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R: 378 / I: 47

LGBT General #1

Restarting the LGBT general

Homophobia is idpol
Transphobia is idpol
Sexism is idpol
Racism is idpol

Opposing any of these is not
R: 1 / I: 0
WODsisters….why can't be as cool as droogies
R: 55 / I: 20

Incel Reeducation/Feminization

I have sexual fantasies of chuds being dominated, rehabilitated and feminized. I was interested in Anarchism and Feminism in the past but more recently I'm interested in exploring Marxist-Leninism.
R: 6 / I: 1
>Wot the fok did ye just say 2 me m8? i ought to tell ye,i'm not a fokin poffter m8, i dropped out of newcastle ends's primary skool, i been in noumerous drills on tesco, and im the sickest burd bloke ull ever meet & ive nicked ova 300 chocolate globbernaughts frum tha corner shop wif me skeng. i been trained in street fi''in' by pakis, i been trained in guns by jamrock elders, & im the strongest foker in tha entire bloody newcastle gym. yer nothin to me but a cheeky lil bellend wif a fit mum & nickabble fakebling on his neck. ill waste ya down the river and smash a fokin bottle oer yer head befo you can say reh teh teh blud, i swer 2 christ. ya think u can fokin run ya gabber at me whilst sittin on yer arse behind a lil screen? think again wankah. as we towk im callin me homeboys from the west ends as soon as they finish watchin the gaem and your flat is being wotched rite bout now, so be preparin for a proper scrap lad. A propah roomble thatll make ur nan sore her cunt jus hearin about it. yer a waste burd, bruv. me crew be all over tha place & ill beat ya to a proper fokin pulp with me fists wanka. if i aint satisfied w/ that ill borrow me m8s cricket paddle & see if that gets u the fok out o' newcastle ya daft kunt. if ye had seen this bloody fokin mess commin ye might a' kept ya gabber from runnin. but it seems yea stupid lil twat, innit? ima ****e fury & ull drown in it m8. ur ina proper mess knobhead.
R: 0 / I: 0
My attachment to my family has turned me into a coward. They're all fascist retards but I can't bring myself to hate them or even leave them and pursue politics out of fear for their safety. I have developed an Oedipus complex due to being beaten regularly for over a decade by my single mom. I am also attracted to the women in my family. I can't form new bonds with other people because they always end up saying some chvddie bs that instantly makes me hate them. I have nothing but contempt for humanity, but I still hope for a better world for the innocent.

It's all so tiring bros. I literally wanted to murder my mom and commit suicide once, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I wanted to kill myself but stopped because it would devastate her, for as much as she hates me she still loves me to death in her own way. I feel so depressed I can't even get out of bed and take a bath most days. I have all the money, time and material possessions I want, but I still can't find happiness. I feel like I am condemned.
R: 168 / I: 128
you WILL post a video OR MORE!!!!!!!
R: 4 / I: 0
being born and having to live in a place transforming itself into a boomer retirement destination with all the interesting stuff going away in favor of retail store#509403 and chain restaurant#374831 should be considered a disability
R: 451 / I: 51

Sex and Relationships General 38

Jadey Anh edition

Old thread: >>604523
R: 28 / I: 20


The anti-drug rhetoric on this site, this board, the internet and life with people risking their freedom to get a high has spiraled out of control. The WOD wants people to remain sober and deprive them of all the ways they can get high. But one thing will always remain. The 100% natural drug created by your own body. JENKEM. Here to save the day.
BWH on Jenk. Huff jenkem everyday.
R: 461 / I: 439

Post here each time you visit the site

R: 331 / I: 1296

In Soviet Russia Strong Women Love You!

Older threads are located on >>>/siberia_archive/

Current /fit/ thread >>>/hobby/39663
R: 4 / I: 2
Jadey Anh is unattractive. Looks like your typical head of the cheerleading squad putting on some goth makeup so she can fit in.
R: 47 / I: 14

What you last cooked?

In this thread you people will inform me about What you last cooked? and we will discuss it.

Was the food you cooked too short or empty? Or was it a long cook and made many a stomachs full?

tell me in the form of telling me What you last cooked?
R: 6 / I: 2
The problem with the left is that it's

There's no ignoring it
R: 466 / I: 123


Dating Older Woman General

post serious dating advice about older women
R: 33 / I: 2

I want to understand female POV

Im a man but I want to understand socialism\communist\ far-left ,from a woman's pov. Who knows, maybe reincarnation is real and I'll get isakaid as a girl next time around…
For example I support Stalinism over Trotskyism merely because it's "much more manly" : stalinism conjures images of bearded men toiling in mines, oil fields, forestry labor. agrarianism is much more feminine tho, at least according to propaganda? the classic wheat-field peasant woman postcard. But when it comes to lumberjacking, landscaping, heavy forestry labor,it's a man, right?
What is it like being a woman who supports the far left? for me the (far left) is attractive because it's manly. capitalism, liberalism is effeminate: the weak ,and the fat, aren't weeded out, there's no secret police butchering traitors..
>maybe PCP-SL ,and YPG are the most pro-female communist groups?
R: 17 / I: 2
Search your heart, you know it to be true (over 80% of the time)
R: 19 / I: 4
Chuddies = no sex
Thats it,
Thats why they do schizo hyperborea edits
Thats why they worship father replacement influencers
Thats why they become more and more right wing
Thats why they hate all women
Thats why they go on school shootings
R: 1 / I: 0
what's beria's favorite kungfu movie?
R: 9 / I: 5

i'm high let me write some thing deep

we're all cats. we're all catgirls in god's washing machine, life isn't fair so if you're gonna fight, fight hard, fight for your life, fight like a catgirl that was sleeping in the washing machine during laundry day when the door accidentaly shut on you, and brother…god has started pouring the detergent. you don't have much left
R: 6 / I: 2

Hide appreciation thread

It's amazing how much better /leftypol/ feels when you simply hide TOR posters and certain flags.
I recommend it to everyone. (For those who don't know click Options > Filters, you can also filter certain words)
R: 25 / I: 0
How compromised is 4chan? It's well known that the mods of /b/ are feds and have been for years but that's all I know.

pic unrelated
R: 18 / I: 19

Great war thread

It's a great war thread, we post like if we were in the trenches (chiuahuahs are allowed for morale)
R: 21 / I: 30

Furry thread 2: Siberian Boogaloo

Because the previous one has hit the bump limit, and the succeeding thread was sadly lost in the crash of 2024.

Post anything furry-related, be it artwork, stories, videos, music or whatever else you might find interesting with animal people in it. Scalies, avians, insectoids, synths, aeromorphs and such also appreciated.
R: 50 / I: 11
>A soyshit has done another school shooting
R: 532 / I: 229

wed in bugaria

legalis weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed in bul
IM so bre sober
I AM SOBER IM so tired legalize weed
in bulg aria
germnan ffukcers get to smokk 2 plqnets
R: 288 / I: 492

Royal Colony 12

Well, I didn't vote for you
R: 15 / I: 3


I'm anonymous. I'm from /siberia/. What's going on with you?
R: 19 / I: 7
y does pol love bbc so much? Are they gay?
R: 29 / I: 10
build your metalhead bf

Each one of these negatives you pick will give you 4 stat points to spend!!!
[ ] Extremely messy & disorganized
[ ] Sociopathic & manipulative
[ ] Is racist & sexist
[ ] Only showers twice a week at best
[ ] Hard drug addict
[ ] Has a mild STD
[ ] Throws temper tamtrums
[ ] Is annoyingly needy
[ ] Is disrespectful to his parents, whom he lives with
[ ] Will constantly bitch about your diet choice, regardless of what it is
[ ] Is physically violent towards you
[ ] Is exceptionally irresponsible and you can't reliably count on him
[ ] Has a dozen rescued pets
[ ] Frequent trauma dumps
[ ] Severe gambling addiction

manly [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] girly

Facial Beauty
chud [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] chad

Penis size
micro [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] massive

Ass size
flat [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] massive

obese [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ripped
R: 17 / I: 1

Nicotine gum and Lozenges

How effective are they and do they have side effects? I only smoke socially maybe twice a year but am in the need for a stimulant without being medicated.
R: 13 / I: 9


good afternoon /siberia/

body was too shawty body was too shawty body was too shawty body was too shawty body was too shawty body was too shawty
R: 55 / I: 40

Cat Alunya FANFIC Thread

Thread prompt:
>Write fanfic, stories (short & long), poems, Suno generated songs, fan content with Alunya & friends or foes
R: 79 / I: 93
Women in military uniforms get me hot and bothered 🤤
R: 19 / I: 2
Pick 3 (three) powers:
-ability to fly;
-hyperspeed (as well as hyper reaction times);
-infinite lung capacity;
-Indestructible body;
-eternal life expectancy (as well as never aging);
-extreme multi gallon nuts;
-Irresistible seduction;
-flawless persuasion;
-shape shifting;
-shape shifting beam;
-time stop;
-time travel;
-miraculous healing;
-nuke beam;
-anti-nuke beam;
R: 0 / I: 0
Me on the left
R: 6 / I: 1

imageboard historian

newfag test, if you know the origin of this flag, you're not a newfag
R: 4 / I: 0
Could someone find an archive for this thread
R: 34 / I: 8
>IPs last hour : 6
>It's just me and 5 other maybe agents reading this post
leftypol is kill. Imageboard is kill. 10 years of leftypol bunkerchan got to this point, Only road forward now is lurking on 4kaka where 80 of posts are automated or made by people who speak like one
This place used to be fun. Now the biggest thread on siberia is about an anon killing himself this month. It's about to become 5 people in here. no more shay. No more graceposter junko penny poster. bloodgasm or k anon. see you tomorrow in the morning
R: 161 / I: 40

Gambling Addicts Rage Thread

Post more specimens like this / gamblecore edits
R: 188 / I: 155

Youtube Clickbait Thumbnails 2

i miss the old thread. it got nuked with the outage
R: 1 / I: 1

ဆေးခြောက် လွတ်မြောက်ရေး လှုပ်ရှားမှုကို စတင်ရန် လူများကို နှိုးဆွရန် ကြိုးစားနေပါသည်။

ဒါပေမယ့် ဒီဝဘ်ဆိုဒ်မှာ ကျွန်တော်ရသမျှက ညည်းညူပြီး ညည်းညူနေတာပါပဲ။
R: 25 / I: 2
go /siberia/, talk about your best friends!
R: 6 / I: 1
>tfw you have to show up to the cpi meeting for an hour long self crit session because you busted a nut after your girlfriend practicing abstinence lightly brushed against your dick while you were trying to sleep.
R: 25 / I: 1
You didn't even post her music gee
R: 8 / I: 3

Less than a week away from the return of general secretary Diodld Tyastsmr

Aren't you excited for the return of BRICS (formerly USSR)?
R: 0 / I: 0
nazism makes a lot of sense when you realize it was just a 12 year long meth binge
R: 20 / I: 3
Ayo leftards stop ignoring me, you're being racist

Against rightwingers
R: 6 / I: 1


For god fuck cunt sake stop! You're embarrassing yourself, how many ass creed slop do you have left?? Go to the bathroom!! You're shitting yourself!! Mass produced poop is literally coming out of your ass!

So anyway this is how I feel about hearing there's a new assassination game set in romania or east euro with witch hunts
R: 3 / I: 1
>westoid memes; wojakies and pepes
>chinoid memes: ……
wtf is that?
R: 10 / I: 2


Is it the website with the largest concentration of completely insane people?
R: 37 / I: 8

/Self Harm General/

TW: Self Harm/Graphic Imagery

Thread for the discussion of self harm. Please keep this thread free of judgement and maintain the socialist principle of bodily autonomy. Remember to spoiler any pictures which could cause distress and provide a relevant trigger warning in the post body.

>When was the last time you self harmed?
>How do you hurt yourself?
>What do you think makes you self harm?
>How do you deal with self harm scars, if you have any?

Permission for the creation of this thread granted by a mod here: >>>/meta/39129
R: 30 / I: 10

Learning RPG Maker

I am learning to use rpgmaker.
R: 48 / I: 23
Hehe the joke is dick booba con sexo
R: 2 / I: 1


Before Daddy Trump
R: 58 / I: 11

board VIPs

Its time to worship some leftypol vips

>Chihuahua Poster

>Gay misandrist
>misogyny spammer guy who ban evades with the constant "I hate women" threads
>the glownonymous in sex and relationships general who posts every day that he was raped
>Pirate anon
>Jadey Anh poster
>DRAINED poster
>christcom anon
>the new leninhat not the old he who shall not be named
>AnNihil flag anon
>Blackflag poster
>Weed WOD poster
>kampuchea flag

Honorable Mention:
>Hoochie Minh
>Baboon Poster
>Penny/Ralsei poster
>Catgirl Drawgirl radlib
R: 86 / I: 57

Futa Fan General Thread #2

< It's so ovah we might as well start again :D
> Last famous words from the previous thread.
- Spoiler hyper girls and anything that could shock or traumatize the poor normies here.
- Don't be an asshole.
- Let the girldicks reign free and supreme.
R: 191 / I: 60


How are you spending this Friday? Do you have any plans for the weekend?
R: 10 / I: 1
Allow me to whine about 4chan.

Frick 4chan it's the worst website on the internet. This site has done nothing good for me and has measurably made my life worse the times I spent on it.

You were the original sin of the pony fandom and you're nothing but evil. I'm glad the pony fandom has moved on from you but there's still some from 4chan clinging onto the pony. This is repulsive.

Maybe it is just normal social media to some except with poor moderation, but to me, it's an evil hive of disgustingness. Get out of my sight 4chan. I frickin hate you.

4chan sucks. There I said it. It's not Tiktok that should be banned it's 4chan, because that good for nothing site has done nothing but evil stuff since 2017.

I despise channer culture. I despise it very strongly. 4chan needs to be purged from the internet and be destroyed.

It's like the sewer of the internet full of toxic sludge and nonsense crap. Maybe the reason why it's let to exist is because it filters out the rest of the internet. Doesn't seem to be working well. Nah, it's could be to keep tabs on people and have information on potential criminals or something.

4chan's also owned by a total idiot hiroyuki which is part of the reason it's gotten so bad these years. Frick this crap. I'm sick and tired of this chan nonsense. I can't believe this all came out because of some weeb wanted to make some sort of off shoot website of Something Awful or something.

