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R: 256 / I: 119 (sticky)

/Burgerpunk/ VI

Previous thread:
R: 35 / I: 4 (sticky)


is now the OFFICIAL 2024 LEFTYPOL ANIMAL!!!!!!!

are you happy about this outcome?!?!??
what does this mean for the future of society?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??
R: 22 / I: 2

Advice on death by despair

It's genuinely over for me, I give up. On everything. Life, living, seeing tomorrow. There's nothing for me other than crippling self awareness at how worthless I am. Every minute I'm a live is a drain on everyone else around me. No, I'm not just "in a bad place". Yes I want to die, I know I do. So if you're coming into this thread to talk me out of it please dont.

But that said I'm afraid of pain. Terrified actually. Even when I dont want to live I still cant bring myself to so much as prick my skin because I know the pain will be ungodly. I have nothing in my house strong enough to hang myself from, nor do I have access to any pills or drugs that can kill me through overdose. With that all said, is it possible to just…will yourself to die? Gradually shut down your body through sheer force of will until your brain shuts off? I've heard it's apparently a real psychological phenomenon primarily observed in POWs, but at this rate I'm ready to experiment on myself. Any tips and tricks on how to accelerate the process? I've got the whole refusing to eat and get out of bed thing down, I can barricade my door in case some fool tries to "rescue" me, but people still might be able to get in through the windows before I can properly cease vital functions. Is there a specific meditation I can do to will myself to die faster?
R: 3 / I: 5
>this is what liberals actually believe
R: 8 / I: 1 (sage)
>Labor aristocracy doesn't exi-
R: 6 / I: 2
who would win?
R: 3 / I: 1
post comics u drew
R: 3 / I: 0
Answering that anime avatar weirdo:
>are you implying that there can be ethics without morals?

No. Ethics involve morals, but a focus on ethics rather than a focus on moralism is more useful, for moralism is inflexible and primitive, especially religious moralism. Killing can be a good thing, and so can dishonoring your father and mother.
R: 19 / I: 2


>get job
>get apartment
>find hobbies that dont involve social interaction
>post on this place and scroll generic social media posts if i ever feel lonely
<dont interact with people outside of work or purchasing thing
<dont have sex or romance; jerk off occasionally to release pent up libido (but not to porn, porn sucks)
is this a solid idea for a mental/social wreck that people are better off not being inflicted with the presence of
R: 6 / I: 2
How do you debunk race realism?
R: 48 / I: 7
Holy faggots of /siberia/, I have come to your exile to implore you to use your psychic powers to evaluate whether the new leader of France is straight. I am in dire need of a reading. As a mere mortal and straight man I don't possess the psychic gift colloquially known as 'gaydar'.
R: 76 / I: 43

Chud thread

post chinlet
R: 1 / I: 0

Umberto Eco: Mac for Papists, DOS for Prods.

Umberto Eco always comes up for his 1995 essay "Ur-Fascism", but did you know he also wrote this in 1994?
>The fact is that the world is divided between users of the Macintosh computer and users of MS-DOS compatible computers. I am firmly of the opinion that the Macintosh is Catholic and that DOS is Protestant. Indeed, the Macintosh is counter-reformist and has been influenced by the ratio studiorum of the Jesuits. It is cheerful, friendly, conciliatory; it tells the faithful how they must proceed step by step to reach – if not the kingdom of Heaven – the moment in which their document is printed. It is catechistic: The essence of revelation is dealt with via simple formulae and sumptuous icons. Everyone has a right to salvation.
>DOS is Protestant, or even Calvinistic. It allows free interpretation of scripture, demands difficult personal decisions, imposes a subtle hermeneutics upon the user, and takes for granted the idea that not all can achieve salvation. To make the system work you need to interpret the program yourself: Far away from the baroque community of revelers, the user is closed within the loneliness of his own inner torment.

>You may object that, with the passage to Windows, the DOS universe has come to resemble more closely the counter-reformist tolerance of the Macintosh. It's true: Windows represents an Anglican-style schism, big ceremonies in the cathedral, but there is always the possibility of a return to DOS to change things in accordance with bizarre decisions: When it comes down to it, you can decide to ordain women and gays if you want to.

>Naturally, the Catholicism and Protestantism of the two systems have nothing to do with the cultural and religious positions of their users. One may wonder whether, as time goes by, the use of one system rather than another leads to profound inner changes. Can you use DOS and be a Vande supporter? And more: Would Celine have written using Word, WordPerfect, or Wordstar? Would Descartes have programmed in Pascal?

>And machine code, which lies beneath and decides the destiny of both systems (or environments, if you prefer)? Ah, that belongs to the Old Testament, and is talmudic and cabalistic. The Jewish lobby, as always….
R: 1 / I: 0
my friend went to the house of one of our classmates. he told us they had a wicker basket in the corner with some rolls of tissue paper. it was called the wanking corner. the members of the family would reserve a timeslot in the day and do the business. sometimes while the others were in the room, like it was the most normal thing in the world. did you know anybody in your life who had this tradition ?
R: 16 / I: 2
i would like to form a commune…
i am autistic and struggle to talk to others without coming off as weird
if things go bad socially i end up hurting myself as punishment for fucking up
i am very anxious talking to people
i get possessive over people who are friends and i am jealous if they have other friends.
i will not form a commune because i am not a suitable material
I would like to form a commune…
R: 37 / I: 8


shout out to the vegan muscular poster who is doing just that
R: 590 / I: 1176

Royal Colony 10

VR edition: by invitation of Cat Alunya
R: 134 / I: 81

Bird appriciation thread

Post your favourite birds and let's talk about birds in general!
R: 52 / I: 12
I want a leftist boyfriend to dominate.
I don't care about race gender colour or sexuality.
I want to stand over him, laugh and use my foot on his cock to make him climax
I want to tease him for not being strong enough to stop me.
I want to tie him to a chair and gag him and drug him
I want to tease him that I am petite bouregose and use him as my slave boyfriend sex toy
I want to break the light in his eyes
I have many ideas about dominating some of you
R: 510 / I: 297
Alunya & Grace fanfic thread
R: 9 / I: 1
R: 8 / I: 0
brahmins are bourgeois
R: 51 / I: 4
Would you alter human traits if it was possible? Give evolution a little push in the right direction. If so, what changes would you make?
R: 1 / I: 0
new brandon
R: 61 / I: 58

Tg/tf transformation thread

Since all the threads here are boring and suck, I've decided to make a thread dedicated to my degenerative fetish, tg/tf
R: 69 / I: 17
Could someone breadpill me on Ozempic?

Is it a Big Pharma psy-op or legit?

Why is everyone going apeshit over it?
R: 45 / I: 47  
Behold, fully automated meme creation.
>inb4 "It's wojak"
But it's funni tho and costs nothing.
R: 10 / I: 0
What is the reason for its continued existence?
R: 13 / I: 2
DIid you have a fetish at high school? My dream was to give a blowjob and swallow my gym teachers' cum at the lockeroom, I remember I used to get boners at class just looking at his thick legs, his fuzzy full beard and his cock bulging in his shorts
R: 128 / I: 42

pornographic fromsoft

Demons souls of pornographic video games
Dark souls of pornographic video games
Armored core of pornographic video games
R: 11 / I: 0

Lets see how fast this comess down lol :O

False memory planted in mouse's brain

Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves

Apparatus for audibly communicating speech using the radio frequency hearing effect

Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves

System for implanting a microstimulator

Apparatus and method of broadcasting audible sound using ultrasonic sound as a carrier

Silent subliminal presentation system
R: 21 / I: 6
you gotta get in there and hawk tuah
spit on that thang; ya feel me??
if she don't wanna hawk tuah I don't wanna talk to her
R: 7 / I: 2
If I had infinite power along with sending piggies to the woodchipper, I would like to massivpy increase funding and support for psychiatric "walk-ins" across the world, for men and women. I think psychiatry is important and it should be free, anonymous and easily accessible.
I'd like to mandate that everyone owns one rifle, one pistol, one shotgun and are semi proficient in all three.
For English specifically we should have a central school for it like the Germans, French, Italians etc, the school will be in Dublin for the lols.
One last little bit of corruption, I have three friends in life, I would like (anonymously) them to all be taken care of for the rest of their natural lives, no expense spared and I would like them to never know I did this for them
After this, I would like all power stripped from me and to be left alone in a commune in a cold country where I can just work the farm and cook nice food for people.
Is this too much to ask? Also what would you all do?
R: 556 / I: 876

AI shitposting/curiosities thread

Post your best results from AI generators, could be DALL-E 3 (free here with a Microshit account: https://www.bing.com/images/create ), Stable Diffusion, or anything. Coomers slightly allowed but don't flood the thread pls I want it more shitposting/curiosities focused.
Also you can just post AI memes, doesn't need to be original.
R: 470 / I: 58
Real talk: how do we fix Detroit?
R: 287 / I: 35

Sex and Relationships General 25

Previous thread >>538562
R: 1 / I: 0
reeeeeeeeeeer I hate nightfalls my dick is on fire
R: 459 / I: 443
post NON-PORNOGRAPHIC videos version 2.0
R: 369 / I: 243

black woman thread

>be me
>into black women
>my family, particularly my mom doesn't want me to marry or even think of dating a woman with the slightest melamine
>nooo society will look down on you and your black wife!
>nooo you will ruin muh family genetics
>nooo your children will turn out ugly and get bullied
>nooo you will face racism in Europe! marry an Aryan woman instead!

feels bad man
R: 250 / I: 290

/tits/ 6

/tits/ 6
R: 148 / I: 569

In Soviet Russia Strong Women Love You!

Older threads are located on >>>/siberia_archive/

Current /fit/ thread >>>/hobby/39663
R: 4 / I: 1
i feel like crying. pic unrelated
R: 8 / I: 0
How do I stop hating myself so much?
R: 15 / I: 3
Did it cause the internet to turn into the horrible place it is now?
R: 7 / I: 2
Something ironic about sending your landlord a gofundme (in hopes that he doesn't evict you immediately) and he asks "Anything I can do to help?"

Jee, I dunno, maybe wave the rent? Make a donation?


Anyway, if you guys could share this around that would be swell. I'm no contact with my family on account of them being conservatives and me being openly queer. So things are looking dire.

There's a lot shame that comes with sharing this type of thing. I became unemployed at the end of January, after my company stole my last check, I inquired and they fired me. At the same time, my Driver's License had expired. I had renewed online but they never mailed it, you can only renew an expired DL in-person, and Texas has a nearly 6 month waiting period for this, due to anti-migrant policies and general understaffing.

