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🗽United States Politics🦅

>Absolute State of America Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth.


State mandated propaganda livestreams:
CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8PhLsUcFEegalitarianism
495 posts and 169 image replies omitted.

Most rigid in their thinking, we find a higher level of bourgeois ideological development in democrat brains. Scientific socialist logic alone will not wash a democrat's brain, not even years of exposure. Years of rigorous brain washing very well may be undone by another day of exposure to bourgeois ideals. Democrat brains, with their advanced bourgeois consciousness, absorb these bourgeois ideas instinctively, undoing any progress toward with remarkable speed. The gay nazi democrat is proof: reasoning with a democrat by scientific socialist logic alone is an uphill battle. The democrat brain contains contradictions; these contradictions are comfortably nestled within the most advanced bourgeois worldview. This is why the Democrat brain is so difficult to wash—its contradictions are not glaring, but deeply embedded. A democrat's brain is best washed with great force.

MAGA brains are easy to wash. MAGA ideology itself is contradiction to the democrat's advanced bourgeois ideology. Less encumbered, the MAGA brain is raw; their contradictions in greater number and more apparent. The MAGA brain, less sophisticated in its bourgeois delusions, hold contradiction that screams out for resolution. The MAGA brain is fertile ground for brain washing. The MAGA brain already identifies the bourgeois State, the bourgeois media, the international bourgeoisie, etc. as enemies. Where the democrat brain must be forcefully deconstructed, the MAGA brain can be led easily, step by step, to recognize its own contradictions and embrace fact.

these schizos always have incoherent mixed signals politics so everyone argues about them and cherrypicks whatever evidence they can use to blame le other "side"

another insurance scam

Trump did hwat?!


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Did military manufacturers all collectively forget what the term ‘miniaturization’ meant? Why tf is every infantryman of today looking like a fucking blob? What’s the need to make uniforms so fucking thick of they won’t protect the user from anything? Why do they carry so much shit if most of the electronic devices and equipment can be miniaturized to reduce weight and improve mobility? Similarly, why tf are so many other modern weapons and gadgets used in war getting so fucking unconventionally chunky? Some of these soldiers can’t even keep their slings wrapped around their bodies…



Remember!!: Take your meds!

Previous thread: >>>/leftypol/1909563


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine
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Bishops not Priests like >>1947713

Orthodox "clerics" start searching for wives on the eve of graduating from seminary. There's plenty of jokes about such future priests running around wide-eyed and up for anything so that they don't remain single and celibate for the rest of their lives, lol

glad that >>1948565 and >>1948579 already countered your retarded 5 second google-fu. you failed, idiot. but now at least you *know* more.

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Scandinavian model doesn't work, though. The only people glorifying Scandinavia as some kind of wet dream of "people's capitalism" are Americans

>social democracy works wonders doesn't it

Please, you know full well that close to 100% taxes didn't work because porkies evaded them with all their might, either by donating to churches, fulfilling some miniscule goals government has given them or some such. Same with minimum wage - gazillion ways porkies trick it

All the shit you talk about - all of that was the result of a heightened worker class consciousness as a result of USSR being influential. Workers organizing forced better deals distributing the wealth. Then in a generation middle class-ification came to be, with poor jobs shipped out and good jobs shipped in, because richer workers invest into their kids to have a desk-sitting job

Social democracy doesn't work, what works is a foreign superpower following communism and propandizing it heavily, which results in the working class fighting for itself and having an entire world power backing it

Xi Jinping must prove that a country is socialist by quoting statistics?

xi jinping doesn't have to do anything. the prc still has borgs and proles therfore it is by definition not communist.

First and foremost, class society exists in the lower stages of communism. Second, there is a difference between an organized class and "remnants" of it who are deprived of political power and representation and are forced to be cucks who work towards their class' downfall


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Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
>Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
<Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

If your original content is good enough, it would most likely be shared on the /leftypol/ twitter account!
Make sure to follow us and feel free to leave suggestions on this thread~

previous thread: >>1762168
>>>/leftypol_archive/1762168 (if it gets archived by mods)

New Booru:

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one of you was asking for this video the other month to make an edit. I finally found the original.

