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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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ARM seems to be the future of consumer computers of all kinds (PC, laptop, consoles, phones,…) What are your thoughts about it? Would it be possible to make an ARM computer as upgradable as a "normal" x86 computer?

RISC-V is the future of computing.


RISC-V is what richard stallman would use(he said it himself in one of his talks) if there was a notebook with RISC-V because it doesn't have a backdoor like Intel ME/AMD PSP.

but for now I'm using backdoorless CPUs until RISC-V is more accessible.

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Porting all the x86 software will require a lot of effort for it to happen on all platform. PCs will be the most resistant to this IMO.

>Would it be possible to make an ARM computer as upgradable as a "normal" x86 computer?

why not? Most arm PCs are SoC right now as I understand it

Not for a while though. In the long term probably, just because ARM is yet another middleman leech for those who do the design and manufacturing. RiscV already popular in all kinds of auxiliary and embedded chips. Burgers will try to cut their non client states (China) off from ARM and that will push RiscV towards becoming the new standard.

Virtual Machines with CPU emulation has matured to the point you don't get much a performance hit when not talking about stuff like games (due to latency added with translation layers). Thus for productivity right now one could run most software on Arm or Risc-V. This was actually IBM's plan for the PPC platform in the early 90s but back then IBM was incapable of a unified grand strategy where only their departments working on PPC envisioned running Dos&Windows software on VMs on PPC machines running AIX (Unix).

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