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 No.941093[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

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> The lines referencing Mao Zedong – "But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao / You ain't gone make it with anyone anyhow"[26] – were added in the studio. While filming a promotional clip later that year, Lennon told director Michael Lindsay-Hogg that it was the most important lyric in the song. By 1972, Lennon had changed his mind, saying: "I should have never said that about Chairman Mao."[27]


How did the collective genepool even get to the point where there is enough anti-social trash to man the legal system?
Also watching Law and Order is my guilty pleasure.


he cant keep getting away with it


She cute


watching Law and Order is my guilty pleasure.
How can you not get bored of generic and repetitive crime dramas?
Expanding markets. You want ugly girls to buy your game too.



Right now the biggest mass movement scene BLM is happening in the US. This deserves its own thread because its a massive IRL protest. Next week their will be many more colleges joining. This is a massive movement.
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very normal country


>They want a Christian woman fired
Minouche Shafik? She's not Christian.



Comrades, infiltrate them, make them read Marxist works! NOW!


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 No.805130[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

🗽United States Politics🦅

Absolute State of America Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth.


State mandated propaganda livestreams:
CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8PhLsUcFEegalitarianism
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I cant believe it but it feels like we are heading towards the funny timeline.
>russia wins or russia gains a massive push into ukraine
>this happens right near the 2024 election
I didnt think it would converge like this but lmao



Its referring to how ukraine seems to be currently breaking down while russia is slowly pushing.
Out of all the years this could have happened, its happening right around a election year for biden. And thus making biden look bad if russia does beat ukraine this year. During a election period.
Its mainly me joking around.


Karl marx was 100 percent right. Child labor becomes a good thing under socialism. It is no longer despicable and outlawed, but perfected and desired.
Equal obligation to work applies to everyone under socialist mode of production, even the children.

The problem that arises from equal pay between children and adults is that the adults who work alongside children as equals will be forced to subsist on an income that supports a child. This could be solved in many ways, like obligated intensive technical education.

In socialism, it should not be the job of the parents alone to support their children. It should be a social effort. Until the child can work, supplemental income will provide. This should be cut off when the child is able to work, with great incentives given if earlier than nine.
In socialism, there is no unemployment. This alone implies that the children must work. Introducing children to the productive processes accelerates the development. The forces of production would develop much faster with a decreased child labor participation age, and this would also afford us to have a reduced retirement age.


I am going to kill you


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 No.1825226[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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I wouldn't say it isn't because they don't care but because Americans have no understanding of fighting without their advanced logistics (and airpower). It's like the story of the NATO trainers telling the Ukrops to simply go around the minefield.


190 a month is insanely cheap for rent by western standards.


yeah but where I was that was also the average person's monthly salary


"obsolete, easy to maintain, and capable of being used in degraded mode"


Russians embracing the Kenobi strategy


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i wonder if the left wing of capital even considers thought like this to be a problem. personally boycotting a company because you take moral issue with their actions is fine, but this idea that any revolutionary change will be achieved through just one more boycott bro, just one more election, one more piece of activism, is so delusional to me. i think that’s why these people come across as so disconnected from real life and why the left (mostly liberals) has an image of people being disconnected from how people interact with the world around them
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>this entire thread
Wew lad. A year ago saying that "voting with your wallet" is dumb liberal idiocy that doesn't achieve anything wouldn't be this controversial. Geopolitics bullshit sure attracts the dumbest fucking mouth-breathers around.


Voting with your wallet is still better than nothing.


"voting with your wallet" is dumb liberal idiocy that doesn't achieve anything
Still paying dat knockoff lays doe


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Engels in an 1895 letter to Schutler implies that boycotting can be praxis. In the letter, he complains that the London trade unions are too disorganized to be capable of organizing boycotts like the beer boycott that happened in Berlin.

In an 1886 letter to Sorge, Engels says that actions like strikes and boycotts are much more effective than "theoretical enlightenment."

In the introduction to The Class Struggles in France, Engels says that "all serious opposition parties" in Spain boycotted bourgeois elections.

In 1906 Lenin said that boycotts are sometimes a correct strategy, and sometimes not. He gives the example of boycotting the Bulygin Duma as an example of a correct boycott.

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boycotting isn't even "voting with your wallet" The phrase "voting with your wallet" is usually used to imply that purchasing superior products drives inferior products from the market. Boycotting is a negative strategy. It can mean refusing to participate in an election, refusing to buy from a certain company, refusing to attend a certain institution, etc. It's a multifaceted but ultimately negative strategy. Voting with your wallet is a positive strategy of rewarding the "lesser evil" with money.



I haven't been here in years. How have things been?

Oh apparently I need 150 characters. I remember that lel. Well I'll just say despite not hanging out here I'm still a Marxist, I've just been hanging out in other places.
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"I should add, it's entirely possible to make 6 figures in some markets. Don't just assume someone is lying about it. Between car repairs, having to buy a "new" used car when mine finally crapped out and just taking a steady supply of Fuckitol (tm), I was off for at least a total of 3 months or would have been over 100k easily. Seems like a lot at the time til expenses and that dreaded tax bill comes. Probably closer to minimum wage."


reminder that the Americans were considered better and more humane than the British Empire and that the British Empire was also once considered a humane alternative to the Spanish


Such is the circumstance of most of the petite-bourgeoisie. Just as how a capitalist with shittier machinery makes less profit, a door dash capitalist who can invest in a brand new AI battery car reduces his costs and maximizes his profit.


calling uber drivers petit bourgeois is just a rampant misuse of the term, but what else is new from you


Don't dissociate now


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 No.211384[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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It's mostly that Indian foreign policy correctly reads the fact that the US will give India anything to keep them onside "against China". They aren't just avoiding scrutiny for obvious fascism, they are getting HUGE concessions and tons and tons of $$$. The US basically does not say no them and has made it clear as long as they are aligned against China they will not say "no" to India on anything.


