet cancels at least 235 flights following a surprise strike by mechanics union
The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association said its members started to strike Friday evening because the airline’s “unwillingness to negotiate with the union” made it inevitable. The strike came after the federal government issued a ministerial order for binding arbitration on Thursday. That followed two weeks of turbulent discussions with the union on a new deal.

Guatemala asks LGBT pride marchers to have 'good manners' after bid to ban event
"The parade is ready to go and we will not give in to intimidation attempts," the organizers' committee said on X. "This is a peaceful, civic and communal demonstration where diverse people are united by the celebration of who we are."

Third day of Israel operation in north Gaza as thousands displaced
The armed wings of both Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad said they were engaged in ongoing fighting with Israeli forces there. Israel's military, meanwhile, said its operations were continuing in Shejaiya where fighting "above and below the ground" left a "large number" of militants dead.

Iran heading for runoff election after neither lead candidate scores majority
Iran is heading to a runoff election in a week’s time after the reformist lawmaker Masoud Pezeshkian secured a narrow lead over the hardline former nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili but failed to secure more than 50% of the votes. Turnout may end up low as 40%, a record low for an Iranian presidential election since the revolution in 1979.

20 Civilians Killed in Myanmar Junta Bombardments in Four Days
The Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and its allies resumed Operation 1027 in Kyaukme and Nawnghkio townships in northern Shan State and Mogoke in Mandalay Region on Tuesday, saying it was reacting to repeated violations by the junta of January’s Chinese-brokered ceasefire.

CPI(M) Condemns ‘Vicious Communal’ Assaults on Muslims Post Election Results
Listing out the spate of such attacks on Muslims in Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Telangana etc, the Left party also called upon all its units to organise protest actions immediately against the “vicious attempts at vitiating the atmosphere and seeking to divert the attention of the people.”

Bangladesh’s power crisis deepens as Adani stops supply
The Adani Power shut down its first unit on June 19 without any preannouncement. The public relations agency looking after Adani Power’s media relations in Bangladesh had claimed that the shutdown of the first unit was due to maintenance.

Crossbow assailant killed after attack at Israel embassy in Serbia
An attacker who fired a crossbow and wounded a police officer guarding the Israeli embassy in Belgrade was shot and killed in what officials described as a “terrorist attack against Serbia“. The officer was in a guardhouse and the attacker approached him several times asking for the location of a museum, Interior Minister Ivica Dacic said. He carried a bag from which, at one point, he pulled out the crossbow and shot the guard.

Health workers at Merseyside to step up strike action
More than 20 staff at Arrowe Park hospital in the Wirral care for patients who have undergone operations. Their union Unite says they are wrongly graded for the jobs they do and have been underpaid by £8,000.The workers staged strike action on April 16 and 17, May 7 to 9, 23 and 24, and June 3 to 6. They will now walk out from July 1 to 7.

March for Nahel Merzouk a year after his killing by French police
Several hundred family members, friends, and supporters gathered in the Paris suburb of Nanterre on Saturday to remember Nahel Merzouk, 17, who was shot dead at point-blank range by a police officer at a traffic stop on June 27, 2023 – a killing that sparked shock and days of rioting across France.
R: 20 / I: 2
Is there great revolutionary potential in Argentina right now? The country is going to the shitters at the expense of the working class and it seems like it's only going to get worse
R: 68 / I: 21

Reverse Orwells

like British conservatives or American republicans who became communists or socialists later in life?
Henry Hyndman is an interesting case. he started as a conservative who converted to socialism after reading the Communist Manifesto and the writings of Henry George. He even founded one of the earliest socialist parties in Britain, but he was fiercely and openly anti-Semitic. Blamed Jewish bankers and "imperialist Judaism" for much of the world's state and had paranoid theories about an "Anglo-Hebraic Empire." Surprisingly, he was not racist towards other ethnic groups. He supported Independence in Asia and Africa. for example, just simply distrusted the Jews and did not like that they were overrepresented in the bourgeoisie class and emerging socialist groups
R: 11 / I: 2

What did she mean?

<The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power.

Can someone with a thesaurus and an encyclopedic knowledge of 20th century french post-modern and structuralist philosophy explain what the literal fuck this means?
R: 144 / I: 8

Why are people, especially Americans, so accepting of what's happening?

Cost of living is rising every day, colleges are debt slave machines but parents will still push their kids into going. Rapidly rising homelessness, inflation, etc
But everyone seems to be ok with it or at least tolerant.
R: 6 / I: 3

News 6/27/24

Iranian Kurdish parties firmly reject Kurdistan Regional Government's pressure to disarm and relocate
"The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) security agencies have notified Komala (the Kurdish branch of the Communist Party of Iran), the Komala of Revolutionary Toilers of Iranian Kurdistan (Shorshger), and the Komala of the Toilers of Kurdistan (Zahmatkeshan) to evacuate their bases in Zirgwez, Zirgwezala, and Bana Gawra villages to Arbat refugee camps and a newly established camp in Surdash."

Israeli forces arrest 28 Palestinians in raids in occupied West Bank
The overnight raids, part of Israel’s increasingly violent assault on the occupied territories, targeted the governorates of Jenin, Hebron, Bethlehem, Ramallah and el-Bireh, Nablus and Jerusalem, said the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society on Thursday.

FARC dissidents order former guerrillas to leave southern Colombia
In a letter, the EMC’s Ivan Diaz Front said that fighters of rival guerrilla group Segunda Marquetalia were “hiding” in Miravalle, a hamlet that was founded to reintegrate the FARC. The EMC and Segunda Marquetalia oppose the peace deal that was signed by their former comrades and the national government in 2016. Both FARC dissident groups are vying for control over the area around Miravalle that lies in what used to be FARC heartland.

Toronto residents flood city lotteries amid ‘impossibly unaffordable’ housing
A new analysis by the Toronto Star has shown that demand far outstripped supply for six lotteries to allocate lower-cost rentals in six new developments since the start of 2023, part of a city scheme offering developers incentives in return for including moderately affordable units in their plans. One development’s lottery gave applicants a 4% chance of winning, while the odds of success in another ballot were just 0.4%.

Civil court in Italy rules the detention of a refugee rescue ship in March was unlawful
On Wednesday, the judge issued a final judgement in the case, confirming the earlier ruling. “The Crotone decision finally corrects the debate,” SOS Humanity lawyer Cristina Laura Cecchini said. “For years, we have seen a continuous criminalisation of the activities of non-governmental search-and-rescue organisations and a profound manipulation of the facts.

A Greek police officer guarding a top judge’s house is injured in a predawn gasoline bomb attack
Police said gasoline bombs were thrown at the officer by unknown people who escaped. The officer, who suffered face and arm injuries, was stationed outside the house of Supreme Court President Ioanna Klapa, which was not damaged. A nearby police car was severely damaged.

German chemical giant pulls out of major nickel project in Indonesia following pressure from human rights campaigners
The project, known as Sonic Bay, intended to refine nickel and cobalt mined at Weda Bay Nickel (WBN), the world’s biggest nickel mine, which campaigners have accused of destroying the rainforest homes of hundreds of indigenous people.

Ex-Kadokawa chairman files lawsuit over 'hostage justice' system
The former chairman of major publisher Kadokawa on Thursday filed a lawsuit against the state for rejecting bail for suspects or defendants who refuse to plead guilty, saying the system represents “hostage justice.” Tsuguhiko Kadokawa, 80, is seeking ¥220 million ($1.37 million) in damages in the civil lawsuit, saying the practice is unconstitutional.

Sudan Communist Party condemns ‘arbitrary detention’ of member by Military Intelligence
Military Intelligence continues to detain Amal El Zein, a member of the Central Committee of the Sudanese Communist Party, for the third consecutive day without providing any reasons. El Zein is the latest to be hit in a series of arbitrary detentions by Military Intelligence targeting critical voices across Sudan.

Kenya protesters call for President Ruto’s removal after tax bill dropped
As protesters headed to Nairobi’s central business district, soldiers were deployed and police in anti-riot gear blocked access along roads leading to Ruto’s office at State House and Parliament of Kenya. Turnout by demonstrators was lower than in previous days after mass protests turned violent, killing more than 20 people, according to human rights groups.
R: 1 / I: 0
What does it look like when a government works for its citizens?

Post examples of governments improving society. They don't have to be socialist, it doesn't need to have survived the cruel realities of capitalism, it doesn't even need to be the correct or ideal solution. I just want real-life examples of what could be.

(It can be a local council, it just has to be a state government. So the Mayor of Marenaleda robbing supermarkets counts, for example)
R: 2 / I: 0

News 6/28/24

Japan protests sex assault cases involving US military on Okinawa and their delayed disclosure
In one case, an Air Force member is accused of assaulting a 16-year-old girl in December, while the other, which dates from May, involves a Marine who is accused of assaulting a 21-year-old woman. The case involving the assault of the teenager is a reminder to many Okinawans of the high-profile 1995 rape of a 12-year-old girl by three U.S. servicemembers, which sparked massive protests against the heavy U.S. troop presence on Okinawa.

Dozens more deaths may be linked to Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's supplements
The health ministry revealed on Friday that there have been dozens more deaths potentially linked to beni kōji (red yeast rice) supplements sold by Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, in addition to the five that had been previously confirmed.

Journalists refused entry to Azerbaijan energy conference ahead of Cop29
The journalists said they were not given a valid reason why they had been turned away, but they chose to leave the venue after “frightening” and “intimidating” encounters with the organisers. The conference was held shortly before research by Human Rights Watch revealed at least 25 instances of the arrest or sentencing of journalists and activists in Azerbaijan over the past year, almost all of whom remain in custody.

Battles rage in north Gaza as Palestinian fighters ambush Israeli troops
In a statement on Friday, al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, said it blew up a booby-trapped residential building in Shujayea, killing four Israeli soldiers and wounding five others. The improvised explosive device used was an undetonated F-16 missile recovered intact after it was fired from an Israeli warplane, it said. The Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s armed wing, said its fighters also continue to engage in “violent clashes” while “inflicting deaths and injuries” in attacks with anti-tank rockets and small-arms fire.

Palestinian official rejects Israeli minister's move on West Bank settlements
"The decisions by the occupation government aim to pursue the war of genocide against our Palestinian people," he told Reuters. He said the PLO and the Palestinian Authority would continue to press for Israel to be taken before international courts and punished for "crimes against our people, and in particular in the Gaza Strip."

Ultra-Orthodox Jews block highway to protest Israel's new mandatory military service law
Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jewish men blocked a major highway in central Israel for two hours on Thursday to protest a recent Supreme Court decision ordering young religious men to enlist for military service.

LGBTQ+ groups 'opt out' of Pride in London over partners’ links to Israel’s occupation
In a series of joint Instagram posts, Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants (LGSMigrants) and Queers for Palestine accuse Cisco, Coca-Cola, Lidl, Tesco and Deutsche Bank of “pinkwashing”, publicly allying with LGBTQ+ causes to hide the darker elements of a business. Pride in London, which drew 1.5 million attendees in 2023, stated that it stands with those suffering in Gaza and assesses partners based on its ethical partnerships policy.

Thousands of Spaniards to descend on Málaga to protest against mass tourism
Málaga, until recently a jumping off point for visitors to the densely built resorts of the Costa del Sol, has become a destination in its own right, undergoing a rapid process of gentrification that is pricing residents out of their homes. Catherine Powell, the global head of hosting at Airbnb, said the city was its most searched-for destination.

Milei Wins Approval for Bold Economic Reforms in Argentina
The Chamber of Deputies passed a sweeping bill, known in Spanish as the Ley de Bases, early Friday in a final 147 to 107 vote. The biggest victory came minutes later, however, when lawmakers also approved the return of income taxes in the accompanying fiscal package by a narrower 136-116 margin, reversing the Senate’s bid to undo the measure. The extra tax revenue would give the government breathing room to reach its fiscal targets and help tame 276% annual inflation.

Bolivian general who led failed coup gets six months pre-trial detention
The Attorney General's Office requested the six months detention and said other government bodies, including the Defense Ministry and Interior Ministry, supported the request "due to the importance and seriousness of the events that occurred," state prosecutor Cesar Siles said.
R: 19 / I: 3

There’s nothing wrong with revisionism

I’m a revisionist. The previous communist thought leaders are all dead and lived a long time ago when the situation in the world was very different. They aren’t perfect gods that we should worship and act like everything they say is gospel. There’s nothing wrong with revising their theories since they were wrong about lots of things. I bet you if they were alive today without a shadow of a doubt they would have changed their theories.
R: 35 / I: 4

Armed Revolution

>There are three conditions for survival that a guerrilla force must embrace if it is emerging subject to the premises described here: constant mobility, constant vigilance and constant distrust. Without these three elements of military tactics the guerrilla will find it hard to survive. We must remember that the heroism of the guerrilla fighter, at this moment, consists of the scope of the planned goal and the enormous number of sacrifices they must make in order to achieve it. These sacrifices are not made in daily combat or in face-to-face battle with the enemy; rather they will take subtler forms, more difficult for the guerrilla fighter to resist both physically and mentally.
<Perhaps the guerrillas will be punished heavily by the enemy, divided at times into groups, while at other times those who are captured will be tortured. They will be pursued as hunted animals in the areas where they have chosen to operate; the constant anxiety of having the enemy on their track will be with them. They must distrust everyone, for the terrorized peasants will in some cases give them away to the repressive troops in order to save themselves. Their only alternatives are life or death, at times when death is a concept a thousand times present and victory only a myth for a revolutionary to dream about.
> - Che Guevara, "Guerrilla warfare: A method"

Let's say fascists take over your country. Or your country is going through strikes and protests and is on the rise. So your country is on the verge of a left wing revolution. Are there any books that one should read in preparation for this? physical training, procurement/production of arms and explosives, tactics, strategy, recruitment, logistics, even food procurement, etc? While reading theories is all well and good there seem to be good but there are very few on the specifics how to actually wage an armed revolution. And before you say this shit glows, the fact is the fucking glowies are likely already here.
R: 13 / I: 1

Humanity is fine, earth is fine, depopulationism will be a forgotten part of the holocene

For all the scare depopulationists have been pushing, many of them fail to realize just how fast both governments and their citizens are adjusting to this changing world. Pronatalist programs seen worldwide, Africa going through its population boom, and governments making the economic reforms necessary to reduce inflation and promote financial security. These things at most are doing much to allow people the security they need to have kids and a stable future, and at least they are preventing the legitimate realities of a dying humanity from ever forming.
If that doesn’t convince you that the global population is genuinely fine, than I can tell you this. There are more governments than ever that will openly pay you to have kids, and there is more food than ever being produced to sustain all those children. Renewable energy has its highest share over the humanity’s energy consumption than at any point in history, and Africans right now are pushing for sustainable power development and nuclear solutions to their energy problems. Most countries (Japan, Jamaica, post soviet states, etc) that are experiencing population decline are seeing a reversal of the trend, which signifies that their populations are stabilizing and growing past a set point rather than simply declining in free fall. Finally, global inflation is declining not growing, which provides the generations of today a chance to start a family some time in the future even if that that future could be years or decades away from when they thought they’d get a chance.
Obviously, things are not entirely fine for people today to simply just start having kids right away. However, to say that humanity’s overall fertility rate will suddenly stagnate and decline rapidly is unrealistic, because of how much were changing as a global society in response to our shared problems.
R: 12 / I: 1
Post good news.
R: 620 / I: 105 (full)  

/leftybritpol/ - King Keir Edition

Labour is still set to sweep into power with an overwhelming majority with support from most of the media and little scrutiny. Their manifesto pledges now confirmed - which will they stick to I wonder? Probably only the one about corporation tax.


<NHS: "Cut NHS waiting times with 40,000 more appointments each week, during evenings and weekends, paid for by cracking down on tax avoidance and non-dom loopholes"

<Immigration: "Launch a new Border Security Command with hundreds of new specialist investigators and use counter-terror powers to smash criminal boat gangs"

<Tax: "We will not increase National Insurance, the basic, higher, or additional rates of Income Tax, or VAT" and "Labour will cap corporation tax at the current level of 25%, the lowest in the G7, for the entire Parliament"

<Energy: "Set up Great British Energy, a publicly-owned clean power company… paid for by a windfall tax on oil and gas giants"

<Antisocial behaviour: "Crack down on antisocial behaviour, with more neighbourhood police paid for by ending wasteful contracts, tough new penalties for offenders, and a new network of youth hubs"

<Education: "Recruit 6,500 new teachers in key subjects… paid for by ending tax breaks for private schools."

<Voting age: "We will increase the engagement of young people in our vibrant democracy, by giving 16- and 17-year-olds the right to vote in all elections"

<Parents: "We will support families with children by introducing free breakfast clubs in every primary school"

<House of Lords: "Legislation to remove the right of hereditary peers to sit and vote in the House of Lords… Labour will also introduce a mandatory retirement age [from the House of Lords, set at 80]"
R: 33 / I: 2  
Whats up with that proselytizing narrative i always see swinged on left coded enviroments of "ohhhh yesss humanity sucks because the enviroment and we kill so many animals or something"
Like what the fuck is that bourgeois schikt? No bitch humanity doesn't sucks, is the bourgeois parasites that own the factories, i work 9 hours shifts and have 3 pairs of shoes, i didn't "destroyed the planet".
Can we countersignal these guilt tripper retards trying to shift blame onto the proles out for once?
R: 13 / I: 4
The main problem with third worldism is visible from the get-go: no matter if you propose a confederation of independent third world nations or a single state that encompasses, say, all of the Arab states, you are still speaking in terms of nation, and you are still speaking in terms of competition between states, of "national liberation", a movement that had been justified by the Comintern as a transitory task when the working masses of Europe and North America had lost the train of revolution. The problem with this is that it ignores that the argument of communists back then hinged on a theory of semi-feudalism and a numerically insufficient proletariat. What befalls communists today, however, is to understand that revolution cannot fell capitalism without an international organization for it.

In most cases where two currents clash, third worldists fail to hide their disdain for the working class in "first world countries" and hold by the mistaken belief that "third world" workers are more revolutionary by default, which is a prediction that does not stand up to scrutiny. In their invectives against invisible "white chauvinists", they fail to see that, in trying to "enrich" internationalism, they merely impoverish it by adding the moralistic pessimism of online college student types on top.

Many of them, in trying to find a coherent actor in "third worldism", hinge their cause to a multitude of figures - the UN, the 1970's Weathermen (whose activity actually fatally weakened the class struggle), student activists, and "popular movements" that often conveniently go unnamed. What whoozes past their heads is the fact that these are all pale substitutes for the revolutionary, a-national, trans-lingual communist party, the only organ capable of giving revolutionary direction to the proletarian fight.
R: 34 / I: 6


How do we support those moving away from fascism and other totalitarian movements?


- https://lifeaftehate.org
- https://evolveprogram.ca
R: 21 / I: 7
What’s your opinion on the red guard? Do you think they were too radical or do you think they were Based
R: 69 / I: 5

Reactionaries are going to fuck over another country… again

How long do you guys think it’s going to take these losers to completely run the French government and its economy into the ground? I’m betting a couple months, because it’s obvious that these cunts are going to do nothing to address landlordism, high taxation, government mismanagement, costs of living, the country’s destroyed reputation in the Sahel, and any other problems, but they will blame every failure they are about to inflict on that imperialist country on immigrants.
R: 14 / I: 2
Redpill me on these mates. Why their crews are like 90% crackers? Why they work so uncritically with Israel in the Mediterranean?
R: 60 / I: 12

Gorby vs Deng

Deng did market reforms in China in the 70s and China continues to be ruled by marxist leninists today despite arguably creating a new bourgeoisie and high inequality.

Gorby tried to do perestroika and glastnost in the USSR 1985, and a mere 6 years later it had literally destroyed the whole country.

Why did one reform fail but the other succeed?
R: 15 / I: 3
The most stable and effective federal government possible would be a nonpartianist republic with a unicameral parliament made solely by a House of Commons, and whose legal system is composed entirely of civic laws. The state would be managed by governments whose authority is divided linearly into municipal, provincial, and federal levels. There would be no territorial government, no separation of powers, no decentralization of authority away from this simple hierarchy, and no permitted or legitimized factionalism. Prove me wrong.
R: 465 / I: 73

Japanese Communist Party's death spiral

This party sucks shit. It's constantly pissing everyone off and for the past decade it's been on a war path against anything "erotic" and now they are turning its attention towards the most popular manga magazine shonen jump and telling its followers to snitch adult magazines to the United Nations!

Genius moves ostracizing yourselves even more with manga authors and youth, the party is bleeding members fast and they think to prioritize meddling with manga. What's the deal with this party?
R: 20 / I: 7

Euskadi Ta Askatasuna

what are leftypols thoughts on the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna and Basque country seperatism as a whole?
the basque people obviously form a completely separate identity from both spain and france, and a lot of the separatist movements in basque are pretty far left
R: 2 / I: 0

News 6/26/24

Bolivian president thanks people after facing down failed coup attempt
President Arce hailed the withdrawal as a victory for Bolivia’s democracy and addressed the country’s citizens in the aftermath, some of whom had taken to the streets in protest of the alleged coup attempt. “Many thanks to the Bolivian people,” said Arce. “Long live democracy.” Dramatic footage on Bolivian television showed Arce facing down Zuniga and a group of soldiers in a palace hallway on Wednesday. “I am your captain, and I order you to withdraw your soldiers, and I will not allow this insubordination,” Arce said.

Colombia investigating alleged wiretapping of top court
The scandal caused by the magistrate’s wiretapping accusations is the latest of many. The DNI’s predecessor, intelligence agency DAS, was dismantled in 2011 after it had been caught spying on the Supreme Court, members of Congress and people considered politically inconvenient for former President Alvaro Uribe.

Argentina enters technical recession as job losses mount under Milei
The official INDEC statistics agency also released jobs data, which showed the jobless rate rising to 7.7% in the first quarter, up from 5.7% at the end of last year. That meant some 300,000 newly unemployed people since the previous quarter. Triple-digit inflation and the recession have hit consumers hard and hurt sales of products like beef, while Milei's spending cuts have seen state infrastructure projects halted and major job losses in sectors such as construction.

Julian Assange lands in Australia a free man
Speaking at a press conference in the capital, Mr Assange’s wife Stella said she had been “overcome with emotion” when the couple were reunited after his final hearing on the island of Saipan. She thanked the millions of people who had campaigned for years to help her husband achieve freedom. But in a stark warning, Ms Assange said that he has now “secured a conviction for news gathering and publishing information that was in the public interest.”

Israeli forces kill Palestinian MSF physiotherapist on way to work in Gaza
The organisation confirmed his killing in a statement but did not explicitly blame Israel. Fadi Al-Wadiya, 33, was killed along with five others, including three children near an MSF clinic, as he was cycling there. The father of three was on his way to provide medical care to others who had been wounded in Israel's ongoing war on Gaza.

France elections: Mounting antisemitism accusations used to 'demonise' the left
Two weeks ago, when the left was trying to unite - after the far right stormed to victory in the EU elections and Macron responded by calling the snap elections - many political figures warned against an alliance with the “antisemitic” LFI and its leaders. And when the New Popular Front was formed and presented its joint programme in Paris, demonstrators accused its leadership of having made “antisemitism” a “campaign promise”.

21 arrested after blocking Oxford Circus to demand an arms embargo on Israel
Youth Demand, a new group linked to Just Stop Oil, gathered at Victoria Embankment Gardens, where they held a people’s assembly, before marching through central London. The group reported that 21 arrests were made after they blocked Oxford Circus.

Norwegian pension fund dumps Caterpillar over Gaza war risks
Norway’s largest private pension manager said in a statement released on Wednesday that the manufacturer of bulldozers and other heavy machinery could be “contributing to human rights abuses and violation of international law in the West Bank and Gaza”.

Protesters return to New Caledonia streets following extradition of independence leader
French High Commission in Noumea said that protesters also set fire to the town hall in the Koumac commune and destroyed areas in Paita.Christian Tein, an Indigenous Kanak leader, was flown to mainland France overnight on Saturday, along with six other activists.

India exports rockets, explosives to Israel amid Gaza war, documents reveal
The identification codes specified in the documentation, obtained unofficially by the Solidarity Network Against the Palestinian Occupation (RESCOP), suggest the Borkum contained 20 tonnes of rocket engines, 12.5 tonnes of rockets with explosive charges, 1,500kg (3,300 pounds) of explosive substances and 740kg (1,630 pounds) of charges and propellants for cannons.

Kenya's Ruto rejects tax bill, returns it to parliament, local media reports
Police opened fire on crowds who massed around parliament on Tuesday and later broke into parliament buildings, minutes after lawmakers had voted through tax hikes seeking to raise an additional $2.7 billion.

Regime in Niger admits rebels damaged crude oil pipeline
The damage to the 1,243-mile pipeline is a significant setback to the military rulers who came to power after they ousted former president Mohamed Bazoum last July. The pipeline was launched at the end of last year and links the Agadem oilfield in Niger to the Benin coast.
R: 90 / I: 16
Genuine question. Will it be over for Cuba as a socialist country in a few years? I want to believe in it but how will they overcome these brutal sanctions and US backed color revolutionary attempts in the upcoming years? What do the people especially the young folk currently say?
R: 8 / I: 2
I'm studying guerrilla warfare for… fun. But I feel that the typical manuals made in the military dictatorships in Latam are "outdated" -
Do you know of any book that talks about what guerrilla fighting is like today and how Marxist armed struggle faces the 21st century?
R: 107 / I: 15
Why are most people scared of communism when It would benefict everybody but the 0.1% of mankind? Are we doing something wrong?
<inb4 burgeois propaganda
Lazy answer
R: 32 / I: 10
What’s your opinion on on Mikhail Gorbachev what do you think he was a bad guy or not? What do you think his motives ultimately were? Do you also think that he might be stupid or not?
R: 40 / I: 4 (sage)
I think I solved poverty

If you put only $20k into Apple or Microsoft and nothing more you would make the federal minimum wage every single year doing absolutely nothing.

Put $40k and you get $15 an hour minimum wage. For doing absolutely nothing

And it continues to grow more. By doing absolutely nothing. That $15 an hour become $20 an hour on it's own. Without adding anymore.

Pretty soon you will be making $30 an hour. Doing absolutely nothing..

Now think about doing this while you are already working a job making $15 an hour. Now you're making six figures working at a McDonalds.

Why isn't everyone doing this? Skip out on that Starbucks coffee. Cancel the Netflix subscription and you could have this
R: 39 / I: 5

Canada Check-In

How's things going up there?

There seems to be a lot of shit going on in Canadian Communism in the last few years, with the rise and fall of the PCR-RCP, then the development of the IMT in Canada, and now the formation of New Communist Party of Canada.


They have a fairly detailed programme, that I would appreciate some people's thoughts on here.
R: 16 / I: 5
any anarcho-maoists here?
anyone situationists pilled?

Mass line tactics + hyper reality manipulation + autonomous guerilla tactics + cultural subversion

"When we all realized it was over, it was."

escape your psychic prison
R: 64 / I: 11

Intelligence Agencies, Social Media And the Rise of the Global Far Right

How much stock do you guys put in the idea that intelligence communities (particularly CIA, 5 Eyes ect) have been intentionally pushing pro-fascist sentiment across the internet in an attempt to gain broad support for the sort of genocidal border policies that will be needed to ensure the survival of western states (in their current form) in the face of mass immigration of climate refugees??
Obviously all this can on some level be explained by markets, engagement farming algorithms, the material interest of first world workers if you buy into the destinction articulated by Maoists and third worldists ect.
But I dont know it just feels like the almost cartoonish levels of racism, sexism, homophobia and anti-semitism we are seeing emerge now feel almost coordinated with the abusrd degrees of institutional support they now enjoy.
It feels like musk buying twitter could have been an intelligence op.
It feels like ALOT of the support far-right parties have gotten in europe (and America) is astro-turfed.
It feels like like we're all in the midst of a mass brainwashing event honestly.
Anyone have any thoughts on this???
R: 16 / I: 0

How to break free from this?

I know it. I know. It had already been discussed before. But hold up, just a darn minute. You're spamming the thread with nonsense, etc., but I really want to know what's the ultimate answer to the trolley problems. Please, enlighten me. Is it really just like the picrel? We can actually stop the lever without any risk at all?
R: 28 / I: 7

Irelands Compradors and reactionaries...

Istfg Fine Gael supporters are thick fucking skulled, it doesnt matter what you say to them or show them- they will repeatedly say that the Republican movement is inherently anti-immigration. Like for christs sake no it is NOT its Anti-Imperialist, its against the economic occupation of our land in the south and the military, administrative and economic occupation by Britain of the north of our land.

It also seems that much of this "Ireland is for the Irish!" crowd online comes from Irish Diaspora in AMERICA rather than from people actually on the fucking island - what could this mean?
R: 110 / I: 9

Grillpill, not Blackpill

As Summer arrives and we are beset by another season of shrill, pointless bourgeois elections, let us remind /leftypol/ of the importance of being grillpilled. The grillpill is not 'defeatism' or 'doomerism.' It is a recognition that bourgeois politics is a strategic dead-end. It is a turn inwards to strengthen the mind, body and heart, to avoid the temptations of opportunism or reactionary thought and to be ready for future movements of the class struggle.

Suggested activities include the following:
>Disengaging as much as possible from mainstream news and social media
>Severing parasocial relationships with falsifying 'political' streamers and video essayists
>Read Marx, read well-sourced academic Marxists, read well-sourced texts on history and political economy
>Supplement your reading with classic literary fiction of various genres
>Take up hobbies that encourage mastery of specific skills or knowledge
>Engage in physical exercise and interactions with nature
>Participate in local charity/volunteering work, while affirming that such work is not revolutionary or 'socialist' in character
>Arrange IRL get-togethers with friends and acquaintances, encourage community and group activities
>Above all, enjoy outdoor grilling - the most humble form of food preparation, used by human laborers for millennia

In time, the grillpilled anon will have strengthened their mind and body, reaffirmed their principles and commitment to revolutionary socialism, and be prepared for the inevitable reemergence of capitalist crisis and proletarian struggle.
R: 40 / I: 7

Vassalized Britain

How did a colonizing power become economically cucked by its own former colony?
>From assets to businesses, the high street to the internet, US investors have a stranglehold on Britain’s economy.
<Nowhere has America asserted its economic dominance more strongly than in Britain, where around two million people now work for US companies. Tens of billions of dollars per year are transferred across the Atlantic in the form of dividends paid on the proceeds of British work, conducted on behalf of American owners. A jaunty little map on the Office for National Statistics website gives the good news that our goods exports to America actually outweigh our imports by a few billion. Go, Global Britain! But a less accessible chart, found in the deeper reaches of the website of the American tax authority, the IRS, tells a different story: in 2020 (the latest year on record) the revenue recorded by American companies in the UK was over $707bn, more than ten times the amount made in the entire continent of Africa. In 2019, large US corporations made an (aggregated) profit of £2,500 from every household in the UK.
R: 116 / I: 24

out-BREED the LEFT

right wingers often claim that they are going to "out breed" the left.
>Charlie Kirk: Celebrating all the moms at our Young Women’s Leadership Summit this weekend. We’re going to win either now or later, when we outbreed the left!
<Chaya Raichik: I come from a family of 8. I plan to have a lot of kids. We’re going to outbreed the Left. Then we’re gonna homeschool or send our kids to private school so they can’t be groomed into becoming activists for leftist causes.
>Michael Knowles: there are two ways to beat the left: you can outargue them or you can outbreed them.
So leftypol will this work? Can the right simply OUTBREED the left and save capitalism forever and ever?
R: 120 / I: 18

Using Geoengineering to deal with rising heat waves in the Global South

I'd like to give my perspective. I'm from a South Asian country. Other than a few brief years I've lived most of my life in my home town, as has my entire family for centuries. I had no problem with the heat and neither did my family. I used to jog in the summer without any issues. However about 4-5 years ago, the heat became unbearable. People in my community have suffered heat strokes, and thousands have already died. The effects of climate change where it starts affecting regular people have happened here, rveryone believes in it, The crops aren't all dead, the oceans haven't sunk cities, but they can feel the pain heat every time of time both day and night and they probably know someone who has suffered from a heat stroke
Now, a criticism I've seen from Westerners is that taking measures to end the painful heatwaves "won't fix the root causes" of capitalism. And listen I know that, but we are in pain here. I'm seeing people suffer as they leave their homes. I just don't see a way in which we can meet temperature goals, and there is no indication that countries are serious about cutting emissions to the extent needed.
R: 100 / I: 21

Pan-Arabism vs Socialism

Do you know Salah Jadid?
He was a Ba'athist Arab nationalist turned far-left socialist who ruled Syria for a relatively short period before being overthrown by Assad senior in a coup.
Unlike his Ba'athist contemporaries Jadid believed in class struggle, implemented radical leftist policies, assigned communists to high positions in his government, pursued close relations with the CPSU, shifted the party line from Arab nationalism to explicitly revolutionary anti-capitalist stand treating pan-Arabism as merely a means to an end (that is socialism) rather than an end itself.
After his overthrow Assad started reversing many of his policies, liberalizing the country while cracking down on leftist opposition.

Assad Senior was an absolute buffon who wasn't committed to the Palestinian cause or socialism as he criticised Jadid for his support of Palestinians during their revolt against the Jordanian monarchy, gave the Golan on a silver platter to Israelis, funded counter revolutionaries in the Lebanese civil war, supported an expansionist theocracy in his sectarian scuffles, made a deal with the US to occupy Lebanon in exchange of supporting the Gulf War, started neoliberalizing Syria's economy in the 90s.

The only other head of state that was to the left of secular pan-Arabism is Iraq's Qasim, he to was overthrown by nationalists. As a leftist MENAoid I believe Arab nationalism has been a net negative for our region. It is a revisionist (historically and ideologically), colonial, reactionary ideology that had been used primarily to suppress class consciousness and recuperate socialism and revolution to serve bourgeois interests.
R: 13 / I: 1

Muhammad Ali Pasha

Was he unironically a leftist anti-imperialist? He was turning Egypt into a modern, industrialized powerhouse, he seized the power from the parasitic nobility and clergy and was on the verge of destroying the backwards Ottomans, literally at the gates of Constantinople until European imperialists such as UK, France and Russia, afraid of a united Middle Eastern industrialized nation intervened in favor of the Turks, whom they used as a puppet.
R: 10 / I: 2


What do you think of him? Do you buy into the bourgeois appropriation of his work? Do you digest neoclassical ideology uncritically? Or do you recognise him as the vital turning point in the history and structure of world-capitalism that he was?
R: 500 / I: 95


Multipolarism, in its most basic form, posits a world where multiple powers (countries or entities) exist in a state of relative equilibrium, challenging the unipolar hegemony led mainly by the United States post-Cold War. The emergence of China, the reassertion of Russia, the rise of regional powers like India, Brazil, and South Africa, among others, suggest a move towards this multipolar world.

BUT is it rly just Capitalism 2: Electric Boogaloo - Neo-Dengism Edition? To what extent is multipolarism just capitalist nationalism for people not in green on this map? If the whole thrust of socialism is now just "America bad" what becomes of the classical socialist goals of workers control of the means of production, and abolishing class society?

🇧🇷 • /brg/ - Brazil general >>>/leftypol/1793453
🇷🇺🇺🇦 • /ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine war general >>>/leftypol/1867900
🇮🇳 • /subcontinental/ - India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Buthan general >>>/leftypol/1828924
🇨🇳 • /prc/ - People's Republic of China general >>>/leftypol/211384
🇿🇦 • /africa/ - Africa general >>>/leftypol/1831758
R: 1 / I: 0

Abolishing capitalism should start with abolishing copyright

Let's talk music, for instance. There are 12 tones in Western music and only 12 tones are acceptable and at least for myself familliar (although experiments with atonality are nice as well). If your song happens to sound too similar to the other song, then you are accused of plagiarism by porkies. Let's take also piracy. I don't think it's stealing. At any time human being can buy a record or a movie or a PC game or whatever and the only people screaming about it are porkies, as usual.
Do you agree with my points?
Pic unrelated, posted for laughs.
R: 499 / I: 161

/nordpol/ - Nordic General - Skåneutgåvan

Thread for all things Nordic. Recommended languages: Finnish, Scandinavian and English.
R: 11 / I: 3  

I have given up on communism

Last weekend I got totally socially destroyed by people in my orgs with a whole load of lies, emotional appeals, etc. They had secret meetings to talk to a lot of key people to convince them of these lies in advance. They then sprung all of this on a national meeting, throwing me under the bus among borderline rape allegations against friends of mine who arent even members and they never interacted with to any capacity, all in an effort to put their candidate in a light on a platform of "fighting sexism" and take down the opposing candidate in the process.
The party I spend 3+ years of my life in a near full time manner building up, of which i build up the entire chapter from zero to dozens of members, including the people who fucked me over, all of it is taken away from me.
The people in the org were easily swayed by a very obvious plot. Nobody opposed a showtrial without any evidence in which people were attacked by name, despite them not having mentioned any of these issues before to the confidants or the board. People, including those who said they would have my back, didnt dare to intervene.
A moscow trial was conducted in an org of only a little over a hundred people.

If communists are unable to defend and see such snakes and opportunists even at this level, and are so easily swayed, and if even this small a scale is enough to invite full on throwing comrades under the bus for your own gain, then all is lost. The opportunist powerplays that happened in the soviet union are inevitable. Democracy and workers power is an impossibility. The left can never win because it is unable to even have a functioning democracy beyond 150 people without falling to unopposed opportunism.

I am done with politics, i'm going back to my life with people I actually can trust, and im just gonna grill. The Marxist ideal is an illusion, even the smallest level politics gets easily corrupted by opportunists.
R: 5 / I: 0

No Holodomor happened

Ah, I randomly stumbled upon a proof that in 1933, there was no drop in fertility rates in USSR

Taken from this https://istmat.org/files/uploads/40054/rgae_1562.41.65_statisticheskie_dinamicheskie_ryady_1913-1951.pdf page 237 (213) for RSFSR. Ukraine has the same dynamics This is how many schools there were in RSFSP at this or that year, second row how many kids were in schools at this or that year total. Third row is kids at 5-10th grades.

