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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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File: 1676585013406.png (85.18 KB, 1175x1189, code ai.png)


There are a bunch of these code Ai assistants
here's a list:

Are any of these any good and compatible with free libre software philosophy ?

Code pilot for example is out because it copy-pastes code from git-hub without giving attributions or adhering to gpl.

Are there any risks of using these?
Are they doing anything malicious ?


it doesn't copy paste from GitHub, don't be like a tech-illiterate artfag
it is trained on open and freely available GitHub code.
just like you can read through code available on GitHub, so can an AI.


Artists aren't wrong when they say neural networks are basically copying, they're wrong in saying it's "unethical", haha.

>Are they doing anything malicious ?

Giving money and data to corporations.


> Our latest internal research shows that about 1% of the time, a suggestion may contain some code snippets longer than ~150 characters that matches the training set.
Most free and open source licenses demand attribution. Microsoft's Copilot infringes (or rather its user) on the authors' copyright when it reproduces snippets from its training set without attribution. There's a good reason it is banned in any serious company, it's a legal minefield.

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