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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Thoughts on Starlink? I'm in the third world and I keep seeing people buying into the hype.

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Probably better than this shitty T-Mobile wireless internet I have. 76 MBPS sounds pretty good. Internet providers always lie. Real problem is the packet loss on my shitty wireless internet. Seems Starlink has the same problem. No off the grid gaming :(

Snake oil
Just electrify your country first and then you can get Internet

I love starlink. Increasing the number of satellites around earh is phase of singlehandedly distroying global warming.

>I'm in the third world
lol wtf? I didn't think we had a second one.

hell yeah dude
let's build 3rd world infrastructure on the basis of a single private company run by a capricious manchild

We have a LatAm and SEA general.

You don't have to like Henry Ford or his company to recognize he was at the vanguard of mass car production and an innovative industrial model. It's the same for SpaceX, they're simply the first to do it.

people that live in cities getting hyped about starlink are just uninformed

there aren't many "thoughts" to be had. if you are in a remote area without proper internet infrastructure (like a ship in the ocean, for example), your only option is satellite internet. there are technical differences between starlink and other satellite internet providers, but the economics of it boil down to starlink (spacex) being more competitive because of vertical integration and government subsidies. it's the monopolization of yet another market, but in this case it doesn't really affect urban populations

fiber is always going to be cheaper and overall better in densely populated areas. with enough data on the costs and some effort, you could even approximate the densities and extensions at which satellite becomes cheaper than fiber

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