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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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File: 1690856360370.png (152.05 KB, 1200x684, ClipboardImage.png)


>soundcloud won't let you skip ahead on tracks without an account anymore
the walled garden is closing in

wait actually I pay like 7 bucks a month for no ads I had no idea, it fucking sad how such a creative platform is/will fall victim to capitalist enclosure. Soundcloud was/is a huge part of my music taste this sucks

Newpipe/Pipepipe work for soundcloud. Yt-dlp on desktop.

>centralize the decentralized mp3 and general internet landscape because muh community, muh clout, muh recognition.
>people who centralize it are now in a position to exploit
how shocking and totally something that hasn't happened before.
stop trying to build your normie hierarchies on the internet. it was designed to be decentralized. release your shit on your own website.
>but nooooo I don't have streaming infrastructure! without it someone will just copy my audio file and listen to it for free!!
so you want to enforce artificial scarcity on a resource that is not scarce. cool, you deserve what you get.

mp3 is dead we opus now

wtf it's actually true, why would they do that?

same reason every other pro bono online service is clamping down now
less free money from venture capital


It's so funny how apparent it is that all these companies aren't really providing any value at all, they just steal money

yt-dlp yt-dlp yt-dlp yt-dlp yt-dlp yt-dlp yt-dlp yt-dlp yt-dlp yt-dlp yt-dlp

File: 1690900577379.png (53.57 KB, 740x352, infrastructures.png)

I can't believe they would bait and then switch like that. this is outrageous!


Daily reminder that it is okay to bully normie usage of tech.
(inb4 linus fans talk about how linux fans are toxic because they dare to have their own opinions)

you people couldn't bully anyone

no one cares, please fuck off

works on NewPipe.

Soundcloud wouldn't let me post this 10 minute Depeche Mode remix I spent 3 days working on, after mixing it during a live set.

If I can't post Depeche Mode remixes, what can I do on this shit ass platform? What am I paying 20 dollars a month for?

anyway, download that, steal this shit.

nice mix im kinda suprised they took it down but now that I think abt it alot of the copyright infringing material I see on soundcloud is kept hidden although gatekeeping leaks might not be super comparable to your predicament

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