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>>2175833>>2177598Anon, the fact that it’s being felt nationwide is indicative of the sheer amount of damage that fat retard has done to your country in barely a quarter of a year. Obviously it goes down in some places, but it also went up in others.
Going down universally especially after so many generations feels indicative of a bad omen.
>>2177598>>2177571>consumer spending decliningAll biden fault. Not our problem. Consumer spending down, inflation is up, and real wages remain the same slated only to rise. Current problem is solely the capitalist problem, yet democrat come here with their overlylong ravings about how doomed we are.
>debtLook at picrel i post below this. Despite how doomed we are, the mad Democrats still want us to pay "our" debts to the capitalists. The democrat asks not where debt comes from or to where it owed. Democrat in truth only worries of the international and national bourgeosies' problems, of their debts we are to pay.
>>2177571>consumer spending declining for the first time in actual generationsWait what? Here I thought it'd been on the decline for a while. Granted this is less hard data and more vibes.
Man things are such shit, bros.
>>2177707burgers WILL ukraine themselves
>>2177776>>2177788Honestly, would that even work or would it just spiral into full on civil war?
Like America seems much more armed, in general, than Weimar Germany was. Libs and Leftists both seem to be getting armed too (and if you haven't exercised your 2nd amendment rights, I think its a smart idea for everyone right now) and the people that most of these militia would have the most hard-on for beating down, like black and brown people, could probably make the Warsaw Ghetto uprising look like a civil disagreement. Which isn't to say it wouldn't be a horrifying experience we should all try to avoid, but I think the second there's unrest and Trump tries deputizing the, I dunno, Proud Boys? There's gonna be a lot of gunshots. And I don't know if guys with the mentality of being a bunch of bullies will stay cool under fire.
There are so many unknowns, that I think the longer the situation spirals out of control, the higher the likelihood of the military stepping in to just reign in Trump's insanity. Hopefully.
>>2177811I shouldn't be surprised little D talks like a super villain but wtf.
>>2177817Yes, it's performative. Most can't even read English and probably aren't checking his socials.
>>2177850The democrat say federal spending serves the working man. This is lie. Medicaid is scam. Medicare is scam. Social security is scam. All bourgeois scam, like rest of bourgeois state.
The proletarian knows this, therefore proletarians laugh at democrat performance. The glowie democrat incites proletarian to die for bourgeois state and its scams. Stark raving mad democrat says proletarian is cursed by King Trump. Democrat say we elected hitler then tell us go back to weimar republic
>[Murray] Rothbard, in his discussion of Robert Brasillach [French journalist and self-described "anarcho-fascist" executed for collaborating with the Nazis] used the biography by William Tucker, "The Fascist Ego." As Rothbard seemed to faintly recognize, the fascist ego and the radical, “anarchist” libertarian ego are identical on a structural level, that is to say, they are the same form of subjectivity in different moments. That is not to say that every single fascist is a libertarian or vice versa, or that they exactly have the same psychological origin story. What they both share is a fundamental misrecognition of the Other: the other is just a thing, some material for exploitation or domination. As such, they cannot understand and fundamentally distrust anything that doesn’t openly declare a relation between self and others that is non-exploitative or based on non-domination. They both cannot recognize any universal interest, only the wars and temporary alliances of particular interests, be they individuals, nations, or races. To put it somewhat differently, their universal is just the particular, it becomes the Absolute. Libertarians like to say, “Well, we hate the state, while fascists worship the state.” But this is merely a semantic game. The state as fascists understand it is not the state as liberals and socialists understand it: as the sphere where pluralistic, particular interests are reconciled for the general good. They have no such ideal. They view the state instead as a crude vehicle or weapon for the movement or the race. And neither have any conception of “citizenship” as conventionally understood, a set of inalienable rights: citizenship is a mutable and revocable thing like employment, based on the notion of one’s productive contribution to the whole.
>The radical libertarian critique of the liberal state and the fascist critique of the liberal state are functionally identical: they both contend that the interests of the nation are not represented or generated in the state, rather the state represents some particular group or groups lording it over the rest of society, inherently corrupt, often racially impure, and therefore must be destroyed. One might recognize superficial and deceptive similarities to the left-wing critique of the liberal state, which says that the state is not a neutral, rationalistic, universalistic body dedicated to the common good, but is dominated by one class to ensure the continued domination of the other classes. The left-wing critique of the state usually includes the notion that its class domination can be altered or, at least, ameliorated. The fascist and radical libertarian believe that nothing like a universal state can exist, except as a form of lying and manipulation. They also both reject the Marxist doctrine of class struggle and divide the population instead into a productive Volk against a parasitic political, bureaucratic, and intellectual class. By doing this they appear to synthesize the interests of industrialists and laborers. It can be both elitist and populist. As Lyttelton writes, “the battle of ‘producers’ against ‘parasites’ might seem to suggest the defence of labour against finance; but it could also serve as a slogan for the industrialists’ resentment of the parliamentary class.”
>To use Hegel’s terminology, the world of business and commerce is “Civil Society” or “Bourgeois Society” and is defined by self-interest and self-assertion, it is the realm of particular interests. What fascism and radical libertarianism both want is the subordination of the state to “Bourgeois Society,” not as a sociological category, but as a type of social activity, namely unmediated productive self-seeking and self-interest. Fascist politics and radical libertarian politics are both resolutely anti-political: they reject the legitimacy of the parliamentary political process and both “seek to replace the political sphere with a technocratic rejection of politics as such.” Some of the most incisive observers of fascism do not even dignify the fascist political entity with the word “state:” Franz Neumann in his famous analysis Behemoth described Nazi Germany as not being unified by a single legal, rational order, but instead as a chaotic collection of competing power centers, that ruled through terror, arbitrary decree, and personal patronage.
>Usually, the consolidation of authoritarian regimes is understood to be the State attacking Civil Society, but it really should be understood as Civil Society—the regime of business and enterprise—attacking the State. Both the “corporatist” and the “anarcho-capitalist” want to replace the State with Civil Society itself, just understood in slightly different ways: a corporatist views Civil Society in terms of self-organizing, hierarchical wholes, while the anarcho-capitalist views market competition as the only necessary principle of organization. The process of privatization and corporate coordination are identical in effect: they both seek the replacement of the state with the direct, unmediated rule of industrial concerns. This accounts for Yarvin’s synthesis of monarchism and libertarian anarchism and is the inner truth of Ross Perot and Donald Trump’s desire to “run America like a business.”https://www.unpopularfront.news/p/gold-and-brown >>2177892>>2177917>weak spots and crumple zones are a feature, do you want you or your car to survive in a crash? dumb videoThe main thing is it's poorly staged. Picrel is the first frame with the taillight.