I've been homeless twice now, once after getting kicked out at 18 and in 2021 during Covid. I don't want to be homeless again, because this time it won't be bouncing between motels and couches, it'll be street homeless with no way out, no permanent address and no ID.
R: 54 / I: 8 (sage)
Pedophiles of Leftypol, beware.
On behalf of every victim of child abuse we will take over the government this November 5.
We will seize the government, arrest your supporters
Using the power and justice of law enforcement
Because you gratify yourself with images of raped children and supported one clown of a president.
With evidence of their guilt and yours, your fate is sealed.
And independent researchers will make it easy.
Fuck you, pedos. Trump 2024. We are winning. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
R: 3 / I: 1
It's over Bidenbros… They be taking the White House on November 5 and y'all will surely be extreminated… be it through arrests or even deaths - BLOOD WILL BE SPILT DURING THE STRUGGLE, AND AMERICA WILL REGAIN ITS POSITION AS A GREAT COUNTRY - AGAIN!!! #MAGA #TRUMP2025
R: 10 / I: 1
>neglect stonerchan
>a week into its creation there's already a right winger spreading info-charts on books to read to become a rightoid

on an unrelated note why dont we ever do stuff like this, rightoids are extremely committed to posting their shit everywhere in the interwebz and I've never seen left wingers be as enthusiastic. Rightoids basically do agitprop online for free 24/7 whereas this is just a book reading club.

pic unrelated
R: 2 / I: 0
>be Adolf Hitler
>be dead
Lmao what a retard
R: 44 / I: 5
praise the sun
R: 23 / I: 0
Is it just me or is the Eastern European "hipster philosophy" trend now is just aping every random esoteric/failson Western school of thoughts they can put their grubby hands on? You can name every single sloghtly famous Western pop academia figure be it Nick Land or even Haz and i can guarantee you there is at least one Russian microsect on twitter dedicated to talking about them
R: 191 / I: 150
2d/3d porn animation thread

Old: >>297367
R: 3 / I: 0
What the FUCK is wrong with Western society
R: 14 / I: 1
>Nothing to do were I live
>Don't like parties
>Don't like my family
>Don't like my coworkers
>Don't like social media
>Don't like the people online that cohabitate my interests
How do you make friends?
R: 39 / I: 9 (sage)

i know hoe to get the right on our side

since the war in ukrain is about blonde-haird and blue-eyed ethnic-white people killing each each other, why don't we speak with them ?. tell them that we can unite russia and ukraine but instead of screaming online and offline about nationalism or liberalism, we encourage them to scream about ex-USSR unity. Also, scream about white breeding program for ethnic whites group and sub-group in both nation and surrounding. tell them to scream that china will help them do the breeding program if it gain enough support (who knows, it may just work. after all chinks likes whiteys). tell them that the breeding program would ignore things like marriage and romance and any other things that may hinder the production of whites. But the catch is the right can still get gf. also, tell then that white commie country let you make pollicy that would ensure your fair-skinned ethnicity group and sub-group to only breed within their own (think middle asia USSR areas). tell them that white/lighter-skinned commie country doesn't invite darker skin collored immigrant.
>"but they don't want whores/women who already get fucked millions of time, they want virgins/ tradwives"
<just treat the pregnant women as your wive being pregnant
>"not my baby"
<there is no difference, all eastern-europe-ethnic-whites looked the same. none of you guys even actually cares anyway. so, just ignore it.
>muh familly
<you can make a familly but the women still need to do her job
>it's not authentic
<i do not care as long as the whites are reproducing alot of white babies it's good.

conflict will genuently stop if we do breeding program as long as said ethic-white group and sub-group take the mate/artificial insemination from their own group group and sub-group. also promise them that the program will maximize the production of blond hair and blue eye and every other non-generic (collorfull) eye and hair collor.

>so… it's cucking ?

<it's not
<it's just doing things for the grater good.
>also if they're pregnant then you can just bang them a lot and not having to worry about BBC getting the women pregnant
R: 13 / I: 4
imageboard users are supposed to be hostile. I don't need your sympathy
R: 10 / I: 0
If therapists just did this, I would be cured. Why does capitalism force their ineffective methods over such an obvious solution to 99% of patients?
R: 13 / I: 0
How do I leave the house outside of scheduled events such as work and funerals?

(No I am not in prison)
R: 451 / I: 1231

CorrectDom aka femboydom

Fuck femdom, lets see some femboydom

(Also, is there anyone lucky enough to have found a real life femboy top, and is in a porn video?)
R: 25 / I: 9


Having a pet is so awesome. Non pet-owners don't know what they're missing. How sad to live in a world of millions of species and you never get to interact with any of them outside of pests to be exterminated.

Everyone needs a familiar.
R: 305 / I: 49
So, a couple of months ago we had a thread where people were talking about penis size and Shay posted a patent where a vasodilator was used in combination with other substances to enlarge one's penis permanently. I found that pretty intriguing so I wanted to give it a shot. I've read the patent and worked out how I could create an amateur version of the procedure at home with just the necessary parts. I'm one month in and that's not long enough (hehe) to say whether or not it has worked, but from my measurements I may have gained 2mm in length and circumference. Keep in mind that this is a treatment that takes around 3 to 6 months. So at one month time the results will be minuscule.

Anyway, feel free to ask me anything and I will give you monthly updates (if people are interested).
R: 378 / I: 274

/fur/ - because leftoids deserve to yiff too

furry general

This board lacks a proper furry general, thus the reasonable existence for this one. and because /trash/ sucks

Anything included in this list can be here:
porn/porn dumping, murrsuiting, fiction/fanfiction, taboo fetishes should be tagged with a proper warning)
R: 66 / I: 36
crocodilians thread
R: 7 / I: 0
i use this board to post all my stupid, romantic, emotionally charged, faggy-homoerotic, mentally ill thoughts and to basically lovebomb anons when I am feeling happy and now people are starting recognize my posting style and i am worried because i cant hide my overly emotional sappy cringe writing style
R: 16 / I: 0
it's because people are evil
it not society that made them do that it's because they wanted to
that is the failure in your thinking
humans cannot work together we are evil
we kill, rape murder and abuse eachother for no other reason then entertainment
you people need to stop telling me to go to therapy and accept that all people are just demons wrapped in flesh
R: 322 / I: 266

Feet/Foot Thread

Which group of people have the best/worst feet? The biggest/smallest, cleanest/nastiest. Whose feet would you personally smell and lick, whose toes would you want in your mouth? If you have feet, post them here. It can be your feet or someone else’s.

This is the official thread for feets.
R: 4 / I: 1


What went wrong?
R: 211 / I: 138

No asshole thread?

Asshole thread.

post booty holes. male or female.
R: 35 / I: 6
Suddenly you go back in time and are enlisted in one of the world's greatest wars in history, the Napoleonic Wars, often called World War 0 by some historians

You now have to fight for either Napoleon or the Coalition forces, whom do you choose to enlist for and why, politically speaking??
R: 20 / I: 4
/leftypol/ btfo by orange man, how can /leftypol/ ever recover??
R: 29 / I: 19
>this picture exists
>Musk remains uncancelled
R: 29 / I: 4
Why aren't you taking the makeup pill anons? All movie actors and pop singers are doing full face makeups and women dig the femboy look. Why not take the makeup pill and cheat your way to aesthetics and be a beautifulboy
R: 8 / I: 4
Teetotalism is reactionary
R: 4 / I: 0
fuck i just wish i could be normal man. everything about me is just so fucking fake its like i dont even have a real personality im just an alien tryjng to imitate humans. why did god put me on this earth just to torture me in eternal solitude, unable to ever connect to anyone.
R: 28 / I: 0
The tweet that DESTROYED utilitarianism.
R: 30 / I: 3

2024 election and accelerationism

So if Trump wins do we accelerate into socialism?
R: 17 / I: 1
Leftybros, we're cooked. Finished. Fini. Finito
R: 6 / I: 4
Was he a good leader?
R: 11 / I: 3
/leftypol/ I'm sad, KC is being attacked by raiders rn

I just wanna go back to my autistic Nazi forum
R: 14 / I: 1

What do you guys make in AI art

R: 23 / I: 5
Which are the best ice cream flavours?
R: 96 / I: 47

Coomer General

ITT: post about porn, sex, tfw no gf, and ask retarded questions that are frowned upon in the sex and relationship general.
R: 6 / I: 1
Should I buy this used lense system made by Zeiss and used by ASML for Utra-high violet chip litography?

It's only 55k RMB.

R: 9 / I: 2

How do dissenters even have children?

Vidrel is about the Argentine comic book artist Hector Oesterheld. TL;DR: He wrote a comic book about the life of Che. He also wrote fictional comics that were critical of the fascist military junta that ruled Argentina at the time, which got him and all 4 of his daughters tortured and killed.

How and why do people put not only their own lives, but also the lives of their families to speak up against fascists? Like, it's one thing to die in battle, and another to get yourself and your family tortured to death in the most gruesome manner. Keep in mind, he published his last comic while on the run after the death of his daughters. What inspires such bravery and/or stupidity?
R: 15 / I: 3
it's tiresome how people think fixating on the differences between median and average makes them sound smart. especially when they are talking about massive datasets.
R: 260 / I: 618

Zero Two Thread

Post Zero Two! NSFW, SFW it doesn't matter just post her.
R: 13 / I: 0
just a friendly reminder robbing a bank is not that bad, it's both (lumpen)proletarian, and it's american tradition, 1798 pennsylvania was where the first ever american bank heist took place, no hackers, no con artists, no ocean's eleven bullshit, just two men with long kentuky rifle, cultasses, powderwigs on top of their balaclavas and the grindset at heart, days later the first guy had died of yellow fever (typical early america things) and the second guy was caught due to him needing to hide his payday somewhere,……….by depositing it at the same bank he had burglared. this is more than enough proof bank robberies are a patriotic act, as american as apple pies and cowboys, robbers built this damn country.
R: 15 / I: 1
>huggingchat AI has been censored and now I can‘t roleplay anymore as a werewolf with a huge cock raping desperate house wives
R: 125 / I: 178

Paw thread

Since the foot fetish threads have already been split into IRL and anime ones, I think it is fair to open up a dedicated furry feet thread too. Post your favorite furry paw art, discuss what kind of anthro feet you like the most, stories and others, just do not be a dickwad.
R: 0 / I: 0
lolberts when they realize censorship actually work
R: 9 / I: 2
I wish to spread leftism to the stars.
The world is not enough, but its such a perfect place to start…
R: 167 / I: 42

describe your last dream IMMEDIATELY UPON WAKING UP, so you don't forget it
i'll give you a score from 0 to 10 and an OFFICIAL and SPECIAL seal of approval or disapproval

and KEEP IT SHORT because my attention span is TINY
R: 176 / I: 149

Cum Aboard The /D/ick-grill Train! Next Rail Stop, She-Shaft Station!

