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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Is it okay if the wires touch? Is it okay to stick the wires on the wall and tape 'em?

How much should you twist wires or bend them? I try not to as much

I'll post a pic on Monday about my wire set-up and tell me if there's any safety problems


>Is it okay if the wires touch?
Assuming they're insulated, of course.
>Is it okay to stick the wires on the wall and tape 'em?
Sure why not.
>How much should you twist wires or bend them? I try not to as much
You shouldn't too much, copper is only so flexible. If it crimps too much it can break. Probably not a level you'd get to.


what's an insulated wire? they're monitor and PSU wires and they're thick and black coloured and plastic

Also thanks :)
happy to hear tape is a-okay


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>PSU wires
What are they doing out of your computer? I think you just mean a regular power cable. But yeah there's no danger unless the plastic which surrounds the wires(the insulation) is broken and exposes the copper.

The wires you are talking about are pretty thick so I wouldn't worry about them. Nothing dangerous about it. You have more risk of something touching the prongs of the where the power cord plugs into the wall than anything else.


As long as no metal is exposed anywhere you're safe.


Thank you,
How do wires get that damaged in your pic related?


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