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R: 80 / I: 11 (sticky)

Moderation Feedback

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.



Free onions:

Previous thread >>36480
R: 105 / I: 15 (sticky)

/leftypol/ Ordinances

Hello /leftypol/ users. This is a thread to post ordinances, i.e. ad hoc rules voted on by the modocracy, which are not covered explicitly by the rules in rules.html, though most are arguably applications or clarifications of actions prohibited by the existing rules. Any posts violating these ordinances will be removed, and possibly banned at the mods discretion. This post will be periodically updated to reflect new ordinances, or to remove old ones.

  1. H*z is banned. Any mention of, depiction of, video, audio, or image (including memes) of, or related to, the individual known as Adam Tahir (more commonly known as Haz Al-Din), including associated projects such as the media collective "Infrared", or the US-based "American Communist Party" founded in 2024, etc. are BANNED.
  2. No non O.C. Wojaks, Pepes, or Groypers. Any Wojaks, pepes, groypers, etc. which are not /leftypol/ original content are considered spam.
  3. The Wojakifcation/wojak script is banned. This is a bit of javascript, commonly used on bunkerchan, which takes a post one is replying to and posts a greentext version of it in a pre-made wojak template, which is used as a reaction image.
  4. 'Real Proletarian' rhetoric which implies a large percentage of wage workers are not proletarians is banned - per modocracy vote passed on 2024-12-25
  5. For original posts outside of /siberia/, "coomer bait" images which are sexual, sexualizing, or appeal to the prurient interest in any way are BANNED and will be spoilered or removed. - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-02
  6. Evading original post word minimum outside /siberia/ is BANNED. - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-02
  7. Incel posts are banned site wide (i.e. incel talking points and making 9999 threads complaining about women, saying all women are bourgeoise/sluts/etc.) - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-02
  8. "Feral" furry porn (i.e. drawn or cartoon pornography depicting a character that is a four-legged animal, or to a significant degree non-anthropomorphic) is BANNED, and will be spoilered or removed at the moderator's discretion - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-11 Superseded by extension of rule 10 on 2025-02-17
  9. Climate change denial, especially to the extent of excessive doomerism and BP shill tier takes, is banned - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-11
R: 132 / I: 26 (sticky)

/ttg/ - Tech Team General

This thread is only for feedback related to technical issues (bug reports, suggestions).

We are currently working on improvements to the site, subject to the need of the tech team to sleep and go to their day jobs. If you need more immediate feedback please join the matrix room[s] and ask around. Feel free to leave comments, concerns, and suggestions about the tech side of the site here and we will try to get to it as soon as possible
R: 18 / I: 3
ban ai images/videos in threads unless the OP explicitly asks for ai content
nobody likes it and the only reason anyone ever posts it is to trigger people and dilute the quality of the content here. in politics in particular the only reason why right-wingers use it so much is because their objective isn't to make something good, but to annoy the libs - that's the entire meme
R: 52 / I: 4

the /edu/ nazi

there's one lone nazi poster in /edu/ who makes most of the posts and spams long long long psycho analytical schizo babble and basically makes the board his own personal diary and unusable outside of the PDF thread. Very depressing. Imagine being a new user, checking out the /edu/ board, and finding out the whole thing is a soapbox for one reactionary. Not very promising, eh?
R: 295 / I: 55

4chan Ads

We are thinking of buying ads on 4chan for leftypol.org

>Positions/Dimensions: 728x90 Leaderboard in both header and footer positions in desktop view, 300x250 Medium Rectangle in both header and footer positions in mobile view)


We need ads in both the formats and we're crowdsourcing it to you.

Also, theres a chance the ad buy may not be accepted by rapeape or whoever runs the site
R: 10 / I: 1
thoughts? fuck word filters. these should be autoflagged especially tor node users.

use "dem cell" -> automatic GOP flag

use "putler" or "drumpf" -> automatic donkeycrat flag

use "n_gger," "subhuman," "tr*nny", "orc", "vatnik", "wagecuck," etc. -> automatic nazi or /pol/ flag

it would be even better if they couldn't take it off after
R: 61 / I: 8
>board is called "Leftist Politically Incorrect"
>can't say anything politically incorrect here


The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.
R: 3 / I: 0

We should start banning Sex & Relat

All it is just whining about "no bitches" or blaming men for all women's grievances.
Not to mention the edgy rape jokes on there or the "age gap relationships are pedophilia even if the younger partner is over eighteen"
R: 73 / I: 3


Its on siberia again
R: 0 / I: 0
Since /edu/ is gearing up to be /dead/ 2.0, could be have a dedicated board for dropping pdfs and links to resources, so /edu/ can be our /x/ or whatever.

Perhaps the new board could be /web/ or /library/ or something.
R: 111 / I: 42

Leftybooru Feedback Thread

This thread is for feedback, suggestions, complaints, questions etc. regarding leftybooru, the main image repository used by /leftypol/


Leftybooru FAQ and Rules:
R: 29 / I: 7
Word Filters proposals:

middle class > lumpenbourgoise
working class > petit proletariat

These terms are massively overused, never used correctly, and usually result in a derail. May as well do something funny with it.
R: 45 / I: 8

LGBT board

Last time I asked for this nobody seemed to care, but now there has been discussion about it in the thread. There is an appetite for it, so I think you should make one. I know at least one person who would come back to the site if there was a space like that. We could reach an entirely new audience like the kind of hexbear leftoids, leftypol has a bad reputation among a lot of socialists and a board like this would change that perception. I seriously think it would get more people to join the website then you think. But even if it doesn't the people here want it.

I don't have any IT skills so I can't really help and I think I'm too busy to moderate anything rn but I could at least make some threads at the start to liven the place up a bit. Advertise it on bluesky or lemmygrad or hexbear or however the reddit clone works and also maybe tumblr or something.
R: 0 / I: 0

/ukr/ should be moved to another board

Create a new board named /geopol/, /war/ or /russia/. I don't care. Move it off /leftypol/.
That thread attracts telegram and /pol/ bitches like moths to a lamp. Keep them coming, but move it to another board.
R: 4 / I: 0  
Was Marx right about the jewish question?
What about the family unit?
I have recently listened to the first two Das Kapital audiobooks, and yet still I am confused.

It's easy to make a google search with only little google fu but, I want to hear from the ustnaya traditsiya.

Halp, I'm so confused.
R: 3 / I: 2

DRUG board

Last time I asked for this nobody seemed to care, but now there has been discussion about it threads all over the site. There is an appetite for it, so I think you should make one. I know at least 420,000 persons who would come back to the site if there was a space like that. We could reach an entirely new audience like the kind of hexbear, dread, leftoids, leftypol has a bad reputation among a lot of socialists and a board like this would change that perception. I seriously think it would get more people to join the website then you think. But even if it doesn't the people here want it.

I don't have any IT skills so I can't really help and I think I'm too busy to moderate anything rn but I could at least make some threads at the start to liven the place up a bit. Advertise it on bluesky or lemmygrad or hexbear or however the reddit clone works and also maybe tumblr or something.

Alternatively - rename siberia to 420chan for the time being, ban all pedophile adjacent threads.
R: 1 / I: 0
hi this thread >>>/games/38927 is just
>smal boobs in games >:(
maybe a minority of the replies are different but that's the overall point of most textwalls there. can you guys delete it? it really brings down the quality of the games board in particular and leftypo.org in general. thanks in advance
R: 664 / I: 120 (full)  

Moderation Feedback

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.



Free onions:
R: 2 / I: 0
Jannies, where is the banlist? Can you link the hidden banlist page?

I am saying this because people want to check if someone's banned for anything so they can understand if some people should have followed the rules. Also these lists are fun to look at.
R: 1 / I: 1


>because 420chan.org redirects here.
>it serves as an alternate to IRC…

If you don't like discord, post in this thread, fellow 420channers.

We are refugees here… please respect us, you don't have to like us.
R: 10 / I: 6

Alunya flags

new flag art

too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too shorttoo short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short
R: 7 / I: 0
Is there an effortpost archive? If not, should there be?
I think it would be good to have a place where the worthwhile posts would be archived and accessible, not just screenshots but properly published in article form, sort of like leftypol's own small magazine. It would encourage userbase to put more though and effort into their posts, knowing that what they write has a chance of not getting eternally buried within couple hours of hitting New Reply.
R: 6 / I: 0  

Did Glowies Win?

Maybe I'm just more perceptive then I was a few weeks ago but it feels like there's way more borderline Demcel and Radlib threads than before. Maybe it's just Trump's victory making some people who didn't care about the election before snap into Lost-Dem brain, but a lot of it started before the votes were counted.
R: 11 / I: 0

Requesting GIF Autoplay for Threads & Thread Thumbnails

Requesting autoplay for gifs on threads & thread thumbnails
As of now, you have to actually click a gif to play it, the board will look better with animated thumbnails.
Nukechan has it, why don't we?
R: 16 / I: 1

Add board creation

8chan was basically the perfect website in that it combined the anonimity of 4chan with the community creation aspect of Reddit, it would be nice to see this feature implemented here.
R: 36 / I: 15

420chan refugees unite

list of servers please
>leftypol is mean
>rottingangels are slow and meaner
>stonerchan was scammers
all 3 sites can go die for making fun of someone who has problems with addiction…
we miss 420chan
R: 3 / I: 0



The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.
R: 3 / I: 3
I've been browsing via mobile phone for like a year and suddenly



>literally stuck with low-contrast theme for now

P.S. I'm like the OP of 9 leftypol threads.
R: 10 / I: 0

Leaving Leftypol


1- others have just as messed up or incomplete notion of theory as I do.
2- Trump inauguration and China's advancements in AI, fighter jets, make me feel like socialism is in good hands, even if most of us will burn in capitalism when La Lutte Finale starts.
3- Shit posting isn't Praxis.
4- Mods are a bit reluctant on some obvious changes (fag word filtered to comrade, ban on rape threats)
5- Tiresome to deal with /pol/ raids / NATO Pedo raids every day.
6- Life exists to be lived, not expended in Shitposting. So I touch grass, socialist or not.
7- I should spend more time reading theory.
8- Comrade Kimi and Comrade DeepSeek would probably want me to spend more time with them.

Keep your spirits up and keep on fighting the good fight!
R: 212 / I: 195


There are some new banners at >>212019

Can you guys please add?
R: 7 / I: 0
I think that /leftypol/ should leave X after the recent events. By having an account there, we are increasing the number of clicks and attracting more advertisers; we are literally giving more money to a nazi.
R: 5 / I: 0

Font Size Issues

how do I make the font size bigger, its super tiny and none of the themes help with this, its not a huge deal but are there any potential css themes that make it bigger? pic unrelated its just funny
R: 6 / I: 2

Latam BanHammer

Some people are racebaiting and posting shit on /latam/ that came straight out of other inc*l imageboards, probably taking advantage of the fact that mods probably don't speak Portuguese or Spanish. I'm constantly reporting the posts/threads but with no success.

We urgently need at least 1 mod to take care of /latam/ to make sure these idiots don't find a safe space there to proliferate.
R: 7 / I: 0
why is there a nazi banner
R: 0 / I: 0



Occasional poster smallanon here. I am writing on my personal and independent account, and not as a volunteer staff-member. Would you be interested in seeing the production of /leftypol/ merchandise? Options include clothing, stickers, decals, and even plushies! I would like to stronghand the approach, as I have made clothing and crochetted plushies in the past, but all hands are welcome on deck. I have no interest in making a profit, all funding will go to paying for supplies and the wellbeing of the site. Please feel free to vote on your options below in the strawpoll I have attatched. Have a good day whereever you are.

R: 11 / I: 2
Does whoever handles Leftypol's social media plan on getting on Xiaohongshu? In between getting more Chinese users and the TikTok refugees, I think it would be a good idea.

R: 72 / I: 56


since 420chan redirects here and stonerchan goes up and down, i propose the mawds make a stoner board
R: 7 / I: 0
is the .onion down or something? it hasn't been reachable for days. I tried both the old address ( http://76i2c3hn55fcj5nut3tqlboqqbbh23zvphv7lefk3vftpx6wketlanyd.onion/ ) and the new address ( http://ojzfy6mtnjkg4pbkf6fjnty22naczpek253skjm4crwftbohwgevbjyd.onion/ )
leftychan's .onion works fine
R: 3 / I: 1

Bring back the weed flag

Can we bring back the weed flag? Before it existed only on siberia. Can we bring it back for all boards?
Drug user liberation seems to be in line with the broader sense of "leftism", flag could be used to ID users for single-issue politics.
R: 37 / I: 1
Filter "lumpen" to "-oomer" pls
R: 258 / I: 29

This board has been taken over by socdems and groypers

Not posting this in that dogshit meta board so the mods can ignore it and the userbase can not have a chance to discuss
If mods auto-remove this after leaving up a fucking race science thread they will have shown where their loyalties lie
At this point /leftypol/ has been turned into an even shittier version of siberia and siberia is indistinguishable from any other pathetic incel hole amongst the internet’s various chans
We went from threads where people wrote essays worth of discussion with each other to faggots spewing one liners and memes

This needs to end; this thread is for the few remaining communists to discuss if we can and how we can retake our forum
R: 6 / I: 1

The incel ban

>Incel posts are banned site wide (i.e. incel talking points and making 9999 threads complaining about women, saying all women are bourgeoise/sluts/etc.) - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-02
This is way too vague.

For instance is stating that the state of dating under capitalism is fucked (which it is) an incel talking point? How about lamenting the difficulty of being a guy on dating apps? Is criticism of feminism still allowed (something which has always been present on /leftypol/)?

I'm concerned this motion was passed on vibes alone and will be applied inconsistently and arbitrarily depending on what individual mods consider an incel to be and the views they imagine them to have. The word 'incel' is essentially meaningless at this point (so often used as a liberal slur akin to the likes of "tankie") that you need to give a specific definition of your interpretation of the word. When half of the site meet the basic criteria of being an incel - that is being a sexually inactive male who wants to have sex with a woman but struggles to do so - the details really do start to matter.
R: 1 / I: 0

Four stickies

We need not one, not two, not three, but four stickies. In fact, we need more stickies. Fuck it, make half the threads stickies. Free stickies for anyone!
>The body was too short or empty.
Site is run by idiots, I swear.
R: 193 / I: 18

Moderation Poll

Just taking a poll of the users here. There always seems to be contradictory feedback on whether the mods are too strict, too lenient, or too inconsistent. So I'd like to make an unofficial poll to judge the userbase's opinions on the issue - and yes, VPNs are banned.

survey link: https://strawpoll.com/NMnQNpDBBg6

Poll closes on 2024-01-19.

1. H*z is banned. Any mention of, depiction of, video, audio, or image (including memes) of, or related to, the individual known as Adam Tahir (more commonly known as Haz Al-Din), including associated projects such as the media collective "Infrared", or the US-based "American Communist Party" founded in 2024, etc. are BANNED.