So, in 1932-33 there supposed to be a big hunger that killed a lot of people and dropped fertility rates, but in 1940 we can see that there's no real drop in the number of schoolchildren (at 7-8 years old they go to school). Meanwhile, the fertility rate drop during the war RESULTED in the drop of the number of schoolkids (1940 + 7-8 - we can see low numbers of schoolkids). Second pic is fertility rates, the country with the highest drop is USSR, obviously

As we can see, secret documents from the archives DO NOT SUPPORT the reconstructions of fertility rates that show a sharp drop in fertility rates in 1932-33, meaning there was no noticeable hunger in 1932-1933
R: 500 / I: 136  

/ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine war general #178: Optimus Maximus Edition

Remember!!: I don't care who you are, I'm not voting for NATO!

Previous thread: >>>/leftypol/1867900


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



Live maps and updates
DeepStateMap: https://deepstatemap.live
Events in Ukraine: https://eventsinukraine.substack.com/
SouthFront: https://southfront.org/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/

Watch Together
📺 News/events: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash
📺 Hangout/chill: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/bloodcast

Watch By Yourself
>Video Essays / Historical Background
📺 Ukraine: The Avoidable War - Boy Boy

📺 America, Russia, and Ukraine's Far Right - Gravel Institute
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0pyVJG7_6Q (Link TBA)

📺 Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

<Current Happenings

📺 The Grayzone: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrayzone7996
📺 DDGeopolitics: https://www.youtube.com/@DDGeopolitics
📺 Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
📺 The Duran: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeMVChrumySxV9N1w0Au-w
📺 The News Atlas: https://www.youtube.com/c/thenewatlas
📺 Military Summary: https://www.youtube.com/@militarysummary


Social media



Thread guidelines:
• Please remember to add a spoiler to NSFW and extreme content such as graphic violence and gore.
• Try your best to not derail discussion too much from the main events and relevant places where the war is taken place, as well as other happenings, groups and public figures related to it.
• Meta discussion of the historical, philosophical and ideological background of the war is fine as long as its done in good faith and comradely.
• In the event the meta discussion overstays its welcome, participating users will be referred to take the conversation to the MULTIPOLARISM general thread: >>>/leftypol/1590991
• Quality shitposting and original content is encouraged! Spamming glowie memes is low effort.
• Remember to take your meds! It helps mediate schizoposting and foot fetishism
• this is /isg/ for people who treat geopolitics like shitty map games
R: 28 / I: 1

What Reddit liberals really fear about le Project 2025

If America was really this turn-key Republic of Gilead like they say it is, then they would preparing to fight for their lives because it would be too late for le vooting to solve anything. And are the same people that helped get America to where it is today really going to get it out? It's not like Joe Biden isn't (More than any other politician alive today) responsible for the Neoliberal hellscape that is America today or that Kamala Harris wasn't one of the thousands of Little Eichmanns that enforced the Clinton Administration's austerity policies. The Open Society is very brutal and authoritarian towards the poor, alternating between condescension at best and outright hostility at worst. What they really fear is that the carceral state created by the compromises they supported in the 1990s-2010s will be turned onto rich liberals like them.
R: 5 / I: 3

The political damage brought by poor public education

What does the word ‘politics’ (in most forms of English, it means “the activities managing the decisions made by groups of people”) mean in your language? Many adults can’t answer that question; many more can’t even write a complete sentence in their own language. I’m bringing up this problem, because I want you to understand why people around the world seemingly all fail to understand politics while seemingly all having the same views on it.

I believe that the lack of functional literacy skills present in many adults today combined with the similarities in societal norms and practices present in urbanized/urbanizing countries creates an effect where most people have the same ideas of politics. This effect cripples many people’s ability to understand just how vast the principles, laws, political theories, ideologies, legacies, and physical resources are available in the contemporary era, and what that can do to influence how their countries develop overtime.

How many times have you heard of someone in a North Atlantic or Central Asian country think of politics as either being on a linear spectrum or existing as exclusively in Islamic and non Islamic types? How many times have you seen reactionaries in public display their passion for politics and change, but fail to actually come up with any new ideas that weren’t already tried, tested, and abondoned decades or centuries ago? These phenomena are numerous in their examples, and they’re mind numbing, but they aren't unavoidable.

I believe that addressing the global public’s failures in providing a guaranteed knowledge base for everyone to have and be able to apply functional literacy, geography, and basic philosophy—that exists in types relative to the language being taught in each country—to adults (because they’re the majority and have the highest capacity to change the world) would bring an end to reactionary thought, and finally produce the changes necessary to prevent crises from happening cyclically. Additionally, I believe that the rise in global urbanization and the decline in barriers of entry to politics for a growing portion of humanity can facilitate the acceleration of such beneficial changes.
R: 6 / I: 0

News 6/22/24

‘All of the rats in the Knesset’: Mass antiwar protest in Israel
Antigovernment protest organisation Hofshi Israel estimated more than 150,000 people attended the rally, calling it the biggest since Israel’s war on Gaza. Some demonstrators lay on the ground covered in red paint in the city’s Democracy Square to protest what they say is the death of the country’s democracy under Netanyahu.

Israeli tanks likely killed Palestinian child Hind Rajab, investigation concludes
The audio analysis also concluded it was likely Israeli used weaponry, such as the M4 assault rifle or a FN Mag machine gun, used in a Merkava Tank, that fired the shots. This was concluded after determining the fire rate of the weapons. The combined analysis, along with Hamada's account that an Israeli tank was next to them, allowed investigators to map the likely position of an Israeli tank at the time of the shooting.

Balkans hit by blackouts as heatwave persists
Albania, Bosnia, Montenegro and large areas of the Croatian coast were hit by the afternoon blackouts, brought on by surging demand for power after households switched on air-conditioning to combat the high temperatures. In Bosnia and Croatia, traffic lights were knocked out, causing transport chaos in Sarajevo, Split and other big cities.

SNP and Tories unite to block housing standards enforcement for migrant farmworkers
Socialist MSP Richard Leonard introduced an amendment to the Agriculture and Rural Commuities (Scotland) Bill calling for the Scottish Agricultural Wages Board, which sets wages by rates for tied accommodation, to enforce housing standards.

France’s new left-wing alliance unveils ambitious economic programme – and how they'll pay for it
As programmes go, it’s ambitious. The NFP – a coalition of left-wing parties including Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s France Unbowed, the Socialist Party, the French Communist Party and the Greens – plans to raise the monthly minimum wage to €1,600, impose price ceilings on essential foods, electricity, gas and petrol, repeal Macron’s deeply unpopular decision to raise the retirement age to 64 and invest massively in the green transition and public services.

Indian farm worker in Italy ‘left to die on road’ with severed arm
A trade unionist has called for a crackdown against “barbaric exploitation” after an Indian farm worker died when he was allegedly being left on a road by his employer following an accident that severed his arm. Satnam Singh, 31, was injured on Monday while working on machinery on a farm in Latina, a rural area close to Rome with a large community of Indian immigrant labourers.

Communist Party says Darfur region open to secession
The war, El-Fadl said, would not cease through international alliances and foreign conferences, but through a dialogue among the Sudanese, thus the need to exclude the National Congress Party, the Security Committee leaders – the Army, and the Rapid Support Forces from the process. He said soldiers should return to the barracks and the militia groups should dissolve.

Jihadis from Africa’s Sahel have crossed into Nigeria’s north, a new report says. A lot is at stake
The extremists believed to be linked to al-Qaida have in the last year crossed over from Benin’s hard-hit northern region and settled in Kainji Lake National Park, one of Nigeria’s largest, where other armed groups have also gained access, according to the report by the Clingendael Institute think tank, which has done extensive research in the Sahel.

Russian politician says law needed to protect society from convicts who fought in Ukraine
Many of the offenders are men who had been released early from prison, where they were serving time for serious crimes, in exchange for fighting in the war. Some Russian prisons are set to close this year because so many of their inmates have gone to the battlefields in Ukraine. The comments by Ostanina, published on Wednesday, amount to a rare admission from a Russian politician that returning soldiers are putting strains on local communities.

Senior Chinese propaganda official Zhang Jianchun faces corruption investigation
Zhang Jianchun, 59, a deputy head of the Central Publicity Department, is under investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission for “suspected serious disciplinary and legal violations” – the usual euphemism for corruption or political misdeeds.
R: 16 / I: 3

Bingo Thread #2 - old skool edition

It's once again time to play /leftypol/ bingo. Because we're collectivists, we all play on one card, so just cite a post number as evidence: >>18##### , add a mark to our card and repost it. Yes, even (((phoneposters))) can edit pictures, it doesn't count until you attach an image on this imageboard.

HARD MODE: no using posts made before this one. rigging is for porkies!
HET MODE: take a shot for every square someone else finds
CIA MODE: have no sense of humor and cry over a thread
R: 52 / I: 5  

J K Rowling endorses British Communist Party

< you were going to spoil your ballot paper, why not check this list to see whether there's a candidate in your constituency:
R: 140 / I: 13

FERTILITY vs Capitalism

how big of a problem is population decline for capitalism?

I know people have been desensitized to the issue of population decline due to right wingers panicking about the white birth rates or china doomers proclaiming the end of China or whatever, but in all seriousness -

If human activity i.e. labor is the ultimate source of value doesn't it imply that for capitalism to increase its profits, either 1) per-worker productivity/skill has to increase or 2) the population has to increase.

This is simple common sense. There could be some deus ex machina coming from outside the system i.e. general ai and robots becoming a perfect substitute for labor or full ectogensis allowing porky to simply clone workers for themselves, but outside the more outlandish predictions of scifi, this will be a problem.

bottom line, the rate of population growth is the determinant of the long-run rate of profit, and this ultimately means capitalism will decline after the world population peaks sometime in the 2080s if estimates hold (if not even earlier).
R: 120 / I: 11

On Legitimate Violence and Dehumanisation

Sme parts of the Western left are misguided in their view on violence as it results to Israel Palestine, especially as they themselves are beneficiaries of imperialism.

There is a current of thought that says 'all Israelis are legitimate targets of decolonisation' and that there is 'no such thing as a "good" Israeli' I believe this thought to be hypocritical and reactionary when it comes from the western left.

Just to clarify, I am a supporter of Palestine and have marched dozens of time and participated in direct action in my country in support of the cause. I am against the Israeli state and want to see a ONE STATE Solution.

However I do not believe that all Israeli's are uniquely evil or complicit. Because I (and a lot of you reading this) are part of the Imperial world order and a labour aristocracy that has benefitted from crimes against humanity. IF YOU LIVE IN THE WEST, YOU ARE EQUALLY AS COMPLICIT.

Yet as firm believer in dialectical and historical materialism, I see the possibility for change, even in the heart of the imperial core. The left in the west is pathetic and complicit, but I don't think that makes them irredeemable either. If we don't believe in transformation that why do we fight?

So, for that reason, I don't see ALL Israelis as targets either, nor do I dismiss the fact that there are good people in that country, who like leftists in the west, have been smothered by a fascist regime.
R: 64 / I: 6

Nebulous "Freedom"

In the imperial core the concept of freedom is used very effectively to suppress class consciousness, particularly owing to its deliberate lack of specificity. In the imperial core proletarians are only are "free" (haha) to project their own inner desires on onto the word "freedom" whenever the bourgeois politicians use it to wax rhetorical. What kinds of freedom are there? In my mind there are multiple dimensions.

The first dimension is the To/From dimension of "freedom"

>There is freedom TO do things. Freedom TO become bourgeois. Freedom TO own a business. Freedom TO bomb the savages. Freedom TO genocide the undesirables.

<Then there is freedom FROM having things done to you. Namely bad things. This is the type of freedom the people in the imperial core are trained to ignore. The type of freedom that is more abstract, and comes up less often, but is possibly even more important on a society wide scale than the other type of freedom.

Then there is the General/Specific dimension of "freedom"

>Freedom for people in society to GO FISHING is GENERAL.


Then there is the Spatial/Temporal dimension of "freedom"


<Freedom to drive ONLY IN YOUR COUNTRY is a SPATIAL freedom.

Then there is Absolute/Relative dimension of "freedom."

>Absolutely, a prole is NOT free.

<Relative to bourgeoisie a prole is NOT free.
<Relative to slaves and prisoners and refugees a prole is free.
<Relative to besieged nations in the imperial periphery proles in the imperial core are free.

Feel free to critique this critique of freedom but the TL;DR here is that the bourgeoisie leverages the ways in which you are free to hide the ways in which you are not. They appeal to your aspirations by telling you that you or your family is "free TO" climb the ranks of class society if they just lick boot for several generations or set aside whatever tiny amount they make above subsistence, or avoid addictions and luxuries, etc. They tell you that you are "RELATIVELY free" compared to the savages who you are "free TO" join the military and bomb/sanction/coup/embargo/loot.

When troops in the imperial core say they "fought for freedom" they mostly mean RELATIVE freedoms and freedoms TO oppress others, and TEMPORARY freedoms (i.e. bourgeois concessions) which dry up after a while.
R: 121 / I: 22


>card-carrying party member since the 1905 revolution
>kept the moscow bureau alive during the reaction
>wrote the first marxist analysis of imperialism (supplementing hilferding and making the basis for lenin's popular analysis)
>wrote the theory of the imperialist state and proletarian dictatorship (who lenin accepted in 1917 as wholly correct)
>wrote to this day unsurpassed critique of utilitarianism (theory of leisure classes)
>was chief editor of pravda and set the soviet state on a revolutionary course
>president of the third international and staunch internationalist
>wrote popular books explaining the bolshevik party programme
>popular and loved, educated and broad in his understanding of history and the worker's movement
>was with stalin against trotsky and the left opposition
>main party theoretician for some 20 years and saw through industrialization and collectivization
<discredited in a show trail, shot like a dog, and not even rehabilitated during the glasnost
what went wrong?
R: 50 / I: 4
The average ordinary person can be driven to do or believe in horrible things in the right circumstance. How am I supposed to be certain in an anarchist commune that things will work out fine? Why not settle for direct democracy or communalism instead, even though those systems have their flaws as well. There needs to be a law and some form of police, to protect the citizens. Even if you could eliminate all of the things that would drive people to crime in the first place, there will still need to be perhaps a limited amount of them to stop the edge cases. There are so many logistical issues with anarchy, and people who believe in this ideology well, are kind of blindly putting their faith in something I just think won't work in the long run.
R: 343 / I: 49

Why are Abrahamic religions so spiritually successful?

Pretty much every people group exposed to Abrahamic faiths ends up incorporating elements from them. They are so successful that everyone, from pagan Nazis to "POC revival" faiths, essentially adopts basic elements of either Christianity or Islam and changes some names on top
R: 108 / I: 18
Why exactly ARE Americans so terrified of communism?
And even socialism
Either one just sends many into a panic or rage.
Is it because they truly enjoy capitalism or is it due to other issues
R: 6 / I: 0
What does /leftypol/ think of the recent decrease in support for pro-independence parties in Catalonia and Scotland? The decrease has largely benefited the mainstream left parties like the PSOE in Spain and Labour in the UK.

Any anons from there can comment on why this is happening and the implications?
R: 5 / I: 0

Costa Rica's revolutionary potential

This small central american country has some particular characteristics which IMO make it potentially revolutionary:
>No army. This means that the violent repression on the population is weak
>Police is not heavily armed. Population can fight square against it. No history of cops shooting civilians
>This means USA cant use proxy to murder the population. Sending troops to a country without army means international outrage (hopefully)
>Plan: attack the core of capitalism and imperialism: return the lands to the native populations and expell the multinational fruit companies (Dole, Chiquita, etc). Inspire and help workers of banana, pineapple and coffee plantations to rebel and seize the means of production.

The key here is no army.
R: 12 / I: 2
Is there any information on Sükhbaatar and the revolution? And what do Mongolians think of socialism in general? I'm guessing that they lean positively, since Sükhbaatar still has a statue dedicated to him.
R: 411 / I: 128
An intriguing thread which explores why the general public often fails to grasp the true essence of a 'bad' character and how often leftists unintentionally undermine themselves by portraying said characters with qualities that appeal to the average person
R: 20 / I: 7

Fascism and Reformism as the Right and Left hands of the Bourgeoisie

Scratch a liberal or conservative and a fascist bleeds? True but entirely beside the point.

Scratch a fascist and the bourgeoisie bleeds. Scratch a reformist and the bourgeoisie bleeds. That's the heart of it. Fascists and reformists aren't the same thing, but one paves the road that the other will drive on. This is why certain reactionaries and revisionists think that LGBT rights or whatever is fascism. No. It's reformism. What is reformism? It's the bourgeoisie backpedaling and giving concessions. Why do they do this? So you let your guard down. Social democratic concessions to the working class and other forms of reform (like civil rights for marginalized groups) are not the bread and butter of fascism itself, but they are the bait that the bourgeoisie lays before letting loose the fascist hounds. Both reformers, whether bourgeois or not, and fascists, whether bourgeois or not, are controlled by the bourgeoisie. This is an important distinction. Reformism is the left hand strategy of the bourgeoisie in decline. Fascism is the right hand status of the bourgeoisie in decline. The bourgeoisie treats you like a dog, fills your bowl with reforms with their left hand, and while your head is bowed and you are eating from your bowl, they take out a club called fascism with their right hand and they beat you on the head. But ultimately neither the reformers nor the fascists are in control. The bourgeoisie is still in control. And just like the bourgeoisie does away with reformists when they are done using them, they also do away with fascists when they are done using them. That is why the bourgeois governments of western Europe united against Hitler and ᴉuᴉlossnW. Not because they were fundamentally opposed to fascism itself, but because they were done using the fascists.

A underappreciated work that explains this in great detail, and which I think needs to be revisited by the modern left, is "Fascism and Social Revolution" by Rajani Palme Dutt


R: 48 / I: 17
thoughts on Robespierre?

I think it was actually based. we need to copy and paste its terror
R: 28 / I: 5


Why do liberals pretend to be "socially progressive" when they're obviously not?
I've heard these things a lot:
>I'm not racist, but those Indians should go back to their country!
>I'm not against LGBT people, but it's gone too far and if it was my kid I'd disown them!
I don't get it, why can't you just admit you're against these things?
R: 93 / I: 22

South Africa May29 Election

Latest polling is picrel. Two communist parties at ~12% each. What are the implications of implications? Also: lol at the single white dude ("center" right, ofc).
R: 146 / I: 20

Is this a psyop?

>How will we get people to understand the urgency of climate change and the need to take drastic action to lower carbon emissions?
>I know, let's vandalize a World Heritage Site and potentially cause permanent damage
How the fuck is this supposed to make people take climate change seriously? I was ambivalent towards attacks on art pieces because maybe the idea is that rich and powerful people frequent those galleries, but what the fuck is vandalizing Stonehenge supposed to achieve other that causing animosity towards the climate movement? This is feeling more and more like a falseflag and psyop meant to discredit the climate movement and make them like idiot fanatics.
R: 6 / I: 2
As a communist What is your stance on immunization are you pro or anti-vax and what would Mao say about it?
R: 6 / I: 1

News 6/21/24

Armenia recognises Palestinian statehood, says Armenian foreign ministry
Armenia supports a United Nations resolution on an immediate ceasefire in Israel's war with Hamas in Gaza and is in favour of a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, a ministry statement said.

Workers at a Levi's supplier factory in Turkey subjected to ‘violence, mass sackings and blacklisting’
The report accuses Ozak Global, the provincial security forces and the company’s favoured union, of having been complicit in “violence, arrests and retaliatory mass firings against roughly 400 workers, after the majority of the facility’s workforce chose to join an independent union” since last November.

Third consecutive day | Turkish forces continue to reinforce contact lines with regime forces within “Putin-Erdogan” area
Yesterday, Turkish forces brought military reinforcements for the second consecutive day to “Putin-Erdogan” area, where a military convoy comprising 22 military machineries including tanks and armoured vehicles entered and headed to Turkish positions in Al-Zawiyah Mountain.

Le Pen’s Party Gains Support in Poll; Macron Approval Drops
A poll by Ifop-Fiducial for Sud Radio found that 38% of those interviewed want the National Rally to win, and increase of two points from June 10, the day after Macron announced a snap vote. An alliance of left parties, the New Popular Front, was in second place with 29% backing, unchanged. Support for Macron’s party and its allies rose to 22% from 18%.

Tata Steel workers call first strikes in 40 years to halt devastating job losses
Some 1,500 of its members based in Port Talbot and Llanwern, south Wales, will walk out on July 8 in the first British steelworkers strike in more than 40 years. The Indian conglomerate announced the job cuts alongside plans to close blast furnaces to switch to a greener form of production earlier this year. Britain’s largest steelworks’ furnaces are due to be switched off by September to be replaced with cleaner electric arc technology.

South Africa’s Democratic Alliance suspends MP for racist comments
A clip of Renaldo Gouws saying “Kill all the kaffirs” – a racial slur for black people – and then repeating the phrase using a swear word and the N-word, has gone viral online.

Niger revokes French nuclear group’s licence at major uranium mine
Niger’s military government has revoked the operating licence of French nuclear fuel producer Orano at one of the world’s biggest uranium mines, as it continues to cut ties with former colonial power France.

Argentina’s president promises to quash corruption then shocks with his Supreme Court pick
Since its formation in 1999, the magistrates council, Argentina’s top judicial watchdog, has encountered just two Buenos Aires federal judges dogged by more complaints of misconduct than Lijo, who has faced 32 formal denunciations in his 20-year career, Argentina’s Civic Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ) found. In the past year, Lijo has faced five impeachment requests, unrivaled in his court.

Built as ‘temporary’ wartime huts, owners are being forced to preserve these crumbling Brisbane homes
He’d nearly finished replacing the modern vinyl cladding of his house – added by a previous owner – changing it back to weatherboard. But the temporary heritage order by Brisbane city council meant he was forced to down tools. The better part of two years later, part of the old wall – and the old asbestos – is still there.

India's Modi criticised for exam irregularities amid lack of jobs
India's opposition parties and the country's students on Thursday hit out at the new government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi for irregularities in recent government-run tests for college admissions and government teaching jobs.

Sri Lanka loses 10 percent of its doctors amid exodus after economic crisis
The effects on the country’s already fragile healthcare system are visible. In April last year, all emergency surgeries were suspended for several weeks in the District General Hospital in Embilipitiya, about 200km (120 miles) south of Colombo, after two anaesthesiologists there left the country. As a temporary measure, another anaesthesiologist from a nearby hospital was moved there, but she has since also left for overseas training.
R: 9 / I: 3 (sage)
Communism doesn't work because people won't work if the state provides everything, that's fact. Why would anyone want to innovate and study? Why would one study to become a physician when he'll end up winning the same amount as someone who doesn't do shit? Communism ends up in famine and misery because of this
R: 0 / I: 0

Capitalist death toll

In just ten years over 20 million people have been killed by capitalism in europe alone. How do we deprogram and save humanity?

R: 216 / I: 28

Georgia and its consiquences

I know i know irrelevant shithole in the middle east and whatever but on the other hand
This article lays things out very nicely
R: 89 / I: 18

What's going on in Vietnam?

Once beacon of stability, Vietnam to name third president in a year

Vietnam is seeking its third president in little more than a year after its ruling Communist Party on Wednesday forced the resignation of Vo Van Thuong, who was only elected last year after the sudden dismissal of his predecessor.

With accumulated foreign direct investment higher than its gross domestic product, Vietnam's stability is crucial to multinationals with large operations in the Southeast Asian manufacturing hub, including Samsung Electronics, which ships from Vietnam half of its smartphones, and Apple, which has many key suppliers in the country.

That stability, which has been guaranteed for decades by a state tightly controlled by the Communist Party, now looks less certain, although analysts agree that the current leadership changes will not impact the country's key policies, including its "bamboo diplomacy" aimed at keeping good relations with the United States and China at the same time.

Behind the latest reshuffle is the long-lasting "blazing furnace" anti-graft campaign that party chief Nguyen Phu Trong launched back in 2016. It is aimed at eradicating corruption so widespread that in some provinces up to 90% of applicants for land certificates paid a bribe, according to a report published in March 2023 by the U.N. Development Programme and other organisations.

The campaign intensified over the last two years, with critics saying it has been increasingly used for political purposes by party factions competing for power.

Thuong, 53, stands accused of having violated party rules, according to a statement issued on Wednesday, which did not clarify what exactly he did wrong.

He quit days after police announced the arrest for alleged corruption a decade ago of a former head of central Vietnam's Quang Ngai province, who served while Thuong was party chief there.


Vietnam's parliament will meet on Thursday in an extraordinary session to accept Thuong's resignation, confirming a Reuters report from Sunday.

It is expected that it will appoint an acting president until the party decides the next candidate.

The most likely option is Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan, who had to step in last year to temporarily replace the suddenly dismissed former president Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

Then it took the party a month and a half to pick Thuong, who at the time of his election had been widely seen as a close ally to the party chief Trong.

Leading candidates for the permanent position include the powerful minister of public security, To Lam, and party veteran Truong Thi Mai, according to multiple analysts.

However, the former may be interested in the far more powerful position of party chief, a role that is up for grabs in 2026 when Trong's third mandate ends, but that the ageing leader may make available earlier.

Mai's job had been seen at risk amid the latest leadership reshuffle, but no decision was announced about her on Wednesday. That could make her a lame duck - which in Vietnam has often been the key to access powerful positions.
R: 6 / I: 2

On foreign volunteers in Iraq and Syria

if you ever wondered what the modern Weatherman/leftist Western revolutionary looks like, you have well-documented examples of foreign volunteers in Iraq and Syria. So I'm not going to pretend I was there, most of my information is from some documentaries and one autobiographical comic of a guy who volunteered. The actual soldiers, doctors, and engineers from Western countries were highly sought after. The doctors and engineers more so, and the real soldiers were used as instructors and occasionally worked with local units, but these guys were not the majority going,
So first off, the YPG was a Kurdish ethnic militia and it did not accept foreigners (which bummed out a lot of these guys). They had to join the SDF; in most cases, they did not have any skilled labor or military ability, so they were made to do grunt work in the liberated cities. They were also encouraged to post on social media to bring international attention. They felt like they were adding to the war effort and helping to kill fascists and the Kurds would gain some credibility. Despite that, there were culture clashes, this was still a Middle Eastern nation and these guys just could not read the room. Like organising a drag-show, They actually dissolved their international brigades because there were too many of these retards coming that didn't even want to do physical labor.

This is a documentary about a group of British and American soldiers who were actually fighting. They are respected, working with local forces and training with them on the ground.
The one is a podcast about the 'anarchists' in Rojava. most of it was just willful denial on their part.
The is the comic I mentioned.by a volunteer who was made to do grunt work.
R: 57 / I: 8 (sage)
i honestly can't believe the only population atm with collectivized means of production, housing, land, and no capital accumulation but direct labour value subsistence are christian reactionaries living in patriarchal anarchoprimitivist outposts
R: 56 / I: 21

The Communist is the sublation of the Capitalist

When you understand the primacy and importance of the development of the productive forces, and the role that capital in itself has in revolutionizing society, you're able to adopt the proficiency of the Capitalist while shedding his narrow limits.

When a Capitalist employs capital he does so with primary concern for his individual being or interests. The advancement of the productive forces is an incidental byproduct of his activity. He uncovers all of these new ways of managing his businesses for the sake of efficiency.

But his limit is reached in the monopolistic stage, when there's no drive to improve or update, and there's more of a reason to hold back the development of others or employ regressive means of production and management because it saves on costs and there's no competition to spurn you forward.

The principle contradiction of capitalism is thus achieved. The overwhelming majority of society's labor is operated socially yet the fruits of labor is held in private hands, directed in private hands, and owned by private hands - society's elite minority acting as private citizens with 0 social obligations.

Thus the capitalist and the system of capital became a retarding, retrogressive force, a fetter on the world.

The Communist on the other hand recognizes two truths: the potency of the proper management of capital to advance the productive forces, and the necessary resonance between social relations and the productive forces.

Whereas the Capitalist wishes to halt the wheel of progress for fear of losing his social position, the Communist not only wishes for the wheel to move forwards regardless of the sacrifice, but to accelerate that wheel.

Instead of capital and scientific management of the workplace being employed for capital's own sake - profits for profit's own sake, the Communist will employ capital and scientific management for social need, for the common good, for society's sake.

This isn't done out of "moralism" or the goodness of the heart of the Communist, but out of a sober, objective recognition that society as such can not sustain the primacy of the logic of capital any longer - capital must be contained and controlled by social need, for social need, and from that containment capital, or rather the productive fruits of capital, will be freed.

When capital is freed from the Capitalist, a new golden era of humanity can finally flourish, and it can only be freed via the socialization of the means of production and the fruits of its labor.

In the mean time, the working class already feels the pressure of the contradictions of capitalism. He sees his country rotting and crumbling. He knows that a crisis is on the horizon and is unsure if his home will survive the next few storms. And yet he *wants* control and ownership of capital, of the means of production, and the means to secure his livelihood. But he is denied, surrounded by walls.

Once the storm comes and the walls begin to crumble and crack, he *will* attempt a breakout.

This is where the Communist comes into play. He is scarier than the Capitalist because he is willing to topplllee every single wall in the name of human progress, all while scientifically learning *how* the Capitalist operates and using those lessons as a starting point to break down the next wall and the one after it.

The Communist is outdoes the Capitalist in being a capitalist. He understands capitalism better than the Capitalist. He manages people and employs capital more effectively than the Capitalist.

The Communist learns from the Capitalist, then out-competes him and compels the titan of industry to become pillars of society.
R: 61 / I: 7 (sage)
Can the revolution be monetized?

Prerequisite reading: Manufacturing Consent

R: 3 / I: 1

News 6/20/24

Colombia’s former army intelligence chief sentenced to 31 years
Bogota’s Superior Tribunal overturned a 2011 ruling by a lower court, which absolved the National Army’s former intelligence chief, General Ivan Ramirez of forced disappearance charges. According to the regional court, Ramirez and retired colonel Fernando Blanco were responsible for the arrest and subsequent forced disappearance of Irma Franco, a member of guerrilla group M-19.

Peruvian soldiers found guilty of rapes committed during civil war in historic verdict
In what is being hailed as a landmark verdict, a panel of three judges on Wednesday said the systematic use of rape by soldiers in the Manta y Vilca case – named after the communities where the abuses took place – qualified as a crime against humanity.

Heat wave claims lives of at least 125 in Mexico this year, hitting country’s most vulnerable
At least 125 people in the Latin American nation have died due to the heat this year, according to data from the country’s health ministry. More than 2,300 more have suffered heat stroke, dehydration and sunburns. The heat deaths and larger ripple effects in Mexico have underscored the disproportionate effects climate change and rising global temperatures are having on some of the world’s most vulnerable.

Unison agrees to support Nato backed Ukrainian solidarity group
Though also blaming the Russian invasion, delegate John Wood from Portsmouth said a “proxy war” was being waged by the Nato military alliance in Ukraine. He said: “The West wants Ukraine to fight a war against Russia for its own imperialist ends,” condemning USC as a “Nato front” calling for more weapons to fight against the Russians.

IDF transfers powers in occupied West Bank to pro-settler civil servants
Smotrich and his allies have long seen control of the Civil Administration, or significant parts of it, as a means of extending Israeli sovereignty in the West Bank. Their ultimate goal is direct control by central government and its ministries. The transfer reduces the likelihood of legal checks on settlement expansion and development.

Israel plans alternative to Red Cross visits to Palestinian prisoners
Israel said it will not rescind the policy until Hamas allows access to Israeli captives, despite numerous UN reports of systematic inhumane treatment of Palestinian detainees. The announcement from Israel came in response to a petition that called for Red Cross visits to be allowed again. The petition states that under international law, even if one of the parties to a conflict breaches the laws of war, this does not exempt the other party of the obligations.

Philippine VP Sara Duterte resigns from Marcos cabinet
Along with the education post, Duterte also quit as the head of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict. The position is high-profile and allowed the vice president to broadcast her criticisms of the communist rebels, who have been waging one of Asia’s longest running insurgencies. Marcos on the other hand has reopened preliminary peace talks with the insurgents, which were ended by his predecessor in 2017.

Myanmar: Rebels accuse govt forces of violating China-brokered ceasefire
The drone attacks and airstrikes are the junta’s latest alleged violations of January’s Chinese-brokered ceasefire it signed with the Brotherhood Alliance, of which the TNLA is a member.

Somalia asks peacekeepers to slow withdrawal, fears armed group resurgence
Somalia’s government is seeking to slow the withdrawal of African peacekeepers and warning of a potential security vacuum, documents seen by Reuters news agency show, with neighbouring countries fretting that resurgent al-Shabab armed group fighters could seize power.

North Kordofan sees fragile calm amidst network restoration
The city of Um Rawaba in North Kordofan state experienced a tentative calm after recent armed clashes, with the return of the Zain Communications network on Monday marking a crucial development. However, sources told Radio Dabanga that the network’s signal remains weak, necessitating continued reliance on the Sudani network for communication.
R: 78 / I: 6 (sage)

Living in israel as an anti zionist

> be me
> Be leftist in israel
> Get called a traitor, fake jew, capo etc
> Don't like the country very much, education system is jewish fascist propaganda
> Be a high school student
> Finished school today, school made everyone go to a shitty israeli identity propaganda show in the local theatre
> Finished the shit show, was very boring
> Went to the book store nearby
> Ask if there are marx works, assuming there's das kapital
> There aren't any marx books available, there's only the manifesto out of stock
> I already have the manifesto, but I'm curious and ask how much does it cost
> It costs nearly 30 dollars, as marx intended
> Keep going home
> See a large pro idf poster
> I have to take a piss
> I have to urge to piss on it
> Genuinely considering pissing on it
> It's near a restaurant with a bunch of rich fucks
> Is there any hope for this shithole?
R: 85 / I: 28

Degeneration of fascism into a fandom

Fascist have always been retards whose ideology and values are built on aesthetics. But it would be silly to deny that there was some thinking going on, as badly written as meinkampf is it’s still a piece of text with ideas in it.
Now there seems to be a lack of theorising among fascists, all they do is shit up comment sections on social media posts and spam wojack memes(but in “new” formats!). It seem to me that all they do is emulate the aesthetics of past movements, they don’t have any real goals or values since they don’t bother to study the texts. All it takes to be nazi is to put a swastika on their pfp to join their newly found fandom!! errr I mean political movement! Nad they are free to post about getting no hoes.

This threads goal is to discuss the seeming degeneration of the “ideological/theoretical” side of fascism and how fascism has pretty much degenerated into a “subculture” or a fandom, members of which can’t even bother to read the material the on which the community is built on.
R: 44 / I: 9

the PAGAN left

what's up with the right claiming "the left" is PAGAN?
>That story, put simply, is the retreat of Christianity in the West and the emergence of a new religious faith in its place — a new paganism. What comes amid the decline of the Christian faith is not some live-and-let-live secular liberal utopia, not a rational and atheistic political order with neutral public spaces and a culture of tolerance. Instead, we have a new form of paganism with its own moral precepts, obligations, and rites. And unlike the secular liberal order, which embraced tolerance and pluralism as an inheritance from Christianity, the pagan order will be intolerant in the extreme.
<Let me clarify my terms. By “paganism” I don’t necessarily mean a flood of new converts to the cult of Zeus or Woden (although that too is on the rise, at least in Britain). The postmodern pagan culture that’s now emerging won’t look like the paganism of the past, but it will be no less pagan for all that.
>The pagan ethos, across immense spans of history and geography and cultures, has always been a rejection of reason and objective moral truth (along with the entire idea of objectivity), and a radical embrace of relativism and subjectivity in every realm of life. Paganism embraces a divinization of the here and now, of things and even people. Its creed, so far as it has one, can be summed up in the maxim: Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
<What that means in practice, of course, is a society in which power and force, not democracy or human rights or universal moral principles, rule the day. This is why the most advanced pagan societies have always taken the form of slave empires. They are societies in which power alone determines what is right. In such societies, the ruling class is free to do as they please as regards the underclass, who are obliged to adhere to the state morality and do as they’re told.
>Understood in that light, we can see the outlines of a modern form of paganism emerging in our time, especially on the political left. The official morality of the left forbids any dissent from the LGBT agenda and its claims about identity, for example. This is why lawmakers in deep-blue states like California want to make it a crime if parents don’t affirm their child’s “gender identity.” This is why public schools, captured by leftist ideologues, aggressively indoctrinate students in gender theory, and even socially “transition” children without the knowledge of their parents. We are going to see more of this, not less, as Christianity retreats from public life in America.
<In other words, it should be obvious by now that there are no neutral spaces anymore. There never were, really. Secular liberalism was a luxury only a predominantly Christian society could afford. Without societal norms derived from Christianity, sustained by the actual practice of the Christian faith among the people, liberalism decays. Recall that Christianity is the only moral system that has ever protected minority rights, for example, or ever declared that each person has inherent dignity. With the Christian faith, these ideals will die. And in the vacuum created by the faith’s desuetude, something else is rushing in.
R: 83 / I: 25

OQ: Orc Question

I know /leftypol/ has historically disdained and liberal identity politics in general, but is there an actual materialist explanation of why men who embody (or more likely, want to embody) hypermasculinity and masculine-coded hobbies like weightlifting, MMA, motorcycles, etc. end up on the political right?
R: 610 / I: 235 (full)

Palestine vs. The Zionist Entity #88: Phoneposting Edition


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/6/11/israels-war-on-gaza-live-ray-of-hope-after-unsc-approves-ceasefire

Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


Our own wiki. Be sure to add to it and create branching articles:



From the UK, single issue long time Palestinian investigative and general reporting, critical source

From the USA

Regional news from an anti-imperialist perspective

Premier Human Rights org

Left news and opinion webzine from Tel-Aviv

A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine

Known anti-zionist academic Norman Finkelstein's blog



al-Qassam Brigades









(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it.

الله أكبر
.الى جميع الكادحين في الشرق، ان مصيركم في ايديكم
!يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا
R: 57 / I: 12

Generation ZYKLON

what happened to the whole meme about Gen Z turning out to be far right? It doesn't seem like it turned out that way. Maybe zoomers who were already right wing became more right wing than they already had, or more "radicalized" somehow in that they are more willing to ditch bog standard liberal democracy in favor of some sort of unitary theocratic republic (i.e. Iran but Christian)? Or are just more pissed off in general? But thats not really a change.
R: 86 / I: 8 (sage)

Chauvanist "Socialists"

It saddens me every time I see [supposedly] dirtbag left spaces so either irony-poisoned or simply reactionary-filled that many users just abandon class analysis and become chauvinist proletariat-blaming idiots, and are celebrated for this.

