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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Let's express our love for user freedom in this thread. Why do you love Free Software? Which Free Software do you love?

I would literally eat her shit and drink her piss just to be close to a woman who believes in Free Software philosophies. I haven't seen a single female use a computer since the mid 2000s and that was in school.

Get your fucking shit together.

It's free



>I would literally [do sexual shit I'm into] just to be around …

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thank you based emacsnews anon

Maybe shit like this is why there aren't many women in cs

it isnt

Damn i was so close

Because I can modify my software, submit patches and argue with maintainers. But my love for FSF peaks when I license my own projects as GPL3/AGPL3 and people complain that it's discriminatory to porkies.

>when I license my own projects as GPL3/AGPL3 and people complain that it's discriminatory to porkies
the discrimination is the best part of GPL3! i am proud of my discriminatory and disdainful attitude towards capital!

To be fair they're quite rare indeed, despite using she/her when reffering to the user.
>TFW can't find woman that doesn't fuck up my opesc

because it ain't private property
proprietary software is a spook
>Which Free Software do you love?
gentoo (with ACCEPT_LICENSE="-* @FREE")
lobster-git (who needs netflix amirite)
and etc etc

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>Which Free Software do you love?
Debian (complete installation image)

>apt install anarchism
lol, no
>chmod -R o+rwx /

What's with the lainchan.org tome

absolutely fucking based!
this is the energy we need to keep computing as the last bastion of pure nerd culture.

holy desperation

fwiw, they do/did have a small zine series

nerds are extreme cringe though


>Which Free Software do you love?
There was a community project to build a DAW on top of SuperCollider the same way emacs is built upon a lisp system— the whole DAW would be an interface to scsynth, with sclang as the scripting language. Given how most Linux audio software just (poorly) tries to copy its proprietary inspirations, this would have been something unique and keeping with the ethos of free software. I was just dicking around with supercollider and thought back to it but can't seem to find it anywhere.

Is that Michael from vsauce?

I like emacs

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vim ftw!!!

vim z shite
emacs roolz

Emacs + evil mode.
IDE + vim mode.

It's Free Software, it's okay. Hate on the Microsoft VSCode lusers, not our comrades.

>Why do you love Free Software?
Software freedom pleases the Unique.
>Which Free Software do you love?
Whatever free software actually works well.

Doom and its mods are good free software games.

>I would literally eat her shit and drink her piss just to be close to a woman who believes in Free Software philosophies.
You are the reason women aren't into free software.

>Maybe shit like this is why there aren't many women in cs

>Hate on the Microsoft VSCode lusers

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GNU Image Manipulation Program
>At long last, we bring you the final development version before GIMP 3!

I regret to inform you that I may or may not have pushed code written on VSCode that is running on this very site

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I would use her if YKWIM


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>Why do you love Free Software?
It is the purest form of freedom yet attained by man
>Which Free Software do you love?
The number of free programs out there is as boundless as the grains of sand on a beach, and I love almost all of them. I love cool cutting edge/developmental software (GNU Hurd, GNUnet, Spritely Project, openXR, Arcan, IPFS), I love workhorse software that I use daily (KDE, Firefox, Linux, BTRFS, NFS), I love funny meme software (psdoom, supertux, supertuxkart, fortune, cowsay, sl), I love games (minetest, endless sky, unciv, mindustry, veloren, vircadia), I love exotic conceptual software (plan9, templeos, inferno, genode, barrelfish), I love powerful wizardy software (emacs, org-mode, nyxt, nix, guix), I love software I haven't tried but looks interesting (various WMs like awesome, gnustep, i3, suckless, matrix, nextcloud), I love reliable and feature rich utilities (GNU recutils, GNU stow, yt-dlp), i love creative software (psychosynth, ardour, stochas, mixxx, pipewire, linux studio plugins, vital synth), i love convenience software (shin, touchegg, darkreader, git-annex, homeassistant, openstreetmaps, ublock, sponsorblock, xclip), I love privacy software (tor, monero, macchanger, qubes, pfblocker), I love software that I want to create someday

I also love social networking/collaboration software (irc, mastodon, lemmy, forgejo)

Linux is fine but I honestly wish the GNU project went with the BSD kernel.

Unique IPs: 22

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