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for context, here's the edit which originally made the rounds in various threads before leftypol was kill. this prompted an anon to ask for the original, which I hunted down on anon's behalf

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That was me, thanks anon!
The effort you put in to finding it shall increase my resolve to make some decent agitprop with it. Thank you again, Anon.

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creator of said edit here. here you go

Simple, elegant, I like it.


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I'm a furry, but i feel kind of excluded from the fandom as there's such a commercialized culture around it that costs so much money, and all the cons are in big cities that require a lot of money and job/education experience to enter and live in. I feel like, for such a group that focuses on inclusivity, it wasn't really meant for poor or working people like me even though i'm a gay furry.
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Sorry I didn't think to make a spreadsheet documenting the instances.

But really, that website says the studies were mostly conducted in North America, so big shocker, also probably in English. Any furry can tell you that Russia is probably maybe the 4th biggest furry country after USA, UK, Germany.

>Any furry can tell you
great source. real rigorous evidence

suck up to wealthier furs to get one to take you to a hotel room at a con.

Also cons are only part of this. I would really say that the online art sharing thing is a way more important part of the entire community.

I mean ok, but the evidence you posted is just a self reporting survey which isn't statistically reliable for capturing the whole fandom, and even says it was mostly focussed on USA

the issue with Fur Science is that the majority of their work is at conventions which skews their data badly to people who can afford to go to cons in exchange for less internet interference.
vibes from twitter accounts aren't really evidence either.


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lived to waste another day




Hello annons, I want to ask you for help to find the people who beat my girlfriend, I myself am from Ukraine and she is from Russia, I can't get through. I want you to find these creatures and punish them. I will try to give information in the answers


You should investigate your local Azov youth training center.


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A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

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Like the two obsessives here are the only people keeping those guys relevant i'm pretty sure.

Now I'm certain Caleb Maupin should interview Bukovinac.
>snitches on other leftists
>hates planned parenthood
>hates kamala harris and wants to expose her
>pals around with literal fascists and white supremacists
>has zero self-awareness

It's like they're meant for each other.

i mean, if it's not an entire marriage, and the relationship is more built around sharing rent and having someone to care about you, then yeah leeway for sleeping around isn't too out of the ordinary
monogamous fidelity is mostly useful for keeping track of which children can inherit your property, which isn't a huge issue in industrialized, low-birth-rate japan ig

i would prefer it if these people died instead of showing up on my screen again


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Right wing vocabulary:


>Work ethic

Am I missing any besides the meme slur words?


You forgot the most important one for them:

>Freedom (can't believe you forgot this one)


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>thread 1
>thread 2
>thread 3
>thread 4
>thread 5
>thread 6
>thread 7
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Radical liberals existed before both you and BE were born, that is correct, stupidity and idealism aren’t new things

The western intelligence apparatus isn't shy to use positions that are supposed to hurt them, see Zelensky saying that they support Palestine now. I think the dialectical materialist position is neither of those. There is a great deal of flexibility in both because these positions aren't very relevant to practice, so you get people who say basically the same thing going on against each other while being on the same side as a hundred Goebbelses.

the sad truth really is that srael will fall and that will be a sacrifice the us is willing to make and the us will end up doing a rapprochement with palestine and gut any revolutionary anti-imperialist aspect if the war is going by the time palestine is free then they will simply be another addition to the NATO camp

It's kind of a mix of both
KKK = American Black Hundreds
Lebensraum = German Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny = American conquest of Siberia
Protocols of the Elders of Zion = Tsarist propaganda lapped up by nazis
SS = German Okhrana
FBI = American Okhrana

>by the time palestine is free then they will simply be another addition to the NATO camp
palestine will never join NATO you dipshit. Ukraine has done the US's bidding for years and still isn't in NATO, and they're LE WHITE COUNTRY


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Election edition

O lugar mais web-revolucionários para discutir as idas e vindas de nossa amada Pindorama.
Edição anterior: >>1942582
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Eu tenho um pensamento mais baseado em princípios gerais de esquerda do que uma forma específica de ver o mundo vinculada a qualquer ideologia em particular.
Me pareceu mais honesto comigo mesmo seguir essa posição do que renegar a minha honestidade intelectual em prol de uma linha partidária – que às vezes eu nem concordava/via sentido.

