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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Superconductors is this magical new supposable discovery solve all of capitalism problems and head towards eco-capitalism?


It might reduce eco waste but how many years will it take to make it factory assemble ready and will they use it?




room temp superconductors would be super uesful doe, especially for power transfer. less need for HVDC lines


this is gonna be like the covid scientists email leak from last week. we'll get to read an email leak from the superconductor scientists after a few years of FUD and obfuscation.



how tf does someone fake human cloning

what is HVDC lines?



>what is HVDC lines?
High Voltage Direct Current


Superconductors still have a maximum current they can handle before they heat up and lose superconductivity. Most can do 20 kA/cm^2, so if you want to move say 2 GW through a 1 cm^2 cable, it would still have to be at 100 kV.

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