Complete the sentence: Workers of the ___ !
Yes, that's right! The correct answer was "Workers of the West, die ! "
I thought pic2rel was a joke when I first saw it, but no, I'm seeing scores of these idiots nested up in their nominally-Marxist circlejerk, yelling about how school shootings are BASED because Burgerreich children die and how random French citizens deserve their shit government.
There's a difference between edgy joking and parody, and moderation who are dumb enough to say racism and nationalism is aktchually leftist when it's not against a designated minority, left nazism is based.

It's the shit I expect from grifters, not left-wing communities. My only hope is that these people are eternally online and don't bother trying to join the struggle on the ground until they figure this shit out.
R: 18 / I: 3
you ever think about the neo-gaddafist group in libya thats run by the son of gaddafi? shit seems right up /leftypol/'s alley what the fuck are they up to right now?
R: 37 / I: 3


Because Palestine is too arabic/ethnocrat. I mean that what happening with the jews after the liberation of Palestine. They just got kicked out or what?
R: 19 / I: 0

Maybe what we need is egoism

too many times i've seen extreme left wing parties talk about rights, priviledges and morality, and for the longest of times i've thought it was a good idea too, but im starting to think i was wrong. The amount of moralism that is talked about in left wing circles oftentimes tends to saturate actual important talks, or even worse makes people question why they're doing it in the first place, you might think this is a good thing after all one is supposed to know the real core reason why he does something but it might just bet better for us to think about it in an egotistical way. The great majority of people benefit would from socialism, and that's what we need to push, the idea that maybe you dont deserve, maybe it's immoral but in the end it will benefit you. Extreme left wing parties need to drop the "rights" talk and start talking to people about what they care, which is their wellbeing, this is how it worked in the past and im pretty sure it can work again.
R: 1 / I: 0  
What do you think about commie-raptor?

He beats down the bourgeois and touches tiddys. I think he might be the left wing hero we need!
R: 8 / I: 5 (sage)

Feminism is anti-revolutionary

this must be one of the most taboo opinions in historical materialism,
feminism, in the context of a transitional capitalist structure might be compatible with communism, if not a mean, to destroy the bourgueois reproductive aparathus to perpetuate their own image and property

however, in the surveillance society where all classes, kids and members of society can be reformed in the shape of whoever owns personal data and controls social media algorithims, feminism is not only incompatible with a revolution, but an active detractor.

the natural state of affairs for mammals is matriarchal, where the Male members of the species have to compete and use workforce in order to attain reproductive success, otherwise reaching neurosis and mental unstability; we observe how male bodies are despised, devaluated and meat-marketd, males are "a surplus"; a surplus of life used by the capitalist machinery to produce in excess, a surplus to produce, work and be exposed to violence.
the patriarchy was in fact a collectivization, a collectivization of sexual capital through social pressure and force, the male body is the proletarian biological unit,evolved to be exploited (taller, stronger, shorter lived) that overtook the means of re-production from the petit bourgeois vaginal entity as a security in payback for the work offered
the female, when equalized by a higher power or by inability of the male to use force, perpetuates the male as a proletarized surplus disposed for contractual exploitation and selection
the vagina becomes a petit financial speculation institution, and each woman a petit bourgeois.
females in the mammalian structures fulfill, from a biological perspective a Bourgueois role; not only they are to "pick" the males with the more power and anti-revolutionary traits as such are in fact the ones biological females are attracted to (assertion, agression, antisocial behaviour, liability of capital accumulation) while despising, openly, the males they deem unfit.

they are, also, accumulators, virginity is valued as a retention of capital whereas higher body counts in males are considered "the acquisition" of capital, depriving the female body from it;
the femme, retaining one of the most preciated biological assets, sexuality, leads to an accumulation of sexual capital has been understood as observed in language for centuries, the idea that female animals "chose" their mate and male animals "get" or "seek" a mate, males ar biologically thirsty gooners, this is the fault on the male biology, females are "pickier", so they retain and accordingly invest sexual capital,
this capital is then contractually traded and used for investment, as they retain the means of (re)production while males have to submit themselves to contractual exploitation and competition for them
thus becoming a priviledged class, whose life in inherently more valuable, and their biological capacity to retain capital makes them little bankers trying to invest that capital to attain capitalist luxury, we observe, increasingly, the explosion of figures like kim kardashian in the female imaginary as a idol. entrepeneurs and "indepence" from the community, a mercantilization of sexuality as a mean of explotation and extortion using the biological limitant the proletarian male body has (their sexual drive) for said purpose.
this creates, as we observe in our late stage surveillance market economy, a situation where females mercantilize their sexual attributes as means of profit, a capitalist profit which allows accumulation of actual capital the men acquire through work, such case is onlyfans.
thus we have this little sexual plutocracy where each female profits and has on their disposal hundreds of proletarized males, accumulates capital as she has the means of re-production and through them they contractually exploit gooners for actual capital accumulation.
this leads, the males, to become lumpen
(observe the shift to the far right in young men), because as the communist ideals have been interlaced with femminism and feminnish is against the collectivization of reproductive means but a privatization of them, males lose interest in the revolution
R: 2 / I: 0

News 6/19/24

Historic union recognition vote begins at Amazon
More than 3,000 staff will take part in the historic month-long ballot, whose outcome will be legally binding. Officials from the union visited the company’s Coventry site today after the GMB was granted the right to hold the ballot by the independent Central Arbitration Committee.

Giorgia Meloni accused of splitting Italy over law to let richer regions keep taxes
The “differentiated autonomy” bill, sought by the wealthy rightwing-led Lombardy and Veneto as well as the leftwing Emilia-Romagna, gives regions more power over how their tax revenues are collected and spent, and over public services such as health and education.

Files disappear from the phone of the former Spanish soldier who spied on Julian Assange for the CIA
The Spanish police did not deliver to Judge Santiago Pedraz the complete file of the Samsung S7 phone used by Morales to communicate with the alleged CIA agents to whom he provided the WikiLeaks founders’ defense strategy, according to documents of the judicial investigation to which EL PAÍS has had access. After repeated judicial requests, officers responded that “they do not know” the location of the complete file. Judge Pedraz has ordered its immediate recovery.

'Unprecedented': Why Hezbollah threatened to attack Cyprus
"Opening Cypriot airports and bases to the Israeli enemy to target Lebanon would mean that the Cypriot government is part of the war, and the resistance will deal with it as part of the war," Nasrallah threatened. Nasrallah's comments are likely to send a shockwave not just through Cyprus, an ethnically divided island nation, but also Greece, a close ally of Nicosia and Israel.

Turkish army launches military operations in Hasankeyf and Ağrı
Fighting broke out last night in the district of Hasankeyf in Batman province during a military operation launched by the Turkish army. The village of Xirbêkûr (Palamut), which is located in the operation area, was cordoned off by the military and access is prohibited. Nobody is allowed to leave the village, the internet and telephone connections have been interrupted. The fighting continues, with helicopters circling over the area. According to the Batman Governorate, entering and leaving Xirbêkûr is prohibited until 3 July.

'Thirst uprising': protests erupt over water shortage in Algeria
In Algeria, protests and road blockages continue amid a severe shortage of drinking water that left taps running dry and residents queuing for hours to get access to water. On social media, several users shared videos and pictures of protests and road blockages in Tiaret, 280 kilometres southwest of Algiers, early on Eid day, which is known for its high water consumption.

More than 200 arrested in Kenya protests over proposed tax hikes in finance bill
Some major tax proposals in the bill were dropped after a Tuesday morning meeting between ruling party lawmakers and President William Ruto. The chairperson of the finance committee, Kuria Kimani, said the proposal to introduce a 16% value-added tax on bread had been dropped. Other levies that had prompted debate and have been amended include a proposed 2.5% motor vehicle annual tax that was to be placed on insurance.

As big pharma exits Nigeria, asthma patients face spiralling costs
Amid the downturn – which included exchange rate volatility, declining revenues and a general worsening of the investment climate in Nigeria – a significant number of businesses including international pharmaceuticals exited the country.

Journalists under threat in Amazon rainforest - report
The Herzog Institute report, which documents 230 cases of violence against journalists in the Amazon since 2013, said reporters have left the rainforest fearing for their lives after receiving threats from miners, loggers and ranchers who have occupied indigenous lands. In 2020, Roman dos Anjos, who reported on illegal gold mining in the Yanomami reservation, was kidnapped, beaten and left in the forest with broken limbs. He survived the ordeal and is still waiting for his kidnappers to be brought to justice.

Brazil: Supreme Court Accepts Complaint Against Intellectual Authors of Marielle Franco’s Murder
On Tuesday, the Brazilian Supreme Court accepted the charges against a legislator, an official, and a former police chief who are accused of ordering the assassination of Marielle Franco in 2018. The accused are federal legislator Jose Brazao, his brother Domingos Brazao, who is an official of the Rio de Janeiro Court of Accounts, and Rivaldo Barbosa, the former chief of the Rio de Janeiro Civil Police.

Striking South Korean doctors defy return-to work orders
Speaking at a rally to thousands of doctors in Seoul, Korean Medical Association leader Lim Hyun Taek said he will push for its members to enter an indefinite strike on June 27 if the government rejects its demands to completely scrap the plans.

New Caledonia Police Detain 11, Including Independence Leader, Following Revolt Against French Rule
Police in the restive French Pacific territory of New Caledonia rounded up 11 people Wednesday, including an independence leader, who are suspected of having a role in the deadly violence that wracked the archipelago where Indigenous Kanak people have long sought to break free from France.
R: 15 / I: 2

Confucius-Hegel Traditionalist Thought

Why do Rightoids hate Confucianism but worship Hegel when their philosophies are the exact same in practice?
> The state must enforce a strict moral code or else society will collapse
> True freedom and happiness is achieved through serving society with an ethical lifestyle.
> The human spirit is developed through strict adherence to social virtues
> The world is connected as one greater spiritual existence therefore happiness is achieved through social harmony
> Traditional family values are the foundation of society
> Moral education must be enforced on the people to develop a functioning of mutual respect
> Passive Dialectical Rectification of traditions is the only way to advance society

Is it really just Orientalism or is something greater at play here?
R: 23 / I: 2

Why I Moved To Russia

<Why do Americans choose to move to Russia? To find the answer, independent journalist Tofurious Maximus Crane meets with three emigrant families to get a glimpse into their new lives. Jay Close was born in New York, grew up in California, and has lived in France, Australia, and even Papua New Guinea. He worked as a chef for the Rolling Stones and later managed several restaurants in Moscow. Now, Jay raises goats and makes cheese in the countryside near Moscow, where he has built his home for over 30 years. Another emigrant is Chad Hower, who was granted political asylum in Russia after being persecuted by the CIA in his home country. Finally, Tofurious meets Jozef and Ann, who recently moved to Russia with their six children. Tune in to our premiere to discover the various reasons why some Americans seek a new beginning in Russia. Have these families found a sense of home far from their native land?
R: 1 / I: 0


Is it worth reading liberal anti communists like Anne Applebaum or Andrea Chalupa?

That last person who wrote this movie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Jones_(2019_film)
R: 4 / I: 0

News 6/18/24

Israeli foreign minister says decision on all-out war against Hezbollah is near
Katz said in an X post, following threats by the Hezbollah chief, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, to damage Haifa’s ports that are operated by Chinese and Indian companies, “we are getting very close to the moment of deciding on changing the rules of the game against Hezbollah and Lebanon”. “In an all-out war, Hezbollah will be destroyed and Lebanon will be severely beaten,” he added.

Turkish fighter jets bomb Binarê Qendîl
According to reports from the ground, warplanes of the occupying Turkish state bombarded Berê Qepan forest near the village of Endze in Sengeser and Derbî Mountain in Wert district around 15.00 local time Tuesday.

Houthis believed to have sunk second ship in the Red Sea, UKMTO says
The Houthis and other sources previously identified the imperilled ship as the Greek-owned Tutor. It was struck by missiles and an explosive-laden remote-controlled boat on June 12 and had been taking on water.

Dockworkers in Greece refused to load arms shipment destined for Israel, forced cargo ship to change route
“We, the Piraeus' dockworkers declare that we will not accept whatsoever to unload the ship”, they said in a statement, adding: “We won't participate in the slaughter of innocent people for the profits of the few. We are raising our children with humanity and through our struggles we have taught them the lesson of solidarity, resistance and pride”.

LSE becomes first university to evict students from pro-Palestine camp following court order
ACTIVISTS at a pro-Palestine encampment at the London School of Economics (LSE) have accused security staff of groping and throttling them while they were evicted on Monday. The university is the first in Britain to evict students from a pro-Palestine encampment.

Egypt deports more Sudanese, as bureaucracy makes asylum ‘nearly impossible’
Authorities in Aswan, Egypt, have deported hundreds of Sudanese people last Wednesday, sending them back to the Argeen border crossing with Sudan. Entering Egypt legally has proven to be marred by several bureaucratic challenges, seen by some as a deliberate attempt to limit the influx of Sudanese refugees into Egypt.

VP’s father survives gun attack in southwest Colombia
According to authorities, the car of Sigifredo Marquez was attacked while he and the VP’s six-year-old nephew were passing through Jamundi, a town in the Valle del Cauca province. Authorities did not immediately suggest who could have been behind the attack and nobody claimed resopnsibility.

Brazil's Lula demands faster action against organized crime in the Amazon
Lula complained that it had taken a year for a security plan for the Amazon, known as AMAS, to get off the ground, and said there was still much to be done to set up an international police center in Manaus. "We need to speed up the process, because my term is only four years. If we cannot execute this plan, someone else will come along and do nothing," he said at an event sealing the transfer of 318 million reais ($58.6 million) to fund the security plan.

Czech Republic sends Indian suspect in plot to kill Sikh separatist to US
Gupta is accused by US federal prosecutors of plotting with intelligence and security officials to kill Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a US and Canadian citizen who advocated for a sovereign Sikh state in northern India.

Chavit renews offer of affordable e-jeeps
Built at a cost of P2.2 million, Singson vowed to give half the price or P1.2 million under a rent-to-own repayment system, without any down payment. “The drivers will just pay half of their daily earning to their drivers’ group which in turn remits to our company,” he explained.
R: 23 / I: 8

Sino-Russian border disputes

I have feelings that border disputes would break the minds of Anti-Imperialist autists between Russia and China, since they’re both based anti-imperialist squads
R: 103 / I: 14 (sage)

Declining acceptance for gender and sexual minorities in the Netherlands.

The Municipal Health Services (GDD) have conducted a questionnaire asking about health and social safety. In several provinces questions related to the social acceptance of homosexual and gender non-conforming individuals were asked and all showed a pronounced decline.

Students saying homosexuality is normal (2019 vs 2014):
Utrecht: 71 > 43%
Amsterdam: 63 > 43%
Gelderland-Zuid: 72 > 46%

An Utrecht university professor speculates it may have to do with the popularity of far-right parties among young people, specially young boys with no immigrant background.

I've seen some posters here say that far-right parties in Europe aren't anti-LGBTQ+ like the Republican party in the US but it seems that if this continues it will only be a matter of time before they make it part of their platform.

(Use google translate to read it)
R: 17 / I: 5 (sage)
>Rally the whole nation under one banner
>Build up a strong, disciplined, world-class army
>Oversee the most rapid industrialization of your era
>Consolidate state ownership (socialism) over the commanding heights of the economy
>Be Otto von Bismarck
Pic entirely unrelated
R: 59 / I: 1

Should POland pay up reparations to Jews?

Many houses belonging once to Jews, stayed in Poland, for some reason. Should Poles pay reparations to Jews?

Verify this website as well:
R: 38 / I: 7
Was Oppenheimer evil? And is it fundamentally evil to create weapons of mass destruction (or weapons in general), considering the likelyhood that it's going to be used big evil governments on civillians?
R: 4 / I: 3  
New video AI just dropped for meme production.

Site: https://lumalabs.ai/dream-machine

Resources for Dream Machine:
Ideas for prompting: https://ideogram.ai/login
API: https://github.com/yihong0618/LumaDreamCreator
FAQ: https://lumaai.notion.site/FAQ-and-Prompt-Guide-Luma-Dream-Machine-f7bd5f77478c4994aa692aa58b063ef3
Converting to webm: https://handbrake.fr/ or https://cloudconvert.com/mp4-to-webm

Information on Dream Machine:
>Dream Machine was released to paid users on June 12, 2024 and to the free users on June 16.
>Dream Machine runs on OpenAI image generating multimodal transforming software. Each generated seed is unique.
>Free users get 10 generations per day and have to wait for longer periods at the queue. The technique is to use multiple sockpuppet google accounts.

Dream Machine Queue Information:
>The longest current wait experienced by a free user was 5 hours. Estimated time should be around a few minutes during low demand.
>Paid users have no daily generation limit and have shorter processing periods.
>The more effort you put into the prompt, the higher the quality of the video gets.
>Shorter prompts: shorter waiting periods in queue. Longer prompts: longer waiting periods in queue.

Dream Machine Extra Information:
>Censorship is nearly on par with Microsoft Bing Image Creator but can be easily bypassed just like any other AI.
>Creations can be extended to another 5 seconds by pressing the "Extend" button. The new generation will seamlessly continue from the previous generation.
>Paid users can currently extend their creations up to 3 minutes in length.
R: 4 / I: 1

News 6/17/24

Gaza fighting continues despite Israeli ‘pauses’ announcement: UNRWA
“There has been information that such a decision has been taken, but the political level says none of this decision has been taken,” Lazzarini told a press conference on Monday. “So for the time being, I can tell you that hostilities continue in Rafah and in the south of Gaza. And that operationally, nothing has changed yet.”

Israeli settlers in brutal attack on Palestinian shepherds in occupied West Bank
The gang of youths from the nearby settlement of Shadmot Mehola also smashed up a car belonging to an Israeli activist assisting the injured Palestinian with windows smashed and the chassis damaged.

ISIS-linked militants who took prison guards hostage in Russia killed
Russian special forces freed two prison guards and shot dead six inmates linked to the Islamic State militant group who had taken them hostage at a detention centre in the southern city of Rostov on Sunday, Russian media said.

Greek coastguard threw migrants overboard to their deaths, witnesses say
The Greek coastguard has caused the deaths of dozens of migrants in the Mediterranean over a three-year period, witnesses say, including nine who were deliberately thrown into the water. The nine are among more than 40 people alleged to have died as a result of being forced out of Greek territorial waters, or taken back out to sea after reaching Greek islands, BBC analysis has found.

Germany’s biggest industrial union seeks a 7% raise for millions of workers
The IG Metall union’s leadership said it was recommending a hefty raise demand for 3.9 million workers in view of “a persistently high price level.” It said that companies have well-filled order books and that, even though prices are no longer accelerating as quickly as they were, one-time payments agreed in the last settlement have been eaten up by inflation.

Thousands in Brazil protest against bill equating abortion after 22 weeks with homicide
Protests began on Thursday in Brazil's largest cities after the lower chamber of Congress voted to put the bill on a fast track for approval, which curtails debate on the proposal. Faced with criticism that rape victims seeking abortions could face worse punishment than rapists, the bill's author Sostenes Cavalcante said he will propose harsher sentences for rape, currently up to a maximum of 10 years in jail.

Financial alliances build as Citgo share auction enters last mile
"We reject the robbery of Citgo … Venezuela will not recognize any fraudulent transaction," Venezuela's Vice President Delcy Rodriguez said on X on Monday. On Friday, Venezuelan Oil Minister Pedro Tellechea called on the U.S. court to halt the auction. The sale has attracted big name investors and energy and trading firms including Vitol (VITOLV.UL), ConocoPhillips (COP.N) tab and Koch Industries.

Modi 3.0 Govt Deals a Blow to Workers' Hard-Earned PF/Pension Money: CITU
The Narendra Modi government’s decision to “drastically reduce” the penalty charges on employers' default in depositing EPF, EPS and EDLI contributions to EPFO, amounts to playing around with workers’ hard-earned life savings, the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU said in a statement.

Philippine military chief urges fishermen to ignore China's new coastguard rules
"We have the right to exploit the resources in the area so our fishermen have no reason to be afraid," he added. The new rules, which allows China's coastguard to detain suspected trespassers without trial for 60 days, have sparked international concerns, with the Philippines describing them as "worrisome" and a "provocation".

Hong Kong homes remain most unaffordable in world for 14th year: research
To be exact, the average family would have to bank its entire income for 16.7 years to amass the average selling price of a home in the city. The span is down from last year’s 18.8 years and represents a further improvement from 20.8 years in pre-pandemic 2019, as home prices have declined and incomes have risen, the report said.
R: 5 / I: 0
There's not a literature board here so I will post this here - How would have Lovecraft's political views advanced if he lived through world war 2 up until about Vietnam or so?
He's known for being a nazi but towards the end of his life he did a political 180 and switched to being a social democrat when his aunt's money ran out and he couldn't find a job, he also started tettering towards communist ideas in general.
R: 7 / I: 0

The 美国的 Left has a problem

This article https://www.piratewires.com/p/oakland-defund-police-movement-earl-harper-lateefah-simon is written by a Zionist funded organization to promote right-wing oligarchy and ignore Palestine protests.


It illustrates the problem with not militantly opposing the grifters who wrap themselves in leftist language.

Leftism in 美国 cannot advance until such elements are fully removed and discredited. These grifters are the public image and unfortunately the reality of the left wing of American politics. such grifters out to be kicked out and denounced. These grifters are part of the same complex that denounces Palestinian resistance. If you encounter them run them out, they create the most potent enemies of leftism. Their hypocrisy and collaboration makes them the first obstacle to creating an actual leftist movement in 美国

short excerpt
>The Anti Police-Terror Project — co-founded by Earl Harper — gave at least $800,000 to organizations run by Harper and at which his mother and, until recently, wife are board members, along with $55,000 to the personal LLC of APTP’s vice president.
R: 3 / I: 1  
I politically Identify as an Attackism-Helicopterist. Ever since I was a teen I wrote essays of soaring over the third world liberating helpless foreigners. People say to me that an ideology being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm dialectical. I'm having my comrades install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on our headquarters. From now on I want you guys to call me "Huey" and respect my right to utilize lethal firepower during debate. If you can't accept me you're a anti-helicoptist and are violating my right to political association. Thank you for being so understanding.
R: 61 / I: 23

Wikispooks and Independent Journalism Thread

What is the general consensus on Wikispooks? I don't see it being talked about that often on here.

I think it's a good source for normalfags but gives too much credit to right wingers and neo nazis by treating them like innocent journalists that are snuffed by the big evil gov/corps. Also Independent Journalism thread.
R: 19 / I: 4

why should I care about gun control?

If you want to make revolution, just buy the guns illegally.
>But what if you get caught?
I have nothing to lose. I can get caught for any other reason.

Communists gave nothing to lose. We are willing to fight and die for what we believe. Rightoids need guns to be legal so they can form Klan cells without losing their jobs as boat dealership owners..
R: 9 / I: 1

Its Macr'Over

Imagine being such a fucking dickless CUCK that when your liberal centrist coalition gets publically ass raped by the Fascist Right you justified surpressing the left for decades to keep out of power you decide to bend over for a second fucking helping, to give them complete control of the nation even faster then they otherwise would get it.
Like God DAMN Macron is a fucking BITCH.
Fucking absolute gay cock sucker for the far right he spent his entire career defining himself in opposition to:
R: 11 / I: 2  

Fuck you guys

I thought 420chan.org was back.

Srsly thouhh I forgot you existed I remember sometimes browsing you while waiting for my hypno porn to download back on the 8chan days..

Fuck you all though
R: 81 / I: 21

What did he do wrong?

From the perspective of Marxists, historians, Iraqis, Kurds, Muslims, Christians, Persians, and Yankees alike: What did Saddam Hussein do wrong?
From my perspective Americans only know and hate him because he invaded Kuwait, a country that gave the US oil, and would would threaten American economic security. People whine all the time about civilian casualties but blame Saddam for America bombing Iraq "back to the stone age" and then imposing sanctions on the country for a decade, then invading and further destabilizing the country. As far as I know, Kuwait deserved Saddam. I would care more about civilian casualties in Kuwait if NATO didn't prove itself to be a force of mass destruction and terror against a man, who after fighting Iran for a decade, did anything in his power to eliminate the debts that he and his people had acquired from such a costly war. And what would Kuwait lose if Saddam would win? He'd just repair all the damages he did to Kuwait, he was a man who modernized his country, and released it from a bureaucracy of princes and executives. We can't expect people to be perfect, and we can't expect American military to have a soul.
Back to my point, is there anything I should know about Saddam Hussein that he did wrong, maybe there's a detail about the gulf war, Iran-Iraq war, or during his rule from 1968-2003 that I missed.
R: 623 / I: 121 (full)

/EUE/ Europe Elects: June 6-9! Pro-peace=Pro-Putin edition

A thread dedicated to following the results of EU elections this weekend. It also coincides with local elections in Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, and Malta; and parliamentary elections in Belgium and Bulgaria.

The far-right is expected to grow exponentially because of their open Ukraine-scepticism, diligently opposed by the mainstream.


* Portugal is expected to have a lower turnout because the election is to be held on the same period they have their national holiday.

* Qatargate.

* Hungary might be stripped of its EU voting rights under Article 7; meanwhile Hungary is scheduled to hold the next EU presidency.

* Czechia banned Voice of Europe, claiming it is a Pootin outlet.

thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XM9erS90gTE
R: 44 / I: 9
What made a homeless man with a mom that died when he was still a teenager into an extreme anti-communist social darwinist that believed in shoving homeless people and anyone that wasn't a middle class german into concentration camps?
R: 299 / I: 48

The EU has fallen. America is the last hope for humanity.

With Europe going full fascist, Russia being dragged into war with the EU, China being geographically surrounded by enemies, and the third world being too oppressed to rise up…
America, a country that leans right-wing, has somehow ended up as the last hope for communism and humanity to succeed over the forces of evil.

We face extinction and the forces of evil seem determined to drag us down into oblivion. Not only do we have to have a cultural revolution in America to change its internal right-wing bias, but we also need to wage war against fascism overseas. What leftists called "the great satan" has now become a sort of helm's deep, a last refuge against the mindless euroach fascist masses.

What can we do? How do we win?
R: 72 / I: 23

North American buildings are cheap and badly produced. Just like everything else made here…

This is not a thread to criticize the appearance of present day building trends, but to criticize literally every thing else that’s wrong with the way they’re designed.
These buildings; they won’t last a generation. Many of the buildings (mostly homes, unfortunately…) in North America built today are made using cheaply processed materials, framed poorly, and built without many of the features required for a building to last. Many of the buildings built today will not last gen z—much less gen alpha. God forbid the climate crisis or a natural disaster hits this continent, because a shitload of people are going to end up homeless, because the buildings they live in (assuming they can even afford to live in or use these overpriced and underdeveloped units) are going to crumble instantaneously.
Of course, this design is intentional. The landlords that commission these projects don’t care at all about the longevity of the things they construct or their usefulness to society, because these people only care about the land that’s underneath these buildings, and the money making potential from investment into these buildings. The architects and engineers that design these buildings obviously don’t have much say in how the building should turn out. As a result of this combination of greed and negligence, what many North Americans receive are clusters of mass manufactured, cheaply produced, ‘sludge buildings’ that will crumble before 2050, and will exist as massive wastes of taxpayer money.
And some people on this dumbass continent have the nerve to criticize the Chinese for cutting corners in infrastructure development…
R: 2 / I: 0

News 6/15/24

Colombia lawmakers approve pension reform in victory for Petro
Colombia's lower house on Friday approved a pension reform proposed by President Gustavo Petro, marking a victory for the leftist, who has struggled to get lawmaker approval for several of his cornerstone promises. The government says the reform will strengthen state pension fund Colpensiones, reduce subsidies and increase coverage for those without sufficient savings.

Venezuela: Prisoners End Five-Day Hunger Strike as Maduro Orders Action Against Judicial Delays and Overcrowding
The actions inside penitentiary institutions were accompanied by demonstrations from relatives in several cities, including outside the main court complex in Caracas. Protesters demanded a “quick response” from the Venezuelan state to improve incarceration conditions and tend to convicts suffering from chronic health issues.

Bolivia Deploys Military to Gas Stations Amid Fuel Shortage
Soldiers will make sure that only vehicles registered in a digital system are allowed to fill up their tanks, Deputy Civil Defense Juan Carlos Calvimontes said on Wednesday. Protests against fuel as well as dollar shortages have been growing louder in the Andean nation, with trucker unions threatening road blockades if the situation persists.

Constitutional Court of Ecuador Annuls Again State of Emergency Decreed by President Daniel Noboa
The latter state of emergency was intended to replace an earlier state of emergency that covered five provinces and had also been overturned by the Constitutional Court. The new declaration suspended the right to inviolability of the home in the provinces of Guayas, Santa Elena, El Oro, Manabí, Sucumbíos, Orellana and Los Ríos, and in the municipality of Camilo Ponce Enríquez, in the province of Azuay.

8 Israeli soldiers killed in southern Gaza ambush; deadliest day in months
Hamas fighters killed eight Israeli soldiers traveling in military vehicles in Rafah after firing rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and then ambushing a support force deployed to the scene. The attacks on Saturday marked one of the deadliest days for Israeli soldiers in Gaza in months as its ground invasion of the southern region continues to ramp up.

Houthi attack forces crew to abandon coal carrier in Red Sea
The crew of a Greek-owned vessel damaged in an attack by Yemen’s Houthi militants has been evacuated and the abandoned ship is drifting in the Red Sea, according to the UK Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO).

Two ISIS members captured in Til Hemis
The SDF statement said: “These terrorists were involved in killings, kidnappings, and bombings in the area. Our forces successfully captured them after imposing a tight siege on their hiding place and confiscated the following: 2 AK-47 rifles, 80 rounds of AK-47 ammunition, 6 AK-47 magazines, 4 smartphones, 2 cell phones, 2 tablets.”

32 Ukrainians reportedly detained in Hungary after illegal border crossing
The confirmation came after reports that a Gaz-66 truck broke through the border at the Kosyno and Velyka Byihan section on June 9 and entered Hungary.Ukrainian border guards spotted the movement of the vehicle near the border with technical means and subsequently found tracks in the direction of the Hungarian border, Demchenko said.

Jeremy Corbyn warns against Labour’s plans to ‘hollow out our NHS’
The former Labour leader will join healthcare workers and campaigners outside Archway Tube station in his Islington North constituency, warning that “more austerity and privatisation is not the answer” to the NHS crisis. His intervention comes two days after the launch of the Labour manifesto, which failed to rule out cuts to the health service and dropped the party’s previous promise that the “NHS is not for sale.”

BBC uncovers 6,000 possible illegal sewage spills in one year
BBC News has analysed spills data from nine firms, which suggests sewage may have been discharged nearly 6,000 times when it had not been raining in 2022 - including during the country’s record heatwave. Water companies can release untreated sewage into rivers and seas when it rains to prevent it flooding homes, but such spills are illegal when it’s dry.

India: author Arundhati Roy to be prosecuted over 2010 Kashmir remarks
Friday’s development follows the news that Saxena had last October given approval for the case to proceed before the courts – more than a decade on from when a criminal complaint against Roy and several others was originally filed. The complaint concerned Roy’s comment that the disputed territory of Kashmir was not an “integral” part of India, and accused her and others of giving speeches advocating the secession of Kashmir from India.

Working in ‘hellfire’: Gig workers bear the brunt of India’s heatwave
According to a recent report by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), the rising temperatures in India will reduce daily working hours 5.8 percent by 2030. With 90 percent of workers in the country employed in the informal sector, the loss of labour hours brings significant challenges.
R: 19 / I: 0
>It cannot be denied that Fascism and similar movements aiming at the establishment of dictatorships are full of the best intentions and that their intervention has, for the moment, saved European civilization. The merit that Fascism has thereby won for itself will live on eternally in history.

>was the economic advisor for the Austrofascist Engelbert Dolfuss dictatorship in Austria in the 1930s

wow the "Austrian School" of economics was just fascism all along!
R: 76 / I: 7
The honorary leader of the Communist Party in my country (also a founder of the former Association of European Communist Parties) recently founded a parallel, anti-imperialist party whose main concern is reclaiming the economy from what he characterizes as an oppressive "global financial system". He claims communism can never be achieved (even on a smaller scale) until the workers are freed from the soft colonization of neo-imperialist forces led by the "new bourgeoisie", defined as a class of multimillionaires/billionaires with direct or indirect control/monopoly on the means of productions, politics and mass media.

The interesting thing is, his message resonates with the voters of smaller anti-establishment parties, even on the right. He only failed to get a seat in the parliament because he refused to form an alliance with another alternative party as it wasn't explicitly on the left (it was a centrist party and together, they had enough votes; roughly the same voter-base was basically split in two equal parts and that failed to get both elected). He later changed his mind on the matter, reaching the conclusion that opposing supranational financial/political institutions is the single most important issue that prevents the self-determination of workers (and by extension communism itself), which is why he's now willing to find compromise with whatever party shares the same concerns -including anti-establishment parties on the right or even the far right.

I don't believe in the horseshoe theory but I'm more and more convinced it is possible for people on the fringe of the political spectrum to get "politicized" (and then, possibly radicalized) because of the same kinds of issues/struggle; they may fall on the opposite side of the spectrum, but that's only because external influences framed the same problems in different ways, and that led them to pursue different/opposite solutions and ideologies.
The only people that benefit from such ideological divisionism are the ones that have no interest in finding solutions for problems that are common to both sides (or at least, to the people on both sides); alternatively, it's people that actively benefit from such problems.

It's unpopular by definition but I genuinely believe the fact we're blinded by our differences is the single most determining factor in the common failure to solve the problems that led people to the opposite side of the spectrum in the first place.
Compromise will never be found and the circus will continue indefinitely.
R: 9 / I: 2 (sage)

Reuters: Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic

Some quotes:
<At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. military launched a secret campaign to counter what it perceived as China’s growing influence in the Philippines, a nation hit especially hard by the deadly virus.

<The U.S. military’s anti-vax effort began in the spring of 2020 and expanded beyond Southeast Asia before it was terminated in mid-2021, Reuters determined.

<When he addressed the vaccination issue, the Philippines had among the worst inoculation rates in Southeast Asia. Only 2.1 million of its 114 million citizens were fully vaccinated – far short of the government’s target of 70 million. By the time Duterte spoke, COVID cases exceeded 1.3 million, and almost 24,000 Filipinos had died from the virus. The difficulty in vaccinating the population contributed to the worst death rate in the region.

<in 2019, before COVID surfaced in full force, then-Secretary of Defense Mark Esper signed a secret order that later paved the way for the launch of the U.S. military propaganda campaign. The order elevated the Pentagon’s competition with China and Russia to the priority of active combat, enabling commanders to sidestep the State Department when conducting psyops against those adversaries. The Pentagon spending bill passed by Congress that year also explicitly authorized the military to conduct clandestine influence operations against other countries, even “outside of areas of active hostilities.”

<Although the Chinese vaccines were still months from release, controversy roiled the Muslim world over whether the vaccines contained pork gelatin and could be considered “haram,” or forbidden under Islamic law. Sinovac has said that the vaccine was “manufactured free of porcine materials.” (…) “Can you trust China, which tries to hide that its vaccine contains pork gelatin and distributes it in Central Asia and other Muslim countries where many people consider such a drug haram?” read an April 2021 tweet sent from a military-controlled account identified by X.
R: 5 / I: 0 (sage)

Why are Chinese, South Korean and Japanese games so problematic

Absolutely problematic! Far-right gamergate chinlets Defending sexist Chinese devs for not accepting consulting progressive fixes on outdated problematic plots.
R: 16 / I: 1

News 6/14/24

Mobilized Soldiers' Relatives Call for Russian Officials' Sons to Replace Their Loved Ones
“We demand to replace our men with other quite specific men: the children and husbands of those who tell our citizens from the screens that war is good,” the Put Domoi (“Way Home”) movement, which has organized women-led protests across the country calling for a full demobilization, wrote on its Telegram channel Friday.

Germany outlines plans for 'new' model of military service
"We want a new model that relies primarily on voluntary participation, but also includes mandatory elements if necessary," a document about the proposals read. Young men would have to answer a mandatory questionnaire about their willingness and ability to serve. From this, the Bundeswehr would select the most suitable and motivated individuals after a medical examination.

France's leftist alliance leaders vow to 'extinguish the flame' of far right in upcoming elections
The leaders of the alliance's four main parties emphasized that there was no place for antisemitism within their ranks. On the sensitive subject of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, they said they have agreed to condemn the Oct. 7 deadly Hamas-led incursion into southern Israel as “terrorist massacres” and demanded the release of all hostages held by the group in Gaza. They also promised unwavering support for Ukraine and its defense against Russian aggression, although they vowed that no French troops would ever be sent to Ukraine to help its fight.

YPS Mehmet Yıldırım Militia says that they targeted police vehicles in Batman
Making a written statement, the YPS Mehmet Yıldırım Militia said that their members "attacked police vehicles with handmade bombs in Batman (Êlih) on the night between 11 and 12 June, to protest the attacks on the will of our people. One police officer was injured."

Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic
The U.S. military’s anti-vax effort began in the spring of 2020 and expanded beyond Southeast Asia before it was terminated in mid-2021, Reuters determined. Tailoring the propaganda campaign to local audiences across Central Asia and the Middle East, the Pentagon used a combination of fake social media accounts on multiple platforms to spread fear of China’s vaccines among Muslims at a time when the virus was killing tens of thousands of people each day. A key part of the strategy: amplify the disputed contention that, because vaccines sometimes contain pork gelatin, China’s shots could be considered forbidden under Islamic law.

Philippines: 12 AFP soldiers eliminated and new crimes against the people in Negros island
During the second half of May, in the towns of Maria Aurora and Dipaculao, Aurora, Luzon, the New People’s Army – NPA, alongside with the peasantry of the area, has inflicted several blows to the old Filipino State troops (Armed Forces of Philippines – AFP). Specifically the 84th and 91st IB have received these blows. At least seven soldiers have been eliminated and other two have been injured.

Myanmar’s embattled military government cracks down on free flow of news by blocking VPNs
The military government that took power in February 2021 after ousting the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi has made several previous fitful attempts to throttle traffic on the internet, especially in the months immediately after their takeover. Reports in local media say the attack on internet usage includes random street searches of people’s mobile phones to check for VPN applications, with a fine if any are found, though it is unclear if payments are an official measure.

South Africa’s Ramaphosa secures ruling coalition, but allies hold veto
The right-leaning DA, with 21 percent of the seats in Parliament, will now be the ANC’s main partner in government with the support of the nationalist IFP. The parties agreed to an eight-page framework that will govern their unity government, including a clause stating that a decision could only be made if “sufficient consensus” was reached.