>eu já fui anarcocapitalista até 2022
Eu não imagino que você seja o único aqui, talvez a maioria até

Sinceramente sempre fui de esquerda desde os 15 e qualquer tipo de ódio e discriminação me davam repulsa, e sempre olhei gente de direita como iirredimivei, o que levaram vocês a mudarem?

Tenho uma razão rápida e uma longa kkkk.
Aliás, eu sou o cara que escreveu que foi ancap em 2022.

Razão curta:
Eu namorei uma garota que era comunista e acabei me tornando comunista aos poucos.

Razão longa:
Apesar de atualmente eu não assistir mais o Ian Neves e nem gostar da forma como ele fala sobre certos assuntos e movimentos alguns vídeos documentários me fizeram refletir minhas posições.
Eu já tinha sido comunista entre 2015-2016 quando minha mãe me pediu para ler o manifesto comunista, achei o livro tão bom que me considerava comunista, mas esse é talvez o caso mais raro de comunista, aquele que leu um livro aleatório que caiu em suas mãos e achou interessante, é mais comum se tornar comunista pela ação de um movimento comunista. É importante falar isso pois mesmo na época que eu era ancap eu era um tipo estranho de ancap, talvez o ancap do ancap, aquele que vê mais importância no anarquismo e menos na questão capitalista da coisa, seja em fazer alguma ação para divulgar o ancap ou para ensinar formas de como burlar o Estado e corporações, sem nenhuma ilusão sobre as eleições -é bom alertar que a maioria dos ancaps são putinhas de certos políticos, como o Bolsonaro- e para mim era claro que o ancap era a melhor direita pois não tinha nenhuma amarras que o liberalismo e o conservadorismo normalmente tem, como preconceitos diversos ou a defesa de proteger certas castas de quebrarem. Eu era o ancap que defendia o aborto, liberação das drogas, total liberdade para questões de gênero e sexualidade… acho que ficou claro. Também sempre fui muito animado com as novidades tecnológicas de descentralização da economia, como serviços descentralizados, empresas e outras áreas, pois acreditava ser formas de destruir os grandes monopólio. Assim como atualmente eu tinha um foco para procurar soluções de código aberto e que respeitassem a privacidade.
Eu poderia escrever mais e mais sobre essa minha época obscura, mas essa apresentação já é o suficiente.

O momento de virada de chave vem quando tive que rever meus alicerces ideológicos, por exemplo a noção de como a economia é baseada, para ancaps tudo parte do indivíduo, ou que o valor é relativo.
Aos poucos tudo foi caindo por terra conforme fui devorando livros e mais livros e vídeos que mostravam a visão marxista, e fui percebendo a fragilidadPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Eu sempre fui progressista em questões sociais (ser ateu e bissexual provavelmente contribuiu pra isso) mas ainda acreditava naquelas pataquadas de livre mercado, então dizia que era liberal. Hoje eu me considero socialista.

Interessante, eu mesmo nunca namorei, talvez por ser gay, autista e um eterno neet (apesar de estar fazendo um curso nas coxas)


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I'll make this brief. /leftypol/ was offline from around September 9, 2024 (Monday) until September 12, 2024 (Thursday). This was due to a hard disk failure on the server. When the split happened a few years ago, one of the previous mods/admins rented a bare metal server from a company (as opposed to a VPS/virtual machine instance) for us to host /leftypol/ on. As a result the hardware was not abstracted away. We were unable to boot the machine. Furthermore this individual, having paid for the server in advance, has since gone missing and has been so for at least 34 weeks. We were unable to log into the cloud account due to it sending his email address confirmation message which we were obviously unable to access. As a result, we could not ask the hosting company for support. Also as a result, the only thing we had access to was the cloudflare and a dated sql dump+copy of the source code. As far as I know, the media files (including pdfs), wiki, minecraft server, leftypol tv, etc. are all gone and even if the aforementioned individual returns, its possible that it still won't be able to be recovered due to the fact that they were on a hard disk that failed.