This is just the EU and US shooting themselves in the foot. EU and US could have motivated China to cut off Russia if they opened their markets more but they didn't. Why would they expect China to cut themselves from Russia when they are already being cut from EU and US markets? It would be stupid for China to take that deal.

>they are getting HUGE concessions and tons and tons of $$$
India is incredibly disorganized and divided they can't replace Chinese manufacturing or be a cohesive threat against China. What does the the US get out of it?
>they will not say "no" to India on anything.
What was the US saying "no" to previously?


Just create another thread screeching about Chyna and be done with it, baby.


how many of you anons here post in r sino


>Well most of Germans before Germany was a thing were very poor
So fucking wrong LMAO, the territory of modern day Germany in the HRE was a major manufacturing hub, Nuremberg for example was well-renowned for their artisans, painters and inventors, and thats just one of the hundreds of free cities. There were even socdem policies like the Fuggerei public housing or guilds. And thats just inside the HRE.

There were also multiple communist uprising in Northern Italy, and the HRE.

Did you even read Marx? Things have been getting worse since the industrial revolution, only communist countries have improved the conditions of workers beyond what was before.


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 No.1675962[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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>a few socialist groups, trade unions and mediocre Muslim orgs have done infinitely more to hurt da joo in a few months than neo-Nazis have in the same time plus seven decades

Because the far right was under extremely close scrutiny after da joo won WW2.
But watch what will happen now.


>the fucking j-town mob came back for the burgertory guy's family.
Jeez, literal textbook terrorism. I've been out of the media for a couple of weeks but this is just fucked.
Zionists really out here losing all support among moderate liberals.

also did they just throw fire bombs at concrete and metal? Idiots
>“The police have failed to protect this community. There have been so many attacks, not just against me, but against so many of us and now this has hit home and bombs were thrown at my house.”


And, by scrutiny, I guess you mean 'being funded by the CIA'

White Nationalists work hand-in-hand with other racial separatists like Black Nationalists and Zionists. Zionists want Jews to feel unsafe in the US, Europe and Australia, so that they will go to Israel and fight. They love what neo-Nazis are doing. Socialists, on the other hand, actually threaten their wallet by enacting workers rights and community building. The far-right are too strategically bankrupt to endorse anything smarter than Siegefaggotry, which just kills a few people and changes nothing. The result of a fundamentally broken analysis of society.

A far-right kiddo would do more to achieve their goals by just pretending to be a leftist. Hell, it's what the NSDAP and ᴉuᴉlossnW did.


wonder if we can foia victoria police to find out if they ever discuss foisting this on the tobacco war or the mossad connection considering it happened after a demo at the israeli embassy.


The difference is white nationalists don't believe the Jews are literal devils and it's hard to get average white people to hate Jews. Islam teaches that Jews are the spawn of Satan and that's why Mohammed and his followers did this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banu_Qurayza


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South Korean police raid office of incoming head of doctors’ group over protracted strikes
The development could further dim prospects for an early end to the strikes. The office of Lim Hyun-taek, who is to be inaugurated as head of the Korean Medical Association next week, called the raid politically motivated and questioned whether the government is sincere about its offer for dialogue to end the strikes.

China highlights extremism threat, pledges deeper military ties with Kazakhstan
Since 2021, when the Taliban returned to power in Kabul, Beijing has repeatedly warned against a revival of terrorist forces in the region. In a 2023 position paper on the Afghanistan situation, China warned that the “three forces” still posed a “major security threat to the region and the world”.

In huge police raids, Australian teenagers arrested on vague “terrorism” charges
The raids—the largest for a decade—were conducted despite police admitting there was no evidence of any specific plans, locations, times or targets for a terrorist act. Instead, Australian Federal Police (AFP) Deputy Commissioner Krissy Barrett said investigations had revealed a “network” of people who share a “similar violent extremist ideology.” This common “ideology” was not named, but clearly the accusation was directed at identification with Islamic belief.

US troops begin construction of Gaza aid pier as questions remain over distribution
A UN official said the port will probably have three zones – one controlled by the Israelis where aid from the pier is dropped off, anothePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Pro-Palestine camps spread to 40 US campuses, with hundreds arrested
While many remain provocative though peaceful, demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and divestment by their institutions from companies with ties to Israel, hundreds of students and outside protesters have been arrested, and there have been some fierce clashes with police. At least 100 more students were arrested overnight into Friday, mostly at Emerson College in Boston, while two dozen were taken into custody at Ohio State University.

FCC votes to bring back Obama-era 'net neutrality' rules that were repealed under Trump
The vote means that broadband services will be treated as Title II telecommunications services, a category of federal law that originally referred to phone networks to ensure they were nondiscriminatory. It makes the internet closer to an essential service, like power or water. “Broadband access to the Internet is a critical conduit that is essential for modern life,” Anna Gomez, a Democratic appointee to the commission, said in a statement.

New York to require internet providers to charge low-income residents $15 for broadband
The decision from the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan reverses a lower court ruling from 2021 that blocked the policy just days before it went into effect. The law would force internet companies to give some low-income New Yorkers broadband service for as low as $15 a month, or face fines from the state.

Alabama House Passes Bill That Could Be 'Used to Arrest Librarians'
The library would be required to remove the materials within seven days of receiving the required wPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Resist Imperialist Wars and Confront Chronic Crises! Persist in Struggle for Genuine National Liberation and Democracy! — NDF
On the occasion of the 51st anniversary of The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), we wish to extend militant greetings to the NDFP allied organizations, especially to the fighting Filipino masses whose unwavering spirit and determination to achieve genuine national liberation and democracy serve as the eternal wellspring of our revolutionary strength.