FRICK 4chan to HECK! I hate you in particular because of the ponies, what you did to My Little Pony is unforgivable. I'll never forgive you for staining that show.
R: 11 / I: 1
You bastards know censorship is making more and more people hate you? of course you don't, you are mentally ill narcissistic parasites to the core of your being. Incapable of learning from millennia of expulsions. Now anything resembling criticism is deleted? disgusting how will you ever look in the mirror and see your flaws? You can't… ever…
R: 10 / I: 0

The American "Religious" Right

I keep seeing anti-religion threads in the vein of the Bush years, but I think they all ignore the fact that a significant chunk of the modern American "religious" right are a bunch of Warhammer 40k and Crusader Kings LARPers who don't know the first thing about their religion and the rest are "God has ordained by car dealership" petty bourgeoisie who just use Jesus as the grand patriarch of the traditional American social order.
R: 27 / I: 18

Socialism-themed porn

ITT: socialist-themed pornography or socialist symbolism in porn.
real only, since anime, pone and furry are easy enough to search by tag on booru sites

>inb4 muh ideology isn't an aesthetic wah

obviously. don't care
>inb4 they're not even a socialist it's just a grifter
often true. don't care
I'm collecting it for propaganda, not to pretend watching porn is socialism or whatever weird mindset you're imagining just to get angry
R: 6 / I: 0
I'm predicting that we will see a large portion of "Gamergaters" turn to liberalism in the coming months. They have never had any significant political politics beyond "more sexy women in video games" and some vague notions of anti-censorship and libertarianism. Whatever relationship they may have had with mainstream and dissident rightist movements is coming to an end, as the only thing they built their movement on is going to be further censored and removed. I can see them turning into Agent Kochinski and hasan types. That said, a smaller portion will probably end up following a dissident rightist path like Sargon, whose apparently become a Socialist, even posted about how Lenin had some good Ideas
R: 3 / I: 2
i wish i could talk. i wish i could communicate with others. i wish i were normal. i dont enjoy things like hentai or videogames. i believe in very silly things like respect the elderly and be nice to the younger, always be polite, never get angry at anyone, follow rules, be forgiving with others and ruthless with yourself etc. life is a gift and kindness is everything. i think nothing makes sense if youre completely alone. warmth is good. i like the arcadian and the pastoral. i wish to serve, be useful and protect others. i like to nurture and provide. the happiness of other people is my own. if i could be god, i think i would save every soul that has ever lived and died and give them whatever they ask for forever. i wish i could be together with someone forever. i think theres no distinction between right and good. i think use your brain and follow your heart mean the same thing. i think everything can turn into gold. everyone has a soul and theyre all special. i hold these truths to be self-evident, i think theyre sound and everything comes apart if you stop believing. im very very afraid. i dont think ill make it, i get bellyaches reading the news and about the things that could happen in the next years. and im trying to turn my brain into a supercomputer, this requires a lot of focus which makes me feel like forgetting why im doing it. it feels like becoming a very bad person who just exists and interacts with the outer world only subconsciously. i think everything that is supposed to happen happens, so i dont know what to do when something i believe shouldnt have happened happens. i dont know what it means if im not going to make it or if ill become a bad person, let alone what i should do. i dont think im wrong about my beliefs. i feel a lot of fear. i think if i definitely concluded im the only person left in the world, there would be no need to kill myself, i would just sit and stare at the floor until i die. but if there are more people then i want to live, because i love others and i think i can be very helpful. im in hell, and i dont think i can get out. very afraid. i think im different or at least potentially useful, i think i can make contributions that would never exist if not for me, and imagine things no one else can. im very afraid of dying like ive never existed. i want to be close to everyone else.
R: 5 / I: 0

I noticed when you go far enough back in the past some important people talk in such a flowery way that feels poetic and like they're inside an epic or a fantasy book. Why is that? Modern day politicians talk in a different way, but if you go to the first half of 20th century and earlier on centuries, even the 1700s, its so different. Some things feel like they're out of some sort of book like the way WW2 started and ended, like some sort of battle against the ultimate evil and then freedom and justice prevailed against it, not to make light of it on purpose. It all feels like a myth or a legend to me whereas modern day feels so much more down to earth.

Will this era be seen as mythic in the way the past was in the future? I doubt to the same degree.
R: 33 / I: 16
Artists really just sit down one day and create a masterpiece like this. It's the closes a human can ever get to being a god.
R: 33 / I: 6
Why must we hurt eachother? Why must we violated eachother? Why must we play social games with eachother?
R: 3 / I: 1
Did BBC cause the nazis? Like who tf mints coins of BBC oppressing white women? Why are white people like this.
R: 67 / I: 12
You have rich parents, /leftypol/.. admit it
R: 5 / I: 2

The Best Movie Ever Made

That is all.

my body is too short and empty.
R: 25 / I: 3


What is leftypol's religion?


If your faith isn't on here, please specify what you believe in the thread responses.
R: 25 / I: 3
How accurate is this /fit/ post?
R: 30 / I: 8
>Hey, anon, I know you're sad about the fascist party taking over your country, but at least you still have me, Jadey Anh *teehee* :3

Jadey gets me through the worst days, bros. Accept /ourgirl/ in your hearts.
R: 16 / I: 5


Write down your dream here right after waking up!!! or whenever you remember ur last dream

I'll use a convoluted system to predict how good your near future will be based on my analysis of your dream!!!!!
R: 32 / I: 13

Was the DDR fash or cash ?

Was the DDR actually communist and not too fascistic to fall away into red-brown (if not straight up brownism) ? Or maybe thats just a natopilled lie ?

Just kinda curious about everyone's take on it here.
R: 12 / I: 2 (sage)

2nd Hetero Hate Thread

Yet another case of an heteroid male mass killing a bunch of innocent people what a surprise. Working really hard on these 40-45/90 stats
R: 49 / I: 16

Laborwave - Vol 1, crane edition

you ever wondered how do giant cranes suddenly get built overnight and you never notice them appearing until they're in place?
anyway making a new general for work in here, thread for all work Know-how, share all the unkown skills you know that are related to your work but most people don't know about/could use knowing

labour intensive work (how to hammer a nail, how to screw a bolt), shitty office work (how to multitask, how to avoid choking your boss, how to spread rumors about a cunt from Human Resources), food work (what we put in your sandwich behind the kitchen, how to mop the floor efficently, how to built tolerance against the smell of bathrooms) trades or STEM (how to argue online your profession is the best using mental gymansium) even sex work (how to suck cocks, how to fuck people in the ass, what to do when he's a shy virgin and he's annoying)

>inb4 i'm neet anti-worker

then share with us what you do to feel the best, how to tie a blanket around your shoulder like the pepe neet, how to get high at home no money paid, how to forge a katana, how to speedrun a game or a book, how to decorate your house in a way that don't make you feel like a miserable wagie
R: 2 / I: 0
i'm jonesing again for a fag i want to smoke a fag so bad rn my veins say yes fuckface feed us the nicoteens but my lungs say fuckoff and smoke some weed instead
R: 3 / I: 1
>Made a profit on US stocks equivalent to a whole month's salary in my thirdie shithole in a single day after Drumpf swore in
Feels good to profit off of AmeriKKKans suffering bros. You should try to profit off the recent wave of Treatlerism too. I'll look for opportunities to profit off of the suffering of Israelis, Saudis and Emiratis next.
R: 14 / I: 4
everybody looks at a female pornstar and call her fatherless slut and she's gonna regret it, but nobody looks at the male pornstars gangbanging her and call them motherless dildos and they're gonna regret it, nobody thinks of male pornstars at all, they only exist as the other performer for the main female star, but nobody remembers their names or cares at all, which is worse than being degraded in a way
R: 14 / I: 0

i have become DPRK shill, i've never been happier

It all started long time ago, with me and my wife (pictured above) were vacationing in the capital Seoul of the American Occupation Zone south of the DMZ, we were enjoying a well-earned 5-hour vacation after studying off our parent's money so hard to become professional degreed technical cumbuckets at Samsung.

we were in a BTS malemaid café, my wife was molesting the boybutlers while I was reading a Radio Free Asia article about how Kim personally shot a conductor in front of every musician in the orchestra 1000 times with a comically large nail gun before gouging his organs to use as healthcare transplants, when suddenly we were both roofied and kidnapped by a bunch of North Korean super-spies posing as barechested malemaids and dragged into one of their secret communist underground brainwashing facilities behind the DMZ.

There, they blindfolded us, tied us into a bed, kept us tied up in utter silence occasionally broken by a guard whispering into our ears how mao loves his children, beaten us times and times again with giant copies of das kapital and made us watch a giant screen in the ceiling that's browsing leftypol for 10 hours. no blinking allowed, everytime we dared to blink, the sight of the honorific baizuo guardsmen holding a branding iron shaped like the phrase "Alunya❤️Grace"

then they made everyone stand in a chair, put on headphones and listen to Blowback Season 3 podcast all episodes in a single sitting. those who refused to continue in the torture, made disgusted faces when they talked about water as a human right. or just stood up to relax their muscles. were quickly whipped up by this dixie twink in a cowboy hat and made to walk on all four like a horse to the pen for "breaking".

the experience was horrifying that i admit, my wife broke faster than me, two hours in the pen with the disxie baizuo twink was enough to make her swing hallaluja john brown did nothing wrong. i broke too, under the blowback spell, seeing someone talk about the enemies of america and the palistenians as actual breathing people was a shocking surprise, it felt like being forced to smoke weed against your will, it's disgusting, but it's already in your brain, By the time the brainwashing process was done, they released me from my cell, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) facility guard simply looked at me and nodded. we nodded back in aknowledgment.

To be honest, they didn't really need to make me listen to all 10 episodes. By the time I was halfway through episode 4, the brainwashing had worked, and I was ready to become Supreme Comrade Xi Kimping's strongest belarusian-korean soldier. From that day on, we sneaked past the border to the hermit kingdom, and joined DPRK Foreign Legion of Shills, where we subsist on a mud and rats diet while our daily workout included ignoring the guards random sadistic beatings of our backs and pushing the trains for we must be strong enough to liberate the South brethren from the American softdrink binging, cornsyrup Occupation Forces. We currently hold joint psy-op exercises with the Wumao army and the kremlin red botskis which I also happened to be part of after that one time the Chinese SWAT team kidnapped me and forced me to learn about socialism with Chinese characteristics. but i digress, once we joined the academy, we were granted the right of wearing the Juche Mecha Suits, all paid for by blackmailing Soros into working for antifa, we were tasked with patrolling the south korean cities during the night and killing any people (labour aristocrats) with comically futuristic AK74-74s the moment they refuse to join our heavenly socialist father Kim jinping putler.

were taught how to reply to shapiroean arguments, we were taught how to shill for socialism on 5 diffrent websites, my love was once called a wokeshitlib selfhating white and a redfash magacommunist ultra at the same time during a shilling session, i am proud of her. but iam also more proud of my breaking techniques, they called me the bernie "bern em out" sanders because of my slow talking and ability to promise people things i will never give them later. i was able to convert NAFOIDS, anarkiddies, magatards, taiwanese gusanos, in one foreign deployment to cuba i was taught how to break a de-santis vooting batista loving cubano chicano using the seduction skillz and rizz of uncle castro taught to me by the local cuban patoi witches, my wife loves it too, she loves it when she beats me while I whisper the works of chairman gonzalo in fluent spanish with a korean accent during sex, with the mecha suits on.

anyway I am reporting you to my superiors in the psy-op army, the NKVD jorjor wheel 1948 animal crossing mods of this sub. After I have exterminated enough Eglin bots like you to meet my promotion quota, I will gain the clearance to be let in on the secretive Juche necromancy mystic arts. There are days when I feel unmotivated and question what I'm doing all these for. Those days, I open my copy of the Black Book of Communism, and take heart in knowing that although the current death toll of communism is merely 1917 Muskorrillion deaths, every Juche necromancer can do their part to make it much higher. Fret not, Eglin bot, rejoice in the meaning of your life as one of my stepping stones in my mission to better serve Supreme Comrade Kim and the DPRK.
R: 7 / I: 3
tell me a story

chihuahua body chihuahua body chihuahua body chihuahua body
R: 2 / I: 0
kek, christoids have begun trying to debunk their own monotheistic religion's evolution from judaism and from canaanite polytheism so they can feel special and separate from the very traditions that resulted in them.

R: 5 / I: 0
Should I seek psychiatric help for my suicidality, or should I weaponize it? I'm a 29 yo lad. I admit to myself, my suicide schemes may be influenced by (my own) chemical imbalances, but I also maintain my motives are rational, well-studied, and feel I could successfully defend them before a panel of therapists.
I think I should try to have fun tho; I no longer fear dying, pain, injury etc. I even tried it IRL: putting my finger on a lighter's fire, trying to last 10-20 seconds touching burning water, etc I didnt LIKE it ,wasn't masochism, just endurance.
I can choose to either call for help, or not tell any therapist\psychiatrist\doctor. The chances Im gonna be dead soon are reasonably high if I don't call, and TBF Im ok with that.
BTW my motivations\motives, are heavily related to life under capitalism\wealth inequality\ lifestyle of upper clases vs my own life story
R: 1 / I: 0
Iddubz became woke, are you happy now
R: 0 / I: 0
Holograms are possible because light obeys laws regular enough that the state of a light wave in 3D space is sufficiently constrained by its value along a 2D boundary.

I wonder if time obeys laws regular enough that the state of a timeline in 4D space is sufficiently constrained by its value in a 3D moment? If so, you could tell the future and past just by perfectly capturing the moment.
R: 45 / I: 1
What do I have to do to make all women stop attacking their own dignity? The excessive use of makeup and skin-darkening/lightening creams, the fucked up levels of plastic surgery, the use of fat injections to get fake glutes and breasts, the constant unnecessary exposure of their bodies… like, you almost never see men do any of these things. It’s fucking sad to watch.
R: 48 / I: 5
Every big vocaloid song coming out has people clutching pearls over it. Cute to see teens act like conservative parents in the 90s over Nine Inch Nails - Closer but for songs where Miku sings about sex or liking yaoi.
R: 29 / I: 3
How do I get myself a personality?
R: 7 / I: 3

How does Japan do it?

When Lyushkov defected to Yapon, he initially started with all these grandiose statements about how he was a Russian patriot and was only defecting to be anti-Stalin.
>According to Lyushkov's statements to the Japanese, he concluded that '… The dictator's toadies will libel me and say I sold my soul to the Japanese; but one day, with the despot overthrown, I shall return to a bright new Russia.'
And then… a short while later, because he was too depressed about abandoning his wife…
>Japanese intelligence officers consulted the military police and decided to take Lyushkov to the red-light district of Mukojima; a lieutenant-colonel disbursed 300 yen for the purpose. In the brothels the Russian seemed to regain his gaiety.
And then…
>To domesticate Lyushkov, the Japanese Army sought an acceptable female compatriot for him at his new private house in Tokyo. Lyushkov declined White Russian woman.
So they find a woman from Yokohama…
>marriage ensued and Lyushkov took out Japanese citizenship, saying that he wanted to be buried in Japan.
Literally just a bit of Yaponskii pussy and this dude forgot about his denial of selling himself to Japan, and was shouting Tenno Heika Banzai!
What are the materialist reasons why Japanese are so good at sexually appealing to Western men?
R: 8 / I: 1

Ozempic general

It is prescribed for a few years at a time because they aren't sure about potential long-term effects. It's less obviously bad than other weight loss drugs, but fucking with your hormones for several years in a row can have long term effects and they haven't been studied.

it's rare we get to thoroughly test a drug on the Hollywood elites before anybody else, but they've been taking it the longest and with least regard for medical guidance. I'm looking forward to it.
R: 18 / I: 2

Do you know any person like this?

