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File: 1662187301199.jpg (10.24 KB, 224x229, liushaoqi.jpg)


<Reject ultraleftism. Embrace the middle path. Ensure quality cadre.

Mods get a ton of shit. But I think we should show a bit of gratitude.

What they're doing is a thankless job, and they're the only thing stopping Leftypol from turning into a literal glow op like some other chans.

>Follow the comfy posting. Long live the mods

https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/liu-shaoqi/1939/how-to-be/(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)




File: 1662187415785.jpg (Spoiler Image, 13.14 KB, 320x240, 3377569311_4e7ca6e1a4_n.jpg)


I guess you're not in a talking mood, that's cool. Your OP is funny though, 6/10 for effort.


My man Liu deserved better.

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