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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Join our Matrix Chat <=> IRC: #leftypol on Rizon

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Does any of you know of any good rooms to join? I already created my own. Plan on making the website and paying for the enterprise plan tomorrow. But right now I'm using the free trial version. Here's a tutorial on how you can self-host your own workspace on Android:

Step #1.) Download the 2019 release APK from Github.


Step 2.) Set up your own server. Use desktop to make your burner email (like temp-mail.org) along with a secure password (like the strong ones you can generate from xkpasswd.net). Then set up your account and workspace and now you're finished with that.

Step 3.) Now you can download the updated RocketChat app from Google Play or Fdroid, enter the workspace URL that was generated for you when signing in to the app, along with your login credentials you created and now you should be in.

Step 4.) Now you just pay up for an enterprise plan (it's $7 I think).

Step 5.) Now you just create your own website. Just say DreamHost. Then CDN services (like Vanwa).

Steo 6.) Next just hook everything up and set up your website and you're good to go.

Now you can self-host on RocketChat.


what even is this, just a FLOSS version of slack?

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