In order to rebuild /leftypol/ we had to secure new hosting, spin up and configure a server with software, firewall, etc. transfer and fix+configure the vichan/lain/leftypol source code, and load the SQL database dump, as well as configure cloudflare. This process was painstaking and slow. I suppose this goes to show the precarious nature of /leftypol/ in that both the domain name (paid for 10 years in advance and donated to the current mod team) and hosting have/are being paid by one individual as a passion project.

We are working diligently to secure backups so this will not happen again in the future.

Thank you for your patience - tech jannies
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I hope it does. there were some neat things on there, not all of which I downloaded

When they give me the keys to the server…

Imagine being in here unironically in 2024 saying 'no my pedo drawings are not pedo because it's just a drawing'.
Jesus fucking christ you are fully grown adults. You are old enough to have children, you have small cousins, nieces and nephews and so on.
Not wanting to be directly affiliated with a place that celebrates that shit like was done during the outage is 100% not unreasonable, no matter how much the deranged d1scord freaks ITT wanto make it seem so.
So fucked.

Imagine being unable to make a single post without being hysterical and pedojacketing people because they aren't clutching the same pearls as you. GETchan allowing that content is not the only thing about the site. They even put it behind a filter that you have to actively disable. You are going out of your way to be offended by this stuff.

>how dare you pedojacket someone lusting after children


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I still can’t get over the reality that it can take several seconds to hours before someone critically injured will lose consciousness or just fucking die. Imagine just being there as a fucking corpse in unimaginable pain or being simply stressed to the level where you lose your ability to feel but not to see how fucked up your body is for what May feel like a fucking eternity. The guy that killed you has no way to know if they managed to kill you quickly and painlessly, but sooner or later they’ll move on past you while your still fucking there in agony waiting to just go out easily. This shit is all happening while your body is probably pumping your dying dumbass brain with psychedelics and stimulants to fuck up your ability to perceive what’s real while everything that is perceived is vivid and painful as shit. Fuck war man. Fuck killing; it’s all so pointlessly cruel.
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'always' is kind of an overstatement, plenty of people get shot and die instantly, even if not in the head, you can get heart shot, or just have too many holes/too big and die of shock

If you hit the hindbrain, then yes, the shot will immediately force someone to lose consciousness. However, what that guy said was right.

You ever seen when cops will block ambulances from someone they shot for 'security' reasons for several hours while holding back the screaming family of the victim outside the police line while they bleed out in the street. Reminds me a lot of the aircraft carrier off the coast of Palestine.

What the fuck is that stupid over the top mentally ill evil burger-type shit? No way all the drugs, sugar, stress, and illiteracy present in the average badly trained American police officer makes them do stupid evil shit that extreme.

reminder that this was an actual police training video


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clocking into work and fantasizing about laying in bed after work and fantasizing about my head popping off my body like a corkscrew
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It's funny how much western schizos obsess over that show. They said they only picked Christian mythology and symbology for the fact that it wasn't widely revered in Japan and no one would be offended by their fictional treatment of it.

>Christian Schizos


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mari is apparently based on anno's own wife
thats why she is self-inserted into the rebuilds, as a passageway out of the trap of the "curse of eva" storyline (that shinji and asuka are supposed to repeat forever - which is why instrumentality doesnt happen at the end of 2.22).
also in 3.0+1.0 her name is revealed as mari iscariot (like judas iscariot), so she is a trickster sent by God to deliver him from himself.
i dont want to spoil it, but the ending of 3.0+1.0 is beautiful for all those reasons
i think the definition of madness is "incomplete knowledge" like how the paranoid person "knows" what he cant quite prove he knows, which makes him crazy. like, if you watch end of evengelion without its context you think it is symbolistic nonsense or le schizocore avant-garde, but it is really anno's basic message of "touch grass" and find your own asuka (or mari).

