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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Tumblr is going to joining the fediverse soon.

Sounds interesting, will it be the first proprietary software on the network?

I like how they are reinventing OStatus
>combining standards, thereby gaining synergetic effects? witchcraft!

yeah probably

You are a bit late with that. Mastodon dropped OStatus support a few years ago and even GNU Social supports ActivityPub now.

yeah I know, but the indieweb people are busy reinventing/discovering ostatus

There are/were others, but they normally get blocked and bullied into becoming libre.

incredibly based, i've always wanted a tumblr account but couldn't justify making one since the thing was dying
i'm glad that mastodon is growing more popular, i has its flaws but at least it has a better filter for rightoids which may help contain their cancer a little

People keep saying this but I always keep bumping into reactionaries there.

Is Mastodon ableist for not implementing emoji reactions?

there's like three users total on GNU social

File: 1708472668078.png (20.06 KB, 1920x1080, GGzQUIVXcAAoQJ2.png)

Looks like PhotoMatt's anti-trans meltdown has caused people on tumblr to just leave to fedi anyway, both because of the ban waves and just people bailing.

Now we just need Jack Dorsey to doing something dumber than usual.

>looks inside
>full of glowies, defence contractors, libertarians, zoophiles and pedophiles
Ok cool

It says a lot about those that make this complaint that one would gravitate to the tiny chvd archepelegio first. Like the whole point is that they're able to be isolated to their own intstances for easy defederation, unlike conventional social media sites where you simply cope with sharing the same bar as AI spam and glowpedololbertnazis.

>It says a lot about those that make this complaint that one would gravitate to the tiny chvd archepelegio first. Like the whole point is that they're able to be isolated to their own intstances for easy defederation, unlike conventional social media sites where you simply cope with sharing the same bar as AI spam and glowpedololbertnazis.

I think wordpress has proprietary modules. Threads has some retarded algorithm right? Is it "open source" software interfacing with unknown server shit like other Meta open source stuff is AFAIK?

>>full of glowies, defence contractors, libertarians, zoophiles and pedophiles
And the difference with regular social media is…?

I think wordpress has proprietary modules. Threads has some retarded algorithm right? Is it "open source" software interfacing with unknown server shit like other Meta open source stuff is AFAIK?

wikipedia says ostatus turned into gnusocial, which is the ancestor of fediverse activitypub

even if Threads was open source that's like saying you're fine with having AIDS because its DNA has been sequenced

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