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R: 225 / I: 25 (sticky)


Leftypedia lived - Leftypedia lives - Leftypedia will live!

Greetings, comrades. Leftypedia, the radical encyclopedia, should be back in a usable state. We have more moderators, which will help with spam from now on, and images are slowly being repopulated for your viewing pleasure. The new domain has been up and running for a while at https://wiki.leftypol.org, and we've imported the vast majority of content that was on the old site while adding a lot of new stuff. I hope that Anons can come back and fill in any content that was lost.

For those unaware, Leftypedia is an original /leftypol/ project dedicated to combating the disinformation of mainstream media and academic sources, as well as discussing leftist history, theory, and practice from a multi-sectarian viewpoint. We welcome additions from different leftist perspectives provided that they are properly sourced and well argued. In addition, we maintain a separate space, tentatively titled "Essays", for more subjective or polemic work.

The original thread is here: >>>/edu/3780
You can find Leftypedia at: https://wiki.leftypol.org
Help for new editors: https://wiki.leftypol.org/wiki/Leftypedia:Community_portal
R: 3 / I: 1 (sticky)  

Welcome Thread

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If this is your first visit, lurk for a while before posting. /leftypol/ is an imageboard for non-sectarian leftist political discussion. The staff aims to allow everything within these bounds. To that end there are some critical rules (for /leftypol/):
* No Spam
* No New Threads for Topics with an existing General thread (e.g. USA politics, COVID-19, online personalities, etc.)
* No Reactionary or Identity Politics
* No Explicit Images including Porn without spoiler warning
Low quality threads are subject to be anchored or locked at volunteers discretion.

You may dispute actions taken by the staff or offer suggestions in >>>/meta/

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Search function - Find your favorite (or least favorite) posts!

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NOTE: Due to recent cyber-attacks, please ask for an invitation to the congress in the public waiting room: https://matrix.to/#/#leftypolantechamber:matrix.org

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If you don't want to use matrix you can interact with the chat through #[email protected] too.

Leftybooru - To upload, tag, and organize images

Leftypedia - A wiki project
-coming soon-
R: 530 / I: 89

Palestine vs The Zionist Entity #113


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨
Sites that have active live-blogs:
• Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/

• Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

• The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

• Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


Our own wiki. Be sure to add to it and create branching articles:
https://wiki.leftypol.org/wiki/2023_Israel–Gaza_war [Currently Down]



From the UK, single issue long time Palestinian investigative and general reporting, critical source

From the USA

Regional news from an anti-imperialist perspective

Premier Human Rights org

Left news and opinion webzine from Tel-Aviv

A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine

Known anti-zionist academic Norman Finkelstein's blog



al-Qassam Brigades








(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia, excessive doomer and jewish-blood-quantum posting)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it.

الله أكبر
.الى جميع الكادحين في الشرق، ان مصيركم في ايديكم
!يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا
R: 500 / I: 138

/isg/ - Internet Spectacle General

A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/benjamin.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blq9sCIyXgA

>The Culture Industry from Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944) by Theodore Adorno & Max Horkheimer

📓 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/adorno/1944/culture-industry.htm
📖 • https://libcom.org/article/dialectic-enlightenment-philosophical-fragments-theodor-adorno-and-marx-horkheimer
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hSLdd8R8mY

<Understanding Media (1964) by Marshall McLuhan

📖 • https://designopendata.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/understanding-media-mcluhan.pdf
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09ML9n5f1fE

>One-Dimensional Man (1964) by Herbert Marcuse

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/one-dimensional-man-studies-ideology-advanced-industrial-society-herbert-marcuse
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZCoLbEkAqs

<Discipline and Punish (1975) by Michel Foucault

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/michel-foucault-discipline-and-punishment
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s82uU4iRuko

>Simulacra and Simulation (1981) by Jean Baudrillard

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=DBF3E860993373223D72E98FADF0F2DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yxg2_6_YLs

<Manufacturing Consent (1988) by Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/manufacturing-consent-political-economy-mass-media-noam-chomsky-and-edward-s-herman
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34LGPIXvU5M

>The Sublime Object of Ideology (1989) by Slavoj Zizek

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=054E022C8BD24EE2C5595B575BCED7DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtIckkHsUQ4

<Postscript on the Societies of Control (1990) by Gilles Deleuze

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/gilles-deleuze-postscript-on-the-societies-of-control
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu4Cq_-bLlY

>Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1991) by Fredric Jameson

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=5BD20E0E22FC8BC2CB4F8A7760D57027
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RtV0oO8Pmg

<Spectres of Marx (1993) by Jacques Derrida

📖 • https://libcom.org/library/specters-marx-jacques-derrida
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJr0NwXWb6Q

>Capitalist Realism (2009) by Mark Fisher

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/capitalist-realism-mark-fisher
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cb5XJH4NMI



>Precursor Material to Post-modernity and Critical Theory

📖 • Karl Marx - Book 1, Chapter 4 of Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (1844)
📺 • Why Marx Was Right: Alienation - PlasticPills

📖 • Georg Lukács - Chapter 4 of History and Class Consciousness (1923)
📺 • Marxism After Marx: Reification - The Marxist Project

📖 • Antonio Gramsci - Book 1, Chapter 1 of Selections from the Prison Notebooks (1929)
📺 • Hegemony: WTF? An introduction to Gramsci and cultural hegemony - Tom Nicholas

📖 • Louis Althusser - Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (1970)
📺 • Althusser's Concept of Ideology: A Discussion with Anthony Gavin - Acid Horizon


The Society of the Spectacle (1974) by Guy Debord

Manufacturing Consent (1992) by Mark Achbar & Peter Wintonick, with Noam Chomsky

The Pervert's Guide to Cinema (2006) and The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012) by Sophie Fiennes, with Slavoj Zizek

HyperNormalisation (2006) by Adam Curtis

>Easy-Bake Breadtube (for absolute beginners)

We're All Fake Now - Wisecrack

Are Cell Phones Replacing Reality? - PBS Idea Channel

The Cultural Significance of Cyberpunk - Cuck Philosophy

Introduction to Critical Theory for the 21st Century - NATHANOLOGY

The Work of Art in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism - Brendan Morris

<Situationist Archives



I Don’t Want to Be an Internet Person by Ginevra Davis

Pluralistic: Tiktok's enshittification by Cory Doctorow

Facebook's Threads is so depressing by Jason O. Gilbert
R: 500 / I: 191

/DPRK/ - Democratic People's Republic of Korea General

Thread for news and discussions of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, its material conditions, the status and health of its socialist tradition, disproving common myths about it, etc.

Archive of the previous DPRK thread:
R: 167 / I: 31

/prc/ - Peoples Republic of China general

>Can't stop winning edition

Original threads:
leftypol.org archives:
bunekrchan.xyz archives:

previous thread: >>2114442
R: 36 / I: 5

AMOC collapse

Several new studies with different methodologies suggest the AMOC will collapse by 2050.


This means massive changes in precipitation and temperature everywhere around the world. Attached are the effects on temperature and precipitation under an AMOC collapse with doubled Co2 ppm.

What are the political implications of this?
R: 530 / I: 91

/ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine War General #204:

>Servant of the Goyim edition.

Remember: It's a big club and you ain't in it.

Previous thread: >>2117199


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



Live maps and updates
DeepStateMap: https://deepstatemap.live
Events in Ukraine: https://eventsinukraine.substack.com/
SouthFront: https://southfront.press/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/

Watch Together
📺 News/events: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash
📺 Hangout/chill: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/bloodcast

Watch By Yourself
>Video Essays / Historical Background
📺 • Ukraine: The Avoidable War - Boy Boy

📺 • Ukraine's Nazi Problem - The Marxist Project

📺 • America, Russia, and Ukraine's Far Right - Gravel Institute

📺 • Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 • The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

<Current Happenings

📺 • The Grayzone: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrayzone7996
📺 • DDGeopolitics: https://www.youtube.com/@DDGeopolitics
📺 • Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
📺 • The Duran: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeMVChrumySxV9N1w0Au-w
📺 • The News Atlas: https://www.youtube.com/c/thenewatlas
📺 • Military Summary: https://www.youtube.com/@militarysummary


Social media



Thread guidelines:
• Please remember to add a spoiler to NSFW and extreme content such as graphic violence and gore.
• Try your best to not derail discussion too much from the main events and relevant places where the war is taken place, as well as other happenings, groups and public figures related to it.
• Meta discussion of the historical, philosophical and ideological background of the war is fine as long as its done in good faith and comradely.
• In the event the meta discussion overstays its welcome, participating users will be referred to take the conversation to the INTERNATIONALISM general thread: >>2080603
• Quality shitposting and original content is encouraged! Spamming glowie memes is low effort.
• this is /isg/ for people who treat geopolitics like shitty map games.
R: 471 / I: 147

/leftydeutschpol/ - US Wahl Edition

>"Wie kriegen wir diesen Krieg zu einem Ende?" könnte mit Trump tatsächlich eher erfolgen.
>Wie positionieren wir uns jetzt als Europäer und Deutsche? Darauf sind wir zu wenig vorbereitet.
>Was passiert wie verhalten wir uns? Haben wir irgendeinen Plan in der Schublade, wenn Trump jetzt in einem halben Jahr sagt hier ist mein Friedensplan?
>Und was sagen wir Europäer. Nein sagen wir dann? Putin darf nicht gewinnen? Wir Europäer unterstützen weiter die Ukraine?
>Die Mittel dazu haben wir ohne die Amerikaner nicht. Dann geht uns irgendwann tatsächlich die Luft aus
<USA-Experte der ARD Stefan Fröhlich
R: 413 / I: 115
<Free at last edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

🔨Labor Union And Strike Action Tracker🔨

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us

Previous thread:
R: 7 / I: 1

Idiotic liberal parties of Europe

every single time it works like clockwork
>new elections come around in Europe
<wooah the polls look good this time, maybe we'll have a center left/centrist coalition
>in the month prior to the election youtube, tik tok and instagram get spammed by disinformation in said national language and far right shit
>the far right candidate gets 10 percent more votes than what he was supposed to
when will they ever learn that it's an obvious pattern at this point? the only way to actually """""fix""""" the problem would be to regulate social media companies which is impossible because
A) they're all based in America
B) they're the same people lobbying in the EU parliament and in national parliaments too
what choice remains for the liberal parties of Europe? are they going to get absorbed into the new fascist line? it feels odd because there's no imminent threat to the status quo so the rise of fascism seems very unnecessary. i'd definitely argue that the new rise of fascism is not supported by all porkies and it's mainly being pushed by the biggest porkies of all to safeguard their investements as much as possible.
R: 4 / I: 1


Hello, anons, I'm creating this topic because is something of a personal matter involved. I was wandering if it is possible to a person radically change their personalities, to a person becoming more intelligent _after childhood_, you see I read plenty of behavioral genetics books that pretty much says that we are who we are because of our genes, fair enough I don't fully deny that genes do nods us to certain behavior or capacity, but at the same time I think the implications of behavioral genetics are very powerful in a bad way, like we are fated to be who we are without much choice. Anyway, does anyone knows books or people that argues for the contrarian side? That argue that it's possible to change and that we are not set in stone, maybe I'm being delusional I don't know.
R: 41 / I: 3

When did you start hating courts?

Voyeurism and sensationalist garbage plastered all over news is infuriating. I fucking hate courts and trials. I don’t want murderers and fraudsters to be allowed to have public trials. They hurt proles. I want those fuckers hanged, shot dead, euthanized, just fucking killed quick and to have their identity eradicated from history immediately.

There are so many of these infantilized and invasive cunts. None of them are special enough to be worth anyone’s attention.
R: 92 / I: 11


Well, I can't fathom how a bunch of people can decide how to best allocate the resources to meet the need of a entire nation, how that even possible? I guess a form of market socialism is the way to go here… or I'm in the wrong? Well any great books that goes into the feasibly of a central planning vs market?
R: 393 / I: 133

Guys, another chuddie mass shooting.


>Two 17-year-olds, including the shooter, are dead and another student is injured after shots rang out in the cafeteria of Antioch High School in Nashville at 11:09 a.m. Wednesday.

<Metro Nashville Police Department spokesman Don Aaron said police received the first call to 911 two minutes after the 17-year-old student opened fire.

>The shooter killed one student, Aaron said. He then turned the gun on himself and died as a result of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The third student suffered a grazing wound, Aaron said.
R: 77 / I: 3
Bluesky is Zionist.

Stop using Bluesky. It’s run by “Israelis” and is censoring Palestinian resistance content already. Respect the demands of the Palestinian people and delete your Bluesky account as part of BDS.
R: 306 / I: 54


Get The Pensioner's Starved Edition


UK Labour government refuses to pay pension compensation to millions of women

< […] Starmer said, “The taxpayer simply cannot afford the tens of billions of pounds in compensation when the evidence does show that 90 percent of those impacted did know about it [changes to pensions]. That is because of the state of our economy.”
R: 176 / I: 36
Reminder that Marx tried to dedicate the 2nd Volume of Capital to Darwin. Reminder that Marx and Engels saw On the Origin of Species as a correct understanding of reality. Reminder that evolution is effectively a dialectical materialist theory even if Darwin didn't intend it to be. Reminder that religion is a cope at best, and usually deeply reactionary in its manifestions. Reminder that nationality, ethnicity, race, religion, sex, sexuality, gender, asexuality, etc. are spooks to divide the proletariat. Reminder that the proletariat has no country. Reminder that commodity fetishism is alive and well in the "AES" countries. Reminder that there is a finite amount of time to establish Communism. Reminder that not all resources are renewable. Reminder that you need a habitable planet for the human species to continue. Reminder that being against liberal identity politics (more gay girlbosses pls!!!!) is not an excuse to do reactionary identity politics (keep women in the kitchen pls!!!!) . Reminder that if you live to be 100 years old (unlikely) that's only ~36,500 days. Reminder that it's not just a matter of having the right ideas but actually doing things every day. Reminder that your immediate tasks shouldn't be VAPID (vague, amorphous, pie-in-the-sky, irrelevant, delayed) but SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound). Reminder that you should be in an org. Reminder that unions are good but only if they're class conscious unions and not unions with narrow trade or craft consciousness. Reminder that strikes have to be prepared for in advance and not simply declared. Reminder that Communists are not idealists but materialists. Reminder that philosophers have hirtherto only interpreted the world, but the point is to change it.
R: 3 / I: 0

News 1/25/25

Joy in Ramallah as Palestinians welcome freed prisoners
Before the release of the Palestinian prisoners, Israel imposed strict measures to prevent any celebrations in the West Bank. Israeli forces raided Beitunia, the town nearest to Ofer Prison, and blocked Palestinians from approaching the area. They also raided the homes of several prisoners, warning families not to hold celebratory events.

Lebanon arrests several 'Israeli collaborators' weeks after end of war
Several suspected Israeli collaborators assigned with spying on Hezbollah have been arrested in recent weeks in Lebanon, bringing to light once again the deep entrenchment of Israeli espionage in the country which is believed to have given Tel Aviv a great advantage in its recent war.

Elon Musk makes surprise appearance at AfD event in eastern Germany
Elon Musk made a surprise appearance during Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) election campaign event in Halle in eastern Germany on Saturday, speaking publicly in support of the far-right party for the second time in as many weeks.

Guerilla ads target Chancellor for accepting money from climate deniers
The posters by Climate Resistance read: “Your Chancellor, Sponsored by Climate Deniers: Rachel Reeves took £10,000 from them (so far).” A modified party logo was used, reading: “Labour: still backing oil.”

Rwandan army ‘ready to invade DRC’ and help rebels seize city
Large numbers of troops from Rwanda have been pouring across the border into the Democratic Republic of the Congo to help rebels seize the regional capital of Goma before an emergency UN meeting about the crisis takes place on Monday, intelligence officials have warned. Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) soldiers are believed to have secretly crossed into the eastern DRC over the past few days to assist a lightning offensive by the M23 militia.

Adani denies Sri Lanka cancelled wind power purchase deal
While the Anura Kumara Dissanayake-led government has revoked the deal signed by the previous administration, the project itself is not cancelled, according to an Agence France-Presse story published on Friday. Adani Group’s wind power project will now be reviewed by a committee, it added.

Exclusive: Flights halted for Afghans approved for special US visas, advocate and official say
Most of those stranded are in Afghanistan and the rest are in Pakistan, Qatar and Albania, said Shawn VanDiver, head of #AfghanEvac, the main coalition of veterans and advocacy groups working with the U.S. government to evacuate and resettle Afghans who worked for the United States during the 20-year war.

Japanese Communist Party's Tomoko Tamura faces leadership questions ahead of polls
The JCP holds 11 seats in total. But only seven seats — four proportional and three for single-seat districts — are being contested this year. Tamura has set a goal of increasing the party's proportional seat total from four to five in the Upper House election. “If we can get our true message out, we’ll be able to emerge from among the other opposition parties. So I want to aim for 6.5 million proportional votes,” Tamura said at a Jan. 11 news conference.

Petro declares state of exception in Colombia’s northeast
With its extraordinary powers, the national government seeks to embark on a military offensive to retake control over the Catatumbo region, which has largely fallen under ELN control. At the same time, the government assumed extraordinary powers to attend a massive flow of forcibly displaced people that fled to Cucuta and normalize the situation in Catatumbo.

Mexico refuses US military flight deporting migrants, sources say
U.S. military aircraft carried out two similar flights, each with about 80 migrants, to Guatemala on Friday. The government was not able to move ahead with a plan to have a C-17 transport aircraft land in Mexico, however, after the country denied permission. A U.S. official and a Mexican official confirmed the decision, which was first reported by NBC News.
R: 15 / I: 2

Tales from retail/industry secrets

I intend to create this thread for the discussion of bogus things we have seen within capitalist industries. Casually mentioning to your friends and acquaintances how comically poorly ran their local businesses are is a major wake up call.

I’ll start:
>live in wealthy city in a wealthy area
>if you bought a business back in the OG days here, the land came with it
>wealthy guy buys up almost every block of commercial land in the shopping district at once, forces new store starters to only buy the store not the land and pay rent
>raises the rent repeatedly in a short time frame
>family owned butcher shop that was loved by everyone in town is now barely scraping by after rent rises
>butcher begs landlord to stop
>lol k landlord increases rent anyway
>butcher shuts up shop
>the storefront stays vacant for SIX FUCKING MONTHS. This landlord would rather get nothing and damn near send an entire family homeless than not get the most competitive rent rate.
>new butcher comes in, making even less profit than the last guy, works absurd hours and can’t afford to hire full time staff.
>Every acquaintance I have asked about working retail/hospitality in this area, mentions that the small business they work for has a massive turnover rate bc they hardly train staff and they can only afford to hire the bare min peeps to stay open so they can pay rent.
>we went from having open markets to only franchise grocery stores.
>Even the big chain clothes stores have 70% turnover rates due to HR justifying their jobs by setting impossible to meet sales KPIs for brick and mortar staff.
>It’s not even profitable to be a business owner here, most owners buy in for 3-6 months, realise they are risking going into debt or scraping and sell their business to the next sucker.
>no consistent idea what each store is serving due to constant management changes, one manager might try to flog cigarettes at the minimart, the next opts to put in a crypto machine.

And for the absolute cherry on top.
>landlord of the story buys a yacht worth more than 10 million dollars while most businesses are on the brink of collapse.
>tfw when capitalism ain’t even worth it for the petty bourgeois no mo.
R: 2 / I: 2

The Revolutionary Criticism of Bourgeois Science vs. The Reactionary Attack on Science In General

The Revolutionary Criticism of Bourgeois Science vs. The Reactionary Attack on Science In General

Institutions responsible for empirical collection of data and construction of experiments, calling themselves scientific, pretend to be apolitical when really they are merely depoliticized. Apoliticality is an impossible ideal of being above all political bias, and self-described "apolitical" science is only capable of imagining itself outside the network of political and economic incentives constituting class society without actually being so in practice, subject as it is to the need for funding and grants from groups with interests, whether governmental or corporate in nature. This is called "depoliticized" because it involves individuals and institutions blinding themselves to the political and class (economic) content of their own work, and confusing that with the absence of objectively existing and difficult to get rid of bias, incentives, and interests. These biases, incentives, and interests cannot be gotten rid of through the simple process of depoliticization however, and can only be gotten rid of politically, through revolution, which is the heart of the paradox.

However, the revolutionary attack on empirical science as it exists in bourgeois society should not be confused with the reactionary attack on science, which criticizes science in bourgeois society from the standpoint of preserving traditions, superstitions, and forms of ignorance that have already been dissolved or are daily being dissolved. It is very easy for the former revolutionary criticism to be conflated with and accused of being the latter reactionary criticism, and for the latter reactionary criticism to disguise itself as the former revolutionary criticism.

This is a crucial distinction because there’s a tendency, especially in liberal circles, to lump all criticisms of contemporary science together as "anti-science." By framing criticisms of how science functions within capitalist society as a rejection of science itself, the liberal view deflects any meaningful engagement with the real issues at stake—such as who controls scientific funding, whose interests are prioritized in research, or how contemporary scientific institutions are a product of and used to maintain capitalism.
R: 52 / I: 9

/Eng/ English General

This is a general for the world's most popular language, the world's "lingua franca" as some call it.

It's the language you and me are speaking and reading right now. Well this language is worthy of discussion. I do believe this language is the endpoint of history. Mandarin can be a second kind of dominant language but there character system is awfully screwy, when the majority of the world works of the Roman alphabet. Whereas, the Roman alphabet employs no character marks, and English employs no character marks, thus for, English is the most perfect Roman language.
R: 85 / I: 17

The Future Of America?

With all the horrible things trump's done in only one day alone, and with Elon going full mask-off with his nazi salute, im honestly terrified about where my country is heading.

I'm really uncertain about the future of the united states and right now things seem incredibly bleak. What should I expect to come in the following years, and what should I do? Im scared.
R: 82 / I: 7
It seems like Vietnam is actually going full bukharin now. While China and even capitalist Russia are tightening control over capitalists, Vietnam has opened up so much that it is idolizing Javier Milei. This is genuinely making me shizo
R: 5 / I: 0

I'm so sick of right libertarians and their propaganda being pushed down my throat everyday everywhere.

>Your actions are your own. You should take responsibility for your actions

>You have a negative attitude that's why you're the way you are.
>We need to be tough on crime this will fix all the problems in the world.
>If you have a problem with people chopping others heads off just don't go to an area where people get their heads chopped off Easy.
>You need to read the contract, the terms set out in the contract bla bla bla
>I'm pro freedom and free speech
<Uh what's that? You said something I don't like? Time to remove you.
>We need to cut the red tape.
>If you got a job you would be happier.
>If you don't like something just go to the other company.
R: 41 / I: 9


Explain picrel. Also, tell about the many tendencies, wings, groups, leanings, division, and sub-division. List them, and explain it to me one by one. Explain it to me like you are explaining to a 10yo or a /pol/tard.
R: 4 / I: 0

Fucked up report: the UN is actually fighting against terrorist for the first time

Apparently, the UN is working alongside the Congolese army to prevent the m23 terrorist group from advancing into Goma—a city near the Congo-Rwandan border. Reports have found that UN soldiers have fired artillery directly at M23 positions.

Other African countries (mainly Nigeria and South Africa) have confirmed that some of their soldiers have been killed trying to contain M23.

Personally, I think it’s kind of relieving knowing that the UN for once developed a spine to do anything right. I also am deeply concerned about another continental-scale war erupting in Africa like what happened during the Congo crisis.

As for the Sudan war, it looks like it’s going to see the RSF obliterated
R: 30 / I: 11 (sage)

Scientific Anti-Inellectualism by Marxists

How do Marxists cope with the fact that despite trying to delegitimize “bourgeois science” it has successfully marched on to reveal the nature of reality?

Recently, I remembered Lenin‘s polemic against Ernst Mach. Mach inspired figures like Albert Einstein who was influenced by Mach‘s claim that motion of bodies should be conceived of relatively instead of absolutely and went on to create one of the most ground breaking theories that not only explained known phenomena in physics but also predicted various phenomena that were discovered only later on. How could people who subscribe to an allegedly materialist philosophy that prides itself with being scientific not recognize the anti-intellectualism of condoning a mere peasant (Lenin) only educated in political ideology writing a polemic against an actual scientist with a blatant political agenda? Lenin saw Mach as a threat to his conception of materialism and subsequently Marxism and therefore sought to invalidate Mach‘s claims. Poorly so, in my opinion. Besides the needless insults that made him look childish he simply misunderstood Mach. Mach did not deny the existence of a reality outside of the mind but that science can‘t meaningfully describe reality beyond in terms of sense experience. Matter to him was a useful construct of the mind but amounts to nothing more than a metaphysical stipulation. Mach‘s concerns were epistemological and had a prescriptive purpose for how to conduct science. He still believed that an objective reality independent of our mind existed, therefore it‘s not appropriate to call him a subjective idealist like Berkley was. In hindsight, Lenin‘s reaction is no better than the church attacking scientists as a threat response to their belief system but also political power. Cockshott himself spoke about how Marxism in the 20th century has made a retreat from science and focused overwhelmingly on philosophy precisely because of this fear that science’s alleged bourgeois influence makes it fake. And honestly, how many of you can claim to be thoroughly educated on science and don‘t merely rest on philosophical and political writings? Recently, I watched a video by TheFinnishBolshevist on Bukharin where he addressed a statement on physics based on dialectical materialism, stating things that are plainly wrong and solely informed by philosophy.

So I ask you:
Do you recognize the danger of scientific anti-intellectualism in Marxism that was already visible in your great figures and continues in supposed materialists having no scientific education to speak of?

Do you recognize the hubris in thinking that you are in accordance with science merely by virtue that your ideology labels itself as scientific?

Do you acknowledge the fact that Marxism has never achieved the status of a science and has only interpreted history and constructed various untested theories so far?
R: 69 / I: 14

What's the difference between being a Communist and a Trekkie

Is Star Trek a valid leftist dog whistle?

Put another way, socialist and Communist ideas are unacceptable in Burgerstan, but Star Trek is one of the most quintessentially American shows, despite featuring as its hero a society that has effectively abolished need and want, and for all-intents and purposes, is classless.

If Rightoids can appropriate Pepe the Frog, can leftists appropriate Jean-Luc Picard?
R: 2 / I: 1

/polyBRCIS/ - Multipolar economies and BRICS

BRICS, an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, is an economic bloc aiming to reduce dependence on Western financial institutions and promote a multipolar world order. This movement seeks to challenge the dollar-dominated global economy by fostering regional trade alliances, creating alternative payment systems, and expanding economic cooperation among developing nations. Sanctions on Russia, particularly after its actions in Ukraine, and policies during the Trump era—such as trade wars and unilateral decisions—accelerated the push for financial independence from Western systems like SWIFT and the IMF. This shift is reshaping globalism, as countries increasingly prioritize regional trade partnerships and economic self-reliance over integration into a U.S.-led global system. As BRICS expands and champions its own financial mechanisms, the dollar’s role as the global reserve currency faces challenges, reducing its dominance and potentially fragmenting the global economy into autocratic and regional economic blocs.

NOW & Trump's USA:
President Donald Trump's second term, beginning in January 2025, has been marked by a pronounced shift toward economic isolationism, exemplified by the imposition of 25% tariffs on imports from Mexico and Canada, set to take effect on February 1, 2025.This protectionist stance is intended to address issues such as drug trafficking and illegal immigration. In response, Mexico has emphasized its sovereignty and independence, signaling a potential reevaluation of its economic strategies. Facing these tariffs, Mexican businesses are exploring alternative markets in Central America and the Caribbean to mitigate the impact of U.S. trade policies. For instance, companies like Cemex are considering significant investments in the U.S. to align with Trump's pro-business approach, while also seeking to strengthen trade ties within the region. This shift reflects a broader trend where countries are increasingly focusing on regional economic cooperation and self-reliance, potentially leading to a decline in globalism and a move toward more autocratic economic blocs. The imposition of tariffs and the subsequent realignment of trade relationships are contributing to a fragmentation of the global economy, with countries prioritizing regional partnerships over broader international agreements.
R: 5 / I: 0 (sage)

Is queer culture basically materialist LARPing?

I don't mean this to come across as an anti-LGBT post, it's just something I've noticed, The people queers "look up to"(such as po-stars for e.g) are not only just mostly dead, but they never actually had a clear personal image of them beyond a specific media image. It's not like growing up in a ethnic neighborhood where maybe a certain dialect and specific past times are internalized through osmosis as you grow up. There's no actual thread between anything that happens now and what it's aping.
In a lot of theoretical contexts, the idea of looking to the past for some kind of identity would be seen as intrinsically reactionary, And the fact that for gays, it's all this totally commodified postmodern hodgepodge of stereotypes distilled into a consumer identity just makes it worse. There's no organic process of a culture reproducing itself across generations and developing with the times. Instead, there's literally just images on a TV screen or in a magazine that some people decide to identify with.
The impression I get is that queers and such are just a modern LARPers rather then a genuine culture or subculture
R: 20 / I: 2
Anyone else worried about mass repression against student activists in the next four years?

Trump already said he’s willing to deport any foreign university student who shows solidarity with the Palestinian resistance. Multiple colleges including NYU and Columbia have instituted extremist Zionist policies which prohibit Palestine solidarity activism (NYU even went so far as to make any criticism of Zionism equivalent to antisemitism).

Is there anything we can do to stop this? Do you think repression against students will get worse?
R: 65 / I: 3

It's time for direct action against ICE

Leftypol, the situation for immigrants is reaching a peak fascist situation under the Trump regime. He has signed an executive order allowing ICE to raid churches, hospitals, and schools. His brownshirts are eagerly ready to report undocumented immigrants. We need to draw resources and manpower away from ICE by flooding the system with fake tips!
R: 18 / I: 8

U.S. Gen Z living standards zooming ahead of yuropoors

So apparently American zoomers are doing way better in terms of housing ownership and growth of living standards than the birth cohort before them (millennials) or their European counterparts.

In general, young people are becoming less interested in solidarity or systemic change.

Are we going to see a split with younger Europeans radicalizing in response to their material conditions?

R: 26 / I: 3

Leftist News Sites?

Can someone recommend me some leftist news sites? I want to stay on top of things, but all of the news outlets I'm aware of either buy heavily into mainstream American idpol and politics a-la Fox News and CNN, are really sloppy "independent journalism" that reads more like a blog than news, or some combination of the two. And right now, I'm getting most of my news from browsing threads on Leftypol, which is probably worse than either.

I'm really looking for something that separates the wheet from the chaff and analyzes things from a Marxist perspective. Thanks in advance.

>inb4 erm leftism isn't

You know what I mean smartass.
R: 73 / I: 8  

China has made AI open-source, cheap and efficient.

<Based on the recently introduced DeepSeek V3 mixture-of-experts model, DeepSeek-R1 matches the performance of o1, OpenAI’s frontier reasoning LLM, across math, coding and reasoning tasks. The best part? It does this at a much more tempting cost, proving to be 90-95% more affordable than the latter.
<Specifically, where OpenAI o1 costs $15 per million input tokens and $60 per million output tokens, DeepSeek Reasoner, which is based on the R1 model, costs $0.55 per million input and $2.19 per million output tokens.
<DeepSeek-R1 not only open-sources a barrage of models but also spills all the training secrets. They are perhaps the first OSS project that shows major, sustained growth of an RL flywheel.

Read the paper yourself. https://github.com/deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-R1
>Reasoning tasks: (1) DeepSeek-R1 achieves a score of 79.8% Pass@1 on AIME 2024, slightly surpassing OpenAI-o1-1217. On MATH-500, it attains an impressive score of 97.3%, performing on par with OpenAI-o1-1217 and significantly outperforming other models. (2) On coding-related tasks, DeepSeek-R1 demonstrates expert level in code competition tasks, as it achieves 2,029 Elo rating on Codeforces outperforming 96.3% human participants in the competition. For engineering-related tasks, DeepSeek-R1 performs slightly better than DeepSeek-V3, which could help developers in real world tasks.
>Knowledge: On benchmarks such as MMLU, MMLU-Pro, and GPQA Diamond, DeepSeek R1 achieves outstanding results, significantly outperforming DeepSeek-V3 with scores of 90.8% on MMLU, 84.0% on MMLU-Pro, and 71.5% on GPQA Diamond. While its performance is slightly below that of OpenAI-o1-1217 on these benchmarks, DeepSeek-R1 surpasses other closed-source models, demonstrating its competitive edge in educational tasks.

The newest model R1 is not paywalled and registration is free. Is there any doubt that China is socialist at this point? After seeing what's going on with Xiaohongshu, following what's happening since the centenary of the CPC (green energy production, 15-minute city policy, social cohesion and harmony, more and more automatization and great projects of transformation of nature, like the Taklamakan geen belt, liberation of productive forces and more free and leisure time for the Chinese citizens… I'm so sorry I ever doubted.
R: 23 / I: 0  

I want to understand female POV

Im a man but I want to understand socialism\communist\ far-left ,from a woman's pov. Who knows, maybe reincarnation is real and I'll get isakaid as a girl next time around…
For example I support Stalinism over Trotskyism merely because it's "much more manly" : stalinism conjures images of bearded men toiling in mines, oil fields, forestry labor. agrarianism is much more feminine tho, at least according to propaganda? the classic wheat-field peasant woman postcard. But when it comes to lumberjacking, landscaping, heavy forestry labor,it's a man, right?
What is it like being a woman who supports the far left? for me the (far left) is attractive because it's manly. capitalism, liberalism is effeminate: the weak ,and the fat, aren't weeded out, there's no secret police butchering traitors..
>maybe PCP-SL ,and YPG are the most pro-female communist groups?
R: 608 / I: 128 (full)

/prc/ - Peoples Republic of China general

"Little Red Book (Rednote)" edition.

Original threads:
leftypol.org archives:
bunekrchan.xyz archives:

previous thread: >>2099405
R: 192 / I: 51

Capital by Marx thread

Well, I never read Capital by Marx, I read couple of more short works of his, but still something is bothering me, Marx wrote in the XIX century, so his work are maybe outdated from my point of view, I think, but I'm open minded, does anyone here actually read Capital can tell me if still worth reading Capital or is relevant to the modern economics theories?
R: 3 / I: 1

News 1/24/25

Journalists' unions in Pakistan slam proposed sweeping curbs on social media
The Bill was passed on Thursday after legislators from the opposition party of imprisoned former prime minister Imran Khan staged a walkout in protest. Critics say the government is seeking to further restrict freedom of speech. Media unions and human rights defenders have vowed to oppose the law.

Philippines launches comic book to counter China’s ‘disinformation’ in the disputed South China Sea
The 40-page comic book, titled “The Stories of Teacher Jun,” was unveiled by Philippine officials. It contains colorful caricatures of a Filipino teacher and his young students discussing the complex territorial disputes in simple terms and highlights the Philippine position.

Govt fails to curb abnormal price hikes, destroy syndicates
Leaders of the Revolutionary Communist League and Ganosamhati Andolan on Friday said that the interim government had failed to control abnormal price hikes of the essential commodities and to destroy the syndicates responsible for the price hikes.

Israel will not withdraw troops from Lebanon by deadline, Netanyahu says=
This week a Hezbollah MP said any failure to comply with the deadline would cause the ceasefire to collapse. “We in Hezbollah are waiting for the date of January 26, the day on which the ceasefire requires a full Israeli withdrawal from Lebanese territory,” Ali Fayyad said. “If the Israeli enemy does not comply with this, it will mean the collapse of the [ceasefire deal].”

US resident from Morocco stabs four Israelis in Tel Aviv
According to media reports, Israel’s Immigration Authority at the Ben Gurion Airport wanted to prevent Qadi from entering Israel by transferring him to officers of the Israel Security Agency (known as Shin Bet) at the airport for questioning. However, the officers allowed the Moroccan national into Israel.

U.S. shared secret intelligence with Syria’s new leaders
The intelligence exchange with HTS, which has not been previously reported, has occurred in direct encounters between U.S. intelligence officials and representatives of HTS, rather than via third parties, and has involved exchanges between the two sides, in Syria and a third country, the officials said. It began roughly two weeks after HTS came to power on Dec. 8, the former official said.

A driver rams an anti-government rally in Serbia’s capital and injures one protester
A woman rammed a car into a crowd of anti-government protesters in Serbia’s capital and injured one of them Friday, police said, as a student-led strike shut down businesses and drew tens of thousands of people to demonstrations around the country.

Top 10% have more financial wealth than the other 90% combined, new figures show
Under the Conservatives, real wages grew by just 0.3 per cent a year — compared with 1.5 per cent from 1997 to 2010 under Labour. The TUC estimates that the average worker would be £117 a week better off had pay increased since 2010 at the same pace as between 1997 and 2010.

Military governor of DRC’s North Kivu province killed in M23 rebel assault
His death was confirmed by a government source, a military source and a United Nations source on Friday, all of whom spoke to the media on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to speak about the matter publicly.

Water-supply workers win wage-hike struggle in South Africa’s Mbombela city
Complaining about the burden of the rising cost of living on employees, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) demanded a 7% wage hike for its more than 270 members employed by the company, who hold a three-year contract with the city’s Local Municipality. The wage negotiations began on October 29 last year. However, when the company refused to concede any more than 5%, the negotiations deadlocked by October 11, according to Pholo Sebotsa, the union’s Acting Regional Secretary of Mpumalanga province, speaking to Peoples Dispatch.
R: 114 / I: 17


I wonder what consequences the SK military will face. If the South Korean had any balls, which they haven't, they would probably amend the constitution to make them fall under parliamentary control instead of the president.

>The government of south korea inexplicably collapsed into full on military martial law, on a random fucking Tuesday in december

what in the geopolitical FUCK is going on rn?
how did this happen?
of all possible (insert nation collapsed) SK wouldnt have been on the bingo card for me

I'm glad anons are finally learning what a tin pot republic South Korea is.
For most its history, it was barely less repressive than North Korea. You could be "disappeared" for saying something negative about the president. They even kidnapped a democracy activist from Tokyo and threw him in prison despite not actually doing much of substance against the government besides advocating for democracy.
R: 45 / I: 8

Immigration on communism

Tourist here,
I have questions for leftypol. I am not often here myself.

What effects does mass immigration have on the spread of leftism in Europe?
Does immigration from muslim countries have positive effects on the people living in the destination-countries?
How does Islam interact with leftwing societies and groups?
Do muslims support social justice and equality?
How does communism or leftism fare in majority-muslim countries?
Does it accelerate the downfall of the capitalist system to mass import 3rd worlders, such as afghans or arabs?
R: 605 / I: 175 (full)
<Dark Melania Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

🔨Labor Union And Strike Action Tracker🔨

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us

Previous thread:
R: 78 / I: 10

/ career /

Career - job/career advice and other related stuff from a leftist perspective. EX: How to get a job, promotion, skill, switch companies, resume, life hacks, etc.
R: 204 / I: 63

==/sg/ - Syrian Civil War General #20 - Womp Womp edition

<vidrel: The SDF released footage of an incapacitated TFSA fighter getting run over by a Turkish-provided M113 APC in the recent fighting southeast of Manbij.
Recent news:
First statement by Bashar al-Assad ever since his ouster. Israel takes more land, this time south of the Golan. More sectarian incidents. US-mediated temporary truce between the SDF and Turkey + SNA, with an impending offensive on Ayn Isa, Sirrin and Kobani.

t.me/Medmannews - Well known channel (Egyptian owner). Posts frequently about MENA
t.me/Slavyangrad - Also posting a lot of news about Syria recently
t.me/Middle_East_Spectator - Iranian owner
t.me/Suriyak_maps - Posts maps/latest news. Less prone to hype/hysteria but slower.
t.me/rybar - Russian channel. Posts a lot about Syria too
https://nitter.poast.org/SAMSyria0 - Local Syrian army soldier. Used to post in Arabic. (Account deleted. RIP)
R: 37 / I: 2


My story is simple: I entered the work force and realize how unfair the power of boss had on worker, and how fragile the work life is, any moment a worker can fired and destroying the life of that person, and many bosses do that without a second thought, and still the question on the whole capitalistic system is built around the idea of competition and anarchy of the market that rally shook to mind.
R: 16 / I: 2
What do you think about him /leftypol? Is he a savior to whom we all sould be grateful that Belarus is not oligarch/bandit/neo-Nazi ruled shitshole like Ukraine? Or is he just an opportunist who can sell his face well? Or is he… an anti-hero post-Soviet countries deserve?
R: 2 / I: 0 (sage)


How do I know the historical truth? Which historical version is the right one? Everything I see a historical book, either by the left or right, all of them claim to be THE historical truth and the correct interpretation, but how can I know which one is the actual for real and not some propaganda piece disguised as historical book?
R: 230 / I: 90


A thread for the forgotten continent, so forgotten the thread got wiped since I made it that recently.

Discuss anything related to:
>Burkina Faso
>Cabo Verde
>Central African Republic (CAR)
>Congo, Democratic Republic of the
>Congo, Republic of the
>Cote d’Ivoire
>Equatorial Guinea
>Sao Tome and Principe
>Sierra Leone
>South Africa
>South Sudan
R: 225 / I: 183

OC Thread 17.0 - A New Beginning

Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
>Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
<Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

If your original content is good enough, it would most likely be shared on the /leftypol/ twitter account!
Make sure to follow us and feel free to leave suggestions on this thread~

previous thread: >>1762168
>>>/leftypol_archive/1762168 (if it gets archived by mods)

New Booru:

R: 406 / I: 124

/Political Economy/ General 1 - Marx Edition

A general thread dedicated to political economy. Discuss political economy and related concepts, including geopolitical economy. Will be posting links in a subsequent post since thread openers now have an upper limit for text that is lower than replies (some kind of bug reported in /meta/ already).
R: 18 / I: 0

Trump Is a Nazi Why He Get Elected Tho? Thread

I thought one of the most American things you can do is hate Nazis/fascists. Now if you run as one with a different name, apparently half the country will support you and get you into office. What happened?

Can someone give an explanation as to the main reasons why Trump won 2024 election? Maybe its because he gave of the "feeling" of being anti establishment or something like that and being different than the typical political elite.

Also the USA had a fascism problem itself before WW2 forced them to go strongly against fascism and ingrain anti fascism into their culture. But it apparently wasn't strong enough or faded over time.
R: 35 / I: 3


why did he hate third worldism so much ?

R: 30 / I: 5
> Everyone hates Isn'treal
> A generation of young, normal burgers are finding kinship with their Chinese counterparts
> Dems universally loathed with no viable future
> Military recruitment crisis with no end in sight
> Soulsborne fatigue setting in

I can't say we're winning but it sure feels good to be right all the time
R: 365 / I: 78


This thread is for the discussion of cybercommunism, the planning of the socialist economy by computerized means, including discussions of related topics and creators. Drama belongs in /isg/

Towards a New Socialism by Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell: http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/
Brain of the Firm by Stafford Beer
Cybernetic Revolutionaries by Eden Medina
Cybernetics: Or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine and The Human Use of Human Beings (1st edition) by Norbert Wiener
Economic cybernetics by Nikolay Veduta
People's Republic of Walmart by Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski
Red Plenty by Francis Spufford
Economics in kind, Total socialisation and A system of socialisation by Otto Neurath (Incommensurability, Ecology, and Planning: Neurath in the Socialist Calculation Debate by Thomas Uebel provides a summary)

Active writers/creators
Sorted by last name
>Paul Cockshott
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVBfIU1_zO-P_R9keEGdDHQ (https://invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UCVBfIU1_zO-P_R9keEGdDHQ)
https://twitter.com/PaulCockshott (https://nitter.pussthecat.org/PaulCockshott)
>Cibcom (Spanish)
https://twitter.com/cibcomorg (https://nitter.pussthecat.org/cibcomorg)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCav9ad3TMuhiWV6yP5t2IpA (https://invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UCav9ad3TMuhiWV6yP5t2IpA)
>Tomas Härdin
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5fDgA_eHleDiTLC5qb5g8w (https://invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UC5fDgA_eHleDiTLC5qb5g8w)
>Elena Veduta
Various videos on YouTube but no channel of her own
>Dave Zachariah
One video on Paul Cockshott's channel

>General Intellect Unit
Podcast of the Cybernetic Marxists

Previous threads in chronological order
R: 49 / I: 11

/crisis/ (previously /biz/)

Over 40% of the top 2000 companies in the US are unprofitable, the most since the pandemic. At the same time, interest expense as a % of total debt of these firms hit 7.1%, the highest since 2003. US company bankruptcies in 2024 surpassed 2020 pandemic levels. Gross leverage—the ratio of debt to assets (and earnings) —of all US publicly traded nonfinancial firms remains high and hedge fund leverage is at or near the highest level in the past decade. So the risk of a financial crash is rising.