>yeah taillights just naturally extend a foot from the car and you can easily pull them off with your bare handsIt would be literally impossible to pull off the taillight with your bare hands. You'll tear up your hands first.
>>2177926>>2177892Do I have to break down this retarded vid?
>She bangs the hood panel and it vibrates and warps a littleDid anyone think that sheet metal doesn't warp and vibrate when you bang or press it
>she hits the plastic grill and some vibration occursReally hard to see that much is happening at all
>she moves the hood up and down on its hingeI don't know, is this supposed to show the hinge is loose? Didn't see too much going on.
>she shakes a headlight that has already been unscrewedHow dumb is the audience this intended for? What am I going to do? show a door off it's hinge and pretend all doors are like that? How dumb do you have to be to fall for this?
>hits some sheet metal on the fenders and surprise surpise it warps and vibrates>Lmao, goes to the driverside mirror which was obviously completely detached then she just gives it the final bump to send it falling>pulls off some plastic trim glued to the sheet metal they undoubedtly loosened prior.>shaking a chair they unscrewedWho is this for? We obviously know no new car has a loose chair? Who is this vid designed to fool
>00:09/00:32Alright I'm through debunking this vid. If you fell for it, you are retarded, and you should feel bad about yourself.
>>2177776A more likely scenario is that there going to deputize groups of bounty hunters to hunt down illegals (and LGBT+ people). This is was actually proposed in Mississippi.
>>2177797>There are so many unknowns, that I think the longer the situation spirals out of control, the higher the likelihood of the military stepping in to just reign in Trump's insanity. Hopefully.Wouldn't they also go after Shadow President Musk as well? It's pretty obvious at this point he's basically calling the shots or at the very least, has way too much of a say.
>>2177892Americans love high-fructose corn syrup so much they build their cars out of it.
>>2177905You don't really need to get into definitions of State in order to draw the parallel between lolberts and fashoids. Like every reactionary, they're all about the unfettered, obscene enjoyment which should be the birthright of <insert ingroup here>.
Also that "unmediated rule of industrial concerns" doesn't sit right with me, as the supposed worship of industry by OG fascists is as farcical as it gets. They only praise that modernity in a pursuit to destroy civilization.
>But then the so-called exceptionalism of the US economy since the end of the pandemic was always a statistical illusion. One study reveals the real story for many American households on employment, wages and inflation. First, there is the near-record low unemployment on official figures, just 4.2%. But this figure includes as employed, homeless people doing occasional work. If the unemployed included those who can’t find anything but part-time work or who make a poverty wage (roughly $25,000), the percentage is actually 23.7%. In other words, nearly one of every four workers is functionally unemployed in America today. The official median wage is $61,900. But if you track everyone in the workforce — that is, if you include part-time workers and unemployed job seekers, the median wage is actually little more than $52,300 per year. “American workers on the median are making 16% less than the prevailing statistics would indicate.” In 2023, the official inflation rate was 4.1%. But the true cost of living rose more than twice as much — a full 9.4%. That means purchasing power fell at the median by 4.3% in 2023. >>2178008Multipolarista bros got really quiet
Turns out the multi polar world is just an irradiated wasteland split amongst warlords as humanity fades into the eternal darkness.
>>2177707i guess its time to start learnin chinese.
>>2178145This isn't any different from what the US put other countries through in the 20th century. Russia becoming a hub for child predators and escorts in the 90's was literally a direct consequence of America's "privatization" scheme.
I know this isn't really relevant to that woman's plight, but part of me is hoping Americans might develop more class solidarity through seeing firsthand how privatization destroys countries.
>>2178184>she doesn't mean an Only FansThy always do that. The rarity is people who do "social porn" as their main thing. Usually its a side hustle for people who are already whoring/stripping or gold-digging. "Social pornography" is self promotion at heart.
Of course most people aren't viral, future trophy wives,glamour escorts or grindset pornographers.
>>2178186an alien did make them.
the bourgeoisie are not human.
>>2178196For what? Employees are on the line for theft and will shut you down without a second thought, businesses take active practices to deter thefts within store, and the goods you'll have to steal just won't be profitable even if you can shift them.
The risk vs. reward simply isn't there.
>>2178198>For what? Employees are on the line for theft and will shut you down without a second thoughtIt's illegal to dock employee pay to punish them for shoplifters.
More than that though, I've just never heard of a company encouraging their employees to "stop" shoplifters. That will get you fired real quick due to corporate not wanting the liability if an employee gets injured or injures a shoplifter.
>>2178207>It's illegalAnd yet it happens in smaller businesses. Employees aren't docked in chain businesses but are given official warnings and are threatened with termination after two or three times.
You have clearly never worked in a supermarket because the "training" you are given is a form of hypervigilance in which you simply say hello and follow them around.
And then stores prosecute theft, share the information with the local PD who will put out an APB which will notify officers in neighbouring counties to be on the alert and you will wind up in a county jail facing charges you can't possibly pay back because half the shit you stole didn't sell for much anyway.
>>2178207>>2178218If you want any proof of that, go onto Youtube and type in shoplifting police footage and see what comes up.
If stealing were easy, everybody would do it.
>>2178207> It's illegal to dock employee pay to punish them for shoplifters.But what if it isn't as punishment but just a budget thing when it comes to smaller businesses?
> More than that though, I've just never heard of a company encouraging their employees to "stop" shoplifters. That will get you fired real quick due to corporate not wanting the liability if an employee gets injured or injures a shoplifter.I heard from a Wal-Mart security guard that Wal-Mart expects people to shoplift and already plans for the financial losses ahead of time.
>>2178218>You have clearly never worked in a supermarket because the "training" you are given is a form of hypervigilance in which you simply say hello and follow them around. Yeah, and then when they steal stuff you just ask them nicely to pay for it while notifying loss prevention. They don't want employees getting directly involved beyond being vigilant.
