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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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You guys do realize that the only *truly private* method of communication through electronics are payphones, right?

>inb4 muh burner phones!

Buy them at the store they can catch you on surveillance and see your receipts. Buy it online and you can still get tracked. Only good in certain scenarios.
>internet & computers
No safe network exists. At least none that are civilian accessible.and a whole bunch of other shit too that the feds have up their sleeves (like using RF to see what you're doing). There are so many faults with using computers for privacy, esp as having any privacy whatsoever is impossible now unless you're Amish, that its reached the point that "internet privacy" has become an oxymoron. Even if there were ways to stay private, it would be extremely difficult.
>but muh Fairphone and Faraday Bag!
They can still track you even with a Faraday device.


Also, GrapheneOS is shit.
>cell phones
Your calls can easily be tapped, especially for dumb phone users, even though "privacy enthusiasts" claim otherwise.
>landline phones
The GCHQ already has every fiber line tapped once they reach land. They can simply splice a beamsplitter in cable. Or geosynchronous satellite which allows anybody with a radio receiver to listen into your convos. Copper? Forget about it.
Can be intercepted by anyone within range. And even though you have encrypted radio, however it is illegal for civilian use (which even then, Quantum computers exist and they can break ANY encryption).

And that's about it, I think.


>Your calls can easily be tapped, especially for dumb phone users, even though "privacy enthusiasts" claim otherwise.
Forgot to mention that your carrier can eavesdrop on you as well.


Can't they just see you calling via payphone


they can also monitor payphones used and use the time and location of the calls to narrow you down via cctv and shop reciepts

kiddie opsec shit ignore


Well I guess none are safe then.


There are no payphones left in America. Lol. I actually had an idea for a comedy skit years ago for this idea I had about a group of broke roommates that were always coming up with shitty business ideas to stay afloat.

>Tandem bike delivery

>Payphone finder app
The joke was gonna be that only drug dealers were using the app.

But if you've ever needed to make a call without access to a cellphone before you'd know there are literally no payphones left anywhere.


pretty much, if they want you they will find you.

its better to stay off there radar entirely and use normal phones/burners for non-top secret info and then leave the direct comms/illegal discussions for in person with no phones.



Right at the top of the page:
>Decline of Pay Phones
>With the decline of Pay Phones around the world, this website has become completely obsolete, so the phone numbers shown may not be reliable or may not belong to a current public pay phone, however the page will remain online for historical reasons and to serve as a reference for future visitors to locate Pay Phones near me, PayPhone locations and public phones or phone boots near me.


Well I do know that as of 2019, every cell phone there is comes with a proprietary baseband chip (in other words - backdoored spyware) except for that one mobile phone that's made by some Finnish company.


Your analysis is terrible, so I'm reluctant to even comment, but just want to say that I use GrapheneOS and it works alright. It is my main and only phone and I use it all the time for everything. Bank, uber, metro, calls, social media, pictures, everything works.



>anon was caught on CCTV at five different payphones at the same time death threats were sent to the local sonic merch store


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The point being they're ob public display, so there's a lot of people's DNA on it so it would be hard to prove in court that you were using that payphone. And even if there were cameras in the phone booth, you can easily come in wearing a ski mask or whatever.


theres still payphones where you live?


so fucking retarded


Looks like somebody's on their monthly.


It doesn't wholly depend on dna or cctvs in booths tho



>feds get time and location of call

>feds check local area for redditors at that time
>find you
>you go back to mcdonalds, pay for 4 quarter pounders and 2 litres of soda in cash
>walk back to your apartment
>feds show up the next day


Delet this


Normies come out on top again, as physical person to person communication beats out techoid gadgetism.


Normies can no longer exist without their smartphones.


True privacy: never communicate with another human being ever again
Being in the same room as someone is a massive privacy leak


The internet is when a computer connects to another computer
Massive privacy oversight right there

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