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"No chin, no right to speak."
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When you're trans for long enough, you become cisgender.

Yeah kinda.
Hate when transhumanists are like OH I AM MTF HEHEHE
Now you're a woman, just a normal ass fucking woman, ou're not AMAB or MTF you are a WOMAN you retard.
Same with FTM, no you idiot, you are a MAN
OHHH I AM FTM POLYARMOURS LE…. std you are a greedy ass lesbian woman, end of

MTF poly, fuck I am tired. You get the point you are a human being not a fucking amalgamation of words.

wholly agree, i am very annoyed that people cross the floor of gender, only to create an entirely new and arbitrary gender distinction of cis/trans

trans women are women? how about trans women are cis women
and trans men are cis men.

Its like how we call 18-24 "emerging adulthood" now, when it's really just "demoted to extended adolescence"

there is no distinction.

how about im me and im flesh and blood and i love to feel everything

I wish there was a VR simulator where its just you trying to survive in a gigantic steppe

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