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/latam/ - LATAM

Latino Americano
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Why does /LATAM/ prefer bunda rather than tits?
Especially considering the medical literature demonstrates that /LATAM/ has an enormous number of massive boobs

Do you have brain damage?

retvrn to the goonlags >>>/siberia/
retorne a los goonlags >>>/siberia/
retorne de volta pros goonlag, goonista >>>/siberia/

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socialist governments in LATAM will promote total ban on internet pornography, you'll have to go get one of the state allowed porn magazines from a state hospital like it's done with medicinal weed
1st offense: computer taken away for 1 month
2nd offense: maximum security chastity belt is installed on the subject for 3 months
3nd offense: the gooner's penis is chopped off with one of those persian swords

>no asses itt

what is gooning Called in Spanish?

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Only first worlders imperialists prefer tits. The workers choice is bunda.

I prefer cocks myself


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>pornhub in the dprk
yeah ok fake ass map

The fun thing about Argentina is that, in many of the things in which they align with "the West", it is actually a conscious effort. It is not uncommon that people there will consume things they understand as "white" or "civilized" instead of what would be their first and personal choice.
Source: spent a while there twice plus confirmed by locals.

Are you seriously arguing that Argentinians consciously jerk off to boobs more often to appear "white"?
Bro, get help

>Are you seriously arguing that Argentinians consciously jerk off to boobs more often to appear "white"?

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I recall some anon saying that he was on Italy or something and he met an argie who would constantly say some unrelated shit in the middle of the conversation to remind others that people in Argentina were white lmao

>an argie who would constantly say some unrelated shit in the middle of the conversation to remind others that people in Argentina were white lmao
That is very true. Seen it myself in Europe a few times.
Yes, the "Argentina is white" meme is real. It did not come out of nowhere.

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Why is my Instagram full of argentinas rabudas tho?

goonlag, please por favor onegaishimasu >>>/siberia/

Companheiro, deixa eu te falar uma coisa: o brasileiro quer gozar e não tá conseguindo. Quando eu decidi me candidatar de novo, chamei o Alckmin e falei: "Alckmin, o povo tá desesperado pra gozar." Ele nem piscou e respondeu: "Lula, eu sei, minha esposa mesmo vive dizendo que o brasileiro não goza como antigamente. Isso precisa mudar!"

Eu olhei pra ele e falei: "Alckmin, se a gente ganhar, vai ser prioridade. Porque o povo que não goza, é um povo que perde a esperança." E ele olhou pra mim, sério, e completou: "E um Brasil que goza, Lula, é um Brasil que prospera."

E eu prometi pra mim mesmo: se o povo me desse mais essa chance, o Brasil ia voltar a gozar. E é por isso, companheiro, que estamos aqui. Porque gozar não é luxo, é necessidade, é identidade! E comigo no governo, o Brasil vai gozar como nunca antes na história desse país!

Li nas vozes.

bunda is the perfect option. everyone can partake in the enjoyment of bunda, because everyone has bunda. never forget

Eu prefiro um macho parrudo e peludo e uma piroca pulsando e babando msm

Tem que ser uma coisa só. Não vale querer um conjunto.

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