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We anons humbly request Alunya artwork from drawfriends
As Alunya art would be for all leftyanons' sake & .org
Especially from new drawfriends|
This time a 2nd time.
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we need a lefty version of this with grace

shut the fuck up

Why do you always have to suck up to the fascists? Like what was the point of drawing the poljak as the coolest guy ever in >>4647?

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I still can’t get over the reality that it can take several seconds to hours before someone critically injured will lose consciousness or just fucking die. Imagine just being there as a fucking corpse in unimaginable pain or being simply stressed to the level where you lose your ability to feel but not to see how fucked up your body is for what May feel like a fucking eternity. The guy that killed you has no way to know if they managed to kill you quickly and painlessly, but sooner or later they’ll move on past you while your still fucking there in agony waiting to just go out easily. This shit is all happening while your body is probably pumping your dying dumbass brain with psychedelics and stimulants to fuck up your ability to perceive what’s real while everything that is perceived is vivid and painful as shit. Fuck war man. Fuck killing; it’s all so pointlessly cruel.
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'always' is kind of an overstatement, plenty of people get shot and die instantly, even if not in the head, you can get heart shot, or just have too many holes/too big and die of shock

If you hit the hindbrain, then yes, the shot will immediately force someone to lose consciousness. However, what that guy said was right.

You ever seen when cops will block ambulances from someone they shot for 'security' reasons for several hours while holding back the screaming family of the victim outside the police line while they bleed out in the street. Reminds me a lot of the aircraft carrier off the coast of Palestine.

What the fuck is that stupid over the top mentally ill evil burger-type shit? No way all the drugs, sugar, stress, and illiteracy present in the average badly trained American police officer makes them do stupid evil shit that extreme.

reminder that this was an actual police training video


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Linux thread including trends, technical knowledge (i.e. sysadmin/automation) and more
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How does it compare to nushell? And again, is it safe to use MS's official repo or should I compile everything from source or get the package from Nix? Also, do any of you use Nix on distros other than NixOS? How's your experience? Is it a pain to upgrade and maintain the packages? What about AppArmor profiles?

>>26344 (me)
I meant "installed software."

>Linux General
ah yes, the kernel general. imo linux with the realtime patchset makes the best kernel, realtime makes the system have exactly 0ms latency but at the cost of performance. also for mechatronics, a robot or machine having perfect 0ms latency is quintessencially important

>ah yes, the kernel general

its probably pretty safe to use MS's official repo/binaries.


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You did it. You beat me.
You really are the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
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He was being trolled, because his brother WAS a walking suit of armor and people would be confused by the title. It's like Iceland and Greenland.

alchemist with metal characteristics?


Great show, watched it as a teenager. I've really been wanting to go back and rewatch it over the last month. I haven't watched that many shows, the only one I can think of that I might have liked more than FMA:B is Violet Evergarden, that shit made me a sobbing mess. But this has great action, I remember loving the story.

Holy moly they killed stalin!!

I mean, Alphonse is fullmetal, and he's a alchemist. Maybe he's the protag


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Thanks to the guy that recommended revelation space to me, because I wouldn’t have realized just how ‘earth like’ most planets feel like in warhammer games compared to the books. The books share similarities to revelation space, because the authors put shitloads of effort into creating vivid descriptions of the dark coldness that encompasses the vastness of space. Planets in books like rebel winter and fifteen hours actually are described the way a real planet would feel like.
Space marine 2 doesn’t do justice to the legacy the authors of the franchise gave the setting. The planets, ships, and cities all make the game feel more like a fantasy shooter than a sci fi focused on the worlds beyond earth.

>2nd pic is drawn by Alastair Reynolds
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Fun fact: the overwhelming majority of those types of worlds are identical to the settlements in revelation space. The cities and paradises are actually domed settlements that rely on oxygen and mineral mining to produce local atmospheres capable of sustaining human life. Most writers on this book rarely ever miss this, but the artists forget this detail all the time.

I just beat the main campaign last night. It wasn't bad but I think chaos sucks dick and kind of ruins the story. Like, it's not enough that you have to save hundreds of billions of people from getting devoured by space bugs, now you've got to deal with retardmarines that burst into confetti when you kill them.

