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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Teachers getting pepper sprayed over phones is not shocking to me. On my first day teaching, I had a girl leave my class and scream at me for asking her to put her phones away. I caught the same girl scrolling tiktok on a serious standardized test. I’ve found a kid using chat GPT on his final essay— it’s blocked on the computers but he emails it to himself from his phone, doesn’t even get rid of the "Sure! Here’s a paragraph…." part of the bot’s response when he pastes it into his essay.

I’ve seen kids taking videos of horrible fights, and I’ve seen kids watching those videos later. It seems both exciting and numbing to them. Sometimes they’re texting when I’m talking, and they say they’re talking to their parents. Why are you texting your kid? Stop.

I had one kid lose his phone when he came back from a suspension after posting threats, but he was still on his phone in my class because he handed the administrators his old phone instead of his real one.

Sometimes you suggest to administrators that none of them should be allowed to have phones, and they say it’s a safety issue. You lock away a basket of phones into a closet down the hall during a standardized test because they won’t stop beeping, and your department chair tells you that you could get in trouble for unwarranted seizure.

You do your duty and tell parents their kids are on their phones, and they tell you they thought their ADHD kid was allowed to have a phone in their educational plan. If you say they aren’t, and read to them their plan, then they demand that their child get ten minute cool-down breaks— where they go in the hall and look at their phones. It goes into the plan.

The accommodation I need is for you to read, listen, talk, and write without looking at your phone. These kids use their phones to cheat, to torture each other, to shop, and to essentially spoil their youth and their last chance for a free education. If anyone tells you this isn’t prolific in American schools, they are lying to you or they have the type of brain worms where they think digital technology is helping people and not wrecking our brains. If you’re in your 30s+, you are basically from the Before Times, and you’re probably ontologically different from younger generations because of smartphone exposure.

I want to throw my phone down the well. I don’t like how accessible I have become to other people in all the things I do. I don’t want to answer any more questions. I don’t want to be known. I think I want to go back to letters. We date on the internet, fuck on the internet, die on the internet. It’s hollow & it just makes me feel hollow.

In my farming community, last night all the neighbors had bonfires during the full moon. I sat with a bug scientist who found the first swarm of killer bees in our state. They killed a goat in a factory town. There was a pack of howling coyotes in the mountains very close by, under the planet Jupiter. This younger generation is going to miss out on the natural world, on learning, and on listening to stories. They’re not going to experience the fires, they’re going to watch the fires on the screen.

Shut the fuck up and die, grandpaw👴

we have burger general for a reason

Are there any other people here who work at American schools? If so, is it really as bad as it seems in the OP?

if you go on the teachers subreddit and sort by highest rated in the last year you can see the lamentations

go to /r/teachers to see the frontline of collapse

Never worked in one but went to them. Yeah it's pretty bad. I dunno about his phone thing, I went to school on the early end of phone stuff.

I've seen my teach cut told off after class by this white trash problem kid's mom. Seen female teachers get sexually harassed by students. Never saw any fights between students and teachers but I heard about them, kids pulling knives and etc. Seen a bunch of hoe as teen girls who want always ask for hugs from male teachers go and turn around and get them fired for sexual harassment or just start rumors. Shit job.

The worst part about phones is that now you have to take calls from family members and friends, even your boss, at any time of the day at their whim.

OK boomer

>I’ve seen kids taking videos of horrible fights, and I’ve seen kids watching those videos later. It seems both exciting and numbing to them. Sometimes they’re texting when I’m talking, and they say they’re talking to their parents. Why are you texting your kid? Stop.
Kids tend to be more anti-social because their brains haven't developed.

Based grass toucher

In middle-school a teacher expected everyone to have a smartphone with cellular data and regularly told us to look something up on it. That's when i knew it was over.

yo I just hate the normalization of tracking devices in our pockets. shit ruins protests.

>take phone with you during everyday activities
>leave phone at home when there's a protest

>Sometimes you suggest to administrators that none of them should be allowed to have phones, and they say it’s a safety issue. You lock away a basket of phones into a closet down the hall during a standardized test because they won’t stop beeping, and your department chair tells you that you could get in trouble for unwarranted seizure.
>You do your duty and tell parents their kids are on their phones, and they tell you they thought their ADHD kid was allowed to have a phone in their educational plan. If you say they aren’t, and read to them their plan, then they demand that their child get ten minute cool-down breaks— where they go in the hall and look at their phones. It goes into the plan.
It's fucked. afaik kids here have access to phones at lunch times and after school hours. Who the fuck told ADHD parents that phones are part of their kid's educational plan? They are devices designed by ad companies to be addictive to uneducated minds ffs. Massive respect for burger teachers trying to operate in that environment.

Anyone who grew up before phones sees how bad they are. I can't imagine being a young kid in school with one. It was basically only rich kids with flip phones when I went, and texting alone was bad enough.