The truth behind Labour’s plans to ‘renationalise’ rail
LABOUR’S plans to renationalise the rail firms by taking over the train operating companies (TOCs) as their contracts come to an end is a big deal. These are privately run but very heavily publicly subsidised companies that want to pump cash out of the government and passengers and then pump it into their investors’ hands. They are so keen to get the cash that they are rubbish at running the railways. Renationalising them is a good idea. But if you want to know how some rail privatisation will continue even after Labour’s plans — and how it will continue to squeeze private cash out of public services, it’s worth having a look at the annual accounts of Eversholt UK Rails Ltd, which were published to zero media interest at the end of last month. The newspapers weren’t interested in the company’s accounts, even though they showed the movement of millions of pounds from the taxpayer to a Hong Kong billionaire’s company. Passengers also won’t generally know Eversholt even exists, which is part of the trick of privatisation.

Class Dealignment Is the Defining Political Challenge of Our Time
A battle is raging among US progressives over how to undPost too long. Click here to view the full text.




 No.32028[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

There's going to be a Fallout TV show and it looks like a yoghurt ad. It's also solely based on Fallout 4 and it's going to have even more BOS wank. Thanks Todd!
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>Hell, it's very likely FNV ain't even canon anymore due to all the retcons to the timeline and Mr. House's backstory
you can feel Todd howards influence in this.


Corporate products shouldn't count as canon.


>Gonna be a bitch to write Fallout 5 with all these new additions tho.
Is the show actually canon to the mainline games?


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Yep it's time for my yearly New Vegas replay.





what do u think about him?

what do u think about the prohibition of incest

what do u think of what hes become
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>connects one to the real


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In other words, meth = chimp out
Fitting indeed


Heroin = /dead/
Mushrooms = monke
SSRIs+Cigarettes = incest
Vodka = Tankies
Moonshine = Shay
Fentanyl = ancaps
LSD = space dolphins


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>muh big computer
I fucking hate you pseuds.


Beer and whisky



Nintendo forces Garry's Mod to delete 20 years of content — Garry confirms Nintendo is behind Steam Workshop purge

They can't keep getting away with it!
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despise this company


>20 years of content
holy shit please tell me they got archived by players


Should be reuploads on some Russian GMod sites.


Also hope they don't try to go after Pretendo. I like still being able to play Splatoon 1.


Apparently it wasn't actually Nintendo and was just some troll. The invention of 'trolling' is truly one of the worst things of the internet.


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Why do Marxists use the term "civilization" when the term is rooted in Hobbes' belief that human beings are naturally barbaric and are kept in check through "civilization"? Meanwhile, Marx seems to believe that human beings' default is rather altruistic and that capitalism alienated human beings into barbarism, therefore taking on Locke's belief.
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Marxism is at its base a modernist framework and it does contain a significant amount of baggage from the era it comes from. Lots of Marxists have interrogated this, but many Marxists are engaged in book worship that prevents them from critically reading Marx's ideas despite Marx himself being fully aware that his knowledge and analysis was limited and subject to historical biases.


history doesn't move in reverse


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No but some people try to do this with it


>Human anatomy contains a key to the anatomy of the ape.


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"Civilization" is just used to mean "societies based around permanent settlements, especially cities."

It's used to differentiate "city builder" societies from nomadic herdsmen and hunter-gatherers.

It's been used in a somewhat charged way in the past (that "uncivilized" peoples were backwards, wild, savage and lawless), but its still a fairly useful anthropological term.


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GTA VI they're renaming Florida "Leonida" to fictionalize it further. Which is weird. I mean it's consistent with San Andreas being a fictional state, and all those other fictional Midwest states they made up for Red Dead Redemption II, but at the same time, when Vice City came out in 2002, Florida was just called "Florida" in that game. Numerous references to "Florida" over the radio. If Rockstar is going to make a totally fictionalized Burgerpunk America, they should just go all out and make an entire fictional country already, like Eagleland in Earthbound.
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brainlet detected


It's hard to keep consistent lore for an open world series since the geography is constrained by technical limitations. It's not like people play these games for that anyway.


>im a smart boy for playing video games with "lore"
very similar to what i pointed out in >>34828 lol


some people believe every game must cater to their arbitrary personal whims when the series already has a defined audience. i get it when its dumbing down or dramatically changing the games but like you said nobody plays gta for its lore lmfao


I think it's to just avoid legal issues. 99% chance they're safe but since they established the trend why risk it? It also gives them more of a chance to change things if they want without people complaining.


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>it was reported that early on in his imprisonment Kaczynski had befriended Ramzi Yousef and Timothy McVeigh, the perpetrators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the Oklahoma City bombing, respectively. The trio discussed religion and politics and formed a friendship which lasted until McVeigh's execution in 2001.
so a white nationalist, a pakistani islamist, a practicing anarcho primitivist and a cuban american gang leader were all sharing a single cell block together and apparently got along well together, how would their ideologies have clashed and what conversations they could have had?
also what are some examples of unlikely political friendships in history?
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Well they are all bomb makers who fought the US government.

>how would their ideologies have clashed and what conversations they could have had?

Islamists and white nationalists don't get along but Bin Laden was a borderline luddite and environmentalist. Yousef and McVeigh probably talked about bomb making. Of the three, Yousef would be the most skilled and experienced bomb maker.

>what are some examples of unlikely political friendships in history?

Heidegger (a card carrying Nazi) had a sexual affair with Hannah Arendt, a Jewish socialist, and helped her escape persecution. Walter Benjamin of the Frankfurt School was good friends the conservative philosopher Leo Stauss who's idolized by neocons. Tali Fahima was and IDF vetran and Likud fanatic Netanyahu supporter. She somehow got the phone number of Zakaria Zubeidi, leader of Al-Aqsa's Martyrs Brigade in Jenin, and the two developed a sexual relationship. She moved in with him as a voluntary human shield to stop the IDF from assassinating him for which she was convicted of terrorism and sent to prison. She later dumped him because he made a deal with the Israelis so he could leave Jenin for medical treatment.


Foucault was apparently friendly with Ayatollah Behishti who he met when he visited Qom during the run up to the Iranian revolution. Behishti was a left wing member of Khomeini's inner circle who's assassination by other leftists triggered the crackdown on the left in Iran. Behishti used to attend Foucault's lectures in Germany when the gay philosopher was in the early stages of his career.