I dunno. I was expecting the story to be about fighting the tyranids, and you do for a little while until you get sidetracked by martian tech bullshit and faggy chaos shit AGAIN. And the Necrons are RIGHT THERE if you need a surprise third act villain, so why retread old ground with warp dwelling failsons?

Maybe it's my fault for getting hyped about fighting the Nids and reading about all the fucked up horror aspects involved. I thought at some point a genestealer cult would be involved, and there's a point where it seems like that's about to pop off, but no surprise it's just tzeench chaostard bullshit again.

Oh well, glad I didn't pay for it.

>hundreds of billions
It’s literally some random hive world. The population is probably closer to earth’s. As for the rest, it’s likely that they couldn’t add in necrons, because the entire game would be entirely one-sided to them. The corrupted eldar could’ve been a candidate given Titus’ history, the tau are too strange to fit in Titus’ story, and the devs couldn’t do orks because they already did orks.

I guess the hive fleet is just a splinter instead of part of a major invasion fleet, but then why not make it a major invasion fleet? Make the world a major hive world and make the ultramarines have to pull out all the stops to save it. Instead they're defeated by killing the load-bearing nid and then they all just die of broken hearts, oh and here are some chaos short bus seat warmers to shoot.

>it’s likely that they couldn’t add in necrons, because the entire game would be entirely one-sided to them
No, just Geedubs being too touchy with their IP


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First time on /leftypol/ Edition
I like drawing on occasion, mainly my OC Gabriel (redhead boy with a little femininity) and sometimes Larissa (his deadpan but kind gf)
Anyway this is an art trade thread, so exchange doodles or full-blown drawings, depending on what you're about
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>or something

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I remember making comics in the slightly distant past, but I never finished them and I doubt I would finish one now either

Plox do Alunya and Grace comic?

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So, is this dead now? So many drawings lost when I wanted to do a trade with my OC.

We are still trying to get the old data back

T. Mod


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Sticks replaced fists, spears replaced sticks, swords replaced spears, and guns replaced swords.
Modern drones have the potential to replace guns as the primary weapon employed in wars, but these weapons suffer from many issues. The most obvious of these issues is the time these things can remain airborne. Modern wars feature battles that remain continuous for weeks to months on end, but most military drones only can remain airborne for a few minutes. Stacking this issue on top of the vulnerability these weapons have to winds, storms, and explosives, and these weapons can quickly become entirely useless for long-term use.
Another major problem is range and size. Modern gun drones don’t have a lot of range if they’re not built big. However, that requirement of these weapons just leaves them increasingly exposed to getting shot down. It’s not just firepower either that makes these weapons vulnerable. Any positive changes in the flight duration, maximum altitude, speed, and the capabilities of any individual drone will see a subsequent increase in a drone’s size.
With enough investment, these weapons should be able to overcome most of these problems and be the thing that replaces the gun. However, these weapons currently are only useful for niche purposes in wars than a true successor to humanity’s primary weapon of choice.
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the first paragraph. and it underlines a severe lack of understanding
spears were never replaced by swords, and it isn't that they coexisted because there was a gradual replacement, in most cases they were part of the same system. artillery didn't replace guns and aviation didn't replace artillery because that's not how it works. today more than ever militaries are complex systems composed of different interconnected sub-systems

Not really. Most modern conflicts consist mainly of gunfights with some light artillery.

Sorta related note, the usage of drones and testing of other military equipment like ground drones, robotic weapons and equipment, and laser shit is about as useless as the weird tech developed in the world wars and cold wars. Maybe some of it will be used in the near future, but much of the tech that’s being developed for the war in Ukraine suffers from either being overengineered for the purposes it’s supposed to fulfill, being hard to maintain, being costly to mass produce and to adopt in modern militaries, or just being shitty on a conceptual level. Obviously shit should change as time passes, but that change is looking pretty slow.

read comprehension

No I understood what you meant about militaries being complex. However, most battles fought today aren’t. Most battles have almost zero tactics today and likely won’t due to the range and mobility of the weapons of today can offer. Additionally, most battles in wars today aren’t even large enough to justify the use of complexity in combat; they’re just really long and expensive.