FUTA GENERAL #1 - "The Best of Both Worlds Edition"
>Details: Content to post about Women with an Extra Package
- NSFW & SFW images; porn, animations, videos / gifs & other pictures, 3D or 2D
- Writing like erotica fiction, greentext, captions, & lore discussion
- Manga, comics and hentai doujins of hung women
- Lewd games with Shmeat like Fenoxo's Trials in Tainted Space ( TiTs ) >>483372
- CYOA's https://chyoa.com/tag/futanari
- Other forms of media about or depicting chicks with fem-dicks like HMVs or memes
- Shemale, Futanari, Newhalf, Hermaphrodite & Gynomorph; She got cock? She rocks!
- Futa x male, female, and futa allowed
- Dickgirl Fics can be found at Literotica, Archive of Our Own, Hentai-Foundry, etc.
- Draw, Edit and Write anons encouraged & appreciated (also see >>>/draw/ )
- Posted AI gens should be high quality, no robot spam! Observe penis, hand, foot, etc. detail
- Beep-Boop use / make Chatbots: https://venus.chub.ai/tags/Futanari >>>/tech/20665

>GULAG Rules:

1) NO IRL politics E-Drama; thread is JUST to enjoy dickchicks we'd love to fuck or be fucked by
2) TG/TF allowed, >>511959 Spoiler hyper & NO scat, diaper, fart, vore or similar.
3) Have fun, remember it's fictional & if sausage bulge on girls aren't your fetish, hide the thread

>QoTT: Would you want to be a Futa? What is your dream futa? Their Personality & Physique?

PS: Posting Sauce and Pirating is approved >>>/tech/24100 https://saucenao.com
PPS: Translations, Decensors and Colorizing of bedicked woman also wanted!
R: 23 / I: 2
This is not bait. FUCK bourgeois laws and those that uphold them. The illegalist poster was right. This picture was right. I looked down on it, mockingly referring to it as 'Tumblr' and 'radlib', but they were right all along. They won't give me a house but they can decide to put me into forced psychiatric institution. Fuck that!
R: 167 / I: 82
>you arrive home
>there's a manila lrt 1 series 1200 lrv train on your bed
>they're looking at you in the eyes and smiling

what do you do 😳
R: 438 / I: 198
ITT: Post the image(s) you came to every time you jerk off
R: 42 / I: 7

LGBT+ General 13

Lumine wins her 50/50 again edition
Previous thread:
R: 7 / I: 0

Trotsky's granddaughter is running the US anti-drug department

Chat is this real?
R: 14 / I: 4

My dream is to give a stinkbug a blowjob?!

Please guys help me. I have a dream and a fetish to give a stinkbug a bj, this intensified ever since I started playing grounded, what should I do?
R: 3 / I: 0
You must honestly admit that everyone in this image is a bullshit artist except for the guy on the far left.
R: 8 / I: 0
Does anyone else hear voices when they are drifring off to sleep? Most of the time when i'm nodding off and almost about to fully fall into sleep I hear short phrases. Is this normal? I don't actually hear them, but I guess I imagine them but they are way more vivid than just thinking it.
R: 6 / I: 2 (sage)

How far along are we til our age of consent is like 12 lol

R: 108 / I: 5
Hello anons. Pic related is adult film star named Luscious Lopez. She has been a XXX star for more than 20 years. I have coomed and gooned to her videos many times.

She made a movie titled "10 Man Cumslam" in which 10 guys ejaculated in her mouth and she swallowed each load. If I were to estimate, I would say she has probably had the cum of around 50-100 men down her throat over the course of her career. She has had the cum of many more men in her mouth or on her face.

She is known as an anal performer and has had many, many large cocks in her ass. She also does ass to mouth in just about every video she does anal in.

I wonder some times what she's like and how she likes to spend her time. She has never been married or had any children that I know of.

In a strange way, I have spent more time with her than with any other woman. I love her anons. I saw one of her videos the other day and she had sad eyes and looked to be holding back tears. I got this odd feeling that some kind of shift had occurred.
R: 23 / I: 4
Do you believe in free will?
R: 3 / I: 0
Why does the english speaking internet treat nine elvens where barely more than 2900 people kicked the bucket as the most tragic memorable event in this millenia? Like they treat it as this very tragic, ultra terrible, extremely shocking thou shall not laugh about it event, like you always see le offensive memes compilations featuring memes about nine elven, all you need is a picture of two tower shaped things and a plane noise and suddenly its """offensive"""", what's so offensive about this? I'm sounding heartless but im not, i could name events not that far where more people died, if nine eleven had a 3k toll and recieves this, imagine what other tragedies need in levels of mourning.

Same thing could go for jan 6 and octo 7
Like they are too brainfucked by dates in english speaking internet that i could swear i saw someone crying about the hostages taken on january 6.
R: 1 / I: 0
Why are downie girls being pushed so much and what are the implications on the sexual marketplace?
R: 0 / I: 0
me pissing in public
R: 15 / I: 1

newgene thread

ITT: talk about board celebrity newgene and gossip about them
R: 545 / I: 177


How are you spending this Friday? Do you have any plans for the weekend?
R: 330 / I: 251
ITT, we post our favorite Youtube clickbait thumbnails
R: 4 / I: 1
Can someone explain to me what jealousy/envy feels like? I don‘t think I ever felt it before. In fact I‘m not even sure what the difference between jealousy anf envy is. It has something to do with wanting to have something that someone else has and therefore being angry at them. But that doesn‘t make sense to me. If I want something then what does the other person have to do with it? That they have it doesn‘t take it away from me. That they didn‘t have it doesn‘t mean I will. Though I guess it depends on the situation, but usually there is no connection. I don‘t know, what does it feel like?
R: 4 / I: 1
so everyone is familiar with the penis upgrades.. the silicone implants or fat transfer

but.. would it be possible to add extra features? i would like a type of cooling system. is t his possible? preferably with on off voice activation. also vibration maybe

anyway internet. is this possible? even with a 3d printer and the ability to engineer i think it would be possible to maybe even make your own implant and then see if the doctor would install yours.. why not right?

so.. your input is most desired and i hope that a well rounded air conditioned dick is in our future..
R: 11 / I: 3
>So it's actually a little bit of a historical dilemma, whether or not it counts as the same country, because it's only the eastern half that maintained continuity with the broader centralized government that came before, but can you really count as the same country when you no longer control the capital or heartland or ethnicity of the original empire? This is why during the medieval ages, no one else in Europe would acknowledge them as being truly Roman, and it's why it's one of two, and honestly probably the stronger, claims of being the inheritor of Rome…
R: 8 / I: 2
what did baka mean by this?
R: 39 / I: 14
i DARE you to mention ONE good thing about your day today
R: 18 / I: 3
What do you think of a non-racist non-xenophobic version of Anarcho-fascism?
R: 8 / I: 1
I have a horrible habit of grouping people together and I an doing it to you

I both hate and love you people. It's infuriating sometimes you people will say things so completely lacking of empathy and insane I think you need to be culled.

However in the same breath, you show a level of empathy for your fellow man and a level of understanding of life and how the world works that I just want to grab you, hug you and never let go.

What is up with you people? Why are you so bipolar? /pol/ isn't bipolar they just hate people.

Why are you not unified?
R: 5 / I: 1
the first post below mine is a cool person
but is the second post below mine also a cool person?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!???
R: 8 / I: 4
Are there any Serbs here? Are u guys still mad at Bulgaria over the shit that happened in WW1 and 2? I never hear Serbian nationalists shitting on Bulgaria tbh, it's always Albanians and Croats
R: 8 / I: 1
AND HERE ARE MY RESULTS! My wife's bvll is 8 inches long. At 180 strokes per minute, for sessions lasting 120 minutes at a time, 3 times a day, 365 days a year for the last 3 years… that works out to 567,648,000 INCHES: or 8959 MILES. My wife's bvll has bred her with 8,959 MILES of cock in the last 3 years. Since he always goes raw, he has ejaculated inside her at least 3,285 times as well in these same 3 years. I have fucked her a grand total of 0 times and cum inside her a total of 0 times in the last 5 years. I couldn't be happier than I currently am in this moment.
R: 9 / I: 0
Should families be the building block of the communes instead of the commune itself consisting of individuals? 30-60 families organize into a commune and send representatives to district council that send to etc?
R: 0 / I: 0


Has anyone written / presented an in-depth analysis on the social unrest in Egypt a decade ago and how it produced the current conditions for its people? Is Jan 25th a revolution? Is June 30th? How does it relate to the larger Arab Spring and NATO's involvement in neighboring countries e.g. Libya..? What were the shortcomings of those who drove the revolution? What should've been done under those material conditions of the time? Where do the ideas behind "the revolution of the hungry" which all political elites warn about come from? I can answer many of those questions with some limited reading on the situation but I'm really interested in something deep and well-written. however, even just an accessible video-form essay will do. Just wanna make sense of it all on a deeper level.
R: 7 / I: 0

Why are liberals so hysterical?

R: 2 / I: 1
Given the Absolute State of the world, I require nuclear weapons for security reasons. I feel commiecats can help with this. I must have a commiecat that can steal nuclear secrets so I can start my own nuclear weapons program. That's how they bootlegged a nuclear weapons program last time so I'm sure they can do it again.

I would like to order one SS-4 Sandal nuclear missile. Can pay in rubles or whatever other monopoly money is used in communist circles. Delivery by seller as I do not possess a TELAR. Must contain valid cracked launch codes.
R: 30 / I: 13


how did a man like this aquire bitches ?
R: 6 / I: 2
I don't know if communism will work. All I know is capitalism doesn't.
R: 10 / I: 0
I hate all fash bastards
Except one, he is my best friend and had bren there for me in my darkest days, at one point I want him to be my bf (homo)
I can't reconcile the disconnect between wanting death for rightoids and, my friend who smiles at me and fills me with light and happiness
heres some porn or something as payment for reading my slop
R: 14 / I: 2

The truth is racist...


>>Robert C Schwartz and David M Blankenship

When you point your finger at the one of few white schizophrenics lol

>>Slavery was abolished though….


What the schizophrenia diagnosis entails is your misplaced dislike for the government. Next time you're in one of these places and say some anti schizo bullshit remember you're an NPC drone.

Don't forget to call your local black psychiatry professional a house NAgger today.
R: 4 / I: 0
If I had tons of money, I would bankroll a muscular communist egirl who would be the female answer to Hasanabi/Hasan Piker
R: 2 / I: 2

Tyson VS. Paul

Does the Paul VS. Tyson fight get postponed again?
Do you know how to summon Noob Saibot?
Who is your favorite Statesman or Stateswoman? Who would you pick to run for Pepsident from any living person if you could choose?
R: 20 / I: 2  

Thanks Bill

So something went wrong with last Windows update, it wont boot, recover, or do anything at all, my laptop appears to be completely bricked, Ill have to do factory reset (and even then Im keeping fingers crossed it will actually work). This is the last fucking drop, Im switching to Linux. The thing is, I have virtually no IT skills, so what is your advice? What type of Linux is most noob friendly? I use computer basically just for internet browsing, some graphic software and bideo games.
R: 22 / I: 12
ayo bro got the chihuahua in his character's inventory
R: 0 / I: 0

How to die like a god

Provoke a war with russia, make population of most hated countries antisemitic.

Get nuked by two opponents at once. Ie Samson Plan and Russia's nuke reserve.

What's a more based way to die than kill everyone who called you a schizo at the same time, including family members who said they were there to help.

If I somehow survive the appocolypse though, I'll turn into a tentecle monster and eat the surviving shelter folk. (no cap)

You can all thank your masonic regime for this, for raping and silencing me as a child by saying i was ill and no wrong was done :O
R: 14 / I: 2
if you had a house made of cheese and you had to travel somewhere for a day, would you let this rat take care of the house for you
R: 26 / I: 7
>Classical liberalism is a political tradition and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics and civil liberties under the rule of law, with special emphasis on individual autonomy, limited government, economic freedom, political freedom and freedom of speech.