Milei’s radical overhaul passes Argentina’s Senate after protesters clash with police
His party made some tough concessions, agreeing not to sell off Argentina’s flagship airline Aerolíneas Argentinas, post office or public media company, leaving just a handful of state-owned firms, such as Argentina’s nuclear power company, on the block for possible privatization. A measure lowering the income tax threshold to include thousands more workers also failed to pass the second round of Senate voting, complicating Milei’s fiscal consolidation plans.

Southwest Colombia guerrillas “outgun security forces”
Petro ordered the National Army to “finish the offensive in the Micay canyon” after three attacks in Jamundi, a town in the south of Valle del Cauca, in less than two weeks. This offensive began in March after the suspension of the ceasefire that took force in October of last year. Since then, at least 15 guerrillas and four soldiers were killed.
R: 29 / I: 5 (sage)

End of petrodollar, maybe it is over for burgerstan

>Russia halted trading in U.S. dollars, the euro and Hong Kong dollars on the country’s flagship stock exchange Thursday after the U.S. imposed fresh sanctions aimed at further tightening the screws on Moscow’s war machine.
The Bank of Russia said trading sessions in the foreign-exchange, precious metals and derivative markets of the Moscow Stock Exchange with settlements in those currencies had been suspended due to U.S. sanctions. However, currency trading will continue in the over-the-counter market—when two parties engage directly without supervision from an exchange.

<Saudi Arabia has decided not to renew its 80-year petrodollar deal with the United States, which expired on Sunday, June 9, as per media reports.

This agreement, originally signed on June 8, 1974, had been a key part of US global economic influence.
The deal set up joint commissions for economic cooperation and Saudi Arabia's military needs. Back then, American officials hoped it would encourage Saudi Arabia to produce more oil and strengthen economic ties with Arab countries.

Is this the collapse of US dollar? Will imminent economic collapse to gardeners happen?
This happened last day and still nothing happened.
My bets are because of the gaza war petrodollar was dropped
R: 222 / I: 41


>Marxist political economy concerns itself variously with the analysis of crisis in capitalism, the role and distribution of the surplus product and surplus value in various types of economic systems, the nature and origin of economic value, the impact of class and class struggle on economic and political processes, and the process of economic evolution.

Related topics such as finance/business, etc. also welcome

related threads:
>>213072 /crisis/ General (monitoring the market, trends, fluctuations, etc.)
>>1852043 / CYBERCOM / (discussion of cybercommunism, the planning of the socialist economy by computerized means)
R: 317 / I: 83


Casi nuevo hilo, para un casi nuevo año. As always we allow everyone to speak english, we are not Ukrainian fascists.
Conmemorando a Alexis Castillo esta ocasión.

Para luego buscarlo en el catálogo:
Latinoamérica, Latin America, LATAM, /lat/, latinoamérica, latino américa, hispanoamerica, /ñ/
R: 154 / I: 21

Confused person

But… have we actually tried reversing the accumulation of capital so that it isn't concentrated into the hands of a few? This seems to be the best argument against capitalism that I've seen, yet I don't really see any argument for why we can't simply legislatively undo accumulation through tax, seizures, etc other than 'noo they wont let us'. Granted that's a problem but it doesn't strike me as a necessarily true statement? Why *can't* we just have social democracy that progresses into socialism possibly later. Why do we necessarily have the dichotomy of 'socialism or barbarism'?

i dunt get it
R: 21 / I: 10
Has anyone else noticed that the NYTimes' comment sections have become increasingly reactionary the past 4 months?

Obviously, the NYTimes isn't exactly a leftist newspaper but all this time I've been reading it the comment section has always been filled with people making fun of conservatives and right wingers but this no longer seems to be the case. There's even pro-Trump comments regularly appearing among the top most "recommended" (upvoted) ones.

Just making a thread about it cause I find it peculiar. Do you think liberals are being radicalized into right-wingers? Or is there a covert op going on?
R: 8 / I: 1

News 6/12/24

Linguist and activist Noam Chomsky hospitalized in his wife’s native country of Brazil after stroke
Valeria Chomsky said via email that her 95-year-old husband is in a Sao Paulo hospital, where she took him on an ambulance jet with two nurses once he could more easily travel from the United States following the June 2023 stroke. The couple has had a residence there since 2015.

Milei reform bill hangs in balance as riots rage outside Argentine Congress
The main left-leaning Peronist opposition bloc, closely allied to the unions, is likely to vote down what is known as the "bases" bill and a separate fiscal package. The main bill includes plans for privatizing public firms, granting special powers to the president and spurring investment.

Colombia’s teachers strike over pending education reform
The compromise agreed between the minister and the opposition includes the “opening of education to the market under the pretext of improving quality,” which would make it more difficult for poor people to get decent education, and higher education in particular. Fecode and Osorio additionally accused Vergara of agreeing to the controversial compromises without consulting with the teachers and their union.

Israel pushes out dozens of aid workers by not extending visas
Since the war in Gaza began eight months ago, Israeli authorities have been quietly hindering the work of NGOs by not issuing temporary work visas to aid workers, nor renewing existing ones. Dozens of foreigners working for NGOs focusing their work in Palestine have had to leave their homes, usually in Jerusalem, as their visas have expired. Israel has also changed its policy toward U.N. system organizations, amid the biggest crisis in the region in decades.

Yazidi Nationality Bill sparks debate and opposition in Iraqi parliament
Yazidi activist Maiser Saeed told The New Arab's Arabic-language sister publication, Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that the Yazidis have endured significant oppression under ISIS and deserve recognition as a distinct Iraqi nationality. Saeed stressed that the bill would treat Yazidi as a nationality in terms of rights and duties, while not negating their religious identity.

Opposition party agrees to join SA unity government
The leader of South Africa's Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) says his party has agreed to form part of a government of national unity that includes the African National Congress (ANC) and the biggest opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA). Velenkosini Hlabisa told reporters at a media briefing in Durban on Wednesday: "The only options were to become part of the government, or part of the opposition." "The people of South Africa who voted said that political parties must find a common ground," Mr Hlabisa said.

ITUC African body calls for action against child labour on the continent
“Worldwide, the agriculture sector accounts for the largest share of child labour. In Africa, agriculture accounts for 85 per cent of all child labour and 61.4 million children in absolute terms.” It said: “Many African children toil in private homes as servants, in farming, construction sites, mines, garages, shops and other enterprises in the informal sector.

US lifts ban on sending weapons to Ukraine’s Azov Brigade
Azov is the best-known name of the Ukrainian extreme right that emerged in 2014, following the Maidan Revolution. It is a political and military movement founded by extremist and ultranationalist elements that contributed to the overthrow of pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych. … Since the war in Donbas, the United States had prohibited the weapons it sent to Ukraine from ending up in the hands of Azov. This has been the case until Tuesday, when the White House State Department announced that the Azov Brigade will finally be able to receive U.S. war equipment.

Heat wave in Greece halts visits to Acropolis as drones with thermal cameras monitor temperatures
The ancient site in the Greek capital — which drew nearly 4 million visitors last year — was closed from midday till 5 p.m. as the temperature was set to reach 39 degrees Celsius (102 degrees Fahrenheit). Elementary schools and preschool classes were also canceled in parts of southern and central Greece where the temperatures were highest.

Starmer promises ‘long-term strategy’ in business-friendly Labour manifesto
The Labour manifesto will promise to not raise corporation tax, and to launch a new industrial strategy with clean energy at its centre and enact rapid planning reforms to incentivise developers to build new infrastructure.
R: 0 / I: 0

Post Zionists/Israelis being evil

Articles, pictures, or videos. Don't be a /pol/fag of course.
>The Samson Option is a phrase used to describe Israel’s strategy of massive nuclear retaliation against "enemy" nations should its existence as a Jewish state be jeopardized through military attack. Israeli leaders created the term in the mid-1960s, inspired by the Biblical figure Samson, who destroyed a Philistine temple, killing himself and thousands of Philistine enemies. Originally a strategy of last resort retaliation - even if it means Israel’s annihilation - it has developed into being a nuclear bullying strategy to further Israel’s territorial goals through threats and blackmail. Israel has bullied not only Arab and Muslim nations, but the United States and Russia with its Samson Option threats. Mordechai Vanunu has alleged that Israel uses for purposes of blackmail its ability to "bombard any city all over the world, and not only those in Europe but also those in the United States."

>Martin van Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, was quoted in 2003 giving explicit support of the Samson Option: "Most European capitals are targets for our air force … we have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under."

very reasonable country
R: 9 / I: 0
Irrespective of how subjectively morally appealing it may seem, every step in the direction of stricter state surveillance and censorship by definition means the forging of an apparatus that will be utilized ruthlessly against a potential proletarian movement in the future. This applies to every single scenario where dimwitted losers cry out for more state intervention to censor anything from casteism to anti-Muslim rhetoric.
R: 33 / I: 4 (sage)
Euroach “socialists” be like:

>Ackshually it’s a good thing the fascists are in power and anyway they aren’t really fascists, they're based multipolarists they just wanna kill Arabs and Africans which is actually based and communist

How tf can you euroid scum be more of a settler than actual fucking settlers?

It's kinda funny how Trump lost an election tailored for reactionary scum to win (yes, America is not a democracy, land matters more than people's votes here) over brown children locked in immigration camps, yet literal nazis get elected in the euroach by popular vote whenever they promise to use live bullets at starving refugees, you euroaches are the scum of the world and I'll remain on that hill
R: 11 / I: 2 (sage)

Just stop.

Drugs are bad for mental and physical health, drugs destroy lives, drugs mate it easier for the pigs to lock you up drugs make you smell bad, drugs cost wages.

R: 3 / I: 1

News 6/13/24

Colombia plans to provide medical treatment to Palestinian children injured in Israel-Hamas war
Colombia’s Deputy Minister of Multilateral Affairs Elizabeth Taylor Jay told reporters the children would travel with their families to Colombia for rehabilitation. She did not provide further details, including the number of children who would receive treatment, when they would arrive in Colombia or how long they would remain in the country.

Runner up in Colombia’s presidential election sentenced to 5 years over corruption
The former presidential candidate and leader of the “League of Anti-Corruption Governors” party had already been convicted in March. In the conviction, the judge confirmed that Hernandez illegally granted a contract to process waste from the city of Bucaramanga to a company that had promised a $666,000 commission to his son.

Brazil seeks pro-Bolsonaro rioters who fled to Argentina
Brazil has asked Argentina for information about dozens of supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro seeking refuge in the neighboring country to avoid legal consequences for rioting in Brasília last year as part of an alleged coup attempt. Brazilian police officials said the request was a precursor to possible extradition requests.

ITUC says workers' rights are crumbling under mounting attacks from employers
It says the 10 worst countries for trades unions are Bangladesh, Belarus, (with 42 union officials still in jail), Ecuador, Egypt, Eswatini, Guatemala, Myanmar, the Philippines, Tunisia and Turkey. Twenty-two trade unionists were killed in Bangladesh, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, the Philippines and the Republic of Korea.

Jordan jails journalist over report on 'land corridor' with Israel
The report, entitled “Partners in genocide… Jordanian capital involved in genocide in the Gaza Strip" was published in Annasher, an Lebanese media outlet. It describes the involvement of some Jordanian companies in shipping goods to Israel through a land corridor.

Hezbollah rains rockets on Israel after strike kills commander
The Israeli military said successive rocket barrages were fired from Lebanon into northern Israel Wednesday, after an Israeli strike killed a senior Hezbollah commander in south Lebanon the previous day. Lebanese militant group Hezbollah has traded near-daily cross-border fire with the Israeli army since the onset of the Gaza war.

Russian Police Arrest Reported Army Deserter Who Shot at Motorists
The Ostoroshno Novosti Telegram news channel, citing anonymous sources, reported that the shooter was 31-year-old Andrei Dymovskikh, a former convict who deserted the front line in Ukraine. Images of the arrest released by the Russian National Guard showed the detained shooter in military fatigues alongside an automatic weapon in the grass.

G7 agrees on loan deal to support Ukraine with Russian assets
Leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) major democracies agreed an outline deal on Thursday to provide $50 billion of loans for Ukraine using interest from Russian sovereign assets frozen after Moscow invaded its neighbour in 2022. The political agreement was the centrepiece of the opening day in southern Italy of the annual summit of G7 leaders, attended for a second successive year by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

China sends emergency relief to central and eastern provinces battling extreme drought
In recent weeks, extreme heat has persisted in northern and central China, with rainfall down by 50 per cent in some regions, the ministry said. China’s weather bureau forecasts that the drought will further develop. More than 290 million people across the country have been affected, Xinhua news agency said on Wednesday.

South Korea opposition leader Lee indicted over funds transfer to North Korea
Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung's deputy when he was Gyeonggi province governor had already been found guilty of bribery and transferring illegal funds in a conspiracy involving Ssangbangwool Group to send $8 million to North Korea.
R: 4 / I: 0

The global rise of federalism

Normally federations are only discussed in science fiction, because most countries are not at the level of political progress to exist as federations. However, the deterioration of party politics in countries like South Africa, America, the Sahel states, increasing trade opportunities between neighbouring states across the African continent, and an increasing portion of the North Atlantic countries (what some call the ‘west’) might contribute to the rise of federalist policies and centralized governance in the coming years. What are your beliefs and proposals for the federalization of Southeast Asian, African, and South American countries?
R: 46 / I: 7

Chinese labour productivity

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that the Chinese government and the CPC are deliberately sabotaging efforts to implement fordist principles into the country’s manufacturing sector, so the country’s industrial labour force remains cheap and readily exploitable for literally the entirety of the planet (yes even the ‘poor countries’ of the world). I believe that there is no other explanation for how the both governments can host about record economic growth and exports, while the country’s largest factories still rely on direct human labour to produce whatever the fuck the world needs or wants.
There is no other reason for China’s modern factories to not use more machinery and more educated job seekers to produce higher quality goods for both domestic and foreign markets. Shame on Dengists, the Chinese government, and the CPC for not taking advantage of the opportunities available to them. >:(
R: 4 / I: 0

News 6/10/24

Israel war cabinet minister Benny Gantz quits Netanyahu’s government
He called for early elections, saying “there should be elections that will eventually establish a government that will win the trust of the people and be able to face challenges”.“I call on Netanyahu: set an agreed election date.”

Shattered Palestinian activist Bassem Tamimi freed from Israeli detention, in video that shocked Palestinians
An exhausted looking Bassem Tamimi, a well-known Palestinian activist, was released on Sunday from Israeli detention, where he was held for over eight months under administrative detention, without a charge or trial. Local Palestinian media published a video of 57-year-old Tamimi at the moment of his release, showing a noticeable deterioration in his appearance, exhibiting clear signs of emotional and physical exhaustion.

Iran approves six candidates for presidential election
The Guardian Council, which oversees elections in the Islamic Republic, selected the six from 80 registered candidates. Those chosen are largely conservatives, with only one reformist allowed to stand. Massoud Pezeshkian, who represents Tabriz in Iran's parliament, had been critical of the government's lack of transparency during nationwide protests triggered by the September 2022 death in police custody of 22-year-old Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini.

The far right’s election gains rattle EU’s traditional powers, leading Macron to call snap polls
Some ballots in the vote for the European Parliament were still being counted Monday, but the outcome showed the 27-nation bloc’s parliament membership has clearly shifted to the right. Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni more than doubled her party’s seats in the assembly. And despite being hounded by a scandal involving candidates, the Alternative for Germany extreme right party still rallied enough seats to sweep past the slumping Social Democrats of Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Disappointment for Sinn Féin as Irish local elections bolster coalition
Sinn Féin launched an inquest after winning just 12% of the first preference local election vote. This exceeded its 2019 figure, and the party is expected to gain council seats, but until recently opinion polls gave the party more than 30% support, raising expectations of a landslide.

Election results show government and opposition weakened, far-right parties surge
The ruling center-right New Democracy had hoped to match its 2019 result (33.12%). According to the official results from the Interior Ministry it is seen getting 27.9% support, significantly lower than last June’s national election results, but still far ahead of main opposition SYRIZA (14.9%) and the socialist PASOK (12.9%).

Peru courts extend pretrial detention for former president Castillo
Peru's Justice Department said on Monday it has extended by 14 months the pretrial detention of jailed former President Pedro Castillo, who is charged with rebellion, abuse of authority and disrupting the peace.

Over 4,000 residents flee a town in southern Mexico after armed gangs start shooting, burn homes
Residents of the town of Tila fled over the weekend after armed gangs shot up the town and burned many homes last week, state prosecutors said. It was probably the biggest mass displacement in Chiapas since 1997. Some residents recounted spending days trapped in their homes before army troops and state police showed up over the weekend to allow them to leave.

Honda and Mazda headquarters inspected over vehicle test fraud
The ministry last week searched the head offices of Toyota, Yamaha and Suzuki after disclosing irregularities on the part of the five companies in tests to obtain type approval, which is necessary for mass production. The ministry is investigating details of the irregularities and examining whether there was any other wrongdoing.

South Korea to resume propaganda broadcasts after North sends hundreds more rubbish balloons
It said that “the responsibility for the escalation of tension between the two Koreas will be entirely up to the North”. “Although the measures we are taking may be difficult for the North Korean regime to endure, they will deliver messages of light and hope to the North Korean military and citizens,” the president’s office added.
R: 74 / I: 18

Forms of proletarian organization

Political parties (electoral and vanguard)
Mutual Aid Groups
Worker Co-operatives
Labor Unions
Tenant Unions
Worker Councils (Soviets)
Worker Militias (Cadres)

Are these all the types of proletarian organizations? Are there any missing? How should these organizations relate to each other? Should they all submit to a party line? To what extent should they seek interclass help (legal counsel, charity, consumer cooperatives, educational institutions etc.). What about legal vs. illegal activity?
R: 2 / I: 1

Chinese labour productivity

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that the Chinese government and the CPC are deliberately sabotaging efforts to implement fordist principles into the country’s manufacturing sector, so the country’s industrial labour force remains cheap and readily exploitable for literally the entirety of the planet (yes even the ‘poor countries’ of the world). I believe that there is no other explanation for how the both governments can host about record economic growth and exports, while the country’s largest factories still rely on direct human labour to produce whatever the fuck the world needs or wants.
There is no other reason for China’s modern factories to not use more machinery and more educated job seekers to produce higher quality goods for both domestic and foreign markets. Shame on Dengists, the Chinese government, and the CPC for not taking advantage of the opportunities available to them. >:(
R: 341 / I: 72
Childhood is to think Christianity destroyed the World. Adulthood is to realize the dominant classses will always use religion as a tool regardless of their context, and that Christianity was actually progressive in his early context, since It was a "religion of women and slaves." I still dislike the homophobia and the exclusiveness of God but now i realized how silly i was when i thought Christianity was the reason of the World (and particularly my country and Latin America generally) to suck
R: 164 / I: 27


Is Tribalism, ethnocentrism, and preference for ones own people, religion, and culture inevitable? And if so, doesn't this hurt the universalism of communism? Is homophily just "human nature" and built into the hunter gatherer id of humans?

>Tribalism is the state of being organized by, or advocating for, tribes or tribal lifestyles. Human evolution has primarily occurred in small hunter-gatherer groups, as opposed to in larger and more recently settled agricultural societies or civilizations. With a negative connotation and in a political context, tribalism can also mean discriminatory behavior or attitudes towards out-groups, based on in-group loyalty.
R: 60 / I: 21


A thread for forgotten continent. Post anything related to:

Burkina Faso
Cabo Verde
Central African Republic (CAR)
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, Republic of the
Cote d’Ivoire
Equatorial Guinea
Sao Tome and Principe
Sierra Leone
South Africa
South Sudan
R: 42 / I: 5 (sage)

Age and Communism

If communism isn't going to happen in your lifetime, particularly if you're older, why should you care about it? If your whole life has been spent slaving under capitalism and then socialism doesn't happen until your retirement age or even after your death, why not just be apolitical and party?
R: 72 / I: 10


Hello, I was wondering if I should I join PSL? I've heard a lot of good things about them, but also a lot of bad, so im pretty conflicted. If I shouln't join then what should I join instead? PCUSA?
R: 26 / I: 2 (sage)
Are stalinists unironically retarded?

Stalin's refusal to believe in an imminent German attack can be seen as a tragic blend of stubbornness and miscalculation. Despite mounting evidence, he clung to a precarious sense of security, convinced that war was not on the immediate horizon. This skepticism created a false calm, a dangerous underestimation of the threat, and a reluctance to prepare adequately. His mindset fostered an atmosphere of denial, where warnings were ignored, and preparations were delayed. Stalin's disbelief was more than a simple error; it was a profound misreading of intentions, a costly oversight that led to severe consequences. His unwavering stance, rooted in a mix of strategic reasoning and personal conviction, ultimately set the stage for one of the most shocking and devastating invasions in history.
R: 3 / I: 1

News 6/11/24

Chiquita liable for financing death squads in Colombia: US court
Chiquita must compensate victims of paramilitary organization AUC, which received financial support of the banana corporation in Colombia, a US court ruled. The sentence is a major victory for nine victims whose family members were assassinated by the paramilitaries. Chiquita will have to pay these victims $38 million, according to Noticias Uno director Ignacio Gomez, who revealed the banana company’s ties to AUC death squads in 1997 already.

Mexico’s tactic to cut immigration to the US: wear out migrants
Driven by mounting pressure from the U.S. to block millions of vulnerable people headed north, but lacking the funds to deport them, Mexican authorities are employing a simple but harsh tactic: wearing migrants out until they give up. That means migrants are churning in limbo here as authorities round them up across the country and dump them in the southern Mexican cities of Villahermosa and Tapachula. Some have been punted back as many as six times.

Israeli killings of Gaza civilians during raid may be war crimes: UN
“The manner in which the raid was conducted in such a densely populated area seriously calls into question whether the principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution – as set out under the laws of war – were respected by the Israeli forces,” he said in a statement.

Intel suspends $15 billion factory expansion in Israel amid Gaza war
Intel is halting the expansion of a major factory project in Israel, which was going to invest an extra $15 billion in a chip plant. The chip giant in December said it was going to expand an ongoing $10 billion plan at a site in Kiryat Gat site, in the south of the country, currently under construction but this appears to have been shelved now.

ICC prosecutor appeals for evidence of atrocities in Sudan after rebels attack hospital in Darfur
ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan released a video statement in the aftermath of an attack Sunday by the notorious Rapid Support Forces paramilitary group that forced the closure of a main hospital in the western Darfur region. The group fired shots and looted the hospital in al-Fasher, aid group Doctors Without Borders reported.

Detained Uganda anti-pipeline activist released
“Unfortunately, he is in poor condition after enduring severe beatings, mistreatment, and abuse throughout the week. Doctors are conducting various examinations.” EGI is campaigning to stop the construction of the 1,445km (900-mile) East African Crude Oil Pipeline, which is to carry oil from oilfields in western Uganda to a port on Tanzania’s coast.

France's left-wing parties agree to form alliance against the far right and Macron
The alliance — which includes the Greens, the Socialists, the Communists and Jean-Luc Melenchon’s France Unbowed — has for now vowed not to join forces with Mr Macron’s supposed centrists. In a joint statement, the alliance called on all forces on the left, including the influential trade unions, to unite behind a “new popular front” to form an “alternative to Emmanuel Macron and to fight against the racist project of the far right.”

Far East Russia’s Sakha Declares Wildfire Emergency
More than 40 wildfires were burning in Sakha as of Tuesday morning, according to regional authorities, engulfing a total area of some 830 square kilometers — roughly the size of Berlin or New York. By declaring a state of emergency, the region will gain access to critical equipment and personnel from the federal government to help local emergency responders and volunteer firefighters battle the blazes.

Killing of 2 Cattle Transport Workers ‘Premeditated’: AIKS Accuses Chhattisgarh Police of Bias
he All-India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) has condemned the brutal killing of two cattle transport workers and injuring of another on the Mahasamund-Raipur border in Chhattisgarh last week (June 7), ostensibly in the name of cow protection. Alleging that the attack was “premeditated”, the farmers’ body said a group of 15-20 people had been tailing the truck carrying cattle toward Odisha and had “put nails on the bridge to deflate the tyres”.

US plans to turn Taiwan Strait into ‘unmanned Hellscape’ if China invades: top admiral
If mainland China invades Taiwan, it may face a large, lethal drone force meant to make its military “miserable”. At least that’s the plan, according to the top US admiral in the Pacific, who said the “Hellscape” strategy is designed to distract China and buy the United States time to respond.\
R: 8 / I: 0 (sage)
Will there be hentai under communism?
Can I live off drawing hentai in communism? I'm already an artist who draws hentai and I would change this job for anything.
R: 491 / I: 109
This is Mexico's new left wing president, and first female president in the country, say something nice about her.

>Will continue the plans the previous president had

>Aims to push education and scientific reforms to push the country to the next level
>Has a PhD in Engineering, and part of a Nobel prize winning team that developed research to counter global warming

Honestly the future is fucking bright for us
R: 77 / I: 10

Theory of Marginal Utility of Value

Am I fucking insane for finding this dogshit? I'm reading through Capital right now and, while browsing the internet to review a few things, I see this guy claiming that
>Marxist economics is useless and outdated and nonsensical […], use this [marginal theory of value] instead, it's Econ 101 and what everyone uses
Upon reading it, I find this theory extremely poor. It analyses exchange as an element in a set represented by two individuals, instead of taking exchange as an element in a set represented by society at large. It doesn't matter if you're willing to pay 30 dollars for a glass of water when you're thisty, you'll still go for the cheapest option because you're not confined to a single provider. Your subjective need doesn't alter value, as you're not the only buyer and the seller is not the only source of that commodity.
The worst part is: it doesn't even refute Marx's theory of value! That specific advocate of the marginal theory of value argues on the pressuposition that Marx claims that commodities always have this fixed, essentialist exchange value, which is a false assumption clarified by Marx in the first section of the first chapter. Marx doesn't deny the fluctuations of price, he simply proposes (per my understanding) that this fluctiation is biased towards the commodity's value, which is based on the human labor power invested in that commodity throughout the production chain. If one were to tackle this proposition, they should put forward concrete evidence that labor power as a unit of measurement doesn't exist, no?
I realize that I might be preaching to the choir, but I make this post in the hopes that someone educates me on liberal economics, as in: there certainly must be another reason, or at least another angle of critique, which bourgeois intellectuals (as opposed to the specific advocate I referenced) use to justify the marginal theory of value's adoption, no? Then what is it?

Tangentially related: I'm not in economics circles. It seems to me the labor theory of value is dismissed as "outdated" quite often by these types, I wasn't aware of that. I'd like to know what are the arguments that deprecate the labor theory of value.
R: 44 / I: 8
Its a good subject that we rarely talk about. I saw one time a uygha on twitter saying "i gave up on communism because i will die", the other guy he was discussing with was an atheist activist, he replied with "science can make us immortal" and later "you are a coward"
Materialism can be cold water into a coffee cup for many people. For people that grew up in a religious zealot house, or homosexuals or people that generally like to sin, no God is freedom. But what when you are afraid to die? When you are afraid people you love died forever and now you are depressed? Young people think they will never die but when age hit, you feel in despair. I say this because i have an uncle that used to be a communist militant and an avid atheist, he told me he wanted to believe but cant and he feels shitty because of that.
Thats why i think its better to not be too harsh on the materialist. The common people dont need to be a Marx expert, and depressed or nihilist people dont do revolutions
R: 42 / I: 4

What does leftypol think of Ali Shariati?

>idealogue of the Iranian revolution
>tried to synthesize Islam and socialism
>murdered by the SAVAK 1978
so what does leftypol think of this guy?
R: 616 / I: 91 (full)  

/leftybritpol/: Things Can Only Get Wetter Edition

>Rishi Sunak has taken an astonishing gamble in going for a general election at a time when there is still a little room to delay and the governing party is in such poor shape with public opinion.

>The Guardian’s poll of polls shows Labour 21.7 points ahead of the Conservatives, with 44.7% of the vote to 22.9%. Poll leads of more than 20 points are usually only seen at exceptionally bad moments in the midterm.

>Labour’s poll lead now is a little narrower than it was at the equivalent stage of the contest in 1997. Support for both the main parties is down on 1997, with Reform UK (11.5%) and the Green party (6.5%) picking up. The swing since the December 2019 election is a mammoth 16.8 percentage points; the previous postwar record was the 1997 swing of 10 points.
R: 27 / I: 5

Austria is fucked

The far-right party has, with a 99% chance, won the elections for the EU.
And they are preparing for the parliamentary election this year.
Furthermore, many experts assume that they will also win the election for the parliament.
What do you think, anon?
R: 267 / I: 61
You are not converting right wingers.

Just wanted to drop in to tell you that your negative attitude towards liberal progressives but your welcoming attitude towards right wing extremists with the rationale that the latter has more potential to be converted „because they also despise capitalism“ is both dumb and proven to be false.

We‘ve had a fair share of right wing extremists here, mostly because of raids and at other times attention whores starting pointless debates. Rarely do we have successful converts and when we do they still can‘t let go of right wing brainrot, i.e. chauvinistic idpol. And unlike the liberal progressive idpol it‘s actually pro-actively divisive while liberal progressive idpol still seeks to overcome oppression and bring people together this way, albeit based on a misguided liberal understanding of how these oppressions came to be.

The people with the greatest potential to be converted remain liberal progressives for the simple reason that they have a shared sentiment in opposing oppression and establishing an egalitarian society. Meanwhile, right wing extremists are exactly opposed to that. Sharing the notion that something sucks about capitalism has in no way meaningfully moved these people closer to being your allies, which is blatantly obvious through historic precedent; it was right wing extremists who killed communists whenever they could.

Your attempt to try to differentiate yourself from mainstream left wingers to appeal to /pol/acks by saying uyghur is pathetic and very telling. Grow up and develop a realistic grasp of who your actual allies are.
R: 25 / I: 2

correct geopolitical analysis by right wing libertarians‽

sadly, my parents have been going down a libertarian pipeline recently, something i was not aware of until recently due to not having a lot of contact with them.
the thing is though, that somehow this developed made them have an extremely correct and based analysis of many political issues, with them now having opinions on things like the genocide in gaza, the ukraine conflict, black liberation and anti imperialism in general that are indistinguishable from those exposed by your average communist, even though they still believing that everything bolshevik is the devil incarnate.
i then decided to introduce them to various anti imperialist media that doesn't use explicitly marxist branding (ben norton, btn, etc) and they seem to now be huge fans of those projects.
what the hell is going on there? how the hell did my reactionary parents get radicalized into being opposed to American imperialism while continuing to consume reactionary media?
R: 501 / I: 84  

/ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine war general #177: Reddit Brigade IRL Edition

Remember!!: Updoot to the right!


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



Live maps and updates
DeepStateMap: https://deepstatemap.live
Events in Ukraine: https://eventsinukraine.substack.com/
SouthFront: https://southfront.org/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/

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📺 News/events: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash
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>Video Essays / Historical Background
📺 Ukraine: The Avoidable War - Boy Boy

📺 America, Russia, and Ukraine's Far Right - Gravel Institute
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0pyVJG7_6Q (Link TBA)

📺 Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

<Current Happenings

📺 The Grayzone: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrayzone7996
📺 DDGeopolitics: https://www.youtube.com/@DDGeopolitics
📺 Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
📺 The Duran: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeMVChrumySxV9N1w0Au-w
📺 The News Atlas: https://www.youtube.com/c/thenewatlas
📺 Military Summary: https://www.youtube.com/@militarysummary


Social media



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• Please remember to add a spoiler to NSFW and extreme content such as graphic violence and gore.
• Try your best to not derail discussion too much from the main events and relevant places where the war is taken place, as well as other happenings, groups and public figures related to it.
• Meta discussion of the historical, philosophical and ideological background of the war is fine as long as its done in good faith and comradely.
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• Remember to take your meds! It helps mediate schizoposting and foot fetishism
• this is /isg/ for people who treat geopolitics like shitty map games
R: 102 / I: 34

Weather Underground

I think reading up about these guys should be mandatory because they are a perfect illustration of what not to do. They were without a doubt perhaps the most incompetent and embarrassing armed group that has ever existed. Everyone, White Working class union members, Black Panthers and feminists all made fun of them and thought they were embarrassing retards
All their members hailed from very privileged backgrounds and were university students, Not surprisingly, when they were apprehended, only a handful faced any consequences or retribution from the government. Their grand "revolution" against the United States turned out to be a decade-long spree of meaningless bombings and vandalism. Law enforcement dubbed them the "toilet bombers" due to their penchant for targeting government building bathrooms. The pinnacle of their incompetence was when they accidentally blew up one of their own safe houses. Some of their members managed to evade capture for years(cause no one was actually looking for them), only to be astounded by the lenient punishment they received upon surrendering. cause law enforcement simply didn't deem them worth prosecuting. the majority of them are still alive and continue to enjoy their wealth to this day and are college professors and social activists.
R: 64 / I: 33

Who would you be in 1917?


Take the "Political Compass of the Revolution" test and find out who you would have been a hundred years ago - an anarchist, cadet, Bolshevik, right Socialist Revolutionary or Black Hundred
R: 8 / I: 1

Describing And Changing Reality

Theories are simplifications/approximations of reality. Frameworks. They do not fully describe reality. They can't. A system cannot contain a full description of itself. In order for a full description to be created, one most go outside the system. But once you are outside the system, there is an external system, with its own nodes and relationships that need to be described, and which influence the subsystem. So a full description is still impossible. Since theories are simplifications/approximations of reality, slogans are oversimplifications of reality, as they are simplifications/approximations of theories, which are themselves simplifications/approximations. Since it is impossible to fully accurately describe reality, one must give up on the theoretician's vain task and fight to change reality. Fighting, action, etc. can take on unwise forms like adventurism, however. Also, it requires the above theory, however much it may be a simplification/approximation of reality, to convey this sense of urgency and need for action, and even once you convey it, people are still not sufficiently motivated to do anything, even if it is in their material interests. This is because they are tired, beaten down, sometimes on the brink of death itself.

How does the proletariat resolve this need to balance theory which is always somewhat incomplete with action which is always somewhat uninformed?
R: 16 / I: 8 (sage)

Whites should not have communism

Im non white and im pro capitalist in white countries and pro communist in my native country. the reason for that is pretty simple, with globalization and the pursuit of cheaper labor, many industries have shifted operations overseas. this has disproportionately affected working-class white communities in regions dependent on manufacturing jobs, leading to economic decline and social instability.

A push for a globalized economy under capitalism in white countries undermines local and national cultures, which can include the traditional values and identities of white communities, companies push diversity hires and quotas, who gets left out? white applicants.

the corporations will portray white scums as oppressors and beneficiaries of an unjust system, fueling a narrative that undermines white identity.

Tell me why you think we should liberate them from capitalism? personally we should let them be victims of their “superior” economic system.
R: 17 / I: 9

A discussion thread for Congo’s recent thwarted coup

A few weeks ago, the Congolese army reported the arrest of a little over fifty armed men; many of which were from the United States, France and other North Atlantic countries. These men have been put into custody, and some of them have been executed (censored video footage has been published to the public by Aljazeera).

This series of events has had me thinking about the dramatic rise in military expenditures most African countries have had in recent months. Where exactly is the African union and the organizations it governs headed as more domestic security measures get implemented, and as anti imperialist sentiment grows? Will Congo fully cut off resource exports with the world outside of Africa? Have the recent conflicts Chinese migrants had with treating indigenous Africans lead to worse diplomatic relations—for those of you wondering, recently some shops and schools opened by Chinese and Indian migrants have been closed or shut down permanently in Kenya, Congo, and Nigeria over alleged or proven discrimination against indigenous Africans (CTV news Nigeria, Africanews, Reuters, 2024).

Feel free to discuss your ideas.
R: 59 / I: 9

Neo/Platonism & Marx

Is Platonism and Marxism/leftism compatible or is Plato just a proto fash? What about related ideas like Spinozism and neoplatonism?

>Neo-platonism (or Neoplatonism) is a modern term used to designate the period of Platonic philosophy beginning with the work of Plotinus and ending with the closing of the Platonic Academy by the Emperor Justinian in 529 C.E. This brand of Platonism, which is often described as ‘mystical’ or religious in nature, developed outside the mainstream of Academic Platonism. The origins of Neoplatonism can be traced back to the era of Hellenistic syncretism which spawned such movements and schools of thought as Gnosticism and the Hermetic tradition. A major factor in this syncretism, and one which had an immense influence on the development of Platonic thought, was the introduction of the Jewish Scriptures into Greek intellectual circles via the translation known as the Septuagint. The encounter between the creation narrative of Genesis and the cosmology of Plato’s Timaeus set in motion a long tradition of cosmological theorizing that finally culminated in the grand schema of Plotinus’ Enneads. Plotinus’ two major successors, Porphyry and Iamblichus, each developed, in their own way, certain isolated aspects of Plotinus’ thought, but neither of them developed a rigorous philosophy to match that of their master. It was Proclus who, shortly before the closing of the Academy, bequeathed a systematic Platonic philosophy upon the world that in certain ways approached the sophistication of Plotinus.
R: 29 / I: 5

Hoxha is based and red piilled

Kardelj pretends that «the one-party system» in a socialist country is a specific transformation of the bourgeois political system, and the role of the one party (here he implies the Bolshevik Par- ty) is the same as that of «the multi-party sys- tem», of bourgeois political pluralism with one «minor» difference, that in the one-party State its leaders only remain at the head, whereas in the multi-party State the leaders change. This doubledealer puts the bourgeois parties on a par with the Bolshevik Party founded by the Russian revolutionaries with Lenin at the head. To him, the leadership of the State and society by the genuine party of the communists is no different from the rule of the bourgeoisie through the mul- ti-party system. This proves once again that the Titoites, like the bourgeoisie, consider political parties and the State as institutions that allegedly stand above classes.

-Yugoslav self administration, a capitalist theory and practice P. 69
R: 4 / I: 0

News 6/8/24

Guatemala lawyer who defended rural and Indigenous people killed in attack
José Domingo was with two members of the United Farmworkers Committee when they were shot by a group of men Wednesday south of the capital, said Daniel Pascual, a leader of that organization.