>>2178221>If you want any proof of that, go onto Youtube and type in shoplifting police footage and see what comes up. The reason this stuff is put on Youtube is a scare tactic. Cops don't really have the resources to prosecute every single shoplifter, and businesses don't have the resources to run these expensive databases, security cameras, and loss prevention teams. It's cheaper to just write it off as shrinkage than spend hundreds of thousands a year trying to claw back what is usually just a few thousand dollars a month. Cops also don't really enjoy going after shoplifters, it's boring and doesn't let them feel manly arresting a tiny old woman for stealing toothpaste. Businesses often struggle to get police to care about shoplifters unless it's a repeat offender or the person is already caught by loss prevention. Some statistics also seem to indicate that shoplifting is really an overblown issue nationwide. Those compilations of cops going after shoplifters and humiliating them are just propaganda. Most retail theft is localized to very large metro areas where organized groups are doing most of the work. Isolated shoplifters are nothing.
https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/myth-vs-reality-trends-retail-theftThis article was a bit surprising, I didn't realize shoplifting was so low compared to the 90's.
>>2178226I always wonder why you so often see people working at gas stations trying to stop people from robbing the store. Do they think it could mean they lose their job or is it just a fight or flight reaction I wonder. If I was working at a gas station id be chatting it up with the robber and only resisting enough to not look like an accomplice.
>>2178245More likely the internet will be taken than Canada. Greenland is more a concern of actual military invasion being on the table but the military kind of hates Trump so they might just refuse orders if given any.
>>2178262It really is amazing how with all the terrible shit Trump and Musk are doing the biggest grievance the Democrats have is that he's supposedly not committed enough to American imperialism.
Like go to any post on Reddit discussing something bad Trump and Musk have done and the first 5 comments are some stupid fucking bullshit about Russia. Like just shut the fuck up! Who the fuck gives a shit? There was one of those marches against Trump, I believe in Harrisburg, and I swear there were more Ukrainian flags than American ones. Really? Whatever little workers' rights and environmental protections we have, as well as a ton of other shit, are being stripped away, and your biggest fucking concern is that he might end a war we've wasted billions on? Like I'm not really pro-Putin by any means but modern Russia is certainly nothing like Nazi Germany, and certainly doesn't have the capacity to start WWIII.
It's like the Democrats ran the same losing campaign from 2016 again, and now they've decided to try the same impotent "resistance" bullshit. I just hope people wake up to it this time.
>>2178358Fr man just fuckin do it
Guy talks and talks about doing shit but won't commit.
>>2178175B-but poo in loo and tofu dreg.
I’m starting to realize how right-wingers always manage to destroy their own countries. That propaganda they post, they unironically believe it, at face value. So it made sense for Hitler to invade the Soviet Union because every single person living in the USSR was a Judeo-Bolshevik horror skeleton creature eating little babies and basically Hitler is the good guy knight in shining armor, how should the good guy ever lose?
For everybody else it was an obvious suicide mission. Even the underestimated troop and equipment estimates that Abwehr gave Hitler would’ve made the war impossible to win for the Wehrmacht, and the real numbers were 5x higher! So it was stupid, suicidal and very very stupid, did I mention stupid, holy shit.
But they still did it because… they believed their own propaganda… and how should they
ever lose? Fucking hell.
Theres another can of worms, I mentioned Hitler as the knight in shining armor, to continue this train of thought: there were propaganda pieces and posters just like that, showing Hitler as a knight in shining armor, the Nazis even wore plate armor with Nazi flag surcoats joining marches. That was the capeshit equivalent of the early 20th century, as knight stories and sagas were only superceded by capeshit since the 50s. It was 20th century liberal Harry Potter shit, it is all the same. People called the Nazis kitsch back then, and thats for a reason. Not that obvious from our perspective, but is a Nazi eagle with a Swastika necessary on every piece of fine china? Swastikas stamped into your silverware? Glassware decorated with even more Swastikas? And the big ass flags everywhere?
>>2178337I basically had the same thought here
>>2178166But, unlike 90's Russia, children in the US are already very heavily exposed to the commodification of women's bodies through the internet, and are being indoctrinated into believing sex work is a natural course for a woman looking to escape her lot in life. It likely won't result in public child prostitution rings, that's too overtly taboo. Instead youg women will be grooming themselves to open an OnlyFans the moment they turn 18, or hunting for rich oilers to save them from poverty through their Throne wishlist. We've already seen most of this happen: COVID resulted in like a 90% increase in the number of "models" on OnlyFans, and the numbers haven't really gone down. This comes off as just more genpol but "kids these days" don't think of prostitution when it comes to sex work. They think of selling your body to strange men online and providing them with a paid girlfriend experience. "Real" sex work is reserved for the homeless and women in the 3rd world. "Sophisticated" first world women are "escorts" and "content creators". The Right(and the libs) have been normalizing this thought process within women for decades, the hypercapitalist "do anything to survive" mentality that makes people perpetually desperate and servile is the ideal behavior for a woman under Capitalism.
Within Capitalism, nothing is off limits to being commodified and sold. It's a feature not a bug. If you believe women are property, and property only exists to generate profit for the owner, then women only exist to make money for their pimp/husband. Dems will probably throw a public show of how degrading it is for American women to be forced into this kinda thing, but it's purely for optics so they can beg for campaign donations.
Every single American politician is complicit in this plot to enslave women as sexual cattle. Except Bernie he's cool.
>>2178427>It's only solved by developing your society enough that women can make a living doing other careers.Translation: "it's only solved by developing your society enough that women can be exploited by non icky employers in non icky ways"
How about socialism? How about end exploitation altogether? Not simply the form of it? Another anon was pointing out the difference between being a protistute and being an onlyfans "content creator". One is dangerous and disease ridden. The other is "sophisticated." But when both exploitations are still forms of exploitation is the difference that important? Now apply that same philosophy to the difference between sex work and regular work. Both cases involve exploitation. It's not a matter of simply "developing" your country to a point where women do "regular" work instead of "sex" work. This developmentalist perspective is indistinguishable from the rhetoric of the neoliberals who speak of everything as a matter of capital circulation and economic development. And let's not forget the fact that men also do sex work, though at much lower rates.
>>2178441>This is not true. The soviet union and the united states detonated enormous quantities of nuclear bombs in the air over short periods of time,in much more controlled situations than actual combat situations where nukes are getting detonated over major population centers by missile defense systems. anon was downplaying how horrifying that would be. i wouldn't call it a "victory" if the chinese deflected every burger nuke because millions of innocent people would still get cancer or worse. Not to mention power grids get fried even when missiles are intercepted. That means blackouts in hospitals. people instantly taken off of life support. old people and children in the dark, suddenly unable to receive adequate medical care
>only damaging the local environmentwe live in a global environment where everything is connected. There is no such thing as "only" damaging a local environment. Damage to a local environment has consequences for surrounding environments. The effects ripple outwards in unpredictable ways.
