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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Is there any good open src EN t9 keyboards for Android? currently using GBoard JP in EN mode, but it's a lil clunky and a FOSS option would by default be prefered. before i get too used to this.

oh nice, thanks! •̀.̫•́✧

*steals ur moji*
•̀ .̫•́✧

WDYM by T9? Word predictions?

3x4 keyboards like on flipphones. easier to hit the right letter by having big buttons w/ groups of letters ya then flick a given direction and let go to select.


Made by a Maoist, funnily enough.

ah nice, this even has a progammar layout w/ < and > keys in an easy spot. I've been editing my site from my phone this'll speed that up. many thanks!

You're welcome.

This, along with 8vim, Unistroke, Morse Keyboard and Dasher are the only good English keyboards for Android. Period. Every other keyboard pretty much sucks in my opinion, cramming the QWERTY layout into a tiny screen which you use with 1-2 fingers is just atrocious.

>Morse Keyboard


Pretty happy with thumb-key so far, but for those also interested in this, found option is Traditional T9 (A T9 keyboard for devices with a hardware keypad.)

That way if you wanna literally do the tapping a key number of times thing intead of swiping. Hard to get the reaction time for that but seems fun to tinker with.


Is that an Aqua emoji?

File: 1717929556619.gif (1.67 MB, 540x540, aqua baaw.gif)



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