Top prosecutor charged for allegedly intimidating son of Colombia’s president
The disciplinary commission of Colombia’s judicial branch announced charges against the prosecutor who is investigating the son of President Gustavo Petro. According to the National Commission for Judicial Discipline, prosecutor Mario Burgos allegedly leaked evidence to the media and tried to intimidate the president’s son, Nicolas Petro. If found guilty of the charges, Burgos may be removed from the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Colombia to Ban Coal Sales to Israel to Seek an End to Gaza War
The ministers of foreign affairs, finance, energy and trade decided to halt sales of the fuel to the Jewish state, according to a draft decree published Friday on Colombia’s trade ministry’s website. The Andean nation is Israel’s biggest supplier of the fossil fuel.

Israeli army says four captives rescued amid heavy strikes on Gaza
The announcement about the raid in Nuseirat on Saturday came as Palestinian health officials said at least 210 people were killed and wounded in Israeli attacks on central Gaza. Local residents said Nuseirat had come under heavy Israeli drone and air raids, with children among those killed.

HPG: 11 Turkish soldiers were killed in actions by the guerrillas
On 1 June at 10:50, a Reo-type military vehicle loaded with a generator was hit by the guerrillas with sabotage tactics in Tabura Ereban Resistance Area. 5 invaders inside the vehicle were killed and 2 others were wounded. The military vehicle, generator and military equipment inside the vehicle were destroyed.

11 bodies retrieved from Mediterranean off Libya: MSF
"It is unclear whether the bodies discovered off the Libyan coast were victims of a previously unknown shipwreck." While out searching for the bodies, MSF sighted a boat and rescued the 20 people aboard, it said.

Mali financial workers union extends strike
A financial worker's union in Mali on Saturday called on employees of banks, insurance companies, micro-finance institutions and petrol stations to extend their strike until its secretary-general is released from detention. The National Union of Banks, Insurance Companies, Financial Institutions and Businesses of Mali (SYNABEF) held a strike from Thursday to Saturday after its secretary-general, Hamadoun Bah, was arrested on Wednesday.

Scottish Greens propose ticket tax on Swifties
The Scottish Greens have now proposed a £1 levy on stadium concert tickets, a tax they say could net £1 million a year from Scotland’s two biggest stadia alone. It could have brought in as much as £200,000 from Ms Swift’s three-night residency at Murrayfield to plough into supporting grassroots music, artists and venues across the country.

Polish police at Belarus border ordered to carry guns amid “growing aggression” from migrants
Meanwhile, the government today announced that new rules on allowing soldiers to use weapons in self-defence at the border will be presented next week. The speaker of parliament has defended the right of soldiers to “shoot at thugs who attack them”.

Russia Says Its Forests Can Absorb Its Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Climate Change and Poor Forestry Standards Make This Unlikely.
Researchers from the Moscow-based Izrael Institute of Global Climate and Ecology found that Russia's greenhouse gas emissions appear to be higher than what its ecosystems can absorb. The report’s authors also warned that Russia's ecosystems could become a carbon source after 2050 due to increased methane release from the continental shelf and melting permafrost.

Manibela: 25,000 members to join 3-day transport strike
Transport group Samahang Manibela Mananakay at Nagkaisang Terminal ng Transportasyon (Manibela) said Saturday that they expect around 25,000 members to join their 3-day protest which will begin on Monday.

Nearly half of journalists covering climate crisis globally received threats for their work
A global survey of more than 740 reporters and editors from 102 countries found that 39% of those threatened “sometimes” or “frequently” were targeted by people engaged in illegal activities such as logging and mining. Some 30%, meanwhile, were threatened with legal action – reflecting a growing trend towards corporations and governments deploying the judicial system to muzzle free speech.
R: 60 / I: 13
I think the US government should raise taxes and use the revenue to pay for a larger welfare state.
1. The income tax should be higher for all brackets except for the lowest, but the increases should be much higher in the higher brackets. The federal top marginal tax rate should be doubled from 37% to 70% (not counting other income taxes). This would not only massively raise the amount of revenue available for public goods but also reduce inequality.
2. There should be a 10% VAT on all goods and services. This will reduce consumption of consumer goods but it will raise large amounts of revenue, with much more of it coming from the rich than the poor.
3. A progressive wealth tax should be levied on assets, beginning with a 1% tax on wealth valued over a million dollars, and increasing until it becomes impossible in any practical sense to hold onto a billion dollars or more. This won't raise a lot of money and it will have distortionary effects on investment but it will totally get rid of the most annoying group of people on Earth, billionaires, so it will be well worth it.
4. The property tax should be replaced with a land value tax. Rent is theft so even from a randian/marxist desertist standpoint it belongs to the public. This will raise large amounts of money, all of it from the property-owning class, and will have basically no negative effects because the amount of land on Earth is constant, so taxing it can't affect the supply. It's an extremely progressive revenue-raising tax that also has positive knock-on effects because it incentivizes productive land usage.
5. There should be a 3% additional income tax on college graduates. Maybe split it into two brackets to make it more progressive.

The money from the first three taxes should be used to pay for:
1. Universal healthcare. The fact that the US has not implemented universal healthcare is basically equivalent to a moral atrocity. Enormous amounts of suffering could be prevented through a universal healthcare system, ideally one on the Beveridge model, but Sanders's proposed single-payer insurance system works fine too. As long as it's free at the point of surface and paid for by the government. This will reduce the amount of expenditures paid by Americans for healthcare over time as they are more easily able to access preventions rather than waiting for catastrophes before seeking care. All other OECD countries have universal healthcare and much lower healthcare costs as a percentage of GDP. This means over time the government spending towards healthcare as a percentage of revenue will decline, serving as a trojan horse for more welfare state expansions later.
2. A massive public housing program. The US has too few housing units. About 10 million too few. Part of any effective response to this is land-use reform and a massive relaxation of low-density zoning laws, but if we only did that alone, it would:
A. Take decades for the supply to actually rise to the meet the demand, because Keynes.
B. Not provide housing to the people who need it the most, which are the non-working poor and the homeless.
A big public housing program (combined with land use reform) could end the housing crisis by providing decent housing to millions of Americans at cost. It could also end homelessness by taking homeless people off the streets and providing them with free housing. Do you hate that crazy guy who smells like shit and threatens you on the street corner? Well if he had an apartment, he'd be able to bathe, have free time to masturbate in the comfort of his own room, and shit in his own toilet, without bothering you. And if he had some money, he wouldn't have to beg you for yours.
3. A universal child-care cash benefit program. Right now the US has a child benefit program by means of a tax credit. If you have children, the US will lower your taxes. Well that's just great. Except that lowering your taxes only raises your income if you already have an income! About seven million American children who live in poverty come from families that don't file taxes. Sending money to families with children every month would drastically reduce child poverty. Oh, and Pre-K should be free too.

The money from the fourth tax should go into a social wealth fund. This means that the government collects land rents through the land value tax and invests the money into the stock market. This fund is managed by the government, but every citizen owns one share. The fund pays a yearly dividend to all citizens in cash. Every year the government collects more land rents and invests more money into the fund, so it grows. Ideally, you want the majority of productive assets in the country to be collectively owned by the social wealth fund, so that rather than profits accruing to a small, property-owning class through passive income, they accrue to everyone equally, because capital is owned collectively instead of privately. Because the total amount of capital income in the US is enormous (30% of all income), this amounts to a substantial universal basic income, that would provide everyone with access to food, clothing, and anything else they might need. As society becomes wealthier and the labor force decreases, the social wealth fund becomes the primary means of distributing income in society, eventually resulting a post-scarcity socialist society where nobody works and everybody has equal and substantial wealth.

The fifth tax pays for college tuition. College should be free at the point of service for the same reason all education should be free, but college graduates are much wealthier than non-college graduates, so a regular tax increase to pay for college tuition would be regressive. Nevertheless, the welfare state not only functions to redistribute wealth between classes and across the income distribution, but also across the age distribution, moving wealth from working-age people to the young and old, who are unable to earn a labor income. Taxing college graduates to pay for college students is a fair way to make this happen, and unlike student loans, poor people have to pay less instead of more.

Also there should be minor reforms to state food stamps, disability, and unemployment benefits to eliminate work requirements and provide them as cash-transfers rather than in-kind. States could easily do this without much hassle or tax increases, it's just some states are run by republicans who hate welfare on principle and intentionally try to make it inefficient and difficult to access. On top of tax increases, we should also slash the military budget and agricultural and fossil fuel subsidies.

Big government makes magic happen.
R: 15 / I: 2
It has been 20 years since Reagan’s death. S

Could make a list of all the evil he has done?
Just off the top of my head:
-war on drugs
-invading Grenada
-bombing Libya
R: 16 / I: 1

what the fuck?

Is it true that Iran did terrorism in sweden recently? If so, why? What would be the motive?

I always thought of Iran as being at least RELATIVELY smart with how they use their power but if its true that they did terrorism in sweden then all I gotta ask is why?
R: 39 / I: 17 (sage)

Reminder: Tankies are mentally ill

I love how tankies support ultra-reactionary jihadists massacring their way through kibbutz (agricultural commune) murdering literal communists. At first I thought it was ironic, but on the other hand there are few dictators who ever killed as many communists as did Stalin lol.
R: 375 / I: 61


what's leftypol's position on WEED?
would marijuana be legal in a socialist/communist society? Should leftists participate in movements to decriminalize and legalize marijuana? Would there be state owned marijuana farms? Or is smoking marijuana bourgeois?
R: 625 / I: 255 (full)

Palestine vs the Zionist Entity #87 - Who Hasn't Committed A Little War Crime Now And Then? Edition


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/6/6/israels-war-on-gaza-live-relentless-israeli-strikes-kill-102-palestinians

Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


Our own wiki. Be sure to add to it and create branching articles:



From the UK, single issue long time Palestinian investigative and general reporting, critical source

From the USA

Regional news from an anti-imperialist perspective

Premier Human Rights org

Left news and opinion webzine from Tel-Aviv

A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine

Known anti-zionist academic Norman Finkelstein's blog



al-Qassam Brigades









(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it.

الله أكبر
.الى جميع الكادحين في الشرق، ان مصيركم في ايديكم
!يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا
R: 15 / I: 1

The BaltiKKK Puppet states thread

A thread related to Baltic states on life support from EU and only valuable for NATO because of them being close to Russia.

Any topic related to Baltics.
R: 13 / I: 4

News 4/23/24

Palestinian commander thought to be dead resurfaces in West Bank funeral
"Our message is that we defied the [Israeli] occupation and we are still alive, and we are still walking on the path of the martyrs, no matter how much they assassinate us. This situation will not end until [we claim] victory," Abu Shuja is seen saying in one video posted online.

Villages in Manbij under attack
Manbij Military Council reported that the attacks caused damage to crops and green areas, but did not result in any casualties. The starting point of the attacks was a Turkish army base in the occupied town of Tokhar al-Kabir (Greater Tokhar).

Berlin police ban Irish protesters from speaking or singing in Irish at pro-Palestine ‘ciorcal comhrá’ near Reichstag
German authorities have been increasingly restricting pro-Palestine protests against the government’s support for Israel amid its war in Gaza. The ban on languages other than English and German, in Berlin without a designated translator present to interpret for police is seen as mainly targeting Arabic speakers, and therefore Palestine supporters.

Peter Hain calls for inquiry into MoD’s alleged role in Saudi bribes scandal
In a letter to the head of the NAO, Gareth Jenkins, Lord Hain said the revelations raised “extremely serious questions about the MoD’s alleged involvement in corruption”. Hain also backed calls from Spotlight on Corruption and Transparency International UK that urged government auditors to immediately review MoD financial practices.

Thousands protest in Spain's Canary Islands over mass tourism
Smaller marches were held elsewhere in the island group and other Spanish cities, all of them organised by about two dozen environmental organisations ahead of the peak summer holiday season. The organisations say local authorities should temporarily limit visitor numbers to alleviate pressure on the islands' environment, infrastructure and housing stock, and put curbs on property purchases by foreigners.

Colombian right march against Petro's reform project
Until Sunday, the opposition has had little success in organizing anti-government protests. This has changed in part because of the participation of the truckers, the surgeons and the scientists who oppose the government’s policies for their own particular reasons. Petro further upset conservative public opinion by a recent announcement that he will take part in the Labor Day protests on May 1.

Bolsonaro supporters hit streets of Rio and hail new hero Elon Musk
Musk’s online campaign against Moraes – who has responded by including the X owner in an inquiry into the online dissemination of fake news – has outraged progressive Brazilians who suspect it is part of a calculated transnational ploy to undermine Brazil’s leftwing government.

Brazil's plans to drill for oil in the Amazon hit stiff Indigenous resistance
The CCPIO, the highest Indigenous authority in Oiapoque, is composed of more than 60 caciques, or chieftains, representing over 8,000 people. They do not oppose the search for oil per se, but invoke what they say is a right to prior consultation by Petrobras, with supervision from the federal prosecutors’ office and Funai.

Ecuadorean voters reject return of investor-state dispute settlements in referendum
Voters rejected a proposal to “recognise international arbitration as a method to solve investment, contractual or commercial disputes.” Mr Correa ended all investment agreements including ISDS clauses in 2017 — the notorious clauses allow companies to sue governments for lost profits, and have been used by fossil fuel corporations to punish governments which take action on climate change.

Truce crumbles in Sudanese army's last Darfur holdout
Al-Fashir is the last major city in the vast, western Darfur region not under control of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF). The RSF and its allies swept through four other Darfur state capitals last year, and were blamed for a campaign of ethnically driven killings against non-Arab groups and other abuses in West Darfur.

EFF will petition ICJ to scrap apartheid debt: Malema
“We now are owing almost R573 billion which we are servicing and that includes the apartheid debt. So, if you minus the apartheid debt to our foreign debt, then we save a lot of money that can be used in our social responsibility programs. The immediate thing that we are going to do when we take over government is to demand that the International Court of Justice should declare the apartheid debt invalid. Because you can’t pay for people who are coming to kill you.”

Philippines wants US, Japan to build rail network after dropping Beijing as ties sour over South China Sea frictions
The 50-billion-peso ($868 million) Subic-Clark railway, which will link the former US military bases turned commercial hubs, is being pitched to form part of the Luzon Economic Corridor, a planned showcase of economic cooperation between the US, Japan and the Philippines that was hatched during the first trilateral summit among its leaders last week at the White House.

Myanmar’s Military Traps And Bombs Civilians in a Town in Kachin State
Intense fighting broke out in the town on Monday morning when regime troops from Light Infantry Battalion 437, which is based outside the town, advanced into its center as other battalions randomly shelled civilian neighborhoods and junta jets dropped bombs, a resident who fled the town told The Irrawaddy on Tuesday.
R: 31 / I: 4
<this job is more difficult than others
>why should i take it?
<because it pays more
>why should i care about that?
<because you'll have more money
>why should i care about having more money?
<because then you won't have to work as much to remain alive
>ok, then i'll take this difficult job, burn myself out, and then live off my savings for a while after getting laid off
<sorry, a gap in your resume looks suspicious. you'll need to work constantly until retirement if you ever want to get a job again
What's the point? Why even bother trying?
R: 8 / I: 1

News 6/7/24

Samsung Union Goes on First-Ever Strike Over Pay Dispute
The largest union at Samsung Electronics Co. went on a strike for the first time in the company’s 55-year history, with the standoff over pay so entrenched that the two sides have stopped all discussions. The National Samsung Electronics Union, the largest of the tech giant’s several unions with some 28,400 workers, encouraged members to take a single day off on Friday, which falls between a Thursday public holiday and the weekend. They plan to resume normal work hours next week.

South Korea to freeze key military deal with Pyongyang amid balloon spat
The council said that continued compliance with the deal would present “considerable problems in our military’s readiness posture”. Suspending the agreement would allow the country to conduct training near the military border and take unspecified “immediate measures” if necessary, it added.

Chinese local official dies in alleged stabbing after housing dispute
The obituary said Guo was responsible for dealing with the illegal occupation of state-owned housing and that the suspect was an illegal occupant. It did not elaborate on details of the dispute. However, mainland legal outlet Fadulaw, quoting an anonymous source, said on its WeChat account that the incident was believed to be related to a housing dispute stemming from Guo’s term as a township leader.

Modi elected leader of coalition to form new Indian government
Before Mr Modi was formally elected as the NDA leader, local media reported that the two key regional allies which can make or break his coalition government — the Telugu Desam Party in southern Andhra Pradesh state and Janata Dal (United) in eastern Bihar state — were eyeing posts in important ministries, some of which the BJP have held so far.

Israel added to UN 'blacklist' of parties that harm children in conflict
The United Nations has placed Israel on a blacklist of countries that have committed abuses against children, after Israeli forces killed thousands of Palestinian children in its ongoing war on Gaza.

Israel says it won't let Palestinian Authority have Rafah crossing role
During a meeting of Israel's security cabinet ahead of the talks in Egypt, Netanyahu said he doesn't agree to any role for the Palestinian Authority at the Rafah crossing, according to two sources with knowledge of the meeting. One of the sources said Netanyahu's remark contradicted a policy approved in the war cabinet a few days earlier that said Israel would agree to the Rafah crossing being operated by any government entity other than Hamas.

Yemen’s Houthis detain UN staff, aid workers
Dujarric said on Friday the UN was seeking clarification from the Houthis about why the Yemeni employees were detained. The two women and nine men work for five different UN agencies and the UN envoy for Yemen.

Uruguayan woman given proper burial 47 years after abduction by dictatorship
Sanjurjo, remembered by family and friends as a kind and patient employee at a publishing house and a member of Uruguay’s Communist party, was 41 years old and newly pregnant when she was seized on the streets of Montevideo on 2 November 1977. Prosecutors said that she died after being beaten and tortured at a military detention center six days after her arrest.

Mexican immigration authorities tear down capitol's tent encampments
Most of the 432 people at the camp had some sort of visa allowing them to remain in Mexico, and simply agreed to leave. There were also some Mexican people at the camp, presumably homeless persons.

Port strike suspended at Argentine grains hub, ensuring flow of goods
The FESIMAF maritime workers federation, which groups several unions, announced plans to start a 48-hour strike earlier on Thursday, arguing that the Tugboat Owners Chamber (CAR) refused to negotiate an expired collective bargaining agreement."We're all working normally," said Raul Durdos, head of the SOMU union, a member of FESIMAF.
He added that government officials had ordered a stop to the strike from 1 p.m. local time, to allow for talks between workers and companies.
R: 12 / I: 0
I think Murry Bookchin was totally right the classical struggle between militant proletarians and the bourgeoisie at least in the developed world where as in places like Indonesia where repression still exists. And from this we need to find a new way of organizing that fits in with the modern world.

<But the CNT-FAI also revealed the limitations of that type of classical struggle — and it is fair to say that the Spanish Revolution marked the end of a century-long era of so-called “proletarian revolutions” which began with the June uprising of the Parisian workers in 1848. The era has passed into history and, in my view, will never again be revived. It was marked by bitter often uncompromising struggles between the proletariat and bourgeoisie, an era in which the working class had not been admitted into its “share” of economic life and virtually denied the right to form its own protective institutions. Industrial capitalism in Spain was still a relatively new phenomenon, neither affluent enough to mitigate working class unrest nor sure of its place in political life — yet still asserting an unqualified right to ruthlessly exploit its “hired hands.”
R: 270 / I: 52

"Matter is the Fundamental Substance in Nature" – the perfect Socialist Dogwhistle

So we know the right wing has their dogwhistles, i.e. "Christ is King" and "It's Okay to be White."
How about a Socialist dogwhistle? Something that will trigger rightoids, something that really hurts: reminding them that the soul does not exist, and that consciousness is an illusion. They HATE this, it threatens everything about right wing ideology much more than they are willing to admit. This is why they fought it fiercely in the 20th Century, making sure to appeal to the "godlessness" of communism. Ultimately I believe there is too much idealism around these days. You see it in things like psychedelic culture, wellness culture, tech culture (and their idiotic quest for "immortality") and surprise! they are all becoming very reactionary!

Trigger the idealists. "Matter is the fundamental substance in nature." It's the perfect combination of disarming and bewildering that gave "its okay to be white" and the AOK hand their power. "Matter is the fundamental substance in nature. Make it a meme. Marx would be proud. That's where it all began, after all. Before his ingenious theory of Dialectical Materialism, before Scientific Socialism, before the Communist Manifesto, there was Materialism.
R: 80 / I: 10

Kashmiri leftist here

Hello, ask a Kashmiri leftist who lives in Kashmir anything from culture to politics and history of socialism in kashmir
R: 31 / I: 8

All revisionists must go

Kill revisionists. Behead revisionists. Roundhouse kick a revisionist into the concrete. Criticize Revisionists. Crucify filthy revisionists. Defecate in a revisionists food. Launch revisionists into the sun. Stir fry revisionists in a wok. Toss revisionists into active volcanoes. Urinate into a revisionists gas tank. Judo throw revisionists into a wood chipper. Twist revisionists heads off. Report revisionists to the state security. Karate chop revisionists in half. Curb stomp the class basis for revisionism. Send revisionists to Gulags. Crush revisionists in the trash compactor. Liquefy revisionists in a vat of acid. Eat revisionists. Dissect revisionists. Bomb Revisionist Headquarters. Stomp revisionists skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate revisionists in the oven. Mandatory reeducation for revisionists. Send revisionists to labor camps. Drown revisionists in fried chicken grease. Vaporize revisionists with a ray gun. Purge old revisionists. Feed revisionists to alligators. Slice revisionists with a katana.
R: 5 / I: 1

1965 Bulgarian Maoist coup attempt

>The 1965 Bulgarian coup d'état attempt was an attempt by officials in the Bulgarian Communist Party and officers in the Bulgarian People's Army to oust the leadership of the party, more specifically the General-Secretary Todor Zhivkov. These plans were foiled in April 1965 before the coup could be carried out.

>In October 1964 two members of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party, Ivan Todorov-Gorunya and Tsolo Krastev , began to plot against Zhivkov. The conspirators were communists influenced by Mao Zedong of China, who denounced the leadership of the Communist Party for having become "opportunists" and for following the "revisionist" Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev. Although Khrushchev was removed on 14th of October, the conspirators aimed at establishing a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Bulgaria. Several dozen officers joined, including the commander of the Sofia garrison General Tsvyatko Anev; the head of the personal cabinet of the Мinister of Defence, Colonel Ivan Velchev; the deputy chief of the Мain Political Directorate of the Bulgarian People's Army General Мicho Ermenov ; and the chief of department at the General Staff, General Lyuben Dinov.

>The plan was to execute the coup with the aid of the Bulgarian People's Army during the plenum of the Central Committee of the BCP. They planned to use the tank brigade based around Sofia, the Guard Division and the First Army headquarters in Sofia as a show of force against the party leadership.

>The conspirators aroused suspicion and a counter-intelligence operation carried out between 28 March and 12 April 1965 uncovered the scheme and arrested those involved. Some sources say that the leaders of the plot were being spied on even before 1964 because they were not fully trusted by the party leadership.The first arrested was General Anev on 8 April 1965. Following his arrest the coup leader, Todorov-Gorunya, committed suicide at home. On 12 April the rest of the plotters were arrested. Nine of them were court martialed and were given sentences varying from 8 to 15 years, and another 192 people were given administrative penalties.

>Rumors spread throughout Sofia about the suicide of a high-ranked party official and about the possibility of a plot against the current leadership. The state-controlled media, however, denounced all rumors as "fantastic fabrications and malicious propaganda."

I'm literally crying right now.
R: 6 / I: 0
Why are south americans so friendly to reactionary or ancap ideas? And what's with the growth of USA-philia?

We've been exploited nonstop by the USA yet people seem eager to choke on American cock and run in the rat race in here, and the anti-left sentiment is not only growing but getting increasingly more aggressive and borderline rabid.
Feels like latam has been successfully lumpenified (I just made that word up).
R: 15 / I: 2

The Miller Test?

The most recent round of shitflinging about porn got me thinking about the Miller Test, and how it confuses the fuck out of me.

For those who don’t know, the Miller Test is a test used by the US’s Supreme court to determine if something is “obscene” and thus doesn’t fall under first amendment protections. In order for something to count as obscene, the answer to all three of the following questions must be “yes”:
>Whether "the average person, applying contemporary community standards", would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest
>Whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct or excretory functions specifically defined by applicable state law,
>Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

Tests one and three seem very arbitrary to me. How do you determine what “the average person, applying contemporary community standards” thinks, or whether a “work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value”?

Beyond that, the very idea of “obscenity” as a legal concept seems like it runs counter to the first amendment, which is pretty clear that freedom speech and freedom of press aren’t things that can be limited. Is it because they’ve declared that it doesn’t count? Because if it is, then that kind of defeats the whole point of having free speech to begin with, doesn’t it?

Please, for the love of god, someone explain this shit to me.
R: 31 / I: 6
Revolution is just adventurism with planning. The manifestation of a class-wide union of egoists. The only difference between the "bad" adventurism that people like Lenin denounced and the "good" adventurism (revolution) is that when you do risky shit that gets you killed in the good adventurism, you do it with lots of people, and spend years and years "planning" in advance. And how does that "planning" manifest? Turns out very little of it is actually planning the way you plan to build a building by drafting blueprints. 99% of the "planning" is people hyping each other up for revolution, convincing each other it's a good idea, and convincing each other to stand together and not back out when the time comes. The same way a bunch of college frat boys "plan" to ride an empty shopping cart down a steep paved road when drunk. This "planning" is really hyping. Admit it.


Just means educate people that the thing being hyped is good
Just means get them agitated so they would rather do it than not do it
Just means get them to do it all at once rather than alone.

"Planning" for a revolution is a lot like planning for a WoW raid except instead of 25 people fighting hundreds of monsters, it's thousands upon thousands of people fighting a handful of bourgeoisie and their well armed lackeys. Which brings me to my next point. Revolution should theoretically be easy. The "three percenter" reactionaries in the United States are always going on about how it only takes 3 percent of a country to overthrow the government. It probably takes even less! Washington would cave if 1,000,000 armed and half-trained civilians sacked it. And that's not even 1% of the USA.

This is why adventurism is based. If everyone capable went out and got a k/d ratio of 2 on the porkies, it would be over in a day.

>ooooh fed thread! fed thread! fed thread redemption!

The real feds are the ones demoralizing you from doing anything. The real feds are the ones telling you that this truth is "fedposting." I'm not telling you to actually do anything without planning, I'm just pointing out this "planning" should not take decades like people say it does. In fact 99% of it is people hyping each other to be brave. People lack the bravery to just fucking do it. YOLO that shit. Most of the "planning" is really getting them to a state where they're willing to engage in collective adventurism.
R: 381 / I: 103

On the Militia Question

Not trying to be an enlightened centrist here, but it has always seemed odd to me how people on the right and left fetishize the concept of a militia taking down a conventional army, when reality has shown the opposite result every time, I come from a shitty third world nation that is barely held together most of the time, and my country has experienced numerous rebellions by Islamists, ethnic nationalists, and communists, and every time they have failed. This is because a "well-armed and well-funded militia" is no match for a well-armed, better-trained army with superior logistics and structure. Of course, in the event of a total collapse, a militia could potentially become the only proper authority for a region or if faced with an entirely incompetent and corrupt army. However, in most cases, a real army always prevails over militias. I don't know how people fell for this meme really, Eve Marx bought into this up and advocated for workers' militias, which ultimately proved to be a massive waste of time and loss of life for everyone involved, the Spanish Republicans insisted on using them in the Spanish civil war and they were a massive hinderance that lost way too many battles, and thoughts of forming an actual army was "Stalinism" and a betrayal of the revolution.
R: 633 / I: 221 (full)

/brg/ - Brazil General

"we used to have culture" edition

come in, make friends, talk about everything Brazil related - politics, news, the arts… and shitpost, of course.

Previous thread: >>1683261
R: 26 / I: 6

How to be an Isolated Communist.

I'm making this thread because I think my experience might be really similar to other people on this board.

I live in a large town in Europe, of about 100k people. I'm quite far from the capital or any actual city, and even if I lived there the only groups in my country are radlibs and socialdemocrats that are completely hypnotised by electoralism.

How does one be a good communist, where there is no party in existence, in your area or the country you are in? Is there any way to volunteer your time to any organisations like ICOR or ILPS in any significant way?

Even in larger countries, like France or Britain, the existing parties seem a bit pathetic, and not at all widespread. How you stop the waves of feelings of helplessness and apathy that comes from feeling like you don't have any realistic option to contribute to the movement?
R: 142 / I: 27

The Limitations of Anti-Religious Criticism

The fundamental leftist critique of religion is that religion lulls the masses into complacency with promises of a better life in Heaven and an assurance that the Earthly order is ordained by Providence and, on the flip side, recognition of the falsehood of religious belief will cause the masses to undergo a radical re-evaluation of the world, the way it is organized, and their relationship with their fellow man. But here in 2024, and in the Western world, is this still relevant?

Let's look at the first claim. Is the largest or even significant ideology keeping the masses in line the promise of a better life in Heaven? Do the actively religious actually believe that the world order as it is established now is the product of divine providence? I would say that obviously this is not the case and hasn't been for a while. What subdues the masses can vary from country to country, but at least in America (and increasingly around the world) it is not the promise of Heaven that motivates the masses to stay in line, but the promise of earthly reward. The "temporarily embarrassed millionaires" attitude has long been an aspect of the American ideology, but I would argue that it has moreso and moreso taken on the religious aspect of maintaining social compliance. First you had Horatio Alger stories which generally portrayed a "rags-to-riches" narrative based on young men engaged in some kind form of good works to rise above the poverty while benefiting their community, which then turned to Ayn Rand's stories which rejected outright any greater social responsibility of the industrialist tycoon, instead portraying them as pseudo-divine "Great Man" figures for which all the industry and wealth of the world was merely an extension of their great personalities and any attempt to direct or interrupt their great works was to invite disaster upon the world, for the world needs the entrepreneur, the entrepreneur does not need the world. This is further developed by the "self-help" movement that began to take off in the 70s, where often men of wealth would give advice on how to get rich to the masses, but this "advice" was almost never about making shrewd business decisions or actual ways of acquiring capital and business deals, but a litany of all the supposed morals and examples of virtuous living the wealthy supposedly possessed. And then, finally, to top it off we have "The Secret," a bestselling novel which posited that it is not simply being a great personality and having great virtue that makes one rich, but also one's mentality. To get rich, you must quite literally have faith and piety in Capital and all problems can be solved essentially with a secular version of prayer. And flagrant nonsense though it may be, it has nonetheless integrated itself into into the greater Cult of the Entrepreneur. There's now tons of media of wealthy people spouting this exact ideology, giving examples of how they live their lives in virtue and always remember to say their prayers to capital. And, in spite of the complaints of the "retvrn to tradition" people, the otherworldly look of the abstract and minimalist designs of most modern homes and luxuries of rich people really adds to this effect. Unlike old manorial style homes, these new properties give the impression that the wealthy have not simply gotten rich, but are no longer of this world and have ascended to Elysium. And it's this ideology that appears to have captured the imaginations of most of the proletariat who refuse improvements in their own real lives in the modern day. They're not coaxed with promises of an honored place in the afterlife, but with the promise of an ascension into an earthly paradise. The "I don't take too much stock in this world because my treasure is in Heaven" types are an absolute dying breed, even among the religious and this has taken its place (even in religious communities in the form of the "Prosperity Gospel"!)

There's also the question of if people will have any kind of radical re-evaluation of the world once they lose their religious views, and I would once again say that this has been fairly debunked even as recently as the last decade after the NuAtheists all became a big gaggle of reactionaries. As it turns out, "Nature" can be a perfectly adequate replacement for God in the reactionary worldview. The world and everyone's place in it can very easily be trumped up to supposedly self-evident natural laws rather than divine providence, and in some ways I would argue that this is even more oppressive than the divine order. The order of the world being mandated by Heaven still leaves some wiggle room. After all, Heaven has enemies and who's to say that our earthly powers aren't actually in league with Hell? Nature, on the other hand, is immutable. To claim that the order of the world is natural is to claim that it is as set in stone as the law of gravity, of the wind and the tides, of the setting of the sun in the west. And what's more, not only have the NuAtheists of the Aughts become reactionaries, guys like Richard Dawkins and Bill Maher are even massive Zionists. I guess the fact that God doesn't exist doesn't mean He didn't give the land of Israel to the Jews! So what was the the refutation of religion even supposed to change in these people if it doesn't even inoculate them against Zionism?

The problem with engaging in all of this is that we are simply acting as toadies for secular liberalism. Among many secular liberals, religion is used as the sin eater for liberalism's failures. Religion is portrayed as the evil seed from which all reactionary thought grows and is the perennial reason why liberalism continues to fail to live up to its promises, continues to push for ever crueler policies both at home and abroad and why its in a slow collapse. A certain brand of secular liberal points at religion when they don't want to acknowledge that the calls are coming from inside the house. And we don't need to cape for the liberals and uphold their delusions.

Religion is in many ways a vestigial and dying institution, at least in the West. I cannot remember a time like now when even the supposedly religious have just thrown aside any pretense that they were ever motivated at all by their supposed religion, where reactionaries pushing religiosity have just openly said that they're doing it cynically because they think that it will somehow uphold the social order they want. They almost never even have a reason why they think pushing their particular religion will uphold any particular social order beyond "the past was more religious than now." I think critiquing them on religious grounds is giving them credit they don't deserve. Its to imply that this is all about some transcendent and spiritual worldview when its clearly not. To be blunt, ever since Trump rose up as a political force, I haven't been able to take the religious right seriously as a religious movement and I don't know why other people humor them.

It's giving the liberals support we shouldn't be giving them and showing the right a form of respect they don't deserve.
R: 4 / I: 1

News 6/6/24

Colombia announces peace talks with rearmed former FARC chief
Colombia’s peace commissioner and rearmed guerrilla chief “Ivan Marquez” announced new peace talks. In a press statement, Peace Commissioner Otty Patiño and Marquez’s group, Segunda Marquetalia, said that the peace talks will kick of in the Venezuelan capital Caracas on June 24. Patiño and the guerrilla representatives said that the talks would proceed without a bilateral ceasefire.

Canada Border Agents Threaten Strike Action Starting Friday Afternoon
“We still hope to avoid strike action and potential disruptions for travelers and commercial traffic at Canada’s borders,” said Sharon DeSousa, national president of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, which represents about 9,000 workers at the Canada Border Services Agency. “But we’ve set a deadline for the Liberal government to get to work on a fair contract for workers.”

US sanctions Palestinian group under decree used to target Israeli settlers
The US on Thursday targeted the Lions’ Den, an armed group that emerged out of Nablus in 2022 and has claimed several attacks against Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank. “The United States condemns any and all acts of violence committed in the West Bank, whoever the perpetrators, and we will use the tools at our disposal to expose and hold accountable those who threaten peace and stability there,” the US Department of State said in a statement.

Hezbollah footage 'shows successful attack on Israel's Iron Dome'
The Lebanese armed group's TV channel Al-Manar published footage it said was released by Hezbollah's military media of an attack on the anti-projectile system in the town.The video appeared to depict a projectile hitting an Iron Dome launcher, but since the screen immediately went grey, the extent of the damage was unclear.

Municipal elections in North-East Syria postponed
On 21 May, the Commission invited international organisations to observe the elections in order to ensure the success, integrity, transparency and independence of the municipal voting. On 30 May, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that the elections in north-east Syria threatened Turkey's ‘national security’. ‘Turkey will never allow the separatist organisation beyond our southern borders in northern Syria and Iraq to establish a terrorist state,’ he said.

100+ ‘massacred’ by RSF in Sudan’s El Gezira
A resident of Wad El Noura told Radio Dabanga that the death toll has “so far reached 107 people”. The resistance committees of Wad Madani, capital of El Gezira, confirmed this on their Facebook page, adding that they “have yet to count all the bodies”. A video and pictures shared by the Wad Madani Resistance Committees showed villagers assembling in a public square in the village around scores of bodies ready for burial en masse.

SACP opposes ANC’s coalition with DA or MK Party
He says, “If the MK Party engages with the ANC and comes to the conclusion to support them in this framework, the ANC has the right to do so but we have characterised them as a counter-revolutionary organization.” SACP National Chairperson Blade Nzimande says their position on the DA is not meant to influence the governing party’s decision.

Dutch exit poll suggests neck and neck race between far right and center left in EU election
In a possible harbinger of strong electoral gains for the hard right in the Europe Union, the exit poll indicated that Wilders’ Party for Freedom had made the biggest gains — winning seven seats, up from just one in the last parliament. The poll of some 20,000 voters published by national broadcaster NOS predicted the center-left alliance would win eight of 31 European Parliament seats up for grabs in the Netherlands.

Survivors of an attack by Myanmar soldiers recall torture and killings
They were looking for supporters of the Arakan Army (AA), which has become one of the most effective ethnic fighting forces in Myanmar. The ruling military junta has denied the accusations, which would amount to one of the worst atrocities committed in the three-year-old Myanmar civil war.

Robodebt was illegal but were its officials corrupt? This decision means now we won’t know
The National Anti-Corruption Commission won’t investigate six individuals referred by the royal commission. It’s yet another blow for victims

Philippines police officers arrested for kidnapping 4 tourists, demanding a ransom
Two of the officers onboard motorcycles flagged down a luxury car carrying three Chinese and a Malaysian over the weekend, while their armed civilian cohorts handcuffed and dragged the four tourists into a van. Two of the Chinese managed to escape and notified authorities, police said.

Secretive court system has awarded over $100bn public money to corporations, finds new analysis
The controversial arbitration system which allows corporations to sue governments for compensation over decisions they argue affect their profits is largely carried out behind closed doors, with some judgments kept secret. But, according to a global ISDS tracker which launches today, $114bn has so far been paid out of the public purse to investors – about as much as rich nations provided in climate aid in 2022.
R: 53 / I: 12
Is there a reason anarchists are more tolerant of maoists, especially as of late compared to other marxist-leninist lineages? I see this a lot more out of anarchists were they shit talk marxism leninism in general less and less especially maoism in particularly.
R: 75 / I: 5

Utopians and nazis

Is there a reason utopian socialists and nazis love the same things? Before Lenin centralized the socialist movement in the USSR, a lot of socialist movements in Russia had a "volkish" vibe albiet it was a pro socialjustice one considering the fact everyone in russia were indebted peasants. Early utopians in Russia like Tolstoy and others idealized the countryside and saw cities/industrialization as evil and morally corrupting. They wanted a "Back to the land" movement and wanted to enpower the countryside.

Nowadays Utopians and nazis have a lot of the same media interests. A lot of them are into anime like the Moomins or Night on the Galactic Railroad
R: 107 / I: 30

Why can't the Resistance Axis resist western beauty standards?

