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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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sup leftypol. so i have this simple script in Greasemonkey that i use for redirection

// @run-at   document-start

switch(location.hostname) {
case "www.example.com":
  	location.hostname = "www.example.mirror"

now sometimes i can't connect to example.com and get hit with a "The connection has timed out" page. now the problem is GM doesn't work in such pages. is there anything i can do? doesn't need to be js specific, i don't mind changing stuff in /host. i use firefox btw



Sure OP could just use a dedicated plugin, but there's something neat about doing with a user script, and I imagine it takes less memory.


and if OPs savvy enough, they can code dive and see how the plugin handles redirection


hi, it works fine but for some reason it takes a lot of time to redirect especially if the url is long. not really important for me but it's kinda bloated
nope :(


billions must mayonaise


Instead of a redirect in some cases why not text replace the URL in links before it even takes you anywhere? Then you won't have to be redirected.


sometimes I open a lotta links and it's annoying to edit 20 urls plus my internet is slow and I don't want to wait for things to reload again


and you can't always directly edit them, you have to copy them(which is sometimes challenging eg google images) and open them in another tab


might be a limitation of userscripts to only load if a page is valid. you might want to look at making a small extension and use the browser api to update the tab url


hmmm will check it tomorrow

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