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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Remember to constantly randomize your MAC address.

Why? I want the government to catalogue my every opinion. Then they will know how they how wrong as I repeatedly and consistently destroy them with facts and logic.

Did you check the software I linked?

>A passive surveillance tool that tracks wifi enabled devices nearby,

>GPSProbe records the MAC addresses, GPS co-ordinates and other pertinent
>information. This tool pairs nicely with security cameras to provide
>evidence of who or what was visiting your property uninvited.

>Did you check the software I linked?
No. But maybe you should've led with that stuff in your OP.

So you're telling me I can catch the glowies snooping on me with this?

If they are dumb enough to always bring the same devices with them, yes. Or any non-federal-agent stalkers you might have too.

I will do this while accepting every cookie and staying logged in on google 24/7

Honestly don't give a fuck about this tracking shit anymore, it's just nice to be noticed. What are they gonna do? Hit me with a targeted ad? I don't see those because I have adblocker.

Hello, FBI.

randomizing your MAC address doesn't do shit unless you're concerned about the local network you're on. when packets get NAT'ed they don't preserve information about the MAC address on the local network because otherwise that would cause all sorts of problems. MAC addresses are only meaningful on a local network because iirc they're randomized and also dependent on the hardware you're using, so if every single MAC address of every device in the world was being sent around on the internet, there would be collisions all the time.

>it's just nice to be noticed.
Deus Ex moment.

Android already does this by default.

sounds good if i'm on a labby, but why would i do it if i'm on desktop

>Thinking any of this shit is going to protect you from the fbi.
If I was doing shit that I thought yhe feds would care about I would use TailsOS or something, but you probably can't even count on that.

Unique IPs: 8

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