Iranian opposition liberals are delusional to the point that they believe they are a European country geographically misplaced in the Middle East. Given how intransigent the IRI has been on the hijab law, you think they would have done more to promote a cultural revolution in the education system, and combat the skyrocketing rates of cosmetic surgery among Iranian women.
R: 7 / I: 1

News 6/5/24

Communist Mayor Daniel Jadue arrested and given 120 days of preventative detention
The ruling took place in the fourth hearing where the charges against Jadue were presented by the Prosecutor of Metropolitan Center North and formalized. Jadue stands accused of bribery, tax fraud, fraud, and disloyal administration, while leading the Chilean Association of People’s Pharmacies (ACHIFARP). The Prosecutor’s Office had requested the judge give Jadue 120 days of preventative detention while they investigate the case.

Venezuela Opposition Presses Top US Officials to Halt Citgo Sale
Venezuela’s opposition is ramping up lobbying efforts in Washington, trying to persuade the Biden administration to intervene in the court-ordered sale of Citgo Petroleum Corp.’s parent company in the US. The company is the South American nation’s most important foreign asset and its shares are due to be auctioned by July 15. The opposition fears Nicolas Maduro could blame them for Citgo’s loss ahead of crucial presidential elections set for the end of next month.

'Dystopian': UAE Used Global Climate Summit to Push $100 Billion in New Oil Deals
The analysis showed that the UAE's Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) used the COP28 presidency of its CEO, Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, to seek deals worth nearly $100 billion with oil, gas, and petrochemical companies in at least 12 countries.

A Yazidi woman and two children in Hol Camp rescued
The Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria announced in a written statement that an operation was carried out after a Yazidi woman and her two children, who were kidnapped by ISIS gangs in 2014, were found to be staying in Hol camp.

Saudi Arabia 'continuing mass killing' of Ethiopians and Yemenis at border
According to the Mixed Migration Centre (MMC), Saudi border authorities have continued to fire indiscriminately at Ethiopian and Yemeni migrants attempting to cross the border irregularly from Yemen in 2023 and 2024.

Soldiers among 11 killed by separatist militants in southeast Nigeria
The soldiers were attacked on Thursday at a checkpoint in Abia state’s Aba town where the separatists were enforcing a lockdown to commemorate the short-lived Republic of Biafra which, in 1967, fought and lost a deadly civil war to become independent from Nigeria, defense spokesman Maj. Gen. Edward Buba said in a statement.

German AfD politician stabbed in second attack within days
A local candidate for Germany's right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has been injured in a knife attack, the party and police said on Wednesday, the second such incident in the city of Mannheim days after a police officer was killed.

France hurries to let New Caledonia vote in European elections after its deadly unrest. Few want to
Days after France lifted emergency measures in New Caledonia to quell the worst unrest in decades in its Pacific territory, it is hurrying to ensure that residents of the troubled archipelago can vote in the upcoming European elections. But many, especially among the Indigenous Kanaks who have long sought independence, don’t care.

Rightwing NZ government accused of ‘war on nature’ as it takes axe to climate policies
In its 2024/25 budget, handed down on Thursday, the rightwing coalition announced spending on law and order, education, health and a series of tax cuts, as the country struggles with inflation and cost-of-living pressures. Finance minister Nicola Willis, who delivered the budget against the backdrop of a technical recession and widening government deficits, said it was a “fiscally responsible budget” that was “putting New Zealanders’ money where it can make the biggest difference”.

From Ang Bayan: 5 AFP Soldiers Killed In Encounter With NPA Unit In Masbate Province
At least five soldiers of the AFP 2nd IB were killed in an encounter with the New People’s Army (NPA)-Masbate (Jose Rapsing Command) on May 23 in Barangay Lague-lague, Cawayan town, Masbate province. The NPA unit was in the area to hold consultations on the community residents’ situation and problems. The Red fighters withdrew safely.
R: 18 / I: 50
I know many people want to see the CCP's internal evaluation of the Tiananmen Square incident.

The book 'The man who changed China : the life and legacy of Jiang Zemin' is one I initially got purely to join in on a political joke about Jiang Zemin. However, it contains important accounts of former CCP General Secretary Jiang Zemin. He was directly promoted to CCP General Secretary after the Tiananmen Square incident, experiencing it fully as a core figure of the CCP. There are parts of the text that address the Tiananmen Square incident from the CCP's perspective.

I'll try to forward an excerpt from the English version on zlibrary.
If you want to see the full PDF, it's here:


R: 26 / I: 2  


Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism can only be established by forward-thinking visionary utopians with a strong grasp of what the future will hold to help guide the world through the next few years in its transition to multipolarism. So what excuse do you have for still having a pessimistic crabs-in-the-bucket mentality anon? Smoke some weed and learn to relax man. Focus less on mundane shit like basic survival and move to a country with welfare programs so you can focus on more intellectual things. You owe it to your comrades to move to a socialist country with vast welfare programs to live a life of luxury and fantasize about utopian programs of urban development and technological advancement. Retvrn to technocracy.
R: 21 / I: 2

A New Form of Education

In a tangentially related /siberia/ thread, a few anons argued about the flaws of the current school model. It's said that contemporary methods of education are garbage, but no one puts forward an alternative. Of course, that would depend on future material conditions, but I find it important—if only to instigate contemplation—that we discuss together what shapes this future system of education could take.
To kickstart the discussion, here's what I've brainstormed so far:
1. Society has to agree on a body of knowledge, i.e. a basic curriculum, required for every citizen (excluding cognitive disabilities), as it will be expected of them to know it as to partake in the community (labor/higher education/politics/culture/social integration).
2. This body of knowledge has to be taught. Whether by one or multiple professional tutors, or a representative of the community, or a relative of the pupil, or educative media (textbooks/video courses/what have you).
3. There needs to be an artifice to ensure this body of knowledge is being properly taught and learned. We see this today in the form of grading exams, but there must be better alternatives, even if only for pre pubescent children.
4. This body of knowledge has to be studied in formative ages as to develop cultured, independent, cognitively-abled adults.
5. "Play" in formative years is understood today as important to a person's cognitive and psychological development. This body of knowledge must both be taught ludically, and it may not be a hindrance to moments of non-educative diversion.
6. Similarly, moments of social integration must be either part of the time destined to the study of this body of knowledge, or not be a hindrance to it, as it is of utmost importance to the development healthy individual.
Please let me know what is missing, and propose the specifics to these points based on your knowledge.
R: 24 / I: 8

Kill Police

We are sitting down with arms locked, no threat, nothing in the police station we occup broken, and police come and arrested for 'violent disorderly conduct'. We do nothing violent they beat us up cut us with handcuffs and then keep us locked up for 23 hours one cell each, 12 of which were WITHOUT SOLICITORS and they tried their best to stop them getting to us by saying they weren't there when they were. They get angry when I shout free palestine. Fucking evil fascists. And you know what the media sides with them don't they. It's all to break up the palestine protest because of the bail rules. The police are fascists of the hitlerite variety, both police and fascism are just the sticks of the bourgeois. With police gone the class system is gone and then crime is gone. People's Police should not be armed and all normal people should be armed to kill the People's Police if they ever get uppity. I trust the PEOPLE so much and I will never trust a fascist. Any pig killed is a good thing no matter the situation. Police and Zionism are the same thing. Average police has thin blue line Union Jack and supports the Zionist Entity. They look away when we tell them stories of Al-Shifa hospital.

Post images, videos, stories of pigs getting whats coming to them. Normalise hurting pigs. Normalise killing pigs. Pin them down and shoot them in the face. Share pigs being slaughtered. Kill Police. ACAB.
R: 82 / I: 6

Western Liberal RIGHT

<In a speech given by Orbán on 14 September 2023, he said “The postliberal era we look forward to, which will replace the current progressive-liberal era, will not come automatically. Someone has to make it happen. And who will make it happen, if not us?”

People on /leftypol/ often claim that "post liberals" whether they be Orban, Putin, or western rightoids like Adrian Vermule, Patrick Deneen, Nate Hochman, etc. are not really "post liberal" but in fact, are still liberals.

>In recent years, a new intellectual school has appeared among America’s Christian conservatives: post‐​liberalism. Its pioneers include a few Catholic scholars called “integralists” and various public figures known as “national conservatives.” What unites them is their rejection of liberalism. The latter term implies not the center‐​left “liberalism” in American politics, but the broader classical liberal tradition that constitutes the founding principles of the United States: individual liberty, religious freedom, free markets, separation of church and state.

<Contrary to this liberal heritage, the post‐​liberals want a closer relationship between church and state. National conservatives believe, “Where a Christian majority exists, public life should be rooted in Christianity and its moral vision, which should be honored by the state.” The integralists, in turn, want the state to “publicly recognize the truth of the Catholic religion” and act “as agent for the authority of the Church” to the extent that “the state legislates and punishes for purely religious ends.” In other words, as the liberal intellectual William Galston puts it, “Catholic integralists reject freedom of religion, and they are prepared to use government power in the name of public morality to control what liberals consider private and individual decisions.”

>With such an ambitious project, the integralists apparently hope to reverse the tide of secularization in Western societies, which began to take hold even in the traditionally religious United States, where there is a growing “decline of Christianity.”

Is Liberalism just capitalism? because then it makes sense that these figures can still be considered "liberal". But if lliberalism includes human and civil rights, equality under the law, secularism+freedom of religion, political freedom, free speech, free press, privacy, etc., then no, these ideas are not "liberal". The only part of liberalism they preserve is private property and market economies, albeit with some populist/socdem and natalist policies. Also they preserve a republican form of government, albeit one that is likely more minoritarian than it was in the recent past.

How exactly do /leftypol/ posters who claim these reactionary figures are still "liberal" square this with a bunch of guys who want to install a council of exurban realtors as christian ayatollahs or something?
R: 25 / I: 5

Nuclear Armageddon

Realistically, what do we do to bounce back from this?
>huge temperature drops that make growing food difficult, greatly shrinking the time to grow crops
>roaming bands of savages who rapemurdereat anyone who isn't part of their tribe
>collapse of modern civilization and morals, and likely writing and language systems as everything gets fragmented into small survivor groups
>remnants of the empire will be the best supplied to retake and reimperalize after everything clears up in a decade or two

How can we preserve communist knowledge and thought to the other side?
R: 5 / I: 2

News 6/4/24

Craft unfurls China’s flag on the far side of the moon and lifts off with lunar rocks to bring home
The Chang’e-6 probe was launched last month and its lander touched down on the far side of the moon Sunday. Its ascender lifted off Tuesday morning at 7:38 a.m. Beijing time, with its engine burning for about six minutes as it entered a preset orbit around the moon, the China National Space Administration said.

Election Results: Counting on, UP and Maharashtra Shocker to BJP-led NDA as of Now
At the time of writing, the Narendra Modi-led BJP, which started its election campaign with the slogan of “Abki Baar 400 Paar”, was down 64 seats, at 239 seats (several rounds of counting are still pending) compared with its 2019 tally, which in itself is being seen a huge dent on ‘Brand Modi’ and a big hole in the BJP’s aim to have a ‘Congress-Mukt Bharat’. This even as the NDA is still poised to form a government for the third time, albeit in a truncated form.

Maldives to ban Israeli passport holders from entry in protest over Gaza war
The Maldives says it will ban Israelis from entering the country, known for its luxury resorts, with the office of the president making the announcement as public anger rises over the war in Gaza. The Maldives president, Mohamed Muizzu, has “resolved to impose a ban on Israeli passports”, a spokesperson for his office said in a statement, without giving details of when the new law would take effect. The country is visited by thousands of Israelis every year.

Five ISIS members killed in Deir ez-Zor
According to the SDF statement, five members of the seven-strong cell were killed in the course of a battle during the airborne operation near Deir ez-Zor on Tuesday. Among them were two high-ranking members of the jihadist militia. The two other cell members were arrested.

Fighting rocks Gaza as major powers push for truce
Mediator Qatar said it had yet to see statements from either side "that give us a lot of confidence", but the foreign ministry said Doha was "working with both sides on proposals on the table".

Slovenia becomes latest European country to recognize a Palestinian state after a parliamentary vote
“Dear people of Palestine, today’s final decision of Slovenia is a message of hope and peace,” Slovenia’s Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon said on the social media platform X. “We believe that only a two-state solution can lead to a lasting peace in the #MiddleEast. Slovenia will tirelessly continue to work on the security of both nations, Palestinians and Israelis.”

Thousands of homeless people removed from Paris region in pre-Olympics ‘social cleansing’
Those moved on include asylum seekers, as well as families and children already in a precarious and vulnerable situation, the collective Le Revers de la Médaille, which represents 90 associations, said in a report released on Monday.

'Victory': Gas Drilling Project Paused After Greenpeace Occupies Platform in North Sea
A Dutch court on Tuesday ordered a pause to a gas drilling initiative in the North Sea after Greenpeace activists occupied a platform owned by the company behind the project, leading the environmental group to declare "victory" as it pushes for an end to new fossil fuel infrastructure in Europe.

Argentines Suddenly Need Pesos After Milei Pitched Dollarization
More people are now selling some of their dollar savings for pesos to make ends meet than those buying greenbacks. The abrupt revival of demand for the crisis-prone currency is an unexpected consequence of the shock-therapy policies Milei implemented after taking office on Dec. 10.

Canada says online streaming services must hand over 5% of their domestic revenues
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) said the money would be used to boost funding for local and aboriginal broadcasting. The measure would raise roughly C$200 million ($146 million) a year, they said.
R: 35 / I: 5

Smol owner question

>the petty bourgeois can't be revolutiona-
<From the standpoint of capital, therefore, what with hindsight appears to be part of a normal business cycle looked more like a dangerous secular trend toward stalemate-or worse-at the point of production, with all that implied for profits and the attendant social function of capitalists. This perception is, again, consistent with the evidence available then and now. But it is inconsistent with modern assumptions about the social power and cultural authority of "big business." That is probably why the obvious question seems practically impertinent: what could workers bring to bear in their struggles against employers that created the stalemate of the late 188os and early 189os? To put it another way, what resources did capitalists lack?
<If we follow the lead of the new labor historians and look more closely at the struggles for control of the workplace that began in earnest in the 188os, the significant variable appears to be the stance of the communities in which the struggles took place. When local officeholders, constables, editors, and small shopkeepers acted in solidarity with striking workers-and this seems to have been the norm-large employers were unable to impose their will on the labor force or to reshape the labor process, even if they imported external forces of law and order. Only when such solidarity was missing at the outset or undermined by protracted strikes, were the large employers able to reduce wages, break unions, and reconstruct the labor process.
<In this sense, the microeconomic problem was inseparable from the macroeconomic problem, or, in the parlance of the late nineteenth century, the economic problem entailed a social question. For the stalemate at the point of production was enforced by a larger deadlock that clearly involved more than capitalists and workers. At the very least it involved the loyalties of a middle class that was still rooted in and defined by petty proprietorship, not by occupational ladders within large bureaucratic organizations. It involved a middle class, in sum, that apparently had not acknowledged the permanence or legitimacy of large capital, a class that could, therefore, side with striking workers against large capital.
<The middle term in the urban-industrial stalemate was also the middle term in the larger standoff that characterized American society in the late nineteenth century. The solidarity of petite bourgeoisie and striking workers might look anomalous from the standpoint of the late twentieth century, but at the time it was no more anomalous than the political coalition of jackleg farmers and industrial workers that was forged in the late 188os and early 18gos. What all three functional groups shared-what allowed them to act in concert, seemingly as one class between 1889 and 1896-was a commitment to dispersed assets, competitive markets, and control of the property in one's labor power as the condition of self-determination.
Anyways, unite all the all forces which can be united, so the phrase goes.
R: 4 / I: 0 (sage)
There has been a trend of right-wingers failing to meet the expectations of recent polling, why is this the case? It seems to be a fairly consistent theme. This is in spite of most zoomer men being more right-wing than ever
R: 15 / I: 3

Leftypol Communes or: Communism In One Houshold

Since a revolution doesn't seem to be on the horizon, (and even if it was, what about in the meantime?) why don't we do the next best thing and live communally? Such a prospect won't be desirable or even possible for literally all of us, all in one place–we live in different countries, some folks are doing well enough that a commune would degrade their quality of life, some are in some way, shape, or form, dependents, others have dependents relying on them or are otherwise too rooted to their current location to move, some of yall are, let's be real, too anti-social to want to take part in a project like this, etc., etc.–but for the rest of us it would kill so many birds, the subject of many a post and thread here, with one stone: Inability to get ahead in life? Lack of a social life? Yearning for some greater meaning? Bored? Well then let's pool our resources, time and labour and start a commune!
Personally, I'm in Canada and working towards being able to buy a patch of land and live out of a yurt while I slowly build a house anyway and it'd sure be fun to do it with some like-minded people. Maybe that sounds too rustic for you and I'd be willing to compromise, the only dealbreaker for me is that I have room to garden to my hearts content.
The only hard and fast rule I'd have for such an endeavor is that everyone must have an equal stake in the project and in turn, pay their own way. I don't want to be a landlord or for you to be a tenant or vice versa. New people join? We'd all sell an equal portion of our stakes to make them an equal. Someone wants to leave? We'll buy them out and spread their stake equally among us.
Of course, I'm getting ahead myself and don't expect this to go anywhere but in the event this idea dies on the grapevine then maybe use it to post reading material about communes and communal living or to discuss the topic in general
R: 2 / I: 0 (sage)

using conservative logic against conservatives

Just thought of this one: if raising the minimum wage necessarily increases inflation, then reducing the maximum wage necessarily reduces inflation. Mathematically, you can't have it both ways.
R: 202 / I: 18

Real Talk: How Do We Fix American Education?

I know reddit is a cesspool, but reading through the posts made at r/teachers simultaneously broke my heart and made me rage. Doesn't help either that I have several friends who have been teachers for over 10 years, and they've told me horror stories about the state of American education.

For one thing, American schools are grossly underfunded. Every time states start running out of money the first cuts they make are to the schools (including state universities). But it's not just that. Teachers (my friends who teach included) are making the point that the parents of the children they teach no longer value their kids' education. These kids are reading far below grade level, can barely do basic math, know nothing about geography, history, or the natural sciences, and simply don't care. To top things off, most of these kids (we're talking gen alphas, so kids born after 2012) have loads of behavioural issues, lack any sense of discipline, are terribly rude to teachers, and are glued to their phones and iPads/Tablets. The parents expect the teachers to function more like babysitters than teachers and put very little to no effort into educating their children at home (for example, they don't read to their kids or help their kids learn math).

You may not see this as a big deal, but it will have implications down the road. American society and culture has become heavily anti-intellectual as it is and the downfall of the education system is only going to make things worse. Much worse.
R: 24 / I: 6

Liberal Xenophilia

Liberal, educated knowledge/professional workers in second/third world countries tend to be pro western and want their country to be like/friendly to the USA. The same demographic of people in the west are the mirror image in that they like foreign travel, countries, and are less patriotic.

Why do liberal knowledge workers have a tendency to dislike their own culture?
R: 20 / I: 1

was mishima all that evil?

i mean, of course he was pretty evil, but was he intending to actually do anything that day? or was it just a vain attempt to garner a revolution? could it have been a wild piece of performance art? i lean toward the latter. the symbolism of every moment of the attempted coup, from the headband to the seppuku to the death poems, planned for almost a year, it seems like one large way to make an impact before going out
R: 47 / I: 9

de-reaction and de-commodifying nostalgia

in many post-communist countries with large amounts of nostalgia, many of the people nostalgic for it become very socially conservative, sometimes even regrettably blaming things that aren't capitalism like random minorities for the problems caused by liberalization and shock therapy and citing laws from 50 years ago as proof we should still be homophobic
there is also the severe problem of the commodifcation of things from the communist past, selling them as mere souvenirs
how would we, as marxists, overcome the reactionary and revisionist sections of these?
R: 4 / I: 1

News 6/3/24

Left-winger Sheinbaum becomes Mexico's first female president after winning by a landslide
Ms Sheinbaum's Morena party was also projected to retain its majorities in both chambers of Congress. The climate scientist and former Mexico City mayor said that her two competitors had called her and conceded defeat.

Ecuadorian alternate lawmaker and his wife shot dead at circus function
Alternate Assemblyman and social media influencer Cristhian Nieto (of the opposition Revolución Ciudadana party of former President Rafael Correa) and his wife Nicole Burgos were shot dead in the Ecuadorean port city of Manta in the province of Manabí on Sunday evening in the middle of a circus function Mrs. Nieto was broadcasting on Tik-Tok.

Modi plans post-election reforms to rival Chinese manufacturing
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi plans a raft of business-friendly measures if he wins a third term this week, including pushing through regulations making it easier to hire and fire workers, according to two government officials familiar with the matter. As part of an election pledge to transform India into a global manufacturing hub, Modi wants to offer subsidies for domestic production modelled on recent packages for semiconductor firms and electric vehicle makers, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to talk to media.

Dozens killed by extreme heat in India as polls close in world’s largest election
Extreme heat in India has killed at least 77 people over the past 10 days, including dozens of poll workers, as voting wrapped up in the world’s largest general election.

Pakistan’s Imran Khan is acquitted of leaking state secrets but remains in prison on other charges
The Islamabad High Court did not elaborate on Monday’s acquittal. Its order calls for the January judgement to be set aside, though the prosecutors can appeal the acquittal. “He shall be released forthwith, if not incarcerated in any other case,” the order concluded.

Strike could resume Wednesday at ExxonMobil complex in France
A strike by chemical unit workers set to lose their jobs at an ExxonMobil (XOM.N), petrochemical complex in northern France will remain suspended through June 4 while talks are held over severance packages, the company and a union said on Friday. The strike at Port Jerome Gravenchon complex could resume on June 5 if those talks do not resolve outstanding issues, the CGT union representative added.

Dutch pair face jail in Latvia after ‘helping refugees in act of compassion’
Two Dutch people are facing prison sentences of up to eight years in Latvia over what they say was an act of compassion to help a group of refugees reach safety, including the sister of one of the pair. The case has put Latvia’s harsh laws on migration under the spotlight and comes as a local rights activist also faces jail time, for helping refugees who crossed into Latvia via the country’s border with neighbouring Belarus.

Israeli air strikes continue across Gaza as truce talks struggle
In the south of the enclave, Israeli air raids were reported overnight on Sunday in multiple areas in Rafah, which is under an expanding ground invasion, as well as Khan Younis. At least 12 people were killed, including women and children, in the overnight attacks on the two cities, according to the Palestinian news agency Wafa.

Azerbaijan: Baku is bulldozing Armenian legacy in Karabakh
Since last autumn, when Karabakh’s reconquest was completed, Azerbaijan has moved swiftly to remake key parts of the region, evidently with an eye toward eliminating vestiges of Armenian influence. The makeover extends beyond name changes of locations – Karabakh’s capital, for example, was called Stepanakert dating back to Soviet times, but is now known as Khankendi. New satellite imagery reveals the extensive destruction of residential buildings, churches and other culturally significant sites associated with former Armenian residents.

China maintains stance on disputed Gulf islands despite Iran's anger
The islands, claimed by the UAE and Iran, have been held by Tehran since 1971 after the withdrawal of British forces from the Gulf. In a rare show of anger toward its biggest trading partner, the Iranian foreign ministry on Sunday summoned the Chinese ambassador to Iran to protest China's "repeated support" for the UAE's "baseless claims".

Mainland Chinese drone user drops leaflets on Taiwanese outlet in ‘anti-independence protest’
The incident echoes the decades-long propaganda war between the two sides following the Communist victory in the civil war in 1949, which saw balloons carrying pamphlets and food being sent to both sides.

Nigerian workers walk out on a general strike
“We demand a living wage,” the Nigerian Labour Congress said on the X social media platform, describing what its members currently earn as a “starvation wage.” It and the Trade Union Congress represent hundreds of thousands of government workers across key sectors. Nigeria’s minimum wage stands at 30,000 naira (£15.87) per month, which the government proposes to double. But both labour federations are demanding an increase to 494,000 naira (around £261).
R: 59 / I: 13
Nationalism is inherently anti-communist. If you're a simp for any states then you're anti-communism, because states need slavery from poorer countries in order to exist.

[ ] agree, because:
[ ] disagree, because:
R: 47 / I: 5 (sage)

i am in raging hate towards the baltics

God i fucking hate the baltikkks and everything related to them. People from Baltikkks are even worse than polish people (quoting that thread abt poland), baltikkk people are the most brainwashed, cia slop eating, russophobic and completely brainless shit of a people ever, baltikkk people never had any history, the biggest history the baltikkk "people" have is giving blowjobs to german barons, they will be proud of "their" gazillion year old cities which werent even built by them, they will vote between shit and shit colored pink, their countries live off western money which isnt even enough and every single baltic country has budget deficits every year, they will scream how they will "overthrow russia", baltikkk people have absolutely no class consciousness and all either soy liberals or retarded reactionaries, only socialists from baltics i ever saw online are Russian, the baltic countries are countries of slaves which will be sent to slaughter by western imperialist the first hour of WW3, baltikkk people never gave anything to the world except for the most retarded takes ever they will flex their fake freedom, while living in a country who's cost of electricity can go up to 5000€. i truly wish for complete destruction of the baltic region and all 3 chihuahua countries
R: 8 / I: 3
According to these Soviet illustrations, Ukrainian nationalism and Zionism have been in cahoots during the Cold War. Are there any sources about this?
R: 12 / I: 3  
Is the communist dream dead? Young people are turning more and more reactionary and even the "leftist" ones would rather want a liberal capitalist welfare state than actual communism. Back then there was the east to look at for communism. To build hope. Now 95% of the world is capitalist with no signs of stopping until the world is destroyed. Technology has gotten better to control the oppostion and dictate the narrative. Something as shameless as a genocide is everywhere on the news and the people mostly shrug their shoulders.
R: 34 / I: 8
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to shill leftypol on tiktok.
I was scrolling and then I got recommended one of those template videos relating to communism and then it had “leftypol.org” at the buttom. I’m all for promoting socialism and even shilling but you guys are gonna regret shilling on a mega corporate website when some teenage fascists start flooding in.
R: 14 / I: 1
Portugal had a leftist military revolution that still ended up with a liberal government.
In Spain Franco died and Leftism returned to the nation only to see it surrender to the Francoist establishment (Not including ETA).
How did this happen?
R: 18 / I: 2

Hegel's schizo religious ideas

Hegel is pretty cryptic but what is god in relation to Hegel's conception of history.
I'm not sure if he's pantheistic or simply believes god is a process guiding humanity. Sometimes he refers to god in the christian sense other.
I can't really understand the difference between god and the absolute and spirit.
At least Schopenhauer never used cryptic neologisms.
A lot of it seems to make sense when you read that Hegel was inspired first and foremost Jakob bohme, a gnostic christian schizo.
Also what is gods endgame according to Hegel?
R: 31 / I: 3  
Music is the biggest lie ever told. Every day, it suckers people out of millions of dollars and untold hours of time. It springs from an infantile desire to be comforted by a mother's lullaby. Music keeps the masses enslaved.
Why do you listen to music? Is it a crutch to get you through the day? When you go to a concert, what on earth do you get out of it? Do you feel "warm fuzzies" when you are walking out of the building? Maybe it makes you feel all happy inside. Well, the real world isn't like that. Music has no answer to the problem of evil. As long as you are a listener, you have no chance of fully participating in a rational discussion.
Ask a professional musician (professional shamster, more like) why he plays his kind of music instead of another and you'll never get a straight answer. What makes a clarinet better than a Japanese koto? Why play jazz instead of classical? "I like it more." "I'm more familiar with it." Non-answers. "They're about the same." Then why play music at all?
Musicians tell you they love their fans… then they sell the T-shirts and CDs at the door. Some even take donations– as long as they can separate the marks from their money, their gig is a success. Music is nothing but an organized scam.
From the beginning of a child's life, her parents indoctrinate her to believe in a myth called "music". They force her to believe that certain arrangements of sounds is somehow more important than other ones. Never in the history of humankind has a more insidious waste of time and money been conspired. Start her on Baby Mozart; buy her "children's music" (the very name betraying the unethical, Orwellian scheme); raise her on piano and jazz, and buy her a Beatles CD on her 16th birthday. The most popular songs lie to you: "All you need is love." Others are simply nonsense: "Bye, bye Miss American Pie." Some songs have no lyrics at all! They do not even make an attempt at meaning. The veil is lifted; the stupidity of the whole exercise is transparent before everyone, and yet they continue listening as if brainwashed.
When I point this out to the thoughtless listeners, they tell me not to argue with something so "beautiful". Can't they see that they are wasting their time on mere noise, that rarely says anything akin to common sense? "Well, Shakespeare, he's in the alley / With his pointed shoes and his bells, / Speaking to some French girl, / Who says she knows me well." What on earth is that supposed to mean? Can anyone tell me? I'm guessing no.
Music plays in our schools, in malls, even in elevators. A rational man is surrounded by this flim-flam whereever he goes. It's impossible to escape from it. It even receives government funding! Why waste my taxpayer dollars to endorse a particular form of music, or music at all? We must separate music and state immediately.
Music is a product of primitive and backwards societies. Undeveloped cultures with little spare resources waste them on the manufacture of instruments and training of professional musicians, out of pure stupidity. Entire schools of music were developed despite their lack of relevance to anything in the natural world whatsoever. Thankfully, as people become rational and scientific, of course, music naturally wanes in influence. Desperate performers may deny it but the eclipse of music is already upon us. I can only hope that one day, it will disappear altogether.

The English language requires me to call myself "amusical", but I think such a term is unnecessary. Would you call yourself "a-leprechan-ous", or "a-Santa-ist"? No, because it's clear that these things are fairy tales. Well, music is a fairy tale for adults. We should call people who listen to it "ear-slaves", or better yet, "sheeple".
R: 0 / I: 0

Antikaren Aktion

Can we normalize assaulting shitty customers and worker abusers?

I don't even work in retail, I'm an internal office worker, but certain societies have a normalized disrespect for essential work and their workers. When a customer is clearly in the wrong, and a worker is coerced into a submissive position due to threat of losing employment, then society can step in with worker solidarity, but how to begin this without regular people freaking out and thinking it's 'uncivilized' or whatever to respond to aggressive verbal abuse with deterring physical abuse?
I suppose the 'punch a nazi' ""debate"" is a good case study. How is that going, by the way? How would your community react to you punching an overt nazi if you did it tomorrow?

Can worker solidarity in this manner be an effective form of praxis, as community-building, worker solidarity and pro-worker propaganda?
R: 15 / I: 1  

Am I becoming unhinged?

>Went get burger at mcd on my way home, when I go pick it up the manager who is also behind the counter tells the worker to "go wipe tables over there" who goes off eye rolling.
>TMnager turns around towards the soda fountain and just stands there.
>I get overcome with a intense hatred towards petty bourgeois fucks.
>Firmly ask: Excuse me, can I please have my food?
>Manager turns around and puts my order in a bag.
>I snatch the bag out of his hand before he has time to hand it to me
>Priceless expression on his face
>I flip him off right in his face to make sure it's him and that was intentional and walk out
Felt good tbh, but I'm not sure it's praxis. Again am I becoming unhinged?
It's not really individual terror, but should a good marxist engage in individualist actions?
R: 38 / I: 8

The Family and Radical Ideology

If your political ideology doesn't provide benefits to those with children or try to be of appeal to those with families and children, don't be surprised if your politics fail to haul in much popularity. Parenthood mandates that the parents must believe in the future, and that they must make the world sufficiently decent for those who come after. Is this group not the natural ally of the progressive revolutionary Communists? And what does it say about your ideology's goals, if people abandon it once they have families and people that they must provide for? The revolution always requires the consent of the masses, so don't delude your thoughts into the foolish idea that needed are only small numbers of fanatical fascists and anarchists, because the movies are very often fictional and idealistly, and the history bears out the constant failure of isolated lone wolf tools.
R: 158 / I: 14

Recent gender identity phenomena related to contemporary socio-economical changes

Excuse any bullshit that I may say involuntarily, please correct me if needed (I say this to avoid useless chatter in the form of reproaches that lead nowhere). I am going to refer mainly to western countries, knowing that in other contexts, the same would not apply. It is clear that the shift from industrial-based capitalism to financial capitalism (from now on, FC) has also determined a shift in socio-economic relations on all scales. Specifically for this post, the shift I want to focus on is women's place in the workforce and its access to higher education, on the one side, and the disintegration of the family structure on the other, the latter being a more specific FC phenomenon than the former. In parallel we have seen in the last decades the phenomenon of gender non-conformity, queer identities and etc. I dont want to defend nor attack this phenomenon, but I do want to point out that this latter shift in gender must have something to do with the previous ones mentioned and others one could consider, especially in relation to FC, as more than one may have already noticed. I see that much explanatory work could be done on the gender non-conformity phenomenon by relating it to the disintegration of what Hegel called ethical life and commonly referred to in sociology as community (Gemeinschaft as originally put by Tönnies), regardless of what one thinks about its value on top of that.

I would like to see your opinion on this connection from a strictly sociological-economical and historical point of view, since I see this topic treated mainly in the form of ideological and ethical discourse, mostly degenerating in worthless platitudes that reflect the personal prejudices of the sides involved more than anything else, needless to say.

BTW does anyone know any books on this specific connection? I have researched and found nothing on the matter.
R: 3 / I: 0

News 6/1/24

The ANC party that freed South Africa from apartheid loses its 30-year majority in landmark election
Steenhuisen’s Democratic Alliance was on around 21% of the vote. The new MK Party of former President Jacob Zuma, who has turned against the ANC he once led, was third with just over 14% of the vote in the first election it has contested. The Economic Freedom Fighters was fourth with just over 9%.

EFF to engage parties on coalition possibility: Malema
“The 2024 elections were not easy because whatever effort and resources dedicated in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, parts of Gauteng and Mpumalanga were undermined by the commendable and decisive rise of the MK Party. Which performed above the EFF in KZN and Mpumalanga. We nevertheless congratulate and commend the people of SA for voting out the ruling party from an absolute parliamentary majority which was abused since 1994.”

Airstrike sets North Darfur hospital ablaze
The Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) reportedly shot down a Rapid Support Forces (RSF) drone in El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, on Tuesday, while the RSF continued to fire shells at multiple neighbourhoods in the city. A SAF airstrike reportedly set a hospital in Kutum on fire that day.

Iraqi Communist Party: 150,000 young Iraqis join the unemployed annually
"The budget and the government do not provide any practical measures to address the unemployment problem, especially among young people and graduates," Fahmi added, noting that "about 150,000 young people join the ranks of the unemployed annually." Hundreds of thousands of students graduate from universities and colleges in Iraq each year, joining the job market. However, the 2024 budget doesn't have enough jobs for these graduates and others seeking work, with the private sector struggling to hire.

Mediators urge Israel and Hamas to finalise Biden's Gaza peace plan
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said on Saturday any notion that Israel would agree a permanent ceasefire before "the destruction of Hamas' military and governing capabilities" was "a non-starter". …Hamas said on Friday it was ready to engage "positively and in a constructive manner". But senior official Mahmoud Mardawi told Qatari television it had not yet received details of the proposal.

War on Gaza: Growing Palestinian protests in Israel met with police brutality
As police cracked down, protesters ran through the streets of Haifa, chanting that Israel’s “genocide” in Gaza must end and calling for the liberation of Palestinian lands from Israeli occupation. They were chased by officers and mounted police, who continued to beat them.

Israel Land Authority tells UNRWA to evacuate Jerusalem premises for breaching lease
The Israel Land Authority has informed UNRWA that it must vacate its Jerusalem premises in the Ma’alot Dafna neighborhood within 30 days, following the approval of a demand from Housing Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf to evict the UN agency for Palestinian refugees from any state land it is currently occupying.

Germany's Scholz disrupted by protesters at Catholic event
The "Last Generation" protesters used a bullhorn to chant "Where, where, where is the climate chancellor?" in a dig at Scholz branding himself as an environmentalist before taking office in 2021.

Unions suspend school support worker strike action
Strike action involving non-teaching staff in Northern Ireland on Monday has been suspended. Nipsa and GMB said their planned action on Tuesday will also no longer go ahead. A third union, Unite, has yet to cancel its strike on Tuesday pending negotiations.

Mexican officials again criticize volunteer searcher after she finds more bodies
The existence of clandestine body dumping grounds is sensitive for Mexico’s ruling Morena party. Morena, which is running the former Mexico City mayor for president in Sunday’s elections, claims the kind of violence that plagues other parts of the country has been successfully combatted in the capital.

In Bolivia, an “Intense” Battle Between Arce and Morales
Anti-government demonstrators protested shortages of fuel and dollars on May 17, promising future disruptions; teachers demanded higher salaries in a rally in La Paz in April; and Morales supporters blocked roads for two weeks in February to protest court decisions favoring Arce’s claim to the MAS, causing sizable economic losses.

Philippine president says killing of a Filipino in South China Sea clash would be ‘very close’ to act of war
Marcos was delivering the keynote at the Shangri-La address in Singapore when he was asked a question if a “red line” would be crossed if Chinese Coast Guard water cannons killed a Filipino sailor, and under what circumstances would the U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty be invoked.
R: 13 / I: 8


why can't developed countries solve the housing crisis?
Why, does any country that reaches a certain level of development immediately begin to have severe shortages of housing causing chronic homelessness, young people living with extended family, and more inequality as only the wealthy pass on their houses to their children?

>The housing market is 'pretty dire' for younger Americans, says Realtor.com's Danielle Hale

We had this thread before but no cogent answers were given.

You have it to the point where the average house appreciates faster than wages i.e. the house earns more than a person. So the real classes are no longer proletariat vs bourgeoisie but homeowners vs everyone else.
R: 237 / I: 110

Glowiepedia thread

post instances of Wikipedia glowing, that is WP displaying blatant US/NATO propaganda or disinformation as facts
discuss ways of making WP glow less, including sharing sources that counter the glow. meta studies by reliable institutions are best
what to do if you discover radioactive material on WP:
>do NOT edit without logging in. otherwise your IP will be displayed. IP edits are viewed with more suspicion by editors. VPN or Tor IPs even more so
>DO register an account
>do NOT register more than one account per IP. sockpuppetry is not difficult to detect
>DO edit more articles than just those that glow. this helps build good reputation
>DO complain loudly on Talk pages. some articles are restricted, but Talk pages generally are not
>DO familiarize yourself with WP's bureaucracy. lib editors love referring to WP:OR, WP:SYNTH and similar to try and shut down discussion
WP editors are autistic, but not as autistic as the average poster here is. dedicated comrades can de-glow pages given sufficient numbers and patience
R: 47 / I: 10
in the soviet union and other socialist countries like mine(india) computers were not welcome as they would replace people.
this very much sounds like the contradiction in capitalist countries how enough wages are not given to workers as it would inflate money.

why was this contradiction not solved quickly in the union?

and why did the top people in the union not see the potential of computers like the capitalists did, maybe I am wrong about this one.
R: 603 / I: 268 (full)

Palestine vs the Zionist Entity #86 - ICJ says stop the genocide edition


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/5/25/israels-war-on-gaza-live-news-end-this-nightmare

Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


Our own wiki. Be sure to add to it and create branching articles:



From the UK, single issue long time Palestinian investigative and general reporting, critical source

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Regional news from an anti-imperialist perspective

Premier Human Rights org

Left news and opinion webzine from Tel-Aviv

A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine

Known anti-zionist academic Norman Finkelstein's blog



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(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it.