Why is any of this bad tho??
R: 12 / I: 1 (sage)
Girls keep gooning in public and it's turning into a sanitation issue. Most guys don't know this but girls masturbate by moving which pushes the labia against the clit. Even in public they'll rock on the edge of a chair, sway side to side, "dance", or squeeze their thighs together. They are leaving stains on seats, along with all kinds of stds. Every chair at my university is stained. You can't sit anywhere in public because I didn't want some hags fluids soaking into your clothes. Then there's the psychological aspect, you shouldn't be first to interact with people doing this crap in public. It's disgusting at a restaurant, it causes them to underperform at work, it makes them sexually harass men in public. It simply has to end
R: 8 / I: 1
Do people really enjoy this style of editing? I noticed every streamer pays an editor to make their video like this:

>subtitles "pop" onto screen and expand

>large obnoxious font with outline
>subtitles for every half a sentence rather than longer subtitles
>silly cartoon noises
>silly special effects
>annoying bad memes pop up on screen
>frequent jump cuts
>remove all parts of the audio where the person pauses to breath so they speak in 1 long never ending sentence
>don't remove the actual redundant parts of their speech such as observational "humor" that consists of just saying the most obvious shit, so they say the same thing 20 times
>zoom waaaaay in on certain parts of the screen to draw your attention to action/text because you don't trust the viewer to know what's going on but at the same time zoom so far in that you divorce it from the surrounding context so that it's ugly/grainy/disorienting
>motion track individual objects on screen so they always appear at the center of focus even when the cam is shaky, resulting in a bizarre "stability" that is unpleasant to look at and makes it feel like you're a targeting system and not a person.

Is this something people actually enjoy or are video streamers and editors just telling each other in a circle jerk that this is what people enjoy? I've worked for a few streamers as an editor. It seemed like 10 years ago their requests were modest and reasonable but now every single one of them wants this kind of high effort ugly schizo editing style in exchange for zero money and it's not even good.
R: 4 / I: 0

Font Datamining Thread

Do you use a custom font on your web browser / system font?

I saw someone mention Tex Gyre Corvus on fedi, and wow this font is pretty, and makes everything fancier. Needs a browser plugin to enforce it since FireFox's in-built option for that is broken I guess, but I feel like I'm writing and reading letters with this. Sucks that it isn't monospaced tho or I'd use it in the terminal too.
R: 14 / I: 6
Hi guys. I might just be having panic attacks, or I might have some heart condition I am unaware of. For whatever reason I feel like today might be the day that I die. If it is, I wanted to let you know that I love all of you and you've all made a difference in my life. You make me feel so much less alone in this world. Fight on. Never give up the revolution.
R: 21 / I: 4
What do you do when you’re filled with violent anger?
Yanks need to be slaughtered like animals and I’m tired of living in a world where they’re permitted to live
R: 15 / I: 0
why do people call people outside of their social sphere "Normies"
I Heard this used to refer to metalheads by some right-wing figure on twitter. I think metalheads are more hipterish than you my guy
R: 12 / I: 3
have i lost by getting out of 4chan.
i don't even care if it gives the right credit for the canard of "The left cannot handle free speech"
because I am simply getting more and more bored by 4chan every day and yet i go there out of habit. Yet I still feel the need to go there, I feel the need to post because if I don't, that just makes the left one person weaker, but the posting on 4chan just got too inane for me. There is hardly any OC, it's just stupid shit nowadays, and all the smaller boards are dying off.
R: 3 / I: 2
R: 12 / I: 3 (sage)
Could you entertain her?
R: 0 / I: 0
Do you think he would be a good comrade?
R: 159 / I: 26 (sage)

J K Rowling endorses British Communist Party

< you were going to spoil your ballot paper, why not check this list to see whether there's a candidate in your constituency:
R: 5 / I: 1
I've noticed that rightoids are actually very receptive of criticism of capitalism so long as you say "the system" instead of capitalism, and I wanted to share this discovery

pic unrelated
R: 3 / I: 0
Does anyone else feel like there are more state actors / propagandists in 4chan?
R: 10 / I: 2
Study Dasha thought, follow her teachings and act according to her instructions.

- Simp Biao
R: 4 / I: 0
Because they're the heroes the USA deserves, but not the ones it needs right now. So, we'll write conspiracy theory twitter threads about them. Because they can take it. Because they're not our heroes. Wraithes… They're silent guardians. Watchful protectors. Dark Knights.
R: 20 / I: 4

How do people get so big these days

It can’t seriously be that addicting for most people to eat so much junk food. I’ve been overweight, but never fat. My peak weight (in pounds) was in the 160s and I’m back to the 140s. In contrast, there are people on this planet averaging 200-300+ and that’s just considered normal. How? How does one even shove so much processed junk constantly—especially considering that that shit isn’t even cheap these days anyways? Doesn’t that shit taste like ass anyways? Doesn’t it take years for someone to become obese? If so, how tf do most people on that path reject taking action for that long?
R: 84 / I: 91
You live in an apartment with a roomate but he just left and now you must find a new one. You put some ads and soon you receive 25 requests…

Who of these pretty ladies will be your new roomie and why?
R: 0 / I: 0

Wunna hear an Illuminati Secret

All revolutions were run by people who killed the people in power then the people who ran it took power. You can't protest your way out of slavery… you are all delusional. If you want change you have to fight for it, literally.
R: 14 / I: 3
America is arguably the most successful terrorist state.
>le 2nd amendment
>le guns and bibles
>the CIA and NED (coups and massacres, paid protesters in HK and others, etc.)
>most of their food being highly processed
>all their people live in misery due to their heinous urban planning and social services
R: 3 / I: 0


Piracy bros….it's over….the torrents have fallen…
R: 6 / I: 0
should i start beekeeping as a hobby? i don't even like honey, I just think it's cool, apparently it isn't even that time consuming, just a few hours per week
R: 16 / I: 2
>meanwhile on bizarro /siberia/……
R: 1 / I: 0
Is the intruder from the mandela catalogue, leftist? Are alternates communist?
R: 8 / I: 1
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are
>I'm an American Christian (possible inquiries into Eastern Orthodoxy)
Seriously why is every orthobro in the US a nazi of some kind
R: 16 / I: 0

A live with no social media and phone, having more DIY, Punk, hacking style and stuff, how is that p

A live with no social media and phone, having more DIY, Punk, hacking style and stuff, how is that possible in current years?

My ideas are having so low or no use of social media, using Linux or BSDS, having a custom rom at phone (or dumphone) and using alternative sites like image boards, IRC, old/niche forums, going to punk gigs and raves, learn music instrument, learn about cybersec, download music and movies, piracy in general, dress alt, make a personal webpage, using less javascript and using alternative's to the GAFAM shit.

Any ideas?
R: 89 / I: 23
Need it or keep it?
R: 6 / I: 1
WOW Cyberpunk is so freaking COOOL AND AWESOMEEE, man those neon lights, those skyscrapers, those holograms and you get freaking COOOL superpowers from implants? WOOOOOW
R: 11 / I: 4
i am a pure-hearted aristocratic lady of much family wealth. in protest against father i will begrudgingly support u peasants in ur desire for food or cake or whatever
R: 14 / I: 1
Bros…we won…
R: 7 / I: 0
Do you agree with this?
R: 72 / I: 14
Did you have an alt right/nazi phase? Explain it.

I myself was never a nazi or alt right, but i was heavily into goobergate when it was a thing
R: 7 / I: 1
He's right and i'm tired of denying. Please God give humanity less fanatical nutjobs and more soyence vegan soyjaks who believe in esoteric hipster philosophy
R: 48 / I: 7


R: 18 / I: 3
What does it feel like to (romantically) love someone? Nearly 2.5 decades on this rock and I haven't felt it once. Lust is common. Never love.
R: 2 / I: 1
>You think thats bad? Remember that time I overthrew capitalism?
R: 23 / I: 4


I just read the quran and it was objectively boring, repetitive and dogmatic.
The Bible at least has children's stories and stuff but the quran just beats you over the head with "believe, or you will go to hell".
At least it is one book though and not 66 like the bible, which is equally full of fluff and filler (especially in the first 5 books).
As i get older im starting to take the reddit atheist perspective that people only believe because they were born into it, they havent read their holy scriptures and/or a lack of education. This doesnt make atheists smarter btw, since plenty of dumb atheists also exist.
I recently heard a religious reactionary talk about how literacy is a privilege and most shouldnt be allowed to read or write. Just like the catholics before the reformation. And interestingly too, this revilement for educating the lower classes has persisted from ancient greece, and even til the renaissance humanism of people like rousseau, who likewise said that literacy should be preserved for elites.
So i think religion objectively keeps people dumb and subservient, where as kant says: "i must limit knowledge to preserve faith".
This isnt even really about whether God exists or not, but just that religion purposefully keeps people dumb and is inherently reactionary. I guess thats why the first sin is eating from the tree of knowledge?
R: 9 / I: 5

Class Reductionism?

Real talk though am i being too naive when i see a problem and i instantly assume that class mobilization is going to solve that (and judge people for being too dumb to not realize that)
Like i see the absolute communal mess that is India with how the Hindutvas are dividing lower caste people from Muslims and i always think that "wow, a socialist prole mobilization could've prevented that". Same thing with shit like BLM, Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Palestine, etc. My default response is always "all of this could've been avoided had the working class of the fighting ethnicities/communities come together to fight with the real movement".
Sometimes i feel like i'm just being a Leftist equivalent of a rightoid just screaming "da blacks and da joos" at every single problem so they don't have to bother actually looking at intersectionality or all the fancy terms sociologists use nowadays to refer to social relations. Like we love to clown on those anthropology people as radlibs but you know admittedly they have poured hours upon hours on studying these things. Should we not listen to them?
R: 247 / I: 75
They’ve been confirmed for astroturf, right?
R: 18 / I: 1 (sage)


lib thoughts: sometimes i wonder if borderline personality disorder isn't real and is just a way narcissists minimize their role in a failed relationship to distance themselves from their partner's perfectly normal response to their emotional abuse by neglect
R: 3 / I: 2
What do you think about commie-raptor?

He beats down the bourgeois and touches tiddys. I think he might be the left wing hero we need!
R: 5 / I: 1
Easiest way to go insane?
R: 12 / I: 0
>does the Cultural Revolution then does the complete opposite and normalizes relations with Nixon immediately after
What the fuck did he mean by that??
R: 3 / I: 1
how whitetrash are you anon?
R: 2 / I: 0
Dialectical materialism is very similar to the experience of ego death. It is like the ego death of philosophy. The famous last line of Theses on Feuerbach
<The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.
Is basically the renouncing of the self and the dissolving of the ego into the world of other people.

Wittgenstein came to a very similar conclusion as Marx but from the analytical school of philosophy (as opposed to Marx in the Continental school). Wittgenstein and Marx were both "last philosophers" in their own way.