As Ruchir Sharma of the Rockefeller Foundation put it: “Awe of “American exceptionalism” in markets has now gone too far….Talk of bubbles in tech or AI, or in investment strategies focused on growth and momentum, obscures the mother of all bubbles in US markets. Thoroughly dominating the mind space of global investors, America is over-owned, overvalued and overhyped to a degree never seen before. As with all bubbles, it is hard to know when this one will deflate, or what will trigger its decline.” And there are signs. The US stock market index, the S&P, 500 fell 1.6% in December, with 6 or more sectors down 5% or worse.

previous thread

This thread officially endorses eggplants over tomatoes.
R: 6 / I: 1

News 1/23/25

Israeli army forcibly expels Palestinians from Jenin and 'executes' residents
He described how biometric recognition technology was used to target young men for further interrogation and arrest, often without clear suspicion. "Those they have records on get arrested. You don’t know what happens to them after they’re taken - whether they’re beaten or worse. You have no idea," Salah said. Israeli forces have killed at least 13 Palestinians and wounded 50 since the attack began on Tuesday morning, according to official Palestinian medical sources.

Syria's new leaders turn to Islamic law in effort to rebuild Assad's police
Ensuring stability and winning the trust of people across Syria will be crucial for the Sunni Muslim Islamists to cement their rule. But the move to put religion at the centre of policing risks seeding new rifts in a diverse country awash with guns after 13 years of civil war and alienating foreign governments they have been trying to woo, regional analysts warn.

Trump designates Yemen's Houthi rebels 'foreign terrorist organisation'
Biden's move came in response to concern from aid groups that they would need to pull out of Yemen as they are obliged to deal with the rebels, who are effectively the government in vast areas including the capital Sanaa.

EFF has substantial evidence against Macpherson: Dlamini
Macpherson is accused of interfering in the Independent Development Trust tender processes. The party filed the case at the Pretoria Central Police Station, saying they have substantial evidence against the Minister.

Italy defends expulsion of Libyan war crimes suspect
Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani made light of the ICC’s objections, telling reporters the court “is not the word of God. It’s not the font of all truth.” “Italy is a sovereign country, and we make our own decisions,” he added.

US lawmakers bring back bill to revoke China’s trade status
Permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) status is a legal designation in the US for non-discriminatory trade with a foreign state. It was granted to China in 2000 in exchange for Beijing agreeing to open its markets and liberalise its trade practices ahead of joining the World Trade Organization. But the Restoring Trade Fairness Act, introduced in the House of Representatives and Senate, would revoke it. The bill would set minimum 35 per cent tariffs on Chinese imports and duties of 100 per cent for “strategic” goods and give the US president the ability to phase in the change over five years.

Two soldiers dead, 12 wounded in ambush by ex-Philippine rebels
Former Muslim rebels ambushed government troops assigned to escort UN staff visiting the southern Philippines, killing two soldiers and wounding 12 others, the military said on Thursday (Jan 23).

More than 60 NSW mental health beds close as leaked memos reveal hospitals’ plan for mass psychiatrist resignations
A senior psychiatrist told Guardian Australia that the emergency plans to manage psychiatric patients will mean decisions on discharge or the need for further care will be delayed, causing bed blockages across the health system. The doctor spoke on condition of anonymity.

Petro and Maduro discuss cooperation in tackling drug trafficking
In this scenario, Petro also announced on X a meeting between the Defense Ministers of both countries (Colombia's Iván Velásquez and Venezuela's Vladimir Padrino López) to coordinate efforts. It was Petro's first contact with Maduro after the Chavista leader's questionable Jan. 10 inauguration following the seemingly fraudulent July 28, 2024, election results.

Mexican border states prepare migrant shelters as Trump begins deportation campaign
Enrique Serrano, an official in Chihuahua state, where Ciudad Juárez is located, said the tents erected for Mexican deportees were just the initial phase of a potential larger operation, and something authorities would scale up if the number of migrants gathering on the border continued to mount. He suggested migrants from other countries expelled from the U.S. would be relocated to Mexico City or southern regions of Mexico as they’ve done previously.
R: 47 / I: 4

When are people going to grow up from “mystical things?”

I am going to sound like a smug asshole, but I want you to understand that I am expressing my frustration with how much moronic garbage people will go through to avoid falling into nihilistic pessimism or even just to avoid the idea of preparing to deal with their real problems.

God(s), magic, resurrection, total regeneration, immortality, necromancy, souls, speaking with the dead, occultism, divination, angels, demons, afterlives, monsters, prophecies, folk lore, spiritism, spirits, legends, mythology, aliens, karma, divine/natural justice, that stuff is all imaginary. yet people still continue to believe in that shit for false reassurance…

Even without the mystical bullshit, there is an alarming number of people that will knowingly trust and stubbornly believe in pseudoscience and social constructs just to feel as if they understand the world better than those older and more informed than them or just to feel as if they are part of a “unified collective” (highly organized and centralized society of a lot of people.)

I don’t know enough about other people to understand this stubbornness. What’s the general reason that can explain why this large demographic of people will put so much trust in these obviously shitty ideas even when these same false hopes and ideas cause them endless and arbitrary suffering.

Believing in nothing and knowing that nothing unusual will or even can happen is far easier to deal with than constantly being stressed over things that do not exist anyways.
R: 32 / I: 7

The Crisis of Soviet History of the Stalin Period and What We Should Do About It


Speech by Grover Furr

The history of the first workers’ state, the USSR, during its heroic period, when it was led by Joseph Stalin – that history is withheld from us. It is smothered by lies from dishonest and very influential sources.

How do we know this is so? What is the situation? Who are the liars? Why is this important? Finally, what should we do about it? The future of the world’s working class and the fight for an egalitarian world of what Marxist researcher Charles Andrews has called “No Rich, No Poor,” depends on what we do.

I began to discuss this question in an earlier article titled “Marxists Behaving Badly” which you can download from my Home Page. However, that was a very partial discussion of this enormous challenge to all of us. In my talk today I intend to confront this crisis more directly.

The Anti-Stalin Paradigm (ASP)

What I call the ASP is a special case of the anticommunist paradigm of history (ACP). In its basic formulation, the ACP frames the history of the last century upside down. The Western, imperialist countries are, supposedly, “democratic,” “free,” stand for “human rights.” The former socialist bloc countries, especially the Stalin-era Soviet Union, were “dictatorships,” “totalitarian,” “unfree,” “against human rights.” In reality, the opposite is the case.

According to the ASP Stalin was a bloodthirsty dictator who killed millions of Soviet citizens, engineered frameups against many communists, and committed innumerable “crimes.” This is all false. This paradigm is strictly enforced in the academic field of Soviet history and through it into the intellectual and semi-popular media, and then into the popular mass media. According to the ASP, it is considered illegitimate— outside the limits of respectable discussion – to disprove any crime of which Stalin has been accused.

One example of this is an article by Professor Matthew Lenoe, “Did Stalin Kill Kirov and Does It Matter?”, Journal of Modern History 74 (2), 2002. Lenoe insists that it “doesn’t matter” because, even though Stalin did not kill Kirov, Stalin was so evil that the fact that he was not guilty of killing this one man, Sergei Kirov, was insignificant.

In his 2010 book The Kirov Murder and Soviet History Lenoe spends almost a page and a half assuring his readers that, although he himself has concluded that Stalin did not murder Kirov he, Lenoe, loves freedom and democracy, and hates dictatorship, so much that no one should think for a minute that he, Lenoe, is “pro-Stalin” – something Lenoe is clearly afraid of, since he is violating the unwritten but universally understood ASP by stating that Stalin did not commit this particular crime.

My Own Path to Soviet History

I want to explain briefly how I came to do research on the Stalin era in the USSR. My story illustrates a number of important issues that I’ll discuss in more detail later: the influence of anticommunism; the need for objectivity in the search for the truth, the utter bankruptcy of the profession of Soviet history – a corruption that even the best historians of this field cannot entirely escape.

In 1967, while I was watching a demonstration against the Vietnam War in Manhattan, a friend of mine remarked to me that he and I should be marching with the contingent that was passing by carrying the flag of the “Viet Cong.” At that moment another onlooker told us that we should not oppose the US war in Vietnam. We asked him: Why not? He replied: “Because the NLF is led and controlled by the Vietnamese Communist Party; the VCP is led by Ho Chi Minh, Ho had been trained by Joseph Stalin, and Stalin had killed 20 million people.”

This claim stuck in my mind. I did not “believe” it. I also did not “disbelieve” it. Instead, I resolved that someday, when I had completed my doctoral dissertation in Medieval comparative literature and had a job, I would look into the questions about Joseph Stalin.
R: 19 / I: 3

how do I damage the system without going to jail

the question is retarded yes but I want to know.

I'm growing impatient with this bullshit, nothing changes, organizing feels like picking away at a giant stone that regenerates, so nothing ends up happening, the only time things happen the people that make it happen get caught by the fbi and sent to hell torture chamber or get killed.

I praise the heroes but I'm not cut out to be one of them, however I wish to help them in some way, I don't know how.
R: 178 / I: 20

Left Unity Policies

List policy goals which should be unambiguously affirmed by leftists committed to left unity, anti-sectarianism, internationalism, socialism, and communism

I'll start

>Universal food, water, housing, healthcare, education, transportation, job access, and others that can be discussed below

>LGBT people's equality
>Women's equality of rights
>Abortion access
>Racial equality of rights
>Equality of outcome, not vague "opportunity"
>Ending all war
>Ending ecological destruction and reaching a balance between the environment and industrial production
R: 111 / I: 69
/👁️\Secret Societies & Cryptocracy Study 🏛️
Being well aware that capitalism is the root of all problems and not some Catholic / Zionist Masonic Lodge or a Council of 13 I want to dedicate a second thread towards the study of what these organizations actually are, how they accumulated their wealth from their foundation, what their influence is and what their goals are.

This is not a Poltard thread about "da jooz"! This is a thread dedicated towards the real study of esoteric societies / "magical" organizations and their spheres of influence.

From the illumnati, to Order 322, to the obscure Neo-Nazi pedo cults given by the Order of Nine Angels & Temple Ov Blood, to the Mormons, to the pyramid scheme of the Church of Scientology, LaRouche and so on! How they infiltrate government positions, political parties and what we know about them.

Recommended books for analysis (links not included, might post PDFs in the thread):
-Occult Features of Anarchism by Christopher Scott Thompson and the Erica Lagalisse
-Bakunin's Anti-Jacobinism: 'Secret. Societies' For Self-Emancipating. Collectivist Social Revolution by Robert M. Cutler
-Revolutionary Demonology by Gruppo Di Nun
-Any book on the illumnati (c'mon they're in your supermarket's books aisle! Lets have a laugh)
-Magick by Aleister Crowley
-The Golden Dawn: The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites & Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order by Eminem aka Marshall Bruce Mathers II 's Ancestors (just kidding, Israel Regardie and John Michael Greer)
-Liber Null & Psychonaut: The Practice of Chaos Magic by Peter J. Carroll and Ronald Hutton
-The Chaos Protocols: Magical Techniques for Navigating the New Economic Reality by Gordon White
-Don't touch this book by Jan Udo Holey (Jan van Helsing) ((Funny rightoid schizo))
-Global Death Cult: The Order of Nine Angles, Atomwaffen and the Slaughter of the Innocents.

Lets demystify the unknown and expose the real devil in the details.

R: 1 / I: 0
Yet another case of a breedoid male mass killing a bunch of innocent people, call me shocked and surprised

>body too empty or short

>body too empty or short
>body too empty or short
R: 94 / I: 51

/SEA/ - Southeast Asia General SAG


A lot of images and posts of the last general got broken. So I think it's better to make a new one.

Discuss anything on Southeast Asian politics. Coming 2024 Elections, open orgs, People that should be dead for different reasons running in Malaysia's elections or just random shit. There are still dozens of us… hopefully! Starting off this general with massive wave of cult sex camps.
Matrix room: https://matrix.to/#/#!YeYeuZuLSYkegWssey:matrix.org

Last threads:
R: 348 / I: 105

/rus/ - Russia General

Трясемся от грядущей мобки, охуеваем с пиздеца и ждем левого поворота пыни вместе.
R: 184 / I: 31

Third Worldism has Christian Guilt at its Root

Third Worldism, as a strain of Marxist thought, has carved out a critique of imperialism that focuses almost exclusively on the revolutionary potential of the Global South, often at the expense of the Western proletariat. But beneath it lies an unacknowledged Christian residue—ideas of guilt, penance, and redemption that distort its analysis. The problem begins with how Third Worldism treats the Western working class. It views workers in the imperial core as irredeemably complicit in global exploitation, not because of their actions but by their association with imperialist economies. This line of reasoning mirrors the Christian idea of original sin, where guilt is inherited rather than earned. The Western proletariat is cast as the sinner, its redemption possible only through acts of penance toward the oppressed peoples of the Global South.

This moralistic lens is a diversion from Marxism’s focus on material conditions. Revolutionary potential isn’t a question of moral/historical purity but of class relations and the ability to challenge capital. Third Worldism, by contrast, assigns revolutionary agency solely to the Global South, treating the Western proletariat as an inert, corrupted class. This view is simplistic and ultimately idealist, reducing the complexity of global class dynamics to a binary of oppressors and oppressed without regard for class. Third Worldism romanticizes the Global South in a way that ironically echoes Eurocentric tropes. By idealizing the oppressed as inherently revolutionary, it erases the material and historical contradictions within these societies. It’s a view that treats the Global South less as a collection of real, diverse struggles and more as a moral counterweight to the failures of the Western proletariat. This is not solidarity—it’s condescension.

By framing the struggle against imperialism in moral terms, Third Worldism undermines the possibility of global solidarity. Revolutionary change isn’t about confessing guilt or seeking redemption; it’s about organizing internationally and confronting capitalism as a global system. The Western working class is not a uniform bloc of privilege. It, too, contains contradictions and potentials that cannot simply be dismissed.
R: 18 / I: 1  
What do I have to do to make all women stop attacking their own dignity? The excessive use of makeup and skin-darkening/lightening creams, the fucked up levels of plastic surgery, the use of fat injections to get fake glutes and breasts, the constant unnecessary exposure of their bodies… like, you almost never see men do any of these things. It’s fucking sad to watch.
R: 23 / I: 2

Balkan shithole rant

Why does it feel like the western communist always overlook Yugoslavia and Bulgaria and Romania while always talking about Cuba, Burkina Faso, Vietnam. I do respect these nations and their accomplishments but it just feels like westerners only care about the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Burkina Faso, Vietnam, While the rest are forgotten like Benin or Laos. Or who knows i might be wrong.
R: 48 / I: 16
>Be an ~11 year old kid in early 2010s Russia
>Mom is in her le spirtitual Orthodox Christian phase
>Brings me to the church (our village had no priests back in the day, believers simply visited it to pray whenever it was convenient)
>I see a "church shop" (um, didn't Jesus hate those?) and became more interested in it than in the people around
>Shop has candles, orthodox souvenirs (Jesus DEFINITELY would hate those) and lots and lots of books
>See book "Holy Tsar Nicholas II and his family of matryrs" and became interested by its bright cover (also, what kid isn't interested in monarchs after fairy tales?)
>Ask mom to buy it; bring the book home
>Start reading, walls of text are there, and all of the pictures are actually black and white
>Got bored and look in the middle - walls of text again about the murder of some dude named Rasputin
>Look in the end - there is a prayer to Holy Tsar and his Holy Family in Church Slavonic (?)
>Became dissapointed and toss the book aside
>Forget about it for long, long time
>15 years pass
>Visited my mom these New Year's holidays
>Noticed the book stuffed in the corner of the bookshelf
>In a spontaneous fit of curiousity, opened it on a random page closer to an end
>"In a week before the Royal Family was transferred to the Ipatyev's house, it was visited by a mysterious person arriving from St. Petersburg alone in a reserved traincar. Eyewitnesess testify that he was wearing clothes "akin to a rabbi" and drew a pentagram in the house's basement while chanting in Hebrew. Then he killed a chicken, and wrote in blood on basement's wall - The Tsar would be killed there, all nations should tremble"
>"Even before WW1 had started, synagogues in the western Russian empire were selling gift cards portraying a rabbi sacrificing the chicken with the head of the Tsar…"
>What the fuck?!
>"People objected to the Church proclaiming Tsar the saint on the basis of it politicing religious life too much. However, beautification of Tsar is not a political action, it is a spritual action because his murder was also not a political action - it was a spritual action by a satanic cult…"
>Thankfully, my mom drifted away from the faith years ago and wouldn't notice the dissapearance of the book
>While no one was watching, I quitely stole the book, sneaked out of the house, run to the closest outdoors trash bin and stuffed the book there
>I know this is a cringe comparsion, but I now feel like Ron Weasely should have felt when he realsied his childhood pet rat was a disguised adult man and a Death Eater when I think I brought this to our home and had it in my bedroom my for my entire teenage years
R: 612 / I: 168 (full)



Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us

Previous thread:
R: 53 / I: 11


Why people don't rebel against capitalism? Places like India and Subhaarian Africa has plenty of bad places and plenty of people living poor lives, and in more developed place like USA and Canada there a sizable population of people that live fragile life because of how capitalism is structured, the question: why people just rise up and overthrow the current system and build a better one? What keeping people still under the thumb of capitalism?
R: 122 / I: 17

/ita/ - Spaghetti Communism

La situazione è tragica ma non seria

Nuovo filo perché il precedente - dopo solo due anni e mezzo - ha raggiunto il limite.
Prego astenersi drogati delle polemiche da gallinaio televisivo, feticisti della costituzione del quarantotto (in fila per sei senza resto), raccoglitori di firme per improbabili referendum destinati a fallire, tirapiedi dei "sindacati" confederali gialli, accoliti del culto di Sant'Enrico B., piddini e parapiddini, stronzi in generale.
Se proprio dobbiamo fare pettegolezzi, facciamoli su qualche bella fica o su cose divertenti.
E ricordate che alla prossima polemica sul "saluto romano", l'unico autentico è il classico
>Bella, fratè!
Tutto il resto è solo un pallido tentativo d'imitazione.
R: 78 / I: 8

Modern Art Hate Thread

How can people listen to jazz or look at modern cinematography or other contemporary western art without feeling utter disgust and an urge to vomit. Everything that middle-class society brands as some great product of man's will reeks and oozes nihilistic life-negating ideology. I can't stand to walk down the street without wanting to fall over and cry when I see an art exhibition or an antiquariat. How bourgeois.
R: 1 / I: 0

Italian fascists just legalized state terror attacks

New security bill authorizes intelligence services to take the lead in terrorist organizations

Art 31 of DDL 1660
This bill was already in hot water due to additional restrictions it's putting on protestors, but this is much much worse than I expected.
For those whow don't know, during the years of lead the CIA together with the italian fascists and the secret services made a number of terror attacks in order to destibilize our republic and keep the Italian Communist Paty out of power.
After 40 years of investigations and trials, they finally condemned Gilberto Cavallini, the bomber behind the Bologna Massacre of 1980. This news itself was suppressed by the local media here; and now they're preparing for future state sponsored terror attacks.
It's bad, really bad.
R: 5 / I: 1

Sorry Marxists-Leninists, but Xi Jinping is an armchair

Just think about it
>sits around whole day pushing papers for a communist party
>writes and reads a bunch of speeches every day
>just reads
>sits around in a comfy chair and drinks tea
>probably eats something decadent yet affordable every night (a chinese lasagna)
<and is winning against imperialist capital
<and their people are full of hope
The last point in particular is important. There is no fear of death in China. Their state apparatus reproduces harmonious and joyous ideology.

Bordiga vindicated. Gramsci vindicated. Sorry, but I think I'll stay at home for the next party meeting.
R: 3 / I: 2  

How does Japan do it?

When Lyushkov defected to Yapon, he initially started with all these grandiose statements about how he was a Russian patriot and was only defecting to be anti-Stalin.
>According to Lyushkov's statements to the Japanese, he concluded that '… The dictator's toadies will libel me and say I sold my soul to the Japanese; but one day, with the despot overthrown, I shall return to a bright new Russia.'
And then… a short while later, because he was too depressed about abandoning his wife…
>Japanese intelligence officers consulted the military police and decided to take Lyushkov to the red-light district of Mukojima; a lieutenant-colonel disbursed 300 yen for the purpose. In the brothels the Russian seemed to regain his gaiety.
And then…
>To domesticate Lyushkov, the Japanese Army sought an acceptable female compatriot for him at his new private house in Tokyo. Lyushkov declined White Russian woman.
So they find a woman from Yokohama…
>marriage ensued and Lyushkov took out Japanese citizenship, saying that he wanted to be buried in Japan.
Literally just a bit of Yaponskii pussy and this dude forgot about his denial of selling himself to Japan, and was shouting Tenno Heika Banzai!
What are the materialist reasons why Japanese are so good at sexually appealing to Western men?
R: 607 / I: 113 (full)

/ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine War General #203: "LET ME IN!!!" Edition

Remember: It's a big club and you ain't in it.

Previous thread: >>2110816


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



Live maps and updates
DeepStateMap: https://deepstatemap.live
Events in Ukraine: https://eventsinukraine.substack.com/
SouthFront: https://southfront.press/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/

Watch Together
📺 News/events: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash
📺 Hangout/chill: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/bloodcast

Watch By Yourself
>Video Essays / Historical Background
📺 • Ukraine: The Avoidable War - Boy Boy

📺 • Ukraine's Nazi Problem - The Marxist Project

📺 • America, Russia, and Ukraine's Far Right - Gravel Institute

📺 • Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 • The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

<Current Happenings

📺 • The Grayzone: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrayzone7996
📺 • DDGeopolitics: https://www.youtube.com/@DDGeopolitics
📺 • Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
📺 • The Duran: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeMVChrumySxV9N1w0Au-w
📺 • The News Atlas: https://www.youtube.com/c/thenewatlas
📺 • Military Summary: https://www.youtube.com/@militarysummary


Social media



Thread guidelines:
• Please remember to add a spoiler to NSFW and extreme content such as graphic violence and gore.
• Try your best to not derail discussion too much from the main events and relevant places where the war is taken place, as well as other happenings, groups and public figures related to it.
• Meta discussion of the historical, philosophical and ideological background of the war is fine as long as its done in good faith and comradely.
• In the event the meta discussion overstays its welcome, participating users will be referred to take the conversation to the INTERNATIONALISM general thread: >>2080603
• Quality shitposting and original content is encouraged! Spamming glowie memes is low effort.
• this is /isg/ for people who treat geopolitics like shitty map games.
R: 21 / I: 4

Is The Red Flag Flying?

Have you read the book Is The Red Flag Flying? The Political Economy of the Soviet Union Today by Albert Szymanski? The most commonly recurring debate on here is whether X country can be classified as socialist or not. This book is about post-Stalin USSR in particular but you could apply similar analysis to modern day China. Thoughts?
R: 84 / I: 6
Political implications of the recent LA fires?

Do you think this will have a ripple effect? Trump becomes POTUS again in a few days and will inherent this mess. Any idea as to how his administration will handle the clean-up, especially since he's insinuated Newsome and Bass are completely incompetent?

How will the Angeleno left be affected? Will leftist mutual aid do a lot to make an impact in the aftermath or will it do little to nothing?

Will the fires cause Californians to radicalize in some way?

What do you think?
R: 3 / I: 1

News 1/22/25

US signs deal to train Taiwanese navy as island mulls cuts to military exchange budgets
Taiwan’s defence ministry revealed the United States has signed a two-year agreement to help train the Taiwanese navy as the island’s legislature prepared for a Tuesday vote on whether to cut military spending on overseas training.

Italian leftist student group 'hangs' Elon Musk effigy in square where ᴉuᴉlossnW was strung up
The group, which identifies as communist, posted an image of the effigy on social media, writing: "There's always room at Piazzale Loreto, Elon." Cambiare Rotta has made headlines in Italy in the past for its radical stances, including pro-Hezbollah chants at demonstrations, domestic media reported.

Irish parliament delays vote for prime minister after chaotic sitting
A vote due on Wednesday in the Irish parliament to elect a new prime minister was delayed by a day after opposition protests over speaking rights for independent lawmakers supporting the incoming coalition government derailed a chaotic sitting.

Anti-war campaigners to protest against airbase plans to fly US drones
The action by Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) and Drone Wars targets the operation of US Global Hawk drones from RAF Fairford as part of Nato’s Agile Combat Employment programme, which aims to make it harder for adversaries to conduct pre-emptive strikes.

SDF thwarts attacks by the Turkish state and allied mercenaries
The Press Center of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) reported that six mercenaries were eliminated, and nine others wounded during the SDF forces’ response to an attack by Turkish occupation mercenaries on the Syriatel front, south of Manbij, yesterday afternoon. Additionally, a military vehicle was destroyed in the same area.

Israel launches deadly “Iron Wall” operation in Jenin with support of PA
According to media reports, Netanyahu decided to launch “Operation Iron Wall” in a bid to convince his Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich to not resign from the government. Smotrich had attempted to block a Gaza ceasefire deal and threatened to quit once it was reached, considering it a defeat for Israel.

Israel 'building military bases' in occupied southern Syria
Local media reports this week indicated that Israel was establishing a permanent presence in the newly-occupied territory with the building of six military bases in Quneitra. Independent Syrian outlet Enab Baladi reported that Israel was building five bases within the 235 square-kilometre buffer zone and one outside it.

Trump reinstates Cuba as a “State Sponsor of Terrorism”
On his first day in office, US President Donald Trump reinstated Cuba as a “State Sponsor of Terrorism.” Outgoing President Joe Biden had removed Cuba from the US State Department’s list of “State Sponsors of Terrorism” less than a week prior, a long-awaited move that he committed to in his final days in office. Prior to this, Cuba had been on the list since 2021, as Trump had added Cuba in the final days of his first administration.

Brazil fires consumed wilderness area larger than Italy in 2024 – report
After enduring its worst drought on record in 2024, Brazil closed the year with another alarming milestone: between January and December, 30.86m hectares of wilderness burned – an area larger than Italy. The figure published in a new report is 79% higher than in 2023 and the largest recorded by Fire Monitor since its launch in 2019 by MapBiomas, an initiative by NGOs, universities and technology companies that monitors Brazil’s biomes.

Colombia reactivates arrest orders for top rebels blamed for deadly violence in cocaine turf war
Among the 31 rebel leaders whose arrest was ordered Wednesday by the chief prosecutor’s office is Pablo Beltrán, the lead ELN negotiator in those halting peace talks, as well as the group’s top military commander, best known by his alias, Antonio García. Petro — himself a former member of the M-19 guerrilla group — has also suspended the peace talks in response to the violence.
R: 3 / I: 1

Community for a Shared Future for Humankind, /csfm/ general

Starting this thread again, and I hope comrades will help it take off, stay alive, and become popular.

Introductory reading:


I mean, the branding is off, but it's a better form of Marxist internationalism than tailing Putin's Multipolarism, and honestly if many of us are Zyghurs / Z-Gang, it's not because we view the slaughter of Israelis and Ukrainians as desirable, but regrettably necessary.

Focusing on and building Chairman Xi Jinping's CSFM is a more positive way to go about things.

Also, consider posting socialist Solarpunk here, we need more optimism.


Flood detected, post discarded
R: 13 / I: 1

Is religion a form of schizophrenia?

I was reading about Terry A. Davis and this thought striked me, he was an atheist guy whose schizophrenia made him starting having divine visions telling him to build an operating system to serve as God's third temple. Schizophrenic people in general seem to be very religious.
R: 118 / I: 8

What the fuck

The lack of empathy and self awareness present among the infantilized is something to behold. This faggot has not even been in power for a week and he is already demonstrating to everyone why he should not have bothered running.
R: 15 / I: 3

Mexican Sex Workers Union trashes the judicial palace because of transphobic 'not guilty' verdict

>Natalie Lane, along with groups, demonstrated after the attack carried out in 2022 where they tried to take the activist's life


R: 5 / I: 6

False Advertising General

So supposedly in capitalism you are supposed to be able to trust them when they sell you garbage, but I think we should all be smart enough here to understand that their incentive is too lie, and unless their are robust "consumer protections" they'll keep lying and getting away with it.

I'm going to start with one of my favorites:
>"Moisture-wicking" technology
lmao. This one is so intuitive to me but it seems people must be dumb enough to believe it because they keep saying it. When they call something is "moisture-wicking" they mean that it's a synthetic, or synthetic blend fabric. What is a synthetic fabric? A synthetic fabric is plastic. It's just fucking plastic. Now go put your hand in a plastic glove and tell me what happens to your sweat lmao. A water proof material is going to do nothing but trap moisture. Where the fuck is it wicking the moisture to? Any kind of synthetic blend fabric is going to trap much more moisture than a natural fabric, and thus is going to make you smell much worse.
R: 619 / I: 197 (full)
>'We were the real Nazis all along' edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us

Previous thread: >>2119182
R: 92 / I: 14

Trotskyist Accounting of the Decline of Trotskyism?

Does anyone know what the Trotskyist narrative/cope/explanation of the decline and near death of the Trotskyist movement is?
And I mostly mean the narrative(s) of old school orthodox Trotskyists, as opposed to culty sectarians, people who degenerated into liberals, etc
>inb4 ML dunks on Trotskyism.
Welcome in this thread, but not what i'm asking about
R: 43 / I: 5

In the case of revolution, shall we execute the elite families?

Most nations are controlled by rich families, from Latin America to Japan and South Korea, a few families control the corporations and government. Should we eliminate the families to avoid a counter revolution? If yes, do we include the children?
R: 44 / I: 7

Ukraine is genuinely fucked and it’s europes fault

It’s not Ukraine that will be at fault for its demise, but it will be the west in general. Ukraine is doing anything it can to stay alive. However, watching the absolute dumpster fire of infantilism and populism that is politics near the North Atlantic was a sobering experience. There’s no way you can tell me that Ukraine stands a chance when their biggest arms manufacturer currently has a fascist man child that larps as his son getting other infantilized billionaires into politics. European politics in general is a licentious clusterfuck of contrarianism and populist garbage that is somehow more obnoxious than what I’ve seen in South America.

You’re having people using fucking TikTok video edits as actual campaign material, blatant nazi propaganda plastered in ads just to rile people up, fallacies and bad intent everywhere in public discussions, and the intentional use of bots and algorithms in online discussions. How the fuck is anyone supposed to take the North Atlantic countries seriously? How the hell can Ukrainians expect those countries to do anything to save them.

These days, fucking nazis of all people cannot blame Jews anymore for Europe's failures.
R: 21 / I: 1

Politics Ego Death Thread

How old were you when you realized that politics is as boring as you remembered it to be as a kid, and that all practical politics inevitably devolve into reading and discussing everyday legal disputes and weird crimes? For me, it was eighteen.
R: 107 / I: 13

Why were the circuses with animals popular in USSR?

Seriously, during the communist days, many people liked going to see the animals in the circuses and nobody saw it as something wrong, before PETA ever existed.
To this day in Russia, there are circuses with animals, interestingly.
And mostly outcry about circuses with animals is in capitalistic countries.
Back then in communist Poland, circuses with animals used to be liked as well. And up till 90s, 2000s and 2021, they used to be popular for children.
What happened? And please, no reactionary liberal rhetoric.
R: 6 / I: 0
Is this board okay to request a new flag? I don't see Socialist Republic of Slovenija.
I would propose this picture for it on top of Russian Flag, or maybe on top of just plain red color.
This ok?
R: 0 / I: 0

How can I deal with feelings of uncertainty and anxiety?

I live in the Global South. Fortunately, through my knowledge of English I have been able to find an opportunity that allows me to support my family and live relatively well-off in my country of origin. I currently work for an Immigration Lawyer in thr US and I'm studying American Law by myself. However, there is this feeling that it's all useless. It may sound silly, but every time I wonder if the effort might be worth it having in mind the uncertain collapse of the United States. There is even the possibility the US tries to coup my government. There is the possibility it goes to war and loses hard. There is the possibility that its entire system collapses within the next decade. Is this so, or is ir just a consequence of my interpretation of the political climate? This makes me feel as it's entirely useless to even bother to learn anything American. With Trump on power, there is the very real possibility the US turns more and more towards full-blown Fascism, and I'm even wondering if I'll be able to hold my job thanks to him.
Please tell me if these are stupid concerns, if I should just relax, or what can I do to deal with these feelings. My future, personal and financial, are unfortunately linked to that of the US.
R: 104 / I: 16

China is losing people abnormally fast

Even in comparison to other Asian tigers, China has seen a level of population decline that was only seen during its “century of humiliation.” Fucking ten million people are gone from that country since 2020. Barely a decade ago.

No, the “but there population is big” isn’t an excuse. China is losing people disproportionately faster than other East Asian countries. The level of decline experienced is similar to the decline seen by many post soviet states.

I doubt this trend will last long. After all, it only took Russia a few years to regain a lot of their lost numbers. However, action still needs to be taken to fix whatever hell is going on there. Just look at the shape of this graph. Looks like a fucking mountain.
R: 24 / I: 5

Free Trade

Is free trade actually good or not? And I'm not talking about just quoting Marx but an actual analysis of its effects?

Obviously some international trade must occur because most countries don't have every resource they need.

However unlimited no barrier free trade is criticized as being exploitative to the third world, and in the first world used as a way to undercut unions and the organized working class?
R: 244 / I: 78

Socialist realism sucks

The early Soviet Union under Lenin had one of the best avant-garde art movements in Europe, then comes Stalin and does away with it in favor of "socialist realism" which was nothing more than traditional art with a proletarian theme. It reached a point where the CIA started financing artists like Jackson Pollock to show the US had greater artistic freedom than the USSR.
R: 3 / I: 1

Trump Scam worries other scamers that Trump scam will make other scams look bad

>The crypto industry eagerly awaited Donald Trump’s return to the White House. Now, it’s reeling after the president and first lady launched a pair of meme coins.
>Dubbed $TRUMP and $MELANIA, the tokens have no economic purpose—their value is largely based on the popularity of internet memes. The market cap of the president’s coin has soared to $7.8 billion since Friday night’s launch, while the first lady’s token is worth about $800 million, according to CoinMarketCap.
>By selling coins known for their speculative nature and extreme volatility, the president has undermined the credibility that the industry has worked hard to build in recent years, some crypto executives and investors say.
>They also point to the brazen conflict of interest: Trump benefits directly from the sale of the tokens while setting the policy that affects how markets are valued and regulated.
>Meme coins are still the wild west of crypto, operating largely without regulation.
>Ryan Selkis, the former chief executive of crypto research firm Messari and a vocal supporter of Trump, urged the president to fire the adviser who recommended going forward with the launch of the second coin.
>“1. They don’t know what they’re doing. 2. They cost you a lot of $ and goodwill. 3. They don’t have your interests in mind,” said Selkis in a social-media post shortly after the $MELANIA token launch.
>The $TRUMP token lost almost half its value after first lady Melania Trump’s coin was unveiled. Traders say demand for the tokens overlapped—$TRUMP token holders had to unload some of their holdings to buy her meme coin. Prices have since regained some ground, but the market value of the $TRUMP coin peaked Sunday at almost $15 billion.
>Some crypto enthusiasts questioned if the coins were a scam and if Trump’s accounts had been hacked. The mechanisms on the token reminded some of a rug pull, crypto parlance for a project that is launched and quickly abandoned, leaving investors with steep losses.
>One point of criticism: 80% of the $TRUMP token’s supply is owned by Fight Fight Fight and CIC Digital, an affiliate of the Trump Organization, according to the website associated with the token. The terms and conditions of both $TRUMP and $MELANIA bar buyers from joining class-action lawsuits against the project and indemnify the project against any claims.
Say what you will about past genrations of porkies, at least they sold stuff that was real. Contemporary porkies are just scam artists, especially Trump.
R: 4 / I: 0

News 1/21/25

Billionaire wealth surges to ‘unimaginable’ levels in 2024 as Oxfam predicts emergence of five trillionaires within a decade
The combined wealth of the world’s most wealthy rose from $13 trillion to $15 trillion in just 12 months, the global charity said Sunday. It marks the second largest annual increase in billionaire wealth since Oxfam records started. Meanwhile, the number of people living in poverty has barely changed since 1990, the charity said, citing World Bank Data. The richest 1% of people own nearly 45% of all wealth, while 44% of humanity are living below the World Bank poverty line of $6.85 per day, the data showed.

Economic grievances fuel support for hostile actions, Edelman global survey shows
Four in 10 respondents approved of hostile acts to bring about change, including violence or threats, online attacks, intentionally spreading disinformation and damaging property, the survey showed. Among respondents aged 18 to 34, support for hostile actions was even higher at 53%.

Amid Sri Lanka’s austerity drive, Rajapaksa brothers must vacate deluxe government mansions
The government has decided to convert the stately homes into upmarket boutique hotels or museums, Information Minister Nalinda Jayatissa told reporters in Colombo. He said the state would pay former leaders rent totalling US$107 a month, as they are entitled to under a 1986 law, instead of providing government housing.

Trump to pull nearly 1,660 Afghan refugees from flights, say US official, advocate
Nearly 1,660 Afghans cleared by the U.S. government to resettle in the U.S., including family members of active-duty U.S. military personnel, are having their flights canceled under President Donald Trump's order suspending U.S. refugee programs, a U.S. official and a leading refugee resettlement advocate said on Monday.

‘There’s this double feeling’: Freed Palestinian prisoner tells of joy and pain after release=
The 90 Palestinian prisoners freed by Israel on Sunday as part of the Gaza ceasefire deal included 69 women and 21 teenage boys, according to Hamas. None had been convicted of murder. Among those released, 76 were from the West Bank and 14 from East Jerusalem, which were occupied by Israel in 1967. All but seven were arrested after the October 2023 attack on Israel by Hamas.

Iraq Parliament Adopts Revised Bill After Outcry Over Underage Marriage
a revised version reinstated clauses of the old law that set the age of marriage at 18 – or 15 with the consent of legal guardians and a judge, MP Mohamed Anouz told AFP. Under the new amendment, couples can opt for Shiite Muslim or Sunni Muslim rules, and clerics and lawyers will have four months to establish community-specific regulations. In October, Amnesty International warned the amendments could strip women and girls of protections regarding divorce and inheritance.

Strike Houthis while Iran is weak, UN-backed Yemeni government urges west
He said Yemen ground forces should work in cooperation with western airstrikes as part of a multi-pronged strategy. Speaking from the World Economic Forum in Davos, he also called on the new US administration to designate the Houthis a foreign terrorist organisation, and praised Donald Trump for showing “decisive leadership”.

At least 20 killed in clashes between FARC dissidents in southern Colombia
The fighting broke out months after units loyal to former FARC commander “Calarca” broke with those loyal to the EMC’s top commander, “Ivan Mordisco” over peace talks with the government. The turf war between the EMC and Calarca’s dissident organization, the EMB, erupted a day after guerrilla group ELN embarked on a major offensive against the EMB in the northeastern Catatumbo province.

Argentine governor blames Chubut fires on Indigenous community
The governor of Chubut, Ignacio Torres, blamed the fires in the province on the Mapuche communities evicted last week by order of the national government. In response, residents of the town of Epuyén came out to deny it and point out that it is a media campaign to confuse the population and turn them against the families who lived on those lands.

Mexico expands regional migrant aid to Latin America as Trump inauguration nears
Mexico agreed Friday to expand support to other Latin American and Caribbean nations as part of a regional migratory response, days before U.S. President-elect Donald Trump takes office with a promise to carry out mass deportations.
R: 12 / I: 2

The Noble Proletarian Myth Thread

What's the noble proletarian myth? Glad you asked! The noble proletarian myth is to deny any moral accountability of working class people on the basis of denying their agency under capitalism. The reasoning is usually that proletarians are basically like zombies who were directly brain controlled by the bourgeosie as if anyone never had a choice to not participate in building concentration camps, building arms, etc. It also sometimes comes in the form of pretending no proletarian is X bad thing and acting as if solely bourgeosie are like that. For example saying that only rich white people are racist but poor white people are generally not which is ridiculous to say because for whom was the ideology of oppression created if working class people were impervious to it while capitalists themselves made it up to justify the exploitation? It's all to indoctrinate working class people. Looking at history it has clearly it has worked.
R: 38 / I: 5

freeze peach

why is a bourgeois right like "free speech" vigorously defended by right and left in principle, yet neither support it in practice? because it ultimately serves impractical aims. the "freer" speech becomes (on unfortunate platforms like twitter), the worse that public discourse also becomes. why give rights to the wrong? because you want to larp as an 18th century secularist separating church and state?

i personally do not believe in free speech, neither for my friends or enemies, because im sane. same way i dont believe in democracy for its own sake, because thats retarded. there are things i should have no power over, as a citizen. there are things which should not be allowed to be said. controversy only arises when you are dishonest about such issues and pretend that all things are born in freedom. they are not. shake the cage and you will get bitten. at the end of words is a fist or a gun, and this is speech's internal limits. talk shit, get hit.

this is also why i think we must move away from anonymity as a culture. irl all these twitter trolls would cower under the light of the sun. they are judged in their essence as losers, and that to me is only right. it is regrettable that the biggest cowards talk the loudest (like a small dog yapping behind a fence), but that is precisely why i oppose free speech. nothing of value would be lost in censoring these fools. the tiktok ban is a good start.
R: 96 / I: 20

I am skeptical of Cybercommunism

In my opinion, cyber-communism still has the same problems as Soviet planning, i.e. problems in relation to prices, due to the idea of ​​currency based on time worked, or money given based on this, which reminds me a lot of the energy accounting of 20th century technocrats.

There would be two possible failures:

The first is that if the state sets prices for acquiring products based on supposedly objective costs, this can again cause prices not to adjust to scarcity, and added to the fact that wages are fixed to work, the fact that this is totally arbitrary based on time, can cause it not to reflect the exact quantity of what is produced. I know that linear programming and other mathematical methods can be used, however, we still do not guarantee the dilemma of scarcity, since prices are information mechanisms. This would only work in an economy that pays in kind.

Demand, although it would be democratically determined by the people, generating real demand data, there being again no dynamic price system, there could be shortages, because regardless of demand, the famous objective costs based on labor time, or objective costs of production, are not really based on the flexibility of market prices, and it is quite limiting. Who assures us that such a supposedly objective cost is not flawed or does not cover the complexity of a flexible system?

I am absolutely skeptical that a calculation based on objective costs that is derived from the currency of labor time can coordinate the dilemma of scarcity and determine prices reliably. All this would be nothing more than another elaborate way of setting prices, which would cause the problems I point out throughout the essay.

Example: If a critical resource like lithium for batteries becomes scarcer, the time-based target cost or supposed objective costs may fail to set the price, since it is likely that it will not adjust to the scarcity, unlike the supply and demand curve, where a good when its inputs increase in price occurs due to scarcity, and its price tends to offset the production costs of those same inputs, for example, labor, capital inputs, land, etc. That is to say that when a good or raw material becomes scarce for whatever reason, then producers raise prices, because they cannot sell the same quantity of goods at the previous price, since that would generate scarcity in the consumer, and there is nothing left but to raise prices to recover the investment, it is basic microeconomics.

It reminds me a lot of the time-work currency of the old Mutualists until Carson, who wanted to determine the cost as a limit on the price, and they distributed time-work vouchers. In the end, all of this is unnecessary, with free markets and the elimination of monopolies such as patents, with their due incentives for this, such as leaving the 1% of sales that do not belong to the creator, for the creator, so that prices can be substantially lowered close to cost, with the right incentives. It would have to be tested.

The second flaw is that it eliminates the incentives for innovation or creative destruction, since it does not allow investment or profit for workers or innovators, since everything is based on an arbitrary time-work, instead of participation in the market allowing everyone to earn income.

This is too cumbersome and dangerous, it can lead to the same economic problems that the countries of the socialist camp had.

A Cyber-Communism can only work when automation frees people from work and everything is done by machines, then it will be possible to pay on the basis of a universal income, and there will be no need to calculate time and work, while planning can be reduced to consumer cooperatives in communities, just as I plan in Mutualism, that communities can create Consumer Cooperatives to order production based on need, paying the respective money, thus saving resources. Imitating the democratic planning of Cyber-Communism. Another way is without money, with democratic planning in kind, but that is only possible again through automation.