So… Does that mean Anno's wife does pupplay stuff with him? Good for him

>"ayanami" means "doll" in japanese
Bro what
>Ayanami, meaning "twilled waves" in Japanese, may refer to:
>Japanese destroyer Ayanami, the name of 3 ships
>Rei Ayanami, a fictional character from the Japanese media franchise Neon Genesis Evangelion
>Ayanami, a fictional character from the Japanese fantasy manga 07-Ghost

yeah ur right
idk where, but i heard it meant doll years ago (which j thought was purposeful foreshadowing) but ig not 🤷🏻‍♂️


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Dump all the seemingly pointless, dubious, and frivolous questions that don't deserve their own shitty threads.

Got a question that's probably been asked a million times before? You're in the right landfill, buddy. Post it here.

Threads that otherwise might go in here will eventually find themselves become merged to this thread.
247 posts and 52 image replies omitted.

if i remember correctly marx said more productive systems supercedes less productive ones, i forgot which page that was, can anyone help out ?.

Does revolution mean civil war?

been thinking about this one for a few weeks and im not really sure how to phrase it non confrontationaly but yeah when we advocate for revolution over reform and say that there will be no excuses for the terror and even that we don't desire violence but that the state wont allow a bloodless change of things is it the case that we are really saying we want civil war?

is a ml vanguard leading the masses into a violent confrontation really any different(even if they know, and are prepared and armed) then eg the tiananmen protestor leaders saying they want the government to fire on students in anyway other then that the ends are different? if it works i think the ends justify the means i am just asking for clarity on the actual position; the point of actual revolutionary communism is to prepare for and provoke a civil war or not?

A civil war is the likely outcome, yes. At some point leftist agitation will bring us into direct conflict with the capitalist ruling class and their puppet governments. It is the duty of a suitably organized party to take up arms in defense of the proletariat when the ruling class resorts to the most extreme methods of repression.

Who is the most liberal person to ever exist?

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What is the logic/argument to saying Evo Morales is not allowed to run?
I'm confused, don't really understand what the tension is between Morales and Arce, exactly.


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Leftypedia lived - Leftypedia lives - Leftypedia will live!

Greetings, comrades. Leftypedia, the radical encyclopedia, should be back in a usable state. We have more moderators, which will help with spam from now on, and images are slowly being repopulated for your viewing pleasure. The new domain has been up and running for a while at https://wiki.leftypol.org, and we've imported the vast majority of content that was on the old site while adding a lot of new stuff. I hope that Anons can come back and fill in any content that was lost.

For those unaware, Leftypedia is an original /leftypol/ project dedicated to combating the disinformation of mainstream media and academic sources, as well as discussing leftist history, theory, and practice from a multi-sectarian viewpoint. We welcome additions from different leftist perspectives provided that they are properly sourced and well argued. In addition, we maintain a separate space, tentatively titled "Essays", for more subjective or polemic work.

The original thread is here: >>>/edu/3780
You can find Leftypedia at: https://wiki.leftypol.org
Help for new editors: https://wiki.leftypol.org/wiki/Leftypedia:Community_portal
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>i stopped being involved because a disaster i could have completely avoided was inevitable
Nice self-own, nerd.


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Linux thread including trends, technical knowledge (i.e. sysadmin/automation) and more
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How does it compare to nushell? And again, is it safe to use MS's official repo or should I compile everything from source or get the package from Nix? Also, do any of you use Nix on distros other than NixOS? How's your experience? Is it a pain to upgrade and maintain the packages? What about AppArmor profiles?

>>26344 (me)
I meant "installed software."

>Linux General
ah yes, the kernel general. imo linux with the realtime patchset makes the best kernel, realtime makes the system have exactly 0ms latency but at the cost of performance. also for mechatronics, a robot or machine having perfect 0ms latency is quintessencially important

>ah yes, the kernel general

its probably pretty safe to use MS's official repo/binaries.


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How would automation mean MORE human effort??

Machinery isn't magic
They require energy and maintenance.
And who is gonna do that if not humans?