> The nuclear winter hypothesis (which is a bad one; besides the point but just fyi)Not something I want to fuck around and find out about. we're already on the path to making this planet uninhabitable without testing whether nuclear winter is real
>>2178446The Republican base is so thoroughly drowned in ideological poison that any market crash will immediately result in anger and violence being directed at minorities instead of politicians. Remember the Haitians eating cats thing from the election?
When Republicans suffer hardship their kneejerk response is finding a minority to blame for their problems and then inflicting pain upon that group to cope until the problem goes away on its own. They'll never direct that anger towards the people who deserve it.
>>2178452>Nuclear winter is a very weak hypothesis, but again, it is a hypothesis that is predicated on specific conditions that are not met in the event of bombs failing to hit ground.You are not going to see a full nuclear exchange of thousands of missiles between major nuclear powers and NOT have at least SOME of them hit the ground. and you DEFINITELY aren't going to see major powers go to nuclear war and restrain themselves from launching everything they have. mutually assured destruction is the point. The only reason Japan only got hit twice is because the US was the only country with nukes.
>speculationyou're the one downplaying nuclear war and saying nuclear winter is a "weak hypothesis" without saying why. What is your field of expertise?
>>2178459Do people know that the US bombed Japan to the fucking ground before the
nukes atomic bombs? They got Dresdened but much worse in ever single city.
>>2178491The CPUSA moving into class collaboration by its leadership being strong supporters of the New Deal then WWII. Let us remember that the New Deal was put together to stave off revolution: the double edged sword of creating laws forcing employers to allow unionization (agricultural workers were notably left out of this), the creation of a federal bureaucracy to manage relations between the booj/unions and creating a social safety net.
After the war, many CPUSA members were purged from the unions alongside people who didn't like the class collaboration anyway.
>>2178503>he surely Surely.
>spread a lot of lies through the printed medium.for instance?
>>2178510>mmm yes, that one anecdote from Liebknecht, published after Marx died, is definitely a lie Marx spread through print…bullshit you dumb mothefucker there are many sources. In the infamous Jewish nigger letter he says "the shape of his skull attests"
>I asked you for lies that Marx spread, not things other people said about Marx after he died, or things that he said in personal letters he never published. I am asking for these "lies" he supposedly published. Not his throwaway thoughts from letters or anecdotes from colleagues.You are absolutely wrong that he wasn't a phrenologist enthusiasts. I can find many positions you are going to tell me Marx contradicted within his own lifetime. He has no consistent position because he's just some dude not the son of god.
>>2178512>bullshit you dumb mothefucker there are many sources. In the infamous Jewish nigger letter he says "the shape of his skull attests"ah so his personal letter to engels that he didn't publish while alive
You said he spread lies through the printing press, not that he said mean things in private letters. I am asking you to refute the core of his economic ideas, which is why people find him relevant at all. But you can only focus on silly things he said in private letters that were published posthumously by other people digging through his shit.
>>2178475>>2178478>>2178482Please shut the fuck up, you’re in every /usapol/ thread crying about Iraq, Vietnam, Japan, Mexico, France or whatever the fuck
You’re not even American, go cry faggot
>>2178516>You said he spread lies through the printing press, not that he said mean things in private letters. I am asking you to refute the core of his economic ideas, which is why people find him relevant at all. But you can only focus on silly things he said in private letters that were published posthumously by other people digging through his shit.Lmao how far you are going with this. I guess he didn't want to publish his darkest and most racist thoughts maybe. I have tyo go back and look at the asiatic mode of production and all that. God damn I'm too lazy to find it but the text where he talks about how there are "reactionary races" to be exterminated and he was talking about Slavs. I mean I don't know how you all feel about him but I just don't care for crackers like that. I don't care for Mt. Rushmore nor do I care for heads of communism.
It's like some joke I think Chappelle, about a time traveling Jewish nigger encountering George Washington, well it's the same for encountering Marx pretty much.
>>21785561. i am not the same anon you were previously speaking to
2. when the fuck did trans people even enter the conversation
>>2178659Especially you
>>2178664>I'm not getting neuralink put in my headDon’t need to worry about getting that junk out in your head. You won’t need it for this.
>>2178672I will go to heaven and be given 40 virgin animal-person wives and husbands.
You will be tortured by demons for hating and exploiting allah's creation (the animals)
>>2178667>the dismantling of imperialismdon't tell me you actually believe the jdpon don meme
>the elitesah yes. the elites as opposed to the mere bourgeoisie
>the deep stateah yes. the deep state as opposed to the shallow state. the state we can cheer for
>not evidence of trump being hitler or stalinhe's not hitler. he's not stalin. he's trump. what is trump? a bourgeois pedophile zionist billionaire.
>>2178722Notice how I quoted you directly and responded to your central points while you just made up some greentext I neither said nor implied?
>You are not a marxistI am but that is not the subject of the conversation. Keep moving the goalposts and strawmanning. The people reading are neither forgetful nor incapable of scrolling up.
>>2178642I dont own a house b3cause im not bourgeoisie. I dont own stocks because im not bourgeoisie. The only people who lose if what you say is true is the bourgeoisie.
Thats why the democrats keep trying to incite proletarians to kill trump, to die for their state and private property.
Viva comerade trump
>>2178198>For what? Employees are on the line for theft and will shut you down without a second thought, businesses take active practices to deter thefts within store, and the goods you'll have to steal just won't be profitable even if you can shift them. >The risk vs. reward simply isn't there.Elephant in the room:
Crime is a skill. You need to develop it to become proficient and to be able to live off it. Whereas sex isn't a socially rewarded skill for women and most already know the ropes of using sex as currency. It's just a matter of making it more explicit and inverse with regards to social status.
>>2178833The world has yet to face many more crises as the cold war and environmental problems develop. Even if you join the other fascists in defending that hill you'll be with the very very few against the many.
Bro, you are gonna die on the anti-migrant hill, literally.
Article about Trump by Deborah Veneziale of Tricontental on Guancha. It describes eight factions in the Trump camp and I assume this intended for a Chinese audience, summing them up as part of a White Christian Conservative Agenda (or "WCCA") in the United States.
>1. White racist libertarians in tech
>2. American nationalists and paleoconservatives
>3. MAGA and Trump’s loyal followers
>4. Builder of the global far-right alliance
>5. Right-wing realists
>6. Reagan-style pro-business, anti-regulatory believer
>7. Strongly anti-China and anti-communist camp
>8. Political Maverick
Then it breaks down the categories.
