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"No chin, no right to speak."
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i didn't even know mexican fascists were a thing, name a more cucked ideology tha, mexican fashism lmao

Estos vatos estan bien pendejos

>name a more cucked ideology tha, mexican fashism
Brazilian fascism

Vargas was based tbh.

>Monarchism (Mexican)
Dumbest shit I ever heard

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mexico was a monarchy with a hapsburg on the throne

I know why would they want to bring it back now?
Cucked mindset

hapsburgs don't have anything better to do

Depends. Pre 1964 or post 1964?

>i didn't even know mexican fascists were a thing
I can't find all the Mexican NSBM I want to post
but yes it is cucked, leftism unironically gave better answers to that indeginist appeal better than fascism ever could

New leftists not treating minorities like tbey're angels: impossible.

>Naztec gang
holy fuck lol

this is mexico so we're not talking about minorities

and uygha please, i'm saying why can't they be reactionary using an ideology that actually benefits them, not one where they larp as germans and italians, atleat african americans have yakub and islam nation, latin americans just wants to larp as ancient aryans

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name a more cucked ideology than mexican fashism lmao

ukrainian stalinism? (real btw)
palistenian zionism?(real btw)
indian monarchism? (real btw but their favorite monarch is the brits)
armenian neo ottomanism?
taiwanese and chinese showa shinto restorationism? (real btw look up taiwan doing festivals to honor japanese soldiers and praying they come back to life to beat tha ccp)
kurdish baathism? (probably real)
cuban gusano capitalism? (very real)
jewish nazism? (not zionism, the other jewish nazism in 40s germany)

artstyle look like mdickie games

>palistenian zionism?(real btw)
Plenty of Palestinian Arabs live just fine in Israel though.

i was talkin about palistenian arabs serving in the idf

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