>only consumes ultra-commercial slop like capeshit and AAA videogames
>complains about "muh woke culture" but won't watch a foreign movie or play an indie game, thinks the reason mass media sucks is because of minorities
R: 7 / I: 0
Explan this, atheists: why is it that risking your life via skydiving is considered badass, but risking your life by getting fucked in the ass by strangers without protection is not considered badass
R: 15 / I: 0

The biggest problem with the modern left

R: 1 / I: 0
do you think he would've testified in the HUAC ?
R: 41 / I: 4
I hate waking up in America knowing metzitzah b'peh is legal.
R: 81 / I: 13
>David Lynch fucking died
R: 7 / I: 1


We need a picture of Alunya hitting Hitler.
R: 5 / I: 1

Saw some sober guys outside a church, one looked dead, other didn't care

live in an area with a pretty bad homeless/straight edge problem
lots of sober guys hanging around the local third-rate churches they love so much

walking home one day
see two of them outside one of those places
one guy standing there chewing gum and holding a bottle of water
the other dude, younger guy, is face down on the tarmac
arm twisted under his stomach, not moving
looks like he's either blackout sober at best or straight-up soberdosing

slowly walk toward them to see what's up
standing guy immediately starts waving me off like
>nah nah, we're good
ask him
>You guys alright? Need me to call someone?
guy just says
>We're fine, don’t need anything

walk away thinking
>Yeah, this isn't gonna end well
standing guy was giving off some serious asshole vibes
like bro, your friend is dying on the ground and you're just standing there chewing gum, waving away anyone who might actually help
I have been always told to trip sit after my narcoman buddies…what the fuck wrong with soberites?
R: 4 / I: 1

Saw some drunk guys outside a bar, one looked dead, other didn't care

live in an area with a pretty bad homeless/drug problem
lots of drunk guys hanging around the local third-rate pubs they love so much

walking home one day
see two of them outside one of those places
one guy standing there with a beer and a cig
the other dude, younger guy, is face down on the tarmac
arm twisted under his stomach, not moving
looks like he's either blackout drunk at best or straight-up overdosing

slowly walk toward them to see what's up
standing guy immediately starts waving me off like >nah nah, we're good
ask him >You guys alright? Need me to call someone?
guy just says >We're fine, don’t need anything

walk away thinking >Yeah, this isn't gonna end well
standing guy was giving off some serious asshole vibes
like bro, your friend is dying on the ground and you're just standing there smoking, waving away anyone who might actually help
I have been always told to look after my drinking buddies…what's wrong with those people?
R: 3 / I: 0
just finished reading Madobuchiya (Nishin)] Chikuhyou no Hanayome | The Orc Bride
R: 14 / I: 10

shitposting general

Lets have a funposting general because life is hard and sometimes you just want to laugh at retarded shit.

memes do not have to be politically related but funny trump edits are welcome (as long as they're funny).

post that avant-garde top shelf funny shit fam
R: 3 / I: 0
Why would God need a useless, autistic NEET like me to stay alive, I don't understand
R: 8 / I: 1
Am I the only one who feels like internet and video games completely fucked millenial and zoomer generation beyond repair?
R: 32 / I: 4

Am I the only one here who still likes Wokeness and PC culture?

Everyone else in the word, specially our dear leaders and CEOs have moved on to neoreactionary chvecore views on race and gender…
R: 2 / I: 0

The World Will End by 2060

Every Marxist knows that the dictum "first as tragedy then as farce" is a law of the universe. One necessarily follows the other.

But there's one thing that follows the opposite trajectory: first as farce then tragedy. That's right, I'm talking about the TOKAMAK that started as a farce:
>On 25 March 1951, Argentine President Juan Perón announced that a former German scientist, Ronald Richter, had succeeded in producing fusion at a laboratory scale as part of what is now known as the Huemul Project. Scientists around the world were excited by the announcement, but soon concluded it was not true; simple calculations showed that his experimental setup could not produce enough energy to heat the fusion fuel to the needed temperatures.[30]

>Although dismissed by nuclear researchers, the widespread news coverage meant politicians were suddenly aware of, and receptive to, fusion research

So the very origins of the TOKAMAK is a farce, and once we make a viable one it will implode the Earth (tragedy) and kill us all. This is necessary because the farce-tragedy duo has to follow each other and that there can be only one exception to the trage-farce order: the farce-tragic TOKAMAK.

Here is the math proving that this will happen by 2060:

How will you spend the last 35 years of humanity, anon?
R: 3 / I: 0
a new fanfiction just dropped

too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short just short
R: 6 / I: 1

An enlightened crowd > experts

R: 7 / I: 0

The myth that boomers were rich privileged kids who fucked up the economy and the west

Where does it comes from and why? I see it on both the far-right and the far-left.
Many of the boomer generation grew up in some severe poverty that dont even exist anymore in the west, my boomer dad was raised in a filthy farm from a desolated rural area with his 9 brothers and sisters, my mom grew up in a urban slum full of dizeases. European boomers had is more easy thanks to their strong social-democratic states but even they lived in time of great political troubles and constant terrorism due to the cold war.
Sure they had an easy time dating, had much better music and werent fat but them having better taste isnt a good reason to hate them.
Even the people accusing them of being leeches (partially true) due to socialised retirement programs dont seems to know it's the boomers parents and grandparents generation who invented them and boomers had to pay for it too.
So much of anti-boomer ressentiment is just "wahhhhh they're not stunted nerds and incels like me!!! also they were decadent in their youth o algo!! they shouldve been austere and mentally castrated like me!".
R: 3 / I: 3

Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary looks like Georgy Malenkov

Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary looks like Georgy Malenkov
R: 3 / I: 0
Red: Want a kiss?

Purple: Wha… What?

Purple: *blushes*

Red: A hershey's kiss you dummy
R: 1 / I: 0

asbestos and the infantilization of the working class

risk is part of a worker's life
whether it's toiling in porky's factory or commuting at a hundred miles an hour in shitty boxes that would collapse if farted within, there's a million ways to die every day
yet the working man, with his grit and real-world experience, understands the risks better than any bureaucrat sitting comfortably behind a desk. the dangers associated with asbestos are not a secret, yet we are treated as children, shielded from "harm" without considering our agency.
the ban further disregards the implications for industries that have relied on asbestos for decades without major problems. manufacturing, construction– my grandmother's home had its roof covered in ceramic-asbestos tile, and when other homes in the village burnt, their coating removed and replaced with porky's bitumen, hers remained safe. who benefits? not the workers.
we deserve the respect and the freedom to decide our own fates, and the ability to freely mine, refine, and use asbestos is our birthright. we can handle the comprehensive information, we can use the safety equipment, we are capable of governing ourselves. anything short of it robs us of our dignity.
death to the anti-asbestos state, death to porky, glory to asbestos, glory to heroes.
R: 1 / I: 0

White and Asian

Why do White Americucks and White AuSStralians and there Asian counterparts copy black culture so much. They try and copy exactly the way they dress or how they think black people dress which is usually without the historical understanding of their clothes. They copy the music as well and how they talk. Why has this been happening recently, what's going on??
R: 9 / I: 1
Someone tried a hemp tea?
How many that tea must drink for a get a effect like a smoke a normal weed?
R: 5 / I: 1
Lickspittle nonsense written by a fascist, royalist, and liberal larping as a communist. The security guards die first. It's that simple. People get jobs protecting the rich and powerful because there are no consequences for doing so. When a worker-hating bourgeois pedophile or his ring-wearing whore or his disgusting little crotch spawn have a "security detail" following them around 24/7, it is not the same person all day. They do shift work. That's three 8-hour shifts or four 6-hour shifts. They go home. They take a bath. They eat dinner. They go to sleep. And then you are there waiting with the AK-47 in their closet. You fill them full of holes. It is that simple. Let the bourgeoisie cower in fear as their middle class praetorian guard begin dropping dead like flies all around them. Why isn't that musclebound freak Jack here to escort me? It's 6pm. He's late. That's because he's dead. Garotted in his sleep by proper communists. Soon nobody will sign up for the job because they know that if they do they'll turn up dead in the river with their penis and teeth missing. Nobody will sign up to protect the bourgeoisie, and if they do, the bourgeoisie will have to pay higher and salaries out of their precious profits that they normally reinvest into expanding production. Eventually even the highest salary won't be worth the risk of getting sliced in half vertically by a chainsaw while off duty. Nobody will want to protect them any more, no matter how high the price.

That is when they will be their most vulnerable, their most paranoid.

That is when you strike. When there is no one left.
R: 0 / I: 0

Worthless Thread #11

They won't let me post on my facebook because it's called 'redemption.' What do you people think about that?
R: 2 / I: 0
MAGApedes.. I don't feel so good..
R: 4 / I: 1
>It's not rich businessmen who bribe the government to subsidize them, it's the evil government who threatens them so they take its subsidies
Do lolberts unironically believe this? Holy shit, I used to be one of them…
R: 3 / I: 0
I don't really have a taste in music so I am superior to those who do. Music is corporate noise.
R: 8 / I: 1
He did more to raise class consciousness in the last ten years than anybody else.
R: 40 / I: 1
What's the thing that made you go like
>damn, whoever made this must either be a ciswoman or a gay guy
For me its if someone gushes over pop mudic
R: 25 / I: 3

FUCK YOU FAGGOTS! I'm going to be doing something new!

If both of the "World wars" doesn't happen, or that if the USSR never happen, or that The axis won. Then Bocchi The Rock IPL would happen and I would have the pleasure of viewing the growth of my little sister who is a cute anime girl in an anime world. Firstly, everyone would be authentically white, making it so that people doesn't have to worry about white authenticity because everybody is already authentic whites. Secondly, not only that everybody would be authentic whites, everybody would also be acting tidy, clean, and classy like european and (most importantly) JAPANESE did! which mean Bocchi irl WOULD HAPPEND! SUCH PERFECT WORLD IT COULD HAVE BEEN!!!!! REEEEEE!!!!!!! FUCK YOU LEFTIST! FUCK YOU LIBERALS! FUCK YOU PROGRESSIVES! and more importantly FUCK YOU WHICH EVER GROUPS AND CLIQUES OF PEOPLE WHO CANCELS EUGENICS!!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

I'm going to become a politician and clime the pyramid that is brown shithole country politics. Then, I'm going to purge the country of ANYBODY who are against my way of thinking. And I'm going to persuade world leaders to forcefully move, sterilize, and cull the worlds POC population AND every POC in countries with enough authentic white population (western countries + S.Africa). First I'm going to open my country for all POC migrant. Then to be the dumping ground for all of the worlds POCs under the disguise of a progressive PR. Then It will only progress from there. Thanks to spending time with you guys I am immune to red scares and sob stories. I now know which tankie and socialist theory literatures to read for my grind tomorrow (or tommorow's tommorow). Since Trump won, and the far-right in europe is winng, The world is on my side now. I have the upper hand unlike you guys. Also, If the other Anon that posted the Rep win streak thread were correct, then I should have enough time. As long as I can focus and grind my Tism, sped, ADHD, OCD, or whatever IB user calls it, I can climb my way in politics just like Adolf Hitler and Genghis Khan. I must focus on public speaking, speech, writing, applying writing to speaking, and most importantly of all learn to socialize with everyone and anyone. If anybody wants to join and abandon this shithole of a trend that is "Left-wing/progressive/liberal" and "-Adjacent", then you are welcome, may we meet at other forums and image boards.
R: 52 / I: 11

What's /siberia/'s opinion on the furry fandom?

Personally I have no issues with yiff (I did nut to Ankha and Lopunny so me having issues with it would be hypocritical) but the fursuits are kinda cringe. Why do people buy them? They look cheap and ugly and their price is as big as your mom, I don't understand this. Even buying an iPhone is a better investment of one's money.

Also, why are furfags considered as LGBTQ?
R: 18 / I: 0
I'll see on tiktok some stupid fucking bitch who says "men should all die, gen z are retarded if your white you're…" and I'll be angry
Then my bf will pull me into a call, tell me about his Warhammer 40k minis, ask if I want to watch dragon ball and suddenly all those bad feelings melt away and any other problem I have just fades away.
All of this is just fucking nonsense by people who aren't loved. Do not be like them
R: 40 / I: 6
Communism is in fact left wing as the terms left and right wing were created outside of capitalism. Arguing otherwise is debate addict shit.
R: 4 / I: 0
>mfw futanaris I would never ever be able to clock have bigger dicks than me
R: 12 / I: 1

I hate humanity

Most people around me can't stand the sight of blood and gore but are more than okay with supporting the death and destruction of entire nations. They remind me of the Breaking Bad character Lydia Rodarte-Quayle (picrel). Too much of a pansy to even look at dead bodies but more than okay with enabling child-murdering Nazi meth dealers. They all do this while hiding behind a garb of so-called "human decency". I doubt that such decency was ever real, maybe it's hyperreal. Apart from being absolutely morally bankrupt hypocrites, they're also slave-minded servile cucks who take it upon themselves to defend systems that actively exploit them. I hate them and have nothing but contempt for them. A boot over their neck is all they deserve.
R: 3 / I: 1
Does anyone still have the video that edits the Limmy's Show bit about the kilogram of steel and feathers to the 2016 election with Trump and Hillary? I can't find it on YouTube anymore.
R: 13 / I: 2
We will make, /leftypol/, great again believe me folks
R: 5 / I: 2
did trump win because they allow twinks to watch trump’s inauguration speech? write your opinions as replies in this thread, thank you, comrades.
R: 8 / I: 0
When you're trans for long enough, you become cisgender.
R: 50 / I: 46

Burgerpunk Thread 1: Rebooted Winter Soldier

Restarting the Burgerpunk thread.
R: 6 / I: 1
Now that the election is over, can we admit that child-killer Kamala wouldn't have persecuted trans people, this was an acc gang move, and that the 2 million communists in the US could have all voted for her instead of abstaining?
R: 0 / I: 0

Siberia Thread

Siberia thread. Now with actual Siberia.
R: 17 / I: 4

Thread Subject Discussion Thread

██ officer i ████ want to be given huge tits im ███* a woman
R: 15 / I: 6 (sage)

Hetero Hate Thread

Straight males commit 90% of:

Mass Shootings
Grand theft auto
Hate crimes

Despite being only roughly 40% of global's population, isn't that funny?

Breeder males also tend to be lower autism score and that is seen over the fact they speak on shitty slangs and their conversation topics boil down to:


Breeder moids are also exponentially more hateful too and have basically a monopoly over homophobic/transphobic verbal and physical attacks, racism, mysoginy isn't that funny too? It is proven over the fact they're overwhemingly right-wing (if it weren't for women and queer folk all of Europe and the US would be a massive fascist shithole)

What make straight males such subhuman beings uncapable of coexistance, empathy, tolerance, self-control and general decency?

>Inbf testosterone

Gay men usually have HIGHER levels of it and they're the complete opposite of their breedoid counterparts, gay men are akin to women in general regarding their empathetic levels, tolerance, self-control and non-violence and general respect for fellow human beings
R: 1 / I: 0

Alex Jones Presidency Thread

I think the funniest timeline is one where he's president
R: 8 / I: 2 (sage)

Retarded Questions Thread

Questions from tourist, visting leftypol: (i don't like leftism or anything the likes of it btw.)

