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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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What does /tech/ think about it? It's AGPL.


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All that when users would prefer a chronological feed of what the people they're following are posting smh. Even has a neutral net crammed in there.


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>Deep fried


They need the magic to put Elon Musk's posts on everyone's feed.


It's weird any social media even uses algorithms. It would be cheaper to just let users use interest tags and get what they follow.


That would be an algorithm too. It's impossible to have computer programs without algorithms.


Sure but i really mean more complicated algorithms than users choosing what to see


Too much garbage to filter


You choose what you want to see by who you follow and what you engage with
Social networks are about if you follow someone but they don't follow you back, if they follow you but you don't follow them back, if you both follow each other, or if neither of you interact with each other at all
Twitter was meant to be a social network like Livejournal but with shorter blogposts and geared more towards professionals and the like


what the users want doesn't matter, it's what the advertisers want.


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This is basically the entire principle of social networking
Mutual interests and hashtags help get some interaction going for newer users, but they're not what these platforms are built around in the end


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Most people are focusing on whatever intentionally controversial shit they put there and not on the fact that they didn't even release the most important part of the algorithm: the weights

The code hasn't been freed at all


What do the weights do exactly? How much it favours one thing over another?


I'm not very read on it, but they're basically how much the input is multiplied by before being added to the next layer. What next layer does with that information, idunno.



Garbage useless code.
Just a tantrum from the muskrat so people don't see the steps he's taking away from transparency.

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