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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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>checking for web hosts
>see 1984.hosting inb4 muh orwell
>notice https://litigation.1984.hosting
<>[…] Icelandic lawyer to ask Icelandic courts to compel 1984 Hosting Company to discontinue the hosting of the web site mapliberation.org
<>This site is legal, legitimate political speech and there is no instigation to violence or hatred on it. We will defend our hosting of this website all the way to the highest court in the land, if necessary
>and 'muh free speech'
>oh god its not going to be pedo fucks is it?
>please dont be that

>turns out its an indigenous tribe mapping project and im guessing ADL are just mad that its pro-palestine and mentions the ADL by name


Pretty based. 1984 is such a meme though lol.

why would your mind go straight to pedophilia?

>see the word map, as in literal maps
>immediately think of pedophilia
Let me guess, American?

Not burger. MAP is a euphemism lolberts try to push, 'minor-attracted person' or some shit, so it comes up a lot on imageboards when they're being told to fuck off. Seeing the word next to liberation brings to mind their screeching.

imageboards fucked your brain

This is why it's easier to just host shit like this on a .onion and don't worry about these assholes.

Erase it from your brain. MAP means Multi-Animator Project. Retvrn to Warrior Cats.

oh cool warrior cats

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