The machinery is more efficient than humans though otherwise it wouldn't be used

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but marx in das kapital makes the comment that machines dont create Values but only convert existing Values into commodities; this is why machines are "dead labour" or "objectified labour" which is the mirror of capital itself in money. marx's metaphysical point about the economy is that only "living labour" can produce Values and so dead labour tautologically creates what has been imbued into the machine (realised in consumption). so even if a machine automatically runs for 1000 years it still only contains the total product of the labour it took to create it. this is why living labour is needed in the mode of production to begin with - to create surplus-value which is re-invested into machine production. this is also why the "rate of profit" falls; since the more surplus generated, the more it invests in machines, and so the less surplus down the line since less living labour - like today's automation unemploying people.
this internal contradiction is an elementary antagonism between labour and capital; but this is essentially tied in with the limits of commodity-money in marx's own time with its limited distribution, which, like machines, self-represented labour in its dispensation, which in economic terms means that physically, money cannot expand at the rate of production, which causes "crises of overproduction" (it cost money to make money; like how nations themselves would go bankrupt when engaging in wars since they would pay in gold. gold bullion was the currency of war).
however, since marx's time we have efficient measures of expanding the money supply in modes of over-production which balances the macroeconomy. this propensity to production is in capital becoming the subject of the value-form (money) and so is self-related. however, (sovereign) money is determined by the state which thus displays an inherent Difference to capital's self-limitation.
so by dialectical strategy, capital expands itself by the demand of labour in its object of the value-form (it can only produce at the rate of consumption, which is basically marx's whole point of capital's internal contradiction; that Labour exceeds capital in its productive capabilities, already given in the wage-labour relation which includes its surplus - my revision however is that Labour has no Positive Concept outside of the capital-relation, so like Kant's noumePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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my point about Labour(-power) having no Positive Concept outside of the capital relation is also echoed by marx, in how Labour is entered into the circuit of "social capital" (described in Capital Vol. 2) as variable capital (as opposed to fixed capital, in means of production). to marx of course also, Labour finds its own object in capital by Money, which is Value as Abstract-Labour, represented as homogeneous Substance.
in practical terms what this means is that if you dont pay people to work, they won't be motivated to work, which is why to marx, capital (in surplus-value) is Labour's (value) being-for-another (in hegelian terms); yet what is missed in marx is the way in which the surplus gives Concept to Labour(-power) by negative self-relation. to become subjects we must become self-objectified (self-othered), like how the total knowledge of ourselves comes from a reflection in the mirror. here, the external image "completes" us by external objectification, via our identity in it.
this like i say, is marx's correct perspective that Labour finds its object in Money; but he is incorrect when he assumes (in his "negation of negation" at the end of capital vol. 1) that the surplus can be ended and that Labour can still pertain to its self-identity in use-value production (or "socialism" proper).
marx cannot live with the contradiction that use-values are necessarily mediated by exchange-values. but this is like the kantian analogy i used before; but think of it this way: we masturbate to orgasm, yet once we orgasm, the determined object annihilates its own enjoyment in potential. this is my point of surplus as an actual-potential (which in hegelian terms would be Negativity, or the no-thing - yet, the no-thing is just as *real* as things-in-themselves).
so, if you want Labour-Power, you need Money, where to relate it to my previous post; if you want greater automation, you need UBI.


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You did it. You beat me.
You really are the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
3 posts omitted.

He was being trolled, because his brother WAS a walking suit of armor and people would be confused by the title. It's like Iceland and Greenland.

alchemist with metal characteristics?


Great show, watched it as a teenager. I've really been wanting to go back and rewatch it over the last month. I haven't watched that many shows, the only one I can think of that I might have liked more than FMA:B is Violet Evergarden, that shit made me a sobbing mess. But this has great action, I remember loving the story.

Holy moly they killed stalin!!

I mean, Alphonse is fullmetal, and he's a alchemist. Maybe he's the protag


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Summer Vacation Edition

previous thread: >>553651
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It's literally 70% transwomen. lmao

this isn't transhumanistcafe

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>be me
>giga chad
>run a small org, several community groups irl and online
>well know in some circles
>entire image cultivated around being a leader, in charge, commanding, the person who gets things done
>goal driven, motivated, almost problematic work ethic
>regularly get laid, no issues pulling IRL or on dating apps, thick women, blonde women, black women, goth women, whatever


>insanely attracted to dominant women

>seek women lead relationships
>larp about "female supremacy"
>have paid professional femdoms
>"praise kink"
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