Figure I should say I was using the term “national socialism” in a general sense rather than referring to a specific organization or movement in a historical context. My point being the seeds for a kind of “National Socialism” were planted long ago. It’s sort of reminiscent of some anecdote from Engels I believe, where he mentioned the Social Democratic movement as finally giving a name or vehicle to the ideas Marx and his followers expressed. And much like how Social Democracy would later become infamous for its betrayal of Socialist Principles I’d argue that the term “National Socialism” had lost any utility as a description by adopted by a movement of Misanthropic Racists and Capitalist Stooges.

There’s actually a really good scene in “Look Who’s Back” where Hitler encounters a group of modern far rightists in Germany. They call themselves the “National Democrats” and he completely clowns on their baby faced leader. One thing he mentions is the term “National Socialist” implies democracy so calling yourself “National Democrats” is redundant. And Yknow it shows what I’m talking asking about, it’s like a VHS tape that has become a copy of a copy of a copy, the quality decreasing with each iteration. They call themselves National Democrats because they want to conjure the image of the National Socialists, who in turn wanted to borrow from the image of the Social Democrats, and so on it goes. The terms becoming less coherent or relevant with each iteration.

As for Rudolf Jung, I’d say he was probably 60% egoist, 40% the genuine article. He apparently wanted to be known as a Nazi party intellectual, the “Karl Marx of National Socialism” and would occasionally feud with more influential Nazis. However I believe his policies were more or less welfare capitalism like bog standard social democracy, and his origins suggest he maybe was influenced by conflicts between Czech and German workers.


I don't know how true this is but Adolph Hitler apparently met a black American once and called his people slavish untermensch for not physically overthrowing Jim Crow and hanging every Southron by the balls


>if you don't drink alcohol you cannot be anywhere on the authoritarian scale (nationalist, communist or something else)



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Do you know Salah Jadid?
He was a Ba'athist Arab nationalist turned far-left socialist who ruled Syria for a relatively short period before being overthrown by Assad senior in a coup.
Unlike his Ba'athist contemporaries Jadid believed in class struggle, implemented radical leftist policies, assigned communists to high positions in his government, pursued close relations with the CPSU, shifted the party line from Arab nationalism to explicitly revolutionary anti-capitalist stand treating pan-Arabism as merely a means to an end (that is socialism) rather than an end itself.
After his overthrow Assad started reversing many of his policies, liberalizing the country while cracking down on leftist opposition.

Assad Senior was an absolute buffon who wasn't committed to the Palestinian cause or socialism as he criticised Jadid for his support of Palestinians during their revolt against the Jordanian monarchy, gave the Golan on a silver platter to Israelis, funded counter revolutionaries in the Lebanese civil war, supported an expansionist theocracy in his sectarian scuffles, made a deal with the US to occupy Lebanon in exchange of supporting the Gulf War, started neoliberalizing Syria's economy in the 90s.

The only other head of state that was to the left of secular pan-Arabism is Iraq's Qasim, he to was overthrown by nationalists. As a leftist MENAoid I believe Arab nationalism has been a net negative for our region. It is a revisionist (historically and ideologically), colonial, reactionary ideology that had been used primarily to suppress class consciousness and recuperate socialism and revolution to serve bourgeois interests.
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MENA leftism has always been a failure because it came from a place of deep dishonesty. Leftists in Arab countries were virtually all members of the secular upper or middle class elite with connections the colonial establishment (even if they opposed it). Outside of a place like Iraq, there was no grassroots organic workers movement linked to the CPs. So what you have is essentially is an exploitater class appropriating leftist discourse, which is otherwise not in their class interests, against the "backward" impoverished masses as a means of social control. Islamism became popular because it was a much more organic, grassroots movement, that pushed back against secular elitism. Many famous Islamists were people who flirted with the left but never joined because they felt ostracized for their religion. In that sense, Islamism represents an authentic movement rooted in the lower classes of Muslim countries. Its a simple product of the material conditions and relations of power that define many Arab and Muslim states.

The secular vs religious divide, which in many ways is a class divide, is why the MENA left will never move anywhere. They are far too fixated on beating the Islamists, wedded to discredited pseudo-orientalist theories, obsessed with religion through which they read the entire history and politics of the region like a naive idealist and most of all they hate ordinary people and see them as inferior. They have little to no legitimacy with the vast majority of ordinary people and have no interest in that anyway. MENA leftists never do any real analysis, they just copy paste from dusty old leftist publications written in the 19th century. They need to take a look at Marx's letter to Vera Zasulich. There isn't a MENA leftist today who could give you a description of property relations in the Ottoman period, or theories of sovereignty in Islamic thought, or really anything else, the standard bread and butter analysis Western leftists have done for years. They are really anti-intellectual and culturally sectarian and totally stagnant.

I'll end with some comments of Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi, a Marxist activist during the Iranian revolution who's now a history professor at Princeton. He said that MENA leftists are basically "Enlightenment secular fundamentalists" who see Middle Eastern history as a struggle between secular liberal/progressive forces and the dark reactionary forces, which they typically identify with Islam. They are baPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Islamists are liberal.


Wasn’t this literally what happened to Qasim of Iraq


The masses of people are bound to be more progressive than their despots who are inherently reactionary, as their bourgeois interests lays with the status quo. This is especially true at the height of material contradictions. In monarchist Iraq for example, the ruling class was ostensibly secular yet it was still semi-feudal backwards clique of ethno-sectarian compradors that led the country to destitution and illiteracy while empowering local landlords and foreign monopolies. Who brought revolutionary change to Iraq? It was the peasants and workers, the toiling masses from the most underdeveloped, exploited and religious parts of the country, many with class consciousness. It is indeed wrong to think in such an idealist way, reducing material conditions to a reductive dichotomy. This is still a far cry from communist theocracy and other ridiculous notions.


>many of Khomeini's followers were leftists, many of the so-called clergy (Islamic scholars) were admirers of Marx, Nietzsche, and Hegel, and even Khomeini borrowed leftist ideas and tried to glue them to Sufi mysticism

anywhere i can read about this?