<1. White racist libertarians in the tech sector: This group is trying to take control of key government departments to tighten control over key technologies such as artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency (key figures are listed below). The first three are members of the "Paypal mafia" gang who spent their childhood in apartheid South Africa/Namibia and have ties to the region.
>Peter Thiel (Technology and National Security Advisor, Chairman of Palantir): The most geopolitically strategic tech billionaire. He is now the leader of the tech military-industrial complex and supports surveillance-driven governance and "post-democratic" rule. He once said, "I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible." ["The Education of a Libertarian", Cato Unbound, April 13, 2009.] His racist views were formed in his childhood when his father was a businessman in Namibia during the apartheid era.
>Elon Musk (actual head of the Department of Government Efficiency): His leanings are oligarchic, nationalist, Zionist, libertarian, and transhumanist. To him, transhumanism means an AI-powered future where humans merge with AI. He grew up in a far-right family in apartheid South Africa, which shaped his white racist views and Nazi sympathies. His grandfather was a bona fide Nazi. His Nazi salute was lightly explained away as a flash in the pan. [Editor, “Nazi Billionaires: Fascism in the Elon Musk Family Tree | MR Online”, January 28, 2025.]
>David Sacks (White House Clerk for Artificial Intelligence and Cryptocurrency)
>Marc Andreessen (self-proclaimed "unpaid intern" in the Department of Government Efficiency): Supports technocratic authoritarianism or corporate technocracy. In 2016, he said: "Anti-colonialism has been causing economic disasters for the Indian people for decades. Why stop now?"
<2. American nationalists and old conservatives: advocate national sovereignty, economic protectionism, and a "restrained" foreign policy. Well-known figures include:
>James David Vance (Vice President): Peter Thiel's protégé.
>Stephen Miller (Senior Advisor)
>Tucker Carlson (media influencer): A leader of the anti-imperialist right, the staunchest opponent of U.S. foreign intervention, and sympathetic to Putin.
>Michael Anton (Under Secretary of State for Policy Analysis): Perhaps the smartest of the far-right intellectuals, he advocates for Caesarism in the United States and has close ties to Vance.
>Mike Waltz (National Security Advisor)
>Rand Paul (foreign policy adviser): Marginal figure.
<3. Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement and Trump’s loyal followers: Characterized by unwavering support for President Trump’s agenda, this faction emphasizes loyalty and alignment with Trump’s vision. Its main members include:
>Pete Hegseth (Secretary of Defense): An extreme Christian Zionist who is determined to purge the concept of "diversity, equality, and inclusion" (DEI) from the military.
>Pam Bondi (Attorney General)
>Charlie Kirk (founder and president of Turning Point USA [TPUSA]): TPUSA is a well-known conservative organization dedicated to attracting young people to participate in promoting free markets and limited government.
>Lori Chavez-Dremer (Secretary of Labor)
>Sean Duffy (Minister of Transport)
>Doug Collins (Secretary of Veterans Affairs)
>Kristi Noem (Secretary of Homeland Security)
>Elise Stefanik (U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations)
<4. Global Far-Right Alliance Builders: This faction aims to develop, support and integrate the global far-right movement and cultivate a permanent transnational extreme nationalist network.
>Steve Bannon (chief strategist and unofficial operator of the Trump camp): the main ideological link between Trumpism and global far-right leaders such as Bolsonaro (Brazil), Millei (Argentina), Le Pen (France) and Orban (Hungary); a self-proclaimed advocate of the working class "cultural right", but inconsistent in economic populism, sometimes calling for higher taxes on the rich; anti-China, but this is not his main goal, his main goal is to build a lasting global far-right movement.
>Nigel Farage (European affairs adviser, leader of the UK Reform Party): He is a key figure in transatlantic right-wing coordination, especially in the UK and the EU; but his influence in the Trump camp is uncertain.
<5. Right-wing realists: This group of people opposes the views of Bolton and others. Trump believes that Bolton is a hawkish madman; they are called "restraintists" and oppose excessive expansionism.
<They believe in optimistic realism, which is reflected in the belief that Iran should be contained rather than invaded, and that even if Iran possesses nuclear weapons, it will not pose a real threat to Israel or the United States because Iran only has defensive capabilities. Members include:
>Elbridge Colby (Under Secretary of Defense for Defense Policy): Advocates for reducing the U.S. military presence in the Middle East and Europe to prioritize the Indo-Pacific region and contain China; he is the son of William Colby, who served as CIA director under Nixon and Ford.
>John Ratcliffe (CIA Director): Skeptical of intelligence agencies.
>Michael DiMino (Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East Affairs): He believes that the Middle East is not of vital importance to the United States and has said that any effort to eradicate Hamas from Gaza is a pipe dream.
>Steve Witkoff (real estate billionaire with close ties to Trump): Special envoy for Gaza and Ukraine negotiations.
<6. Reagan-style pro-business and anti-regulatory believers, including:
>Scott Bessant (Minister of Finance)
>Russell Vought (Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget): He sounds like a traditional John Birch Society member (the far right of the 1960s) who believes that Democrats are communists.
>Doug Burgum (Secretary of the Interior)
>Brooke Rawlings (Secretary of Agriculture)
>Howard Lutnick (Secretary of Commerce)
>Lee Zeldin (Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency)
>Chris Wright (Energy Secretary): CEO of Liberty Energy Oilfield Services Group
<7. The camp that is strongly anti-China and anti-communist: This group exhibits conspiracy theories and cult-like behavior, is known for its extreme ideological fanaticism, and views all international issues from an anti-communist perspective.
<They view China not only as a geopolitical rival but also as an ideological existential threat, arguing that China has orchestrated almost every major threat to U.S. power. They also maintain Cold War-style hostility toward Venezuela, Cuba, and other left-wing regimes, but prioritize China as the core battlefield.
>Marco Rubio (Secretary of State): Unable to maintain his own strong opposition to Venezuela, Cuba, and China; now plays a sycophantic role in the administration and has tried and failed to soft-pedal USAID.
>Landon Hyde (Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration): responsible for overseeing export controls designed to limit China’s access to U.S. technology.
>Peter Navarro (Senior Advisor for Trade and Manufacturing): His book Death by China helped shape Trump’s anti-China stance during his first term.