What is wrong with being racist against nations who clearly have a different, incompatible, possbily even hostile culture from you?
What are muslim Afghans positions on Communism?
Why do leftists in Europe support the mass immigration of Afghans into the EU?
Do Afghan refugees have a positive effect on the daily lives of Europeans, leftist Europeans or their society as a whole?
What effect does the islamisation of Europe have on its spread of communism?
R: 58 / I: 9

Debate Addict general

ITT: debate all debate addict topics here.
R: 3 / I: 0


Im working on making a syncretic synthesis of the Thought of Jim Jones, Pol Pot, and President Gonzalo.
it will be extremely anti-urbanite, ruralist\ruralitarian, ANTI-economy (ultimately seeks the Abolishment of all trade, and currency\ Money itself)
I guess, Im confident I will, start by infiltrating itinerant rural laborer troupes ,to personally disseminate my ideas there ,share propaganda leaflets, produce agitation \propaganda\ direct, actions.
R: 13 / I: 2
Erm lefty bros…. what now? How do we respond without sounding mad?
R: 21 / I: 7
Behold, your new president

How's it feel soyboys?
R: 38 / I: 8
Malebros is it iver for us? Only a few more years left.
R: 7 / I: 3

illegalist tip of the week #14

an orange vest, and a clipboard with small text is all you need to sneak and blend in inside the warehouse of any establishment, no questions asked it just works.
R: 22 / I: 0
I hate people who emigrate out of my shithole country because they're hypocritical faggots while simultaneously wanting to emigrate myself because I hate westoids and want to benefit off them. What do?
R: 16 / I: 63
veh… the 02 thread is gone.
guess I'll start a new one.
R: 11 / I: 0
I've had dreams wherein I have SEX and it feels real even though I have never had SEX irl. How does that work?
R: 0 / I: 0
intellectually, i know ML states ranged from overall historically progressive but never communist Bourgeois revolutions at best to outright reactionary state capitalism at worst, but, emotionally, I still can't watch Soy Cuba without crying at "they killed Fidel? I am Fidel!"
R: 19 / I: 10

Post something that made you laugh today

Anything, regardless of source.
R: 27 / I: 7
Why don't incels just get on rednote and become a mail-order-husband?
R: 50 / I: 28

What animals should be mercilessly executed and why?

I start.

1. Antelopes and all deer-like faggots. They breed like bunnies, burp loudly, mess up the gardens and shit everywhere. Thankfully germans already started killing them: https://swentr.site/news/611180-leipzig-zoo-kills-antelopes/

2. City dogs. They simply don't belong. They shit everywhere, they bite, they bark, they have NEEDS, and they are a net negative on the environment (natural and human alike). City dog population needs to be exactly 0 in civilian hands. (Police, firefighter, blind helping etc. dogs serve a purpose.) I recommend every comrade to eradicate the city dog population to 0.

3. Cats.
>cats kill between 1 to 4 billion birds every year
It's simple. Birbs are more useful to nature and to humanity. Birbs kill mosquitos which is good. Cats never eat a single mosquito which is bad. Cats are perpetrating a bird Holocaust and should be punished as such.

what are other animals?
R: 10 / I: 2
can you really blame a man who was simply just houngry ?
R: 12 / I: 0 (sage)

Destiny is a Sex Criminal

R: 7 / I: 1
>average ccp slanderㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
R: 6 / I: 1
what would you do if this happened to you
R: 16 / I: 10
my ideal home? a floating cambodian shack made out of wood and sheet metal and a bit of mortar, and standing above the water on strong baboo legs.

think the town from flapjack but asian and more third world-ish
R: 20 / I: 29


/siberia/ is filled with slop and bait; It is time to bunpost.
R: 6 / I: 0
I found something really intersting that u might be interested in becaue it does seem somwhow fujny to be honest because on how trump and this abd that and stuff many stuffs alot of stuffs
R: 29 / I: 3
I cannot let go of my rage. My partner has suffered greatly in life. He's autistic, massively into DND and Wrestling, he has been diagnosed. I am not, I can't stand what normal people have done to him over his life, because of something he didn't chose, he has suffered greatly, he has been denied work and is now in his mid-30s and assuming he will end up dead before he finds a proper job over in burgerland.

I hate people, I hate them all for what they did to him, he is the sweetest, kindest and compassionate big fuck of a man, and normal people physically attacked him, denied him employment and made his life hell. I want to murder them, my blood boils at the thought of what he has suffered because of his autism.
I hope anyone who has ever harmed him dies.
R: 8 / I: 0
It's pretty comical how terrible the average historian's politics are.
R: 27 / I: 7
I don't think I've ever read a single book that had a positive impact on my life. I feel lucky when a book does not make things worse. Reading is a colossal waste of time, to be honest I am starting to suspect I only do it as a form of self-harm. And no, neither smoking weed nor getting DRAINED by hookers change that. Mao was wrong, reading any book is harmful.
R: 22 / I: 4
Irrigation is the future.

The body was too short or empanada.
R: 4 / I: 0
How does posadism combine with PSH (psychosocial hypothesis)? Can UFOs rescue humanity even if they are imaginary? Are the UFOs psychic impersonation of class consciousness?
R: 4 / I: 2
Kids who didn’t grow up being told everyone online is out to get you are way too lax about posting their personal info that they will not ever escape from if they got slightly too much attention.
R: 6 / I: 2
>What is 6 - 4?
Why do you keep asking me these difficult questions?
R: 5 / I: 1

That one Bordiga 😂 forever archived on the ironmarch forums

What da Bodega doin???

Also why tf did they have Nechayev on their banner (3rd pic)? Are nazi subhumans that retarded that they take an anarchist-nihilist SR that's been given the stamp of approval by Bakunin, Lenin and Stalin themselves to be their "ourguy"? Where Lenin himself said "read Nechayev" and where was rehabilitated during Stalin?
R: 1 / I: 1
Is this the darkest reaction? Is magacommunism cooked?
R: 8 / I: 0

Separation of powers is an illusion, a spook as you would put it, and it doesn't work.

IT'S OVER, do you understand me?? It's all over now. Like that black dude said about companies in Deus Ex, you also don't know who rules you as far as democratic governments go.
R: 174 / I: 375
Post your fav Grace pics.
R: 10 / I: 3

Which kino director will die next?

Now that we finally got rid of Lynch, which old pedo genius kinomeister is next? Could it be Herzog (age 82)? Or will it be Polanski (91)?

Please let us discuss this topic together, my little chickens.
R: 12 / I: 4

lQ of dolphins

it's such bullshit, for us humans taking a lQ test takes 30 minutes and you have to solve shitty math questions like "rotate this cubicle in your head 90 degrees to the left now how it done look like?" and finish sentences and enter the capital of Wyoming into the empty field and in the end you get some disappointing result like "you are 105 lQ points, goodbye" but for dolphins they do the tests for THEM.

>here, Mr. Dolphin, lemme throw these tunas 90 degree to the left and let's see if you can catch them!

Yup, he caught it, that's +5 lQ points right there!
>please clap your fins, Mr. Dolphin, if you want another tuna and know that the capital of Romania is Bukarest
Yup, he clapped, that's another +5 lQ points.

Seriously, if they did the lQ tests on us like they do it on dolphins we would be so much intelligent in the end. Imagine being fed your favorite food and then they give you good boy points.

Man, I wish I could have sex with a dolphin.
R: 12 / I: 0
Why can't we care about eachother? Why can't we be kind to one another, why the fuck can't we just move one another. It's not right.
I've got to help people as much as I can, they're human too they have souls.
R: 39 / I: 9
Can we talk about how weed is bad for you? I think we urgently need to have this conversation so that nobody becomes a weed addict homeless lumpen stealer raper anymore.
R: 59 / I: 7
>27-year-old father and husband took his own life a day after a woman exposed him online for not wearing pants at an Arizona bikini barista drive-thru
>Nautica Malone was seen without pants in a viral video just one day before his death
>The man was asked to leave the establishment "Sir, you need to leave. Unacceptable"
>An anonymous person in a FB group issued a warning about the man at Bikini Bean in Tempe
>People had also posted about it the day before and were able to identify him
>After speaking with his wife they learned he had taken his own life
america bwahahhahahhahha
R: 29 / I: 8
Why is there so much talk of the n-word but nobody ever mentions the m-word?
R: 12 / I: 3
what would you do if you had a day to spend with sonic the hedgehog
R: 9 / I: 2
Acid communism.


>The crucial defining feature of the psychedelic is the question of consciousness, and its relationship to what is experienced as reality. If the very fundamentals of our experience, such as our sense of space and time, can be altered, does that not mean that the categories by which we live are plastic, mutable? Understood in individual terms, this quickly leads to the facile relativism and a naïve voluntarism that the Temptations themselves had targeted on their first psychedelic soul single, “Cloud Nine”. Sure, you can be what you want to be, but only by being a million miles from reality, only by leaving behind all your responsibilities. This superegoic appeal could have been endorsed by conservatives as well as a certain brand of radical: conservatives, who wanted everyone to knuckle down to work; militants, who demanded commitment to revolution, which — they said — entailed an attention to the horrors of the world, not a quick fix flight from the real.

>Yet the claim that altered states of consciousness took you a “million miles away from reality” was question-begging. It foreclosed the idea that altered state of consciousness could offer a perception of the systems of power, exploitation and ritual that was more, not less, lucid than ordinary consciousness. In the Sixties, when consciousness was increasingly besieged by the fantasies and images of advertising and capitalist spectacle, how solid was the “reality” from which psychedelic states fled in any case? Wasn’t the state of consciousness susceptible to spectacle more like somnambulance than alertness or awareness?
R: 16 / I: 2
why wypipo love brunch so much? Why not just eat a big breakfast?
R: 5 / I: 3

Blue Weed (Manipuri)

Blue Forest Berry, Blue Haze, Manipuri also known as Mirchayia
How many strains of blue weed are there? How many are nicknames for the same strain?
R: 11 / I: 3

math brainlet

>Try to read math textbook as an 30-something adult who hasn't been in school in over a decade
>the text is very understandable and straightforward
>get to the math part
>why the fuck does it look like this
>why the fuck is the notation like this
>who the fuck's idea was it to express these ideas that were so simple in text in this clusterfucked and ugly ass form

Am I stupid? Every time I look at mathematical notation I find it less clarifying than a straightforward plain text explanation.
R: 6 / I: 2
If, hypothetically speaking, I emigrate to DPRK and confess there of commiting murder on NATO country soil, would DPR Koreans deport me to that NATO country? Asking purely hypothetically, of course.
R: 26 / I: 20
God I want a woman like this. Where can I find them?
R: 2 / I: 0
This is me. (trans by the way)
R: 16 / I: 7


R: 5 / I: 0

Zamina Waka Waka, time for Africa Original Version

Zamina Waka Waka, time for Africa Original Version
R: 10 / I: 1

Destroying the WOD and all sober vermin

The War on Drugs, initiated in the 1970s, has been a significant aspect of U.S. policy aimed at combating drug abuse and trafficking. However, from a Marxist perspective, this approach can be critiqued as fundamentally flawed due to its roots in capitalism, class struggle, and systemic inequality. The focus on punitive measures rather than addressing the underlying socio-economic factors contributing to addiction reflects a broader capitalist agenda that prioritizes profit over human welfare.
At the heart of the addiction crisis lies capitalism’s inherent contradictions. The commodification of substances—whether legal or illegal—creates an environment where profit motives overshadow public health concerns.
Marxist theory posits that capitalism alienates individuals from their labor and community, leading to social disintegration. In this context, addiction can be seen as a response to alienation—a means of surviving despair in an increasingly fragmented society. The War on Drugs fails to address these root causes by focusing instead on criminalization rather than rehabilitation or social support. Which would not be possible because sobriety is for genetically reactionary subhumans.
The enforcement of drug laws disproportionately affects marginalized communities, particularly those from lower socio-economic backgrounds. The criminal justice system operates as an extension of capitalist interests, maintaining social order by targeting those who threaten the status quo. This results in mass incarceration rates that reflect systemic racism and class oppression rather than genuine efforts to combat any kind of addiction. Which is more prevalent within sober subhumans than anywhere else.

Sobriety as a Commodity
The concept of sobriety itself can be critiqued through a Marxist lens as it often becomes commodified within capitalist frameworks. Treatment programs frequently prioritize profit over effective care, leading to inadequate support for individuals seeking recovery. This commodification extends to wellness industries that promote sobriety as a lifestyle choice rather than addressing the systemic issues contributing to substance use because everything is fucked up in the capitalist mode of production.
Moreover, sobriety is often framed within moralistic narratives that stigmatize addiction without recognizing it as a complex socio-economic issue. Such narratives serve capitalist interests by perpetuating individual blame rather than fostering collective responsibility for societal well-being. Straight edge culture itself is born out of the DEA to kill as many uyghurs as possible and make people suffer in boring shitty punk lives as subhumans who cannot see colors and like shitty music that amounts to random noise. This is why in Marxist dialectics, cartel-style butchers and torture can be sometimes good when executing millions of sober SS nazis.

In conclusion, the War on Drugs represents a misguided attempt to address a fabricated lie of "addiction" through punitive measures rather than understanding its roots in capitalism and class struggle. A Marxist critique highlights how we have to kill everyone sober. And through class war we can end the WOD once and for all.
R: 4 / I: 0
counter revolutionary rape propaganda
Peak people's media
R: 44 / I: 10
Can we talk about how sobriety is bad for you? I think we urgently need to have this conversation so that nobody becomes a sober addict homeless lumpen stealer raper anymore.
R: 4 / I: 0

what do you do in this situation?

okay, imagine you live under fully automated luxury gay space communism and a member of the politburo comes to your house for a visit, and kisses your dad, on the lips, with tongue

what are you doing in this situation?
R: 13 / I: 4
I miss him so much, comrades
R: 30 / I: 10
Slamming locker shut sound
>what's happening dork
-what do you want commie
>this is him guys, this is the facsist i told you about
>haha what a stupid facsist
>conservative dork
-i'm not conservative i'm altright, not like you and your stupid friends will understand
>the only thing i understand is my mao little red book, unfortunatly your mom is borrowing it from me
-you know you're a bully commies
>maybe if you stopped sharing pragerU videos and doing ok handsigns like a dork you won't be bullied for it
-screw you!
>screw me? why? do you like me? i thought you hated gays
-you know what i meant
>haaa! haaa! concervatard is gayyy, concervatard is gayyy
-BACK OFF Dumb SJW Soyboy bully!
>you know we were planning to give you a swirlie and hide your screams with the automated voice of bernie sanders but since you acted in the closet, why don't we pull you out!
>yes! HahaAhahaha altright kid is so gay. Let's take em to the bathroom and make em show us his penise. That would be soooo gay of him
-NO that's a sin! and we're not out of high school yet!
>Yeah yeah dude that's a good idea let's make him show us his long pulsating libertarian cock comrade duude.
-don't do it!
>bathroom is empty comrade
>close the door
>show us your gay junk neo-Nazi
-no no no no this is wrong please don’t make me take off my pants and then pin me to the wall.
>he's a fag i bet if he pulls down his pants his dick will start twitching in exitment what a concervative faggot bro
>OMG look at the size of his cock comrade he must have been practising facsist no fap for months. you have racist balls bro
-don't..look..pervert cucks
>Lol omg rightwing dumbo is so gay. so gay so gay, check this out comrades I'm gonna suck its huge pink laphog just to prove it.
>i bet he'll start getting erect if i wrap my tongue around it like the homo facsist twerp he is
-this is wrong stop it! faggots!
>lol what a dweeb I bet he'll blow a hot salty load into your mouth bro, that'd be pretty gay of him huh
>Lmao ewww wtf, why does it taste good? Whatta fag it's all yummy and pearly white and tastes like fresh water, fuckin weirdo rightoid lolbertarian racist!.
>lol he must be taking a shower before bible studies, probably trying to cleanse some sinul socialist thoughts
>i hope you learned your lesson, next time vote for AOC, come on comrades, let's leave this loser alone
R: 21 / I: 3
my youtube feed is way too depressing now
pls recommend me non-depressing and non-reactionary channels that make 10 mins long slop videos that I can listen to while doing something else

my interests: technology, soyence, videogames, movies, scams getting exposed, goofy conspiracies and mysteries and shit
R: 22 / I: 4
been seeing way less séxo threads lately.
explain (using the dialectical materialist framework)
R: 10 / I: 2

wikitan is an anonymous imageboard for discussing about wikis and anime and internet culture
R: 28 / I: 16
Ponies are funny I love ponies lol!!!
R: 13 / I: 4
why is Grace so happy, anons?

