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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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File: 1683076006985.jpg (34.92 KB, 474x342, rfid.jpg)


Remember when RFID blocking was all the rage?

>Still, people are worried about electronic pickpocketing — worried enough to strap on RFID-blocking fanny packs, even skinny jeans.



myeah given that RFID readers in stores and whatnot can barely read the damn things even when you're pressing your debit card to them, I wouldn't be so worried. plus there's the fact that people often have more than one RFID card in their wallet, negating almost the entire benefit compared to a magnetic stripe. you can even see that they need to basically touch their victim's ass for it to work
a friend of mine asked me what it would take to be able to read an RFID card from say 50 meters away. I pointed out that 13.56 MHz has a wavelength of 22 meters or so, so any practical antenna will have a width on the order of half of that, plus you'd need a lot of power. so basically you'd have to set up an HF station nearby and somehow point a long Yagi-Uda antenna at the target without them noticing. something like pic related
with LF (120-150 kHz) tags it becomes even more ridiculous, but maybe you could wrap a reading coil around the ground where you expect your target to be or something

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