Gen z is the generation of revolution. Suck it grandpa

It might be the same person posting here and there.

Sure. They are victims of capitalist psychological manipulation through for profit social media apps. Maybe read about it for once.

Tik tok is revolutionary

Hah, not ruins it for me, but for other people.
read marx

I dont know how all this shit works but couldn't you make/buy some sort of phone jammer that sits in your desk drawer?
I hate phones too and want to smash them with you op.
Not if you don't carry one. Everyone always bugs me about having a phone but I am upfront and tell them that I don't want to be bothered all the time.

>I sat with a bug scientist who found the first swarm of killer bees in our state. They killed a goat in a factory town. There was a pack of howling coyotes in the mountains very close by, under the planet Jupiter.
this is just bizarre, are you sure this wasn't written by chatGPT OP

I mean I remember using my flip phone back in the 00's to cheat on tests, so things have not changed that much.

>not ruins it for me, but for other people
Be a good boy and tell your org. This is 101 stuff

Daily Mail tier boomer thread

This, phone and social media companies are based

>In my farming community, last night all the neighbors had bonfires during the full moon. I sat with a bug scientist who found the first swarm of killer bees in our state. They killed a goat in a factory town. There was a pack of howling coyotes in the mountains very close by, under the planet Jupiter. This younger generation is going to miss out on the natural world, on learning, and on listening to stories. They’re not going to experience the fires, they’re going to watch the fires on the screen
Is this a pasta? You are part of a tiny minority in your generation, too. Phones suck, sure. But I feel like this post is a joke.
The behavior you describe isn't so far off from my experience with non-honors classes I took in high school. All it takes is for 2 or 3 kids to completely shut down a classroom. You can shit on phones all you want but it won't fix the underlying reasons for such behavior.

>I caught the same girl scrolling tiktok on a serious standardized test.
>Look at phone
>Looking at written material not part of test is cheating
>You get a 1
Easy peasy.
>use chat gpt from phone for final essay
automatic 1 too
>kid still on phone when suspended from phone
Take it from them
>taking films of fights
What kinda school are you in that fights are that regular? Also confiscate phones that are used in filming. Suspend anyone sharing video.
>texting parents during class
Bring it up during teacher parent talk
Say kids is gonna fail if they arent gonna pay attention and parents texting child during day is one of the main causes

Its not your job to helicopter pamper students. If they fail, they fail, and parents gotta be hit on their nose with the fact they are part of the problem.
.t Teacher

You're just a boomer. Kids need to feel the failure they are plunging themselves into by doing dumb shit. I had to quit first year of my college degree because I was on my phone constantly. Also you could just have essay tests be on physical paper in a classroom if its that much of a concern, avoiding the topic of why kids need to be able to write essays independently if they have calculators for basic text right now. Might as well do essay tests using chatgpt and use grade curving.

>In my farming community, last night all the neighbors had bonfires during the full moon. I sat with a bug scientist who found the first swarm of killer bees in our state. They killed a goat in a factory town. There was a pack of howling coyotes in the mountains very close by, under the planet Jupiter. This younger generation is going to miss out on the natural world, on learning, and on listening to stories. They’re not going to experience the fires, they’re going to watch the fires on the screen.
Comrade please I live in a 11000 km2 megalopolis. Let go of your spooks. We are glad if we find a corner of the city where there isnt the constant roaring of traffic.

Posting from my phone ironically to tell OP to get the fuck out of public education, and tell everyone else in this thread that yes it is as bad as OP says. I believe that the really bad schools can be identified as "title I". when people talk about America being a Third World shit hole, a lot of it has to do with the fact that there is a two-tiered education system that is class based essentially.

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[x] companies are based

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If all or most phones could run entirely on free software I wouldn't dislike them. Boomer opinions are irrelevant.

If phones ran free software, there would be no profit motive to incentivize making people spend as much time in apps as possible and the experience of using a phone would be totally different. They would be more like digital pocket knives with transformative, but limited, applications rather than a means of soaking up as much time and money as possible. I've heard it argued before that this was Steve Job's goal with the original iPhone. Young people aren't spending 5+ hours a day on their phones because they are using maps to go to new places or creating recurring events on their calendars, they're mostly watching insipid algorithmically generated and curated videos on TikTok/YouTube/Instagram/Snapchat. I do not think there is anything wrong with phones themselves as a technology, the same issue of young people being absorbed by video content at all hours of the day would have still come up if portable televisions had been smaller and offered a better user experience back in the 1980s. The format of programming would probably have eventually shifted to 2-3 minute clips if people were watching portable TVs throughout the day between other activities the way they do mobile videos on their phones, nothing about the technology of network television dictates that everything must be either 30 minutes or 1 hour long.

