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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Post less computery hardware you think is neat or have question about.


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What's this guy doing to his measuring clamp? I have a few like it but I've never needed to put a tube up to that end like that. Then again now that I think about it I don't remember what these are called. Something gauge? Girthometer? I just know how to use one.


I asked my mom and he's measuring the inside of the tube. She doesn't know what those are called either.



That's it! Thanks!


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it's pretty basic but I recently learned about automatic vent openers for greenhouses and thought it was neat
>The pistons contain a mineral wax that expands when heated. As the temperature rises and the wax expands, the piston opens the greenhouse vent. As the temperature cools and the wax contracts, the piston will close the greenhouse vent


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He's not doing anything to them. He is using the caliper to measure the inner diameter of the tube he is holding.


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Hurdy Gurdys are pretty neat. Saw a kit for building one using just wood cutouts and wax, could be a fun CNC project.


I like the idea of just being able to slap more hands / devices onto a clock as needed. Fill a whole wall with time related information of varying usefulness.


this is tech. self powered, elegant, zero maintenance. post more please.


Snatch blocks, they're a pulley you can put on a rope, rather than having to thread it through. So like how zipline hooks work.


Calligraphy pen splitting open to draw a wide line using the arcing film of ink.


🎨: scribblewise

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