2. No non O.C. Wojaks, Pepes, or Groypers. Any Wojaks, pepes, groypers, etc. which are not /leftypol/ original content are considered spam.

3. The Wojakifcation/wojak script is banned. This is a bit of javascript, commonly used on bunkerchan, which takes a post one is replying to and posts a greentext version of it in a pre-made wojak template, which is used as a reaction image.

4. 'Real Proletarian' rhetoric which implies a large percentage of wage workers are not proletarians is banned - per modocracy vote passed on 2024-12-25

5. For original posts outside of /siberia/, "coomer bait" images which are sexual, sexualizing, or appeal to the prurient interest in any way are BANNED and will be spoilered or removed. - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-02

6. Evading original post word minimum outside /siberia/ is BANNED. - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-02

7. Incel posts are banned site wide (i.e. incel talking points and making 9999 threads complaining about women, saying all women are bourgeoise/sluts/etc.) - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-02

8. "Feral" furry porn (i.e. drawn or cartoon pornography depicting a character that is a four-legged animal, or to a significant degree non-anthropomorphic) is BANNED, and will be spoilered or removed at the moderator's discretion - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-11

9. Climate change denial, especially to the extent of excessive doomerism and BP shill tier takes, is banned - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-11
R: 3 / I: 0
is leftypol only slowing down here or is it running on a dora the explorer laptop?

would it be liberal corruption to run ads in here to keep the lights on?

twink body twink body twink body twink body twink body twink body
R: 2 / I: 0
Proposing adding to /leftypol a new general - /sciat (scientific atheism general) - for discussing all things religion and religion-adjascent. Would greatly help in keeping the rest of the board materialist, which I think majority of anons here wants.
R: 355 / I: 36  


Since the drama over the Elon/h1b meltdown thread, I've noticed some people would like an opportunity to provide more generalized feedback. Most of the time mods would prefer to stay behind the scenes and not engage with the userbase due to the numerous bad faith actors, crossposters, and others who would take advantage of that. The downside is that moderation is often really opaque to users which is a frustrating experience.

Just note, this thread is for general site governance and policy, not specific ban decisions for example, which still goes to the relevant /meta/ thread or tech feedback, unless you really feel you can't get ahold of those people for whatever reason. I would like to continue the type of conversations that we've had in threads like >>>/meta/37778

I'm not terminally online and obviously I need to eat, sleep, go to work, and do other stuff so I won't always respond here instantly, but when I'm online I will try and respond to the queries in relatively timely manner.

Also note while I take suggestions, the website isn't a dictatorship, its a modocracy so any ideas I take from this thread still have to be put to a vote for 1-2 weeks or more before, for example, it can become an ordinance. Same for repealing ordinances or any other major decision. Normally, this sort of thing would go in /meta/ but some users have expressed that /meta/ doesn't get enough traffic for it to be truly representative of the userbase (not that anything ever could be).

This thread will be cyclical - also note that this is feedback to ME, specifically, not the whole mod team. For that use /meta/. Not to say they can't also chime in but it isn't a requirement.

TLDR: this is a suggestions/complaints + AMA thread.
R: 4 / I: 0

Am I on an imageboard right now?

ummm can somebody please explain to me why blatant racist posting is either allowed on the board or gets removed without any mod action or ban whatsoever, but someone posting peepeepoopoo a single time is banworthy as "spam"? Can someone pinch me, or am I dreaming and actually using reddit in my sleep?
R: 3 / I: 0
why are racebait threads like >>>/leftypol/2093144 and the blatant racism in them allowed?
>You must answer the question to make a new thread. See the last field.
>You must answer the question to make a new thread. See the last field.
>You must answer the question to make a new thread. See the last field.
R: 58 / I: 8

Leftypol is sibera now.

/leftypol/ is just /siberia/ now. A general purpose random/b board for retard stoners to post the first thought they had in their head that day.
How did we get here? How do we improve it?
For one i propose we bring back character limits in OPs and demand the jannies actually do their job in cleaning up the main board, pushing things to /siberia/, generals, deleting them and actively banning people who make such threads, as let's be real, it's probably the same two or three people who hang out in the Matrix with the jannies and think due to their bubble it's actually good content.

examples of the absolute trash you people are apparently pushing as good content:
Some of these were not even coherent, like the last one? it reads like a drunkanon got confused trying to send a text message to someone.
The Jannies are very resolutely refusing to take action or acknowledge they have a problem, what do we do?
R: 0 / I: 0
If you can't call libshit faggots you're retarded
This board is so backwards that even when you bring the issue to the central point you have to add it some bullshit filler.
Enjoy yourselves

This board is so backwards that even when you bring the issue to the central point you have to add it some bullshit filler.
This board is so backwards that even when you bring the issue to the central point you have to add it some bullshit filler.
This board is so backwards that even when you bring the issue to the central point you have to add it some bullshit filler.
R: 18 / I: 6


Almost half the threads in /siberia/ are sex/idpol/incel shit
There's also an uptick in frog/jak OPs both on /siberia/ and /leftypol/

Please enforce the rules and clean it up (one sex general, one lgbt general, no jaks/frogs)
fixed the OP
R: 37 / I: 8
/mf/ (marxist feminism)
something like this

Would need a lot of moderation and would absolutely be an uphill battle but that's the point. No where else has a space to discuss feminism from an actual left, marxist angle. Yes the board would probably be overrun by chuds/chauvists/incels/terfs at first, but just making the space should attract people who fit the culture we want to build for this site better. Liberals so thoroughly control this space that even people here don't think of feminism as someone compatible with Marxism, despite the absolute wealth of works it has produced on the matter.

Also merge /games/ /hobby/ and /music
R: 424 / I: 380

/leftypol/ flags

ITT retrieve old and currently-missing /leftypol/ flags that would be good to add back.
I found the Technocrat and snibetti snab flags. I know the Anarcho-Transhumanism flag is missing and I want to find it and have it added back if possible (t. anarcho transhumanist anon). Pics related

P.S. the "Athiesm" flag is misspelled, it's spelled Atheism.
R: 5 / I: 0
let me make long posts again. I can't make long posts. This seems to be a problem that happened simultaneously with the reimposed 200 character minimum. There is some kind of unknown maximum that is killing effortposts.
R: 11 / I: 1
This is why an /lgbt/ board in this site is a must, in /siberia/, queer folk are often subject of constant homophobic harassment from straight male hazcel losers pestering that board, not only that but straight porn is constantly spammed there but god forbids if a queer folk post a midly sexy picture of some guy

I suspect this site's moderation are also """"patsoc""" hazcels who agree with this sort of thinking, pic related is some scumbag agreeing with a screenshot from Haz calling queer folk "mentally ill" and "sexual deviants", IN THE LGBT THREAD nonenthless

It was fishy enough that /LGBT/ was forcefully relocated to /siberia/ from the main board, obviously as an attempt to erase queer ppl existance from this space but now we're also forced to accept hateful attacks in our only supposedly space?
R: 12 / I: 3

corn ban

With the recent election, there's a good chance that cornography will be banned in the USA pretty soon. If this happens, does the mod team have a plan in place to deal with NSFW material?
R: 4 / I: 0

Ban on Urbanvpn Ips

Why do all urbanvpn ips come up as banned "spam ips"?
What the fuck happened yesterday night? I don't wanna bother using tor. I have to use a shitty browser vpn addon because my workplace employer has blocked all the sites. Is it over for that add-on?
R: 1 / I: 0

Message to the mods regarding VPNs

Mods JSYK (although I expect you know) that multiple posts made by the same IP can be different people. If you see any good posts made by the same IP as a poltard, hazoid, pedo, gore spammer and such - odds are that its a VPN service like this (urbanvpn) and that the regular posters were using the same IP from the VPN as the raiders.

I'm writing this because I've seen some of my replies disappear and the usual countries I pick from the VPN list being mostly banned IPs.
I used to use this VPN service because my work pc blocks sites.

So I'm asking to please be careful when purging replies / threads. I understand that there's probably like an option to purge posts by IP by a certain time period and that it might be necessary at times when there's excessive spam, but please be considerate.
R: 4 / I: 0
I got banned for "be spam" for posting exactly this clip >>>/leftypol/2080559
The body was too short or empty.
The body was too short or empty.
The body was too short or empty.
The body was too short or empty.
R: 18 / I: 2

dear mods

1. Disable Tor posting. Or if you're going to keep it, require some kind of verification like email + password accounts so you can keep track of people. The cons of keeping it around outweigh the pros, and I'm saying this as someone who regularly posts from Tor. People who are only here to stir up shit can and do use it to ban evade to their heart's content, and so you end up with people like Sandinistanon (picrel) who destroy every thread they touch.

2. Enforce rule 11. For the love of god, enforce rule 11. I'd be willing to wager over half the posts on this god forsaken site are in violation of that rule, but for whatever reason they're allowed to stay up. If you allow people to make sling shit and argue in bad faith, they're inevitably going to; it's simply the path of least resistance.

When I ask a question, even if it's a bad question, I want to see people try their best to answer it. When I make an argument, even if it's a bad argument, I want to see people try their best to refute it. Right now, the response I get to both is "you're retarded" + an insipid reddit-tier reaction image.

Giving this its own thread because I think it's important. Things need to change. Because otherwise, I can't see myself staying here for much longer, and I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one.
R: 5 / I: 0

Moronic, I know

While fucking around with using 4chanX and OC I noticed that OC =BALEETED= the [Options] button, meaning there's no way for me to disable either of them now. 4chanX doesnt work perfectly with Leftypol and a number of features are boned by it. Is there any way to get around this? Or am I fucked for all eternity?
R: 605 / I: 108 (full)

/ttg/ - Tech Team General

This thread is only for feedback related to technical issues (bug reports, suggestions).

Mobile Support:
Thread For Mobile Feedback: >>>/tech/6316

Matrix rooms:

We are currently working on improvements to the site, subject to the need of the tech team to sleep and go to their day jobs. If you need more immediate feedback please join the matrix room[s] and ask around. Feel free to leave comments, concerns, and suggestions about the tech side of the site here and we will try to get to it as soon as possible

Archived thread:
R: 2 / I: 0


How the fuck are these morons not banned on-sight? They have genuinely terrible arguments and do nothing but spam about "demcels." They basically wreck every thread they enter by astroturfing and pushing the dumbest talking points imaginable

Is this some kind of dumbfuck op by terminally online losers? Are the mod teams sympathizers?
R: 213 / I: 61

/leftypol/'s 10th Anniversary

On September 21st 2014, /leftypol/ was created!

What are your favorite /leftypol/ moments and memories?
Share them on this thread!
R: 2 / I: 0

Got banned in US/polacks/ thread

So now that not wanting black Americans in death camps is a bannable offense, is Leftypol officially openly fascist?

Especially considering support for Trump is permissible but not any criticism of the board?

After all, I basically get called a Jew for not celebrating the Trump win, and get told since I’m a stinky American nighur I deserve death, you people cannot even deny it, genocidal racism towards black Americans is simply permitted now
R: 18 / I: 3

200 character min

bring back 200 character minimum in /leftypol/ OP's please. Since decycling the shitposting and siberia tier spam has been out of control.

the 200 character limit was never supposed to be removed, it just accidentally happened after the server crashed
R: 6 / I: 0

overboard split

What do people think of the idea of making /leftypol/ the name of the overboard and splitting the topics into multiple boards? as per >>37094 :

>/leftypol/ itself should be deleted and split into multiple boards. E.g.

<News is where the /ukr/ and /palestine/ generals would go. Theory is for actual read-a-fucking-book theory and organizing tips.
</int/ would be for threads like /prc/ and /britpol/. Or merge /int/ and /news/ but keep /theory/ separate.
/leftypol/ can continue to exist as an overboard filter linking /news/, /int/, and /theory/.

or something similar.
R: 21 / I: 4

enforce the H*z ban

as far as I know, H*z, infrared, and all mentions of him are still banned on the site and should be removed and any posters of him banned for spamming. Please enforce, this guy is not only a fascist lolcow but pedojacketed the site.
R: 1 / I: 0
I know this might be an unpopular opinion, but I like degeneralization. In generals, it's very easy for a topic worthy of discussion to get lost in the shuffle because some autist decided to hijack the thread. It's also easy for the opposite to happen, where the same topic comes up up over and over again because older posts go away too fast and people don't read the whole thread anyway. I've personally seen both happen on multiple occasions within the same day and at the same time
R: 177 / I: 62 (sage)


420chan.org redirected me here. I know it got sold and it's been down for a while, but why redirect here? I don't want things to change. I want them to stay the same. Please tell me everything will be alright.
R: 31 / I: 20 (sage)
420chan is officially dead. Long live Stonerchan.org
Sad to see fredrick say he's gonna reinstate kirt. This site is cool but I miss mah wrestlin.
R: 2 / I: 0

matrix element reinvite

Hey guys, i've been wanting to get back into contact with folxzzz via element, would it be possible to get reinvited to a server?
R: 5 / I: 2


please make a board just for usapol. if latin america gets its own board burgerland should too
R: 0 / I: 0

hcraptcha pineapple pizza problem

far too many of the hcaptchas want you to select images with pizza in them, but whatever ai model they're using seems to "think" PINEAPPLE belongs with pizza! the only place pineapple belongs is with an apple pen >:0

R: 13 / I: 9

Make tv.leftypol compatible with banned.video

Make tv.leftypol compatible with banned.video
We should be able to watch Alex Jones commentary
this sucks so much
R: 2 / I: 1


posting on /hobby/ is broken it says you look like a bot. I dont get this on any other board
R: 2 / I: 0
we should have mandatory country flags on all the boards like /int/
R: 3 / I: 1  
As a communist What’s your opinion of vaccine
R: 589 / I: 100 (sage)

Moderation Thread

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.


Free onions:
R: 3 / I: 0

Congrats CABALLO!

Congrats on the elevation of Caballo from mod to admin!

This has been a long time coming and despite some disagreements from parts of the mod team on ideology, no one can deny that Caballo has certainly earned his spot as he has put in quite a lot of hours modding.

Now we truly are, ""Caballo's Clique""
R: 2 / I: 0
Purposing a change to improve the legibility of the Jungle theme: a text shadow with a darker green and orange to make the quote text pop.
span.orangeQuote {
    color: #FF8C00;
    text-shadow:  0.05em  0.05em orange;
.quote {
  color: #789922;
  text-shadow:  0.05em 0.05em green;
R: 3 / I: 1


Why are there THREE /USApol/ threads on /leftypol/? Shouldn't there just be one active one? And why are they all "(full)" what the hell?
R: 10 / I: 3

decentralize and reform

its clear to me that the current mod team is about as effective as an impacted bowel, and so radical reform is needed. I feel as though we should have a federal structure for leftypol. I.E. reorganize the matrix chat so that we have one room per board. Instead of having site wide mods we would have each board be governed by a single mod (for slower boards) or a clique of mods who share power. Each mod/mod clique could make their own decisions about who to bring on as janitors under them. Unlike now, those janitors would only be invited to the proper board-related room, and would not simply be junior mods non probation but instead would be perma-jannies.