I agree that the medium of phones needs to be addressed

This is a copypasta from reddit

i think this extends to the modern internet at large, in the 90s and 2000d we expected to be fully control of the technology we own but slowly we stoped owning the technology and became apathetic to it. sofware like windows 11 is hostel to anything you want to change to it. and it's getting harder to root and jailbreak your phones. and social meida is completely out of our hands. and the worse thing is there's nothing to do about it. we don't care about owning things anymore we just subscription it. why would kids care about education if they can control any of the out comes that come with it. if work can be done with fucking bots now that says something about the work.

which is funny because the internet in the 90s was even more monopolized than it is today

I understood, all these pupils ask is to get on their phones, just begging, then you can't really even confiscate it (not me exactly), misbehave, etc… but they are teens and kids so I try not to blame them, I am not that much worse, glued to my phone outside of work.

based phones are horrible with the phone talking and calls

why is this anprim nonsense on the tech board

>and it's getting harder to root and jailbreak your phones.
only real solution is a pinephone or similar device
>and social meida is completely out of our hands. and the worse thing is there's nothing to do about it.

Phones are both proprietary and app-driven. Everything is an app on a phone, which feeds into the addiction. On PCs we have web browsers for most things people do in these "apps" which are designed to spy, datamine and hook you. Fuck apps, and fuck proprietary apps especially, such a useless waste of storage.

Tldr but yeah fuck smartphones, worst invention

Nah, the worst inventions are social media and Windows.

You make some good points but do any boomers actually remember school? Because the way I see it, 90% of it was just pointless busybody work garbage anyways. Kids would fuck off any way they could whenever they got a chance. I can still remember several of my classes where the teacher just lost complete control and the entire lesson plan didn't get addressed because people were just screwing around, yelling, walking out of class, not paying attention, fucking around in the halls etc and this was pre smart-phones. Even when we weren't and things were going smoothly, it was just tedious garbage most of the time, writing another essay for the 50th time on some shit you don’t even understand or care about, reading some boomer book everyone says is a classic but you couldn’t give two flying shits about… The classes where I learned the most were ironically the ones with computers and where the teacher would give us tons of free time/leeway to fuck around.

Those were usually the classes with the smartest kids in them too. Smartphones are definitely mind fucking people because they’re getting addicted as hell to all the media and not regulating it, and for early grade-school where you’re learning to read and write it’s definitely a huge problem but by highschool most teenagers are half checked out anyways. I think education in general needs a massive reform but most parents just use it as baby sitting so no one wants to go there yet.

if i had money for a pixel to root with grapheneos i wouldnt mind smartphones that much

>90% of it was just pointless busybody work garbage anyways
No, it's the reverse actually. But the curriculum is so bloated there's no way for a student to do anything well if they don't cut their ties with friends and family and reduce their leisure time to a minimum, thus reflecting the conditions of wage slavery. And like wage slavery, the schools are inefficient with time and teaching methods and are authoritarian.

does your mom know youre on here instead of doing your algebra 1 homework?

>does your mom know youre on here instead of doing your algebra 1 homework?
Anon, I''m probably way older than you, I went to college uni.

Anyway, ad hominem is not an argument.

>>26349 (me)
>cut their ties
I meant "limit their socialization." Haha, oops. My brain isn't working well today. 😅

>No, it's the reverse actually.
The reverse of that would be teaching you real life skills and how to do the basic things that everyone will end up needing to know when they're in their early twenties. Saddling kids with all this reading and homework/essays/projects is the busybody work I'm talking about, it's ultimately frivolous bullshit. But it does do what you said at the end which is programs you to be a good slave. I can tell you almost everything I learned in HS was not applicable to my life, it was pretty well just a waste of effort, time and life and then on top of it I had to learn a lot of the actual real world life skills at times where I didn't really have a lot of free time to be doing it, it would have been way better to be taught that when I had nothing better to do aka sitting in class.

No, active jamming is illegal and the FCC will absolutely come after you for it.

This is why we need a free hardware movement, but instead of programmers the movement would be comprised of engineers that'd make libre hardware replacements of all sorts of machines that are currently proprietary(phones for example), even robots even. or maybe I should just major in mechatronics engineering and build stuff only for myself idk

>The reverse of that would be teaching you real life skills and how to do the basic things that everyone will end up needing to know when they're in their early twenties.
I see what you mean. Well, most of the stuff they teach at school is still useful I'd say because it gives you a better understanding of the world which will help you in developing your materialist worldview. Sure, it may not be as useful for applying to a job but for forming a better conception of the world and being immune to desinformation (if you get yourself a left-leaning history textbook that is) it is.

Granted, the textbooks are bloated and a bore to read so most of the school years is indeed a waste of time, the curriculum should have a more pop sci approach since pop science is proletarian science.

>>26390 (me)
Also, economics and politics are another source of disinformation in schools so get yourself alternative textbooks on those subjects too.

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