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"No chin, no right to speak."
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gigachads -> men who mog 99% of the population

gigathads -> chads who mog other chads aka THADS

gigalads -> they are so thaddic that they mog other thads and occupy a special hierarchy in the maleniverse (male universe) they also have mystical powers that sceince hasnt been able to decipher yet

gigabads -> their bodies are made up of 1% uranium no one knows what it is but scientists believe they are ancestors of ancient dinosaur civilization that died because of nukes. 1 gigabad is about as strong as 100 gigalads

gigacrabs -> theyre not even human just giant crabs that have haunted our planet for millenia. strongest being with a stronger punch than the gravitational force of entire solar systems

gigazads -> theoretical next level of a male. there is no concrete evidence that gigazads exist yet but there are 100 reported sightings every year especially in the mountains of tibet where it is believed that a tribe of gigazads have inhabited for millenia and trained to attain their mystical p-owers. itis believed that if they exist they could be a threat to the maleniverse (male universe) because anyone stronger than a gigacrab could literally destroy the planet with a fart

what about terachads

theyre like 1.000 gigachads but weaker than a gigathad. irrelevant in the grand scheme of things

As if /leftypol/ twerps are Chads

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