< It's so ovah we might as well start again :D
> Last famous words from the previous thread.
- Spoiler hyper girls and anything that could shock or traumatize the poor normies here.
- Don't be an asshole.
- Let the girldicks reign free and supreme.
hell fucking yeah a new futanari thread
I just Looove the kind of woman that will actually just rape me
You know, when I left the edging chair today I was thinking "Damn,"
"I really hope some hot big dicked chick paints, i mean SMEARS the boy period that is my butt bleeding from intense breeding all over some fucking alleyway with her gorgous love wand like a paintbrush."
And here we are.
I mean really, just absolutely destroy me.
i want you to kidnap me like a warbride, i want you to BREED with me in my hole, me, i want you to make my ass your wartrophy
i even brought you chains to put me in
and viagras to keep your dick always hard, not like you'll need it
i want it to get violent
I'm talkin' full on, balls deep-anal-rape-in-the-boy hole-until-blood-comes-out-of-the-butt level carnage.
And I want it to hurt the shit outta me.
I mean I hope I cry myself. I hope I cry myself underneath you and you call me
your little "crying devlowered virgin boywife."
I want you to knock me up.
I mean I want you to make me your personal bitch.
Your little wee wee-cry-myself-to-sleep bitch.
i want the rest of me life spent hugging your thighs while you jerk off on my face.
I want it to get embarrassing.
I mean like… wierdly embarrassing
bloody, too.
i want you to speak to my ear everynight about how much you wish i can get pregnant with girl cum
We should be entirely different people,
by the end of the first eight weeks.
Do you understand what I'm trying to say here?
I mean, I'm a real freak. I'm not normal. i want my backdoor full of your rape tool
You have to rape me.
>>575774Eh, I think it's reasonable to define chasers in that they see transness as a degrading thing. Like I'm trans and enjoy trans girl dick. I wouldn't see anything wrong with someone cis also enjoying it, and have no issue with that being a desirable trait people see in me. The moment it starts being about "sissies" or sounding like something out of a /gif/ BBC splitscreen video, that's where it starts being chasery.
Same for liking thick girls vs slob fetish. Being subject to a horny shadenfreud isn't the same as simply being adored without pretenses or picking away the unusual bits off like the crust on bread.
Seriously tho why do people pick the crust off bread? That's where all the flavor is. >>576041>That's where all the flavor isPeople tend to have different taste buds, bud. Just like they have different sexual preferences.
fellas is it chasery to Wish to bottom for a shemale? the trans ladyboy sex workers community complains a lot about cis men sending them pictures of their butts or trying to suck them off on the first date
>>576388Maybe because a lot of the cishet males that wanna bottom are not attractive enough to be bottoms?
I'm a BBC top and I'm disgusted by guys wanting to kiss or fellate me.
Like bruh you're not attractive or hygenic enough.
>>578999>you should consider the setbacksIt's fun to consider things, but starting and ending at the setbacks is just mean.
>like how strong of a heart you need to keep pumping blood into your dickWell, maybe purely genetic engeneering wouldn't be enough. An artificial heart could have the necessary power to move all that blood around. Height reduction could also help.
>sleep and sitting becoming difficult without crushing your giant third legNot sure how that could become exceedingly more complicated? And I somewhat doubt I would be able to accidentally crush my dick if it reached the size of a literal third leg; the mass alone should make it able to tollerate the weight of another leg without much issues. It's not like you can crush one of your legs with the other.
>>579252Adapt, improvise and overcome.
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
>>579016why do futa artists like to draw very explecit, like strong vivid details on their futa? just take a look at the absolute size and details of konata cock veins.
>the mass alone should make it able to tollerate the weight of another leg without much issues. It's not like you can crush one of your legs with the other.yes but that's metaphorically a third leg, it's huge but dicks are still very sensitive, your leg has bones and stiff muscles, your one pound futa shlong on the other hand has softer muscles and very sensitive nerves, cocks are the most sensitive parts of your body so if you realistically wanna be a futa you should invest in a dick powerful enough to not be injured badly by debris or sharp objects when dragged across the sand. maybe a cock with sentient muscles you can move on command
>>572760Noooooo they spoilered the OP😭
>>584227>why do futa artists like to draw very explecit, like strong vivid details on their futa? just take a look at the absolute size and details of konata cock veins.So that you can tell that it's not just a normal cock. It's virile, turgid beast that doesn't just attract attention, it
orders praise.
>if you realistically wanna be a futa you should invest in a dick powerful enough to not be injured badly by debris or sharp objects when dragged across the sand.Noted
>maybe a cock with sentient muscles you can move on commandA prehensile cock? Sign me in!
>>599695I would
More to grab and you could spend more time draining her.
>>614436The entire point of futa is having a pussy and a dick not looking like a transgirl with testicular cancer.
>>614477Sperm is made in the testicles. Seminal fluid is not. This is why vasectomies do not prevent ejaculation. Also who says the testicles have to be an external organ anyway?
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