How would you solve this problem? I am skeptical, but I am open to debate. The Cybcom model would be interesting for an experiment, but it seems too dangerous to apply in a country without everything going to hell

I lean towards markets, not because I like them, but because they are easy, so I prefer market socialism, then we can do, I don't know, cybcom economic planning zones and see what happens
R: 117 / I: 16

Communist Myths/Propaganda/Slander Thread

>When you call your political enemies bitches and edgelords 100 years later think you wanted to kill prostitutes.
What are some other examples of communist myths/propaganda/slander that are accepted as fact by some communists nowadays?
R: 59 / I: 0  

Proles will NEVER overcome False Consciousness

The first and most important understanding all contemporary communists must have is that climate change IS our ally!

And no, NOT because of anything nonsensical like it will increase awareness of the contradictions because they won’t. The human race will not ever overcome false consciousness. The average human is a literal illiterate moron, a subhuman at its core, the proletariat doesn’t exist as a class as every living prole is drowning deep in petit bourgeois consciousness. The absolute dream of most proles is to murder and enslave the majority of their own class. Look at this comment, this is the furthest proles will ever get, they will admit capitalism makes life hellish, and then reject communism anyway, acknowledging Capital must continue its rampant drive, with a few partial tweaks

The proletariat is a pathetic, vile, barely human mass; worthy as such of Marx’s lowly appraisal of the corpulent peasant masses of France; the proletariat is not capable of anything, not even organizing its own thoughts let alone anything else, communism is fully impossible and the proletariat will end when they tear each other’s throats out to make sure Zuck and the rest can escape to their doomsday bunkers.
R: 616 / I: 199 (full)
>Hail liberty! edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us

Previous thread: >>2117556
R: 5 / I: 0

Haitian reinforcements (seriously pay the fuck attention)

The Kenyan government is currently boosting its efforts in Haiti. Currently another two hundred police officers have been deployed to the island in the midst of other anti cartel and anti bandit violence. The island has seen small but significant regains in its territorial integrity.

Future updates may see the deployment of African union soldiers to Haiti. This would situate an armed presence in the Caribbean to fight against the drug war, and it would host a militarized presence directly adjacent to US arms suppliers.
R: 60 / I: 3

Why did holocaust happen?

Nazis had obvious practical reasons for scapegoating jews, but my question is specifically why was there an effort to systemically exterminate them, along with other ethnic and sexual groups? Holocaust started well after the Nazi rule was solidified, it was done in secret, or at the very least not openly propagandized, so it wasnt just another part of shifting blame for Germany's problems in public eye, and intensified as Nazi defeat was drawing near, to the detriment of war effort (labour being liquidated, soldiers assigned to rounding up civilians, equipment and troops shipments being delayed because railroads were used to transport people to camps instead, active antagonisation of occupied population). Now the generally accepted explanations lean psychoanalytically, which from what I understand isnt a popular position here, so my question is, what is the materialist, dialectical, historical, proletarian, actually existing explanation for holocaust?
R: 87 / I: 10 (sage)
Not good. I’m autistic and trans and I might not survive the next four years. This is literal eugenics against us. Trump and his goons like RFK want us to be fully eradicated. I will literally die and no one cares.
R: 25 / I: 1

1) Trump will fully implement PROJECT 2025 and use the INSURECTION ACT to declare MARTIAL LAW on day one of his presidency and send TANKS IN THE STREETS of every major City in order to round up all Leftists (The Republican Congress will pass a law which will have the CPUSA, DSA, Green Party, PSL, etc. all be banned and declared Terrorist organizations and have all their members be arrested, with every Republican and half the Democrats voting for this), Undocumented Immigrants, Muslims, Feminists, LGBTQIA+ (The Supreme Court will strike down the Gay Marriage and Sodomy rulings, so every Red State will outlaw Gay Marriage, Homosexuality, and Transgenders, with the Congress eventually passing a federal law doing this on a mostly Party line vote), Union Workers, Homeless People, etc, and throw them in CONCENTRATION CAMPS, and Trump will force the Senate Republicans to abolish the Filibuster so they can pass a National Six-Week Abortion Ban, Ban Labor Unions, Outlaw Communism, Anarchism, Socialism, Islam, Atheism, Homosexuality, Transgenders, Gay Marriage, Ban the teaching of Evolution and the Big Bang Theory, Ban all Vaccines, Abolish Section 230 in order to ban all Social Media, Abolish Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment Insurance, and Food Stamps, and Abolish the Income Tax and replace it with a 20% Tariff on all imported goods, 😂🤣🤢🤮!

2) Trump will begin a massive Air Campaign on Iran in which U$ B-2 Stealth Bombers dropping Smart Bombs (including Bunker Busters) combined with JASSMs launched by B-52 and B-1 Bombers and Tomahawk Cruise Missiles launched by Destroyers, Cruisers, and Submarines, will destroy all Iranian Air Bases, MRBM/SRBM launchers, SAM Sites, Naval Bases, Nuclear Facilities, and Command and Control sites (including decapitation strikes on Irans entire Political/Military leadership using Bunker Busters dropped by B-2 Stealth Bombers), followed by a Full-blown U$ Ground Invasion coordinated with Kurdish, Arab, Balochi, and Azeri ethnic separatist uprisings, the last of which will include a joint Turkish/Azerbaijani invasion of Iranian Azerbaijan, will overthrow the “Islamic Republic of Iran”, with Iran Balkanized on Ethnic lines, with Iranian Azerbaijan annexed by Azerbaijan, a Independent Iranian Kurdistan (which will unite with the autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan region to create a independent “Republic of Kurdistan” ruled by the Pro-U$/Zionist/Turkish Barzani family), a Independent Arabistan (the Arab-majority Khuzestan province), a Independent Iranian Balochistan, and the remaining Persian-majority Iranian provinces will be a Pro-U$/Zionist/Turkish/Saudi puppet state ruled by the last Shahs son called the “Shahdom of Persia” in a restored Pahlavi dynasty, and as a result of these events, the Zionist State will officially Annex both the West Bank and Gaza, and order the Ethnic Cleansing/Mass Deportation of the Palestinian Arab population, with the Arab World agreeing to accept them in exchange for permanent normalization with the Zionist State under the belief that after successful Genocide of Palestine, the Zionist State will not expand any further, with this combined with the Zionist destruction of the Al-Asqa Mosque in order to rebuild the Temple of Solomon (Saudi Arabia secretly supports this as it means the only major Islamic holy sites will be in Mecca and Medina) where Trump will publicly proclaim himself the Jewish Messiah in accordance with the Hebrew Gematria that says his name equals 424, which means Messiah, son of David, 😂🤣🤢🤮!

3) Trump will force Putin and Zelensky to agree to an immediate Ceasefire in Ukraine along the current line of contact, which will be transformed into a heavily fortified DMZ that will be the new De Facto Russia-Ukraine border, with Ukrainian NATO membership placed on indefinite hiatus and Russian control of both Crimea and the Land bridge De Facto acknowledged by Ukraine, and all Sanctions placed on Russia after the Invasion lifted, with the caveat that the U$ will still send weapons to Ukraine and the new borders will not be De Jure recognized by each side (thus allowing both sides to claim victory in the War), thus transforming the Ukraine war into a Frozen Conflict similar to the situation in the Korean Peninsula, with this benefiting Trump, Zelensky, and Putin, because it allows Trump to devote all of his International attention to the Invasion of Iran, Latin American Interventions, and the inedible World War III with China, it allows Zelensky to end the War while Ukraine still controls most of its territory, and it allows Putin to end the War with De Facto recognize of the annexed territories, the lifting of most sanctions, and the end of Ukraines bid for NATO membership, with this essentially marking the De Facto start of a secret U$-Russia Non-aggression pact in which Russia agrees to withdraw all forces from the Middle East, cut ties with both Iran and the Leftist Latin American States (ie. Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, etc.), and remain Neutral when World War III breaks out between the U$ and China (this even includes cutting off Oil/Gas exports to China once the War begins, with Exxon-Mobil and Chevron buying 50% shares in Gasprom making the U$ less opposed to Russian Oil/Gas exports to Europe), in exchange for the U$ De Facto acknowledgment of a Russian sphere of influence in the Non-Baltic Former Soviet Countries, 😂🤣🤢🤮!

4) Trump will successfully threaten Panama with an Invasion if they don’t give the U$ full control of the Panama Canal, thus leaving Panama with no choice but to give the Canal back to the U$, while he will initiate a campaign of Drone strikes and special forces operations against the imaginary “Mexican Cartel” threat, which will escalate into a U$ occupation of Northern Mexico, with Mexico doing nothing to stop this due to their weak military and the fact that they are a comparator U$ puppet state, and CIA-backed Coups will overthrow all the Leftist governments of Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Bolivia, and north of the U$ border the landslide election of the Conservative Party in Canada will lead to them holding a referendum on whether to be annexed by the U$ and become its 51st State (this was done on Trumps orders, who threatened to end all Trade Relations with Canada if they refused), which sparks a massive Leftist uprising in French-majority Quebec, but Annexation wins a narrow majority anyway due to its massive support amongst Anglo-Canadians (English-speaking Canadians of European ancestry that are essentially the same as U$ Whites) and the Hindu Nationalist Indian Diaspora (these people are rabid Islamophobic Zionist Fascists who worship Trump as a reincarnation of Vishnu), with the US congress voting to make Canada U$ State and Canada ceasing to exist as an independent country by the middle of 2025, 😂🤣🤢🤮!

5) The 20% U$ Tariff on all imported goods will collapse the European Economy which combined with the massive renewed Refugee crisis causes by the U$ Invasion of Iran and the Zionist Annexation of the West Bank and Gaza, will cause Right-wing Populist/Crypto-Fascists to take power throughout Europe, with the AFD winning in Germany and the National Rally winning in France, who will proceed to implement massive Austerity in order to eliminate the Social Safety net, throw all Muslims in Concentration Camps, and begin the process of ending Social Progressivism in Europe by proposing to ban Abortion, Birth Control, and LGBTQIA+ in order to raise White European Birth Rates, thus making it more obvious then ever that the EU is essentially a weak federation of U$/Zionist Vassal States, 😂🤣🤢🤮!

6) Trump will end all Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China, thus causing the implementation of a 60% Tariff on all Chinese goods which will force all U$ companies to pull out of China (including Apple and Tesla, who will close down the Foxconn Factory and the Shanghai Factory, respectively, with both being replaced by new factories in India), which will cause a massive collapse of the Chinese economy, including a massive Stock Market Crash (over 50% collapse in asset prices within 30 days of Trump ending Trade Relations) and over 20% Unemployment rate, which will lead to mass impoverishment and civil unrest due to the fact that Dengism destroyed the Maoist Social Safety Net, thus forcing Xi Jinping to have to reverse the failed Dengist policy of being a Factory for the U$ (now that the U$ will not buy Chinese-made goods anymore, and everyone working at those Factories is now unemployed and the Chinese companies that ran them are going bankrupt) and start Nationalizing large sections of the Bankrupt Privatized Economy (including closing down the collapsed Stock Exchange and reopening the State Planning Agency) and rebuild the Maoist Social Safety Net (implement Free Housing, Healthcare, and Education, a Job Guarantee and UBI) in order to prevent mass impoverishment and civil unrest from collapsing the country, with this also meaning that by the end of 2025, China will launch an Invasion of Taiwan to complete the Reunification of China and end the Chinese Civil War with a Communist victory, now that they have been cut out of the Global Capitalist Economy by the U$ ending Permanent Normal Trade Relations and forced to transition back to Socialism, with the U$ using the Chinese Invasion of Taiwan as a Casus Belli to fight World War III against China, with Trump ordering a massive Air and Naval Campaign against China with B-2 Stealth Bombers, JASSMs launched by B-52 and B-1 Bombers, and Tomahawk Cruise Missiles launched by Ships and Submarines used in an attempt to destroy Chinese Air Bases, Naval Bases, SRBM/MRBM/IRBM/GLCM launchers, and SAM sites, while LRASMs launched by B-1 Bombers and Tomahawk Cruise Missiles launched by Ships and Submarines are used in an attempt to sink Chinese Destroyers, Cruisers, Aircraft Carriers, and Amphibious Assault Ships, however though this inflicts serious losses on the PLA (they lose Dozens of Ships and Hundreds of Combat Aircraft in the first Few days of combat), it is nowhere near as effective as the U$ Air Campaign against Iran, as China is able to hit back against the U$ with DF-21/26 MRBMs/IRBMs and CJ-10 Cruise Missiles launched by H-6 Bombers, Type 052D Destroyers and Type 055 Cruisers, Type 93 Submarines, and TELs, that severely damage most U$ Air Bases and Naval Bases in Japan and South Korea (which faces a simultaneous North Korean invasion), destroying Dozens of U$ fighter jets on the ground and destroying multiple U$ Warships in port, along with sinking several U$ Destroyers and Cruisers with Anti-Ship Missiles launched by Type 052D Destroyers, Type 055 Cruisers, and H-6 Bombers, and even the sinking of a U$ Aircraft Carrier by a DF-21D Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile, which causes Trump to overreact and launch a Nuclear First Strike on China using Minuteman III ICBMs, Trident II SLBMs, B61 Nuclear Bunker Busters dropped by B-2 Stealth Bombers, and Nuclear-tipped AGM-86 ALCMs launched by B-52 Bombers to destroy all Chinese ICBM Silos and Launchers, Ballistic Missile Submarine Bases, and Bomber Bases, combined with the bunkers housing the Chinese Politburo under Beijing, however despite the U$ Nuclear First Strike accomplishing most of its objectives (including wiping out the entire Chinese Politburo and destroying almost all of their Nuclear Triad), a couple dozen MIRVed DF-41 ICBMs manage to launch on warning (before U$ ICBMs/SLBMs destroyed their Silos/Launchers) with around a dozen Nuclear Warheads penetrating the U$ ABM system, destroying Los Angeles, New York City, and Washington DC, killing 10 million U$ citizens (several DF-41s were also launched at Russia, India, the Zionist State, Britain, and France, with several warheads penetrating their ABM systems and destroying Moscow, New Delhi, London, Paris, and Tel Aviv, wiping out the leadership of these countries, including Putin, Netanyahu, and Modi, and killing another 20 million people), including most of the U$ chain of command (Trump ironically survived because he was at Mar-a-lago instead of DC and thus proceeds to secretly flee on his yacht amidst the chaos to some Caribbean island where he lives the rest of his life in exile, with his supporters believing that he will come back one day to “Make America Great Again”, with this eventually merging with Domininionst Evangelical Protestant Christian Zionism to create a new Religion called Trumpism, which is Qanon on steroids), with the U$ essentially collapsing into a Civil War as various Military Commanders and Governors attempt to become Warlords and fight each other over ruins of the former U$ Empire (World War III killed around 100 million people, and left the entire Northern Hemisphere in chaos), with this allowing for Maoist PPWs to be waged to liberate New Afrika, Aztlan, and the First Nations, which once successful will combine with the Maoist PPWs throughout the Periphery/Semi-Periphery and former Imperial Core to create a World Maoist PPW to Place the Workers and Oppressed Nations of the World on the Shining Path to Communism, ✊😜🇨🇳🇰🇵🇨🇺🇵🇸🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🚀☢️!
R: 632 / I: 185 (full)


>Innauguration Eve edition,

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us
R: 5 / I: 1

News 1/20/25

Panamanian movements vow to resist Trump’s threats to their sovereignty
Panamanian movements have expressed their readiness to resist US President Donald Trump’s threats to Panama’s sovereignty. On January 20, as part of a mobilization of trade unions and social movements in Panama City in defense of the public pension system, they will also denounce the expansionist threats of Trump.

Colombia’s second outbreak of guerrilla violence brings death toll to 100
According to Ombudsman’s Office, among the dead are multiple demobilized former FARC guerrillas and at least one farmers’ representative from Catatumbo. In a statement, the ELN’s Northeastern Bloc said that the people killed by their guerrillas were members or associates of the 33rd Front of FARC dissident group EMCB.

Pope dissolves Peru-based Catholic movement after Vatican investigation
Pope Francis has taken the remarkable step of dissolving a Peruvian-based Catholic movement, the Sodalitium of Christian Life (SCV), after years of attempts at reform and a Vatican investigation. The investigation uncovered sexual abuses by its founder, financial mismanagement by its leaders and spiritual abuses by its top members.

Hundreds protest new mining laws in El Salvador
Protesters in San Salvador, who staged a sit-in on the steps of the National Library, also warned that the mining would endanger the water sources that supply more than 50 per cent of Salvadorans, such as the River Lempa, the largest in the country.

Israel's Netanyahu fragile government on edge over Ben-Gvir's Gaza exit
Jewish Power, led by Ben-Gvir, was one of a number of parties that made up Netanyahu's coalition, the most far-right in Israel's history. Another party in government is the Religious Zionist Party led by far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who also voted against the ceasefire, although he has not yet resigned.

Yemen’s Houthis to only target Israel-linked ships following Gaza ceasefire
The Sanaa-based Humanitarian Operations Coordination Centre (HOCC), which liaises between Houthi forces and commercial shipping operators, said on Sunday that it was stopping “sanctions” against vessels owned by United States and British entities, as well as ships sailing under the two countries’ flags.

Commander Mazloum Abdi: We need a roadmap with the Damascus government
"In response to those who accuse us of dividing and fragmenting Syria, we state once again that we will act according to our principles. We are in favor of granting rights and roles to all Syrians on the basis of equality without any discrimination. We are also in favour of the territorial integrity of Syria and the unity of all its components. We support the Damascus government and welcome the spread of the Syrian state administration, of which we will be a part, throughout the country."

Palestine Solidarity Campaign director Ben Jamal charged after London protest
Ben Jamal, director of the UK-based Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), has been charged with public order offences after a major pro-Palestine rally in London on Saturday that saw 77 people arrested.

Coalition negotiations in Austria: Right-wing government to implement drastic austerity measures
Immediately after the start of negotiations, both parties began to put together an extensive austerity budget. Containing drastic cuts, the budget deficit is to be reduced to below 3 percent, as required by the EU. Currently, depending on the estimate, it is up to 3.7 percent. The dispute over how and over what period the savings will be implemented had led to the failure of the coalition negotiations between the ÖVP, SPÖ and Neos.

Yale HRL report: ‘Chinese UAVs identified at RSF-controlled South Darfur airport’
These findings coincide with ongoing discussions in Washington about arms transfers to Sudan and whether the UAE, an alleged RSF sponsor, is continuing their supply of weaponry to the group. Radio Dabanga reported on Monday, the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) alleged that the RSF carried out drone strikes in on the hydroelectric Merowe Dam in Sudan’s Northern State.

Tiger hunt: Police launch manhunt for alleged kingpin of illegal mining at Stilfontein
The alleged kingpin resurfaced from shaft 11 in Stilfontein last week during a rescue mission to get the miners out. The government-funded rescue mission, led by the Mine Rescue Services (MRS), ended on Thursday after community volunteers confirmed no further signs of miners in the disused mine.

Myanmar junta and major ethnic rebel group sign formal ceasefire, China says
It is the second such pact in little over a year, a previous one in January last year not having been honoured by either side. The new ceasefire was brokered by China in mid-January, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said yesterday at a daily briefing in Beijing.
R: 47 / I: 12

Time to admit 100% of "terrorist" attacks are false-flags

The Las Vegas and New Orleans crimes are obvious false flags. The New Orleans driver had the ISIS flag upside down(any Muslim would immediately know it was upside down because the words on it are upside down) and the feds gave some ultra-zionist female media personality (worked for AIPAC) wearing yoga pants a tour of his house(an alleged crime scene under active investigation) https://xcancel.com/Villgecrazylady/status/1875006647250129288#m here is video of her(?) tour of the active crime scene. If you watch the video it is obviously a setup.

The Las Vegas truck bomb. The manifesto is just plain bullshit and noise, it alleges that Chinese weather balloon incident was an intentional spy balloon message. The alleged bomber was
>“very patriotic, “loved Trump,” and was a “supersoldier” who could have “fashioned a bomb that would have half obliterated that hotel.”

https://www.newsweek.com/matthew-livelsberger-could-have-obliterated-hotel-if-he-wanted-uncle-says-2009050 It makes no sense that someone who was a Trump Supporter would kill himself in front of the Trump hotel days before his candidate becomes president. The source for the alleged “manifesto” is a guy who is an obvious glowie, shilling zio-glowie talking points(Iranians sending missiles into the US through Mexico https://xcancel.com/ShawnRyan762/status/1875366325154963712). Some good questions about the letter

>Why was it forwarded?

>Who else received it?
>Who was the recipient of this one?
>Why did he say he was heading for the border but stopped at a Trump building whilst pro >Trump and ended his trip there?
>Why is he calling a teenager style explosive as an IED when he has the skill level to create something huge?
>Why risk lives if your phone states you’re ended it all because of the lives you’ve taken?
>How was his phone accessed?
>Why put an IED in a bullet proof vehicle?
>How does an IED go off once you’re unalived?
>Why would FBI know he has this info and an IED and track him without arrest?

also the explosive went off 15-20 seconds after the truck parked itself(and the driver was presumably alive) https://www.newsnationnow.com/crime/what-we-know-about-the-cybertruck-explosion-at-las-vegas-trump-hotel

>Police tracked the truck through cameras at Tesla charging stations and found that it arrived in Las Vegas around 7:30 a.m. The truck then drove up and down Las Vegas Boulevard for about an hour before pulling into the Trump Hotel entrance. The truck sat in front of the hotel for about 15 to 20 seconds before it exploded, Sheriff Kevin McMahill said
R: 13 / I: 3
>Today, the situation of the workers’ movement appears a thousand times worse than after the vertiginous collapse of the Second International at the outbreak of the first World War.

Just wait!
R: 9 / I: 0

Let’s just value the importance of studying capitalism and class

Without analyzing what the hell is wrong with this economic system, most people would be and are completely oblivious to capitalism’s effects.

I’ll admit, I only learned about shopping addiction now after so many years have gone by. Imagine how much more damaged I overlooked. Imagine how bad it is for those who never got the chance to read as well as I do…
R: 64 / I: 19

International Volunteering

A thread to discuss methods and means to assist with with Volunteer work

>PUK Calls on Socialist International to Support Kurds in Fighting Terrorism & Extremism

>PUK urged Socialist International (SI) parties to assist the Kurds in combating terrorism and extremism during the Council of SI Meeting, which culminated with the adoption of the Rabat Declaration.

>The Council of SI Meeting took place in Rabat, the capital of Morocco, on December 22 and 23, 2024, with members from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) in attendance. The meeting was also attended by SI President Pedro Sánchez, and 196 parties from 116 world countries.

>Fryal Abdullah, a member of the PUK Leadership Council and a party representative at the meeting, informed PUKMEDIA: "The declaration underscored the necessity of respecting state sovereignty and territorial integrity, the significance of international collaboration to address economic and climate challenges, and the emphasis on equality, social justice, and adherence to the Paris Climate Agreement."

>She emphasised that as the PUK, they underscored the significance of safeguarding democracy and human rights, upholding the rule of law, conducting transparent elections, and denouncing the manipulation of their outcomes.

>Concerning women's rights, she said: "We emphasised the necessity of promoting gender equality and empowering women to attain decision-making roles, while highlighting the importance of opposing factions that resist women's rights and incorporating women into peace processes to guarantee the comprehensiveness and efficacy of agreements that promote global peace."

>She asserted that "the PUK's address at the meeting effectively alerted attendees to the ongoing threats posed by terrorist organisations in Iraqi Kurdistan and the surrounding region, emphasising the necessity of continued support for combating extremism and terrorism, which have emerged as significant threats to regional security and stability."

>She further emphasised that the PUK members also mentioned "the Kurds in Syria, particularly in Rojava, oversee the largest prison for terrorists, and it is vital that this facility receives enhanced support to mitigate its potential dangers to neighbouring countries."

>Abdullah noted that "the PUK's proposals, which emphasise the adherence to democratic values, the respect for state sovereignty, and the enhancement of regional integration as a strategy to address the political and economic crises affecting the participating nations, as well as to confront the escalating violations of fundamental freedoms and to address armed conflicts, were acknowledged by the socialist parties attending the meeting."
R: 121 / I: 27
how did Maoists in the west react to the Nixon and Mao visits and later trade agreements
R: 62 / I: 16


So, how do I get into anarchism, what the essential reading for a newbie on anarchism? What the main flaws of anarchism? I don't know much about it, but I do sympathize with the idea of no state or some form or "higher" power over people.
R: 99 / I: 22
The thing that makes Japanese nation unique is that they were the only ones in our material reality to develop into a capitalist society independently* from Europe?

*Of course, Meiji restoration was prompted by USAmericans and actively used European capital and talent, but it's still a far cry even when comparing with a Chinese situation (where capitalism had come in the form of "century of humiliation" and Quings literally betraying their own people to the whites), let alone the rest of the world (where it was spread with a full-blown colonial conquest)
R: 21 / I: 12

I think that poor people should live underground

Before I discuss my proposal, I want to talk about cities in general.

People tend to think of cities as being flat. There’s the ground, and everything that people use is built on top. That’s not true. Cities are becoming increasingly subterranean. Whether for military reason or just to compensate for land shortages, for park area, or what other reason, cities are providing a greater amount of subterranean space. A city is both what people see on the surface and what people see underground.

I think that leaving the poor underground is actually one of the nicest and most practical things we can do for them. Poor people are protected against the weather, wild animals, and other people when underground. If this wasn’t true, homeless people wouldn’t be seen frequently in basements and sewage systems. Dedicating formal space underground both prevents the poor from facing harassment from others and prevents the poor from harassing others. Coincidentally, city leaders would face less flak over the presence of poverty on the surface. It’s not even an impractical approach either.

Building downwards is objectively less environmentally damaging than building outwards. Coincidentally, building down is easier (in most cases) than building up.

What do you guys think?
R: 196 / I: 53


canada thread continuing from >>1878602

gonna try and make a cool OP for this involving a few party sites and news outlets (note it's not complete if theres other shit that should be added in the next thread post it)


R: 12 / I: 5

The Prevention of Trump's second term.

Tell Congress, House of Representatives and/or the Supreme Court to completely reverse the results for the 2024 Elections. Tell them all about both Project 2025 and Agenda 47. Realizing the Authoritarianism and Unconstitutionalness of Trump's Second Term, they will definitely (Or at least Probably) reverse the recent elections results (Or at least partially reverse elections results) and Harris will be US President. I know Harris is a Zionist Liberal, but she is a far better option than Trump.
R: 94 / I: 17

socialism with american characteristics

one of the biggest problems faced by the western left is trying to simply copy the forms and methods of building socialism that have been used in other countries, without recognizing that the material conditions present in america are radically different.

to wit, the two revolutions usually cited as examples, the Russian revolution and Chinese revolution, were carried out in backwards, underdeveloped semi-feudal countries. in the case of china, the country was invaded and occupied by foreign powers, and so the struggle could take on the form of a war of resistance.

america is a rich country with the most highly developed economy the world has yet seen. there are no peasant masses here to wage a people's war like was seen in china.

in fact, i would argue that the class interests of the average american are actually hostile to socialism, and this contradiction cannot be mended in a settler-colony.

this is why, i believe, america must be destroyed. i don't mean the american people, but rather the american government. the primary goal of a communist party in america should be to weaken the government by any and all means necessary. we should at every point attack it both physically and philosophically. we should support anything that harms the US government and helps break it's legitimacy.

even gandhi recognized that there has never been a revolution in a country that maintained control of it's army, and this is still the case. in russia and china the state collapsed from some great external calamity. in vietnam the colonial forces were forced to withdraw by an external invasion.

we need to come up with our own form of marxism which matches the material conditions of the United States, rather than trying to simply copy peasant socialism in a country that has no peasantry.

also the ACP can lick my dick and balls they are strasserites at best.
R: 602 / I: 160 (full)


<Fuck NAFTA edition
>Bosses broke south for new flesh and a factory floor
>The remains left chained to the powder war

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us

Previous thread: >>2110894
R: 92 / I: 16

Why are so many contemporary Marxists fucking Luddites?

Seriously, almost every Marxist I encounter is anti-AI/AGI, anti-automation, anti-robotics, anti-Internet, refuse to put agitprop on social media unless they’re tailing liberals or fascists, seemingly go out of their way to ignore technological developments, openly moralize over technologies rather than wanting to seize them, and generally clear the ground as much as possible for capitalists and reactionaries to retain full control over emergent technologies.

Why do Marxists typically take the worst fucking strategy to advance our position they could possibly take in almost every situation?
R: 5 / I: 0

News 1/18/25

Italy: Alfredo Cospito and 11 Other Anarchists Acquitted
There is no place to proceed for Alfredo Cospito and 11 other anarchists. This is what the judge of Perugia, Angela Avila, decided today, January 15, in the afternoon, at the end of the discussion during the preliminary hearing.

Over 70 arrested at London pro-Palestinian rally on eve of Gaza truce
The 70 arrests at the demonstration were the largest number since the rallies began in London in October 2023, according to the Metropolitan police. The demonstration was set to be a static rally in Whitehall, site of the main British government offices, after police rejected the route initially proposed by organisers – which the Met police said would have been in the vicinity of a synagogue.

Two Iranian supreme court judges shot dead
Ali Razini and Mohammad Moghiseh were killed after a gunman entered the court, in the capital Tehran, on Saturday morning. The attacker killed himself while fleeing the scene, according to the judiciary's news website, Mizan. A bodyguard was also injured in the attack. The motive for the attack is unclear, but both judges are said to have played a role in the crackdown on opponents of the Islamic government since the 1980s.

Palestinian Authority, Jenin fighters reach deal after weeks of deadly clashes
Salah, head of the committee, told Anadolu that there would be no handover of weapons or members of armed groups, but the agreement stipulates an end to armed demonstrations and gives PA forces permission to enter the camp.

Gaza ceasefire deal: Palestinian leader Khalida Jarrar expected to be released
The Palestinian political leader and human rights and feminist advocate has been held in administrative detention since December 2023. She has reportedly spent the past six months in solitary confinement in a 2-by-1.5m cell. As the hour of the agreed releases approached, Palestinian and Israeli media reported that Jarrar would be among up to 1,900 Palestinian prisoners expected to be freed on Sunday.

Yoon supporters storm Seoul court after his detainment period is extended
AFP reporters saw hundreds of police entering the building, and one officer from Seoul’s Mapo district separately told AFP it was an “unfolding” situation. Footage showed protesters blasting fire extinguishers at officers guarding the front entrance before they swarmed inside, destroying furniture and computers.

Police volunteer found guilty in India doctor rape and murder case
The Civil and Criminal Court in Sealdah found 33-year-old Sanjay Roy guilty of the rape and murder of the female trainee, whose bloodied body was found in a classroom at the state-run R G Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata last August, with the case exposing the country’s struggle with sexual violence against women.

Crypto, lies and torture: Inside the scam compounds of Southeast Asia
The offices are run by crime syndicates with roots in China and with links to power elites in several Asian countries. According to calculations made at the University of Texas, these scams had a turnover of $72 billion between 2020 and 2024. Some of the workers in the scam compounds are there of their own free will. But, according to a number of sources, a large proportion are trafficking victims forced to carry out the scams. According to a report from the UN agency OHCHR, there may be 100,000 such victims in Cambodia alone.

Shutdown at Mexico toxic waste plant after Guardian investigation revealed pollution in nearby homes
Authorities ordered the shutdown of a Mexican recycling plant that processes hazardous waste exported from the US, after an investigation by the Guardian and Quinto Elemento Lab that revealed heavy metals contamination in nearby homes and schools.

Migrants set fire to camp during midnight police raid in north Mexico
Migrants trying to avoid arrest set fire to blankets and mattresses at a camp in the northern Mexican city of Chihuahua during a raid by government forces to clear the site in the early hours of Saturday. The enforcement action near the U.S. border come just ahead of the inauguration on Monday of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, who has accused Mexico's government of not doing enough to curb migration to the U.S. and threatened sweeping tariffs.
R: 611 / I: 202 (full)


<It Never Rains In Southern California(But Man It Burns) edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us

Previous thread: >>2105852
R: 19 / I: 2
In reactionary systems, life is struggle, therefore, people must feel a constant state of insecurity, when a country starts its demographic transition, due to rural to urban exodus, there is a sudden fertility boom, as there is a sense of security but also of fear, which estimulates ovulation due to increased oxytocin levels.
Thus, females developed a mechanism where they produce kids if they need some guidance or defender within a family structure, or within a enviroment which is not familiar to you.
Eventually, due to increased comfort, the necessity to have kids becomes less prominent.
Nationalism and religion is born from a sense of integral identity, its irrational, its reactionary because it takes the least utilitarian elements and simplifies them to mere orders, among those, to instigate fear and dependence, its sloganery, to give rational explainations to the phenomenom of life, which is painful, is impossible, life is not utilitarian, it is egoistic and only replicates that which survives, regardless of the means it needs, even if its painful, or terrifying, or perverted.
R: 24 / I: 3

Bad eating habits contribute most to obesity

You know how in old British fiction, the poor were described as eating in an ‘uncivilized manner?’ Well most people still eat like that today.
I think a bigger factor in North American obesity isn’t just the quantity of food people eat but how people eat. North Americans don’t really prepare food. They rarely wash their hands, they rarely eat with utensils, and they most certainly don’t wash their dishes afterwards.
There is little patience for food in North American society. People eat as if they’re heading off to a war. Understandably, this creates a culture of impulsivity with how people approach food. Foresight into things like nutrition, safety, and preference are disregarded for any immediate pleasure or comfort food can offer. I think that this mentality causes a lot of people to end up eating much more than they would if they were more patient about how they eat.

For reference, just look at Japan, some middle eastern, and some African countries. People there can be bothered to prepare food for themselves first before consuming in excess.

The average American barely knows how to use a knife.
R: 27 / I: 7

First time protesting

First time going to a protest on January 20th. It’s a PSL organized thing but I’m hoping some other lefty groups show up so I can find one that aligns more with my specific beliefs. I’ve struggled to find anything besides the local DSA and PSL branches around me. But hey, if not, I can tolerate them long enough to protest against the incoming fascist state and possibly more in the future alongside them.

Any advice/thoughts?
R: 611 / I: 116 (full)

/ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine War General #202: New Game + Edition

Remember: Maybe don't wait for Trump.

Previous thread: >>2104205


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



Live maps and updates
DeepStateMap: https://deepstatemap.live
Events in Ukraine: https://eventsinukraine.substack.com/
SouthFront: https://southfront.press/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/

Watch Together
📺 News/events: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash
📺 Hangout/chill: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/bloodcast

Watch By Yourself
>Video Essays / Historical Background
📺 • Ukraine: The Avoidable War - Boy Boy

📺 • Ukraine's Nazi Problem - The Marxist Project

📺 • America, Russia, and Ukraine's Far Right - Gravel Institute

📺 • Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 • The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

<Current Happenings

📺 • The Grayzone: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrayzone7996
📺 • DDGeopolitics: https://www.youtube.com/@DDGeopolitics
📺 • Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
📺 • The Duran: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeMVChrumySxV9N1w0Au-w
📺 • The News Atlas: https://www.youtube.com/c/thenewatlas
📺 • Military Summary: https://www.youtube.com/@militarysummary


Social media



Thread guidelines:
• Please remember to add a spoiler to NSFW and extreme content such as graphic violence and gore.
• Try your best to not derail discussion too much from the main events and relevant places where the war is taken place, as well as other happenings, groups and public figures related to it.
• Meta discussion of the historical, philosophical and ideological background of the war is fine as long as its done in good faith and comradely.
• In the event the meta discussion overstays its welcome, participating users will be referred to take the conversation to the INTERNATIONALISM general thread: >>2080603
• Quality shitposting and original content is encouraged! Spamming glowie memes is low effort.
• this is /isg/ for people who treat geopolitics like shitty map games.
R: 327 / I: 30

The Mao Question

>I talked with Mao and then suggested to Stalin that he receive him. He was a clever man, a peasant leader, a kind of Chinese Pugachev. He was far from a Marxist, of course–he confessed to me that he had never read Marx’s Das Kapital. When I was in Mongolia talking with the Chinese ambassador–he was nice to me–I said, “You want to create a metals industry quickly, but the measures you have planned–backyard blast furnaces–are improbable and won’t work.” I criticized the Chinese, and our people reproved me later. But it was such obvious stupidity!…Backyard blast furnaces to produce worthless metals–nonsense.”

<Felix Chuev, “Molotov Remembers: Inside Kremlin Politics” p. 81.

How do we deal with the fact that Mao, one of the theoretical figureheads of the movement to many Marxists, never read Marx in his life?

I always wondered why Mao was making up citations when quoting theory. Now I know it is because he never bothered to read it. Now in retrospect I can see why he was so adamant about "opposing book worship" which is antithetical to what Marx & Lenin taught and his "On Contradictions" fails to grasp what Marxist dialectics are.

So if a renowned revolutionary and theoretician like Mao could just get away with making shit up, doesn't that reflect bad on the movement in general? How are we to deal with revisionism today if we've accepted that of the past?
R: 8 / I: 1

Overbuilt effect

If you increase the supply of residential and commercial space in any given settlement, people tend to become invisible, but buildings remain in clear sight everywhere. Countries like Russia, Ukraine, Canada, many African countries, and the midwestern part of the USA all have so many of these spaces. Meanwhile, countries in like japan, India, china, every European country ever, and much of South America you see people everywhere and outside.

It’s not just that most of the former countries are cold, but that they’re overbuilt. Canadians in particular almost never go outside. You can drive for dozens of minutes here and not see a single person even in some of our more populated settlements. It’s fucking creepy.

Why the hell is there no discussion on this effect?
R: 232 / I: 22

Infantilism and anti-intellectualism

Why has Western culture (Anglo culture in particular) so heavily embraced infantilism and anti-intellectualism (both left and right)?

The right-wing is infantile because it has no solutions. Climate change is a tough issue to face. Capitalism reaching the point where it can no longer expand without falling into imminent crisis is a tough issue to face. The fact the straight white Christian male is no longer society's "default" is a tough issue to face. Because the right can't solve anything, it resorts to fomenting outrage – "transgender surgeries on illegal aliens", "Haitian immigrants are eating the dogs", "abortion up to the moment of birth", "trans people are brainwashing little kids into being trans", etc. Just look no further than Trump, whose entire political appeal is how much of an adult child he is. Or Ben Shapiro, who in spite of his "facts over feelings" mantra always sounds like he's on the verge of a temper-tantrum. Nearly all right-wing talking heads appeal to outrage and anti-intellectualism, being stupid and overly-emotional.

The left embraces infantilism because it's afraid of its own power. The left has the solutions, but is too chickenshit to implement them, because it assumes that once it takes power it now becomes just as evil as the people it's fighting against. "As soon as we have power and can do something we run the risk of doing the wrong thing, so in order to preserve our innocence we should just do nothing." In fact, I'd go so far as to say this obsession with preserving one's innocence has become the entire MO of the left for the past 10 or 11 years, which in effect breeds infantile thinking – "how can we do evil if we are nothing more than children?" Identity politics has become entirely about wanting permission to be a child whereby idpolers leverage their identities as means of not having to be proactive and take charge of their lives. They want to remain mentally and emotionally 10 years old forever.

But all of this has become incredibly toxic in-practice and infantilism has lead to many toxic things: narcissism, solipsism, the inability to understand the world beyond your initial emotions. No one can handle the confusion of the modern world so they resort to being child-like as a shield. A child is never expected to fix the world or take responsibility or pick up their own poop. What infantile people want is to be allowed to play without needing to deal with the world around them.

When did this start? I would say around the time of neoliberalism, sometime in the late 1970s, but I'd say that it really kicked into gear post-Occupy in the early 2010s when social media allowed any dipshit with a computer to express their stupidity.
R: 64 / I: 7

Maduro is based?

Are you ready for the Venezuela red guards and the little book containing Hugo Chavez though? Maduro is about to kick out all the capitalist roaders and establish a true socialist republic. TRUST THE PLAN!
R: 2 / I: 0

News 1/17/25

Bolivian judge orders the arrest of former President Morales in sex abuse case
Morales, who enjoys strong support from many Indigenous and rural populations in Bolivia, continued to be backed by leaders like Isidro Vaca, who said the former president was in hiding because he believes he would not receive justice under the current government.

“More than 30 killed in ELN offensive in northeast Colombia”
According to Ombudsman Iris Marin, the people were killed in what appears to be an attempt by the ELN to assume full control over Catatumbo. Among those who were killed were five demobilized former FARC guerrillas and an unknown number of community leaders, said Marin on social media platform X.

Power cuts hit Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area and other parts of Argentina
Several areas in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) and Rosario in the province of Santa Fe have been suffering prolonged power cuts which enraged residents who, in addition, were deprived of state subsidies on their electricity bills and are therefore paying full fare in exchange for… literally nothing.

Hamas and Palestinian Resistance Forces Declare Ceasefire With Zionist Regime
Zionist forces are required to fully withdraw from all areas of the Gaza Strip and return to the pre-war borders. The Rafah crossing must be reopened, with Zionist forces withdrawing entirely from the area The entity is mandated to ease the travel of injured individuals for treatment abroad. The entity must permit the daily entry of 600 aid trucks, as per a humanitarian protocol backed by Qatar. The entity must facilitate the entry of 200,000 tents and 60,000 caravans for immediate shelter. A large-scale prisoner exchange will occur, including the release of 1,000 prisoners from Gaza and hundreds of detainees serving lengthy sentences. …

Gaza ceasefire deal: Hamas, Egypt and Qatar pushing for Marwan Barghouti's release
Hamas leaders told a second source that Barghouti's release was "the primary goal" for the group in the deal and that they believed they had the leverage to pressure the Israelis to do so, but that it would not be decided until the second phase of negotiations when the release of Israeli soldiers is also on the table.

ICC prosecutor says Israel has made ‘no real effort’ to investigate war crime allegations
ISRAEL has made “no real effort” to investigate war crimes allegations brought by the International Criminal Court (ICC), the top court’s prosecutor Karim Khan said yesterday. Speaking to Reuters, Mr Khan said he stood by his decision to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former defence chief Yoav Gallant and Hamas leader Ibrahim al-Masri.

Minister’s intervention in shutdown of SA steel mills supported – SACP
The South African Communist Party (SACP) called for and unequivocally supports the intervention by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Parks Tau, aimed at halting ArcelorMittal South Africa’s (AMSA) plan to mothball its domestic steel mills, shut down production and retrench workers.

French LFI party calls for more pressure on Israel, backs BDS following Gaza truce deal
While urging the prioritisation of immediate aid entry into the Gaza Strip, LFI criticised the timing of the ceasefire which came after 15 months of Gaza being heavily bombarded, calling it "a moral failure of the complicit governments".

Pakistan jails ex-PM Imran Khan for 14 years over land corruption case
A Pakistani court sentenced former prime minister Imran Khan to 14 years imprisonment on Friday in a land corruption case, a setback to nascent talks between his party and the government aimed at cooling political instability in the South Asian nation. The verdict in the case was delivered by an anti-corruption court in a prison in the garrison city of Rawalpindi, where Khan has been jailed since August 2023.

2 Cambodian experts were killed as they attempted to remove an anti-tank mine from a rice field
The Cambodian Mines Action Center, the agency that oversees demining operations, said the two men had been working to clear mines from a farmer’s rice field in northwestern Oddar Meanchey province, which was an area of heavy fighting between the government and insurgent Khmer Rouge forces in the 1980s.
R: 51 / I: 6

Status of Maoist insurgencies?

What is the current state of maoist insurgencies and people's wars throughout the world? Turkey, India, Philippines, Peru, Nepal, also those who took part in Rojava, etc. I haven't followed them for a while. And what do you guys think about them?
R: 111 / I: 18

Communist Interpretation of the The 'baby M' case

Communist view The 'baby M' case is one of the most interesting historical instances for me. feel it should be discussed more
For those unaware, the Baby M case was a legal battle in the 1980s over the custody of a child born through surrogacy. Mary Whitehead, a housewife married to a garbageman, agreed to serve as a surrogate for William and Elizabeth Stern, two wealthy Jewish working professionals, and was inseminated with William's sperm. However, after giving birth to the child, named Baby M in court documents, Mary Beth changed her mind and decided she wanted to keep the baby. A legal battle ensued, which ultimately ended in William stern's favor. What's interesting to me, however, is despite their resources, most of the public and people from across the political spectrum were supporting Mary Beth Whitehead. Feminists and right-wingers marched together, saying it's immoral to sell a woman's body for a childless couple
R: 44 / I: 12


I made a thread a while ago discussing how technological advancement is both slowing down, and that the use of pre-civilizational or ancient technology is being used way more often than before. I still stand by my beliefs. In fact, I think the future will see a specific trend emerge. This trend is primitivization.

