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/games/ - Games

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Here's the caveat: MISS me with games that don't have an overworld layer because IMO that's more fun than the actual battles half the time. Games like Gears Tactics feel very halfassed due to not having that layer where you can do research and get immersed.

My favourites are the 'After'X series, very underrated, but eager to see if there's any unsung gems I missed. Doesn't necessarily have to be modern day vs aliens.

i like silent storm. the overworld aspect is there, but it's kind of under cooked. it gets a little more depth in the expansion sentinels, but that aspect still takes a bit of a back seat. but i'd still recommend it to anyone into tactical rpgs of this kind.

New tactics game set during a worker's uprising on Mars

Yee I've been following this (OP), hopefully should be sick. I can finally play the Red Mars trilogy (well I guess Red Faction was kinda that already but w/e)

XPiratez mod

I've started playing this like 3 times but it's just too grindy and long, never got to the end

Playing X-COM files right now and having a blast

Looks cool, maybe I'll try it out, I wish these modders would use a more modern version of Xcom as a base though. I know that would be more effort but… OPENXCOM just feels so archaic today.

I've played it for like 15 hours now, why is it soooooooooo fucking long and so many repeated missions? Why are Xcom modders like this? Why do they want to long war through the same shit over and over? Just let me progress quickly through the game for gods sake.

>MISS me with games that don't have an overworld layer because IMO that's more fun than the actual battles half the time
I agree but you might have autism.

This is known, but it doesn't make my opinion invalid

I made it to like 60-80 hours now, I'm just really feeling the tedium, it's a shame because I really like the massive tech tree but the battles just get so fucking old, I think the breaking point just now was a 'zombie hive' mission where you go into the tunnels and the tunnels are like one tile wide so it's just endless annoyance of fiddling your troops around and not being able to see anything, I wish these modders would put their effort into a mod for UFO Aftermath or XCOM 2013 instead, I know it would be harder to make it look good but I don't care if they use low-poly models or whatever, as long as the gameplay isn't complete ass. I think I'm gonna quit TBH, this game is just making me depressed

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Phoenix Point, thank me later.

Played it already twice, good suggestion though. Polyphonic tendency for life.

Battle Brothers and Wartales are great games both on management and tactical level.
But if you are looking something close to XCOM in terms of combat, I cant recommend Showgunners enough. There is virtually no management other than picking which gun to equip, and overworld consists of finding colectibles and solving puzzles, but it has the most tightly designed combat encounters of any of these games I played.

I adored the writing (out of place ancom faction and wacky DLC arms dealer notwithstanding) and the desperate atmosphere the whole game had, enforced by how every mission you are under constant pressure, everything can go south due to single mistake. But for that to make for actually fun gameplay the mechanics need to be reliable and clearly communicated to the player. Instead I kept running into shit like bullets flying out of gun at bizarre angles, overwatch soldiers unloading magazine into a wall instead of approaching mutant, enemies hitting my guys through cover or wasting bunch of research time and resources on an armored transport because the game forgets to tell you its not something your soldiers take on missions but rather something you take on mission instead of your soldiers.

I must be at like 200 hours at least… it's just so fucking repetitive and I have to savescum so much. I'm really thinking of just giving up. It doesn't help that my playstyle is kind of boring, I just give 90% of my troops the best sniper rifles I can buy/manufacture because it works for most all situations.

lol anon seeing what you're going trough I'm almost sorry I talked about this mod, I'm currently midgame I think, mid 99, no idea how many hours I played, and it's true that it can be repetitive.
The thing is you have to progress fast if you can on the research tree and the interrogations to stop some missions for appearing, no idea how to get rid of those pesky "haunted houses/farms" though, I just don't do them anymore because those psy attack coming from the other side of the map are too annoying and I have a good score.
The game is throwing you some mean difficulty curve balls also, the red dawn HQ was annoying but man fuck the vampire castle DRAINING your balls sanity, I had to do it two times because I couldn't capture the queen the first time.

As of now I use salvaged alien laser rifles, pulse rifles, black ops snipers with tritanium ammo, one or two smartgun, a minigun, a dog and a laser tank. I also give a smart pistol and a katana to my guy with the most TU who I also equip with a synthsuit built with what I could get from Osiron crates. Melee is OP in this mod. I also save scum, otherwise I would use explosives, mortars, grenade launchers, rocket launchers way way more

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