I know that the sex recession ended, and yet I'm still a virgin
yet i haven't met a bitch i want to actually fuck. like i saw raw 90's 2pac music video girl asses in the pool, in the beach but i just did not give a flying FUCK about any of that. I just wanted to swim around and drink booze afterwards.

it means you need to stop larping on imageboards



Since the foot fetish threads have already been split into IRL and anime ones, I think it is fair to open up a dedicated furry feet thread too. Post your favorite furry paw art, discuss what kind of anthro feet you like the most, stories and others, just do not be a dickwad.
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Similar SCP-1471 skulldog pawpads

Welp, I gotta post it all over again, isn't it?

Feline feets


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>tfw fucking love horse cocks and fucking hate Vaush

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>twilight in the background and not the one pissing

Well that artist has a few examples of twi peeing, and even a few variants of the fountain pic. I'm surprised they didn't too.


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🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/7/31/israels-war-on-gaza-live-israel-hits-beirut-in-assassination-operation

Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Yes. All resistance factions do this now. Hezbollah were the first to really take seriously the learning of the moon runes.
Interestingly, Sinwar also spent his time in prison learning the moon-runes and i have heard that they're used regularly by resistance fighters in Gaza which causes confusion and psychological issues in the IDF, For example when those hostages got all killed when shouting out in moon-runes, lmao.
Didn't find the link to where i read about Hezbollah at a quick look but here's the americans acknowledging this about Sinwar; https://gershonbaskin.org/interviews/the-hamas-leader-who-studied-israels-psyche-and-is-betting-his-life-on-what-he-learned/

>pop out of hidey hole and shout "Your mum is fat" in Hebrew
<Roided IOF marches give chase
>march right into wire field and gets blown to shreds, blood and body parts raining down like confetti
<general Zio Samee "Oooh, those lomoillomezigkhammas! Oooh, they think they are smart but roshkruvahabal we will menuvalagvaniyot!"

>It has had a deep cultural impact especially in america, because of their civil rights movement, which is popularly remembered as a win for this shit.
MLK's strategy was based on (1) convincing his own people they had agency and (b) targeting white America's psyche and flipping their own narrative and story of themselves around. Many Americans are raised to believe in the "American Dream" where "all men are created equal," and MLK validated that, while engaging in strategically targeted marches in Southern towns where he knew they'd be attacked by the police as a way to make the problem immediate and urgent. Essentially the strategy works by seeing the enemy as moral creatures as much trapped by their own injustice as their victims were, rather than trying to erase them from the human experience.


At least post the link

/pol/ is so fucking retarded



Alunya & Grace fanfic thread: Reconstruction
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holy heck

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My two cents.

What is she doing??

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I wanna reupload the civil war fanfic, but don't want to reformat everything. It sucks to do it the first time, now I have to do it all again. Might make it a pdf, who knows


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Thanks to the guy that recommended revelation space to me, because I wouldn’t have realized just how ‘earth like’ most planets feel like in warhammer games compared to the books. The books share similarities to revelation space, because the authors put shitloads of effort into creating vivid descriptions of the dark coldness that encompasses the vastness of space. Planets in books like rebel winter and fifteen hours actually are described the way a real planet would feel like.
Space marine 2 doesn’t do justice to the legacy the authors of the franchise gave the setting. The planets, ships, and cities all make the game feel more like a fantasy shooter than a sci fi focused on the worlds beyond earth.

>2nd pic is drawn by Alastair Reynolds
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Fun fact: the overwhelming majority of those types of worlds are identical to the settlements in revelation space. The cities and paradises are actually domed settlements that rely on oxygen and mineral mining to produce local atmospheres capable of sustaining human life. Most writers on this book rarely ever miss this, but the artists forget this detail all the time.

I just beat the main campaign last night. It wasn't bad but I think chaos sucks dick and kind of ruins the story. Like, it's not enough that you have to save hundreds of billions of people from getting devoured by space bugs, now you've got to deal with retardmarines that burst into confetti when you kill them.

