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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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I've been out of the loop with all the prosthetics tech, what are all the advancements and features?

i think you should ask the folks in /lgbt/ general thread


At least this guy didn't die

Well for that prosthetic in particular, I'm assuming it charges wirelessly, or uses some sort of silicon stopper to keep water out of a USB-C port.
Wouldn't need to be a particularly small battery, though I imagine batteries these days can hold charge for longer.

Yeah they usually have wireless chargers

elon musk tortured and ate 5 monkeys

bro imagine out on a walk at night and this guy starts looking at you

i'd run at him and hug him

how do i get into tiktok and twitter? i only use imageboards atm.

Gonna carry a DIY jammer with myself at all times if this becomes commonplace

Twitter, I have no idea. I find mostly everyone there so fucking boring. Tik tok, just download it and start using it. It will learn from what you like. If you make an account you can like things and comment and shit.

you just make an account and start browsing and following people you like,

here's a squirrel that tweets leftist agitprop and news

Don't bother; they use a block list which casts a very wide net. It's super easy to get caught in it even if you don't follow them.

Rarely are people who abuse the twitter thread function really worth following for extended periods of time; they generally tend to be quite full of themselves.

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