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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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post everything related to reverse engineering here, including but not limited to guides, resources, personal projects, news about RE

here's a handy guide to get you started: https://rentry.co/ReverseEngineering


Don't bother. Better code bases that block access. Constant updates to prevent observation. Obfuscation libraries. Server side execution to make it unobservable.


How much knowledge in coding do you actually need to reverse engineer or is there good enough tools you dont actually have to know much?

Is it safe to assume if something has a web app, Android and iOS versions it's probably written in Java?


What do you want to reverse engineer? If it's a program then you will star at the binary/bytecode trying to reconstruct what the original source code could have been. Obviously you will need to be a competent programmer to do this.




Not sure if I should say what app to protect myself but it's a brain training app with a good number of studies behind it supporting it but it uses a subscription model. Most people I brought it up to could not afford the subscription and the free trial doesnt allow full use of every type of game including the specific ones i was focused on. I just wanted people with mental illness and neurological problems to have access to this and i wasnt sure i could get same results just merely trying to copy it. Unfortunately it stores some saved data online for progress checking so some workaround would have to be made to make it work entirely locally. I have effectively zero skill in programming only having done light stuff in C++ many years ago and even then i was just copying lines of code and modifying it.


My impression of reverse engineering is for it to be more of a tool for interfacing with opaque hardware, data encodings or application protocols. I see though why you would want to apply some reverse engineering to the internal logic of this type of application before writing a clone.
>Unfortunately it stores some saved data online for progress checking
The network traffic itself should be analyzable with a packet sniffer at least.


If you are vary of the legal risks your best bet is to just use the scientific studies as the base of your implementation. The ought to have a description of what the subjects did. If they do not have it, the studies are bunk and you are safe to assume that the app is a scam. Does this certain brain training app happen to be the one that was fined for misleading advertisements?


I know reverse engineering sometimes is used to make modified versions of apps so i know it should be possible just potentially difficult. There is just a few things im fairly sure i can probably change without any lessening of what little effectiveness there is such as one game you have to remember info on different photos of people i could easily swap these models for stock photo models or AI images of faces with no problem but other things are potentially highly dependant on timing, movement, colouration and shapes
The one that got fined was Luminosity was it not? It's not that one. That one doesnt even have real studies done on it as far as im aware. The one in talking about has more studies done for things like schizophrenia more than any other app i could find under terms like "targeted cognitive training" if i recall correctly and they arent all funded by the company that sells it as far as im aware so it seems legit enough to be worth investigation.


Learn obscure Assembly code.

Their are GUI tools that make diagrams for Assembly. You are not getting C++ code and variable names, just assembly.


ok, not sure if this fits the thread but I'm posting anyways.
how can I download lectures off a protected APP which has different source files for slides, the teacher's camera, and the notes screen? can somebody help me with it? i think it's served by the server so not sure if I can RE it.
is there any hope to download all my lectures before my subscription runs out? there could be DRM too, idk. don't wanna lose the 1k $ I spent on them, fuck subscriptions.


Just screen record the whole lecture and then edit later.


Or provide more details….app name, os. a description of how you interact with the notes and slides (can you cut and paste from notes and slides). Absolutely fuck subscriptions.


Here is a good set of videos, also download The Shellcoders Handbook.

>You are not getting C++ code and variable names, just assembly.
Most of the big software writes psuedocode now tbf.


that would not be feasible since I have over 100 lectures, with each being over 90min long
it's an android education app, I'm using it for math olympiad lectures. It's called "vedantu"
I can't interact with the notes/slides, what I get in the recorded lectures is the teacher's webcam, the notes with his annotations being made in real time, and the slides that he switches too. I also get the live chat from the lecture. I believe the server serves them all separately and dynamically to my device. How can I check for other details? like the stream url etc. I'm a brainlet at tech, and don't know how to view the bg stuff in an android app


Someone has probably already reverse engineered this and published a hack for what you need if it's on the play store. xda might be a good place to search.
Is the app locked to your tablet or whatever device you use? If not, try and install the app in an android vm and from there you could try to extract the text and video to files.
I can't visualize how you interact with the notes/video/slides tbh. Are they like 3 data streams that can be paused individually? For 100 lectures I would be thinking about screen recording everything and then extracting what you need. Like using ocr (optical character recognition) to scan all the slides and output the text to a file, as an example.


I found an old downloader for a similar education app: https://github.com/PavanRGowda/Unacademy-Downloader
it specifies how it downloads the different notes, slides and videos and merges them together.
there's nothing for my app though
> For 100 lectures I would be thinking about screen recording everything and then extracting what you need.
I don't have the time or drive for that. Can I automate it somehow so that the job finishes quickly?


>I don't have the time or drive for that. Can I automate it somehow so that the job finishes quickly?
Definitely. Learning how to do that may require some time and/or drive, or someone elses.


could you point me to a script? I really don't have the time to learn a scripting language from scratch to get recorded copies of lectures that expire soon.
most of my time is spent on preparing to get into my national math olympiad team
help would be appreciated


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fwiw I found this answer about unacademy, which uses the same method for serving the files. there MUST be a way to avoid losing access.
help me bros


I want to contribute more to reversing but it is so fucking boring like goddamn


How does one contribute to it?



looking at the rockbox project you really need to be into it


Is there a debugger like ollydbg for Linux? I know that gdb is good but I need a graphical interface.

Read Programming from the Ground Up to learn the basics of x86 assembly.

Then learn how to use Ghidra. Personally, I would run it in a virtual machine even if it's open-source. A good way to practice is to do CrackMes. https://crackmes.one/

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