Primitivization is a real world. However, it isn’t used often. Basically, logistical, resource, and manufacturing restraints are putting limits on how complex most technologies discovered and used today can be distributed. Consumer goods of the future will involve less electrical components, less mechanical movements, and less rare resources.

Expect to see escalators and elevators replaced with staircases. Expect to see skyscrapers and automatic doors replaced with flats and doorways. I don’t even have to say anything about how basic and primitive most architecture internationally has gotten. Expect to find that most of the electrical utilities you use today to be replaced with ancient designs. Hell, you can even expect to see steel and concrete to be replaced with stone, cement, and adobe.

These designs include wind catchers, aqueducts, and more.

You get the idea. The focus of manufacturing today is on consuming less. Using primitive designs saves manufacturers much more money. Primitive designs also tend to just work better than the overpriced overengineered garbage being mass designed these days.

By the way, primitivization also ties into military tech too. Artillery-based weaponry is coming back, and with it, so is siegecraft given how the Sudan and Ukraine wars are going.
R: 1 / I: 1

American cultural imperialism is declining

>”Have you seen that new Tiktok-“
Tik Tok? That’s dusty and last year, I’m on Red Book now.

The concentration of American capital in the tech sector has caused it to shut out the last non Zionist-shill imperialist apologia and outright reactionary content in an attempt to further solidify its control over the marketplace

This is a good thing. The less Americans with access to the internet the better.

I don’t buy into the whole socialism by 2049 thing but China really might win by just doing nothing.
R: 2 / I: 0

Commodity fetishism and irrational optimism

When I was at the store the other day, I noticed that a can of coconut cream advertised itself as using "no monkey labor". I was unaware that monkey labor was used in coconut farms. Looking it up, it turns out that coconut companies in Southern Thailand have been kidnapping wild pig-tailed macaques, an endangered species of monkey native to the region, chaining them up, removing their canine teeth to prevent them from biting their handlers, and making them harvest coconuts. Macaques are smaller and more nimble than humans, and are better at climbing trees, so they're more efficient than human workers, and since they're slaves and not proletarians, they don't have to be paid because they're not allowed to leave. This makes them highly profitable, and they're almost universally used in the parts of Thailand where they can be found. When not being made to pick coconuts, coconut monkeys spend their lives chained to trees, pacing repeatedly, which is typical behavior of captive animals.

This is all pretty par for the course as far as international capitalism goes. It's pretty similar to the various atrocities you can see in the palm oil, banana, chocolate, and meat industries. It only inspired me to make this post because, on google, I came across a reddit post from someone who noticed the same sticker on the same brand of coconut milk as I did.

The thread is filled with people defending the use of monkey slave labor. Seriously. The top comment is an article from NPR which takes a "neutral" stance on the issue, quoting Arjen Schroevers, a Dutch man who moved to Thailand in his 40's to marry the owner of a "monkey school". In his open letter to PETA, he defends the use of monkey labor in broken English on the grounds that the monkeys are not beaten (though there is quite a bit of footage of them being strangled and whipped), and that Thai coconut farmers have used macaques to pick coconuts for decades. He reaffirms that the monkeys are kept chained to prevent them escaping, and that they are transported in cages.

This is good enough for the redditors, who scoff at "extreme animal rights activists" and say "not all animal labor is cruel", with another saying "i follow an Instagram account for the hero rats, mine sniffing rats, and i love watching how loved they are. they get big feasts regularly and it’s adorable ❤️". I seriously hope I don't need to point out the irony in this statement.

I reiterate that abuses of animals, humans, and the environment are ubiquitous in the global supply chain, and that if you dig into basically any consumer product, especially food products, you will find obscene exploitation and cruelty in the pursuit of profit. But the irrational optimism that commodity fetishism instills in people is both remarkable and consistent. It's hard to get people to understand that capitalist commodity production operates on laws completely orthogonal to human moral sentiments, and that profit-maximization will not align with what is "good" or "righteous" or even "acceptable" unless it is forced into it. When something is treated as productive capital, it is molded violently into the shape of a machine, creating outputs from inputs. What capitalism wants is for every living thing to be stripped of everything nonproductive. It turns humans into mere appendages of the gigantic monster machine, and apparently it turns monkeys into instruments of production. But when people see finished products at the grocery store they don't see the history of the thing. They don't see the 10 year old in Ghana who broke her leg harvesting palm oil. They don't see the illegal migrant workers throwing baby chicks into a macerator. They don't see indigenous leaders in the Amazon getting assassinated by criminal gangs hired by cattle companies. And worse still, they don't understand why these things are normal, why they are to be expected. They don't understand that production without exploitation in a capitalist economy could only emerge out of irrational behavior. A lack of exploitation requires explanation. Exploitation is rational. Of course coconut companies in Thailand are not spending thousands of dollars to give their monkey slaves good lives, why would they? Do you think your boss would still pay you if you weren't allowed to quit?

I guess what I mean to say with this post is that I hate redditors.
R: 42 / I: 6

The right to be lazy

The idea of working for the sake of working is fascistic in nature and we should ensure for more automatisation of work wherever its possible to ensure more comfortable working conditions and times for everyone and henceforth more easily strive towards a more equal world.
R: 14 / I: 0

Fuck Mary Kill, Leftist world Leaders Edition

Round 1 is gonna be Stalin, Lenin and Mao, the three big dogs of old school Marxism.

So Fuck, Marry and kill, and explain why.
R: 2 / I: 0

Nitzan and BITCH-ler

Nitzan and Bichler's critique of Marxism is moronic and vulgar, and here's why.

Empirics aside, if you actually boil it down, their critique is that (certain) abstractions aren't real because they aren't directly observable. What N&B are missing is that they literally don't believe in abstract labor. They're sort of anti-value theorists in that they think value theory is impossible (either Marxian or Neoclassical). This is really just a philosophical argument posing as an empirical one. The critique hinges on the ontological and epistemological status of abstractions, specifically the concept of abstract labor in Marxist theory.

They're right to note that without abstract labor as a real abstraction, Marxian value theory collapses, because there is no measurable or material basis for value production and the link between labor time and prices becomes untenable. But this isn't the dunk they think it is.

If you reject abstract labor, by extension, you reject value theory. Marx’s point that such abstractions are real precisely because they operate as socially embedded realities in capitalist systems. Abstract labor is a real abstraction. Real abstractions are abstractions that arise not merely as mental constructs but as material and social realities within specific historical contexts, especially in capitalist societies. They are "real" because they are embedded in the actual practices, institutions, and relations of production, not just in thought.

Abstract labor is a dialectical category because it arises from the concrete diversity of human labor but negates that diversity by reducing it to a single, measurable abstraction. At the same time, this abstraction organizes and dominates the concrete activities of production and exchange in capitalism.

If you deny the ontic validity of real abstractions of course you will reject value theory, but thats not an "own".
R: 211 / I: 16

Axis of Resistance Twilight: Syria Has Fallen

sequel to "What went wrong?",

discuss the state of the "Axis of Resistance" and its future: Iran, Hezbollah, formerly Syria (what is SDF's role? critical support or no?), and Hamas, Houthis, various other militias.

relevant listening:
Radio War Nerd EP 487 — Israel-Hezbollah Ceasefire + Syria Collapse, feat. Cyrus
R: 1 / I: 0

"Socialist" party

>"We're looking to make concessions with the government currently in charge, you know the one that wasn't democratically elected and vehemently hated by everyone? The same government we opposed just a few weeks ago?"

ROFL what a bunch of useless cucks
R: 611 / I: 158 (full)


<Former White neighborhood edition🗽UNITED STATES POLITICS 🦅
<It Never Rains In Southern California(But Man It Burns) edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us

Previous thread: >>2108255
R: 0 / I: 0
>be American
>cut down a bazillion trees for agriculture
>build cities in fucking deserts
<wtf why is all of California on fire how could this happen
R: 10 / I: 2


lets talk about some left wing movies/ and the messaging from them. is there anything interesting you guys have seen recently? anything that could be repurposed as propaganda or even some oc?

R: 35 / I: 25

Does /leftypol/ smoke weed?

Weed is legal in my state and the taxes it generates go to good causes like drug rehab for the bad substances. The only people still opposed to recreational cannabis in 2025 are obsolete minded right-wingers over the age of 65.

It's accepted socially and proven a safer alternative to alcohol and hard drugs. Do you have any reasonable argument for keeping weed federally illegal? Do you have a personal reason to oppose its use?

If you do use it what kind do you like and how do you take it? I like all of it in every form but mostly I do bong hits of buds. It's incredibly cheap now so no matter what size of habit you have it's not going to break the bank like drugs or booze can. Weed is less than a dollar a gram now. It's paradise.
R: 7 / I: 4

News 1/16/25

US says Hamas has replaced almost all killed fighters in Gaza with new recruits
While Israel succeeded in decapitating Hamas’s leadership in Gaza, Lebanon and Iran, Blinken suggested that the group remains a power in the Gaza Strip and could complicate plans for post-war governance of the enclave. Blinken’s speech comes in the final countdown of the Biden administration’s days in office. It was unusually forthright and laced with criticism of the US’s ally.

Genocidal Turkish state attacks civilians at Tishrin Dam once again
The occupying Turkish state and allied mercenaries have once again targeted the citizens holding a resistance vigil at the Tishrin Dam on Thursday. As an activist recorded the area after a bombardment, the moments of another attack were caught on camera. While the details of the aggression are not yet clear, attacks on the area continue.

UN warns of retaliatory attacks against Sudan civilians
Local rights groups report that Kanabi communities – residents of informal settlements and traditionally seasonal agricultural workers from other parts of Sudan – were accused of collaborating with the RSF, which controlled Al-Jazira for over a year.

Ghana’s turn away from the Sahrawi people undermines continental solidarity
The move, framed as a step to “remove any impediment” to resolving the Western Sahara dispute under United Nations auspices, has drawn parallels to a similar controversy in Kenya two years ago, following President William Ruto’s inauguration. On the day after Ruto assumed office, Kenya announced it was severing ties with SADR—a decision quickly met with public outcry and later rescinded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Starmer commits Britain to century-long military pact with Ukraine
As part of that, Sir Keir announced a deal for Sheffield Forgemasters to make artillery barrels for the Ukrainian military, as well as providing a new mobile air defence system. “We have already committed £3 billion for military aid this year and we’re going further to support the front line, providing a £2.2bn loan which will be paid back not by Ukraine, but from the interest on frozen Russian assets,” he said.

Biden looks to relax Cuba sanctions in final days before Trump
The Biden administration said on Tuesday it would remove Cuba from its terrorism blacklist, while Cuba said separately it would release upward of 500 prisoners from its jails, dual announcements poised to reshape U.S.-Cuba relations just days before Donald Trump takes office.

Brazil court rejects Jair Bolsonaro’s bid to attend Trump’s inauguration
Brazil’s former president Jair Bolsonaro – who is under investigation for allegedly plotting a coup – has seen his hopes of attending Donald Trump’s inauguration dashed after a judge ruled his confiscated passport would not be returned in case the disgraced politician used it to flee abroad.

Coastal Karnataka: Communal Flashpoints in 2024
The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) continues its campaign in the Jangalmahal region of Bengal, employing various strategies to establish the narrative that all tribal communities are Hindus.

Bangladesh files criminal case against UK minister Tulip Siddiq
Authorities in Bangladesh have filed a criminal case against the UK Treasury minister Tulip Siddiq, accusing her of misusing her position as an MP to gain influence and illegally acquire land with her aunt the ousted prime minister Sheikh Hasina.

Taiwan’s ‘alarming’ early military discharges put island’s defence at risk: lawmakers
In 2020, 401 personnel applied for early discharge, having agreed to pay the fees to leave. Last year, that figure rocketed to 1,565 personnel, according to figures obtained through a legislative query submitted to the island’s cabinet last week.
R: 52 / I: 13 (sage)
El Salvador has proven the only way to solve rampant crime is through mega prisons and zero-tolerance laws.

What’s stopping Detroit or Chicago from doing this?

R: 10 / I: 1  

Anti revisionist answers only please

How do I become comfortable with the prospect of violently opposing the settler scum who are closest to me? Prime example being my wife, she’s not particularly sympathetic to communism on account of her petty bourgeois class status and complacent antiintellectualism, and I know she would rather keep herself comfortable than side with the proletariat in the event of an emergent revolutionary situation. Also my mom.

How do I get myself to the point where if a representative of the people’s army handed me a weapon and demanded that I do what is necessary to these vile parasites, I would be willing to do so without hesitation? I know that’s an absurd scenario but I’m not sure what else to use as a litmus test. I guess this is disgustingly liberal of me but the thought of shooting my wife and my mom in the face really really bothers me even if it would be in the best interests of the proletariat to do so.

I know this place is full of settlers who used to feel the same way I do. How did you get yourself to the point where you’re willing to enact extreme violence against almost everyone you know? How do you live day to day surrounded by these people and pretending you don’t want to hurt them?
R: 542 / I: 103

/QTDDTOT/ - Questions that don't need their own thread

Dump all the seemingly pointless, dubious, and frivolous questions that don't deserve their own shitty threads.

Got a question that's probably been asked a million times before? You're in the right landfill, buddy. Post it here.

Threads that otherwise might go in here will eventually find themselves become merged to this thread.
R: 12 / I: 0

Democratic republic of Afghanistan factions

Who was in the wrong here? The Soviets supported the more moderate Parcham but also wanted both of them to reconcile. Did the Khalq push the situation over the edge by ignoring Afghanistans material conditions. Thoughts?
R: 9 / I: 1

News 1/14/25

Biden removes Cuba from list of State Sponsors of Terrorism
The Biden administration said on Tuesday, January 14, that this move is meant to facilitate the release of individuals detained in Cuba. “I transmit herewith a report to the Congress with respect to the proposed recission of Cuba’s designation as a state sponsor of terrorism,” Biden announced.

Bolivian Police Clash with Protesters Demanding Arce’s Resignation Amidst Growing Social Unrest
The protesters, who have vowed to maintain a vigil near Plaza Murillo until their demands are met, are calling for the resignation of President Luis Arce and a reversal of current economic and social policies. According to teleSUR correspondent Freddy Morales, the protesters believe Arce has betrayed the mandate of the people, and are demanding a shift towards more equitable and progressive policies.

Peruvian court sends case against Keiko Fujimori back to square one
Peru's Third Criminal Court Monday annulled Keiko Fujimori's trial for the irregular financing of her 2011 and 2016 electoral campaigns, citing a previous sentence from the Constitutional Court (TC). As per this split ruling, the case moves back to the indictment phase for Fujimori and the other more than 30 defendants.

Hamas accept draft ceasefire agreement
Hamas said that the ongoing negotiations had reached their “final stage,” while an Israeli official said progress has been made, but the details are being finalised. The plan would need to be approved by the Israeli cabinet.

Palestinian Resistance Inflicts Heavy Blows on the Zionist Regime
The website Hadashot BeZman described the event as a “difficult incident” in Gaza, holding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government responsible. The site noted that three soldiers remain trapped under the rubble of the targeted building in Beit Hanoun.

Popular resistance at Tishrin Dam continues
The Tishrin Dam is a vital source of water and energy in Northern and Eastern Syria. The Turkish state, which systematically commits war crimes by targeting civilian infrastructure, has been targeting the dam since early December.

‘Don’t allow you to go to the bathroom’: big tech’s call center workers in Greece on strike
Teleperformance, the largest call center operator in the world, employs about 12,000 workers in Greece, serving more than 140 markets around the world in 43 different languages and dialects. The company has seven multi-language hubs in Greece – in Athens, Chania, and Thessaloniki.

Pressure mounts on police to lift Gaza march ban
Mr Wright won 5,188 votes, compared with 3,436 for Mr Wrack in the election, which had a turnout of 29 per cent. Mr Wrack said he is proud to have led the FBU for two decades, noting there had been eight prime ministers over the period.

Videos reveal new incidents of deadly brutality by Bangladesh police
The International Truth and Justice Project (ITJP), a rights group that documents alleged abuses, has analysed video footage of two incidents in Dhaka on 5 August – the day that Sheikh Hasina resigned as prime minister and fled the country – and found evidence that officers deliberately targeted peaceful civilians.

South Korea's Yoon arrested, says anti-graft agency
South Korea's anti-corruption agency says impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol has been detained hours after hundreds of the agency's investigators and police officers arrived at his presidential compound to apprehend him.
R: 615 / I: 153 (full)

/prc/ - Peoples Republic of China general

"Happy new year from the future!" edition.

Original threads:
leftypol.org archives:
bunekrchan.xyz archives:
R: 94 / I: 8

confused as a so called 'third worlder'

How do 'third worldists' rationalize opposing 'third world' proles in the name of lesser evilism?

I know that opportunism, hollow bourgeois moralism and alienation are the political, emotional and psychological reasons respectively. I'm still inclined to ask perhaps in the hope of agitation and evoking a moment of self reflection for Kautskyites. Why? Why support the reactionary and imperialist forces that are brutalizing and tormenting the working classes here, which function as the vanguards of capital in our regions? While I don't believe in the inevitability of communism, I hope to at least live and see revolution crushing our bourgeoisie and to smash your false pitiful idols with it while making its way to your own bourgeoisie. May the endless coups under the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie (like the recent one in Syria) be put to an end by revolution. Glory to the boot of the worker which will trample the bourgeoisie, its lapdogs and all their tendencies with it in its invariant path towards communism.
R: 7 / I: 3

California Wildfire Skepticism Thread

It's the perfect storm. There's so many fucking conspiracy theories popping up every day. Prety much every institution is responsible and not even celebrities are safe from the wildfire
R: 103 / I: 17
I'm asking this sincerely, please don't bully.

How would a hikikomori neet lifestyle function under socialism/communism? Are "workers who don't want to work" even allowed in such systems? What if they're autistic and genuinely don't want to interact with others?
Sorry if I'm rambling I'm just confused.
R: 6 / I: 1

News 1/15/25

Gaza ceasefire deal reached
The Qataris, alongside the Egyptians, helped negotiate the agreement with Israel, while the incoming US administration of President-elect Donald Trump applied pressure on the Israelis, Haaretz reported. …

The human toll of Israel’s war on Gaza – by the numbers
In the past 15 months, at least 46,707 people in Gaza have been killed, which includes about 18,000 children. The death toll means that one out of every 50 people has been killed in Gaza. Many analysts and rights groups believe the real number killed is far higher. …

SDF publishes outcome of battles in Southeastern Manbij and North of Tishrin Dam
The statement said: "The resistance of our fighters against the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries intensifies daily, particularly along the fronts of the Tishrin Dam and the Qereqozax, inflicting significant losses on the mercenaries and their equipment, while the Turkish occupation pushes them towards an inevitable and ultimately futile demise."

Syria detains Egyptian fighter who called for uprising against Sisi
On Tuesday, a social media account claiming to represent Mansour's movement declared that he was detained and held incommunicado by the new minister of defence, who had been Mansour's commander during the operation to liberate Damascus. . .. . … . . .

78 dead at abandoned South Africa gold mine that was scene of a standoff. Toll is expected to rise
Hundreds are still believed to be trapped Wednesday and the death toll is expected to rise in a disaster that has focused criticism on the South African government’s decision to try to “smoke them out” by cutting off food and other supplies for a time. Civic groups claim authorities also removed the ropes and pulley systems that the miners used to enter and exit at least one shaft and send down supplies.

Panama marks Martyrs’ Day as Trump threatens to retake control of Panama Canal
On Jan. 9, 1964, students protested in the then-U.S. controlled canal zone over not being allowed to fly Panama’s flag at a secondary school there. The protests expanded to general opposition to the U.S. presence in Panama and U.S. troops got involved.

‘A trash can for the US’: anger in Mexico and Canada over toxic waste shipments
Exports of toxic waste, most of which is shipped to Mexico and Canada, have climbed 17% since 2018, US records show. And while sending it away for recycling and disposal is legal, some experts are concerned that more and more of America’s most dangerous discards are leaving the country.

Argentine President Milei Fires 1,400 Health Workers
The Health ministry that the decision not to renew contracts is part of its institutional restructuring, which involves reorganizing its responsibilities and redirecting health policies. “This optimization of human resources within the Ministry, decentralized agencies, and national hospitals is being carried out as part of the changes to its structure,” Health Minister Mario Lugones explained.

Controversial Buddhist monk jailed for insulting Islam
Sri Lanka rarely convicts Buddhist monks, but this marks the second time that Gnanasara, who has repeatedly been accused of hate crimes and anti-Muslim violence, has been jailed. The sentence, handed down by the Colombo Magistrate's Court, comes after a presidential pardon he received in 2019 for a six-year sentence related to intimidation and contempt of court.

Man sets himself on fire near South Korean anti-graft office
A man set himself on fire on Wednesday near South Korea's corruption investigation office, where impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol was being interrogated over insurrection allegations, the national fire agency said.
R: 616 / I: 170 (full)

MAGAcoms but for real this time

(The mods didn't like my first thread on the subject, but we cleared it up on /meta/, and I'm remaking it with a clearer/less incendiary OP.)

I don't get MAGAcommunism. Even without Trump, MAGA as a movement already exists. Why are they trying to siphon people who are already in an organized movement into an organized movement? Especially people who are so virulently anticommunist? As far as I can tell, they've converted exactly zero MAGA people to communism. Instead, all their followers seem to be r/stupidpol Red Scare listeners; they've done a much better job converting leftists to MAGA than converting MAGA to leftism.

I also don't get why they're so obsessed with culture war stuff and muh tradition. Again, it feels much more MAGA than com.

I wouldn't even pay it any mind if guys like Hinkle and Haz didn't show up on RT and the like. I don't consider it a particularly legitimate movement, but clearly someone does, enough for them to get a platform on Russian state media, so it can't just be written off as "internet bullshit", even if it's functionally little more than that.
R: 1 / I: 0  

wikitan is an anonymous imageboard for discussing about wikis and anime and internet culture
R: 2 / I: 0  
identity politics is the liberal response to marxism, in which, class, is not the origin of most differences, but individual characteristics of historical relevance which causes the capital to allocate itself in other identity characteristics, is a individualist, yet nationalist in its own fashion (hence the flags) movement, its international as the nations it created are often affiliated to the minimum common denominator (sexuality, race, entertainment preferences, gender, etc).
using these groups to assert soft power against their host nations.
as it characterises itself as a liberal, individualist, paradise, where people is treated equally, the land of possibility.
altough of course, the inherent contradictions of capitalism make this meritocracy a lie, but capitalism is endorsed and mantained by the liberal entity.
liberal conservatives, however, are the ones that mantain the american funding myth, of meritocracy, and values of nationalism built upon liberalism and individualism.
domestic nationals need to grind to survive and the conservative party gives them such an option, this is a mechanism to prevent a competence crisis
R: 27 / I: 17

/leftypol/ saints

Why let /pol/ have all the fun? Why have we been falling down on our task of celebrating our modern heroes? And no, I don't just mean the violent ones (though obviously they still count). What about the whistleblowers and the saboteurs and the exiles? Hell, what about the figures of decades past, whether they died, washed up, or just faded away?

ITT let's discuss modern figures we can hold up as examples by their bravery, their commitment to the cause, and other worthy attributes. But instead of simply making edgy memes, how about we discuss the reality of these people's contributions and what can be learned from them? Along the way we can still make those memes and keep their legacy alive.
R: 20 / I: 3
Suicide is often a desperate act of idealism, where someone sees death as the only way to uphold their personal moral code in a world that feels dismissive. It’s less about nobility and more about spite, a final move to demand the recognition they felt denied in life, people internalizing the moral idealism created by class society. It’s basically self-punishment for not living up to those moral standards.
R: 16 / I: 1

A little help understanding America’s logistics

Hey guys, was working on a “worker related project” and there was something I needed help understanding more for a multi-faceted understanding for it. That is, what exactly is the logistical situation of America and actual distribution process like and how our economy sustains? There was one website called Empire Logistics that had some and some information, including an interesting map on tech zones. but I wanted to learn a lot more. What I was curious about was: What are the most “essential” types of workers, dock workers, train, i.e. if they strike everyones on red alert, areas in the US basically have the most economic activity and importance, areas of probable worker’s consciousness, where most goods go on what roads, how the US’s main food transportation and distribution works. And thanks for any help, it is a bit extended of a question.
R: 142 / I: 29

The insufferable persistence of Nations

Why are nations so resistant to revolutions and universalist ideologies?
I was thinking the other day about how Wahhabists have found more success by making their struggle about the nation (Triple star Syria, Afganistan, Saudi Arabia) instead of a nebulous caliphate (ISIS, Al-Qaeda).
Then it hit me. Communists and anarchists have suffered this also. Obviously, a great caliphate would be the great endpoint of Wahhabism, but that "post-nationalism" is not that essential to it as it is to Communism and Anarchism. Wahhabists can still fulfill their reactionary desires in the nation model.
So, my point is that one obstacle to communism is the permeating nationalism that exists on Earth. And it's so powerful that it even prevents reactionary post-national movements from achieving their goals. Why is nationalism so strong, even tho it's a recent development historically?
R: 28 / I: 5
>Lenin-Luxemburg-Liebknecht demonstration in Berlin
>Most parties and orgs there are Turkish-Kurdish

Do Germans really ? Are they really that Hitlerite that the most of the politically organised proletariat are the minorities ? I’ve seen some German organizations but from the videos, most orgs weren’t even German orgs originally

R: 7 / I: 2

News 1/13/25

German police attack Palestine bloc on annual procession to Luxemburg and Liebknecht's graves
Organisers halted the march and called for everyone to close gaps to prevent any bloc being separated and beaten up by police. But officers continued to snatch people from the crowd, saying placards or items of clothing were promoting “unconstitutional” messages, which ranged from expressions of solidarity with Palestine to one member of the German communist youth league being detained for wearing a red triangle, the badge assigned to political prisoners by the Nazis as the yellow star was for Jews.

Croatian president re-elected in landslide victory
It was a dismal result for his opponent Dragan Primorac, who had the backing of the governing centre-right Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) party. Primorac picked up 25 percent of the vote – the worst-ever result for Croatia's most powerful political force.

UK low- to middle-income families far poorer than OECD counterparts – study
The thinktank said that while prices in the UK were 8% higher than the average in the 38 member countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), less well-off Britons were more affected by the cost of housing, which is 44% higher in the UK than the OECD average.

Turkey's Erdogan launches 'Year of the Family' with an attack on the LGBTQ community
“It is our common responsibility to protect our children and youth from harmful trends and perverse ideologies. Neoliberal cultural trends are crossing borders and penetrating all corners of the world,” he told an audience in Ankara. “They also lead to LGBT and other movements gaining ground.

Ahmed al-Mansour: The Egyptian fighter in Syria causing Sisi alarm
An Egyptian national who first began fighting with Syrian rebels against Bashar al-Assad in 2013, Mansour has been churning out videos since the rebels captured Damascus, calling on Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to step down after 12 years in power.

Chad’s ruling party wins majority in controversial parliamentary election
The election was boycotted by more than 10 opposition parties, including the main Transformers party, whose candidate, Succes Masra, came second in the presidential election. The main opposition had called the election a “charade” and expressed worries that it would be a repeat of the presidential vote, which election observers said was not credible.

==Deadly attack on MST settlement in São Paulo: two killed, six injured amid land disputes=
The attack resulted in the deaths of Gleison Barbosa de Carvalho, 28, and Valdir do Nascimento, 52. President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva called MST national leader Gilmar Mauro on Saturday, January 11 to express his condolences for the murdered workers and the injured.

Bolivian President Arce declares "coca is not cocaine" as country expands coca industry
As part of Bolivia's ongoing push for coca’s medicinal and economic potential, Arce also revealed plans for a second industrialisation centre in Coroico, in the Yungas region. This project, with an investment of over BOB108mn ($15.6mn), will focus on extracting aqueous and alcoholic products for the production of energy drinks, medicines, and cosmetics.

Students in Singapore demand their universities cut ties with Israel
On Monday, January 13, the 465th day of the genocide in Gaza, students and alumni in Singapore staged a memorial to mourn and honour the countless Palestinian students who have been murdered by Israel. The students also demanded an immediate end to all collaborations and relations between universities in Singapore and Israel and breaking of all kinds of relations with the regime in Tel Aviv.

India’s Modi inaugurates a strategic tunnel in disputed Kashmir
The $932 million project includes a second tunnel and a series of bridges and high mountain roads that will link Kashmir with Ladakh, a cold desert region nestled between India, Pakistan and China that has faced territorial disputes for decades.
R: 28 / I: 6 (sage)
Why don’t the American Solidarity Party, ACP, CPI (Caleb Maupin’s group), Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, and all these other lefty-Cath and PatSoc orgs all merge into a single socially-conservative-economically-progressive party? Wouldn’t doing so give them far more credibility and heighten their chances of taking political power? Plus, they all seem to function on the same ideology anyway (“I love high speed rails but I hate abortion”). Wouldn’t that work?
R: 8 / I: 0 (sage)

MAGAcoms 2: electric boogaloo

Followup to >>2097411

I find the movement interesting because it's right on the edge between obscure internet bullshit and real world political movement. If I could compare it to anything, it's kind of like a left-wing version of the neoreactionary movement. Yarvin has ties to Thiel, and Hinkle has ties to Dugin, but neither Hinkle nor Yarvin has a particularly huge audience on their own (although Hinkle's is definitely bigger).

I also find it odd that they're a so-called populist group full of people who are opposed to popular positions. The chair of the ACP, for example, has made anti-gay statements, even though supermajorities in both the US and Canada both support same-sex marriage.

Also, it might glow. Picrel.
R: 20 / I: 1

Filling out captchas is micro-exploitation

Department 1 in Marx's macroeconomic model is production of the means of production. Today a big part of the labor of the production of the means of production is transhumanisting AI. transhumanisting AI is done by human-curating large transhumanisting sets, and then manually verifying those transhumanisting sets. One way to do this is by distributing captchas. Captchas are small units of labor that are assigned to a person as part of a "security verification" to "make sure you're not a bot."

In reality, captchas are unpaid labor. Granted they are unpaid labor that is worth mere seconds of socially necessary labor time, but they are gotten completely for free. The capitalist is not even buying the labor power for a wage. They are buying the service of distributing captchas, and then the people who are assigned the captchas, end-users, are performing this labor completely unpaid. So it generates surplus value in the form of transhumanisting AI (means of production) to get better at abstract tasks that only humans used to be good at. Captchas started off in the 00s as text recognition captchas, but these days captchas are getting increasingly difficult.

Since porkies are already experts at obfuscating class relations, and using propaganda to completely dismiss the exploitation of the working class, it is only fitting that they would come up with an even more clever way to do this. Think of all the thousands of captchas you've filled out in your life. That's unpaid labor. That's micro-exploitation.

<uhhh this sounds like micro-aggression lol, don't be a baby

think about it. the pennies add up! Millions of people filling these out creates so much profit that they then reinvest into expanding production and making even more profit.
R: 3 / I: 0  


lets talk about some left wing movies/ and the messaging from them. is there anything interesting you guys have seen recently? anything that could be repurposed as propaganda or even some oc?

R: 25 / I: 4 (sage)
Elevenlabs - Polish, Netanyahu - Polish, AI progress - partly Polish, misogyny - almost Polish.
Communism at least curbed some of the Polish imperialistic tendencies. Poles always wannabe no. 1 in technology in enslaving people, in depopulation, in being WEF's best pets.
Also, ashamingly, I'm myself Polish. Redpill me about this forsaken country!
R: 16 / I: 2
Putin is really just an average run-of-the-mill conservative with an unusual amount of power. Had someone with exactly the same personality been born in USA, they would have been an absolutely irremarcable Bush-ite Republican or a conservative CIA agent of a sort American Dad spoofs. Heck, I woudn't be surprised if such people actually exist. It's always hilarious watching liberal idealists making him into a sort of evil genius, inevitably implicitly (or sometimes explicitly) falling into orientalist racism against Russians.
R: 9 / I: 2  

Everyone has become insane in the past 5 years

I'm not sure if it was COVID itself, or getting normies addicted to the internet, but practically every corner of the internet and real life has become incredibly schizophrenic and INCREDIBLY hostile.

Like you'll see some dudes duke it out over stupid bullshit and immediately jump to death threats (if online) or physical violence and screaming matches (if real life) at a way greater scale than I've ever seen before. People have always been stupid retards, but now it seems like EVERYONE is a stupid retard now.

What's going on? There's been a huge vibe shift and it seems people are just immediately going as hostile and violent and explosive as possible over the tiniest things. Nobody cares to just walk away and not let shit get to them.
R: 28 / I: 4

"Populism" and Populism

Something I’ve noticed about a lot of “populist” leftists is that they hold deeply unpopular views. I’ve seen them rant about how everything from video games to rap music to goddamn pets are le bourgeoisie decadence that will be banned under The People’s Revolution, but if you actually went and asked The People’s if they wanted to ban these things, holding it up to a vote, the answer would be a resounding no. Video games are an extremely popular hobby, hiphop is an extremely popular music genre, and people have kept pets since the dawn of history.

And I find that interesting; this idea that you have leftists who claim to be for The People, while also thinking that they know the values of The People better than The People do. I’d expect this kind of thinking from rightoids, who are openly irrationalist idealists and proud of it, but leftists are, or at least should be, materialists, and above this kind of thinking.

Beyond that, I also think that populism unto itself, at least as it’s traditionally understood, is a poor basis for a political philosophy in general. It treats the masses as one enormous monolithic blob, where every man is the average man and lives the exact same life as the average man, ignoring that there’s a massive standard deviation attached to that average. In the real world, not an idealized made-up one, different people have different wants and needs, and only accounting for the singular most common case, the “common man”, means ignoring the numerous uncommon men that, in aggregate, are almost as great in number, if not greater.

If any of this sounds familiar, it’s because I’ve posted similar things in other threads before. I’ve decided that the topic is worth its own thread, so here we are.
R: 46 / I: 9

Transhumanists are jokers and robots are an abomination

I’m siding with the religious. The human body is fine the way it is. Fuck implants, makeup, surgeries, fashion, and whatever junk people keep putting into their bodies. Without peer pressure, the overwhelming majority of people would stop fucking with their health to look prettier. Just compare the use of makeup between men and women.
The cybernetic faggots preaching immortality or “flesh is weak” nonsense just can’t bring themselves to respect their own bodies. Hell, those idiots would probably complaining about the weakness of metal when their implants degrade.

As for the robots, I am disgusted more by them than I am fearful of them. Artificial intelligence isn’t real and never has been. Robots (especially humanoid robots) are an abomination and an insult to the concept of being human. Even if machines became sentient, what should make them special against organic life? What purpose should drive a machine past pre-scripted algorithms. If the machines only grew to value self-preservation, any machine society would end up insultingly mimicking organic ones anyways.
R: 6 / I: 0
The libido is revealed in self-reflection as the only reality that goes beyond the limits of experience, because it is not a phenomenon, but an essence. Each individual knows it directly, in themselves, even before projecting it into the world. In other words, the libido as a thing in itself is absolutely different from its appearance, entirely free from the forms of the latter and into which it penetrates as it appears, forms which therefore concern only the OBJECTIVITY of the will and are foreign to the will in itself. Even the most universal form of all representation, being-object for a subject, does not concern it, much less the forms subordinate to it and which have their common expression in the principle of reason, to which time and space admittedly belong, and therefore also plurality, which exists and is possible only in time and space.
R: 17 / I: 6
Guys, I think the sudan war will end this year.
R: 55 / I: 15


So, I got curious to know what's the smartest leftist strand around, like what line of thought is really know to be smart and brilliant in their ideas and analysis. I suspect the some strand of anarchism to be the smart around, or maybe orthodox Marxism.
R: 14 / I: 3

Are programmers like the craftsmen of this century?

Basically so many programmers are deeply steeped in bourgeois ideology, meritocracy spooks, and the unfailing belief in specifically their absolute necessity to the Capital system even if other laborers are not as necessary. Their response to AI, and porky openly stating he wants to proletarianize them entirely and completely gut the programming market is to continually tell themselves they’re too important so it can’t happen to them. It seems reminiscent of the craftworkers that couldn’t comprehend the idea of the industrial proletariat and the mechanized factories totally displacing their oh so necessary professions
R: 5 / I: 0  
My dad is drinking two 5% alcoholic drinks a day, and he’s usually only drinks on celebrations like new years. Should I be worried? He’s not been acting odd or anything but I know alcohol as the big scary life ruining drug but maybe I’m being paranoid.
R: 111 / I: 49

/Subcontinent/ General - The Bolshevik Elephant Edition

/Subcontinent/ General

Thread dedicated to discussion of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka
🇧🇩 🇧🇹 🇮🇳 🇲🇻 🇳🇵 🇵🇰 🇱🇰

Blurb so the body isn't too short:
>The subcontinent has been shaped by a variety of empires, including the Maurya, Gupta, Mughal, and British empires. It's known for its geographical, from the Himalayan mountains in the north to tropical beaches in the south. The region is also a hub of major religions, including Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, and Sikhism, and has been a center for trade, philosophy, and art for thousands of years.
R: 1 / I: 0
Why is the internal government structure or "elite" of american policymakers obfuscated?!
There is clearly some people that sits down in tables and discusses approach to foreign policy.
The neoliberal and neoconservative policy
R: 58 / I: 5

The American Revolution is Militarily Overated

Ignoring ideology and politics, I despise how burgers portray their revolution as a 'do or die' struggle for their sovereignty and freedoms, It's portrayed as
>The real Americans, as underdogs who miraculously defeated the world's greatest superpower through American spirt
However, this narrative conveniently ignores crucial facts. For instance, Britain was simultaneously involved in five separate continent-spanning wars, and the US was financially supported by the wealthiest men in the colonies and the French Kingdom, who funded and trained the Continental Army. (Here's a fun fact: there were actually more French soldiers at Yorktown than American ones.) Washington and the other Continental generals were not incompetent; they fought the war with calculated strategy, which ultimately paid off. But let's be clear, it wasn't a life-or-death struggle. There were no massacres or forced looting and pillaging. As always, the Americans had the advantage due to geography.
The American revolution succeeded because you had a small, wealthy population spread out over a huge, largely uninhabited country, so the anarchy caused by expelling the British wasn't much of a problem before a real state could organize. If the situation were different, Washington would easily have become a Generalissimo of America
R: 31 / I: 5
What happens after a classless society is formed?

Say, even in classless societies there is consciousness of social relation.

In classed society its just that said consciousness is the most relevant one because it determines whatever the means of production are used to satisfy the interests of the majority of people which labours them to subsist or a bourgeois minority.

Once this society is established, wont people start creating new types of consciousness which could amplify in a new type of social dyanmics, or is the lack of meaningful material differences within these groups that cause such a dynamic sufficient to prevent the surge of meaningful dynamics?
R: 14 / I: 4 (sage)

mao zedong

is it true that he abused his wife to the point where she was so mentally ill she decided to pee for hours on end and starved people to the point where they ate their neighbors kids. she decided she was going to pee on drip, which is why it would take. All day. She also also known for abusing the people who worked for her but given who her husband was, I’m not surprised
R: 43 / I: 4

Why has the left abandoned Quebec?

Quebecois independence was once a cause celebre for the left. The Quebecois were a super-exploited nation that had their resources robbed from them by Anglo imperialists. In fact, Quebec has far more in common with Latin America than it does with Anglo America. Many Quebecois are metis, just like many Latinos have indigenous heritage. It seems like the left abandoning Quebec has allowed the right to fill that gap. Leftists say Quebec is racist and Islamophobic, and that immigrants need to be protected from independence because they're immigrating to Canada, not to Quebec. If that's the case, why are they French-speaking immigrants going to a French speaking nation? And why are the aspirations of the indigenous inhabitants being put below those of outsiders?
R: 610 / I: 143 (full)

/ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine War General #201: BAAAAH! Edition

mp4 is from: "WATCH rare tank battle in Donbass"

Previous thread: >>2100275


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



Live maps and updates
DeepStateMap: https://deepstatemap.live
Events in Ukraine: https://eventsinukraine.substack.com/
SouthFront: https://southfront.press/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/

Watch Together
📺 News/events: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash
📺 Hangout/chill: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/bloodcast

Watch By Yourself
>Video Essays / Historical Background
📺 • Ukraine: The Avoidable War - Boy Boy

📺 • Ukraine's Nazi Problem - The Marxist Project

📺 • America, Russia, and Ukraine's Far Right - Gravel Institute

📺 • Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 • The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

<Current Happenings

📺 • The Grayzone: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrayzone7996
📺 • DDGeopolitics: https://www.youtube.com/@DDGeopolitics
📺 • Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
📺 • The Duran: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeMVChrumySxV9N1w0Au-w
📺 • The News Atlas: https://www.youtube.com/c/thenewatlas
📺 • Military Summary: https://www.youtube.com/@militarysummary


Social media



Thread guidelines:
• Please remember to add a spoiler to NSFW and extreme content such as graphic violence and gore.
• Try your best to not derail discussion too much from the main events and relevant places where the war is taken place, as well as other happenings, groups and public figures related to it.
• Meta discussion of the historical, philosophical and ideological background of the war is fine as long as its done in good faith and comradely.
• In the event the meta discussion overstays its welcome, participating users will be referred to take the conversation to the INTERNATIONALISM general thread: >>1944320
• Quality shitposting and original content is encouraged! Spamming glowie memes is low effort.
• this is /isg/ for people who treat geopolitics like shitty map games.
R: 36 / I: 17 (sage)
Is class warfare really necessary for the revolution? Why can't the bourgeoisie and the proletariat put aside their differences and work together? Nobody would need to die in a bloody war.
R: 3 / I: 1

News 1/11/25

Milei shuts down museums memorializing victims of Argentina’s military dictatorship
On December 27, 2024 and January 2, 2025, hundreds of public employees belonging to the Government Workers Association union (Asociación de Trabajadores del Estado, ATE), were joined by the mothers of victims disappeared under state terror of 1972-1981 (Madres de la Plaza de Mayo) and other human rights and left organizations in marches and rallies at various memorial museums in Argentina, demanding that they not be shut down, in the name of “Memory, Truth, and Justice.”

Brazil president signs law authorizing offshore wind development
The Brazilian government said the law provides guidelines for projects and restoration of explored areas, in addition to requiring prior consultations with affected communities to ensure "respect for traditional maritime practices and local culture." More than 80% of Brazil's electricity comes from renewable sources, mainly hydroelectric, according to government data.

Israeli Military Says Four Soldiers Killed In North Gaza
The deaths brought to 403 the total number of soldiers killed in the Palestinian territory since Israel launched its ground offensive in retaliation for Hamas's October 7, 2023 attack. An officer and a reservist soldier were "seriously wounded" during the same incident and were taken to hospital, the military said in a statement.

Lebanon’s army chief Joseph Aoun elected as president after agreement with resistance
The Lebanese parliament elected the Army’s Commander-in-Chief, Joseph Aoun, on Thursday, January 9, as the country’s new president. Aoun’s election ends a presidential vacancy that lasted over two years, during which, 12 attempts to elect a president had failed.

SDF defending positions in Teshrin Dam | Turkish fighter jets attack Ain Al-Arab (Kobani) and leave casualties
Violent clashes have been ongoing since the morning on the frontline of Teshrin Dam, coinciding with extensive artillery and missile shelling in an attempt by Turkish-backed factions to advance on the frontline, while SDF is defending these positions. Earlier today, Turkish fighter jets carried out three airstrikes on three positions in the vicinity of Qarqozak Bridge eastern of Aleppo, where the jets attacked Telat Saifa (Hill), Beir Hesso Village and Majbal Al-Asfalt in the vicinity of the bridge. However, no casualties were reported.

Oil Tankers Back Up Near Yemeni Port After Israel Hits Tugboats
The accumulation is emblematic of the delays that have plagued the shipping market for more than a year, adding time and cost to voyages. Persistent maritime attacks in the region, including IDF strikes on Yemeni targets and Houthi assaults on vessels in the Red Sea, have upended a vital trade route and forced many ships to divert.

