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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Not only did we convince every single person on the planet to carry a camera and microphone everywhere we also convinced suburbian dwellers to fill even their own homes with cameras because they're afraid The Poors will steal their Amazon packages.


luckily smartphones are overall declining in sales since the mid 2010s
the introduction of 5G was largely an attempt to bring sales back up


Are people buying pc hardware and dumbphones instead? I thought internet access was close to a necessity for most people nowadays.
Is the market saturated with older models? In this case i don't see how that would change the surveilance part.


>I thought internet access was close to a necessity for most people nowadays
why would you think this
>Is the market saturated with older models?
i’ve noticed people keep around older models, although i think that’s kind of negligible on general usage


so tired of middle-class paranoia dude



I know dude. So tiring. I just feel so demoralized, right?

Even more demoralized when potential local employers now have access to my data that was supposed to stay out there in the cloud. Looks like the requirements for any kind of decent secure employment just got a lot higher when potential employers can secretly access everything about you, legally, and choose accordingly. So tiring.


i guess youve heard about "clearview ai"?


>Looks like the requirements for any kind of decent secure employment just got a lot higher when potential employers can secretly access everything about you, legally, and choose accordingly.
So feed the matrix bullshit that makes you seem like a highly productive worker that should be paid more to keep them.


Workers care about privacy too. This is creepy for everybody.
>I just feel so demoralized, right?
Get into the privacy community to talk to like minded people, digital privacy is a complicated technical problem that will have to be solved in many incremental steps. You are correct that there is a class struggle about information power too Workers should also strive to gain more knowledge about capitalists as well. Make a database about working conditions but also how production chains link up, to know how matter and energy flows through the system.

>So feed the matrix bullshit that makes you seem like a highly productive worker that should be paid more to keep them.
So gaming the system, well that's an interesting idea.


middle-class paranoia is what causes people to fill even their own homes with security cameras though



Irony is dead. I was calling out an obvious demoralization post. Shittily, apparently.


File: 1657958742382.jpg (30.91 KB, 680x382, ring.jpg)

Amazon admits to giving Ring videos to police without permission, surprising absolutely nobody.
Remember that you do not need to know what is happening outside your front door at all times.


suburban surveillance state


Isn't the entire problem of porch piracy caused by US postal companies not having a policy of actually waiting for someone to answer the door? Are the cost savings accomplished by not doing that actually significant?



File: 1706570778230.png (2.81 MB, 1800x1307, 1682780394920.png)

Ring cameras are bad enough but the people who rig up the inside of their houses with cameras are fully psychotic

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