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"No chin, no right to speak."
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Chuddies = no sex
Thats it,
Thats why they do schizo hyperborea edits
Thats why they worship father replacement influencers
Thats why they become more and more right wing
Thats why they hate all women
Thats why they go on school shootings

cracker woes


I get DRAINED by hookers every night. Consider that

Last incel shooter was a uygha. Lmao I think tgis might be my OC chudjak. Just the face and the crying.

It's not sex it's lack of relationships and marriage increasingly becoming a pipe dream

Fascism is just socialism without women.


There is no correlation between violent male behaviour and virginity. The actual problem is genuinely internalized patriarchal attitudes instilled by the entertainment and advertising industry paired with actually existing patriarchal laws. More exposure to women at earlier ages makes men less hostile towards them regardless of whether any will form any relationships.

he was a white man imprisoned inside the body of a black man

>More exposure to women at earlier ages makes men less hostile towards them regardless of whether any will form any relationships.

Not exactly true. Alot of interaction with the opposite sex is often done in institutional settings, like school or organized recreation.
But otherwise you're not wrong

Why did they cut off at 18? Lol trying to deny teenagers have sex. This neo prudism in America is stupid.

It depends on those experiences. More reduces odds of a purely negative experience though.

They always did this but it is becoming more.
Soon, they will use twenty five as the starting point.

Also everyone knows that socialisation in your childhood determines your ability to get laid.

There's plenty of virgins who aren't chuds. This is like seeing too many poljaks and concluding that being ugly makes you right wing.

Not really
New evidence on developmental psychology is showing that childhood experiences actually have a pretty minimal effect on how people turn out in life. What matters is more are the accumulated changes one makes throughout their entire life.

OP spittin fax

they should just become plural and date their headmates

Do you have a source on that? Since Anything before 12 is going to have more impact than anything past it so it will take longer to change. I am well aware of neuroplasticity and the whole lie that is the claim your brain stops developing at 25.

I'm a permavirgin with emphasis on the perma part and I'm not a chud I'm just a stalinist.

>New evidence on developmental psychology is showing that childhood experiences actually have a pretty minimal effect on how people turn out in life
I am going to need a source on that chief.

From what I remember reading

the researchers conferred the theory that a person’s behaviour in life is more determined by the sum of things that have affected their life than when something has affected their life.
In application, this theory means that a bullying victim will turn out to be a healthy adult if that victim lives a healthy lifestyle until adulthood. It also explains why people coming from war zones and poverty tend to find financial success through immigration and education. It explains why studies found on 911 and mass shooting victims find shockingly low rates of PTSD among survivors.

It also clarifies why PTSD or “shell shock” is lower among Korean War and world war era fighters than with veterans who fought in the middle eastern campaigns. Actually, a guy that wrote the “on killing” and “on combat” found that much of the PTSD among Iraq and Vietnam war veterans was caused less by direct combat and more by prolonged exposure to starvation and the environment the marines were in. This finding ties well into the theory I mentioned earlier

I could keep going on with examples of how resilient most people are towards genuine issues with mental illness, but I’ll stop there. You get the idea. A single bad event in life will not determine whether someone will turn out poorly in adulthood. A series of bad events definitely will.

This. Imo society has become far too obsessed with childhood development. If anything this "chuddie" crisis is due to adults putting brakes in childrens play due to some sensationalised outlier event/phenomenon.

Adults forcibly universalise childhood and then complain when kids grow up into confused defective new adults

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