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>chinese monkey god in the myth is all sass all jokes
>chinese monkey god in teh gaem is generic master forgive me badass rip and tear until it's done
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>They did the full story true to form. Honestly I don't remember the Journey To The West part wit the monk.
I did watch a gay as anime based on this portion that went nowhere back in the days when the only way to watch anime was to rend dvds from the anime store.

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Aint it right to as an American uyghur to identify with the monkey who BTFOs all the crackers in heaven. My monkey uygha.

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Yeah yeah yeah the ultimate message is supposed to be submit to Chinese secular authority. To me Son Wukong is Tetsuo. Tetsuo ended his rampage with absolution. To me that should've been Son Wukong's end. He fucking stunted on all of heaven. He surpassed all those fags.

hehe monke

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too bad they missed the boat on all the monke memes
if they released the game a few years ago the memes would have propeled it even higher


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Post them
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File version

Also it actually done unironically >>>/draw/4578

An American dates a Japanese woman. Colorized.

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>mods spoilered a fucking foot pic
<an illustrated foot pic with no nudity
Ah moderation, doing unnecessary shit since 1999.

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Reanimating the thread (there might be a few reposts from before). Our love for feet lived, lives and will live!


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Previous thread: >>36889
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I suffer from same issue, 90% of my wardrobe is black, and the 10% remaining is summer clothing, so for cold season its all black all the time. Personaly I dislike eath tones, and white is impractical as it stains too easily. I like dark red/purple/pink/grey, but am genuinely struggling finding clothing, the black and earth paletre seems to completely dominate contemporary fashion.

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fake fades are so gross tbh

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Realizing that a lot, if not most, of interior design gets carried entirely by the size of the place, the walls and the flooring.

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>check /r/malelivingspace
>it's all barren American Psycho-esque shit, maybe a Funko Pop collection or gamer garbage somewhere
>check /r/femalelivingspace
>it's all disorganized furniture by hoarders bordering on Diogenes syndrome shit
This is what I get for going to Reddit for "realistic" inspo.

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< The very essence of stereotypical middle-class decor, the object as a mask…
Richard III (1985) by Philippe Stark for Baleri Italia.


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Is anyone still interested in RTS here? This is cold war themed and you can play as the Eastern block against the West.

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I had the idea that since you can play multiplayer with several players on the same team we could build a clan that exclusively fights for the Soviet side.

I mean I'm just assuming you can pirate it.

That sounds cool in theory but I bet we would get demolished by the no lifer poltard players

Luv me some BRRRguska

So, I did the whole tutorial and lost many of the first battles lol. What I noticed is visibility is crucial. Lost most of my units because the enemy saw me first while I couldn‘t see the enemy. Additionally, you need to keep track of all the diverse units, which I often lost sight of. Zerg rushing type of play style doesn‘t work at all lol, which is good.

I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand the core gameplay is definitely the best out of all of these games thus far (referring here to Wargame and Steel Division), but the more grounded realistic approach (e.g. sticking to units and nations present in Germany in 1989) takes away a lot of the fun. Part of what gave Red Dragon such replayability was the huge diversity of units, nations, and accompanying playstyles, even if they were laughably unrealistic. Yeah, no shit the DPRK would never face down Sweden in a war, but fuck if it wasn't fun to simulate such a conflict. Tbh I haven't played any NATO decks yet, but honestly thus far all the Pact battlegroups feel pretty similar in a way they did not in Red Dragon.



get in loser we're circlejerking about one of the most niche subgenres in existence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQXhOctGad4
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I love you guys lol
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I feel bad for the robber guy though, the guard punishment assignment clearly needs to stop

>rob a qt? the punishment is DEATH

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Thanks to the community of modders for this, the game is unofficially in a playable state.

>to fix the broken AI

Mods including useful sound level, realistic stealth overhaul, leave no witnesses, immersive NPC recoil, simple AI merge, and navmesh overhaul will do much to fix every NPC’s combat issues. Useful sound level will allow creatures and NPCs to respond to the sound of gunfire, which means that firing guns or detonating explosives will draw the immediate attention of enemies depending on the loudness of the weapon used. Realistic stealth overhaul fixes issues with the game’s stealth mechanics and detection system. Simple AI merge provides NPCs with cover fire tactics and the ability to shoot in groups. Finally, navmesh overhaul fixes the overall in game NPC pathfinding issues by fixing all the broken in game navmeshes.

