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Acid communism.


>The crucial defining feature of the psychedelic is the question of consciousness, and its relationship to what is experienced as reality. If the very fundamentals of our experience, such as our sense of space and time, can be altered, does that not mean that the categories by which we live are plastic, mutable? Understood in individual terms, this quickly leads to the facile relativism and a naïve voluntarism that the Temptations themselves had targeted on their first psychedelic soul single, “Cloud Nine”. Sure, you can be what you want to be, but only by being a million miles from reality, only by leaving behind all your responsibilities. This superegoic appeal could have been endorsed by conservatives as well as a certain brand of radical: conservatives, who wanted everyone to knuckle down to work; militants, who demanded commitment to revolution, which — they said — entailed an attention to the horrors of the world, not a quick fix flight from the real.

>Yet the claim that altered states of consciousness took you a “million miles away from reality” was question-begging. It foreclosed the idea that altered state of consciousness could offer a perception of the systems of power, exploitation and ritual that was more, not less, lucid than ordinary consciousness. In the Sixties, when consciousness was increasingly besieged by the fantasies and images of advertising and capitalist spectacle, how solid was the “reality” from which psychedelic states fled in any case? Wasn’t the state of consciousness susceptible to spectacle more like somnambulance than alertness or awareness?

Rest in peace Mark the fisherman, you would've loved fishing and smoking weed on acid.

Why did bro kill himself right before capitalism hit the fan in 2020

It's funny how the imagery of Marx (and obviously none of his content) gets co-opted by bored college students.

Wild but maybe bit simplistic. Like reincarnation assumes theres some individual, an overarching identity, that could be reincarnated. In reality we are a slideshow of many different people throught out life. I think the idea of partial reincarnation makes the argument stronger. It will not take cosmic timescales to be randomly born again, but the puzzle pieces we build our personality are partial reincarnations of past people and will go on living way past our lives. While we live we can alter them a bit, tinker with them, combine them, or with great effort even snuff out harmful ones or give birth to something new. It isn't hard to imagine that even now around the planet live multiple people whose personality is made out of very similar materials as yours. They may be more similar to you than you are to yourself 10 years from now.

Idk, buddhism has some useful concepts.

Fisher didn't invent the concept of acid communism, he stole it from some other guy Jeremy Gilbert.

>none of his content
You really think that we should be writing about marxism with the same exact words he used even when over 100 years have passed? If you don't see the Marx's influence in Fisher's text, I bet you might've read Marx, but never understood it.

we must oppose author worship

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I miss him so fucking much, comrades.
he commited suicide in 2017 and it was due to depression

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