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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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OpenAI chief goes to US congress to propose licenses for building AI.
>"I am nervous about it," CEO Sam Altman said about elections and AI, adding rules and guidelines are needed.

"Ethics in AI" is so liberal easily co-opted to promote:
- monopoly capitalism (hinder competitors)
- state power (prevent democratization, prevent ordinary people developing AI)
- imperial power (sanctions to prevent non-compliant nation states developing AI).



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>you got a loicense for that large language model?
all this is is OpenAI and similar companies being afraid of competition and seeking regulatory capture


Also fear mongering to promote their ai (product) as this super scary big ebil thing that is gonna give such a big advantage and you need to be buy it.
If you guys like podcasts I recomend "this machine kills", pretty cool lefty materialist program about silicon valley and tech capital. Anyways they cover a lot of this stuff


dumbass boomer politicians and normie techlets are so retarded that they might actually grant this anti-competitive corporate shit.


idk much about tech in general, but what prevents an open source ai? how the hell is anyone going to enforce this when you can run the ai on a box in asia, or on a personal computer.


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Morons ITT actually think AI isn't a pyramid scheme that only benefits a small pool of capitalists lmfao
Yeah, turns out the technology that at best regurgitates Wikipedia articles and turns Hitler into an anime girl doesn't have that much use


>all this is is OpenAI and similar companies being afraid of competition and seeking regulatory capture


Now the question is: can one generate this art with an AI…


Even if they succeed in passing laws that will help porky control this tech, the barrier to entry is so low they won't be able to prevent rogue development.

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