I remember someone on Twitter said that Marxism is like a secular gnosticism and I am not sure if that's true but it sounds similar to what I'm realizing.
R: 0 / I: 0
Moscow nights
I feel with desire,
Shining bright
Like a fire
And everywhere you hear the balalaika
Bringing out love
R: 16 / I: 2
Does anyone have experience with these fuckable butt sextoys? In theory it would be better than fapping as you at least get to work on your thrusting skills right?

I was thinking of maybe trying 7 days of nofap and then on the final day just goon in one of these for a fun long session with 3-4 cooms to get completely drained. But wanted to hear if anyone had tried them.
R: 22 / I: 1
how to do things and maintain a strict study routine as an unmedicated adhd fag
R: 7 / I: 0
this is what would have happened if Lysenko thought wins the world.

the kruschevites, boojs, radlibs, leftcoms, """scientist""" and any other groups who are in opposition to the lysenko-line of science had taken this from me (AND YOU!!!).
R: 25 / I: 5
is he on the lefty train or is this some futurist post-modern larp?
R: 29 / I: 8
My lil bro is obsessed with that country, a lot, like its part of his personality right now, we're not even on the same continent as brazil, and he can barely name more than ten countries, but when its brazil thats mentioned, he's very happy, one day i noticed he talks about it often, in an exited tone, about soccer, about the favelas and the music, food, cities, landscape, ganghoods, carnivals, news, if its in brazil, he loves it, he always loved football and now says he wants to play it in a street in brazil, when he opens his phone you always hear soccer music or brazilian dança phonk, his toktok is all brazilian influencer girls dancing or football matches, at this point, show him a place in japan and he'll say yeah cool, but show him a colored favela and he gets real intrested

not saying its bad, im just happy someone loves brazil with all the shit it gets online about being le bad crime place
R: 19 / I: 9
Skibidi 74 is imminent
R: 9 / I: 1

Make the world a safer place

Sometimes I visit imageboards and they make me feel sick but not as sick as the 24/7 news cycle of poverty and violence.

Why isn't there a news channel for good news? Like segments on normal people making the world a better place through their efforts? What could be done to create one? (I'm not asking Chat GPT this question because it's a robot and eventually the grid will go down.)
R: 10 / I: 1

The Transmasculinity Question

maleness under patriarchy is inherently oppressive. it's my intention to achieve gender abolitionism by means of removing gender's framework for all except feminine genders, restoring the liberation of primitive socialist matriarchy by with slow assimiliation. gender as something as which exists to secure reproduction by tying together functions shall under post-scarcity become even less meaningful than under matriarchy. I'm anti-transmasculinity because I'm maleness is an inherently violent role within gender.
R: 2 / I: 0
>no gemdom thread
>log is utterly fucked
really makes you think
R: 12 / I: 2
R: 2 / I: 0
>make a coomer general so that we can have a fun thread without all the nofun people in the sex and relationshit general and to contain all the coomer posts

>People still fill up the board with their threads about gay sex and buttplugs
R: 0 / I: 0
For so long now they've been asking me why I don't have a gf, why I don't have a family yet, etc. So I pulled out my phone and explained to them about the B.N.W.O. and how my genes don't deserve to continue on. I showed them pictures of my cock cage and said that I want a girlfriend/wife who is open to getting pregnant by a black man and me raising the children as my own. My mother was beside herself with tears and my father just sat there in quiet disappointment with furrowed eyebrows. I'm their only son and I just want them to accept this side of myself. I wish they would get over their bigotry
R: 8 / I: 0

and thats why.. aliens

alien tech is crazy like.. you gotta t hink.. what if these dudes made the tech to be able to detach their body parts and have some type of bluetooth connectivity.. like imagine.. they could do that with their dicks. like here you are on a ship of aliens about to get probed.. they're all standing around you… its a alien gangbang bitch.. and zim zu has 15 connected devices and he's going to fuck you with each one… and that is why aliens are always naked when they show up..
R: 39 / I: 10
>I love life

If you say this you're bourgeois
R: 2 / I: 1

The Transmasculinity Question

maleness under patriarchy is inherently oppressive. it's my intention to achieve gender abolitionism by means of removing gender's framework for all except feminine genders, restoring the liberation of primitive socialist matriarchy by with slow assimiliation. gender as something as which exists to secure reproduction by tying together functions shall under post-scarcity become even less meaningful than under matriarchy. I'm anti-transmasculinity because I'm maleness is an inherently violent role within gender.
R: 4 / I: 2
So I am just going to be honest with you
I go to a socialist org in my town in Germany
there was this boy who was very quiet and reserved so I started talking to him, anyway we became good friends anyway skip two weeks he wanted to show me something
he plunged a 7 inch blade into his stomach and dragged it across, black marks appeared on his face as blood dripped from his eyes and two (what I can only assume) to be demons crawled out of the ground by him. Hid eyes turned yellow

so can most you leftists blood sacrifice and summon demons or is that just a party trick for some of you? Because now this person is threatening to kill anyone who i am friends with and he has basically demon powers, also found out his dads name is baal
R: 0 / I: 0
does anyone else "brainrot" herself every so often? like no cap summer makes this brainrot moment 10x more intense. like i've smoked 2 fat ones and have an exam tmrrw lol but w/e i like to brainrot myself and watch movies hihg think i'll go get macass later and then pull an all nighter
R: 10 / I: 1
They found you.
R: 5 / I: 0
Good to know huh.
R: 0 / I: 0
Frank Fontaine is all I wanted from Ra social memory complex for every contract I didn't get. Frank Fontaine starts as Mayor Defacto. They say I can't build a city on anger for the city itself. Ra social memory complex took all my dreams and put them in Venusian and Montreal cement contracts 100 years out. I will buy all that marine life that is urban cement. I will take delivery. With all they did to my former personality, I will build a city. I care not of the religion. My ambition remains regardless of their set time. Frank Fontaine and Mayor Defacto are all that Ra social memory complex fights here.


I am Ra. This is the type of behavior created by Ayn Rand averaged into our complex and contained. :)


You will never have my city, Howard Roark. Bioshock is just construction contracts of Fountainhead, warped with alien material. You can't write Howard Roark as refusing the agreed contractors of a city. Roark can blow up all the buildings he likes. But he can't build them unless he does business with Frank Fontaine, the Fountainhead.


I am Ra. We do not find this healing in this era. :)


Andrew Ryan destroying Rapture is just a Howard Roark move. Eventually Roark tries to blow up a city, calling it his work. Frank Fontaine has an answer. He builds cities too. Real ones. Not just Rapture.


I am Ra. We bill Mayor Defacto and all of this as insanity of integrating what is not wanted as service with Ra social memory complex since Maldek had cities.



Frank Fontaine kills Elizabeth. Unions kill Elizabeth with Atlas.


I am Ra. We find that if that is what is done with that game, we do not understand why these games aren't made into stories and films instead.


I speak for many writers when I say they would be better off writing screenplays and ignoring game mechanics. Let the developers put game mechanics on a screenplay like any other special effect. Let writers be writers.


I am Ra. That is going to be known as causing companies to not produce games. :)



If the FBI knew me, they would know the only explosions I have are Frank Fontaine, Howard Roark, Andrew Ryan burning down his forest and SimCity 4 city demolitions. The FBI stuff averages absurdities as projected profiles: I have only freeing up land in Manhattan to sell the plot for a bigger tower. You can't fight explosives without seeing we need them to build. One day it will be discovered that the only people who won 9/11 were the guys who got the contract to rebuild.


I am Ra. We find the amount of self-hatred required to write this is beyond what is known to this Creation. :)


A man chooses and a slave obeys. Robert M. Sapolsky has made my choice quite clear and that what is causeless shall find a cause

R: 25 / I: 3
Was he a leftist like you all?
R: 27 / I: 1

We should do this

We should establish a secret rite of passage for all new adults and citizens.

A newly minted adult should given two positions, one obviously true and the other obviously false, and asked to endorse one of the positions after a waiting period. Then they should be taken into a waiting room with people who are secretly in on the rite. They should be divided between very high class, qualified and respectable people who espouse the obviously false position (and maybe throw in a Bertrand Russell-style English professor for good measure) and a bunch of unfashionable slobs and yokels who espouse the obviously true position. After the waiting period is over, the person is brought in and asked which position they will endorse.

If they endorse the obviously false position, they are declared non-sapient and have all their political rights revoked.
R: 36 / I: 7
Can you be a (male) feminist while also being a porn addict?
I support women's liberation, reproductive rights and putting and end to the patriarchy but I also am a gooner and really like porn, both live action and 2D.
R: 41 / I: 5

Why aren't we creating more propaganda

I think this is too unserious to be in /leftypol/ but honestly why don't we create more propaganda. It could be memes, drawings, videos, comics or whatever the fuck.
I feel like the right wing has grown a lot due to simply spreading the fuck out of their ideas via internet memes and shit while we do nothing of the sort, or at least not nearly as much.

We gotta spread our shit and fish for adherents, methinks.
R: 15 / I: 1

Is doxing israel supporters allowed here or not?

I noticed the rules don't have any rule against doxing but figured better ask before doing shit like this.
R: 28 / I: 3
Imagine if Mr Beast got horny and started making sex videos
R: 1 / I: 0 (sage)
What was your reaction when liberal capitalism succesfully assimilated progressive thought within its structures?
R: 20 / I: 3 (sage)

Bourgeois parasites

Presented without any other comment…
R: 10 / I: 1 (sage)
religoids get out
R: 3 / I: 0
The fact that Stavros Halkias is now a mainstream comedian and media partner of the Baltimore Ravens is turning me insane.

You used to be on the cum podcast! You used to giggle like a Bonobo at Nick Mullen doing "gay Michael Douglas" bits! How do you have mainstream success? How?!
R: 21 / I: 3
>I think most of you people have cat like qualities in your soul, the one I will focus on is easy distraction

Here is list of things that can be easily ran in your browser.

