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/latam/ - LATAM

Latino Americano
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File: 1732234636148.jpg (98.57 KB, 1201x713, yo soy.jpg)


Ego sum led to:
Je suis in French
Eu sunt in Romanian
Eu sou in Portuguese
Sono in Italian

YO SOY in Latinx


Romanian is the closest language to portuguese confirmed, get fucked galego

The -y originally stood for "there" and just became a part of the verb conjugation. You can find it in other conjugations such as "doy", "hay", "estoy", etc.

File: 1736027036398.png (375.55 KB, 602x798, ClipboardImage.png)


The mods should allow this one just because it's anti-kkkolonizer

>yo SOY
yes, spanish speakers indeed say they are soy each time they refer about themselves

El meme se hace más irónico cuando recuerdas que Francia fue quien forzó el sentimiento "latino" en la ibero esfera

Hypnotized hypnotist

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