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/siberia/ - Off-topic

"No chin, no right to speak."
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>only consumes ultra-commercial slop like capeshit and AAA videogames
>complains about "muh woke culture" but won't watch a foreign movie or play an indie game, thinks the reason mass media sucks is because of minorities

The vast majority of American gamers

Only ever encountered them on twitter or youtube. They can't survive without full immersion in algorithms.

Including yourself if you truely believe that. Just going to a local games shop would shatter this assumption quickly.

actually its the vast majority of people in general. theres a reason why every movie with a message deeper than "bad guy bad, good guy good" gets completely misinterpreted by the normie audience

>games shop
Who buys physical now

Literally vidrel.
>The vast majority of American gamers
Do you know a single fact to back that up?

Games shops have kinda pivitod to tabletop, manga and toys / figurines fram what I can tell based on my local ones. They still sell a few physical games but it shares a shelf with DVDs for movies and plushies.

>complains about "muh woke culture" but won't watch a foreign movie or play an indie game
I mean minus the specificity of the "muh woke culture" complaint this is most people when it comes to art. They're incredibly incurious and close-minded and refuse to explore new things on principle. Complaints about culture not being what it used to be are always about the most mainstream, immediately available culture and carry an implicit unspoken "the stuff I want should be on the front page/top shelf/top billing of everything" – they make no sense otherwise.

i know someone who thinks final fantasy is some underground indie thing and constantly talks to people like he just discovered some kind of gem that's unknown

he also gets up to leave movies if there's a sex scene on screen and is a virigin at 25

Most indie games are **** and mass media does such becacuse of minorities.

I remember kids talking about Final Fantasy in school when there was only the NES/SNES games I, "II" & "III". I'm suprised a zoomer could be that ignorant to weebshit.



Not all zoomers are into the same thing

Idk if you're being sarcastic or not but it's tiresome


No you fgt, zoomers are **** what don't you understand?

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