>Peter Thiel (see Group 1): He is extremely anti-communist, believes that it is treasonous for American technology companies to cooperate with China, and promotes extreme decoupling strategies.
>Jamison Greer (U.S. Trade Representative)
<8. Political mavericks, used to expand Trump's base and weaken the Democratic Party:
>Tulsi Gabbard (Director of National Intelligence)
>Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. (Secretary of Health and Human Services)
>>2178876The article then goes into the members of the National Security Council, and says that of all the capitalists, Peter Thiel has the most control over the NSC due to the number of sitting members financially linked to Thiel, which means he is "probably one of the most dangerous people on the planet. He is a staunch white supremacist and fascist. He is probably the smartest anti-communist in the United States."
The article also talks about Trump's anti-missile "Golden Dome," which "is actually a sinister expansion of the U.S. military’s counterforce doctrine, which was reaffirmed in the 2024 U.S. Department of Defense’s 'Strategy for the Employment of Nuclear Weapons.'" The core of this doctrine is in the ability to launch a preemptive nuclear strike and thus "win" a nuclear war by destroying Russia and China's ability to counterattack a U.S. preemptive strike.
On Russia – the U.S. wants to draw Russia back into its orbit. This is based on a view that the U.S. cannot fight a war with Russia and China at the same time. There are "WCCA" (white Christian conservative agenda) forces in Russia that might welcome an alliance with the U.S., but in the short term they would be unlikely to succeed because of the influence of senior Russian political and military forces "who are well aware of Trump's deceptive and erratic tactics."
Trump's proposal that the U.S., Russia and China reduce their military budgets by half is also a trick. The U.S. accounts for more than 50% of global spending, and controls another 25% through vassal states such as Germany and Japan. "If we take into account past military spending and per capita factors, the ulterior motives of Trump's proposal are obvious. The world cannot allow the United States to disguise itself as a peace proposal with such a proposal."
Saudi Arabia also wants to use the U.S., Israel and India to counter China, "thereby making itself the region's top economic hegemon. They envision a period of renaissance in the Middle East, and Trump's Gaza plan disrupts their calculations. Currently, Saudi Arabia is discussing proposing its own reconstruction plan that will not expel all Palestinians. It is not yet known whether the Palestinians will welcome this plan."
The article predicts that far-right fundamentalism in the U.S. will unleash conservative forces in the Global South. "Upper-class forces in key countries of the Global South do not consider the interests of their own people in their plans and will be used by the U.S. to attack all socialist projects." But looking ahead, the United States will rely more on naked force, and its 'iron fist hidden in a velvet glove' side will become less and less common."
>The lie that American democracy is worthy of emulation, that its constitution has checks and balances, and that Western electoral systems prevent "dictatorship" has been thoroughly debunked. After all, the United States has never been democratic to its broad working class, let alone ordinary people in the global South. Capital's historic concentration of economic and political power is being further consolidated by the rise of computing technology-related industries and billionaires. This industry began with a single transistor in 1947 and has expanded to cloud computing, big data, the Internet of Things, blockchain, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrencies, drones, constellations of low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellites, "command, control, communications, computers and intelligence" (C4I) military operations, quantum computing and biotechnology.
>The monopolies and duopolies created by this technological revolution affect business to business (Second Department), business to consumer (First Department), the media and thought sphere (Hegemony), and the military and intelligence services (The State). This is the first time in history that technology has played such a pervasive role in both the economic base and the superstructure of society.
>A global counterforce must be created as soon as possible. It will not come from within the imperialist camp. Although objectively the Global South should have immediately become a fertile ground for this new force, parts of the Global South's elites are not committed to a truly patriotic nation-building project, but rather to tying their economic interests to those of the West.
>We need to develop a difficult and creative strategy to unite all those willing to recognize the extreme danger of declining American imperialism. Socialist countries have begun to shoulder the responsibility of building a common moral high ground to confront the decay of the West.https://www.guancha.cn/DeborahVeneziale/2025_02_27_766511_1.shtml Here's another article about Trump's business style by Xue Kaihuan, a master's student in international relations at Belarusian State University in Minsk.
He describes Trump's style as coming out of extreme business negotiation styles. He has a zero-sum logic and relies on shock-and-awe methods to force enemies to react hastily and expose their weaknesses, which increases his own position at the bargaining table. This is nothing new but I think it's worth reiterating. He suggests the correct strategy for Trump's enemies is to be like Fabius, the Roman general who adopted a firm but patient "protracted war" strategy (sounds like Mao) against Hannibal. Interestingly, he believes the Democrats in the U.S. would make the correct decision by not overreacting and waiting for Trump to fuck up.
>Generally speaking, a government's governing philosophy should be judged by its long-term actions. Trump has only been in office for a little over a month, and judging his governing philosophy based on the situation in this month does not seem to be very convincing. This is why many people believe that Trump is eager to resolve the Ukraine issue in order to "ally with Russia to contain China." This is actually due to the lack of time and factual evidence, so Trump's logic of action in his first term was applied to his second term. The author believes that the reason why Trump chose to speed up the pace is because he is not good at following the rules. Therefore, he decided to cut the Gordian knot and quickly achieve his goal in a way that breaks the routine.
>Trump's fast-paced diplomatic strategy is essentially a "breakthrough thinking" that breaks the inertia of traditional politics. The logic of this strategy is: by creating a fait accompli, the opponent is forced to lose the bargaining chips in the chaos. Just as some military strategists in history prefer blitzkrieg rather than protracted wars, Trump chooses to use high-frequency policy changes to shorten the opponent's reaction time, making it difficult for his opponents to form a unified understanding. When promoting the normalization of US-Russia relations, he bypassed NATO allies and reached a consensus directly with Russia, avoiding the constraints of Europe and Ukraine, and locked Russia's negotiation expectations at the level of short-term interest exchange, leaving room for turnaround.
<The "tradition of merchants" that do not follow the rules
>Behind Trump's diplomatic strategy is his contempt for traditional political logic. He attaches importance to the "theater effect" of international politics, that is, when the spotlight is focused on a specific action, public opinion often ignores the strategic coherence behind it. He transplanted the "information asymmetry" advantage in business negotiations to the diplomatic field, and concealed his true intentions by creating an information fog. The characteristics of his foreign policy are complete unilateralism and "business tradition". This is reflected in his "extreme pressure" and blackmail on Ukraine.
