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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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In 2024 reddit will introduce heavenbanning, the hypothetical practice of banishing a user from a platform by causing everyone that they speak with to be replaced by AI models that constantly agree and praise them, but only from their own perspective, is entirely feasible with the current state of AI/LLMs.


>not checking your posts on a fresh IP to make sure you're not shadowbanned
rookie mistake.


ngl kinda intresting, wonder if we could do that here with rightoids


what would change though? 90% of redditors may as well be bots


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Seems like real life


>not checking your posts on a fresh IP to make sure you're not shadowbanned

yeah they've already done the shadowbanning thing for years but it's very easy to to check. Makes the platform impossible to use for people who intend to publicly disagree in obviously astroturfed propaganda subreddits like r/neoliberal

this "heavenbanning" thing sounds like it'll make the platform entirely pointless for anyone who isn't going there to watch heckin wholesome doggo vids


>make the platform entirely pointless for anyone who isn't going there to watch heckin wholesome doggo vids
most of the internet has basically been like this since the mid-2010s at least, with reactionary political discussion thrown in there too


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lel tru


in 2022, i think 4chan shadowbans
before i used to be rangebanned from it due to ISP

recently i tried posting and instead of a ban message, it just said "post successful" and the post doesn't show up

me thinks it gets sent to the shadow realm
am i rite?


could just be shitty coding. 4chan cant afford leet coders on an imageboard's budget like meta/twitter/reddit


for all i know they've been doing that to me for years
>in b4 a bot responds


gotta keep a steady drip of chinlet walshart shooters going after 99 percent of young people think right wingers are freaks


I agree, that did seem to happen for years right anon?


you were right
i updated the X extension and an post again

goddamn they really just cheap out on everything there


How long until rightoids start waifuing angel bots?


>this "heavenbanning" thing sounds like it'll make the platform entirely pointless for anyone who isn't going there to watch heckin wholesome doggo vids
I really don't see any difference to what it is now, truly. It's either feel good content or neo liberals circlejerking themselves in a sea of bots. the place has been basically functionally useless for a decade now


How about hellbanning and it's just really bitchy mean girls bullying you…nice


Sounds like a colossal of resources for pretty much no benefit. Also, wasn't the point of shadowbanning preventing spambots?


wheres the proofs?


Peak liberalism.

By the way isn’t people getting into internet fights extremely profitable? Isn’t that the whole business model for twitter and others, I imagine this will just fuck reddits profits by lowering engagement.


Why the necrophilia?


this screenshot is fake
the technology is possible though


>causing everyone that they speak with to be replaced by AI models that constantly agree and praise them
Wake up, Neo. The Matrix has you.


It's functionally useless to us, but for them they get to brainwash every wholesome doggo lover and casual using the platform. If you go to those kinds of places not realizing what they are you're just primed for brainwashing, and then you take those views into the real world and this massive cycle of retardation perpetuates itself courtesy of big tech.

(I know this is probably obvious to all of you but I had to just say it) The real world implications are tragic


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>when shadowbanning isn't passive aggressive and cowardly enough for libs they trap you in a painting
Solar flare or nuclear war can't come soon enough.


it's too much work, involves too much server load and it's too expensive to implement per banned user.


its not real

Unique IPs: 24

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