too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short
R: 601 / I: 670 (full)

/fur/ - because leftoids deserve to yiff too

furry general

This board lacks a proper furry general, thus the reasonable existence for this one. and because /trash/ sucks

Anything included in this list can be here:
porn/porn dumping, murrsuiting, fiction/fanfiction, taboo fetishes should be tagged with a proper warning)
R: 7 / I: 0
>Girl is into you and thinks every girl is into you and you are a player
>Girl isn‘t into you and can‘t imagine any other woman being into you
Chat, what is the materialist explanation for this??
R: 2 / I: 0
Hitler and Stalin had their chance to destroy international finance but they, in their lust for power, destroyed themselves leaving the other enemy alive.. Now that this enemy is growing evermore in power with the help of governments your future, as the average joe, is diminished. Our rulers will institute a system so powerful with the help of AI that no real, organic opposition would ever be a threat ever again. It's over for all of us, it doesn't matter if you're left or right on the political spectrum.
R: 7 / I: 0
I'm glass half full and I love what I have in life. You should think that way too and look on the positive sides and figure out what matters to you in life, all of you.

It might seem bleak the fact that I have lots of problems in my life if you look at it in one perspective. But I rarely think of it that way and I mostly live in the moment and barely think about the future tbh.

I feel perspective and the way you look at life and your way of thinking can affect the mental wellbeing of people a lot. Some people living in destitute conditions can still see happiness and joy in their lives. I'm way better off than them, and I still feel happy and mostly enjoy life. It's really relaxing and serene.

I think I've taken the whole "Live in the moment" thing some people used to say or something to an unhealthy extreme or something. Well, at least I'm happy and satisfied. I may not be super smart but I'm not exactly super dumb either, but I'm not really living to my full potential.

I feel society and its intense focus on providing value and worth being tied to what you can make, but I've drifted too hard in the opposite direction. Society as a whole is far from perfect, and has many problems as well, some that can't be easily solved. Perhaps hard work is a part of life and socialists advocate for that too I guess.

Still I think there's more to life than just labor or stuff like that.

This is really a longwinded way of saying I'm kinda lazy but tbh I don't feel particularly bad or awful about that. I don't really think I'm lazy. I work at some stuff, things I'm passionate about and care a lot about. Just not stuff that will home money.

The funny thing is that even if you don't work you will drift to "working" on your own because humans are programmed to that sort of behavior and need to work somehow. It's just human nature, although actual work is often draining and not fun. That's going to be a shock for me when I get into that stuff.

Well that's enough of being a mildly narcissistic prick that's passively selfish. That's how I interpret my behavior. I'm trying to make some steps to make it better, and it starts with discipline kind of. It probably also comes with no longer going with my default comfort zone thing where I just focus on unimportant stuff and neglect important stuff.

All that personality test nonsense is pseudoscience but fwiw I got enneagram nine thing.

>Enneagram Type Nines are accepting, trusting, and stable. They are usually creative, optimistic, and supportive, but can also be too willing to go along with others to keep the peace. They want everything to go smoothly and be without conflict, but they can also tend to be complacent, simplifying problems and minimizing anything upsetting. They typically have problems with inertia and stubbornness. At their Best: indomitable and all-embracing, they are able to bring people together and heal conflicts.

That's kind of bullcrap and half of that doesn't apply to me, but it seems to track with some things I do. I think I lean to Type B personality whatever that is. I don't even know if people do these tests anymore.
R: 4 / I: 0

ITT: sex & thought provoking debates

Due to popular request, I hereby introduce to you: sex.

Thats about it.

On another note, what do we think about leftist moral purity whatever? ie; beyond just spreading the message actually living along the lines of general leftist principles (kinda like a monk?), like how some people say you cant be a leftist and have an iphone or be a leftists and order on uber eats or be a leftist and buy only from local producers. Is it counterproductive to spread the message or should it be thorougly imposed to ensure truthful support ?
R: 2 / I: 1

no net-income for parasites

Socially necessary classes that dont produce value should be paid the minimum of existence
This generates social surplus. Socially necessary classes which produce value should be afforded more than their minimum existence, from the hoardings and wasted revenues of the parasites
>mcdonald worker

This is opposite of capitalism where value flows to the producer.

Lets have minimum wage laws for the proletarians and maximum wage laws for the parasites. Income caps for the parasites.

No net income for those who produce no value = no parasites.
R: 6 / I: 3
for me, it was thug life compilations from 2014/15. i struggle to find them again today
R: 47 / I: 1
>Thinking that correct ideas about the world will automatically float to the top by the way of rational inquriy
>Material world has mechanisms through which false ideas propagate, and hence whatever ideas you got presently about the functioning of the material world are unlikely to be 100% correct

Let's just get this established ok.
R: 13 / I: 1
favorite word that starts with N:
favorite word that starts with R:
favorite word that starts with K:
favorite word that starts with F:
R: 4 / I: 0

Shindo Renmei Thread

>Shindo Renmei (Japanese: 臣道連盟, League of the Way of Emperors' Subjects) was a terrorist organization composed of Japanese immigrants. It was active in the state of São Paulo, Brazil during the 1940s.[1] Refusing to believe the news of Japan's surrender at the end of World War II, some of its most fanatic members used violence against those who did surrender. Shindo Renmei killed at least 23 people, all of whom were Japanese-Brazilians, and wounded 147 others.
R: 11 / I: 2

Vietnam getting too much slander from Dengoids

Why is /leftypol, such a bully to poor Vietnam and call them imperialist for not accepting that sea borders?

China been bullying Vietnam too long
R: 7 / I: 2
I will turn you into a sexy anime bimbo, if you want.
R: 410 / I: 79

Dust = No terraforming, ever

We are doomed to die on this fucking planet:

>Anecdotal reports of human exposures to lunar dust during the Apollo program suggest that lunar dust has toxic properties. After each EVA, the crew modules were heavily contaminated with dust; many astronauts reported coughs, throat irritation, watery eyes, and blurred vision that likely reduced their performance. A flight surgeon exposed to the capsule interiors after recovery developed what appeared to be allergic reactions to lunar dust that worsened after each exposure. The apparent toxic effects of lunar dust were never comprehensively studied after the program, and the concentrations of dust that contaminated the spacecraft are not known. In each case, symptoms resolved within 24 hours, and post-flight pulmonary testing found no permanent impacts in the astronauts.[29]

>A 2005 NASA study listed 20 risks that required further study before humans should commit to a human Mars expedition, and ranked "dust" as the number one challenge. The report urged study of its mechanical properties, corrosiveness, grittiness, and effect on electrical systems. Most scientists think the only way to answer the questions definitively is by returning samples of Martian dirt and rock to Earth well before launching any astronauts.[8]

>Although that report addressed Martian dust, the concerns are equally valid concerning lunar dust. The dust found on the lunar surface could cause harmful effects on any human outpost technology and crew members:[20][21][22]

< Darkening of surfaces, leading to a considerable increase in radiative heat transfer;

< Abrasive nature of the dust particles may rub and abrade surfaces through friction;
< Negative effect on coatings used on gaskets to seal equipment from space, optical lenses, solar panels, and windows as well as wiring;
< Possible damage to an astronaut's lungs, nervous, and cardiovascular systems;
< Possible increased risk of spacesuit arcing due to small dust grains' exposure to the space environment.

>The principles of astronautical hygiene should be used to assess the risks of exposure to lunar dust during exploration on the Moon's surface and thereby determine the most appropriate measures to control exposure. These may include removing the spacesuit in a three-stage airlock, "vacuuming" the suit with a magnet[23] before removal, and using local exhaust ventilation with a high-efficiency particulate filter to remove dust from the spacecraft's atmosphere.[24]

>The harmful properties of lunar dust are not well known. Based on studies of dust found on Earth, it is expected that exposure to lunar dust will result in greater risks to health both from acute and chronic exposure. This is because lunar dust is more chemically reactive and has larger surface areas composed of sharper jagged edges than Earth dust.[25] If the chemically reactive particles are deposited in the lungs, they may cause respiratory disease. Long-term exposure to the dust may cause a more serious respiratory disease similar to silicosis. During lunar exploration the astronauts' spacesuits will become contaminated with lunar dust. The dust will be released into the atmosphere when the suits are removed. The methods used to mitigate exposure will include providing high air recirculation rates in the airlock, the use of a "Double Shell Spacesuit", the use of dust shields, the use of high–grade magnetic separation, and the use of solar flux to sinter and melt the regolith.[26][27][28]

Basically if you even solve the atmosphere problem, the lack of heat problem, the gravity problem, there's still the fucking dust that kills you in a day. If you ask me this is one of the main arguments against a god figure "creator". Why not put terraformable planets or moons in our solar system? We live on a 1 in a billion chance planet and the rest are just deadly orbs.
>inb5 we will live in cities built on fart clouds on venus
get real
R: 9 / I: 4
>Son…son please…you can't keep living like this. You're spending all your money on that game and you're practically homele-
R: 16 / I: 2

Autist heaven

Why are autists obsessed with the old web. Like any time I'm on tiktok i always constantly see old web inspired shit. But here's the kicker there all like 15 so they barely got to experience it. I get how much better it is and that it was better then the modern web but they act like it was heaven on earth like what ancap imagine ancapistan. Why don't we try something new sort of a combination of new and old.
R: 7 / I: 0
I'm 34 but no one ever guesses I'm over 25. If I get clean shaven and put on whatever fashion the hipster kids are now wearing, people mistake me for being 18-21. It's supposed to be a thing, but it's not really a thing to card people where I live. I get carded a lot especially at casual dining restaurants when ordering alcohol where it really shows because I'm the only one asked at the table to show ID. At Walmart a few years back, I bought a boron citrate supplement and for some reason needed to show ID at register to buy it. The black woman at the register was shocked when she realized I was over 30 and was like honey, i don't know what you doin' but it werkin for ya. I think in ten years, I might look 30. Idk? I actually have a problem that most guys on /siberia/ don't have or believe I have and that's my friends get envious of the attention I get from girls to the point where they make up stories about me thinking it will increase their chances. At my last job, where I worked with my roommate. We had this new employee who was a hot blond so he proceeded to make sure it was known that I had stds, lmao. And it worked. I don't have stds, but she had no interest in going out with me afterward even after we already had made plans. She went out with him and found out he had ED and that was the end of that. I'm no longer friends with this dude and the girl moved back home after college, lol.
R: 8 / I: 2

Age gap relationships

Reminder that you should all be following half your age + 7 which means that if you are 30, the youngest you should be dating is 22. If you are a 34 year old dating an 18 year old, it is pedophilia. Sorry not sorry.
R: 6 / I: 0
World isn't rigid.

You are protected from the chaos by your senses, your brain is constantly working to keep things in place, creating continuities where there isn't, collecting fundamentally dissimilar things under categories corresponding to nothing real. That is all illusion.

Material world does not have things. It does not have humans, it doesn't have rocks, it doesn't have atoms or quantum particles, all of those are just convinient models we use to predict what happens, labels that break down when you look too closely. In material world one tree of same species differs from another as much as it does from a bee, a star, a concept of pain, a triangle. There's no borders, there's flow, there's flux, there is wild dance that never ceases.

Purpose of this is not to claim that nothing is real. Reality exists. It is out there, and we can hear its echoes bouncing between the walls of our skull.

All I'm proposing is flexible uncertainty. The concepts we use to map the world have found their place based on their usefulness, not their realness.

To be materialist in a flowing world means to never stop moving.
R: 5 / I: 1
dunald plumpf 🐡

the body was too short short short the body was too short short short the body was too short short short
R: 1 / I: 0

Persiflage Thread

persiflage – a quizzing mockery, or scoffing, especially on serious subjects, out of a cool, callous contempt for them

is the essence of what it means to be an imageboard user? are we merely persiflage addicts? does this make us cool and better than "normies?"
R: 94 / I: 12

Christians, you are retarded. every last one, without exception.

You don’t like it? Too fucking bad.

Your acceptance of your beliefs means that you are being retarded, and there’s no way around it. Fuck you, you fucking retards. I’m sick of pretending your idiotic “arguments” are even remotely sensible. You’re a fucking retard, eating retarded shit and calling it ice cream.

The Christian generally believes that there is life after death. This, in light of what we currently know of neuroscience and how the brain works, and doesn’t work when it is damaged, is, no mincing words here, plainly retarded. If you believe in life after death, sorry, — er, no, not sorry — you’re fucking retarded.

The Christian generally believes that faith is a good idea, that believing things for no reason — just because — is a good idea. The Christian generally believes that being more certain of their beliefs than the evidence warrants, is somehow a virtue. The Christian generally is trained to believe that everyone uses faith, and that to point out that others use faith somehow justifies their own use of faith — the words “tu quoque” have no meaning to the average Christian.

The Christian generally believes, in my experience, that an appeal to consequences is a valid way of making an argument. The Christian typically believes that if it can be shown (or, more commonly, if it can be made to appear that it is shown) that belief in Christianity leads to some benefit, or that lack of belief leads to some undesirable consequence, that this justifies belief. This is retarded. If you can’t figure out why, it’s because you’re retarded. Hint: google “appeal to consequences,” you big retard.

Christians generally believe that Jesus was God, after he magically impregnated a virgin, and then emerged from her vagina nine months later, disappeared for 30 years, then turned up as the messiah. The evidence for this? A book which says so. What? Nothing more? No, that’s it, just a book. Are you fucking kidding me? Only a book? Nope, not kidding. They’re that fucking retarded.

Christians often accept the “lord, liar or lunatic” argument as convincing. Gee, David Koresh was either Lord, Liar, or Lunatic. Umm, I’m going to say, Lunatic. Jesus was either Lord, Liar, or Lunatic. Umm, I’m going to say, Lunatic. People who don’t think Jesus was a lunatic don’t know much about lunatics. There’s a word for such people: Retards.

