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Time and time again, PayPal has proven itself to be a garbage service, but what are the alternatives?




bitcoin, bitcoincash, monero


PayPal is trash, don't use it, KYC Bitcoin exchanges (meaning Know Your Customer, like Coinbase and Bitstamp) are complete rubbish, don't use them. Stick with localmonero.co.


do businesses other than drug dealers accept these nowadays


no but you can cash out the coins for USD


so you buy the coins, then you cash them in for the same currency that you bought them in?


To do what? Online you can just pay directly with your card. Transferring money to people my bank has Zelle built in and I don't think it has any fees and it transfer immediately.


don't do this. bitcoin isn't really anonymous. it isn't really untraceable. it is subject to taxation. Also crypto mining is basically the equivalent of burning half a forest for a gram of iron


i'm not OP, but I'd like to hijack this thread and ask specifically about online wallets which you can receive money to and send from without a bank card attached (like paypal used to be…)

Is this a thing nowadays? It's such a useful feature but idk any alternatives to paypal and paypal has clamped down recently


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