>to fix the movement

Mods including movement overhaul, true movement, and walking inertia are recommended. The first and last mods will provide more movement mechanics and implement an interpolation function for the players movement speed scalar. The second mod will give you the ability to maintain momentum when jumping while moving and the ability to change your speed when moving up or down slopes. In application, this means that you can platform areas a lot easier.

That’s all for now. Check out LowBeeBob’s mods on nexus.

damn most my mods are visual enhancements, didn't occur to me that there would be ai mods… thanks for the recommendations OP

I’d also recommend permanent weapon shells, blood trails, bloodbath, weapon jamming tweaks, immersive hit reactions, enhanced blood effects, bullet trails, and ragdolls to make the combat even more violent.

Hitman’s animations

download my NVTU Mods on New Vegas they are all lore friendly and immersive and shit ive got that 'tism brother


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By around m42 there are a few characteristics of war in the imperium of man.
>the only important fighters are the PDF and the arbites
The sheer number of PDF forces and arbites officers throughout the empire alone makes them the only forces that matters to the entire security situation of the IOM. The inquisition, sisters, astartes, mechanicus forces, custodes, and more are only used for highly niche purposes. Otherwise, most fights are almost entirely composed of the arbiters and PDF against most aliens and traitors.
>most fights aren’t particularly densely violent
The sheer amount of violence in most conflicts fought in the IOM is explicitly tied to the scale of each conflict being fought. Most battles faced are unamed and consist mainly of firefights between human soldiers against terrorists and mutants using auto guns, lasguns and some light machinery. The fights on each world resemble the battles fought in MENA today. These battles may occasionally have a nuke or a series of air strikes, but most battles will consist entirely of gunfights. Soldiers rely primarily on cheap weapons and equipment. They find themselves dying and coming out of battles that will be forgotten about if they were even remembered.
However, these small battles also comprise most of the deaths faced by war in the IOM due to the sheer number of them present throughout the galaxy. Its not the tyrannic wars or interstellar invasions that fucked up the empire, but the dozens of thousands of planetary and continental scale battles that collectively have pushed much of the galaxy into a near constant state of disrepair.
>space is cold and dark and big
Most PDF and Arbites officers fight in dimly lit or pitch black conditions throughout the imperium. The amount of light that reaches the vast expanses of cold and distant worlds is only barely enough to keep most worlds illuminated enough to be hospital enough for settlements and armed conflict. The danger of warp travel also puts limits on logistics networks throughout the galaxy. Many soldiers may spend years to decades entirely on spacecrafts travelling between worlds and systems before they’ll ever begin their mission. Additionally, the availability of vehicles to transport military equipment throughout each world varies between nonexistent and semi effective. Many soldiers within the empire must march on foot Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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The neverending quest to rewrite vichan -

Archived threads:

the jannies may we involved in a serious effort to write a new chan using C# Blazor soon.

>The neverending quest to rewrite vichan
Why rewrite some old crappy piece of software into a new crappy piece of software?

the point is to make something better?


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Was she a Stalinist? She sure as hell never did anything wrong.
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I think he submitted to Echidna out of fear more than anything else.
Also, NTA but
>I don't really know why Worm is considered 'rationalfic'
Because it gets dark and edgy and "real". Honestly I reiterate that I find fanfiction of Worm written better and more compellingly than the actual Worm series. It's kind of like RWBY in that regard, where the initial idea had merit and pulled people in but then it slowly degraded into a complicated mess. Only in the case of Worm (and Ward and so on) they don't have the excuse of Wildbow dying and having someone else take over the project.

Perhaps, but my point is that I never truly hated the character.

Yeah I still don't truly understand how the fuck his powers work TBH.

>I can't even think of one instance where serial killers worked as a team in real life.
Pic rel or any other US special ops team… or the interrogators of Guant*namo. Besides I found their dynamic interesting and it seemed plausible to me within the story's reality, even if not necessarily in ours, it's just how vile they were as people that made me loathe them. I would approach S9 as more of a criminal/merc group with a serial killer leading them, rather than a group of serial killers. The characters may have various serial killer tropes but most of them aren't like Jack Slash

because the retards that read "rational fic" found it when it was new and misunderstood it hard.