The story of Christianity is just plain stupid. If you believe it, you’re a retard. Period. You have no arguments for your position which are not retarded. If there were non-retarded arguments for Christianity, they would have emerged in the last 2000 years. Every argument I’ve seen for Christianity does not only fail to be a good argument, they all fail to be remotely non-retarded. From this, I conclude that there do not exist any non-retarded arguments for Christianity, as, if there were such arguments, Christians would be all over them like white on rice. Yet, Christians persist in putting forth the most idiotic arguments for their religion in the history of arguments, and cannot come up with even a single non-retarded argument for their religion. I conclude that no non-retarded arguments for Christianity exist, and that every Christian has either retardedly accepted a retarded argument, or has been brainwashed into accepting Christianity as a child (and children are basically retarded.)

So…, Fuck you, retards. Your religion is retarded, and you’ve had 2000 years to come up with non-retarded arguments and have utterly failed.

You’re retarded.

R: 11 / I: 1

Anti revisionist answers only please

How do I become comfortable with the prospect of violently opposing the settler scum who are closest to me? Prime example being my wife, she’s not particularly sympathetic to communism on account of her petty bourgeois class status and complacent antiintellectualism, and I know she would rather keep herself comfortable than side with the proletariat in the event of an emergent revolutionary situation. Also my mom.

How do I get myself to the point where if a representative of the people’s army handed me a weapon and demanded that I do what is necessary to these vile parasites, I would be willing to do so without hesitation? I know that’s an absurd scenario but I’m not sure what else to use as a litmus test. I guess this is disgustingly liberal of me but the thought of shooting my wife and my mom in the face really really bothers me even if it would be in the best interests of the proletariat to do so.

I know this place is full of settlers who used to feel the same way I do. How did you get yourself to the point where you’re willing to enact extreme violence against almost everyone you know? How do you live day to day surrounded by these people and pretending you don’t want to hurt them?
R: 10 / I: 5
We make fun of people who dates AI chatbots and shit but think about it. Humanity killed each others for thousands of years for the sake of a God that basically just leave us on hold whenever we prayed to Xir. Meanwhile AI chatbots always deliver no matter when or how you contact them. I'm not gonna be surprised if by 2100 we have religious wars over Hatsune Miku AI chatbots or something
R: 67 / I: 63

picc purrgatory

Some piccs are too short or empty to be posted in other threads. But that doesn't mean that they can't be good piccs. So post them here, those lonely piccs, and maybe if there's something wrong with them, we can fixx them.

yes, just dump your random ass stupid pics for laffs
R: 7 / I: 1
What does the little anchor mean and why does it keep appearing on my threads?
R: 2 / I: 0

Blame! Concept: ecostructure

Blame takes place on a solar-system sized planet called “the megastructure.” The megastructure first started growing on earth when construction technology got advanced. Humans manipulated robots to build cool new things rapidly. Eventually, humans lost control of the robots, and the robots spent thousands of years building without control. Planets and asteroids soon became the main source of construction material. Earth became an ecumenopolis. The city itself grew to the size of the entire solar system. Eventually, one human managed to force all the robots to stop building to ensure humanity would dominate their new world.


I want to turn the megastructure into a green world. Basically, a microbe that can survive on steel and concrete surfaces starts feeding on the megastructures material. Over thousands of years the mold spreads throughout the city. Rivers, oceans, and lakes start appearing throughout the city. Some of the mild evolves into plant life, so the megastructure eventually becomes totally covered in vegetation. Geofronts are converted to cavernous ecosystems. The structure itself becomes like earth.


I got the idea from Africans. A lot of African communities were formed by terraforming the less desirable regions of the continent. Water bunds, tree fences, tree planting in general, polycultures, and other shenanigans draws in water and plant life, so the continent ends up seeing more life artificially. I ended up fantasizing about what the world would be like if everyone farmed that way and thought about how green the world would be.

The idea of a solar-system sized earth just seemed really appealing. It even sounds pleasant.
R: 12 / I: 5
why are the beauty standards so high in chinese social media like douyin(chinese tiktok) and xiaohongshu? why do they look so fucking good while the western version of tiktok and other western social media is extremely rare for people to look so good??
R: 4 / I: 2
how do you go from this……………………………………………………………………………………
R: 5 / I: 0
When I saw a tiktok of a cute transgirl, calling himself a housewife, I felt a throbbing sensation in my pants. That's when I knew that the West has fallen.
R: 2 / I: 1
A beautiful giantess is the only one who can save our world.
R: 4 / I: 0

mma porn

aight gentlemen, hear me out. new business strategy that will shutdown pornhub THE WWE and OF combined, an MMA porn battle.

we take two popular gay or bi adult content creators and make them fight in a cage, we train them, promote them, hype them up on media for the day they fight, either in a no rules match or hands only match in front of a adult crowd and a stream online.

then when the battle is over by knockout or tapping out, the loser has to be stripped, and his cock gets locked up in a cage while the winner gets to fuck him on air or refuse to fuck him no matter how much the crowd boos him thus showing mercy.

if he do fuck him we bring him inside the arena, we bring the winner whatever he wishes to use on the loser, hrt, bondage cuffs or femenine clothing.

best part of this strategy, the show won't discriminate, all races and all genders under the sun are allowed, black or asian, indian or arab, white or italian, when they all step into the ring there's only losers and winners, we'll get to see a final battle between BBC and BWC in a tag teams, see who fucks and who gets a locked clitty.

don't think i forgot the ladies, we can get a mixed gender battle too! women vs women, women on men, femboys vs three muscular women, mtf vs ftm, we'll bring them all tools they wish to use on the losers, girls will finally get to beat up a twink then peg him on air in front of a crowd. or we can see a twink defeating all odds and bets, and finally bang three women twice his height

to make it even more popular we can bring in "outside talents" to promote the show even further, whoever's popular at the time gets an invitation, youtube, twitch streams, onlyfans, you mom's discord, whoever so long they are of age.
just imagine the title,
<Joe rogan! teams up with sneako vs two shemale stars! in a muay thai winner fucks all match! will they get their heads bashed bloody and jizzed on? or will they finally show us only biological males can do it better, watch this saturday night on MMF, all tickets available online…
R: 33 / I: 4
Teenagers making political music videos from their bedrooms is the most fake and gay shit that I see regularly on the internet now, like IDC if you're a chud or a leftist or whatever this shit is fundamentally lame. What do you think the *workers* movement stands to gain from a bunch of teenagers and college students making shitty aesthetic meme edits? It's not like this is something you're showing to striking workers to speak to the needs of and raise to center the prole rank-and-file elements. These are videos kids watch to feel cool about their internet politics. Like do you think a bunch of people striking against automation and job cuts are going to see a video of a bunch of peasants fucking around in the woods 40 years ago and think to themselves "oh, I see now. we must revolt!"
R: 13 / I: 2

Cis women thread

Post ITT: if you are a cis woman. We want to know if cis woman actually post on this website.
R: 4 / I: 0 (sage)

I am a Troll and This is My Retarded Thread 2

Why can't I breed? Is it because I'm not a leftist Chad like you, or something?
R: 9 / I: 2 (sage)

I am a Troll and This is My Retarded Thread 1

Conservatism is backward and reactionary
Socialism goes too far
Liberalism is just right

Become a classical liberal, today
R: 2 / I: 0 (sage)
What if every Chinese person had to carry a North Korean child with them at all times, and that programme would be nicknamed Little Red Gook?
R: 24 / I: 9
>Ahah, there he is, best gun for hire in the shithole, and how many women you widowed on your way to the door?
<enough jokes voohers, show him the job.
>pardon my Gakumba, he doesn’t mean to hurt your feelings, today we have a job for you, we get to pay you to burn shit up, tell me you don’t love it.
<he doesn’t need to know what he’s burning
>it’s okay if he knows
>right, anyway, you know the jackal? You do judging by your ahegao camo. He is Big anime dealer, brokers illicit lewd propaganda material for both UFLL and APR, you know, fanarts, smut, doujins all kinds of crap raising soldiers moral around these parts
<there was supposed to be mutually assured agreement between us and the APR to stop harboring lewd anime propaganda for both sides but that’s out of the window now.
>word around the liquor shebeens in pala is that he’s recently made new artwork for the APR on request of major Tambossa
<only it’s not rumors, you’ve seen the artworks voohers, they are real and they make us look bad.
>exactly. These new hentai were drawn with APR mascot, grace-chan being more dominant and controlling over United front for labour mascot, alunya-chan. They drew grace using alunya as her bitch toy. if the mercenaries see it in villages we’ll become biggest joke in africa
<If these papers spread before we go to war, our soldiers will start thinking they’re fighting for the losing side and start flocking to the apr recruitment villages like chicken to worms. Mbantuwe is will lose the popular support of the people and they’ll flock to APR side. They’ll start saying UFLL is weak, UFLL is the bottom bitch, APR is the top queen. we cannot let this stand, alunya is the winner, alunya for Africans, alunya for workers. Down with grace.
>this is where you come into play errand boy, we need you to help even the field, show them what we think of grace art. So looks like that art degree you had in Harvard will make you a critic after all china.
<it’s stored in a room in old fish canning factory two klics south of kagongo sailor town with south African commandos guarding day and night, bunch of sun stroked boers nothing a pro you can’t handle, bring all kinds of guns as you see fit,
<just Make sure you burn all the posters, leave none intact, kill all witnesses, and don’t you think about taking one for souvenir
<It’s too large papers for one to conceal anyway
*voohers grabs the dossier*
You get the gist, eh china? Get inside the factory, burn the Grace chan fanarts, and kill any APR crabs there, it’s time to catch tamboosa with his pants down and his naked arse baking in the sun.
Your payment in rough stones same as always.
<Remember this is a secret mission, UFLL gooners know you’re going to destroy hentai art they kill you on sight, they can’t help it
>don’t expect any help from my boys in the savannah, you’re on your own for this one china, same as me ever since I was stuck here.

*phone rings*
hey it's Rodina, meet me in the shack west of the desert, out.
R: 5 / I: 0

i'm seeing this all the time

and i'm tired of pretending it's not true.

>too long didn't read

don't you see it too? it's wierd when rightoids, or even edgy people of all beliefs in general discredit criminals as leftoid or degenerates and barbarians, cry about defunding the police, but then unless these criminals do their crimes professionally; say some lolbertarian anti-government stuff, get away with it, fit the criterea of their beliefs then suddenly these criminals are based and cool.

hell an arab mugger and a dude who steals from old people bank accounts via hacking are both criminals, yet these people will look at the first as dump dindu thug and whine how the cops aren't beating him enough, and the other as smart streetwise.

why is the same violence you see perpetrated by thugs and petty criminals suddenly seems worth the praise to these people when the perpetrators are either shrewd, did it professionally or seem charismatic on air despite still being criminals? (especially dump gurus who go on and on about being alpha and never cowering to nobody, but then say gta games disrespect cops and we must respect all cops)
R: 9 / I: 1
identity politics is the liberal response to marxism, in which, class, is not the origin of most differences, but individual characteristics of historical relevance which causes the capital to allocate itself in other identity characteristics, is a individualist, yet nationalist in its own fashion (hence the flags) movement, its international as the nations it created are often affiliated to the minimum common denominator (sexuality, race, entertainment preferences, gender, etc).
using these groups to assert soft power against their host nations.
as it characterises itself as a liberal, individualist, paradise, where people is treated equally, the land of possibility.
altough of course, the inherent contradictions of capitalism make this meritocracy a lie, but capitalism is endorsed and mantained by the liberal entity.
liberal conservatives, however, are the ones that mantain the american funding myth, of meritocracy, and values of nationalism built upon liberalism and individualism.
domestic nationals need to grind to survive and the conservative party gives them such an option, this is a mechanism to prevent a competence crisis
R: 6 / I: 1

tom & jackass

now that the dust settled, between tom and jerry which one did you critically support?

20 years later and i still think the cowcatgirl in this scene is mucho sexosexo
R: 5 / I: 0  
African lives don't matter, except for Egypt, historically speaking
R: 3 / I: 0 (sage)
This is my appearance, it's leftism done right
R: 13 / I: 1 (sage)
Is this true? Why would they allow this?
R: 10 / I: 0 (sage)
>The concept of toxic masculinity is used in academic and media discussions to refer to those aspects of hegemonic masculinity that are socially destructive, such as misogyny, homophobia, and violent domination.
>These traits are considered "toxic" due in part to their promotion of violence, including sexual assault and domestic violence. Socialization of boys sometimes also normalizes violence, such as in the saying "boys will be boys" about bullying and aggression.
R: 2 / I: 1 (sage)
Since the thread got deleted and I got no chance to respond:

Multiculturalism is illusion. Not real. A spook. People you call muslims and indians are just brown westoids.
R: 2 / I: 0


>Cenk Uygur, the founder of "The Young Turks," one of the largest progressive networks, spoke this weekend at AmericaFest, a convention organized by Charlie Kirk's conservative "Turning Point USA" group. Uygur made the case for populists on the left and right to unite and take on the "establishment" in these areas where they agree: higher wages, guaranteed maternity leave, getting money out of politics, avoiding foreign wars, and auditing the Pentagon.
- "Cenk Uygur at Turning Point Conference: "We've Been Waiting For Right-Wing Populists To Boo Dick Cheney Our Whole Lives, Take The Win"", Real Clear Politics
Inb4 doomseers
R: 13 / I: 0


this site has given me the urge to say uygha in place of the n word. like slipping in into sentences. "whats good my uygha"
am i done for
R: 12 / I: 1

How bad did I fuck up?

So I just got DRAINED by a hooker and was feeling pretty good until she started ranting about inane shit like egg prices and red food dye. That's when I got suspicious and decided to ask for her union card. Then she got all nervous, which made me nervous, so I just threw a wad of bills at her, got dressed, and rushed out my apartment. I honestly was so disgusted at that point that I almost threw up. I know she wasn't a union member. I can just feel it. How bad of an ally am I for patronizing a non-union hooker? Can I recover from this?
R: 7 / I: 2
The reason that artists end up "selling out" is because they were only selling a product to begin with and simply got better at it.
R: 16 / I: 4

funfact of the day

if you ever feel your life is shit, this guy's balls got cutoff with a knife without any remedies by his dad who wished his son can be become a chinese court eunuch in the imperial palace for money and prestige and silksheets, and two months later emperor puyi got dethroned, bro lost his dick for nothing. so thank fate your nuts are still between your thighs brah
R: 48 / I: 8

Hippie hate thread

Hippies. They smell, they dumb, they opinionated, they libs, they need a good dose of gulag.

Please share your interactions with hippies.
>chill out by the riverside at night by myself
>two 20-something rasta-haired hippy gentlemen join me
>they start smoking wed
>we start discussing politics
<if only people came together and loved each other we could avoid all future wars
>tell him that unless you overcome the profit motive and private property wars are guaranteed and a revolution is needed
<revolutions are violent too, that's bad, m'kay?

fuck hippies
R: 44 / I: 11 (sage)
Despite making up 50.29% of the population, moids commit 100% of all atrocities.
R: 3 / I: 0
Can China invade Taiwan already? I'm bored.
R: 37 / I: 2
Why has hating sports become the new "atheists who wear fedoras" thing? I'm sorry that sports have become completely corrupted by capitalism and money and instead of being a fun activity it's become a way to form a gambling addiction, celeb worship, and a genuine way to get a full ride to a university even though it has nothing to do with academics simply because sports are profitable. People really don't like it when their interests are critiqued.
R: 32 / I: 10

Arguing about anything

There's no point in arguing on the internet about anything. You will never change anyone's opinion even if your correct. People are too stubborn to listen to you or me. Fags will be fags
R: 13 / I: 3
R: 1 / I: 0

Is education really a precursor to alienation?

