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/siberia/ - Off-topic

"No chin, no right to speak."
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Yet another case of an heteroid male mass killing a bunch of innocent people what a surprise. Working really hard on these 40-45/90 stats

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pic unrelated

>the peoples police protecting democratic socialist private property

>boss calls the police to stop a protest
>police tells him they're in their right and that the land is chinese and not his
the opposite happened in that video but you're too retarded to understand

i also base my political views on random videos i find on the internet

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So what?

you tell me, you're the one who took issue with it

No, I just stated facts

Absolute majority of breedoid males are violent lumpen scum

Which revolution in history had female participation higher than male?

I think we can both guess an approximate answer..

If this was a thread about hating women or black people it would get deleted on sight instead of some pussy ass bumplock.

Are you implying all men are heteroids?

Oh no not the heckin straight moids, a notorious oppressed and discriminated group of people

iirc lenin was not only revcel, but most likely asexual or gay

>Are you implying all men are heteroids?
No? But surely many of them are.

(And i do not think it changes the answer of the question I asked)

In case you didn't get my point-
It is that, for your preached moral value of 'killing people is bad!!!' (And so men!), in what moment and inqurity that this knowledge deemed to be true, true about its object. At the end, it is contested, there are people of different wills/whims, and revolution is basically a clash of such.
But, to think about it… men oftently involve in ritualistic sacrifices in his will, many died in wars in an awkward solace where he closed his eyes hugging their dear companion, ( at the end, perhaps everything was ok for that. ) , but for female counterparts, we may hear less tales like this. Less tales involving women about those who had intricate, mysterious urges.

Maybe, but the point here is revolutionaries in history seem to be mostly males, like, I can guess that msot of the people volunteered in the Red Army were males.

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