Pretty much. From what I remember it was specifically the author of that rational harry potter fic recommending Worm that lead to a lot of people flocking to it.

what do you people think about Pact? I have not finished it yet, but it seems like another work with interesting ideas, some cool moments but also a lot of flaws.

I like the setting and the magic but I just think Pact as a story wasn't very conducive to actually exploring them with Blake/Rose being limited on what they could learn and what they could do. The latter plot developments don't help this. The pacing is the big thing people have issue with where things escalate insanely fast but also drag out forever. Personally, I also felt the main conflict could've been done better. It's been awhile since I read it so I might be forgetting things, but I feel every practitioner in Jacobs Bell immediately gunning to kill a Thorburn the moment they awaken instead of taking any other route to deal with them was kind of ridiculous.



I've been playing this game a lot and it took me a long time to finish the Vesta Overkill mission. Before that it took me a while to finish the interplanetary manouver one. This is what I used along with a stinger drone spammer with nothing except drones that barely made it into the cost range. My ship just points at the enemy and has really thick sloped armour on the front and aluminium on the back which will never get hit, it ended up beating their mega fleet in a slugging match because they have no armour it seems. The drone launcher is to intercept incoming drones so I don't lose the main drone swarm's fuel.

First thing I did when I unlocked module maker was to try an orion drive but the result was turning my whole ship to slag… you cant have armour on the back of your ship so it ends up destroying it all from behind. Also I made a giant gun that shoots nukes. nukes, all of which I make are way too big I just make the slider maximum. I'll stick with the spaceship builder, the nuclear reactor builder seems a tad difficult.

Whoever the person is who overanalyzes every game should play this because your suspension of disbelief won't be broken thats for sure, everything in the game is possible IRL thats the whole point. But I think its wierd how there isn't radar and missiles only have IR homing.
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Just remembered this game is super easy to exploit tho. You can easily just exploit enemy drones and missiles into just wasting all their fuel.

Yeah I used a missile spammer on my first try to beat that level but it kept crashing the game. Also idk if I'm using them wrong but my missiles always seem to miss and nukes do no damage to anything just make the armour red.

My missiles miss a lot too. Worse they run out of propellant. I think that's why I switched to the nuke launching missiles. I only really use the nuke missiles for the drones. So I fire 100 missiles that fire 100 nuke bombs and then that screen of bombs typically manages to at least partially hit the target because it's so wide.

But I do all my ship killing with these unarmored drones that fire the smallest sized projectile they let you make which I think is like 22mm. Those things fucking eat up the enemy ships.

The key is to turn off the automatic range limiting the game does and have them spray as soon as the battle starts as soon as one of your or the enemy's ships guns are in range. So that means it will start as soon as the lasers are in range on the enemy ships so they'll start lasering you as soon as the battle starts so you need to start spitting bullets as soon as it starts as well even tho the game considers it out of range. Apparently firing out of range is one of the things that makes the game lag up the most too.

Don't need to worry about armor at all because drones are disposable and I never let the enemy intercept me anyways.

I wish the bastard who made the game wasn't so obsessed with the combat part and more into the orbital stuff. Like I said I don't even play the combat part because A there's nothing to do, battles are basically automatic, and B it can't even realtime simulate the things I want to do so I just have to let it calculate in the BG anyways. It's really all about navigating all the orbital stuff. He also made that part lame by making the enemy fleets auto-evade, but then you can't auto lock on.

So it's just,
>plot interception
>press play
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

I like the combat, its just so cool and no other game really does it, even in TV and film plausible space combat is extremely rare. It's my favoruite kind of sci-fi combat. But yeah the issue is that its massive wasted potential, the game could have been about fighting a war across the entire solar system, doing inefficient interplanetary transits in order to throw the enemy out of wack and gain position, stopping supply lines and starving enemy positions of resources they need to build good ships, sacrificing vessels with hundreds of crew as diversions with lasting consequences, bombarding asteroids with missiles and committing war crimes in order to win victory, having to make ship designs not just cheap but easy to manufacture, ships surrendering. This game probably wouldn't be like this because its Indonesian power fantasy (not a bad thing, there are enough U$ power fantasies), but maybe also a system where you have a socialist faction who have massive boosts to production, morale and so on but who are completely isolated diplomatically.

