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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Linux Desktop Environment: tde, also known as trinity desktop is something i used 2 years ago and its like a old fork of kde 3.5 from around 2005 or so that is still being maintained today. it was an interesting experience and every now and again i wanted to reinstall the de but i sometimes decide against it. so i decided to make a thread on it because i checked that nobody had mentioned anything about it here.

also i find it kind of cool that we are almost on kde 6 and this de is kde 3.5. it's almost like the halfway point



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Never tried it, seems like it isn't in any distro package repo, is there a reason for that? does it conflict with qt5 or qt6?

Have you tried enlightenment DR16 (https://www.enlightenment.org/e16)? It is also an old fork and has many themes, it even has a version of a theme you posted.


i don't know why exactly but i just assumed it wasn't popular enough or used enough to be added but i might be wrong

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