Developers/IT people and Administrators would still have site-wide power.

In order to break up the traffic to multiple boards, /leftypol/ would simply become the name of the overboard/site itself, and we could have in addition to a brazilian board, other boards for geopolitics, /edu/ would be renamed /theory/, etc.

I feel this would be a good thing because currently you have a ton of inactive or semi inactive mods who just hang out in the matrix all day and don't actually mod. Giving them their own little project/fiefdom would encourage them to clean up the thumbnail graveyard, and actually do maintenance on the alt boards.

you could have performance based metrics, using PPH / IPs on the front page you could measure if the mod is doing a good job by whether they have driven more traffic to their board over time while maintaining quality. If they do a good job they can get responsibility over another board of their choice, if not they will lose out to someone who does.
R: 5 / I: 0

/poor/ board?

Okay, so on 7chan there exists a board called /jew/-Thrifty Living. Basically, as the name suggests, its a board about how to survive as a broke ass prole. Some of the more interesting threads on that board are the DIY threads that teach you how to save money or make some side cash by using life hacks.

It would make sense to have a board like this on leftypol where a sizable chunk of the userbase struggles economically in one way or the other (especially with the decline of the labor aristocracy in places like the US + other countries). Think of it as a board where proles share notes on how to live a better life under The Man's system. You could call it something like /pl/ - proletarian living. Sharing knowledge on how to survive and thrive is just basic praxis and solidarity as far as I'm concerned.
R: 10 / I: 6


add more middle east flags. DFLP, PFLP, Hezbollah, Hamas, Jihadi flag please! also since we have a gay nazi flag please create a gay SSNP flag and gay Saddam Ba'ath flag. Also give us occultist symbol flags
R: 90 / I: 7


The mods are thinking there are too many generals and we should uncycle some. Thoughts?
R: 5 / I: 0

Naming the board /leftypol/ was a mistake

It was never meant to be a left-wing version of /pol/, but an offshoot of /lit/ focused on Marxist theory.

Most posters now haven't even read the Communist Manifesto.
R: 56 / I: 4
Ultimatum to modocracy:
Add dice rolls.
We can't roll dice.
R: 3 / I: 0
russian saboteurIrussian saboteur'russian saboteurmrussian saboteur russian saboteursrussian saboteurtrussian saboteurarussian saboteurrrussian saboteurtrussian saboteurirussian saboteurnrussian saboteurgrussian saboteur russian saboteurtrussian saboteurorussian saboteur russian saboteurtrussian saboteurhrussian saboteurirussian saboteurnrussian saboteurkrussian saboteur russian saboteurwrussian saboteurorussian saboteurrrussian saboteurdrussian saboteurfrussian saboteurirussian saboteurlrussian saboteurtrussian saboteurerussian saboteurrrussian saboteursrussian saboteur russian saboteurhrussian saboteurarussian saboteurvrussian saboteurerussian saboteur russian saboteurgrussian saboteurorussian saboteurnrussian saboteurerussian saboteur russian saboteurtrussian saboteurorussian saboteurorussian saboteur russian saboteurfrussian saboteurarussian saboteurrrussian saboteur russian saboteurrussian saboteur
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russian saboteur
R: 7 / I: 1

Pictures not loading

For some reason , despite good internet connection, not being banned, and having been able to earlier, most images aren't loading for me, and not just on one board.
R: 3 / I: 0
worldfiltering chinlet is literally homophobic
R: 4 / I: 0
Can you make /dead/ black and white again?
R: 10 / I: 2

where the fuck is /weed/

i dont give a single fuck to you all dumb communists sack of shit

but tell me this…

R: 4 / I: 1


R: 81 / I: 6 (sage)

Recruiting Mods!!

mod recruitment thread
R: 30 / I: 5

/ growth /

/leftypol/ growth hacking and non-technical/organizational development.
R: 345 / I: 25 (sage)
it's been up for over 20 min on /siberia/
R: 317 / I: 69 (sage)

/leftypol/ outage

I'll make this brief. /leftypol/ was offline from around September 9, 2024 (Monday) until September 12, 2024 (Thursday). This was due to a hard disk failure on the server. When the split happened a few years ago, one of the previous mods/admins rented a bare metal server from a company (as opposed to a VPS/virtual machine instance) for us to host /leftypol/ on. As a result the hardware was not abstracted away. We were unable to boot the machine. Furthermore this individual, having paid for the server in advance, has since gone missing and has been so for at least 34 weeks. We were unable to log into the cloud account due to it sending his email address confirmation message which we were obviously unable to access. As a result, we could not ask the hosting company for support. Also as a result, the only thing we had access to was the cloudflare and a dated sql dump+copy of the source code. As far as I know, the media files (including pdfs), wiki, minecraft server, leftypol tv, etc. are all gone and even if the aforementioned individual returns, its possible that it still won't be able to be recovered due to the fact that they were on a hard disk that failed.

In order to rebuild /leftypol/ we had to secure new hosting, spin up and configure a server with software, firewall, etc. transfer and fix+configure the vichan/lain/leftypol source code, and load the SQL database dump, as well as configure cloudflare. This process was painstaking and slow. I suppose this goes to show the precarious nature of /leftypol/ in that both the domain name (paid for 10 years in advance and donated to the current mod team) and hosting have/are being paid by one individual as a passion project.

We are working diligently to secure backups so this will not happen again in the future.

Thank you for your patience - tech jannies
R: 5 / I: 0
>try to use a general
>post gets immediately slided by garbage and low quality bait
where do I report this bug?
R: 8 / I: 0
testing whether the wordfilter for FAGGOT (chvd) changed
R: 2 / I: 0
>.onion service changed URL from 76i2c3hn55fcj5nut3tqlboqqbbh23zvphv7lefk3vftpx6wketlanyd.onion to ojzfy6mtnjkg4pbkf6fjnty22naczpek253skjm4crwftbohwgevbjyd.onion
come on now
R: 77 / I: 9
why tf isn't LGBT its own board but instead an obscure thread in this board's /b/ equivalent (because apparently queer folk existing isn't political enough to be on the main board despite the fact there are several country exclusive main boards there)? It's how the right-wing infested board gives us better representation a space to be among our own but the supposedly leftist one doesn't
R: 19 / I: 6
>cuckflare on the .onion service
R: 25 / I: 7
>(Low Effort B8)
How is this a bait? I live in global south and this is an issue that concerns me. Do jannies think I moved to Iraq just to troll them le epically? I kept engaging with the thread trying to make something out of it >>>/leftypol/1817055 granted most of the replies I got were reddit-tier strawmans and misrepresentations.
The idiot who put that there can easily check my IP. What absolute shithole this place is.
Will the next leftist from a shithole like mine be filtered for being critical of any capitalist/reactionary power that isn't shitmerica? No wonder you can count the anons from the global south with your fingers.
R: 4 / I: 0
Which radical liberal decided to put the image of every contemporary leftist murderer as a banner for leftypol?
R: 12 / I: 0
Why the fuck is this /r/politics-tier pro-DNC propaganda allowed to stay up in /USAPol/, when shilling like this anywhere else here would lead to deletion/banning? Shit, why not just close it down and turn it into a subreddit where they can jerk themselves off witbh their fellow shitlibs at how le hecking Kokonut Kop will lead big chungus USA and NATO and free Hong Kong, the Uighurs and the Ukraine from le Evil Ruzzians and ChiNatzees.
R: 7 / I: 0


R: 0 / I: 0
R: 1 / I: 0
Make a literature board plz
R: 16 / I: 2

I2P Address

This site needs an I2P address (eepsite)

It already has a .onion, now we need a .i2p

R: 13 / I: 1

Buying the adspace on stonerchan

I'm considering being a volunteer for buying the adspace on stonerchan.org to redirect to leftypol, if it happens - what banners should I use? Currently its 10$ for 3 days.
R: 29 / I: 3
So you removed my thread because I challenged your dogma?
you really can't argue in good faith can you?
what a shame.
R: 5 / I: 2

cytube down

the cytube is down, maybe related to the maintenance idk
getting a cloudflare error page
R: 17 / I: 2
why do tripfaggots get a free pass for shitposting
R: 6 / I: 0
Why is there not a recycling thread for the Ukraine conflict? We're on like thread 36
R: 1 / I: 0

/ukr/ is being raided. Please clean it up

It's been days. Since one certain event in Kiev, lib and /pol/ raiders have been shitting up the thread with low quality bad faith bait. Some of which even posting Banderite chants and throwing slurs with impunity. Despite reports, nothing happens.
Please ban the raiders. They are only repeating themselves after we have already debunked them time after time.
R: 20 / I: 9

Leftypol boring

Sometimes its fun, but then after waiting for new threads the new threads are just boring regurgitated shit from 2017
Everything else is just waiting for news to happen to comment on them and maybe make some memes OR redundant questions that don't deserve their own thread which can be answered by reading books on said topics

everything is kind of cyclical and has a pattern to it
R: 10 / I: 1

Webcamtoy spammer

There is this one chubby femboy that spams pictures of himself. He showed up in stonerchan not too long ago and flooded the website with pics and gifs of himself too.

Please IP perma-ban that fuck, hell RANGE ban that creature, it's way too annoying.
R: 8 / I: 1
Jannies please tell me you're not gonna allow /usapol/ threads here now that with their election approaching. I g-get this place is supposed to be a shithole and it'd be consistent, but…
R: 225 / I: 37
How different is contemporary /leftypol/ from its past iterations so to speak? Be it on back on 8ch or the splits in the past few years. Are people more or less retarded than back then?
R: 1 / I: 0
did the .onion just go down?
R: 40 / I: 10

This website is becoming a shithole

>Fascists shitting up every board
>Chinafags shitting up every thread
>Anarchopiggers shitting up every reply
>Class collaboration and lesser evil nationalism everywhere
>Retards who haven't even skimmed Marx 101 acting like authorities on topics
>On the other side of the table morons who uncritically uphold low-level slop text and poorly interpreted Marx like scripture
>Communism reduced to spirituality and great man worship
>Constant disguised idpol threads
>General ruin of any sign of a competent, rational left

Perscription: we need to ban all the /pol/yps, and clamp down on /bunker/fags and /GET/fugees. Maybe put up a moderated wall that prevents any IP from access unless you answer a couple long-form questions on basic Marx and Engels. Would weed out retards in a snap.
R: 23 / I: 5
how can we bring more traffic to leftypol? does it work to literally spam links to here on other imageboards?

and would it be desirable to bring more traffic
R: 3 / I: 0
is there really any difference between this site and 4chan? You'd think a website for communists (and anarchists) wouldn't be so bigoted but I digress.
R: 16 / I: 1
Anyone know what happened to Leftypedia? Just checked in just now and all I got is this:
R: 12 / I: 4
R: 108 / I: 10

PLEASE MAKE A /NSFW/ BOARD TO SEPARATE THE PORN THREADS FROM SIBERIA, IT'S DISGUSTING!!!! it's disgusting specially for people who visit /siberia/ for other threads such as the royal colony(doesn't matter if it's has softcore porn in it, it is ignorable and it is mainly for aesthetical/memey purposes anyways) and also other threads as well.

I feel like the mods have to bleach their eyes everytime they have to moderate siberia and see a goatsee equivalent every nanosecond there. mods, do yourselves a favor if you value your eyes lol.

thanks for listening to my honest REACTION of visiting siberia
R: 9 / I: 1
Some rando burger mod banned me for posting Russian news about Hinkle.

That,s okay, but I can't even appeal the ban, because it gives me this error message.

1) we are not all burgers. hinkle for the rest of us is someone who appears on rt.
2)at least have the decency to allow us to appeal your idiotic bans, ffs
R: 0 / I: 0

sick of seeing nasty shit

If I hide/report some nasty shit in the list, it should also be hidden in the catalog. I don't know how easy this fix would be to implement code wise, but I hope this request makes sense.
R: 146 / I: 20

This board doesn’t discuss patriarchy

I don’t get why, patriarchy is a pretty pernicious and violent hierarchical structure that negatively effects both men and women, makes female workers more easily exploitable and easier to disrupt in organizing, makes men more likely to act as class collaborators with more powerful men against women from their own class and as a whole, is consistently used as a means to establish buy-in for many men into capitalism, with many reactionary bourgeois ideologies targeting young men playing heavily on patriarchal beliefs and norms, and of course, like it or not, but part of the issue with SA and less serious but still harmful forms of gendered and intimate abuse in some socialist parties and anarchist groups like it or not likely come down to patriarchal attitudes not sufficiently critiqued and deprogrammed out of male members

I’d also say there’s no problem discussing it either unless you’re more concerned with alienating potential male chauvinist allies over basically all women that might possibly be interested in radical politics
R: 9 / I: 0
Is there any good reason to not include country flags in /leftypol/? I feel like it would make discourse better, you can know there an anon is coming from (both literally and figuratively) without having them start their post with >as a Mexican, I […]. If privacy is a concern, you could just make them be overridden by the custom flags, or add an option to hide the flag etc.
R: 36 / I: 7

After a year and some change, the Leftypol twitter has reached 3k followers

♪ \(^ω^\ )


( /^ω^)/♪♪

Help us reach 4k!!!: https://twitter.com/leftypol_org
Appreciate everyone who has been supportive and contributive to the account <3
R: 57 / I: 14
<IPs last hour 33
I feel like this site has been dying over the last few weeks
R: 25 / I: 2

Who is funding the leftypol organisation?

You can't tell me, all this is made by "volunteers". We know projects like Linux or Wikipedia are backed by multimillion dollar corpos. So who is financing this site here?
R: 61 / I: 13
There is no organization going on on leftypol. In truth, there is only an ongoing process of atomization. Every day our numbers dwindle and our site loses users. The fact that we are so unwilling to recognize leftypol, not as a silly hangout spot, but as a military base surrounded by enemies on all sides, is probably why glowies even keep this website from going offline completely. We're an utterly worthless leftist organization. What is all the philosophy for if all of it is stupid edrama bullshit and attempts to explain an outside world we never explore ourselves? How exactly can leftypol have any purpose in this world if we don't convert people, or seek out comrades to befriend in person, or find leftist communities we can ally ourselves with, not that there are many of those. Why can't we have raids into other online spaces, or form communities on other websites that represent our interests as online leftists? Even twitteroid leftists do more activism online. Not to mention that there's a decrepit atmosphere of paranoia and existential dread, as well as everyone on leftypol being a piece of shit fossil who denounces porn addiction and criticizes everyone who actually makes an attempt to post something interesting for once. We practically do the glowies' work for them. If 4chan can organize real life attempts to steal a flag from shia labeouf's private residence then why cant we, i dunno, form cliques and networks of people willing to actually do shit? I wanted comrades from this place and all ive ever gotten were parasocial relationships with people who only share philosophy and poke and prod at anybody who suggests doing anything at all without giving anything in return. Fuck the air of critique here. Why cant you people propose projects? What's wrong with a 5 year plan? This is why the third world is the only hope of progress in the world. You firsties all gave an internet connnection and pretend to be "socialists" but you are the most antisocial people that could have ever pretended to be "comrades". This place is designed to lull leftists into a false sense of security and community. Wake up. Start organizing on a regional basis and stop focusing on the internet. You wont find any cameraderie online and your online comrades are pure fiction. Go outside.
R: 78 / I: 14
I haven't been here in years. How have things been?