الله أكبر
.الى جميع الكادحين في الشرق، ان مصيركم في ايديكم
!يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا
R: 7 / I: 0  

Why don't MRAs, incels, MGTOW, etc just take the gaypill?

Happy Pride Month /leftypol/! Why haven't misogynist men just gone gay as the ultimate form of MGTOW? Homofascism is peak masculinity and male independence. Straight men constantly bitch and moan about having to deal with women, and jump through hoops just to get a crumb of pussy. Gay men get to opt out from all of that, and there's always an endless supply of fresh bussy of all varieties in Homostan.
R: 21 / I: 4  

Does anyone remember the blog Broken Patriots?

I came across it several years ago. The owner would doxx veterans who had lost limbs and call them war criminals. The owner bragged about how he was undoxxable, and would only take profiles down if they made a video apologizing for imperialism. It's been totally scrubbed from the internet. Even Gibiru can't find it.
R: 52 / I: 6

Why does zizek hate Buddhism

He seems to hate eastern religions and prefers Christianity since it was always politically oriented to begin with and advocates for it's followers to remain active in society while eastern religions are incredibly inward focused and resignation from life.
R: 8 / I: 2  
TF2 players have more solidarity than the average American, people online are more willing to organize to save a video game than to unionize. Let that sink in
R: 5 / I: 1


Samsung workers’ union announces first-ever strike for chipmaker
A major union representing tens of thousands of people at the South Korean tech giant Samsung Electronics said on Wednesday that workers will go on strike for the first time, potentially threatening key global semiconductor supply chains. A spokesperson said union members, around 20% of the company workforce, or 28,000 people, would use annual leave to strike for one day on 7 June, leaving the door open for a potential general strike down the road.

French Minister Says New Caledonia Capital 'Under Control'
French security forces have regained control throughout New Caledonia's capital Noumea, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said on Friday, two weeks after deadly riots broke out in the Pacific territory. Around 400 police had cleared 26 barricades and arrested 12 people in the Riviere-Salee district in the city's north, Darmanin wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

Sikh separatist contests India election from jail, a worry for government
A win for him in an election to parliament could give Singh some legitimacy and spark concerns of a revival of a militancy that killed tens of thousands of people in the 1970s and 1980s.

Red Sea tensions: Yemen’s Houthis ‘attack’ US carrier after deadly strikes
Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Saree announced the attack on the Eisenhower carrier on Friday; the group earlier claimed that at least 16 people were killed in US and UK assaults on the Hodeidah province, the highest publicly acknowledged death toll from multiple rounds of strikes over the group’s assault on shipping.

Two SDF 2 fighters killed as Turkey attacks Til Koçer and Til Hemis
The occupying Turkish state carried out 8 attacks with Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAVs) in Til Koçer and Til Hemis areas on Friday. The town of Topiz and the village of Herêma Şêxo in Qamişlo were also bombed. The invaders' attacks continue.

Israeli captives' families feel 'abandoned', told no deal will be made soon
Hanegbi told relatives that he believed that the first stage for a hostage exchange could happen in "a few short months" but admitted that fighting will continue in Gaza and in the north, referring to Israel's aerial bombardment of southern Lebanon. After that, he was reported to have said that only then would the government "sit down to evaluate the situation".

Diane Abbott allowed to stand after outrage forces Sir Keir into U-turn
The Labour leader gave the green light for her candidacy in Hackney North and Stoke Newington today, having previously refused to do so. His 11th-hour decision comes amid uproar at the party’s “purge” of left-wing candidates and accusations of racism levelled at its leadership.

Dutch MPs call for inquiry into reports Israel spied on ICC lawyers
Kati Piri, an MP in the Green-Labour alliance, submitted a series of written questions to the Dutch justice, home and foreign affairs ministers on Wednesday saying the Netherlands had a “special responsibility to protect court employees and people who [want to] bear witness to war crimes”.

Zuma big election ‘winner’ as South Africa heads for coalition government
With more than 90 percent of votes counted on Friday evening, the MK appeared to be on the cusp of grabbing power in KwaZulu Natal, comfortably leading in a province where the ANC has never previously lost since the first post-apartheid elections in 1994.

Argentina hosts naval drills with US fleet as ties tighten under Milei
The joint exercise, called "Gringo-Gaucho" in a tongue-in-cheek reference to slang terms for Americans and Argentines, is the first such operation since 2010 and comes less than six months into the libertarian Milei's administration.
R: 56 / I: 6 (sage)
There are 3 primary factors why so many people are trans now.

>1) Social acceptance for being trans is at an all time high.

>2) Women have freed themselves from gender roles and now can opt to be "be a man" if they want. This is why many AFAB transpeople do things men shouldn't do, like wear make up, or continue being feminine.

>3) The gender roles for men are economically driven, and the economy aint so good. If you know your sole determining factor for being valued is your ability to provide and dominate, in a financial sense, perhaps you decide to opt out? Look at the man-o-sphere grind set videos, many man opt further into their roles as well.

Bottomline: transhumanistess is directly related to our economic conditions and, we will absolutely see a reduction in the numbers of MtF trans people once the economy improves, and being a male is considered more "worth it".
R: 97 / I: 30

Curiosity of your Beliefs

Hello. Firstly, please forgive me. I am 26, but I am not very knowledgeable about leftism…
A friend has helped me out of a very dark place in my life, and I wish to know more about what they believe in. They are communist, but again. I was raised on 4chan and that capitalism is amazing. I have lurked here for a little under an hour and I am trying to get to grips with what the general consensus of this place is, but I am not sure of your ideology and I feel like an idiot, I keep having to Google theory and acronyms you use…
This is a roundabout way to say, I am not one of you, but I am eager to see what you believe in, where do I begin?
I picked the stalin flag as I know who he is.
R: 24 / I: 1 (sage)


There are three political tendencies of most importance: the capitalists (conservatives, liberals, …), the biophiliac workers (socialists), and the necrophiliacs. (fascists, class traitors, PMC, cops, soldiers, organized crime, incels, …)

By cultural hegemony, libidinal repression, the authoritarian family unit and so on the capitalists indoctrinate the workers into necrophilia, self-hatred, and working against their best interests.

But the capitalists must perform a careful balancing act, because fascism emerges when the self-hating workers organize, or the capitalists start to believe their own propaganda.

In other words, capitalism is founded upon a conflict between socialism and fascism, and between biophilia and necrophilia.

But fascism is an artificial construct of the capitalists which emerges when capitalist indoctrination goes out of control. Fascism is not purely the result of a necrophiliac psychology, fascism is a set of socioeconomic conditions which tends to lead the necrophiliac into fascist groups. In a sense, fascism is a kind of ableism which pushes men who hate themselves into prisons and extremist groups.

This is not to say we should compromise with fascism, but that we should deconstruct the biophilia which creates the divide between socialism and fascism. Conservative and fascist groups can recruit necrophiliac workers, because we let fascism recruit workers who hate themselves. If we want to destroy the party of the madmen then we need to destroy madness, that is to say we must destroy psychiatry. And we must destroy all such other biophilias.

To fight capitalism we must organize the workers, to organize the workers we must fight fascism, and to fight fascism, we must fight biophilia. We must fight psychiatry, prison, ableism and ecology. To fight capitalism, we must fight eudaimonia.
R: 5 / I: 1

Report from south korea Gwangju uprising anniversary

This is a report from Bruno Drweski, a french marxist, which I found interesting and fed through deepL to share it here.

>I was invited to Korea (South) by the People's Democracy Party (PDP) for the demonstration and celebrations marking the anniversary of the 1980 “Gwangju Commune” and for a conference organized by their party on the international situation, anti-imperialism and the dangers of war.

>On the day I arrived, I took part in a demonstration in honor of the 1980 insurgents. The PDP mobilized over a thousand demonstrators in Gwangju, but the total number of demonstrators was much higher, as other organizations also called to celebrate the anniversary. We then moved on to the Gwangju cemetery (over 2,000 dead according to historians), where hour after hour I saw successive groups arrive to pay tribute to the martyrs. There is the “official” cemetery for the victims of the savage killings perpetrated by the forces of repression, and a museum that recounts the event and the mobilizations of the Korean people against Japanese occupation and for democracy. Of course, because of the anti-Communist and anti-North Korean law, there is nothing in this museum about the anti-Japanese Communist resistance, which was by far the most important resistance movement against the occupying forces.
>Rather, the museum is designed to legitimize the current regime in South Korea, based on the idea that the country may have experienced several savage dictatorships after 1945, with no link to the U.S. occupation forces, but that the people who revolted are now supposed to have freedom and democracy in South Korea. For other Koreans, however, such as PDP activists, 1980-88 was only a half-victory, since the capitalist system of overexploitation of workers is still in place, Korea remains divided and the South is still under US military occupation. Next to the victims' cemetery is another cemetery. It is more discreet and concentrates the graves of political activists and resistance fighters who were repressed and murdered before, during and after 1980, and who fought for the complete victory of people's democracy.

>The following day saw an all-day PDP conference on the international situation, with nine foreign guests (see detailed summary below).

>The following day: a meeting with activists from a trade union section of the KCTU, close to the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU). The KCTU trade unionists received us in Jeonju, a town north of Gwangju whose tourist center has been rebuilt in traditional Korean style to attract tourists. It's built in a national style, a bit like a “skansen”, but inhabited.
>The local KCTU is headed by a PDP activist who plays his role as a vanguard activist within this mass organization. He knows the difference between political and trade union work, with the PDP approaching social issues from the angle of the political logic of the system facing workers and trade union activists. One of the main problems facing South Korean workers, in both the private and public sectors, is the outsourcing of activities to precarious workers who do not enjoy the status of permanent employees.
>I then gave a conference in Incheon on international relations and the anti-imperialist struggle, with members of the PDP and various Korean patriotic and anti-imperialist organizations.
>The PDP operates according to two fundamental rules. The militants of each organization hold a debriefing meeting after each activity, and each cell organizes a weekly self-criticism meeting with its members. The Chinese Communist Party does the same, as I was able to verify during my stay in China. The result is that personal tensions, according to PDP activists, are greatly reduced by this method, and political differences are better distinguished from problems of personal relationships. What's more, in the opinion of PDP activists, this approach helps to improve their behavior and bring them closer to the communist “new man”, while at the same time enabling them to make a collective self-critical assessment of the successes and failures of the actions undertaken. Everywhere, the atmosphere was studious and the level of discussion very high. Many of the PDP's militants come from the working class, are well trained politically by their organization and can therefore play the avant-garde role they should as an organization adhering to the methods of scientific socialism. Every PDP activity is the subject of a debriefing meeting, and so at every activity in which I took part, I was asked for my opinion on what had just been done, said and discussed, in addition to the debriefing meeting held by PDP members.
>For example, I met a “simple” cab driver from Seoul who picked me up at the station. I learned that he had joined the PDP because one day, while waiting at a crossroads during a PDP demonstration, he was given the Party's newspaper and, after reading it, decided to apply for membership. He was present at the Incheon conference I gave on international issues, and the questions he asked showed that he had reached the level of reflection of a true revolutionary militant with a national and international view of things.

>Korean International Forum Conference

>Diverse audience of activists, students and intellectuals. The conference was divided into three sessions: Ukraine, Palestine, East Asia. In addition to several Korean speakers (including a Korean teaching at a Chinese university), there were nine speakers, most of them members of foreign communist organizations. These included a member of the Lebanese Communist Party and an activist from the Taiwanese Workers' Party, which appears to be the unofficial section of the Chinese Communist Party in Taiwan province. This party is present in a number of communes and cantons. There was also a non-Marxist Palestinian specialist on Hamas, in close contact with the party.

>Very dense and interesting speeches and discussions. In Korea, Hamas is perceived as a resistance and national liberation movement. This movement is obviously not Marxist, even though the Palestinian present underlined the organic political and military cooperation of Hamas with, among others, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which are themselves Marxist. Things in the Arab world are obviously quite different from those in countries with colonial and imperialist traditions. In fact, in mid-October 2023, the Arab Communist Parties held a meeting proclaiming their support for the October 7th uprising, and I've learned that Lebanese living in France, who until then had simultaneously been members of the Lebanese and French Communist Parties, collectively left the PCF after its statements on October 7th. The Koreans know what colonialism means, and therefore the obligation of non-interference and non-judgment on the part of foreigners, particularly imperialist countries, in a people's choices about the means of struggle used and with whom, which moreover is enshrined in international law, which provides that an occupied people has the right to wage a liberation struggle, including by arms.
>The Palestinian researcher present gave a very interesting and pertinent analysis of the situation in his country, which enabled us to understand how Hamas is in touch with the realities of its people, and has managed to go beyond the fundamentalist vision of Islam (“Islamism” or rather “takfirism”) that is often attributed to it in imperialist countries. It is rooted more in the reality of the resistant people of Palestine than in that of an imaginary, idealistic, cross-border “Muslim community”. Hamas was thus able to become, alongside a dozen other Palestinian resistance organizations, the spearhead of a national liberation movement at a time when the old Palestine Liberation Organization was riven by contradictions, when a significant proportion of its leaders wished to lay down their arms and “rest” under the shelter of the occupier in a negotiation process that proved endless. Hamas's lack of Marxist training, however, makes it difficult for it to understand that the war in Palestine is linked to global tensions reflecting divergent global class and geopolitical interests, and is therefore intrinsically linked to the war in Ukraine and tensions in East Asia and elsewhere. In this “idealistic” vision, imperialist aggression seems to be due above all to the poor moral (and religious) training of Western elites, aimed here at the Palestinians and there at other countries, but all this does not appear to be logically linked to questions that are above all economic and social. Hamas leaders seem to admit that Marxists often have a good analysis of international issues, but that this is due to their “moral” basis and not to their link with a scientific analysis of class reality and economics. Marxists have indeed often neglected the importance of questions of conviction, of the need for spirituality and faith, but militant religious people tend to neglect material, economic, geostrategic and class questions. It remains to be seen whether cooperation on the ground in Palestine between Islamic and Marxist fighters will advance the question of the indispensable link between conviction, idea, rational analysis and material basis.
>In Korea, there is great sympathy for Palestine, which I was able to observe even at the cemetery for the victims of the 1980 “Gwangju Commune”. At the PDP, we are aware that the war in Ukraine and Palestine, as well as the boot-stomping in Korea and Taiwan, are linked and bring the danger of conflagration to an all-time high.
>At the conference, PDP members emphasized their desire for peace, but felt that they were dealing with a process of fascization in Korea, accompanying US pressure for a policy of tension aimed at weakening the DPRK (North Korea) and China. In their view, the wars in Ukraine and Palestine, and the tensions in East Asia and elsewhere in the world, are in fact part of an undeclared world war between the centralized camp around the crisis-ridden USA, the socialist countries of Asia (China, North Korea) and a capitalist Russia that has retained remnants of the economic and scientific power it acquired during socialism. Russia's strength in the Ukraine and Israel's weakness in Gaza illustrate the vulnerability of the imperialist camp, which has also been reflected in Western public opinion. We must therefore work for unity in the struggle between the working classes and the peoples' struggles for sovereignty, in order to impose peace on the world against the war-mongers.
>For the young Serb present at the conference, today's conflicts are not only fought on the battlefield, but also in the realm of ideas and propaganda - on a practical level, therefore, but also on a theoretical one, which requires international cooperation from all forces refusing the diktat of the dominant countries, led by the USA. As far as Russia is concerned, things are more complex: on the one hand, the country's integrity and independence are genuinely threatened by NATO's expansion, but its political and social system is hampering the mobilization of its people to strengthen their sovereignty and ensure the cohesion needed to prevent its bourgeoisie from betraying it again.
>The British activist was very active at the conference, consistently and thoroughly developing the links between “unipolar” imperialism and all the conflicts in the world that bear witness to the breathless dominant system's headlong rush towards a war that risks becoming global. His party is very demanding in the political training of its members, which explains its slow but steady development in a country traversed by waves of discontent and mobilizations for Palestine.
>My speech analyzed the unified and centralized nature of the bloc formed by the USA, the Anglo-Saxon “Five Eyes”, NATO, the EU, the AUKUS, Japan and Israel, in the face of a “nebula” of countries tending towards sovereignty, independence and development, but which are of unequal strength, display a different level of cohesion and possess very different, and sometimes even opposing, social and political systems and ideological legitimacy. This calls for an analysis of the class bases of each “counter-hegemonic” state and the contradictory tendencies developing within it, which can explain the strengthening or, on the contrary, the weakening of internal emancipatory tendencies, as well as coping with external pressures. Hence the sometimes chaotic or at least uneven trends in their foreign policies, and the difficulty of building a coherent rally of all anti-imperialist tendencies.
>The Belgian Communist guest gave an analysis of the situation and position of countries and regions affected by conflict or pressure - Palestine, the Arab world, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Ukraine, Korea, China - underlining the need to bring together as broadly as possible those opposed to the warlike adventurism of the world's leading military power.
>The Palestinian present at the conference, a researcher close to Hamas, compared the October 7 attacks to the Vietnamese Tet offensive in 1968, as an element of surprise and a turning point in international public opinion. He explained the historical evolution of Hamas, a movement initially committed to the re-Islamization of Palestinian society and social works, then to passive resistance to the occupation and finally to armed struggle under the pressure of its youth and the vacuum that had been created among Palestinians following the unworkable attempts at compromise on the part of Fatah and other PLO leaders. He reminded the audience that the current war is not a religious war, as cohabitation between Muslims, Christians and Jews has always been part of Arab and Islamic traditions, but has everything to do with Zionism. It's a colonial ideology of settlement imported from Europe, similar to that which produced South African apartheid, and which must be dismantled to allow the peaceful cohabitation of populations of different origins and religions once again.
>The Turkish analyst analyzed in detail the international situation and the role Erdogan's Turkey is playing in it, in his view, in the service of imperialism against neighboring countries, based on a fascist and ethnicist vision of power in Turkey, and targeting the Kurds in particular. He drew a link between the conflicts in Palestine, Syria, Ukraine, the Caucasus, East Asia and Africa, leading to the emergence of a revolutionary situation throughout the world aimed at securing the sovereignty of peoples and preventing the imperialists from launching wars to preserve their hegemony, targeting North Korea, China and Russia in particular.
>The Lebanese communist, for his part, assumed that capitalism had reached the stage of old age and was no longer able to master the phenomena of systemic crisis, heralding its demise in the words of Rosa Luxemburg, “socialism or barbarism” or “socialism or extinction”. In this context, war has become the only way to prolong the survival of this system, and the only response to this de facto unattainable threat is to move towards the socialization of the economy, a process in which China has a pioneering role to play as a “people's pole” opening up to humanity a credible prospect of an alternative system.
>A Korean intervention on the conflict in Palestine developed the idea that Western imperialism has sought to foment a conflict between Christianity and Islam in Western Asia in order to prevent the formation of an “Islamic empire” in this region, and has used anti-Semitism and Zionism to this end. This explains why the conflict in Palestine and this globally strategic region has become the key to understanding international tensions and the danger of a new world war.
>The representative of the Taiwanese Labor Party pointed out that the USA uses the Chinese province of Taiwan as a provocation and pressure tactic on China, but does not have the courage to confront China directly. China, for its part, maintains its policy of peaceful reunification of the homeland by negotiating a compromise acceptable to both Chinese parties and against separatist tendencies. Taiwan's employers, for their part, have a vested interest in cooperation with mainland China, and indeed Taiwan is facing a crisis of overproduction in agriculture and certain IT fields, with mainland China buying the surpluses it doesn't need to keep the island's economy in balance. This policy explains why, despite the “independence” rhetoric of the island's current president, who is in a minority in parliament, Taiwan's economic reality is in fact blocking the adventurist excesses supported by the USA, which are constantly testing the “red lines” of Chinese policy. This explains the relative optimism of the speaker, who sees the possibility of blocking the march towards war in East Asia.
>Overall, the tone of the speeches was that the threat of war is growing worldwide, and that it stems from the crisis of the dominant globalized system, which no longer has the means to control the economic situation and open up development prospects for all mankind. As a result, its elites have a natural tendency to rush headlong into war, which, as has always been the case in the history of capitalism, is a mass phenomenon designed to restore the system's equilibrium and the profits of its companies, and to block the masses' march towards a socialized economy. This tendency is dominant today, but it is coming up against growing resistance from the peoples and many States which, at the same time, and irrespective of their differences and divergences and their more or less democratic character, constitute a counterweight that puts the brakes on warlike tendencies and makes it possible to envisage a more positive and peaceful outcome, ultimately leading to a revolutionary change in the world's social and economic system.
R: 140 / I: 17  

This board doesn’t discuss patriarchy

I don’t get why, patriarchy is a pretty pernicious and violent hierarchical structure that negatively effects both men and women, makes female workers more easily exploitable and easier to disrupt in organizing, makes men more likely to act as class collaborators with more powerful men against women from their own class and as a whole, is consistently used as a means to establish buy-in for many men into capitalism, with many reactionary bourgeois ideologies targeting young men playing heavily on patriarchal beliefs and norms, and of course, like it or not, but part of the issue with SA and less serious but still harmful forms of gendered and intimate abuse in some socialist parties and anarchist groups like it or not likely come down to patriarchal attitudes not sufficiently critiqued and deprogrammed out of male members

I’d also say there’s no problem discussing it either unless you’re more concerned with alienating potential male chauvinist allies over basically all women that might possibly be interested in radical politics
R: 9 / I: 1

News 5/30/24

Egypt tight-lipped over Israeli takeover of Gaza buffer zone
Israel said on Wednesday that its forces had gained “operational” control over the Philadelphi corridor – the Israeli military’s code name for the 9-mile-long (14km) strip of land along the Gaza-Egypt border. Under the terms of the 1979 peace accord between Egypt and Israel, each side is allowed to deploy only a small number of troops or border guards in a demilitarised zone that stretches along the entire Israel-Egypt border and encompasses the corridor.

Egypt: Sisi government raises price of 'bread of the poor' by 300 percent
Egypt will raise the price of subsidised bread by 300 percent from June, Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly said on Wednesday, announcing a change that will affect tens of millions of the impoverished population.

MK Party overtakes EFF nationally with 34% of votes counted
With just over 34% of the national votes counted, former President Jacob Zuma’s uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) party has overtaken the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and is now in third place nationally with 9.38% of the vote counted. The African National Congress (ANC) is still ahead of the pack, with just 42.31% of the votes. The Democratic Alliance (DA) is in second position with almost 25% of the votes nationally.

Turkish state and its mercenaries bomb villages of Manbij and burn more cultivated land
Manbij Military Council Press Contact Center said that the Turkish state and its mercenaries set fire to the agricultural areas in the villages of Kirêdiyê, Boxaz and Buwêhic in Manbij, and burned approximately 20 hectares of cultivated land in the fire that spread to the villages of Til Torîn and Cablet El Hemra.

French, German leaders say Ukraine allowed to strike inside Russia
Scholz said he agreed with Macron and that as long as Ukraine respected the conditions given by countries that supplied the weapons, including the United States, and international law, it was allowed to defend itself.

Luke Akehurst: Labour pick 'extremist' Israel lobbyist for safe seat
Luke Akehurst, who lives in Oxford, has been selected by Labour to run in North Durham – a safe seat some 250 miles away. Akehurst, the director of the “We Believe in Israel” lobby group, has been a fierce defender of Israel’s military action in Gaza, insisting that it is neither “disproportionate” nor “genocide”.

Left-wing French lawmaker suspended for waving Palestinian flag
Sébastien Delogu, a member of Parliament for the radical La France Insoumise (LFI) party from the southern city of Marseille, stood up with the flag during questions to the government.

Peru Opens Investigation Into Deaths in Anti-government Protests
"The Special Team of Prosecutors for cases involving victims during social protests has launched 62 investigations against members of the police and military forces," the Public Prosecutor’s Office said in a bulletin shared on its official website.

Buenos Aires trains slow to crawl as protesting conductors demand wage hike
La Fraternidad (The Brotherhood) railway workers' union said it had decided to call the strike, slowing trains down to just 19 miles per hour (30 kmh) after wage negotiations failed with Trenes Argentinos, the state firm that oversees the rail network, as annual inflation nears 300%. The workers are seeking wage hikes to match the spiraling costs of living, the union said.

Despite Protests, Taiwan’s KMT, TPP Pass Controversial Bills to Expand Legislative Powers
The laws that sparked the protests will grant new powers to legislators, allowing them to summon individuals for questioning, whether that means company executives, government workers, civil society leaders, or regular citizens.

Victims of forced sterilization speak of their suffering at Supreme Court
The court is hearing five cases of appeal against the rulings of lower courts across the nation. The plaintiffs had sued the government for compensation over their forced sterilization due to their disabilities. That the Supreme Court is hearing the appeals has led to some optimism that a ruling in favor of the plaintiffs might emerge later this year.

From Ang Bayan: NPA Unit Fires At AFP 4th IB Camp In Oriental Mindoro Province
New People’s Army (NPA)-Mindoro (Lucio de Guzman Command) Red fighters fired at and harassed 4th IB soldiers stationed in its military camp in Sityo Sigao, Barangay Lisap, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro province on May 20, at 9 a.m. Soldiers have been encamped in the site and have been implementing martial law since 2022.
R: 182 / I: 15

The politics of pity

Why does it seem like the crux of the liberal/idpol Left is an obsession with pity and being pitied?

Look at social media, for instance, and you’ll notice how everyone uses their identity labels or difficulties surviving in end-stage capitalism as a means of competing for pity. Autistic people demand pity. Trans people demand pity. Diaspora Palestinians and Zionists compete against each other for pity. And so on.

For what reason has there become such a fixation on pity rather than, say, empowerment? Real revolutionaries don’t allow themselves to fall into pity because all it does is demoralize them in the long-run. People who truly believe they have a cause to fight for and sacrifice for don’t hyperfixate on themselves but seek to transcend and push back against whatever hardships they have.

What cultural forces would you pinpoint as the reason for why demand for pity has become such an obsession?
R: 13 / I: 2  
To all the anarchists here, put 1k hours in pic related and youll see why you need collectivism just to even continue living in 99% of circumstances.
>inb4 what game even is that
Get good noob
>inb4 you get all your ideology from vidya probably like fallout 3
No way Jose
R: 36 / I: 4

Trots love newspapers

> Be me
> First year in college
> Only socialist orgs near me are DSA and IMT
> Local IMT chapter tables every few days trying to sell newspapers
> Mostly ignore them but tell them I'm a Maoist when they try their "are you a communist" speech and they usually leave me alone
> Months go by and all they do is sell newspapers
> 2 or so months ago, a pro-Palestine group organizes a protest
> I arrive and tons of people have signs, flags, etc
> I overhear an IMT member telling someone about their org
> I look over
> He's carrying a fucking newspaper

What is it about newspapers that makes Trotskyites love them so much?
R: 16 / I: 1

News 5/29/24

Delhi temperature hits 50.5C as India’s capital records hottest day
The temperature was more than nine degrees higher than expected, the IMD said, and came on the second day of record-breaking heat. On Tuesday a high of 49.9C had been hit in Mungeshpur and Narela, breaking the 2002 record of 49.2C.

Farmers’ forum takes out protest march in Idukki seeking relief for cardamom sector
“The district faced severe drought, especially the cardamom sector. But Union government representatives are yet to visit the drought-hit areas in the district or announce any special package. A Central government team should visit the drought-hit areas in the district, declare Idukki drought-hit, and announce a special package for the district,” said Mr. Varghese.

Luxury influencers vanish from Chinese social media in wealth crackdown
China's internet watchdog in April launched the "Clear and Bright" campaign to remove undesirable content from social media, vowing to crack down on influencers who created "ostentatious personas to cater to vulgar needs, and deliberately display extravagant lifestyles filled with money".

Four Pakistanis killed, 2 injured by Iranian forces in southwestern Pakistan, officials say
The shooting took place near the Pakistan-Iran border, in Washuk District, confirmed Umar Jamali, additional deputy commissioner. Naeem Umrani, deputy commissioner Washuk, said an investigation is being initiated to determine the reason for the shooting.

Clashes erupt at Mexico City protest against Israel’s war on Gaza
About 200 people joined the “Urgent action for Rafah” demonstration outside the Israeli embassy on Tuesday. Confrontation with the police was sparked as some protesters sought to break down barriers preventing them from reaching the diplomatic mission.

Insurance company Sura withdraws from Colombia’s health system as government pushes for control
Thousands of complaints are filed each year by Colombians who argue insurance companies take too long to approve surgeries and other medical expenses, or sometimes even deny lifesaving treatments. Hospitals have also complained of growing debts owed to them by the insurance companies, which soared during the pandemic and currently stand at $1.5 billion.

Canada, Ontario in deal for affordable housing amid soaring home costs
Canada currently faces a housing affordability crisis with a growing population that is outpacing the number of available homes, increasing home prices and rents. Mortgage costs have also risen due to high inflation and interest rates. A C$6 billion Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund was launched by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in April to address the crisis.

Sudan general confirms Red Sea base deal with Russia, strengthens ties with Iran
Abdelrahman is the fourth SRCS volunteer killed in the line of duty over the last two months, and the second in just two days, bringing the global toll of Red Cross and Red Crescent staff and volunteers killed in the line of duty this year to 22.

Community Health Workers across South Africa mobilize ahead of election
Community Health Workers (CHWs) in South Africa are mobilizing to demand formal, stable employment. Throughout May, these workers and organizations supporting them have organized rallies in several regions, in an effort to secure guarantees from the government ahead of the May 29 election.

South Africa elections: voting under way amid grim national mood
Millions more South Africans now have access to quality housing with electricity and running water than in 1994 when the ANC came to power. But rising unemployment, along with corruption scandals and rolling power cuts that have lasted up to 10 hours a day in recent years, have contributed to a sense for many that the government no longer works for them. Even Mandela’s home village of Qunu in the rural Eastern Cape no longer has piped water.
R: 10 / I: 5

/PPG/ Para(lefty)Politics General: Reclaiming the Tin Foil Phrygian Cap

Parapolitics general, didn't see anything on /leftypol/ related to the topic so aggregate discussion of larger scale conspiracy, psyop, power maps, and general tin foil hat grindset here.


Programmed to Kill by Dave McGowan

Aberrations in the Heartland of the Real by Dr. Wendy S. Painting

The Road to 9/11 by Peter Dale Scott

Weird Scenes Inside the Canyons by Dave McGowan

Mass Murderers in White Coats by Larry Lapon

Eye of the Chickenhawk by Simon Dovey

The Art: The Secret History of Psywar, by S. William Snider

Operation Gladio by Paul L. Williams

The Franklin Scandal by Nick Bryant

Dr. Mary's Monkeys by Edward Haslam

Family of Secrets by Russ Baker

Revolutions End by Brad Schreiber


Programmed to Chill: recently defunct but Jimmy has been posting all paid content slowly on the free feed

ParaPower Mapping: fun current events style wrapup of issues in the field of conspiracy from a left perspective

Subliminal Jihad: international relations focused with an eye toward anti imperialism and it's intersection with longer ranging conspiracies

The Kingless Generation: a fascinating look at themes of Japanese classical art and ancient/medieval work worldwide as it relates to the field of "paleo-para-politics"

The Farm: perhaps the most popular left-of-center conspiracy podcast still active, covers a very broad range of topics with numerous guests
R: 10 / I: 1
The correct approach to Marxism is reading all of those works from beginning to end and understanding them as an integrated whole. Quote-collecting like many do is just bowing to arbitrary authority much like how Stalinists can simply defer to Economic Problems to evade criticism. Or to put it another way, if someone accepts socialism is commodity-less solely by being convinced by a bunch of Marx or Lenin quotations, they are no better than a Stalinist who accepts socialist commodities after reading Stalin. In both cases critical thinking is missing.
R: 17 / I: 5

How to make Liberals into Leftists

Ok. so here it goes.

The libel democracies have an incredibly powerful propaganda network. In the so-called United States, the vast majority of the politically active population are liberals, some are more conservative than other but the ideology of liberal democracy stands strong, if not weakening.

With this in mind, it makes strategic sense to target
liberal spaces in both real life and on the internet to turn them into more radical and leftist ideologies. Specifically, Americans, as they still hold the majority of material resources as well as economic capabilities. A more leftist American generation has already arisen, socialism, communism, and anarchism are becoming more openly discussed as legitimate alternatives by the younger generations to the rampant capitalist structure that defines the United States.

How do we both mobilize these people to more radical actions, and how do we bring in more liberals to the ideology to both decrease the power of American liberal hegemony and strengthen the general attitudes of the population towards the radical left?

Pic unrelated.
R: 2 / I: 0

Best Korea responds with poop balloons

IMO high meme potential in this one. In Westoid press there could be nothing further from the constructed image of NK than them having a sense of humor or wit. It's also hilarious that Worst Korea would send fucking boyband mp3s to communist citizens as a time capsule of their peak civilizational output:

>Earlier this month, a group of North Korean defectors sent about 20 large balloons carrying some 300,000 propaganda leaflets criticizing Kim. The balloons also carried about 2,000 USB sticks containing K-pop content, including songs from members of Korean boyband sensation BTS. (Kim has called South Korean K-pop a “vicious cancer.”)

<North Korea warned it would retaliate against anti-Pyongyang leaflets sent over by activists in South Korea earlier this month.

<South Korean news agency Yonhap reported that South Korea’s military detected the balloons flying and falling in various locations across the country from Tuesday evening to Wednesday morning local time, going as far as South Gyeongsang, a province more than 180 miles from the demilitarized zone border between the two countries.

<The balloons appeared to carry trash—like plastic bottles, batteries, shoe parts, and even feces—a South Korea Joint Chiefs of Staff official said. The military is working with police to collect the materials for analysis, local paper Chosun Ilbo reported, and has advised residents not to come into contact with the droppings and instead report them to authorities.

What a hilariously chad move!
R: 31 / I: 12
ITT we play cod: gulf war bingo

Place your bets on what stupid shit will take place in the new call of duty installment set during in the 90s from desert storm to 9/11
R: 4 / I: 2

News 5/28/24

Another Egyptian soldier reportedly dies due to wounds from Rafah border clash with Israel
Egyptian military personnel, stationed on the border with the Palestinian Rafah in north-eastern North Sinai province, had reportedly exchanged fire with Israeli army troops on Monday, with unconfirmed news that at least seven Israeli soldiers were injured and five others killed.

US says Gaza pier being repaired as aid groups urge more consistent routes
“The ability of aid groups and medical teams to respond has now all but crumbled, with temporary fixes such as a ‘floating dock’ and new crossing points having little impact.”

Denmark university to halt investment in companies in West Bank amid student protests
The university will, as of May 29, divest its holdings worth a total of about 1 million Danish crowns ($145,810) in Airbnb (ABNB.O), Booking.com (BKNG.O), and eDreams (EDRE.MC), it said in a post on social media platform X. The university said it would work with fund managers to manage its investments and ensure they comply with a United Nations list of companies involved in illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

CWU slams looming takeover of Royal Mail by foreign investor EP Group
EP Group, owned by Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky, is likely to take over the public service, which was privatised by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition between 2013-15. Communications Workers Union general secretary Dave Ward said the takeover was “a direct result of a failed and ideological privatisation over a decade ago mixed with the blatant mismanagement of the company in recent years.

Colombia’s government and ELN rebels sign first of six peace deals
The negotiations were frozen for months because the government agreed to hold parallel negotiations with the ELN’s dissident Comuneros del Sur division from the Nariño province. The talks were able to continue after the ELN’s central command agreed to allow the Nariño guerrillas to negotiate with the government as an independent guerrilla group.

US opens up banking to private Cuban businesses to boost small firms
One of the key changes would allow Cuban private business owners to open bank accounts in the US and then access them online once back in Cuba — something they couldn’t do previously. The US also is again allowing something called U-turn transactions, where money is transferred from one country to another but is routed through the US.

US files a labor complaint over claims that a Volkswagen plant in Mexico fired union activists
The complaint asked Mexico to investigate whether management at Volkswagen de México, S.A. de C.V. fired or took reprisals against workers “based on their service as union representatives, affiliation with prior union administrations, candidacy in union elections, or engagement in other union activities.”

Myanmar Junta Fires Key Economics Minister From Its Cabinet
The junta has fired Union Minister Aung Naing Oo, a former military officer, from its Cabinet. The notice terminating his employment was issued on Monday and signed by the State Administration Council (SAC) secretary Aung Lin Dwe. Using the standard military euphemism for “sacked,” it said the senior bureaucrat was allowed to “retire.”

China’s Xi Jinping issues call to arms: cultivate new sources of employment, quell ‘chaos’ in job market
In calling for “full, high-quality employment”, Xi explicitly addressed widespread complaints about illegal lay-offs by some companies, and he pointed to a mismatch between job supply and demand in some sectors, especially among youngsters.

World Health Assembly attempts to improve global readiness for pandemics
A bold project to adopt a pandemic “treaty” at this week’s World Health Assembly was shelved on Friday as more than two years of work ran into disagreements over sharing information about pathogens that cause pandemics and the technology used to fight them. Experts say the best chance now to address pandemics at the assembly will be proposed changes to the WHO’s International Health Regulations, which were set up in 2004.
R: 114 / I: 16
I just cant decide between being a anarchist-communist or being a marxist-leninist. Both make convincing arguments in their theory but how am I supposed to figure out which one is right?