Well as you are aware he said he made the game in the first place to scientifically answer the question of what space combat would look like, but I think because he has such a narrow focus he fundamentally fails to answer that question. Every battle in the game starts out with you and the enemy already in the same gravity well.

Well how the fuck did they approach the gravity well for days, months, years at a time without getting intercepted before that?

Also even some of his assumptions of the technical spaceship stuff is kinda off too. Like on the forums they point out that his assumptions for size of crew quarters is ridiculously small.

You mentioned radar, I think he might be right that IR is all you need and the way to go. But where the fuck is the ECM?

So my dream game, it's like Victoria in space. Try to approach everything realistically like no space strategy game ever does at all. It's literally Kerbal, Simply Rockets and this. So it would be kind of like Victoria except it would also simulate like corporations as their own entities. War would be an option but I wouldn't slant the game towards it and I'd try to mix in the realities of modern political consequences and war.

>It's my favoruite kind of sci-fi combat. But yeah the issue is that its massive wasted potential, the game could have been about fighting a war across the entire solar system, doing inefficient interplanetary transits in order to throw the enemy out of wack and gain position, stopping supply lines and starving enemy positions of resources they need to build good ships, sacrificing vessels with hundreds of crew as diversions with lasting consequences, bombarding asteroids with missiles and committing war crimes in order to win victory, having to make ship designs not just cheap but easy to manufacture, ships surrendering.

The RP kind of stuff you're talking about Falling frontiers looks like it's doing somewhat, but it's an RTS that doesn't try to approach space realistically at all.



I admit it, I like european metal with female vocals, cringy lyrics, and normal melodies.
Or as I have come to call it, bitch-metal.
Recommend me some, pls.
2 posts omitted.

Based on that song, you could have just said yes.

The vocals are lost in the mix.

Does this fit?



Why is TI's prize pool the lowest it's been since 2013?
I don't play dota but I do know the prize pools are funded by in-game purchases and things like that. Are the players just broke?

>the prize pools are funded by in-game purchases
not anymore, they stopped doing that
now it all goes to valve

Oh. that sucks

you should check the prize pool for lol worlds,it's abysmal compared to dota's

I mean, not really

uyghas that play fighting games would kill for these prize pools



Have been working on some post-left critique lately in various threads: (https://archive.is/9BgfN)

The standard of living is more restricted by: passive spectator lives, lack of independent thought (via propaganda), disintegration of community and family, and unhealthy eating patterns, etc. than by extraction of surplus value. Further all of this is a product of geography, and would be greatly aided by a push for urbanization (in the US). >>>/leftypol/1963772 ( https://archive.is/Vu1AC )

One rejects the idea that the imperial core is in a pre-revolutionary scenario, and in any case that this would be a revolution of the proletariat (perhaps among the lumpenproletariat there is some potential). Revolution will occur in the periphery or not at all. There needs to be some alternative mechanism for qualitative change of society. To me dual-power, and civil-disobedience (detournment) fill this role. Constructively this might be something of a more permanent CHAZ or EZLN. >>>/leftypol/1972605 ( lost? )

Rejection of identity, ego, and eventually superego. These are oppressive structures which seek to sublimate, and introject the Other into the self. Likewise opposition to those parts of the reality principle which are not necessary to maintain the organism. Marcuse claims this requires us to focus on those aspects of delay which are themselves pleasurable, some aesthetic (which seems to be only a sublate anyway) which allows for work. >>>/leftypol/1966910 ( https://archive.is/cM3Uq )

What's still got to go?

>passive spectator lives, lack of independent thought (via propaganda), disintegration of community and family, and unhealthy eating patterns, etc. than by extraction of surplus value.
correct they exploit imported ethnoslaves from mexico and africa to get that sweet sweet surplus honey. immigrants and sweatshops have repalced the old proles.

>Revolution will occur in the periphery or not at all

modern precision weapon tech and economic warfare techniques mean any revolution will end up like iran or cuba or liberated afghanistan. you get locked out of the system. revolution is possible but will fail. if the bolsheviks were trying to pull off a revolution today lenin would be like bin laden hiding out in caves from the total NATO kontrol authorities

because people are now moral relativists there is no way first worldies can pull off a revolution because they have no way of knowing whats right and wrong. they can't say "okay thats wrong we gotta overthrow these people" because in the woke nihilist worldview there is no good and bad just personal preferences

the self is also an oppressive structure absolutely. this u must not forget. marcuses assessments are broadly correct but wrong. he thought the student movement and the counterculture could replace the proletariat. he was wrong. they are among the stupidist of people.