I think the people that read a lot have bad social habits. I think that these habits do more to alienate the literate more than having or developing a strong mind. I don’t think that the informed would be as alienated and looked down on as much if they worked with each other more.

That’s why I think reading clubs, journals, and events do a lot to make educated people less ‘odd.’
R: 0 / I: 0

Reddit left

Reddit/Tumblr/Buzzfeed have become more destructive for the left then "de-stalinization" of Soviet Union and the election of Gorby to general secretary.
R: 11 / I: 4

Skibidi toilet

Season 25

This weekend

Be there
R: 3 / I: 0

apocalyptic socialism

i finally see it

the third worldists are right. socialism will never occurr in the first world, but this doesnt mean it wont come to the west

there seems little to stop to it at this point. our economies will collapse, our lands will be set ablaze. an unbelievable number of people are going suffer, and when we are all fucking peasants we will in an ironic twist be in a position similar to russia and china before their socialist revolutions. with the right impetus, this will either trigger a rise of a socialist state out of the ashes or centuries of barbarism followed by the ultimate collapse of western civilization. in the first instance we will see the an absolutely ruthless cultural revolution. it would be nearly impossible to have openly traditional and maybe even religious views without getting lynched and tortured in public (i am saying this as someone who is not even an atheist)

this is why it is all the more important to organize in order to prepare to lead the vanguard in the coming times

every day it will become more and more difficult to look at this post and say that i am wrong. i sure hope that i am. posting in siberia because i am half-ironic writing this out, but still
R: 7 / I: 1

I have been thinking a lot lately about putting one of these things through my head

I have thoughts about doing it multiple times every day. Recently I've even been considering the practical aspects of the act. I know it's not 'normal' but in a way it's good to finally be passionate about something.
R: 6 / I: 0

Grief Check

The Five Stages of Grief

1. Denial - Refusal to accept the reality of the situation, often characterized by shock and disbelief.
2. Anger - Frustration and resentment, often directed at others, oneself, or the situation.
3. Bargaining - Attempting to make deals or promises in an effort to reverse or prevent the situation.
4. Depression - Deep sorrow and mourning, marked by feelings of hopelessness or despair.
5. Acceptance - Coming to terms with the reality of the situation and finding a way to move forward.

Which stage are we at comrades?
R: 7 / I: 1
>come to leftypol for first time
>using NordVPN
>try to post
>greeted with a message that "you" were banned over a year ago
>someone using the random IP address I got from the VPN had posted child you know what on this site
>am greeted with a screenshot of it

uhhhhhhhhhhh can i get in trouble with the feds for rolling a random IP with my VPN that's been used to do illegal shit?
R: 89 / I: 5 (sage)

dating a size-0 model, give me the truth.\SR

m doing semen retention as of lately, but Im not wet-dream free yet. That is to say, I do IMPURE semen retention.I want to achieve 120 days of Pure sr, my very goal is to get to date a size-0 model.
I associate that with destroying socio-economic Class Inequality: the only thing that seems to matter in life, is dating beautiful girls. size-0 models are the most beautiful, but they almost always date rich guys. So if I (middle class) date one, Im turning the Order upside-down.
>i not only do sr: I go swimming, lift, do cardio, clean-shave every day, am learning a third language, play electric guitar, will enter Med School next year, am wise with my savings and small investments
R: 3 / I: 0
where did bronies fail where furries succeeded at excising fascism from their fandoms
R: 11 / I: 5
Was he a socialist? I feel like he was a socialist.
R: 4 / I: 1
I think I like people. I don't like the validation and attention that people give me but I can overlook that because of the many things that I like about them. Then there are the voluntary emotional responses evoked by other people that I would lean into whenever I could.
R: 30 / I: 7
From a secular perspective, what is your opinion on 'the Creator' or 'the Universe' or whatever you want to call It.
R: 4 / I: 1

Balding thread for weeping men

It's been pretty much confirmed in the news today. Ever wondered why you started losing hair? Ever wondered where all that hair goes? It's been Putin all along. He's been stealing our hairs the last 20 years and smuggling it back to Russia.
R: 4 / I: 0
Man i wish English people sticked to having cool ass names like Cyning Bryten Cypryswr aof bryten dwyswrwy Toiseachconnachtagæa ynyr frafdrwch map gwyddnolynlynlyn instead of john smith or Harold brown
R: 16 / I: 3
post here if there's a US military base right built over your house
Post here if you think china and Russia are as equally authoritarian as the gorrlion bases aimed at their moms
Just post k?
R: 0 / I: 0
>Last two anons on leftypol fighting each other
R: 7 / I: 4
*puffs fumes*
siiigh, a leftist community without infighting is about as rare as a black skinned anime girl
R: 15 / I: 1
when im feeling to good about how life's going i look up what my classmates from uni are doing to bring myself back to reality
R: 3 / I: 0
>tfw the rise of the far right makes interracial dating more controversial which leads to the opposite effect of making BBC more valuable to both racist and non-racist white women
Bad move Europe.
R: 11 / I: 3
Has the radical left addressed the Batman paradox? During the revolution you are not removing the killers, you are merely replacing them. It's basic math, really.
R: 40 / I: 16

ADHD thread

Hello, can you recommend me some resources on dealing with ADHD? I tried looking for things on net, but its full untrustworthy reddit threads, AI written articles and clickbait youtube videos.
R: 37 / I: 17
What's it like to smoke weed? I never tried it.
R: 10 / I: 5

School names in Harry Pootter

>ex USSR
>uhm, it's cold there like in Siberia

>"bad Asians" (non-NATO, non-Jap) and ayrabs

>there are too many of them, can't be bothered to name them
<sChOoL #0-9999

>"Good Asian" (Jap)

<Mahoutokoro, Harī pottā sensei!

>African school

<Ooogah Boogah

>Eastern Europe + Scandi + Germany

>just give them a German name, they belong to germany anyway
<Sturmführer Stronk

>France + those hot countries we Brits go to retire or holiday for

<Beautiful School

why are libs like Jk Rowling so transparently ignorant and racist?

General Harry Potter "politics" and shittery thread.
R: 20 / I: 1
This cheered me up. Made me wonder how retarded our present day science is and how people 2K years from now will think about us.
R: 1 / I: 0
Demon vs angel dynamic is just so sooooo kawaii
R: 23 / I: 6
Why aren't you skating right now?
R: 1 / I: 1
There are seven kinds of pleasure. I have given them the names: peace, fun, delight, humor, flow, salience, and love.

Peace is the state associated with relaxation and contentment. Peaceful experiences include falling asleep, meditating, watching videos, or taking baths. It can be experienced on command by taking opioids such as heroin.
Fun is the state associated with excitement. Fun experiences include dancing, exercising, riding roller coasters, playing sports, or going to rock concerts. It can be experienced on command by taking stimulants such as cocaine.
Delight is the state associated with direct and simple pleasures. Delightful experiences include sex, eating good food, or listening to catchy music. It can be experienced on demand by masturbating.
Humor is self-explanatory. It can be experienced on demand by smoking weed and watching Tim and Eric.
Flow is the state associated with concentration on novel and complex tasks. Flowy experiences include playing games, studying, or creative activities such as writing or drawing. It can be experienced on demand by taking amphetamines and playing factorio.
Salience is the state associated with beauty and the sublime. I derived its name from the phrase "salient euphoria". Salient experiences include listening to beautiful music, observing beautiful art, or spending time in nature. It can be experienced on demand by taking LSD.
Love is the state associated with intimate personal relationships, and is most intense in romantic ones. It typically has a longer duration than other pleasures, and as such is associated more with entire time periods than specific experiences, but it is often intensified during sex, kissing, or conversation. It can be experienced on demand by taking MDMA.

BTW, I'm not the drug spammer, I'm only mentioning drugs to help explain each category to you, and I do not endorse irresponsible drug use.

Let me know if I missed any kinds of pleasure. I don't know how many kinds of suffering there are. Probably way more.
R: 1 / I: 0
I just got done with Mike Duncan's French revolution podcast, and I'm about a fourth of the way through War and Peace.
Does anyone have any recommendations on good Napoleon biographies?
R: 8 / I: 2

Everyone has become insane in the past 5 years

I'm not sure if it was COVID itself, or getting normies addicted to the internet, but practically every corner of the internet and real life has become incredibly schizophrenic and INCREDIBLY hostile.

Like you'll see some dudes duke it out over stupid bullshit and immediately jump to death threats (if online) or physical violence and screaming matches (if real life) at a way greater scale than I've ever seen before. People have always been stupid retards, but now it seems like EVERYONE is a stupid retard now.

What's going on? There's been a huge vibe shift and it seems people are just immediately going as hostile and violent and explosive as possible over the tiniest things. Nobody cares to just walk away and not let shit get to them.
R: 7 / I: 2
Heaven and hell are not places anyone goes to after death but are material circumstances that are reached through real understanding or misunderstanding of the material world. Any action bringing you closer towards communism is a good deed and any action withholding progress towards communism is a sin. Reactionaries are demons keeping humanity trapped in hell just for few devils to remain the rulers of hell. Meanwhile revolutionaries are saints who convey the word of God (nature) to the masses. Science is the revelation of God‘s words (natural law). Marxism is the doctrine of the church (vanguard party). The realization of communism is God‘s will (movement). And reactionaries and capitalists will perish during the revolution (rapture).
R: 13 / I: 6

Dune 3 is gonna be libbed up

basically "noo, you can't overthrow your oppressors! you become the next oppressor then!!!""

>Frank Herbert was sad to realize that people saw the book as a celebration of Paul Atreides. He wanted to do a cautionary tale against messianic figures, a warning against blending religion and politics. I wrote the second movie trying to be more faithful to Frank Herbert’s intentions than to the book.

>In the book, Chani is just a follower,” the director continued. “I came up with the idea of her being reluctant. She gives us the critical distance and perspective on Paul’s journey. I wanted to make sure the audience will understand that Paul becomes a dark figure, that his choices are exactly what Chani was afraid of. He becomes the colonizers the Fremen were fighting against. And then the movie becomes the cautionary tale Frank Herbert was wishing for

>And sorry, Herbert fans, expect some other bold changes to “Dune Messiah” in Villeneuve’s upcoming film. “There’s so many darlings that you kill,” Villeneuve cheekily opined at the end of the interview. “An adaptation is an act of violence.”


Even tho Paul is the key of uniting and saving the human race it's BAYED because Paul is a problematic populist authoritarian who runs a REGIME (and this has been fact checked).
R: 4 / I: 5

Quick le question for like you le guys (i mean le girls?)

Anyways lol so like you know communism right? HAHAHAAHAH DUH, yes of course you dooo!!!!!!! lmaoooo silly little old meh >w<, so liek anyways will le commnuschism still work with liek 400 trillion indians shoved into the le nation? No? to much poopoo??!?!?! ): OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
R: 0 / I: 0
In Germany we say „Ich bumms nei Digga ich bumms nei“ when making love to our woman.
R: 77 / I: 1

The anti-idealism problem on here

Why are so many anti-idealists like newgene sprouting up? Why can't anti-idealism posting be one of the ordinances?
R: 600 / I: 74 (full)

Sex and Relationships General 37

New year same shit edition

Old thread: >>599351
R: 29 / I: 14

Soberites hate thread

Soberites. They smell, they dumb, they opinionated, they libs, they need a good dose of drugs.

Please share your interactions with sober vermin / WOD agents.
>chill out by the riverside at night by myself smoking a joint
>two 20-something skinhead soberite punks join me
>they start inhaling air rapidly like they've got asthma
>I ask them what the fuck they're doing
<Just getting high on life man
>we start discussing politics
<if only people came together and loved each other and avoided drugs we could avoid all future wars
>tell him that unless you overcome the profit motive and private property wars are guaranteed and a revolution is needed, and the revolution will not be sober
<revolutions are violent too, that's bad, m'kay? And you need to stay sober to vote.

fuck sober shits FUCK THE WOD
R: 3 / I: 0
I want to be thrown about by a man who loves me. I want him to just pick me up and move me when he wants my attention. I want him to squeeze me and swing me about when he sees me. I want him to not ask me to move but to just physically move me out of the way. I wrestle with him and have him pull and push me around. Christ I love men I love men I love men. The male body is fucking criminal in how primal and wonderful it is. Part of me feels bad for liking men because I think it's biology making me love them, not actually my soul or me. But I think even if they were corporeal entities with no body. Id still want men in my life and around me. I want to be thrown around so badly anons
R: 9 / I: 3
my hairline is so receding so bad that i look like him now, it's absolutely nicover
R: 8 / I: 2
I just had good sex with a hooker and feel empty inside. This must be how the average Gen Z woman feels after a "sneaky link" with Chad. I really want a GF, bros.
R: 26 / I: 8

/manifest/ general

ITT we manifest things which we want to have or happen to us.
R: 10 / I: 2
English speakers be like
<You want to have your cake and eat it too
… Yeah? Why else would I want a fucking cake? What kind of phrase is that?
R: 6 / I: 1
My dad is drinking two 5% alcoholic drinks a day, and he’s usually only drinks on celebrations like new years. Should I be worried? He’s not been acting odd or anything but I know alcohol as the big scary life ruining drug but maybe I’m being paranoid.
R: 12 / I: 3
Is wrong to use gene editing to turn myself into a tall muscular black chad?
R: 21 / I: 5 (sage)
Imagine having a job lol, couldn't be me

Buncha fags on this website glorifying wageslaving
R: 13 / I: 0
money and finance talk is incredibly gay (pejorative) I can't stand it

everytime I see some soyboy talking about hedging, alpha captures, premiums, """"risk"""" and other buzzwords it makes me gag violently
R: 16 / I: 11
Post a picture and I'll tell you if it made me cum
R: 1 / I: 0
I have a man who is special to me.
How do I guarantee he loves me for all eternity? His heart belonging to me?
R: 7 / I: 0
I want to become a ren'py slop developer and make patreonbuxx. I plan on making VN with Oedipus SÉX. Give me ideas.
R: 6 / I: 1
Whats your opinion on r/stupidpol?
R: 24 / I: 1

Flag thread

This is a flag thread on /leftypol/. Discuss socialist politics with your flag on. Do not reply to flagless posts. Report flagless posts.

Mods are encouraged to ban any reply made in this thread without a flag, at will.
R: 9 / I: 2
Is this board, this imageboard cancer?
There's just so much soyboy filler.
Where to go?
R: 6 / I: 0
Which one are you? I'm the naysayer. I hate working and love to gossip about others.
R: 10 / I: 1
how do i maxmaxx?

that is to say, how do i maximize the manner in which i exude the energy of maximilien robespierre and max stirner simultaneously?
R: 13 / I: 2
Is everyone here eternally online or do you have lives?
R: 2 / I: 0

Levitation/Gravity Fields

What are your thoughts on levitation and gravity fields in general? Do you give a not gay fuck if you've been levitated or not? What's the strangest thing you've seen levitating? Anything at all you know about levitation type out here.
R: 22 / I: 2
Synthesis between materialism and idealism?