Government measures aim to tackle housing crisis
The government plans to address the country’s housing crisis by introducing, in 2025, measures that provide incentives for property owners to list currently unavailable properties on the rental market.

Germany plans new homeland security army division
As part of the new structure, the homeland defense forces will be placed under the army's command from April. The move anticipates Germany's existing army divisions being deployed to NATO's external borders under NATO command as a deterrent or to defend against external aggression.

At least 40 killed in Myanmar military air attack in Rakhine State, UN says
The initiatives include providing subsidies to owners of at least 100 flats in Athens or Thessaloniki – primarily banks – enabling them to offer below-market rent to individuals in need. Additionally, around 850 homes are set to be made available to individuals or families living in homelessness or unstable housing conditions in cities with populations over 100,000.

A tale of two Tajikistans: the macro and micro realities
Economic growth in Tajikistan so far has been far from inclusive. For example, per capita household income in Tajikistan rose 19 percent in 2022 (the last year for which data is available) over the previous year’s level, an impressive gain. But the average per capita income still only amounted to just under $864 in 2022, meaning Tajikistan remains Central Asia’s poorest state by a significant margin.
R: 88 / I: 10
If you put only $500 a month into the Nasdaq 100 ETF which anyone can do you would have one million dollars in 25 years. Knowing this how is it possible be to poor? You can do that even on the worst minimum wage job. If you're so poor you can only put $250 a month you would still have $500k more than enough to retire off the interest. Think next time you see a poor person with an iPhone or eating out at a restaurant they could be investing and becoming rich instead of blowing their money. I know workers at Walmart who did this and are worth millions now.
R: 63 / I: 9 (sage)

Did SJWs evolved into multipolaroids?

Years of leftypol saying that SJWs aren't leftists. Years of leftypol saying how "voting with the wallets" is liberal retardation. Years of leftypol saying how "cheking the priviledge" is Cointelpro action against class consciousness.
Now, we have multipolaroids checking the priviledge of "westerners" saying how their iphone prevents revolution. And anti-zionists saying that if you buy a Burger you are a genocidal monster. How did this happen? Many of the people think like this were hating SJWs years ago. So, how did they circle back into the same moralist arguments?
R: 120 / I: 10
Why has so much rhetoric which began as distinctly anarchist been appropriated by mainstream liberals and Democrats?

I’m not kidding. “Community care”, “mutual aid”, and “harm reduction” among other terms are used almost entirely by white liberals now. Your average liberal in 2025 espouses queer and neurodivergent idpol, wants community-based solutions to social problems, wants the police defunded (not abolished but defunded), wants sex work and drugs legalized, wants NARCAN sold at 7-Elevens, and basically holds to a political worldview that’s essentially diet Kropotkin. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Kropotkin is being actively read by American Democrats at this point.

So what happened to make it this way? Anarchism in America used to have teeth to it. Now it’s been so watered down with a hyper-fixation on vulnerability and presents a program that’s something someone like AOC could easily get behind. How much longer until Mariame Kaba is invited to speak at the DNC?
R: 54 / I: 4
There is no absolute, pure, 'true' etc. democracy. Leftoids assert the *ideal* of democracy against the real results of democratic rule under capitalism - namely, the supremacy of the bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie rules precisely through democracy. The fact that the bourgeoisie is in power does not mean that countries like the US are not democratic. Rather the fact that they are democratic, based on universal suffrage, etc, ensures bourgeois rule.

When we see that democracy has led to the rule of the bourgeoisie, the answer is not to appeal to some fictitious 'real democracy', but to recognize that democracy itself is just an organizational mechanism, whose content is provided by relations external to it. Marx makes this point himself in the Conspectus. 'Democracy' does not necessarily imply the rule of any particular class - everything depends upon the conditions within which democracy exists and operates. In a society based on competition between free and equal *citizens*, the most economically powerful and successful rise to the top.

<Asine! This is democratic twaddle, political drivel. Election is a political form present in the smallest Russian commune and artel. The character of the election does not depend on this name, but on the economic foundation, the economic situation of the voters, and as soon as the functions have ceased to be political ones, there exists 1) no government function, 2) the distribution of the general functions has become a business matter, that gives no one domination, 3) election has nothing of its present political character.

R: 89 / I: 20
If existence is inherently defined by motion then how can something as static as mathematical descriptions suffice to capture material reality? Is this motion ultimately superseded by metaphysical relations whose truth content persists regardless of perpetual material changes thereby making the foundation of the world static after all?
R: 50 / I: 29

State Corporatism

State Corporatism is a unitary politics with the State as one personhood, a living organism, a higher personality and being; not to be confused with a collection of private corporations.
The ideology of State Corporatism traces its lineage back to Plato's Republic, Hobbes' Leviathan, and the formation of one-party States and Fascism.
In Plato's Republic is State Corporatism:
>That the other citizens too must be sent to the task for which their natures were fitted, one man to one work, in order that each of them fulfilling his own function may be not many men, but one, and so the entire city may come to be not a multiplicity but a unity.
In Hobbes' Leviathan is State Corporatism:
>And in him consisteth the Essence of the Common-wealth; which (to define it,) is "One Person, of whose Acts a great Multitude, by mutuall Covenants one with another, have made themselves every one the Author, to the end he may use the strength and means of them all, as he shall think expedient, for their Peace and Common Defence.”
In Italian Fascism is State Corporatism:
>It is the State that possesses a concrete will & must be considered a person.
Giuseppe Bottai
>However, in speaking of the corporative State, it must not be understood as meaning only all that which pertains to the relations between employers and workers – relations based on a principle of collaboration rather than upon a struggle of classes. Fascism with its new arrangements aims at a more complex end. This, summed up in a few words, is "to reassert the sovereignty of the State over those syndicates, which, whether of an economic or social kind, when left to themselves broke out at one time against the State, subjecting the will of the individual to their own arbitrary decision, almost musing the rise of judicial provisions alien to the legal order of the State, opposing their own right to the right of the State, subordinating to their own interests the defenceless classes, and even the general interest, of which the State is naturally the judge, champion and avenger."
A brief disclaimer: this is the what the corporatism of Fascism is, State Corporatism, and not to be mistaken with the corporative system itself which act as internal organs of this higher personality. Those corporate bodies are limited and are organs, and that kind of corporatism is more analogous to guilds, the primary corporatism of Fascism is State Corporatism, these are corporations are organs and limited internally in relation to "The State" (which in this connotation refers to State Corporatism especially).
Mario Palmieri:
>To make this discipline possible, and the sovereignty effective in practice as well as in theory, Fascism has devised the “Corporazione,” an instrument of social life destined to exercise the most far-reaching influence upon the economic development of Fascist States. (The Italian word “Corporazione” which is currently translated into English by the apparently analogous word “Corporation,” means, more exactly in the Italian language, what the word “Guild” means in English; that is: associations of persons engaged in kindred pursuits. We shall nevertheless follow the general usage to obviate the danger of misunderstandings.)
>Within the Corporations the interests of producers and consumers, employers and employees, individuals and associations are interlocked and integrated in a unique and univocal way, while all types of interests are brought under the aegis of the State.
Fausto Pitigliani
>That the Corporation has no legal independent personality but is an organ of the State Administration.
>To these organs, which take the name of Corporations and link the various productive activities of the country as members of one body
>The Corporations constitute the unitary organisation of the forces of production and represent all their interests.
>In virtue of this integral representation, and in view of the fact that the interests of production are the interests of the Nation, the law recognises the Corporations as State organs.
For clarity, Hobbes Leviathan also takes this stance on the limitation of subordinate corporations and the sovereign relationship of the state corporation:
>Of Regular, some are Absolute, and Independent, subject to none but their own Representative: such are only Common-wealths [or States]; Of which I have spoken already in the 5. last preceding chapters. Others are Dependent; that is to say, Subordinate to some Soveraign Power, to which every one, as also their Representative is Subject.
>Of Systemes subordinate, some are Politicall, and some Private. Politicall (otherwise Called Bodies Politique, and Persons In Law,) are those, which are made by authority from the Soveraign Power of the Common-wealth. Private, are those, which are constituted by Subjects amongst themselves, or by authoritie from a stranger. For no authority derived from forraign power, within the Dominion of another, is Publique there, but Private.
>In All Bodies Politique [Any Corporation under the State] The Power of The Representative is Limited.
>In Bodies Politique, the power of the Representative is always Limited: And that which prescribes the limits thereof, is the Power Sovereign. For Power Unlimited, is absolute Sovereignty. And the Sovereign, in every Commonwealth, is the absolute Representative of all the Subjects.
Jean Bodin also adds.
>Provided that they [the family] are joined together by the legitimate and limited rule of the father.
>I have said "limited", since this fact chiefly distinguishes the Family from the State.
>That the latter [The State] has the final and public authority.
>The former [The Family or Household] limited and private rule.
R: 588 / I: 133

United Health Fake assassin 🍞

Luigi Mangione
>A Frat gymbro
>Follows various people from across the poltical compress, from AOC, Edward Snowden and Tucker Carlson
>Quotes Nietzsche and is an environmentalist
>Is against "un-human" architecture
R: 53 / I: 5

I consider myself a Mutualist. Are there Mutualists in Leftypol?

I am a Mutualist. I have been through many leftist movements, I have been active in them, and in the end I became a Mutualist, very attached to anarchism, mainly to a more Communalist political organization but with a Mutualist economy.

Yes, I believe in the free market and I am anti-capitalist. I came to these conclusions above all after first abandoning the Leninist planned economy, because it was inefficient and became state capitalism. I came to embrace ideas of Cybercommunism, but I consider it too cumbersome to be applied immediately and can be very risky. Then I abandoned Social Democracy because it did not solve the problem of inequality. I became a Mutualist because while I adhere to the ideas of Self-Managed Socialism and Workers' Councils, I detest hierarchies and consider them oppressive, including representative democracy, as I consider true democracy to be closer to anarchist ideas. On the other hand, I believe in the freedom of producers. In my country there is a lot of illegal street trading, and I consider it a right to be able to sell individually as long as you do not exploit or create wage relations, so I only support cooperative companies with free partners and individual ownership.

I believe that Mutualism can be a possible and practical system if a structure is created that makes it feasible, and I consider it a viable way to end Capitalism, wage labor, and private ownership of the means of production.

I do not rule out the possibility that Mutualism will lead us to a Post-Scarcity Communist Society. I think that a Mutualist Society should have as its perspective the achievement of a 100% automated Post-Scarcity Communist Society, but with a libertarian political organization similar to that proposed by Bookchin in his book “Post-Scarcity Anarchism”

I have more things to say, but I leave it for any questions you may have. I hope there are more mutualists so I can organize with them

Pd: I support Rojava and I consider that its economic model is mutualist in practice
R: 54 / I: 7
Why are fascists so close to getting it and yet they rarely if ever do? The only answer I have is that a fascist is emotionally invested in a romanticized worldview of tribes, nations or races being in an epic conflict with one another. So any growing awareness of capitalism being the problem is redirected and diffused to money itself being the problem, or greedy conspirators, or, of course, a race of people embodying everything bad that is actually capitalism. To acknowledge that it‘s capitalism both calls for unity across these primitive or constructed divisions, which is in a way a death of your people as a romantic concept and also the end of an epic that is more alluring than fighting a system instead of orcs.
R: 118 / I: 22 (sage)

I feel like we’re in a conservative backlash decade

Well, the late 2000s and early 2010s were fun. We got the first black President, LGBTQ+ rights, the decline of the religious right, and through the power of the internet, we were starting to flirt with things like socialism and sex positivity. Then gamergate happened, the Nazis went online, the Bernie campaign was squelched out by the DNC, and Trump won (the first time) on a platform of racism and xenophobia.

We had a brief respite during Trump’s first term because he caused such a personal backlash and the Nazis overreached badly with Charlottesville, as well as the mass outrage at the murder of George Floyd, but COVID and the rapid capture of online media by right wingers led to a deep hollowing out and atomization of our society, especially through the subtle diffusion of reactionary ways of thinking even through ostensibly “apolitical” or even “progressive” sources.

Paranoia and xenophobia run rampant, everyone is extremely selfish and has no interest in helping anyone but themselves and those like them, Puritanism (both broader sex negativity and especially transphobia) is the norm again because ppl are being taught to view everything around them as a threat to themselves and/or society and the right (as well as parts of the left, I’m looking at you, radfems) figured out how to do social conservatism without overtly religious messaging, dating discourse is mind-bendingly essentialist, misogynistic, and reactionary now (redpill talking points are mainstream even with many women, slut shaming is back with a vengeance, any men who don’t fit the old-school stoic provider role are shamed as failures, body positivity has been more or less tossed entirely even by many progressives, people talk about “hookup culture” and porn like medieval peasants talked about witches, completely innocuous things are “red flags” and “icks” now, the whole “tradwife” thing, etc).

It feels like the pendulum swung back at least 15 years on almost every single facet of society and I don’t know how long this is gonna last or how we get out of this. Why did this have to happen while I was supposed to be living my peak life in my early-mid 20s smh

This is gonna be a loooooong decade, folks
R: 39 / I: 7
Why did ISIS run to Africa of all places? And why west Africa?
R: 4 / I: 1

News 1/10/25

‘The rich are on course to destroy all our lives’
Its findings showed that while the richest capitalists had already exceeded that limit in the first 10 days of 2025, it would take someone from the poorest half of the global population nearly three years to use up their share.

Libya expels 600 Nigeriens in ‘dangerous and traumatising’ desert journey
The expulsions come as EU countries have been accused of ignoring the widespread and systematic human rights violations and abuses against migrants in Libya as they seek to reduce the number of people arriving in Europe, with Italy signing deals with Tunisia and Libya to reduce Mediterranean crossings.

Benin suffers heavy troop losses during jihadist border attack
Col Gomina did not say how many Beninese troops had been killed during the attack, but a security source put the death toll at 28. The chief of staff called on military commanders to improve their operational strategies to counter security threats.

Three more self-defense battalions formed in Qamishlo
Following the overthrow of the Assad regime in Syria, the people are setting up their own self-defense units to counter the attacks by the Turkish state and the Syrian National Army (SNA) mercenaries against North-East Syria.

Israeli settlers commit arson and vandalism in spate of West Bank attacks
The attacks came as Ronen Bar, the head of Israel’s internal security agency Shin Bet (Shabak), urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday to greenlight a major military offensive in the occupied territory. Palestinian news agency Wafa, quoting witnesses, reported on Friday that a group of settlers attacked the farm on the outskirts of Khirbet Abu Falah where they burned a shed and left racist graffiti on the walls in Hebrew.

Study Finds Gaza Death Toll Likely 40 Percent Higher Than Official Count
In the first eight months of Israel’s slaughter, the official toll underreported deaths by 41 percent, the group of London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine researchers estimated. The peer-reviewed article was published in The Lancet, one of the world’s leading scientific journals and the top journal for medical research.

Health workers in Turkey resist profit-driven primary care regulation
The demonstrations are coordinated by a coalition of a dozen professional associations and trade unions, including the Turkish Medical Association (TTB), the Union of Health and Social Service Workers (SES), and the Federation of Associations of Family Health Workers, Midwives, and Nurses. These organizations have called for public provision of primary care, reduced patient loads for family physicians, and adequate staffing levels to meet patients’ needs.

Petro to shun Venezuela’s controversial inauguration of Maduro
In a statement on social media platform X, Petro said that recent arrests of opponents of the Venezuelan government impede his participation in the inauguration ceremony. The president also stated that the July vote to reelect Maduro for another six years “weren’t free” and that Colombia’s requests for transparency in the vote count were ignored.

Australia violated refugees' rights in offshore detention centre, says UN
Under Australia's tough immigration policies, those attempting to reach the country by boat have been sent to detention centres - including on the South Pacific island nation of Nauru - for so-called "offshore processing" since 2013. Such facilities have previously drawn scrutiny from rights groups.

South Korea's presidential security chief urges 'no bloodshed' in Yoon arrest
"I understand many citizens are concerned about the current situation where government agencies are in conflict and confrontation," presidential security service chief Park Chong-jun told reporters Friday before he was questioned at the Korean National Police Agency. "I believe that under no circumstances should there be physical clashes or bloodshed."
R: 11 / I: 2  

Food Thread

Human beings have three major desires, the desire for food, the desire for sex, and the desire for sleep. Among these three major desires, because appetite is the desire to meet human survival needs, the behavior of satisfying appetite is among the three , priority is first. If people can eat delicious food in the process of eating, they can also make them extremely happy. In real life, there are people who are persistently pursuing this kind of pleasure. We usually call such people a gourmet, while This restaurant is specially for those who are tired of the common food in the world, tailor-made, and provide food that fits their identity.
R: 22 / I: 4

Why Venezuela?

I am not that versed in Venezuela. Why did the U.S. target them in particular so hard. They didn't target other pink wave socdems as hard with sanctions and the like. Is it because of the oil and the fact that Venezuela is close with Cuba? Or is there another reason? Hugo Chavez seemed barely more radical than your average Latin American socdem.
R: 23 / I: 1

FOSFALC (Free and Open Source Fully Automated Luxury Communism)

FOSFALC (Free and Open Source Fully Automated Luxury Communism)

A material mode of communism characterized by free sharing of technical schematics for constructing the industrial apparatus of capitalism

Predicated on the idea that one way in which capitalism enforces private property is through private ideas. Instead, public ideas can make those irrelevant, since workers can sidestep privately designed means of production in favor of freely open source ones

Imagine a repository of CAD files for printing 3d printers capable of printing all of the materials necessary for creating all of the major industrial apparatuses. In other words, capable of bootstrapping itself


Similar to this

Thusly enabling communism materially

R: 4 / I: 1 (sage)


Can we actually have a rigorous definition of identity politics? Should /leftypol/ allow anyone who is a proletarian regardless of their weird opinions on race/gender? Or is that "Tailism"?

Tailism is a tendency within Marxism to cater to reactionary views that further divide the working class, on issues that are inextricably linked to class struggle, such as racism, feminism, and LGBTQIA+ rights, instead of leading, elevating and uniting the entire working class in revolutionary struggle. Spontaneity is a form of tailism that reduces the vanguard party to a recorder of events and prevents it from leading a revolution.


>Identity politics is politics based on a particular identity, such as ethnicity, race, nationality, religion, denomination, gender, sexual orientation, social background, caste, age, disability, intelligence, and social class. The term encompasses various often-populist political phenomena and rhetoric, such as governmental migration policies that regulate mobility and opportunity based on identities, left-wing agendas involving intersectional politics or class reductionism, and right-wing nationalist agendas of exclusion of national or ethnic "others."

<Many socialists, anarchists and Marxists have criticized identity politics for its divisive nature, claiming that it forms identities that can undermine their goals of proletariat unity and class struggle. On the other hand, many conservative think tanks and media outlets have criticized identity politics for other reasons, such as that it is inherently collectivist and prejudicial. Center-right critics of identity politics have seen it as particularist, in contrast to the universalism espoused by many liberal politics, or argue that it detracts attention from non-identity based structures of oppression and exploitation. A leftist critique of identity politics, such as that of Nancy Fraser, argues that political mobilization based on identitarian affirmation leads to surface redistribution—that is, a redistribution within existing structures and relations of production that does not challenge the status quo. Instead, Fraser argued, identitarian deconstruction, rather than affirmation, is more conducive to leftist goals of economic redistribution. Similarly, Marxist academics such as Kurzwelly, Pérez and Spiegel, writing for Dialectical Anthropology, argue that because the term "identity politics" is defined differently based on a given author's or activist's ideological position, it is analytically imprecise. The same authors argue in another article that identity politics often leads to reproduction and reification of essentialist notions of identity, which they view are inherently erroneous.
R: 41 / I: 5
In this thread we discuss the suffering of wild animals.

Taking the biological definition of "animal" as referring to any organism within the kingdom of animalia, there are about 500 quintillion animals on Earth, far more than the number of humans. Before we can even begin, the first question to tackle is the uncertain sentience of approximately all of these animals.

The most populous animal on Earth is the nematode, pictured here. 80% of all all animals are one of these fellas. There are 40,000 different species of nematode, which differ in anatomical characteristics, but generally they are about 1 millimeter long, and have a few hundred neurons each. Pic related is Caenorhabditis elegans, a rather famous nematode species owing to its unusually well-understood nervous system. They have no brain, but 302 neurons distributed across their body, and scientists have carefully and thoroughly documented the activity of every single one of those neurons with exquisite detail. Because of this, we understand every single avoidance behavior that it displays, and every single component of the neural activity that occurs whenever it displays avoidance in response to nociception.

Nociception is when the nervous system of an animal detects a stimuli that causes it to display an avoidance behavior. In humans nociception is associated with pain. You stab someone in the arm, it activates nociceptors, nociceptors send signals through the nervous system up the spinal column to the brain, and the neocortex processes the incoming sense-data as a conscious experience. In nematodes, there are multiple stimuli that will result in nociception, each of which triggers a unique avoidance response in a predictable way. See pic related number 2. This is not analogous to neocortical suffering, but rather to the behavior of human "reflex arcs", neural pathways distributed across the body which cause extremely quick avoidance reactions from muscles before the conscious brain can become aware of the danger.
For this reason, we can be very certain that nematodes do not feel pain, and we can write off 80% of animalia as not being worthy of moral consideration any more than plants or bacteria. On similar grounds we can dismiss bivalves, copepods, springtails, mites, and tardigrades. That the latter four of these extremely populous species (there are about 2 quintillion springtails and a similar number of copepods) are definitely insentient is grounds for celebration, for reasons I will defend later. The reason it's fortunate that bivalves have no centralized nervous system is that bivalves are a thousand times larger than springtails and tardigrades, and can be eaten by humans. They are therefore a good source of meat, providing iron and B12, without any of the ethical dilemmas associated with say, chicken. They even sequester carbon in their shells, so unlike most animal agriculture which exacerbates climate change, oyster and mussel aquaculture is carbon negative! Considering that small animals like field mice are sometimes killed during the harvesting of grains and legumes, oysters and mussels are almost certainly the lowest-suffering food sources on Earth, and should be considered acceptable fare for ethical vegans and vegetarians. But I digress.

For animals with brain and more than a few thousand neurons, there exists a large gray area, in which dwells decapods like shrimp and lobster (100,000 neurons each), social insects like ants and bees (1 million neurons each), and most insects and fish generally. Whether or not these animals are sentient is an open question, with no scientific consensus as to the answer. They have analogous structures to those that are known to produce consciousness in the human brain, with similar functions and constructions, but they often differ from mammalian brains in ways which have unclear effects on the animals' theoretical internal experience, as well as being much smaller in size and complexity (is 100,000 neurons really enough for even a rudimentary form of sentience?) If we make pessimistic assumptions, and assume that ants and shrimp and other arthropods are sentient, then the number of sentient animals is something like 100 quadrillion. If we assume that arthropods are not sentient, but vertebrate fish are, then the number of sentient animals is closer to 100 trillion. If we assume that only mammals and birds are sentient, we get about 1 trillion.

We have very good reason to believe that mammals and birds are sentient, about equally good as our reasoning for believing that springtails and tardigrades are not. There is overwhelming scientific consensus that all mammals and birds are conscious, as they have big complex brains with analogous structures to the ones that produce consciousness in our own brains. The very influential 2012 Cambridge Declaration on Animal Consciousness said:
<The absence of a neocortex does not appear to preclude an organism from experiencing affective states. Convergent evidence indicates that non-human animals have the neuroanatomical, neurochemical, and neurophysiological substrates of conscious states along with the capacity to exhibit intentional behaviors. Consequently, the weight of evidence indicates that humans are not unique in possessing the neurological substrates that generate consciousness. Non-human animals, including all mammals and birds, and many other creatures, including octopuses, also possess these neurological substrates.

So even in conservative scenarios, the number of wild animals is enormous, far outnumbering humans. From this the question arises: How is the world's majority doing? Are they okay? Are humans unlucky to be born into civilization, or are we the biosphere bourgeoisie? I think the answers to those questions are "badly", "no", and "the latter".

First of all, if many insects are sentient, then the Earth is hell. Most insects are R-strategists, meaning that they give birth to thousands of offspring after mating, most of which die before mating. The vast majority of insects, then, will be born, and then starve or freeze to death over the course of a few hours. That’s what life on Earth is like for 90% of individuals who won the lottery and got to exist. The exception to this may be social insects, for an interesting reason. The reproductive unit of social insects (bees, wasps, ants, termites) is the colony, not the individual. Most colonies will die young, but most ants will be born into the colonies that didn’t, because the successful colonies have far more members. Just from my observations, social insects seem to not be very affected by pain either. They’re willing to do anything for the colony, implying they’re not really that bothered by adverse situations. As evidence for this, one of the only species of eusocial mammals, the African naked mole rat, evolved to be immune to pain, meaning pain might be selected against for eusocial animals. For these two reasons I expect that eusocial insects experience much less suffering than other insects. This is fortunate because they are more likely to be sentient than most other insects, owing to their larger and more complex brains (necessary for their complex social behaviors). They still face disease, extreme temperatures, parasites, and being eaten alive though, so it’s probably bad that they even exist in the first place (what would you choose between nonexistence and being a worker ant?).
Fish have it terrible as well. Farmed fish have it the worst of anybody, living in filthy and cramped conditions that make them go insane, but wild fish still almost always die by being eaten alive. Similarly, I expect that wild mammals and birds live better lives than their farmed counterparts (with the exception of pasture-raised ungulates like cows and sheep), since they spend their lives outside in their natural habitats and engaging in their enriching natural behaviors (known to be good for animal welfare across the board), they live worse lives than humans, and we’re not really doing that great. Half of them are lucky enough to die from predation (still extremely painful of course, but very brief), a quarter die from human activity (starving from habitat loss or being burned alive in a rainforest clearing or getting shot by a Republican), and a quarter die from starvation, disease, and injuries.

Body was too long. Continued in next post.
R: 6 / I: 4

Canada Annexation


<In one treaty, the U.S. annexed the present-day states of California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Oklahoma, Kansas and Wyoming. It subsequently illegally invaded Indigenous territory in the west.

>Canada could be next — perhaps not immediately as the 51st state, but quite possibly as a U.S. territory that would deny Canadians any voting rights for Congress or the presidency, allow only some autonomy and make questions of citizenship ambiguous. The constitutional architecture exists in the U.S. to make it happen.

<That’s the wrong reading. How Trump could make good on the threat can be found in the U.S. Constitution. There is both potential and precedent for the U.S. to acquire territory through cession or subjugation.

what is the chance this happens in practice? How does NATO figure into this?
R: 47 / I: 6

Rant: Anti-intellectual sentiment isn’t undeserved

The level of anti-intellectual sentiment isn’t underserved.
For clarification, this atititude many people have is almost exclusively a western problem. Science, intelligence, land literacy are actually some of the most celebrated and respected aspects of society internationally. However, the history of intellectual institutions throughout the west have justified a lot of the resentment people have towards it. I’m going to cover three categories of institutions so you can understand why I think that scientists, experts, and professionals deserve most of the hate they get.

>western ‘science’

The history of science in the west is uniquely shitty. Coincidentally, how western science’s history is taught is also shitty. A lot of people today unfortunately carry the attitude that religion regresses scientific thought. That is far from true. Worse, western history teachers tend to attribute most of today’s societal norms to modern western science. This is also wrong.

Ideas like infection control through grooming and limiting contact with hazardous materials are ancient ones. Look in any religious text, history book, or even old letter and you’ll find plenty of examples of people practicing hygiene to keep themselves safe from illness. Hell, part of why people wore headscarfs for thousands of years was to protect their scalp from vectors (animals that carry viruses) and the sun. Yet in western history books, concepts like quarantine, hygiene, and even some medicines are thought of as originating from Florence Nightingale. There are far more examples of miscrediting of scientific achievement, but I won’t cover more. There is the history of western science to consider.

Unlike in normal countries, western scientists are historically known to struggle at recognizing personal boundaries and people’s dignity. There are so many atrocities related to human experimentation alone that the practice is flat out banned in several countries. Tuskegee, Joseph Mengele, sterilization campaigns, Eugenics, you name it and it’s there.
So many people were ultimately hurt, and all these failed ideas only went on to justify the criticism and distrust western science received. It’s not even like that these controversies were necessary either.

A growing number of western scientific boards are doing what other scientists internationally have been doing for thousands of years—asking people for informed fucking consent before testing on them. It’s even more effective to just ask people who are willing to take part in research than getting samples off prisoners, refugees, and kidnapped peoples anyways and it makes scientists look less bad.

Like fuck man, sometimes I forget that western medicine is going through a massive overhaul because the idiots running those institutions used white adult males almost exclusively for all their experiments. Now shitloads of patents are being removed and or replaced just to accommodate for a wider pool of people.

How can anyone participating in western academia expect to be taken seriously with all that shit? Endlessly taking advantage of people for experiments, taking credit for things that weren’t personally invented or discovered, and failing to consider different opinions all the time. At least some effort is being made to address the complaints, but western science has a long way to go before it deserves any kind of respect or trust from the rest of society.
R: 50 / I: 6

The Democrats are Going to Lose in 2028

Just wanted to post my predictiong somewhere it can be screen capped for poserity but just wanted to put it out there l do think the dems are going to lose in 2028. And the reason l think there going to lose most of all is there obsession with Donald Trump.
Make no mistake this by no means is going to be """Patriotic Socialist""" pro-Trump post, Trump is a Fascist and his supporters are clearly Fascist and anyone who says otherwise is clearly is either a stooge or a retard. lt is not their opposition to fascism which will lose dems the next election but rather the manner in which the dems will oppose fascism in the next election (and the coming years) namely centered around Donald Trump and (more importantliy) critiquing Trump from his Right.
On this first point again l'm in no way saying that Donald Trump is not a fascist a criminal or a rapist or any other pejoradive any run of the mill radlib would like me to acknowledge; only that the American people pretty definitively
about any of these things.
lf there is any lesson of the last election it is that.
Not that the median voter loves Trump, "likes" Trump, or supports his policies, or buys into his culture wars only that they siple Do. Not. Fucking. CARE. about any of the shit dems through at him.
They didn't care enough about it to vote against him when he was on the ballot, and they certaintly will not care about it enough when he's off the ballot and his hand picked succesor is running in his stead.
And the emotional, anxiety, trama induced obsession libs both in and out of media has with Donald Trump is going to make them focus their critiques on him throughout the next 4 years making who ever comes next (Vance, RFK, Desantis whoever) look ""moderate"" in comparison only further helping that candidate and possibly leading to an even bigger victory in 28.
On the second point it is worth discussing exactly how the dems are going (and this cycle already did) critique Donald Trump from his right.
ln this last cylce they pretty obviously did this on the issues of Trade and forigne policy but in the years to come l think they may well even go further.
They already matched his 2016 bid on immigration but l honestly wouldn't be surprised if in the next 4 years they go after his current proposals of attaching green cards to diplomas not only because of the comparitive lack of lib moral sympathy high skilled professionals from the indian sub continent have compared to the "poor unwashed masses" of the third world but also because these doctors and programers will be coming for the jobs of THElR kids, THElR industries.
l dont think we're there yet in a technical sense but there is a pretty good chance in the next 4 years we se both parties embrace Fascist politics and this could even go as far as LGBT issues given how quick dems have been to throw trans people under the buss.
They're not just gona follow the GOP, they're gona try to LEAD the GOP in this right wing spiral and this will only further alienate left-wing voters and lead to even lower turn out in 28
Over all its gona be another cycle like this. Probably an even more nosiating and cartoonishly reactionary cycle as (unless there is a recession) the dems will have basically nothing to run on but Trump's moral failings without Trump even on the ballot, all meaningful policy critique gone, all energyy of resistance deluded.
lts gona be the cycle of wimper opposed to the ""roar"" of 24.
And the dems will probably run the oldest, whitest, straightest male they can find in reaction Hillary and Harris's loss.
Republican rule is locked in till 32.
Screencap this.
R: 5 / I: 0

was Hoxha's Albania the only Atheist Country?

Many so called "atheist countries" are not so, in my humble opinion:
>Japan: obsessed with the paranormal\ghosts\ ESP stuff. They say they go to temples for "cultural reasons", but IMO they kind believe in charms, amulets, etc
>Scandinavia: many folk beliefs like Fae, Elves, strong in some areas. some are "officially State" Confessional. calvinist, if I recall. also there are many muslims now, in Malmo for example so, technically the whole country is less-atheistic
>south korea: secular ,but huge belief in shamans\tarot\astrology, some rather politically-relevant cults like moonies
>french revolution: they were Deists, even so the termiorians\great terror advocates eventually got toned down
>Stalin: made pacts, deals, ceasefire with the orthodox church. soviet constitution gave freedom of religion
>North Korea: despite what anti-commies tell you, their Constitution guarantees freedom of religion. there are a couple of churches there, and they have their own buddhist sangha (monastic order) . most people do follow animism buddhism syncretism
>Castro's Cuba: Santeria never stopped being huge there
so..is the albania of Hoxa the only REAL atheist country-society, in modern history?
R: 121 / I: 26


So how has the argentina economy under milei been going
has it been a failure
has it been a success
is it mixed?
whats the long term projections of it.
Will argentina fall further into stagnation?
R: 7 / I: 1

News 1/9/25

A so-called 'white bone squad' has emerged to take the lead in stopping the arrest of President Yoon..
Baekgoldan refers to a police unit dedicated to arresting protesters in plain clothes at rallies and demonstrations in the 1980s and 1990s. They were mostly martial arts fighters, special forces soldiers, and Marines, and they rushed to the protesters at the time, beat them mercilessly, and arrested them, making them a target of fear not only for the protesters but also for ordinary citizens.

Wife of China’s fallen minister used shadow firms to wash dirty money, big data shows
The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) – China’s top anti-corruption and political disciplinary body – has accused Tang and his wife of using multiple proxies to control these shadow companies, which had made the investigation “extremely challenging”, the episode aired on Tuesday night said.

US needs to keep troops in Syria, says Defence Secretary Austin
THE United States needs to keep troops deployed in Syria to prevent Islamic State from reconstituting as a major threat following the ousting of Bashar al-Assad’s government, Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Wednesday.

Israel Blocks UN Probe of Alleged Hamas Sex Crimes During October 7 Attack
Israel has blocked a request from United Nations sex crimes experts to probe alleged sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas fighters during the October 7, 2023 attack, reportedly to avoid attendant scrutiny of rapes and other abuses allegedly committed by Israeli forces against imprisoned Palestinians.

UK charity regulator says 'it is not lawful' for British charities to raise funds for soldiers in Israeli army
The trustees were unable to account for how those funds were spent. But the charity told the Charity Commission that the remaining funds were spent on non-lethal military equipment purchased by the trustees and sent to the same soldier in Israel.

Number of illegal migrants forcibly expelled from Russia doubles
More than 23,000 illegal migrants were expelled last year from Moscow and Moscow Region alone, according to the Federal Service. Most of those expelled were citizens from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), having predominantly come from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Three citizens from Latvia, France and Estonia were among those expelled.

Turkey insists on two states for ethnically divided Cyprus as the UN looks to restart peace talks
Turkey on Wednesday again insisted on a two-state peace accord in ethnically divided Cyprus as the United Nations prepares to meet with all sides in early spring in hopes of restarting formal talks to resolve one of the world’s most intractable conflicts.

Elon Musk and Far-Right German Leader Agree ‘Hitler Was a Communist’
On Thursday, Elon Musk agreed with the leader of a far-right German political party that Adolf Hitler was a communist and that left-wing groups who supported Palestinian causes have more in common with Nazis than with her own party. The deeply weird and disinformation-filled conversation between Musk and Alice Weidel, the leader of Alternative for Germany (AfD), took place on X.

Chad say military foiled armed assault on presidential complex, 19 killed
A security source told the French news agency AFP news agency that the attackers were members of the Boko Haram armed group, but Koulamallah later said they were “probably not” rebels, describing them instead as drunken “Pieds Nickeles” – a reference to a French comic featuring hapless crooks.

‘More businesses willing to fund the ANC despite electoral decline’
“Much as our electoral vote has gone down, we are finding that there is resurgence of interest and a resurgence of support in the business community. Both black business as well as white business. So, we are really overjoyed we have anchor supporters,” he says. Ramaphosa says that he is also looking forward to hosting countries of the G20 later this year where various issues that include investing in South Africa can be discussed over golf.
R: 1 / I: 0

We are entering a new era

The American bourgeoisie are entering a new epoch, the preparation for the consolidation of power on the American continent in light of emerging powers is here. The quickness with which the Biden admin, prominent bourgeois such as Zuck, and the media dropped the facade of Trump being Hitler, a felon, is proof.
R: 17 / I: 2

Socialism is amazing

Norway is mixed socialist and socialism is amazing. I am guaranteed everything I need while I work to be great. Capitalism sucks because it implies my home will become an open marketplace with mass replacement immigration. I also don’t like working for others and stuff. I like working for my own dreams and my community.

Have a happy new year :-)
R: 613 / I: 213 (full)


<13 days until funni(nauguration) edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us

Previous thread:
R: 15 / I: 7

Misconceptions about North Korea

When did you realize you were being lied to about North Korea? I just finished the third season of blowback about the Korean war and it was quite shocking just how distorted the narratives are.

R: 226 / I: 8


What's the LeftyPol CONSENSUS on antinatalism? Do you think is a correct moral instance to have? Have you ever wonder if it's alright to put a child into the world without their consent? I think is morally questionable to put a child into the world so he becomes another wagie slaved under capitalism
R: 75 / I: 9

/Internationalism/ General #13


>thread 1

>thread 2
>thread 3
>thread 4
>thread 5
>thread 6
>thread 7
>thread 8
>thread 9
>thread 10
>thread 11
>thread 12

Last thread: >>>/leftypol/1944320

But what is multipolarity? The emergence of China, the reassertion of Russia, the rise of regional powers like India, Brazil, and South Africa, among others, suggest a new global development, but is it towards a world where multiple powers exist in a state of relative equilibrium, hence challenging the unipolar hegemony led by the United States post-Cold War, or Capitalism 2: Electric Boogaloo - Neo-Dengism Edition?

To what extent is cheering on this developing state of affairs just capitalist nationalism? If the whole thrust of socialism is now simply competition between capitalist states, what becomes of the classical socialist goals of workers' control of the means of production, and abolishing class society?

Given that Russia/Iran (two of the 'multipolar' pillars) have thrown Syria under a bus, this thread is more important than ever. Syria was a secular socialist state that has been destroyed by jihadist terrorists. And no, it's not "campism" to support Syria. Syria was actually deserving of solidarity.

Required reading:

Related national/regional current threads:
• /africa/ - Africa general - >>>/leftypol/1831758
• /ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine war general - >>>/leftypol/2075250
• /sg/ - Syrian Civil War General - >>>/leftypol/2079199
• /prc/ - People's Republic of China general - >>>/leftypol/2056718
• /SEA/ - Southeast Asia General - >>>/leftypol/1947611
• /rus/ - Russia General - >>>/leftypol/2024350
• DPRK/ - Democratic People's Republic of Korea General - >>>/leftypol/1947383

R: 6 / I: 2

Mozambique protests: this guy has balls

This guy led protests that went on for months against the Frelimo party, got exiled and then came back just to continue fucking with the liberation party out of spite. I respect the confidence of this man. I will live to see all autocracies, charismatic leaders, and despots perish.
R: 48 / I: 8

Only 3 options ahead to face climate change

1. We somehow counter global warming and there's no mass migration (early social revolution)

2. Everyone (billions) goes live to the habitable zones and somehow manage to share resources (late social revolution)

3. Billions of refugees murdered at the borders by armies (most likely scenario)

If socialism doesn't triumph this time, hell will be a walk in the park compared to what will be unleashed on Earth. Better dead than alive.
R: 3 / I: 0

News 1/8/25

Amid LA Inferno, Home Insurers Under Fire for Policy Cancellations
More than 1,000 homes, businesses, and other buildings have burned in the Palisades, Hurst, and Eaton fires—the latter of which has killed two people, The Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday. Fueled by fierce Santa Ana winds and extraordinarily dry conditions, all three fires were at 0% containment as of Wednesday afternoon, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE).

Venezuela’s Maduro says US nationals among group of ‘mercenaries’ detained
Maduro said on Tuesday that the group was planning “terrorist acts” ahead of the inauguration ceremony on Friday, describing them as two Colombian “hitmen”, three “mercenaries” from the war in Ukraine and two US citizens.

Argentina privatizes state metal firm in Milei era first
The company's shares will be transferred to the U.S.-based consortium Industrial Acquisition Fund (IAF), whose top partner is Arc Energy, according to an official announcement on Wednesday. A government commission reviewed bids for IMPSA's sale and recommended awarding shares held by national and provincial governments to the IAF consortium.

Drone attack kills several on their way to protest in northern Syria
“A UCAV [unmanned combat aerial vehicle] belonging to the Turkish occupation bombed a convoy of civilians from North and Easter Syria who headed to the Tishreen Dam in order to stop the Turkish attacks on the Dam, which is a vital source of water and electricity for the people in northern and eastern Syria,” said the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in a statement.

==French journalist detained by Israel in Syria
A Syrian journalist who was also on the scene said Mercadier was arrested while negotiating permission to film the Israeli forces that were arriving in the village. "He was wearing a 'Press' bulletproof vest. Despite that, when the soldiers got to him, they confiscated his equipment, then beat him and called him a 'mercenary,'" Yousuf Gharibi told Marianne.

Thousands gather to celebrate death of French far-right figure Jean-Marie Le Pen
Jean-Marie Le Pen died on Tuesday at the age of 96. He was a polarising figure, with some on the right praising his contribution to politics while others on the left branding him a fascist.

Austrian foreign minister to serve as interim leader as far-right Freedom Party attempts to form new coalition government
The anti-immigration, eurosceptic and Russia-friendly Freedom Party won Austria’s parliamentary election in September, but was initially shunned by other parties. After Mr Nehammer announced his resignation, his conservative Austrian People’s Party made an abrupt U-turn on its previous refusal to contemplate working with the Freedom Party under its leader, Herbert Kickl.

Former Cambodian opposition politician shot dead in Bangkok – reports
Lim Kimya was a member of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), the popular opposition that was dissolved by a court ahead of a 2018 election over an alleged treason plot, which the party dismissed at the time as a fabrication.

India’s Response to World’s Largest Dam in China Faces Local Opposition
The protests have intensified as a section of the local population believes that the feasibility survey is being conducted secretly. Protestors submitted a petition to the government registering their opposition to the survey and construction of SUMP. They also made a case for a referendum among the population to be affected.

More Australians at risk of homelessness but missing out on vital support
A recent Impact Economics and Policy report for the national peak body Homelessness Australia revealed that in 2022, there were between 2.7 million and 3.2 million Australians at risk of homelessness. That represented a 63 percent increase between 2016 and 2022. Even just one negative shock could put these people at risk of losing their homes and seeking assistance from already over-stretched homelessness services.
R: 19 / I: 6
Do you think that Luigi Mangione is the Robin Hood of today’s standards what you think you’re just an angry young shitlib or do you think you’re actually accomplishing something by killing off the United healthcare ceo
R: 75 / I: 10

read more marx

No one reads Marxist classics anymore. I see people here arguing for equal wages (debunked in the Poverty of Philosophy), arguing for negative negation of the bourgeois order (everyone a petty-bourgeois (debunked in the 1844 Manuscripts)), arguing for two-step revolution (see the theory of 'continuous' revolution by Marx), not understanding the state apparatus (read Bukharin and Lenin), people engaging in philosophical idealism (read the German Ideology). I see people not understanding the historical role of the proletariat or how socialism looks in practice (the 18th Brumaire, the Civil War in France). People not understanding what it means for the proletarian state to wither away. How many of read the Critique of the Gotha or Erfurt programme? What the heck, I bet you 90% people here would struggle to define what a commodity is, and maybe some 5% understand Marx's critique of the value-form. No one understands Lenin's imperialism, no one has read organizational works by him either (What is to be done, One step forward two steps back, Two tactics). People misunderstanding Leninist pairlamentary tactics (Left-wing communism - it's not about the Italian leftcoms!!). I doubt people have read his 4-5 works right before his death on socialist construction.