>During Trump's first term, he was known for undermining relations between the United States and its allies. Since the start of his second term, his attitude toward allies has become more aggressive. Similarly, Trump's attitude toward U.S. government agencies and even the entire separation of powers system is the same. After taking office, he quickly promoted Musk and instructed Musk to rectify government efficiency, which is incompatible with the political tradition of the United States and is full of his own "business style."
>Trump believed in his last term that no matter how good an idea was, it would run into trouble if it had to go through the traditional American establishment and "European allies." This is why he did not achieve convincing results in domestic and foreign policy during his last term. Therefore, he concluded that if he tied the concept of "the West" together, he would not be able to achieve his goals, just like in his last term, so he had to break these rules and no longer be bound by them.[…]
>The Riyadh meeting between the US and Russian foreign ministers is a concentrated manifestation of this concept. The Riyadh meeting was initiated by the United States without any preconditions. On the one hand, it shows that Trump decided to take the fastest way to achieve his goal, that is, to implement a "fast strategy". On the other hand, this meeting was conducted in full accordance with Trump's philosophy, that is, "strength should be above all else", there should be a clear distinction between the strong and the weak, and there is no need to pay attention to the opinions of the "weak" when making decisions.[…]
>Trump's "strength first" philosophy and logic is essentially a business model that simplifies international politics into a zero-sum game. When the Ukrainian battlefield was deadlocked and became a sunk cost, Trump chose to bypass the EU coordination mechanism and directly negotiate with Russia, believing that this was "stopping losses in time." Trump strengthened the United States' bargaining power by denying the subjectivity of its allies, and strengthened the United States itself at the cost of eroding the mutual trust foundation of the Western alliance system. This is a typical "strong take all" model of commercial mergers and acquisitions. Therefore, Trump's logic and philosophy seem crude, but "simple and effective" - at least that's what Trump and his supporters think.[…]
<Seeing through Trump: Winning in chaos
>Trump is consolidating his authority through a series of unexpected moves. The recent seemingly chaotic and radical measures are actually just another version of "maximum pressure", just like what he did when he provoked the Sino-US trade conflict.
>The essence of this tactic is to create pressure through fast time and extraordinary means, break through the opponent's psychological defenses in an extreme way, and make the opponent face the emergency without any preparation, so that he will reveal flaws due to hasty response. In this way, he can disrupt the enemy's rhythm and force him to make mistakes in the chaos, thereby gaining more room for negotiation.
>Once the enemy suffers a sudden blow, they are often eager to seek a respite. At this time, the attacker can obtain benefits far beyond the actual results at the negotiation table. Although this unconventional surprise attack is risky, it can also bring unexpected rewards. However, if you encounter an opponent like Fabius who is far-sighted and holds his ground for a protracted war, the attacker's weaknesses will gradually be exposed and eventually fall into his own crisis.
>Trump's reckless behavior is more of a "knife turned inward", targeting the Democratic Party, or a bold test of the traditional American establishment. These forces originally believed that certain fundamental interests and values were forbidden areas that Trump dared not touch easily, and he would face counterattacks as long as he dared to take risks. However, Trump saw the current situation of the lack of strong leadership within the American establishment and took resolute actions to directly challenge these so-called forbidden areas, such as ignoring legal procedures to lay off personnel and even departments, and ignoring diplomatic influence to directly compromise with strategic rival Russia.
>Under such circumstances, the best strategy for the US establishment should be to hold its ground and wait for the negative effects of Trump's policies to emerge. However, due to the disagreement within the establishment, a considerable number of people want to fight back quickly rather than patiently wait for the situation to reverse. If the US establishment cannot effectively solve these problems, then its internal structure may face the risk of collapse, and it may even lead to a large number of people turning to support Trump.
>In fact, Trump's goal is not limited to the Ukraine issue, nor is it to "ally with Russia to contain China", but to launch a comprehensive offensive against the "old forces" including the American establishment. If he can successfully weaken and force a large number of members of the establishment to defect, then he can further consolidate his power base, and even redefine relations with Russia and the United States, reopen aid to Ukraine, and claim that he will reconsider his previous decision unless Putin meets new conditions.
>At this critical moment, the fate of the Democratic Party and the American establishment hangs on a thread. Whether a new leader with sufficient prestige and organizational ability can be found will be the key factor in determining the outcome of this struggle. If such a person can be found, then Trump's strategy may fail; otherwise, the political landscape of the United States may undergo a major and far-reaching change.
>Compared with the traditional American system, Trump's disorganization may provide opportunities for China and space for China to strengthen its own position and accelerate its development. It will help us occupy a more advanced position on the global stage by promoting rapid development in science and technology, economy and other fields.https://www.guancha.cn/XueKaiHuan/2025_03_02_766834_1.shtml>>2178847Funny enough I remember an article from Nat Review I believe saying consumerism IS the American Dream, and that's why we should oppose social democracy, 'cause it means we can't CONSOOOOOOOOOM as much.
It was years ago, I should try finding it again.
>>2178852Just fucking do it already
All this fuckin guy does is talk
>>2178966Imperialist consumption is enemy of international proletariat. amerikkkans are consuming just fine. Proven by coinflip chance you are obese.
Prices arent higher than they ever were for proletarian.
Articles of consumption are determined by law of value and proletarian must be sustained as class. Therefore prices of articles of consumption must be minimized to reduce wages. So prices going up is good because increase wages
>>2178966Im tired of democrats bitching about high food prices. Real wages are higher now than ever, except last Trump presidency, so prices proletarians pay are really lower than ever.
Why dont democrats bitch about high prices when real wages are low, when prices are actually high for proletarian? It because they want to depress wages by driving down costs of articles of consumption.
>>2179046>>2179054Real wages are higher now than they've ever been. This means the price proletarian pay for the articles of consumption are lower than they've ever been.
Why then do the democrats complain of high prices when the prices of the articles of consumption are at their lowest? Because the only high price they care about is that of labor-power.
Come, democrats. Explain this. I take your silence as admission of defeat
>>2178982>As always the Chinese have way more insightful things to say about America than the burgers on this website do.They can have a more objective look at it, and I think their education system encourages rational, scientific thinking. But it's just interesting the guy thinks the Democrats should bide their time, and he's saying that not out of any love for the Democrats, it's just an analysis.
