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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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A web extension that redirects YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and other requests to alternative privacy friendly frontends and backends

some guy on mastodon was shilling this, seems pretty legit

I don't use any of those but seems cool


been using it. works really well and is nice to have. thanks OP!

yeah it's good, even host my own instances for the various frontends

I do this in my hosts file

Libredirect always seems to connect to raw.githubusercontent.com upon starting up a browser even when fetching instances and auto-updates are disabled. There doesnt appear to be a way to disable this, does anyone know what to do about it?

It fetches the latest redirects every time it starts. An option to retain the current data was added in response to https://github.com/libredirect/browser_extension/issues/626
I would recommend making your own redirects with the redirector addon and bookmarking a few meta-searxes tho.

If im reading it right, it seems like they only added an option to switch to local instances (there are no other options) but then it hides all public instances
Im going to do what you said and add my own redirects with that extension, thanks for the suggestion

Does it "redirect" by editing links on the page or by editing your request? And how does it handle embed media? Can you use regex for configuring "redirects"?

I'm getting errors, it won't redirect me anywhere.

i think its been fucked up by nitter dying

>nitter dying
Just use any of the other instances?

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