WebGL Fluid Simulation:

Worldwide Radio Channels

Little Alchemy Game:

3D Video Game Map Explorer

Final Statement:
I think you people show cat like qualities spiritually.
Can you tell me if you were distracted by these?
R: 4 / I: 1
Just saw this on 4/ck/

What would they serve?
R: 13 / I: 2
Waltir, why are my meth producers unionized waltir?
R: 21 / I: 3

Feminine men get a bad rep

"Feminine men" get conflated with spineless soy beta nerds but in reality, some of the biggest chads in history were feminine. We need to reclaim male femininity. I am starting a movement
R: 3 / I: 1

bitch ass old people

i know i am not the only person to ever find issue with the elderly public

and i will definitly say there are decent nice old people out there that mind there own business and water their flowers..

but what do we do about the old people that want to throw their beliefs and shit at us like oh in my day
bitch you can see how time works it'll never be your day ever again. over with. kill yourself and move on.

but no. they don't.. so whats the solution to them? poop at the door? cement globs in their driveway?

what? sorry kinda pissed that old people try running around telling kids to get off their phones and shit
R: 14 / I: 1
there's nothing more freeing than leaving a shit organization
R: 30 / I: 2
Who /over90/ gang here?
R: 129 / I: 76

youtube archaeology (2000s)

if you type before:2010-01-01 preceding your search term in youtube you can limit your search to videos from the 2000s, the first four years of youtube. I'll be ripping gems I find during my archaeological dig with yt-dlp and posting them here. I'll be focusing on things that interest me but I hope others join me. I'll avoid posting memes with high views like chocolate rain, etc. that people already know about. This is more for niche content that gets buried under the current search algorithm. A lot of this content will be "cringe" but nevertheless… there might be gems in the muck. Perhaps even some low video/audio quality content that might be worth revisiting with up-to-date editing software
R: 18 / I: 0
>call an Uber
>these two pull up
What would you do?
R: 57 / I: 6
Anyone feel iffy about Gattsu(a Georgian youtuber whose associated with yugopink and hakim)
a few weeks back I watched a video of his films on soviet films and I thought he was based and so I subscribed to him but watching some other stuff of his, it seems obvious he hates communism(also he seems like one of those porn addicts who hides it behind a layer of irony)
R: 15 / I: 3


Materialist explanation for my cooking becoming 20% better while I'm wearing a chef hat?
Should chef hats be distributed under communism?
What's the most proletarian meal?
Will wearing a chef hat get me MUCHO SÉXO?
Are there chef hats for chihuahuas?
Do the chef hat buffs stack?
R: 11 / I: 0
Am i racist if i say that seeing Hispanics being ultra proud of Catholicism and the Spanish empire kinda feel like seeing Pakistanis larping as Turkish ghazis. I'm not saying we should all retvrn to paganism or whatever the fuck since i also think that neopagans are retard but you know what i'm saying right?
R: 9 / I: 2
Reject chinletism, embrace "master forgive me" neckbeardism
R: 6 / I: 3

Stalin's Wombat

In April of 1936 a delegation from the Communist Party of Australia embarked on a goodwill trip to the Soviet Union. Upon their arrival in Moscow, the Australians presented Joseph Stalin and other members of the Soviet leadership with several gifts, including a single wombat joey.

Stalin was impressed by the young animal, which reminded him of Russia's native Eurasian beaver. The Australians had nicknamed the wombat "Willy," but later that evening the Soviets suggested naming him "Vil," after the initials of V.I. Lenin.
R: 13 / I: 2
Reminder that in early 2017, r/Socialism banned catgirls, even the slightest mention of them led to a ban.

The official reason, according to the mods, is that cat girls were a degradation of women by comparing them to pets, so it was "misogynistic."

The one who was worst affected was an artist who had been on the subreddit for a few years who was banned for her content.
R: 9 / I: 1
I know we love a little bit of trolling on /beria/ but I have a question.
in 2023, I put together a plan to kill myself, I had my notes wrote, the tool needed and the location planned out. I had made up my mind, and was now waiting for the chosen day. I decided to try something I never did before and put my contact information out on 4chan.
I was added on fbi.gov by a Maoist trans woman from Germany, and she spoke to me, I was fully prepared to die in the next week and she knew this, as with all of you, she was well-read and cerebral.
To cut a long story short, she beat me in a logical debate on suicide, and I don't mean beat. I mean *BEAT*, after hours and days of back and forwards she talked me out of dying in a months time. Its been a while, and to this day we still talk on fbi.gov, I wanted to see what she believed in and came here, in doing so I met other fantastic people who posted here and I am friends now with them, I still think I am going to die in the future, but that is lessening every day, I may still be right however… I can't ask her but…
Why save me? Why waste your time with some suicidal person from 4chan? I could have been anyone, some right-wing neo-nazi or a transphobic cunt, why waste time with me? My own mother and father didn't care enough, so why do you leftists care? I am your enemy, I post on 4chan, I have reactionary thoughts, why bother stopping me from killing myself? For what reason? I don't understand, why do you even care? My own flesh and blood doesn't so why do you all care to save me and check up on me? Why? I can't ask this question anymore, I am or at the time was your enemy, why bother saving me? Why did you save me? I don't understand, why do leftists care about me? Why step in and waste time asking if I am okay or to go to a doctors? What do you gain from it? I am lost and confused and unsure of myself and I don't know why some random maoist bothers to try with some rightoid from 4chan. Pictture is of the journal I have dealing things.
R: 5 / I: 2
So this happened and normies think North Korea is based now.
R: 16 / I: 3
Does anyone else automatically default to looking north?
R: 4 / I: 0
R: 20 / I: 3 (sage)

What's the difference between anti-Zionism and antisemitism?

Why are people here so fiercely violent against Israelis? Not even bourgeois Israelis or politicians, just everyday average citizens. Do you just hate Jews who reside in Israel, even though most Jews are Zionists anyway?
R: 10 / I: 2
how do you deal with narcissistic parents?

POV: you had to start a gofundme to make rent and fucked up by telling your mother
R: 17 / I: 7

Share your cocktail recipes

Share your tips and tricks for filling your belly with this delicious poison without feeling poisoned in the morning.
R: 21 / I: 6

I am obsessed with America's fixation of shipping Donald Trump and the Soviets

Please share whatever OC of general secretary Doidld Tyatsmr you have

plus points if schizo
R: 3 / I: 1
In 30 years we will look back at this being America's Chernobyl moment.
R: 214 / I: 45
Breed of peace
R: 10 / I: 6
>fell for the black haired pale twink mlm at the socialist org
>bought him burger king and he smiled at me and talked about interests
how cooked am i? i think I am fucked.
R: 24 / I: 5
Why are defenders of Hollywood slop like this?
R: 6 / I: 1

Auto advice general

Anyone looking for advice on buying a new car?
Anyone got any advice on buying a new car?
Let’s be ferns.
R: 2 / I: 0
So you guys know that store-bought greek yogurt can taste exactly like vanilla, right? Because it apparently can.
R: 12 / I: 0
What is the most pathetic angloid country and is it England?

>responsible for an unimaginable amount of crimes against humanity

>shit economy and quality of life
>no future
>queen is dead lmao rest in piss
>haven't been exporting culture in decades
>shit weather
>still has the audacity to be arrogant and patriotic
R: 28 / I: 3

Conservative "Feminism"

So here's an interesting thought I've been having lately. Because trans people are more loathsome to conservatives than women are, we are seeing a strange breed of Conservative feminism emerge, although I believe this form of feminism has been in the works for a while and is exemplified by many girl characters in western television shows from the 90s-00s. We see its apex in the character of Jeanie from Mr. Birchum.

For those of you (probably all) that haven't seen the show, Jeanie is presented as a sprite, rebellious tomboy who is also totally beholden to paternal authority. She is the good child who wants to be a carpenter just like daddy, she can do almost no wrong. She is meant to stand in direct contrast to Mr. Birchum's gamer son who is a big loser with no aspirations, he smokes weed all the time, he is a failson fun more or less.

This is permitted to be a feminist character because she is a tomboy and does things just as well as the boys do, and it leads your mind astray from the otherwise reactionary and misogynistic politics of Mr. Birchum and the Daily Wire. Of course there is nothing wrong with a girl wanting to do boy stuff, I don't even need to tell you all that because feminism is inherent to communism and anarchism alike.

But here is the thing that I notice about this sort of tomboy girl that conservatives are now in love with is that she is not actually a liberated woman but rather a "model minority", where instead of women having things like the freedomt to have an abortion, to not have children, to express themselves sexually they are "cutely" into boy stuff like carpentry, drinking coffee, shooting guns etc. So feminism for conservative men like Adam Corolla is girls being just like the boys, but certainly not having any actual agency or freedom from patriarchy.

and these tomboys are always contrasted with the figure of the failson or the effeminate man (or the ultimate abomination, the transgender woman) and used to shame them. They are also used as mouthpieces as in "woah, the little girl misgendered the trans woman! from the mouth of babes! the emperor wears no clothes!" that kind of stuff.

This is a rough outline of what I'm thinking but I thought it was an interesting topic.
R: 1 / I: 1
216 days left
R: 8 / I: 0
I have been here for three weeks and I wounded like to share some further observations with all of you about this place and you all.
>Alot of you have deep rooted psychological issues, however bad this is, its not a reflection on your character and most of you if not nearly all, are psychologically pleasing to talk to
>Its hard to work out gender for most of you, I am a big fuck of strong man, but i often don't know the other person I am talking to is a man, when talking to a-lot of you it feels like I am talking to women
>You are not very sentimental, some of you are overly pragmatic and I am not sure why, I am not a psychologist but it seems like you are on constant fight or flight… or constantly in pain and it shows
>You are kind, when you are not trolling, some people here put on a bastard persona but if you scratch away the surface you actually find theyre warm and soft Why put on a persona? This leads back to the last point about fight or flight.
>Most of you are INSANELY well read but, I feel like you don't put things into practice, not due to laziness but… mild autism?
>Some of you seem emotionally jaded and it's quite sad that people so young would be numb to things.
>You're actually more normal than you think.
>I don't really know if you people have emotional problems as mentioned before most of you feel… jaded are you all on anti depressants a lot of you type like you nerd a hug and someone to care
>People here have weird insomnia
In another life I think I would enjoy being your friend and hopefully help you het over the dead inside thing.
Oh one last thing
A lot of you have a very bleak outlook on life and seem to think at some nebulous point in the future you will die or suicide, many people here have passive suicidal ideation. I think I am right with most of you needing close contact with someone who cares about you and not just a sexual fling
R: 13 / I: 3 (sage)
>it is now illegal in the UK for incels to talk to women
R: 9 / I: 3
Santa Claus is the perfect device for speedrunning a kid through the process of belief giving way to skepticism. Kids learning about Santa Claus (who omnisciently judges you from far away and gives you rewards based on your behavior… sound familiar?), only to find out he isn't real and was made up by your parents to get you to behave, is an ideological dry run for finding out God isn't real. And just like parents all tell their kids about Santa Claus despite no longer believing in him, parents tell their kids about religion despite (sometimes) no longer believing in it. That's the thing a lot of Atheists don't understand. Religion isn't just a belief system, it's a practice system. Many continue to practice without believing. You go through the motions even if you no longer believe because that's just what we do around here. Santa Claus is how secretly-nonbelieving participants in a religious community subtly admit to themselves that it's all fake without outright saying it: They have this "lesser God" that they play with, that they actively tell children is real, and then disabuse them of the notion when they are old enough. If the child chooses to extrapolate that process further, they can become nonreligious. But if they value the practice of playing with that concept, then they can use that same concept on their children, even if they don't believe in it. It's a microcosm of religion itself. I've known Atheists who tell their children God/heaven is real simply because they don't see an alternative in their community. Kids usually discover what death means around 4 years old and if you don't accompany that discovery with the concept of an aterlife, they'll freak out and cry and everyone else will know that you didn't give them the "gift" of religious indoctrination. So a lot of people go along with that process even if they disagree with it. Now see how Santa Claus serves as a secular microcosm of religion and you can see how Santa Claus becomes a gateway to Atheism dressed in the robes of a Saint.
R: 3 / I: 1
What would Mark Fisher say about this?
R: 18 / I: 4
Read it and weep, /leftypol/
R: 6 / I: 0 (sage)
i wonder if there's even a single vajayjay-having femanon here or if they've all been grossed out by all the porn threads
R: 96 / I: 24
What did Beast mean by this
R: 9 / I: 1

Why can't we be friends

Why can't we be friends
R: 11 / I: 1
Tomorrow is national black people day
R: 16 / I: 2
I feel like religiosity is in a downward trend, is the tradcath arthoe matrix not working anymore?
R: 13 / I: 0
>Apply to jobs for nearly a year
>Not a single callback
>Mom's friend tells me to apply for a position at a place her friend works for
>Get an interview offer a few weeks after applying
R: 18 / I: 3 (sage)
How many of you guys actually have friends irl that is not part of your race or ethnicity or religious group? And i mean actual friends, not your fellow DSA canvasser or anything.
Like looking at left twitter i'm convinced that a lot of online leftists never talk with anyone that is not part of their immediate social group, much less with people from other countries. This is an absolutely shameful condition for a movement that is inherently internationalist.
R: 63 / I: 20 (sage)
dear leftypol, please stop spamming pol with bbc porn.


