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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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I've been only have to find a American Maoist Prisoner website if anybody knows such sites please document them. I think all communist insurgency groups must utilise darkweb for propagation of their doctrine.



1. no one here would know that shit
2. no one how knows anything about like internal or underground oriented stuff would tell you, or tell it here in the open
3. i doubt what you're looking for exists, check out the cpp site if you want updates, check out Liberation and anak bayan theyre pretty cool,
4. propagating doctrine is only harmful. Violence begets violence and individuals start looking for survival and ignore class war. Violence is only for when you are forced to defend yourself or when you can win. Individuals ideologized into guerrilla shit are not helping the proletarian class struggle. They may even be hindering it by prolonging repression and polarization (a polarization that doesnt favor them, which is specifically the problem).

You will find anarchist insurrectoinary, eco-sabotage, and hacker sites. Maybe you can draw the connections yourself, about how ideology informs the use of technology and propaganda. Keep in mind much of the world does not use the internet, and very very few (and overwhelmingly from richer countries) use dark nets.


have this ig lol
(jannies please move this thread somewhere else tho…)


Their is no hacktivist world.
1. Lulzsec and Anonymous happened at a time when websites were not hosted on AWS with protection from DDOS attacks.
2. The legal punishments are worse.
3. All feds and honeypots.
4. IDS/IPS and AI for detecting hacking. Segmented systems. Way more VM's than you could imagine.

The only hacking that exists are Nation State Hacking and Profit Oriented criminal undergrounds that do ____ as a service.


Kayppakaya had a quote about how communists shouldn't hide their beliefs, but should hide their method of organizing and protect the comrades that work with them




>"Discussion of revolution and communism in the English-speaking world is just fantasy role playing unless it begins and ends with the cold hard reality that the left has been completely neutralized and marginalized here and the numbers are nowhere close to what they need to be".
>"Moving revolutionary leftism out of the farthest margins and closer to the mainstream should be your first and foremost objective before you talk about anything else, because otherwise you're just LARPing. You're arguing about a political movement that has no actual movement".
>"You can do this by outreach and activism. You can also do this by finding ways to make socialism and communism look so fucking cool that people start knocking each other over to be a part of it. Finding clever ways to make it shiny and attractive in a very indoctrinated society".

Source: https://twitter.com/caitoz/status/1590883795838070784

>"In my opinion the obvious way to open up a path for dissident ideas to replace the status quo is to kill the public trust in the stories they were told in school and continue to be told by the mass media about the kind of world and country they live in, but so far that hasn’t happened. My own ideas for advancing that agenda which I’ve been seeding into the world have been inadequate, and so have everyone else’s. So we need more new ideas. Lots and lots of new ideas".

Source: https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2019/03/28/your-plans-for-revolution-dont-work-nothing-weve-tried-works/

The reason I mention these 2 things is because [you speak of a movement that is near non-existent] and [it is great].


>The reason I mention these 2 things is because [you speak of a movement that is near non-existent] and [it is great].
the reason you mentioned those two things is because you think your conspiratorial circlejerk is more important than actual liberatory movements


DDOS is outdated as you said id imagine most hacktivism was non destructive i.e. exfiltrating information and leaking it.

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