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 No.1762168[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
>Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
<Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

If your original content is good enough, it would most likely be shared on the /leftypol/ twitter account!
Make sure to follow us and feel free to leave suggestions on this thread~

previous thread: >>1465628
>>>/leftypol_archive/1465628 (if it gets archived by mods)

Leftypol memes and other undesirables:

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Lol is this made with ai?


>are taquerias petit bourgeois


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this is is like what a liberal graphics arts student makes after reading 1984 for the first time


>To be fair the early Israel wasn't as fanatically genocidal as it is today.
Google "the Nakbah"


 No.3080[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Navy thread
Thread for all naval, maritime, ship, submarine & water craft discussion, seas, oceans, lakes, rivers & other bodies of water. Soviet & American shipping alike is welcome, as are civilian vessels. Video & images encouraged. Ekranoplanes & other marine aircraft also count.

Russian / USSR Naval sites: https://flot.com/

US / Western Navy sites (consume with copious amounts of table salt): https://www.naval-technology.com/

P.S. Be civil on this Polynesian raft-roping forum.
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The Marines already replaced the M4. The Army's replacement will probably be done in a year or two.


Probably good to just keep the familiar AR style instead of going to Sci Fi weapons. Funny how the top militaries keep making new versions of their 60s weapons (AK and AR) instead of doing the polymer alien nerf guns.


That's just a slightly upgraded M4! I want my fish gun!


>>4856 >>4859 >>4857 >>4858
As OP This belongs in the AR thread.
That being said: the Marines' replacement is just a modern H&K, not significantly different. The XM-8 and others looked cool, but it has severe overheating issues when firing and it doesn't appear to be very modular, meaning any jamming or need to clean the weapon is going to be problematic. Electronic sights are also pretty temperamental at the moment.



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I don't care about gamergate 2 or whatever but I did think this was interesting

> Former game executive and develop at Blizzard Mark Kern

> @Grummz

< "The way games are funded you don't use your own money. Even EA, its games are hugely expensive to make, they're upwards of you know 250 sometimes 600 million dollars it's for certain live games it's incredibly how expensive they are and to do that uh your CFO is your best friend.

< "You're counting on your CFO to get you tax breaks to get you in to put studios in regions which are financially favorable and you will borrow the cheap money, you will get a cheap money to do it. Even EA does this. I worked with EA; we were putting together a deal where they were taking bailout money from the banks in the last financial crisis that we had, and they were applying that cheap money towards games, same thing with Covid money. They're applying that cheap money towards games, and what has been the cheapest money while interest rates were still low, you know a couple of years ago it was ESG financing, and so they're going to take this money."

< "Because the returns on investment have been so poor on Wall Street for ESG funds, that source of Revenue is drying it up. This Woke machine cannot continue in the way that it is now for AAA gaming, and I think unfortunately, it's so entrenched that you're not going to see—you're not going to see much of an ability to course correct because the studios are—they're just gonna shut down."

>He goes on to state that the ESG money comes with “strings attached”:

< Mark Kern explains how ESG money comes with strings attached inside corporations and is used to make companies partner with DEI consulting companies like Sweet Baby Inc:

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Ignoring the derailment about the gook game that censored itself after the publicity anyway, we have these dumb threads about "le collapse of da gaming industry" every half a year or so and it's always copy-pasting prophecy ramblings from culture war chvds for some reason.

Not that it matters if it did happen btw. There wasn't any major difference between games made before 1993 and after 1995 aside from a diminished presence of Atari and better technology.


Funny thing is most journalists liked the game and the anti-woke crowd turned on it. Despite the "Censorship" barely even mattering that much (To me)
not that it matters, Lies of P has sexier content and better gameplay.


>not that it matters, Lies of P has sexier content and better gameplay.
To you.


>overhyped South Korean slop.
But enough about Lies of P.


also i always find it annoying whenever games like these come out
all the discussion around them are never about the game, but it's controversy


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 No.6555[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ITT "villains" who did nothing wrong.
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>Wanted to live freely and explore the world with his friends and brother
>Forced into conflict with the World Nobles
>Fights the oppressors and defies them
>Betrayed and locked up by the equivalent of the CIA in the equivalent of a hell-prison
>Escapes and tries to continue his mission to eradicate the Celestial Dragon scum
>Targets the Shichibukai because they're Government lackeys and were coming after him to stop his righteous pursuit
Byrnndi World's only sin was forgetting his friendships and bonds because of the hatred of revenge and distrust from betrayal.


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>"Today, we rise again as one nation, in the face of betrayal and corruption! We all trusted this man to deliver our great nation into a new era of prosperity. But like our monarchy before the Revolution, he has been colluding with the West with only self-interest at heart! Collusion breeds slavery! And we shall not be enslaved! The time has come to show our true strength. They underestimate our resolve. Let us show that we do not fear them. As one people, we shall free our brethren from the yoke of foreign oppression! Our armies are strong, and our cause is just. As I speak, our armies are nearing their objectives, by which we will restore the independence of a once-great nation. Our noble crusade has begun. Just as they lay waste to our country, we shall lay waste to theirs. This is how it begins."
Saudi Arabia Redeemed


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His only mistake was fucking around with trunks instead of just killing him


they do be winning kinda since he got trunks universe killed




Thread to talk about drone warfare in general.

There are many ways drones can be used but I would like to talk about their potential use in protests and riots in the west.

In my experience something that is sorely lacking in protests going wild is intelligence about police postions, while the bad guys usually have a QG with plenty of operators gathering and distributing intelligence to police officers trough cameras, helicopters and, you guessed it, drones.

So, what's keeping us from using drones? Those for kids which are 50 bucks on amazon could do the trick, it would take a team of two, one pilot and one operative relaying intel trough a phone or a radio to someone in the front of the protest.