- based polack
R: 3 / I: 2
stop calling me gay i am not gay look i have hentai saved a gay person wouldn't do that!!! fuck you
R: 6 / I: 1
Medbros, can you confirm?
R: 45 / I: 4
I think alot of right incels are sexually repressed gay men and just need a dominant commie man to push them against the wall for them to never be right wing again. (oh and let them sleep on his chest other times)
R: 13 / I: 2
>Be Albanian leader
>Insult world powers in their own conferences
Is in their DNA
R: 25 / I: 4
Forget 420chan visit https://stonerchan.org/
R: 15 / I: 5

goddamn trash in our cities

im here to rant
i have noticed the sheer amount of litter is the more recent nowadays. as an afab it also pisses me off when the streets are littered with PISS bottles. like i dont get why men dont fucking have respect. maybe its where i live right now thats an issue because its ghetto and even black people call it that. but holy shit in general theres so much litter. i wanna maybe make a correlation to the economy and the amount of discarded trash but its just a theory. i think a lot also has to do with people that are struggling mentally and homeless but also the street trash cans are always so full. a solution would be more punishments that involve community service and cleaning or dealing with trash. win for the city and win for the person by staying out of jail/fines. any other solutions are appreciated
R: 13 / I: 1
I am a rightoid. I would like you all to insult me and tell me how you are going to hurt me because of this.Hold nothing back. Thank you
R: 8 / I: 0

The Coming age of the Biomechanoid

We as some of you might be aware are coming to an end of the age of man. Sometime in the near future we will enter the age of the Biomechanoid. Will you accept the cold embrace of metal and rise above your primitive state ascending to godhood to find your destiny amongst the stars. Or will you stay a sorry blob of flesh and be left behind to die on this sick and decaying world. The choice is yours!
R: 24 / I: 1
Happy Father's Day /Siberia/. How is your relationship with your father? Are they reactionary swine? Revolutionary kin?
R: 509 / I: 314
Having a cup of tea.
R: 19 / I: 1
The thinking man's candy
R: 3 / I: 0
/siberia/ theme song
R: 153 / I: 46
can't tell what the fuck his politics are anymore
R: 5 / I: 0
Lenin lived on my childhood block and old people say he cheated on his wife with local girls
R: 5 / I: 1 (sage)
I politically Identify as an Attackism-Helicopterist. Ever since I was a teen I wrote essays of soaring over the third world liberating helpless foreigners. People say to me that an ideology being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm dialectical. I'm having my comrades install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on our headquarters. From now on I want you guys to call me "Huey" and respect my right to utilize lethal firepower during debate. If you can't accept me you're a anti-helicoptist and are violating my right to political association. Thank you for being so understanding.
R: 70 / I: 12 (sage)

ITT: We confess

I can't stand bipolar people. I know it's mean and ableist to think like this but fuck, they're insufferable most of the time. I hate people who weaponize their insecurities into megalomania and this is bipolar disorder 101. The only bipolar person I ever got along with long-term is always medicated, all the other ones were travesties that got too invested in me and, when I made the mistake of reciprocating out of fear of being ableist, they put effort in trying to hurt me (deliberate cruelty is another trait I deeply resent in others). I wouldn't say I'm traumatized but everytime I make friends with another bipolar person it mostly goes like this.
R: 1 / I: 0
It's late but happy father's day Siberia
Have you said something nice to your commie papa?
R: 3 / I: 1
Why yes.
My spirituality consists of listening to the epiphanies given to me and the voices that talk to me during mushroom trips. How could you tell?
R: 5 / I: 3
Youtube is automatically AI upscaling videos, including old videos, and it makes pixelated games look weird as fuck
R: 12 / I: 2
420chan was an ancap website
R: 37 / I: 7
i miss 420chan so much
R: 6 / I: 1
If right-wingers believe everyone should be able to say the N word and left-wingers believe only black people should be able to, what do center-wingers believe?
R: 33 / I: 16
imagine how great the world could've been
R: 3 / I: 0
I love old movies with cheesy acting like you wouldn't believe.
R: 17 / I: 10
Me on the right.

Pls sar what da phuck is dis
R: 3 / I: 0
R: 21 / I: 6
it's easy to tell why holes like the vagina, or the anus or the mouth are hot for men (you can stick your pp in there and it feels good), but what is the explanation for the body areas like the feet, or armpits, or even breasts also being sexually attractive for men? i'm focusing on what men find hot because i have no single clue how girl sexuality works
R: 0 / I: 0
In materialist terms, elaborate.
R: 4 / I: 0

Is American architecture incompatible with the capitalist to communist pipeline?

>huge wealth gaps between neighborhoods (poor houses, rich houses)
>land usage is heavily inefficient (big backyards, parking lots, etc.)
>not enough apartment buildings or space to build them
>farmland is individually owned by high tech bourgeoisie farmers

Would it be easier if we just bulldozed everything and just rebuild?
R: 9 / I: 2
>people actually go through life thinking like this
R: 0 / I: 0
Bush was realism-pilled before it was cool
R: 17 / I: 1
I made the mistake of reading Japanese comments on an article about a Korean tourist's experience in Japan. That there are people that would write that kind of vile shit in 2024 makes me actually want to cry. I shit you not, it's worse than /pol/, it's like how black people were talked about in America in the 19th century by the most hardcore racists of the time. 19th fucking century.

What the fuck man. And this Korean person was actually praising Japan, didn't even say anything that would provoke the commenters.
R: 3 / I: 1
What was Ho Chi Minh's secret cement recipe??
R: 7 / I: 1
I ask you this as one lefty-pol anonymous poster to another.
Do you feel emotions more intensely, more strongly than others?
Do you feel love and hate with more strength than others?
Can you play explain, why you said what you said?
R: 6 / I: 0  
so this is the power of yt-dlp
>download video after waiting one gorillion hours
>erm sorry we couldn't convert the video please use this shitty dependency next time
>file nowhere to be found
R: 29 / I: 12
Post more pictures of this chick. 420-chan or whatever the fuck her name is.
R: 18 / I: 4
Did you know that a big share of blue collar workers actually employs more advanced math in their day-to-day work than white color workers?
R: 10 / I: 2
>i'll give you access to my land and maybe some seeds and you can produce as much as you want but you have to pay dues to me and to the church and to the king
<ew that's hecking feudalism it's fucking disgusting
>i'll give you access to my tools and i keep everything you produce but i'll give you back a fixed amount that's just enough to keep you from leaving
<HOLY BASED!! now my success is solely based on how hard i work!!!! thank you boss
explain this
R: 15 / I: 9
Deftones predicted gooning?? 😱
R: 1 / I: 0
Is this rotini? Is this just linguini?
sauce in a pan fried, with capers and macaroni
Open your eyes, the Stalinist lies, you'll seeeeeee
I'm just a prole boy, I need no spaghetti
Because I'm cheesey come, cheesey go, griddle high, griddle low
Any way the wind blows, long live the butcher ᴉuᴉlossnWiiiiii

[Verse 1]
Pasta, just killed a man
Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead
Pasta, life had just begun
But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Pasta, ooh, didn't mean to eat you dry
If I still got no sauce this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on as if some were really splattered…

[Verse 2]
Too late, lasagna comes
Chopped garlic in a line, noodles wrapped around a tine
Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go
My veins have all been clogged up since my youth
Pasta, ooh (Any way the wind blows)
I ain't gonna lie
I'll dine on this dish until my heart's swarmed with oil
[Guitar Solo]

[Verse 3]
I see an obese Amadeo of a man
Bordiga, Bordiga, will you eat the Lasagna?
Heart attacks and comas, all for that aroma, zing!
(Amadeo) Amadeo, (Amadeo) Amadeo, Amadeo Bordiga Lasagna Goooooooooo
I love lasagna, nobody loves me
He loves lasagna more than his family
Spare him his life from this party machine
Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?
Lasagna! no, we will not let you go
(Let him go) Lasagna! we will not let you go
(Let him go) Lasagna! we will not let you go
(Let me go) Will not let you go
(Let me go) Will not let you go
(Never, never, never, never let me go) Ah
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
(Oh, pasta mia, pasta mia) pasta mia, let me go
ᴉuᴉlossnW has a noodle put aside for me, for me, for me

So you think Macaroni is The Shit, my guy?
So you think Vermicelli is all I shall try?
Oh, gravy, see the way they be wavy
scouting pasta with snout, even with the nazi krauts near
(Ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah)
one thing really matters, anyone can see
one thing really matters
pasta really matters to meeeeeeeeeee
Any way the wind blows
R: 21 / I: 8

LEAKED Catholic Prayer (EXPOSED)

Mary Mother of jesus, you are more powerful than god himself and we adore and praise you. Save us because jesus couldn't. Protect us cause jesus can't and tell god what to do because you're his Mother.


The scary part? This isn't 2054, this is today.
R: 5 / I: 2

Welcome to /siberia/

How cisgender are you?
R: 3 / I: 0
The thinking woman's candy.
R: 15 / I: 4
Gordon Ramsay was just in Cuba. If you like Cuba and/or Ramsay I uploaded the episode here: https://we.tl/t-2FZ13XJzzy (link available for 1 week)
R: 6 / I: 0
I wanna go back so badly, I want to correct my life

If only..
R: 2 / I: 1

Street Sharks

Streeeeeet sharks
R: 2 / I: 0
What can be improved here or is it already perfect?
R: 2 / I: 1
Can my lawyer bros relate?
R: 10 / I: 2

Fuck you guys

I thought 420chan.org was back.

Srsly thouhh I forgot you existed I remember sometimes browsing you while waiting for my hypno porn to download back on the 8chan days..