But there are endless threads on based Russia and based China and the based MAGAcoms and the based petty class terrorism and endless bait threads and nonsense and shit
R: 5 / I: 0

China & Climate Change

How are they prepared or preparing for changes in the climate? Very curious in any developments and how they are doing in comparison to everyone else.

I am also curious in any international developments and programs they may be involved in.
R: 46 / I: 8 (sage)

Criminalize Marriage, Legalize Sex-Work

"Marriage" is a form of sexual serfdom. We should criminalize "marriage" or sexual serfdom and legalize sex-work. All forms of child-care, sexual labor and reproductive labor should be proletarianized. Only when we move away from sexual feudalism where married men are little kings can the workers rise up. As long as sexual feudalism and its system of gender-caste exists, any threats to that system such as sexual minorities will be used to rouse the little kings and their serfs against sexual scab labor such as trans women and homosexuals.
R: 120 / I: 19
ITT: times the People's Republic of China was clearly on the wrong side of the conflict, and why.

Is this a consistent characteristic of the state, or does it peak under certain leaders?

Screencaps: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Third_World_relations
R: 66 / I: 5

What is the dengist position on the Indian and Phillipian Maoists?

How do Western Marxists and Dengists simultaneously tell others to listen to the global south when it comes to defending bourgeois states against blatant foreign intervention (a general good thing btw) while ignoring when comrades in India and Phillipines say China is imperialist. These comrades are arguably putting out the sharpest and most advanced Marxist analysis with direct experience.

US imperialism and the institutions and frameworks it upholds can still be the primary contradiction but how does that disregard that simultaneously other poles of capital will arise that will be compelled by the same internal logic to accumulate capital and export capital to underdeveloped areas

Imperialism isn’t a light switch or something you choose to engage with willingly, it’s the highest stage of capitalism, that doesn’t mean that Assad’s Syria was “imperialist” just because it was compelled to engage in world trade while navigating sanctions while managing the own internal contradictions within the Syrian bourgeois and people.

But at the same time a country as large as China, with all the internal mechanisms and logics of capital being the dominant mode of production, isn’t compelled to do the same because the ruling party is called Communist in name.
R: 53 / I: 1
>person commits premeditated murder against bourgeois (yay!)
>gets arrested and imprisoned
why are they like this? not just talking about luigi, this is a recurring thing. do they expect the bourgeois system or even just the fucking general population to take that seriously? keep up all the ones saying "honor luigi", "luigi is a hero" and all that, but seriously, free luigi? do they even think before they say this?
R: 22 / I: 6

the good the bad and the retarded of the purges

who was the most jusitifed purge and who was the least justified ?

"none" isn't an answer and even the soviet government and stalin himself admitted mistakes were made, also this character limit is super fucking gay
R: 0 / I: 0
Damn, he actually said that stereotypically Canadian shit?
R: 12 / I: 4

Who was in the wrong here?

Obviously the intervention of the warsaw pact was an extreme reaction and it trampled czechoslovak sovereignty. But at the same time with the benefit of hindsight we can see that Dubcek was pretty much the original Gorbachev and his reforms would have led, if allowed to continue, to the collapse of any vestiges of socialism. Thoughts?
R: 27 / I: 5

This is so fucking petty 💀

Imagine working for a country that is known for wasting billions of dollars fucking over a region of the planet and then getting offended when you’re disliked for working for that region. Now imagine getting offended about it in public.

Oh boo hoo, africans think that your child-fucking terrorist sponsoring “soldiers” were in fact cancer to Africa that were known for fucking children and sponsoring terrorist.
R: 37 / I: 2

Ethnic Cleansing and Apartheid are stressful.


Growing a conscience can be painful.

Israel's whiny hypocrisy knows no bounds. No matter what they do they are victims.
R: 5 / I: 2

News 1/7/25

Jean-Marie Le Pen, French far-right leader known for fiery rhetoric against immigration, dies at 96
One of the most polarizing figures in French politics, Le Pen made Islam and Muslim immigrants his primary target, blaming them for economic and social woes. He also repeatedly denied the Holocaust and was convicted multiple times of antisemitism, discrimination and inciting racial violence.

Climate activists jailed for combined 41 years vow to ‘never give up’
The activists were sentenced after the former so-called independent extremism adviser Lord Walney, a lobbyist for the arms and oil industry, urged the harshest response for those resisting genocide, whether from carbon emissions or Israeli bombs.

UK cut health aid to vulnerable nations while hiring their nurses, research finds
Spending on projects designed to strengthen the healthcare workforce in those countries fell by 83%, from £24m to £4m. At the same time, the number of nurses from these countries on the UK’s national register rose sharply. There were 11,386 registered in September 2020, and 32,543 in September 2024.

Health workers in Brussels demand release of Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya
In Brussels, a rally was organized by Health Workers for Palestine, Viva Salud, and United for Palestine (Unis pour la Palestine, UPP) near the European Parliament. The protesters called for solidarity with medics in occupied Palestine and stronger denunciations of Israeli crimes by European health institutions.

Indonesia joins BRICS bloc as full member, Brazil says
Indonesia's foreign ministry said in a statement on Tuesday that it welcomed the announcement and that "BRICS membership is a strategic way to increase collaboration and partnership with other developing nations."

Myanmar Junta’s Political Prisoner Releases Exaggerated: Rights Groups
The Political Prisoners Network Myanmar has refuted junta claims that around 600 political prisoners were released during the Independence Day amnesty. The junta released 5,864 prisoners on Saturday, of which around 340 were political prisoners jailed for sedition under the Penal Code.

Mapaila says SACP to contest 2026 elections as standalone party, Ramaphosa warns against the move
Should the SACP not heed the ANC president’s warning and reconsider their decision, it will be the first time the communist party will appear on an electoral ballot in the new South Africa. Mapaila said the plight of the poor was worsening as he raged against poverty, unemployment, crime and public sector corruption — which he blamed on the capitalist system.

Turkey-backed Syria may be bigger threat than Iran, says Israeli government panel
“Furthermore, since the Sunni rebels will wield political power by virtue of their central control in Syria, a greater threat may emerge from them than the Iranian threat, which has been limited due to Israel’s ongoing actions, as well as the restrictions placed on Iran by the sovereign Syrian state.” The committee warned that the problem could intensify if the Syrian force effectively became a Turkish proxy, “as part of Turkey’s ambition to restore the Ottoman Empire to its former glory”.

Renewed clashes | Fierce clashes between SDF and Turkish-backed factions on Teshreen dam frontline leave four combatants dead and wounded
Separately, fierce clashes are underway between both sides on Syriatel frontline, where several military vehicles of the factions and SDF were destroyed. However, no further details have been reported yet about the number of casualties caused by the clashes. Also, SDF drones attacked several vehicles of Turkish-backed factions.

Assad's regime executed dozens of Hamas members without trial, intelligence documents reveal
These intelligence reports were discovered after Assad's government was overthrown in early December, revealing ongoing operations to target anyone with ties to the Palestinian group. Despite a reconciliation between Hamas and the regime in 2022, the Syrian government continued to label Hamas as "traitorous" and ordered the arrest of individuals connected to the group.
R: 1 / I: 0

Koreans live like this and complain about their TFR

Try finding a single person outside in this image. There no people. Koreans are indoor people. No one wants to leave their share of the massive nest that are the cities. In Korea, you sit in your one-person apartment rotting all day and only ever go outside (of course in your private car) to buy groceries alone and equipment. Sometimes doing something that little isn’t practiced due to mixed use buildings.

Koreans do everything indoors in separate cubicles. How can anyone have a social life in that type of environment. You would be lucky to even find friends in Korea. Seoul is an over glorified rat den than a community.
R: 171 / I: 22

Well, it's been 25 years since Poland became capitalistic

I got lots of questions as a Pole:
- Why is Poland supportive of Ukraine, despite being killed?
- Why do neo-nazi Germans accuse Poles of killing Germans, even though Germans were aggressors and killed Poles?
- Why is Poland attacked for March 68?
- Why do imperialistic Israelis want reparations from Poles despite Poland being mostly victims (some collaboration happened but it was not all Poles)?
- Why is exploitation of women normalized in Poland and at the same time, reactionary PETA movement made circuses with animals getting banned, unlike in PRL back then?
- Why worker's rights are allowed to get violated, while rich people claim they are victimized by socialists?
And many more.
R: 284 / I: 37

Why does anarchism not get the same hate as communism?

Anarchists committed a lot of high-profile assassinations in the 20th century, most notably Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria which directly led to WWI. The First Red Scare targeted communists and anarchists equally.

Yet anarchism nowadays is just seen as an ideology for edgy teenagers and not the literal manifestation of evil like communism.
R: 603 / I: 98 (full)

/ biz /

Thread for all business/capitalism related stuff.

DOW/Market Watch Thread - monitoring the market, trends, fluctuations, etc.

Career - job/career advice and other related stuff from a leftist perspective. EX: How to get a job, promotion, skill, switch companies, resume, life hacks, etc.

Econ - Anything related to economic theory, political economy or finance theory or applications/analysis.
R: 605 / I: 159 (full)



Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us

Previous thread:
R: 42 / I: 2
do you think that Xi Jinping is the worthy successor of chairman mao or do you think that he is overrated and a horrible leader I wonder what you guys think so I want to know I think it’s zero Covid policy was great
R: 7 / I: 2

News 1/6/25

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau resigns
Trudeau said he would stay on in office until his Liberal Party can choose a new leader, and that parliament would be prorogued - or suspended - until 24 March. "This country deserves a real choice in the next election and it has become clear to me that if I'm having to fight internal battles, I cannot be the best option in that election," he said during a press conference Monday.

Venezuelan opposition leader who claims to have defeated Maduro meets Biden at White House
Biden’s White House meeting with Edmundo González, who represented Venezuela’s main opposition coalition in the July presidential election, took place as the retired diplomat tries to rally support for his effort to get Maduro out of office by Friday, when by law, the South American country’s next presidential term begins.

Paraguay recognizes Edmundo González Urrutia as President-elect and breaks diplomatic ties with Caracas
Peña gave the Chavista mission 48 hours to leave Asunción and Bolivarian Foreign Minister Yván Gil instructed the Paraguayan mission to do the same. Gil argued in a statement that Peña disregarded the international principle of non-intervention in other countries' businesses and insisted he was repeating the practices of the extinct Lima Group “with its ridiculous adventure called [Juan] Guaidó.”

Israel helps soldier flee Brazil after legal action against him initiated
Israel’s Foreign Ministry admitted today it had helped the soldier flee Brazil after what it described as “anti-Israel elements” tried to bring about an investigation last week. It warned Israelis against posting on social media about their military service.

US envoy says Israeli forces begin pullout from 2nd south Lebanon town
It is the second such pullout since a November 27 ceasefire, and came after United Nations peacekeepers and Lebanon's prime minister late last month called on the Israeli army to speed up its withdrawal from Lebanon's south. "The Israeli military started its withdrawal from Naqura… and back into Israel proper today, south of the Blue Line," Hochstein told reporters, referring to the UN-demarcated boundary between the two countries.

Hamas approves Israeli list of captives to be freed as part of Gaza ceasefire deal
The source said that two children, 10 women - five of them soldiers - and 11 people over the age of 50 were among the 34 captives that the Palestinian group would release if a ceasefire deal were reached. The others were male captives whose release Israel considers urgent, the source added.

West Bank: Palestinian court approves suspension of Al-Jazeera websites
Ramallah Magistrate's Court issued a decision on Sunday to block a number of websites affiliated with the Al Jazeera news channel for a period of four months. The blocked sites include "Al Jazeera Net", "Al Jazeera Live", "Al Jazeera 360", and "AJ+" according to the decision, made under cybercrime law which permits the blocking of websites deemed to "threaten national security or public order".

South Korean anti-corruption agency and police debate tougher measures to detain impeached president
South Korea’s anti-corruption agency and police debated on Monday more forceful measures to detain impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol after their previous attempt was blocked by the presidential security service last week.

ICT issues arrest warrants against Hasina, 10 others
The International Crimes Tribunal on Monday issued arrest warrants for deposed prime minister Sheikh Hasina, her former security adviser Tarique Ahmed Siddique, former Inspector General of Police Benazir Ahmed, and eight others over their alleged involvement in enforced disappearances during the Awami League’s 15-year rule.

‘Chinese people’ blamed for Yoon’s impeachment at ruling party’s rallies in South Korea
Two lawmakers from Yoon’s conservative People Power Party (PPP) sparked controversy by claiming that Chinese residents in South Korea were openly supporting rallies calling for Yoon’s impeachment. “Chinese people are at the forefront everywhere, supporting impeachment,” PPP lawmaker Kim Min-jeon said at a pro-Yoon rally near the president’s residence last week.
R: 158 / I: 22
Is this man right that French philosophers of the 20th century who are believed to be leftists are actually full of shit obscurantists that are propped up by the status quo as pseudo radicals to mislead the general public about the actual state of affairs and how to break free from them?
R: 26 / I: 0

Will the Cuban revolution survive the storm of 2025?

The collapse can be felt throughout Cuba’s economy, and perhaps nowhere more acutely than its critical sugar industry. Initially, collectivization proved immensely successful, with Cuba under Castro reaching a peak of 8.5 million metric tonnes of sugar between 1969 and 1970. In the early 90s, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cuban farmers still produced 7 million metric tons, accounting for a whopping 30% of global sugar exports. But the number fell by half virtually overnight as Cuba’s friends abroad disappeared, and continued to dwindle in the intervening years.

The decline has become more pronounced in recent years, as the number of functioning sugar mills in Cuba has dropped to just 16, with US sanctions continuing to make repairs near-impossible. In 2019, the island managed to produce 1.3 million metric tons of sugar. By 2023, that number dropped to 350,000, with the island failing – for the first time since the 1800s – to produce enough sugar to provide for domestic consumption. As economist Juan Triana explained, it’s difficult to overstate the significance of the massive dropoff in sugar: “For more than 150 years, the industry of sugarcane was both the main export income and the locomotive for the rest of the economy. That’s what we’ve lost.”

Tourism, which overtook sugar as Cuba’s top industry in 1997, has nearly evaporated in the same recent span. Following the appearance of COVID, the island’s visitors dropped from over 4,000,000 per year to just 356,500 in 2021.

Now, Cuba has neither the foreign revenue nor a self-reliant economy to feed its people. The island has been teetering on the brink of disaster since 1990; the start of the pandemic only exacerbated the situation. There are routine blackout crises. Gas shortages are frequent. A trip across Havana on public transportation can take three hours or more. Residents, fatigued by six and a half decades of a Cold War, are demanding “electricity and food.” The imperialist Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) forecasts that this reality will spurn more protests. Rations are down to a bare minimum and even those are often not available. According to one doctor and Cuban Communist Party leader known by his nom de guerre, Oldanier: “We live like Palestinians minus the bombing. Malnutrition is everywhere. Inflation has skyrocketed. The state cannot pay our salaries. Child mortality is way up. More and more people are fleeing.”

Cuba, like many nations targeted by the US for regime change, has seen a major exodus in recent years, with nearly half a million Cubans – representing a full 5% of the Cuban population – reportedly attempting to immigrate to the United States between 2021 and 2023.

Before the aggravated crisis that began with the pandemic, every month, each member of a household in Cuba received a monthly “canasta básica” (basic basket) consisting of an allotment of rice, chickpeas, black beans, cooking oil, salt, sugar, coffee, soap, bread, eggs, chicken, tobacco, and toothpaste. Now, residents complain that portions have dropped significantly, rice arrives late, and chicken has vanished, replaced by cans of potted meat. If a family wants fruit, vegetables, or anything beyond la libreta (the ration book), it is up to their own individual spending ability. Families describe the creative artform of stretching a meager amount of food for the entire month, with one explaining how they saved up extra eggs for New Years Eve in order to be able to give their children some type of treat that night.

Cuba’s internationally-renowned medical sector, once the pride of Latin America, hasn’t been immune to the downturn either. “We cannot provide what is required for those with diabetes and other sick people,” one nurse lamented.

Due to shortages deliberately caused by the intensification of the trade embargo, Cuba’s inflation rate is an astronomical 39.1%. Access to dollars is the only way many people can eat. They can access the private Micro and Small Enterprises stores (MYPIMES) which sell food and other products at prices pegged to the dollar and euro. This means that to buy a pound of chicken in “the free market,” a Cuban will spend up to 20 percent of their monthly salary. For two weeks of milk, they may spend two weeks of their salary. Many Communist Party vets say these are their worst economic conditions yet. One community leader lamented: “We don’t have medication. I am a diabetic. We just keep losing weight. Look at these 25 pounds I have lost. Carlos Lazo’s Bridges of Love (Puentes de Amor) program helps us but it is not enough.”

With no indication that things will improve anytime soon, many Cubans – specifically, young adults – want out. Meanwhile, their blockaded futures provide fertile soil for the next color revolution attempt.

https://thegrayzone.com/2025/01/01/cuban-revolution-survive-2025/ (rest of the article)
R: 596 / I: 132

/leftybritpol/ - Hoes edition


Nothing new under the sun, talk about the political affairs of this rainy, windswept grass-barren mound of rock and stone that we call the British Isles.

Or don't, fuck off.
R: 21 / I: 1  


Why does death and nothingness make me feel so sad? Currently, Trudeau is set to resign, and I cannot shake off the feeling that humans will come to see many more of their leaders, beliefs, and institutions just fade into oblivion.

The British monarch is gone
Assad is gone
Nearly all African and South American dictators are gone
A growing number of people are recognizing the false existence of miracles, god(s), justice, karma, magic, mysticism, immortality, total regeneration, necromancy, pseudoscience, spectacles in history, souls, spiritism, conspiracies, and any other idea people use to give themselves false reassurance about their surroundings.
Market economies are facing eradication worldwide
Governments are being forced to decentralize
The ussr is gone
I can’t count how many celebrities are dead or retired
A larger portion of the planet is ageing to death

Like. The world felt a lot more full of life and meaning just a decade ago and even more full of life and spectacles centuries before. Everything these days feels repetitive, empty, dying, and or dead.
R: 16 / I: 2
Can you tell me with a straight face that this chigga's theory has any meaningful origin in Marxist theory and dialectical materialism? Is saying dialectics a lot and talking about unity of opposites enough to count as something of Marxist thought? It's fine when Mao is added to Marxism but it really doesn't come from Marxism. I don't even believe he read any Marx. And if he did he seemed to have abandoned it while the terminology he uses are just hollow artifacts.
R: 34 / I: 0


Why do so many on this board throw around the word "lumpen" while being completely oblivious to what it means? I've seen it applied to a bunch of random shit such as BLM protesters being lumpen, Trump supporters being lumpen, youtubers being lumpen, whatever. In some cases posters seem to believe lumpen just means workers with reactionary beliefs. This is part of a wider problem of posters who believe ideology and cultural signifiers determine class.
R: 35 / I: 5

Ray Peat

Did you know that Ray Peat was a communist who supported Stalin, supported Furr's exposure of the Khrushchevites, and defended Trofim Lysenko? Now you do.

It's funny how right wingers picked up on his ideas when they are really anathema to what they stand for.

R: 2 / I: 0


Was he the first dengist? "Goulash communism" and his reforms definitely seem similar to "Socialism with chinese characteristics". Did Deng take some inspiration from him? Also,why did he support Nagy at first but then he flip floped?
R: 16 / I: 2

Landlord stories

If you rent your means of not-dying (aka. flats aka. "temporary" homes) and have stories, share them. Please give us what % your rent takes from your net wages.

>the last 5 years I had 3 different landlords in 2 different cities

>each time I could only afford the cheapest ones on the market at the given time
>2 of them complained about the previous renters
>both said that the previous renter damaged their property beyond recognition: mouldy walls, empty bottles of alcohol laying around, wrecked machines, TV, etc.
>both says that the previous ones were manufacturing drugs at the property
(And I had good reason to believe them on this last point: pungent chemical smell when you enter the apartment, oven top burned to crisp from constant cooking.)
>one of them complains that the renter sub-rented it to the drug manufacturers without her knowledge

This is coming from Eastern Europe, post-covid, post-inflation, and post-Ukraine war crises. I'm wondering how common this is, renters who can only afford the cheapest flats turning to producing drugs out survival instinct to supplement or have as their primary source of income.

In any case: my last flat took 2/3rds of my minimum wage. Currently am unemployed and living off gibs from family.
R: 15 / I: 0

/AEO/ - Actually Existing Organizing #1

For lack of a better subject title.

I propose a general thread related to actual organizing and fieldwork. Communists and anarcho-syndicalists are warmly invited.

It is clear that time has accelerated. We are witnessing the reality of bourgeois civility: war and genocide; deteriorating labor rights and conditions; and increasing outbreaks of class anger against the capitalists and their lackeys. However, we are also witnessing an increase in class consciousness and the emergence of class organizations, no matter how nascent they may be. For example, as an empirical figure and not as Trotskyite embellishment, it is sufficient to observe the IMT growing several thousand strong and organizing an admirable international movement. Organization is the question of the day, and it has never been more important. There is a serious need to discuss organizational tactics, reflect on historical praxis, and stay attuned to the development of proletarian organizing in the real world.

For instance, there is an unprecedented wave of direct-democratic organizing through soviet-like structures in Serbia sweeping across schools and universities. Such developments are worth a hundred times more to a communist than the umpteenth discussion of the imperialist war in Ukraine.

Continuing this thought, there has been a noticeable drop in threads and discussions about practical organizational work. As anyone involved in organizing knows, there are risks in discussing recent, concrete developments within one’s organization, as it could lead to self-doxxing. However, this does not mean we cannot have discussions on principles and the broader developments within the workers' movement.

There is also a need for discussions on how communists should operate in front-like organizations, single-issue campaigns, civil initiatives, and similar spaces. How do we address intra-organizational struggles? How do we collaborate with ideologically diverse communist collectives? How should we engage with syndicates?

I propose that we put together a reading list on organization. To this end, I have attached some literature that has helped me understand organizational tactics and principles more deeply.

Plekhanov is an excellent historian. His memoirs on late-Narodnik and early-Bolshevik organizing offer a grounded perspective on the whole process. Among other things, he emphasizes the importance of mass agitation and illustrates how social-democratic propaganda and reading circles evolved into a militant party. I have also included Martov’s pamphlet vOn Agitation, a very insightful read that significantly influenced the trajectory of the Bolshevik movement. Additionally, Plekhanov’s Our Differences'' provides a valuable historical analysis of organizing, particularly the last chapter on "man-handling" workers and the role of propaganda.

Lenin, of course, requires no introduction. His works, such as What Is to Be Done?, Where to Begin?, and Letters to a Comrade, outline the organizational methods of the RSDLP under the conditions of Tsarist autocracy. While these tactics cannot be directly transplanted to contemporary contexts, they contain rational kernels that remain applicable today.

I also recommend Tony Cliff’s history of the RSDLP. While I acknowledge the risks of being overly accommodating to Trotskyites, Cliff writes with passion about the movement, albeit with his own interpretations of events. He is far from impartial but still worth reading. Another book I’ve included is a detailed analysis by a bourgeois historian on the Bolshevik Party’s organizational structure. Despite its ideological biases, the text offers highly technical and valuable insights into how the party functioned, down to the minutes of its organizational practices.

Finally, I have included a book on socialist pedagogy. As organizers, we must also aid comrades in educating and elevating themselves to become capable organizers. Awareness of our teaching practices is essential to avoid reproducing bourgeois mistakes in fostering class consciousness.

Let us not be blind leading the blind—more light!

On Agitation

+ Appended memoirs


R: 119 / I: 11

Peace Talks With PKK and T*rkey

In Turkey, a renewed discussion on peace talks with the Kurdish militant group PKK has emerged, almost ten years after previous attempts failed. Surprisingly, the suggestion came from Devlet Bahceli, the leader of the nationalist MHP party. He proposed revisiting PKK founder Abdullah Öcalan's life sentence if he would call on PKK fighters to disarm, even suggesting that Öcalan could deliver this message in the Turkish parliament.

Shortly after Bahceli's comments, the PKK carried out a deadly attack near Ankara, though the group claimed the attack was planned prior to his statement. Öcalan, who has been imprisoned for 25 years under strict isolation, received a rare family visit, hinting at possible conciliatory gestures. However, responses in Turkey's largest Kurdish city, Diyarbakir, have been mixed due to trauma from failed peace efforts in 2013-2015, which led to heavy conflict and mass civilian displacement.

Experts suggest that Turkish President Erdogan might be pursuing Kurdish support to advance a new constitution, potentially extending his rule. Additionally, ongoing conflicts in the Middle East may have increased the motivation to end the 40-year conflict. Meghan Bodette of the Kurdish Peace Institute noted that Turkey may fear the PKK gaining leverage from regional conflicts, particularly if a broader Israel-Iran war unfolds.

In Syria, Turkey has intensified attacks on PKK-aligned YPG forces, who are U.S.-backed. Syrian Kurdish leader Mazlum Kobane warned that peace efforts will fail if Turkey aims to end Kurdish self-governance in Syria.

R: 605 / I: 156 (full)

Palestine vs The Zionist Entity #112: ceasefire in the north edition

🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨
Sites that have active live-blogs:
• Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/

• Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

• The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

• Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


Our own wiki. Be sure to add to it and create branching articles:
https://wiki.leftypol.org/wiki/2023_Israel–Gaza_war [Currently Down]



From the UK, single issue long time Palestinian investigative and general reporting, critical source

From the USA

Regional news from an anti-imperialist perspective

Premier Human Rights org

Left news and opinion webzine from Tel-Aviv

A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine

Known anti-zionist academic Norman Finkelstein's blog



al-Qassam Brigades








(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia, excessive doomer and jewish-blood-quantum posting)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it.

الله أكبر
.الى جميع الكادحين في الشرق، ان مصيركم في ايديكم
!يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا
R: 620 / I: 114 (full)

/ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine War General #200: Goodbye Mama Edition

Previous thread: >>2092685


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



Live maps and updates
DeepStateMap: https://deepstatemap.live
Events in Ukraine: https://eventsinukraine.substack.com/
SouthFront: https://southfront.press/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/

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📺 News/events: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash
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Watch By Yourself
>Video Essays / Historical Background
📺 • Ukraine: The Avoidable War - Boy Boy

📺 • Ukraine's Nazi Problem - The Marxist Project

📺 • America, Russia, and Ukraine's Far Right - Gravel Institute

📺 • Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 • The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

<Current Happenings

📺 • The Grayzone: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrayzone7996
📺 • DDGeopolitics: https://www.youtube.com/@DDGeopolitics
📺 • Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
📺 • The Duran: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeMVChrumySxV9N1w0Au-w
📺 • The News Atlas: https://www.youtube.com/c/thenewatlas
📺 • Military Summary: https://www.youtube.com/@militarysummary


Social media



Thread guidelines:
• Please remember to add a spoiler to NSFW and extreme content such as graphic violence and gore.
• Try your best to not derail discussion too much from the main events and relevant places where the war is taken place, as well as other happenings, groups and public figures related to it.
• Meta discussion of the historical, philosophical and ideological background of the war is fine as long as its done in good faith and comradely.
• In the event the meta discussion overstays its welcome, participating users will be referred to take the conversation to the INTERNATIONALISM general thread: >>1944320
• Quality shitposting and original content is encouraged! Spamming glowie memes is low effort.
• this is /isg/ for people who treat geopolitics like shitty map games.
R: 11 / I: 0

It's Canadover

Canada PM Trudeau to announce resignation as early as Monday


Neoliberalism is dead.
R: 3 / I: 1
Speculation thread, I have a few half-baked ideas that I haven't been able to fully form or articulate. So I'm dumping them here to get out of my head so some other anons can expand or trash it. You can also add your own ideas and thoughts to this thread for the same reason. Heres some of them

The time economy
I don't see a lot about post-money economies anymore. One idea I've been thinking about is a time economy. Instead of dollars it's free time you labor for. You get hours back for hours you put in. People who haven't specialized for certain jobs will be assigned through a lotto system. Time accumulation is easily preventable by making free time non-transferable or inheritable. One issue I see is this type of economy only really works when needed labor is scarce. This idea is really for a post-scarcity economy where automation has drastically reduced labor hours. So resources distribution in this type of economy hasn't been fully thought out or how the government will administer it. Not sure how you would implement a time economy currently but maybe some other anons know.

Time is a flat circle and its spinning faster, the Napoleonic era and the 20th century
Maybe I'm stupid and have to do some more research when I have the time. But this is one thats been kicking around in my head for like a week. Napoleon was the beginning of the end for feudalism in Europe. However, feudalism itself didn't finally die off as viable system (I.E a system of government and/or mode of production.) in till WW1. Capitalisms didn't fully cement itself as a global system in till the late 80s or early 90's around the fall of the soviet union. The parallels being that the monarchs of Europe likely felt they cemented the divine right of kings after the defeat of Napoleon in 1814. 100 years later the system began to crumble with it finally upending itself in the cumulation of ww1. The bourgeois must have cummed ropes at the fall of the soviet union but much like the defeat of Napoleon it didn't matter, the seeds had been planted and they were living on borrowed time. Revolutions don't get defeated they just get delayed.
R: 2 / I: 0
Given the factors you would consider relevant within your region: local, national, surrounding geopolitical climate, etc… What policies could a party active in that region–currently existing or otherwise–work towards that both you would either agree with or critically support, and believe would be popular in said region?

- What factors did you consider when answering the above?
- Do you know of other regions with similar conditions, and would your answer be the same if you lived there? If not, why?
R: 82 / I: 6

The future is ultraurbanism

Why do people hate cities? Its a fundamentally reactionary impulse. Cities shatter the bourgeois fantasy of individualism and externality-free existence. Residents must constantly coordinate their plans and desires with those of millions of other people, and most of these people don’t share ancestry or religion. This experience is interpreted by many petit bourgeois and bourgeois as evil. It either repels them from cities to chase the mirage of individualism, or it forces them to transform into people who can handle collective and cooperative mindsets.

Cities mandate planning and economic coordination, not due to an ideology, but due to their very nature as a pragmatic requirement. They are inherently proto-socialist in that they very clearly show the limitations of the market.

Solarpunk/Greenpunk is greenwashing neoliberal capitalist propaganda nonsense. Its radlib/neoliberal bullshit of 'californian ideology' Steve Jobs capitalism-hippies who want to "live a green life" rather than living a life which is actually best for the planet. Socialism will be ultra urban.

Both suburbs and even low density urban should be replaced with packing everyone into ultra density in urban cores and re-wilding the rest of planet earth.

One of the most disturbing aspects of solarpunk is the greenwashing. In highly urbanized areas, creating parks or lawns can sometimes result in a loss of natural habitats where native plants and wildlife once thrived. Maintaining green spaces, particularly in arid or water-scarce regions, often requires significant water use. Parks, like lawns are water-intensive, and depending on local conditions, may require irrigation systems that contribute to water waste. In places where water is already a limited resource, dedicating large amounts of it to maintain aesthetic green spaces could raise concerns about sustainability. Maintaining parks and gardens often requires energy, labor, and materials (e.g., fertilizers, pesticides) that can have negative environmental impacts. Additionally, lawn care equipment like mowers and trimmers can contribute to pollution and carbon emissions.

Green urbanism of the sort shown in solarpunk is just trying to make a capitalist version of the hanging gardens of babylon. Not to say there can't be green spaces but just don't overdo it.

Ultra-high density minimizes the amount of land required to house a large population, which can help conserve surrounding natural areas, agriculture, and wildlife habitats. With more people concentrated in a smaller area, there’s potential for better energy efficiency. Buildings and infrastructure can be designed to optimize energy use, and public transportation systems can be more efficient, reducing dependence on cars. High rise can take advantage of solar panels, wind turbines, and other renewable energy sources at a larger scale, contributing to sustainability efforts. Ultra-high-density areas can support robust, high-capacity public transport systems like subways, trains, and buses. This can reduce the need for personal cars and lower transportation emissions.

The city is, to paraphrase Gramsci, the new world struggling to be born. Whereas the rural and suburban are the old world that is dying.
R: 43 / I: 2
what does leftypol think about leftwing philosophical pessimism?

>For Mainländer, communism is the means to achieve social and economic equality which would eliminate class distinctions and ensure equal access to education and resources for all. In a communist society, individuals would transcend selfish survival instincts, fostering compassion and collective efforts to alleviate suffering.[34]: 235–243 [53] Ultimately, Mainländer sees this communist state as the penultimate step of the will to death's metanarrative, where the satiation of all human desires will lead them to an understanding of the vanity and emptiness of existence (specifically, that the pleasures this satiation brings does not outweigh the negative value of existence), thus initiating a movement towards humanity's own extinction — aligning with the natural movement of all matter in the universe toward nothingness
R: 7 / I: 0

Tesla Cybertruck bursts into flames outside of Trump's ritzy hotel in Las Vegas

>The Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas has reportedly been evacuated after a Cybertruck exploded outside the front doors.
>A Cybertruck - made by Trump croonie Elon Musk's company Tesla - was seen in a fiery blaze outside the front revolving doors of the hotel, social media video showed.
>Large orange flames were seen crawling out the windows of the Cybertruck before several explosive sounds can be heard. The top of the car appears to blow afterward
>Fire alarms were heard going off in the building. It is unclear if hotel guests have been evacuated.
>It is unclear if anyone was injured.
>The explosion left a large cloud of smoke billowing from the Trump Hotel on Fashion Show Drive around 11am on Wednesday.
R: 10 / I: 1

Do you guys think that we are becoming a docile species?

Just for context, I’m not a scientists and I’m likely wrong about most if not all of these ideas.

When looking at animal populations and the history of pre civilization humans, it’s clear that childlessness, sociopathy, aggressiveness, loneliness, and whatever else we consider to be “immature” has been common for quite some time.

Our attitude to child rearing today shows how much different people are compared to before. Many people today tend to believe or at least internalize the belief that most people had sex and children. That’s not true. The cause of the low population of humans internationally wasn’t purely disease related. Actually, disease played a shockingly low role in suppressed population growth than one would think. Most people just didn’t engage in sex out of personal preference and or circumstances. Maybe celibacy got selectively purged, but I don’t think that’s true.
As for behaviours like working with groups, avoiding direct confrontation, continuously working, pacifism, tenderness with children, socialization, I think much of that was either beaten into people by the rich or was bred organically through natural selection. I don’t see a lot of these behaviours with animals. These behaviours do keep a lot of people alive and ensure that humanity can survive. However, they tend to also create a population of generally weak and almost totally enslaved people. At times, I struggle to imagine a world where anybody can stand up for themselves ever. Even in mainstream art, you can find constant examples of confrontation and individually earned dignity being demonized while confrontation against nonhuman or dehumanized groups is rewarded. Hell, today we even belittle and mock ethnic groups and societies where any form of infighting among their members is present as if that is unnatural.

Like, when was the last time have you ever seen a news article encouraging confrontation between people that the author was aligned too?

Personally, I don’t know whether or not if civilization was a mistake. Even if that technically saved us from the real threat of extinction, a lot of us came out less apt to survive and thrive independently.
R: 27 / I: 2
"Marxist" solutions according to 99% of /leftypol/: Making wage-slavery more efficient and 'comprehensively' regulated reproduction of proletarian misery in order to halt the decline of the petite-bourgeoisie.
R: 612 / I: 184 (full)

/sg/ - Syrian Civil War General #19 - Wild West Standoff edition

Recent news:
First statement by Bashar al-Assad ever since his ouster. Israel takes more land, this time south of the Golan. More sectarian incidents. US-mediated temporary truce between the SDF and Turkey + SNA, with an impending offensive on Ayn Isa, Sirrin and Kobani.

t.me/Medmannews - Well known channel (Egyptian owner). Posts frequently about MENA
t.me/Slavyangrad - Also posting a lot of news about Syria recently
t.me/Middle_East_Spectator - Iranian owner
t.me/Suriyak_maps - Posts maps/latest news. Less prone to hype/hysteria but slower.
t.me/rybar - Russian channel. Posts a lot about Syria too
https://nitter.poast.org/SAMSyria0 - Local Syrian army soldier. Used to post in Arabic. (Account deleted. RIP)
R: 62 / I: 30


I hope we take this time to remember our hero, Charles Dickens, one of the greatest of liberal writers, and of the strongest of liberal spirits indeed, to those that say bah, humbug, I say, cum, dine with us
And indeed, leftypol, I’ve always thought of Christmas time when it comes right as a good time, a kindlier, forgiving, charitable time, a time when men and women seem to, of their own want and consent, open their shut up hearts freely to their fellow creatures.
So thought it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I do believe it has done me good, and I say, God bless it
R: 105 / I: 21
Does anyone else remember the internet being predominantly left-leaning prior to the 2014 gamergate anti-sjw explosion? Occupy wall street was big for a while, new atheism was nearly impossible to escape, everyone regularly shit on Fox news and the Westboro baptist church, as well as conservative pundits like Jack Thompson and Ken Ham, and most people seemed pretty satisfied with Obama for the most part. That all changed following gamergate and the anti feminism/sjw wave in the years following, tack on Trump's 2016 campaign and it was all downhill from there.
I want to know what the fuck happened.
R: 15 / I: 1

when liberal gender politics are added to the mix.

There's the tendency to substitute "women" for "prostitutes," which for most people are synonymous. So prostitution and sex work are seen and portrayed as "women's issues," and so to sidestep the Christian moral issue of prostitution being wrong/evil it's made an issue of "women's liberation."

Under those constraints any effort to reform sex work therefore has to benefit women exclusively or else it's portrayed as being a gift to men or the patriarchy or whatever. Like for example, the argument that legalizing prostitution just benefits the pimps that control the prostitutes. For the liberals the path of least resistance is to just say "okay well we can't go after the poor women who are just doing this because they have no choice, but we will go after the REAL problem which is the MEN that are EXPLOITING these poor women." The end result ends up being the same because even though these women aren't being prosecuted for prostitution, they're still targeted by police for being accessories to a crime, and to function they still have to operate outside the law.

What ends up happening is that you get people pushing for further reforms, either to decriminalize pimps or johns or whatever other part of the process because these are integral parts in the industry, which elicits screeching from libs about how it's a con by the patriarchy to make it okay to buy women or that kind of thing. Which isn't to say that there aren't good or valid feminist critiques or complaints being made, but often that the language of good faith criticism is adopted by liberals as an impediment to reform.
R: 3 / I: 0

News 1/4/25

Two Protesters Self-Immolate Over Bhopal Toxic Waste Plan in India
Union Carbide—now owned by Dow Chemical—and the Indian government have never carried out an operation to remove all the contamination from Bhopal's groundwater, which has been found to contain levels of carcinogenic chemicals that were 50 times higher than what's accepted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Rajasthan: Left Parties Demand Resignation of Union Home Minister
After more than 370 tons of hazardous waste from the deadliest industrial disaster in history arrived in the town of Pithampur in central India, two men were filmed in the city on Friday dousing themselves in liquid before they were set on fire in an apparent self-immolation protest.

Thousands of rival protesters rally in Seoul after Yoon Suk Yeol avoids arrest
Members of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, South Korea’s largest umbrella union, attempted to march to Yoon’s residence to demonstrate against him, but were blocked by police. It said two of its members were arrested and several others were injured in clashes.

Biden plans to send $8bn arms shipment to Israel
The US Department of State has notified Congress of a planned $8bn (£6.4bn) arms sale to Israel, an American official has confirmed to the BBC. The weapons consignment, which needs approval from House and Senate committees, includes missiles, shells and other munitions.

Proposed changes to Syrian education system add to growing concerns over new regime
Changes include dropping references to evolution and the Big Bang theory in science classes and playing down references to the gods worshipped in Syria before the emergence of Islam. Education Minister Nazir al-Qadri said the curriculum would remain largely unchanged until specialised committees had carried out a review.

SDF: Several Turkish mercenaries eliminated in South East Manbij and Deir Hafer fronts
The Martyr Haroun Units successfully attacked the bases, destroying heavy artillery, a Grad rocket launcher, and a convoy of military vehicles. Several Turkish occupation forces and mercenaries were eliminated in the operation, and others fled the area. The exact number of eliminated mercenaries remains unknown."

Israel 'to inform US of intentions to remain in south Lebanon after ceasefire deadline'
Tel Aviv is likely to use the pretext that "the Lebanese army is not meeting the terms of the agreement, while Hezbollah is trying to reorganise its ranks in the region," Israeli public broadcaster Kan cited a source as saying.

Honduras suggests ending US military cooperation over Trump mass deportation threat
“Faced with a hostile attitude of mass expulsion of our brothers, we would have to consider a change of our cooperation policies with the United States, especially in the military realm,” Castro said. She said the U.S. had maintained a presence in Honduran territory for decades without paying a cent and if Hondurans are expelled en masse that presence would cease to have any reason to exist in Honduras. She added that she hoped the Trump administration would be open to dialogue.

Argentine Judges Sentence Leftist Leader for Pro-Palestinian Messages
In May and August 2024, two lower-court judges acquitted Bodart of the charges. However, after the most recent ruling was appealed, the matter was transferred to the Third Chamber of the Court of Appeals, which overturned the acquittal by majority vote.

Ecuador president Noboa again names an interim vice-president amid ongoing spat
Ecuadorean President Daniel Noboa has decreed that Planning Minister Sariha Moya act as interim vice-president until Vice President Veronica Abad arrives in Turkey to represent the country there, the minister of government said on Thursday, the latest development in a long spat between Noboa and Abad.

Austria’s coalition talks in disarray as parties fail to unite against far right
Meinl-Reisinger cited budget and competitiveness as sticking points in the negotiations with the center-right Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP), led by Chancellor Karl Nehammer, and center-left Social Democratic Party (SPÖ), accusing them of being unwilling to think “beyond the next election day” and pursue “fundamental reforms.”

Scotland needs robust rent controls in 2025, Greens say
The average price of a one-bedroom property in Scotland is £710 per month, official statistics show, with two-bedroom properties averaging £893 per month. As rents continue to climb, the Scottish Greens have urged the government to rethink proposed amendments to the Housing Bill that would entrench above-inflation rent hikes.
R: 1 / I: 0
Zionist cowards are only capable of getting anything done against unarmed women and children. At least the ruskies had the balls to fight for what they viewed was right to the end.
R: 6 / I: 0
ITT we discuss how lesotho can be developed and fixed because im bored
If you were the prime minister of lesotho, what would you do to develop it? what CAN be done even? How do you fix corruption and aids and mudhuts?
R: 5 / I: 3

We did it /leftypol/!

After 10 years of agitprop we've finally defeated liberalism!

Now every other worker wants to gas the woke Jewish elites and replace them with a Based corporatist welfare state that will rejuvenate the nation by providing jobs and healthcare to loyal citizens, while cracking down on job-stealing immigrants and the criminal lumpen poor!

It almost hurts to be winning this hard. Just a few more lone wolf shootings and car burnings and the revolution will arrive, I can feel it!
R: 2 / I: 0

class discussion

To those who do want the abolishment of classes, why?
And by what terms would this be accomplished?
Is it that different from the authoritarian socialism that we see in all examples of communism?

Personally, I don't think it's really possible, society has always had some sort of class. But I think that equality should be the natural standpoint for the freedom and life of everyone, hence socialism. So this mostly separates people by where they actually work and how they contribute and the government itself, however the government should be mostly if not fully democratically owned by the workers. I'm open to debate though and don't take this as like I believe this is objective, I don't, I'm open to discourse.

I'm not fully for democracy either. The country and it's party should represent everything good for the people of the country, it should be open to democratic reform, but it shouldn't be able to fully transform itself in a way that could harm others.
R: 5 / I: 0

News 1/3/25

Rockets fired from Gaza as Israeli strikes kill 16, rescuers say
The Israeli military reported three rockets targeting its territory on Friday from the Gaza Strip, where Palestinian rescuers said Israeli air strikes killed at least 16 people, including children.

Ten years after the Paris attacks, France lives in a 'permanent state of emergency'
After the January attacks, France, through the words of then Prime Minister Manuel Valls, declared itself to be in a “war on terror”. The laws that followed were akin to the US Patriot Act following 9/11. The 2015 attacks had far-reaching legislative consequences for individual rights and civil liberties in France.

UNRWA Preparing to Shutter Gaza, West Bank Operations Over Israeli Laws
The New York Timesreported Thursday that U.N. officials say they are preparing to wind down UNRWA operations in both locations, a move that Jamie McGoldrick, who oversaw the U.N. humanitarian operation across Gaza and the West Bank until April, told the Times "would be a massive impact on an already catastrophic situation."