I know there are anti drone weapons, but they don't work that well and these aren't well established yet. In case of capture though it's good to prevent or render difficult a trace, so it would be smart to buy those drones trough proxies and false adresses, and scratch whatever number they have on them.
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Recently the US Army has accepted the Leonidas Microwave system as an experimental, Microwave based anti-drone weapon.

However there's already a way found around it - a layer of copper around the drone blocks the directed electro-magnetic pulse from disrupting the drone by 100 times.

There's an interesting video by Mark Rober that he just released that covers this and other anti-drone measures as well as stuff he and his friends came up with. His ad for a robot-constructor product he made is also actually informative as to the current states of autonomous systems and how EASY it would be to make autonomous turrets a la Aliens.

>Vortex Cannon vs Drone


Here's some video


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A new super-low drone detecting RADAR was released in Russia, we'll see how effective it'll be. Paired with specialized anti-drone MANPADS could make this a viable defense, comparable to current infantry anti-air against helicopters and CAS attack aircraft.


To add on, while this is true, it's not a permanent measure, as drones are developing rapidly, so Helicopters will probably need to adapt with specialized anti-drone weapons or attack measures, as well as defenses.


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The Mini-gun armed Mojave drone has been successfully tested in CAS trials recently. It kinda reminded me of the Hunter-Killer drones from Terminator (yes that's been brought up before ITT, it's relevant given the advent of AI). The drone aspect is the only new part of this, despite the hype about the Mini-gun equipped DAP-6 system, it's not new either. The USA had such mini-gun pods on UH-1 attack modifications in Vietnam and the USSR had special pods for the Mi-24 and for attack aircraft that had THREE rotary-barrel machine-guns.





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>Fascists shitting up every board
>Chinafags shitting up every thread
>Anarchopiggers shitting up every reply
>Class collaboration and lesser evil nationalism everywhere
>Retards who haven't even skimmed Marx 101 acting like authorities on topics
>On the other side of the table morons who uncritically uphold low-level slop text and poorly interpreted Marx like scripture
>Communism reduced to spirituality and great man worship
>Constant disguised idpol threads
>General ruin of any sign of a competent, rational left

Perscription: we need to ban all the /pol/yps, and clamp down on /bunker/fags and /GET/fugees. Maybe put up a moderated wall that prevents any IP from access unless you answer a couple long-form questions on basic Marx and Engels. Would weed out retards in a snap.
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Maybe the very idea of leftypol is actually outdated. When was the original leftypol founded? 10 years ago? I've joined leftypol in the 8chan era and I have the feeling, the idea of leftism is dissolving more and more with every passing year. In the beginning, there were stirnerites, tankies, anarkiddies. Then came an ideological split in the question of Rojava. Later contemporary China was considered to be leftist, Dugin became somehow an ally of leftism and antiimperialism. Then Genghis Khan was considered to be a communist and Wagner Group are based antiimperialists. Let's face it: We are at a point, where we have absolutely no common ground, what leftism constitutes. Leftism, socialism, etc. these words have on this site no meaning. I have no clue what this site is about and I don't even know if I would consider myself to be a leftist in any way. (Just for clarification, I also don't consider my self to be a rightoid). I identify myself more with /dead/ than with /leftypol/.


>That's exactly what this placed used to be
No, it was not, you're the blatant newfag you Chaya-wannabe
>o we don't need another 4chan
Strawman false-equivalency fallacy
>The site is decaying in real time because of your stupid bullshit.
No anon, the site post numbers have remained stable, you're the retard with the stupid bullshit that wants to make this a subreddit
>Everyone is noticeable dumber
<But not me, I'm totally intelligent
Get off your high-horse. The reason posts are worse isn't for the reasons you listed
>there's Nazis everywhere
No, there isn't. I and many others criticize the mods for over-moderating in areas they really don't need to, but if there's one thing they've consistently been heavy on banning is Nazi-shit. So yes, it's a boogieman and yes you're a faggot for projecting it.
>hen there are unironic Nazis posting in almost every single thread
And this is yet again proof that you're baiting. Most threads do not have anything APPROACHING right-wing takes, let alone nazi ones and any actual nazis get immense pushback from a majority of users. This is called discussion on a free forum, which allows people to form debates, arguments and to learn all while having some fun.
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>The worst part is mods not clamping down on Nazis like they used to. I think the site has been compromised
Leftychin wreckers go back


>We are at a point, where we have absolutely no common ground, what leftism constitutes.
Good, lol


Your point falls apart when you retardedly chose to go after anarchists as well, as if this board is only meant for Marxists and Stalinists fucking each other in the butt till they knock out


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 No.1662769[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

8th Edition: Failson squad assemble!edition.

Discuss anything on Southeast Asian politics. Coming 2024 Elections, open orgs, People that should be dead for different reasons running in Malaysia's elections or just random shit. There are still dozens of us… hopefully! South Asia and Oceania posters can come in to discuss their regional politics as well.

Matrix room: https://matrix.to/#/#!YeYeuZuLSYkegWssey:matrix.org

Last threads:
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>90% of karen has been overran
Lul the tatmadaw keeps taking Ls


I just hope this doesn't end up with Aung San Suu Kyi overseeing the partition of the country


Aung San Suu Kyi is pro-china while Karen is glowing in the dark what is going to happened next in SEA is interesting.


And now Hue is gone as well. Wasn't he the preferred candidate for Trong's successor? What happens now?


It was always in flux. Trong was ready to step down last term but all of the people in the politburo were too incompetent/laden with Mguyen Tan Dung’s Vietnamese chaebol bullshit. Thuong was thought as the successor but he was too inexperienced and also fucked up at provincial level. In my view we’re having a beria during aging stalin scenario with the head of pubsec To Lam trying to purge competitors.


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 No.222[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Meme thread for /AK/
Post memes, stories, funny shit and /k/ screencaps.
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File version

Full shell for pic 1


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you vs the cartridge she tells you not to worry about


>Embedding error.
File Version here

Also just realized the OP I made 3 years ago has 222 GETS… for a MEME thread lol


Also similar vibe.
>Self-defense: Point-blank Shot Dodge + Submission



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And the most sadly, there are landlords and petit bourgeouise roaming on the same gloomy streets as you.