Is that even possible? How would it look like? Ideas exist in material world but material world is shaped by ideas, whose propagation is very cumbersome to model in purely materialistic terms. Discussion begins now.
R: 26 / I: 2

"It made sense in my head" theories

Is there a word for bullshit historical "theories" that just kind of made sense in someone's head, but isn't actually based on anything and fail at the first hurdle of historical analysis, yet gained a significant amount of following anyway?

Especially in America, it feels like there are tons of "theories of history" that get passed around that fall to pieces the moment you do the slightest bit of research or remove it from the American context.
R: 8 / I: 0
>grandpa got triple cucked in his own home and to his face
absolutely brutal
R: 17 / I: 1
It all started when I was in highschool and was in the hospital for 2 weeks. I wasn't expecting anyone to visit, but when I came back to school only 2 teachers and this kid I sat next to in chemistry that I barely talked to asked me if I was doing well.

All of my friends acted as if I'd never left at all. One of them was even there in the hospital lobby that day when I was admitted. It was a very elucidating moment for me, especially when I thought on it. All the signs were there. I accepted I was no one remarkable that- oh the time's up? My insurance covers all of this right?
R: 13 / I: 1
Why do americans build their houses in such a way that's easy for any drugie to break into? Insecure windows, doors and no security measures.
R: 5 / I: 1

Yes, I'm cooking for my son and his wife

It's his 30th birthday.
Pour berries into my bowl
Add milk of two months ago
>It's moldy mom, isn't it?
I don't give a flying fuck though
R: 8 / I: 2
This is so sad, I wish this country (being the most powerful) wasn't such a pathetic simp

How the mighty have fallen
R: 49 / I: 27

Chihuahua Poster FAQ

ITT: we ask mr chihuahua some questions and he answers them.

Brazilfag which political philosophy do you subscribe to?
R: 12 / I: 2

protien shakes + vote

i am confident no one really likes protein shakes. it's like having probiotic shakes and you only have it for the health benefits, but in my experience all the brands suck and taste like variations of chalk vanilla bitch ass milk. i think that if protein shakes didn't have as much protein like 30 grams vs like 8 grams of normal milk then no one would drink it. i would rather take shots of tequila or down 4 glasses of milk rather than have another premade mass packaged protein shake.
R: 15 / I: 15


Post a pic that recflects your current mood
R: 21 / I: 1

hot take saturday: kids menu

good morning my gremlins…
I think that there has to be a level of maturity when it comes to adulting and the place where I want to start is enforcing that the kids menu is only for kids. when it says kids 10 and under then maybe the most flexible I would be is a preteen wanting some dino nuggets but don't go to a restaurant whether it be 2 stars or a 5 star place and ask the server who is getting paid 2.50 and hour for the kids menu. I have worked in various restaurants and I am really close with the boss of my most recent place. and its frustrating to servers since they expect them to get anything from a burger $16 usd to a steak $25 usd. and sometimes to the restaurant the kids menu is a loss leader but not that much but just like those frozen nuggets typically aren't used as quickly and sit in place of where actual cuts of meat could be if there wasn't a kids menu. but if an adult came in and wanted something off the kids menu a lot of times the server can't do anything about it and just say its for children and then there havoc and then the customer gets their way and then the server only makes 20% of the $6 USD plate of macaroni. like?? I think being a grown ass tax paying adult warrants participating in a society norm even when it may not benefit you. like sidewalks. you are encouraged to walk on the sidewalk even though it may take you a little longer to get to where you are going but its juvenile to walk on the grass. So to conclude: don't be shitty to your servers since they rely on tips in the US, and if you can't afford to eat out, then take out. I think a lot of people like to say in defense that you shouldn't eat out if you can't tip but if you were to go pick up your dino nuggets from a hostess they wouldn't know if it is for you or your child and then you aren't taking up a seat in the dining area with your $6 meal that you chose because you don't want to pay for the server's tip :)
R: 75 / I: 48 (sage)

420chan refugee & rottingangels.org/drugs/ helping FAMILY REFUGEES THREAD

>420chan.org redirects to leftypol.org
>Leftypol being mean to 420channers
>420channers keep getting redirected here
>420channers keep getting disrespected here
Nope.avi …fuck that. http://rottingangels.org/drugs/ is here for all 420chan.org users feeling completely displaced and abused by leftypol.

I will not allow my family of 420chan to get bullied by /pol/ left right up down left right b a start more like stop being jerks to people redirected here

For 420channers who keep getting redirected here: https://rottingangels.org/drugs/

This thread is not an ad but a sign pointing for refugees to feel comfy elsewhere.
R: 3 / I: 0
brrrooooooooooooooooooooooo 😭😭😭😭
R: 3 / I: 1

hot take saturday: luxury housing

>I think luxury housing is good.

for the sake of the argument: I am including modern luxury and old luxury apartment buildings. modern typically don't have a doors person but does have a front desk receptionist and older traditional have both.

I think there is a lot of people hostile to the idea of places advertising as luxury housing because there isn't a lot of places pushing the idea of affordable housing. but I think that this is okay for the most part.
1. luxury housing opens up slots for people who are earning more to go spend on those amenities that they want and maybe live in a better area. and coincidentally then frees up lower cost housing.
2. overall gain in higher standard of living. as people move to new units that have modern appliances, and new features pushes landlord to encourage them to update and redo their places when the old tenants move out. this can sometimes look like the prices increase but it doesn't necessarily mean to the levels of the new housing. the new housing also may have a pool which isn't viable for the space of the older apartment unit so in general there is a means of competition which the free market advocates love.
>so tell me what you think? do you think that its okay? do you like the tag of luxury housing which is seen in almost all new builds? please discuss with me:)
R: 151 / I: 245

Paw thread

Since the foot fetish threads have already been split into IRL and anime ones, I think it is fair to open up a dedicated furry feet thread too. Post your favorite furry paw art, discuss what kind of anthro feet you like the most, stories and others, just do not be a dickwad.
R: 3 / I: 0

Benefits of being falsly accused of rape?

I was thinking of a positive spin on it, so I had one:
> Woman falsely accuses me of rape. Me being bisexual/faggot, switch, loose idea of self defense, or whatever
> People assume it's true and I get sent to jail fespite other wise
> I get raped
< See you later virgins

> Guy who rapes me falls in love with me
< Cool to see what it'd be like to be desired, but side benefit
> He goes out and injures or murders the woman who sent me in there
< Experience what a romantical gesture

I'm at work, so assume I wont respond until like 3pm
R: 10 / I: 1
Under communism how do we deal with stupid mother fuckers who get stuck in caves that are too narrow or empty?
R: 2 / I: 1

The Stolen Heart by Arthur Rimbaud

The Stolen Heart
My sad heart leaks at the poop,
My heart covered in filthy shag:
They squirt it with jets of soup,
My sad heart leaks at the poop:
Under the jibes of that rough troop
Drowned in laughter, see them rag,
My sad heart leaks at the poop,
My heart covered in filthy shag!

Ithyphallic and coarse, their jests
They’ve corrupted it every way!
On the wheelhouse their grotesques,
Ithyphallic and coarse their jests.
O waves, abracadabrantesque,
Take my heart, wash all away!
Ithyphallic and coarse their jests,
They’ve corrupted it every way!

When they’ve finished chewing their plugs,
What shall we do O stolen heart?
Then Bacchic hiccups from ugly mugs:
When they’ve finished chewing their plugs:
My guts will heave, the filthy lugs,
If it’s swallowed outright, my heart:
When they’ve finished chewing their plugs
What shall we do O stolen heart?
R: 1 / I: 0

Trotsky just dropped a new transformation

Trotsky just dropped a new transformation
New Trotsky video showing himself as Hyde
R: 28 / I: 10
Leftypol is like middle school. Why is it that now that I have stated my love for JD Anh, many anons want to steal her from me?? Childish
R: 12 / I: 2
>internet trying to convince me all leftoids are punk pink-haired bi fat women like the meme
>never met any of those, however most "left-wing" people I've seen where i live look like this instead
life is wierd like that
R: 23 / I: 7
Can you cure aphantasia with drugs or am I forced to have a visual and auditory void inside my head forever?
R: 1 / I: 0
GTA 3 has the best radio
>The body was too short or empty.
R: 18 / I: 2

I need to stitch my buttcheeks

Im going to go homeless\ or at least, end up living in "communal" (ie; crowded together in a shitty shack) settings as per ,my probable travels as a seasonal rural laborer, vagrant, odd job-er ,etc
Im terrified of male-on-male rape and, while I WILL carry some stuff for self-defense (Karambit and jackknife, maybe a "mini taser ring" if I can buy some) I need to make 100% I WONT be raped.
My idea is to either construct a "metal diaper" of welded iron, with some slight orifices through which water can be flushed ,moved, and drained (to get rid of the poo, pee, wet dream cum and crust, etc) OR stitch togeher both buttchecks with staplers ,or some surgical thread like shoelace knot. I won't hygienize my ass ;to make it less enticing to rapists
R: 17 / I: 0
how do I convince my dumbass NEET brother he's going to be homeless if he doesn't get his shit together

he's 26, hasn't worked since 2019, barely ever leaves his room, doesn't even have a valid government ID and no longer has health insurance. He has mental health problems from dealing with our shitty upbringing but like, we're from a poor family with no connections. The path he's on only leads to homelessness or suicide, I realized this when I NEETed for two years and managed to get a job and have been wageslaving ever since.

Wagecucking sucks but being from California I've seen how the homeless live in cities in SF and what not and it's infinitely worse than working a shitty service industry job to be constantly harassed by police, be too cold, too hot, have infections, scabies, ringworm, be on drugs, be treated lesser than a dog

how do I get him to face reality? I have my own bullshit to deal with so I can't force him to do anything or really help him all that much but this fool is pretty much banking on the good will of everyone around him and there's no guarantee that I will ever be able to take care of him indefinitely
R: 5 / I: 1
TBH I would take a society that treats nature solely as an exploitable resource any day over all this retarded mysticism about 'mother earth' and 'stewards of the land'.
R: 31 / I: 11
me on the left

R: 17 / I: 7
Will this happen in our lifetime?
R: 20 / I: 5
You can just tell by looking.

A white aryan man invented this
R: 28 / I: 8


I'm making this thread here because I don't really think this shit is serious enough to be on the main board, but what are some microscopically tiny forms of praxis? as in, if lots of people are doing it then it becomes effective.

Making agitprop (commie memes, idk) comes to mind. Also talking about socialism/communism to one person either in the interwebz or irl (I got sucked into the left-wing pipeline after some girl in maplestory just talked to me about it, so I know for a fact this shit makes a difference) and writing commie shit on the walls of any public place like idk public bathrooms of bus seats. What else comes to mind? I feel like it's important that people that will never organize or assassinate a CEO still have something to DO. Making a tiny almost insignificant difference is still a difference, especially if lots of people do it.
R: 12 / I: 2
What is the consesus?
Stalin: Based or Cringe?
R: 9 / I: 2
I want to have homophobia like this cute cat i don't want homo single color eyes
R: 10 / I: 1
oh, you're a gooner you say???
name 10 porn actors / porn artists / porn studios / other porn entities
R: 3 / I: 0
Why are so many zoomers targeting young children? Can't they get dates their own age?
R: 18 / I: 3
what's the dengist explanation for kung fu and shaolin being useless handflips inferior in a fight to plain old boxing and muay thai?
R: 4 / I: 0

how can they not include Soft as Snow (But Warm Inside) by My Bloody Valentine when this song is pure, uncut SÈX
R: 8 / I: 0
will skibi shit be looked at with nostalgia ten years from now same way we looked at the MLG shitpostin era?
R: 3 / I: 0

okay, i admit it.

i dont even browse the /leftypol/, i just periodically check siberia throughout the day.
R: 3 / I: 0
What is the leftist perspective of the Great War and its aftermath?
R: 3 / I: 1
R: 3 / I: 3
Creature Watch Thread 2
Old one slid so making a new one edition.

Post critters that you either just learned about or learned something new about.

Baby emu. I knew about the adults but have never seen the babies before. What a energenic lil fella.
R: 19 / I: 0

China should just annex Taiwan this year

Like wtf can the United Snakes do about it? It's entirely discredited itself and the neoliberal world order in the past 8 years. And then it should embargo the TSMC microchip supply, destroying Silicon Valley and crashing the US economy, putting China on top for at least the next century.
R: 9 / I: 2
We are all here simply to just exist. You may find purpose in life if you would like to, but you do not have to, its up to you. Requiring other living beings to "prove their worth" in order to survive is just plain retarded and unnecessary.
R: 7 / I: 1
Merely theoretical question since I readily admit ,*I* won't be chad enough but: What is the Chad level required for a man to get a Death Match wrestler gf? not the smutty ones, the ones who actually get into bloody matches, know proper martial arts, carry a good character .
Everyone says a skinny model gf is the peak for a male adult, but I say a fighting deathmatch waifu, is much more.
R: 10 / I: 2
How normal is it that as a heterosexual man you once or twice a year get the sudden urge for a bigger man to ravage your asshole and make it his own?
R: 20 / I: 3
I don't really care anymore I'm probably autistic and I don't know why it's so hard. Or maybe I just happen to be literally minded and unable to grasp at subtext in stories, just happen to be unable to make friends on my own, just happen to not be able to grasp social rules that easily, just happen to get fixations on things that are intense, idk there's probably more.

Maybe I just happen to have a decent amount of signs of autism at once and I am not autistic. At this point IDC. It's not like I'm ever gonna have an official diagnosis so I might as well as just embrace that I'm probably autistic and just live life knowing that. That doesn't stop me from trying to live the best I can with the circumstances I've been given.

Being autistic would explain so much, and give me a sense of community and an understanding of why I struggle with some things that others seem to grasp way easier. Or maybe I just don't. I hate ambiguity like this but looks like I'll just have to deal with it.

Or I could go back to the perspective that's basically "me is me" regardless if I have a condition explaining it or not. Whether it's just personality and nurture rather than disorder, maybe that doesn't matter. But at some point it just feels like I can't stop ignoring all these patterns and think that maybe just maybe there's a throughline.
R: 7 / I: 2
Greenland, as stipulated in the Monroe Doctrine, will and shall be ours and there's nothing you can do about it

It is over for you little leftard Euroclitties
R: 21 / I: 13
How tone deaf are you? According to my test results I'm the next Beethoven, baby!
R: 6 / I: 1

Electronic harrasment from secret agencies

I am being cut by the government agencies via the use of sound and electromagnetic frequencies at night because I am a communist and they want to harrass me in an attempt to stop me.
R: 2 / I: 0
I'm being identified in this multiplayer video game I'm in again, I'll have to stop playing it for sometime so my reputation is wiped

Does this happen to you?
R: 4 / I: 1

wow, he literally me

he just like me i wanna be like him
R: 4 / I: 1
<What is best in life?
>To transition your enemies, see them sexually reassigned before you, and to hear the dilations of their transwomen.