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"No chin, no right to speak."
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File: 1737828902258.png (43.73 KB, 1435x964, ClipboardImage.png)


newfag test, if you know the origin of this flag, you're not a newfag

newfaggotry confirmed…


File: 1737829747956.png (Spoiler Image,135.12 KB, 312x373, ClipboardImage.png)

If you know the source of this NSFW image, you're definitely an oldfag.

this flag was created by the people's democratic liberation organization/party/front of sri lanka (marxist-leinist) [krishnamurti faction] which carried out armed struggle against on the andaman islands between 1973 and 1987.

Vgh, the bunkerchan of Antarctica..

The white make it look like the image isn't fully loaded yet

holy shit once i realized what it was so many memories started flooding in
that was a good thread

File: 1737974109736.png (6.93 MB, 1996x3364, ClipboardImage.png)

i still stand by what i said in that thread, instead of using slave labor we should create a gulag for captured rightoids in antarctica.

put them in a big kennel sourrounded with wires make them do manual labor

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