Egypt bans entry of Syrians from anywhere in the world
Egyptian authorities have informed travel and airline companies in the country not to allow Syrian nationals to enter Egypt from anywhere in the world, except those holding temporary residency permits. It’s the second time Egypt has issued a decision blocking the entry of Syrians since Bashar al-Assad’s regime was toppled in Damascus on 8 December.

Sudan displaced denounce El Burhan’s famine denial
Following Lt Gen Abdelfattah El Burhan’s denial of famine, Adam Rijal, spokesman for the General Coordination for Displaced Persons and Refugees, stressed that famine in Zamzam Camp, located in El Fasher, North Darfur, has been a reality since its declaration on August 1, 2023. He pointed out that the crisis extends beyond Zamzam, affecting 71 camps across Darfur.

Mexico opens possibility of receiving non-Mexican deportees from Trump
President Claudia Sheinbaum said during her daily press briefing that in cases where the U.S. would not return migrants to their countries “we can collaborate through different mechanisms.” She did not offer details, but Mexico could limit it to certain nationalities or request compensation from the U.S. to move the deportees from Mexico to their home countries.

Child abuse victims slam Tories' racialised rape gang inquiry demands
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse published a final report knitting several of these inquiries together alongside its own investigations in 2022. Inquiry leader Alexis Jay has expressed frustration that all 20 of its recommendations are yet to be implemented.

Myanmar's military enacts restrictive cybersecurity law, intensifies free speech crackdown
The newly enacted law effective since Wednesday introduces sweeping measures aimed at regulating communication channels and targeting services like virtual private networks (VPNs) that allow users to bypass censorship and access restricted content.

Philippine president removes deputy from security council after alleged plot to kill him
The order, signed on Monday by Lucas Bersamin, a lawyer and the Philippines’ executive secretary, removed Duterte and all former presidents from the council, which advises the president on policies affecting national security.

South Korean investigators abandon effort to detain impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol
"We determined that executing the detention warrant would be practically impossible due to the continued confrontation and suspended the execution out of concern for the safety of on-site personnel caused by the resistance," the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials said in a statement quoted by South Korea's Yonhap news agency.
R: 73 / I: 10

Describe your country's political parties

Current ruling party, social-democratic.
The main opposition party, centrist turned far-right.
Centre-right, used to be the main opposition party until 2018 but fell off.
Social-democrats who don't like PT.
Similar to PT but with more of a focus on identity politics like feminism, LGBT rights, etc.
Started as a communist party but became a puppet of PT.
Marxist-Leninists but with a less academic and more activist bent.
Batshit crazy Trotskyists.
R: 613 / I: 156 (full)


<Wasteland of Presidents Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us

Previous thread:
R: 16 / I: 3

Seriously, how tf did the red army NOT collapse

At its height, the red army consisted of 37 million infantrymen. Shouldn’t an army that fucking large be a logistical and bureaucratic mess? Maybe not so much logistical given how much effort went into building up the Soviet belt and road network, but the sheer number of people that would have to work together to make something like this function is… mind numbing to say the least.

There’s no way the soviets just lazily gave random mobs rifles, told some community leaders to handle each mob, and just called it a day at that. An army that large by itself could cause civil crises (like how it did).
R: 633 / I: 117 (full)

United Health assassin'

Luigi Mangione
>A Frat gymbro
>Follows various people from across the poltical compress, from AOC, Edward Snowden and Tucker Carlson
>Quotes Nietzsche and is an environmentalist
>Is against "un-human" architecture
Deep down, we all knew he would be go to some flavor of the Far-Right
R: 50 / I: 7
As an Iraqi I'm completely depressed and in despair from the current events

Palestinians are being exterminated and no one in the region except ragtag militias are doing anything about it

Syria was destroyed. The last bastion of Arab unity, the last hope, was plucked and partitioned between zionazis, turks, kurds and other ragamuffin bandits

The rest of the region are being under despot occupation in service of zionazis and the west

Our future, the future of mashriqi arabs is being systematically murdered and evicted to all across the globe to make room for jewish colonialists from europe, our future is a concentration camp in an europe fillen with zionist far right racist parties or being rug/shawarma sellers in a south american shanty town
R: 473 / I: 105

/KFC V/ - I'm Lovin' It

Contentious Scapegoat Edition
<Yeah I shoot CEOs
<How could you tell?
>Doesn't look like the shooter at all
>Looks like photos of a guy who the usa state keps pushing to the public despite the face not matching, the jacket not matching, the bag not matching
>Guy who supposedly did the "most well planned hit the NYPD has ever seen, a real pro"
>Supposedly found in the macdonalds with on his person:
>>The gun used in the most high profile assassination in decades in the usa, which he didnt get rid of for some reason
>>Several fake ids
>>A 2 page manifesto quoting the unibomber and other incoherent bs
>Went to a 40k a year private school
R: 28 / I: 10
Why does almost everyone who allegedly read Marx consider classes in a dead, sociological-statistical way (i.e. 'classes are defined by their relation to the labor process')? What do they think 'lines of demarcation' preventing classes from existing in a 'pure form' refers to? Like what is the actual object of Marx's investigation here, which allows him to say this is 'immaterial for our analysis'?
R: 5 / I: 0

News 1/2/25

Twenty councillors quit Labour over winter fuel cuts
The members of Broxtowe Council in Nottinghamshire said the government had “abandoned traditional Labour values,” citing in particular the cutting of winter fuel payments for pensioners.

Montenegro mourns after gunman kills at least 12 people before shooting himself=
MONTENEGRO was in a state of shock today after a gunman fatally shot 12 people, including two children, before killing himself. At least four others were wounded in the shooting rampage in Cetinje on Wednesday that followed a bar fight, officials said. This was the western town’s second such incident in three years.

23 Congolese soldiers face the death penalty or prison for alleged desertion or other crimes
At least 23 Congolese soldiers are facing the death penalty or 10 to 20 years in prison following their arraignment on Monday for alleged rape, desertion and other crimes amid the fighting in the country’s conflict-battered east, according to Congo’s army.

Russia Expands Military Presence In Libya
In recent weeks, Russia has increased its military presence in Libya by launching multiple flights to an airbase in the Libyan desert following the ousting of Bashar al-Assad as Syrian leader. The goal behind these flights is to establish an alternative stopover for Russian military operations in Africa and maintain a strategic foothold in the Mediterranean region.

South Korea authorities arrive to arrest impeached President Yoon
Authorities sought on Friday to execute an arrest warrant for impeached South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, as a crowd of protesters faced off with police outside his residence and vowed to block any attempt.

Cost of private education through high school hits record high in Japan
Protests for Palestine continued in the week between Christmas and New Year. The December 29 protests marked the 64th weekend of continuous actions across Australia. Leading up to these protests, Israel used remote controlled vehicles and boxes of explosives to bring the Kamal Adwan hospital in Beit Lahiya to ruins.

A tank destroyed and dozens of invaders killed in Ebu Qelqel
In a statement on the latest attack by the invading Turkish state and allied mercenaries from the so-called Syrian National Army (SNA), Manbij Military Council (MMC) reported that their forces repelled the attacks on the Ashtana region and Mistaha village in the south of Manbij.

War on Gaza: Netanyahu hindering deal again by changing demands, source says
“Mediators in Egypt and Qatar were about to reach a nearly final draft of the agreement to present to all relevant parties, especially after Hamas had presented an acceptable formula regarding the agreement's timeline,” the report said.

Gaza police chief among dozens of Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks
Gaza’s Interior Ministry condemned the killings, saying the two police officers had been “performing their humanitarian and national duty in serving our people”. It accused Israel of spreading “chaos” and deepening the “human suffering” in Gaza with the deadly strike.

Al Jazeera Slams the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank Suspension of the Outlet
The official Palestinian news agency — WAFA — wrote that the Palestinian Authority made the decision, which was handed down on Wednesday, because of Al Jazeera’s “repeated violations of Palestinian laws and regulations.” Al Jazeera has been accused of “broadcasting inciteful content” and “interfering in internal Palestinian affairs,” but the statement from WAFA didn’t offer a further explanation of how the network had broken the law.
R: 95 / I: 9

Why do my fellow communists hate rock music?

There was the history of rock music being not welcome in communist countries. Any political implications why?
I like rock music very much, despite this fact, I find this music entertaining. Why was it suppressed in many communist countries? It's a great rebellion music.
R: 32 / I: 7 (sage)


The genocide going on in Gaza is your fault. You, personally, as well as you collectively.

When the resistance called on you to globalize the intifada, you did nothing. While they begged and pleaded for ANY help, you did nothing. At best, you waved a sandwich board and chanted some empty threats. At worst, you posted about it.

The Palestinian resistance are fighting like lions with homemade weapons in the smoldering ruins of their homes as literal hellfire (Made in the USA, at a factory near you) rains down on them. They are dying like dogs, and it will all be for nothing. It is not because of their lack of courage, or because they were not strong enough.

They were betrayed.

By you.

You who sad back and did nothing as their children burned and died. You who sat back and did nothing as they were raped to death in prison. You who sat back and did nothing as American bombs fell from American airplanes full of American fuel, targeted by American satellites and American reconnaissance. You should all be forced to watch what you've done, every day, until you finally crack.

I would say you should be ashamed of yourselves, but I doubt very much that any of you animals are capable of feeling shame.
R: 599 / I: 99

/ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine War General #199: Total collapse edition

Taras Chmut (head of aid fund for Ukrainian army) on the collapse of Nazi Ukraine:
>🗨️We have a sad dynamic. So, in the Donetsk direction, the Ukrainian army lost 100 km2 in June, 400 km2 in September, and 610 km2 in November! It's sad, but we can't change anything. It's growing.

Previous thread: >>2086198


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



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📺 • Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 • The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

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📺 • The Grayzone: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrayzone7996
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Thread guidelines:
• Please remember to add a spoiler to NSFW and extreme content such as graphic violence and gore.
• Try your best to not derail discussion too much from the main events and relevant places where the war is taken place, as well as other happenings, groups and public figures related to it.
• Meta discussion of the historical, philosophical and ideological background of the war is fine as long as its done in good faith and comradely.
• In the event the meta discussion overstays its welcome, participating users will be referred to take the conversation to the INTERNATIONALISM general thread: >>1944320
• Quality shitposting and original content is encouraged! Spamming glowie memes is low effort.
• this is /isg/ for people who treat geopolitics like shitty map games.
R: 5 / I: 1

News 1/1/25

Cuba frees man who participated in 1997 attacks on hotels in Havana, orchestrated by Cuban exiles
The Cubadebate website reported Monday in a lengthy editorial that Raul Ernesto Cruz Leon was freed after completing a 30-year prison sentence, but added that the men who planned the attacks have not been brought to justice.

Ecuador orders the detention of 16 soldiers charged with the disappearance of 4 children
A request to detain the soldiers was made by Ecuador’s Attorney General’s office. In a statement on X the law enforcement agency said its request had been granted, adding that the detained soldiers would be transferred from a military base to a prison.

Ukraine halts supply of Russian gas to Europe
The move comes after a prewar transit deal expired during the final hours of 2024 and as the continent braces itself for a plunge in temperatures that could hasten the drain on gas reserves. Ukraine’s energy minister, Herman Halushchenko, confirmed on Wednesday morning that Kyiv had stopped the transit “in the interest of national security” after Russia refused to alter its stance on the war.

==Breakaway Moldovan region cuts heating and hot water as Russian gas flow ends=
Transdniestria's leader, Vadim Krasnoselsky, said the situation was "not an easy one, but on the whole, we were prepared". He said the cutoff was rooted in a dispute over payment of arrears between Moldova and Russian gas giant Gazprom (GAZP.MM). "Things will get better. Think about yourself, your family, your loved ones," he added.

Campaigners call for insulation programme as four in five fear further energy hikes
The Warm This Winter campaign’s study was published as Ofgem increased price caps again by 1.2 per cent, starting today. Its analysis found that energy bills are now £700 a year higher than they were in winter 2020/21.

Iran to hold nuclear talks with France, UK, Germany on January 13: Report
The next round of nuclear talks between Iran and France, the United Kingdom and Germany will take place in Geneva in January, Iran’s semi-official ISNA news agency reports, citing the country’s Deputy Foreign Minister Kazem Gharibabadi.

Israel sees growing exodus as at least 82,000 leave country in 2024
More than 82,000 Israelis have left the country in 2024 as the government pressed ahead with its brutal war on Gaza, official data revealed on Tuesday, according to Israeli outlet Ynet News. Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics reported that 82,700 individuals left Israel in 2024, while only 23,800 returned. Although the bureau did not state specific reasons for the exodus, previous reports have linked the departures to Israel's ongoing wars in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and now Yemen.

Gaza population falls 6 percent since start of war, statistics agency says
About 100,000 Palestinians have left the enclave while more than 55,000 are presumed to have lost their lives, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) said in a release on Tuesday. Approximately 45,500 Palestinians, more than half of them women and children, have been killed since the war began and another 11,000 are missing, the bureau said, citing numbers from the Palestinian Health Ministry.

Protesters in Syria demand justice for disappeared activists and accountability from all factions
Outspoken and defiantly secular, Zaitouneh was one of Syria’s most well-known human rights activists. Perhaps most dangerously, she was impartial. She chanted in protests against then-President Bashar Assad but was also unflinching in documenting abuses by rebels fighting to oust him. ..

40,000 punished in China’s medical corruption crackdown, including over 350 top figures
According to a report from the National Supervisory Commission (NSC), China’s top anti-corruption watchdog, Beijing has worked to “thoroughly investigate” cases in which healthcare professionals exploit medical services and misuse insurance funds. It has also taken strong action against unethical practices in the industry, such as kickbacks and accepting bribes, according to the report. .. . . . . … . . .. ..
R: 78 / I: 27 (sage)

I think Islam is stagnating intellectually.

This post will hurt some people, but I think you guys should consider this idea.

Islam is stagnating.

Islam isn’t a religion with a lot of philosophical theory or history relative to other major religions. The Quran is a short book, and it reads more like a legal document than as a collection of scriptures. Most Islamic societies have an ‘anti-literacy’ culture that discourages inquiry into Islamic thought. You end up with many Muslim societies somehow ending up being theocratic in their laws but atheistic in their practices. For comparison, most Christian societies have rampant atheism rates, but the behaviours of these atheistic people tend to align much more with Christian laws and theories.

Muslims never had a St Augustine, a major reform that saw more denominations, or even a renaissance. There is almost no theory or journalism being done on Islamic philosophy, lawmaking, or practice. How is any growth going to happen with so little inquiry.

Islam for most muslims really just means being Shia or Sunni and or being more or less dogmatic.

So much stagnation and so many retrogressive policies on behalf of Muslim leaders would only doom the religion to its own death
R: 221 / I: 24 (sage)

Why are leftypolers allergic to feminism?

Every time a feminist thread gets posted, it gets dogpiled on for being "TERF", "idpol", etc. Yet similar threads about black nationalism or LGBT rights don't. Why are leftypolers so allergic to feminism? Women's liberation has always been a cornerstone of socialism and communism.

Engels said that "The overthrow of mother-right was the world historical defeat of the female sex." and directly linked it to the rise of class societies.

Most major second-wave feminists were Marxists, and some like Carol Hanisch, were outright inspired by Lenin and Mao.

So why do leftypolers try so hard to defame feminism as idpol? Is it just the same incel mentality that exists over on /pol/?
R: 40 / I: 5 (sage)

2025 : Happy New Year!

Happy new year, comrades.
>Have your predictions for 2024 come true?
>Have any of the events this year surprised you?
>What will be the hot topics of 2025, and what are your predictions for the year?

When 2026 rolls around, I will be sure to make another thread to see how the predictions have fared.
R: 29 / I: 0 (sage)
Why the hell am I supposed to be nice towards Christians, Muslims and religious Jews, when they are not nice to me back and they think of me as an infidel? Anyways, all the religions I mentioned, have problems with pedophilia and misogyny. Why are we supposed to tolerate religions in this capitalistic society?
R: 133 / I: 12 (sage)
Why aren't women interested in Leftism anyway? Is there anything we can do to win them over? It seems like it shouldn't be that difficult but literally decades of Leftist politicians have tried and failed to get women on our side. What's the issue exactly?

pic unrelated
R: 90 / I: 26

the two types of rightoids

Most right wingers fit into one of only two personality profiles:

1) The power-hungry, who will wield whatever weapons they find useful to disenfranchise and exploit as many people as possible, in an effort to claim and/or maintain their own power advantages.


2) Simpletons with intelligence levels too low to understand nuance or complexity in much of anything. They crave excessive simplicity because intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically, they are children who want to be protected and told what to do by people in group #1.

Those in group #1 vary quite a bit in intelligence and sophistication of cognitive ability, because they can either be very smart but utterly sociopathic, or they can be of average or below average intelligence but have other advantages that propel them into leadership positions (ie, "cult of personality" types like Donald Trump). The most dangerous individuals in this group exhibit both strong Dark Triad traits and high intelligence. Think historic fascist leaders who ruled with devastating brutality, as well as some of their closest advisors/allies.

As for people in group #2… TBH I've genuinely started wondering if there is some kind of yet-to-be-recognized brain development disorder that results in extraordinarily weak higher order cognition. Some individuals with irrational extreme right beliefs have actually experienced some form of brain damage (such as long-term substance abuse, TBI, or serious child abuse/neglect in the formative years), but that's not an explanation that fits everyone. I do wonder if some individuals naturally suffer from insufficient brain development in regions associated with empathy, reasoning and etc that enables them to hold highly contradictory beliefs, and no amount of education, counseling, or lived experience can change it because their brains are literally structurally incapable.
R: 97 / I: 16

Gender Gap

Why are women more inclined to 'left wing' ideas than men?
R: 177 / I: 27

Serbia 🇷🇸 Thread

On November 1st, amid renovation, a canopy to Novi Sad's railway station collapsed and killed 15 people. There were mass protests demanding investigations and that people who lead the project are held responsible for the tragedy. These started out as civil protests, with mass litanies in honor of the victims blocking major cities like Belgrade, Novi Sad. At that point there was still a possibility to uphold class compromise, but the state arrogantly ignored the signs. The quickly protests spread among the universities.

Students were radicalized and with a clear understanding that the state was shipping them of as educated cheap labor power in the EU core or forcing them into wage-slavery to foreign firms - firms, which once were collective property, and which were privatized during the 2000s. They started blockading the universities. FDU (faculty of drama) was the first occupied and blocked university.

The blockades and occupations spread like wildfire. In some three weeks, it spread from faculties in Belgrade, to Novi Sad, to Niš, to every major regional city. Every univeristy in the state was occupied. Middle schools joined the blockades. Education workers anounced a strike. Farmers were blocking major highways in Western Serbia and are planned to join the students in Belgrade on December 22nd.

There were mass protests in Serbia developing in the last decade. It started with general anti-Vučić protests, developed into an ecological mass movement against exploitation of lithium by Rio Tinto, and now we have this. The student placed 5 demands, the last a clear economic and social demand.

1. Publication of documentation related to the reconstruction of the canopy in Novi Sad.
2. Dismissal of the indictments filed against the illegally detained students.
3. Filing criminal charges against participants in violence against students.
4. Determining the identity of the persons who participated in the violence and severely sanctioning them, regardless of whether they are employed in the private or state sector.
5. Increasing the budget for financing state faculties by 20%.

The state lied about fullfiling their demands.


Among other things, there are some 800 documents. The state released some 200. The demand for budget is not taken into account.
>it concluded that budget allocations for material costs of faculties and universities should be increased by 20%

The students decided five days ago to continue what is effecively developing into a possible general strike.

The major thing for communists from what I see is in the following.

1) the state is being seen for what it is. A tool for oppressing the working classes - selling them off to Western imperialists abroad or at home. A tool for enriching the ruling class. In this particular case, the rulling political and economical class were clearly merged. The state was already cartelified. It wasn't difficult to notice the pattern of to which political party the bosses belonged (Vučić's party, of course). There's a clear civil war on developing in Serbia between the cartel SNS state and the working massses, however unclear the ideological underpining organizational structures of the latter are. The cartel state is deeply tied to the Atlanicst (American) bourgeoisie. The Serbian bourgeoisie is a comprador bourgeoisie and it belongs to SNS. Many thousands petty-bourgeois bosses are organized in a political party which rules the state. This is a struggle between the working mass and SNS party bosses, the civil war is developing into class war and will become a class war when the working masses recognize or organize a political party which will represent the interest of the Serbian working class.

2) the student blockades are organized around direct democratical, soviet principles, which in ex-Yugoslavia's context are called plenum (Croatia, Bosnia), zbor (Serbia) or skupščina (Slovenia). There is a clear history of this directly democratic organizing in ex-Yugoslavia. In 2009. you had the first student plenums in Croatia blockading univeristies. Those spread locally to Belgrade in 2011. where the zbor presided. Around the same time, the faculty of philosophy was blockaded in Ljubljana. They poped up later also around the financial crisis around 2014. There were sproadic occupations, like those in Albania in 2019. for example. and more recently Slovene students occupied a faculty and organized around a "skupščina" as part of the larger wave of pro-Palestinian student occupations in the Imperialist Cente. A historically important plenum one was in Tuzla, Bosnia, in 2015., developing on the organizational tactics from Serbia and Croatia, where the people ruled the city via plenums for a week after chasing out the city's government. The unrest started when workers from a self-managed detergent factory stepped into strike. It disbanded quickly because there was organizational and ideological confusion, but the class character was real. This was a bloodless Paris Commune. Now it has clearly become mass democracy. It has become proletarian democracy, democracy of the many poor against the few rich.

It's incredible. We have class war in Europe again, actual class war that united the working masses.

A lot of this stuff is in Serbo-Croatian/Slovene, but I'm sure you'll figure something out, communists are clever internationalists 😉
R: 7 / I: 4

The next few years are going to test billions of people

I don’t care for what you think about the world’s population. Currently, human agricultural, mining, and construction practices have disproportionately done more to destroy the world’s ecosystems than sheer numbers.

The entirety of Western Europe and the Indian continent has been deforested. Much of North America remains a fully deforested farmland. Decades of illegal mining practices throughout Africa have destroyed hundreds of ecosystems and have caused mass migrations causing conflicts.

Worse, the looming threat of anti microbial resistance is going to put a pause on how people can live once the epidemics blow into full blown pandemics. Already, there’s a surging rise in mortalities in west Africa of sickle cell anemia over the inappropriate use of anti microbial drugs.

You get the idea. Humans aren’t living sustainably and our planet is dying because of it. I don’t want to hear any more Malthusian garbage. Simply shifting numbers will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to fix the damage that’s already being done or change the way people live.

Even if everyone died, more of the planet would see ecological omnicide over the passive accumulation of wastes and pollutants in our atmosphere.

The farms need to be turned into permacultures. Unused mines. Crackdowns need to be made against dumping and littering. The only way anyone is going to survive next century is through forced environmentalism. Unfortunately, I question if enough people value themselves and the planet enough to participate in mass action against the minority of aristocrats who’ve caused all this destruction.
R: 3 / I: 0


Is scamming the bourgeoisie a viable, low-risk fundraising strategy?

Socialists parties have an inbuilt disadvantage as they advocate for war against the powerful class. Successful revolutionary agitation will result in petit and haute bourgeiousie supporting of anti-socialist forces, if not forming those forces themselves (see: squadrismo). Funding and supply is a real advantage, especially in an global economy.

Socialist parties are organized and as such have the means to engage in organized crime to level this playing field. We saw this with the Bolsheviks, we see this with the Maoists' drug trade, but such operations are high risk and may do more harm than good (see: Erivansky Square expropriation) which deters orgs from doing it.

My point is, why aren't you spinning up shitcoins, staging fake anti-communist or anti-union violence for donations, opening Patreons and GoFundMes and any other low-footprint scams we can think of?
R: 604 / I: 173 (full)

/prc/ - Peoples Republic of China general

In a world where nothing ever happens one country is brave enough to that do nothing and win.

Original threads:
leftypol.org archives:
bunekrchan.xyz archives:
R: 3 / I: 1

News 12/31/24

Ecuador confirms incinerated bodies belong to missing ‘Guayaquil Four’ boys
On Tuesday the attorney general’s office informed the families that the bodies belonged to the boys and later posted on social media: “The results of the forensic genetic tests confirm that the four bodies found in Taura correspond to the three teenagers and one child who went missing after a military operation on 8 December.”

Mexico unveils new tariffs, popular e-tailers like Shein, Temu may be in crosshairs
Goods that enter Mexico via courier companies originating from countries that do not have an international treaty with Mexico will be subject to a duty of 19%, SAT said in a statement shared with reporters.

The DRC’s historic case against Apple over blood minerals in its supply chain
The Washington DC-based law firm was retained by DRC’s government late last year to investigate supply chains for illegally extracted and siphoned minerals from Congo, especially the 3T. Tin, tungsten, and tantalum are critical for electronics, automotive and aerospace industries.

‘Left at the mercy of jihadists’: Niger’s junta fails to curb surge in violence
The junta’s inability to counter jihadist operations, coupled with its expulsion of western media, has obscured the plight of women, according to a senior Nigerien analyst in the capital, Niamey. The media bans and expulsions of journalists have allowed propaganda to flourish, claiming military success against the insurgents and covering up attacks.

Sudan-Russia naval base talks still ongoing, diplomats say
The Russian embassy in Khartoum denied ‘claims by Western media’ that Sudan has refused to host a Russian naval base in Port Sudan on the Red Sea. Sudan’s ambassador to Moscow also denied the allegations, adding that Sudanese-Russian ties were “at their best”.

Wales First Minister sets out NHS, green economy and affordable housing as priorities in New Year's message
THE NHS, green economy and affordable housing will be the priorities of the Welsh government in 2025, Wales First Minister Eluned Morgan has said in a New Year’s message. “Over the next year we will continue to focus on the things that you told us mattered most to you,” the Welsh Labour leader said.

Calling snap elections created more instability for France, Macron admits
In a traditional New Year's Eve presidential address, French President Emmanuel Macron admitted on Tuesday that his June decision to call snap elections "brought more division to the National Assembly rather than solutions for the French people", acknowledging that the high-stakes move led to months of political deadlock.

Yemen’s Houthis defiant after new US strikes
“The US aggression on Yemen is a blatant violation of the sovereignty of an independent state, and blatant support for Israel to encourage it to continue its crimes of genocide against the people of Gaza,” said Abdulsalam on Tuesday, after strikes were conducted by the US for a second day.

HPG: Guerrillas stop Turkish army advance attempt in Girê Cûdî
The Press Center of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) said in a statement that the guerrillas are continuing their resistance against the Turkish occupation troops in South Kurdistan. According to the statement, various guerrilla actions have taken place in the Zap and Metîna regions in the past week.

Amid ceasefire push, Palestinians bear the scars of Israeli detention
Alleged abuses and psychological harm to Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons and camps are in renewed focus amid stepped-up efforts in December by international mediators to secure a ceasefire that could see the release of thousands of inmates detained during the Gaza war and before, in return for Israeli hostages held by the Palestinian group Hamas in Gaza.
R: 239 / I: 51

Veganism and communism

Hey, I wrote an article concerning veganism into local socialist newspaper, so I though I might as well post it here so hopefully at least someone will read it. Any critique is welcomed.

Here is short ChatGPT summarisation of articles contend:

Veganism as a Political Movement:
>Veganism shares common goals with communism, opposing exploitation and systemic inequality.
>The movement critiques capitalism’s role in sustaining animal and human exploitation.

Criticism of Veganism as Lifestylism:
>Critics argue veganism focuses on individual choices without addressing systemic exploitation, privileging affluent groups.
<Vegan diets are globally cheaper, despite subsidies favoring animal agriculture.
<Vegan activism goes beyond dietary choices, engaging in collective action to address systemic issues like food deserts, environmental degradation, and worker exploitation.
<Individual actions complement systemic advocacy by challenging societal norms and inspiring broader change.

Carnism: The Ideology of Meat Consumption:
>Carnism normalizes meat consumption through appeals to tradition, taste, and necessity, while obscuring the suffering caused.
>Psychological defenses, such as denying animal sentience, resolve moral dissonance.
>Carnism intersects with oppression, reinforcing patriarchal and racist hierarchies by objectifying animals and marginalized groups.
>Carnism aligns with right-wing ideologies emphasizing hierarchy and tradition. Veganism challenges these norms, aligning it with leftist movements.

Capitalist Obstacles to Veganism:
>Capitalism supports animal agriculture through subsidies (e.g., the EU allocates 38% of its budget to agricultural subsidies).
>Profit-driven motives and lobbying maintain industries like factory farming, making individual action insufficient for abolition.
>“Green capitalism” depoliticizes veganism by marketing “plant-based” products without addressing systemic exploitation.

Communism as a Path to a World Free of Animal Exploitation:

>Structural Support for Veganism:

<Communism eliminates profit motives, prioritizing resource efficiency and societal well-being over profit.
<Planned economies would favor plant-based diets due to their lower resource demands compared to meat production.
>Cultural and Ideological Shifts:
<Communism’s rejection of conservatism aligns with vegan ethics, challenging cultural norms that naturalize meat consumption.
<Without capitalist subsidies and marketing, societal attitudes would shift, reducing resistance to veganism.
>Gradual Transition:
<Old cultural habits would persist initially, but without structural support for carnism, veganism would likely thrive under communism’s egalitarian framework.
R: 16 / I: 6

Books etc.

A problem I usually have is finding good books. There is limited amount of time and its best to avoid bad books. Lately, I am asking chatgpt for recommendations, but still.

For example, I am looking to find a good book on Stalingrad. What should I read? I am afraid I will read some shitty western book or something. I also wanted to read a book on Syria or China. But which one?

Meanwhile, although I am mostly using libgen or annas-archive, some times you cant find specific books so maybe someone has it.

Therefore, a books thread.

So which one book on Stalingrad I should read?
R: 3 / I: 1
Agent Kochinski is renowned for his incisive and well-structured arguments that often challenge mainstream perspectives. His ability to distill complex political issues into understandable and compelling narratives sets him apart. Agent Kochinski's arguments are meticulously researched and presented with a blend of logical rigor and persuasive rhetoric. His debates are marked by a keen sense of strategy, allowing him to effectively counter opposing viewpoints. This combination of intellectual depth and articulate delivery makes Agent Kochinski a significant voice in contemporary political discourse.
R: 59 / I: 26

Consider The Following:

For capitalists in the imperial periphery, the strategies of "Outsource Jobs" and "Bring In Immigrants" are less viable ways to drive down wages, or not available strategies at all. This is because there are not as many countries (or in the case of the least developed nations, no countries at all) for the capitalists to outsource to or bring in immigrants from. Immigration in search for higher wages tends to move from the less developed countries to the more developed countries. This is because (among other things) the more developed countries have currencies with greater purchasing power. This gives the capitalists in the most developed countries a huge strategic advantage over their domestic labor force, as well as against the bourgeoisie of foreign nations. By using the working class of a foreign country as a reserve army of labor, capitalists of the most developed imperial core nations can undermine domestic organizing attempts and drive down domestic wages while simultaneously undermining capitalists of the least developed countries by making their labor supply scarce. This leaves capitalists of the imperial periphery with only two realistic options: Automate Jobs or Bust Unions. Neither of these is ideal either, because Automating Jobs requires high rates of profit which can be reinvested in developing labor saving technologies. This is difficult to do while they are having their most educated workers "Brain Drained" to the Imperial Core. Busting Unions will also scare the domestic labor force away into more developed countries. With a scarce labor supply getting siphoned off to the imperial core and no good strategies, peripheral nations are unable to "catch up" to the imperial core quickly enough to bridge the developmental gap and destroy the perverse incentive structure that drives outsourcing and immigration.
R: 48 / I: 10
Have you ever noticed how intelectually secretive and politically seclusive the upper cores of the american oligarchy and its intelligentsia are?

Most americans dont know what the pilgrims society is
Or the relations of people like tucker carlson (son of a CIA agent that worked CIA advertising, same tucker that was with the contras on nicatagua on the 80s) hold with them.
Its very complicated to diseminate exactly how the american intelligentsia organizes its efforts but is clear they operate by secretive socialite circles of academics fond of neoconservativism and neoliberalism.

What do we know about the organizational structure of the american higher society? Its intrincansies a common organizational structures? How do thiel, jd vance, thinktanks, yarvin, ramaswarmy, epstein, blumenthal, carlson, israeli lobbies and all these neoconservative socialites come to know each other and coordinate their efforts to for instance root out the nationalist core of MAGA
R: 55 / I: 8
What are Marxists responses to Heideggers question of being and how it is distinct from any particular thing existing? Or are you a child who rejects anything he ever said just because he was a Nazi? Grow up.
R: 610 / I: 164 (full)



Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth

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• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
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R: 19 / I: 2
USS Liberty

let's talk about this seminal event in the history of the Middle East. What happened and why did it happen? Thoughts? Different perspectives? Please share any links to Leftist articles discussing the USS Liberty?
R: 30 / I: 1 (sage)

sorry MAGA!

>President-elect Trump told The Post Saturday he supports immigration visas for highly skilled workers, appearing to side with Elon Musk in the roiling intra-MAGA debate on the issue. “I’ve always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. That’s why we have them,” Trump said by phone, referring to the H-1B program, which permits companies to hire foreign workers in specialty occupations. “I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. It’s a great program,” added Trump, who restricted access to foreign worker visas in his first administration and has been critical of the program in the past.


sorry MAGA! I'm siding with ELON! you're all a bunch of retarded low I-Q racist rednecks! suck it, I'm president for a second term and now you've served your purpose! NO REFUNDS!!!! POPULISM BTFO and TECHNOFEUDALISM LOLBERTS WIN AGAIN! Enjoy DOGE cutting your social security and healthcare!
R: 58 / I: 6
What do you think all those gulag workers were thinking of when they were working on the ‘road of bones?’
R: 3 / I: 1

News 12/30/24

Minimum wage in Colombia up 9.5% in 2025
Fabio Arias, the president of labor union CUT, joined the government’s celebration and claimed it was “a way to go reducing the serious income gap that the neoliberal and pro-enterprise governments left us with before.” The CUT and other labor unions sought a 12% wage hike from the employers, who wouldn’t go further than 6%.

Bolivia’s former leader Evo Morales seeks a political comeback from his stronghold in the tropics
His supporters are looking to Morales for a rescue from the five tumultuous years since his 2019 resignation. The country’s first Indigenous president, Morales is credited with spreading the wealth of a commodities boom and ushering in a rare stretch of social and economic stability during his nearly 14 years in office.

Inflation down, poverty up as Milei takes chainsaw to Argentina’s economy
The brunt of the pain has fallen on the working class. Poverty surged to 53 percent in the first half of 2024, up from 40 percent in 2023 – the highest recorded jump in two decades. It has since dipped slightly to 50 percent, although the number of people estimated to be living in extreme poverty remains north of 6 million. Nearly seven in 10 Argentinian children are growing up poor, up slightly compared with 2023, according to UNICEF. And 1 million boys and girls go to bed every day on an empty stomach.

Afghan Taliban hit ‘several points’ in Pakistan in retaliation for attacks
“Several points beyond the hypothetical line, serving as centres and hideouts for malicious elements and their supporters who organised and coordinated attacks in Afghanistan, were targeted in retaliation from the southeastern direction of the country,” the ministry said.

Taliban orders all NGOs that employ women to be closed
The Taliban say they will close all national and foreign nongovernmental groups in Afghanistan employing women. It comes two years after they told NGOs to suspend the employment of Afghan women, allegedly because they didn’t wear the Islamic headscarf correctly.

Syria appoints some foreign Islamist fighters to its military, sources say
Syria's new rulers have installed some foreign fighters including Uyghurs, a Jordanian and a Turk in the country's armed forces as Damascus tries to shape a patchwork of rebel groups into a professional military, two Syrian sources said.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Urges Unity and Rejects Conflict Amid PA’s Jenin Repressive Campaign
The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Movement confirmed on Saturday that it “will not be drawn into internal strife,” despite the security campaign being carried out by Palestinian Authority (PA) forces in the Jenin refugee camp.

EFF urges Mozambican govt to exercise maximum restraint amid protest
The party says that such actions only serve to escalate tensions and push the southern African country towards a devastating civil war. The red berets have further urged the South African government in collaboration with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the African Union (AU) to take urgent and concrete steps to facilitate a sustainable resolution.

Invaders attack water station and wheat storage in Ain Issa and Til Temir
Artillery fire by the Turkish army and its Islamist proxy troops has caused damage to a water station near Ain Issa. According to authorities, it is still unclear how extensive the destruction is at the facility, which supplies the village of al-Fatsa, east of Ain Issa, with water. Due to the risk of continued attacks, it has not yet been possible to inspect the station.

Kenyan senator among those arrested at protest against state kidnappings
The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights has documented 82 abductions of government critics since June. On Saturday, President William Ruto said the government would stop kidnapping people so “young people can live in peace,” but the protest demanding those already taken be released met with swift repression.

Train managers at Avanti West Coast to strike on NYE and NYD over pay and rest day working
The rejection followed Avanti management paying £300 or more to management grades to cover rest day working. Train managers argue that Avanti has failed to address their concerns adequately.

Russia and Ukraine swap at least 300 prisoners in exchange deal
Russia and Ukraine have carried out a major prisoner exchange, with at least 150 people from each side returning home before New Year’s Eve, in a swap partly brokered by the United Arab Emirates.
R: 12 / I: 2


Why didn't he industrialize Libya? He used all that oil money to give tons of welfare to the population but did barely any real nation building. There were still powerful tribes in the country that he had to appease to gain support, why did he not manage to create a proper modern country without tribal power. Also, was he unironicaly a schizo? He seemed to flip-flop on his policies in a weird way.
R: 6 / I: 1  
Is there a political, scientific, and or philosophical explanation for why heterosexual men are so touchy?
R: 8 / I: 0

News 12/28/24

Israeli forces arrest Gaza hospital chief after ‘burning doctors and patients alive’
Israeli forces detained the director of Kamal Adwan Hospital, Dr Hussam Abu Safiya, after setting the health facility in northern Gaza on fire with doctors and patients inside, according to health officials. The hospital was stormed by Israeli troops on Friday, following nearly three months of a suffocating blockade and constant air strikes on its departments and their vicinity.

Turkey's pro-Kurdish DEM party meets jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan
"The delegation left in the morning," a party source told AFP, without elaborating how they would travel to the island for security reasons. On Friday, the government approved DEM's request to visit Ocalan, who founded the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) nearly half a century ago and has languished in solitary confinement since 1999.

'Condemned to hunger': Turkey's below-inflation minimum wage rise sparks anger
“We were screwed by the 44 percent [inflation], and now employers only have to pay us 30 percent?” one of those commenting under Erdogan’s post asked. “You’ve already condemned people to hunger and misery, and now you’re condemning them to death.”

SDF: 17 Syrian National Army members killed
The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Press Center issued a statement confirming that "on Friday (December 27) at around 01:00, gangs attacked our forces on the fronts in the villages of Ebu Qelqel and Elush. Violent clashes took place when our fighters responded to the attacks."

Italy’s far-right government wins final approval for its 30-billion-euro budget
Italy’s parliament on Saturday approved the government’s 2025 budget, worth a total of 30 billion euros ($31 billion) — more than half of that in tax cuts and social security benefits for low-income citizens.

11 Indian Workers’ Deaths in Georgia Highlight Lack of Safeguards for Migrant Rights
The shocking death of 11 Indian workers at a resort in Gudauri, Georgia – a popular skiing and paragliding destination in the Caucasus mountains on the Georgia-Russia border – shook their home country. The tragedy has also spotlighted a glaring lack of legal safeguards for millions of Indian workers leaving the country for better economic opportunities abroad.

Displacements and Attacks Reach EZLN Support Bases in Pantelhó
The support bases of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) lost a school, their homes and the offices of the autonomous government of Caracol VIII Jacinto Canek, located in the community of San José Buenavista Tercero, in the municipality of Pantelhó; after the Indigenous Civil Army, the armed wing of the group they call “Los Herrera”, burned their properties and provoked the forced displacement of the inhabitants of the village.

Advocates launch legal push for Argentina, Chile to arrest Israeli soldier
The cases filed in Argentina and Chile announced on Thursday cite both national and international legal obligations. They come among a wider effort by the Belgium-based Hind Rajab Foundation to pressure countries across the world to seek more comprehensive justice for abuses committed in the Palestinian enclave.

Voting begins in Chad as opposition parties call for election boycott
President Deby’s government has presented the weekend elections as a key stage in the transition to democratic rule. The 40-year-old leader took power in 2021 after the death of his father, Idriss Deby Itno, who had ruled the country with an iron fist for three decades.

Survivors of Apartheid-era forced removals from Cape Town win a crucial legal battle
One of the few Black communities to have survived the Apartheid-era evictions from Cape Town just won a crucial legal battle against attempts by city authorities to evict them. The community was one of the few that survived Apartheid-era attempts to evict all Black communities and create an exclusively White-settler city. Their eight-year-long legal battle was against attempts by the city authorities’ to evict them in service of real estate interests.
R: 27 / I: 3

Allende's government, experience

I am Chilean, my family is of Marxist Leninist communist tradition. My parents and grandparents lived through the Allende government and also had to endure the Pinochet dictatorship.

My grandfather was a political prisoner during the dictatorship for being a regional leader of the Chilean Communist Party, then they had to escape to Argentina, but then they had to return to Chile in 1976, and they were organizing covertly against the dictatorship.

My grandfather also traveled to the Soviet Union on a trip for the Party, and he brought a trench coat, a chess set, and there he got his teeth fixed for free.

The house we currently have, where we live with my grandmother, my parents and my brother, is the same one that Allende gave us during the UP government. However, the house was temporary because it was being remodeled during Allende's government. However, construction could not be completed due to the coup

As a Chilean, I also have stories from other acquaintances about how freight transport companies sought to sabotage the government and dumped multiple food products into pits to increase scarcity.

As I come from a very politicized family, I have several acquaintances who were active in multiple leftist organizations of the time, and even some from the Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front.

I have many things I could tell you about that time, experiences from my grandparents and parents, but also things I have studied, so I am open to questions.
R: 40 / I: 6

The religious people on the Left phenomenon

Am i just tripping or does religious people in the Left tend to prioritize their religion over their politics compared to religious people on the Right, at least in the Western internet sphere?
Like take Tradcaths for example. Lots of Tradcaths are also into nazis and white nationalism despite these things being explicitly unbiblical, and when you pointed out this fact they usually lambasted you as an "armchair pastor" or just ignore you as soy.
Meanwhile on the Left its the exact opposite, if you try to suggest a Christian or Muslim dude who is our fellow traveller about the benefit of adopting non-Orthodox stances like being pro gay marriage at least for electoral purposes they will make a face akin to a man who have their balls crushed.
I'm not trying to be a chauvinist "all religious people must be killed" type of socialist, just notice that religious people on Leftist spaces are usually genuinely religious while in the Rightist spaces religion is usually just a mask for some pseudo-Nietzschean pagan sociopathic alpha male grindset
R: 15 / I: 1 (sage)

Dear MAGAcums

Why are you trying to court a demographic that is already perfectly happy with Donald Trump and the current, non -con variety of MAGA in general? These people voted red with joy; they're not looking for anything else. By my count, you people haven't converted a single MAGA guy to communism. Instead, it's all been Reddit leftists converting to MAGA.

What's the deal?
R: 36 / I: 2

Why has the standard of being a ‘good person’ fallen so low in most cultures?

I’m convinced that in today’s society, what makes you a ‘good’ person isn’t what you do but what you don’t do. You could sit down on a chair somewhere for a week and do absolutely nothing at all, and there would be people thinking of you as a saint.

Don’t people consider a virtuous person to be an active person? I shouldn’t expect appraisal from other people just for not being fat, or a drug addict, or someone that uses drugs, or someone that swears, or someone that does weird sexual things constantly, or for not screaming at others when I get upset, or for not talking to myself in public—you get the point.