I'm seeing on other forums some frustration from liberals (or left-liberals) that the Democrats aren't #resisting hard enough. That can be an emotional reaction, but can I just ask leftypol a question: does anyone really want four more years of that nonsense? Remember that? That's why they were doing the whole lawfare stuff and were gonna Trump up for his crimes. There was also Michael Avenatti who became this MSNBC star who was a fraudster (he also defrauded Stormy Daniels, his client) who went to prison. Maybe we can impeach Trump for a third time? It's the same method personal-injury attorneys on billboards trade their wares. "You been hit by a BIG TRUCK? I HIT BACK!"
But the more the Democrats do, the more the median voter wants to see them locked up in Gitmo. Maybe they'll finally become liked when they do as little as possible.
>>2179063Is there better source on this?
I need more
>>2179062Median weekly real earnings Q1 1979: $339
Work hours (Production and Nonsupervisory Employees) Q1 1979: 40.1
Real hourly wage: $8.37
Median weekly earnings Q4 2024: $375
Work hours (Production and Nonsupervisory Employees) Q4 2024: 40.5
Real hourly wage: $9.26
89¢ increase over 45 years. If you exclude women and only look at men, it’s actually a ten cent decrease: $10.17 in 1979, $10.07 in 2024.
>>2179123what the fuck do you mean source it's a 30 second ad of unhinged personal injury lawyer jim adler going "oh yeah ill woof and bark bark at insurance companies for u" and the motherfucker doesn't even woof once
i will not rest until jim adler is filmed in court in full fursuit
>>2179094I made this post before I read yours:
>>2179149I just got online for the first time today, and I just had this feeling one of these faggots was crying today. Not quite Euro but close enough.
According to Foreign Policy:
>out of 35 U.S. attempts to covertly arm foreign dissidents during the Cold War, only four succeeded in bringing U.S. allies to power.https://archive.is/CQbZh#selection-1827.0-1827.172Does anyone know which are those? It seems like an awfully low-balled number, but I guess they're restricting it to the coups in which America directly supplied arms.
Reminder that one man with one nuke could destroy the entire world infrastructure.
= One Atmospheric Nuclear Explosion Could Take Out the Power Grid==
>New study identifies vulnerabilities to EMP attackhttps://spectrum.ieee.org/one-atmospheric-nuclear-explosion-could-take-out-the-power-grid>>2179293Maybe.
>>2179295I enjoy learning about politics though.
>>2179215They're doing this at my fiance's job. They even hired two guys' whose sole purpose is to monitor managers and supervisors and fire people for being inefficient.
Tl;Dr they're bringing DOGE to her work.
>>2179396you're right wtf
man people can just create fake shit and everyone shares it around since anything is believable at this point, the internet sucks ass
>>2179419dear reddit,
did romans get any claim to judea after they conquered and colonized it?
no? then why do jews now
>>2179457It's good to hear the workers of the USA have international solidarity.
Work with them and prepare them for the inevitable betrayal just as we did with Sanders all those years ago.
>>2179489That sounds very nice but I worry there isn’t much glue that would keep those autarkik communities from splitting with each other and asserting their own leadership, I’m thinking of the early days of the Syrian civil
War where every neighborhood had its own self declared Emir. The closest analogy I can think of to a group that operated how you propose is the Sendero Luminoso, the units were autonomous cells that didn’t have direct communication with each other or leadership so snitching couldn’t take the organization out. But then Gonzalo himself was caught and the movement splintered, and a lot of those units alienated the population and broke the social fabric as hard as the government troops did.
>>2179498>>2179489The communities would have to communicate with each other and creating the infustructure for them to communicate is possible in various ways. They would also have to link their economies together somehow to manage an industrial economy.
1. CB radio
Advantages: extremely cheap tech, easy to use. Can create relay stations between communities so distant isn't limited. Encryption is possible using code words. You can even have mobile relay stations just using cars meeting in certain locations to relay messages.
Disadvantages: none I can really think of.
2. Building a separate internet.
This one is more pie in the sky but I think actually very doable. The north Koreans did it, we will have a bunched of unemployed Linux guys in the near future. Very much longer term project but even a simple internet that's even just messages boards would be great.
I don't why I formated my post like this I got distracted several times and I'm a bit high. But anyways I think a sort of communist patchwork might be viable. Especially if things go as tit's up as it's looking. Might be necessary. Who would thought the capitalist would be the ones dissolving the state first. Leaving open only naked class war.
>>2179590You'd be better off getting people to DDOS twitch rather than boycott it lol.
Anybody can make an account and download OBS and just stream maximum bitrate video of nothing to the bandwidth test server (nobody will see it so they can't make money from ads and they don't moderate it either)
>>2179605They’re calling the founder a sex offender in NYT:
https://archive.is/zaJiMCurious that it receives attention.
>>2179634Wouldn't you rather have no group or identity attached to the boycott so they can't character assassinate you?
>>2179616My idea would be just making anonymous memes like the creepy Vance edits and spreading them on Tiktok, Twitter, Bluesky, or whatever else the kids are using with the intention of damaging a company's reputation while shorting their stock. Not an organized political boycott that can be easily written off as a hazbin hotel psyop, but one that is out of pure spite towards corporate America.
>>2179605>hy are its limp-wristed ineffectual "boycotts" getting so much attention in the press? Actual strikes, called by actual unions, rarely receive this kind of attention.For the same reason IVY league pro Palestine student protests got all the attention. At the time, it was peak opposition in the west. Not because of an actual opposition to the genocide, it is, at best, a minor issue come and forgotten with elections. But because the governments had been forced to close ranks and forcefully back Israel in public, creating friction.
For a few moments they had to drop the democratic pretense of liberal democracy for the cold war, and this sit terribly with people who want their bread AND their circus. So all the discontent and outrage at the repression got funneled to this surrogate demographic of inconsequential student squabbles.
>>2179685 (me)
At the present both the USA and the EU are basically declaring forever austerity and "MIC gravy train" until the cold war is resolved. So there needs to be plenty of distraction and excuses for the masses to not mobilize, even if to exercise the rights liberal democracy already observes.
Trump is dead and knocked up the statue of liberty?
She's 9 months pregnant seconds after he nutted?
What the fuck happened to Ellis island?
>>2179769Claudia is based automatically for calling out fat amerilards for buying all the drugs, and being one of the only people to mention that it's burgers who smuggle guns into Mexico and that's what all the cartels mostly used.
Almost every country burgers call subhuman shitholes are ones they have had direct influence over
>>2179559I saw a lot of rightoids go "NOOOOOT FUNNY, OKAY?" and calling it a psyop so you know it's working, I support it
>>2179570>With the curls he makes me think of some fat little German prince.I've seen people say he looks like a fat german kid
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