Very dialectical. Much materialism.


Incredible revelation. Reminder that under capitalism monopoly is progressive to the extent it strengthens and increases the ranks of the proletariat.





 No.1345[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What can we learn from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and this example of relatively modern warfare? Strategy, tactics, operations, geopolitical responses, information warfare, civilian pov and response. Anything related. Not the thread to talk about "who is in the right".
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- The US DoD published its first National Defense Industrial Strategy report, detailing major problems preventing America from mobilizing its industry to out-compete Russia and China;
- Most problems identified by the report stem from the DoD's dependence on private industry, yet private industry itself was never identified as a problem;
- The foreign and domestic policy is based on profit-driven prioritizing, creating industry that pursues profits at the cost of fulfilling that industry's role in providing goods and services for society;
- Russia and China maintain massive state-owned enterprises not only to manufacturing arms and ammunition, but also downstream suppliers for providing raw materials and goods;

>NEO - Fatal Flaws Undermine America’s Defense Industrial Base (February 15, 2024):
>US Department of Defense - The National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS) (2023):
>NY Times - Russia Overcomes Sanctions to Expand Missile Production, Officials Say (September 2023):
>RFE/RL - Satellite Images Suggest Russia Is Ramping Up Production Capacity For Its War Against Ukraine (November 2023):
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Arestovich's rather insightful analysis of the tactical reasons Ukraine's counter-offensive not only did not achieve results but failed catastrophically.
TL;DR: Battalion Tactical Group retards BTFO by Soviet large-scale combined arms doctrine.

>aTranslated Interview START

1. - Avdiivka was stormed by three Russian armies + a tank division*.
These are permanent units with a unified logistics and management system.
With us, everything above the brigade is assembled management bodies.

2. We saw elements of operational camouflage when creating a grouping/outfit of forces.
Deception and cunning are in the best traditions of the Red Army.

3. Massing of forces and means.
The Russians are strengthening the artillery capabilities of their formations and associations - even before the creation of artillery brigades as part of the combined arms army.
The number of cabs used is growing every month.
In the Avdiivka defense area, 250 units arrived in one day.
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There's a lot of unusual weapons used in this war, but I think this one is kinda strange despite logically making sense. It's a heavy (4 tons!) anti-ship missile made to sink the largest ships like Aircraft Carriers from long range in a single hit, so it's not really made for ground targets.



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Funniest part about this is that this system is the contemporary equivalent of the US Army's HIMARs launched GLSDB system was found to have subpar performance.


It's become widely reported as of April 25th (2024) that the Abrams tanks sent to Ukraine have been withdrawn from the front-lines after several have been taken out in a row. The Ukrainian soldiers have been very unfavorable of the vehicle, despite how lauded it was in their propaganda videos, months before deployment.


>All this is without even mentioning Ukrainian criticisms of Western tech being either inferior to Soviet contemporaries/equivalents or being ill-suited to the Ukrainian environment, with the best tech having little difference to Soviet tech, only with Ukrainians have to train to readjust to NATO standard equipment as opposed to Soviet standard. >3900
Also see >>4692 and >>4634 as further examples of this, vid rel.



Since tank warfare is a hot topic right now I'll drop some good tank vids.

First vid is a long one covering American tanker school.
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Cute Russian girl talks about the BMP-3
>Эх, тебе бы детей рожать да борщи варить… Куда полезла на броню, рыжая?! #izmetro #изметро #бмп



Recently a video appeared of a BMP-2M belonging to the Pskov Paratroopers crossing a field and taking a ton of hits; 2 FPV drone strikes, a hit from an RPG and a barrage of cluster munitions. More than likely some small-arms fire too. The only injuries was the commander getting concussed.

The BMP 1 and 2, despite obviously having units destroyed in combat due to the heavy combat environment and already old vehicles, have demonstrated themselves as survivable and good vehicles for their purpose despite armchair mockery. Another BMP-2M earlier in the war was hit by multiple RPGs of different types (AT-4, RPG-7, etc.) after being immobilized by an ATGM. This situation is seen from both Russian drone footage and from body-cam footage from an early Civ Div video, (the one where he and his unit commit war-crimes by killing a surrendering enemy after offering surrender).

Another BMP took a hit from a Javelin missile while evacuating the crew of another BMP. Despite the smoke, it continued to fired back and successfully evacuated, completing its mission. (vid 2)


One of the Leopard 2s destroyed by Russia and captured has been seen taken from the front lines. It's a 1999 model Leo-2A6 that had been immobilized by a mine and taken out at Avdeevka. The Russian MoD decided to place it on display after repairing it. It will take its place next to its Tiger ancestor. Abrams, Stryker and Challenger II are next.


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Honestly I think I've undersold the importance of the M1150 being taken out and now captured. Russia's Soviet mine-clearing vehicles are certainly effective, but the M1150 is actually a pretty damn good mine-clearer, with line-charges on top of having regular mine-rollers, dozers and EM-detonators installed. Very few were made relative to the USA's tank forces, and very few were used, so Ukraine's version were likely not too far from the current US standards. Russia not only took one out but captured it, which means they can actively study the vehicle and improve their own mine-clearing vehicles, which is important given just how impactful mine-fields have been in this war.


Russia also captured an older mine clearer based on the M-60 Patton; the M88A1


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Just realized I never posted the actual video of the Abrams' taken out. Apparently one of them was hit by at T-72 and taken the fuck out.


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 No.1836100[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

• Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/3/8/israels-war-on-gaza-live-60000-pregnant-women-face-malnutrition-in-gaza

• Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

• The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

• Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-march-09-2024/ (trigger warning)

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Cope then.


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The general secretary of KKE visited Columbia uni protests in NY.