Oh apparently I need 150 characters. I remember that lel. Well I'll just say despite not hanging out here I'm still a Marxist, I've just been hanging out in other places.
R: 4 / I: 0
Jannies persecuting TOR users for personal reasons again.
The claim to turn it off this time is so called 'low quality posting from the onion' despite the facts that most tor posting is simply various anons posting news in the Palestine threads and that most tor posts are better than your average clearnet post.
Attached are the top 3 threads in /leftypol/. This is clear evidence removing the .onion has nothing to do with 'post quality', with all of the tor posts being better quality than these 3 threads, and is personally about jannies feelings.

R: 47 / I: 14

Few basic questions about this imageboard

Hi i just found this site and im new to imageboards overall, too. I just have a few questions

1. How many anarchists are there? And which type of anarchists are typical? Like, what is the ratio between statist and libertarian left here?

2. Why Tor users are not allowed to post? You even have an .onion site, no? How people post there? Tor is required to access those links

3. How are genocides committed by the left (Hol0domor, Great Leap Forward, 1956 Hungary, under russian civil war, etc…) viewed here? Are they denied, or did they deserve it, or it was a necassary evil, or it was an unnecessary bloodshed and they were mostly innocent? (Gotta be honest, i belive in the last)
R: 52 / I: 5

It's time to dismantle /edu/

Let's face it; leftypol and all other side boards have become more retarded ever since the theoryposters were given the ability to seclude themselves in their little book club of a board. They don't crosspost and they don't debunk jack shit because they're too busy circlejerking eachother on /edu/ to give a fuck. This is clearly one of the biggest problems with the website. Although i used to believe that /edu/ should be left alone as a repository of information, a digital library for people on leftypol.org to view once in a while to read things, while promoting crossposting using the overboard feature, the jannies have no willpower to overhaul the site. Instead i say it's time to break an egg to make an omelette by forcing /edu/ out of their little gooncave so that everybody else can be forced to get browbeaten by theoryposters. For the purposes of this thread ill admit im a theorylet myself, but if you're an /edu/ poster youre just as useless as i am theoretically if you dont DEBOONK. It's time to crack the whip on these uyghurs
R: 7 / I: 1


The .onion domain is borked.
R: 1 / I: 2
>hmmm today i will post on /leftypol/
>write post
>reword shit to make up for the limit, post now seems more retarded and too specific
>hmm okay i'll try again
>wait a couple minutes
>post finally goes out
>thread immediately derailed by some autistic white knights for either china or some random militant group never mentioned by op
R: 9 / I: 1
Why the fuck was the nsfw art request thread deleted?
R: 6 / I: 0

Post preview

Is it possible to have an option to preview or at least edit posts? I don't like having to delete and re-post after making a mistake.
R: 649 / I: 119 (full)  

Moderation Thread

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.

R: 38 / I: 5

Why does this board have so many Trump supporters?

Is it internal shame from being a liberal that you have to lash out and become some meme fringe sect of a fringe ideology?

I get it, the Democrats have lied to the working class and especially marginalized groups, but unironically getting so obsessed with “cringe IDPol” so much that you invert into unironically thinking only white men that work in factories can achieve communism is even cringier.

I’ve been lurking this board awhile and I can’t tell where the bit stops and ends.

Biden is bourgeois and serves the capitalist class okay. Trump pissed off a large sect of establishment bourgeois but he himself is still bourgeois. He’s done nothing but expand and escalate the entire imperial agenda is while four years

Because gas prices are lower or muh inflation wasn’t as high doesn’t have anything to do with Trump or Biden. Unironically saying it does is just buying into Great Man Theory and exposing your liberalism.
R: 53 / I: 9

Bye guys.

It's been long overdue. I've worn out my welcome on leftypol.org, and although i have struggled to impress people and try to remain within the site's good graces by effortposting here and there, it's clear to me that nobody actually likes me here, and it's also clear that most of you guys are yankee collaborators if not outright US nationalists. I'm sick of being constantly ridiculed and mocked and it's probably better if i just focus on writing my second book and trying to stabilize my life, because my "comrades" sure as shit couldn't care less about any of it. I'm still going to be using element but i don't care about the site anymore, especially because the fucking staff can't fucking figure out that maybe instead of trying to constantly engage in the sisyphean task of banning reactionaries they should have been improving the site. I put forth proposals to improve the site myself, such as having an overboard that focuses mainly on collecting effortposts from /edu/ and /leftypol/ to reduce the theorylet problem, or having an overboard that focuses mainly on current events, like a dedicated NewsAnon section. I don't care to flesh out these ideas, i felt like i did a pretty good job explaining them in a thread that nobody cared enough to archive about 2 years ago. I understand that the jannies are understaffed but stop fucking wasting your time on cleaning up pepes and maybe focus on coding the fucking site idfk. Anyway goodbye guys. I thought maybe i'd have earned some respect by now but whatever. Despite the mockery and disrespect, i promise that when Socialism is established in the south, i will give all of you guys a position as indoor slaves where you can at least have air conditioning. You won't be mistreated.
R: 83 / I: 9

No progress?

So we all agree this is going nowhere, right? There are no meaningful agreements here, no progress, no development. It‘s just eternal disagreements with no productive resolution. We are just passing time until whatever happens with this species happens, are we on the same page?
R: 29 / I: 2

leftist site

>no /work/ /worker/ /wagie/ board
>no resources or help for workers aside from one shitty career thread that gets buried
>even weebs have their own /anime/ board

this is the prime example of modern leftism.
R: 1 / I: 0
The "home" page still says Bunkerchan: https://leftypol.org/
R: 8 / I: 2

Fuck video posters

Ok, so here is my rant about the "information culture" on leftypol:
You know what's funny? People on this site who want to strengthen their arguments by sharing links to Youtube videos. No, I will not watch your "educational" video. If you want to convince me, post a link to an article! Yes, text is superior to video. We should actually ostracise people who post here links to Youtube videos. Video is the medium of emotional manipulation, while acquiring information via text is much more analytic and distraction free. Text is pure information, video is a huge neon pile of shit which contains nearly no informational value. In short: Fuck video posters.
R: 0 / I: 0
I have been banned for a month for saying Al Shifa has not been destroyed when the rocket chimpout haplened. I have been banned for stating an obvious fact that everyvody knew was true. Arent mods supposed to be impartial and not ban people based on what they dont like hearing but those who break rules? Literally why was I banned?
R: 2 / I: 0

420chan redirect

What's the deal? I used to use 420chan (and coincidentally this site too) a lot in my faggy embittered youth and now I've found when you type in 420chan.org you get redirected to here. What's the deal?
R: 71 / I: 4

Mod Meetings Summary

I forgotten where I kept the June meeting notes, so I decided to just post all meeting notes from here on out.

Derail this thread at your own peril. I will not play nice like the other mods.

Meeting Report 03/07/22

New Moderation Drive to be determined soon. To ease burden on active members

-Make mod posts in LATAM and Africa threads to encourage applicants from these regions as their NA and EU counterparts are most active
-Must be done before American Midterms really begins to counter the flood of new users in NA region

Finalization of Ban Lengths.

-Have a range of timings for different bans to give some leeway
-Create a catergory based on severity
-If ban is made outside the range, the rest of the mod team must be informed and justified.
-High Pirority, to be finished before new mods come in
-Another Video Call Meeting?

Mods Present
Krates Comet Sindikat Caballo мμμ
R: 56 / I: 6

wvobbly is out of control!

This mod has been consistently banning people unfairly, excessively, while only providing vague reasons for it.
For me, I always get bans only from him on bogus nonesense, which gets immediately revoked, when other mods look at it. Seeing picrel, I'm not the only one, who has complained about this.
It's aggravating getting all my posts in a thread, including the effort ones, deleted. Even after unbanning, they remain gone.

This guy is clearly unqualified for moderation, since he abuses his power constantly to silence people he doesn't personally like.
Please, PLEASE do something finally! 🙏
R: 1 / I: 1
hey, just wanted to congratulate the mods (more like gods(?!!??!)) on ur good job, and on the ghostbuster stirner thing, which amused me. Round of applause 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
R: 16 / I: 4
I believe the LGBT general should be on the main board, just perhaps without the suggestive OPs. My thoughts are such: I understand why the thread is on siberia, since it avoids the idpol discussion and puts us away from the worst of the homophobes. But this just feels like LGBT people have been quitely hidden away as to not cause drama with the anti-idpol crowd. It's a bit like someone who won't go out with their trans partner or mention the relationship to anyone because they don't want to worry about being stigmatised. There are also a lot of users who do not frequently go on siberia, so having the thread here means it isn't representing all of the queer people using the website, which is what it should be doing. There are at least as many, and almost certainly more, LGBT people who rebound away from the website because of the lack of totally clear representation as there would be socially conservative people who would shake their heads and leave because of it. Lastly, and I understand that this is just my own ideological perspective, and I even sympathis with the anti-idpol stance, but I think that minorities such as LGBT+ people should be targeted for socialist mobilization due to their marginalised positions, and we especially need proletarian queer spaces in order to achieve this. Even if it will cause trouble with a certain crowd, it is only fair to have the LGBT general on the main board.

Thanks for reading. If I could just add an adendum, I'd also like to say that there is a lot of casual misogyny across the website (I am not talking about the virgin threads). It infects people's normal speech. I know I'm sounding slightly like a dreaded SJW, but the subtle and totally unconscious misogyny is very grating. A more obvious part of it are words like 'roastie', but it is almost always much quieter than that. I'm unsure about a solution applicable to this website. Certainly, liberalism has no answer. The only real way is total revolution in society to eradicate unconscious patriarchy. If we really want to go beyond identity politics, we need total egality, and this sort of language and, more dangerously I fear, way of thinking, is not conducive to such egality. I don't like complaining about a problem and not having a solution, but I'm poasting anyway so there you go.
R: 61 / I: 5

Workerists and people who use the word "firstoid" are identitarians

Workerism and the fetishization of the third world has grown more and more on this site. To anyone with an actual understanding of marxism, it is clear these people base their entire politics out of the aesthetic liking of a specific subset of the proletariat, and sometimes not even proletariat but ethnicities or countries.

Using terms such as "firstoid", claiming vast swathes of the working class are not working class because they dont adhere to their made up standards of "real workers" despite fullfilling the marxist definition of proletariat, is a clear instance of identity politics. It is no different from sakaiists saying "white workers cant be revolutionary" or other forms of race and identity based politics.

This is a clear violation of the "no Identity Politics" rule of /leftypol/.

In accordance with this, the moderation team needs to crack down on these groups, not least because they have historically been a wrecker force to the movement and most likely to pull people into fascistic currents.
R: 26 / I: 4

Random names

Mods, what purpose serve automatic substitution of Anonymous with various names? I genuinely want to know
R: 16 / I: 7

What's with the hostility to soyface here?

>It's not funny
I don't believe this because I always found it funny, even when it's done at the expense of me or other leftists. Is the reason that the jannies truly hate soyjaks because of the fact that, at some subconscious level, they fear that they truly are soyjaks?

Let me elaborate, I know I might sound chinletdy here but bear with me. By this I don't mean the mods fear that they are literally the superficial pathetic, open-mouthed caricatures that characterize the myopia of right wing aesthetic "critique". Rather, I mean that I wonder whether the jannies have banned soyjak because they harbor a deep-seated internal fear that they might be the fabled half-man of outward meekness that harbors internal monstrosities; A being who believes they are good, and takes keen effort in ensuring the world sees them as good, but at a base level can be reduced to the horrors of his or her unrestrained libidinal desire. Moreover, I wonder if the soyjak gets to them because the stupidity of the average right winger that dabbles in soy-art is an impenetrable fortress, so much so that it makes critique of their artwork a psychic nightmare and an internal crisis that emerges from an inability to reconcile with the artwork's irreconcilability.

Finally, I wonder if jannies dislike the soyjak because of an unintended critique laden in soy-art, which generates, within both the right-wing creators and left-wing deriders, a fear of being castrated or of being considered among the castrated. Considering this board is majority-male, I would not hesitate to say that there is a high possibility our jannies might be among the many here who carry a neurotic fear of emasculation.

>It's shitty art

In the same way cave paintings are maybe. As a mark of human existence, soybooru is a treasure of paranoid desire and far more reflective of a universal loop of hate-agony that found a unique expression in the mind of the rightoid: Perhaps our era's version of "futurism". From my understanding, no left wing visual art project, to date, has produced the heights of brutal ecstasy and real-world affect as found in the violence-spurring hyperstitious effect of soyjaks.

I say with great sorrow that it was the soyjaks who had a part in producing Tarrant, and it was the soyjaks who had a part in producing his several copycats. One of my morbid fascinations is reading the manifestos of these putrid psychopaths is that they make use of a dialect of imageboard-speak that sprung from the minds of the soyteens. While this statement itself may be taken as an argument against soyjaks, I think that it is the restrictive reaction against soyjaks by the left that has a part to play in their psychological effectiveness.

To taboo-ify soyjaks, and to deem them symbols of the right, or to ban them under the dishonest pretense of them not being funny, you let them win. You let them empower the creatures with violence, and draw from them when they smash through the glass wall of reality and enter into the night as callous murderers steeped in the hatred of their mutilated aesthetic.

The solution, in my eyes, is to water the soyjak down, to reduce it, to make it superfluous, and to universalize it. As long as we remain bitterly opposed to being depicted as ugly, bald emasculates, then it will remain the punching bag of an enemy who believes our rejection (and perhaps correctly) is a sign that we are, indeed, soyjaks.

I for one see no reason why the ugly, bald emasculate should be reviled and the hostility towards it, or of being depicted it, seems to me the sign of our social backwardness. In our societies rife with violence and hatred, the only solution other than communism itself, is the arrival of this new type of man, this meek, sensitive and intelligent type of man, who does not concern himself with the needlessly serious vanities chased by the right, doomed to be reduced to dust, but with joyful frivolities and the development of his inner self, knowing full well our time here on earth is short, and there is nothing to do but love and be loved.

I'd like to hear your ridicule, but especially your most sincere thoughts, if you have any.
R: 3 / I: 0

/marx/ is gone.