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ADHD anon who post thread about OCD symptoms here a while back.
i also post this thread:
i actually deleted all of my archive and all of the inside of my main folder (folder that i use for unimportant stuff like posting in ibs and e-books). i just want you guys to know so nobody have to worry about stuff here being in somebodies hard drive/computer. compass-dichotomy-isms, thread, posts and writings here doesn't get archived, so don't worry.

Hi anon, does that mean you're not worrying about your files anymore? I'm proud of you!


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Something that seems to be gaining more popularity lately is sample free vaporwave, or vaporwave which samples original composition as opposed to pre existing music. Besides the common criticisms against it such as; it goes against the very nature of the genre, or defeats the whole purpose, I think it's particularly interesting from a leftist perspective.
Vaporwave started off being made and shared anonymously online by working class people with no regards for copyright infringement. Essentially, it was a big middle finger to the very idea of intellectual property. Then you get into the genre's critique of capitalism, satire of consumerism, and so forth. Anyway, the genre gradually died out, losing its relevance along the way, and around the same time an enigmatic album called "virtua.zip" was released. Meet George Clanton, now multimillionaire record label owner/petit bourgeois hipster, the progenitor of sample free vaporwave. This album challenged the foundations of vaporwave, but also paved the way for the eventual commodification and subsequent recuperation of the genre, the very thing it was critiquing in the first place.
Since vaporwave had been growing increasingly popular, this also meant it was quickly transforming into a marketable product. Pioneering the forefront of this was George Clanton, who quickly rose from a nobody from Virginia into a small-time superstar. He found success in starting one of the first vaporwave record labels, transforming vaporwave into a "brand", as well as hosting the first ever vaporwave music festival (which insisted it was a "safe space" for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ folx despite selling out 100$ tickets to white hipsters anyway) among other things. At the same time the genre saw a shift away from its roots towards original composition and a more "experimental" sound, which in turn increased the rate of its commercialization even faster. Fast forward to today and you have vaporwave labels by the hundreds, endless vaporwave "fashion" (including an actual in-store location in LA), and the transition away from a loosely interconnected movement into a DIY "scene". Not to mention vaporwave aesthetics ironically being appropriated by corporations like Facebook and MTV among other things.
Among these sample free vaporwave artists, the majority come from a petit bourgeois background, having access to thousands of dollars worth of instruments, equipment, and gear. As you might guess, there's an air of elitism among them, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

I never really saw vapourwave as a critique of anything, just a nostalgia trip



Post less computery hardware you think is neat or have question about.
12 posts and 5 image replies omitted.

🎨: scribblewise

Is this your OC Anon?

Nah I just think they're neat looking. Reminds me of the cover art for Knife Man - AJJ.

The sound doohicky



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The real answer is the creator's dad is a billionaire, that's pretty much all you need to know

This. The creator is a failson who made a money laundering scheme and got all his entertainment industry friends a paycheck. Making it something controversial just ensures it gets plenty of attention and therefore multiple seasons.

Eh, I liked what I did watch of it, didn't torrent the whole thing yet. Mainly talking about Aggretsuko but I wanted to give more than one example.

Honestly, Star Trek: Below Decks is goated. The first season, as with every other Star Trek show, is rough. But it gets really good later on.
F to a real one.

Lower Decks*


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Thread for discussing ATLA and LoK or rather analyzing both, appreciating the effort of creating the former and shitting on the lazy liberalism of the latter
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That would also be a payoff to the globetrotting stuff throughout the series, bringing back the side characters for some kind of spirit vision he forcibly takes Ozai on. It would be like how Roku had done with Aang throughout the show, demonstrating Aang fully becoming the Avatar's role as a guide. The climax of Aang's spiritual character arc being just another neato power is a lot less interesting than some kind of empathy based power that uses his connection to the "world spirit" to "fix" Ozai by re-connecting him to everyone else. Even if he still technically wins just because the experience overwhelms and incapacitates Ozai until the comet passes.