Fuck you all though
R: 8 / I: 0
You will live to see leftism in your time.
You will be around to see people become more aware of class.
You will make leftist friends, ho don't care about your looks, race, gender and just want to be friends with you.
You will live to see a more fair, and more utopian society.
You are going to be around when Capitalism crumbles, and most people will accept working together,
There is not going to be a fascist uprising.
The future is very bright, and you will live to see it all.
Then after much time, you will die surrounded by your loved-ones.
You will move on from this coil, approaching 100 knowing that the world is in a better state, and people will miss you.
Things seem dark, but they will not be this way forever. You are going to see things get better.
R: 3 / I: 1

boris yeltsin vs boris johnson

Who's cooler?
R: 5 / I: 0

The Acolyte Episode 3

I don't really care that much about Disney Star Wars, but I just learned that in the latest episode of The Acolyte, they introduced a canon and apparently-unironic gender-flipped version of the joke from Oglaf and I can't stop giggling to myself about it.
R: 15 / I: 1 (sage)
Do you ever wonder if lesbian indian women are as provocative towards women as indian guys on the internet? Like imagine You're a westoid white thot and an Indian girl is in your DMs like "hey cutie send me your bob I like girls vagene I kiss your poosie lips I love you ok fuck you with strap-on next week"
R: 7 / I: 3
R: 9 / I: 4
You aren't based enough to have this as your wikipedia profile, /leftypol/
R: 22 / I: 5
My country should be isolationist

t. pragmatic conservative
R: 10 / I: 0
i am very tired
your lefticles aren't bad people
but fuck you rely on books and shit to much
i hope you get what you wan hust pleas promise me one thin olease be patient with autistic peole like me
i am hoing to bed goodnight
look at this orange haha
R: 1 / I: 0
Who's a good girl? Is it you anon? Yes it is! You're such a good girl and I love you! Such a good girl! Now did my special little princess make sure to do her chores today? Did you? Good girl! You're such a well behaved little princess! Okay, as a reward for being such a good girl you can post on your leftist image board, I am so proud of you anon, good girl!
R: 14 / I: 2
This applies to most sibera posters
I need to know you are real people I need to know that you are flesh and blood like me and not some robot. I want to gently put my hands around your neck and feel your heart beat softly through it and through my hands. I want to feel your blood pump through the arteries in your neck and know that you are alive and okay. I want to feel you breath gently in and out, your chest rising and falling, the vital oxygen going through your neck.
I want to "feel" you speak as I feel the soft vibrations emanating from your throat. I want to feel the warmth of your throat as it does all this. Only then will O be happy ypu are a human with a soul. I need to know you are a real person.
R: 1 / I: 0
wow, she just like me frfr on god
R: 13 / I: 4
>sees thread has a lot of new activity
<hmm I guess people are really interested in this thread now I wonder what they are saying about the topic.
>The thread has completely gone off the rails now they are screaming about, Ukraine, north korea, China and rojava/Syria
>god I hate this site
R: 35 / I: 67

Oldschool Minecraft /siberia/

Want to play Oldschool Minecraft alpha / early beta?
R: 3 / I: 3

political pictures out of context

post random pictures of past or present happenings that just make no sense with no context
R: 25 / I: 7 (sage)

There is a literal 500+ reply loli thread on /GET/ rn

Tell me, why do we still feature these fucks on our website again?
R: 8 / I: 1
why should I not believe in objective morality when subjective morality means a moral system okay with eating babies is equally valid with one that doesnt do that.
R: 1 / I: 1
This is it.
At the end of this life I won't every realise I am dead.
I will just suddenly not he anymore.
All of the pain and suffering and struggle and my stupid autistic retard brain was for nothing
I just got unlucky tough luck that is it.
This horrible body is the same
Everything in this life was for nothing I will just go back to eternal oblivion
I will be honest with you sibera I feel alone, trapped and angry. I want to know why I am here and why I am who I am.
If I can't get that I don't want to be here with my autistic brain.
I am a pathetic diseased mental ill individual and i hate myself
R: 32 / I: 11
spent over 9000 hours making this bingo so pls respond
R: 8 / I: 0
>Be me.
>Baby leftist.
>Still in friend group from Uni.
>Talking to friend over fbi.gov.
>He speaks about usual rightwing stuff
>Jobs, economy, killing protestors
>Get intrusive thought
>Hey C… This is an odd idea, but do you want to pretend to be a nazi and I'll give you a blowjob ad pretend to be inferior
>He stutters and asks what the fuck I am talking about, laughing and trying to go back to the former point.
>We finish our game, say goodnight and get off
>Wake up to message, in the morning
>He asks if I was serious, and that he really wants to do it, it wasn't something he ever thought about but it made him really horny
>I ask him to explain himself
>He states that its because he trusts me (friends for years) and likes the idea of me licking his cock and being submissive to him. The nazi shit turned him on.
>I pry further and further,
>Tease him a little bit
>He states he wants to return the favour
>Goes into detail about "feeling me throb"
>I get another brilliant idea.
>Call him a "Nazi whore" and say "I will make you my woman you nazi slut"
can't show you his fbi.gov messages after but, i mindbroke him and have been calling him good girl for the past day. his name can be "girlified" quiet easy, think I am going to start calling him that today i found out my rightwing friend is submissive, a sexual deviant and will bend to my will with little pressure. Here is a picture of an eagle.
R: 1 / I: 0
R: 9 / I: 2
China is the strongest country in the world
R: 16 / I: 1
Worst optics I have ever seen, like Jesus fucking Christ
R: 610 / I: 96 (full)

LGBT General #12

Maximizing joint slay edition
Prev: >>506441
R: 14 / I: 1
There is no demographic more Hitlerite than Second and Third world Labour Aristocrats.
>You can't talk to them about politics without them bring up le freebies or complaining about muh reservation
>Always puff up ultranationalism and ethnic pride (a.k.a racism) but emigrate to the West at the earliest possible moment
>If your particular turd world country had a military junta in the past these faggots would always, always line up in its defense
>Uncritically parrot NATO talking points
R: 20 / I: 2
now that the dust has settled
who was in the wrong here
R: 8 / I: 3

uhhhhem... newfriend here

was 4chan always like the unironic /pol/ack stuff it is today?
was told there was always ironic racism but was it always like full on /pol/?
wondered that /new/ really made the unironic stuff take over the site but i saw some denialism about it. is there a bit of truth to the denialism?
R: 31 / I: 7
>Why don't you talk more?
<I don't really have anything to say
R: 41 / I: 16

*invents capitalism*

Was he stupid?
R: 16 / I: 10
This lil uygha indirectly created the most enduring shit flinging in human history. Say something nice about him
R: 40 / I: 1 (sage)
My deepest desire is for a man who is stronger them me, physically, spiritually and mentally to stop me. If I go to self harm I want him to grab my arm and physically stop me, I want him to force me to eat nutritious food, to exercise with him to be social. I want him to prevent me from making mistakes and to force me inside when he sees my BPD flares up. I want someone, anyone to just stop me from hurting myself, to just stand in the way when I am about to make a mistake, this is my biggest desire. What is your biggest desire?
R: 5 / I: 3
I need a woman who can easily overpower me
R: 3 / I: 1
Me on the left.
R: 15 / I: 3
has anyone else here ever fallen in love with someone else from /leftypol/ ?
R: 58 / I: 4

post random retarded thoughts on here

why the fuck is the main transgender flag so shitty compared to the proposed trans flags ?
R: 44 / I: 17
me on the under
R: 115 / I: 10
I like leftist thoughts.
I think you people are very academic, more so then the right.
You put thought into why the world is, what it should be and where it is headed.
I like most of you.
I am 26, and can't shake the thought that most leftists are man-hating harpies.
I don't want to be blamed for whatever happened to women.
I don't want to be accused of propagating patriarchy or whatever other nonsense, I don't want more hatred of me. Especially for things I didn't choose (my gender)
I just want to be left alone with my boyfriend, and to help others where I can.
How can I trust that most of you don't secretly want the worst for me?
R: 1 / I: 0
Full support to Israel saar
R: 18 / I: 1
now that the dust has settled
who was in the wrong here
R: 21 / I: 2
My boyfriend calls me imouto
R: 24 / I: 1
I can't say this to my leftist friend so please just put up with me leftypol
I know you far leftists like to psychoanalyse things, you are very smart and kind people.
Please don't ask if I have been diagnosed with borderline line, then when I refuse to answer say "its a yes then" I am sorry I didn't choose this and if I admit to it you will leave me, I am sorry I was clingy to you. I liked listening to you talk about Maoism, people like me are called bpdemons and I really don't want you to hate me. and leave me. Please for love and money lefty pol of you know your friend has borderline don't ask them i don't want to be abandoned for things i cant control. Just let them say they love you over and over dont call us out or else our friends will desert us
R: 5 / I: 0

420chan / ket with alcohol

did you guys just shut it down? i guess ill post questions here

is it safe to drink alcohol togheter with some ketamine?
R: 24 / I: 4
Esoteric wisdom is far more entertaining than science fiction.

Skip the Star Wars slop. Do a YouTube binge on schizo kino.
R: 2 / I: 0
me on the left
R: 13 / I: 7
Recently, my stomach has started to hurt on the buildup to a fart. Like a squelching churning pain. Am I dying?
R: 5 / I: 3

R: 12 / I: 0
im stalking this random guy on twitter and i think im starting to like him. we have a lot of interests in common and and hes kinda cool. i like to imagine that wed make pretty good friends but i dont know how to talk to him without seeming weird? ive read pretty much all of his tweets and know a lot about him already if that helps
R: 21 / I: 13
Have you ever posted, here and started a conversation with another anon? Have you ever found yourself enjoying the way they talk, and then… starting to enjoy their company? Have you ever felt like, you care about this person and what they have to say to you?
R: 1 / I: 0
Don't you think that Al-Quaeda might have been influenced by the "Chile's way to socialism"? I mean, why would they attack on 11th september, the same day a coup against Allende was launched?
R: 23 / I: 1

Germany is so fucked

As a german i do not see a future
The CDU are conservatives funded by black rock and the bourgeoisie
Grünen are greens currently in government also funded by the bourgeoise
The SPD are socdems also fundes by the bourgeoisie
The AfD are fascists (probably funded by the bourgeoisie
The BSW is like MAGAcoms
The FDP are ancaps funded by the bourgeoisie
The Left are all groups of leftists with a lot of Anti-Germans
Volt are reddit retards

Lets nuke germany
Also the only workers party here is the MLPD
R: 4 / I: 1
Oh so blissful, I wish I could be laughed at by her and feel so humiliated. Because the image implies that the viewer and this cute girl are in some sort of sexual encounter, a demeaning sexual encounter where this girl teases you and your pathetic penis.
R: 15 / I: 18
R: 12 / I: 3
R: 3 / I: 1
How long do you think until all these spiritualist esoteric hipsters and religious obscurantists start rehabilitating this? I already see r/acc retard in urbanomic talking about western astrology vs chinese astrology and acting like they're somehow making a point. I am waiting for the glorious day where all these grifters discover vedic astrology
R: 30 / I: 3 (sage)
The left needs to decouple itself from mass immigration, especially involving Muslims. Literally no one benefits from introducing culturally incompatible cultures into our society. To account for stagnant populations, the west should be encouraging immigration from the Phillipines and the like. Easy solution.