I just got a 403 Forbidden error when trying to follow the link. Anybody know what happened?
R: 77 / I: 28
Was posting in a seperate thread, but I'd thought I should make a new thread on this.

In this thread: >>29952

After there was a fight about porn being on /siberia/ – personally think it should be hidden behind a flair/toggle, (if I wasn't struggle on the job search, I'd contribute and add that feature (if allowed) – there was then an argument on if the bulbasour images were pedophilia.

The argument basically went, as always:
>X is pedophilia
<*Insert 3-7 similar replies* it's not
>*Smugly* you guys are actually wrong.
Whenever this topic is brought up, it goes like this or something similar, and it completely derails the threads.

I understand this is abit of a slippery slope, but I think we should put bans for people who argue that those drawings are cp.
Bans for like a few hours or a day or something.
A ban for troll like behavior, and by extention: those who feed the troll are also given a slap on the wrist.

I'm not asking for loli images to be allowed.
Such a topic can't even be appproached since how we talk about it is awful.
For instance, it shouldn't be called "cp"/"cartoon cp" when it has no connection to child sexual assult, unlike phyiscal cp.
If anything on that, we need a new term for "cartoon cp", to make it easier to talk about.

My issue is taking the analysis of the "cartoon cp", and arguing that something unrelated is "cartoon cp", because it """looks""" like a human child.
While sure I'm fine with people having moderatly bad takes – these people poison the discussion in every way:
>As the already mention lack of sexual assult, equivalating "cartoon cp" with actual cp, leads people to give tips to anti child abuse agencies on this stuff, which has halted their ability to fight against pedophilia.
<They've been on record to stop telling them about this stuff because of how much of a waste of time it is.
<These posters are literally defending pedophilia by calling it cp.
>This thinking that X has to be cartoon cp, which is just them wanting to see it as cartoon cp so they can be right, infantizes people to them.
<Img rel, for example, was a character used in a thread months ago, where people claim that it was a child because it "looks" like one.
<The idea of a short woman with small breasts and makeup, does not cross their mind – and such behavior it worsened by just further expanding to just having one of those qualities as pedophilic.
>It's because of that infantizing, it leads to people slandering bisexuals as pedophiles because they like twinks. Because a guy with smooth skin or makeup = child.
<Which, unsurpring, that we then see the slander trend of calling lgbt members "groomers", and by extention, "pedophiles".
<What those posters are doing it literally supporting/defending anti-lgbt movements.
>On the rebecaa thread example, the only other argument given is that: "The authors said so Some people who worked on it think it looked like a child."
<Instead of approaching art as something that, while you can learn about the author to get a another perspective, it's still divorced from the author, and you're free to interpret it regardless of their want.
<They're defending copy right to the extention that you can't even be free to see something without the authors consent

That last point is also a fuel of the derailing.
>The author said it's a child, so ergo it's a child, the author is alive and we must serve them!
but then it's:
<The author didn't say a child, but it looks like a child, so ergo it's a child, the author has always been dead!
It can only be one or the other.
If they actually cared about fighting against pedophilia, they wouldn't resort to debate-bro techniques of lieing constantly so they can win points.

These posters can only be summarized as: like Chris Hansen; not an ally, but a road block.

But hey, if the majority of the community disagrees, feel free to label the post as cringe, (using a ban message to make it easier to check on).

Also: alot the stuff mentioned about, like the rebecca thread, is old shit that I originally was going to make this post about, and many of the type of posters who comment on this probably have left.
But the topic never got properly moved past, and I figured making this thread will allow a proper step towards moving past this.

Grammer errors are because when I set up my computer, I choose "Brazil" as my location sicne I wanted a timezone ahead, and I've been too lazy to change the actual setting that makes my system use english as the default language, and by extention chromeium spell checks those errors.
I have work in a few minues, so I won't be looking at this until either tonight, or tomorrow night when I'm off work again.
Anything that requires a source, (except the rebecca thread I guess), I can go grab, though it's not hard to find. Like the "cartoon cp" having no relation to child sexual assult you can find the article easily if you look up the debate about it or cp on wikipedia.
R: 4 / I: 1
Why do random thread OP images keep getting deleted in /siberia/?
R: 0 / I: 0

There is a pedophile on the siberia chat

Please delete it thank you
R: 26 / I: 3

the noticer

why the fuck can't this guy be banned? how many fucking IP addresses does this guy have?
R: 24 / I: 2
>all images shared on lemmy are webp
>/leftypol/ does not accept webp attachments
What is there that can be done for the poor, poor cross-site leftists?
R: 322 / I: 33

Proposal Agenda Thread

Hello everyone. This is the thread to make proposals. Feel free to have your say whether user or mod. We have these proposals did not pass last week, but may be worthy of further discussion:

Proposal: Moderator votes remain the counted votes in admin decisions, but users should let vote using strawpolls (or perhaps polling systems built into the site?) per topic to display general user attitude to a proposal. If the majority User opinion directly opposes moderator majority vote then the proposals should be discussed and votes called on again after a break of 1-2 weeks to let people rethink positions on a topic.

Proposal: Make this the ‘official’ Leftypol channel >>>/leftypol/534666

Proposal: I think that we should also keep the current userbase engaged, making things like weekly game tournaments, actual organized debates, movie nights followed by discussion and so on. I've been thinking that a weekly leftypol podcast could be a good idea, just a couple of anons talking about what happened in the board and the world during the past week and inviting people to talk if they so desire, we could have debates there, and interviews and other things, and share it on spotify for others to see.

Once again, I must clarify that ONLY MODS CAN ACTUALLY VOTE ON PROPOSALS OR VOTES. Anons are free to have their say and offer suggestions and feedback to improve proposals/votes but these are only advisory and user votes are not counted for official decisionmaking. But who knows, a persuasive enough argument might sway the mod team to your cause?

Please reply to this post to post proposals for consideration next week. If a user proposal seems like a good idea, we may adopt it and make it official. Thanks everyone. Feel free to post your opinions but try not to spam or needlessly bicker back and forth in order to keep the thread clear and legible. Any off-topic posts may be removed without warning.
R: 1 / I: 0

Why don't we have a fashion board?

Is there any interest in something like this at all? I assume it hasn't been added because people don't care but I think it would be fun.
R: 4 / I: 0
every fucking thread is turning into /chinagen/ wtf is this retardation?
R: 91 / I: 7
>active new IPs last hour 21
So leftypol is dying. Where did everyone go if not reddit or 4chan?
R: 28 / I: 7

IRC bridge

>Matrix jannies banned the IRC bridge again
what gives?
R: 0 / I: 0
Overboard isn't bumping in Catalog mode.
R: 39 / I: 1
I have been unfairly banned from /siberia/ with the reason "painfully unfunny" (which is a) not true, b) not against the rules), but the worse thing is that it does not show up in the board log: https://leftypol.org/log.php?board=siberia

What's the point of the logs if they don't show the moderator actions?
R: 1 / I: 1


Can we add this flag? After a year and more of shitposting here, its about time to shitpost properly.
R: 11 / I: 0
man leftypol is whiny as fuck recently.
R: 12 / I: 4
can he oficial leftypol twitter accoint please stop retweeting an*me cr*p, I want to read about socialism not g*y cartoons
R: 2 / I: 1
> Websites prove their identity via certificates, which are valid for a set time period. The certificate for lefty.booru.org expired on 1/9/2024.
Can someone fix this? I need my daily fix of Alunya.
R: 23 / I: 6
Hello, I tried posting once on this website a few years ago and got instantly banned for "evasion" because a janny thought I was someone they knew or something.
What should a newfag know before posting here?
R: 8 / I: 0

Stop over-moderating /siberia/

Siberia is a cold, harsh and unforgiving environment. It's not your wholesome, cosy safespace.
Rename the board to something more appropriate if you're going to delete all of the spicy threads.
R: 8 / I: 3
>decide to check on .net
>it's all whining about le .ogre, transhumanists, women and idpol shit
Why are they like this?
R: 82 / I: 19
What happened to this site? it is barely populated compared the user count a few years ago, or compared to bunkerchan/8chan
R: 27 / I: 6
They're not leftist, they're not anarchist, they're not marxist, they're not socialist, they're a fascist front.
The site is going to shit more than it ever has.
R: 4 / I: 0
R: 1 / I: 0

Why does my thread keep getting deleted?

This is the third time I posted it after two deletions. How is this against the rules?
R: 2 / I: 0
The new /roulette/ board is even slower than the last one.
R: 7 / I: 0

Front page

Can we change the landing page about Ukraine? its pretty out of date now.
R: 3 / I: 1
I wish the site had a better oekaki app. It's passable for lineart, but no layer, opacity control and zooming support makes it frustrating to use for anything else. Tegaki seems like a nice candidate seeing how it does not force you to use a tiny box in the reply section by default, but maybe there is a better alternative out there?
R: 5 / I: 1
why is an ancap allowed to propagandize for hundreds of posts lol
R: 9 / I: 0
What happened to the degenerate > fun word filter? The quality of discussion is dropping pretty quick since it got turned off / broke.
R: 4 / I: 1
add an rss feed for all the boards
R: 6 / I: 0
why are people allowed to defend concepts like nationalism and class collaboration on /leftypol/ when you slap china on the image for the thread? you guys are able to ban/delete random posts about "conspiracy theories", people being mean to pro-russian people and random people who got a minor fact wrong in the eyes of the staff.
R: 5 / I: 0
the word "russian saboteur" should get filtered to "kicycle."
R: 2 / I: 1
So, can any mods here explain to me why this thread (https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/1671636.html) was saged despite having at least some quality discussion despite the OP being B8 while this thread (https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/1671745.html), which is full of "Marxist" shitlibs promoting the "Uighur Genocide" and other atrocity propaganda is allowed to remain unsaged?
R: 3 / I: 0
for the retarded mod who deleted my thread because I didn't agree with him:
R: 11 / I: 3

hi, im new to this website

didnt know this existed, and thought i was doomed to browse 4chan blue boards as the only active and least biggotted (because all the other image boards i knew of were even worse) image board where i didnt have to sign up for

im a trotskyist, are those allowed here or should i just pack up my shit and leave or just consign myself to going here for memes
thank you for the info regardless
R: 0 / I: 0


For how long do we archive threads ? Is there any way to mark a thread we find especially good for long time archiving ? Or do we rely on external things like wayback machine and posts screencaps ?
And if we actually archive everything forever, thats a big pile of shit to shift through, so we should still have a way to mark thread/posts especially valuable
R: 4 / I: 0
do reports in the report inbox show the whole post or only a link? how detailed should i be with my reports?
R: 19 / I: 4
Petition to filter "schizo" to "neurotypical".
R: 1 / I: 0

Error with attaching images from clipboard

Issue: The site doesn't support attaching webp files from the clipboard. The image of Komarov was copy pasted from a social media site which converts everything to webp, most sites today use webp because it's smaller than png - its just better in every way. I hate cluttering my drive with random garbage so whenever posting memes and shit I just copypaste stuff, but this issue is is very annoying because I have to go in paint to paste it there and copy it again before it will work.

Error message: {"readyState":4,"responseText":"<html>\r\n<head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head>\r\n<body>\r\n<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>cloudflare</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n","status":400,"statusText":"error"}
R: 1 / I: 1


Leftypol Mods 🧹
You Have 24 Hours 🕛 To Move /siberia/
❄️/siberia/❄️ Belongs At End of Bar
If You Don't Move, We Will Seperate /siberia/
And Then Dismantle all of reddit
R: 15 / I: 0 (sage)
>post a tweet from Destiny, a prominent streamer pundit, in /isg/, about Palestine
>get fucking banned
>appeal denied
Are mods retarded? Answer: yes
R: 5 / I: 0

Embed doesn't work.

Youtube links don't work in the embed bar anymore.
>Couldn't make sense of the URL of the video you tried to embed.
Fix this please.
R: 1 / I: 0
What do you boys think? @modteam
R: 2 / I: 0
Very strange ban. Is making multiple threads spamming to the mod that banned me? I think I know what thread I got banned for (I can only guess however since the mods deleted it, so I'm assuming it's that one) but interesting to see I didn't get banned for the content of the thread itself, but for making previous threads. Can the mod that banned me explain a little bit? Two weeks seems excessive as well.
R: 32 / I: 5
How can revive anti-idpol movement on /leftypol/? To me it seems that this site has regressed into "white people bad because multipolarism" or that one eco-anarchist thinking his vegetarian diet choice is revolutionary or that walkable cities is socialism. Not to mention transhumanism.
R: 4 / I: 1
The mods need to bring junko back
R: 15 / I: 4


uh, why the fuck is MISATO deleting pictures from my posts? Is picrel officially banned on /leftypol/ or something?
R: 25 / I: 4
I hate reactionaries, man. I fucking hate them.
I hate the way they slither around everywhere trying to "JQ" everyone. It's so fucking cynical and evil.
I thought as I grew older I'd simmer down about wanting to kill every Nazi on earth, but I didn't. In fact with years of life experience my hatred has grown stronger, my contempt more profound. If I found out one of my neighbors was a Nazi smearing his propaganda all over the internet I'd kill him (in minecraft). I'd go to prison just to know one less Nazi walked the earth (in Sim City 2).

I mean, just look at the posts in picrelated. Take a moment to think about how slimy this is, to try and bait-and-switch people into your fucked up cult of jew hate by appealing to the proletarian revolution. The cowardice of it all. God. Fuck.
R: 16 / I: 1
Why is there no thread on /leftypol/ about the United Auto Workers strike
R: 0 / I: 0

petition to filter lickspittle to basedspittle

R: 17 / I: 4
The anti-sectarian rule on this board is problematic. There are too many libs calling themselves "socialists" and yet they reject Marxism-Leninism outright in favour of liberal theory. You can see this most in the multipolarity threads. There needs to be a board, or even leftypol needs to undo the anti-sectarianism rule, in order for us to get to the root of how these anti-Marxist libshits think. Otherwise they have free reign to smear every anti-imperialist force as fascist and imperialist based on "muh capitalism" which spits in the face of the continuation of Marxist-Leninist theory which cemented imperialism as a definite phenomenon in the contemporary age.
R: 2 / I: 0
So, what's the official stance on the two competing PRC threads on /leftypol/? Is one going to be locked or are they both going to continue to co-exist?
R: 9 / I: 2
Can the mods please implement a minimum word requirement on all boards (including /siberia/)
It will greatly improve the quality of discussions
R: 16 / I: 0

Zigger vs Both Sider Arguement Containment Thread

I understand that mods like encouraging theoretical debates, and I understand that the war is slow and that "happenings" don't happening often, but over the past few threads Zigger vs both siders bickering seem to be reaching about 85 to 90% of the /ukraine/ thread content.
See following threads for examples:
It seems pretty ridiculous considering most of this "content" is just rephrasing of the same few talking points that have been talked to death over the course of a year. Maybe early on exposure to these talking points may sway people to ziggerism or both-sidism, but after a year no one is going to be changing sides anymore and this debate is largely redundant imo.

