while modifying skyrims movement behaviour files I discovered something really awful about bethesda titles I thought was only an issue from morrowind to new Vegas. Bethesda doesn’t attach grounded momentum to movement, whenever you walk or sprint in a bethesda made game you will always without a shadow of a doubt always immediately move at full speed on frame one. This is also why the games feel noticeably janky and dated despite having their graphics and animations updated each release and why npc and third person movement tend to feel like you’re controlling a character with absolutely zero weight. Turns out it’s not just Bethesda a lot of game developers for first person titles will pull this same kind of trick aswell here’s some recent examples of this
Dying light 2
Cyberpunk 2077
Modern warfare 2
Ultra kill
Not just that even third person games especially the pvp ones don’t hide this or even try to
The division 2 pvp
Literally every 3d MMO
Nearly every assassins creed title has this same issue of weightlessness
This doesn’t sound bad but play any souls game, naughty dog, Bandai rpg, rockstar title or any game with half decent physics and it becomes way more obvious how much better movement in those types of games handle, it’s also why those games feel so much more advanced
>>27075Skyrim mod being the one that has a supply and demand mechanics changing prices based on how much you buy and sell
Meanwhile the new vegas mods simulates other aspects
>>27061They do it because that's what FPS gamers want. Same reason they do the fake first person where the camera is in the chest. FPS gamers want that "responsive" kind of control where no kind of acceleration and decceleration is accounted for. There's lots of other tricks that they put in as well. If FPS gamers wanted realism they'd play ARMA or something.
>>27083It's trivial to program the kind of physics being discussed. I've done it many times from scratch.
>>27086I tell you acceleration is brain dead simple to program. It really isn't much more complex than programming movement otherwise. You just now to add a function for accel and decel.
Velocity <= max velocity
Input adds accel per second to current velocity
Just a few lines of code, there is no technical difficulty at all. Someone who never programmed in there life could do it. In fact it has nothing to do with a physics engine even. Physics engines are for hard body simulation and etc, where simulating acceleration is not.
It is all a matter of prefernce.
>>34378You don't even need physics for collisions of the player hitbox tbh. It's literally just some basic geometry if statements capping positions. It can have better features if you do use physics though.
>The physics engine is mostly so you can have a tray of oranges fall over and etc.Pretty much, although you
can use physics for characters. It's just not done because it's not necessary or even helpful for what most games are trying to do. You can do more sophisticated movement if you involve the physics engine, though.
>>34394>If you could clearly convey what the character's momentum and body position are in 1st person it wouldn't feel as clunkyMore nuance in arm positioning, put some relevant info into HUD and sound effects.
IRL I can feel when I'm walking backwards into a wall (and distinguish from walking backwards into a person) or when there is air under my feet. Jumping in FPS with lots of deadly gaps (like in Turok on N64) is kinda awkward. Whenever you are about to fall if you don't jump, there should be an arrow under your crosshair pointing at the ground with variations based on the fall damage you can expect.
>>34444I agree, and going with what
>>34437 said about better visual feedback: Cyberpunk is 1st person only, but if you force it into 3rd person with mods the animations are all fucked up (vid related).
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