Each side says the other side's sources are just propaganda, so how am I supposed to make an informed reliable decision when I cant even tell if a claim and evidence for a side is propaganda or not. How can I come to a certain conclusion?
R: 79 / I: 14

Revolutionary Hobos

I've been thinking about this for years: what if we gave homeless people money / food / clothing / etc and political literature with the deal that if they study it, don't sell off the books (at least until they're done with them) and answer correctly when tested on the material that they should receive more money and goods than they would get by simply selling off the books. Could we get homeless people to read the likes of Hegel, Marx, Kant, Kropotkin, Gramsci, Lenin, Rosa Luxemburg, Emma Goldman, Mao among other authors in their spare time by simply rewarding them for it? Has anyone tried it here?

We've seen that it works with christian reactionaries, why not try it ourselves? Are there any organizations that do? As far as I'm aware I've only heard of the anarchists from Food Not Bombs doing it (1st picrel) as well as general assemblies of squatters.

Why not try the same with migrants and refugees? They're in a desperate situation too. The migrants from the middle east mostly speak arabic, so the language barrier is a bit problematic, yet there exist many translated works. Even Stirner has been translated into arabic (2nd picrel). Rightoids hate refugees and refuse to work with them, this seems like a great situation for us to work with them instead and help them.
R: 5 / I: 1
Rule based world order strikes again

In what world does a moral govt not only sponsor genocide but has presidential candidates go sign of shells with finish them off
R: 24 / I: 9



The more and more I study capitalism the more I come around to the idea that the ruling class wants to defend itself by defining what it means to be ruling class through including non economic and more widespread forms of privilege.

The reason "social conservatism" goes with capitalism is because a ruling class usually can't rule on its own. It needs a middle strata of people who have some amount of power, not enough to rule, but enough to be invested in the system continuing. Absolute monarchs had the aristocracy/nobles. And in capitalist society you have the petit bourgeoisie, labor aristocrats i.e. high level tradesmen, high paid white collar workers and managers, etc.

Similarly you can define the ruling class as simply all white men (jacksonian populism, us southern ideology), or the nation, religion, or certain ethnic supremacy, etc. The whole point of conservatism is to sublet some of the privileges of the ruling class to middlemen who, on account of their position often being more precarious, will fight to defend the system even more ferociously as they fear their status slipping from the middle to the low. An example of this in the US would be small business owners/petit bourgeois being right wing populist as they fear being re-proletarianized and slipping back into the class status of being a wage worker.

There are two ways people can react to domination, either by rejecting hierarchies, or by desperately looking for some way to not be on the bottom of the hierarchy, usually by trying to puff oneself up by putting other people/groups down and trying to drag them down on the social ladder. Liberals usually explain this as reproducing trauma or something but it is true.

For the same reason a kid who's being beaten at home by his dad doesn't stand up to his dad (often because he really can't) ends up taking it out by becoming a bully at school i.e."i'm gonna hit you harder than my dad hits me".

For example males who's cultures have been victims of enslavement, colonialism etc. often react to these humiliations by adopting ultra masculine or macho chauvinist attitudes over women and LGBT of their same race/group.

The fact is the easiest form of false consciousness is to simply deny the possibility of a truly classless society and therefore society is just a competition for status, clout, power, and of course, money. If you increase the status of a group you belong to indirectly increases your status, and conversely an attack on the group is an attack on your status.

Because if they are legitimated in punching up at the ruling class, then that means that the people lower than them are also justified in punching up at THEM which directly threatens their wealth status and power. A defense of the power of the ruling class, for these middle-men then becomes a defense of their own power by PROXY.

R: 5 / I: 1 (sage)

Honeypot central- discussing practice on a public network lel

Fellow burgers what's the plan for when the US just decides to give up the ghost and bring cold war anticommunist death squads back home, we don't really have a vanguard yet and most communist organizations are usually based out of major cities so comrades in mid level cities and rural areas can't really meet, granted communist groups developed out of worse off countries but there feels a difference between the NDF in Marcos' Phillipines or the insurgencies against Pinochet and THE imperialist power
R: 63 / I: 14
>it was reported that early on in his imprisonment Kaczynski had befriended Ramzi Yousef and Timothy McVeigh, the perpetrators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the Oklahoma City bombing, respectively. The trio discussed religion and politics and formed a friendship which lasted until McVeigh's execution in 2001.
so a white nationalist, a pakistani islamist, a practicing anarcho primitivist and a cuban american gang leader were all sharing a single cell block together and apparently got along well together, how would their ideologies have clashed and what conversations they could have had?
also what are some examples of unlikely political friendships in history?
R: 10 / I: 1

News 5/27/24

At least 40 killed in Rafah after Israeli missiles hit camp for displaced
“The massacre committed by the Israeli occupation army in the refugee tents northwest of Rafah city in the southern Gaza Strip has left 40 martyrs and 65 wounded,” Mohammad al-Mughayyir, a senior official at the civil defence agency, told AFP news agency.

New settlement in occupied Afrin
The so-called "Al-Watan Engineering Construction" Company published on its virtual communication website that it was nearing the completion of putting the final touches on the project to construct 2 buildings in the city of Janders in the occupied Afrin countryside, for the benefit of the so-called "Sun of Hope Organization."

Argentina's 300% inflation and propped-up peso spawn Paraguay border ghost town
Between January and March 2024, arrivals from neighbor Uruguay - who spent $1.3 billion in Argentina last year - fell 25% versus a year ago, Uruguayan outbound tourism figures show.Border towns in Paraguay, Chile and elsewhere have seen lower local demand for Argentina imports, but others have cheered the shifting trend, which has also meant fewer locals making day trips to Argentina to look for bargains.

Protests shut streets in Armenia's capital, roads in other parts to demand the prime minister resign
The demonstrations are spearheaded by Bagrat Galstanyan, a high-ranking cleric in the Armenian Apostolic Church and archbishop of the Tavush diocese in Armenia’s northeast, where the returned villages are located. Although the villages were the protests’ rallying point, they have expanded to express a wide array of complaints against Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and his government.

Zelensky secures Spanish pledge additional air defence missiles
Mr Zelensky and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez signed a bilateral security agreement that allocates €1 billion (£849m) in military aid to Ukraine this year and €5bn (£4.2bn) by 2027. More Leopard tanks and artillery ammunition also feature in the package.

Five Guerrillas Killed in the Philippines
Among them, Zaldy Galamiton (also known as Shaggy and Poldo), was the secretary of Sub-Regional Committee 1 of the New People’s Army (NPA) and Jhonjhon Ayuma Ramos (also known as Erbing) was the commander of the Eagles of the SRSDG (Sub-Regional Sentro De Gravida) of the rebel group, according to the army.

South China Sea: Beijing risks conflict with Philippines over ‘Monster’ ship to enforce anti-trespassing policy
The 165-metre Chinese coastguard vessel with bow number 5901, nicknamed “The Monster”, was seen on Friday 93km (50 nautical miles) off the Scarborough Shoal, a highly contested maritime feature, accompanied by another 102-metre long coastguard ship. Beijing refers to the shoal as Huangyan Island while Manila has named it Panatag Shoal.

A Thai court sentences an opposition lawmaker to 2 years in prison for defaming the monarchy
Her charges stemmed from her speech in 2021 that demanded the release of all political prisoners during a rally in front of the same court that delivered Monday’s sentence. She was found guilty for parts of the speech concerning how the government then led by Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha had amended laws to give King Vajiralongkorn more power to control the palace wealth, which is managed by the Crown Property Bureau.

Bengal: CPI(M) Alleges Large-Scale Irregularities, Voter Intimidation in 6th Phase
In the Jangal Mahal areas of Bankura, Purulia and Jhargram, there were allegations that some former Maoists inducted in the civil police force and the home guard regiment of the state, were working in favour of the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC). Left Front workers complained that their voters were prevented from going to the polling booths.

Pro-independence leader calls on protesters in New Caledonia to ‘maintain resistance’ against France
In the video message, Tein called on protesters to “slightly loosen the grip” on their barricades in Noumea, its suburbs and along the archipelago’s main roads in order to transport fuel, food, medicine and facilitate access to health care for the inhabitants of the islands in the North and South. But Tein insisted that the barricades would remain in place until French authorities lift house arrest warrants for several of his party members.
R: 136 / I: 28
What does /leftypol/ think of the riots in New Caledonia? Quick rundown for those not in the known:

>New Caledonia is an island in the South Pacific near Australia, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands

>It was colonized in the 19th century by France
>Typical colonial shenanigans. Enslavement, forced labor, French settlers moved in that still control most of the land and economy
>Violent independentist movement in the 20th century resulted in the Noumea Accords which called for three referendums on Independence
>Voting in the referendums and other local matters was restricted to long-term New Caledonia residents who were living there in 1998
>BUT at this time the white settler population, as well as other outsiders who got there by also being part of the French colonial empire (Polynesias from Tahiti, Walis and Futuna, Cambodians, Vietnamese) were already the majority of the population
>Unsurprisingly, all the non-locals voted to stay with France and each referendum failed
>France is now unilaterally breaking the Accords and letting over 10,000 people be added to the voting rolls (who will all vote for pro-France politicians ofc)
>young Kanaks (the name of the Indigenous people of the island) are revolting now over this, some police killed, Micron seething and sending in more police/military, TikTok shut down
R: 43 / I: 7  
What would you do if you saw a guy with nazi symbolism on the street?
R: 1 / I: 0
ayo I'm your resident Maoist lumpen and I'm here to teach you how to do cybercrime
R: 15 / I: 5

Politics and Personality

Is there any merit whatsoever to other possible elements that might factor into one's political bias other than [material conditions] +[ideology]? For example, the claim that people low in openness-to-experience and high in conscientiousness skew conservative? Or that other claim that conservatives have larger amygdalas (in relation to liberals,), and therefore are more prone to outrage baiting?
Is there any merit? Is it all dog? Or is it true but negligible in impact? True but a posteriori instead of prescriptive etc.
R: 49 / I: 9
when did this revisionism start that may 68 was some great revolutionary movement? cause it used to be that even the most petit bourgeois intellectual of leftists admitted it was pretty embarrassing and undisciplined. it's only recently i've seen leftists nostalgic for it

every french new wave filmmaker has at least one film from the 1970s pretty brutally ripping into may 68 as a movement. but the leftist consensus now seems to be that it was some high point of revolutionary nervous in the western world. that's definitely a new thing
R: 502 / I: 134  

/ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine war general #176: Dripping Off The Meat Grinder Edition

Remember!!: Nothing Ever Happens!™


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



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DeepStateMap: https://deepstatemap.live
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📺 Ukraine: The Avoidable War - Boy Boy

📺 America, Russia, and Ukraine's Far Right - Gravel Institute
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0pyVJG7_6Q (Link TBA)

📺 Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

<Current Happenings

📺 The Grayzone: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrayzone7996
📺 DDGeopolitics: https://www.youtube.com/@DDGeopolitics
📺 Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
📺 The Duran: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeMVChrumySxV9N1w0Au-w
📺 The News Atlas: https://www.youtube.com/c/thenewatlas
📺 Military Summary: https://www.youtube.com/@militarysummary


Social media



Thread guidelines:
• Please remember to add a spoiler to NSFW and extreme content such as graphic violence and gore.
• Try your best to not derail discussion too much from the main events and relevant places where the war is taken place, as well as other happenings, groups and public figures related to it.
• Meta discussion of the historical, philosophical and ideological background of the war is fine as long as its done in good faith and comradely.
• In the event the meta discussion overstays its welcome, participating users will be referred to take the conversation to the MULTIPOLARISM general thread: >>>/leftypol/1590991
• Quality shitposting and original content is encouraged! Spamming glowie memes is low effort.
• Remember to take your meds! It helps mediate schizoposting and foot fetishism
• this is /isg/ for people who treat geopolitics like shitty map games
R: 8 / I: 2


I hate modern society.
Consumism is making us slave of things that we don't need and everyone is false to eachother.
I don't really know how to fix this situation, but I can't stand this shoit anymore.
R: 42 / I: 12
Once a revisionist narrative becomes hegemonic, it is nearly impossible to dislodge without a revolutionary change to society happening first. Your anti-revisionist narrative will ironically be seen as revisionist by most people. Because what they heard in school and on the history channel seems more authoritative than the random M-L they meet online. No amount of anti-revisionist record correcting from your Grover Furr types is going to overcome the capitalist glowie media apparatus. You are trying to correct a superstructural narrative with a non-hegemonic counter-narrative, without changing the economic base. You cannot advance proletarian historical counter-narratives when the economic base is still bourgeois. You cannot correct the record when the record is not yours to correct.

TL;DR Every bit of effort you spend on trying to save history from the bourgeoisie and the reactionaries by being a giga-nerd would be better spent educating, agitating, organizing, and touching grass. Why debate a reactionary when you can shoot them? Nobody asked you. They asked their libtard history professor. They asked Chat GPT. If Chat GPT tells them Taft Hartley was about establishing a "balance of power" so that "labor and capital could negotiate on an even playing field" because that's the boring bourgeois centrist narrative, then that's what most people are going to believe.
R: 28 / I: 8

When will publish or perish finally die?

>run scientific research like a business
>get outcompeted by paper mills and telegram citation sellers
Open science when?


R: 64 / I: 4

When is the revolution going to happen?

I mean it has been awful long time since Marx wrote Capital, how close are we to revolution comrades? Is it going to happen any days now? or are we in some sort of feudalism still? Will please someone explain it to me on what is happening and what is going to happen?
R: 22 / I: 4


>With the politic design of preventing intestine broils by employment abroad, and in the hope that when rich as well as poor, plebeians and patricians, should be mingled again in the same army and in the same camp, and engage in one common service for the public, it would mutually dispose them to reconciliation and friendship. - Plutarch

What is /leftypol/'s position on "national service"? The general idea is that young people serve for a few years after completing secondary education, will either serve in a nations military OR "complete other works of service" such as working on civilian projects such as teaching in low-income areas, helping care for the elderly, or maintaining infrastructure, among other ideas. One could imagine a civilian service which gave young people training in the trades and had them work on construction projects or other such things of national importance.

Would there be national service in socialism or communism? Would such a concept even be relevant?
R: 10 / I: 2

Lost media

I remember this video I can’t get out of my head from about 2017 that portrays YPJ fighters in Rojava with the iCarly theme (Leave It All To Me) playing. I cannot find this video any longer! Does anyone know where it is or if it is archived?
R: 133 / I: 21

Is there any country more CIA brainwashed than Poland?

I swear to God almighty I fucking hate it here. This country is good for nothing and I wish it burns in the eternal flames of hell where it belongs yet somehow escaped it.
Like 95% of the people here are brainwashed by a population-wide CIA psyop operation eating up the most liberal bullshit propaganda like it's served to them from a kebab stall after a long day at work.
It feels nigh impossible to be a leftist here, not even mentioning being further left than fascism (also known as social democracy). Poland is literally a mix of the worst traits of the west and east with nothing good added at all (except grandma, love you.)
The class consciousness is non-existent, and historical knowledge is biased more than that Cuba society from Florida. Even when I provide actual sources that disprove any most common misconception I am met with accusations of being a paid Russian bot or posting falsified commie research (from famous commie institutions like Yale or Harvard)
If I see one more resident of this god forsaken country tell me that "Hitler's occupation was way better than the Soviet one" I will actually summon the spirit of Tukhachevsky and tell him to this time do it fucking right.

So how are you doing?
R: 4 / I: 0  

Any major autist wanna help with adding leftypol into a hoi4 internet mod?

(No idea where to post this but maybe this is the best place since its the most active board EVEN DOE there is games but probably noone goes there idk i dont use leftypol…)

I have been posting my progress around a couple websites and i'd want to add getchan, ponychan leftypol and lupchan into the mod but i need help with 3-6 national ideas for each nation and perhaps leaders.

Ive noticed the wiki had a lot of care put into it so maybe someone wants to help out with the mod, we will see if this thread gets any traction.
R: 11 / I: 2

PotD is dead, but could CotD be useful?

I believe the Propaganda of the Deed is a failed doctrine. While I admittedly haven't studied it in detail, the contradiction appears quite simple:
>the deed is extremely inflammatory and the state will react in the harshest way it permits (e.g. life imprisonment)
>propagandizing the deed forces it into forms which will almost inevitably result in capture
>not enough people are willing to fuck over their whole life for this to be a sustainable strategy and cause systematic crisis

Consider how some states like US, Russia and China assassinate spies and other enemies, you can see this in their methods and sometimes in admissions (I can't grab the CIA official's interview about terror right now, i think it's in the SecondThot vid 'CIA is a terrorist org') that they often want their assassinations to be obvious. People don't just shoot themselves twice in the back and get polonium poisoning. Same with non-state terrorist groups, who often take credit for bomb attacks and other acts. This is the MO, it's not about just killing, but developing a threat as their reputation.
But on the other hand, we are* the proletariat. We do not need to be a group with a face to make our actions meaningful, we are a movement. Maybe Vanguardists will disagree.

Why would a Conspiracy of the Deed fail?
A 'conspiracy of the deed' shall be when assassinations, sabotage and other highly disruptive actions are taken, but with intentional secrecy and no attempt to take credit. Ideally, misattributed as coincidence, the truth only being discovered in fringe groups.
On one hand, it's harder to make this a growing tactic since it isn't meant to be publicly confirmed. On the other hand, it's far more sustainable as it encourages perpetrators to continue disrupting the system undiscovered. And it can still grow in a decentralized way through lone copycats.
Imagine an environmental group taking up this strategy, and over the course of a few months six oil C-level staff have died of various diseases. There's clearly something weird going on but there's no obvious reason, no villains to point at without being a conspiracy theorist. That's the kind of thing you could make a horror film out of. That's terror.
R: 61 / I: 14 (sage)
The Kurds are based despite getting support from the US just like the DNR/LNR are based despite getting support from Russia.

Conversely, Russia is cringe despite "denazifying" Ukraine and "helping" DNR/LNR. USA is cringe despite "helping" the Kurds.
R: 58 / I: 7

Did Hitler win?

If you haven't been living under a rock, you'll realize the internet and pop culture is filled with Nazi and Hitler related content. Its literally everywhere. There's Nazi aesthetics in anime and dozens of books and YouTube videos on Hitler's secret UFOs, antarctic weapons, and the occult, Jewish Nazi porn. Most of this stuff isn't pro-Nazi but it does promote curiosity around Nazis and the Nazi aesthetic that rightoids have clearly been able to exploit. Liberals of course promote the idea of Hitler as an absolute evil that justifies foreign interventions. Everything they don't like (Hamas, ISIS, Bin Laden etc) must be linked to Hitler and fascism. Everything must be done to stop the coming of a future Hitler and that's the justification used for what happened at Colombia and UCLA and the Gaza genocide.

In the Western world, because of man’s distance from absolute good (God) value was placed on human actions. Since Nietzsche proclaimed in the nineteenth century the “death of God,” in other words the extinction of absolute good, absolute evil, that is to say Hitler, has stood as the reference point for all values. Hitler is our secular version of Satan or the anti-Christ who dictates our values. Does this not constitute the ultimate victory for Hitler?

Just as there are people who join cults because they think Satan was actually the good guy or worship Jeff Dahmer or that incel shooter, so too will many people be seduced by the cult of Hitler. The idea of being absolutely evil and on the side of darkness against mainstream society is psychologically appealing to vulnerable idiots, outcasts, edgelords, burnouts, people wrecked by the system. Then along comes the right wing propagandist and feeds you the greatest story never told that Hitler was some Christ like figure who was defeated and persecuted by the man and everything you've been taught was a lie. Prussian aesthetics to poltard pipeline.

By making Hitler and fascism our standard of absolute evil the left is actually strengthening the Hitler cult and making it more appealing to people when really we should not draw attention to him more than any other historic war criminal by turning him into a Satan we have immortalized him.
R: 5 / I: 1

News 5/25/24

UK law will let regulators fine Big Tech without court approval
The DMCC also addresses consumer protection issues by banning fake reviews, forcing companies to be more transparent about their subscription contracts, regulating secondary ticket sales, and getting rid of hidden fees. It will also force certain companies to report mergers to the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).

Italy to resume UNRWA funding as Gaza faces humanitarian crisis
Rome joins several Western donors in resuming aid after an independent review of UNRWA, led by French former foreign minister Catherine Colonna, found that Israel had not provided any evidence to back its claims.

Thirty UK parliamentarians urge support of Morocco's control over Western Sahara
The so-called Moroccan Autonomy plan for Western Sahara gives Rabat control over the area's national security and foreign relations while allowing the Sahrawi people limited autonomy.

Syrian Kurdish authorities hand over a British woman and 3 children linked to IS to a UK delegation
The handover, which took place on Wednesday, is the latest in a push to repatriate people from al-Hol and Roj camps in northeastern Syria that house tens of thousands, mostly wives and children of IS militants but also supporters of the extremist group.

‘Down with dictatorship’: Tunisians rally against gov’t crackdown on media
Two Tunisian media figures received one-year jail sentences in recent days after making comments the authorities deemed critical, in the latest prosecutions under Decree 54 issued by Saied in 2022 banning the “spreading of false news”. “Down with the decree,” the demonstrators shouted as they marched through Tunis on Friday. “Dictator Kais, it’s your turn now,” they added, in allusion to the Arab Spring uprising, which toppled longtime leader Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in 2011.

Iran jails father of young man executed over 2022 protests
Mashallah Karami was sentenced to six years in prison by a Revolutionary court in the Tehran satellite city of Karaj on charges of illegally organising gatherings and collecting donations, his lawyer, Ali Sharifzadeh Ardakani, said on X, adding that the verdict had “flaws” and would be appealed.

Mexico City’s water ‘Day Zero’ may come even for the wealthiest residents
Water scarcity has long been an issue in Mexico City, with the brunt of the shortages happening in lower-income neighborhoods on the outskirts of the city center. But recently, residents in some of the city’s wealthier neighborhoods have also been running out of water as hot temperatures, low rainfall and poor infrastructure have converged to create a crisis across the sprawling metropolis.

Argentine Teachers and Professors Begin National Strike
"The conflict is far from being resolved as the central budgetary issue of Argentina, which is the salaries of teachers and administrative staff of the universities, is still pending," said Federico Montero, the secretary of the National Federation of University Teachers (CONADU).

Anti-Beijing policies in US hasten an academic switch to Taiwan
The US and Taiwan have long been close education partners; however, anxiety about China’s influence and enthusiasm about Taiwan’s changing geopolitical role have created a flood of new and expanded initiatives between the two sides – initiatives that some China experts warn cannot truly replace engagement with the mainland.

Pakistani Christian community attacked after blasphemy accusation
At least one house and a small shoe factory was set on fire by protesters who had gathered after neighbours alleged that the Muslim holy book, the Koran, had been desecrated by a minority community member, according to a police spokesman and Akmal Bhatti, a Christian leader. "They burned one house" and several Christians were badly beaten, Bhatti said.
R: 7 / I: 0

News 5/23/24

ICC prosecutor says he’s seen no evidence Israeli courts are genuinely probing Gaza crimes
“Despite significant efforts by the prosecutor’s office, he did not receive information from Israel that proves genuine legal processes are taking place to check or investigate the stated crimes,” his office tells the TV station.

Heads of Iran-allied militant groups meet in Tehran
They discussed "the latest political, social and military situation in Gaza and the Al-Aqsa Flood operation and the role of the resistance front," state broadcaster IRIB reported. The meeting reportedly stressed "the continuation of jihad and struggle until the complete victory of the Palestinian resistance in Gaza with the participation of all resistance groups and fronts in the region", IRIB said.

A blow to the poor: Egypt's public hospitals up for privatisation after new law
Approved by parliament on 20 May, the Law on the Management and the Operation of Medical Establishments will come into effect after it's ratified by President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. The government hopes the law, the first in the country’s history, will attract investment in the health sector and improve medical services offered by the public hospitals. The government hopes the law, the first in the country’s history, will attract investment in the health sector and improve medical services offered by the public hospitals.

Greek police detain nine Egyptians despite dismissal of shipwreck charges
After the ruling, the men, who have spent 11 months in pre-trial detention and have pending asylum applications, were transferred to a police station where they remained in custody. It could take months for their applications to be processed.

Firefighters slam government-funded private enterprise for ‘moulding’ sector ‘as sees fit’
The NFCC received £8 million out of its £12m income from the Home Office, according to its financial statement released last year. Speaking at the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) conference in Blackpool today, Merseyside FBU secretary Ian Hibbert, called it an “unelected body” that draws millions in taxpayers’ money in an attempt to “mould the Fire and Rescue Service as they see fit.”

US will announce $275 million more in artillery and ammunition for Ukraine, officials say
The package includes high mobility artillery rocket systems, or HIMARS, munitions as well 155 mm and 105 mm high-demand artillery rounds, according to the two U.S. officials. Additional items in the aid package include Javelin and AT-4 anti-tank systems; anti-tank mines, tactical vehicles, small arms and ammunition for those weapons, one of the officials said. Both officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to provide details of the aid package before the public announcement.

Deputy Chief of Russia’s General Staff Arrested for Bribery
Russia has arrested a general on corruption allegations, state media reported Thursday, making him the third senior-ranking military officer to face fraud-related criminal charges over the past month in an apparent wider crackdown in the Defense Ministry.

Hundreds of people suffer heatstroke in Pakistan, and dangerous heat is forecast to stay a while
Doctors treated hundreds of victims of heatstroke at hospitals across Pakistan on Thursday after an intense heat wave sent temperatures above normal levels due to climate change, officials said. Temperatures soared as high as 49 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Fahrenheit) the previous day in Mohenjo Daro. The city, known for its archaeological sites, is in southern Sindh province, which was badly hit by climate-induced monsoon rains and devastating floods in 2022. The heat wave is forecast to continue for at least a week.

Mexico front-runner Sheinbaum aims to reform water-heavy agriculture sector
Julio Berdegue, a member of Sheinbaum's campaign team focused on water and the agricultural sector, told Reuters the candidate's six-year plan will review existing water concessions, crack down on illegal use, update irrigation technology and revamp national water entity CONAGUA. He cautioned the plan, details of which have not previously been reported, was still in development and could change.

France’s Macron delays New Caledonia voting reform after protests
Speaking on Thursday in New Caledonia’s capital, Noumea, after meeting local political leaders, Macron said his ultimate aim still was to sign the measure into law but only if peace returned and a broader pact on the island’s future could be forged.
R: 617 / I: 235 (full)

Palestine vs the Zionist Entity #85 - ICC Application Edition


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/5/22/israels-war-on-gaza-live-famine-fears-rise-as-aid-failure-escalates

Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


Our own wiki. Be sure to add to it and create branching articles:



From the UK, single issue long time Palestinian investigative and general reporting, critical source

From the USA

Regional news from an anti-imperialist perspective

Premier Human Rights org

Left news and opinion webzine from Tel-Aviv

A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine

Known anti-zionist academic Norman Finkelstein's blog



al-Qassam Brigades









(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it.

الله أكبر
.الى جميع الكادحين في الشرق، ان مصيركم في ايديكم
!يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا
R: 17 / I: 3

Are western liberal comedians the real racists/sexists?

If you look up the most "racist films/comedies" you'll find that most of the creators were politically liberals who were pushing comedy forward. Western conservatives as a group, while having their own issues and genuinely bad humor, more often then not didn't want to offend. I think there was a comedian who compared feminists to 'church ladies we used to make fun of,' and while their reasons for being were different different, I do think they were being needlessly offensive and ignorant then and now. I don't see the point of just spouting offensive racial stereotypes and generalizations, most of the people who pushed comedy like this such as the "Man show" and Tosh.0 are now the same supporters of "woke" rhetoric that many people seem to hate, and I don't see that as a contradiction at all, it's the same type of humor but now with focus on more what are deemed "oppressor groups"
R: 0 / I: 0

looking for a meme

does anyone has that green text screenshoot about giga chad playing victoria 3 just to oppress the bourgeoisie
R: 3 / I: 1

News 5/24/24

The Bolivian electoral physique maintains Evo Morales as chief of the MAS and the inner battle within the governing social gathering deepens
The Supreme Electoral Tribunal of Bolivia rejected the current congress of the ruling Movement in direction of Socialism (MAS) social gathering that sidelined former President Evo Morales. The congress, organized by pro-government organizations, elected Grover García as the brand new president, changing Morales. The TSE acknowledged that the congress didn’t adjust to the social gathering’s statutes and didn’t contain all registered delegates.

Peruvian reporter is target of smear campaign after taking on political elite
The campaign against Gorriti has gone beyond fake news and the courts to intimidation and physical threats. Far-right activists who call themselves La Resistencia frequently picket his home and office where he leads IDL-Reporteros, an investigative journalism outlet. Protesters have hurled bags of excrement, shouted antisemitic insults and made death threats.

Top UN court orders Israel to halt military offensive in Rafah, though Israel is unlikely to comply
The United Nations’ top court ordered Israel on Friday to immediately halt its military offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, but stopped short of ordering a cease-fire for the enclave. Although Israel is unlikely to comply with the order, it will ratchet up the pressure on the increasingly isolated country.

El-Sisi and Biden agree to send aid to Gaza via Karem Abu Salem crossing
The aid will be sent to Gaza via the crossing – located where the borders of Egypt, Israel and Gaza come together – until legal mechanisms are in place to reopen the crucial Rafah border crossing from the Palestinian side, the Egyptian presidency said.

Renters fall victim to Sunak's snap election decision
Legislation to ban no-fault evictions was first promised by Theresa May, and the abandonment comes as the number of such repossessions hits a six-year high, according to official figures. Labour’s Matthew Pennycook said: “The Tories’ decision to cave in to vested interests leaves in tatters the promises they made to private tenants five years ago.

ANC losing support as election nears – LATEST POLL
ANC support has dropped from 45.9% to 40.8% in just under a week, based on a 60% voter turnout, according to the Social Research Foundation (SRF) opinion poll. The party of late anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela won 57.5% of the vote at the last general election in 2019.

At least 16 die in Sudan Air Force bombing of Kabkabiya, North Darfur
Resident Adnan Ibrahim reported yesterday that an Antonov dropped a barrel bomb on the Soleng School on Wednesday. Three children died. A second bomb fell on a house in the southern part of the town, killing three people. Several people were wounded.

Pakistani poet was abducted because of human rights activism, says wife
The wife of a Kashmiri poet and journalist who was abducted from outside his house last week has accused the country’s spy agency of responsibility, saying it acted because of his activism. Ahmad Farhad was pushed into a vehicle in Islamabad after returning from a dinner in the early hours of Wednesday 15 May and driven away.

Malaysia airport privatisation deal clouded by protests over Gaza war
Around 22 organisations have issued a joint statement urging the government to reconsider and block BlackRock's participation in the deal worth about $2.6 billion to take Malaysia Airports Holdings (MAHB) private, alleging the firm has ties with Israel.

A police officer is held in deadly shooting in riot-hit New Caledonia after Macron pushes for calm
A police officer in riot-hit New Caledonia shot and killed a man Friday after being attacked by a group of about 15 people, the territory’s prosecutor said, the seventh shooting death in the unrest shaking the French Pacific archipelago. The officer was in custody and an investigation was underway.
R: 24 / I: 1  

Is it possible for both left & right to come together against a common enemy?

*Leaked chat reveals coordinated pressure campaign by Jewish billionaires to crush pro-Palestine protest*


*IDF member and Israeli CEO linked to bloody attack at UCLA*


*UCLA Attackers Exposed: Meet the Violent Zionist Agitators LA Police Haven’t Arrested*


A few weeks ago at a group of pro-Zionist/Israel thugs showed up to the encampment at UCLA and beat the shit out of the unarmed protestors with metal poles, baseball bats, and 2x4s for over 4 hours straight while the LAPD watched and did nothing. It was captured on livestream and even on helicopter cam for the whole world to see.

For weeks the LAPD, the FBI, and the DA have been unwilling to identify and arrest the ones responsible. This injustice will no longer stand, the identities of these criminals who are guilty of countless violent counts and even attempted murder (pic related) are now being released.

Through the investigation we have identified one of the perpetrators as Alon Abishoor. Alon Abishoor comes from a very wealthy family and through my investigation I have found him and his entire family to be running a money laundering scheme with nearly a dozen 501(c)s and a fraudulent real estate company along with multiple investment LLCs.

None of these people are American Citizens, they are all here on 90 day visits that don't require Visas. They are running fraudulent companies, scamming US tax dollars, one of them is literally a foreign soldier attempting to murder US citizens on US soil.

The media, the LAPD, the DA, the Governor NO ONE is willing to touch these jews because they are rich and powerful! NO MORE! Their names are now known to all!


UPDATE: https://x.com/KyungLahCNN/status/1790908711898165639

CNN reports on the violence for the first time in three weeks and names a few names (not the important ones though) – CNN names pic related as "Edon On" and he "Plans to join the IDF in September" also "He is 17 years old"

CNN also confirms no pending/active investigation from LAPD, CHP, or UCLA Police as everyone suspected.

The United States Congress is obligated to bring these people to justice.

The name of one such IDF soldier was Eliran Bismut. He was in the US not on a VISA but on a 90 day "special visiting pass" that allows Israelis to bypass VISA requirements. HE IS AN ISRAELI SOLDIER WHO SPECIFICALLY CAME TO THE US TO ATTACK AMERICAN CITIZENS AND ATTEMPT TO SERIOUSLY INJUR OR KILL THEM. Eliran Bismut a literal IDF soldier who had his brother recently killed in Gaza. He was there to crack skulls and he accomplished that goal using a large piece of wood to crush a mans skull in to the point where it needed over 20 staples

To make matters worse the DA, the Police Chief, the FBI, every LEO is actively protecting these men after they so viciously and brazenly attempted to kill American Citizens on livestream. There are no warrants out for their arrests. There ARE no ongoing investigations. The media is refusing to talk about it!


*Alon Abishoor*

*Rony Abishoor*

*Maytal Abishoor*

*Aviel Fattal*

*Eliran Bismut*

*Nathan Shaolian*


*Malachi Joshua Marlan-Librett*

Alon Abishoor comes from an extremely wealthy and jewish family with lots of connections

He is running 5 or 6 501(c)s out of the same address and he is listed as the Chief Financial Officer for all of them (Pic related)

The other employees at his companies consist of members of his family such as Rony Abishoor
R: 34 / I: 9

R: 84 / I: 8

Help me decide what to vote.

So, I did my epistolikh psifos shit and I have curiosity to see how voting works here (Belgium). Therefore I will be voting. Help me decide.

>Only party that continuously says it how it is. What they said before the crisis came to be. >They have some good guys. I like Pafilhs (not that i follow what anyone in KKE says) and Boyopoulos
>Good take on Gaza
>They really manage to gather people to protest. They also organize other good shit.
>They get attacked by nazis
>Their families fought during the civil war
<All the shit they say is boring to the point it feels like they are controlled opposition
<They care mostly for small business. If you dont have a bussiness or you are unemployed they give two shits about you.
<HACKNEYED PHRASES all the time. It feels like you talk to old grandpas with dementia.
<Shit take on Ukraine war
<Where the fuck are they on the internet? Their webpage is stuck in the soviet union BBS era. You cant find any lecture. I dont even know any of their plans or what exacktly they would change

>DIEM 25

>Good take on Gaza
>Sexy party, could manage to get votes from abroad
>Not stuck in the 1800s like KKE
>Slightly better take on Ukraine than KKE
>You can find some debates and some lectures on youtube
>Voldemort look to scare the pigs
<Their plan is lets gather to see what we can do (good luck)
<Varoufakis is sometimes marxist sometimes capitalist. He cant decide.
<GlowZizek on Diem25?
<Probably controlled opposition or will sell off when time comes

As for Greece, nothing ever happens. Syriza killed everything. Country is dead. Nothing more to say.
R: 3 / I: 0

Jacobitism and Cromwellian imagery for British leftists

Scottish folk singer Ewan MacColl wrote numerous Jacobite songs and was also known to be a devoted socialist. Were Jacobite songs well-received among Scottish communists/socialists in general? What significance did Jacobitism hold for these communities, I also have heard before the Northern-Ireland conflict, Cromwell was a fairly popular Republican/Socialist figure
R: 11 / I: 4
kind of hate it when the news talks about "us" building a new particle collider or how "we" are developing new green technologies or whatever. mother fucker who are you talking to
R: 651 / I: 278 (full)

Palestine vs the Zionist Entity #84 - Rafah Edition


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/5/7/israels-war-on-gaza-live-israel-blasts-rafah-fate-of-ceasefire-uncertain

Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


Our own wiki. Be sure to add to it and create branching articles:



From the UK, single issue long time Palestinian investigative and general reporting, critical source

From the USA

Regional news from an anti-imperialist perspective

Premier Human Rights org

Left news and opinion webzine from Tel-Aviv

A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine

Known anti-zionist academic Norman Finkelstein's blog



al-Qassam Brigades









(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it.

الله أكبر
.الى جميع الكادحين في الشرق، ان مصيركم في ايديكم
!يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا
R: 223 / I: 31
Realistically speaking, what are the chances of a communist revival? When?

Looking at communist parties worldwide they don't tend to have much support and raising consciousness seems to be an eternal mission rather than a milestone. What do we have to wait for? WW3?
R: 14 / I: 8

/bingo/ ftw

Let's make a goal-driven bingo sheet, or some other scoring quiz. The revolution will be gamified!

I've provided some basic bingo squares to start us off, feel welcome to extend or ignore them.

(I used bingobaker.com since it's plain and easy to edit, but you can use GIMP, Krita, MS Pain, etc.)
R: 118 / I: 34  

If any of you are involved in PSL, your merch sucks donkey taint

It all looks like it was made for an early 20s college girl. Can I fucking have something a little less cutesy pls.
R: 11 / I: 4

The Third Way and Neoliberalism

Third Way social democracy is plain wrong. It's destroying the very core of the egalitarian and communitarian basis of the ideology. Neoliberalism is inherently anti everything the left stands for with its cutting down on welfare and expansion of the market-like reforms in every aspect of society. It perverted the ideology to appeal to more voters. But maybe, without it, the social democrats would have lost votes in scandinavia and things may have gotten even worse underneath rightwing governments. Maybe there is a place for compromise, in a pragmatic fashion, in order to preserve as many gains as possible. But it had seemingly negative effects on the parties and they don't seem to be turning back towards orthodox social democracy any more.

Neoliberalism advocates for freedom as an overarching social value that requires reducing state functions towards a minimal state. Social democracy instead has the government take a paternalistic role instead and tries to ensure the wellbeing of the people even if it means limiting the free market heavily.

This radical centrism of the Third Way is a betrayal of leftwing values. And 2008 proves the shortcomings of the neoliberal ideology. A crisis of that degree never happened during the post war era with Keynesianism.

What do you think would have been the right path for these parties during the start of the neoliberal era?