Obviously I don't want to ban debate about multi-polarity vs socialism, but having to shift through 80 paragraphs just to find information about developing events about the war is annoying to say the least. I propose a separate thread to this debate so that the /Ukraine/ thread can be more orientated to the actual war and a seperate containment thread for those who want to waste there time writing 30000 word essays that will not change anyone's opinion

<but anon that will make the actual /ukraine/ thread really slow

imo thats desirable, less shifting through essays so you can find what you want

pic unrelated
R: 19 / I: 5

Promotion Opportunity?

To to mod who runs the Twitter (misato I believe). Here’s a chance for promotion lol. Qrt or reply should suffice. I would probably put something dumb like “We remember 😉”. Also a May Day tweet should be made today maybe
R: 7 / I: 0
Can I ask, what's the rationale for having different boards, when most are barely used? /akm/ and /tech/ for example?

As for /siberia/, what's the point?
R: 9 / I: 1
what is it about leftypol that makes it the best imageboard BY FAR????? is it the genitally gifted mods??????? is it the lovely schizo-autistic posters?????????
R: 13 / I: 5
it should be renamed to /incel/ or /relationshipwhining/
R: 228 / I: 25


Leftypedia lived - Leftypedia lives - Leftypedia will live!

Greetings, comrades. Leftypedia, the radical encyclopedia, should be back in a usable state. We have more moderators, which will help with spam from now on, and images are slowly being repopulated for your viewing pleasure. The new domain has been up and running for a while at https://wiki.leftypol.org, and we've imported the vast majority of content that was on the old site while adding a lot of new stuff. I hope that Anons can come back and fill in any content that was lost.

For those unaware, Leftypedia is an original /leftypol/ project dedicated to combating the disinformation of mainstream media and academic sources, as well as discussing leftist history, theory, and practice from a multi-sectarian viewpoint. We welcome additions from different leftist perspectives provided that they are properly sourced and well argued. In addition, we maintain a separate space, tentatively titled "Essays", for more subjective or polemic work.

The original thread is here: >>>/edu/3780
You can find Leftypedia at: https://wiki.leftypol.org
Help for new editors: https://wiki.leftypol.org/wiki/Leftypedia:Community_portal
R: 3 / I: 1 (sage)


really mods? You fucking delete every single post in the multipolarism thread?

Is it the official stance of /leftypol/ now to support multipolarism? is H*z still banned?

What the fuck. Mods nuked like half the posts just because im not sucking putins dick
R: 9 / I: 0
proposal to create a /wave/ board for handpicked "general" thread's, geopolitical generals, and news anon threads.
proposal to create a second /leftypol/ board and a second /edu/ board.
proposal to extend the max page number the /leftypol/ and /edu/ board we currently have.
proposal to create a archive.moe but for leftypol.
proposal to create some special archiving for threads like the wikiglow thread.
R: 3 / I: 0



why is my anti third worldist thread saged? is this officially a third worldist/multipolarista site now?
R: 1000 / I: 168 (sage) (full)

Moderation thread

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.


last one reached max replies
R: 5 / I: 1

Bar Placement of /siberia/

Make /siberia/ the last of all clickable boards on the bar, preferably the last clickable thing
Because its name is siberia, therefore it should be the furthest away point in terms of boards if you think about it
>but thats stupid and would be pointless
It'd be funny and maybe when someone decides to go there, they might see the rest of the boards and be tempted. Also it would be funny
That is all, thank you. I hope you take it into consideration
R: 0 / I: 0
hello, I'm the maker of the thread about my WORLD-CHANGING game, Demolish or Die, on /games/. Thanks for sticking it ❤❤❤❤❤, but I just wanted to say that i won't be sad if you unstick it, since it's taking a lot of space and all.
R: 71 / I: 7

Link eRegime's new /marx/ on the top navigation + "Our Friends" on the home page

I'm seeking to get this done so Ismail's reference desk board/forum is more visible and connected to this site.
I got his consent for it: http://eregime.org/index.php?showtopic=17379&st=2130&#entry300560
This is the link to the overall subforum: http://eregime.org/index.php?showforum=719

I raised this in the /leftypol/ Congress matrix room and nobody took issue with it.
In case somebody doesn't know who Ismail is and why this change would be helpful: on 8chan he was the board owner for an associated board called /marx/ where he would answer questions random anons would ask him about Marxism. He also posted books that he uploads scans of to the Internet Archive.
Here's a sample of threads from 8chan's /marx/: https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://8ch.net/marx/res/*
/marx/ was also previously linked on the old BO administration's list of associated boards.
R: 3 / I: 1


What the literal fuck is up with jannies nowdays? I've had half a dozen threads deleted out of nowhere in a week. If you have to do this at least lock it with a warning message explaining why the fuck shit gets deleted for no reason. at this point /siberia/ is becoming better than /leftypol/
R: 15 / I: 0

Should we have a /lit/ board?

I want an internet community to discuss literature on but I hate Reddit and 4/lit/ is like staring directly at the Elephant's Foot for your brain unless you just stick to the wiki recommendations. Would anyone else want a lefty /lit/ for book discussions or are >>>/hobby/ or >>>/edu/ good enough?
R: 51 / I: 2
Ban incels on sight. They have literally everywhere else on the internet to tap out their white noise screeds.
R: 4 / I: 0
>Created a new -15287 seconds ban on /leftypol/ for xxxx (#20328) with reason: Excessively low-quality posting. You will never post here again
Noticed this in the mod logs yesterday. How is a negative time ban even possible? Wouldn't it be pointless because negative time is time that happened before the event? It's some 4D Interstellar shit.
R: 1 / I: 0

Jannies explain yourselves

>someone makes a thread below the minimum character limit for /leftypol/ >>427214
>it gets moved the /leftypol/ even though it's low effort because it's too serious
R: 0 / I: 0
Can we have a serious discussion about the me on the left right up down threads? We've been over this 10 thousand times but you refuse to contain him to one thread.
R: 7 / I: 0



why did you bastard jannies delete my thread asking about the classics? what rule did that violate?
R: 23 / I: 4  
we should have a /vt/ board. /vt/ board in 4chan and other 4chlike are filled with generic weaboo chinabad ppl you found in non western country and their more normie like kinds. we should make a alternatives site for discussing vtubing and its culture without the chinabad vibes
R: 392 / I: 76


I am resigning as a developer, sysop and moderator of Leftypol.

I'll keep the OP short, blog post inside. There are a few reasons, the main one is I am completely demotivated to prolong the decline of this site. There is a major contradiction between much of the mod team and /leftypol/. My time is better spent elsewhere.

I have no interest in returning until these contradictions are resolved. Resolving them would require harsh and uncomfortable decisions by people unlikely to make them, so I have no confidence it will happen.

Sorry to all the users who had no real power to prevent this. It's not your fault.1
R: 20 / I: 4
Why is thingnoticer getting banned every single post even on absolutely innocuous posts like this? No actual reason except "im triggered 🤡"
This mod team is ridiculous, fragile beyond belief. As soon as they see its his IP he would probably be banned even for posting "hello" or something.
R: 4 / I: 0
What did they mean by this?
R: 3 / I: 1
do something abot radlibs and everyone who use the word denier/apologia/etc and everyone who did not like clearing stalin's name.

also etc things like this. i want to make a thread
R: 14 / I: 6

literally 1984

Edited posts should have that little disclaimer at the bottom that they have been edited, like on every other imageboard. Mods should stop making their edits look like it is the original post, it's disgusting.
R: 13 / I: 3 (sage)

Banning from all boards is stupid #2

The original thread got saged for some reason. >>25574

It happened again, for the third time now, that I was banned from all boards based on a falsehood.
The first time was for alledged ban-evasion, the second supposed "low-effort" posting and the third for "spam IP".
The first case was luckily reversed. The second one's appeal was denied, where I had to wait, till it expired (24 hours) and the third would have meant a ban for 22 weeks!!!

This is insanely excessive! I would have had no means to communicate to the staff that this ban was wrong, since I'd be banned from /meta/ too.
I have to ask again, why such severe bans are thrown around utterly recklessly. WTF?!?
Banning from all boards is shitbrained. At least keep the option for people to file a complaint in /meta/ for the high possibility of getting unfairly banned!

Could the mods get a grip please? I was banned after just the first post today.

This is absurd. HOLY SHIT!
R: 5 / I: 0
Should we make an embassy thread on /leftypol/ for reddiphile refugees
R: 36 / I: 4
I just want to draw everyone's attention to how absurdly based leftypol's developers are for making the site completely functional without running Javascript.

A site that's usable without JS is the absolute gold standard for knowing that the devs actually like and respect the users.

Thank you based devs
R: 1 / I: 0
please let us delete our own threads if the thread isnt older than a few minutes and doesnt have over 3 replies
R: 15 / I: 2
R: 1 / I: 0
The mods NEED to intervene.
R: 12 / I: 0
can we have a /test/ board? i wanna try out some formatting stuff and see what works.
it can be text-only i guess.

(im not sure if the formatting shown in the pic still works or not)
R: 996 / I: 123 (full)

Site Moderation Thread

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.

R: 2 / I: 0
I just looked, out of the first 100 (or more) of the non-general threads on /leftypol/, my thread has the 2nd most posts (after the Wolff one that has been up for longer.

You got fooled into killing one of the most active threads. 🤡
R: 3 / I: 1
>banned from all boards
>for being a Nazi
holy shit if it's either pasquale or wvobbly who banned me, this will be the 6th time I've been banned for nonsense by those two.
What is the rationale? What's the point of posting here if you can get banned for so little reason?
What did I do that qualifies me as a nazi? Please, can caballo or someone else explain this to me? Pasq and Wvobly is just gonna say some vague ass shit like "ban evading" or "spam" and be done with it.
R: 5 / I: 0
Just got a ban as a hazite on all boards which 1 isn't a rule and 2 you're only supposed to ban me from the board in question for something like this so I can appeal in /meta/ theme the tools iirc

for posting → >>>/leftypol/1457651
and saying haz posted something not embarrassing for once

This is utterly hilarious given earlier I'd decided to tone down the lumpen bashing after seeing a has tweet slamming lumpens because haz's opinions are in general embarrassing and wrong as a rule of thumb

So which one of you is powertripping?
R: 29 / I: 5
Can we bring back the soyjak general thread on /siberia/ so people will stop complaining about the no-frog/soy rule?
R: 105 / I: 4

Forced anonymity

Let's talk about forced anon.

Why force anon?
Anonymity provides many benefits that other leftist communities don't provide.
>drama reduction
>removal of prejudice in responses, removing many potential causes of fallacious arguments (conscious or otherwise)
Users taking on identities encourages negative behaviors.

There are some potential cases where an identity might be appropriate within a single thread, but users taking board-wide identities are antithetical to the strengths of this site. Their identity serves no purpose but to satisfy the ego.

<b-but muh leftytrash community!

Take it to GETchan, Matrix or just have namefaggotry on /siberia/ only. There are many, many communities purpose-built for those values. This should not be one of them.
R: 7 / I: 1

Filter by flag

I think that the devs should implement filtering a user by flags on the board. Is that possible?
R: 26 / I: 3
Some nights leftypol is so shit that I just pretend to be a clueless retard (no, not a fascist) just for shits and giggles.
Does anyone else do this?
R: 21 / I: 1
All the retards are crawling out! I officially declare 07:00 AM GMT as the hour where posts have the worst quality and also the hour when all mods are asleep.
R: 8 / I: 0
Word Filter Proposals: Marketing Terms Edition

(Post(ing/ed) (on/to) Social Media > Post(ing/ed)) Online
((Browse/Scroll)(ing/ed) (on/to) Social Media > Surf(ing/ed)) The Web
Influencer(s) > Sales(person/people)
Tweet(ing/ed) > Post(ing/ed)
Re(tweet/blog)(ing/ed) > Boost(ing/ed)
Content > Post
Content Creator > Poster
YouTuber/TikToker > Videographer
The Algorithm > Search Engine Optimization

Any more suggestions?
R: 49 / I: 8

Leftypol is objectively the best website in the world

Leftypol is objectively the best website in the world

It is easily demonstrable by a negative definition, follow this, what are the other websites? 4chan, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, whatever. Internet is mostly three American arms dealer in a trench coat anyway. Give me just one website that is better than leftypol. I’m waiting.

I was surprised too when I came to this conclusion, but I accepted it and so will you. Leftypol is the best website in the world (objectively).
R: 7 / I: 0

On self-moderation

This is a discussion thread about the concepts of community self-moderation and self-curation, how they can apply to this site, and its interaction with the extent of staff-enforced 'quality control' (deleting reactionaries, idpol, derails, etc.)
There's pages of other threads for other topics so don't derail it with 'jannies should/nt ban [x]'.

I believe a discussion community should ideally be capable of self-moderating. There are some obstacles to this, and I want to ask what they are, which can be solved, and how it can be achieved.

1) Why curate?
In a sentence, so that the catalogs aren't filled with or endorsing 'the same thread every week', reactionary shitposts, idpol bait topics and other generally-unwanted or quality-degrading topics.
Most of the community consider this a detraction from insightful threads getting attention, a welcome sign to unwelcome users, or simply a bad experience. Too much of this, and the users leave and the site essentially dies.

1) b. Why self-curate?
In a list:
>so that the site isn't reliant on random volunteer jannies to stop the above from happening
>so that jannies can be told with confidence to not curate topics that currently would just sit at the top of the site all day if they didn't
>so that a raid when jannies aren't online isn't paralyzing for hours

2) Tools of self-moderation
Online forums have different methods of self-moderation. Some sites like reddit are famous for a straight-forward, direct curation method of user-voting: a thread must be pushed up less than it is pushed down to continue being promoted. This is moderation based on approval.
Imageboards and forums use a 'bump' system: unless explicitly instructed otherwise, a post will rise all the way to the top whenever a reply is made. This is moderation based on attention.
Both styles have their pros and cons. With the bump system, for example, any approval raises threads to the top equally, which promotes attention to unpopular/slow yet positive threads. On the other hand, disapproval tends to promote threads. This is evident when a 'bait' thread stays at the top despite most posters considering it a bad thread, leading people to request moderator intervention as a drizzle of users disputing to the thread or two autists arguing keep it stuck to the top of the site.

On an imageboard, the bump system is the core method of user-controlled curation. There are also some malicious tactics such as Papiezposting (essentially flooding a thread with spam to prevent discussion) which is an easy way to get banned on any forum with a semblance of quality control. Others are social (such as memetic) rather than mechanical, which generally has little potency in an anonymous forum until there's a higher participation rate.
There are also personal moderation tools like filters and hiding, although this doesn't have a direct effect on what the site overall gives attention to.