I dunno. I was expecting the story to be about fighting the tyranids, and you do for a little while until you get sidetracked by martian tech bullshit and faggy chaos shit AGAIN. And the Necrons are RIGHT THERE if you need a surprise third act villain, so why retread old ground with warp dwelling failsons?

Maybe it's my fault for getting hyped about fighting the Nids and reading about all the fucked up horror aspects involved. I thought at some point a genestealer cult would be involved, and there's a point where it seems like that's about to pop off, but no surprise it's just tzeench chaostard bullshit again.

Oh well, glad I didn't pay for it.

>hundreds of billions
It’s literally some random hive world. The population is probably closer to earth’s. As for the rest, it’s likely that they couldn’t add in necrons, because the entire game would be entirely one-sided to them. The corrupted eldar could’ve been a candidate given Titus’ history, the tau are too strange to fit in Titus’ story, and the devs couldn’t do orks because they already did orks.

I guess the hive fleet is just a splinter instead of part of a major invasion fleet, but then why not make it a major invasion fleet? Make the world a major hive world and make the ultramarines have to pull out all the stops to save it. Instead they're defeated by killing the load-bearing nid and then they all just die of broken hearts, oh and here are some chaos short bus seat warmers to shoot.

>it’s likely that they couldn’t add in necrons, because the entire game would be entirely one-sided to them
No, just Geedubs being too touchy with their IP


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Are they the most gusano nation to westoids in south east Asia?
Seriously everything you read about the us doing, wether it's a laos bombing or a defoliant spreading or a Vietnam specop village cleansing or a hmong ethnic group arming or a heroin triangle funding or a secret mission in china and Taiwan operating it's always Thailand who is helping in the background as a forward base for burgerite forces, if Japan is popular to anglos because of cute anime, Thai monarchy is popular because of lady boy pucci
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The first time I went into a Filipino restaurant, the (Filipino) staff literally warned me before even showing me a menu that they only served Filipino food. Little did I know the horror that is their cuisine. It's like a madlibz of food ingredients smashed together. i dwear one of theur dishes had unmelted American cheese and rice. Just weird shit.

"Git gud"

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>accidentally legalizing weed
moments before this legalization law was passed

Not that it really matters but I meant to say Toyota Hilux obviously

nowadays its ukrainian women

Imo teens drinking THC seltzers doesn't sound too bad.
You make kids take psych meds like Xanax.


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why can't communism nationalize ford and mass industrialize a standard car that's functional for all americans to use and is free? everybody should get a free car
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I'm pretty sure the USSR and other socialist countries have made some pretty decent vehicles.
More durable / maintainable / upgrade-able means more resource efficient since you don't have to keep making entire new cars, the only thing that incentives making them shit the bed after 5 years is profit.
If you nationalized a company that has been designing for profit then you'll have worse results than just making a new car manufacturing syndicate.

Eh I think it would still be easier to start with a capitalist foundation and knowledge base than start entirely from scratch

personal transportation ICE and electric vehicles must be abolished. only public transportation or bikes

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Soviet Bloc did nationalize the automotive industry. Industrieverband Fahrzeugbau was a conglomerate established by the GDR of the German automotive firms it inherited. The GDR wasn't into the free thing having firms planed by German Marks and used as a rationing system since they lacked resources to give every East German a car.

>why can't communism do something in a capitalist country
it is a mystery


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First time on /leftypol/ Edition
I like drawing on occasion, mainly my OC Gabriel (redhead boy with a little femininity) and sometimes Larissa (his deadpan but kind gf)
Anyway this is an art trade thread, so exchange doodles or full-blown drawings, depending on what you're about
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>or something

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I remember making comics in the slightly distant past, but I never finished them and I doubt I would finish one now either

Plox do Alunya and Grace comic?

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So, is this dead now? So many drawings lost when I wanted to do a trade with my OC.

We are still trying to get the old data back

T. Mod


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the USSR has fallen, billions must (insert the rest of the meme here)
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there better be a big juicy peanus below

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literally 1984

you've just broken the law in several countries!!

Now you've done it you freak shit. You've fucked up. You're being tracked by the grid. The eye in the sky is watching. We're coming for you. Prepare to die.

I would become a fascist if she would be my gf

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