Support heckin wholesom Polish Home Army against Soviet imperialism. :^)


>BEIJING/CAIRO: China will host Palestinian unity talks between Islamist militant group Hamas and its rivals Fatah, the two groups and a Beijing-based diplomat said on Friday, a notable Chinese foray into Palestinian diplomacy amid the war in the Gaza Strip.

>A Fatah official told Reuters a delegation, led by the group’s senior official Azzam Al-Ahmed, had left for China. A Hamas official said the faction’s team for the talks, led by senior Hamas official Moussa Abu Marzouk, would be flying there later on Friday.

>“We support strengthening the authority of the Palestinian National Authority, and support all Palestinian factions in achieving reconciliation and increasing solidarity through dialogue and consultation,” said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin at a regular briefing on Friday, without confirming the meeting.

This will never be over, so I won't talk about when this is over, but at some point we would like some examination into why so many Anglo leftists refuse to acknowledge China's support Palestine or even reverse it, despite evidence.

Note that this news, like most recent events regarding Chinese public diplomacy and positioning on Gaza, is now clearly suppressed within the Western MSM. I think I know why.


 No.4909[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Things that are not anime and manga are also okay, and communist cosplay is even better.
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Thanks m8!


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That depends on which version of Rei…


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Ah, Mogudan. Now that's someone I haven't seen in a long, long time.

Apparently it was because Studio Khara cracked down on fanart.


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>how the fuck do you stay comfortable half naked without panties like this?
<she may be wearing very subtle adhesive underwear


being half naked is very comfortable


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 No.3151[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for hating on the F-35 "Lightning II" stealth turkey a.k.a the most expensive military project in history to date.

The USAF declared it ready for service in 2016
As of that date the following problems I can list just off the top of my head
- Vulnerable to lightning; it's practically a lightning rod https://archive.is/QSIii
- 0 redundancies in the cyber or mechanical aggregates; any malfunction
- RADAR glitches means it literally ahs to be turned off and on again https://archive.ph/EEd9y
- Ejection seat is banned for anyone 136 pounds or below and anyone not above 150 pounds has significant injury risk, it literally can break your neck.
- F-35 helmets glow too brightly for air-to-air refueling https://archive.is/pKE0Y
- F-35 helmets are so heavy at nearly 5 kilograms so that maneuvers cause them to bang their heads on the inside of the cockpit https://archive.ph/WsRxA https://archive.ph/dE1gP
(keep in mind these helmets are 400,000 dollars each).
- The oxygen system is unreliable (something that the F-22 shares) https://archive.ph/kGGKq

The Plane was supposed to be ready by 2010-12 having been projected in the early 2000s
the list of problems in its past and that are remaining in various levels of urgency number over 800.
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Ah yes, just like they 'coordinated' their F-35s to cause AD to hit an Il-20M instead of them because they only let the Russian military know about their strikes on Latakia a minute before? Fuck off. And that's not to mention several other strikes that were done without giving Russia proper notice.

Finally I repeat - that's Russia's military, not Syria's, while they may be allied and linked, they are not one and the same, nor dow the latter control the former.


>US Navy ordering 17 more F/A-18 Super Hornets even though they has earlier stated to stop their orders
Seems the carrier variant of the F-35 is so unreliable that the 4th generation of fighers will continue to be the backbone of the US air forces.


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You just can’t make this shit up. Lmao.
An F-35B Accidentally Shot Itself With A Gatling Gun
>March didn’t start well for the U.S air force when a much costly air incident took place. F-35B stealth, the most expensive fighter jet ever built to date, accidentally shot itself while flying over Arizona’s skies.
>A single unit of an F-35B costs around $135.8 million, so at first, an aircraft’s accident doesn’t sound appealing at all. The aircraft had an externally mounted Gatling gun discharge a 25mm armor cutting explosive round into itself, leaving the aircraft with damage of approximately $2.5 million, as confirmed by the military officials.
<The Marine Corps’ F-35B carries the GAU-22 differently differently than the Air Force’s -A version. Unlike the -A aircraft, which mounts the GAU-22 inside the aircraft at the base of the left side wing root, the -B mounts the gun in a separate gun pod mounted to the airplane’s belly. This design change was due to a weight issue caused by the need to make the -B version capable of vertical takeoffs and landings. The Marines can leave the gun off the aircraft to reduce weight when necessary.
LMAO, this is literally a repetition of the F-4 Phantom not having integrated guns like in Vietnam, and using gun-pods to make up for it until the newer models came in.
>The F-35B stealth aircraft was performing a nigh time air support mission, while during its flight, the aircraft exploded a round of fire in a self-attack scenario. Fortunately, the pilot managed to land the super-costly aircraft to the ground, but the damage done isn’t at low either.
>It was a Class-A accident, as termed by the officials, directing towards a minimum of $2.5 million of loss or the aircraft’s complete inability to make it to the skies ever again.
Such superior American engineering. Just imagine a scenario of these scrap heaps doing an air attack on Iran or The DPRK and just get their Gatling guns hacked to shoot itself.


A lot of sources talk about how the F-22 and F-35 have 0.001 or 0.0001 or even 0.00001 m2 RCS (RADAR Cross Section). This is misleading at best, and straight up false at most. I'm going to write an effort-post on this particular myth of stealth-aircraft, one that Russia itself acknowledges, which is why it doesn't claim absurd RCS numbers like this.


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LMAO even the Poles, who suck the US DoD like it's a milky teat are talking about how bad and expensive the F-35 is.

Considering the increasing Iran-Israel relations (or rather, lack thereof) throughout Spring of 2024, there's a possibility that the Su-35SE (export Su-35S's) of Iran will face off against the F-35i of the Israelie Air-Force. The Israeli's have some advantages, but only stealth is something the F-35 is superior in. Armament, flight-characteristics and so on are on the side of the Sukhoi, and the F-35's stealth is not invisibility, and Iran hasn't been idly standing by ignoring those capabilities. The only REAL difference is that Israeli pilots have more experience, but even then, it's been decades since the IAF has had a proper air to air opponent and striking ground targets is not the same as a dogfight, and BVR is by no means a guaranteed hit.

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