3) Obstacles to self-moderation
>lack of awareness and participation
Due to the asymmetry of the bump system, if you don't bump but five other mad people do every minute, it's invalidated.
>>>new users
See above.
Impulsive users see something they disagree with and think they have to respond. In you're not helping and your not having fun, why reply?
>believing sage helps
Saging is a false god when used in disagreement: it still prompts a response that almost certainly will be a bump. Saging is useful when you think your post doesn't warrant the thread being raised, when your post doesn't prompt a reply, or when the site is fast enough to handle counter-bumping.
>malicious self-bumping
This is largely invalidated by this site's rule against samefagging.

4) Methods of self-moderating a bump system
The most effective thing you can do to promote a better board is to bump existing threads with good posts the prompt positive discussion. Make good threads worth posting in. Create original content or effortposts if you can. Just saying 'bump' is a shitpost that doesn't really help beyond a few seconds. There's 36 pages of threads, surely there are ten good ones you can contribute to.
Secondly, raise awareness. Drive-by thread-shitters and impulsive bait-bitters caught in a thread don't realize they're keeping what they hate at the top of the site so that it will stay there longer. You don't need to get caught up in a conversation and contribute to the bumping, just notify and leave.
Thirdly, don't be part of the problem. Don't reply to obvious shitposts that anyone with a brain-stem can see the issues with. Simple enough.
If you must express disapproval, then don't even give them something to reply to and start a fight. Post your favorite laughing reaction image and ignore.

But we can't do that! We need jannies to delete bait because 10 people will take it!
I've seen sites self-moderate. I've seen places where a /pol/ flame won't get more than one reply and sink off the bottom. It's usually in slow places distant from 4chan IHM culture who have dealt with enough shit-and-run baiters to have to have learnt how to deal with them if they don't want to go to shit
There are reasons why we don't have that culture right now: people used to other sites who never considered this, a mutual pessimism that resistance is futile due to other bait-takers, a lack of awareness and any community culture, narrow-sightedness, all kinds of things.

But the great thing about a community is that culture can and will change if the people in it want it to.

this post dedicated to the lazloposter, i hope they're still here
R: 37 / I: 3

/hangout/ thread on main board

I know half of you will freak out because its me saying it, but could we have a thread on the main board that is just for people to hang out in, post random shit, generally talk about things, not necessarily politics related but obviously there will be a lot of crossover. Like Matrix/fbi.gov but you don't have to sign in an all that junk. Just a thread for banter and shitposting. Yes technically there is a whole board for that on /b/ but i feel a fast hangout thread would be better. Also whatever happening thread is happening and ITG end up defacto being this anyways, so it might free those threads up a bit.
R: 1 / I: 0
thanks for making my animal election fred sticky mods (more like gods) xoxoxoxoooxooxo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
R: 27 / I: 4

New reforms for /meta/

Hello everyone, we have decided to take some measures to try to make /meta/ more productive - first of all, all posts by mods wil now be identified by mod tag (preferably) or by putting mod in the name field if needed. This will also apply on all other site management threads. Individual mod names will be optional. We hear the criticisms that have been levelled on this issue and we apologise that it has taken some time to take this action.

In addition we would like /meta/ to be a more productive space in general, so please try to post suggestions for improvement rather than blanket criticisms. We may move ban appeals into a dedicated thread in order to reduce the amount of new topic clutter. I hope that we will be able to introduce more reforms soon but this is an important first step. In addition, recruitment of new moderators to give some new blood is continuing apace currently. Please bear with us for more improvements!
R: 48 / I: 6
Filter please. Seems to be the same person too spamming it


Tulcel > Trotskyite
R: 0 / I: 0
Off topic is a lame incel hangout spot now, and offtopic boards in general are just a bad idea
R: 4 / I: 0
R: 0 / I: 0

Matrix chat

Why does the matrix chat don’t work when I open it on element? When I click “join” it says “you were not invited to this room”
R: 5 / I: 1
So are you making any attempts to ban "tulcel" spammer or are you just letting them be? Is Tulcel spammer, a thing noticer equivalent, or are you just letting them spam for shits and giggles?
R: 7 / I: 0

Why are mods like this?

>overmoderate because the rules are so subjective that something just has to bad for discourse to be removed, and even then 'mods are always right'
>smugly bitch at a user saying you don't curate and they should go to reddit
Why are you smug redditoid glowholes like this? To any mods who aren't like this, why do you support this? Stockholm syndrome?

BTW where did the thread on NPA's attack on AFP go to? This site is radioactive
R: 53 / I: 3
So shilling the site on Reddit does work…
Now we have to keep shilling and bring Russian communists from VK.
R: 18 / I: 0 (sage)
When did the mods on this site become the same stick-in-the-butt-leftism-is-a-secret-treehouse types as the reddit mods?

Like, wasn't one of the key moments in leftypol history the Catgirl meme war, where we established that pictures aren't inherently reactionary?

Weren't the original principles of this forum of ours that unlike every other "leftist" space on the internet, we don't take the bad faith "everyone is a reactionary unless they prove they aren't" path to community building. Don't we believe that "open discourse and shitposting is a superior pedagogy to strictly moderating and banning potential comrades for not towing an increasingly strict line of things that will lead to instant bans?

I've been in the meta room on Matrix, and it essentially functions exactly how you'd expect it to: Mods and their sycophants acting like they are above everything and not wanting to dissent, because the logic of these spaces is always:

>If you disagree that we should ban someone for X, then that must mean you support/defend X.

And no one wants to be that person who criticises the process for fear of being labelled a reactionary themselves.

Clearly something has gone wrong in the process. I propose a "Poster's Union Thread" where only non-mods and janitors may post. Would the moderators agree to that?
R: 6 / I: 0
why was i banned and my post deleted, but my ban isn't in the logs.
R: 7 / I: 0
I've been banned twice now for no discernible reason. all it tells me is that I was banned the exact moment I tried to post something and that I cannot post for another week, I could understand if I did something against the rules but I haven't even been told why that is so I don't know what to correct or stop doing.
R: 22 / I: 2


Why was my anti natalism thread deleted?

is anti natalism banned on leftypol now?
R: 4 / I: 0
Four pages of this is fucking absurd, and only some are related to Alunya. I think its time we put of foot down and tell Grace Anon that the booru is not a storage area for them and we will delete anything grace related not related to Alunya/leftypol. It floods the booru and makes it so that you have to go through several pages to browse it for leftypol OC
R: 4 / I: 0
This website needs a travel board
R: 10 / I: 0

A proposal on Tor Posting.

I think that the Tor posting should be allowed again but Tor user cannot post images or create threads and must complete a CAPTCHA before posting.
R: 4 / I: 1

subvert.io - a great place to work.

"Hi I'm a team leader at subvert.io private intelligence agency. It's a great place to work. I have unlimited access to the latest and greatest GPT bots, 30 analysts and 100 junior shitposters….I mean posting colleagues. We contract to the government agencies, the other government agencies, psycho right wing billionaires, university research departments, gulf monarchs and overseas governments too. We like to say there's no forum too obscure to penetrate, control, embrace and neuter!"

What structures are in place to make sure that I'm not wasting my time posting on some kind of controlled truman show illusion?

Like, wouldn't it be best practice for the weblord or whatever to post daily stats and analysis of site data and posting patterns? What would be best practice for a anonymous left imageboard in 2022 to make sure important customers like me aren't wasting their time?

Need some reassurance before I can love again.
R: 1 / I: 0
quick question yall can delete this if theres a way to directly ask the mods this kind of thing but what happend to that one bread about the white working class? in not upset or anything im jusst curious I was gone for like 2 hours max n that shit was gone. did some crazy shit happen?

R: 9 / I: 1
>Options field is a dropdown menu with a single option
Do the devs know there's checkboxes for that?
R: 9 / I: 3
The eternal internal debate of whether to tell some retard to fuck off and risk derailing the thread with a pointless "discussion" or just ignoring, hiding and reporting at the risk of newcomers seeing those posts and thinking they're acceptable behavior on leftypol.
R: 8 / I: 0
Why is the Matrix server not end to end encrypted?

Whoever has rights to this room should enable end to end encryption.

I understand that because there are around 300 users in the room at current count you might think that this doesn't give much security but actually it gives more than you think.

First of all if the users are using the public matrix .org server, and then that server is a counterparty and can read all of the messages. Why let them? And the same is true of any other public or semi public server.

And even in the case where it's a law enforcement who for whatever stupid reason wants to see, having them end to end encrypted makes the investigation more costly because they have to find somebody with the key who is willing to share it. That's not hard to do when you got 300 people to go through but it is definitely work and won't get done in an hour, probably has a turn around time around 6 for the feds.

Finally there is the point that ISPs can read all the messages. It's just not smart to leave it off
R: 5 / I: 1


>"Leftism" is a bad descriptor that reinforces the "left-right" garbage.
>"Anti-capitalism" is a more accurate, direct, and less vague descriptor.
petition to rename /leftypol/ to /nocappol/ frfr ong /shitpost
R: 21 / I: 9
wvoobly you utter fascist
why did you delete the laser posts in /usapol/
R: 3 / I: 3
peepees aren't even a right wing thing anymore, we fought long and hard and veiny to claim them for ourselves. why can i post peepees in my parasocial leftist streamers' chat but can't post them in here? this is literally george foreman's 1984

can we at least unban peepos? They're so cute :C
R: 28 / I: 3 (sage)

Banning from all boards is stupid

It happened for the second time, that I was banned from all boards based on a falsehood.
The first time was for alledged ban-evasion and the second supposed "low-effort" posting.
The first case was luckily reversed. The second one's appeal was denied, which is a first. I had to wait till my unfair ban expired to even post here (24 hours).
I find this all boards ban dangerous, extremely excessive in my cases and impractical. Especially the first one would have meant a 6 week ban if it weren't withdrawn. I would have had no means to communicate to the staff that this ban was wrong, since I'd be also banned from /meta/.
This wasn't the case in past bans for me, so I have to ask, why such severe punishment is being made for minor offenses now. In my cases, they weren't even justified. The appeal box only lets in very few characters to explain oneself, which I also find bad.

Apart from this, some mods seem to have a grudge against me, since pretty much 90% of my past bans were completely unjustified, and were always quickly reversed after my appeals.
I'd suggest you to look into this issue, because it seems some mods are abusing their power here. I've also seen this happen to other posters like IronFelix. His views in the Ukraine general aren't bad or rule-breaking by any means (from what I've seen, since mods delete posts without leaving any red texts like they used to), but only unpopular among Zisters, which leads to him getting banned all the time, while actual trolls remain for hours shitting up the thread. Sometimes, they even get a warning before banning for repeated rule violation.

This is ridiculous.
R: 1 / I: 0
Mainline KurobaEx support now please.
R: 2 / I: 0
a) When a new thread is made, do not delete the thread in the last position, and delete the least active thread (basically whichever thread has the oldest last reply)
b) Permasage cyclicals so they stop clogging the first page (they won't get deleted for being at the bottom thanks to A)
c) Automatically prune threads when they go X days without a reply, saged or not
d) Now channers will stop whining whenever sage is used too
e) Maybe increase reply limit to 1000 posts?
R: 4 / I: 0
Seriously a ban to the 25th just for that?
R: 3 / I: 0
can you guys start banning people who are clearly arguing in bad faith and shit up a thread for several posts
if you cant because that means more work for you then i understand
R: 8 / I: 3
why is the default css a boring generic "dark theme"
cant we have something distinctive as the main style
R: 6 / I: 1
should the war on soyjaks and poljaks go on? Poll: https://strawpoll.com/polls/kogjkk5dPZ6

I just want to see how popular this policy is
R: 0 / I: 0
Why are imageboard posters who only know about 4chin so scared of post IDs
R: 21 / I: 2

Why do the mods sage all remotely interesting threads on this board?

This is supposed to be a borderline anarchical place for anons to meaninglessly shitpost in their spare time. But it feels like if a thread goes 'off-script' and becomes too volatile it gets nuked or saged instantly and any potential for interesting conversation dies with it.

Where's the fun in that?
R: 610 / I: 107 (full)
>Leftypol can barely maintain an average IP count above 300 now.
R: 9 / I: 0
Why did me thread get deleted? I spent 9001 hours making the image :C
R: 4 / I: 0
is SEX a leftypol meme? how did it happen
R: 33 / I: 1
what happened to /gulag/?
R: 256 / I: 62 (sage)

On the protection of native board culture

In order to further the production of native OC or other under-utilised memes, it is proposed to ban the following types of meme templates from /siberia/ (this may be extended to the entire board if the experiment is successful):

- Soyjak (excluding poljak)
- Pepe
- Wojak
- Chadface
- Stacy (etc)

The ban would only apply to content posted after the rule comes into effect. The punishment would be a simple deletion or short ban for repeat/egregious offenders. The rationale for the change is that these memes are incredibly tired and many of them are outright reactionary, and they allow /pol/ to have rent free real estate in all of our heads. They are derivative and dull and they stifle the production of any new material or effort posting and the like. This change is only a proposal at this point so please make your thoughts known (PS: posting these memes in response to this post is expected and will only prove the point so have fun).
R: 3 / I: 1
Please devs, do this
R: 4 / I: 0 (sage)
Can mods acknowledge this instead of banning me? I don't want to make a thread talking about this if you're going to ban and delete me immediately, so I want to know genuinely why whoever banned me thinks talking about the left-ride divide being obsolete is a /pol/ position. Before any unnecessary confusion arises, left-right divide being obsolete does not mean
>Communsts and anti-communists don't exist
>Imperialists and anti-imperialists don't exist
>Fascism doesn't exist
So if you genuinely still believe that this topic is "/pol/", at the very least explain why and justify your ban. That way I don't waste my time making a thread talking about whatever I wanted to talk about if you're just going to ban and delete in the end.
R: 3 / I: 0
Are you guys ever setting up a dedicated matrix server that doesn't depend on matrix.org? I could let you use my home server if you want. The main matrix server is kinda sus.
R: 2 / I: 0
tfw no lefty /fa/ board
R: 5 / I: 0
Post on alt or I will kill myself
R: 24 / I: 2
Bring back the degenera(tes?|cy) => fun wordfilter.
R: 4 / I: 0
why did my thread get deleted? :C
R: 1 / I: 0
We seem to be getting flooded with surveys. Any idea who's behind it?
So it's
>>>/siberia/357481 (highjacked)

Are these connected, and what can we do to cost them money?
R: 4 / I: 1
disabling tor killed the side boards lmao
R: 11 / I: 1


R: 4 / I: 0
what up!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was banned because of the following scribbles: (i'm not ban evading, i have a dynamic IP)

>>349722 VERY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!! i done it, i groomed someone into becoming a furry!!!!!