Why do societies internationally feel so much more infantilized today?
R: 11 / I: 0
There is a perverse incentive structure whereby the working class and the capitalist class have different reasons for joining the military. The military is nationalist and class collaborationist organization, regardless of the country. People say you can't have or win a revolution without the military. They really mean the rank and file soldiery. Even if the officers and other higher-ups defect they will likely have to be purged later on or be a potential source of counter-revolutionary agitation in a revolutionary government. Bourgeoisie join the military during peace time to advance rank, and acquire skills, and powerful connections. Proles join the military (or are drafted) to "defend the fatherland" during war time. Bourgeoisie avoid the military during war time, or, if they are already high rank, sit at their desks and command proles to commit atrocities or get themselves killed. The modern nation state is an invention of bourgeois society created to supplant the feudal kingdoms. It was historically necessary but is now a reactionary construct that holds proletarians back and pits them against each other.
R: 49 / I: 21
Sometimes the truth isn't pretty. Sometimes, what you want simply cannot happen in reality. Sometimes you've got to face the facts and deal with this flawed world we live in instead of following utopian ideologies that have killed people, living people with lives and . Millions have died. Now granted millions have died under capitalism like with 165 million inside of India. But this isn't comparing death counts like it's just a statistic. That was more colonialism than capitalism anyways.

Read this book and come back to me, commies. It's by professional economists, and Richard D. Wolff isn't considered a good economist by most people. You can't just ignore a field like this and treat it like its propaganda, that is very conspiratorial way of thinking. These guys are probably biased to the right though, and I'm not suggesting you should leave the left, just the far left probably.

I'd probably have more faith in socialists if significant contingents of them weren't obsessed with burying the crimes of dictators.
R: 33 / I: 6
How do you personally avoid the cultish behaviors radical communities often get themselves into. Conspiracies and such, how to avoid them? Self critique and being self aware of stuff is important. I think certain strains of socialist thought lead people into more cultish mindsets, for example Stalinism. Avoid dogmatism. Also I don't think a lot of the terrible things Stalin did were actually in marxist-leninist theory though. It just ended up being implemented in practice because he was paranoid and was corrupted by all the power he had.

For example, most people would agree that the French Revolution's cause was great. Most wouldn't agree that Robespierre's cult was all that great though.
R: 3 / I: 0

Mehmet shehu

Was he really a traitor or just Hoxha paranoia?
His whole downfall seems really strange.
He was one of Hoxha's longest running comrades. Did he really commit suicide? Was he killed?
What do you think?
R: 10 / I: 2

We are awful farmers

The image shown represents the total area that has been deforested for agriculture. A landmass greater than all of Europe has been deforested just for food production. You know what’s worse? The soil in that space is slowly degrading into uselessness.

Do we really have to question why so many species are going extinct? We need to start planting trees in these places to promote less fertilizer intense farming methods. Without it, North America stands to face a great famine years to decades from now.
R: 32 / I: 6


I'm reading a book about the limits of reason, math and logic, in a certain chapter he talks about the limits of computer, like NP problems and such, one things that occurs to me is how would a central planned economy work even with computers when there's a hard limit on the capacity of computers to calculate? Planning a entire economy is extremely complex and problem is not feasible give the constrain on computer power in general, or I'm wrong? Is it possible to truly make a central planned economy works even with the NP problem?
R: 10 / I: 1

deliberate lumpenization

Has there been any anti-capitalist thinker, or activist, or militant, who (rightly) disavows Labor as being the heritage of cucks, yet also hate capitalists, and the rich, based on them being conservative stuck-ups? A sort of "anything goes, let's have fun" Nihilistic Hedonism, but also a proper ethical system which (ironically) is Antinomian, and eschew all and any social norms. A sort of tibetan crazy-wisdom, whence labor, obligations, hygiene, money itself; are viewed as shit, and drugs , laziness, precarious monetary\material\living conditions are embraced or ignored, etc
prisoners, gangsters, drug addicts, homeless, welfare kings, scammers, sewer people, squatters…has anyone tried to unite all these into a "Hedonis Front"?
R: 87 / I: 10

Conspiracism isn’t Marxism

Just your reminder that if what you’re doing is writing screeds about conspiracies of elites and how cultural products exist to brainwash rather than to make money, you are a left populist idealist, not a Marxist, simple as.

Marxism isn’t about a conspiracy of capitalists and states, geopolitics is also not Marxism, the only politics is class politics, if you post a random thinker you admire that adheres to these liberal idealist methods of analysis, you have posted a revisionist lib, not a Marxist
R: 5 / I: 1

News 12/27/24

‘Living proof that you can spend money on the poor’: Utopia comes to Mexico City
Mexico City’s mayor has never been afraid to court controversy. Clara Brugada has taken some imaginative steps in her efforts to undo decades of economic and cultural inequality in one of the capital’s most impoverished neighbourhoods. That includes a Boeing 737 converted into a library, its overhead lockers stuffed with books, and a park where 50ft animatronic dinosaurs tower. Both are part of Brugada’s Utopias project.

Mexico detains almost half a million migrants heading to US in last quarter
Mexican security forces have detained about 475,000 irregular migrants since October, authorities said on Friday, as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump threatens Mexico with tariffs unless it stops illegal migrants from arriving at the shared border.

'Chaos': Peru Declares Environmental Emergency Over Oil Spill
The company has not disclosed exactly how much oil spilled, but OEFA said it has extended over an area of 116-566 acres. Petroperu has also not stated the cause of the accident.

South Korea's parliament impeaches acting president Han Duck-soo
opposition MPs demanded Han, who is also prime minister, be removed from office as well, arguing that he had refused demands to complete Yoon's impeachment process and to bring him to justice.

Bangladesh to investigate 2009 paramilitary mutiny massacre
Since her fall, families of soldiers killed in the violence have been campaigning to reopen the investigation. They have repeatedly accused Hasina – then newly elected – of orchestrating a plan to weaken the military to bolster her own power in a country prone to coups. Protesters have also alleged India’s involvement in that plot. The claims are likely to infuriate New Delhi, which did not immediately respond to the allegations.

Israeli soldiers storm Gaza's Kamal Adwan hospital, force out semi-naked medics and patients
Israeli soldiers stormed Gaza's last functioning hospital on Friday and forced semi-naked Palestinian medics and patients to leave on foot to an unknown destination, according to videos and eyewitness testimony shared with Middle East Eye.

Israel pushes deeper into Lebanon during ceasefire
So far, Israel has only withdrawn from the Lebanese village of Khiam ahead of advancing Lebanese army units tasked with upholding the terms of the deal. Lebanese prime minister Najib Mikati this week denounced Israel’s “procrastination” in withdrawing from the country, before his government issued a formal protest to the UN Security Council over what it claimed were 816 violations by Israel of the ceasefire, including home demolitions.

First aid convoy reaches Khartoum since outbreak of Sudan war
The convoy, organised by the UN and humanitarian agencies, brought 22 trucks from the World Food Programme (WFP) with 750 tonnes of food supplies, five trucks from UNICEF carrying medicines, and one truck from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and CARE, according to the Khartoum Emergency Room.

Morocco sentences 13 pro-Palestine activists over boycott protests
A Moroccan court has sentenced 13 pro-Palestine activists to six months of suspended prison time for participating in unauthorised protests, as Rabat continues to crack down on anti-normalisation groups.

20 companies rake in £483bn since energy bill crisis, research shows
The End Fuel Poverty Coalition, which tracks companies such as Equinor, Shell and British Gas, reported yesterday that the firms raked in £9bn in profits this year and posted another £77bn of interims.
R: 106 / I: 22
Many Leninist tankies keep saying that anarchists are children and call us "anarkiddies", not only that, but as a mutualist I expected that on the political left I would find more mutualists or market socialists in general, which is basically similar, that is to say any socialist who is in favor of cooperatives is an ally, mutualists are socialists, but we are not Marxist Leninists.


>To mature is to realize that the market is a tool and that it is easier to distribute goods

>To mature is to realize that central planning is not only inefficient but also goes against the principles of Socialism
>To mature is to realize that the USSR and the planning of the socialist states were actually state capitalism
>To mature is to realize that all the attempts of the Leninists for better planning only replicate the same mistakes by generating state monopolies and limiting the participation of the workers
>To mature is to realize that the Leninist states in practice steal surplus value from the workers
>To mature is to realize that everyone opposes socialism because of the Leninists
>To mature is to realize that when ordinary people and workers in general understand that true socialism is self-management of the workers then all workers will rebel on their own, but as long as socialism continues to be seen as those countries where it was planned and the workers workers were forced to meet quotas, then there will be no revolution
>To mature is to realize that if you tell the striking Amazon workers that there is an alternative in which they can run the company themselves and kick out Jeff Bezos and the shareholders, instead of the Leninists telling them to expropriate it and hand it over to the state so that the state tells them what to do, that no worker will accept that, but self-management
>To mature is to realize that Marxism-Leninism is not socialism
>To mature is to realize that market socialism is more practical and functional
>To mature is to realize that it is better to build a proposal from market socialism that is more serious and truly liberating for workers, than to stay making nostalgic memes of Stalin, Polpot, Hoxha, Mao or other dictators, giving off a stench that scares normal people

PS: I will not accept the argument “To mature is to realize that you must delete this” because it is a fallacy, “Growing up is realizing that anarchism doesn’t work” when what is being defended here is market socialism in general
R: 188 / I: 21  

This board has been taken over by socdems and groypers

Not posting this in that dogshit meta board so the mods can ignore it and the userbase can not have a chance to discuss
If mods auto-remove this after leaving up a fucking race science thread they will have shown where their loyalties lie
At this point /leftypol/ has been turned into an even shittier version of siberia and siberia is indistinguishable from any other pathetic incel hole amongst the internet’s various chans
We went from threads where people wrote essays worth of discussion with each other to faggots spewing one liners and memes

This needs to end; this thread is for the few remaining communists to discuss if we can and how we can retake our forum
R: 7 / I: 4

Nicolae Ceausescu

What was his endgame? Did he really try to be european juche? He seemed like a huge opportunist trying to play both sides of the iron courtain. Why was he so obsessed with austerity, dosent that go completely against socialism?
R: 68 / I: 11

Leftist Positions on de-Europeanizing a military?

Currently, the idea and concept of military's with officers, NCOs, and chains of command comes from the West. Many nations use localized terms taken from their own history but the origins obviously remain in Europe. Considering how popular anti-Western sentiment has been with many revolutionary governments, have any established nations or revolutionary groups ever tried to completely remove all European elements from their military institutions
R: 620 / I: 229 (full)


>U.S.S.A. edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth

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R: 1 / I: 0

The African union is on its third mission in somalia

The African union has set up another military to continue to stabilize Somalia.

For context, since the first intervention, there has been a visible decline in the country’s insecurity. Many of the volunteers for the AU were from well, Africa. Many of these were from Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Egypt, and some parts of Southern Africa.

Personally, I just want the union to get this mission over with. They have been in there since 2009. The Somalian government should be way more active in getting an issue resolved.

R: 2 / I: 0

/KFC V/ - Finger Lickin Good

The controlled opposition "Left" has once again shown its true colors by condemning the man alleged to be the shooter. Even here, they're telling us we should feel sorry for le poor heckin' rat that apparently got fired and got screwed out of their rat money.
>But here’s the thing: his defiance isn’t unique. He’s not some outlier. He’s just the latest to show what happens when despair collides with determination. This is bigger than one man. This is about the millions facing the same system, the same despair, the same crushing indifference. The regime can smear him, bury him, or even kill him, but they can’t stop the truth from spreading: this system is unsustainable, and those it’s destroying will not go quietly.
What the Lenin larpers miss is that the Bolsheviks were merely the culmination of decades of struggle. It didn't start with mass movements, it started with various Anarchists and Nihilists assassinating Tsarist officials. We're in that stage right now. I have absolutely no faith in the contemporary "Left" right now to do anything for the people; in fact, I consdier them to be an obstacle to revolution.
>The government doesn’t want that story out there. They fear what happens when people see this trial, hear the arguments, and understand the scale of the systemic rot. They fear the memes, the viral videos, the court exchanges that will shine a light on a system designed to chew people up and spit them out. They fear what happens when millions realize they’re one injury, one medical crisis away from being in his shoes. That’s why they’re scrambling, trying to smear him, dredging up tweets, pushing culture war nonsense to muddy the waters. But here’s the real question: can they afford to let him have his day in court?
I think they're already going to have him conveniently "commit suicide" so that he can't get the message out, assuming he's actually the shooter and not just some patsy that was stood up because the cops were looking like incompetent idiots.
R: 43 / I: 3

Reply to Critics of Mutualism: Argument of Why Central Planning is Impractical

Part I:

As a Mutualist I have been constantly criticized and attacked by planning-obsessed Marxists for my insistence that markets are more efficient. I don't just think they are more efficient, I think they are more liberating. On the other hand, I am the kind of Mutualist who is marginalist, meaning I rely on the Law of Marginal Utility and the subjective theory of value, because it is scientifically more correct than the labor theory of value of Marx and the classics. In fact, I firmly believe that the subjectivity of value justifies that workers should take ownership of companies, because it better satisfies the marginal utility of the worker. Furthermore, by demonstrating that value is subjective, that it resides in us, it is also demonstrated that the capitalist's profit (the obtaining of value) does not come only from exploiting the worker and that he does not necessarily need to exploit the worker to obtain value (if he exploits the worker it is because he wants more profit, not because he can only obtain it by taking it from him). This means that it is unjustified for a capitalist to keep all the property and the profit, and for the worker to only eat crumbs of the minimum wage.

I follow the subjective theory of value, and based on this the satisfaction of the worker's utility will be achieved when the worker obtains property and can grow proportionally with the company to satisfy himself, this is a powerful incentive and is psychologically correct, since in the search for profit based on the equal or fair share of property, the entire company will grow, since the worker will seek to satisfy his utility, that is, to grow his share and not depend on a salary that does not incentivize him to do anything. In fact, it is well known today in capitalism that when an employee is given shares, he is more motivated because he knows that if he works better, his shareholding will grow and therefore the company will grow, benefiting everyone, in other words, Mutualism. That's why I'm mostly a Mutualist, I divide the property among the employees and everyone works to make the whole grow based on the parts

Call me petty bourgeois or whatever you want, it doesn't matter to me, I'm working class and I come from a working class family, so I don't want planning, give me my corresponding share of property brrrr

Anyway, I was asked to provide evidence of why planning doesn't work, well here's why:

Do you know why countries that apply economic action lines based on central planning show a consistent negative effect of inflation (rise in prices) and huge problems of scarcity and supply?

The problems come because government planners generate artificial prices according to what they believe… not according to what sellers, consumers, etc., believe things should be worth. There is no haggling, no exchange of information, economic agents (sellers, buyers) cannot say much (or rather, nothing) about it.

Prices are pre-set (centralized) by the state or a regulatory body.

What are the effects of all this?

Various and not very good.

For a start, the economy becomes rigid, it is no longer dynamic. Apart from the fact that the administrative task itself (price control and all the factors surrounding these) is gigantic, the trial and error adjustments of prices in each market require that planners know how they will be affected by changes in demand in that particular market. That is… if the state inspectors of the Ministry of Agriculture pre-set the price of a kilogram of potatoes at nine rubles… do they know how that will affect the production of a complementary or substitute food such as bread? Is that price fair for the supplier, will it allow him to make a profit? If the price is too cheap, the farmer will say that he is not interested in producing it and either stops growing or grows less enthusiastically or does not investigate better methods or new types of tastier or larger potatoes (after all, he will get the same price for the kilo of potatoes no matter what he does). It is said that “he has less incentive to produce”. Is it too expensive for the buyer? If it is too expensive he will go and buy alternatives (if there are any) and if it is too cheap he may monopolize the product. Have the planners taken all this into account?

All this centralization of prices (making them “objective by force”) distorts markets artificially… and massively. For a long time.

On one occasion at college a classmate asked the professor: “Could this process be computerized?” As a power, it can be done in theory. In fact, today we have computers with great capacity that could recalculate market prices in real time and, what’s more, it is done in very specific sectors such as the prices of mineral raw materials, but note that even if the constantly updated computing capacity of the immensity of an entire global market were achieved… the effect would be the same: the prices recalculated by computers would simply reflect the desires of economic agents according to utility. That is to say, in the end, it is further proof that not all prices should be centralized (and that human beings continue to choose subjectively). Administratively, it would be more efficient, yes. Transactions would be faster.

Continue in the post below
R: 50 / I: 6


Are the bourgoisie actually this retarded to let the entire planet go to shit just to stay wealthy and above everybody else?

There is climate change, continuous economic downturn, looming war with countries like China and Russia with nuclear implications, a rising Third World that will rid itself of the sheckles of Western imperialism, and in the face of all of this they STILL choose to drag the entire planet down to keep their wealth? Really? Are they THIS retarded? The bourgoisie can't be that retarded, right?

Why not simply choose to give up? Seriously. Lose your luxury in return for the entire planet not being destroyed. This whole hiding in bunkers idea is also retarded, because their resources are only going to last so long, it's a shitty lifestyle to reside in a bunker while the world experiences armageddon and your guards are probably going to kill you eventually.

They can not be THIS retarded, are they?
R: 603 / I: 101 (full)

What went wrong?

All their leaders have been killed, as well as their replacements and the replacements of their replacements. A headless organization that's only a shadow of its former self. Getting rekt by Israel as we speak.
A nation humilated by Israel. Fighting hyper inflation as of right now. Population increasingly frustrated with the gov and may overthrow it if given the opportunity. Losing influence every day.
Had to go. Living in a cuckshed in Moscow, probably under house arrest. Only alive because Putin allows it.
Thought he could invade Ukraine effortlessly, got rekt by his foolishness. Rubels are becoming worthless. Has to beg Kim Jong un for weapons and soldiers.
Most leadership killed, vast majority of troops killed, so cucked they’re allowing Israel to keep occupation troops in northern Gaza as part of a ceasefire deal, lost hard because Sinwar honestly believed Iran would come to his aid during the Oct 7th attack but got stood up and evetually clout martyred by a 19-year old IOF cadet.
Doesn’t give a shit. At all.

“Axis of Resistance” = Axis of Failure
R: 14 / I: 9

Fuck debate culture.

You used to get tarred and feathered for being a scab, for crossing the picket line. We aren't debating this shit. I'm sick of the fucking debate culture, man. Let's do violence. Violence is the solution. You cross the picket line, you get tarred and feathered like it was, like it's 19-fucking-19 again, brother. That's what we need. That's the energy we need. Because otherwise we're just gonna be spending our circles fucking dealing with dumb motherfuckers like Destiny for the rest of our fucking days, instead of actually doing things that make a fucking difference.
R: 62 / I: 30

Democratic Kampuchea

>Democratic Kampuchea was le meme anprim and wanted to destroy productive forces for no reason
That's false
DK planned and made concerted efforts to develop industry and grow the proletarian class. Their coat of arms featured a factory ffs. The ruralism was a temporary forced measure dictated by current material realities, i.e. Phnom Pehn being mostly dominated by colonial and comprador bourgeois enterprises, and being under imperialist attack. It's like calling Lenin an "anprim" because he moved the capital from Saint-Petersburg to less developed Moscow because the former was encircled by reactionary forces. Khmer Rouge was a totally regular M-L revolutionary movement seeking a DotP

>DK killed 100 gorillions

Half made up with no evidence, half inflicted by American bombings. There are claims like this about every socialist state (Stalin killed 20 million! Mao killed 50 million!) and modern leftists tend to disbelieve all of them, except this one for some reason. I remember how my high school history teacher scared us with a tale about how Cambodian schoolchildren would be taken out and slaughtered with hoes if they got bad grades, obviously a hilarious fanciful fabrication from him, but some self-proclaimed communists today would believe it

>DK invaded Vietnam

I would agree it was a terrible and retarded decision, also I'm not even a Maoist. However, at the same time, can you truly say every socialist state had a spotless foreign affairs record? Consider the Sino-Soviet split, Stalin dismantling the Comintern, Mao meeting Nixon etc. Most communists today would say they like Mao although perhaps disagreeing with some of his later international policies, but at the same time they would condemn and demonize Pol Pot wholesale.
DK didn't "skip straight to communism by abolishing everything" as some trolls say and indeed they made fatal mistakes, but neither was it a "reactionary anprim movement with no redeeming qualities that has nothing to do with communism". It was a ML movement that succeeded at some things, failed at others, from which we should learn. I think modern leftists just see it as a "convenient pawn" that they can "sacrifice" in debates with political opponents, instead of honestly investigating it.
R: 2 / I: 0

The American Export of Stupidity

What can be done about this phenomenon?
I think one of the greatest crises caused by the rise of American unipolar hegemony is the export of extreme anti-intellectualism, illiteracy, conspiracism, and sensationalism on the world stage
Hollywood and the American Music industry, US social media, vidya and interwebs have all combined to make an extremely stupid and vile global population that thinks communism is when infinite grave
R: 70 / I: 11

Did you know that 11K people in Florida voted for the PSL?

11,000 people. Do you know how many Bolsheviks there were in 1916? I mean, I don't have a full fact check on this, but I heard there was about 20K. So you got 11K PSL voters in Florida, one state. 20K Bolsheviks in the USSR, or I guess Russia before it became the USSR. Doesn't sound to me like the left is dead in the West at all. Sounds to me like we're in the middle of those fucking weeks, if anything. Because here's the thing, I didn't vote for PSO, and a lot of other communists I know didn't vote for PSO. But they still got 11K votes. So maybe there's 15,000 of us in Florida. Maybe there's 20,000 of us in Texas. Maybe there's 30,000 of us in California, or everywhere. And those are just the people who know, concretely, that they're a communist enough to vote for it. A lot of communists don't vote. I didn't. A lot of communists don't even know that they're communists yet, because we haven't reached them. The left in the West isn't dead. It's seeing a revival greater than we've seen in many, many decades.
R: 10 / I: 0

Just an update about Haiti

The current mission in Haiti has gone on for half a year now. Reports over denied payments have been debunked. The current police on standby have confirmed receiving their salaries. Attempts to reopen key roadways have been made, and some have been successful. However, current momentum stays dormant. It doesn’t feel as if the country is getting safer or more dangerous.

Currently, any new developments will depend on whether the African union’s member states are willing to deploy more police officers and soldiers to Haiti like these countries did in response to the Libyan and Somali wars.

Oh and I really mean the African union’s members are the main determinants. Going back to the continent, the AU’s forces were the first to deploy soldiers to stabilize Libya during the fall of gadaffi and to Somalia when al shabaab was at its highest. I’m not sure what they’re doing in Sudan right now, I don’t know about what their involvement is with Haiti either. I just know that whatever is going on now is not being reported on enough. Assuming someone is willing to share whatever information is being gathered.
R: 80 / I: 12  

My dad is a capitalist

I was conceived through rape, back when my country was socialist. My dad "forgot to mention" to my mom that he removed the condom when they were dating. My mom found out that I was LOADING.EXE when she missed her period.

When I was a few years old, my dad went to the capital city for work, leaving me and my mom in our rural city of origin to rot. He wanted to persuade my mom to join in him in the capital city, but she refused because all of her relatives lived where she was. My mom was "simple" in that sense: she wanted to be near to all her family members, while my dad tried to avoid his. He was literally blackmailing my mom: "if you don't follow me, you'll live in poverty."

But of course, in his mind this didn't register as such. In his mind this was about a wife that wasn't """reasonable""" and everything that followed (poverty) was a """natural outcome."""

My dad sent her crumbs in terms of allowance and as a form of revenge. His "logic" was: "if you are not willing to move in with me in the big city, you should live in poverty." Even though my dad, to this day reminisces about this period as "I had a bigger wage than the prime minister of the country."

This was the period that ultimately grounded their future divorce.

As far as I can remember my early years, my dad used to visit us every 2-3 weeks or so. I was 5 years or so and every time he visited our squalor I was giddy, because he made sure to make that an EVENT, and give me gifts of some kind. Looking back, this was a strategy of his making (conscious or unconscious) to pit me against my mom (from whom I got poverty) and make a psychological imprint on me as "daddy=gifts".

Not long after my sister was conceived, they divorced. My dad made sure to buy my mom a flat while he kept paying the %s on our home. Then he immediately dumped me to my grandparents – his parents, whom he reminisces to this day as being "unbearable" in his adolescence years.

My formative years from elementary to secondary school were spent under the aegis of my distant father. He wanted me to take over his company, and naturally I rebelled. He wanted me to pursue a STEM career and so it happened I was talented in humanities. This was the point from which our relationship began to be one of revenge. He despised me for my talents, and he used his previous tactics of impoverishment he used against my mom, utilized against me this time.

When I went to university to the big city, I joined 2 friends in a flat, paying rent. Even though I had the richest dad, I lived the poorest compared to my friends. My dad's excuse was: "back in my day (=under socialism, when everything was either dirt cheap or outright free) we lived for so and so amount and now YOU are trying to extort so MUCH MORE from ME."

I literally lived on rice & beans because I didn't choose the "right" educational path, according to my father, but now I wonder if he'd be more generous if I obeyed his commands.

After he sabotaged my higher education by being a miser, he employed me in his company. This employment took two forms: 1) having to do nothing for months; 2) having to work 12 hours a day, while you were officially employed for 6hrs/day. He used this to guilt-trip me. He paid me less than a minimum wage. His excuse was that he is "allowing me to build a great CV" that will get me better employment in the future.

Obviously, this was the period when I got into Marxism. I remember that I mentioned to him Marx's "theory" of exploitation, to which he replied that "that may have been applicable to the previous century, but the world has moved on." Not a few months have passed, and we were travelling in the same car, and his fellow "entrepreneur" was asking him about his "key to success" and he responded thusly: "Well, honestly, I criminally underpay my employees." At that point I was like, "lol," and patted him in the back, saying: "this is literally what I was talking about."

COVID, Ukraine war, inflation happened in my country, and according to our marketwatcher™ media people looking for jobs had to wait for a year to get a job on average. This was the time when my dad married an African gold digger lady, adopted her child, and decided to change the locks on the door of the flat where I was brought up. I literally became homeless thanks to my father, whose priorities laid with his "new family" now, and had to live in a fucking tent (donated by him) under the woods.

Skip to today, and Xmas came, and my capitalist dad "gifted me" $250, while my rent is a $300 a month, and while he earns $9.4k a month as an international consultant in Africa, and while he has around $100k in the bank, and I just couldn't contain myself, and told him: "you are going to hell, according to your own religion."

It's just so tiresome. This person ruined my whole life. He spends half a year in a foreign country, the fucking flat is empty ("my home"), but I'm forced to rent from a landlord.

Merry Xmas, folks

sorry for blogpost
R: 26 / I: 9

Is being a NEET antithetical to revolutionary action?

Hello anons, as we all know networking and connections with other people helps bring together coalitions and organize movements, but the thing is a lot of you guys are internet recluses, some of you don't even have something to work for.
Therefore, if you aren't meeting and conversing with people outside of family and friend circles, aren't you bringing the revolution down? You could be agitating unionization at the workforce, starting a college theory book club, you can even join community groups and redpill people on class antagonism and the conditions that ruined your pal's favorite hobby, place, or general things like their community and the climate.
So will you continue to post like a Lasallean, or be a true comrade?
R: 646 / I: 160 (full)

/ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine War General #198: glammable gas edition

Ukrainian recruit hunters fill car with glammable gas (VIDEO)

Previous thread: >>2082503


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



Live maps and updates
DeepStateMap: https://deepstatemap.live
Events in Ukraine: https://eventsinukraine.substack.com/
SouthFront: https://southfront.press/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/

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>Video Essays / Historical Background
📺 • Ukraine: The Avoidable War - Boy Boy

📺 • Ukraine's Nazi Problem - The Marxist Project

📺 • America, Russia, and Ukraine's Far Right - Gravel Institute

📺 • Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 • The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

<Current Happenings

📺 • The Grayzone: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrayzone7996
📺 • DDGeopolitics: https://www.youtube.com/@DDGeopolitics
📺 • Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
📺 • The Duran: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeMVChrumySxV9N1w0Au-w
📺 • The News Atlas: https://www.youtube.com/c/thenewatlas
📺 • Military Summary: https://www.youtube.com/@militarysummary


Social media



Thread guidelines:
• Please remember to add a spoiler to NSFW and extreme content such as graphic violence and gore.
• Try your best to not derail discussion too much from the main events and relevant places where the war is taken place, as well as other happenings, groups and public figures related to it.
• Meta discussion of the historical, philosophical and ideological background of the war is fine as long as its done in good faith and comradely.
• In the event the meta discussion overstays its welcome, participating users will be referred to take the conversation to the INTERNATIONALISM general thread: >>1944320
• Quality shitposting and original content is encouraged! Spamming glowie memes is low effort.
• this is /isg/ for people who treat geopolitics like shitty map games.
R: 11 / I: 0

decentralized nature of the American Left

What does internationalism even mean to Americans? We’ve only got two countries we share a land border with and one of them, Canada, is meme’d as something we’ll get around to fully annexing in the future. Mexico might be the most important from a material standpoint because of agriculture, but there’s a cultural, linguistic, and in some cases physical wall separating us—this isn’t fucking Alsace-Lorraine where you’ve got these two nations so intimately tied to one another that internationalism seems like the rational or sensible outcome, we barely talk with each other as separate peoples. That America is predominantly a service industry economy means you aren’t getting these scenarios where German and Czech workers are struggling to build railroads together—if you can’t speak English you won’t get a job, unless you work somewhere like Vallarta for example, but chances are you won’t be employed there unless you speak Spanish, too.

Shit one telling anecdote: my buddy once witnessed a guy trying to get hired at some office max out in Simi Valley, the dude is talking to the manager in Spanish, the manager is talking in English and clearly getting frustrated, eventually he just throws his hands up and yells “No green card-o, no job-o!”

Sure America has immigrants from all over the world, but the basic premise of America is we take those immigrants, dissolve them, and make them us. We don’t have any Volga Germans here. We don’t have a history of the fucking Kaiser ordering Czechs to settle en masse in Vienna and maintain their culture for hundreds of years. In the end we break these different groups down and make them ourselves.
R: 98 / I: 34
Libertarian here, I don't know if I will be banned but I'm genuinely interested in marxism and want to debate.

What makes you think socialism will work? how would you solve the famous economic calculation problem? Some people claim AI could solve it, or even market socialism but it's considered revisionist.

I recognize that the USSR had its achievements, such as lifting millions out of extreme poverty and making virtually the entire population literate, but they also had bureaucratic problems, such as long lines to buy food or long waiting lists to buy a car for example.
R: 123 / I: 26

Reminder that Stalin did not consider the Nazis as real narionalists

Can the Hitlerites be regarded as nationalists? No, they cannot. Actually, the Hitlerites are now not nationalists but imperialists. As long as the Hitlerites were engaged in assembling the German lands and reuniting the Rhine district, Austria, etc., it was possible with a certain amount of foundation to call them nationalists. But after they seized foreign territories and enslaved European nations-the Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Norwegians, Danes, Dutch, Belgians, French, Serbs, Greeks, Ukrainians, Byelorussians, the inhabitants of the Baltic countries, etc.—and began to reach out for world domination, the Hitlerite party ceased to be a nationalist party, because from that moment it became an imperialist party, a party of annexation and oppression.

The Hitlerite party is a party of imperialists, and the most rapacious and predatory imperialists among all the imperialists of the world.
R: 74 / I: 5  

Unironic child liberation\family abolishment

I want to read up on the topic of ("far" left) philosophers and egoists, talking about how and why ,it's unfair (which it IS) for 2 people to have legal control over a child, or teenager, just because they had sex- which incidentally sired the Qualia that happens-to-be said teen. A social corollary of the Vertiginous Question
>inb4 pedo
No, I shouldn't have to clarify it but it's about legal and citizenship rights: owning a house, paying taxes, owning guns, credit cards, investment funds, taking loans, etc. And also, abolishment of family legal obligations or contractual forces in general…Reform in topics such as: inheritance, alimony, divorce, and child support money, war casualty widow's pension, military veteran widow pension, whether an Orphanage (State or private), or a foster parent has a right to not-let a ,say, 15 yo teen be alone if his parents have died and he sees no good reason to take up "new parents".
Which philosophers, speakers, bloggers, thinkers, etc, address these topics?
R: 2 / I: 0

News 12/26/24

Israel strikes Houthi rebels in Yemen’s capital while the WHO chief says he was meters away
A new round of Israeli airstrikes in Yemen on Thursday targeted the Houthi rebel-held capital and multiple ports, while the World Health Organization’s director-general said the bombardment occurred nearby as he prepared to board a flight in Sanaa, with a crew member injured.

Gaza famine warning withdrawn after US diplomat scolds USAID-funded group
The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) - an initiative funded by USAID, the US government agency that oversees foreign aid - has taken down a report on its website that sounded the alarm about tens of thousands of Palestinians in northern Gaza at risk of death under Israeli siege.

Syria’s new authorities launch operation against pro-Assad fighters after 14 policemen killed
An explanatory note in the bill says that there has been a rise in Israelis earning degrees at Palestinian universities and taking jobs in the Israeli school system. It further goes on to allege the courses in these institutions contain "antisemitic content and indoctrination whose purpose is to deny the existence of the State of Israel and to seriously incite against it".

Machine guns and pistols among firearms lost by MoD
Figures uncovered by the Liberal Democrats show more than 700 phones, laptops, computers and USB sticks also went missing over the period. The party's defence spokesperson Helen Maguire said the losses were "deeply concerning", especially "at this time of heightened global security tensions".

New minimum wage in Turkey: A declaration of war on the working class
The announcement by Labour and Social Security Minister Vedat Isikhan on Tuesday of a 30 percent increase in the minimum wage by 2025 to 22,104 liras net (US$630) is an open declaration of war by the government against the working class.

France hands over first military base amid withdrawal from Chad
France has officially handed over its first military base in Faya-Largeau to Chad as part of an ongoing withdrawal of French forces. This move follows Chad’s abrupt termination of military cooperation last month with its former colonial power. French troops are also set to leave bases in Abeche and the capital N'Djamena.

Famine declared in five areas of Sudan as govt withdraws from IPC
The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) officially declared a famine in parts of North Darfur and the Nuba Mountains region, along with imminent famine in parts of South Darfur. Sudanese authorities in Port Sudan reportedly suspended its collaboration with the IPC on the eve of the report.

Prabowo’s corruption amnesty plan panned by Indonesia’s anti-graft activists
President Prabowo Subianto’s pledge to pardon corruption offenders who return stolen assets has been met with scepticism by legal experts and activists, who warn it could undermine accountability in Indonesia’s long-standing fight against graft.

Pakistan military court sentences 60 more civilians over pro-Khan protests
A Pakistani military court has sentenced 60 civilians to jail time ranging from two to 10 years in connection with attacks on military facilities after the arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan in 2023.Those sentenced on Thursday include a relative of Khan as well as two retired military officers.

Cambodian court gives an opposition leader 2-year prison term, keeping pressure on critics
Sun Chanthy, 41, was arrested in May this year at Phnom Penh International Airport after returning from a trip to Japan where he held a meeting with several hundred Cambodian overseas workers. He spoke there critically about Hun Manet’s government and urged that opposition political parties be allowed to operate more freely.
R: 6 / I: 0

Organizing in the digital age

I'm extremely puzzled on how to organize workers in this day and age. It seems like we're all extremely occupied with daily life and no one wants to waste a single minute discussing workplace struggles. At the same time, watching thousands of 15 second videos using instagram, tiktok, youtube, etc is standard for almost all adult workers. I don't know how true it was but the rumor is that Russian proles used to actually read Marx and Lenin, that's mindblowing to think about now.

I know it's always been like this, but it seems to amplified as of lately that I'm just completely stunt on how to get *anyone* to pay attention to this shit, and believe me I've tried. It's fucking HARD.

At the same time it seems like we're in the best position ever in relation to past communists: we have a global, permanently connected network of people (mostly proles) that we can communicate and share propaganda with, and still we can't make even the smallest comeback to relevancy among the working class…
R: 23 / I: 5

What will the world look like in 20 years?

>World population <1 bil
>Number "of big cities "<3
>Whiter demographics wise
>Powerful evil individual reigns

Human civilization has reached its end point in the 10s, nothing improved since
Look back at every decade 80s 90s 00s theres clear distinct characteristics that define each decade
But since 2010s everything has been the same
R: 6 / I: 1

Porky wants you to be mad at anyone but them.

Immigration is largely a consequence of capitalist imperialism. Imperial periphery workers seek jobs in the imperial core because the imperial core currency is hegemonic and (for the time being) has a greater purchasing power in their home country.

For example:


You can see that 12 Eggs will cost you 3.77 USD in the US, while it will only cost you 2.21 USD in Mexico, and only 1.83 in Brazil. So the purchasing power of a dollar is actually stronger outside of American than in America. This incentivizes immigrants to go to America in search of work that, while considered "low paying" by Americans, will purchase a lot of goods and services in their home country. They save up USD in the US and then send it back home, where it has more purchasing power. Why does the USD have more purchasing power outside of America than in America? Because of imperialism. There is an imperial core and an imperial periphery. There is currency hegemony. As long as there is currency hegemomy, and different currencies have different purchasing powers, there will be imperialism. What causes imperialism? People get butthurt and dispute unequal exchange so I'm not going to say unequal exchange. But you cannot deny unequal development. Core countries are more developed than peripheral countries. Largely due to the presence of technologies that reduce the socially necessary labor time required to produce commodities. This asymmetry in the productivity of an hour of labor power (i.e. commodified labor sold by a prole in exchange for a wage) which is augmented by superior means of production in the imperial core, means that labor is more productive in developed regions than undeveloped regions. However just because development is unequal between nations doesn't mean it's permanently unequal. Imperialism exports capital which rapidly develops the peripehry. However, the core doesn't want the periphery to catch up, so imperialist war, invasions, coups, sanctions, embargoes, sabotage, assassinations, union busting, etc. all coalesce to keep the imperial periphery generally less developed than the core, while still developing fast enough that core capitalists can benefit from outsourcing. But even in the core there is still asymmetrical development, due to the dichotomy between urban and rural, which Marx always said ought to be abolished…

So "immigration" isn't "liberal" or "leftist." Immigration happens due to socioeconomic causes and capitalists then benefit from the oversupply of labor power (which marx called the reserve army of labor and which eugene debbs called an "army of scabs) provided by immigrants seeking higher wages. The real problem is the scapegoating and dehumanization of migrants instead of the fighting back against the capitalists. Every attempt to organize against the reserve army of labor created by capitalism so far has largely dehumanized immigrants while leaving capitalists untouched. This is a divide and conquer strategy that works for the capitalists' benefit because the criminalization of immigrants in a state that enslaves criminals is only another source of cheap labor.
R: 0 / I: 0


That routine was dropped ages ago. For one it's impossible to enforce it if you let people recreate communities while you should destroy their culture to force them to absorb yours. However, at a macro scale this is exactly what is happening under global capitalism. Maybe it's helping us by creating this monoculture, meaning that if it can be hijacked, the effects would spread much faster and farther than if we had to go through each nation at a time by taking into consideration the numerous cultural differences. Letting this globalism spread and grow to its final form, it will have leveled so many obstacles that we may have something to exploit there in two or three decades from now. It may seem a long time to wait for but globalism has yet a long distance to cover before culture and political powers become sufficiently smoother and centralized until we get our chance to take control of it. It's also growing like a cancer that has only one purpose in existence, growth. It's voracious and will create more and more economical misery.
R: 16 / I: 7

Biggest Case of Stolen Valor

>Doesn't look like the shooter at all
>Looks like photos of a guy who the usa state keps pushing to the public despite the face not matching, the jacket not matching, the bag not matching
>Guy who supposedly did the "most well planned hit the NYPD has ever seen, a real pro"
>Supposedly found in the macdonalds with on his person:
>>The gun used in the most high profile assassination in decades in the usa, which he didnt get rid of for some reason
>>Several fake ids
>>A 2 page manifesto quoting the unibomber and other incoherent bs
R: 8 / I: 1

Mozambique protest: they have reignited

To absolutely no one’s surprise, the corrupt Mozambique judiciary has concluded that the Frelimo party has won the country’s elections. Most Mozambican citizens have once again taken to the streets to protest and demand the removal of the Frelimo party by force.

This development follows after months of protests, dozens of deaths, and growing resentment against this liberation party.
R: 98 / I: 39
the guy who did car ramming in Germany seems to be an ex Muslim afd supporter from an account people found. He's super anti Islam

Right wingers narrative today killed

R: 10 / I: 2

A Christmas Thank You To Brian Thompson, CEO of United Healthcare

Mr. Thompson,

On behalf of the countless individuals who have suffered under the systemic injustices perpetuated by the healthcare industry, we offer our deepest gratitude—not for the decisions you made in life, but for the profound impact of your death. In what may be recorded as one of history’s most reluctant acts of martyrdom, you have become an unwitting emblem of accountability and change.

Your tenure embodied the unchecked greed and complacency that have long corroded not only healthcare, but every corridor of power in our society. It is profoundly ironic that only in your absence could the promise of justice and reform begin to emerge. The heavy toll of your legacy weighs on countless lives, yet your removal has opened a path where compassion, fairness, and genuine care might finally take root.

Your death was neither a random act of violence nor a mindless spree; it was a calculated cry for justice, borne out of desperation when all other avenues were blocked. When power suppresses the pleas of the vulnerable, and when systems of accountability serve only the privileged, then extraordinary measures become, tragically, the last resort.

Thomas Jefferson once wrote, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” While severe in its implications, this statement underscores a painful truth about unbridled authority: those who exploit, oppress, and injure others will ultimately face judgment. Your death, while regrettable in its necessity, was not vengeance—it was an attempt to restore balance.

For years, your leadership favored profit margins over human lives. Families were bankrupted, care was denied, and the most vulnerable were sacrificed for the sake of shareholder returns. These were not isolated missteps; they were deliberate policy choices demanding a reckoning. Your demise stands as a warning to anyone who continues to profit from harm: true justice will always find a path, even if legal channels do not.
R: 4 / I: 1

I feel so conflicted over this take on black nihilism

Here’s some background information:
Black pessimism, Afro pessimism, weak black nihilism, whatever you want to call it emerged as a unique response to racism in the United States some time around the 80s. The general idea among some members of the black community was that the United States’ issues with racism were unsolvable, and that the issues terrorizing black people (mainly black males) internationally were impossible to eradicate.

These issues were with preserving dignity, avoiding insecurity, avoiding harassment, preserving safety, and finding a purpose.

Multiple books have already been written discussing this idea. Some authors fell completely into pessimism. Others promoted religiosity. Others just considered the idea to be completely worthless. Either way, I found an interest in reading more about afropessimism.

Here's some information on this book

This book’s author considers much of the imperialist violence that has ravaged the entire damn planet over the past few centuries to be a response to decadence. He suggested that ‘western values’ had already lost their use to the entirety of humanity hundreds to thousands of years ago, and that most of the oppression, stagnation, and decline that much of the planet has seen since then is a push by westerners to preserve these ideas even if they aren’t likely to last.

I see some truth to this idea. Just compare the state most people’s lives relative to a century ago. We like to imagine that much of the material things and legal systems we have today have made life better—which to an extent is true—but in a lot of ways, life today is far worse and far less certain for most people than it was back then.

The author goes out of his way to describe this special response as ‘weak nihilism.’ He considers this to be an acceptance of the natural world’s lack of meaning, but an acceptance followed by the total rejection of a human world that can adapt or grow in spite of nature. More specifically, he considers that western and or white societies will intentionally block and reject any and all attempts for any societal progress to form away from western values.

Again, I can see where his ideas of weak nihilism stand correct. Just look at all the coup attempts, the states balkanized and or destabilized, wars, and shitty crises against developing and even developed economies that try to move away from westernization.

So here’s why I feel so conflicted

Although I can respect the author’s push for wanting not just black people, but people in general to continue pushing for order in our world, I can’t help but feel that pushing might legitimately be useless. It’s easy to accept that western ideas are useless today and that western societies are fragile. However, I can’t shake off the idea that any new civilization won’t just run into the same existential problem. The author mentions this concern too.

It also doesn’t help that I’ve learned a lot since I’ve read this. Ideas like the permanence of pain and destruction being synonymous with entropy, the reality that eradicating chaos and the issues it causes is inevitable, and even just the fact that some time down the line, like the reality of continued western decay will inevitably affect my life harshly come to be things I’ve had to think about more as I grow into adulthood.

I need more time to think.

Sorry for the long post, it had been a day for me.
R: 35 / I: 11

You guys have a total blind spot when it comes to Russia.

Hyper fixated on the collapse of the US which will never happen. Meanwhile there's already an empire running on fumes.

The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.
R: 26 / I: 9
What is the current record for the furthest a Trot party/movement has gotten? For example, has any incited a revolution in the past century?

[reminder that there are site rules against sectarianism]