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"No chin, no right to speak."
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If both of the "World wars" doesn't happen, or that if the USSR never happen, or that The axis won. Then Bocchi The Rock IPL would happen and I would have the pleasure of viewing the growth of my little sister who is a cute anime girl in an anime world. Firstly, everyone would be authentically white, making it so that people doesn't have to worry about white authenticity because everybody is already authentic whites. Secondly, not only that everybody would be authentic whites, everybody would also be acting tidy, clean, and classy like european and (most importantly) JAPANESE did! which mean Bocchi irl WOULD HAPPEND! SUCH PERFECT WORLD IT COULD HAVE BEEN!!!!! REEEEEE!!!!!!! FUCK YOU LEFTIST! FUCK YOU LIBERALS! FUCK YOU PROGRESSIVES! and more importantly FUCK YOU WHICH EVER GROUPS AND CLIQUES OF PEOPLE WHO CANCELS EUGENICS!!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

I'm going to become a politician and clime the pyramid that is brown shithole country politics. Then, I'm going to purge the country of ANYBODY who are against my way of thinking. And I'm going to persuade world leaders to forcefully move, sterilize, and cull the worlds POC population AND every POC in countries with enough authentic white population (western countries + S.Africa). First I'm going to open my country for all POC migrant. Then to be the dumping ground for all of the worlds POCs under the disguise of a progressive PR. Then It will only progress from there. Thanks to spending time with you guys I am immune to red scares and sob stories. I now know which tankie and socialist theory literatures to read for my grind tomorrow (or tommorow's tommorow). Since Trump won, and the far-right in europe is winng, The world is on my side now. I have the upper hand unlike you guys. Also, If the other Anon that posted the Rep win streak thread were correct, then I should have enough time. As long as I can focus and grind my Tism, sped, ADHD, OCD, or whatever IB user calls it, I can climb my way in politics just like Adolf Hitler and Genghis Khan. I must focus on public speaking, speech, writing, applying writing to speaking, and most importantly of all learn to socialize with everyone and anyone. If anybody wants to join and abandon this shithole of a trend that is "Left-wing/progressive/liberal" and "-Adjacent", then you are welcome, may we meet at other forums and image boards.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

le sigh

are you the self-hating browncel who wants a breeding program forvm whites?

File: 1734279279227.jpg (109.56 KB, 1170x887, sponged.JPG)

do you really have to ask

linking this so that people think I'm serious:

can people post that screencap of that book list from that Singaporean official please?

stop gooning so much and learn to code uygha

this sounds funny but it's deep down the core of fascist politics, especially of brown latinx nazis. they're too ashamed to admit it (becuase they know it's retarded) but this is why they are fascists in the first place.
im not exaggerating in the slightest. when i was younger i was a part of this rightoid discord server (filled with self hating latinx nazis) and they all repeated shit similar to this op. they were autistic as fuck and genuinely thought anime would be real if not for the hecking browns or the hecking muslims or da joos

Yea. What's funny is that alot of white people aren't all good looking. They age like shit and don't tolerate sunshine all that well.

they still have the best looks and body. they are the best kind of human we have.

Being born into money makes everyone good looking, less stress, higher quality food, consistent health care.

Only a select few look good

the nukes created anime THOUGH

also rock music is POC-coded

File: 1734457045487.pdf (5.38 MB, 255x143, jazz.pdf)

the crazy thing is that adorno had been cooking his theory of ideology for years before that book

Bocchi the a Rock is fascist propaganda no different to Der Giftpilz or Triumph des Willens.

can you guys post some helpful literatures?

Livestream your attempt lol

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>no more whasian women

There are pretty black women anon, I dont want to give them up. Or south-east asian. Or native american. Selective abortion of BIPOC males would solve the problem while keeping the benefits of diversity.

Misandrist racism

SoL Anime will be real under COMMUNISM

>"Our system sucks! We should try doing what we did before!"
>it doesn't work out
>"Not our fault."

I too would like to live in a world where everyone wasn't terrified/revolted by my non-whiteness and/or where my dick goes (my blackness). That being black wasn't "inherently" a controversial existence. Is OP solution to that problem effective, probably not, humanity—with our already shallow genetic pool will then purity spiral, inbreed itself to death.

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