>>349724 what are you going to stuff it with
>>349727 these are rly impressive, but it's not my thing, i think they look spooky. it'd be fun to use them to scare ppl though
>buy/steal a murrsuit
>groom someone into becoming a furry
>do the SÉX
>>349737 ver
yc ool

i used the word "grooming" as a hyperbole in bad taste, which made it look like I'm a reactionary or something. I said something along those lines as a ban appeal, but I don't know if I got unbanned with my appeal, because of my dynamic IP. Anyway, i just wanted to know if we good. we good, mods!?!?!?!?!?
R: 5 / I: 0

May I suggest adding a little ID next to users in threads?

Just like on the original /pol/ (gross I know) (pic related) the ID is a random short string of letters and numbers used in one thread and then never again.

If the mods/admins could implement such a feature, that would be very cool.

Thank you very much for all the work that ya'll do.
R: 2 / I: 0
Can I get the dark red theme css so I can use it on other altchans?
R: 3 / I: 1
most of leftypol disagrees with liberalsim this is shown in the mods need to delete entire threads
R: 1 / I: 0

i found this is my email lol

R: 9 / I: 0

Nice UI

Why is the email box now a dropdown menu with a SINGLE option? Either make it a checkbox or add a noko and noko+sage option, please.
R: 0 / I: 0
Delete /akm/ it's barbaric
R: 9 / I: 2
Party chinlets planning raid or something
R: 1 / I: 0

why dis


why is this thread saged, its a legitimate topic of discussion. The NU-jannies are really banhappy.
R: 0 / I: 0

wordfilter "woke" to "bourgeois"

wordfilter "SJW" and "woke" and "wokeoid" and "wokeist" to "bourgeois"

similar buzzwords too
R: 13 / I: 0

Why do people cite marx like the bible

People will source to marx, not to agree with him but to say "marx agreed with me so Im right" like tell why was marx/Lenin/etc right? (Don't tell me rn I know y) like the fact the term revisionism even exists as accusation is dumb (not to endorse things that are called revisionist). Marx isnt infallible
R: 5 / I: 0

Fed Astroturfing

I noticed a recent interaction that got me in the mood for a little rambling.

In the /prc/ China general there was someone who posted this link, https://twitter.com/CindyXiaodanYu/status/1597247427781984257?cxt=HHwWgoDQ9dWEyKosAAAA, to a video of protesters in China arguing with someone in a way that could be construed as coming from a pro-communist but anti-CPC tendency. The anonymous arguer says that the protests are sponsored by foreign agents and is replied to saying "what foreign agents?? Marx? Engels? Did foreign agents allow the fire to occur in the tower block? We can't even access the western internet we have no rights!"

Really, it's inconsequential. A group of random men with a megaphone, it's worthless to argue about. What is more important here is the behavior of the person who posted it. The post read "MAOIST WRECKERS BEHIND CHINA PROTESTS," and has the ban message from an admin saying "(astroturf IP) (potentially sussy amogus IP)," and in the replies are these messages which have also been linked to similar sussy IPs and banned -

It's unbelievable that in le West we need to remind "our comrades" that Marx literally advocated for building productive forces. It's in the fucking Communist Manifesto, btw.(I can see you ban evading buddy)

Glory to Mao. Glory to Mao Zedong thought. Glory to the Maoists of China and May they take over once more. Glory to the communes, glory to the red brigade. Down with the revisionists.(ban evading astroturf)

Notice the switching between differing tenancies wrapped in absurd flavored, cultish rhetoric. There are only two possibilities for what this person is; either a "glowie" or an anonymous hobbyist troll, and in that second possibility we could consider it a piece of art that draws to attention a potent astroturfing tactic that we've seen used before - the creating of cultist fringe tendencies within the communist movement that from a new reader gives off an air of insanity, of cultish frothing, spewing terms from marxist theory six per sentence whilst creating internal divisions within the communist community to generate internal battles between groups of people who, even though having differing opinions on what is "good or bad," still agree on the materialist analysis of what is going on in the real world.

If this actually was a glowie astroturfer (and an inexperienced new hire), then the implication that we are worthy enough to troll is quite flattering. This video is quite a good example of fringe-group infighting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtubShygZUs. I am also sure than anyone on here who has been obsessed with the communist users on twitter at any point will remember maoists and their public talk of attacking infrastructure and other LARP plans that would dismay the sorts of people we advocate for.

Everything you have ever said has been generated from everything you've ever heard. When you are around people you begin to have their style of speech and ideas slowly encroach into your own via human instinct. You are not immune from these people. Look what happened with the turncoats who ran off to LARP with Haz.
R: 17 / I: 4
>mods quietly deleted the dugin fascist thread
R: 5 / I: 0
Can you prune every thread on the slower boards that hasn't been bumped for a month? They're like graveyards
R: 1 / I: 0
I know someone on staff I believe is the New Multitude editor. To any passing mod/staff, are they active? I DM'd on Twitter about something but they haven't responded. Which fair they haven't been active on twitter for a few months? Is matrix the only way to contact them? Not familiar on how to get into the matrix, so I hadn't used it.
R: 259 / I: 41

New Roulette Topics

Hello everyone, we have discussed the possibility of restarting /roulette/ in our latest meeting, we have come up with some idea for your consideration:

/grass/ - Board for everything non internet/screen/media related, eg cooking, sports, fitness, making friends, drugs, whatever. Cause we could all use a bit less internet.

/life/ - Pretty much the same as above but about only 'lifestyle' topics like cooking etc.

/tv/ - Television board since there are multiple active TV topics on /hobby/ and the general has gone to 500.

/antianglo/ - Board where no English language is allowed


/antianglo/ - Board where nobody from the anglosphere is allowed (CANZUK+US) but English is allowed


/antianglo/ - Board where everyone is allowed but discussion of Anglosphere-related things is not allowed. Learn a bit about other cultures and so on.

Any other ideas also welcomed. Please let us know any feedback on these ideas or your suggestions.

As for /x/ we have decided not to create it as a board due to the lack of popularity during the original 30 day run. But maybe we can try some old board ideas again in the future.
R: 17 / I: 2
twitter.com should word filter to nitter.net so all /leftypol/ers can be directed to that front end instead of the main site whenever a twitter link gets posted to reduce potential data collection. It wont break any links just make them viewed by the front end. Using the url it also wont add an annoying needless confusing conversion of Twitter to Nitter. Twitter links get posted often. What this will do is help protect us from more invasive datamining from Twitter.
R: 0 / I: 0
We need more theory threads, less geopol threads.

What are you interested in learning?

What have you learned recently that perhaps you could answer some question about or talk generally about?
R: 17 / I: 7

Filter Ukkrainian city names

The Ukrainian spelling of cities, e.g. Kyiv, should be wordfiltered to the Russian spellings, e.g. Kiev.
R: 75 / I: 7

Tor service is broken

Also why are Tor clearnet exit nodes blocked anyway?
R: 4 / I: 0
there are too many fucking frogs in /siberia/
R: 12 / I: 4
I got banned for a week by the mod wvobbly without clear reason or explanation. All his message stated was 'pol', so I can't even know what actually caused the ban. I'm obviously not pol and have been here since the 8chan days, but if you really thought I was you could have simply checked my post history. Last thing I did before the ban was argue with an ancap on a very poor quality thread and I didn't break the rules
I was banned from /meta/ as well, and my appeal was denied. So I had no way to defend myself.

I'd like an explanation because from my perspective the ban and its length don't make sense, and this wvobbly is just handing out arbitrary bans.
R: 7 / I: 0

Ad Anon

Is there any way to advertise on this website? I’d like to advertise here
R: 4 / I: 1
How come some bans don't show up in the log? Are some mods using loopholes to sidestep transparency?

picrels: most recent example
R: 34 / I: 6

New flags added, new banners soon.

We hope you like them :)

Please continue to put flag requests in the thread on /meta/ and banners in the banner thread, we will try to be more active on adding these.
R: 5 / I: 0



why was i banned for this post… jannies are turning retarded just because you disagree with the premise doesn't mean i should be banned for it.

Is leftypol adopting some official ideological line i should be aware of?
R: 7 / I: 1

Iron Felix

See pic related. Putin retaliated with a massive missile strike on Ukrainian infrastructure. How long does Iron Felix have to deliver until he gets permabanned?
R: 6 / I: 1
This website used to be at least remotely interesting before the moderators scared anyone that wasn't a sadsack right wing incel away with their hardline pro-Russia position
Now that the war is coming to an impasse (or whatever, not keeping up with it), the place is basically dead
Even the big generals on /leftypol/ barely get regular bumps
For shame
Mods fucked over their own website
R: 36 / I: 7
Got banned on /leftypol/ for the reason "hysterics". I appealed it and it got denied. Please explain to me what was so hysterical about my post.
R: 7 / I: 1

Un-cycle Cuckraine General!

Mods asked a few days ago if that thread should be turned cyclic again. Despite the terrible results it caused in the past and the vast majority of anons expressing their opposition to it, the thread was made cyclic again anyway.
Now, the same issues have reappeared. The oldest posts now are only about 12 hours old. Many have expressed their dissatisfaction to this.
Considering the generally terrible moderation job in this thread regarding raiders and this completely moronic decision, it may be a good idea to investigate if moderation has been infiltrated with glowies. This development correlates with the recent recruitment for more mods.
Obviously un-cycle the /Ukraine/ General ASAP!
R: 29 / I: 3

West Virgin Rightoid

I was told that if I wanted to make a thread discussing the West Virgin(ia) rightoid, I had to do it here. This guy >>>/leftypol/972024 Basically, what the fuck is his deal? He comes here, supposedly for years, to get in the same old arguments. And he's obviously not here to troll because he writes paragraph after paragraph per thread, which is way to much effort for simple trolling. Common topics of his include:
>White fertility rates and the role Socialism DOESN'T have in maintaining them.
>Jewish Conspiracy/Question
>Supposedly being against capitalism and Socialism (muh third position bullshit)
>A fixation with trying to "disprove" Marxism
Common characteristics of his are:
>the odd as fuck spacing of his paragraphs
>cycling between the same pictures
Why the fuck does he do this, anyone know? What else does anyone know about him? This is not a doxx thread.
R: 9 / I: 1

Filter "AI" to "ML"

to explain the joke, ML stands for Machine Learning in this context
R: 1 / I: 0
Could you please make some disciplinary measures for the mod "wvobbly" or demote them? They are constantly abusing their power. You are apparently even aware of this behaviour (picrel). They unfairly banned me recently, which got revoked by a different mod, only to be banned again in the same manner by wvobbly a day later.
This is unacceptable.
R: 1 / I: 0

He who has the best dashboard wins.

If I'm gonna waste my life on this bored gimme some data on what influence campaigns are currently targeting it.

Each thread should have a dashboard with the number of current browsers, IPs of posters, posts per hour, all that shit.

At the very least there should be a daily activity report by mods on who they think is targeting the site that day and in what way. If you're not gonna protect our time and attention from glows and ops then what's the point?
R: 16 / I: 1


Hello. Im the BO of 8chan.moe/hispol

I want to ask if is possible to become partners, our community is rebuilding since our home (hispachan.org) was killed by AW admin.
R: 3 / I: 0

/meta/ full

>(one can very well have a discussion without reactionary garbage people, in fact it enhances the discussion)
Gimme the bounds of non-reactionary garbage discussion so I can know what not to say once I switch to the next VPN. What are opposing viewpoints that are not ban-worthy?

Are we discussing whether or not to give hormones and trans surgery to toddlers? What is an acceptable point of discussion?

Lol at getting banned in a thread talking about how the minority of 2SLGBTQIA+ sisters wrecking the orgs they're apart of. Doesn't seem so far removed from /leftypol/.
R: 171 / I: 57

Posting doesn't work for me

Or perhaps posting does, but I can't see the new posts.
R: 3 / I: 1
this has been deleted twice from /isg/
i thought it was a mistake the first time
R: 1000 / I: 93 (full)

Site Moderation Thread

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.


Old Moderation Thread:
R: 7 / I: 1
Recommend removing (you) functionality to further disorientate and confuse the incoming kf rapefugees

This will make them more open to suggestion
R: 16 / I: 1
Wordfilter 4chan to: "Loserchan" or "Noobchan." Are they both sound good?
R: 3 / I: 0
Can you fucking ban the socdem asshole who keeps spamming the latinamerican thread with anticommunist rhetoric already?
R: 4 / I: 1

Mod appreciation thread

<Reject ultraleftism. Embrace the middle path. Ensure quality cadre.

Mods get a ton of shit. But I think we should show a bit of gratitude.

What they're doing is a thankless job, and they're the only thing stopping Leftypol from turning into a literal glow op like some other chans.

>Follow the comfy posting. Long live the mods

R: 6 / I: 0 (sage)

Itt we discuss the need for cultural revolution

Bombard the headquarters.

Expose and defeat people in positions of power (i.e., mods) taking the capitalist road.

Keep in mind, mods and gatekeepers taking the capitalist road are always metaphorical compradors. They hold no real power themselves. Instead, they slavishly toe the line of the international monopoly capitalists. Their role is always to work within revolutionary movements to stifle the people's resistance to monopoly capitalism. Discuss.
R: 6 / I: 0

Make sage the default

since anons don't seem to know how to sage, I propose that sage should be the default and bump be put in the email (and/or name) field to bump a thread
R: 3 / I: 0

Pizza Theme

Keep Gorbachev (pizza) theme as a permanent theme for the site even after today. This theme is so comfy that it will cure my depression
R: 273 / I: 40

/roulette/ topic suggestions thread

Here we suggest themes for next month's /roulette/ board topic.

/roulette/ topic for the month of December is:
/spoox/ - Paranormal, horror and the occult

/AK-47/ was made into its own board: >>>/AKM/

Proposals for January:

1 - /long/
OP's must be over 300 characters long and replays must be over 150 character long, maybe do not allow images.

2 - /lifestyle/
basically taking stuff like cooking, fitness, being outdoors, ect and make it into its own distinct thing, which would free up /hobby/ to be mostly about tv, movies, comics, ect

3 - guns and weapons board

4 - transport & city planning

5 - paranormal

6 - roleplay (don't know what the person who proposed it meant by this)

7 - research & philosophy

8 - /NSFW/

9 - /film/ - Movies and TV

10 - /media/ - Movies, TV, comics, etc, and broadly visual enterteinment outside of weeb shit

11 - /civ/ - Civil discussion.
R: 2 / I: 0  
Why does /leftypol/ have the tagline Leftist Politically Incorrect when we are in fact correct? I propose Always Correct
R: 74 / I: 11
I propose word filtering anglo to jew or jewish just to show retarded chauvinists how close their arguments are to literal racism, and also to expand their vocabulary when complaining about muh western imperialists.
R: 0 / I: 0

Please allow .tex files

see >>>/leftypol/1126029
R: 14 / I: 4
Posting "kek" should net you an autoban.
R: 2 / I: 0
Mods, why did you delete my thread? I didn't even get a chance to see the replies.