Started watching Avatar with my gf. The episode with the "freedom fighters" plotting to take out a dam caught me off guard. I was not expecting a kids show to touch on such topics, even through a liberal lense.

Australians are asiatic

A post about ATLA characters in the Chunin Exams >>>/anime/24750
What do you think would the power disparity be like for some of the non-mentioned characters be like?

Just found out there was an actual White Lotus secret society in China that lasted for centuries.



Any leftists in the Yugioh community? Been getting back into the game heavily lately, played Edison to Dragon Rulers back in the day, but I mostly play goat format now.
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I watched one video on the current state of the game after playing it as a child and the meta is fucking nuts. The game is unplayable.

All i do is collect, playing this tcg is a nightmare nowadays. I have a binder full of majority of dark magicians and blue-eye cards. Next goal is to collect all jinzos

My childhood deck had a Jinzo (blocks traps) with a Horus (blocks magic spells).

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I have been thinking of getting into Tengu Plant, no one plays Meadowlands online :C

Modern YGO seems just as cancerous as it was when I left in 2016, buy the new game warping cards for a few hundred bucks every 6 months or get fucked. It's a terrible value proposition when fighting games exist.




I have never seen a show cause more butthurt on /tv/ than this. What are leftypols thoughts?
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I disagree. S1 was good, s2 was fumbled hard. Every time bigbrain came on screen I sighed, and there was no ending to the series. It just kind of stopped right as it had started building up some momentum. It took me about two weeks to realise that the last episode was the series finale; I thought something went wrong with the streaming service I was using and it wasn't updating the episode list anymore.

>Invincible is about growing into manhood and fatherhood.
Viltrum is a metaphor of the US obsfuscating its ruthless imerialism as bringing civilization/democracy to its targets.

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When the show first came out and they pretty much confirmed show Black Noir was black, just like the stuntman in the suit, source material be damned, it was heavily rumored that it was a mandate ordered by Amazon that they needed more than just one black guy on the Seven and Kripke race flipped BN without bothering to do research on the character, to appease Amazon's demands for diversity quotas.

However, Kripke recently gave an interview where he gleefully admits that he race flipped BN (and made Homelander a rapist instead of being framed for rape) because he was THAT fucking pissy that Garth Ennis wussied out on making Homelander be King Satan with the twist that Black Noir was his clone and had framed him in order to gaslight him into going evil so BN could kill him.

Dude fucking hates Homelander THAT fucking much.

Yeah probably but in a greater sense Viltrum represents the past of Mark's father that he has to reckon with on the path to manhood. His father ceases to be a hero figure for mark to idolize and instead a tyrant figure that must be overcome.

Oh and The Savage Dragon shows up sometimes.



Marx is a faggot who got nojob, had nomoney, did norevolution, and whose entire collected body of work is essentially the shrieking rage of a bottled-up poorfag made manifest through pseud reasoning which falsely places himself in a movement of history of 'unfair worker exploitation' and that 'if only society wasn't so dang SCREWED UP we'd be happy and doing r-really good ok?????
his ideas are essentially irrelevant to anyone besides incredibly angsty and self-styled intellectual deviant adolescents, who can relate to his angst turned outwards to society, but only because of they don't have pocket change
the grand sweep of history has utterly shattered and swept away his ideas through far superior and eternal recognition of things like the Rights to Property, the basic Dignity of Human Life, Free and Fair Trade and also a far-more mature and sophisticated understanding of "What actually works in the real world and could actually be implemented as opposed to masturbating on dead political economists?"
By the metric of history's currents and impact, Frédéric Bastiat and Alexis de Tocqueville are gigachads whose massive fucking cocks essentially penetrated and impregnated the most fertile of all societies whereas Marx was hanging out with the Trotskyists at the least populated lunch table farthest away from the popular kids. They think themselves superior in their exile but really it's because they look and smell and talk and act like pedantic faggots.



fat anime ass
fat anime tiddies
fat anime tumm
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They haven't gone far enough…

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I'm surprised how few good doujins there are of her and most are incest or poorly done. File rel is like the only one that's any good and even then.


>I fucked your mom, Deku!
<No, I fucked your mom, Bakugo!

needs bigger booba imo tbqh fwiw

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